The Sentence (PDFDrive)

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1 The Sentence
2 Parts of Speech Overview
(Noun, Pronoun, Adjective)
3 Parts of Speech Overview
(Verb, Adverb, Preposition,
Conjunction, Interjection)
4 Complements
5 The Phrase
6 The Clause
7 Kinds of Sentence Structure

8 Agreement
9 Using Verbs Correctly
10 Using Pronouns Correctly
11 Using Modifiers Correctly
12 A Glossary of Usage

13 Capital Letters
14 Punctuation: End Marks,
Commas, Semicolons, Colons
15 Punctuation: Underlining
(Italics), Quotation Marks,
Apostrophes, Hyphens,
Parentheses, Brackets, and
16 Spelling
17 Correcting Common Errors

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Grammar, Usage, and Mechanics


The Sentence
Subject and Predicate,
Kinds of Sentences
Alabama Course of Study
SAT 10

Diagnostic Preview
A. Id e n tify in g Sentences
Identify each o f th e follow ing w ord groups as a sentence o r a
sentence fragment. If a w o rd g ro u p is a sentence, w rite it in the
correct form , using a capital letter at th e b eg in n in g a n d adding
th e a p p ro p riate p u n c tu a tio n m a rk at th e end.
EXAMPLES 1. having fo rg o tte n th e ir h om ew o rk
1. sentence fragment
2. h ow strong th e w in d is
2. sentence—How strong the wind is!
1. after we visit the lib rary a n d gather in fo rm a tio n for the
research pap er
2. are you ready for th e big gam e next w eek
3. listen closely to o u r guest speaker
4. have read the first d raft o f m y pap er
5. an excellent sh o rt story, “T he M edicine Bag,” is in th a t b o o k
6. th a t we helped H a b ita t for H u m a n ity to b u ild
7. M rs. C hin, o u r m a th teacher this year
8. be p rep ared to give y o u r speech to m o rro w
9. fishing, skiing, a n d sw im m ing in th e lake
10. w h at a good idea you have, Am y

48 The Sentence
B. Id e n tify in g S im ple Subjects and Sim ple
W rite the sim ple subject an d th e sim ple predicate in each o f the
follow ing sentences.

EXAMPLE 1. A com puter can be a w o n d e rfu l to o l fo r people w ith
7. computer—simple subject; can be—simple predicate

11. Specially designed m achines have been developed in th e past

several years.
12. Have you ever seen a talking com puter?
13. It is used m ainly by people w ith visual im p airm en ts.
14. M ost co m puters display w ritin g o n a screen.
15. However, these special m odels can give in fo rm a tio n by voice.
16. C lo sed-captioned television is a n o th e r interesting an d fairly
recent invention.
17. Subtitles ap p ear on the television screens o f m an y h earing-
im paired viewers.
18. These viewers can read the subtitles a n d enjoy th e ir favorite
television shows.
19. W ith a teletypew riter (TTY ), people can type m essages over
ph o n e lines.
20. M any new inventions a n d devices m ake life easier.

C. Punctuating and Classifying Sentences

C opy th e last w ord o f each o f the follow ing sentences, a n d th en
p u n c tu a te each sentence w ith th e correct en d m ark. Classify each
sentence as declarative, interrogative, imperative, o r exclamatory.
EXAMPLE 1. Flowers and insects depend on one an o th e r fo r life
7. life.—declarative

21. Have you ever w atched a honeybee o r a bum blebee in a garden

22. The bee flies busily from one flower to another, d rinking nectar
23. N otice the yellow pollen th a t collects o n th e legs a n d b o d y o f
the bee
24. T he bee carries pollen from flow er to flower, helping the
plants to m ake seeds
25. W h at a rem arkable insect th e bee is

Diagnostic Preview 49
The Sentence
Reference Note 1a. A s e n t e n c e is a word or word group that contains a
f For information on the use subject and a verb and that expresses a complete thought.
of capital letters, see

page 306. For informa­ A sentence begins w ith a capital letter a n d ends w ith a period,
tion on end marks, see a q u estio n m ark, o r an exclam ation p o in t.
page 332.
EXAMPLES She won a prize for her book.
Reference Note
I For information on the Why did you stop running?
understood subject, see
page 65. W a it! [The understood subject is you.]

Sentence or Sentence Fragm ent?

Think as a
Keader/Writer A sentence fr a g m e n t is a g ro u p o f w ords th a t looks like a
sentence b u t does n o t c o n tain b o th a subject a n d a verb o r does
Sentence fragments are
n o t express a com plete th o u g h t.
common and acceptable in
informal situations. How­ SENTENCE FRAGMENT Sailing around the world. [The word group
ever, in formal writing, you lacks a subject.]
should avoid using sen­ SENTENCE They are sailing around the world.
tence fragments.

SENTENCE FRAGMENT The hike through the Grand Canyon. [The

word group lacks a verb.]
| COMPUTER TIP SENTENCE The hike through the Grand Canyon was long
1' 11 B<jg
Many grammar checkers and hard.
can help you identify sen­
tence fragments. If you SENTENCE FRAGMENT A fter they pitched the tent. [The word group
have access to such a pro­ contains a subject and a verb, but does not
gram, use it to help you express a complete thought.]
evaluate your writing.
SENTENCE A fter they pitched the tent, they rested.

Identifying Sentences
Identify each o f th e follow ing w ord gro u p s as a sentence o r a
sentence fragm ent. If a w ord g ro u p is a sentence, w rite it in the
correct form , using a capital letter at th e b eg in n in g a n d adding
th e a p p ro p riate p u n c tu a tio n m a rk at the end.
EXAMPLES 1. during her vacation last summer
Identify and use com­ 1. se n te n ce fra g m en t
plete sentences. Identify
and correct sentence
2. my friend Michelle visited Colorado
2. se n te n ce — M y frie n d M ich elle visited C olorado. you know w hat h a p p e n ed d u rin g M ichelle’s b o a t trip
2.dow n the rapids on the C olo rad o River first her b o at drifted calm ly th ro u g h the G ra n d C anyon en the river d ro p p ed suddenly i
5.a n d becam e foam ing rapids full o f dangerous b o ulders

6.m any o f w hich can b reak a b o a t
7.M ichelle’s b o a t was sm all
8.w ith one guide a n d fo u r passengers
9.som e passengers prefer large inflatable b o ats w ith o u tb o ard
m o to rs
10. carrying eighteen people

Subject and Predicate

Sentences consist o f tw o basic parts: subjects a n d predicates.

T h e S u b je c t
1b. The s u b je c t tells w h o m or w h a t the sentence is about.
EXAMPLES Nicholasa M o h r is a writer and an artist. Reference Note
I A compound noun, such
The girls on th e tea m w e re all good students.
as Nicholasa Mohr, is con­
He shared his lunch w ith th e boy on th e o th e r team . sidered one noun. For
information on com­
Sw im m ing is good exercise. pound nouns, see
page 71.
To find the subject, ask who or w h at is doing so m eth in g o r
whom o r w hat is being talked ab out. T he subject m ay com e at the
beginning, m iddle, o r e n d o f a sentence.
EXAMPLES The pitcher struck Felicia out. [W ho struck Felicia out?
The p itch e r did.]

A fte r practicing fo r hours, Tim m y bow led tw o strikes.

[W ho bow led tw o strikes? Tim m y did.]

H ow kind you are! [W ho is kind? You are.]

W h en w ill th e aftern o o n train arrive? [What\N\W arrive?

The a fte rn o o n train w ill.]
Identify the subject of a
Hiding in th e tall grass was a baby rabbit. [W ha t was sentence.
hiding? A b a b y ra b b it was.]

Subject and Predicate 51

W riting Subjects and Punctuating
A dd subjects to fill in th e blanks in th e follow ing sentences. Use
a different subject in each sentence. Begin each sentence w ith a

capital letter, an d e n d it w ith a p u n c tu a tio n m ark.

EXAMPLE 1. is very heavy
1. This is very hea vy.

1. is a difficult gam e to play

2. w orks in the p o st office
3. Luckily for m e , was easy to read
4. Tied to th e e n d o f th e rope w a s ____
5. D i d help you
6. eventually becam e P resident o f th e U nited States
7. H a v e ____ always w an ted to visit Peru
8. L u is ,____ was the score
9. Before the g a m e , will m eet in th e gym
10 . has always been one o f m y favorite books
11. W h at a great basketball p la y e r is
12. H a s called you yet
13. In th e a fte r n o o n takes a nap
14. _ is playing at the th ea ter this w eekend
15. W h en d i d sta rt m aking th a t so u n d
16. In a m in u te will feed you, Spot
17. U n d er the pile o f leaves in th e fro n t yard w a s ____
18. _ is th e g ro u p ’s b est-k n o w n song
19. In m y o p in io n is a b e tte r goalie th a n Alex
20. W here in the w orld d i d get th a t h at


Here is a test you can use S im p le S u b je c t a n d C o m p l e t e S u b je c t

to fin d the simple subject
o f most sentences: If you 1c. The s im p le s u b je c t is the main word or word group
leave o u t the simple sub­ that tells w h o m or w h a t the sentence is about.
ject, a sentence does not
make sense. T he co m p lete su b ject consists o f all the w ords th a t tell w hom or
w h a t a sentence is about.
The fo u r new . . . arrived EXAMPLES The four new students arrived early.
Complete subject The four new students
Simple subject students

52 The Sentence
Is the winner of the go-cart race present?
Complete subject the winner of the go-cart race
Simple subject winner

A round walnut table with five legs stood in the middle of

the dining room.
Complete subject A round walnut table with
five legs
Simple subject table

A sim ple subject m ay consist o f one w ord o r several w ords.

EXAMPLES Jets often break the sound barrier, [one word]

Does A u n t C arm en own a grocery store? [two words]

On the library shelf was The Island o f the Blue

Dolphins, [six words]

N0TE In this book, th e simple subject is usually referred to as the


Identifying Subjects
W rite the subject o f each o f the following sentences.
EXAMPLE 1. A book by N. Scott Momaday is on the table.
7. book

1. B orn in 1934 in O klahom a, M om aday lived o n N avajo an d Link to Literature |

A pache reservations in th e Southw est.
2. M om aday’s father was a Kiowa.
3. As a young m an , M om aday a tten d ed th e U niversity o f N ew
M exico a n d S tanford University.
4. In The Way to Rainy M ountain, he tells a b o u t the m yths an d
histo ry o f th e Kiowa people.
5. T he b o o k includes poem s, an essay, a n d stories a b o u t the
Kiowa people.
6. The Way to Rainy M ountain was pu b lish ed in 1969.
7. After M om aday’s b o o k cam e w orks by o th e r m o d e rn
A m erican In d ia n w riters.
8. W illiam Least H eat-M o o n traveled in a van across the U nited
States a n d w rote a b o u t his journey. Identify the simple sub­
9. Was he inspired to w rite by his travels? ject of a sentence.
Identify the complete
10. Readers o f this Osage w rite r enjoy his beau tifu l descriptions subject of a sentence.
o f nature.

Subject and Predicate 53

Identifying Com plete Subjects and
Simple Subjects
W rite th e com plete subject in each o f th e follow ing sentences.
T hen, u n d e rlin e th e sim ple subject.

EXAMPLES 1. Stories about tim e travel make exciting reading.

1. Stories about time travel

2. Samuel Delany writes great science fiction.

2. Samuel Delany

FITnk to Literature j 1. Ray B rad b u ry is also a w rite r o f science fiction.

2. The Golden Apples o f the Sun is a collection o f B rad b u ry ’s
s h o rt stories.
3. Is y o u r favorite sto ry in th a t b o o k “A S o u n d o f T h u n d e r”?
4. T he m ain character in th e sto ry is called M r. Eckels.
5. For ten th o u sa n d dollars, M r. Eckels joins T im e Safari, Inc.
6. H e is looking for th e d in o sa u r Tyrannosaurus rex.
7. W ith fo u r o th e r m en , B ra d b u ry ’s hero travels m o re th a n sixty
m illion years back in tim e.
8. O n th e safari, tro u b le develops.
9. Because o f one m istake, th e p ast is changed.
10. D o th e results o f th a t m istake affect th e future?

T h e P r e d ic a t e
1d. The p r e d ic a t e of a sentence tells something about the
EXAMPLES The phone ran g.

Old Faithful is a g ia n t g eyser in Y e llo w s to n e

N a tio n a l Park.

Jade Snow W ong w r o te a b o u t g ro w in g up in San

Francisco's C h in a to w n .

Like th e subject, the predicate m ay be fo u n d anyw here in a

EXAMPLES O u tsid e th e t e n t w a s a baby bear.

Late in th e n ig h t we h e a rd a noise. [The predicate in

Identify the predicate of
this sentence is divided by the subject, we.]
a sentence.

The Sentence
Has the dough risen enough? [The predicate is divided
by the subject, the dough.]

Stop right there! [The subject in this sentence is under­

stood to be you.]

Identifying Predicates
W rite the predicate in each o f th e follow ing sentences.
EXAMPLES 1. My favorite sports poster is this one of Roberto
1. is this one o f Roberto Clemente

2. Have you heard of this famous sports hero?

2. Have heard o f this famous sports hero

1. Also am o n g m y baseball treasures is a b o o k

ab o u t C lem ente’s life an d career.
2. C lem ente played rig h t field for the
P ittsb u rg h Pirates, m y favorite team .
3. D u rin g his am azing career, he
w on fo u r N ational League
b a ttin g titles.
4. In 1966, he was n a m e d the
league’s M ost Valuable Player.
5. Twice C lem ente helped lead
th e Pirates to W orld Series
6 . In fourteen W orld Series
games, C lem ente never w ent
w ith o u t a hit.
R oberto C lem ente died in a
plane crash o ff the coast o f his
hom eland, P uerto Rico.
8. T he plane crash o ccu rred o n a
flight to N icaragua to aid e a rth ­
quake victim s.
9. A fter his death, C lem ente was elected
to th e N ational Baseball H all o f Fam e.
10. In New York, a p ark has been n am ed for this
beloved ballplayer.

Subject and Predicate 55

W riting Predicates
M ake a sentence o u t o f each o f th e follow ing w ord groups
by ad d in g a predicate to fill th e b lan k or blanks.
EXAMPLES 1. A flock of geese____

1. A flock o f geese flew high overhead.

2. a poster of Nelson Mandela.

2. Over Kim's desk hung a poster o f Nelson Mandela.

1. M y favorite f o o d _____
2. A course in first a i d _____
3. o u r car ?
4. Rock c lim b in g _____
5. Spanish explorers in th e A m e ric a s _____
6. Several c o m p u te rs _____
7. a new p a ir o f roller skates.
8. T he skyscrapers o f N ew York C ity _____
9. Som e d o g s _____
10 . m y fa m ily _____
11. W in n in g th e c h a m p io n s h ip ____
12 . all sorts o f b i r d s _____
13. T he new store at the m a l l _____
14 . a sm all, b ro w n toad.
15. T he flowers in M r. A lvarez’s g a r d e n _____
16 . m y c h o re s _____
17. G erry’s a llo w a n c e _____
18. we ?
19. T he cool o f the m o r n in g _____
20. T he tin y k itte n s _____

S im p le P r e d ic a t e a n d C o m p l e t e P r e d ic a t e
1e. The s im p le p r e d ic a t e , or v e r b , is the main word or
word group that tells something about the subject.

T he co m p lete p re d ic a te consists o f a verb a n d all th e w ords th a t

n m w rp w ra describe the verb a n d com plete its m eaning.
Identify the simple predi­ EXAMPLES The pilot broke the sound barrier.
cate of a sentence.
Identify the complete Complete predicate broke the sound barrier
predicate of a sentence.
Simple predicate (verb) broke

56 The Sentence
W e should have visited the diamond field in Arkansas.
Complete predicate should have visited the
diamond field in Arkansas
Simple predicate (verb) should have visited

The telephone on the table rang.

Complete predicate rang
Simple predicate (verb) rang

N0TE In this book, th e simple predicate is usually referred to as

th e verb.

Identifying Complete Predicates and Verbs

W rite the com plete predicate o f each o f the follow ing sentences.
T hen, u n d erlin e th e verb.
EXAMPLE 1. W ho created the U.S. flag?
7. created the U.S. flag

1. M any scholars are u n su re a b o u t the h isto ry o f th e Stars a n d

2. T he C o n tin en tal C ongress approved a design for th e flag.
3. T he flag’s design inclu d ed th irte e n red stripes a n d th irte e n
w hite stripes.
4. The to p in n er q u a rte r o f th e flag was a blue field w ith th ir ­
teen w hite stars.
5. T he n am e o f th e designer has rem ain ed a m ystery.
6. D uring the Am erican Revolution, the colonists needed a sym ­
bol o f their independence.
7. George W ashington w an ted flags for th e arm y.
8. U nfortunately, th e flags did n o t arrive u n til th e e n d o f the
R evolutionary W ar.
9. A ccording to legend, Betsy Ross m ad e the first flag.
10. H ow ever, m o st histo rian s d o u b t th e Betsy Ross story.
Reference Note
l~For information on help
ing verbs, see page 95.
T h e V e rb P h ra se
Som e sim ple predicates, o r verbs, consist o f m o re th a n one w ord.
Such verbs are called verb phrases (verbs th a t include one o r
m ore helping verbs).
Identify and use verb
EXAMPLE Kathy is riding the Ferris wheel. phrases.

Subject and Predicate

EXAMPLES The carnival has been in tow n for tw o weeks.

Should Imelda have go tten here sooner?

Reference Note N0TL The words n o t and n ever are not verbs; they are adverbs.
I For information on They are never part o f a verb or verb phrase.

adverbs, see page 100.

EXAMPLES She has not w ritte n to me recently.

I w ill never fo rg e t her.

They d o n 't k n o w my cousins. [Don't is the contraction

of do and n o t The n't is not part of the verb phrase do

Identifying Verbs and Verb Phrases

W rite th e verb o r verb p hrase in each o f th e follow ing sentences.
EXAMPLES 1. Look at these beautiful pictures o f Hawaii.
1. Look

2. They were taken by our science teacher.

2. were taken

1. H aw aii is called th e A loha State.

2. It was settled by Polynesians a b o u t 2,000 years ago.
3. T he m usical heritage a n d rich cu ltu re o f th e original
H aw aiians have c o n trib u te d to th e islands’ popularity.
4. Have you ever seen a trad itio n al
H aw aiian dance, one w ith d ru m s
an d chants?
5. T he H aw aiian islands are also know n
for th eir lush, exotic scenery.
6. I can certainly n o t im agine anything
m o re spectacular th a n an active
volcano at night.
7. W ould you like a helicopter ride over
m isty waterfalls like those in Hawaii?
8. W hat an incredible sight th at surely is!
9. T hose H aw aiian dancers m u st have
been practicing for years.
10. Save m e a place o n the next flight!

58 The Sentence
F in d in g t h e S u b je c t
To find the subject o f a sentence, fin d th e verb first. T h en , ask
“W ho?” o r “W hat?” before the verb. p N P S (§( T R I C K S
When you are looking for
EXAMPLES In high school we will have more homework. [The verb is

the subject of a sentence,
will have. Who will have? We will have. We is the subject
remember that the subject
of the sentence.]
is never part of a preposi­
Can you untie this knot? [Can untie is the verb. Who can tional phrase. Cross
through any prepositional
untie? You can untie. You is the subject of the sentence.]
phrases; the subject will be
The peak of M ount Everest was first reached by Sir one of the remaining
Edmund Hillary and Tenzing Norgay. [The verb is was words.
reached. What\Nas reached? Peak was reached. Peak EXAMPLE
is the subject of the sentence.]
pieces are i
Ahead of the explorers lay a vast wilderness. [The
verb is lay. What lay? Wilderness lay. Wilderness is the SUBJECT
subject of the sentence.]
W here are the Canary Islands located? [Are located is the are
verb. What are located? Canary Islands are located.
Reference Note
Canary Islands is the subject of the sentence.]
rForinform ation on
Pass the salad, please. [Pass is the verb. Who should pass? prepositional phrases,
You pass. Understood you is the subject of the sentence.] see page 105.

