Conflict of Laws Ws 1
Conflict of Laws Ws 1
Conflict of Laws Ws 1
College of Law
Worksheets on
Conflict of Laws
1st Semester, S.Y. 2020-2021
Table of Contents
Grade Summary...........................................................................................................................................3
General Instructions...................................................................................................................................4
Worksheet 1 - Introduction to Conflict of Laws and Choice of Law.......................................................5
PART 1: Public International Law vs. Private International Law......................................................................5
PART 2: Definition of Principles...........................................................................................................................7
PART 3: Art. 15 of the New Civil Code.................................................................................................................8
PART 4: Art. 16 of the New Civil Code.................................................................................................................9
PART 5: Choice-of-Law.........................................................................................................................................12
PART 6: Applying Foreign Law as Determined by Rules of Conflict Laws...................................................14
PART 7: Borrowing Statutes.................................................................................................................................15
PART 8: Conflict between Foreign and Local Laws...........................................................................................17
PART 9: Applying Foreign Laws.........................................................................................................................18
Worksheet 2 – Citizenship and Domicile, and Nationality and Domicile of Corporations.................20
PART 1: Review - Who are considered Citizens of the Philippines?...............................................................20
PART 2: Dual Citizenship v. Dual Allegiance...................................................................................................23
PART 3: Loss of Citizenship.................................................................................................................................24
PART 3: Reacquisition of Citizenship.................................................................................................................27
PART 4: Naturalization.........................................................................................................................................28
PART 4: Domicile..................................................................................................................................................31
PART 5: What is a Filipino Corporation?............................................................................................................33
PART 6: Where is the Domicile of a Corporation?.............................................................................................34
Worksheet 3 – Contracts...........................................................................................................................35
PART 1: Synopsis of Conflict of Laws in Obligations and Contracts.............................................................35
PART 2: Formal/Extrinsic Validity of Contracts.................................................................................................40
PART 3: Capacity of the Contracting Parties......................................................................................................41
PART 4: Intrinsic Validity....................................................................................................................................42
Worksheet 4 – Property, Wills and Succession........................................................................................46
PART 1: Review – Real and Personal Properties................................................................................................46
PART 2: Lex Loci or Lex Rei Sitae........................................................................................................................47
PART 3: What is a Will?........................................................................................................................................55
PART 4: Extrinsic Validity of Wills.....................................................................................................................56
PART 5: Probate of Wills......................................................................................................................................57
PART 5: Situs of Shares of Stocks........................................................................................................................59
PART 6: Law on Successional Rights; Intrinsic Validity..................................................................................62
Worksheet 5 – Torts and Damages, and Crimes......................................................................................63
PART 1: Review – What is a Tort?.......................................................................................................................63
PART 2: What are damages?.................................................................................................................................64
PART 3: Conflict Rules on Torts..........................................................................................................................69
PART 4: Lex Loci Delicti Commissii...................................................................................................................71
PART 5: Special Rules relative to Lex Loci Delicti Commissii.........................................................................72
PART 6: Enforceability of Foreign Torts and the Duty of Philippine Courts.................................................74
PART 7: Synopsis – Conflict of Laws as Applied to Crimes.............................................................................77
PART 8: Review – Crimes as Opposed to Torts.................................................................................................79
PART 9: Extra-Territorial Competence of Courts...............................................................................................80
PART 10: Crimes Committed Aboard Vessels...................................................................................................81
General Instructions
1. Submit worksheets only as prescribed. Worksheets shall be submitted piece by piece and
never in bulk. A schedule for the submission of each worksheet shall be announced by the
instructor. All submissions will be made directly to the instructor or his law office. His
signature on the date stamp in the space provided will be evidence of the date of submission.
2. All answers are to be handwritten, and in the hand of the student who signs his name on the
sheet. You are not allowed to have someone else write your answers for you.
3. Use only the space provided for. Attachments, insertions and similar devices to accommodate
the continuation of your answers are prohibited and will be grounds for the rejection of your
4. Fill-up all required details in every single worksheet. An unnamed worksheet shall be
considered as not having been submitted.
5. Erasures, superimpositions, unnecessary markings and the like are prohibited and shall give
rise to deductions in the final score.
7. You are expressly prohibited from sharing these worksheets with any other person not taking
this particular class of the semester and school year indicated in the cover page.
Date Submitted:
Instructor: Atty. Mark Jasper G. Cielo, RCh
1st Semester, S.Y. 2020-2021
Soon to be repatriated Anna, is a Domestic Helper in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA). Her
employer, a well-to-do family, refuses to give her last paycheck, in an attempt to coax her to stay.
