Peculiarities of Impulsive Purchasing in The Market of Consumer Goods

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ISSN 1392-2785 Inzinerine Ekonomika-Engineering Economics(2).


Peculiarities of Impulsive Purchasing in the Market of Consumer Goods

Regina Virvilaite, Violeta Saladiene, Rita Bagdonaite

Kaunas University of Technology

Laisvės av. 55, Kaunas, LT-44309, [email protected], [email protected]

The article consists of fours parts, where the first part (1991), Hoch and Loewenstein (1991), Rook and Fisher
formulates the problem, aim and objectives of the article. (1995), Dittmar and others (1995), Puri (1996), Bayley and
The aim of the article is to justify in theory and empirically Nancarrow (1998), McGoldrick and others (1999), Hausman
check peculiarities of impulsive purchasing in the market of (2000) Dholakia (2000), Koski (2004), Parboteeah (2005) and
consumer goods. The aim is achieved using the following others perform theoretic and empiric research on consumer
research methodologies - comparison analysis of scientific impulsive purchasing behavior, and Pranulis (2008), Banyte,
literature and systemic methods. For empiric research we (2008), and Virvilaite (2008) agree that there is a lack of such
applied qualitative (focus group) and quantitative (a research in the Lithuanian market of consumer goods. It can
questionnaire survey) research methods. be stated that in marketing dimension the impulsive
In the second part you will find a number of researcher‘s purchasing behavior in the Lithuanian market has not been
studies describing impulsive purchasing phenomena. This studied, because in the marketing scientific literature we
part also presents identified factors that influence the failed to find both theoretic and empiric research on this
impulsive purchasing and shows that there are many subject. Therefore, we think that a research on impulsive
explanation of impulsive purchasing. purchasing behavior of Lithuanian consumer is urgent
The third part introduces and describes a market from both scientific and practical points.
research which was conducted to check theoretical model of The article analyses the problem related with
impulsive purchasing. This study analyzes costumer’s peculiarities of impulsive purchasing in the market of
tendency to purchase on impulse and costumer’s emotional consumer goods.
and cognitive reaction to a stimulus in the buying The aim of the article - is to justify in theory and
environment where the situational and personal factors empirically check peculiarities of impulsive purchasing in
influence the impulsive purchasing process. 120 respondents the market of consumer goods.
participated in the research. Research methodology used in the article – is
The last part of the article delivers conclusions and comparison analysis of scientific literature and systemic
suggestions of the analysis and research. methods. For empiric research of impulsive purchasing
peculiarities in the market of consumer goods we applied
Keywords: impulsive purchasing, consumer goods, consumer qualitative (focus group) and quantitative (a questionnaire
behavior, decision making process, market. survey) research methods.

Introduction The conception of impulsive purchasing

Impulsive purchasing is interesting and complicated Hausman (2000), on the ground of Bellenger and
consumer behavior that is an object of research of different others (1978), Cobb and Hoyer (1986), Han and others
scientists (consumer behavior, marketing, psychology, (1991), Kollat and Willet (1967), Rook and Fisher (1995)
economy). Though impulsive purchasing is often treated as and Weinberg and Gottwald (1982), states that impulsive
socially unaccepted phenomenon, this behavior is widely purchasing behavior is a mystery in marketing and this is a
spread. It is stated, that impulse purchasing makes more behavior, that in literature and by consumers themselves is
that 80 percent of all purchase in some particular goods named as deviation from standard and which explains a big
categories (Abrahams, 1997; Smith, 1996 based on Kacen sale of different goods every year.
and Lee, (2002). Parboteeah (2005) indicates that one of the scientific
At present market conditions when market competition aims was to understand impulsive purchasing and to define
is high and all type companies apply promotion in their this interesting and complicated phenomenon. As one of
activities, stimulation of impulse purchasing in the market the most important tasks for scientists, that aimed to
of consumer goods may become a strong competitive understand impulsive purchasing, Dittmar and others
advantage. Different factors, that manipulating market (1996; based on Bayley and Nancarrow, 1998) name
specialists may signally increase goods sales, stimulate differentiation of impulsive purchasing as forming other
consumers to buy impulsively. types of unplanned purchase. Parboteeah (2005), based on
Systematic analysis of scientific literature on impulsive Kollat and Willett (1969) states, that early researches used
purchasing in the market of consumer goods let us state, terms impulse buying and unplanned buying as synonyms.
that there is no common attitude to impulse purchasing Therefore Dittmar and others (1996 based on Bayley and
behavior in scientific literature. Such scientists as Prion Nancarrow, 1998) do not agree with this and emphasize,

