Barrett's Esophagus: Clinical Practice
Barrett's Esophagus: Clinical Practice
Barrett's Esophagus: Clinical Practice
clinical practice
Barrett’s Esophagus
Prateek Sharma, M.D.
This Journal feature begins with a case vignette highlighting a common clinical problem.
Evidence supporting various strategies is then presented, followed by a review of formal guidelines,
when they exist. The article ends with the author’s clinical recommendations.
From the Veterans Affairs Medical Cen- Barrett’s esophagus is a premalignant lesion detected in the majority of patients
ter, Kansas City, MO, and the Division of with esophageal and gastroesophageal adenocarcinoma — cancers that are associ-
Gastroenterology and Hepatology, Uni-
versity of Kansas School of Medicine, ated with a low rate of survival (5-year survival rate, 15 to 20%).1 The incidence of
Kansas City, KS. Address reprint requests esophageal adenocarcinoma has been increasing in the United States.2 In 2009, it
to Dr. Sharma at 4801 E. Linwood Blvd., is estimated that 16,400 new cases of esophageal cancer will be diagnosed in the
Kansas City, KS 64129, or at psharma@ United States, of which approximately 60% will be adenocarcinomas.3 The risk of
esophageal adenocarcinoma is 30 to 40 times as high among patients with Barrett’s
N Engl J Med 2009;361:2548-56. esophagus as among patients without this condition. The progression of Barrett’s
Copyright © 2009 Massachusetts Medical Society.
esophagus may involve the development of low-grade dysplasia and high-grade
dysplasia before the eventual development of cancer.
Barrett’s esophagus is diagnosed in approximately 10 to 15% of patients with reflux
who are undergoing endoscopy; it has also been reported in patients without chronic
reflux symptoms, with a prevalence of 5.6% in one report of endoscopic screening.4
The prevalence of Barrett’s esophagus in the general U.S. population is not known.
In a population-based study conducted in Sweden, Barrett’s esophagus was diagnosed
An audio version
in 1.6% of 3000 study participants.5 If these numbers are applied to the U.S. popu-
of this article
is available at lation, 1.5 to 2.0 million adults may have this premalignant lesion. Risk factors for Barrett’s esophagus include advanced age, male sex, white race, symptoms of reflux,
and obesity. Studies have reported inverse associations between the presence of
Barrett’s esophagus and consumption of red wine, Helicobacter pylori infection, and
black race.6,7
S t r ategie s a nd E v idence
Although endoscopic screening for Barrett’s esophagus in patients with symptoms
of chronic reflux has been suggested by some gastroenterology societies,8-10 such
screening is controversial. Several cohort and case–control studies have shown that
almost half the patients in whom esophageal adenocarcinoma developed had no previ-
ous symptoms of heartburn.11 Although the risk of esophageal adenocarcinoma is
elevated among persons with heartburn as compared with the general population,
Barrett’s esophagus is a metaplastic change in the
esophageal lining from the usual squamous mu-
cosa to columnar epithelium, and is detected on
endoscopic examination as a columnar-lined dis-
tal esophagus (Fig. 1). In healthy persons, the
squamocolumnar junction and the gastroesopha- Figure 1. Endoscopic Detection of Barrett’s Esophagus.
