Habtamu Abay - Final Thesis After Diffence
Habtamu Abay - Final Thesis After Diffence
Habtamu Abay - Final Thesis After Diffence
First, I declare that this thesis is my work and that all sources of materials used in this
thesis have been duly acknowledged. This thesis has been submitted in partial fulfillment
of the requirement for the degree of Master of Science water resource and irrigation
engineering (irrigation and drainage engineering) at Arba Minch University. I confidently
declare that I have not submitted this thesis to any other institution anywhere for the
award of any academic degree, diploma, or certificate.
Approved By:
1. Zeleke Agide (PhD) _____________ _____________
External examiner Signature Date
First of all, I would like to thank my Advisor, Asso. Prof. Mekonen Ayana PhD, for his
kind guidance, valuable suggestions, encouragement and insightful comments during
my study and also for his valuable suggestions and remarks.
I also would like to thank to Mr. Selomon Wendatir (MSc) for his support in my
academic career, helpful discussions, valuable suggestions, remarks and encouragement
throughout the fieldwork. Spatial tanks to Mr. Getachewu for his support during field
I want to express my deep appreciation to all Irrigation water users and Water user
associations (WUA) of the Allawuha irrigation scheme for their great support during my
fieldwork and for providing data. My gratefulness also goes to North Wollo Water,
Irrigation and Energy Department (NWWIED).
I would also like to express my sincere thanks to Sirinka agricultural research center, for
the support and help by providing field materials during my fieldwork in the study area.
I would like to acknowledge the Ministry of Water, Irrigation and Energy (MoWIE) for
offering me this chance (the scholarship) to pursue the Master of Science degree in Water
resource and irrigation engineering (irrigation and drainage engineering) programme.
Finally, I would like to thank my Parents who encourage me morally, and also my special
thankfulness goes also my mother, Ethiye Demeke for her support.
I dedicate this thesis document to my families, particularly my mother for her love and
wholehearted cooperation in the success of my life.
BR Branched Canal
FC Field Capacity
CWR Crop Water Requirement
DDR Delivery Duration Ratio
DEM Digital Elevation Model
DPR Delivery Performance Ratio
EASRUP Environmental Assessment & sustainable Resource Utilization Plan
EI Effectiveness of Infrastructure
ERHT Equity Ratio for Head to Tail
ETc Crop Evapotranspiration
ETO Reference evapotranspiration
FAO Food and Agriculture Organization
FSL Full Supply Level
IWMI International Water Management Institute
IW Irrigation Water
IWR Irrigation Water Requirement
MDR Management Delivery Ratio
NWAND North Wollo Agricultural and Natural Resource Department
PA Adequacy of Performance Indicators
PE Equity of Performance Indicators
PD Dependability of Performance Indicators
PF Efficiency of Performance Indicators
PWP Permanent wilting Point
SEARAR Sustainable Environmental & Agricultural Rehabilitation for Amhara
USDA United State Department of Agriculture
WSE Water Surface Elevation
WUA Water User Association
ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS .................................................................................................v
LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS ........................................................................................... vii
TABLE OF CONTENTS ................................................................................................. viii
LIST OF TABLES ...............................................................................................................x
LIST OF FIGURES ........................................................................................................... xi
ABSTRACT ................................................................................................................. xiii
1 INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................1
1.1 Background ................................................................................................................ 1
1.1 Statement of the problem ........................................................................................... 2
1.3 Objectives ................................................................................................................... 3
1.3.1 General objective ................................................................................................. 3
1.3.2 The specific objectives were: .............................................................................. 3
1.4 Research questions ..................................................................................................... 3
1.5 Significance of the study ............................................................................................ 3
1.6 Scope of the study ...................................................................................................... 4
1.7 Structure of the thesis ................................................................................................. 4
2 LITERATURE REVIEW .................................................................................................6
2.1 General ....................................................................................................................... 6
2.1.1 Concept of performance ...................................................................................... 6
2.1.2 The need for performance assessment ................................................................. 6
2.1.3 Goals of performance assessment........................................................................ 7
2.2 Previous studies related to design objectives ............................................................. 8
2.2.1 Irrigation water demand and supply .................................................................... 8
2.2.2 Performance evaluation of irrigation schemes .................................................. 10
2.2.3 Performance gaps and remedial measures ......................................................... 12
2.3 Performance indicators of irrigation system ............................................................ 15
2.3.1 External performance indicators ........................................................................ 15
2.3.2 Internal performance indicators ......................................................................... 16
3. METHODOLOGY ........................................................................................................26
3.1 Description of the study area .................................................................................... 26
3.1.1 Location ............................................................................................................. 26
3.1.2 Land use Pattern ................................................................................................ 27
3.1.3 Climate............................................................................................................... 27
3.1.4 Description about the scheme ............................................................................ 27
3.2. Materials .................................................................................................................. 29
3.3. Data sources and methods of data collection .......................................................... 29
3.3.1 Primary data ....................................................................................................... 30
3.3.2 Secondary data ................................................................................................... 32
3.4. Methods of data Analyses and Interpretation .......................................................... 34
3.4.1 Estimation of irrigation water requirement ....................................................... 35
3.4.2 Evaluation of irrigation water supply versus demand ....................................... 35
3.4.3 Assessing performance indicators ..................................................................... 36
4. RESULT AND DISCUSSION ......................................................................................41
4.1 Irrigation water demand versus supply .................................................................... 41
4.1.1 Irrigation water supply....................................................................................... 41
4.2.1 Irrigation Water Requirements .......................................................................... 42
4.3.1 Evaluation of irrigation water supply versus demand ....................................... 45
4.2 Assessment of water delivery performance ............................................................. 47
4.2.1. Spatial water delivery performance indicators ................................................. 47
4.2.2 Temporal values of water delivery performance indicators .............................. 50
4.2.3 Overall water delivery performance indicators ................................................. 54
4.3 Assessment of maintenance requirement ................................................................. 57
4.3 Identification of the gap and suggestion of the remedial measure ........................... 60
4.3.1 Irrigation water supply with demand ................................................................. 60
4.3.2 Temporal and spatial variation in water delivery system .................................. 60
4.3.3 Maintenance activities in the system .............................................................. 61
5 CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS .........................................................63
5.1 Conclusions .............................................................................................................. 63
5.2 Recommendations .................................................................................................... 64
6. REFERENCE.................................................................................................................66
7. APPENDIX ....................................................................................................................72
Performance assessment in irrigation systems plays a vital role in identifying the gaps and
applying mitigation measures. The water delivery performance of the physical structures
in Allawuha irrigation scheme was not clearly understood so far; hence the objective of
the study was evaluating the hydraulic performance of Allawuha small scale irrigation
scheme. This study was carried out for a single irrigation season from February to June,
2016. Hydraulic performance of the scheme was evaluated by assessing irrigation water
supply versus demand and using 10 internal process indicators classified under water
delivery and maintenance indicators.
As per the results, deficit in supply was observed during April and May, which was 35.16
and 25.53% respectively. However, supply was exceeding the demand by 60.47% during
March. The highest spatial deficit was observed at the last outlet point and the lowest at
the first outlet point. The overall water delivery performance of the canal in relation to
adequacy, dependability, equity and efficiency were found to be 0.56, 0.47, 0.22 and 0.96
respectively. Therefore, water delivery performance of the canals was poor in terms of
adequacy and dependability; however it was good and fair for efficiency and equity
respectively. Similarly, delivery performance ratio and equity ratio for head to tail were
found to be 0.74 and 2.73 respectively. These values indicate, the existing performance of
the main canal was declined as compared with the intended and also management of
delivery was poor from head to tail reach of the system. Maintenance indicators like
water surface elevations ratio, effectiveness of infrastructure and sustainability of
irrigated area were found to be 78%, 28.13% and 97.8% respectively. These values
indicate that, actual water level as well as command area was reduced from initially
designed, and a number of structures initially installed were become nonfunctional.
Based on the results from this study non-proportionality of irrigation water demand with
supply, poor water delivery system, absence of frequent maintenance, and the
management aspects were problems strongly affecting the hydraulic performance of the
scheme. Therefore, it is suggested that, frequent maintenance, optimal crop plan, and
apply a strong water delivery plan are required to mitigate these problems.
Keywords: Hydraulic performance, irrigation water demand and supply, water delivery,
utility and maintenance indicators, Allawuha irrigation scheme.
1.1 Background
Irrigation development is an important tool to inspire the economic growth and rural
development, and it is considered as a cornerstone of food security and poverty reduction
in Ethiopia. Irrigation is one means by which agricultural production can be increased to
meet the growing food demands in the country (Awulachew et al., 2005). Expanding new
irrigation development is one of the best alternatives to consider reliable and sustainable
food security on various scales, through river diversion, constructing micro dams and
water harvesting structures. However, growing population with higher farming intensities,
increasing urbanization, computation of different sectors for water allocation and
environmental concerns have all combined to put pressure on water resources (Robel,
Ethiopia has huge cultivable land; however the irrigated area coverage was about 640,000
hectare (Awulachew, 2010). Currently the government has undertaken development of
several new irrigation projects for enhancement of coverage. However, the performances
of existing irrigation schemes are given less attention for improvement. In the country
small scale community managed irrigation is by far dominating and these schemes play a
vital role in improving the livelihoods of the smallholder farmers. The existing small-
scale community managed irrigation schemes face various problems related to operation
and maintenance, water management and sustainability, these problems have greatly
reduced their benefits and challenged their overall sustainability, so a need arises to
identify which arrangement for water management in community managed irrigation
schemes functions better (Zeleke et al., 2015).
The poor performance of small scale irrigation scheme is existed in Ethiopia; however the
frequent assessment is not common, and also resource management challenges are often
observed in small scale irrigation systems (Yesuf, 2004). In many of these schemes, water
management activities are achieved by the farmers themselves, however they lack
technical expertise to manage their water effectively. The performance of many irrigation
systems are significantly below their potential due to a number of limitations including
poor design, construction, operation, maintenance, and ineffective water control and
measurement structure installation (Mamuye & Mekonen, 2015).
The Amhara region as part of the country has been implementing small scale irrigation
schemes since 1970‟
s. In the region, the extent of irrigation development and their
performances is low. Most of the implemented schemes are suffering from problems
attributed to design, construction, operation and maintenance (Seid, 2012). These led to
reduce the performance of the irrigation schemes over the region. As a result a number of
issues are found to be critical in contributing to the prevailing problems of the structure
and management. Agriculture is the main means of livelihood for the community in North
Wollo. Irrigation development is one of the components of water resource development
over the zone and it can be classified into traditional and modern schemes. However due
to the absence of detailed study, their performance was not clearly understood.
Allawuha small scale irrigation scheme is found in Amhara region, North wollo Zone.
The scheme is serving for farmers to harvest twice a year. The water distribution
approach in the scheme is fixed rotational water delivery scheduling, yet the water control
and regulating mechanisms are traditional using barriers like leaves and stones. Hence,
appraisal of the performance of water delivery system and the level of maintenance
requirements of the scheme becomes vital to ensure the good functioning of the irrigation
The water delivery performance of the canals, the delivery of a fair share of water to the
user, and the level of maintenance requirement of the system is not clearly understood.