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that some scientists do not respect quite different types of presence of stimulus, therefore cognitive processes are
unplanned buying. He presents four types of buying that minimal.
can be named as unplanned, though those were not Hausman (2000), based on Levy (1976), Solnick and
examples of impulsive purchasing (Dittmar and others others (1980), Ainslie (1975), Rook and Fisher (1995),
1996 based on Bayley and Nancarrow, 1998: 104), such as: states that the bigger part of works about impulsive
oversight, deferred decision, quick purchase, unplanned purchasing explain naturally negative consequences of this
demand. behavior. Earlier studies also showed that society treat
Scientists created typologies of unplanned purchasing, impulsive behavior as impulsive purchasing. Maybe
striving to distinguish impulsive purchasing for other negative estimation of impulsive purchasing behavior rise
unplanned types. Shoham and Brenčič (2003), taking into from negative definition of impulsiveness in psychology,
account Cobb and Hoyer (1986) and Iyer and Ahlawat as here it means immaturity and lack of behavior control or
(1987), state, that people can be distributed into planned, irrationality, risk and waste.
partly planned and impulsive buyers, with reference to Rook and Fisher (1995) (based on Hausman, 2000)
their advanced planning. performed studies that showed that impulsive purchasing
Omar and Kent (2001) describe impulsive purchasing not always is seen by consumers’ as negative, but mean
as measurable construct, that means buyer‘s tendency to rational alternative versus behavior demanding longer
think and buy on his own particular way: beside, search. Hausman (2000) aimed to explain why consumers
spontaneously, thoughtlessly and immediately. use this strategy of purchase so often and do not feel that
Piron (1991; based on Parboteeah, 2005: 15) impulsive buying is not correct mostly: one of explanations
performed concept analysis of impulsive buying presented of this phenomenon is that consumers buy goods because
by scientists and introduced comprehensive definition of of non economic reasons, such as fun, fantasy, social and
impulsive purchasing: “Impulsive purchasing is unplanned emotional satisfaction.
purchase, result and instantaneous decision of consumer‘s Bayley and Nancarrow (1998), based on Cobb and
response to stimulus. After purchase a consumer Hoyer (1986), Piron (1991), Rook (1987), Rook and Fisher
experiences emotional and/or cognitive reactions.” (1995) and Weinberg and Gottwald (1982), stress that
According to Parboteeah (2005), following this scientists agree that impulsive behavior can be placed
definition impulsive purchasing first of all is characterized inside hedonistic and emotional component. Bayley and
as unplanned buying. A consumer decides to purchase a Nancarrow (1998), states, that Rook (1987) described
good on a certain moment and it is not a result of arisen consumers‘ tales when they felt as if the good “called“
intention before visiting purchase environment or earlier them or even demanded to buy it.
perceived problem. Secondly, impulsive purchasing Parboteeah (2005) basing on Hirschman (1992),
behavior is a response to stimulus. Stimuli, for example, LaRose (2001), Rook (1987), O'Guinn and Faber (1989)
clothes, jewelry or a candy may be treated as a catalyst that states that there is no clear line between compulsive and
turns a consumer into impulsive. Parboteeah (2005), based addictive purchasing and these two terms sometimes are
on Dholakia (2000), states, that purchase environment is used as synonyms. Types of purchasing may be presented
treated as a serious factor, stimulating impulsive in continuum, where on one hand there is an impulsive
purchasing and it allows marketing specialists to purchasing and on the other hand – addictive or
positioning goods in such a way, that it would stimulate compulsive purchasing. The difference between these
consumer‘s impulsive buying. The third characteristic extremities is the level of behavior control which is felt by
feature of impulsive purchasing is that this behavior is a consumer. In the case of impulsive buying the purchase
instantaneous. A consumer makes immediate decision, happens only if a consumer reacts to the stimulus and
completely underestimating the consequences of this impulsive buying as a response to it, and that means that a
buying. Finally, a consumer experience emotional and/or consumer controls its behavior a little. A person may avoid
cognitive reactions that can be named as guilt or ignorance the purchase environment in order to control impulsive
of future consequences. buying and on the contrary, behavior of compulsive
Weinberg and Gottwald (1982 based on Parboteeah, purchase is defined as chronic, repeated purchase that
2005) joined these characteristic features of impulsive becomes the main reaction to bad feelings and events and
purchasing and named three the most important such behavior is very difficult to stop and finally, it leads
components of impulsive purchasing process: reactive, to a harmful result. A consumer may hardly control his/her
emotional and cognitive. One of impulsive purchasing behavior as that means to him a temporary relief.
process characteristic features is response to stimulus. Wu (2006: 37) presents comparison of excessive
Though impulsive purchasing is reactive behavior, as in buying, compulsive and impulsive buying that allows to
purchase situation a consumer reacts responding to state that impulsive buying differs from excessive and
stimulus. Another important characteristic feature that it is compulsive buying in a consumer‘s motivation (in case of
instantaneous behavior. Responding to stimulus a consumer impulsive buying a consumer tries to reach a positive
feels irresistible tendency towards purchase of an effect and to satisfy hedonistic demands), psychological
interested good (Rook 1987 based on Bayley and processes (in case of impulsive buying a consumer feels
Nancarrow, 1998). At that moment a person is controlled positive affect, concentrates attention on good proximity
by emotional forces, so the impulsive behavior is treated as and loses self-control). Impulsive buying is not a constant
extra emotional. Since this behavior is reactive and extra behavior of a consumer that is typical to other types of
emotional, a consumer little controls purchase decisions. purchasing and the main consequences of impulsive
A consumer does not act consciously, more react to the purchasing - to buy of unplanned goods.

