Distributed Systems: Chapter 01: Introduction
Distributed Systems: Chapter 01: Introduction
Distributed Systems: Chapter 01: Introduction
(3rd Edition)
Distributed System
A distributed system is a collection of autonomous computing elements that
appears to its users as a single coherent system.
Characteristic features
Autonomous computing elements, also referred to as nodes, be they
hardware devices or software processes.
Single coherent system: users or applications perceive a single system ⇒
nodes need to collaborate.
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Introduction: What is a distributed system? Middleware and distributed systems
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Introduction: Design goals
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Introduction: Design goals Supporting resource sharing
Sharing resources
Canonical examples
Cloud-based shared storage and files
Peer-to-peer assisted multimedia streaming
Shared mail services (think of outsourced mail systems)
Shared Web hosting (think of content distribution networks)
“The network is the computer”
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Introduction: Design goals Making distribution transparent
Distribution transparency
Transparency Description
Access Hide differences in data representation and how an
object is accessed
Location Hide where an object is located
Relocation Hide that an object may be moved to another location
while in use
Migration Hide that an object may move to another location
Replication Hide that an object is replicated
Concurrency Hide that an object may be shared by several
independent users
Failure Hide the failure and recovery of an object
Degree of transparency
Aiming at full distribution transparency may be too much:
Degree of transparency
Aiming at full distribution transparency may be too much:
There are communication latencies that cannot be hidden
Degree of transparency
Aiming at full distribution transparency may be too much:
There are communication latencies that cannot be hidden
Completely hiding failures of networks and nodes is (theoretically and
practically) impossible
You cannot distinguish a slow computer from a failing one
You can never be sure that a server actually performed an operation
before a crash
Degree of transparency
Aiming at full distribution transparency may be too much:
There are communication latencies that cannot be hidden
Completely hiding failures of networks and nodes is (theoretically and
practically) impossible
You cannot distinguish a slow computer from a failing one
You can never be sure that a server actually performed an operation
before a crash
Full transparency will cost performance, exposing distribution of the
Keeping replicas exactly up-to-date with the master takes time
Immediately flushing write operations to disk for fault tolerance
Degree of transparency
Degree of transparency
Distribution transparency is a nice a goal, but achieving it is a different story,
and it should often not even be aimed at.
Many developers of modern distributed systems easily use the adjective
“scalable” without making clear why their system actually scales.
Scalability dimensions 15 / 56
Introduction: Design goals Being scalable
Many developers of modern distributed systems easily use the adjective
“scalable” without making clear why their system actually scales.
Scalability dimensions 15 / 56
Introduction: Design goals Being scalable
Many developers of modern distributed systems easily use the adjective
“scalable” without making clear why their system actually scales.
Most systems account only, to a certain extent, for size scalability. Often a
solution: multiple powerful servers operating independently in parallel. Today,
the challenge still lies in geographical and administrative scalability.
Scalability dimensions 15 / 56
Introduction: Design goals Being scalable
Size scalability
Scalability dimensions 16 / 56
Introduction: Design goals Being scalable
Scalability dimensions 20 / 56
Introduction: Design goals Being scalable
Computational grids: share expensive resources between different
Shared equipment: how to control, manage, and use a shared radio
telescope constructed as large-scale shared sensor network?
Scaling techniques 22 / 56
Introduction: Design goals Being scalable
Scaling techniques 24 / 56
Introduction: Design goals Being scalable
Scaling techniques 25 / 56
Introduction: Design goals Being scalable
Scaling techniques 26 / 56
Introduction: Design goals Being scalable
Scaling techniques 26 / 56
Introduction: Design goals Being scalable
Scaling techniques 26 / 56
Introduction: Design goals Being scalable
Scaling techniques 26 / 56
Introduction: Design goals Being scalable
If we can tolerate inconsistencies, we may reduce the need for global
synchronization, but tolerating inconsistencies is application dependent.