Hence, assessing the hydraulic performance of the schemes has now become a paramount
importance, not only to point out where the problem lies, but also to identify alternatives
for effective and feasible improvement of irrigation system performance. So far,
specifically in the study area there is no any assessment done regarding hydraulic
performance. Therefore, the aim of this study was to evaluate the hydraulic performance
of Allawuha small scale irrigation scheme, in North Wollo.
1.3 Objectives
1.3.1 General objective
The overall objective of this study was to evaluate the hydraulic performance of
Allawuha small scale irrigation scheme in North Wollo.
To assess the water delivery performance of the canal in terms of spatial and
temporal water delivery performance indicators.
To identify the performance gaps and recommend remedial measure that will
improve irrigation system performance.
How does the existing water supply in the canal affect the spatial and temporal
water delivery performance of the system?
How does the maintenance indicator show the level of maintenance requirement
of the physical structures in the system?
important to measure and evaluate their success or failure actually and identifies specific
areas needed to be improved, (2) it is of great interest to know how the existing water
delivery structures in the scheme is actually performing at this occurrence and to
determine whether the farmers are satisfied or not with the irrigation service, and (3)
the study is vital to forward a potential information and recommendation based on the
final finding of the study, beside to give information for those who want for further study
and needed to aware the community how the irrigation system could be sustained. Hence,
this study provides to different stakeholders; system managers, farmers and policy makers
a better understanding of how a system will be managed.
Under this chapter, the review of related literature on three subsections such as general,
which is a highlight about performance assessment, reviewing important documents
related to design objectives, and performance indicators which can be used to determine
the extent to which design objectives are achieved. However, detail discussion is focused
on proposed objectives and the indicators that are used to evaluate the performances of
irrigation system.
2.1 General
Efficient operation and management for small scale irrigation system plays an important
role in the sustainability of irrigated agriculture. Hence, irrigation project performance
studies are being used with increasing frequency to encourage this objective.
Furthermore, performance analysis is an essential part of management, it is needed to
target and monitor actual achievements in the operation and take appropriate actions if
required. Performance of an irrigation system could be assessed for a number of reasons,
some of the needs are; to assess development against strategic goals of a system, to
improve operations, to evaluate impact of water delivery service on the whole
performance of the agricultural sector, to recognize cost effectiveness and financial
viability of the system, and for comparison of one with other irrigation systems (Molden,
Griffiths and Lecler (2001) state that the objectives of the performance evaluation in an
irrigation system are: (1) to control the system for functioning it according to farmer
expectations and design specifications in terms of the amount of water applied, and
thereby to provide a basis for improved irrigation scheduling, (2) to fix how much
variation in the amounts of water applied and whether or not the measured variation has a
significant impact on crop yields, deep percolation, runoff losses, fertilizer application
and usage as well as production cost, (3) to determine the causes of the variation in
applied water and to investigate and recommend cost effective remedial action, (4) to
assess whether or not the conveyance system is sized within design norms that were based
on a fair balance between capital and operating costs, (5) to suggest the remedial solution
(recommendations) to improve on any aspects that would result in the effective use of
water and energy.
2.2 Previo us Studies
Shfique (1991) states that the actual irrigation water requirement are computed based on
crop water needs using an empirical relation on monthly bases and manual measurement.
He concluded that, irrigation water requirement varies with time in a very explicit manner
which is maximum in October, two-third October in November and one-third October in
The irrigation requirements (IR) are computed by adding the daily ETc between
consecutive irrigation events and subtracting effective rainfall (FAO, 1997). It includes
water consumed by crops (ET crop) plus losses during the application of irrigation water
and the quantity of water required for leaching. The volume of water required (Vr) at each
measurement location is the product of IR and the cropped area served by assuming an
irrigation efficiency of 60 percent (Bos et al., 1991). Binoy et al. (2013) calculating the
values of crop water requirement for different crops at different measuring points for the
different weeks, authors concluded that considerable reduction in the crop water
requirement due to rainfall.
Ullah et al. (1998) assessed and compared available irrigation water supplies to the crop
water demand at Pabbi minor of the Warsak gravity canal. They found that that at all
outlets, crops demand exceeded the available water supply, which occurred due to non-
availability of adequate amount of water and having a large cultivable command area.
Therefore, cops demand was higher and exceeded the available water supply; hence the
major proportion of the area was left fallow. Similarly, Iqbal (1995) found that, more
water is supplied as compared to crop demand in the head of minor, whereas demand is
higher than supply in the middle due to greater cultivable command area. However, in tail
of minor supply was in excess of the requirement as a result of a small cultivable
command area. So, an equitable supple of water is ensured to all the farmers in an
irrigation unit throughout the year, by means of comparing irrigation water demand with
supply by finding out the actual crop water requirement is very crucial.
adequate and actual irrigation water supply is poorly matched with crop water demand. In
this particular study the average annual irrigation supply is in excess of demand.
Surendran et al. (2015) attempted to compute the crop water requirements using
CROPWAT 8.0 model of FAO and comparing the same with the available water
resources of the district. The authors found that utilizable water resources of the district
are less than the requirement, which created a deficit scenario.
Irrigation performance indicators mainly show the key aspects of equity, productivity,
adequacy, reliability, and ecological sustainability in which the water is delivered to and
used within the irrigation scheme (Bos et al., 1994; Murray-Rust & Snellen, 1993).
Different methodologies using performance indicators in recent times were summarized
by Bos et al. (2005) who distinguished between strategic and operational irrigation
performance. Based upon the results of the operational irrigation performance, irrigation
performance indicators facilitate developing the long term strategic plan. Essafi (1995)
include mainly socio-economical and hydraulic performance indicators in irrigation
systems, including productivity, social stability, financial and economic criteria,
effectiveness, efficiency, equity, reliability, and general welfare criteria.
quantify and test multidisciplinary performance indicators. Gorantiwar and Smout (2005)
summarized performance measures proposed by various researches into allocation type
and scheduling types. Allocation type of performance measures are productivity and
equity, while scheduling type includes adequacy, reliability, flexibility, efficiency and
Tariq and Kakar (2010) suggested that variation in discharges along the outlet has
increased. Irrigation water supply in the head outlet was more than demand; however the
remaining outlets supply was getting the discharge less than the demand. Therefore,
farmers are unable to supply their crop with adequate irrigation. For this evaluation,
hydraulic performance indicators such as; delivery performance ratio, adequacy, equity,
and relative water supply are used for making these calculations.
Korkmaz et al. (2009) evaluated the water delivery performance of irrigation system
using variables measured on-site. Authors suggested that, to improve the water delivery
performance of the system, it is necessary to reduce water conveyance losses, increase the
water application efficiency and apply prepare water distribution plans. The following
water delivery performance indicators like adequacy, efficiency, dependability, and
equity were used for this evaluation. Korkmaz and Avci (2012) was mad a similar study
and they recommend that to improve water delivery performance water should be
delivered in a planned way, systems should be established to monitor soil moisture and
that farmers should be given training in efficient irrigation.
Singh et al. (2013) was made a study to assess the performance of irrigation water
management. They found that without any change in cropping pattern in the command
area, irrigation system has yielded low returns and the physical performance of the left
side of irrigation scheme is not satisfactory. It was due to poor operation of water
distribution, improper functioning of diversion structures and there is less involvement of
farmers in the water management of the scheme. Authors suggested that suitable
permanent diversion structure should be constructed and lined feeder channel could be
Zeleke et al. (2015) utilized and refined a set of evaluation indicators to describe the
water delivery performance of the Metahara large-scale irrigation scheme. They found
that the water delivery performance of the scheme was poor. Lack of adequate knowledge
on the operation and management of the system was the main case to achieve poor
efficiency and inequity. Adequacy, efficiency, equity and dependability were used as
indicators of water delivery performance. Upadhyaya et al. (2009) stated the problems
related to water allocation, distribution and utilization is due to technical, social,
managerial, hydraulic, institutional and financial issues, which affect wide application in
canal water supply and crop water demand. These leads to inadequacy, irregularity, and
unreliability in canal water supply.
Nam et al. (2016) assessed the water delivery efficiency in irrigation canals using
hydraulic performance indicators. They found that the spatial and temporal water
distribution in the physical structures, mainly affected by management and operational
practice. Authors, provide an insight into methods for irrigation management needed in
order to improve the temporal uniformity and equity in the water distribution by
evaluating the efficiencies of water supply and delivery.
gap, find the cause for the gap, and take corrective measures. Therefore, suitable
performance assessment criterion has to be developed and appropriate performance
indicators have to be identified (Bandara, 2006). Four types of potential performance gaps
could be occurred within irrigation systems these‟re
(1) Technological performance gap;
this is when the infrastructure of an irrigation system lacks the capacity to deliver a given
hydraulic performance standard. The normal solution to technology, performance gaps is
to change the type, design or condition of physical infrastructure. (2) Performance gap
occurred when a difference arises between how management procedures are supposed to
be implemented and how they are actually applied. This includes such problems as how
people adjust gates, maintain canals and report information. This can be called a gap in
implementation performance. A problem of this kind generally requires changes in
procedures, supervision or training. (3) The third kind of performance gap is a difference
between management targets and actual achievements. Examples of management targets
are the size of the area served by irrigation in a given season, cropping intensity,
irrigation efficiency, water delivery schedules and water fee collection rates. This can be
called a gap in achievement. Such problems are generally addressed either by varying the
objectives or increasing the capacity of management to achieve them, such as through
increasing the resources available or reforming organizations. (4) Impacts of
management; this is a difference between what people think should be the ultimate effects
of irrigation and what actually results.
Styles and Marino (2002) applied and refined a set of evaluation indicators that can be
used to describe the irrigation performance of sixteen international irrigation projects in
less developed countries. They suggested that, modernized irrigation design can
positively impact on the irrigation project performance, therefore both management and
structural/hardware improvements are needed.
Attentions to the corrective measures are very useful to improve low performance.
Command area expansion works for efficient on farm water management are enhanced in
a participatory manner, however their performance of the irrigation system is forced by
among other factors; like poor water delivery systems. Adequacy of water supply, equity
of water distribution and dependability of water supply constitutes the main performance
indicators of water delivery systems. These indicators are interrelated, though treated
separately and their assessment fully describes irrigation performance in respect of
water delivery (Murray-Rust & Snellen, 1993 and Bos et al., 1994).
Efficient operation and management in irrigation scheme plays an important role in the
sustainability of irrigated agriculture (Mishra et al., 2001). However, traditional irrigation
management problems include water distribution systems with less capacity than the peak
demand, irregular delivery rates, and low irrigation efficiency and uniformity, absence of
frequent maintenance are the main constraints to achieve high performance. The major
reason for the low performance of irrigation systems is an inaccurate water distribution
due to the lack of a good monitoring system for water delivery. Therefore, it is necessary
to reduce water conveyance losses, increase the water application efficiency and prepare
water distribution plans (Korkmaz et al., 2009).