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Koski (2004) states, that impulsive purchasing recently feature and impulsive buying behavior that is in a collective
is a frequent virtual environment. The main factors culture.
stimulating it are anonymity, easy accessibility, wider Mood. Parboteeah (2005) basing on Beatty and Ferrell
range of goods, promotion of buying and direct marketing (1998) states that a person‘s emotional state and mood are
as well as usage of credit cards; limiting factors are - important factors of impulsive purchasing: if a person is in
deferred satisfaction, easy accessibility (a consumer may good mood, he tries to award himself and tends to be more
easily return, that‘s why takes time to buy), bigger self- impulsive, and impulsive consumers, according to Weinberg
control, poor feeing of purchase environment (a consumer and Gottwald’s (1982 based on Kacen and Lee, 2002), were
uses two senses in virtual environment), possibility to more „emotional“.
compare prices and goods easily. Tendency to materialism. Parboteeah (2005) basing on
Summarizing it can be stated that the most important Richins and Dawson (1992) stress that tendency to
characteristic of impulsive purchasing is that the behavior materialism means that persons use purchase of goods as a
of impulsive buying appears as a consumer‘s response to a reduce strategy of perception of inadequacy level of real me
stimulus, experienced in purchase environment and that is and perfect me and tend to be more impulsive.
immediate decision and after purchase a consumer feels Enjoy buying. Parboteeah (2005) basing on Bellenger
emotional and/or cognitive reactions. Impulsive buying and Korgaonkar (1980) and Beatty and Ferrell (1998) states,
does not correspond to rational decision taking model of a and Dovaliene & Virvilaite (2008) confirm that a person,
consumer: on demand there is an impulsive purchasing enjoying buying, treats buying as a form of relaxation.
without search of information and without estimating Tendency to buy impulsively. Kacen and Lee (2002),
alternatives. Consumers buying impulsively try to satisfy basing on Hoch and Loewenstein (1991), Thompson and
their hedonistic demands though normative evaluations others (1990), Rook (1987), O’Guinn and Faber (1989), and
effect person’s impulsivity and by this reduce his behavior Melnikas & Smaliukiene. (2007) state that consumers
of impulsive buying. Scientists distinguished impulsive characterized by high impulsiveness are less thinking, easily
buying from other types of unplanned buying as well as attracted emotionally by seen goods and they desire
named differences of impulsive, excessive or addictive and immediate satisfaction.
compulsive buying. Perception of inadequacy levels of another me.
All these enumerated characteristics of impulsive Parboteeah (2005), basing on Higgins (1987), states that the
purchasing are important for further analysis of factors assumption of the conception of self inconsistency is that
effecting impulsive purchasing. inadequacy between what the person sees himself (true me)
and what he would like to be (perfect me). For this reason a
Factors, effecting impulsive purchasing person that percepts that there is an adequacy and who tends
to compensate it has expressed tendency towards impulsive
Parboteeah (2005) states, that scientists have buying (Dittmar and others, 1996 based on Parboteeah,
distinguished factors, effecting impulsive purchasing while 2005).
theorizing the concept. Researches of consumer behavior Peculiarities of purchase environment. According to
and marketing paid greatest attention to identification of Parboteeah (2005) and Dovaliene & Virvilaite (2008),
common factors that increase impulsive purchasing. These several peculiarities of purchase environment stimulate
factors may be classified into four groups: characteristics impulsive buying. They are as follows: store layout,
of a consumer, peculiarities of purchase environment, atmosphere, type and staff.
situation factors and characteristics of goods. Parboteeah Store layout. Following Banyte, and Salickaite (2008),
(2005: 33) has generalized the characteristics of a good design and atmosphere of the store are strong
consumer that where analyzed by different scientists. competition advantages, stimulating consumers to unplanned
Characteristics of a consumer. According to Parboteeah buying.
(2005), characteristics of a consumer are individual characters Staff. According to Parboteeah (2005), store staff may
of a consumer and demographic features that increase also stimulate impulsive purchasing. Professional assistants
consumer’s tendency to be impulsive. Characteristics of a may reduce frustration giving support to a consumer during
consumer are as follows: age, sex, culture, mood, tendency the process of buying.
to materialism, enjoy of buying, tendency to buy impulsively Store atmosphere. Parboteeah (2005) and Ostaseviciute
and perception of inadequacy level of another me. & Sliburyte (2008) state, that trying to increase impulsive
Age. Parboteeah (2005) basing on Bellenger and others buying it is necessary to manipulate with a store
(1978) states that consumer‘s age is an important factor atmosphere. Stimuli affect a consumer endearing and it
having influence to impulsive purchasing because the may “start“the process of impulsive buying.
results of empiric research showed that young persons feel Store type. Consumers tend to be more impulsive in
less risk spending money. certain types of stores. Bayley and Nancarrow (1998),
Sex. Parboteeah (2005) basing on Dittmar and others basing on Bowlbey (1997), Stern (1962), affirm that an
(1995) as well as Melnikas and Smaliukiene (2007) stress increased tendency to buy in supermarkets and big stores
that consumer‘s sex has influence on impulsive purchasing partly explains why the cases of unplanned purchasing
as well. Research showed that women are more impulsive increase. Shopping process facilitates clearly seen, and put
than men. in good position goods and attractive environment of a store.
Culture. Kacen and Lee (2002) performed research that Situation factors. Parboteeah (2005) basing on Dholakia
showed that in individualistic culture there is a stronger (2000), states that situation factors are environmental and
relation between a person and an impulsive purchasing individual factors that have influence on impulsive