Scaling techniques 26 / 56
Introduction: Design goals Pitfalls
27 / 56
Introduction: Design goals Pitfalls
27 / 56
Introduction: Design goals Pitfalls
27 / 56
Introduction: Design goals Pitfalls
27 / 56
Introduction: Design goals Pitfalls
27 / 56
Introduction: Design goals Pitfalls
27 / 56
Introduction: Design goals Pitfalls
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Introduction: Design goals Pitfalls
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Introduction: Design goals Pitfalls
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Introduction: Design goals Pitfalls
28 / 56
Introduction: Types of distributed systems High performance distributed computing
Parallel computing
High-performance distributed computing started with parallel computing
Interconnect P P P P
P P P P Interconnect
Processor Memory
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Introduction: Types of distributed systems High performance distributed computing
Cluster computing
Cluster computing 31 / 56
Introduction: Types of distributed systems High performance distributed computing
Grid computing
To allow for collaborations, grids generally use virtual organizations. In
essence, this is a grouping of users (or better: their IDs) that will allow for
authorization on resource allocation.
Grid computing 32 / 56
Introduction: Types of distributed systems High performance distributed computing
Cloud computing
Google docs
aa Svc
Amazon S3
Computation (VM), storage (block, file) Amazon EC2
aa Svc
Cloud computing 34 / 56
Introduction: Types of distributed systems High performance distributed computing
Cloud computing
Cloud computing 35 / 56
Introduction: Types of distributed systems Distributed information systems
Integrating applications
Organizations confronted with many networked applications, but achieving
interoperability was painful.
Basic approach
A networked application is one that runs on a server making its services
available to remote clients. Simple integration: clients combine requests for
(different) applications; send that off; collect responses, and present a coherent
result to the user.
Next step
Allow direct application-to-application communication, leading to Enterprise
Application Integration.
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Introduction: Types of distributed systems Distributed information systems
Issue: all-or-nothing
Nested transaction
Subtransaction Subtransaction
Transaction Request
Client Server
TP monitor
In many cases, the data involved in a transaction is distributed across several
servers. A TP Monitor is responsible for coordinating the execution of a
Client Client
application application
Communication middleware
Emerging next-generation of distributed systems in which nodes are small,
mobile, and often embedded in a larger system, characterized by the fact that
the system naturally blends into the user’s environment.
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Introduction: Types of distributed systems Pervasive systems
Emerging next-generation of distributed systems in which nodes are small,
mobile, and often embedded in a larger system, characterized by the fact that
the system naturally blends into the user’s environment.
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Introduction: Types of distributed systems Pervasive systems
Emerging next-generation of distributed systems in which nodes are small,
mobile, and often embedded in a larger system, characterized by the fact that
the system naturally blends into the user’s environment.
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Introduction: Types of distributed systems Pervasive systems
Emerging next-generation of distributed systems in which nodes are small,
mobile, and often embedded in a larger system, characterized by the fact that
the system naturally blends into the user’s environment.
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Introduction: Types of distributed systems Pervasive systems
Mobile computing
Distinctive features
A myriad of different mobile devices (smartphones, tablets, GPS devices,
remote controls, active badges.
Mobile implies that a device’s location is expected to change over time ⇒
change of local services, reachability, etc. Keyword: discovery.
Communication may become more difficult: no stable route, but also
perhaps no guaranteed connectivity ⇒ disruption-tolerant networking.
Sensor networks
The nodes to which sensors are attached are:
Many (10s-1000s)
Simple (small memory/compute/communication capacity)
Often battery-powered (or even battery-less)
Sensor networks 53 / 56
Introduction: Types of distributed systems Pervasive systems
Two extremes
Sensor network
Operator's site
Sensor data
is sent directly
to operator
Each sensor
can process and Sensor network
store data
Operator's site
send only
Sensor networks 54 / 56
Distributed Systems
(3rd Edition)
Architectural styles
Basic idea
A style is formulated in terms of
(replaceable) components with well-defined interfaces
the way that components are connected to each other
the data exchanged between components
how these components and connectors are jointly configured into a
A mechanism that mediates communication, coordination, or cooperation
among components. Example: facilities for (remote) procedure call,
messaging, or streaming.
2 / 36
Architectures: Architectural styles Layered architectures
Layered architecture
Layer N-2
Layer N-2
Layer 2
Layer N-3
Layer 1
3 / 36
Architectures: Architectural styles Layered architectures
Layer N Layer N
Interface Service
Two-party communication
1 from socket import *
2 s = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM)
3 (conn, addr) = s.accept() # returns new socket and addr. client
4 while True: # forever
5 data = conn.recv(1024) # receive data from client
6 if not data: break # stop if client stopped
7 conn.send(str(data)+"*") # return sent data plus an "*"
8 conn.close() # close the connection
1 from socket import *
2 s = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM)
3 s.connect((HOST, PORT)) # connect to server (block until accepted)
4 s.send(’Hello, world’) # send some data
5 data = s.recv(1024) # receive the response
6 print data # print the result
7 s.close() # close the connection
Application Layering
Application layering 6 / 36
Architectures: Architectural styles Layered architectures
Application Layering
This layering is found in many distributed information systems, using traditional
database technology and accompanying applications.