Haque et al. (2004) developed an irrigation water delivery-scheduling model to
increase irrigation efficiency, by comparing the observed and computed irrigation
delivery values for the main season and off-season. The outcome showed that the
observed values are higher than the computed values, this indicats an excess water
supply in the field than the demand. Therefore, irrigation water delivery schedules
would save a considerable amount of irrigation water during the main season and off-
Deficiency in irrigation water supply for the seasonal cropping demand affects crop yield,
however improvements in the performance of the irrigation water delivery systems have
the potential of increasing the irrigated area, minimizing conflicts among users and
increasing crop production at farm level. Harris (2006) studied on improvements in water
management. He suggested that changing the operational rules for the existing
infrastructure, effective maintenance of the existing irrigation and drainage infrastructure
was an alternative way to improve the efficiency of water management and increase crop
yield. Ortega, et al. (2005) presents the main methodological aspects of improving water
management. To improve the water management, the farmer must follow more technical
irrigation scheduling criteria.
Evaluation of irrigation systems helps to identify the management aspects (Clemmens and
Bos, 1990) and systems that can be effectively implemented to improve the irrigation
efficiency. Hamdy (2007) suggest that the performance of irrigated system is
unsatisfactory due to reasons such as underutilization of irrigation services, poor system
management. The gap between the government and the beneficiaries is often too distant
to enable efficient and responsive management and inadequate maintenance of
Kuscu (2009) suggest some corrective measures to improve the low performance of the
Karacabey Irrigation scheme. Some of them are efficient water management, all activities
in the irrigation network should be monitored and checked, technical requirements should
be met, training and extension should be enhanced, evaluations should be performed on a
daily and seasonal basis and the results should be delivered to the relevant individual and
institutions with an efficient monitoring and evaluation system.
Bos et al. (2005) states that, water related external performance indicators are categorized
as water balance, water service and maintenance. The authors advise that these indicators
could be presented either as a function of time or with respect to their spatial distribution.
The external performance indicators are, however insufficient for decision making,
planning and control operations in a self-motivated irrigation environment. They do not
reflect all dimensions of organizational performance in a balanced and integrated
framework, hence the need to include financial and environmental indicators (Greaves,
2007; Jusoh et al., 2008). Burt and stles (2004) emphasized that external indicators by
themselves do not provide any insight into what must be done to improve performance or
Hydraulic performance measures are introduced as functions of defined state variable and
are used to indicate the state of system performance relative to the objectives of
adequacy, efficiency, dependency, and equity of water delivery. Molden and Gats (1990)
describe performance measures for use in evaluation and design of new or rehabilitated
irrigation water delivery system. Clemmens (2006) states that hydraulic performance
indicators are useful tools for understanding the internal operational processes that affect
water distribution and delivery, and hence contribute in finding ways to improve the
water delivery process.
Internal performance indicators used to assess internal processes, i.e. water delivery
systems. Clemmens (2001) states that water delivery performance indicators are useful
tools to understand the internal operational processes of the system. Internal indicators
enable a comprehensive understanding of the processes that influence water delivery
service and the overall performance of a system (Renault et al., 2007). Hence, they are
useful to show what would have to be done to improve the internal and hence the external
performance. Water delivery indicators are evaluating whether the system delivers water
at the required rate at the right place and time and to assess whether the water delivery
service is healthy. Adequacy (PA), Efficiency (PF), Equity indicator (PE) and
Dependability indicator (PD) are the main indicators of internal water delivery
Adequacy indicators
Adequacy is influenced by water availability at the source, delivery capacity and the
operational situation of the scheme (predictable water demand in relation to supply) and
type of the division system. Adequacy of water delivery is a measure of the degree to
which water deliveries meet soil-plant water requirements. It can be managed by
matching cropping plans and calendars with estimated seasonal water availability before
the start of the season or by adjusting operational targets in reaction to actual demand
during the season (Sagardoy et al., 1986; Murray-Rust & Snellen, 1993).
∑ ( ∑ )
Where, pA =QD/QR, If QD≤ QR, otherwise PA
indicator, T is time and R is site where canals are located, QD is actual amount of water
delivered by the system and QR is the amount of water required for crop consumptive
Equity indicators
Equity, as related to water delivery system can be defined as the delivery of the fair
shares of water to the users throughout the system. Equitable water distribution is attained
when the ratio of water delivery to head outlets to the outlet at the tail outlets equal to
one. In irrigation system water delivered to the beneficiary farmers in an equitable
manner in its command area to ensure maximum agricultural production. Equity of water
distribution is the operational objective of the canal irrigation system in Pakistan (Bhutta
et al., 1992).
Equity of water distribution is a share of each individual or considered fair by all the
system members. A perfectly equitable distribution will result if all locations receive an
adequate water supply or if each location receives the same supply or what they are
entitled to. The water allocation process principally affects the equity performance
indicator (Murray-Rust & Snellen, 1993; Tariq & Kaka, 2004). Equity indicator (PE) is
given as (Molden & Gates, 1990);
∑ ( )
This measure describes the degree of variability in relative water delivery from point to
point over the region. The closer value of PE to zero, the greater the degree of equity.
Dependability indicators
The farmer should not only get the required amount, but also should get it in time. If
water is not available at the right time it may lead to total crop failure. Dependability of
water supply is an appearance of confidence in the irrigation system to deliver water as
promised and is indicative of the timeliness and adequacy of deciding deliveries (Rey et
al., 1993; Makadho, 1994).
According to Murray-Rust and Snellen (1993) dependability deals with the quality of the
irrigation service rather than the quantity and it covers both the reliability of discharges
and timing of deliveries (predictability). Dependability of water delivery is an indicator
for the degree of conformity of water deliveries to prior expectations. This implies the
achievement of temporal uniformity of the relative water delivery over a region R.
Dependability is influenced by the mode of water delivery and type of distribution
system. Depending on the mode of water delivery, variability and predictability of water
supply are important aspects of dependability.
∑ ( )
Where PD is dependability indicator over a time period T for a region R, and CVT is the
temporal coefficient of variation of the ratio QD/QR over time T. Table 1 shows the
performance standards of the indicators.
Efficiency indicators
Efficiency (PF) is the conservation of water resource which plays an important role in
water delivery for the authority and government because water saved may result in less
expenditure on infrastructure and can possibly be allocated to fully meet the existing
requirement or irrigate more land (Paul, J.M., 1996). Then, delivery system for which PF
values range between 0.7 and 0.84 is measured as fairly efficient (Molden & Gates,
Efficiency values indicate that the proportions of excess water lost as deep percolation to
saline groundwater. The off taking efficiency indicators hence that the excess water
diverted is lost in the main system (seepage), into the drainage within the system (mainly
to saline groundwater and part of it back to the river), and at system tail end (to saline
marshes) (Zeleke et al., 2015).
Efficiency is defined as the ratio of the volume of water required for a specific purpose to
the volume of water delivered for this purpose. It is commonly interpreted as the volume
of water stored in the soil for evapotranspiration compared to the volume of water
delivered for this purpose (Mohsen et al., 2012; Binoy et al., 2013). The ratio is given as:
∑ ( ∑ )
( )
Where PF is the special and temporal average of the ratio QR/QD indicator over an
area R and time period T for a specific time.
After computation of PA, PE, PD and PF values, the water delivery canals are evaluated
based on water delivery performance indicators standards developed by Molden & Gates,
(1990), given in Table 2.1.
Deficiency indicator
If water does not arrive at farms in an adequate and timely amount, crop yields may suffer
and farm net returns may decrease. Assessment of the deficiency is given as the ratio of
water deficiency to the required amount. The degree of deficiency (D) is extra parameter
that the farmer is more concerned so that he or she can take safety measures to meet it.
Knowledge of the amount of deficiency is a quantitative measure of
of users. Estimation of deficiency is given as the ratio of water deficiency to the required
amount. A measure of deficiency is considered as the temporal and spatial average
of the ratio of (QR-QD) and QR (Binoy et al., 2013).
∑ ( ∑ )
Where PDF is deficiency indicator over the system S and time period T and (QD-
QD)/QD is deficiency indicator at a point for a specific time. The expression gives water
deficiency over the system in each period and overall deficiency over the period.
The amount of irrigation water supply can be evaluated using water delivery
performance. It is the ratio of the actual volume of delivered water to the intended. Bos et
al. (1991) provided the use of average seasonal values of the ratio of intended and actual
volumes of water delivered to the tertiary units in a performance evaluation of a
secondary channel of an irrigation scheme.
The delivery performance ratio enables a manager to determine the extent to which water
is actually delivered as intended during a selected period and at any location in the
system. It is obvious that if the actual delivered volume of water is based on frequent flow
measurements, the greater the likelihood that managers can match actual to intended
flows. To obtain sufficiently accurate flow data, discharge measurement structures with
water level recorders must be available at key water delivery locations (Bos, 1989). To
facilitate the handling of data, recorders that write data on a chip are recommended
(Clemmens et al., 2001).
Delivery performance ratio (DDR) is the simplest, and yet probably the most important,
operational hydraulic performance indicator (Clemmens & Bos, 1990; Molden & Gates,
1990; Bos et al., 1991). DPR in irrigation system indicates the problems related to
sediment deposits, erosion, vegetation, e.t.c of some water conveyance structures.
Generally delivery performance ratio is the ratio of the amount of actual delivered to the
intended amount of water to be delivered. The ratio is given as;
∑ ( )
Where Qa: Actual discharges based on daily water level measurement for n days, Qd:
Design or intended discharges of irrigation water n; number of monitoring period.
It can be assumed that, if the delivery performance ratio value is close to one, it indicates
that the management input is very high and the canal keeping its operational condition as
its intended level (Boss et al., 2005).
Non restricted water allocation and supply practiced and non-fixed water rights lead to
inequitable water distribution between the head and middle reaches of the main canal.
Murray Rust and Halsema (1998) derived similar results from the performance evaluation
study of Kalpani distributary and decided almost irrespective of the inflow conditions;
upper end outlets receive more than the tail one.
Equity ratio for head to tail (ERHT) is both conveyance and water delivery indicator. It
focused on the equity of water distribution for head and tail at different levels of a system.
Bhutta and Vander Velde (1992) stated that irrigation system of Lower Chanab canal was
inequitable and supplies to the tail outlets were typically three to six times less than the
head outlets. ERHT indicator can assist to identify head and tail difference at each level
of the system or subsystem; and hence to address problems as a result. An equity ratio for
head to tail (ERHT) components of a distribution sub-system is given as:
∑ ( )
( )
∑ ( )
Table 2.2: Range of performance indicators for equity ratio for head to and delivery
duration ratio ERHT and DDR; (Molden & Gates, 1990); Mohsen et al., (2012).
Maintenance of irrigation and drainage systems intend to accomplish the following main
purposes: (1) Assure safety related to failure of infrastructure, keep canals in sufficiently
good (operational) condition to minimize seepage or clogging, and sustain canal water
levels and designed head–discharge relationships (2) Keep water control infrastructure in
working condition (Boss et al., 2005). The hydraulic performance of the scheme could
also be evaluated through maintenance performance indicators; Maintenance indicators
give practical information on the sustainability of the intended water level. It was
estimated through the indicators recommended by Bos et al. (1993); Bos (1997); Kloezen
& Garces (1998); and Bos et al. (2005). It states that the maintenance innovations of in
irrigation system have a duty of undertaking for the purposes of safety improvement,
keeping water control, distribution and other infrastructures in good working condition to
design in sustainable base.
The physical structure in the system becoming non-operational due to broken of structure,
change of canal cross-section, scouring of canal section, missing of flow control and
distribution facilities, damaging of the structure, sedimentation and weed growth
(Samad &Vermillion, 1998; Vermillion et al., 1999). Proper maintenance enables the
keeping of water level control and distribution infrastructure in good working condition
(Mamuye & Mekonen, 2015).
