Jurnal Ria Vitariani 1117124018 English
Jurnal Ria Vitariani 1117124018 English
Jurnal Ria Vitariani 1117124018 English
Ria Vitariani is with the Information System Department, Engineering Murnawan is with the Information System Department, Engineering
Faculty of Widyatama University, Jl. Cikutra No.204A, Bandung, Indonesia (e- Faculty of Widyatama University, Jl. Cikutra No.204A, Bandung, Indonesia (e-
mail: [email protected]). mail: [email protected]).
finances in accordance with the Decree of the Audit 1) Initial Overview of the Business Process for UM
Board of Republic of Indonesia. Request
3) Values:
The basic values of BPK RI Representatives of West
Java Province are as follows:
a. Upholding independence, institutionally,
organizationally and individually. In all matters
relating to audit work, BPK is free in mental attitude
and appearance from personal, external, and / or
organizational interference which can affect
b. Build the value of integrity by being honest,
objective, and firm in applying principles, values,
and decisions;
c. Building the value of professionalism by applying
the principles of prudence, accuracy, and accuracy,
and guided by applicable standards.
4) Financial Management Team Structure
Kuasa Pengguna
Anggaran (KPA)
Pejabat Penandatangan
PPK Surat Perintah Bendahara
Membayar (PPSPM)
Pejabat / Panitia
Pengadaan Kepala Sub Bagian
Barang/Jasa Keuangan
A. Business process reengineering design in the Advance B. Perancangan BPR pada Proses Pertanggungjawaban UM
Request Process
Treasurer 14 Checking the SPJ Document 15 required from the entire set of MU accountability processes
Category after the BPR is performed for 2,200 Minutes or 36.66
15 Bill UM Returns to a Work Unit if 15 Hours or 4.5 Days.
the UM Payment Overdue
16 Checking the Availability of Cash
in a Safe if the Category is A. Evaluation Result of BPR UM Request
Underpaid UM
17 Pay UM Shortages with UP if 15 Significant changes to the UM Request process that have
Cash is Available in Safe / been implemented by BPRs are as follows.
Balance in the Treasurer Account
1. There is a reduction in the number of activities that were
18 Pay through the UP Replacement
previously carried out by as many as 22 activities
Mechanism if Cash is not
Available in a Safe / Balance in the
required in carrying out the business process of UM
Treasurer Account requests with the time required for 960 Minutes or 16
19 Take notes into BKU on the 60 Working Hours or 2 Working Days to 17 activities with
SILABI Application the time required for 480 Minutes or 8 Working Hours
20 Work Desk on SINTAG 15 or 1 Business Day so as to reduce by 50% the time
Application required;
21 Filing SPJ Documents 90 2. Counter staff is removed, the counter to the SINTAG
22 Collecting and Preparing GUP 480 application is carried out directly by the verifier;
Submission Documents 3. The verifier only checks the suitability of the UM
23 Creating and Printing DRPP GU 60 voucher value with the proposed RAB;
24 Send DRPP files to the SAS 30 4. PPK does not approve UM and RAB Vouchers and does
Application Folder and Print not conduct Workdesk to the SINTAG Application;
DRPP 5. The Bill Testing Officer / PPSPM does not approve the
25 Receiving Disbursement from 60 UM and RAB Vouchers. In addition, it does not certify
KPPN to the Treasurer Account
Check / BG because of the use of Internet Banking;
26 Make a withdrawal to the 110
6. Treasurer of Spending using Internet Banking so as to
Treasurer Account by Bank
minimize cash / cashless withdrawals by using Check /
27 Make a Report on the Delay of the 30
BG; The SILABI application used by the Treasurer of
SPJ UM and the Concept of the Expenditures has been facilitated by recording
Memorandum of Service Delay in transactions through bank transfers as of July 2019. In
Submitting the SPJ UM this case the Kasubbag Finance represents the Billing
Inputer SIK 28 Input the DRPP Details to the SIK 60 Examination Officer / PPSPM as Approver and Releaser
Application Application of financial transactions using Internet Banking. Role as
29 Printing Statement of Shopping 15 an Approver is a party that approves the submission of a
Responsibility (SPTB) transfer list from the Spending Treasurer, while the role
30 Perform Workdesks to the 15 as a Releaser is the party who instructs the Spending
SINTAG Application Treasurer to make a transfer to the transfer list. With the
Inputer 31 Input DRPP Details to SAS 60 module in the SILABI application that has facilitated the
SAS Applications Spending Treasurer directly inputting transactions using
Application 32 Printing SPP 15
the internet banking mechanism, the Spending Treasurer
33 Print SPM 15
in carrying out activities for Recording to the SILABI
34 Sending SPK ADK files to 15
and Archiving Application requires quite a 25 minute
external data storage directory /
period, which was originally for 50 minutes;
35 PPSPM Inject Pin 30 7. There is no direct interaction with the Bank.
36 Delivering SPM Files to KPPN 180 B. Evaluation Result of BPR UM Liability
37 Archiving SPM Documents 60
PPSPM 38 Ratify the SPM Document 75 Significant changes in the MW accountability process
To approve the Office Note and 20 that have been implemented by BPRs are as follows.