C o m p o u n d S u b je c t s a n d C o m p o u n d V e r b s

Compound Subjects
Reference Note
1f. A c o m p o u n d s u b je c t consists of two or more subjects
I For information on
that are joined by a conjunction and that have the same verb.
conjunctions, see
T he co n ju n ctio n s m o st co m m o n ly used to co n n ect th e w ords o f page 108.

a c o m p o u n d subject are and an d or.

EXAMPLES Paris and London remain favorite tourist attractions.
[The tw o parts of the compound subject have the same
verb, remain.]

Nelson Mandela or Archbishop Desmond Tutu will

speak at the conference. [The tw o parts of the compound
subject have the same verb, will speak.]

Among my hobbies are reading, snorkeling, and paint­

ing. [The three parts of the compound subject have the Identify the compound
subject of a sentence.
same verb, are.]

Subject and Predicate 59

I TIPS (y T R I CKS | Identifying Compound Subjects
In sentences with a com­ W rite th e c o m p o u n d subject in each o f the follow ing sentences.
pound subject joined by or,
EXAMPLE 1. The shapes and sizes of sand dunes are determined by
the verb agrees with the
the wind.
subject closest to it. Here is
a quick test you can use. 1. shapes, sizes
(1) Cover the part of the
subject that is farther from
1. T he n a tio n a l parks a n d m o n u m e n ts o f th e U nited States
the verb. (2) Decide include m any o f th e w o rld ’s m o st spectacular landform s.
whether the remaining 2. T he G ra n d C anyon a n d th e w aterfalls o f Yosemite are ex am ­
part of the compound sub­ ples o f lan d fo rm s shaped by erosion.
ject agrees with the verb.
3. W ater, w ind, a n d o th e r n a tu ra l forces are c o n tin u in g th e age-
EXAMPLE old erosion o f landform s.
Janie or her parents (is,
4. O n th e C olo rad o Plateau, for exam ple, n a tu ra l bridges an d
are) coming. [Her parents
arches, like th e one in th e p h o to g ra p h o n the left, have been
is coming or her parents
are coming ? Her parents p ro d u ce d by erosion.
are coming is correct.] 5. Likewise, Skyline A rch a n d L andscape A rch in U tah are two
ANSWER n a tu ra l arches fo rm e d by erosion.
Janie or her parents are 6. U n d e rg ro u n d , caves a n d im m ense caverns are created by
coming. ru sh in g stream s a n d w aterfalls.
7. Stalagm ites a n d stalactites, such as th e ones in the p h o to ­
g rap h on the right, are fo rm e d by lim e deposits fro m drops
o f w ater seeping in to these caverns.
8. In river system s
th ro u g h o u t th e w orld,
canyons a n d gorges
are cu t in to th e earth
by erosion.
9. M any rapids an d
w aterfalls have also
o rig in ated th ro u g h
th e process o f erosion.
10. D o steep areas w ith
heavy rainfall o r d ry
regions w ith few trees
suffer m o re from
^ 2 2 2 2 X 1 3 W riting Compound Subjects
A dd a c o m p o u n d subject to each o f the follow ing predicates. Use
and o r or to jo in the p a rts o f y o u r c o m p o u n d subjects.
EXAMPLE 1. were at the bottom of my locker.

1. My bus pass and a pair o f gym socks were at the
bottom o f my locker.

1. Y esterday arrived in th e m ail.

2. m ake loyal pets.
3. O n the b e a c h sp o tted a d o lphin.
4. will present their re p o rt on the adventures o f Alvar
N unez Cabeza de Vaca.
5. In the attic w ere p ile d .
6. Ever since first g r a d e , have been friends a n d neighbors.
7. I s coaching th e ten n is team this year?
8. For In d ia n f o o d , always go to th e B om bay Cafe in the
sh o pping center nearby.
9. To o u r great surprise, o u t o f m y little b ro th e r’s pockets I Think as a
spilled _____. Keader/Writerj
10. B o t h m ay be seen o n the A frican plains. Using com pound subjects
and verbs, you can combine
ideas to make your w ritin g
Compound Verbs less w ordy.

1g. A c o m p o u n d v e r b consists of two or more verbs that WORDY

O rville and W ilb u r W rig h t
are joined by a conjunction and that have the same subject.
b u ilt one o f th e firs t air­
T he co n ju n ctio n s m o st co m m o n ly used to co nnect th e w ords o f planes. Orville and W ilb u r
W rig h t fle w it near K itty
a c o m p o u n d verb are and, or, a n d but.
Hawk, N orth Carolina.
EXAMPLES The rain has fallen for days and is still falling. REVISED
Orville and W ilb u r W rig h t
The team played well but lost the game anyway.
built one o f th e firs t air­
Will Rolando mop the floor or wash the dishes? planes and fle w it near
K itty Hawk, North
A sentence m ay c o n tain b o th a com pound subject a n d a Carolina.

com pound verb. N otice in th e follow ing exam ple th a t b o th

subjects carry o u t the action o f b o th verbs.
EXAMPLE A few vegetables and many flowers sprouted and
grew in the rich soil. [The vegetables sprouted and grew,
and the flowers sprouted and grew.]
Identify compound verbs
in a sentence.

Subject and Predicate 61

Identifying Compound Verbs
S /

r H E LP

Be sure to
1 W rite each c o m p o u n d verb or verb p hrase in the follow ing
include all parts of each EXAMPLE 1. Have you heard of the game Serpent or learned

verb phrase in Exercise 1

the game Senet?
7. have heard, learned

1. Just like children today, children in an cien t Egypt played

gam es an d enjoyed toys.
2. For th e E gyptian b o a rd gam e S erpent, players fo u n d or
carved a serp e n t-sh a p e d stone.
3. Players placed the se rp e n t in th e center o f th e b o a rd a n d th en
began th e gam e.
4. T hey used place m arkers a n d th rew b ones o r sticks as dice.
5. T he players to o k tu rn s a n d co m p eted w ith one a n o th e r in a
race to the center.
6. Senet was a n o th e r an cien t E gyptian b o a rd gam e a n d was
played by children a n d adults alike.
7. Senet looked like an easy gam e b u t was actually difficult.
8. Players m oved th eir playing pieces to w ard th e ends o f three
rows o f squares b u t som etim es were sto p p ed by th eir
o p p o n en ts.
9. Senet b o ard s w ere com plex a n d h a d certain squares for good
luck a n d bad luck.
10. These squares could help players o r could block th eir pieces.

C2S29B Identifying Subjects and Verbs

Identify th e subject a n d verb in each o f th e follow ing sentences.
EXAMPLE 1. American pioneers left their homes and traveled
to the West.
Some of the
subjects and verbs in 7. pioneers — subject; left, traveled—verbs
Exercise 12 are compound.
1. Settlers faced a n d overcam e m an y dangers.
2. M o u n t M cK inley a n d M o u n t W h itn e y are tw o very high
m o u n tain s.
3. Sacagawea o f th e S hoshone people h elp ed op en th e W est to
explorers a n d settlers.
4. Every w in ter m an y skiers ru sh to th e G ra n d Tetons.

62 The Sentence
5. D id all o f the m o u n ta in e e rs successfully
ascend an d descend M o u n t Everest?
6. Valleys a n d dense forests cool a n d refresh
travelers in the A ppalachian M o untains.
7. O n B eartooth H ighw ay in M o n tan a, excel­

lent c am p g ro u n d s a n d scenic overlooks
provide m an y views o f d istan t glaciers.
8. M o u n t Evans is w est o f D enver a n d can be
reached by th e highest paved ro ad in the
U nited States.
9. Is th e view from th e to p slopes o f M o u n t
Evans breathtaking?
10. T hick forests cover the G reat Sm oky
M o u n tain s a n d help fo rm the peaks’
sm oky m ist.

Identifying Subjects and Predicates

W rite the sim ple subject a n d th e verb o r verb p hrase in each
V /\
o f the follow ing sentences.
EXAMPLE 1. Even the ancient Incas and the Aztecs paid and
r HEL P-

Some of the < r

collected taxes. subjects and verbs in
Review A are compound.
7. Incas, Aztecs; paid, collected

1. A m ong the obligations o f citizens in large cities is the

p ro m p t p ay m en t o f taxes.
2. T he an cient citizens o f M esoam erica w ere n o exception to
this rule.
3. Are som e o f these taxes also k n o w n to d ay as “trib u te ”?
4. Bowls, blankets, honey, o r even w a rrio rs’ shields w ere given
a n d accepted as trib u te.
5. H igh officials a n d th e sick did n o t, however, pay taxes.
6. In the interest o f fairness, taxes m u st be c o u n ted a n d recorded
in som e way by accountants.
7. As a record, Incas k n o tte d a strin g or cord a n d c o u n te d the
n u m b e r o f knots.
8. T he C odex M endoza is a form al record o f the A ztecs’ taxes.
9. B oth th e Incas an d the Aztecs used the n u m b e r 20 as th e base
o f th eir m athem atics.
10. M ight roads, buildings, o r em ergency supplies have been
paid for w ith th e trib u te , o r taxes?

Subject and Predicate 63

Identifying Subjects and Predicates
W n

r H E LP-

Some of the
W rite th e follow ing sentences. U n d erlin e th e com plete subjects
once a n d the com plete predicates twice. T hen, circle each
subjects and verbs in sim ple subject a n d each verb.
Review B are compound.

EXAMPLES 1. The entire continent o f Australia is occupied by a

single country.
7. The entire (continent) o f Australia (is occupied )
by a single country.

2. W h a t do you know about this continent?

2. W h a t ( ^ ( y ^ (k n o w ) about this continent?

1. It is located w ith in th e S o u th ern H em isphere.

2. C an you n am e th e capital o f Australia?
3. A ustralia is a fed eratio n o f six states a n d tw o territories.
4. T he c o n tin e n t o f A ustralia was claim ed for B ritain by
C aptain James C ook.
5. T he native people o f A ustralia live m ainly in the desert
regions and, traditionally, have a very close b o n d w ith th eir
en vironm ent.
6. A large n u m b e r o f B ritish colonists settled in cities a n d tow ns
o n th e coast.
7. M any ranchers raise sheep a n d e x p o rt wool.
8. In ad d itio n , large q u an tities o f gold a n d u ra n iu m are m in e d
in A ustralia.
9. T he c o u n try is also highly in d u strialized a n d p roduces a
variety o f goods, ran g in g from shoes to airplanes.
10. A m ong A ustralia’s m o st u n u su a l anim als are the platypus
a n d the anteater.

Kinds of Sentences
Reference Note 1h. A declarative sentence makes a statement and
I For information about ends with a period.
how sentences can be
EXAMPLES Amy Tan was born in Oakland, California.
classified according to
their structure, see I couldn't hear w hat Jason said.
Chapter 7.
1i. An imperative sentence gives a command or makes a
request. Most imperative sentences end with a period. A
strong command ends with an exclamation point.
EXAMPLES Be quiet during the play, [command]

Please give me another piece of melon, [request]

Stop! [strong command]

The subject o f a c o m m a n d o r a request is always you, even if

you doesn’t ap p ear in th e sentence. In such cases, you is called the
understood subject.
EXAMPLES (You) Be quiet during the play.

(You) Please give me another piece of melon.

(You) Stop!

T he w ord you is th e u n d e rsto o d subject even w h en the

person spoken to is addressed by nam e.
EXAMPLE Miguel, (you) please answer the phone.

1j. An interrogative sentence asks a question and ends

with a question mark.
EXAMPLES When did you return from your camping trip?

Did the surfboard cost much?

1k. An exclamatory sentence shows excitement or

expresses strong feeling and ends with an exclamation point.
EXAMPLES Gabriella won the match!

How terrifying that movie was!

Classifying Sentences by Purpose

Label each o f the follow ing sentences declarative, imperative,
interrogative, o r exclamatory.
EXAMPLE 1. Ask Yoshiko for the address.
7. imperative

1. W ill y o u r g ran d fath er com pete in the Kansas C ity M a ra th o n Classify sentences by pur­
pose. Identify and use
again this year?
declarative sentences.
2. O u r school’s project, cleaning u p the Silver River N atu re Identify and use impera­
tive sentences. Identify
Preserve, was a success. and use interrogative
3. Bring m ore sandbags over here now! sentences. Identify and
use exclamatory sen­
4. Is the Rig-Veda th e oldest o f th e H in d u scriptures? tences.
5. Read this po em by N ao m i Shihab Nye.

Kinds of Sentences 65
6. H ow huge this lib rary is!
7. O rigam i is th e fascinating Japanese folk a rt o f folding
p ap er in to shapes.
^ 8. H ow did you m ake th a t p a p e r crane?
9. Please line u p alphabetically.

10. A fter we eat supper, w e’re going to m y a u n t’s house dow n

the block.

Classifying and Punctuating Sentences

W rite the last w ord o f each o f th e follow ing sentences, adding
the correct en d m ark. T h en , label each sentence as declarative,
imperative, interrogative, o r exclamatory.
EXAMPLE 1. Are prairie dogs social creatures
7. creatures?—interrogative

1. M any o f these sm all m am m als live to g eth er in u n d e rg ro u n d

“to w n s” like the one show n below
2. Look at how p rairie dogs dig fam ily bu rro w s
3. H ow large are the bu rro w s
4. T he bu rro w s som etim es cover several acres
5. These creatures can usually be seen at n ig h t o r in th e early
m o rn in g
6. W h at alert anim als p rairie dogs are
7. At least one p rairie dog always keeps a lo o k o u t fo r th reats to
the c o m m u n ity
8. Look at how it sits u p to see b e tte r
9. It th en dives headfirst in to th e b u rro w a n d alerts the colony
10. H ow shrill the prairie dog’s w histle o f alarm is

66 The Sentence

C h ap ter Review
A. Identifying Sentences

Identify each o f th e follow ing groups o f w ords as a sentence o r a
sentence fragment.

1. Trying a double som ersault.

2. She barely caught h er p a rtn e r’s hands!
3. As she began th e triple.
4. She fell in to th e net.
5. T he crow d gasped.
6 . Even th e clow ns tu rn e d a n d looked.
7. W as she hurt?
8. Rolled o ff th e n et to th e gro u n d .
9. Sm iling as she w aved to th e crow d.
10. She was fine!

B. Identifying Subjects
Identify th e com plete subject o f th e follow ing sentences. T hen,
\ *
- HE L P - u n d erlin e the sim ple subject. T he sim ple subject m ay be
r h “ r— < com pound.
that the subject may be 11. Foods a n d beverages w ith large a m o u n ts o f sugar can
the understood you.
c o n trib u te to to o th decay.
12. T he lava fro m a volcano h ard en s w h en it cools.
13. T he earth q u ak e survivors cam p ed o n blankets in th e rubble.
14. In Beijing, bicyclists weave th ro u g h th e bu sy streets.
15. By 1899, m an y gold pro sp ecto rs h a d ru sh e d to Alaska.
16. T he w eather d u rin g an A laskan su m m e r can be hot.
17. Have you read this collection o f C laude M cKay’s poem s?
18. In th e center o f the table was a huge bow l o f fruit.
19. Linked forever in legend are Paul B unyan a n d Babe the
Blue Ox.
20. Have m an y fam ous racehorses b een tra in e d in Kentucky?
21. T he b rig h t lights a n d th e tall b u ildings am aze a n d delight
m o st visitors to N ew York City.

Chapter Review 67
22. Are Lita a n d M arisa going to give th e ir presentation?
23. A fter soccer practice to m o rro w aftern o o n , please com e to m y
h ouse for dinner.
24. Inside the box w ere letters a n d postcards w ritte n a ro u n d the
tu rn o f th e century.

25. T he b o o k Come a Stranger was w ritte n by th e aw ard-w inning

a u th o r C ynthia Voigt.

C. Identifying Predicates
Identify th e com plete predicate o f the follow ing sentences. Then,
u n d erlin e th e sim ple predicate (verb o r verb phrase). T he sim ple
predicate m ay be c o m p o u n d .

26. Teenagers need a balanced diet for good health.

27. A b alanced diet im proves stu d e n t perfo rm an ce in school.
28. S tudents are som etim es in a h u rry a n d skip breakfast.
29. For a n u tritio u s breakfast, th ey can eat cereal an d fruit.
30. Cheese a n d juice also p rovide good n u tritio n .
31. T he cheese contains calcium , an im p o rta n t m ineral.
32. People need p ro te in as well.
33. P rotein builds b o d y tissue.
34. P rotein can be su pplied by eggs, d ried beans, red m eat, fish,
a n d poultry.
35. C arbohydrates include w hole grains, vegetables, a n d fruits.
36. Junk foods can ru in y o u r appetite.
37. Sweets cause to o th decay a n d c o n ta in m an y calories.
38. A ccording to n u tritio n ists, sweets are low in n u trie n ts a n d fill
the b o d y w ith “e m p ty ” calories.
39. G ood eating habits keep you healthy a n d help you live longer.
40. S tart eating right!

D. Classifying and Punctuating Sentences

Classify each o f the follow ing sentences as declarative, interroga­
tive, imperative, o r exclamatory. T hen, w rite each sentence w ith
the correct end p u n c tu a tio n .

41 . In an cient tim es, the Julian calendar was used

68 The Sentence
42. W hy was it called Julian
43. It was n a m e d after the R om an leader Julius C aesar
4 4 . 1 th o u g h t so
45. Because the Julian calendar was n o t perfect, th e G regorian

calendar was invented
46. In 1752, the calendar was changed in E ngland
47. Tell m e th e result
48. Eleven days in S eptem ber w ere lost
49. T h a t’s th e strangest th in g I’ve ever heard
50. W ere those days lost forever

g |lj W riting Application Reference Note

For information on
BN Writing a Letter
writing a letter, see
Using Complete Sentences Yesterday, you w ent to a "Writing" in the Quick
birth d ay party. W rite a letter describing th e p a rty to a friend or Reference Handbook.

relative w ho lives far away. Include details ab o u t th e activities you

enjoyed an d ab o u t the o th er people w ho were there. Use com plete
sentences to m ake sure y our th o u g h ts are clear.
Prewriting M ake a list o f th e details th a t you w o u ld like to
include in y o u r letter. At this stage, you do n o t have to use
com plete sentences. Sim ply jo t d o w n y o u r th o u g h ts.

W riting Use y o u r p rew ritin g list o f details as you w rite y our

ro u g h draft. C hoose details th a t w ould be interesting to y our
friend o r relative. You m ig h t organize y o u r letter chronologically
(describing events in the o rd er in w hich they occu rred ).

Revising Read y o u r letter aloud. As you read, m a rk any p arts

o f the letter th a t seem unclear. A dd, cut, o r rearrange details to
m ake y o u r letter clear a n d interesting to y o u r reader.

Publishing C heck y o u r w ork to m ake sure you have used only

com plete sentences. Read y o u r letter for any e rro rs in spelling
an d p u n c tu a tio n . You a n d y o u r classm ates m ay w an t to collect
the letters in a booklet. M ake a copy for each m em b e r o f the
class. Create various kinds of
texts in the different
writing modes. Write a
letter. Write in complete

Chapter Review 69

( *i
Parts of Speech

Noun, Pronoun, Adjective
A labam a Course o f Study
g C
SAT 10

Diagnostic Preview
Id e n tify in g Nouns, Pronouns, and A djectives
Identify each italicized w o rd in th e follow ing p arag rap h s as a
noun, a pronoun, o r an adjective.
EXAMPLES The [1] achievements of the [2] native peoples of
North America have sometimes been overlooked.
1. noun
2. adjective

Recent [1] studies show th a t the W innebago people developed

a [2] calendar based on careful observation o f the [3] heavens. An
[4] archaeologist has found th at m arkings o n an old [5] calendar
stick are th e precise records o f a [6] lunar year a n d a solar year.
These records are rem arkably accurate, considering th a t at the
tim e th e [7] Winnebagos h a d n e ith e r a [8] written language n o r
a system o f [9] mathematics.
[10] The calendar stick is a carved [11] hickory bran ch w ith
[12] four sides. [13] It is w o rn along th e [14] edges a n d shows
o th er signs o f freq u en t use. A [15] sim ilar stick appears in a
p o rtra it o f an early chief o f th e W innebagos. In th e p o rtra it, the
chief holds a calendar stick in [16] his rig h t h an d . [17] One
c u rre n t th e o ry is th a t the chief w ent o u t at [18] sunrise an d

70 Parts of Speech Overview

sunset to observe the sun a n d th e m o o n . [19] H e th e n m ark ed o n
the stick w h at he saw. A ccording to one researcher, this calendar
is the [20] oldest in d icatio n we have th a t native N o rth A m erican
peoples recorded the year day by day.