Maintenance performance inspection of the scheme would provide to insight the feature
of the preservation of the system. Bos et al. (1993) state that the maintenance innovations
in irrigation system have a duty of undertaking for the purposes of safety improvement,
keeping water control, distribution and other infrastructures in good working condition to
design in sustainable base. The maintenance indicators are computed using the following
parameters like water surface elevation ratio, effectiveness of infrastructure and
sustainability of irrigable area.
This indicator provides to foresee the impact of sedimentation and erosion problems
on the physical irrigation system, if any of the situations were happen i.e. the rise or
drop of the WSE, which indicates that the maintenance are being required (Shafique,
1993). It was computed by taking the actual water depth from the canal bottom and
comparing it with the design water depth at the same position in the main canal. The
parameter is defined by measuring the actual water surface elevation at the intended water
level recorded below the full supply level (FSL). Water surface elevation ratio (WSER)
can be calculated as:
Where, AWSE is actual water surface elevation at Full Supply Level; IWSE is intended
or designed water surface elevation at Full Supply Level.
The value of WSER is equal to or close to 1.00, the main canal is keeping of water level
in good working condition and the main canal is free of sediment accumulation and not
affected by erosion. A value of WSER greater than one indicates an erosion problem. A
value of WSER is less than one, shows a probability of increasing canal bad level due to
siltation and weed incidence in a canal (Boss et al., 1993).
Effectiveness of infrastructure
The intensity with which the irrigated area is cropped traditionally is a function of the
number of crops per year grown in an irrigated area. For cropping patterns of various
crops with widely different lengths of the growing period, and for plantations, however,
this cropping intensity is not well-defined. To quantify the „te
by a crop it is recommended to use the ratio of actual irrigated area to design. Within the
irrigated area, several negative impacts (waterlogging, salinity and water shortage due to
competitive use) cause a reduction of the actually irrigated area (Boss et al., 2005). A
further reduction of the cropped area is related to population growth and urbanization,
road construction, etc. Parameters of physical sustainability of the irrigated area that can
be affected by irrigation managers relate primarily to over-or under-supply of irrigation
water, leading to waterlogging or salinity.
Irrigated area sustainability refers to the percentage of change in irrigated area over the
period of years (Gorantiwat & Smout 2005). Sustainability of irrigated area (SI) is
measured as the ratio of existing area under irrigation to the planned irrigated area (Bos,
1997). The ratio is given as:
Where, AIA is actual irrigated area (ha) and DIA is designed irrigated area (ha).
3.1 Description of the study area
3.1.1 Location
Allawuha small scale irrigation scheme is found in Amhara Regional State of Ethiopia,
North wollo zone, in Allawuha kebelle; about 13 km far from northern part of Woldiya
town along Addis Ababa-Mekele highway. It is located about 535km far away from the
capital city of Ethiopia. The scheme is geographically located between 11° 53' 40" N to
11053' 42" N Latitude and 39° 41' 10" E to 39° 40' 10" E longitude, has an estimated total
area of 296 hectares. The altitude in the study area varies from 1390 to 1420 meters above
sea level (Masl). The area has only one agro-ecological zone, namely lowland (Kolla)
550-1500 Masl.
3.1.2 Land use Pattern
Most of the lands in north wollo zone are under extensive cultivation with increased land
pressure. Most of the area was suffering from deforestation and agricultural areas are now
limited for cultivation. However, the study area is surprisingly covered agro forestry, fruit
trees, cereal crops etc. Farming methods with mulching, inter cropping pattern, agro
forestry and shifting cultivation are also well practiced.
3.1.3 Climate
In the North wollo zone the highland areas (Dega and Weinadega) are mainly dependent
on Belg rain. However, the study area is characterized by Kolla agro ecological zone and
rain fall is dominant in meher season. For their crop production, water requirements
depend on maximum and minimum rainfall of 16.63 and 196.97mm, respectively. On the
other hand, the average monthly temperature ranges between 21°c to 25°c. According to
the data collected from Sirinka Agriculture Research Center (which is located about 10km
south of Woldiya town), a bi-modal nature of rainfall is characterized most parts of
Gubalafto woreda as well as the study area (Allawuha). Usually, it occurs from June to
September (during summer season) and a distinct dry season follows from September to
January follows. The short rainy season (Belg) occurs between February and April, while
the long rainy season (Meher) occurs between June and September. The catchment where
the study area located is characterized by unreliable rainfall which varies from 486 mm to
693 mm annually. For the past three decades, an erratic distribution of rainfall has been
the major climatic factor affecting crop yield in the area.
To divert water into the scheme through the main canal at Alawuha river, SEARAR was
constructed ogee shaped weir, it is located at the neck of the river course where elevation
at which a maximum of land could be commanded to supply irrigation water through
gravity. The total potential irrigable area of the scheme was about 302.64 hectare (ha);
however currently the scheme has 296 ha irrigated areas of land serving about 1431
households out of this 1264 are male and 167 are female within two kebeles; 04 and 03,
namely Lay-Alawuha and Lasetegerado respectively.
The source of water for the scheme is the Allawuha River. The river originates from the
highlands in the western part of Gidan and Gubalaf woredas and joins into Awash River.
Water is diverted from the Allawuha River in to the scheme through two diversion head
works (ogee type weir) with gated regulators (on the left and right bank of the river),
called main intake. The current investigation focused only on the main diversion on the
right bank. This intake supply water with a maximum and minimum flow of about 430
and 720 l/s respectively for 302.64 ha of land (Potentially irrigable area). However,
currently about 296 ha area of land is irrigated.
Available irrigation water is supplied through the primary canal, and extends it up to the
entire irrigated land. And then, water is passes through the secondary off take and
distributed into five delivery canals. The full length of main canal covers about 1.5 km
length from head regulators to the tail reach. The shortest distance of irrigated farm land
from the source is 0.5 km at Lay-Alawuha (04 Kebele), while the longest distance is 1.5
km sited at Lasetegerado (03 Kebele).
Irrigation water management associations in the scheme were started in 1998, and they
are responsible to manage the overall activities in the scheme, including resolving
conflicts for water sharing between upstream and downstream users. However it was
newly organized in 2003 and they call it water users association (WUA) which is
established by users. WUA manage in all aspects in the tertiary unit system, including
field water delivery schedules, collection of fees, scheduling routine maintenance, resolve
conflicts for water sharing between farmers or groups of farmers, penalty procedures for
failure to abide by the rules and regulations. Irrigation water fee is collected by WUA for
operation and maintenance activities, then users have been paid irrigation water fees for
representative committees those who manage and run the scheme. An individual user
pays a water fee of 2.50 birr per year for 0.13 hectare of irrigated land. However, this
collected fee from users was not covering the cost of operation and maintenance
activities. The WUA has an executive committee comprising of chairperson, vice chair,
secretary, treasurer (Banker), and three members.
According to the available data from the Department of North Wollo Agriculture and
Natural Resource, the major crops cultivated during the short rainy season (Belg); in
order of importance are barley, teff and lentils. During the main rainy (Meher) season the
most important cultivated crops are sorghum, maize, wheat, chick peas, faba and beans.
Maize, sugarcane and teff cover the largest portion of cultivated land under irrigation.
The production pattern differs considerably among irrigation users. Although the total
irrigated area during the short rainy season was small as compared with the rain fed
fields, most of the farmers cultivate food crops, while very few cultivate vegetables and
3.2. Materials
The materials used in this study are summarized as follows: discharge measurement
instrument like 90o angle V-notch, measuring tape meter and staff gauge, DEM (Digital
Elevation Model) and GPS instrument. Software such as ArcGIS 10.1 and CROPWAT
8.0 have also been used. Digital camera was used to capture the pictures or images during
fieldwork. Moreover, design document of the Alawuha irrigation project has been used to
collect some important data.
3.3.1 Primary data
The primary data are collected directly from the field. Such activity includes; discharge
measurement using V-Notch, measurement of actual water surface elevation in the main
canal, and filed observations. The detail procedures discussed in the following sections.
Flow measurement is one of the main activities of data collection. In this study, V-Notch
was used to measure canal irrigation water supply. The flow measurements were taken for
the secondary off take locations on the main canal. The main canal was sampled to
represent the major head, middle and tail conditions. A 90o V-Notch in each outlet point
of the main canals were installed at the flow measurement location (Figure 3.4) and
frequent readings were taken on four days per month (twelve days per three months) from
March to May. The flow discharge in the canals was resulting from the depth-flow
relationship of Notch was calculated for free flow conditions. The measurements were
taken at the main canals, just after abstraction points along the branched (distribution)
canals. The actual measured values of the flow were converted into an average monthly
rate. The method for measuring canal irrigation water supply using 900 V-notch is
discussed as follows;
The V-notch is thin-plate weir, also called triangular weir, has an overflow edge in the
form of an isosceles triangle. V-Notch is typically installed in open channels such as
streams to determine discharge (flow rate). The basic principle is that discharge is directly
related to the water depth above the crotch is called head (h) (Appendix VII). The V-
notch design causes small changes in discharge to have a large change in depth, allowing
more accurate head measurement than with a rectangular weir (Kuhlin and Compton,
In this study, a 90o V-Notch was used to measure flow the discharge through each off
take along the main canals, hence involving measurement of flow depth (h). According to
the established water delivery plan, this flow depth is measured four days per month
(Figure 3.2). The discharge coefficient (C) and head loss correction factor (K) are
computed using equation 3.1 and 3.2 respectively. Finally, the flow into the system at
each measuring location (off take point) was computed by using equation (3.3).
( )( )
Where, Q=Discharge (cft or m3/s), h=head (ft or m), C= discharge coefficient k= Head
correction factor (ft or m), θ =Notch angle
For the period of field observation, the conditions of existing irrigation structures were
inspected during off and on irrigation time. During field observation the overall
operational activities were identified and a number of functional and non-functional
structures in the scheme were documented and recorded.
Measurement of water surface elevation of the main canal during irrigation season was
considered at the head, middle and tail reach of the system. At each reach on the main
canal, the actual data were taken at every ten meters distance intervals along the main
canal up to the entire length (representative monitoring locations). The measurement was
taken ten meters far away from the main intake gate. For all inspection stations, the canal
section was divided into three columns transversely in the main canal. Hence three
measurements were taken at each section and average values have been taken. The actual
water surface depth from canal bottom was measured by using staff gauge and measuring
tape meter. In general, actual WSE data were taken on 30 inspection stations along the
main canal for the head, middle and tail reaches (Appendix V; Table 7.8).
For this study, 15 years meteorological data (1998 to 2014) were taken from National
meteorological service, kombolcha branch for Kobo meteorological station used to
compute the crop water requirement and the irrigation water demand. Such data include
Temperature (maximum and minimum) relative humidity, sunshine hours, wind speed
and rainfall.
As per the meteorological data, the area receives 843.5 mm average rainfall annually,
about 19% of the rainfall have received in the months of February to May, considered the
minor rainy season, and the remaining rain is received during the months of July and
August, the main rainy season. Uneven distributions of the rains shorten the effective
rainy season and results in late dry spells. Therefore, rain fed cropping is often unreliable,
and there is recurrent drought.