geal junction are located at the same level, whereas TheICM
red, columnar-lined esophagus (arrow) and the
contrast between the squamous (arrowhead) and co-
in patients with Barrett’s esophagus, the squamo- CASE TITLE
lumnar (arrow) epithelium are characteristicRevised
of Bar-
Endoscopic surveillance
twice every yr
Staging endoscopic
mucosal resection
Mucosal cancer Invasive cancer
is placed
over the
Saline is injected
is sucked Snare
below the lesion
into the resects
cap the lesion
tionally been the primary treatment in patients one trial involving 208 patients, the proportion of
with high-grade dysplasia because of a high re- patients in whom high-grade dysplasia remained
ported prevalence of coexisting esophageal adeno- completely eradicated at 5 years was significantly
carcinoma (up to 40% in some surgical series)35 higher in the group of patients randomly assigned
and a high risk of progression of high-grade dys- to photodynamic therapy and omeprazole (20 mg COLOR FIGURE
plasia to cancer. However, a recent systematic twice daily) than in the group randomly assigned Draft 3 11/25/09
Author Sharma
review showed a 12.7% prevalence of invasive to omeprazole alone (77% vs. 39%, P<0.001) 39
Fig # ; 4
esophageal cancer among patients undergoing the group receiving photodynamic therapyTitlealsoEndoscopic
esophagectomy for high-grade dysplasia; this prev- had lower rates of progression to cancer (15% ME vs.
alence was lower than previous estimates. In the 29%, P = 0.03), although the trial was notDE de- Solomon
Artist Knoper
absence of visualization of abnormal mucosal le- 40
signed to test this outcome. In a multicenter,AUTHOR PLEASE NOTE:
sions during endoscopy, the prevalence decreased randomized, sham-controlled trial involving 63 Please check carefully
Figure has been redrawn and type has been reset
to 3.0%.36 Furthermore, metaplastic epithelium patients, the rate of complete eradication of high-
Issue date 12/24/09
may recur after removal of the entire Barrett’s grade dysplasia was significantly higher in the
esophagus segment by means of radical subtotal group of patients assigned to radiofrequency
esophagectomy; in one surgical case series, 47% treatment than in the control group (81% vs.
of patients had subsequent evidence of a columnar- 19%, P<0.001), as was the rate of complete eradi-
lined esophagus.37 Moreover, even in centers with cation of the entire Barrett’s esophagus (74% vs.
expertise in performing the procedure, esophagec- 0%, P<0.001).41 Among patients with esophageal
tomy is associated with substantial morbidity adenocarcinoma, endoscopic eradication therapy
(with complications in 30 to 50% of patients, should be considered only for those with mucosal
including cardiac complications, pneumonia, disease, in whom the rate of lymph-node metasta-
and anastomotic leak or stricture) and mortality sis is extremely low (≤3%); once the cancer in-
(1 to 5%).35,38 vades the submucosa, the risk of lymph-node
The use of endoscopic eradication therapy in metastasis at diagnosis increases to 20 to 25%. In
patients with high-grade dysplasia is supported by a cohort of more than 200 patients with mucosal
the results of two randomized, controlled trials. In esophageal adenocarcinoma who were followed
Surveillance Intervals
Screening Histologic Examination for Nondysplastic
Organization Recommended Required for Diagnosis Barrett’s Esophagus
American College of Gastroenterology No† Yes 3 yr
American Society for Gastrointestinal Endoscopy Yes Yes 3 yr
British Society of Gastroenterology No No 2 yr
French Society of Digestive Endoscopy Not indicated Yes <3 cm, 5 yr; 3–6 cm,
3 yr; >6 cm, 2 yr
Society for Surgery of the Alimentary Tract Yes Yes 2 yr
* For patients with Barrett’s esophagus, proton-pump–inhibitor therapy, antireflux surgery, or both are generally recom-
mended for the control of symptoms of reflux and treatment of esophagitis.
† Screening is not recommended for the general population. In selective populations at increased risk, the decision about
screening should be individualized.