The Noun
2a. A n o u n is a word or word group that is used to name
a person, a place, a thing, or an idea.

Persons Jessye Norman, teacher, chef, Dr. Ling

Places Grand Canyon, city, Nam ibia, kitchen

Things lamp, granite, Nobel Prize, Golden Gate Bridge

Ideas happiness, self-control, liberty, bravery

N otice th a t som e n o u n s are m ad e u p o f m o re th a n one w ord. A m T s TRICKS I

com pou nd noun is a single n o u n m ad e up o f tw o or m o re w ords To find the correct spelling
used together. T he c o m p o u n d n o u n m ay be w ritte n as one w ord, of a compound noun, look
as a h y p h en ated w ord, or as tw o o r m o re w ords. it up in a recent dictionary.

One Word grandm other, basketball

Hyphenated Word m other-in-law , light-year

Two Words grand piano, ju m p in g jack

^ 2 2 2 5 1 ® Identifying Nouns
Identify the n o u n s in the follow ing sentences. V V \

EXAMPLE 1. W e have been reading about patriotic heroines


In Exercise 1,
< v
in our textbook. some nouns are used more
7. heroines, textbook than once.

1. Rebecca M o tte was a great p a trio t.

2. D u rin g the R evolutionary W ar, B ritish soldiers seized her
m an sio n in S outh C arolina. Identify and use nouns.
3. G eneral H a rry Lee to ld M o tte th a t th e A m ericans w ould Identify and use com­
pound nouns.
have to b u rn h er ho m e to sm oke o u t th e enem y.

The Noun 71
4. M otte su p p o rte d the p lan a n d w as glad to help h er co u n try .
5. She even su pplied flam ing arrow s a n d a bow for th e attack.
6. T he h ouse was saved after th e enem y raised th e w hite flag o f
7. O th e r people m ig h t n o t have been so generous o r patriotic.

8. A fterw ard, M otte invited soldiers fro m b o th sides to dinner.

9. H ow th eir lau g h ter m u st have filled th e air!
10. T he colonies a n d all citizens o f the U n ited States are in
h er debt.

P ro p er N o u n s a n d C o m m o n N o u n s
Reference Note A p ro p e r noun nam es a p a rtic u la r p erso n , place, thing, o r idea
I For more information a n d begins w ith a capital letter. A com m on noun nam es any one
about capitalizing
o f a g ro u p o f persons, places, things, o r ideas a n d is generally n o t
proper nouns, see
page 308.

Common Nouns Proper Nouns

girl Kay O 'N eill

w rite r Octavio Paz
country Morocco
m o n u m en t Eiffel Tow er
com pact disc A Long Way Home
book Tiger Eyes
religion Buddhism
language Arabic
city O tta w a

W x
^ 2 5 2 9 ® Identifying Common Nouns and
r H E LP-

In Exercise 2, <y Proper Nouns

some nouns are used more W rite th e n o u n s in each o f th e follow ing sentences. T hen,
than once. identify each n o u n as a common noun o r proper noun.
EXAMPLE 1. Mark visited an interesting museum in Colorado last
nniTCTCTna month.
Identify and use common 7. Mark—proper; museum — common; Colorado —
nouns. Identify and use proper; month—common
proper nouns.

72 Parts of Speech Overview

1. M ark a n d his p aren ts w ent to th e Black A m erican W est
M useum a n d H eritage C enter in D enver.
2. T he m u seu m displays m an y item s th a t cowboys used.
3. These item s are from the collection o f Paul Stew art, the
m an w ho fo u n d ed the m useum .

4. M ark saw saddles, knives, hats, a n d lariats.
5. H e also saw m an y pictu res o f A frican A m erican cowboys.
6. T he m u seu m is located in an o ld h ouse th a t is listed in the
N ational Register o f H istoric Places.
7. T he house once belonged to Dr. Justina L. Ford.
8. She was the first black fem ale physician in C olorado.
9. M ark was am azed by all o f th e old m edical in stru m e n ts in
one display.
10. H e said he was glad d o cto rs d o n ’t use e q u ip m e n t like th a t
anym ore.

Revising Sentences by Using Proper Nouns

Revise the follow ing sentences by su b stitu tin g a p ro p e r n o u n for
each c o m m o n n o u n . You m ig h t have to change som e o th er
w ords in each sentence. You m ay m ake u p p ro p e r nam es.
EXAMPLE 1. An ambassador visited a local school and spoke about
his country.
7. Ambassador Rios visited Jackson High School
and spoke about Brazil.

1. T hat p a in tin g is in a fam ous m useum .

2. T he police officer cheerfully directed us to th e bu ild in g
o n th a t street.
3. M y relatives, w ho are originally from a sm all tow n, now
live in a large city.
4. T he lib ra rian asked m y classm ate to re tu rn th e b o o k as
soon as possible.
5. T hat new spaper is pu b lish ed daily; this m agazine is
published weekly.
6. T he girl read a p o em for th e teacher.
7. T h at state b o rd ers th e ocean.
8. T he ow ner o f th a t store visited tw o co u n tries d u rin g a
spring m o n th .
9. A m an flew to a n o rth e rn city o ne day.
10. Last w eek the m ayor visited o u r school a n d talked a b o u t
the h isto ry o f o u r city.

The Noun 73
Identifying and Classifying Nouns
Identify th e n o u n s in the follow ing sentences, a n d label
each n o u n as a com m on noun o r a proper noun.
EXAMPLE [1] Lillian Evanti performed in Europe, Latin America,

and Africa.
1. Lillian Evanti—proper noun; Europe—proper noun;
Latin America—proper noun; Africa—proper noun

[1] Evanti was th e first A frican A m erican w o m an to sing

o p era professionally. [2] H er talen t was recognized early; w hen

she was a child, she gave a solo co n cert in W ashington, D.C.
[3] As an adult, she p e rfo rm e d in a special co n cert at the W hite
H ouse for P resident F ranklin R oosevelt a n d his wife, Eleanor.
[4] Evanti also com posed a m usical piece titled “H im n o
P anam ericano,” w hich was a great success. [5] H er career
inspired m an y o th e r A frican A m erican singers.
[6] A few years later M arian A n d erso n stepped in to th e lim e­
light. [7] Always a c h a m p io n o f th e arts, M rs. Roosevelt again
aided a great p e rfo rm er. [8] W ith th e assistance a n d en courage­
m e n t o f th e fo rm e r First Lady, A n d erso n sang at a m o st a p p ro ­
priate site— the L incoln M em orial. [9] Like Evanti, A nderson
broke barriers, for before her, n o o th e r A frican A m erican h ad
sung at th e fam ous M e tro p o lita n O p era H ouse in N ew York City.
[10] H o n o rs A nderson earn ed include a place in th e N ational
A rts H all o f Fam e.

C o n cre te N o u n s a n d A b stra c t N o u n s
A concrete noun nam es a p erso n , place, or th in g th a t can be p e r­
ceived by one or m o re o f th e senses (sight, hearing, taste, to uch,
sm ell). A n a b stra c t noun nam es an idea, a feeling, a quality, o r a

, , .. ,
Concrete Nouns ph o tograph, music, pears, film m aker,
sandpaper, rose, Brooklyn Bridge
Identify and use concrete
nouns. Identify and use Abstract Nouns love, fun, freed o m , self-esteem, beauty,
abstract nouns.
honor, wisdom . Buddhism
(page 75): Identify and
use collective nouns.

74 ^arts Speech Overview

W riting Sentences w ith Concrete
and Abstract Nouns
Identify each n o u n in th e follow ing list as concrete o r abstract.
Then, use each n o u n in an original sentence.
EXAMPLE 1. truth
1. abstract—People should always tell the truth.

1. soy sauce 4. ice 7. m o to r 9. pillow

2. b ro th e rh o o d 5. excitem ent 8. h ealth 10. h o n o r
3. laughter 6. kindness

C o lle c t iv e N o u n s
A collective noun is a w o rd th a t nam es a group. Reference Note
I For more in fo rm a tio n
audience committee herd quartet abo u t collective nouns,
see pages 202 and 211.
batch crew jury swarm
class family litter team

Us'n9 the D ifferen t Kinds o f Nouns

Com plete the following poem , w hich is based on this
painting. A dd com m on, proper, concrete, abstract, or
collective nouns as directed. For proper n ouns, you’ll

Jacob Lawrence, Strong Man. Gouache on paper, 22" x 17". Photo by Chris Eden, Francine Seders Gallery.
need to m ake up nam es o f people and places. Be sure
you capitalize all proper nouns.

M eet m y [1] (com m on), the really am azing,

Truly tre m en d o u s [2] (proper), th a t’s w ho.
You can see w hat [3] (abstract) he gives
T he [4] (collective) o f fans w ho h an g on him
like glue.
T he walls o f his gym o n [5] (proper)
Are covered w ith [6] ( concrete) th a t show
T he m uscled, tussled [7] (com m on) aplenty,
W ho w ork o u t there, com e ra in o r com e snow.

E duardo, [8] (proper), a n d I really enjoy

T he [9] (abstract) o f hanging o n tight
W ay above th e [10] (concrete) a n d sw inging,
H eld up by the m usclem an’s m ight.

The Noun 75
Reference Note
I For info rm atio n about
The Pronoun
choosing pronouns 2b. A pronoun is a word that is used in place of one or
that agree with their
more nouns or pronouns.
|| antecedents, see
page 209. EXAMPLES Ask Dan if Dan has done Dan's homework.

Ask Dan if he has done his homework.

Both of Lois's friends said both would help Lois find Lois's
\ / missing books.
rHELP < y
When you use a
Both of Lois's friends said they would help her find her
missing books.
* pronoun, be sure th a t its
antecedent is clear. If tw o or
T he w ord o r w ord g ro u p th a t a p ro n o u n stands for (o r refers
more nouns in the sentence
could be the antecedent,
to ) is called its antecedent.
the reader may not be able antecedent pronoun pronoun
to tell w hat the sentence EXAMPLES Frederick, have you turned in your report?
means. Rewording the sen­
tence to change the position antecedent pronoun
o f the pronoun can make Walking the dog is fun, and it is good exercise.
the meaning clearer.
S om etim es the an teced en t is n o t stated.
Randy saw Mike as he le ft EXAMPLES Who asked that question?
the field. [Who le ft the
field, Randy or Mike?]
I did not understand w hat you said.

As Randy le ft th e field, he Someone will have to clean up the mess.

saw Mike. [The pronoun
he now clearly refers to
the antecedent Randy.] P e rso n a l P ro n o u n s
As Mike le ft the field,
A perso n a l p ron ou n refers to th e one speaking (first person),
Randy saw him. [The pro­
noun him now clearly
th e one spoken to (secondperson), o r th e o n e spoken ab o u t
refers to the antecedent (third person).
Personal Pronouns
/\ "f
Singular Plural
rHELP < v
Some authori­
ties prefer to call possessive
First Person 1, me, my, mine we, us, our, ours
pronouns (such as my, your,
Second Person you, your, yours you, your, yours
and their) possessive adjec­
tives. Follow your teacher's
Third Person he, him, his, she, they, them, their,
directions when you are
labeling these words.
her, hers, it, its theirs

76 Parts of Speech Overview

R e f le x iv e a n d In t e n s iv e P r o n o u n s
A reflexive pron ou n refers to th e subject a n d is necessary to the
m eaning o f th e sentence. An in ten sive pron ou n em phasizes a
n o u n o r a n o th e r p ro n o u n a n d is unnecessary to the m ean in g o f I TlPS ^ TRICKS 1

the sentence. If you are n o t sure w hether
a pronoun is reflexive or
■ -Jtiff*1* intensive, use this test:
Reflexive and Intensive Pronouns
Read th e sentence aloud,
First Person myself, ourselves o m ittin g th e pronoun. If
th e basic meaning o f the
Second Person yourself, yourselves sentence stays th e same,
th e pronoun is intensive.
Third Person himself, herself, itself, themselves If th e meaning changes,
th e pronoun is reflexive.

REFLEXIVE Tara enjoyed herself at the party. EXAMPLES

The children amused
The team prided themselves on their victory.
themselves all m orning.
INTENSIVE I myself cooked that delicious dinner. [W ith o u t themselves, the
sentence doesn't make
Did you redecorate the room yourself?
sense. The pronoun is

M ark repaired th e car

D e m o n s t r a t iv e P r o n o u n s himself. [W ith o u t h im ­
A d em o n stra tive p ron ou n p o in ts o u t a p erson, a place, a th in g , self, th e meaning stays
th e same. The pronoun is
o r an idea. intensive.]

Demonstrative Pronouns

this th a t these those

EXAMPLES This is the book I bought for my sister.

Reference Note
Are those the kinds of plants that bloom at night?
I For more about demon­
strative adjectives,
N0TE This, that, these, and those can also be used as adjectives. see page 82.

W hen they are used in this way, they are called demonstrative
DEMONSTRATIVE PRONOUN Those are very sturdy shoes. Identify and use pro­
nouns. Identify and use
DEMONSTRATIVE ADJECTIVE Those shoes are very sturdy. personal pronouns.
Identify and use reflexive
pronouns. Identify and
DEMONSTRATIVE PRONOUN Did you order this? use intensive pronouns.
DEMONSTRATIVE ADJECTIVE Did you order this salad? Identify and use demon­
strative pronouns.

The Pronoun 77
In t e r ro g a tiv e P ro n o u n s
An in terrogative pron ou n in tro d u ces a question.

Interrogative Pronouns

what which who whom whose

EXAMPLES W hat is the best brand of frozen yogurt?

W ho wrote Barrio Boy?


The in definite pronouns

some, any, none, all, more,
In d e f in it e P r o n o u n s
and most may be singular An in defin ite pron ou n refers to a p erso n , a place, a thing, o r
or plural. Look closely at
an idea th a t m ay or m ay n o t be specifically nam ed.
any prepositional phrase
th a t follow s these pro­
nouns. The object o f the Common Indefinite Pronouns
preposition determines
w hether the pronoun is all each m any nobody o th er
singular or plural. any e ith er m ore none several
SINGULAR anyone everything most no one some
None o f the m ilk is sour. both fe w much one som ebody
[Milk is singular.]
None o f the grapes are EXAMPLES Both of the girls forgot their lines.
sweet. [Grapes is plural.]
I would like some of that chow mein.

Reference Note N0TE Most indefinite pronouns can also be used as adjectives.
I For inform ation on
PRONOUN Some are bored by this movie.
indefinite pronouns
and subject-verb ADJECTIVE Some people are bored by this movie.
agreement, see
page 197.
R e la t iv e P r o n o u n s
A relative pron ou n in tro d u ces a su b o rd in a te clause.

Common Relative Pronouns

th a t which who whom whose

Reference Note
EXAMPLES Thomas Jefferson, w h o wrote the Declaration of
I For in form atio n on
Independence, was our country's third president.
subordinate clauses,
see page 158. Exercise is something th a t many people enjoy.

78 Parts of Speech Overview

Identifying Pronouns
Identify each p ro n o u n in th e follow ing sentences. T h en , tell
w hat type o f p ro n o u n each one is.
rs H ELP < y
EXAMPLES 1. The drama coach said he would postpone the Some sentences

rehearsal. in Exercise 6 have more
than one pronoun.
7. he—personal

2. Does Pamela, who is traveling to Thailand, have

her passport and ticket?
2. who—relative; her—personal

1. “I w an t you to study,” M s. G aines said to th e class.

2. T he firefighter carefully adjusted h er oxygen m ask.
3. T he children m ade lu n ch them selves.
4. Jenny an d Rosa decided they w ould get p o p c o rn , b u t Am y
d id n ’t w an t any.
5. W ho will be the next p resid en t o f th e school board?
6. M r. Yoshira, this is M rs. Volt, a n eig h b o r o f yours.
7. R alph B unche, w ho was aw arded th e N obel Peace Prize, was
a d ip lo m at for his c o u n try at the U n ited N ations.
8. O f all U nited States O lym pic victories, p e rh a p s n o n e were
m ore satisfying th a n Jesse O w ens’s 1936 triu m p h s in the
200-m eter dash a n d b ro a d ju m p .
9. O h, yes, the p u p p y ta u g h t itself how to o p en th e gate.
10. O nly one o f seventy-five fine boys a n d girls will w in the
g ran d prize.

W riting Appropriate Pronouns

Rewrite each sentence, replacing the repeated nouns w ith pronouns.
EXAMPLE 1. The boy forgot the boy's homework.
7. The boy forgot his homework.

1. P ut the flowers in w ater before th e flow ers’ petals droop.

2. T he canoe capsized as th e canoe n eared the shore.
3. The players convinced th e players th a t the players w o u ld w in
the game.
4. L orraine oiled the bicycle before L orraine p u t th e bicycle in
Identify and use interrog­
the garage.
ative pronouns. Identify
5. T im said, “T im answ ered all six questions o n th e quiz.” and use indefinite pro­
nouns. Identify and use
6. Ben folded th e new spapers for M s. G linsm ann, a n d th e n Ben relative pronouns.
stuffed the new spapers in plastic bags for M s. G linsm ann.

The Pronoun 79
7. Sarah, Keith, a n d I arrived early so th a t Sarah, Keith, a n d I
could get good seats.
8. H er w heelchair was am azingly fast, an d h er w heelchair was
lightw eight, too.
9. G ra n d p a ju st g rad u a ted fro m college, a n d G ra n d p a is now

w orking as a c o m p u te r p ro g ram m er.

10. Because Japan fascinates R on an d R on’s b ro th er, this film will
interest R on an d R on’s brother.

The Adjective
2c. An adjective is a word that is used to modify a noun or
a pronoun.
COMPUTER TIP 91 To m odify a w ord m eans to describe th e w ord o r to m ake its
Using a software program's m ean in g m o re definite. A n adjective m odifies a n o u n or a p r o ­
thesaurus can help you n o u n by telling w hat kind, which one, how much, o r how many.
choose appropriate adjec­
tives. To make sure th a t Which One How Much or
an adjective has exactly What Kind? or Ones? How Many?
the connotation you
intend, check the w ord Korean children seventh grade several days
in a dictionary.
busy dentist these countries five dollars
braided hair any book no marbles

Som etim es an adjective com es after th e w ord it m odifies.

EXAMPLES A woman, kind and helpful, gave us directions.
[The adjectives kind and helpful modify woman.]
Reference Note
I For more about predi­ The box is empty. [The predicate adjective empty modi­
cate adjectives, see fies box.]
page 127.


80 Parts of Speech Overview

A r t ic le s
The m o st co m m o n ly used adjectives are a, an, a n d the. These
adjectives are called articles. A a n d an are called in defin ite
articles because they refer to any m em b e r o f a general group.

A is used before a w ord beg in n in g w ith a c o n so n an t so u n d . An
is used before a w ord beg in n in g w ith a vowel sound.
EXAMPLES A frog croaked.
An orange is a good source of vitamin C.
My cousin Jimmy wears a uniform to school. [Even
th o u g h u is a v o w e l, th e w o rd uniform b e g ins w ith
a co n s o n a n t sound.]

This is an honor. [Even th o u g h h is a co n so n a n t, th e

w o rd honor begins w ith a v o w e l sound. The h is n o t
p ro n o u n c e d .]

The is called the defin ite a rticle because it refers to som eone
o r som ething in particular.
EXAMPLES The frog croaked.
W here is the orange?

