Research Manuscript Template
Research Manuscript Template
Research Manuscript Template
Write your abstract here. Abstract contains a brieft introduction to the problem, objective of manuscript,
research methods and a brieft summary of result. Abstract is single-spaced typed in English maximum 150
words. Written with Trebuchet MS (10 Pt) Italic.
Keywords: arranged by alphabetically and contain three to five words/phrases separated with coma.
Tuliskan abstrak disini. Abstrak memuat alasan yang melatarbelakangi persoalan, metode dan hasil
penelitian. Abstrak ditulis menggunakan bahasa Indonesia dengan 1 spasi berjumlah maksimal 150 kata
dengan font Trebuchet MS (10 Pt).
Kata kunci: disusun berdasarkan alphabet, terdiri dari 3 sampai dengan 5 kata kunci yang dipisahkan
dengan koma.
This guideline is a template for writing research manuscript for Jurnal Wacana Hukum (JWH)
submission and this guideline is available online at Author Guideline page on JWH official website. Authors
are allowed to modify this template for submission purpose.
Manuscript written with Trebuchet MS (10Pt) with multiple line spacing at 1,2. Manuscript should
contain at least 2.000 words and should not exceed 10 pages including embedded figures and tables and
the file should be in Microsoft Office (.doc/.docx). Manuscript should be in prepared in A4 manuscript
(21cm x 29.7cm) using margin top: 4,01 cm, bottom: 2,01 cm, left: 2,54 cm, and right: 2,26 cm.
The introduction should be clear and provide the legal issue to be discussed in the manuscript.
Before the objective, author should provide an adequate background, and very short literature survey in
order to record existing solutions, to show in which is the best of previous researchers, to show what do
you hope to achieve (to show the limitation), and to show the scientific merit or novelties of the
manuscript. At the end, you should explain the urgency and clearly state aims of your study . At the end,
you should explain the urgency and clearly state aims of your study and mention problem of the research
in this section.
Write the issues that are studied from your writing here. The problem must be clear. At least one
subject matter is reviewed.
This method is written in descriptive and should provide a statement regarding the methodology of
the research, include the type of research, research approach, a source of data and analysis method. The
author should explain the mechanism to analyze the legal issue. This method as much as possible to give
Write the contract number/research decree and sources of research funding.
This paper is taken from ‘Riset Dosen Pemula’ research, funded by DIPA Jenderal Soedirman University, No:
1234/UN.23/2017, on March 2017
an idea to the reader through the method used, this method is optional, only for an original research
Results should be clear and concise. Discussion should explore the significance of the results of the
work, not repeat them. Avoid extensive citations and discussion of published literature.
This is an example footnote from a book2, Journal3, Speech/manuscript4, Magazine/
Newsmanuscript5, Website6.
Figure should be in grayscale, and if it made in color, it should be readable when it later printed in
grayscale. A caption should comprise a brief title (not on the figure itself) and a description of the
Number tables consecutively in
accordance with their appearance in
the text. Place footnotes to tables
below the table body and indicate them
with superscript lowercase letters.
Avoid vertical rules. Be sparing in the
The author's name, year of publication, title of book (Italic), place of publication: publisher, pages quoted (written p.)
Agus Raharjo, 2017, Cyber Space, Yogyakarta: Genta Publishing, p. 3
The author's name, title of manuscript (in quotation marks and not italicized), Journal Name, Volume (written Vol.)
Number (written No.), Edition, Year of Publication, Page quoted (written p.)
Yusuf Saefudin, "Urgency of Integrated Assessment on Drugs Crime (A Study in Purbalingga Regency)", Jurnal Dinamika
Hukum, Vol. 17 No. 1, January 2017, p. 40
The author's name, Title of article (in quotation marks and not italicized), Speech/Paper (italics), Speech/ Paper
Themes, a speech/papers delivery place, speech/papers delivery date.
Nurul Huda, "Kurikulum Pendidikan Hukum Pasca Revolusi 4.0, Keniscayaan sebagai Pilihan!", Speech in Seminar Nasional
Unikal 2018 Job Outlook Mencari atribut Ideal Lulusan Perguruan Tinggi, Faculty of Law Universitas Pekalongan,
Pekalongan, November 11th, 2018. p. 8
The author's name, Title of manuscript (in quotation marks and not italicized), Magazines/Newspapers (italics), Date of
Irvando Damanik, "Kepala Daerah Kena OTT Masih Bergaya, Masihkah Ada Budaya Malu?", Kompasiana, 6th Juni 2018,
The author's name, Date of publication, Title of the reference library (written in quotation marks and italics), Website
address, Reference library accessible date.
Nanda Perdana Putra, March 22th, 2010, "BNN Ungkap Selundupan 10 Kg Sabu Jaringan Malaysia di Batam", Available on
website:, Accessed on
December 13th, 2010.
use of tables and ensure that the data presented in tables do not duplicate results described elsewhere in
the article.
Tabel 1.
Table Caption
Year Punishment
2010 5
2011 16
Source : Institution, year
The main conclusions of the study may be presented in a short Conclusions section. The conclusion
section should lead the reader to important matter of the manuscript.
Author should provide suggestion or recommendation related to the object which is analyze and to
stimulate further research.
Damanik, Irvando. " Kepala Daerah Kena OTT Masih Bergaya, Masihkah Ada Budaya Malu?". Kompasiana.
6th Juni 2018. (example reference from Magazine/ Newspaper)
Huda, Nurul. " Kurikulum Pendidikan Hukum Pasca Revolusi 4.0, Keniscayaan sebagai Pilihan!". Speech.
Seminar Nasional Unikal 2018 Job Outlook Mencari atribut Ideal Lulusan Perguruan Tinggi. Faculty
of Law Universitas Pekalongan. Pekalongan. November 11th, 2018. (example reference from
Putra, Nanda Perdana. March 22th. 2010. "BNN Ungkap Selundupan 10 Kg Sabu Jaringan Malaysia di
Batam". Available on website: bnn-ungkap-selundupan-
10-kg-sabu-jaringan-malaysia-di-batam. Accessed on December 13th, 2010. (example reference
from website)
Saefudin, Yusuf, et. al. "Urgency of Integrated Assessment on Drugs Crime (A Study in Purbalingga
Regency)". Jurnal Dinamika Hukum. Vol. 17 No. 1. January 2017. Pp. 40-52. DOI:
10.20884/1.jdh.2017.17.1.818 (example reference from journal)
Raharjo, Agus. 2017. Cyber Space. Yogyakarta: Genta Publishing. (example reference from book)