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purchasing. They can be as follows: consumer time, means, according to Parboteeah (2005), these types of purchase
influence group and examination of goods. may be reflected in continuum where in one side there is
Time. Parboteeah (2005) basing on Beatty and Ferrell an impulsive purchasing and in the other side – excessive
(1998), states that time which a consumer has for shopping or/and addictive purchasing. It may be stated that the main
determines whether it would buy impulsively. It was difference of impulsive purchasing form other types of
discovered that shortage of time reduces impulsive buying. such purchasing is that impulsive purchasing behavior is
Examination of goods. Examination of goods is important not a usual and constant behavior, what is characteristic to
in the process of impulsive purchasing. Consumers tend to cases of excessive and compulsive purchasing.
examine goods and usually buy more as those who have no Thereof can be affirmed, that impulsive purchasing is
such tendency (Jarboe and McDaniel, 1987 based on consumer behavior as a respond to experienced stimulus
Parboteeah, 2005). (Piron, 1991 based on Parboteeah, 2005) and a result of
Means. Parboteeah (2005) basing on Beatty and Ferrell unreasonable decision taking of a consumer (Engel and
(1998) states that consumer‘s means facilitate process of Blackwell, 1982 based on Coley, 2002, Hausman, 2000,
impulsive buying because it increases person‘s opportunities Coley, 2002). There was related a theoretic model of
to buy. impulsive purchasing in the marker of consumer goods
Influence group. Following Phillips and Bradshaw (Figure 1).
(1993 basing on Parboteeah, 2005), influence groups in The main assumption of this theoretic model of
this case – are persons accompanying a consumer to the impulsive purchasing in the market of consumer goods is
shop or persons, that are not in the shop but they are that impulsive purchasing is an emotional and cognitive
important to a consumer. An influence group limits or reaction of a consumer to stimulus in purchase
stimulates behavior of impulsive purchasing and this is environment when situational and personal factors are
named as “normative evaluations“. acting. In order to test theoretic model of impulsive
Characteristics of goods. Parboteeah (2005) states that purchasing it is necessary to perform empiric research and
some goods are bought impulsively more often than the on the ground of it we reveal peculiarities of impulsive
others. Butkeviciene, Stravinskiene & Rutelione (2008) purchasing in the market of consumer goods.
confirm probability that whetherthe goods will be bought
impulsively depends on category, price and symbolic Empiric research of impulsive purchasing in
meaning of the goods. the market of consumer goods
Category of the goods. Parboteeah (2005) basing on
Babin and others (1994), stresses that in the literature of Marketing research methodology was applied for the
marketing there are distinguished two categories of goods: research of impulsive purchasing in the market of
hedonistic and functional. It was noticed that the cases of consumer goods. We referred to Burinskiene & Rudzkiene
impulsive buying are more often for hedonistic goods. (2007) who offered marketing research process consistency
Symbolic meaning of goods. Persons who feel that and modified it taking into account specificity of
inadequacy between true me and ideal me and who tend to peculiarities of impulsive purchasing.
compensate it by material things, have tendency to The following methods were used for the research: 1.
impulsive buying (Dittmar and others, 1996 based on focus group – for qualitative research; 2. a questionnaire -
Parboteeah, 2005). According to Parboteeah (2005) and for the quantitative research. The aim of the research is to
Mai, Kwon, Loeb,& Lantz, (2003), a consumer buys identify the main peculiarities of impulsive purchasing in
hedonistic goods more often because of their symbolic, but the market of consumer goods.
not functional meaning. Results of qualitative research revealed peculiarities of
Price of goods. Following Parboteeah (2005), price of impulsive purchasing in the market of consumer goods
goods is an important factor of impulsive buying as well. only partly, so we performed quantitative research.
Specifically, consumers tend to be impulsive during the Satisfied sampling includes Lithuanian residents under 30
time of sale or discounts. Though Bayley and Nancarrow years of age. 120 respondents have participated in the research.
(1998), basing on Narasimhan and others (1996), state that The implementation of the formulated aim and tasks is
price based purchasing not always coincides with related with the following hypothesis of this research:
impulsive purchasing. 1. Main stimuli having influence on impulsive purchasing
Discrepancy of scientists’ opinions explaining behavior is attractive goods, discounts and attractive promotion.
of impulsive purchasing shows what complicated and 2. Impulsive purchasing is effected by the following
interesting phenomenon it is. Following the analysis of situational factors such as: consumer time, examination of
scientific literature we prepared theoretical model of goods, means and influence group, and the following
impulsive purchasing and testing it we performed an personal factors such as sex, age, tendency to impulsivity.
empiric research. 3. Impulsive purchasing is associated with the
consumer who feels pleasure, relaxation, runs off from
Theoretical model of impulsive purchasing in commonness, surprise.
4. Complexity of decision and surplus of information
the market of consumer goods
have influence on impulsive purchasing.
Performed analysis of scientific literature showed, that 5. Emotional and cognitive processes have influence
scientists often identify impulsive purchasing with on impulsive purchasing.
increased/ excessive buying. It shows that there is no clear 6. Consumers buying impulsively have tendency not to
line between these types of purchase. For this reason, use goods bought unplanned.