The study area is found in the kola agro-ecological zone. The mean monthly maximum
and minimum temperature are 29.5oC and 14.5oC, respectively. In the area, the maximum
reference evapotranspiration (ETO) is 4.33 mm/day. The ETO value is much higher than
that of the remaining months. This indicates that irrigation is very indispensable in most
of the months. These meteorological data are presented in Table 3.1. However, the detail
of meteorological data is summarized in Appendix I; Table 7.1.
Table 3.1: Climatic features of metrological Data
Months Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May Jun. Jul. Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec.
18.8 19.8 20.8 21.1 22.1 22.7 23.8 23.1 22.8 20.4 19.4 18.9
68.0 61.0 59.0 59.0 48.0 41.0 60.0 64.0 64.0 60.0 59.0 60.0
94.0 112 112 94.0 123 129 118 94.0 76.0 71.0 71.0 100
6.90 7.70 8.4 8.1 7.9 7.1 4.9 6.0 5.6 8.1 8.0 7.8
hours (hr)
17.2 19.6 21.8 21.5 16.7 19.8 16.7 18.6 17.7 20.5 18.9 17.9
Rain (mm) 35.9 37.7 71.0 97.0 87.2 25.1 197 230 76.4 42.2 42.2 21.5
The canal full supply level and design discharge, including intended command area were
obtained from design document of Allawuha irrigation scheme (Appendix IV; Table 7.7).
Planting and harvesting date of dominant crops during irrigation season were obtained
from North Wollo agricultural and natural resource department (NWAND) and Derogibir
kebelle agriculture extension report, 2016 (Appendix I; Table 7.2). The number of
structures initially installed also some of additional data used in this study (Appendix VI,
in Table 7.9).
In general, this study is mostly based on the primary field data collection in the
schemes, however secondary data were also used. The location in which, primary data
collected at the head, middle and tail reaches are show in Figure 3.3.
3.4.1 Estimation of irrigation water requirement
The crop water requirement was computed from secondary data using CROPWAT
Version 8.0 (FAO, 2009). The CROPWAT program requires climatic parameters (e.g.,
maximum and minimum temperature, wind speed, sunshine hour, humidity and rainfall),
soil data, and planting as well as harvesting dates including cultivated area of crops.
The reference crops evapotranspiration (ETO) for the subsequent months was estimated
using the FAO Penman-Monteith method (FAO, 1998). The crop water requirement
(ETc) was computed from the ETO and the crop factor (Kc) values for each crop planted
during 2nd irrigation season (from February 5th to January 23th, 2016). The irrigation water
demand for each irrigated crop in the command area was computed by subtracting
effective rainfall from daily Etc (FAO, 1974). The value of effective rainfall was
determined using USDA soil conservation service method.
The amount of irrigation water demand in l/s/h was estimated using CROPWAT software
for existing cropping pattern on each secondary off take (out let point). Then, duty of
irrigation water requirement (l/s/h) to feed each secondary outlet was converted into flow
rate by multiplying the area served from the off take. Which is the product of IR in l/s/ha
per month and the command area (ha) served for irrigation practice by assuming
irrigation efficiency (IE) of 39 per cent. Finally, to evaluate irrigation water demand
versus supply and water delivery performance indicator, the flow rate was converted in to
volume (QR, in m3). The irrigation requirement (IR) indicates the difference between the
Evapotranspiration of the crop under ideal conditions (ETc) and the effective rainfall
(ER) contributions during the same time period (Aksara and Pasin, 2015) and it is
expressed in mm or m3.
Evaluation of irrigation water supply versus demand at each secondary outlet point in the
system is very important to identify the extent of the system in deficit and/or excess of
supply. When actual supply is greater than demand, there is a surplus (excess) in supply
over demand and vice versa (Hussain, 1980; Ullah et al., 1998; Halsema et al., 1997;
Jahromi et al., 2000, and Khan et al., 2005). Therefore, by comparing the actual irrigation
water supply and demand, it is possible to identify the extent in which actual supply is in
deficit and/or excess over demand. Hence, this technique was applied to compare
irrigation water supply with demand on the system.
For computation of water delivery performance indicators, the actual irrigation water
supply and demand was converted into volume base. Therefore, the amount of irrigation
water supply was converted in to volume (VS, in m3) by multiplying the flow rate (QS, in
m3/s) with 10 hours duration of supply. However, irrigation water requirement in l/s/h
was converted into volume (VR, in m3), according to the
FAO“rule o
(1989), to covert the continuous flow (duty) (l/s/h) into irrigation depth (mm). The
relationship between gross irrigation (Ig), irrigation interval (days) and continuous flow
(l/s/h) from "rule of thumb" is 8.64 mm/day = 1.0 liter/second per hectare (l/s/h).
Therefore, from the relationship, the irrigation water requirement in l/s/h was converted
into VR in m3 using equation 3.1.
However, maintenance indicators were requiring the following data such as actual and
intended water surface elevation at FSL, number of functional and initial installed
structures, actually irrigated and intended irrigable area.
36 Water delivery performance indicators
Evaluation of the hydraulic performance of water delivery canals of the system was
assessed using spatial and temporal water delivery performance indicators. The spatial
performance indicators are intended for the water delivery performance over a region R;
while the temporal indicators are for the water delivery performance in time T. Therefore,
temporal values of performance indicators were evaluated for adequacy, efficiency and
dependability, whereas spatial values of indicators were evaluated for adequacy,
efficiency and equity (Korkmaz et al., 2009; Zeleke et al., 2015; W.H. Nam et al., 2016).
The hydraulic performance of the water delivery canal was designed to evaluate at head,
middle and tail reaches of the system and for each secondary outlet point (see figure 3.3).
It was estimated based on the monthly required and delivered discharge at each secondary
off take. To evaluate canal water delivery performance, four basic internal parameters
were used such as; Adequacy indicator (PA), equity indicator (PE), dependability
indicator (PD) and efficiency indicator (PF). These indicators should be computed using
equations provided by Molden and Gates (1990) and the computed performance indicator
values; performance was classified
Table 2.1). In addition as
to “goo
those parameters, the water delivery performance of the canals also evaluated using
deficiency, delivery performance ratio and equity ratio for head to tail for the head,
middle and tail reaches of the system.
PE is the spatial variation of the ratio of the amount delivered to the amount required over
the time period of interest, and it was calculated using equation 2.2. An equity value of
zero (PE=0) indicates perfect equity or fair distribution of water. PE values close to 1.0
indicate serious inequity of water distribution (Molden and Gates, 1990).
Dependability indicator (PD)
PD is the degree of temporal variability in the ratio of the amount delivered to the amount
required over a region. It indicates the uniformity of QD/QR over time. PD was
calculated using equation 2.3. When the value of PD approaches zero, water delivery for
a period time, under consideration is shown to be uniform and thus more reliable. PD
values close to 1.0 indicate serious unreliability of water distribution (Molden and Gates,
PF is the measure of the excess of water delivered in comparison with the requirements. It
is indicator over an area R and the time period T at a point for a specific time. PF was
calculated using the following equation 2.4. If pF value was equal to or close to 1.00, the
water in the system was being used efficiently and farmers conserve more water.
However, pF value was less than 0.70 indicates water in the system was not being used
efficiently (Molden and Gates, 1990).
Deficiency (D)
The value of deficiency was computed by using equation (2.5). The parameter helps the
system managers and users to take corrective measurements for improving the system in
the deficit area. As the value of D equal to or close to 0.00, supply is uniform at each off
take. However, D value is greater than zero (D > 0) a deficiency in supply was happened.
In this case, crops may suffer from water stress (Binoy et al., 2013).
For computation of DPR, two important data were utilized such as actual and intended
discharge (Bos et al., 1994). The actual discharge was computed by using equation 3.3
and the intended discharge was obtained from feasibility/design report of the Allawuha
irrigation project. Accordingly DPR computed using equation 2.6 for each off take point
on the head, middle and tail reach of the system. When the DPR value equal to or close
to 100, water supply in the main DPR
canal is
value is less as i
than one, there was problems related to water scarcity and sediment deposits.
Equity ratio for head to tail (ERHT)
ERHT focused on the equity of water distribution for head and tail reach of a system.
This indicator can assist to identify water supply and to address problems between the
head and tail. The ratio was computes using equation 2.7.
Water surface elevation ratio indicator provides to predict the impact of sedimentation
and erosion problems on the physical irrigation system. This inspection was made at the
head middle and tail reach of the main canal. WSER was computed using equation 2.8.
For computing SI, the actually irrigated area was delineated and estimated using GPS and
Arc GIS. The planned command area was obtained from design document. Then, SI was
computed using equation 2.10. When the value of SI is equal and/or close to 1.00, the
irrigated area is keeping its design state. The value of SI greater than one indicates that
the expansion of irrigated (command) area.
Flow monitoring at each off take (outlet point) for the head, middle and tail reaches by
using a 90o V-notches.
Measuring of the actual water surface elevation (flow depth) at different measurement
location on the main canals.
Field assessment and observation was involved to identify functional and non-functional
structures in the system.
Organizing all secondary data and documented them for computation of indicators.
Evaluation actual irrigation supply versus demand.
Computing performance indicators such as water delivery and maintenance.
Finally, the existing hydraulic performance of the scheme was investigated, and then
recommends acceptable mitigation measures that would enhance irrigation service, water
delivery and sustainability.
Figure 3.4 shows a basic conceptual framework of this research.
Data collection
4.1 Irrigation water demand versus supply
The results of this assessment have been discussed in the following three subsections:
First computation of the amount of water supplied into the off take (outlet points) during
the monitoring period (March, April and May), Second estimation of irrigation water
demand at the off takes in which the command area served, and Third, comparison of the
actual irrigation water supply with demand on the system.
Table 4.1: Average monthly irrigation water supply at each off takes the system (m3).
Note; SotP is secondary off take point in supply canals; i number of SotP from 1 to 5.
As shown in Table 4.1, from the total supply, about 34.84% was contributed by irrigation
water during the month of March; it was a maximum at SotP1 and minimum was at SotP5.
In April, 29.50% of total supply water was observed, in this month the maximum of
23.7% and a minimum of 15.25% was observed at SotP 4 and SotP5 respectively. During
the month of May, about 35.35% of water was contributed by irrigation. In this month,
the minimum water was delivery into the outlet point of SotP5; it was about 6.1% of the
total supply, whereas a maximum of 7.58% water supply was contributed by irrigation
water at SotP 1.
The overall average monthly water supply contributed for irrigation in to each supply
canal (outlet points) on the system during the monitoring period was about 7200m3 (Table
4.1). The highest value of irrigation water supply was observed in May. In this month
currently happening rainfall was the main case to excess diversion at the intake in to the
system. However, in April, minimum irrigation water supply was observed resulting from
high monthly evaporation demand, deficiency of rainfall and illegal water withdrawal.
This shows that seasonal irrigation water supply varies both spatially and temporally.
Therefore, meteorological parameters such as rainfall, humidity, temperature, e.t.c., poor
management and absence of effective water delivery plan in the system affect the amount
of irrigation water supply.
