TSIEG Syllabus
TSIEG Syllabus
TSIEG Syllabus
A premier higher education institution that develops locally responsive, globally competitive and innovative professionals and life-long learners.
The OMSC is committed to produce intellectual and human capital by developing excellent graduates through outcome-based instruction, relevant research,
responsive technical advisory services and sustainable production.
The College of Teacher Education is committed to develop future teachers who will help mold students to become enlightened, efficient, and productive citizens.
COURSE TITLE: Teaching Science in Elementary Grades (Physics and Earth and Space Science)
This course includes spiraling basic science concepts and application of science inquiry in Physics and Earth and Space, strategies in teaching elementary
science, development of instructional materials and assessment. Content topics in Physics include Force and Motion, and Energy while Earth and Space Science
include Geology, Meteorology, and Astronomy.
The BEEd degree program aims to develop highly motivated and competent teachers specializing in the content and pedagogy of elementary education.
Reference No.: OMSC-Form-COL-13 Effectivity date: November 20, 2018 Revision No. 01
1. Internalize the Vision, I. INTRODUCTION ▪ College Code ▪ Self-directed ▪ CMO No. 74, s. ▪ Essay about the
Mission of the Institution, ✓ Revisit, Re orient the ▪ OMSC Files learning and 2017 relationship of
Goals of the CTE and the students on the meaning of ▪ Student Manuals Online discussion ▪ Power Point the VMGO of the
objectives of BEEd the VMGO of the college ▪ Instructor’s Syllabus about VMGO and presentation Institution with
program and Program Objectives ▪ CMO No. 74-s-2017 Core Values of ▪ Laws about Anti- their program
2. Discuss the different ✓ It depths and underlying the OMSC, CTE Hazing, Anti- ▪ Campaign
Republic Acts of GAD demands & about the effects Goals, BEEd Drugs, Tobacco materials about
3. Explain the Core Values of of drugs ( in connection to Program Regulation, and the Republic
OMSC RA 9165 – Dangerous Drugs Objectives, Anti- GAD Acts and Gender
4. Discussion of the Syllabus Act of 2002) Hazing, Anti- ▪ OMSC Handbook and
and determine students ✓ Tobacco Smoking (in Drugs, Tobacco Development.
expectation of the course connection to RA 9211- Regulation, and
Tobacco Regulatory Act of GAD
1 ✓ Hazing (in connection to RA
8049- Anti Hazing Law)
✓ Gender and Development
O-Obedience to God
M- Mindfulness
S- Service Oriented
C- Commitment
I- Integrity and Ingenuity
A- Accountability
N- Nationalism
✓ Course Orientation
✓ Grading System
✓ Requirements
✓ Relevance of the Course
Reference No.: OMSC-Form-COL-13 Effectivity date: November 20, 2018 Revision No. 01
5. explain some highlights of ENHANCED BASIC ▪ Nacino, Romel ▪ Self-directed ▪ Module in ▪ Accomplished
the R.A. 10533, EDUCATION ACT OF 2013 (2021). Learning learning and Teaching Science activities and
familiarize with the concepts 1. Revisiting R.A. 10533 – Module in Online discussion in Elementary assessment in
of the K to 12 Frameworks, Enhanced Basic Education Act Teaching Science about K to 12 Grades (Physics module.
6. discuss some important of 2013 in Elementary Framework and Earth and
highlights of the K to 12 2. Revisiting K to 12 Grades (Physics, Space Science)
Curriculum. Frameworks Earth and Space
7. explain the conceptual SCIENCE CONCEPTUAL ▪ Nacino, Romel ▪ Self-directed ▪ Module in ▪ Accomplished
framework of science, FRAMEWORK AND BASIC (2021). Learning learning and Teaching Science activities and
8. familiarize with the SCIENCE CONCEPTS Module in Teaching Online discussion in Elementary assessment in
learning standards from K to SPIRAL PROGRESSION Science in science Grades (Physics module.
G6, Topic 1: Highlights of Science Elementary Grades conceptual and Earth and
3 9. discuss the spiral Conceptual Framework (Physics, Earth and frameworks and Space Science)
progression of basic science Topic 2: Sequence of Space Science) the basic science
concepts. Domain/Strands per Quarter concepts spiral
Topic 3: Curricular Approaches progression.
Topic 4: The Teaching and
Learning Processes
10. familiarize with the CONTENTS OF ▪ Nacino, Romel ▪ Self-directed ▪ Module in ▪ Accomplished
contents of elementary ELEMENTARY GRADES (2021). Learning learning and Teaching Science activities and
science: Physics and Earth, PHYSICS, EARTH, AND Module in Teaching Online discussion in Elementary assessment in
and Space Science, SPACE SCIENCE Science in about the contents Grades (Physics module.