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Situation Complexity of
factors decision,
surplus of


Personal factors Emotional and

cognitive processes


Figure 1. Theoretical model of impulsive purchasing

Consumer behavior of impulsive buying. The research is interesting that even more consumers buy impulsively
data showed that 53 percent of consumers buy at seeing or when shopping alone (30 percent) however consumers
thinking over that they need it even if they went to buy having tendency purchase impulsively do it more often
having other aims (fully agree or agree); 41 percent do not when shopping with friends and/or relatives.
avoid to buy goods that are not in a shopping list (reverse Personal factors having influence to impulsive
encoder of proposition); 30 percent of consumers buy purchasing. Research results showed that the following
goods during shopping that were not planned; 23 percent personal factors have influence on consumer’s behavior of
of consumers enjoy to buy spontaneously; 18 percent buy impulsive purchasing: age, sex, tendency to impulsivity.
interested goods without estimating consequences; 15 Consumer needs supply during purchasing. The
percent of consumers evaluate themselves as a person buying following semantic differential scale was presented on
unplanned. purpose to clarify what associations make purchasing to
Stimuli having influence on impulsive purchasing. consumers: pleasure-trouble, relaxation – tension, escape
Trying to ascertain what stimuli effect impulsive purchasing from commonness – commonness, renewal – habit,
in the process of the research appeared that the main surprise – planning. Following research results show that
stimuli determining consumers’ behavior to impulsive 68 percent of the respondents associate purchase more with
purchasing were pleasing goods, goods with discount and pleasure than with trouble (32 percent); 69 percent of the
attractive advertising. questioned participants think that purchase is relaxation but
The research results showed that consumer’s behavior not tension (31 percent); 58 percent - think that purchase is
of impulsive purchasing is often: over 70 percent of more commonness than escape from it (42 percent); 81
respondents have ever bought impulsively; especially it percent - identify purchase with renewal and 74 percent of
can be said about food, clothing and printing. Consumers the respondents relate buying with planning instead of
are stimulated most of all to buy impulsively attractive surprise (26 percent).
goods and marketing stimuli such as discounts and sales. Influence of complexity of decision and surplus of
Situational factors having influence on impulsive information on impulsive purchasing. Research results
purchasing. According to the research data 77 percent of showed that 24 percent of respondents agree to the
consumers buy impulsively when examining goods find proposition that it is hard for them to decide between two
what they like; 45 percent buy when have enough money; pleasing goods and for this reason they buy one of them
31 percent buy when shopping alone; 19 percent - when without thinking much. 30 percent of respondents say that
shopping with friends, relatives; 12 percent buy when they it is hard to choose among the flow of goods and 28
have enough time. It can be stated that situational factors percent are annoyed by the flow of homogeneous goods in
having influence to impulsive purchasing are consumer the store and that they have to choose one of them.
time, examination of goods, means and influence group. It