Application layering 6 / 36
Architectures: Architectural styles Layered architectures
Application Layering
HTML page
Keyword expression containing list
generator Processing
Query Ranked list level
generator of page titles
Database queries algorithm
Application layering 7 / 36
Architectures: Architectural styles Object-based and service-oriented architectures
Object-based style
Components are objects, connected to each other through procedure calls.
Objects may be placed on different machines; calls can thus execute across a
Object Object
Method call
Objects are said to encapsulate data and offer methods on that data without
revealing the internal implementation.
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Architectures: Architectural styles Resource-based architectures
RESTful architectures
View a distributed system as a collection of resources, individually managed by
components. Resources may be added, removed, retrieved, and modified by
(remote) applications.
1 Resources are identified through a single naming scheme
2 All services offer the same interface
3 Messages sent to or from a service are fully self-described
4 After executing an operation at a service, that component forgets
everything about the caller
Basic operations
Operation Description
PUT Create a new resource
GET Retrieve the state of a resource in some representation
DELETE Delete a resource
POST Modify a resource by transferring a new state
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Architectures: Architectural styles Resource-based architectures
Objects (i.e., files) are placed into buckets (i.e., directories). Buckets cannot be
placed into buckets. Operations on ObjectName in bucket BucketName require
the following identifier:
Typical operations
All operations are carried out by sending HTTP requests:
Create a bucket/object: PUT, along with the URI
Listing objects: GET on a bucket name
Reading an object: GET on a full URI
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Architectures: Architectural styles Resource-based architectures
On interfaces
Many people like RESTful approaches because the interface to a service is so
simple. The catch is that much needs to be done in the parameter space.
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Architectures: Architectural styles Resource-based architectures
On interfaces
Assume an interface bucket offering an operation create, requiring an input
string such as mybucket, for creating a bucket “mybucket.”
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Architectures: Architectural styles Resource-based architectures
On interfaces
Assume an interface bucket offering an operation create, requiring an input
string such as mybucket, for creating a bucket “mybucket.”
import bucket
12 / 36
Architectures: Architectural styles Resource-based architectures
On interfaces
Assume an interface bucket offering an operation create, requiring an input
string such as mybucket, for creating a bucket “mybucket.”
import bucket
PUT "http://mybucket.s3.amazonsws.com/"
12 / 36
Architectures: Architectural styles Resource-based architectures
On interfaces
Assume an interface bucket offering an operation create, requiring an input
string such as mybucket, for creating a bucket “mybucket.”
import bucket
PUT "http://mybucket.s3.amazonsws.com/"
Are there any to draw?
12 / 36
Architectures: Architectural styles Publish-subscribe architectures
Temporal and referential coupling
Temporally Temporally
coupled decoupled
Referentially Direct Mailbox
Referentially Event- Shared
decoupled based data space
Subscribe Notification
Publish Subscribe Data
Event bus
Shared (persistent) data space
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Architectures: Architectural styles Publish-subscribe architectures
More details
Calling out(t) twice in a row, leads to storing two copies of tuple t ⇒ a
tuple space is modeled as a multiset.
Both in and rd are blocking operations: the caller will be blocked until a
matching tuple is found, or has become available.
14 / 36
Architectures: Architectural styles Publish-subscribe architectures
1 blog = linda.universe._rd(("MicroBlog",linda.TupleSpace))[1]
3 blog._out(("alice","gtcn","This graph theory stuff is not easy"))
4 blog._out(("alice","distsys","I like systems more than graphs"))
1 blog = linda.universe._rd(("MicroBlog",linda.TupleSpace))[1]
3 t1 = blog._rd(("bob","distsys",str))
4 t2 = blog._rd(("alice","gtcn",str))
5 t3 = blog._rd(("bob","gtcn",str))
15 / 36
Architectures: Middleware organization Wrappers
The interfaces offered by a legacy component are most likely not suitable for all
A wrapper or adapter offers an interface acceptable to a client application. Its
functions are transformed into those available at the component.