N o u n s o r A d je c t iv e s ?
M any w ords th a t can stand alone as n o u n s can also be used as
adjectives m odifying n o u n s or p ro n o u n s. Reference Note
I For more about words
Nouns Adjectives used as different parts
of speech, see pages
bean bean soup 85 and 113.

spring spring w e a th e r
gold gold coin
fo o tb all football gam e
Labor Day Labor Day w eeken d
Super Bowl Super Bowl party
M ilan Milan fashions
W h ite House W hite House security
Identify and use adjec­
Persian G ulf Persian Gulf pearls tives. Identify and use
articles. Identify parts of

The Adjective 81
D e m o n s t r a t iv e A d je c t iv e s
This, that, these, an d those can be used b o th as adjectives a n d as
p ro n o u n s. W h en they m odify a n o u n o r p ro n o u n , they are called
Reference Note
d em o n stra tive adjectives. W h en th ey are used alone, they are
For more about demon­
strative pronouns, called d em o n stra tive pronoun s.
see page 77. DEMONSTRATIVE This drawing is mine, and that drawing is his.
ADJECTIVES These soccer balls are much more expensive than
those soccer balls are.

DEMONSTRATIVE This is mine and that is his.

PRONOUNS These are much more expensive than those are.

Identifying Adjectives
Identify the adjectives in the follow ing sentences, an d give the
n o u n o r p ro n o u n each m odifies. D o n o t include the articles a,
an, a n d the.
EXAMPLE 1. Why don't you take the local bus home from school
on cold days?
7. local— bus; cold—days

1. O n w in ter aftern o o n s, I som etim es w alk h o m e after b a n d

practice ra th e r th a n ride o n a crow ded, noisy bus.
2 . 1 h ard ly even notice th e heavy traffic th a t stream s past m e on
th e street.
3. T he w et sidew alk glistens in the b rig h t lights from the
w indow s o f stores.
4. T he stoplights th ro w green, yellow, a n d red splashes o n the
pavem ent.
5. A fter I tu rn the co rn e r away fro m th e busy avenue, I am o n a
qu iet street, w here a jolly sn o w m an often stands next to one
o f th e n e ig h b o rh o o d houses.
6. At last, I reach m y peaceful hom e.
7. T here I am often greeted by m y older b ro th e r, Kenny, a n d m y
sister, Natalie.
8 . 1 know th ey are glad to see m e.
9. D elicious sm ells com e from th e k itch en w here M o m a n d D ad
are cooking dinner.
Identify and use demon­
strative adjectives. 10. T his quiet, private w alk always m akes m e feel a little tired b u t
also happy.

82 Parts of Speech Overview

W riting Appropriate Adjectives
C om plete the follow ing sto ry by w ritin g an a p p ro p riate adjective
to fill each blank.
EXAMPLES [1 ] parks have [ 2 ] trails for hikers.

7. Many
2. wooded

T he hikers w ent exploring in th e [ 1 ] forest. Som etim es

they h ad difficulty getting th ro u g h th e [ 2 ] u n d erg ro w th .
On [3 ] occasions th ey alm ost tu rn e d back. T hey kept going
a n d were rew arded for th eir [ 4 ] effort. D u rin g th e [5] ___
hike th ro u g h th e w oods, th ey discovered [ 6 ] kinds o f
[ 7 ] _ _ anim als. In th e a fte rn o o n th e [ 8 ] hikers pitched
cam p in a [ 9 ] clearing. T hey were [ 1 0 ] for supper
an d rest.

P ro p e r A d je c t iv e s
A p ro p e r a d jective is fo rm e d fro m a p ro p er n o u n .

Proper Nouns Proper Adjectives

Thanksgiving Thanksgiving dinner Reference Note

Catholicism Catholic priest I For m ore abo u t capitali­
zing proper adjectives,
M id d le East Middle Eastern country
see page 318.
Africa African con tin en t

N otice th a t a p ro p er adjective, like a p ro p er n o u n , is capitalized.

C o m m o n adjectives are generally n o t capitalized.

N0TE Some proper nouns, such as Thanksgiving, do not change

spelling when they are used as adjectives.

Identifying Common and Proper

Identify the adjectives in th e sentences o n th e next page. T hen,
tell w h ether each is a common o r proper adjective. D o n o t include Identify and use proper
the articles a, an, a n d the.

The Adjective 83
EXAMPLE 1. W e have been studying how various animals
protect themselves.
7. various—common

1. M any sm all anim als defend them selves in u n u su al ways.

2. For exam ple, S outh A m erican arm adillos w ear suits o f a rm o r
th a t consist o f sm all, b o n y scales.
3. A rm adillos seem delicate, w ith th eir n a rro w faces.
4. However, th eir to u g h a rm o r p ro tects th e m well.
5. Likewise, th e Asian an te a te r has scales th a t overlap like the
shingles o n a roof.
6. U nlike anteaters, arm adillos are a N ew W orld anim al.
7. Arm adillo is a Spanish w o rd th a t can be tra n sla ted as “little
arm or.”
8. Texas a n d F lorida residents as well as M exican citizens are
fam iliar w ith these shy creatures.
9. At early tw ilight, look for arm adillos, energetic a n d ready for
a m eal o f unlucky spiders o r insects.
10. Like tortoises, arm adillos can pull in th eir noses a n d all four
o f th eir feet for b e tte r p ro tectio n .

W riting Proper Adjectives

C hange the follow ing p ro p e r n o u n s in to p ro p e r adjectives.
N ✓
rHELp— > y EXAMPLE 1. Spain
7. Spanish
Use a dictionary
to help you spell the
1. R om e 6. N ew Year’s Day
adjectives in Exercise 11.
2. V ictoria 7. Inca
3. M em orial D ay 8. Shakespeare
4. Korea 9. Judaism
5. C ongress 10. Celt

£ | 2 j Q ] | Q Q ) Identifying Nouns, Pronouns,

and Adjectives
Identify each italicized w ord in th e follow ing p a ra g ra p h as a
noun, a pronoun, or an adjective.
EXAMPLE Four [1] forces govern the flight of an aircraft.
7. noun

84 B Parts of Speech Overview

Lift and th ru st m ust overcom e [1] drag and weight. If an air­
plane is very [2] heavy, it cannot lift off unless it has great th ru st or
speed. If the craft is slow, [3] it m ay n o t have enough th ru st to
achieve lift. By 1783, the [4] French M ontgolfiers h ad learned how
to beat gravity and achieve lift in their h o t-air balloon. However, it

had little th ru st and didn’t steer well. Nevertheless, [5] Parisians
didn’t m ind the unpredictability. In fact, everybody [6] who was
anybody w anted to hitch a ride on a balloon. W ith a rudder
and propellers, airships (also know n as blim ps, dirigibles, and
Zeppelins) achieved enough th ru st to be steered b u t becam e
u npopular after the [7] Hindenburg m et [8] its fiery fate. N ot until
Orville and [9] Wilbur Wright p u t an engine on their fam ous craft
and m ade its wings slightly [10] movable was the quest for th ru st
and lift achieved. As you know, the rest is history.

Determining Parts of Speech

Rem em ber, the way a w o rd is used in a sentence determ in es w hat
p a rt o f speech it is. Som e w ords m ay be used as n o u n s o r as
NOUN The helmet is made of steel.
ADJECTIVE It is a steel helmet.

Som e w ords m ay be used as p ro n o u n s o r as adjectives.

PRONOUN That is a surprise. I Identify parts of speech.

ADJECTIVE That problem is difficult.

Determining Parts of Speech 85

Identifying Nouns, Pronouns,
and Adjectives
Identify th e n o u n s, p ro n o u n s, a n d adjectives in th e follow ing
sentences. D o n o t include th e articles a, an, a n d the.

EXAMPLE 1. W e walked along the empty beach at sundown.

7. We—pronoun; empty—adjective; beach—noun;

1. W h en the tide com es in, it brings a variety o f interesting

item s fro m th e sea.
2. W h en th e tide ebbs, it leaves b e h in d w o nderful treasures
for w atchful beachcom bers.
3. Few large creatures live here, b u t y ou alm ost certainly will
find several sm all anim als if you try.
4. Som e live in shallow b u rro w s u n d e r the w et sand and
em erge in th e cool evening to dine o n bits o f plants a n d o th ­
er m atter.
5. A n u m b e r o f different species o f beetle like this p a rt o f
th e beach.
6. A ro u n d th e m you can find bristly
flies a n d tiny w orm s.
7. You m ig h t also com e across old
pieces o f w o o d w ith ro u n d holes
a n d tu n n els in them .
8. These holes are p ro d u ce d by
shipw orm s.
9. If you w atch th e shoreline carefully,
y ou will see m an y signs o f life th at
casual strollers m iss.
10. Low tide is a m arvelous tim e to
search along th e shore.

10IZ o g
1is,2 O£=
“N o w !... That should clear up
a few things around here!" E

86 Parts of Speech Overview


C h ap ter Review
A. Identifying Types of Nouns

For each o f th e follow ing sentences, identify th e n o u n o f th e type
in d icated in parentheses. T here m ay be m o re th a n o n e type o f
n o u n in the sentence.

1. N o one u n d e rsta n d s w hy w hales som etim es stra n d th e m ­

selves. ( com m on)
2. Since 1985, people in a g ro u p called P roject Jonah have used
an inflatable p o n to o n to rescue stra n d e d w hales a n d o th er
m arin e m am m als. (proper)
3. T he people in P roject Jonah find fulfillm ent in helping
stra n d e d m am m als. (abstract)
4. M ore th a n tw o th o u sa n d m arin e m am m als have been
help ed in recent years. ( concrete)
5. T he g ro u p has rescued m am m als ran g in g in size from
d o lp h in s to w hales. ( collective)

B. Identifying Types of Pronouns

For each o f th e follow ing sentences, identify the p ro n o u n o f the
type in d icated in parentheses. T here m ay be m o re th a n one type
o f p ro n o u n in th e sentence.
6 . W hich o f all th e anim als do you th in k has th e w o rst re p u ta ­
tion? ( interrogative)
7 . 1 believe th e sk u n k is th e anim al th a t m o st people w a n t to
avoid. ( relative)
8. T he sk u n k can easily p ro te c t itself fro m others. ( reflexive)
9. It can spray those nearb y w ith a bad -sm ellin g liquid.
10. This is a repellant th at drives away predators. (demonstrative)
11. W hat do you th in k a skunk uses as its warning? (interrogative)
12. It w arns possible p red ato rs by stam p in g its feet, w hich is
in te n d e d to frighten th e pred ato r. ( relative)
13. W h en the sk u n k needs to “a ttack ” som e o th e r anim al, it
sprays in the d irectio n o f th e victim , (personal)

Chapter Review 87
14. A nyone w ho has ever b een sprayed by a sk u n k will never fo r­
get the sm ell. ( indefinite)
15.1 m yself w ould prefer never to upset a skunk. ( intensive)

C. Identifying Adjectives
Identify the adjectives in each o f th e follow ing sentences. Then,
w rite th e w ord th e adjective m odifies. D o n o t include the articles
a, an, a n d the. A sentence m ay have m o re th a n one adjective.

16. C hapultepec is the n a m e o f a h isto ric castle on a hill in

M exico City.
17. T his w ord m eans “hill o f th e g rassh o p p e r” in the language
o f the early Aztecs.
18. Aztec em perors used the p ark area for h u n tin g an d relaxation.
19. In 1783, the hilltop was chosen as th e location for th e castle
o f th e Spanish viceroy.
20. Even th o u g h th e castle w as never finished, it was used as a
fortress d u rin g the colonial p e rio d o f M exican history.
21. A fter several decades o f neglect, th e u n fin ish ed castle becam e
the h o m e o f the N atio n al M ilitary A cadem y in 1842.
22. In 1847, d u rin g a w ar w ith th e U n ited States, this castle was
c a p tu red by enem y troops.
23. T he e m p e ro r o f M exico, M axim ilian, converted th e castle
in to an im perial residence.
24. A fter th e dow nfall o f M axim ilian in 1867, it becam e the
su m m e r residence o f M exican presidents.
25. In 1937, the p ro p erty was converted into a national m useum .

D. Identifying Nouns, Pronouns,

and Adjectives
T he follow ing p a ra g ra p h contains tw en ty n u m b ere d , italicized
w ords. Identify each italicized w o rd as a noun, a pronoun, o r an

In [26] this c o u n try [27] mangroves grow along th e coasts

o f [28] Florida. [29] They fo rm a [30] w onderland w here land,
w ater, a n d [31] sky blend. [32] The lush, green [33] mangrove
islands a n d [34] shoreline are b o th beau tifu l a n d valuable.
M angroves are im p o rta n t to [35] our [36] environm ent. T hey

88 ^arts Speech Overview

produce [37] tons o f valuable [38] vegetable m a tte r a n d are an
[39] essential p a rt o f [40] tropical biology. So far as [41] we
know , the [42] first reference to m angroves dates back to
[43] Egyptian tim es. A [44] South African expert has also
discovered evidence o f m angrove islands along th e [45] Red Sea.

Ljjj W riting Application

■ B i Using Pronouns in a Report
Clear Pronoun Reference Your class is creating a bulletin
b o a rd display for th e school’s Special People Day. For th e display,
w rite a b rie f re p o rt a b o u t som eone you th in k is special. Tell w hy
you th in k so. Be sure th a t the p ro n o u n s you use refer clearly to
th eir antecedents.

P r e w ritin g First, you will need to select y o u r subject. M ake a

list o f th e different people you know . W hich o f these people do
you find really rem arkable? A fter you choose a subject, jo t dow n
notes a b o u t this person. Tell w h at this p erso n has d o n e to earn
y our respect a n d a d m iratio n .

W ritin g As you w rite y o u r first draft, refer to y o u r notes.

Your thesis statem en t sh o u ld briefly state w h a t is special a b o u t
y our subject. In th e rest o f y o u r p arag rap h s, give specific exam ­
ples th a t illustrate w hy the p erso n is special.

R e v is in g Now, read th ro u g h y o u r re p o rt a n d im agine th at

you do n o t know th e subject. W h at do you th in k a b o u t h im or
her? D oes the p erso n so u n d special? If n o t, you m ay w a n t to add
o r cut details o r rearran g e y o u r rep o rt. R ead y o u r re p o rt aloud.
C om bine sh ort, related sentences by in sertin g p rep o sitio n al
phrases o r appositive phrases.
P u b lish in g Look closely at y o u r use o f p ro n o u n s. Be sure
th a t each p ro n o u n has a clear antecedent. You m ay n eed to co r­
rect som e sentences to m ake th e antecedents clear. You a n d your
classm ates m ay w an t to use y o u r rep o rts to m ake a classroom
b u lletin b o a rd display. If possible, in clu d e pictures o r draw ings Create various kinds of
texts in the different writ­
o f y o u r subjects. You m ay also w ish to send a copy o f y o u r re p o rt ing modes. Write to
to th e special person. report. Demonstrate
understanding of correct
pronoun and antecedent

Chapter Review 89

■ M B
Parts of Speech
Verb, Adverb, Preposition,
A labam a Course o f Study
9; 11; 11c
Conjunction, Interjection
SAT 10

Diagnostic Preview
Identifying Verbs, Adverbs, Prepositions,
Conjunctions, and Interjections
Identify each italicized w o rd o r w o rd g ro u p in th e follow ing
p a rag rap h s as a verb, an adverb, a preposition, a conjunction,
o r an interjection.
EXAMPLES Some [1] very unusual words [2] are used [3] in
crossword puzzles.
7. adverb
2. verb
3. preposition

T he first crossw ord puzzle was p u b lish ed [1] in 1913. It

[2] appeared on the Fun Page [3] o f a N ew York C ity new spaper,
[4] a n d readers [5] im m ediately [6] asked th e editors [7] for
m ore. [8] Alm ost every new spaper in th e U nited States [9] now
publishes a daily crossw ord puzzle.
Every day, m illions o f A m ericans [10] faithfully w o rk cross­
w ord puzzles. M any people take puzzles [11] quite seriously. For
m any, solving puzzles [12] is a com petitive gam e.

90 Parts of Speech Overview

I [13] do puzzles [14] strictly for fun. Best o f all, I can w ork
on th em [15] by myself. T h at way, n o one know s w h e th e r I su c­
ceed [16] or fail. I [17] occasionally [ 18] brag a b o u t m y successes,
[19] “Ahal” I exclaim. “T h at was a to u g h one, [20] but I filled in 4
every space.”

The Verb
3a. A v e r b is a word that expresses action or a state
of being.
EXAMPLES We celebrated the Chinese New Year yesterday.
The holiday is usually in February.

N0TE In this book, verbs are classified as action o r linking

verbs, as helping o r m ain verbs, a n d as transitive or intransitive

A c t io n V e r b s
3b. An a c tio n v e r b is a verb that expresses either physical
or mental activity.
EXAMPLES The owls hooted all night, [physical action]
Gloria plays volleyball, [physical action]
She thought about the problem, [mental action]
I believe you. [mental action]

|N0TE Action verbs may be transitive or intransitive. Reference Note

I For more information
about transitive and
C Q Q Q I P Classifying Verbs intransitive verbs, see
page 98.
Tell w h eth er each o f th e follow ing actio n verbs expresses physical
or m en tal action.
EXAMPLE 1. visualize
1. mental

1. p o unce 5. rest 9. sh o u t
2. consider 6. rem em b er 10. nibble Identify and use verbs.
Identify and use action
3. w ish 7. dash verbs.
4. w an t 8. anticipate

The Verb 91
^ 2 3 5 9 ® Identifying Action Verbs
Identify each actio n verb in th e follow ing sentences.
EXAMPLE 1. I saw that movie last week.
1. saw

\ /
rHELp— < v 1. For a science project, Elena b u ilt a sundial.
2. M r. Santos carefully explained th e w ord p ro b lem to each
Sentences in
Exercise 2 may contain o f the students.
more than one action verb. 3 . 1 enjoy soccer m o re th a n any o th e r sport.
4. This w aterfall d ro p s tw o h u n d re d feet.
5. M ike’s bicycle suddenly skidded a n d fell h a rd on the
w et pavem ent.
6. M rs. K arras show ed us th e way to Jo h n so n City.
7. M ix th e ingredients slowly.
8. T he heavy traffic delayed us.
9. For the Jewish holiday o f P u rim , Rachel a n d her sister
E lizabeth gave a party.
10. T he early Aztecs w o rsh ip ed th e sun.

L in k in g V e r b s
3c. A linking v e r b is a verb that expresses a state of being.
A linking verb connects, or links, the subject to a word or
word group that identifies or describes the subject.
EXAMPLES Denzel Washington is an actor. [The verb is connects
actor with the subject Denzel Washington.]

The children re m a in e d quiet. [The verb remained links

g u /etw ith the subject children.]

N0TE Linking verbs never have objects (words that tell w ho or w hat
Reference Note receives the action of the verb). Therefore, linking verbs are always
iF o r more information intransitive.
about transitive and
intransitive verbs, see
page 98.
Some Forms of the Verb B e

am w e re w ill be can be
is has been shall be should be
Identify and use linking are have been may be w o u ld have
was had been m ig h t be been

92 B Parts of Speech Overview

Other Linking Verbs
appear g ro w seem stay
become look smell taste
feel rem ain sound turn

NOTE Se js no1; a |w ayS a linking verb. Be can express a state of being
w ithout having a complement (a word or word group that identifies Reference Note
or describes the subject). In the following sentences, forms of be are I For information about
followed by words or word groups that tell where. complements, see
Chapter 4.
EXAMPLES W e w ill b e there.

The apples are in the bowl.

Som e w ords m ay be either actio n verbs or linking verbs,

dep en d in g on how th ey are used.
ACTION Amy lo o ked through the telescope.
LINKING Amy lo o ke d pale. [The verb looked links pale
with the subject Amy.]

ACTION S tay in your seats until the bell rings. Reference Note
LINKING Stay calm. [The verb stay links calm with the For more about under­
understood subject you.] stood subjects in
imperative sentences,
see page 65.