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Influence of consumer emotional processes on The fact that consumers purchasing impulsively tend
impulsive purchasing. The research results showed that not to use goods bought unplanned confirms the equity of
67 percent of consumers tend to decide what to buy when the sixth hypothesis of quantitative research.
examining goods in the store; 57 percent of respondents The performed empiric research confirmed theoretical
buy what they really like; 28 percent of respondents model of impulsive purchasing in the market of consumer
sometimes buy because they want to feel better; 14 percent goods. The main assumption of this theoretic model was
of respondents consider a purchase to be a way to decrease that impulsive purchasing is consumer’s emotional and
stress in everyday life; 10 percent of respondents feel cognitive reaction to stimulus in purchase environment
confusion of pleasure and guilt while buying impulsively; where situational and personal factors act. Performed
7-8 percent of respondents feel thrill while buying and/or qualitative research revealed that tendency on impulsivity
quivers. has big influence to impulsive purchasing.
Influence of consumer cognitive processes on Generalizing, it can be stated that empiric research has
impulsive purchasing. According to the research data, 49 confirmed existing differences of consumer behavior
percent of respondents do not agree with proposition that between impulsiveness and not. Revealed peculiarities
before going for shopping they make a list and buy only were tested statistically. When consumers tend to
following it; 28 percent of respondents have no tendency to impulsiveness, they purchase impulsively when they like
save; 22 percent of respondents have tendency to spend goods, when there are discounts and they notice attractive
money as soon as they get it; 40 percent agree with the advertising, Impulsive purchasing stimulates certain
proposition that they buy impulsively rarely or never; 13 categories of goods as well. Tendency to buy impulsively
percent of respondents think they are impulsive consumers; depends on situational factors – time, means, examination
7 percent of respondents acknowledge that the persons of goods and shopping together with persons depending on
who know them think they are impulsive consumers. influence group. It also depends on sex – women tend to
The performed empiric research results of impulsive buy impulsively, on age – behavior of impulsive buying is
purchasing in the market of consumer goods showed that characteristic of young persons (under 30) and having a
consumers tend to buy impulsively and do it when their tendency to impulsivity. The latter associates purchasing
attention is attracted by pleasing goods, discounts and with pleasure, relaxation, escape from commonness,
when they notice an attractive advertisement. It should be surprises. Consumer’s experienced emotional and cognitive
noted that consumers tend to buy impulsively such goods processes in purchase environment have influence on
as follows: clothing, shoes, goods of leisure and sports; impulsive purchasing. Components of emotional processes
printings, journals, books and apparel, jewelry. It confirms such as good emotions and aim to control mood and
the first hypothesis of quantitative research, that the main components of cognitive processes such as: misjudgment
stimuli having influence on impulsive purchasing are of consequences, purchase of unplanned goods and
attractive goods, discounts and attractive promotion. ignorance of future have influence on the process of
According to the empiric research result, it is stated impulsive purchasing.
that consumers tend to buy impulsively when they have
enough time, examine goods, have money and go shopping Conclusions
not alone. Personal factors have influence on impulsive
purchasing. Women tend to buy impulsively, as well as Generalizing presented explanations of impulsive
young persons (under 30) and persons characterized by purchasing concept can be stated that behavior of impulsive
impulsivity. It confirms the second hypothesis of quantitative purchasing is a consumer’s respond to stimulus experienced
research, that impulsive purchasing is effected by the in purchase environment and it is an instant decision and a
following situational factors such as: consumer time, consumer feels emotional and/or cognitive reactions in
examination of goods, means and influence group, and the post purchase. Impulsive purchasing does not correspond
following personal factors, such as sex, age, and tendency rational decision making model of a consumer: when need
to impulsivity. emerges, a consumer buys impulsively and does not search
The fact that consumers tend to impulsive purchasing for alternatives. It is necessary to stress that impulsive
identify purchase with pleasure, relaxation, escape from purchasing is often identified with other types of
commonness and surprise confirms the equity of the third unplanned buying, compulsive and excessive buying that
hypothesis of quantitative research. may be presented in continuum, where on the one hand it
Complexity of decision has influence on impulsive is impulsive purchasing and on the other hand – exceeded
purchasing that appears because of goods ambiguity while buying or compulsive.
comparing goods. It partly confirms the fourth hypothesis Theoretic analysis has showed that factors having
of quantitative research stated that complexity of decision influence on impulsive purchasing may be classified to
and surplus of information have influence on impulsive four groups: characteristics of consumer, peculiarities of
purchasing. purchase environment, situational factors and characteristics
Consumer emotional processes (good emotions, aim to of goods.
control mood) and cognitive processes (misjudgment of On the ground of the theoretical analysis of peculiarities
consequences, purchase of unplanned goods, and of impulsive purchasing a theoretical model was created.
ignorance of future) have influence on impulsive The main assumption was that impulsive purchasing is
purchasing. It confirms the equity of the fifth hypothesis of consumer’s emotional and cognitive reaction to stimulus in
quantitative research. purchase environment while situational and personal factors
and the empiric research confirmed existing differences of

