Model ZW209FP: Installation Start-Up Maintenance Instructions
Model ZW209FP: Installation Start-Up Maintenance Instructions
Model ZW209FP: Installation Start-Up Maintenance Instructions
Installation / Start-up
INSTALLATION 7. It is suggested that a line size tee connection be installed downstream
NOTE: Prior to installation of the ZW209FP, ensure that all debris is of sprinkler system valves to allow full flow testing as required every
flushed out the piping system before installed. five years per NFPA 25.
1. During the installation of a ZW209FP in a sprinkler system, Underwriter
8. Bleed all trapped air from supply riser and sprinkler system. Trapped
Laboratories (UL) requires NFPA 13 “Standard for Installation of Sprin-
air may cause outlet pressure fluctuations at low flows.
kler Systems” be followed.
9. Zurn Wilkins valves are designed to operate in both the vertical and
2. Upon installation UL also requires that the ZW209FP be tested in
horizontal positions. However, it is recommended that ZW209FP’s 6” and
accordance with NFPA 13 or NFPA 14. Thereafter the valve shall be
larger, be installation in the horizontal position. The horizontal position-
inspected, tested, and maintained in accordance to NFPA 25 “Standard
ing of the larger valves avoids premature wear due to mass of plunger
for the Inspection, Testing, and Maintenance of Water-Based Fire Pro-
assemblies as well as allows for greater accessibility during annual
tection Systems”. NOTE: Initial testing must be done with the design
inspections, and maintenance.
inlet pressure so the proper outlet pressure can be verified.
3. For making adjustments and servicing allow for adequate space
CAUTION: To prevent personnel injury and damage to equipment
around the valve.
check that downstream venting is adequate prior to start-up and test
4. When installing a ZW209FP valve gate valves installed on both inlet and procedures. All adjustments under pressure should be made slowly
outlet are recommended for maintenance allowing for isolation of valve. while under flowing conditions. If the main valve closes too fast it
may cause surging in upstream piping.
5. Position the ZW209FP in line matching the direction of flow as indi-
cated on the valve model tag with the proper direction of flow in the
1. Slowly open the upstream shutoff valve only enough to fill main valve
system. Once attached to line double check all fasteners/bolts in the
assembly and pilot system. Prior to pressurizing the valve assembly it
pilot system and on main valve are tight and there is no damage prior
is also recommended that a ZPI valve position indicator be installed
to pressurizing system.
to aid in verifying proper valve movement.
NOTE: Pressure in some applications can be very high so be thor-
ough in checking and inspecting for proper installation and makeup. 2. As the valve is filling with water, it is necessary to bleed the main valve
and pilot system of air. To vent air, partially open or loosen the highest
6. Valves installed in sprinkler or standpipe systems shall have the fol- plugs or fittings in the system. The ZPI valve position indicator is a
lowing: great location, as it has a test cock at the top to vent air pressure. It
a) Unions or rubber gasket fittings installed immediately upstream may be necessary to bleed system more than once. After removal of
or downstream to permit replacement. air in the system tighten all loose fittings. NOTE: If valve is installed
b) A relief valve (at least ½” size and 175 psi max.) installed on the vertically, it will be necessary to loosen some upper cover bolts until
downstream side and plumbed to a safe drainage. you have vented all the air from the cover chamber.
c) Pressure gauges installed on the inlet and outlet.
d) Shall not be set for less than 50 psi. 3. At this point with the upstream shutoff valve partially open, slowly open
the downstream shut off valve. Flow will begin to occur and pressure
should build up in valve and eventually stabilize.
The Zurn Wilkins ZW209FP utilizes a pressure reducing pilot valve that installs on the discharge side of the control circuitry. The
pilot Model PV-PRD is a direct acting, normally open, spring loaded, diaphragm actuated valve. The operation of the ZW209FP
begins with accurately sizing the valve, then fine tuning the control circuitry by adjusting the PV-PRD to the desired downstream
Inlet pressure is piped to the inlet of the PV-PRD. A sensing line runs internally from the discharge side of the pilot to its lower con-
trol chamber under the diaphragm. Thus, downstream pressure exceeding the preset of the pilot acts to close the pilot valve while
the adjustable spring in the pilot seeks to keep it open. The result is a modulating action in the pilot that is transmitted to the cover
of the main valve. This creates a mirror modulation of the diaphragm assembly in the main valve. Downstream pressure is main-
tained with narrow limits regardless of changing flow rates or varying inlet pressure.