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Architectures: Middleware organization Wrappers
Organizing wrappers
Application Broker
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Architectures: Middleware organization Interceptors
Middleware contains solutions that are good for most applications ⇒ you may
want to adapt its behavior for specific applications.
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Architectures: Middleware organization Interceptors
Client application
Intercepted call
Application stub
Object middleware
Message-level interceptor
Local OS
To object B
19 / 36
Architectures: System architecture Centralized organizations
Client Server
User interface User interface User interface User interface User interface
Application Application Application
User interface
Server machine
(a) (b) (c) (d) (e)
Multitiered Architectures 21 / 36
Architectures: System architecture Centralized organizations
Three-tiered architecture
Client Application Database
server server
Wait for Wait for
reply data
Multitiered Architectures 22 / 36
Architectures: System architecture Decentralized organizations: peer-to-peer systems
Alternative organizations
Vertical distribution
Comes from dividing distributed applications into three logical layers, and
running the components from each layer on a different server (machine).
Horizontal distribution
A client or server may be physically split up into logically equivalent parts, but
each part is operating on its own share of the complete data set.
Peer-to-peer architectures
Processes are all equal: the functions that need to be carried out are
represented by every process ⇒ each process will act as a client and a server
at the same time (i.e., acting as a servant).
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Architectures: System architecture Decentralized organizations: peer-to-peer systems
Structured P2P
Make use of a semantic-free index: each data item is uniquely associated with
a key, in turn used as an index. Common practice: use a hash function
key(data item) = hash(data item’s value).
P2P system now responsible for storing (key,value) pairs.
0101 1101
0110 0111 1111
Example: Chord
Nodes are logically organized in a ring. Each node has an m-bit identifier.
Each data item is hashed to an m-bit key.
Data item with key k is stored at node with smallest identifier id ≥ k ,
called the successor of key k .
The ring is extended with various shortcut links to other nodes.
Example: Chord
31 0 1
30 2
29 3
Actual node
28 Shortcut 4
27 5
26 6
25 7
24 8
21 11
20 12
19 13
18 14
17 16 15
lookup(3)@9 : 28 → 1 → 4
Structured peer-to-peer systems 26 / 36
Architectures: System architecture Decentralized organizations: peer-to-peer systems
Unstructured P2P
Each node maintains an ad hoc list of neighbors. The resulting overlay
resembles a random graph: an edge hu, v i exists only with a certain probability
P[hu, v i].
Flooding: issuing node u passes request for d to all neighbors. Request
is ignored when receiving node had seen it before. Otherwise, v searches
locally for d (recursively). May be limited by a Time-To-Live: a maximum
number of hops.
Random walk: issuing node u passes request for d to randomly chosen
neighbor, v . If v does not have d, it forwards request to one of its
randomly chosen neighbors, and so on.
Assume N nodes and that each data item is replicated across r randomly
chosen nodes.
Random walk
P[k ] probability that item is found after k attempts:
r r
P[k ] = (1 − )k−1 .
S (“search size”) is expected number of nodes that need to be probed:
r r
S= ∑ k · P[k ] = ∑ k · N (1 − N )k −1 ≈ N/r for 1 r ≤ N.
k =1 k =1
Flood to d randomly chosen neighbors
After k steps, some R(k ) = d · (d − 1)k−1 will have been reached
(assuming k is small).
With fraction r /N nodes having data, if Nr · R(k) ≥ 1, we will have found
the data item.
If r /N = 0.001, then S ≈ 1000
With flooding and d = 10, k = 4, we contact 7290 nodes.
Random walks are more communication efficient, but might take longer
before they find the result.
Super-peer networks
It is sometimes sensible to break the symmetry in pure peer-to-peer networks:
When searching in unstructured P2P systems, having index servers
improves performance
Deciding where to store data can often be done more efficiently through
Super peer
Overlay network of super peers
Weak peer
Edge-server architecture
Systems deployed on the Internet where servers are placed at the edge of the
network: the boundary between enterprise networks and the actual Internet.
Core Internet
Edge server
Enterprise network
Edge-server systems 32 / 36
Architectures: System architecture Hybrid Architectures
Client node
K out of N nodes
Lookup(F) Node 1
Exchange blocks
A file is divided into equally sized pieces (typically each being 256 KB)
Peers exchange blocks of pieces, typically some 16 KB.
A can upload a block d of piece D, only if it has piece D.