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Šiuolaikinėmis rinkos sąlygomis, kai rinkos konkurencija didelė, o Mokslininkų nuomonių nesutapimas, aiškinant impulsyvaus pirkimo
reklamą savo veikloje taiko visų tipų įmonės, impulsyvaus pirkimo elgseną, rodo, koks sudėtingas ir įdomus yra impulsyvaus pirkimo
skatinimas vartojimo prekių rinkoje gali tapti svariu konkurenciniu fenomenas. Remiantis mokslinės literatūros analize, buvo parengtas
pranašumu. Impulsyviai pirkti vartotojus skatina įvairūs veiksniai, kuriais teorinis impulsyvaus pirkimo modelis, kuriam tikrinti atliktas empirinis
manipuliuodami marketingo specialistai gali gerokai padidinti prekių tyrimas.
pardavimus. Teorinis impulsyvaus pirkimo vartojimo prekių rinkoje modelis.
Problema. Sisteminė mokslinės literatūros analizė impulsyvaus Atlikta mokslinės literatūros analizė parodė, kad mokslininkai dažnai
pirkimo vartojimo prekių rinkoje klausimais rodo, kad mokslinėje tapatina impulsyvų pirkimą su padidėjusiu/besaikiu pirkimu. Tai rodo,
literatūroje nėra bendro požiūrio į impulsyvaus pirkimo elgseną. Vartotojų kad nėra aiškios ribos tarp šių pirkimų rūšių. Galima teigti, kad
impulsyvaus pirkimo elgsenos teorinius ir empirinius tyrimus atlieka šie pagrindinis impulsyvaus pirkimo skirtumas nuo kitų tokio pobūdžio
mokslininkai: Piron (1991), Hoch ir Loewenstein (1991), Rook ir Fisher pirkimo tipų yra tas, kad impulsyvaus pirkimo elgsena nėra vartotojo
(1995), Dittmar ir kt. (1995), Puri (1996), Bayley ir Nancarrow (1998), įprastinė ir nuolatinė, kurios būdingos esant besaikiam ir kompulsyviam
McGoldrick ir kt. (1999), Hausman (2000) Dholakia (2000), Koski (2004), pirkimui.
Parboteeah (2005) ir kt., Pranulis (2008), Banytė (2008) ir Virvilaitė (2008) Remiantis literatūros analize, sudarytas teorinis impulsyvaus pirkimo
pažymi, kad stokojama impulsyvaus pirkimo elgsenos teorinių ir empirinių vartojimo prekių rinkoje modelis, kurio pagrindinė prielaida - impulsyvus
tyrimų Lietuvos vartojimo prekių rinkoje. Todėl darbe sprendžiama pirkimas yra vartotojo emocinė ir kognityvinė reakcija į stimulą pirkimo
problema, susijusi su impulsyvaus pirkimo ypatumais vartojimo prekių aplinkoje, veikiant situaciniams ir asmeniniams veiksniams.
rinkoje. Teoriniam modeliui patikrinti būtina atlikti empirinį tyrimą.
Straipsnio tikslas: parengti impulsyvaus pirkimo vartojimo prekių Įvertinus gautus rezultatus, bus atskleisti impulsyvaus pirkimo ypatumai
rinkoje teorinį modelį ir jį empiriškai patikrinti. vartojimo prekių rinkoje.
Straipsnyje naudota tyrimo metodika: mokslinės literatūros Impulsyvaus pirkimo vartojimo prekių rinkoje empirinis
lyginamoji analizė ir sisteminiai metodai. Empiriniam tyrimui taikyti tyrimas. Impulsyvaus pirkimo ypatumų vartojimo prekių rinkoje tyrimui
kokybinis ir kiekybinis tyrimų metodus. atlikti taikėme marketingo tyrimų metodiką. Rėmėmės Burinskienė ir
Impulsyvaus pirkimo samprata. Mokslininkai teigia, kad Rudzikienės (2007) siūlomu marketingo tyrimo proceso nuoseklumu, kurį
impulsyvaus pirkimo elgsena vis dar yra mįslė marketingo srityje ir tai modifikavome atsižvelgiant į impulsyvaus pirkimo ypatumų tyrimo
yra elgsena, kuri literatūroje ir pačių vartotojų įvardijama kaip specifiką. Taikyti šie metodai: 1. Kokybiniam tyrimui – fokus grupės; 2.
nukrypimas nuo normos, taip pat ji paaiškina gausų įvairių prekių Kiekybiniam tyrimui - anketinė apklausa. Tyrimo tikslas – nustatyti
pardavimą kiekvienais metais. Parboteeah (2005) pažymi, kad vienas iš pagrindinius impulsyvaus pirkimo ypatumus vartojimo prekių rinkoje.
mokslininkų tikslų buvo suprasti impulsyvų pirkimą ir apibrėžti šį įdomų Kokybinio tyrimo rezultatai visiškai neatskleidė impulsyvaus
bei sudėtingą fenomeną. Vienas iš svarbiausių mokslininkų, siekusių pirkimo ypatumų vartojimo prekių rinkoje, todėl buvo atliktas kiekybinis
geriau suprasti impulsyvų pirkimą tikslų, anot Dittmar ir kt. (1996; tyrimas. Kiekybiniam tyrimui atlikti buvo pasirinkti Lietuvos gyventojai,
remiantis Bayley ir Nancarrow, 1998),- atskirti impulsyvų pirkimą nuo kurių amžius per 18 metų. Tyrime dalyvavo 120 respondentų.
kitų neplanuoto pirkimo rūšių. Parboteeah (2005), remdamasis Kollat ir Suformuluoto tikslo ir uždavinių įgyvendinimas siejamas su šiomis
Willett (1969), teigia, kad ankstyvuosiuose tyrimuose vartoti terminai tyrimo hipotezėmis:
impulse buying ir unplanned buying kaip sinonimai. Tačiau Dittmar ir kt. 1. Pagrindiniai stimulai, turintys įtakos impulsyviam pirkimui, yra