Her contract, is executed and operative in the KSA and her employers are all citizens of the KSA.
Is there a “Foreign Element” in this case? If, yes, what are they? What is a “Foreign Element” in the
context of Conflict of Laws? (4 points)
Anna and Ben are validly married in Norway, before the embassy of the Philippines. They become
Norwegians and they lost their Philippine Citizenship, after five years. It was later revealed that
Anna is a transgendered woman. If, for the sake of discussion, Same Sex marriage is legal in
Norway, is their marriage valid? (5 points)
CAPTION: _____________________________________________________________________________
G.R. No.:_______________
Search for a Case that applies the 2nd Paragraph of Art. 16 in its disposition, and digest the case
below. (5 points)
CAPTION: _____________________________________________________________________________
There is the civil law principle: Mobilia Sequutur Personam. Reconcile the implications of the
provision of Art 16 of the NCC with this principle. Come up with a simple analogy or illustration
to express your reconciliation of the two principles. (5 points)
PART 5: Choice-of-Law
Arnold is a Filipino hired by SAUDIA as a flight attendant. He was unlawfully
dismissed from his regular employment due to a petty and non-actionable misunderstanding with
another flight attendant who happened to be a grandson of the owner of the airlines.
His contract was executed in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA), with a Choice-of-Law
provision in the KSA and a venue in the KSA. His place of work is the KSA, he was recruited in
KSA and was terminated while still at KSA. The complained of squabble occurred at KSA as well.
(15 points)
If there is no effective Choice of Law, what governs the parties, in general? (5 points)
A. A Filipina flight steward for Qatar Airways, is dismissed from her employment. There was
no Choice-of-Law provision in her Qatar-executed contract. She filed suit in the
Philippines. The trial court gave due course to the suit.
B. A foreign national dies testate in the Philippines. He names a stranger – his best friend,
Allan – as heir to the entirety of his wealth. His legitimate son, Ben, filed suit having been
preterited in the will. Allan claims that under Philippine Law, the intrinsic validity of
testamentary disposition is governed by the national law of the testator. He claimed that the
testator being a citizen of Foofooland, where the concept of legitime does not exist and a
testator can dispose of his property all according to his will, made a valid disposition to
him. The Trial court gave due course to Ben’s claim, since Foofooland follows lex dimicilli
in terms of instrinsic validity of the will.
The landmark case of Cadalin v. POEA’s Administrator concerns the concept of “Borrowing
Statute”. Digest the case, focusing only on the Conflict of Laws concept abovestated. (10 points)
Local Laws generally prevail over foreign laws in case of conflict. In the case below, the Supreme
Court had the opportunity to discuss that extensively. Digest the case captioned with focus on the
Conflict of Law concept described. (10 points)
Date Submitted:
Instructor: Atty. Mark Jasper G. Cielo, RCh
1st Semester, S.Y. 2020-2021
In bullet points, list out the kinds of juridical persons and what circumstances would make these
Juridical Persons a Filipino Citizen under the prevailing constitution. (15 points)
Digest the captioned case paying focus only on the portions of the case that directly discuss and
disposes the issues related to Dual Allegiance in the context of Citizenship. (10 points)
PART 3: Loss of Citizenship
Under Commonwealth Act 63, there are seven (7) ways one losses Philippine Citizenship.
However, one (1) of those enumerated have been effectively repealed by the 1973 Constitution,
first, and then by the 1987 Constitution. Below is a concept map. Fill the map up in brief and
concise phrases. (30 points)
Citizens may lose his or her citizenship in any of the following acts:
Brief Explanation
Brief Explanation
Brief Explanation
Brief Explanation
Brief Explanation
Brief Explanation
Digest the captioned case paying focus only on the portions of the case that directly discuss and
disposes the issues related to Reacquisition of Filipino Citizenship. (10 points)
PART 4: Naturalization
A client, John Smith approached you, he is an American Citizen from the state of New York who
has lived in the Philippines for four (4) years, and has two legitimate children with his Filipina
Spouse Maria Clara whom he is married to for three (3) years now. He wants to apply for
naturalization and is now asking you for you assistance as his lawyer. However, he does not want
to renounce his American Citizenship, if possible.
Complete the Legal Opinion as to the steps he is to undertake to get Philippine Citizenship, given
only the facts above and those in the template below. (20 points)
In re: Naturalization of John Smith
I am rendering this Legal Opinion upon request of John Smith himself concerning the issue of his
Based on his narration of pertinent acts, and the documents evidencing such facts herein attached, I hereby
render the following Legal Opinion, on the pertinent steps the client is to take to achieve naturalization.