Neighbor B belongs to the potential set PA of A, if B has a block that A
If B ∈ PA and A ∈ PB : A and B are in a position that they can trade a block.
BitTorrent phases
Bootstrap phase
A has just received its first piece (through optimistic unchoking: a node from NA
unselfishly provides the blocks of a piece to get a newly arrived node started).
Trading phase
|PA | > 0: there is (in principle) always a peer with whom A can trade.
BitTorrent phases
|N| = 5
0.2 |N| = 10
|N| = 40
Introduction to Threads
Basic idea
We build virtual processors in software, on top of physical processors:
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Processes 3.1 Threads
Context Switching
Processor context: The minimal collection of values stored in the
registers of a processor used for the execution of a series of
instructions (e.g., stack pointer, addressing registers, program
Thread context: The minimal collection of values stored in
registers and memory, used for the execution of a series of
instructions (i.e., processor context, state).
Process context: The minimal collection of values stored in
registers and memory, used for the execution of a thread (i.e.,
thread context, but now also at least MMU register values).
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Processes 3.1 Threads
Context Switching
Processor context: The minimal collection of values stored in the
registers of a processor used for the execution of a series of
instructions (e.g., stack pointer, addressing registers, program
Thread context: The minimal collection of values stored in
registers and memory, used for the execution of a series of
instructions (i.e., processor context, state).
Process context: The minimal collection of values stored in
registers and memory, used for the execution of a thread (i.e.,
thread context, but now also at least MMU register values).
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Processes 3.1 Threads
Context Switching
Processor context: The minimal collection of values stored in the
registers of a processor used for the execution of a series of
instructions (e.g., stack pointer, addressing registers, program
Thread context: The minimal collection of values stored in
registers and memory, used for the execution of a series of
instructions (i.e., processor context, state).
Process context: The minimal collection of values stored in
registers and memory, used for the execution of a thread (i.e.,
thread context, but now also at least MMU register values).
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Processes 3.1 Threads
Context Switching
1 Threads share the same address space. Thread context switching
can be done entirely independent of the operating system.
2 Process switching is generally more expensive as it involves
getting the OS in the loop, i.e., trapping to the kernel.
3 Creating and destroying threads is much cheaper than doing so
for processes.
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Processes 3.1 Threads
Main issue
Should an OS kernel provide threads, or should they be implemented as
user-level packages?
User-space solution
All operations can be completely handled within a single process ⇒
implementations can be extremely efficient.
All services provided by the kernel are done on behalf of the process in
which a thread resides ⇒ if the kernel decides to block a thread, the
entire process will be blocked.
Threads are used when there are lots of external events: threads block
on a per-event basis ⇒ if the kernel can’t distinguish threads, how can it
support signaling events to them?
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Processes 3.1 Threads
Kernel solution
The whole idea is to have the kernel contain the implementation of a thread
package. This means that all operations return as system calls
Operations that block a thread are no longer a problem: the kernel
schedules another available thread within the same process.
Handling external events is simple: the kernel (which catches all events)
schedules the thread associated with the event.
The problem is (or used to be) the loss of efficiency due to the fact that
each thread operation requires a trap to the kernel.
Conclusion – but
Try to mix user-level and kernel-level threads into a single concept, however,
performance gain has not turned out to outweigh the increased complexity.
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Processes 3.1 Threads
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Processes 3.1 Threads
Improve performance
Starting a thread is much cheaper than starting a new process.
Having a single-threaded server prohibits simple scale-up to a
multiprocessor system.
As with clients: hide network latency by reacting to next request while
previous one is being replied.
Better structure
Most servers have high I/O demands. Using simple, well-understood
blocking calls simplifies the overall structure.
Multithreaded programs tend to be smaller and easier to understand due
to simplified flow of control.
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Processes 3.2 Virtualizaton
Virtualization is becoming increasingly important:
Hardware changes faster than software
Ease of portability and code migration
Isolation of failing or attacked components
Interface A
Program Implementation of
mimicking A on B
Interface A Interface B
(a) (b)
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Processes 3.2 Virtualizaton
Architecture of VMs
Virtualization can take place at very different levels, strongly depending
on the interfaces as offered by various systems components:
System calls
10 / 34
Processes 3.2 Virtualizaton
Application Applications
Runtime system Operating system
Runtime system Operating system
Runtime system Operating system
Hardware Hardware
(a) (b)
We’re seeing VMMs run on top of existing operating systems.