^ 2 2 2 2 9 ® Identifying Linking Verbs

Identify the linking verb in each o f the follow ing sentences.
EXAMPLE 1. A radio station can be the voice of a community.
7. can be

1. This is R oberto M artinez, y o u r w eather forecaster.

2. U nfortunately, the forecast looks b a d today.
3. O utside the w in d o w here at S tation WOLF, th e skies
appear cloudy.
4. It certainly felt rainy earlier this m o rn in g .
5. A ccording to the latest in fo rm a tio n , it sh o u ld be a dam p,
drizzly day w ith an 85 p ercen t chance o f rainfall.
6. O u r sportscaster this m o rn in g is M arta Segal.
7. T hings have been q u iet here a ro u n d A rling ton for the past
few days.

The Verb 93
8. Stay a lert for sp o rts action to n ig h t.
9. It sh o u ld be an exciting gam e betw een o u r ow n A rlington
Angels a n d th e visiting Jackson C ity D odgers.
10. T he team looked great at practice today, a n d I p red ict a
h o m eto w n victory.

Identifying Action Verbs and

Linking Verbs


Sentences in
Id en tify th e verbs in th e follow ing sentences. T h en , label each
verb as either an action verb o r a linking verb.
Review A may contain
EXAMPLE 1. I always enjoy field trips.
more than one verb.
1. enjoy—action verb

1. Last spring, o u r e a rth science class visited th e H ayden

P lanetarium .
2. It is a w on d erfu l place, full o f am azing sights.
3. We w an d ered slowly th ro u g h th e vario u s displays a n d saw a
collection o f fascinating exhibits.
4. O ne space vehicle seem ed like so m eth in g from a science
fiction m ovie.
5. A n o th er am azing a n d in terestin g display show ed a th irty -
fo u r-to n m eteorite.
6. W h en this m ete o rite fell to e a rth m an y years ago, it m ade
a huge crater.
7. A fter a delicious lu nch, we stayed for th e show in the
8. As th e ro o m becam e darker, th e p ictu re o f a galaxy appeared
o n the ceiling o f th e d o m e above us.
9. T he lecturer said th a t th e galaxy is so far away fro m here th at
its light reaches us centuries after its first appearance.
10. W h en we lo o k at such stars, we actually see th e an cien t past!

with permission.

94 Parts of Speech Overview

^ 2 2 2 2 E P Identifying Action Verbs and Linking Verbs
Identify the verb in each o f the follow ing sentences. T hen, label
each verb as either an action verb o r a linking verb. If th e verb is
a linking verb, give the w ords th a t it connects.

EXAMPLES 1. We sent our dog to obedience school.
7. sent—action verb

2. Some breeds are extremely nervous.

2. are—linking verb; breeds, nervous

1. Everyone felt so rry a b o u t th e m isu n d erstan d in g .

2. In daylight, we looked for th e lost ring.
3. T he tem p e ra tu re plu n g ed to ten degrees below zero.
4. T he local m u se u m exhibited b eautiful In u it sculptures.
5. L oretta felt h er way carefully th ro u g h th e dark, q u iet room .
6. T he city alm ost always smells m u sty after a heavy su m m e r
th u n d ersto rm .
7. D akar is th e capital o f Senegal.
8. T he firefighter cautiously sm elled th e b u rn e d rags.
9. A nto n ia Novello was th e first fem ale surgeon general o f
the U nited States.
10. T hey looked h a n d so m e in th eir p a rty clothes.

H e lp in g V e r b s a n d M a in V e r b s
3d. A h e lp in g v e r b (a u xilia ry verb) helps the main
verb express action or a state of being.
EXAMPLES can speak has been named

were sent should have been caught

A verb p h ra se contains one m ain verb a n d one o r m ore

helping verbs.
EXAMPLES Many people in Africa can speak more than one

The packages were sent to 401 Maple Street.

Kansas has been named the Sunflower State.

The ball should have been caught by the Identify and use helping
verbs. Identify and use
nearest player. verb phrases.

The Verb 95
Commonly Used Helping Verbs

Forms o f Be am been was

are being w ere
be is

Forms o f Do do does did

Forms o f Have have has had

O th e r Helping can m ig h t w o u ld
Verbs could must shall
may w ill should

Som e verbs can be used as eith er helping verbs o r m ain verbs.

HELPING VERB Do you like green beans?
MAIN VERB Did you do this math problem?

HELPING VERB She is arriving at noon.

MAIN VERB Her luggage is over there.

HELPING VERB Have they arrived yet?

MAIN VERB They have a dog.

HELPING VERB Where has he gone?

MAIN VERB He has his hom ework in his backpack.

S om etim es a verb p hrase is in te rru p te d by a n o th e r p a rt o f

speech. O ften th e in te rru p te r is an adverb. In a question, h o w ­
ever, the subject often in te rru p ts th e verb phrase.
EXAMPLES Our school has always held a victory celebration when
our team wins.

Did you hear Jimmy Smits's speech?

Should Anita bring her model airplane to class?

Ken does not [or doesn't] have a new desk.

N otice in th e last exam ple th a t the adverb not [or its

co n tra ctio n - n ’t] is n o t inclu d ed in th e verb phrase.

96 Parts of Speech Overview

Identifying Verb Phrases
and Helping Verbs
Identify the verb phrases in th e follow ing sentences. U nderline
the helping verbs.

EXAMPLE 1. You can recognize redwoods and sequoias by
their bark.
1. can recognize

1. Have you ever visited R edw ood N atio n al Park?

2. T he giant trees there can be an aw esom e sight.
3. For centuries, these trees have been an im p o rta n t p a rt o f the
e n v iro n m en t o f the no rth w est U nited States.
4. Surely, these rare trees m u st be saved for fu tu re generations.
5. M ore th a n 85 percen t o f the original redw ood forest has been
destroyed over the years.
6. Because o f this destru ctio n , th e survival o f the redw ood
forest is being threatened.
7. W ith p ro p er p lan n in g years ago, m ore o f the forest m ight
already have been saved.
8. U nfortunately, redw ood forests are still sh rin k in g rapidly.
9. A ccording to som e scientists, redw ood forests o u tside the
p ark will disappear w ith in o u r lifetim e.
10. However, according to o th er experts, the redw ood forests can
still be saved!

Identifying Action Verbs and Linking Verbs

/ \
Identify the verbs in th e follow ing sentences. T hen, label each H E LP-
verb as an action verb o r a linking verb.
Some sentences
in Review B contain more
EXAMPLE 1. Have you ever seen a play in Spanish?
than one verb. Also, be sure
1. Have seen—action verb to include all parts o f each
verb phrase.
1. The P uerto Rican Traveling T heatre p erfo rm s plays a b o u t
H ispanic life in th e U nited States.
2. O ver the past tw enty years, this g ro u p has grow n into a
fam ous H ispanic th eater group.
3. Som etim es, a p ro d u c tio n has tw o casts— one th a t speaks in
English a n d one th a t speaks in Spanish.
4. In this way, speakers o f b o th languages can enjoy th e play.
5. In recent years m any young H ispanic playw rights, directors,
an d actors have b eg u n th eir careers at the Traveling T heatre.

The Verb 97
6. Som e becam e w ell-know n at the P u e rto R ican Traveling
T heatre a n d th e n m oved o n to Broadw ay o r H ollyw ood.
7. O th ers rem ain h ap p y at th e Traveling T heatre, w here they
enjoy th e w arm , su p portive atm osphere.
8. Each p ro d u c tio n by the Traveling T heatre has its ow n style.

9. Som e shows are m usicals, full o f song a n d dance, w hile o th er

plays seem m o re serious.
10. Light o r serious, P u e rto R ican Traveling T heatre p ro d u ctio n s
p resent a lively p ictu re o f H ispanic life today.

T ra n s itiv e a n d In t r a n s it iv e V e rb s
3e. A transitive verb is a verb that expresses an action
directed toward a person, a place, a thing, or an idea.
W ith transitive verbs, th e actio n passes fro m th e doer— th e su b ­
ject— to the receiver o f th e action. W ords th a t receive the action
Reference Note o f a transitive verb are called objects.
I For more about objects EXAMPLES Derrick greeted the visitors. [The action of the verb
and their uses in sen­
greeted is directed toward the object visitors.]
tences, see page 120.
W hen will Felicia paint her room? [The action of the
verb will paint is directed toward the object room.]

3f. An intransitive verb expresses action (or tells some­

thing about the subject) without the action passing to a
receiver, or object.
EXAMPLES The train stopped.

Last night we ate on the patio.

A verb m ay be transitive in one sentence a n d intransitive

in another.
EXAMPLES The children play checkers, [transitive]
The children play quietly, [intransitive]

Mr. Lopez is baking bread, [transitive]

Mr. Lopez is baking this afternoon, [intransitive]

Have Roland and Tracy left their coats? [transitive]

Identify and use transitive
verbs. Identify and use Have Roland and Tracy left yet? [intransitive]
intransitive verbs.

98 B Parts of Speech Overview

^ 2 S B 2 f i E ^ Identifying Transitive and
Intransitive Verbs
Identify the italicized verb in each o f th e follow ing sentences
as either transitive o r intransitive.
EXAMPLE 1. She runs early in the morning.
7. intransitive

1. If you do different kinds o f exercises, you are exercising in

the correct way.
2 . W hen you exercise to im prove en d u ran ce, flexibility,
an d strength, y o u r b o d y develops.
3. A erobic exercise builds en d u ra n c e a n d strengthens
the h e a rt a n d lungs.
4. W hen you walk quickly, you exercise aerobically.
5. M any active people in th e U n ited States attend
classes in aerobics.
6. T hey enjoy the fun o f exercising to p o p u la r m usic.
7. Exercises th a t improve flexibility require you to b e n d
a n d stretch.
8. Perform these exercises slowly to gain th e m ax im u m
benefit from them .
9. T h ro u g h isom etric a n d isotonic exercises, y our
m uscle stren g th increases.
10. These exercises contract y o u r m uscles.

W riting Sentences w ith Transitive and

Intransitive Verbs
For each verb given below, w rite tw o sentences. In one sentence,
use the verb as a transitive verb a n d u n d e rlin e its object. In the
other, use the verb as an intransitive verb. You m ay use different
tenses o f th e verb.
EXAMPLE 1. write
7. Alex is writing a research report, (transitive)
Alex writes in his journal every day. (intransitive)

1. fly 5. drive 9. clim b 1 3 .tu rn 17. skip

2. leave 6. ju m p 10. w atch 14. pay 18. read
3. re tu rn 7. hear 11. visit 15. row 19. help
4. draw 8. answ er 12. sh o u t 16. ru n 20. sing

The Verb 99
The Adverb
3g. An adverb is a word that modifies a verb, an adjective,
or another adverb.
Just as an adjective m akes th e m ea n in g o f a n o u n or a p ro n o u n

m o re definite, an adverb m akes th e m ean in g o f a verb, an adjec­

tive, o r a n o th e r adverb m o re definite.
Adverbs answ er the follow ing questions:

W here? H o w often? o r H o w long?

W hen? To w h a t extent?
How? o r H o w much?

EXAMPLES The sprinter ran s w iftly . [The adverb swiftly modifies the
verb ran and tells how.]

I read the funny pages e a rly on Sunday morning. [The

adverb early modifies the verb read and tells when.]

Jolene was comforting a v e ry small child. [The adverb

very modifies the adjective small and tells to what extent.]

The fire blazed to o w ild ly for anyone to enter. [The

adverb too modifies the adverb wildly and tells to what
extent. The adverb wildly modifies the verb blazed and
tells how.]

Dad will s o m e tim e s quote from Archbishop Desmond

Tutu's speech. [The adverb sometimes modifies the verb
will quote and tells how often.]

Put the apples th e re , and we will eat them later.

[The adverb there modifies the verb put and tells where.
The adverb later modifies the verb will eat and tells

Words Often Used as Adverbs

W here? away, here, inside, there, up

W hen? later, now, soon, then , to m o rro w

Identify and use adverbs. H ow ? clearly, easily, quietly, slowly

(page 101): Identify and
use adjectives.

100 B Parts of Speech Overview

Words Often Used as Adverbs

H ow o fte n ? always, usually, continuously, never,

or H ow long? forever, briefly

To w hat extent? almost, so, too, more, least,

or How m uch? extrem ely, quite, very, not

N0TE The word not is nearly always used as an adverb modifying a

verb. When not is part of a contraction, as in hadn't, aren't, and did­ Reference Note
n't, the -n 't is still an adverb and is not part of the verb. PFor more about contrac­
tions, see page 375.

A d v e r b o r A d je c t iv e ?
M any adverbs en d in -ly. These adverbs are generally fo rm e d by
adding - ly to adjectives.

Adjective + -ly = Adverb T!pS T RICK S

If you aren't sure whether

clear + -ly = clearly
a word is an adjective or an
qu iet + -ly = quietly adverb, ask yourself what it
convincing + -ly = convincingly modifies. If a word modi­
fies a noun or a pronoun, it
is an adjective.
However, som e w ords ending in - ly are used as adjectives.
She gave us a friendly
Adjectives Ending in - ly hello. [Friendly modifies
the noun hello and is
daily friendly lonely
used as an adjective.]
early kindly tim ely
If a word modifies a verb,
an adjective, or an adverb,
then it is an adverb.
NOTE adverb very js often overused. In your writing, try to
use adverbs other than very to modify adjectives. You can also revise
People from many nations
sentences so that other words carry more of the descriptive meaning. have come to the United
States recently. [The
EXAMPLE Chloe is very tall.
adverb recently modifies
REVISED Chloe is a m a z in g ly tall.
the verb have come.]
Chloe is 5'11 “ tall and is a g u ard on th e v a rs ity
b a s ke tb a ll te a m . Reference Note
I For more about adjectives,
see page 80.

The Adverb 101

Identifying Adverbs
Identify each adverb a n d th e w ord o r w ords it m odifies in each o f
the follow ing sentences.
EXAMPLE 1. Today, many Cherokee people make their homes in

1. Today—make

1. O k lah o m a is n o t th e C herokees’ original hom e.

2. T he C herokees once lived in G eorgia, N o rth C arolina,
A labam a, a n d Tennessee.
3. A n u m b e r o f C herokees still live in th e G reat Sm oky
M o u n tain s o f N o rth C arolina.
4. Settlers often ignored the C herokees’ rig h t to th e land.
5. Feeling th re a te n e d by th e settlers, th e C herokees readily
su p p o rte d the B ritish d u rin g the R evolutionary War.
6. In 1829, people h u rrie d excitedly to n o rth e rn G eorgia for the
first gold ru sh in th e U n ited States.
7. M any w hite settlers o f th e region w ere extrem ely eager to
find gold.
8. Later, the C herokees w ere forced by th e U n ited States govern­
m e n t to leave th eir land.
9. T he C herokee people w ere h ard ly given a chance to collect
th eir belongings.
10. M any C herokees will never forget the Trail o f Tears, w hich
led th eir ancestors to O klahom a.

Statue o f Cherokee mourn­

T h e P o s it io n o f A d v e r b s
ing those who died on the
Trail o f Tears. O ne o f th e characteristics o f adverbs is th a t th ey m ay ap p ear at
various places in a sentence. Adverbs m ay com e before, after, or
betw een th e w ords th ey m odify.
EXAMPLES We o fte n study together.

We study together o fte n .

O fte n we study together.

W h en an adverb m odifies a verb phrase, it frequently com es

in th e m iddle o f th e phrase.
Place modifiers properly. I EXAMPLE W e have o fte n studied together.

102 B Parts of Speech Overview

A n adverb th a t in tro d u ces a q u estio n , however, appears at the
beginning o f a sentence.
EXAMPLES W h en does your school start? [The adverb When
modifies the verb phrase does start.]

H o w did you spend your vacation? [The adverb
How modifies the verb phrase did spend.]

Identifying Adverbs
( V \
Identify the adverbs an d th e w ords they m odify in th e follow ing H E LP-
rSome sentences< v
EXAMPLE 1. "To Build a Fire" is a dramatically suspenseful in Exercise 9 contain more
than one adverb.
short story.
7. dramatically—suspenseful

1. In this story, a nam eless character goes o u td o o rs o n a terrib ly

cold day in th e Yukon.
2. Except for a dog, he is traveling com pletely alone.
3. Soon b o th th e d o g ’s m uzzle a n d the m a n ’s beard are frosted
w ith ice.
4. A long the way, th e m a n accidentally falls in to a stream .
5. Soaked a n d chilled, he desperately bu ild s a fire u n d e r a tree. Link to j l pot Literature j
6. T he flam es slowly grow stronger.
7. U nfortunately, he has b u ilt his fire in th e w ro n g place.
8. A pile o f snow suddenly falls fro m a tree lim b a n d kills the
sm all fire.
9. U nable to relight the fire, th e m a n again finds h im se lf in
serious trouble.
10. Based on w hat you now k n o w a b o u t the story, w h a t k in d o f
ending w ould you w rite for “To Build a Fire”?

W riting Adverbs
W rite ten different adverbs to fill th e blanks in th e follow ing
EXAMPLE I have [ 1 ] been a movie lover.
7. always

Every F riday I [ 1 ] go to th e video store. I can [2] _

w ait to see w h at new D V D s have arrived. As soon as

The Adverb 103

school is ou t, I ru sh [ 3 ] to the store a n d jo in th e o th er
[4 ] enthusiastic custom ers. [ 5 ] I stroll th ro u g h the
aisles a n d [ 6 ] stu d y th e selections. I w atch [7] as the
overhead screens show preview s. W h en I have decided w h at I
w ant, I [ 8 ] figure o u t h o w m an y rentals I can afford. T h en I

w alk [ 9 ] to th e checkout. I g rin [ 1 0 ] as I th in k o f how

m u ch I will enjoy th e m ovies.

The Preposition
3h. A p r e p o s it io n is a word that shows the relationship of
Think as a a noun or pronoun to another word.
Keader/Writer | N otice how changing the p rep o sitio n in these sentences changes
In formal writing, it is often the relationship o f walked to door a n d kite to tree.
considered best to avoid
The cat walked through the door.
ending a sentence with a
preposition. However, this The cat walked toward the door.
usage is becoming more The cat walked past the door.
accepted in casual speech
and informal writing. You The kite in the tree is mine.
should follow your The kite beside the tree is mine.
teacher's instructions on
The kite in front of the tree is mine. [Notice that a
sentences ending with
preposition may be made up of more than one word.
Such a preposition is called a compound preposition.]

Commonly Used Prepositions

aboard before fo r o ff to w a rd
abo u t behind from on under
above below in out u nderneath
across beneath in fro n t o f out of unlike
a fte r beside inside over until
against b etw een instead past up
along beyond into since up to
am ong by like throu g h upon
Identify and use
prepositions. around dow n near th ro u g h o u t w ith
(page 105): Identify and
as during next to till w ith in
use prepositional phrases
correctly. at except of to w ith o u t

104 B Parts of Speech Overview

C 2 S 5 S G P W riting Prepositions
W rite tw o prep o sitio n s for each b lan k in the follow ing sentences.
Be p rep ared to tell how the m eanings o f th e tw o resulting
for Exercise 11, the car
sentences differ.
was on the highway. In

EXAMPLE 1. The car ra ce d the highway. the second sentence, the
1. along, across car crossed the highway.

1. We practiced k a r a t e dinner.
2. She ju m p e d u p a n d r a n the park.
3. A b o a t w ith red sails s a ile d th e river.
4. The h u n g ry dog c ra w le d th e fence.
5. T he m a ra th o n ru n n e r jogged e a sily the tra c k at
the stadium .
6. P u t the s p e a k e rs the stage, Cody.
7. B rightly colored confetti s tr e a m e d th e p in a ta w h en it
b u rst open.
8. W hy does R oseanne always s i t the door?
9. Excuse m e, b u t the blue fo u n ta in p e n y o u r chair is
m ine, I believe.
10. P a r r o ts th e S outh A m erican jungle squaw ked all
th ro u g h the h o t afternoon.

