Attracted To Intermolecular Forces Part A: Frayer Model of Liquids and Solids
Attracted To Intermolecular Forces Part A: Frayer Model of Liquids and Solids
Attracted To Intermolecular Forces Part A: Frayer Model of Liquids and Solids
Solid Liquid
Density Other Density Other
Characteristics Characteristics
• Diffusion is • no definite shape
High High
extremely slow. • has definite volume
• Least compressible • Particles can move
• Fixed volume and across each other
shape while remaining
• It slightly expands attracted to one
when heated. another.
TASK 1: My Hypothesis
Using what you have learned about the kinetic molecular model of liquids and solids, think of
a question you have about its properties. Create a plan to test your hypothesis. Was your
assumption corrects? If YES, what evidence can you present to support this claim? If NO, cite why?
- What role does the kinetic molecular theory play in describing solid, liquid properties?
- The kinetic energy of solids is lower than that of liquids.
- Yes, It is correct. The fluidity and ability to flow of liquids is one of their most visible features. Liquids
are defined by their volume but not by their shape.
The shapes and volumes of solids are well-defined. Solid particles can move, but only for a short
distance. Solid particles oscillate in their natural state due to their low kinetic energy.
Interaction An
Slightly Very
of an ion Types of Intermolecular interaction
weak Weak
with the among
Forces of Attraction molecules
end of with
another temporary
molecule. dipoles.
Interaction is Forces The attraction of a
inherently weaker than hydrogen atom bonded
intramolecular to a high
interactions like ionic, Hydrogen Bonding electronegativity
covalent, or metallic element, such as
bonds since it is an nitrogen, oxygen, or
intermolecular force fluorine, is an extreme
that operates between example of dipole-dipole
molecules. bonding.
TASK 2: 3-2-1
To reflect on what you have learned about the types of intermolecular forces, complete the exit slip
Viscosity The molecules of The stronger the Record & Water falls in a
liquids’ resistant intermolecular compare the time split second,
to flow when forces, the more in seconds of 1tsp while oil falls in
they difficult for water and 1tsp 10 seconds.
move past each molecules to cooking oil flowing in
Other. move a tall
To each other. Transparent glass.
Boiling Point The temperature The higher the Put a cup of water in It boils after a
at which a liquid's boiling point, as a pot and let it Boil. minute. That is, it
vapor pressure with other has reached its
equals the intermolecular boiling point.
external pressure forces, the
stronger the
What is the most essential Why is it so important? How can you relate it to your
learning you had? daily living?
The experiment that I do is It is important because I am I can use it when I am doing
the most important lesson I've able to recognize and some household chores. I can
learned. understand why certain things identify which properties of
occur. liquids are that.
Differentiate Crystalline from Amorphous Solids using the illustration below. Cite relevant information
to support your answer. Write your answer in the blank provided. Box the key terms that you use in
your sentences.
I learned that crystalline has a regular pattern of arrangement of particles while the amorphous has
particles with irregular shape.
Yes, because basic things that we assume are simple, such as rubber and glass are example of
amorphous solid, we realize that they are not just a simple thing but when we study them and see the
particles that they contain we will surprise about it.