Perform binary translation: while executing an application or
operating system, translate instructions to that of the underlying
Distinguish sensitive instructions: traps to the orginal kernel (think
of system calls, or privileged instructions).
Sensitive instructions are replaced with calls to the VMM.
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Processes 3.3 Clients
A major part of client-side software is focused on (graphical) user
Xlib Xlib
Local OS Local OS X protocol
X kernel
Device drivers
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Processes 3.3 Clients
Client-Side Software
14 / 34
Processes 3.4 Servers
Basic model
A server is a process that waits for incoming service requests at a
specific transport address. In practice, there is a one-to-one mapping
between a port and a service.
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Processes 3.4 Servers
Type of servers
Superservers: Servers that listen to several ports, i.e., provide several
independent services. In practice, when a service request comes
in, they start a subprocess to handle the request (UNIX inetd)
Iterative vs. concurrent servers: Iterative servers can handle only one
client at a time, in contrast to concurrent servers
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Processes 3.4 Servers
Stateless servers
Never keep accurate information about the status of a client after having
handled a request:
Don’t record whether a file has been opened (simply close it again after
Don’t promise to invalidate a client’s cache
Don’t keep track of your clients
Clients and servers are completely independent
State inconsistencies due to client or server crashes are reduced
Possible loss of performance because, e.g., a server cannot anticipate
client behavior (think of prefetching file blocks)
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Processes 3.4 Servers
Stateless servers
Never keep accurate information about the status of a client after having
handled a request:
Don’t record whether a file has been opened (simply close it again after
Don’t promise to invalidate a client’s cache
Don’t keep track of your clients
Clients and servers are completely independent
State inconsistencies due to client or server crashes are reduced
Possible loss of performance because, e.g., a server cannot anticipate
client behavior (think of prefetching file blocks)
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Processes 3.4 Servers
Stateful servers
Keeps track of the status of its clients:
Record that a file has been opened, so that prefetching can be
Knows which data a client has cached, and allows clients to keep
local copies of shared data
The performance of stateful servers can be extremely high, provided
clients are allowed to keep local copies. As it turns out, reliability is not
a major problem.
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Processes 3.4 Servers
Stateful servers
Keeps track of the status of its clients:
Record that a file has been opened, so that prefetching can be
Knows which data a client has cached, and allows clients to keep
local copies of shared data
The performance of stateful servers can be extremely high, provided
clients are allowed to keep local copies. As it turns out, reliability is not
a major problem.
20 / 34
Distributed Systems
Principles and Paradigms
Layered Protocols
Low-level layers
Transport layer
Application layer
Middleware layer
2 / 55
Communication 4.1 Layered Protocols
Application protocol
Application 7
Presentation protocol
Presentation 6
Session protocol
Session 5
Transport protocol
Transport 4
Network protocol
Network 3
Data link protocol
Data link 2
Physical protocol
Physical 1
Focus on message-passing only
Often unneeded or unwanted functionality
Violates access transparency
3 / 55
Communication 4.1 Layered Protocols
Low-level layers
Physical layer: contains the specification and implementation of
bits, and their transmission between sender and receiver
Data link layer: prescribes the transmission of a series of bits into
a frame to allow for error and flow control
Network layer: describes how packets in a network of computers
are to be routed.
For many distributed systems, the lowest-level interface is that of the
network layer.
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Communication 4.1 Layered Protocols
Transport Layer
The transport layer provides the actual communication facilities for
most distributed systems.
IP multicasting is often considered a standard available service (which
may be dangerous to assume).
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Communication 4.1 Layered Protocols
Middleware Layer
Middleware is invented to provide common services and protocols that
can be used by many different applications
What remains are truly application-specific protocols...
such as?
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Communication 4.1 Layered Protocols
Types of communication
Synchronize at Synchronize at Synchronize after
request submission request delivery processing by server
Server Time
Transient versus persistent communication
Asynchrounous versus synchronous communication
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7/31/2017 Synchronous vs asynchronous - javatpoint
Understanding Synchronous vs
Before understanding AJAX, let’s understand classic web application
model and ajax web application model first.
As you can see in the above image, full page is refreshed at request
time and user is blocked until request completes.
https://www.javatpoint.com/understanding-synchronous-vs-asynchronous 1/4
7/31/2017 Synchronous vs asynchronous - javatpoint
https://www.javatpoint.com/understanding-synchronous-vs-asynchronous 2/4
7/31/2017 Synchronous vs asynchronous - javatpoint
As you can see in the above image, full page is not refreshed at request
time and user gets response from the ajax engine.