The ETO of all months in the study area was ranging from 3.29 to 5.06 mm/day. This
indicates that meteorological parameters are varies from month to month (from relatively
dry to relatively wet year). The values in Figure 4.1, shows that ETO was lowest during
the peak of the rainy season (half of June to August) and highest during the peak of the
dry season (January to June and half of September to December). This is in agreement
with Adeniran et al., (2010), and Jehanger et al., (2004). This is because of large amount
of rainfall falling in wet season and no rainfalls happened during peak dry season.
Figure 4.1: Rain fall and reference evapotranspiration of the study area.
This greater ETO values (extends from January to June) was happening because of non-
availability of sufficient amount of rainwater and higher atmospheric evaporative
demand. For instance, rainfall is too low to meet the water requirement of the crop, and
hence irrigation is necessary to grow crops safely. Therefore it decided that, the higher
ETO and low rainfall values show irrigation water demand by the crops is very high. The
detail of ETO and PE values for each month are presented in Appendix I; Table 7.1.
The crop water requirement (CWR) of individual crop was estimated for one irrigation
season (from January to June, 2016) using CROPWAT 8.0 software program. The
planting dates were staggered over two months (during January and February) for five
different crops. The results are summarized below in Table 4.2;
Table 4.2: Total monthly crop water requirement of five cultivated crops in the scheme
CWR (mm)
Months Average
Maize Mango Tomato Sugarcane Sorghum
January 27.8 62.9 18.7 34.2 10.4 30.80
February 93.2 100.0 68.3 53.2 47.7 72.48
March 168.1 125.5 129.1 119.7 128.7 134.22
April 140.3 127.4 162.5 167.9 140.5 147.72
May 23.3 146.8 173.1 189.4 97 125.92
June 0 150.1 74.4 185.5 0 82.00
Total 452.7 712.7 626.1 749.9 424.3 593.14
As illustrated in Table 4.2, the average monthly crop water requirement (CWR, mm) for
five consecutive months (from January to June) has been fluctuating ; higher from March
to May (it ranged from 629.6 to 738.6) and relatively minimum in January and February
(varies from 154 to 362.4). The result displays that the crop water requirement is very
high during the dry season and low during wet (rainy) season. Therefore crops grown in
the dry season need more water than those grown during the rainy season. This is similar
to the Adeniran et al. (2010), and Jehanger et al. (2004) report.
The total water requirement in the study area ranged from 424.3 to 749.9 mm during the
growing season (Table 4.2). The lowest water requirement of the irrigated area is
recorded for sorghum, which is 424.3 mm and the higher requirement for sugarcane, it
was 749.9 mm. This indicates that the crop water requirement is higher for crops with
longer growing seasons than for those with shorter ones and vice versa. This is agreed by
Surendran et al. (2015).
4. 2.1.3 Irrigation water demand
The monthly irrigation water demand in the scheme (in m3) was estimated only for one
irrigation season of cropping pattern (from January to June, 2016). The effective rainfall
is derived from observed rainfall, according to USDA S.C method. Therefore irrigation
water requirement was calculated from the difference between total water requirement
and effective rainfall. Irrigation water demand (IWD) on the system was estimated based
on the off take requirement, (the secondary off take in which the command area is
served). The CROPWAT model simulated results are summarized below in Table 4.3.
Table 4.3: Monthly irrigation water demand at each off take off take points (m3).
Among the secondary off take (outlet) points, the highest irrigation water demand was
observed at SotP1, which was found to be 3348m3 and the lowest demand was observed
SotP4, which was found to be 1908 (Table 4.3). It was happening because of outlet point
four having a small command area compared to the first outlet point. The result is similar
with Ullah (1998) who reported that, the crop water demand was low when cultivable
command area is small.
At outlet point one, the lowest irrigation requirement was observed in the month of
January (144 m3) and the highest was in the month of May (936m3). Similarly, at outlet
point four, the lowest irrigation requirement was observed in the month of January, which
was found to be 72m3 and the highest was in the month of May, which was 540 m3 (Table
4.3). This indicates there is a difference in water requirement even within a single district
for the different period and hence it displays the significance and necessity of scientific
planning for irrigation. It occurred due to atmospheric evaporative demand varies from
month to month and the greater size of irrigated command also differs from off take to off
SotP1 SotP2 SotP3 SotP4 SotP5
Secondary outlet point
This comparison of IS and ID in the system has been considered only for three
monitoring periods, beginning from March to May; in its circumstance of either deficit in
demand or excess of supply. The result in exceed and deficit is shown in Figure 4.2b.
SotP1 SotP2 SotP3 SotP4 SotP5
Secondary outlet points
As can be seen from the results presented in Figure 4.2a, in March the actual irrigation
water supply to all sampled outlets points (secondary off take location) was in excess of
the requirements. In this month, supply in first secondary off take (SotP1) was 540m3 and
demand was 432m3 (Figure 4.2a). Thus at SotP1 the actual supply was exceeded the crop
water demand by 25 percent (Figure 4.2b). The supply in the second outlet point or off
take (SotP2) was 504m3, but demand was 252m3. Hence at SotP2 the actual supply was
exceeded the crop water demand by 58.3 percent. Similarly, the actual supply was
exceeded the crop water demand by 41, 75 and 16 percent at SotP3, SotP4 and SotP5
respectively. These oversupply could result in the crop suffer from water logging.
April was a month in which demands exceeding supply at all secondary outlets. Irrigation
water demand at the first off taking location (SotP1) was 864m3, but the actual supply was
468m3 (Figure 4.2a). Thus, at this outlet (SotP1) crop water demand was exceeding the
actual supply by 45.8 percent (Figure 4.2b). Likewise, the crop water demand was
exceeding the actual supply by 20, 35.29, 6.67 and 55 percent at SotP2, SotP3, SotP4 and
SotP5 respectively. This shows that, a shortage of water is advanced in this month and
such an undersupply could result in the crop suffer from water stress. Water shortages
resulted from inadequate regulation and losses through seepage, and consumptive use by
the weeds.
In May, average irrigation water supply to the sample outlets of off take points was in
shortage of the requirements, except SotP 4. Irrigation water demand at the first secondary
off take or outlet (SotP1) was 936m3, but the actual supply was 576m3. Thus at this out let
(SotP1) crop water demand was exceeding the actual supply the by 38.46 percent. The
same thing, the crop water demand was exceeding the actual supply by 18.75, 21.05 and
40 percent at SotP2, SotP3, and SotP5 respectively (Figure 4.2b). However, the supply on
fourth secondary off take (SotP4) was 504m3 and the demand was 468m3 (Figure 4.2a).
Hence at this outlet (SotP4) the actual supply was exceeded the crop water demand by
7.14 percent.
During the investigation period actual water supply was 60.47% more than irrigation
water demand in March, such an oversupply could result in water logging in the
command area. However, irrigation water demand was 35.16 percent more than supply in
April and 25.53 percent more than actual water supply in May. In April and May, high
temperature and less rainfall may be attributed to raising irrigation water demand. As a
result of this, farmers had left major proportions of the cultivable area as fallow. The
secondary outlet SotP1 and SotP2 were located along the head of the main canal. Hence
SotP2 is attributed to lesser water demand here and had a large command area; whereas
outlet SotP1 had a small command and supply here exceeded the crop water demand. As
with other outlets, high water demanding crops (sugarcane, maize, mango e.t.c) and fairly
high cultivable areas restricted adequate water supply to fulfill the crop water demands.
The results achieved from this study is similar from the result of Iqbal (1995) and Ullah
(1998), Authors reported that high water demanding crop and large cultivable areas limits
supply of water sufficient to fulfill the crops water demands.
Spatial, PA
∑ 𝑃𝐴
March April May
The spatial average values of PA were found to be 0.89, 0.43 and 0.45 in March, April
and May respectively. In contrast, the highest PA value was found in March and the
lowest PA value was found in April. According to ranges of water delivery performance
standards given by Molden & Gats (1990), water delivery performance of the canal in
relation to adequacy was fair in the month of March; however it was poor during April
and May. This shows that, the amount of water supplied in the canal during the month of
March was relatively satisfactory. However, irrigation water supply was not enough to
fulfill the requirement of the crop during April and May. It occurs due to the fact that,
during the month of April and May, water scarcity and atmospheric evaporative demand
is high. Therefore, the actual irrigation water supply was insufficient to fulfill the
requirement. However, irrigation water supply is proportional to the requirement in
As can be shown the result, Figure 4.4, the spatial efficiency level of the system was very
high, ranging from 0.92 to 1.00.
Spatial, PF
∑ F
March April May
The spatial average values of PF were found to be 0.93 in March and 1.00 during April
and May. According to the ranges of water delivery performance standards (Molden &
Gats, 1990), these values indicated that, efficiency was good throughout the investigation
period. These results show that, at times when higher irrigation water requirement, the
amount of delivered irrigation water was used more efficiently by the irrigators/farmers.
Therefore, spatial efficiency levels of the system are rated as good in all months.
Equity is the spatial coefficient of variation of the water delivery performance indicator.
Equity of water distribution was calculated as the coefficient of variation of the adequacy
values between locations. The degree of spatial variation of water delivery performance
for all off take locations over 3 months is presented in Figure 4.5.
Spatial, PE
March April May
Figure 4.5: The degree of spatial equity of water delivery over 3 months.
As illustrated the result in Figure 4.5 equity of water distribution during March and May
was appearing in the range of fair. The value fluctuates from 0.17 to 0.23. According to
water delivery performance standards given by Molden & Gats, (1990) the spatial
distribution of water in the canal during the month of March and May was fair. Therefore,
it concluded that, in these months, the spatial coefficient of variation of adequacy
between the off takes is fair. In April, the PE value was found to be 0.26, and then it was
rated as poor. This shows that, when those supplies were free, some of the canals received
more than their needs and some received less.
The average value of overall equity of the delivery system in the canals was found to be
0.22 (Table 4.4). The value displays that relatively, the equity of water distribution
(spatial coefficient of variation of adequacy) is fair over the system (Molden & Gats,
1990). The values of spatial coefficient of variation at each out let locations were
presented below in Table 4.4.
A temporal value of the adequacy, performance indicator was assessed for all off take and
reach of the system (head, middle, tail) in a single irrigation season (March-May, 2016).
The result of temporal value of adequacy is presented below in Figure 4.6.
0.4 0.4
0.2 0.2
0 0
Head Middle Tail BR1 BR2 BR3 BR4 BR5
Locations of the reach Branched/secondary off takes
Figure 4.6: Average temporal fact of adequacy for each off takes and locations
As can be seen from the results presented in Figure 4.6a, temporal PA value at the head
reaches of the system was found to be 0.58. However, temporal PA value at the middle
and tail reach off take locations were found to be 0.66 and 0.45 respectively. According to
ranges of water delivery performance standards given by Molden & Gats (1990),
adequacy of water delivery performance at the head, middle and tail reach of the system
was classed as poor. This shows that supply during the monitoring period at the head,
middle and tail reaches of the system is insufficient to fulfill the requirements of the crop.