for a mean of 5.1 years after endoscopic eradica- tial role of nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drugs,
tion therapy, the 5-year survival rate was 87%.42 aspirin, and selective cyclooxygenase-2 inhibitors
Endoscopic eradication therapy is not currently in preventing esophageal cancer, confirmatory data
recommended in patients with nondysplastic Bar- from large randomized trials are not available.43
rett’s esophagus. Because of the overall low risk A randomized, controlled trial investigating the
of esophageal adenocarcinoma among patients effects of aspirin and proton-pump–inhibitor ther-
with Barrett’s esophagus, if the procedure is con- apy on neoplastic progression in patients with
firmed to be preventive, the estimated number of Barrett’s esophagus is ongoing (
patients who would need to be treated to prevent number, NCT00357682).44
one case of esophageal adenocarcinoma would be Given the low overall risk of neoplastic progres-
250 or more. In addition, the potential complica- sion of Barrett’s esophagus, there is an interest in
tions of endoscopic eradication therapy (an over- biomarkers that might identify persons at partic-
all rate of 10 to 15%, with complications including ular risk for the development of cancer. Among
chest pain, odynophagia, strictures, perforation, biomarkers reported to be predictive of neoplastic
and bleeding), as well as the lack of evidence that progression are abnormalities in the tumor-sup-
endoscopic eradication therapy prevents the devel- pressor genes CDKN2A (which encodes the cyclin-
opment of cancer and that the eradication is du- dependent kinase inhibitor p16INK4a) and TP53
rable, underscore the need for more data. (which encodes tumor protein p53), and the pres-
ence of tetraploidy or aneuploidy in epithelial
A r e a s of Uncer ta in t y cells.45 In two large prospective studies, the 5-year
cumulative incidence of esophageal adenocarci-
Data are lacking from randomized, controlled tri- noma among patients with Barrett’s esophagus
als assessing the benefits of screening to detect was 43% in patients with aneuploidy, 56% in pa-
Barrett’s esophagus among patients with gastro tients with tetraploidy, and 5% in patients with-
esophageal reflux or of surveillance endoscopic ex- out aneuploidy or tetraploidy.46,47 However, data
aminations among patients with a diagnosis of are needed from large prospective studies to con-
Barrett’s esophagus. Data from placebo-controlled firm the predictive value of these and other mark-
or sham-controlled trials of the effects of medi- ers, and they are not currently used in routine
cal, surgical, and endoscopic therapies on the in- clinical management.
cidence of esophageal adenocarcinoma and mor-
tality are also lacking. In addition, the optimal Guidel ine s
techniques for surveillance and the optimal sur-
veillance intervals for patients with and those with- Guidelines for the management of Barrett’s esoph-
out dysplasia are unclear. Although epidemiologic agus have been published by the American Col-
and experimental studies have suggested a poten- lege of Gastroenterology,9 the American Society
for Gastrointestinal Endoscopy,8 the British Soci- that such therapies reduce the risk of neoplastic
ety of Gastroenterology,16 the French Society of progression. Endoscopic surveillance with detailed
Digestive Endoscopy,17 and the Society for Surgery inspection and systematic biopsies is recommend-
of the Alimentary Tract.10 The strategies proposed ed for most patients with Barrett’s esophagus, but
in this article are generally consistent with these decision making should take into account the pa-
guidelines (Table 2). tient’s age, coexisting conditions, life expectancy,
and the lack of conclusive evidence that surveil-
lance reduces mortality from esophageal adeno-
C onclusions a nd
R ec om mendat ions carcinoma. In patients with nondysplastic Barrett’s
esophagus, after at least two endoscopic exami-
Patients with Barrett’s esophagus, such as the pa- nations with no evidence of disease progression,
tient described in the vignette, should be informed surveillance periods can probably be extended to
that they are at increased risk for the development 3 years. In patients with high-grade dysplasia, en-
of esophageal adenocarcinoma but that this risk doscopic therapies or surgical resection should be
is low. Acid-suppressive therapy (proton-pump in- considered.
hibitors), antireflux surgery, or both are useful in Dr. Sharma reports receiving consulting fees from AstraZen-
controlling symptoms of reflux and healing ero- eca, Santarus, and Takeda and grant support from Given Imag-
ing, Barrx Medical, Olympus, Cogentus, Mauna Kea Technolo-
sive esophagitis in patients with Barrett’s esoph- gies, and Takeda. No other potential conflict of interest relevant
agus, but there is currently no conclusive evidence to this article was reported.
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