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Maintenance Instructions
MAINTENANCE (Main Valve) assembly can be dismantled. When disassembling be sure to
In addition to complying with UL standard NFPA 25 every five clean, inspect, and save all components. Replace any damaged
years, scheduled preventative maintenance and inspection is components as necessary.
highly recommended. It is also recommended that a repair kit
with a new diaphragm, disc, and o-rings be on hand before 6. Next clean and inspect the seat inside the main valve body.
work begins If excessive water deposits are present fine grit sand paper can
DISASSEMBLY be used to clean. The seat is designed to be removed, but typi-
Warning: With the ability to perform inspections and cally does not require removal. If damage is noticeable or seat
maintenance without removal from the system. It is very is excessively worn, replace the seat before reassembly.
important that all shut off valves be closed and all pres-
sure relieved in the valve before beginning disassembly. 7. Refer to to find ZW209 instruction sheet for
Failure to do so can result in personnel injury or equip- more detailed instructions for disassembly and reassembly of
ment damage. main valve.
1. With all isolation valves closed to the ZW209FP, begin REASSEMBLY
slowly removing flare fitting in the pilot system until residual Prior to reassembly clean, inspect, and replace any parts as
pressure is removed. After excess pressure has been relieved needed.
begin removal of pilot tubing to cover.
1. Using a vise, diaphragm assembly can be held and as-
2. Begin loosening cover bolts and remove cover lifting up sembled in the reverse order as disassembly section.
to slide cover bushing off plunger shaft. For valves larger than
6” it is recommended that lifting lugs and a hoist be used due 2. Clamp valve stem hex in a vise and reassemble diaphragm
excessive weight of the larger covers. assembly. Make sure to center diaphragm on plunger before
placing diaphragm disc. Refer to ZW209 instruction sheet at
3. Once the cover is removed the plunger spring and spring or call product support 877-222-5356 for further
washer can be removed. Then remove the diaphragm assem- assistance.
bly by grabbing the stem or lifting from two sides of the dia-
phragm. Be sure to lift straight up to avoid binding the stem in 3. Once diaphragm assembly is assembled, gently lower
the seat bushing, as damage can occur. NOTE: Again with the stem into seat guide. Rotate diaphragm as needed until bolt
larger size valves 6” and up it is recommended that a lifting lug holes line up with body bolt holes.
and hoist be used to remove larger plunger assemblies.
4. Install spring then the cover. Tighten bolts in a cross pat-
4. Place diaphragm assembly in a vise with the bottom hex tern. Be careful not to pinch the diaphragm when inserting and
secured. Remove the stem nut and inspect threads for dam- tightening cover bolts.
age, corrosion, or pitting.
5. Reattach pilot assembly and tighten all bolts and fitting as
5. After inspecting the stem and removing the nut the diaphragm needed. Test system per UL standard NFPA 25.
2. Next remove adjustment cover (plastic cover), 3/8” adjust- 2
ment bolt with nut, 8 socket head screws around the pilot bell
using a 5/32 hex key, spring, and spring disc. 6 10-32x5/8 SOC HEAD CAP SCREW
22 3
3. Use the 5/32 hex key in the plunger screw and a wrench 8 RELIEF PILOT SEAT, SS
6. After complete disassembly, thoroughly clean and inspect all 11 18 O-RING, BUNA NITRILE NSF LISTED
components before reassembly. Replace any parts as necessary 14 12 19 UL TAG RED, BRASS
after inspection. 20 5/16" INT TEETH LOCKWASHER
13 6
21 5/16-18 DIAPHRAGM NUT
7. The pilot seat generally does not need to be removed, but
22 20-200 PSI SPRING
if after inspection it requires replacement it can be removed
23 3x8-16 JAM HEX NUT
with a 1-1/8” socket.