The Anallysis of Tedtalk Script - Group 5

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A throbbing, pounding headache. Bright zigzagging lines across your field of vision. Sensitivity
to light, lingering fatigue, disrupted sleep.

A migraine can include any of these symptoms. While an incapacitating headache is one of the
most common experiences of migraine, the word “headache” doesn’t really capture the wide
array of experiences a migraine can entail. No two are alike, and some don’t even involve a

So what then is a migraine? What’s happening in the brain to cause it?

To trace a migraine’s anatomy, we have to begin in the days and hours leading up to a migraine,
when people often identify warning signs ranging from fatigue or mood changes, to bursts of
yawning, sleep disruption, nausea, light and sound sensitivity, or even increased thirst. These
warning signs point to a particular part of the brain: the hypothalamus. The hypothalamus
normally controls the systems behind these symptoms— our body’s internal hormonal balances,
circadian rhythms and water regulation. It has wide connections throughout the brain, and is
more active than usual in the days before migraine.

Another common warning sign is the migraine aura, which can take the form of transient visual
changes, tingling, or even trouble speaking. These sensations come from a change in charge
across cell membranes that leads to spreading changes in brain activity and blood flow across
the brain. We don't know what triggers this change in charge, but it can spread quickly over the
surface of the brain, causing different aura symptoms depending on the affected area. If it inches
over the visual cortex, for example, it may cause an image or blind spot to spread over the visual

During the headache phase, the trigeminal nerve plays a key role. The trigeminal nerve normally
transmits touch, temperature, and other sensations from the skin to most of the face, part of the
scalp, and some of the blood vessels and layers covering the cerebral cortex. Once activated, the
trigeminal nerve transmits pain signals. During a migraine, this pain pathway becomes
sensitized, meaning the threshold for provoking pain is lowered. Sensations that would usually
be pain-free, such as coughing, bending over, or light and sound, can become painful.

Migraines are as common as they are diverse, affecting as many as 33% of women and 13% of
men in their lifetimes. Still, there’s much we don’t know about them. We can see that migraine is
a neurological disorder affecting multiple parts of the brain— the brainstem, cerebral
hemispheres, and the nerves themselves. But we don't know for sure what exactly triggers each
step, why some people get migraines and not others, why so many more women do than men, or
why people’s migraine patterns sometimes change over their lifetimes. Hormonal fluctuations
are thought to have a role in some of these things: some women experience a significant
reduction in migraine frequency after menopause, when sex hormone fluctuations are fewer.
Meanwhile, just before menopause, these fluctuations increase, and some women experience
worsening or new headaches.

People with migraines are more likely to suffer from DEPPRESSION, PANIC DISORDER,
SLEEP DISORDERS, and STROKES, among other illnesses. The relationship with these
diseases is likely complex, possibly reflecting the effect of migraine on those diseases or vice
versa, or reflecting their shared genetic basis. Genetics almost certainly play a role, although
with a few exceptions, there’s no single gene that causes migraines. Certain genes control how
easily our brains’ neurons are excited by environmental stimuli and how readily they transmit
painful signals. It’s possible that the neurons in the brains of people who experience migraines
are more easily triggered by environmental stimuli and less likely to block painful signals.

While there’s no simple way to explain what happens in our brains with this complex disorder,
one thing is for sure: migraine is much more than a headache.


We can all have a bad night of sleep and that's perfectly normal, but how could we try to improve
both the quantity and the quality of our sleep?

[Sleeping with Science]

Here are six scientifically grounded tips for better sleep.

The first tip is regularity. Go to bed at the same time and wake up at the same time. Regularity is
king, and it will actually anchor your sleep and improve both the quantity and the quality, no
matter whether it's the weekday or the weekend or even if you've had a bad night of sleep. And
the reason is because deep within your brain, you actually have a master 24-hour clock. It
expects regularity and works best under conditions of regularity, including the control of your
sleep-wake schedule. Many of us use an alarm to wake up but very few of us use a to-bed alarm,
and that's something that can be helpful.

The next tip is temperature. Keep it cool. It turns out that your brain and your body need to drop
their core temperature by about one degree Celsius or around two to three degrees Fahrenheit in
order to initiate sleep and then to stay asleep. And this is the reason that you will always find it
easier to fall asleep in a room that's too cold than too hot. So, the current recommendation is to
aim for a bedroom temperature of around about 65 degrees Fahrenheit, or a little over 18 degrees
Celsius. It sounds cold but cold it must be.
The next tip is darkness. We are a dark-deprived society and, in fact, we need darkness
specifically in the evening to trigger the release of a hormone called melatonin. And melatonin
helps regulate the healthy timing of our sleep. In the last hour before bed, try to stay away from
all of those computer screens and tablets and phones. Dim down half the lights in your house.
You'd actually be quite surprised at how sleepy that can make you feel. If you'd like, you can
wear an eye mask or you can have blackout shades and that will help best regulate that critical
sleep hormone of melatonin.

The next tip is walk it out. Don't stay in bed awake for long periods of time. And the general rule
of thumb is if you've been trying to fall asleep and it's been 25 minutes or so, or you've woken up
and you can't get back to sleep after 25 minutes, the recommendation is to get out of bed and go
and do something different. And the reason is because your brain is an incredibly associative
device. The brain has learned the association that the bed is this trigger of wakefulness, and we
need to break that association. And by getting out of bed, you can go and do something else.
Only return to bed when you're sleepy. And in that way, gradually, your brain will relearn the
association that your bed is this place of sound and consistent sleep.

The fifth tip is something that we've actually already spoken about in detail in this series, which
is the impact of alcohol and caffeine. So, a good rule of thumb here is to try to stay away from
caffeine in the afternoon and in the evening and certainly try not to go to bed too tipsy.