T h e P r e p o s it io n a l P h r a s e
A p re p o sitio n a l ph rase includes a p rep o sitio n , a n o u n o r
p ro n o u n called th e o bject o f the p rep o sitio n , an d any
m odifiers o f th a t object.
EXAMPLES You can press those leaves u n d e r glass. [The noun glass
is the object of the preposition under.]

Fred stood in fr o n t o f us. [The pronoun us is the object

of the compound preposition in front of.]

The books in m y n e w pack are heavy. [The noun pack is

the object of the preposition in. The words my and new
modify pack.]

A p rep o sitio n m ay have m o re th a n one object.

EXAMPLES Thelma's telegram to N in a and R alph contained
good news. [The preposition to relates its objects,
Nina and Ralph, to telegram.]

The Preposition 105

T he objects o f p rep o sitio n s m ay have m odifiers.
EXAMPLE It happened during th e last examination. [The and last
are adjectives modifying examination, which is the object
of the preposition during.]

Reference Note Be careful not to confuse a prepositional phrase beginning
I For more about in fini­ with to (to the park, to him) w ith an infinitive beginning w ith to (to
tives, see page 148. sing, to be heard).

Identifying Prepositional Phrases

r H E L P— . y Identify th e p rep o sitio n al phrases in the follow ing sentences.
Some sentences U n d erlin e the p rep o sitio n once a n d its object twice.
in Exercise 12 contain more EXAMPLES 1. Commander Robert Peary claimed that he reached the
than one prepositional North Pole in 1909.
1. in 1909

2. Peary and M atth ew Henson searched for the North

Pole for many years.
2. for the North Pole, for many years

1. H en so n traveled w ith Peary o n every expedition

except th e first one.
2. However, for a long tim e, H en so n received
n o credit at all for his role.
3. Peary h a d h ire d H en so n as an assistant o n a trip
Peary m ad e to N icaragua.
4. T here, Peary discovered th a t H en so n h ad
sailing experience a n d could also c h a rt a p a th
th ro u g h the jungle.
5. As a result, P eary asked H en so n to jo in his
A rctic expedition show n in the p h o to g rap h
on this page.
6. T he tw o explorers becam e friends d u rin g th eir travels in
the N o rth .
7. O n th e last th ree m iles to th e N o rth Pole, H en so n did n o t
go w ith Peary.
8. Because he was th e leader o f the trip , Peary received th e
credit for th e achievem ent.
9. Finally, after m an y years, H en so n was h o n o re d by C ongress,
M a ry lan d ’s state g o v ernm ent, a n d tw o U.S. presidents.
10. B oth Peary a n d H en so n w ro te books a b o u t th e ir experiences.

106 Parts of Speech Overview

P r e p o s it io n o r A d v e r b ?
Som e w ords m ay be used either as prep o sitio n s or as adverbs. i TI PS & TRICKS |
R em em ber th a t a p rep o sitio n always has an object. An adverb W hen you are looking fo r
never does. If you can’t tell w h e th e r a w ord is used as an adverb th e object o f a preposition,
be careful. Sometimes the

o r a p reposition, look for an object.
object comes before, not
ADVERB I haven't seen him since. after, th e preposition.
PREPOSITION I haven't seen him since Thursday. [Thursday is the
object of the preposition since.]
Here is the CD th a t I was
looking fo r yesterday.
ADVERBS The bear walked around and then w ent inside. [That is th e object o f the
PREPOSITIONS The bear walked around the yard and then w ent preposition for.]
inside the cabin. [Yard is the object of the preposi­ She is th e speaker whom
tion around. Cabin is the object of inside.] we enjoyed listening to so
much. [W hom is the
object o f the preposition
Identifying Adverbs and Prepositions
Identify th e italicized w ord in each o f th e follow ing sentences as
either an adverb o r a preposition. i
EXAMPLE 1. He watches uneasily as the hunter slowly brings the
pistol up.
7. up—adverb

1. “T he M ost D angerous G am e” is th e story o f R ainsford, a

I Link to Literature |
fam ous h u n te r w ho falls off a b o a t a n d com es ashore on a
strange island.
2. R ainsford know s th a t this island is feared by every sailor w ho
passes by.
3. In fact, among sailors, th e place is k n o w n as Ship-T rap Island.
4. After looking around for several h o u rs, R ainsford can’t
u n d e rsta n d w hy th e island is considered so dangerous.
5. Finally, he discovers a big h ouse on a high bluff.
6. A m an w ith a pistol in his h a n d answ ers the door.
7. P u tting his pistol down, th e m a n in tro d u ces R ainsford to the
fam ous h u n te r G eneral Zaroff.
8. Z aroff invites R ainsford inside.
9. Soon, however, R ainsford w ishes he could get out a n d never
see Z aroff again.
10. R ainsford has finally discovered th e secret about th e island—
Identify and use adverbs.
Z aroff likes to h u n t h u m a n beings! Identify and use

The Preposition 107

The Conjunction
i Think as a 3i. A c o n ju n c t io n is a word that joins words or word
Keader/Writer | groups.
The conjunction so is often (1) C o o r d in a tin g c o n ju n c t io n s join words or word groups

overused. In your writing, that are used in the same way.

revise sentences as needed
to avoid overusing so.
Coordinating Conjunctions
Traffic is bad, so we'll and but fo r nor or so yet
probably be late.

REVISED EXAMPLES Jill or Anna [Or joins tw o nouns.]

Because traffic is bad,
we'll probably be late. strict but fair [But joins tw o adjectives.]

over the river and through the woods [And joins two
prepositional phrases.]

r 7 |pS & TJR I C K S | Alice W alker wrote the book, yet she did not w rite the
movie script. [Yet joins tw o independent clauses.]
You can remember the
seven coordinating con­
T he w ord for m ay be used eith er as a c o n ju n c tio n or as a
junctions as FANBOYS:
p reposition. W hen for jo in s w ord groups th a t are in d ep e n d e n t
And clauses, it is used as a co n ju n ctio n . O therw ise, it is used as a
Nor p reposition.
CONJUNCTION He waited patiently, for he knew his ride would be
Yet along soon.
So PREPOSITION He waited patiently for his ride.

NI0TE Coordinating conjunctions th a t join independent clauses are

R eference N o te almost always preceded by a comma. W hen for is used as a conjunc­
i For more about using tion, there should always be a comma in front of it.
commas between inde­
EXAMPLES She has read the book, but she has not seen the movie.
pendent clauses, see
page 339. We can bathe the dog, or you can do it when you get
home from school.

Did Nazir call her, and has she called him back?

W e asked Jim to be on tim e , yet he isn't here.

I'll be home late, for I have basketball practice until

Identify and use conjunc­ 4:30 or 5:00 today.
tions. Identify and
use coordinating

108 Parts of Speech Overview

(2) Correlative conjunctions are pairs of conjunctions that
join words or word groups that are used in the same way.

Correlative Conjunctions

both ......... and n ot o n ly .............. b ut also

e it h e r . . . ............or w h e t h e r ................... or
n e ith e r . . .......... nor

EXAMPLES Both Bill Russell and Larry Bird played for the team.
[The pair of conjunctions joins tw o nouns.]

She looked neither to the left nor to the right. [The pair
of conjunctions joins tw o prepositional phrases.]

Not only did Wilma Rudolph overcome her illness,

but she also became an Olympic athlete. [The pair of
conjunctions joins tw o independent clauses.]

note A ^hjrcj k j nci 0 f conjunction— the su b o rd in a tin g Reference Note

co n ju n ctio n — introduces an adverb clause. f For more information
about subordinating
EXAMPLES M eet me in the park a ft e r the bell chimes.
conjunctions, see page
Before I washed the dishes, I let them soak in the sudsy 165. For more on adverb
water. clauses, see page 164.

H I I U identifying Conjunctions
Identify the c o n ju n c tio n o r co n ju n ctio n s in each o f th e follow ing
, v *
sentences. Be p rep a re d to tell w h at w ords o r w ord groups each rHELp— < y
con ju n ctio n o r p air o f co n ju n ctio n s joins. In the example
in Exercise 14, the
EXAMPLE 1. Both she and her mother enjoy sailing.
conjunction joins she and
7. Both . . . and her mother.
1 . 1 w anted to see Los Lobos in concert, b u t I d id n ’t have
the m o n e y
2. O u r class is recycling n o t only new spapers b u t also glass
bottles a n d a lu m in u m cans.
3. He set the table w ith chopsticks a n d rice bowls.
4. Have you seen either the governor o r th e m ayor
in person? Identify and use correla­
tive conjunctions. Identify
and use subordinating

The Conjunction 109

5. We learned to use n e ith e r to o m an y adjectives n o r to o few.
6. T h a t diet is dan g ero u s, for it does n o t ad equately m ee t the
b o d y ’s needs.
7. B oth th e M ohaw k a n d th e O n eida are p a rt o f th e fam ous
Iroquois C onfederacy.
8. It rain ed all day, yet we enjoyed th e trip.
9. Shall we w alk h o m e o r take th e bus?
10. Revise y o u r paper, a n d p ro o fread it carefully.

€ 5 3 3 3 3 1 W riting Conjunctions
Provide an a p p ro p riate c o n ju n c tio n for each b lan k in the
follow ing sentences.
EXAMPLES 1. solve the problem yourself, ask
your teacher for help.
1. E ith e r. . . or

2. Would she prefer ju ic e iced tea?

2. or

1. We will v i s i t the Johnson Space C e n te r ____

A strow orld in H o u sto n , Texas.
2. A la s k a H aw aii w ere th e last tw o states a d m itte d to
the U nion.
3. T hose tw o stu d e n ts are tw in s is te rs , th ey do n o t
dress alike.
4. T hey w e r e h u n g ry thirsty.
5. tu rn th a t radio d o w n , take it in to y our ro o m
w hile I ’m studying.
6. These nails aren ’t long e n o u g h , I ’m going to buy
som e others.
7. You could p u t the chair in th e living ro o m , in y o u r b ed ro o m ,
even in th e d in in g room .
8. T h eir w eather forecaster isn’t s u r e it will rain
9. In th e delicate ecosystem o f th e river, m o to r b o a ts ____
personal w atercraft are allowed.
10. H is bike is old, _ _ _ it takes h im anyw here he needs
to go.

Speech Overview
^ S S f f l a E ^ W riting Sentences w ith Conjunctions
Follow the directions given below to w rite sentences using
EXAMPLE 1. Use and to join tw o verbs.

1. Jessye Norman smiled at the audience and bowed.

1.Use and to jo in tw o adverbs.

2.Use or to jo in tw o prep o sitio n al phrases.
3.Use for to jo in w ord groups th a t are sentences.
4.Use but to jo in tw o linking verbs.
5.Use eith er. . . or in an im perative sentence.
6.Use or to jo in tw o nouns.
7.Use both . . . and to jo in tw o subjects.
8.Use n either. . . nor to jo in tw o adverbs.
9.Use y e t to jo in tw o adjectives.
10. Use w h eth er. . . or in an interrogative sentence.

The Interjection
3j. An in t e r je c t io n is a word that expresses emotion.

Commonly Used Interjections

aha my ouch wow

hey oh rats yikes
hurray oops w ell yippee

An interjection has no gram m atical relationship to th e rest o f

the sentence.
U sually an in terjectio n is follow ed by an exclam ation p o in t.
EXAMPLES Ouch! That hurts!

G oodness! W hat a haircut!

A h a ! I know the answer.

Som etim es an in terjectio n is set o ff by a com m a.

EXAMPLES O h , I wish it were Friday.

W e ll, w hat have you been doing? Identify and use


The Interjection 111

^ 2 9 9 5 3 9 W riting Interjections
C hoose an a p p ro p riate in terjectio n for each b lan k in th e follow ­
! Think as a ing sentences. Use a v ariety o f interjections.
Keader/Writer i
EXAMPLE 1. _____, I'd love to go to your party.

Interjections are common 7. Hey, I'd love to go to your party.

in casual conversation. In
writing, however, they're 1. ____! T he heel ju st fell o ff m y shoe.
usually used only in dia­ 2. T here’s , , a b o u t seven dollars in th e piggy bank.
logue meant to represent
3 . ____, finally we’re finished raking th o se leaves.
such conversation. When
P you use interjections in dia­ 4 . ____! You squirrels, stop eating the b ird s’ food!
logue, use an exclamation 5. Young E r ic , , you certainly have grown!
point to indicate strong 6. ! I sp rain ed m y ankle d u rin g th e obstacle course!
emotion and a comma to
7. W eren’t th e special effects in th e m ovie a m a z in g ? !
indicate mild emotion.
8 . ____, th ere ’s only one ro u n d left in th e to u rn a m e n t.
9 . ____! I knew you were p lan n in g a surprise!
Hey! Watch out for that
1 0 .____, w h at a relief it is to have th a t term p a p e r finished.
I like that outfit, but,
wow, it's really expensive. ^ ^ Identifying Parts of Speech
Notice in the second exam­
Label each italicized w ord o r w ord g ro u p in th e follow ing sen ­
ple above that commas are
used both before and after tences as a verb, an adverb, a preposition, a conjunction, o r an
an interjection that inter­ interjection.
rupts a sentence.
EXAMPLE 1. Both otters and owls hunt from dusk to dawn.
7. Both . . . and — conjunction; from—preposition

1. Ohl I ju st spilled to m a to so u p o n the new w hite tablecloth!

2. Luis Alvarez closely stu d ied ato m ic particles for m an y years.
3. D id Toni M o rriso n or Toni C ade B am bara w rite th e b o o k
th a t you are reading?
4. T he In u it h u n ters ate th eir m eal inside th e igloo.
5. T hey were tired, y e t th ey did not q u it w orking.
6 . 1 like Persian carpets, for th ey are beau tifu l a n d w ear well.
7. T he plane from Venezuela nears the term in a l a n d taxis down
the runway.
8. Either g eranium s or daisies w o u ld grow well in th a t su n n y
co rn e r o f the garden.
9. P ut y o u r pencils down, class, during the in stru ctio n s for
this test.
10. C o m p u ters and, oh, all th a t electronic stu ff seem 50 easy for
you, Brittany.

112 Parts of Speech Overview

Determining Parts of Speech
3k. The way a word is used in a sentence determines what
part of speech it is. A
The sam e w ord m ay be used as different parts o f speech.

NOUN The play had a happy ending.
VERB The actors play their roles.

NOUN The outside of the house needs paint.

ADVERB Let's go outside for a while.

PREPOSITION I saw the birds' nest outside my window.

NOUN The well has run dry.

ADVERB Did you do well on the quiz?
ADJECTIVE I don't feel well today.
INTERJECTION Well, that's a relief.

Identifying Verbs, Adverbs, Prepositions,

Conjunctions, and Interjections
For each o f the follow ing sentences, identify the italicized, n u m ­
bered w ord or w ord g roup as a verb, an adverb, a preposition, a
conjunction, o r an interjection. Identify parts of
EXAMPLE [1] Hey, I recognize that place!
1. interjection

T h o u g h you m ig h t recognize th e scene at rig h t fro m the

m ovies, it is [1] not a fake m ovie set. K hasneh al F aro u n , or
th e “P h a ra o h ’s Treasury,” is th e n a m e o f th is m agnificent
stru c tu re , a n d it is [2] quite real. L ocated s o u th o f Jerusalem
[3] and w est o f th e Jo rd an River, th e P h a ra o h ’s T reasury is
one o f m any sites in th e a n c ie n t city o f Petra. T he w o rd Petra
[4] means “rock,” a n d th e city is carved o u t o f solid sa n d ­
stone. P etra served as a bu sy cen ter o f tra d e , a n d th o u sa n d s
o f people strolled its streets [5] or sat in its o u td o o r theater.
T he th eater seats [6] about fo u r th o u sa n d people a n d is so
old th a t th e R om ans h a d to rep a ir it in A.D. 106. A fter a sh o rt
o ccu p atio n by C rusaders, th e city was fo rb id d e n to
E uropeans [7] for a b o u t seven h u n d re d years.

Determining Parts of Speech 113

[8] Well, you’re p ro b ab ly w o n d e rin g a b o u t th e “tre a su ry ”
p a rt o f th e nam e. For m an y years, th e large u rn a to p th e d o m e
over th e statue [9] was believed to be full o f gold. H ow ever, as
B edouin treasu re h u n te rs [10] discovered long ago, th e u rn is
ju st rock.

W riting Sentences
W rite ten sentences, follow ing th e directions given below.
U nderline th e given w ord in each sentence, a n d identify how
it is used.
EXAMPLE 1. Use yet as an adverb and as a conjunction.
1. Are we there yet?—adverb
The sky grew somewhat brighter, yet the rain
continued falling.—conjunction

1. Use walk as a verb a n d as a n o u n .

2. Use like as a p rep o sitio n a n d as a verb.
3. Use well as a n o u n a n d as an adjective.
4. Use inside as an adverb a n d as a prep o sitio n .
5. Use fast as an adjective a n d as an adverb.

114 Parts of Speech Overview

Chapter Review
A. Identifying Types of Verbs

Identify each italicized verb in th e follow ing sentences as a link­
ing verb, a transitive action verb, o r an intransitive action verb.

1. A lan d survey is a m e th o d o f m easu rin g land.

2. W h en he was c u ttin g lum ber, m y fath er used a table saw.
3. Each co n cert in the series was an h o u r long.
4. T he w ater became ice w hen th e tem p e ra tu re d ro p p ed .
5. H ang th e b a n n e r from the ceiling.
6 . T he a stro n o m e r calculated the distance to th e galaxy.
7. M r. Lurie a n d M s. M odeski walked h a n d in h and.
8 . T he cook m ultiplied the ingredients o f th e stew by three.
9. S ubstitute teachers work hard!
10. Are th ey w eary at th e e n d o f th e day?

B. Identifying Verb Phrases

Id en tify th e v erb p h rase in each o f th e follow ing sentences, a n d
u n d e rlin e th e h e lp in g verb.

11. Have you ever h e a rd o f a m ongoose?

12. D o these sm all carnivores in h ab it p a rts o f A frica a n d Asia?
13. In captivity th ey have lived for m o re th a n tw en ty years.
14. T hey will attack even th e largest snakes.
15. T he m ongoose was m ad e fam ous by a R udyard K ipling s to ry

A C. Identifying Adverbs
r V
There may be Id en tify th e adverb in each o f th e follow ing sentences. T h en ,
more than one adverb w rite th e w o rd it m odifies.
in each sentence in
Chapter Review C. 16. T he lonely boy looked longingly across th e street.
17. “I ’m going th ere after I’ve g raduated,” Rochelle said deci­
sively, as she p o in te d to a m ap o f M alaysia.
18. It is always easier for a child th a n for an a d u lt to learn a sec­
o n d language.

Chapter Review 115

1 9 .1 unfailingly read th e new spaper at breakfast.
20. D id Joni rem e m b e r the details o f the accident later?

D. Identifying Prepositions and Prepositional


Id en tify th e p re p o sitio n a l p h rase s in each o f th e follow ing
sentences. U n d e rlin e th e p re p o sitio n once a n d its ob ject twice.
A sentence m ay have m o re th a n o n e p re p o sitio n a l phrase.

21. W ill I find the b ro o m beside the refrigerator?

22. M y cat Sam likes to sit u p o n th e television.
23. M r. Takei used to fu in the recipe instead o f chicken.
24. M y m o m gets upset w hen people talk th ro u g h o u t the film.
25. D u rin g th e sto rm th e w in d o w p an e stream ed w ith rain.

E. Identifying Conjunctions
Iden tify th e c o n ju n c tio n s in each o f th e follow ing sentences.

26. Are you com ing to the party, o r are you staying hom e?
27. N o t only d id he p ro d u ce th e film, b u t he also w rote it.
2 8 . 1 d id n ’t finish the Odyssey, b u t I enjoyed w h at I did read.
29. We will have beans a n d rice for dinner.
30. B oth Taj M ahal an d B.B. King p erform ed at the blues festival.