As shown in Figure 4.6b, temporal PA value was ranging from 0.48 to 0.69. Individually,
values at BR1, BR2, BR3, BR4 and BR5 were found to be 0.48, 0.69, 0.63, 0.70 and 0.45
respectively. The highest PA values were found in the secondary canal two (BR2), BR3
and BR4, whereas the lowest value was observed at BR2 and BR5. According to water
delivery performance standards (Molden & Gats (1990), adequacy of water delivery
performance was poor at all secondary off takes (outlet points). Therefore, it perceived
that, in all outlets, irrigation water supply is not carried out well in accord with the
demand in the different monitoring periods. This situation has occurred due to poor
management, water scarcity, absence of a water delivery plan and inadequate flow
In general, the overall adequacy, value of the system is found to be 0.56 (Table 4.5).
Therefore, water delivery performance in the supply canal for the entire command during
the irrigation season (January to June 2016) was found to be poor (Molden & Gats
(1990). The tabulated results of spatial and temporal average values of the adequacy in
the scheme system are summarized below in Table 4.5.
51 Efficiency (PF)
A temporal value of efficiency, performance indicator was assessed for each off take
locations and reach of the system for a single irrigation season. The tabulated results of
temporal value of efficiency for each outlet point at the head, middle and tail reaches are
presented below in Figure 4.7.
0.960 0.940
0.950 0.920
0.940 0.900
Head Middle Tail BR1 BR2 BR3 BR4 BR5
Locations of the reaches off take points
The temporal PF values at all outlet points are very high and its values ranging from 0.94
to 1.0. Independently, the PF value at outlet point one (BR1), two (BR2), three (BR3), four
(BR4) and five (BR5) were found to be 1.0, 0.94, 0.98, 0.95 and 1.0 respectively (Figure
4.7b). According to water delivery performance standards (Molden & Gats (1990), all of
water delivery canals are achieving a good performance. This shows that, even though in
adequate supply existed, at the time of supply, irrigators of the entire area use the water
more efficiently.
The overall temporal efficiency value of the system is found to be 0.96; therefore
efficiency of the system during irrigation season for the entire command is appears to be
good. The tabulated results of spatial and temporal mean values of efficiency in the
scheme system are summarized below, in Table 4.6.
Dependability indicates the degree of temporal variability of water delivery. It is the ratio
of the amount of water delivered to require over a time. The value of dependability is
presented graphically below in Figure 4.8. The Figure clearly shows the temporal
coefficient of variation of water delivery (degree of reliability) at each outlet as well as
head, middle and tail reaches of the system.
0.200 0.200
0.000 0.000
Head Middle Tail BR1 BR2 BR3 BR4 BR5
Locations in the system Off take points
The overall average dependability of the flow in the system was found to be 0.47 (Table
4.7). This indicates that, the time of irrigation water supply has been inconsistent
throughout the investigation period and then the flow is unreliable. The results of
temporal coefficient of variation (PD) of water distribution over the investigation period
are given below, in Table 4.7.
Table 4.8: Overall average water delivery performance values of irrigation canals.
As per the Table 4.8, the overall PA and PF values were found to be 0.56 and 0.96
respectively. The PD and PE values were also greater than zero, which is 0.47 and 0.22
respectively. According to the performance standard developed by Molden and Gate
(1990) the water delivery performance of the canals was poor in terms of the adequacy,
and dependability. This occurred due to two important reasons such as water scarcity and
inadequate flow regulators. However, it was good and fair in terms of efficiency and
equity respectively. This indicates that, even if water deliveries were inadequate and
unreliable (variable from month to month), farmers effectively used the supplied water
irrigation water. Water shortages resulted from inadequate regulation and losses through
seepage, overtopping and consumptive use by the weeds.
The average value of temporal deficit at the head, middle and tail reach was 0.14, 0.20
and 0.28 respectively (Table 4.9). According to these values, higher temporal deficit was
observed at the middle and tail reach and the lowest deficit at the head reach of the
system. This shows that, the amount of irrigation water supply was relatively low and
cannot fulfill the requirement of the crop at the middle and tail reach than the head. The
results of spatial and temporal average value of deficiency are presented below, in Table
As can be shown the result in Table 4.9, spatial average values of deficiency were found
to be 0.02, 0.29 and 0.26 in March, April and May respectively. According to these
values, relatively no spatial deficit was observed in March. However, a spatial deficit has
been observed in April and May. Therefore, it is concluded that, a spatial deficit was the
worst during April and May, due to the fact that water scarcity, low rainfall and higher
evapotranspiration demand of crops in these months. It is agreed by Iqbal (1995) and
Ullah (1998), Authors reported that high water demanding crop in large cultivable areas
limits the supply sufficient to fulfill the crops water need. Generally, the overall
deficiency value is found to be 0.18 or 18 percent (Table, 4.9). Therefore it directs that,
both spatial and temporal deficit in supply was existed in the scheme.
The delivery performance ratio (DPR) is the ratio of actual discharge to allowed
(maximum design or intended) discharge. The delivery performance ratio for each
secondary outlet (off take point) was determined using equation 2.6, and the results are
presented in Table 4.10.
Generally, the overall delivery performance ratio (DPR) of the system is found to be 0.74.
This result indicates that the main canal achieved only 74 percent of design discharge.
But the remaining of 26 percent of the design discharge in the main canal was reduced
from the intended/designed. This occurred due to the following two important reasons;
accumulation of sediments inside the main canal and poor routine (day-to-day
4.2.6 Equity ratio for head to tail (ERHT)
The Equity ratio for head to tail (ERHT) describes an equity concept in terms of the
spatial variations of management delivery ratio (MDR). It provides the equity of water
delivery among the distributaries with special focus on head and tail reach. ERHT was
calculated using equation (2.7), and the result is presented below in Table 4.11.
Table 4.11: Equity ratio for head and tail (ERHT (MDR)) reach of the system.
Head Tail
Location EHTR
March 0.714 1.000 0.727 2.36
April 0.351 0.514 0.280 3.10
May 0.363 0.563 0.339 2.73
Over all,
ERHT (MDR) 2.73
As per Table 4.11, the value of ERHT during the monitoring period was ranging from
2.36 to 3.10. All the values of ERHT in the table are greater than 1.3 it indicates that the
management delivery ratio at the head reach of the system is higher than the tail reach.
Based on the range of performance indicators presented in table 2.2, ERHT value
obtained here is rated as poor. Therefore, the head delivery systems receive more water
than the tail in all months.
Generally, the overall average value of ERHT is found to be 2.73, so the performance of
the system is found to be poor with respect to ERHT (MDR). This resulted from absence
of adequate flow regulation and high water losses through seepage. This was get worse by
unscheduled abstraction from main canals through the use of channels with no design
Table 4.12: Average water surface elevation ratio (WSER) of the main canal.
Note: the result is based on mean level measurement of water depth at FSL on various
main canal sections and all measurements are in meter unit. Dev. WSE is deviation of
water surface elevation.
As per the design document the intended water level depth in the main canal from the
bottom was 0.9 m at the head reach and 0.8 m at the middle and tail reach of the system
with a discharge capacity of 270 l/s at Full supply level (FSL). The current average water
level depth at FSL was found to be 0.68 m (Appendix V, Table 7.8). Hence, the overall
average WSER was found to be 0.78 (Table 4.12). This result shows that the main canal
was attained about 78 percent of WSE at FSL and flow depth in the main canal was
reduced by 22 percent from the intended or designed. This arises due to two main factors;
growing of weed and accumulation of sediments inside the main canal.
According to the value of WSER, the head, middle and tail reaches of the main canal
during the monitoring period is generally less than one (Table 4.12). This shows a
probability of increasing canal bad level due to siltation and weed incidence in a canal.
Therefore routine maintenance of the main canal is required. The detail of water surface
elevation measurement at different location (the head middle and tail) of main canal is
presented in Appendix V, Table 7.8.
The physical states of canal length inspection with regard to the canal operating condition
also estimated using equation (2.9) and presented below in Table 4.13.
Table 4.13: Effectiveness of infrastructure (EI) for the main and secondary canal.
Nearly Nearly
Total length Operative Inoperative
Location operative inoperative
of canal (m) (%) (%)
(%) (%)
Main canal 1500 28.6 46.1 17.8 7.93
Branched canals 282 60.99 23.0 10.63 5.37
As per Table 4.13, EI of the main canal section is found to be operative, nearly operative,
nearly inoperative and inoperative with the corresponding value of 28.6, 46.1, 17.8 and
7.93 percent respectively. Similarly, branch (secondary) canal with 60.99, 23.0, 10.63 and
5.37 percent are operative, nearly operative, nearly inoperative and inoperative
respectively. Almost the higher percentage of the main and secondary canal length was
found to be operative and nearly operative. This indicates that the performance of water
the canals has been reduced over the period and the tail reach users were suffering from a
shortage of water distribution. This call for irrigation system performance is poor and
maintenance is very crucial. The detail of the physical condition of canal length
inspection (both for Main and secondary canals) is presented in Appendix VI, Table 7.10.
4.3 Identification of the gap and suggestion of the remedial measure
The problem of time the mismatch between supply and demand may be solved by
providing auxiliary storage at the head of the watercourse and allowing for intra seasonal
variations in water delivery schedules. However, the variation at each outlet point may be
solved by applying gated division systems at each outlet; it is possible to allocate short-
term changes in demand. Systems with gated cross-regulators provide a larger potential to
manage for short-term changes in space than those with little or no cross-regulation
capacity (Murray-Rust, D.H. & W.B. Snellen, 1993).
Yet, it could be mitigated by making certain modifications in the system. The detailed
description on how the intervention to be designed in order to improve this inadequacy
and unreliability of flow is mentioned below; Improvement in reliability
It is more difficult objective to assess because it is subjective, dealing with the quality of
irrigation service rather than the quantity. As per the result, water is not released at the
right times from the source into delivery canals. However, it might be improved by
applying a gated division system in water distribution. Gated division systems have a high
potential for improving poor performance in terms of reliability (Murray-Rust, D.H. &
W.B. Snellen, 1993). Provided an insight is needed into irrigation methods of
management in order to improve the temporal uniformity of water distribution by
assessing the efficiencies of water distribution. Improvement in adequacy
It can be managed in two ways by matching cropping plans and calendars with estimated
seasonal water availability before the start of the season, and by adjusting operational
targets in response to actual demand during the season. Therefore a gated division system
is possible to manage for adequacy more carefully. Hence, there are significant
opportunities for actual deliveries to exceed crop water requirements.
The maintenance requirements of the system are very high. As a result of sediment
accumulation and growing of weed in the main canal, flow depth has been deteriorating
from time to time, when it compared to the intended and most of the functional irrigation
infrastructure initially installed was turning into nonfunctional. It occurs due to absence
of frequent, regular maintenance. Towards improvement of the system performance of the
scheme, the following helpful events should be introduced; Improvements in the physical structures
This comprehensive evaluation indicates that the need for hardware or structural
improvements was crucial. Therefore, it is recommended that the rehabilitation of the
existing structures and maintaining different components of irrigation infrastructure in the
system is a prime need in order to improve the operational aspects in irrigation water
delivery system. Generally, to improve problems related to water delivery, efforts in
physical modernization of the system is very essential. Control canal sedimentation;
Due to the accumulated sediments and growing of weeds in the main and secondary
canals, including intake and off take, the amount of irrigation water supply have been in
sufficient to fulfill the requirement. Therefore it recommended that, the following two
improvement options should be applied to mitigate this problem; (1) the farmers must
have apply routine maintenance (sediment and weed removal from intake and canals), (2)
introduced sediment management options such as; locate intake at the outside of the canal
bend, limit flows entering into the canal with flow regulating structure, provide a simple
sediment sluice and make provision for rising command levels etc.