With regards his qualification that he wished not to renunciate his American Citizenship, I hereby
render the following Opinion.
May this Legal Opinion be instructive as to the next steps you wish to undertake.
PART 4: Domicile
In bullet points, briefly point out the differences between DOMICILE and RESIDENCE, in
general, in the outer non-overlapping space of the appropriately marked oval of the Venn
Diagram. In the middle, overlapping space of the Venn Diagram, briefly enumerate, in bullet
points, their salient similarities. (5 points)
Domicile Residence
Domicile Residence
In bullet points, briefly point out the differences between DOMICILE and VENUE, in general, in
the outer non-overlapping space of the appropriately marked oval of the Venn Diagram. In the
middle, overlapping space of the Venn Diagram, briefly enumerate, in bullet points, their salient
similarities. (5 points)
Domicile Venue
PART 6: Where is the Domicile of a Corporation?
Corporation XYZ is a corporation formed under Spanish Law, with principal office in Geneva,
Switzerland, it is weapons and ammunitions company whose factories, warehouses, sales offices
and 99% of employees are in Shanghai, China. The majority stockholder is Marky Cielo, a Filipino
businessman, who resides in Dapitan City. Where is the domicile of the corporation? Where can
the corporation claim to be resident of? If Marky Cielo wants to claim that his Corporation is a
resident of the Philippines, what should be the circumstances of the corporation’s existence? (20
Date Submitted:
Instructor: Atty. Mark Jasper G. Cielo, RCh
1st Semester, S.Y. 2020-2021
Worksheet 3 – Contracts
REFERENCE: Philippine Conflict of Laws by Edgardo Paras
INSTRUCTIONS: Answer in essay form all the questions herein unless otherwise
instructed. All answers must be in your own hand.
a. Alienation and
of properties
4. Capacity of
Contracting Parties
a. Alienation and
encumbrance of
1. Lex Voluntatus
2. Lex Intentionis
Extrinsic Validity
PART 2: Formal/Extrinsic Validity of Contracts
A and B, both Filipinos, executed a Power of Attorney in favor of C in State AAA and had the
document acknowledged before the Consul of the Philippines in State AAA. C used the SPA
given, to sell a property to D. A and B filed suit to nullify the sale, and argued that the Power of
Attorney is invalid for not complying with the formal requisites of State AAA, which requires
both a thumbmark and a signature – the former was lacking. Will A and B’s suit prosper? (Answer
Capacity of Parties
this question in the Bar Exam manner.) (10 points)
Intrinsic Validity
Lease of Service, as to:
Extrinsic Validity
Capacity of Parties
Intrinsic Validity
Lease of Property, as to:
PART 3: Capacity of the Contracting Parties
A, a 17 year-old US Citizen of the State of Illinois of Chinese descent was hired as a Chinese to
English translator by a Filipino Company, represented by B, a Filipino. Three months after signing
and perfecting
Extrinsic Validity the contract of service in Chicago, Illinois, USA, and serving as Interpreter in the
Philippines for B’s Filipino Company, he decided to quit and return to the US. A was accepted
back in his home country for his dream job, and was going to leave in a month. B sued A for
damages in the breach of the contract of service which bound him to serve for one year. A claimed
he was a minor under Philippine Law, hence his contract was defective for his lack of capacity to
contract. Does B have capacity to contract in the case at bar? Cite Jurisprudence. (Answer this
Capacity of in the Bar Exam manner.) (10 points)
Justina Santos, an aged Filipino woman, leased to Wong, a Chinese citizen, a parcel of land on
Rizal Avenue, Manila, for a period of fifty (50) years, and also gave to the latter an option to
purchase the same (within said period of 50 years), payable in 10 years, on the condition that
Date Submitted:
Instructor: Atty. Mark Jasper G. Cielo, RCh
1st Semester, S.Y. 2020-2021
In bullet points, what are the ways that ownership accrues over a property? (5 points)
Digest the captioned case below paying focus on ownership of real property in relation to conflict
rules herein discussed. (10 points)
Digest the captioned case below paying focus on ownership of real property in relation to conflict
rules herein discussed. (10 points)
Digest the captioned case below paying focus on real properties located outside the country in
relation to conflict rules herein discussed. (10 points)
Digest the captioned case below paying focus on real property rights over a real property located
outside the country in relation to conflict rules herein discussed. (10 points)
Giovanni, an Italian Citizen who is residing in the Philippines for a long vacation, suddenly fell
deathly ill. He hurriedly had a will made in accordance with the Laws of Italy. In its probate, one
of Giovanni’s heirs were able to prove foreign law of Italy. However, another heir, protested the
probate since, the will, was not drafted according to the forms and solemnities of the Philippines.