11. use the science Topic 1: Contents of Elementary Grades of the elementary and Earth and
curriculum guide and the Elementary Grade Science: (Physics, Earth and grades physics Space Science)
most essential learning Force, Motion, and Energy – Space Science) and earth and ▪ Dep Ed’s Science
competencies (MELCs), Science CG-Based space science. Curriculum
12. use and identify the Topic 2: Contents of Guides and
corresponding code for every Elementary Grade Science: Science MELCs
content of elementary Earth and Space Science–
science. Science CG-Based
Topic 3: Contents of
Elementary Grade Science:
Reference No.: OMSC-Form-COL-13 Effectivity date: November 20, 2018 Revision No. 01
19. apply the identified Topic 1: 10 Principles Elementary Grades in elementary and Earth and
principles in designing of Assessment Design (Physics, Earth and grade science. Space Science)
assessment for elementary Space Science) ▪ Dep Ed’s Science
grades science. Curriculum
Guides and
Science MELCs
20. familiarize with the D.O. DepEd Order No. 42, s. 2016: ▪ Nacino, Romel ▪ Self-directed ▪ Module in ▪ Accomplished
No. 42, s. 2016, LESSON PLANNING (2021). Learning learning and Teaching Science activities and
21. apply the different Topic 1: Detailed Lesson Plan – Module in Teaching Online discussion in Elementary assessment in
guidelines in lesson planning A to J Lesson Plan Guide (From Science in about DO No. 42, Grades (Physics module.
from D.O. No. 42, s. 2016. D.O. No. 42, s. 2016) Elementary Grades s. 2016a and and Earth and
Topic 2: Detailed (Physics, Earth and lesson planning. Space Science)
Lesson Plan – A to J Lesson Space Science) ▪ Dep Ed’s Science
Plan Template Curriculum
Guides and
Science MELCs
22. familiarize with the DEMONSTRATION ▪ Nacino, Romel ▪ Self-directed ▪ Module in ▪ Accomplished
different do’s and don’ts TEACHING (2021). Learning learning and Teaching Science activities and
during demonstration Topic 1: Do’s and Module in Teaching Online discussion in Elementary assessment in
teaching, Don’ts during the Science in about Grades (Physics module.
13-17 23. apply the different do’s Demonstration Teaching Elementary Grades demonstration and Earth and
and don’ts, techniques, (Physics, Earth and teaching. Space Science)
strategies, and style during Space Science)
demonstration teaching.
▪ College Code
▪ OMSC Files
▪ Student Manuals
▪ Instructor’s Syllabus
▪ CMO No. 74-s-2017
Reference No.: OMSC-Form-COL-13 Effectivity date: November 20, 2018 Revision No. 01
▪ Bilbao, Purita P. et al. (2019). Teaching Science in the Elementary Grades Volume 1: Chemistry and Biology. LORIMAR Publishing, Inc.
▪ Danac, Alfoso C., and Santos Gil Nonato S. (2010). O-Biology. Rex Bookstore, Inc.
▪ Department of Education. (2016, August). K to 12 Curriculum Guide Science.
▪ Department of Education. (2020). Most Essential Learning Competencies Science.
▪ Ferrer, Lourdes M. (2013). B.E.S.T. (Building Effective Strategies for Teaching) of Science. Rex Bookstore, Inc.
▪ Malenab, Ryan G. et al. (2006). Essentials of Physical Science. Rex Bookstore, Inc.
▪Effective Science Instruction: What Does Research Tell Us? Retrieved on September 11, 2020, from https://files.eric.ed.gov/fulltext/ED521576.pdf
▪McCarthy, John. (August 25, 2014). Differentiated Instruction. Retrieved on September 11, 2020, from https://www.edutopia.org/blog/differentiated-
▪ Republic Act No. 10533 | GOVPH. (2013, May 15). Official Gazette of the Republic of the
Philippines. https://www.officialgazette.gov.ph/2013/05/15/republic-act-no-10533/
▪ Samala, Hazel de Ramos. (n.d.). Spiral Progression Approach in Teaching Science: A Case Study. Retrieved on September 11, 2020, from
▪ Teaching science to elementary students | Tips & strategy. (2019, November 4). Home Science Tools. https://learning-
▪ Tips for teaching science to grades K-2. (2018, January 3). Home Science Tools. https://learning-center.homesciencetools.com/article/tips-for-teaching-
COURSE REQUIREMENTS ▪ Written activities
▪ Leaflets
▪ Video clips
Incomplete Grade:
1. Students who were not able to take the midterm/final examinations will receive an incomplete grade.
2. Incomplete grade should be complied within one year.
Reference No.: OMSC-Form-COL-13 Effectivity date: November 20, 2018 Revision No. 01