F. Identifying Verbs, Adverbs, Prepositions,

Conjunctions, and Interjections
T he follow ing p a rag rap h s c o n tain tw en ty n u m b ere d , italicized
w ords a n d w ord groups. Identify each o f these italicized w ords as
a verb, an adverb, a preposition, a conjunction, o r an interjection.
H ave you ever [31] hiked in to th e w ild ern ess [32] w ith a
p ack o n y o u r back? H ave y o u ever [33] cam ped u n d e r th e stars?
B ackpacking [34] was once p o p u la r o n ly w ith m o u n ta in e e rs,
[35] but n o w alm o st anyone w h o loves th e o u td o o rs [36] can
become a backpacker.
First, how ever, y o u [37] m ust be able to c a rry a heavy pack
lo n g distances [38] over m o u n ta in trails. To get in shape, sta rt
w ith s h o rt walks a n d [39] gradually increase th e m to several

116 Parts of Speech Overview

m iles. Exercising [40] and going o n p ractice hikes can [41] fu r ­
ther b u ild y o u r stren g th . [42] A fter a few s h o rt hikes, y o u [43]
should be ready for a lo n g er one.
[44] Oh, you [45] m ay he thinking, w h a t e q u ip m e n t a n d fo o d
sh o u ld I take? W rite [46] to th e In te rn a tio n a l B ackpackers

A ssociation [47] for a checklist. T he first item o n th e list will
[48] usually be shoes w ith ru b b e r [49] or syn th etic soles. T he
second item o n th e list will [50] certainly be a stu rd y backpack.

M j W riting Application
H i Using Prepositions in Directions
Prepositional Phrases Your class has decided to provide a
“h o w -to ” m an u al for seventh-graders. T he m an u al will have
chapters o n crafts a n d hobbies, p ersonal skills, school skills, an d
o th er topics. W rite an e n try for th e m anual, telling so m eo n e how
to do a p a rticu la r activity. In y o u r entry, be sure to use p rep o si­
tional phrases to m ake y o u r directions clear a n d com plete.
U nderline the prep o sitio n al phrases th a t you use.
P r e w r itin g First, picture y ourself d o in g the activity you are
describing. As you im agine doing the activity, jo t dow n each step.
T hen, p u t each step in th e o rd er it is done.

W r itin g Refer to y o u r p rew ritin g notes as you w rite y o u r first

draft. You m ay find it necessary to add o r rearrange steps to m ake
y our directions clear a n d com plete.

R evisin g Ask a friend o r a classm ate to read your paragraph. Reference Note
Then, have your reader repeat the directions in his o r her ow n See page 274 for
words. If any p a rt o f the directions is unclear, revise your work. more about the correct
M ake sure you have used prepositional phrases correctly. placement of phrase
P u b lis h in g Read your e n try again to check your spelling,
gram m ar, and p u n ctu atio n . You m ay w an t to share y o u r h ow -to
hin ts w ith o th er students.

Create various kinds of

texts in the different writ­
ing modes. Write instruc­
tions. Use prepositional
phrases to elaborate
written ideas.

Chapter Review

Direct and Indirect Objects,
Subject Complements
■ i
A labam a Course o f Study
9; 11; 11c
SAT 10

Diagnostic Preview
Id en tify in g Com plem ents
Identify th e c o m p lem en t or co m p lem en ts in each o f the follow ­
ing sentences. T hen, label each c o m p lem en t as a direct object, an
indirect object, a predicate nominative, o r a predicate adjective.
EXAMPLE 1. A respirator pumps oxygen into the lungs.
7. oxygen—direct object

1. O u r cat avoids skunks a n d raccoons.

2. Jim T h o rp e was an A m erican In d ia n athlete.
3. T he teacher show ed us a film a b o u t th e R evolutionary War.
4. T he television com m ercials for th a t new p ro d u c t so u n d silly.
5. W ho p u t th e tangerines in th a t basket?
6 . 1 sent m y g ran d p a re n ts a gift for th eir anniversary.
7. D u rin g her interview o n television, Z ina G arrison-Jackson
appeared relaxed a n d confident.
8. At first th e colt seem ed frightened.
9. M rs. C o n stan tin e offered us olives an d stuffed grape leaves.
10. T he DJ played songs by country, h ip -h o p , a n d p o p artists.
11. T he new spaper story p ro m p te d an investigation by the
m ayor’s office.
12. M y sister has becom e a c o m p u te r-re p a ir technician.
13. W rite y our n am e a n d address o n th e envelope.

118 Complements
14. T he w eather forecasters haven’t issued a to rn a d o w arning.
15. Before long, th e m istake becam e obvious to nearly everyone.
16. T he sky looked gray a n d storm y.
17. T he Irish po et Seam us H eaney w on th e N obel Prize in
literatu re in 1995.

18. T he c o n su m er g ro u p w ro te th e senator a letter a b o u t this
type o f airbag.
19. Red Azalea is the a u to b io g rap h y o f A nchee M in.
20. T he p residential candidate a n d his ru n n in g -m a te seem a m b i­
tious a n d sincere.

Recognizing Complements
4a. A c o m p le m e n t is a word or word group that
completes the meaning of a verb.

Every sentence has a subject a n d a verb. In ad d itio n , th e verb

often needs a c o m p lem en t to com plete its m eaning. A co m p le­
m en t m ay be a n o u n , a p ro n o u n , o r an adjective.
INCOMPLETE Dr. Charles Drew made [what?]

COMPLETE Dr. Charles Drew made advances in the study of
blood plasma.

INCOMPLETE Medical societies honored [whom?]

COMPLETE Medical societies honored h im .

INCOMPLETE Dr. Drew's research was [what?]
Reference Note
S V C I For information on
COMPLETE Dr. Drew's research was important. adverbs, see page 100.

A n adverb is never a com plem ent.

ADVERB The package is here. [Here modifies the verb is by
telling where the package is.]
COMPLEMENT The package is heavy. [The adjective heavy modifies Identify complements in
the subject package by telling w hat kind of package.]

Recognizing Complements 119

Reference Note A c o m p lem en t is never in a p rep o sitio n al phrase.
i For information on PREPOSITIONAL Erin is painting in the garage. [The prepositional
prepositional phrases,
PHRASE phrase in the garage is an adverb phrase telling
see page 105.
where Erin is painting.]
COMPLEMENT Erin is painting her room. [The noun room

completes the verb by telling w hat she is painting.]

Direct Objects
4b. A d ir e c t o b je c t is a noun, pronoun, or word group
Reference Note that tells w h o or w h a t receives the action of the verb.
I For information on
transitive verbs, see A direct object answ ers th e q u estio n Whom? or What? after
page 98. a transitive verb.
EXAMPLES I met Dr. Mason. [I met w hom l I met Dr. Mason.
Dr. Mason receives the action of the verb met.]

Did Bill hit a home run? [Bill did hit what ? Bill did hit a
home run. Home run receives the action of the verb hit.]

Please buy fruit, bread, and milk. [Please buy w hatl

Please buy fruit, bread, and milk. Fruit, bread, and milk
receive the action of the verb buy.]

My uncle repairs engines and sells them. [My uncle

repairs what? My uncle repairs engines. Engines
receives the action of the verb repairs. My uncle sells
what? He sells them. Them receives the action of the
verb sells.]
Reference Note
\ For information on Because a linking verb does n o t express action, it c a n n o t have
linking verbs, see a direct object.
page 92.
LINKING VERB Augusta Savage was a sculptor during the Harlem
Renaissance. [The verb was does not express action;
therefore, it has no direct object.]

A direct object is never in a p rep o sitio n al phrase.

PREPOSITIONAL She worked with clay. [Clay is not the direct
PHRASE object of the verb worked; it is the object of
the preposition with.]

DIRECT OBJECT She worked the clay w ith her hands. [She worked
Identify direct objects in
sentences. w hatl She worked the clay. Clay receives the action
of the verb worked.]

120 Complements
A direct object m ay be a c o m p o u n d o f tw o o r m o re objects.
EXAMPLE We bought ribbon, wrapping paper, and tape. [The
compound direct object ribbon, wrapping paper, and
tape receives the action of the verb bought .]

Identifying Direct Objects
Identify th e d irect object in each o f the follow ing sentences.
r-H E LP-
EXAMPLE 1. Many sports test an athlete's speed and agility. In Exercise 1,
1. speed, agility direct objects may be
1. L ong-distance, o r m a ra th o n , sw im m ing requires strength
a n d endurance.
2. A sw im m er in tra in in g m ay sw im five o r six m iles every day.
3. M a ra th o n sw im m ers sm ear grease on th eir legs a n d arm s for
p ro te c tio n against th e cold water.
4. D uring a m arath o n , som e sw im m ers m ay lose several pounds.
5. Fatigue, pain, a n d huge waves challenge m a ra th o n sw im m ers.
6. As they sw im , th ey en d u re extrem e isolation fro m th e rest o f
the w orld.
7. Tow ard the end o f the m a ra th o n , sw im m ers h ear th e lo u d
applause an d shouts o f e n co u rag em en t fro m th e ir fans.
8. Spectators generally w atch only th e finish o f a m a ra th o n .
9. N evertheless, th ey know th e long distance traveled by the
accom plished athletes.
10. E m erging from the cold w ater, th e exhausted sw im m ers have
successfully com pleted a n o th e r m ara th o n .

Direct Objects 121

Identifying Direct Objects
HELP Identify th e direct object in each o f th e follow ing sentences. If a
r < v
sentence does n o t c o n tain a direct object, w rite no direct object.
objects follow action verbs EXAMPLES 1. Have you ever flown a hang glider?

only. Also, direct objects

1. hang glider
in Exercise 2 may be
compound. 2. Hang gliding has become a popular sport.
2. no direct object

1. M any ad v en tu ro u s people enjoy th e thrill o f

gliding th ro u g h th e air.
2 . As you can see, a h an g glider can carry a
full-grow n p erso n in its harness.
3. T he h an g glider has a lightw eight sail w ith a
tria n g u la r co n tro l b a r u n d e rn e a th .
4. A t takeoff, th e p ilo t lifts th e glider shoulder-
high a n d ru n s h a rd dow n a slope in to th e w ind.
5. T he w in d lifts th e han g glider a n d th e p ilo t off
the g ro u n d .
6. Because o f w in d cu rren ts, takeoffs from a hilltop
o r a cliff are th e easiest.
7. O nce a irb o rn e, th e glider p ilo t directs th e p a th o f
8 . H e o r she also co n tro ls th e glider’s speed by
eith er p u sh in g o r p u lling o n the co n tro l bar.
9. For exam ple, a gentle pull increases speed.
10. To land, th e p ilo t stalls th e glider n e a r the
g ro u n d a n d d ro p s lightly to his o r h er feet.

-H E LP-
Indirect Objects
objects almost always 4c. An in d ir e c t o b je c t is a noun, pronoun, or word group
come between a verb and that sometimes appears in sentences containing direct objects.
its direct object.
In d irect objects tell to whom o r to what, o r for whom o r for what,
th e action o f th e verb is done. If a sentence has an indirect object,
it always has a direct object also.
EXAMPLES The waiter gave h e r the bill. [The pronoun her is
Identify indirect objects
in sentences. the indirect object of the verb gave. It answers the
question "To whom did the waiter give the bill?"]

122 Complements
Pam left the waiter a tip. [The noun w aiter is
the indirect object of the verb left. It answers the
question "For whom did she leave a tip?"]

Did she tip him five dollars? [The pronoun him is J

the indirect object of the verb Did tip. It answers

the question "For whom did she tip five dollars?"]

If the w ord to o r for is used, th e n o u n o r p ro n o u n follow ing Reference Note

it is p a rt o f a p rep o sitio n al phrase a n d c a n n o t be an in d irect f1For information on
object. prepositional phrases
and objects o f preposi­
OBJECTS OF The ship's captain gave orders to the crew. tions, see page 105. ’SHSiH
Vinme made some lasagna for us.

INDIRECT The ship's captain gave the crew orders.

Vinme made us some lasagna.

Like a direct object, an in d irect object can be a c o m p o u n d

o f tw o o r m ore objects.
EXAMPLE Felicia threw David, Jane, and Paula slow curveballs.
[The compound indirect object David, Jane, and Paula
tells to whom Felicia threw curveballs.]

MOTHER GOOSE & GRIMM ©Tribune Media Services, Inc.All rights reserved. Reprinted with permission.

Identifying Direct Objects and

Indirect Objects V /
Identify a n d label th e direct objects a n d th e in d irect objects in rHELP
In Exercise 3,
th e follow ing sentences. M ake sure th a t you include all p a rts o f
you may find it easier to
c o m p o u n d objects.
identify the direct object
EXAMPLE 1. Did you buy Mom a calculator for her birthday? first and then to look for
1. Mom—indirect object; calculator—direct object the indirect object.

1. T he ush er fo u n d us seats near th e stage.

2. I’ll gladly lend you m y new ten n is racket.

Indirect Objects 123

3. T he N obel F o u n d a tio n aw arded O ctavio Paz th e N obel Prize
in literature.
4. Please show m e y o u r b ead ed m occasins.
5. T hey owe you a n d m e an apology.
6. O u r teacher ta u g h t us som e English w ords o f A m erican

In d ia n origin.
7. A fter the ride to L aram ie, I fed th e horse a n d th e m ule som e
hay an d oats.
8. M y secret pal sent m e a b irth d a y card.
9. M ai to ld the children stories a b o u t h er fam ily’s escape from
V ietnam .
10. W ill you please save R icardo a seat?

A > Identifying Objects o f Verbs

rH ELP— < y
Some sentences Identify an d label th e direct objects a n d th e in d irect objects in
in Review A do not contain the follow ing sentences. M ake sure th a t you include all p a rts o f
an indirect object. c o m p o u n d objects.
EXAMPLES 1. Did you bring the map?
1. map—direct object

2. My parents gave me a choice of places to go

on our camping vacation.
2. me—indirect object; choice—direct object

1 . 1 to ld th em m y answ er quickly.
2 . 1 h ad recently read a m agazine article a b o u t the Flathead
R eservation in M o n tana.
3. A Salishan people k n o w n as th e Flatheads governs th e huge
4. We spent five days o f o u r vacation there.
5. We liked the friendly people a n d th e rugged land.
6 . 1 especially liked th e beau tifu l m o u n ta in s a n d tw enty-eight-
m ile-long F lathead Lake.
7. M y sister a n d I m ade cam p beside the lake.
8. Som eone gave m y father a m ap a n d som e directions to the
N ational Bison Range, a n d we w ent th ere one day.
9. We also a tte n d ed th e S tanding A rrow Pow-W ow, w hich was
th e highlight o f o u r stay.
10. T he p erfo rm ers show ed visitors tra d itio n al F lathead dances
a n d games.

124 Complements
Subject Complements
4d. A s u b je c t c o m p le m e n t is a word or word group in the
predicate that identifies or describes the subject. To find the subject comple­
EXAMPLES Julio has been president of his class since October. ment in a question,

[President identifies the subject Julio.] rearrange the sentence
to make a statement.
Was the masked stranger you? [You identifies the subject
Is Reagan the drummer in
The racetrack looks slippery. [Slippery describes the the band?
subject racetrack.] Reagan is the drumm er
in the band.
A subject c o m p lem en t is co n n ected to the subject by a
linking verb.

Common Linking Verbs Reference Note

I For more about linking
appear become g ro w rem ain smell stay verbs, see page 92.
be feel look seem sound taste

T here are tw o kinds o f subject co m p lem en ts— predicate

nominatives a n d predicate adjectives. I Think as a
Keader/Writer j
Expressions such as It is I
and That was he may
P r e d ic a t e N o m in a t iv e s sound awkward even
though they are correct. In
4e. A p r e d ic a t e n o m in a tiv e is a word or word group in
conversation, many people
the predicate that identifies the subject. say It's me and That was
him. Such expressions may
A predicate no m in ativ e m ay be a n o u n , a p ro n o u n , o r a w ord one day become acceptable
group th a t functio n s as a n o u n . A predicate nom in ativ e is in formal writing and
connected to its subject by a linking verb. speaking. For now, how­
ever, it is best to follow the
EXAMPLES A dictionary is a valuable to o l. [Tool is a predicate
rules of standard, formal
nominative that identifies the subject dictionary.] English, especially in your
This piece of flint could be an old arrow head.
[Arrowhead is a predicate nominative that identifies
the subject piece.]

The winner of the race was she. [She is a predicate

nominative that identifies the subject winner.]

Is that w h a t you ordered? [Whatyou ordered is a Identify predicate nomi­

predicate nominative that identifies the subject that.] natives in sentences.

Subject Complements 125

Like o th e r sentence com plem ents, a predicate no m in ativ e
m ay be co m p o u n d .
EXAMPLES The discoverers o f radium were Pierre Curie and Marie
Sklodowska Curie.

The yearbook editors will be Maggie, Imelda, and Clay.

Be careful n o t to confuse a predicate no m in ativ e w ith a direct

object. A predicate n o m in ativ e always com pletes a linking verb. A
d irect object always com pletes an actio n verb.
PREDICATE We are the delegates from our school.
DIRECT OBJECT We elected the delegates from our school.

Reference Note A predicate no m in ativ e is never p a rt o f a prep o sitio n al

I For more information phrase.
about prepositional
PREPOSITIONAL Bill Russell became famous as a basketball player.
phrases, see page 105
PREDICATE Bill Russell became a famous basketball player.

Identifying Predicate Nom inatives

Identify the linking verb a n d th e predicate no m in ativ e in
each o f th e follow ing sentences.
A '
rHELP V EXAMPLE 1. Are whales mammals?
7. Are—mammals
Sentences in
Exercise 4 may contain a
1. K ilim anjaro is th e tallest m o u n ta in in Africa.
compound predicate
nominative. 2. T he kin g d o m o f Siam becam e m o d e rn -d a y T hailand.
3. D andelions can be a p ro b le m for gardeners.
4. Sue M ishim a sh o u ld be a lawyer o r a stockbroker w h en she
grows up.
5. W h en will a w o m an be p resid en t o f th e U nited States?
6. R euben has b ecom e a fine pianist.
7. T he team captains are D aniel, M ark, a n d H an n ah .
8. At the m o m e n t, she rem ain s o u r choice as candidate for
m ayor.
9. Is Alaska th e largest state in th e U n ited States?
10. A ccording to m y teacher, philately is a n o th e r n a m e for stam p

126 Complements
P r e d ic a t e A d j e c t i v e s
4 f. A p r e d ic a t e a d je c t iv e is an adjective that is in the
predicate and that describes the subject
A predicate adjective is connected to th e subject by a linking

verb. I Think as a
Keader/Writer \
EXAMPLES Cold milk tastes g o o d on a hot day. [Good is a predicate
adjective that describes the subject milk.] As you review your writing,
you may get the feeling
The pita bread was lig h t and d elicious. [Light and that nothing is happening,
delicious form a compound predicate adjective that that nobody is doing any­
describes the subject bread.] thing. That feeling is one
sign that your writing may
How k in d you are! [Kind is a predicate adjective that contain too many be verbs.
describes the subject you.] Wherever possible, replace
a dull be verb with a verb
that expresses action.

Identifying Predicate Adjectives BE VERB

Behind the door was a
Identify the linking verbs a n d the predicate adjectives in the hideous monster.
follow ing sentences.
EXAMPLES 1. The crowd became restless. Behind the door lurked
1. became—restless a hideous monster.

2. Do the waves seem high and rough today?

, \ /
2. Do seem — high, rough r „ ELP_ 4 r

1. Everyone felt good a b o u t th e decision. Sentences in

2. T he m ilk in this c o n ta in er sm ells sour. Exercise 5 may contain a
compound predicate
3. D o n ’t the black beans m ixed w ith rice a n d o n io n s taste
4. T he situ atio n appears dangerous a n d com plicated.
5. Everyone rem ain ed calm d u rin g the em ergency.
6. W hy does th e w ater in th a t p o n d look green?
7. D u rin g A nnie D illard’s speech, the audience grew th o u g h tfu l
a n d th e n enthusiastic.
8. Jan stays cheerful m o st o f the tim e.
9. She m u st be h ap p y w ith h er excellent results o n th e science
m idterm .
10. F rom m y seat in th e stadium , I th o u g h t th e big bass d ru m s
so u n d ed too loud.
Identify predicate adjec­
tives in sentences.