The final tip: have a wind-down routine. I think many of us in the modern world, we expect to be
able to dive into bed at night, switch off the light, and we think that sleep is also just like a light
switch, that we should immediately be able to fall asleep. Well, unfortunately, sleep isn't quite
like that for most of us. Sleep, as a physiological process, is much more similar to landing a
plane. It takes time for your brain to gradually descend down onto the firm bedrock of good
sleep. In the last 20 minutes before bed or the last half an hour, even the last hour, disengage
from your computer and your phone and try to do something relaxing. Find out whatever works
for you and when you have found it, stick to that routine.

The last thing I should note is that if you are suffering from a sleep disorder, for example, from
INSOMNIA or SLEEP APNEA , then these tips aren't necessarily going to help you. If I was
your sports coach, I could give you all of these tips to improve your performance, but if you have
a broken ankle, it's not going to make a difference. We have to treat the broken ankle first before
we can get back to improving the quality of your performance. And it's the same way with sleep.
So, if you think you have a sleep disorder, just go and speak with your doctor. That's the best
piece of advice.

Where do we stand, then, in all of this conversation about sleep? Well, I think the evidence is
clear. We can think of sleep almost like a life-support system. In fact, some may even call sleep a
super power.


Your eyes get heavy and gradually... close... But wait! It’s only lunchtime and you still have so
much to do. Would taking a nap help? Or would it derail your day?

Our sleep, both at night and in naps, is made up of approximately 90 minute sleep cycles with
four stages each. A nap can last anywhere from five minutes to three hours, so it can include full
sleep cycles or just a few stages.

As you fall asleep, you enter Stage 1: the first two to five minutes of sleep. Stage 2 comes next,
for about 30 minutes. In Stage 2, body temperature drops, muscles relax, and breathing and heart
rate become more regular. Your neurons start to fire in unison, creating waves of activity that
sweep across the cortex, punctuated by rapid bursts of neural activity called SLEEP SPINDLES.
As you enter Stage 3, or slow wave sleep, the rolling waves increase as your neurons fire in
coordination. This phase lasts about 20 to 30 minutes and is where your deepest sleep occurs.
Then, you enter REM sleep, which lasts about 10 to 20 minutes in a nap. In REM, the brain
becomes more active, more like your brain activity while awake. The end of REM signals the
completion of a sleep cycle.

OK, but will a nap make you feel better? Well, that depends on a few things— especially what
stages of sleep the nap includes.

Take a 30 minute nap, which consists mainly of Stage 2 sleep. Stage 2 sleep is associated with
long-term potentiation, a process that's thought to strengthen the synapses between neurons,
which is essential for learning. A 20 to 30 minute nap stops short of Stage 3′s deep sleep, making
it relatively easy to wake up from.

A 30 to 60 minute nap, meanwhile, has the benefits of Stage 2 sleep and also takes you into the
deeper sleep of Stage 3. During Stage 3, multiple brain areas work together to transfer
information from short-term memory storage to long-term storage, stabilizing and strengthening
long-term memory by coupling sleep spindles with slow waves. Stage 3 is the most difficult
stage to wake up from. So while a 30 to 60 minute nap can have cognitive benefits, those
benefits often don’t kick in until about 15 minutes after waking up.

60 to 90 minute naps enter the REM stage. While in REM, the prefrontal cortex, which is largely
responsible for inhibition and cognitive control, becomes much less active. Meanwhile, the
amygdala and cingulate cortex, regions associated with emotion and motivation, are highly
active. Researchers have posited that the combination of these things leads to bizarre dreams
during REM sleep: the decrease in inhibition and cognitive control might lead to wild
associations— and, thanks to the amygdala and cingulate cortex activity, those associations can
be between emotionally charged topics. Some researchers think this stage might help us make
innovative connections between ideas upon waking. Because the brain activity during REM is
closer to waking, it may be easier to wake up from REM than Stage 3, even though the nap is

The time of day also matters. Our need for deep Stage 3 sleep progressively increases throughout
the day. So if you nap later, you may rob yourself of the sleep pressure needed to go to sleep at
night. This doesn't happen for REM sleep. Longer periods of REM occur during morning hours,
so morning naps are dominated by REM, midday naps have about equal parts of REM and deep
sleep, and evening naps contain more deep sleep.

On top of all this, it seems that we’re just about evenly split between nappers and non-nappers.
Nappers consistently show cognitive benefits from napping, but non-nappers may not.
Researchers think this could be because nappers are able to stay in a lighter sleep and move
through sleep stages more easily. Meanwhile, non-nappers may experience more deep sleep
while napping, making them groggy afterward. So will a nap help? Well, there’s only one way to
find out...

Preposition Body Parts Symptoms/illnes/health problem

1. propotion movement from TEKS 1 : TEKS 1 :
one side to other or Brain DEPPRESSION
something example : Headche PANIC DISORDER
- Bright zigzagging Skin SLEEP DISORDERS
lines across your field Blood flow STROKES
of vision Neurons MENOPAUSE
2. Throught movement from membranes HYPOTALAMUS
one side to another
example : TEKS 2 : TEKS 2 :
- It has wide Hormone INSOMNIA
connections SLEEP APNEA
throughout the brain, TEKS 3 :
and is more active than Neuron TEKS 3 :
usual in the days Cortex SLEEP SPINDLES.
before migraine. Brain
3. Over movement that used synapses
as a prepotition to refer
something at higher
potition or something else.
Example :
- If it inches over the
visual cortex, for
example, it may cause
an image or blind spot
to spread over the
visual field.

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