He claims lex loci celebrationis should have been the guiding principle in the drafting of the will.
Can the will be given due course in the Philippines? (Answer this question in the Bar Exam
manner.) (10 points)
They now come to you asking in consultation, what are the steps they ought to take to give effect
to the will.
Complete the Legal Opinion as to the steps he is to undertake to get give effect to the Will, given
only the facts above and those in the template below. (20 points)
In re: Execution of the Will of Edgardo Salazar
I am rendering this Legal Opinion upon request of John Smith himself concerning the issue of his
PART 5: Situs of Shares of Stocks
Digest the captioned case below paying focus on real property rights over a real property located
outside the country in relation to conflict rules herein discussed. (10 points)
Digest the captioned case below paying focus on Situs of Shares of Stocks located outside the
country in relation to conflict rules herein discussed. (10 points)
During trial, the proponents of the will failed to prove Texan law.
Can the Will be allowed? (Answer this question in the Bar Exam manner.) (15 points)
Date Submitted:
Instructor: Atty. Mark Jasper G. Cielo, RCh
1st Semester, S.Y. 2020-2021
What is the original definition of Torts in common-law systems. Is your illustration given in the
previous task a tort under this definition? If yes, why? If not, give another illustration that would
fit the common-law definition of a tort. (5 points)
Digest the captioned case below, paying focus on the issue on damages. (10 points)
Digest the captioned case below paying focus on the issue on damages. (10 points)
Digest the captioned case below paying focus on the issue on damages. (10 points)
Digest the captioned case below paying focus on ownership of real property in relation to conflict
rules herein discussed. (10 points)
Civil Law Theory Common Law Theory Dr. Ernst Rabel’s Theory
________________________ ________________________ ________________________
________________________ ________________________ ________________________
A, who is physically within the territory of State AAA was lawfully cleaning his rifle, when he
accidently fired it. B, who is across the border and was physically in State BBB, was shot by A.
a) Given that an actionable tort transpired, where is the Locus Delicti? Which state’s set of
laws should be made to apply?
Destiny has been especially cruel to Ajax Shipping Co. – a company based in State AAA whose
primary business is the ferrying of goods using their three ships with State AAA as the flag, Ship
Love, Ship Hope and Ship Truth. In the year 2000, all three ships met maritime accidents
Ship Love collided with Ship PPP, a ship operating under the flag of State AAA, in the high seas
while both were in transit to Cebu Port.
Ship Hope collided with Ship QQQ, a ship operating under the flag of State BBB, in the territorial
sea of the Philippines, while both were in transit to Cebu Port.
Ship Truth collided with Ship RRR, a ship operating under the flag of State CCC, in the high seas,
while both were in transit to Cebu Port.
State AAA and State BBB however, have identical maritime laws while state CCC has completely
different laws as the two other states.
All three accidents were not the fault of Ajax’s ships, but greatly prejudiced its business. They
hurriedly filed suit in Cebu, Philippines.
Complete the Legal Opinion as to whether she can 1) sue, Pedro, and 2) sue Pedro in Philippine
Courts. She likewise asks you what needs to be secured or proven for her to be able to institute the
action she requested. (20 points)
In re: Suit Against Pedro
I am rendering this Legal Opinion upon request of Maria Clara herself concerning the issue of a possible suit
against Pedro Garcia for damages.
Based on his narration of pertinent acts, and the documents evidencing such facts herein attached, I hereby
render the following Legal Opinion, on the pertinent steps the client is to take to achieve naturalization.
2. Protective Theory_________________________________________
3. ________________________________________________________
4. ________________________________________________________
5. ________________________________________________________
6. ________________________________________________________
14. As to Specific
Where the Victim was Injured; not where the weapon was wielded.
a) Frustrated and
Universality Theory
A, a Filipino punched
c) Bigamy B, and Italian, in
Switzerland, B had A
charged under Italian
Regardless of
Importance of points
of contact, ALL crimes
may be prosecuted by
a State whose penal
code was
Applicable such as
that in the prosecution
of Counterfeiters of
Philippine Currency
even though the act of
counterfeiting may
have been done in a
foreign state.
A, a Filipino punched
B, an Italian in
Switzerland, B had A
charged under
Philippine Laws.