5.1 Conclusions
According to the result, irrigation water supply to all secondary outlet point was observed
in excess of the requirement March. However, the demand exceeded supply in April and
May, which was maximum in May and minimum in March. During the monitoring
period, the highest amount of irrigation water supply was observed in the first and fourth
outlet point, even though the lowest supply recorded at the outlet point two, three and
five. Yet, irrigation water demand was very high at the outlet point one and five than the
reaming outlets. Therefore it is decided that, irrigation water supply varies both spatially
and temporally. Some of the outlet points have been getting the discharge in excess of the
requirement, whereas in deficit of the requirement in the remaining outlet points
The spatial and temporal delivery performances of indicators were computed for each
outlet point and head, middle and tail reach during the monitoring period. As per the
result, water delivery performance of the system was rated as good in terms of efficiency.
However the performance of the canals was assessed as poor in terms of dependability
and adequacy, but it was fair in terms of equity. From this result, it decided that, even if,
supply in the canals is insufficient and unreliable, farmers were used more effectively and
irrigators conserve more water.
Similarly, the overall values of deficiency, and delivery performance ratio, and equity
ratio for head to tail indicates that, both a spatial and temporal deficit has been observed
and crops suffer from water shortage during the season. The average value of the delivery
performance ratio indicates that, 74 percent of discharges were getting in the main canal
and about 26 percent of the discharge has been reduced from the design. The overall
value of the equity ratio for head to tail under management, delivery ratio was greater
than 1.3, this shows that the management of delivery from head to tail reach was poor and
head delivery systems receive more water than the tail during the investigation period.
scheme are reduced compared to initially planned command area. These all parameters of
maintenance performance indicators call for maintenance in the scheme is very curtail.
Generally, poor performance of the irrigation system is due to the following factors such
as unreliable water deliveries, poorly control and distribution system, inflexible irrigation
planning, varied cropping pattern, lack of supportive training for irrigation water
application and management, inadequate frequent maintenance, sediment accumulation,
improper operation of water delivery system, and malfunctioning of flow control
structures. Therefore, the result focuses to the government and other stakeholders in
identifying suitable improvement approaches.
5.2 Recommendations
Based on the results of the study, the following recommendations are put forward to
improve the performance of the scheme.
Applying proper water distribution plan in the system, providing water storage
structures (auxiliary storage) and applying a gated division system in the canals
might be vital for improving no proportional irrigation water supply and demand
among outlets consistently.
Scarcity of water is one of the constraints to fulfill the requirements of crop water
need. So to mitigate this problem, planting crops of having less water requirement
and use ground water source for irrigation to supplement insufficient supply from
the river.
A flow measuring device at the sluice (Parshall flume) and measuring weirs
should be installed at every off-take to improve the operational capabilities of the
systems. It could be important for attaining equitable distribution of water from
head to tail reaches.
The canal requires continuous action to keep them free from weeds and reducing
the deposition of silt by taking corrective actions i.e. continuous removal of
sedimentation, preventing large logs and debris entering to the canal, constructing
soil water conservation structure across the canal and canal bank protection. So,
the government, the scheme WUAs and farmers should be working together.
Rehabilitation for various irrigation system components is needed including
replacement of void structures, weed and silt clearance in the canals, repair of
canal sluice gates and head regulators.
Water User Association of the scheme is not well-organized. So, reforming or
giving training to them is essential for ensuring healthier water management, fair
distributing of irrigation water, resolving conflicts among users in the irrigation
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Appendix I: Climate and crop data of the study area.
Table 7.1 Monthly average climate data for determining CWR/IWR in in Allawoha
irrigation scheme (1998-2014).
Appendix II: Soil dates of Allawuha irrigation scheme.
Table 7.3, Soil moisture content in the study area
Appendix III: Actual observed and required discharge in the off taking locations.
Table 7.4 the required, continuous flow at each secondary off take location, l/s/h
Months Jan Feb Mar Apr May June July Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec
dis.(l/s/ha) 0.05 0.14 0.15 0.31 0.33 0.2 0.07 0.03 0.26 0.32 0.22 0.17
Table 7.5 the required discharges at each secondary off take location, m3/s
Loca area
tion Jan Feb Mar Apri May June July Auje Sept Oct Nov Dec (ha)
SofP1 0.004 0.011 0.012 0.024 0.026 0.016 0.006 0.002 0.02 0.025 0.017 0.013 75.6
SofP2 0.002 0.007 0.007 0.015 0.016 0.010 0.003 0.001 0.013 0.016 0.011 0.008 45.0
SofP3 0.003 0.008 0.008 0.017 0.019 0.011 0.004 0.002 0.015 0.018 0.012 0.01 56.4
SofP4 0.002 0.006 0.007 0.014 0.015 0.009 0.003 0.001 0.012 0.014 0.01 0.008 44.0
SofP5 0.004 0.01 0.011 0.023 0.024 0.015 0.005 0.002 0.019 0.023 0.016 0.012 75.0
Total 0.015 0.042 0.045 0.094 0.100 0.061 0.021 0.009 0.079 0.097 0.067 0.051 296.0
Where, Bc is the off take point cross to branched canals at which the flow measurement
are takes place in the main canal; i is 1, 2….5
Table 7.6 the actual measured/monitored discharges at each off taking location
Location March April May
SofP1 0.016 0.014 0.014 0.016 0.015 0.015 0.014 0.015 0.016 0.016 0.017 0.017
SofP2 0.014 0.015 0.014 0.016 0.013 0.015 0.013 0.013 0.016 0.016 0.014 0.017
SofP3 0.013 0.015 0.015 0.016 0.013 0.013 0.014 0.013 0.014 0.016 0.014 0.015
SofP4 0.013 0.015 0.015 0.015 0.013 0.013 0.013 0.014 0.013 0.015 0.015 0.015
SofP5 0.013 0.015 0.013 0.015 0.011 0.012 0.011 0.011 0.014 0.015 0.014 0.014
Source: observed discharge from the off takes
Where, SotP is the off take point in secondary canals at which the flow measurement are
takes place; i is 1, 2….5.
Appendix IV: The Design discharge and dimensions of components of the main canal.
Project Location; Allawuha SSI; Canal type: Rectangular
Table7.7 Dimensions of components of the main canal
Length Depth Width Flow Design Operating Free Command
(km) (m) (m) depth discharge time per board area
at FSL (liter per day (m) (ha)
(m) second) (hour)
1.5 1 1.2 0.9 720 8 0.3 302.64
Source: Allawuha irrigation project design document report, 2005/2013
Appendix V: Dates of water surface elevation and flow depth in the main canal.
Table 7.8 Water surface elevation measurement at different location
(The head middle and tail) part of main canal
Head Middle Tail
IW Ch. Ch. Ch. Dev.
Lo. SE Le AW Dev. WS Lo.2. IW Le AW Dev. WS Lo.3. IW Le AW WS WS
No (m) (m) SE WSE ER No SE (m) SE WSE ER No SE (m) SE E ER
L1 0.9 10 0.85 0.05 0.94 L11 0.85 560 0.69 0.16 0.81 L21 0.85 1110 0.68 0.17 0.80
L2 0.9 30 0.78 0.12 0.86 L1 2 0.85 580 0.7 0.15 0.82 L22 0.85 1130 0.68 0.17 0.80
L3 0.9 60 0.74 0.16 0.82 L1 3 0.85 610 0.68 0.17 0.80 L23 0.85 1160 0.67 0.18 0.78
L4 0.9 100 0.74 0.16 0.82 L14 0.85 650 0.72 0.13 0.84 L24 0.85 1200 0.65 0.2 0.76
L5 0.9 150 0.73 0.17 0.81 L15 0.85 700 0.68 0.17 0.80 L25 0.85 1250 0.66 0.19 0.77
L6 0.9 210 0.72 0.18 0.80 L16 0.85 760 0.7 0.15 0.82 L26 0.85 1310 0.63 0.22 0.74
L7 0.9 280 0.72 0.18 0.80 L1 7 0.85 830 0.66 0.19 0.77 L27 0.85 1380 0.58 0.27 0.68
L8 0.9 360 0.71 0.19 0.78 L1 8 0.85 910 0.66 0.19 0.77 L28 0.85 1460 0.55 0.3 0.64
L9 0.9 450 0.68 0.22 0.75 L19 0.85 1000 0.66 0.19 0.77 L29 0.85 1480 0.55 0.3 0.64
L 10 0.9 550 0.68 0.22 0.75 L 20 0.85 1100 0.68 0.17 0.80 L30 0.85 1500 0.51 0.34 0.60
Aver. 0.74 0.17 0.82 0.68 0.17 0.80 0.62 0.23 0.72
Max. 0.85 0.22 0.94 0.72 0.19 0.85 0.68 0.34 0.80
Min. 0.68 0.05 0.76 0.66 0.13 0.78 0.51 0.17 0.60
WSER is water surface elevation ratio and Ave, max and min are average, maximum and
minimum value respectively.
Note; Deviation of water surface elevation was obtained by subtracting the actual water
surface elevation from the intended water surface elevation and water surface elevation
ratio were calculated by using equation (3.16)
structure is one that is reflected likely to become functional, but incapable to achieve
its full basic function about a year, whereas, inoperative structure found that any was
unable to perform its basic function at the time of the investigation.
V-notch weirs are suitable for a wide range of open channel flows from 0.0082 cfs to
about 13.7 cfs (0.00023 to 0.38m3/s). V-notch weirs are very accurate at flows of 1 cfs or
less. Depending on the situation and location, V-notch weirs are an inexpensive method
for measuring small flows. See figure 7.1, above, for proper proportions. triangular-notch
weirs be used instead of rectangular weirs when the range of discharges to be
a b c
d 90 degree h
a b c B p d+p
0.3 0.6 0.3 1.2 0.7 1.0
Appendix VIII: Guidelines for calculation of crop water requirements.
Crop evapotranspiration (ETc) is the evapotranspiration from disease-free, well fertilized
crops, grown in large fields, under optimum soil water conditions, and achieving full
production under the given climatic conditions (Allen et al., 1998). Crop water
requirement may simply be defined as the amount of water required by a crop for its
development and maturity. Although crop evapotranspiration can be calculated from
climatic data and by integrating directly the crop resistance, albedo and air resistance
factors, better the Penman-Monteith method is used for the estimation of the standard
reference crop and be used to determine crop evapotranspiration.
( n ) (es ea)
( )
Where; ETO reference evapotranspiration [mm day-1], Rn net radiation at the crop
surface [MJ m-2day-1], G soil heat flux density [MJ m-2day-1], T mean daily air
temperature at 2 m height [°C] u2 wind speed at 2 m height [m s-1], es saturation vapour
pressure [kPa] ea actual vapour pressure [kPa] es- ea saturation vapour pressure deficit
[kPa], Δ slope v curve [kPa °C-1], g psychro metric constant [kPa °C-1].
apour pressure
FAO CROPWAT model, which was used for determination of crop water requirements in
this study, was uses the Modified Penman-Monteith equation. ETO is only dependent on
climatic parameters. Meteorological data required for calculation of ETO include solar
radiation, temperature, relative humidity, wind speed.