← prev next →
Please Share
https://www.javatpoint.com/understanding-synchronous-vs-asynchronous 3/4
Communication 4.2 Remote Procedure Call
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Communication 4.2 Remote Procedure Call
Application developers are familiar with simple procedure model
Well-engineered procedures operate in isolation (black box)
There is no fundamental reason not to execute procedures on
separate machine
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Communication 4.2 Remote Procedure Call
Asynchronous RPCs
Try to get rid of the strict request-reply behavior, but let the client
continue without waiting for an answer from the server.
Server Call local procedure Time Server Call local procedure Time
and return results
(a) (b)
17 / 55
Lecture 4.1
Distributed systems require that computations
running in different address spaces, potentially on
different hosts, be able to communicate. For a basic
communication mechanism, the Java language
supports sockets, which are flexible and sufficient for
general communication. However, sockets require
the client and server to engage in applications-level
protocols to encode and decode messages for
exchange, and the design of such protocols is
cumbersome and can be error-prone.
the Java language's RMI system assumes
the homogeneous environment of the Java
Virtual Machine, and the system can
therefore take advantage of the Java object
model whenever possible.
RMI Interfaces and Classes
The interfaces and classes that are
responsible for specifying the remote
behavior of the RMI system are defined in the
java.rmi and the java.rmi.server packages.
The figure in the next slide shows the
relationship between these interfaces and
The Remote Interface
All remote interfaces extend, either directly or
indirectly, the interface java.rmi.remote. The Remote
interface defines no methods, as shown here:
public interface Remote {}
public interface HelloInterface extends Remote
public String say() throws RemoteException;
Implementing a Remote Interface
The general rules for a class that implements
a remote interface are as follows:
The class can implement any number of
remote interfaces.
The class can extend another remote
implementation class.
The class can define methods that do not
appear in the remote interface, but those
methods can only be used locally and are not
available remotely.
System Architectural Overview
The RMI system consists of three layers:
The stub/skeleton layer - client-side stubs (proxies)
and server-side skeletons
The remote reference layer - remote reference
behavior (such as invocation to a single object or to a
replicated object)
The transport layer - connection set up and
management and remote object tracking
The application layer sits on top of the RMI system.
The relationship between the layers is shown in the
following figure.
A remote method invocation from a client to a remote server
object travels down through the layers of the RMI system to the
client-side transport, then up through the server-side transport to
the server
The Transport Layer
In general, the transport layer of the RMI system is
responsible for:
Setting up connections to remote address spaces.
Managing connections.
Monitoring connection "liveness."
Listening for incoming calls.
Maintaining a table of remote objects that reside in the
address space.
Setting up a connection for an incoming call.
Locating the dispatcher for the target of the remote call
and passing the connection to this dispatcher.
Client Interfaces
The Remote Interface
package java.rmi; public interface Remote {}
The java.rmi.Remote interface serves to identify all remote objects, all
remote objects must directly or indirectly implement this interface. Note
that all remote interfaces must be declared public.
Communication 4.3 Message-Oriented Communication
Message-Oriented Communication
Transient Messaging
Message-Queuing System JMS etc
Message Brokers like CORBA
Example: IBM Websphere
21 / 55
Message-Oriented Middleware and
The Java Message Service API
home page:
Ref: D2212 Network Programming with JavaLecture 8
by Vladimir Vlassov and Leif Lindbäck, KTH/ICT/SCS,
HT 2015
Message-Oriented Middleware,
Enables the exchange of general-purpose
messages in a distributed application.
Data is exchanged by message queuing, typically
Reliable message delivery is achieved using
message queues, and by providing security,
transactions and the required administrative
The Java Message Service API (JMS)
• JMS provides a Java API for an existing message queue. The
JMS specification defines how to call the provider.
• Asynchronous message production
• Asynchronous message consumption by a message listener
registered as consumer.
– Message-driven EJBs (Enterprise Java Beans) asynchronously
consume messages.
• Reliable messaging: Can ensure that a message is delivered
once and only once.
• JMS provider is a messaging agent performing messaging
private static ConnectionFactory connectionFactory;
private static Topic topic;
Connection connection =
• A JMS message has three e send or
parts: JMSExpiration method