39 Instruct Staff to Deliver to PPK
1. There was no change in the number of activities carried
and Work Units
out so that the number of activities still remained as
KPPN Conduct SPM Document 90
Verification Process
many as 42 activities but there was a reduction in the
41 Printing SPM Document Receipt 30 time required from the previous one for 2,400 Minutes
Conduct a Disbursement Process 60 or 40 Hours of Work or 5 Working Days to 2,220
42 Minutes or 37 Hours of Work or 4,625 Working Days
to the Treasurer Account
thereby reducing 7.5% of the time required;
The results of activity time data collection show that the 2. The task of the PPK Staff to check the suitability of the
number of activities required for the MU accountability SPJ UM Value with the UM Voucher is no longer
process after BPR is carried out is 42 activities and the time needed because it is included in the substantive test
conducted by the Verifier. However, this task was of accountability of UM. BPR also has a positive impact,
replaced by checking the date the SPJ Documents were namely supporting and completing the implementation of
submitted. If the SPJ Documents submitted are too late, best practice in the treasury prime service system in
then the matter is conveyed to the Treasurer so that a accordance with the 2016-2020 BPK Renstra
report on the delay in submission of the SPJ UM shall Implementation Plan which outlines efforts to broaden the
be made and then drafted a Service Note for the delay in implementation of best practices through best practice
the SPJ Documents. In the business process of the UM sharing strategies and becomes a baseline performance
accountability before the BPR is carried out, there is no measure by measuring how long something is done (cycle
output in the form of reports and the Office Note for the time) and focuses on the speed of service based on available
delay in SPJ submission. The function of the report and
the Office Note is the delay in submission of the SPJ as
a written warning for violation of the reporting principle
because it can have an impact on the late preparation of
the Institutional Financial Statements;
3. Counter staff is removed, the counter to the SINTAG [1] Aprizal & Hasriani, “Business Process
application is carried out directly by the verifier; Reengineering (BPR) Sistem Penjualan Pada PT
4. There was a change in the mechanism for withdrawing Anugrah Pharmindo lestari,” Feb. 2016.
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using Check / BG to become a bank transfer using Business Process Reengineering Untuk
internet banking facilities from BNI Direct. With the Mengevaluasi, Merekayasa Ulang, Dan
change in the mechanism, the time needed by the Memperbaiki Monitoring Kontrak Pada Pt Pln
treasurer to make transaction payments is shorter, which (Persero) Dist. Jatim Area Malang.,” J. Adm. Bisnis,
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the Head of the Representative Secretariat for approval; Udara International Sam Ratulangi Manado,” vol. 6,
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additional task, namely to ratify the Delay in Submission [5] P. Beynon-Davies, “Business Process Re-
of the SPJ Submission Office submitted by the Treasurer engineering,” in Information Systems Development,
and instruct his Staff to submit it to PPK and the Work London: Macmillan Education UK, 1998, pp. 244–
Unit. 251.
[6] PermenPAN & RB, “PermenPAN & RB No. 12
VII. CONCLUSION Tahun 2011 tentang Pedoman Penataan Tata Laksana
Based on the results of research conducted, conclusions can (Business Process),” 12, 2011.
be drawn including: [7] G. Bowen, “Document Analysis as a Qualitative
1. There are things that affect the suitability and speed of the Research Method,” Qual. Res. J., vol. 9, pp. 27–40,
Aug. 2009.
Prime Treasury Service System in the Financial Sub-
[8] M. K. Sein, O. Henfridsson, S. Purao, M. Rossi, and
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R. Lindgren, “Action design research,” MIS Q.
including overlapping tasks, points and functions as well as
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disbursement methods that require quite a long time. The [9] I. M. Marks and M. G. Gelder, Information Systems
prime treasury service system business process that runs Action Research: An Applied View of Emerging
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minutes or 16 working hours or 2 work days while the [10] M. Coccia, “The Fishbone diagram to identify,
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Minutes or 40 Working Hours or 5 Working Days. 2017.
2. By implementing BPR in the treasury prime service system
in the Financial Sub-Division of BPK, the Representative of
West Java Province cut activities that do not have added
value and made changes to the disbursement method so as
to produce a savings in the amount of activity of 22.7% and
the time needed by 50% for the process of requesting UM
and the time savings needed by 8.3% accompanied by the
addition of output that serves as monitoring for the process