(1996; remiantis Bayley ir Nancarrow, 1998) su tuo nesutinka ir patraukli prekė, prekei taikomos nuolaidos ir reklama.
akcentuoja, kad kai kurie mokslininkai nepaiso pakankamai skirtingų 2. Impulsyviam pirkimui turi įtakos situaciniai veiksniai:
neplanuoto pirkimo tipų. vartotojų laikas, prekių apžiūra, lėšos ir įtakos grupė,
Remiantis mokslininkų tyrimais galima teigti, kad svarbiausia asmeniniai veiksniai: lytis, amžius, polinkis į impulsyvumą.
impulsyvaus pirkimo charakteristika - impulsyvaus pirkimo elgsena 3. Impulsyvus pirkimas vartotojams asocijuojasi su malonumu,
atsiranda kaip vartotojo atsakas į stimulą, patiriamą pirkimo aplinkoje. atsipalaidavimu, pabėgimu nuo kasdienybės, netikėtumu.
Tai yra momentinis neatidėliotinas sprendimas. Po pirkimo vartotojas 4. Impulsyviam pirkimui turi įtakos sprendimo priėmimo
išgyvena emocines arba kognityvines reakcijas. Impulsyvus pirkimas sudėtingumas ir informacijos perteklius.
neatitinka racionalaus vartotojų sprendimo priėmimo modelio: kai 5. Impulsyviam pirkimui turi įtakos vartotojo emociniai ir
atsiranda poreikis, perkama impulsyviai, neieškant informacijos ir kognityviniai procesai
neįvertinus alternatyvų. Vartotojai, pirkdami impulsyviai, siekia 6. Perkantys impulsyviai vartotojai linkę nepanaudoti neplanuotai
patenkinti hedonistinius poreikius, tačiau normatyviniai vertinimai daro pirktų prekių.
poveikį asmens impulsyvumui ir taip sumažina vartotojų impulsyvaus Atliktas empirinis tyrimas patvirtino teorinio impulsyvaus pirkimo
pirkimo elgseną. vartojimo prekių rinkoje modelio ir iškeltų hipotezių teisingumą. Šio
Veiksniai, turintys įtakos impulsyviam pirkimui. Parboteeah teorinio modelio pagrindinė prielaida - impulsyvus pirkimas yra vartotojo
(2005) teigia, kad plėtodami impulsyvaus pirkimo koncepciją, emocinė ir kognityvinė reakcija į stimulą pirkimo aplinkoje, veikiant
mokslininkai išskyrė veiksnius, turinčius įtakos impulsyviam pirkimui. situaciniams ir asmeniniams veiksniams. Atliktas kokybinis tyrimas
Vartotojų elgsenos ir marketingo tyrėjai didžiausią dėmesį skyrė bendrų atskleidė, kad impulsyvų pirkimą labai veikia polinkis į impulsyvumą.
veiksnių, sukeliančių didesnį impulsyvų pirkimą, nustatymui. Šie Išvados. Apibendrinus pateikiamus impulsyvaus pirkimo sampratos
veiksniai gali būti suklasifikuoti į keturias grupes. Tai vartotojo aiškinimus, galima teigti, kad impulsyvaus pirkimo elgsena yra vartotojo
charakteristikos, pardavimo aplinkos ypatybės, situaciniai veiksniai ir atsakas į stimulą, patiriamą pirkimo aplinkoje. Tai yra momentinis
prekės savybės. Parboteeah (2005: 33) apibendrino skirtingų mokslininkų neatidėliotinas sprendimas. Po pirkimo vartotojas išgyvena emocines arba
nagrinėtas vartotojo charakteristikas. kognityvines reakcijas.
Vartotojo charakteristikos. Vartotojo charakteristikos: vartotojo Impulsyvus pirkimas dažnai tapatinamas su kitomis neplanuoto
amžius, lytis, kultūra, nuotaika, polinkis į materializmą, mėgavimasis pirkimo rūšimis bei kompulsyvaus ir besaikio pirkimo tipais, kurie gali
apsipirkimu, polinkis pirkti impulsyviai ir savojo aš neatitikimo laipsnio būti vaizduojami kontinuume. Vienoje pusėje – impulsyvus pirkimas,
suvokimas. kitoje – nenugalimo įpročio arba kompulsyvus pirkimas.
Pardavimo (arba pirkimo) aplinkos ypatybės. Anot Parboteeah Teorinės studijos parodė, kad veiksniai, turintys įtakos impulsyviam
(2005), Dovalienės ir Virvilaitės (2008), keletas pardavimo aplinkos pirkimui, gali būti suklasifikuoti į keturias grupes. Tai vartotojo
ypatybių skatina impulsyvų pirkimą. Tai pardavimo aplinkos charakteristikos, pardavimo aplinkos ypatybės, situaciniai veiksniai ir
(parduotuvės) išplanavimas, pardavimo aplinkos (parduotuvės) prekės savybės.
atmosfera, pardavimo aplinkos (parduotuvės) tipas, personalas. Remiantis sudarytu teoriniu impulsyvaus pirkimo vartojimo prekių
Situaciniai veiksniai. Parboteeah (2005), remdamasis Dholakia rinkoje modeliu ir atliktu empiriniu tyrimu, pasitvirtino prielaida, kad
(2000), teigia, kad situaciniais veiksniais vadinami aplinkos ir asmeniniai impulsyvus pirkimas yra vartotojo emocinė ir kognityvinė reakcija į
veiksniai, kurie turi įtakos impulsyviam pirkimui. Tai vartotojų laikas, stimulą pirkimo aplinkoje, veikiant situaciniams ir asmeniniams
lėšos, įtakos grupė ir prekių apžiūrą. veiksniams.
Raktažodžiai: impulsyvus pirkimas, vartojimo prekės, vartotojo elgsena,
sprendimo priėmimo procesas, rinka.

The article has been reviewed.

Received in April, 2009; accepted in April, 2009.

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