Subject Complements 127

Identifying Predicate Nom inatives
and Predicate Adjectives
\ *
H E LP- ( Identify each subject c o m p lem en t in the follow ing sentences.
* I < y T hen, label each co m p lem en t as a predicate nom inative or a

in Review B may be predicate adjective.

EXAMPLE 1. Are these your shoes, Janelle?
1. shoes—predicate nominative

1. This tasty eggplant dish is a favorite in Greece.

2. T he tw ins are tired after th e long flight.
3. H ow b eautiful th a t k im o n o is, Keiko!
4. This p erfu m e sm ells sweet a n d alm ost lem ony.
5. W h en will th e p in a ta be ready?
COMPUTER TIP 6. T he w in n ers o f th e race are D o n , Shelby, a n d she.
The overuse o f be verbs is a 7. Vijay Singh is a professional golfer.
problem th a t a com puter 8. W h at good dogs th ey are!
can help you solve. Use the 9. W hy is y o u r little b ro th e r acting so shy?
computer's search function
10. Loyal an d tru e are th e royal bodyguards.
to h ig h lig h t each occur­
rence o f am, are, is, was,
were, be, been, and being.
For each case, decide W riting Predicate Nom inatives
w hether the be verb can be and Predicate Adjectives
replaced w ith an action
verb fo r greater variety. C hoose an a p p ro p riate predicate no m in ativ e or predicate
adjective for each b lan k in the follow ing sentences. T hen, label
each answ er as a predicate adjective or predicate nominative.
EXAMPLES 1. The currents lo o k e d than they were.
7. slower—predicate adjective

2. Should I become a ?
2. veterinarian—predicate nominative

1. H e rem ained a in the arm y for m o re th an tw enty years.

2. M y sister becam e a after m an y years o f study.
3. In th e n ig h t air, th e jasm ine s m e lle d _____
4. T he Navajo way o f life was s o m e tim e s _____
5. Peggy s e e m e d w ith h er new kitten.
6. For m an y travelers, a p o p u la r vacation sp o t i s _____
7. M y favorite season has b e e n ever since I was five.
8. D o n ’t these Japanese p lu m s t a s t e , Alex?
9. H ow G ra n d p a will be to see us!
10. O ne o f the m o st d angerous anim als in th e ocean is the

128 Complements
Identifying Complements
, W \
Identify the com p lem en t o r co m p lem en ts in each o f th e follow ­
ing sentences. T hen, label each co m p lem en t as a direct object, an
rHELP— < y
indirect object, a predicate nominative, o r a predicate adjective. in Review D may be

EXAMPLES 1. Our teacher read us stories from The Leather-Stocking
7. us—indirect object; stories—direct object

2. James Fenimore Cooper is the author of these tales. Link to Literature

2. author—predicate nominative

1. L eather-Stocking is a fictional scout in C o o p e r’s p o p u lar

2 . He is also a w o o d sm an a n d a trap p er.
3. H e c a n n o t read, b u t he u n d e rsta n d s the
lore o f th e w oods.
4. To generations o f readers, this character
has been a hero.
5. H e can face any em ergency.
6 . He always rem ains faithful a n d fearless.
7. Leather-Stocking loves the forest and
the open country.
8. In later years he grows m iserable.
9. The destruction o f the w ilderness by
settlers an d o th ers greatly d istu rb s him .
10. H e tells no one his views a n d retreats fro m civilization.

Identifying Complements
Identify the c o m p lem en t o r co m p lem en ts in each o f th e follow ­
ing sentences. T hen, label each co m p lem en t as a direct object, an
indirect object, a predicate nominative, o r a predicate adjective.
EXAMPLES 1. Sean, my brother, won three medals at the Special
r HELP < V
7. medals—direct object in Review E may be
2. Are the Special Olympics an annual event?
2. event—predicate nominative

1. Sean was one o f m ore th a n one h u n d re d special-education

students w ho co m peted in the regional Special O lym pics.

Subject Complements 129

2. T he gam es b ro u g h t stu d en ts fro m m an y schools to o u r city.
3. T he highlights o f th e gam es in clu d ed track events such as
sprin ts a n d relay races.
4. These were th e closest contests.
5. Sean’s excellent p erfo rm an ce in th e relays gave him

6. T he softball th ro w a n d high ju m p w ere especially challenging
7. Sean looked relaxed b u t d e te rm in e d as he p rep ared for the
b ro a d jum p.
8. H e certainly felt great after his w in n in g ju m p , show n in the
top p h o to g rap h .
9. M rs. Duffy, one o f th e coaches, told us th e histo ry o f the
Special O lym pics.
10. Eunice K ennedy Shriver fo u n d ed th e p ro g ra m in 1968.
11. To begin w ith, th e p ro g ra m was a five-week cam p.
12. Several years later, th e cam p becam e an in te rn atio n a l sports
event w ith co ntestants fro m tw enty-six states an d C anada.
13. Today, the organizers o f th e Special O lym pics sponsor
regional a n d in te rn atio n a l gam es.
14. T he Special O lym pics are exciting a n d inspiring.
15. M any o f the co ntestants have physical im p airm en ts; som e
c a n n o t w alk or see.
16. Teachers a n d volunteers tra in co ntestants in the different
17. However, the y o u n g athletes them selves are th e force b e h in d
th e p rogram .
18. T he pictures o n th e left give you a glim pse o f the excitem ent
at the Special O lym pics.
19. In th e m iddle p h o to g ra p h , a v o lu n teer guides a ru n n er.
20. In th e p h o to o n th e left, this d e te rm in e d boy prepares
h im self for th e w heelchair race.

130 Complements
C h ap ter Review
A. Classifying Com plem ents
Classify each italicized co m p le m e n t in th e follow ing sentences
as a direct object, an indirect object, a predicate adjective, or a
predicate nominative.

1. Pam ela was the star o f th e play.

2. T he guid eb o o k gave th e lost tourists th e w ro n g directions.
3. M o n et is fam ous for the way his pain tin g s c a p tu red light.
4. M anuel offered Anita som e good advice.
5. Ms. B enton is o u r n e x t-d o o r neighbor.
6 . Bring me th e cu ttin g b o a rd , please.
7. T he box was big a n d aw kw ard to handle.
8 . T he lib ra ry receives m any new books each week.
9. M exico celebrates its independence on Septem ber 16.
10. T he new p resid en t o f the b a n k will be Ms. Morales.
11. Angel becam e a professional jai alai player.
12. A m elia E a rh art flew h e r plane across th e A tlantic in 1932.
13. T he glow fro m the d ia m o n d is dazzling!
14. T h o m as E dison pro v id ed people w ith electric light bulbs.
15. N ew York C ity was briefly th e capital o f the U n ited States.
16. T he Sim psons show ed him slides o f C hina.
17. M y chair was h a rd a n d uncomfortable.
18. T he m achine can p ro d u ce tw o crates a day.
19. Have you seen A kiho’s yellow sweater?
20. T he h ouse appeared empty.

B. Identifying Com plem ents

W rite the c o m p lem en t o r co m p lem en ts in each sentence. T hen,
identify each c o m p lem en t as a direct object, an indirect object, a
predicate adjective, o r a predicate nominative. W rite none if the
sentence does n o t c o n tain a com plem ent.
21. A m erican In d ia n peoples ta u g h t the E nglish colonists m any
useful skills for survival.

Chapter Review 131

22. Steven Spielberg is a fam ous d ire c to r a n d p ro d u ce r o f
m o tio n pictures.
23. A h u rric a n e o f im m ense pow er lashed th e F lorida coast a
few years ago.
24. T he fans becam e very anxious d u rin g the final m in u tes o f
the gam e.
25. This w in ter was colder a n d d rier th a n m ost.
26. N ora sent postcards from A rgentina to h er friends.
27. T he new h o m eo w n ers fo u n d som e rare p h o to g ra p h s in the
back o f th e attic.
28. A lth o u g h m an y eggshells are w hite, o thers are b row n, and
still oth ers are light green.
29. Lita a n d Trenell stu d ied u n til seven o’clock.
30. D u rin g this m o n th , M ars is to o close to th e sun to be seen
easily from Earth.
31. B oth the H ouse an d th e Senate gave th e P resident th eir
s u p p o rt o n the bill.
32. T he m overs carried th e sofa a n d d in in g ro o m table u p the
fro n t stairs.
33. A rm an d w orked all day w ith his grandfather.
34. T h at gigantic reflector is considered th e w o rld ’s m o st p o w er­
ful telescope.
35. O u r dog Spike is b o th a good w atchdog an d an affectionate
fam ily pet.
36. A Raisin in the Sun was certainly L orraine H a n sb e rry ’s m o st
successful play.
37. W hy do anim als seem nerv o u s d u rin g a storm ?
38. T he th eater m anager will pay each u sh er an extra five dollars
this week.
39. Luis Alvarez w on a N obel Prize for his im p o rta n t research in
nuclear power.
40. O u r n eig h b o r has offered m y m o th e r a n d father a good price
for th eir car.

la W riting Application
Using Subject Complements
to Write Riddles
Predicate Nominatives and Predicate Adjectives

A m agazine for young people is sp o n so rin g a rid d le-w ritin g c o n ­
test. W hoever w rites the best riddle will w in th e m o st advanced
co m p u ter gam e o n th e m arket. You are d e te rm in e d to w rite the
best riddle a n d w in. W rite tw o riddles to en ter in th e contest. In
each one, use at least tw o subject com plem ents.
P r e w r itin g T he best way to m ake up a riddle is to begin
w ith the answer. List som e anim als, places, a n d th in g s th a t sug­
gest funny or h id d en m eanings. For each anim al, place, o r thing,
jo t dow n a d escription based o n th e fu n n y or h id d en m eaning.
T hen, choose the tw o topics th a t you th in k will m ake th e best
W r itin g Use y our p rew ritin g notes as you w rite y o u r first
draft. In each riddle, m ake sure th a t y o u r clues will help your
audience guess the answer. Be sure th a t you use a subject c o m ­
plem en t (a predicate no m in ativ e o r a predicate adjective) in the

R evisin g Ask a frien d to read y o u r riddles. If th e riddles are Reference Note

too difficult or to o sim ple, revise them . You m ay w a n t to add I For a longer list of
details th a t appeal to the senses. Linking verbs such as appear, linking verbs, see
page 93.
feel, smell, sound, a n d taste can help you ad d such details.

P u b lis h in g Read th ro u g h y o u r riddles again to check for

errors in spelling, p u n c tu a tio n , a n d capitalization. Pay special
a tte n tio n to the capitalization o f p ro p e r n o u n s. You a n d your
classm ates m ay w ant to pub lish a b o o k o f riddles. Collect y our
riddles a n d draw or cut o u t p ictures as illustrations. M ake
photocopies for all th e m em b ers o f th e class.

Create various kinds of

texts in the different
* writing modes. Identify
predicate nominatives in
sentences. Identify predi­
cate adjectives in sen­

Chapter Review 133


The Phrase
Prepositional and Verbal Phrases

A labam a Course o f Study

9; 11; 11a
SAT 10

Diagnostic Preview
A. Identifying and Classifying Prepositional Phrases
Identify the p rep o sitio n al phrase in each o f th e follow ing sen ­
tences. T hen, classify each p hrase as an adjective phrase o r an
adverb phrase, a n d w rite th e w o rd th a t th e phrase m odifies.
EXAMPLE 1. The chairs in the kitchen need new cushions.
7. in the kitchen—adjective phrase—chairs

1 . 1 w ish I w ere b e tte r at tennis.

2. T he Rio G ran d e is th e b o u n d a ry betw een Texas a n d M exico.
3. T hose apples com e from W ashington State.
4. T he m o st p o p u la r n a m e for the U nited States flag is the Stars
an d Stripes.
5. T he p o n y w ith a w hite forelock is Sally’s.
6. T h ro u g h th e w in d o w crashed th e baseball.
7. C athy G uisew ite is th e creator o f th a t com ic strip.
8. D u rin g the last p residential election, we w atched
the n atio n al new s often.
9. T he first U nited States space sh uttle was lau n ch ed in 1981.
10. O utside the d o o r the h u n g ry cat w aited patiently.

134 The Phrase

B. Id e n tify in g and Classifying V erbal Phrases
Identify the verbal phrase in each o f th e follow ing sentences.
T hen, classify each phrase as a participial phrase o r an infinitive

EXAMPLE 1. The snow, falling steadily, formed huge drifts.
7. falling steadily—participial phrase

11. We expect to do well o n the test.

12. T he bus, slowed by heavy traffic, arrived at o u r stop later
th an it usually does.
13. Breaking the eggs into th e w ok, he m ade egg foo yong.
14. To rem ain calm is n o t always easy.
15. She w ants to stu d y Japanese in high school.
16. T he m agazine featuring th a t article is in th e school library.
17. C hilled to the b one, the children finally w ent inside.
18. W ho are th e candidates th a t th ey p lan to su p p o rt in the
19. B eth u n e-C o o k m an College, fo u n d ed by M ary M cLeod
B ethune, is in D aytona Beach, Florida.
20. Teresa called to ask a b o u t to n ig h t’s h o m ew o rk assignm ent.

What Is a Phrase?
5a. A p h r a s e is a group of related words that is used as a
single part of speech and that does not contain both a verb
and its subject.
VERB PHRASE could have been hiding [no subject]
PREPOSITIONAL PHRASE in the kitchen [no subject or verb]
INFINITIVE PHRASE to go with them [no subject or verb]

N0TE If a word group has both a subject and a verb, it is called

Reference Note
a clause.
I For information on clauses,
EXAMPLES The wind howled. [Wind is the subject of the verb see Chapter 6.

when the Wilsons left [Wilsons is the subject of the verb


I Use phrases correctly.

W hat Is a Phrase? 135

Id e n tify in g Phrases
Identify each o f th e follow ing w ord groups as a phrase o r not a
EXAMPLES 1. on the paper 2. after we eat

7. phrase 2. not a phrase

1. w hen you know 6. sm iling brig h tly

2*. as they w alked in 7. to the sup erm ark et
3. in th e garden 8. w here th e car is
4. is sleeping 9. to laugh at m yself
5. how she rem em b ered 10. if he says so

Prepositional Phrases
Reference Note 5b. A prepositional phrase includes a preposition, the
I For a list o f commonly object of the preposition, and any modifiers of that object.
used prepositions, see
EXAMPLES under the umbrella for ourselves
page 104.
among good friends next to them

N otice th a t an article or a n o th e r m odifier m ay ap p ear in a

p rep o sitio n al phrase. T he first exam ple above contains the
article the. In the second exam ple, good m odifies friends.
T he n o u n o r p ro n o u n th a t com pletes a prep o sitio n al
Reference Note p hrase is called th e o bject o f the p reposition .
i For more about the EXAMPLES Linh Phan has the lead in the school play. [The
object of a preposition, noun play is the object of the preposition in.]
see page 105.
Standing between them was the Russian chess
champion. [The pronoun them is the object of the
preposition between.]

Any m odifier th a t com es betw een th e p rep o sitio n an d its

object is p a rt o f the p rep o sitio n al phrase.
EXAMPLE Into the thick mist vanished the carriage. [The
adjectives the and thick modify the object mist.]

A n object o f a p rep o sitio n m ay be co m p o u n d .

EXAMPLE Come with Rick and me to the concert. [Both Rick
Identify and use preposi­ and me are objects of the preposition with.]
tional phrases correctly.

136 The Phrase

N0TE Be careful not to confuse an infinitive w ith a prepositional
phrase beginning w ith to. A prepositional phrase always has an
object that is a noun or a pronoun. An infinitive is a verbal that Reference Note
usually begins w ith to. I For more in fo rm a tio n
abo u t infinitives, see

PREPOSITIONAL PHRASE Send the package to them.
page 148.
INFINITIVE Are you ready to go?

Id e n tify in g Prepositional Phrases

/ W x
Identify the p repositional phrases in each o f th e follow ing HEL P
sentences. "< v
The sentences
EXAMPLE 1. Many soldiers fought bravely during the in Exercise 2 may
Vietnam War. contain more than one
prepositional phrase
7. during the Vietnam War
1. O ne o f these soldiers was Jan C. Scruggs.
2 . W hen the w ar w as over, he an d o th e r veterans w o ndered w hy
there was no n ational m em o rial h o n o rin g those w ho h ad
served in V ietnam .
3. Scruggs decided he w ould raise funds for a V ietnam Veterans
M em orial.
4. T he m em o rial w ould include the nam es o f all A m erican m en
an d w om en w ho were m issing in action or w ho h a d died.
5. O rganizing th e project to o k years o f
great effort.
6 . M any different people co n trib u ted
their talents to the project.
7. M aya Ying Lin, a college stu d en t,
designed the m em o rial th a t now
stands in W ashington, D.C.
8 . This pictu re shows the V -shaped,
black granite wall th a t was b u ilt from
Lin’s design.
9. A glass com pany from M em phis,
Tennessee, engraved each n am e on
the shiny granite.
10. N ow th e nam es o f those w ho died in
V ietnam will never be fo rg o tten by
the A m erican people.

Prepositional Phrases 137

A d je c t iv e P h ra s e s
A prep o sitio n al p hrase used as an adjective is called an ad jective
ADJECTIVE Rosa chose the blue one.

ADJECTIVE PHRASE Rosa chose the one with blue stripes.

5c. An a d je c t iv e p h r a s e modifies a noun or a pronoun.

Adjective phrases generally com e after the w ords they m odify and
answ er the sam e questions th a t single-w ord adjectives answer.

W h a t kind? W hich one?

H ow many? H ow much?

EXAMPLES The store with the neon sign is open. [The preposi­
tional phrase with the neon sign is used as an adjective
modifying the noun store. The phrase answers the ques­
tion Which one?]
W e downloaded a song by Aretha Franklin. [By Aretha
Franklin is used as an adjective modifying the noun song.
The phrase answers the question What kind?]

Id e n tify in g A djective Phrases

Identify the adjective p hrase in each o f the follow ing sentences,
a n d w rite the w ord th a t each p hrase m odifies.
A '
rHELP—v v
Remember, an
1. Marie Sklodowska Curie, a scientist from Poland, was
awarded the Nobel Prize in 1911.
adjective phrase must 7. from Poland—scientist
m odify a noun or a
pronoun. 1. W hile she was a stu d e n t in France, M arie m et P ierre Curie.
2. Pierre h ad already gained fam e as a scientist.
3. Paris was w here th e tw o o f th e m becam e friends.
4. T heir en th u siasm for science b ro u g h t th em together.
5. T he m arriage betw een th e tw o scientists was a tru e
p artn ersh ip .
6. T he year after th eir m arriage a n o th e r scientist discovered
n a tu ra l radioactivity.
Identify and use 7. T he C uries began researching the radioactivity o f certain
adjective phrases
correctly. substances.
8. T heir theories a b o u t a new elem ent were proved to be true.

138 The Phrase

9. T heir research o n th e m in eral p itchblende uncovered a new
radioactive elem ent, rad iu m .
10. In 1903, th e C uries a n d a n o th e r scientist shared a N obel
Prize for th eir discovery.

M ore th a n one adjective phrase m ay m odify th e sam e n o u n
or p ro n o u n .
EXAMPLE Here's a gift for you from Uncle Steve. [The
prepositional phrases for you and from Uncle Steve
both modify the noun gift.]

An adjective phrase m ay also m odify the object in a n o th e r

adjective phrase.
EXAMPLE A majority of the mammals in the world sleep
during the day. [The adjective phrase o f the mammals
modifies the noun majority. The adjective phrase in the
world modifies the noun mammals, which is the object
of the preposition in the first phrase.]

Id e n tify in g A djective Phrases

\ /x
Identify th e adjective phrases in th e follow ing sentences. T hen, - HEL P
w rite the w ord th a t each phrase m odifies. The sentences < y
EXAMPLE 1. R.I.C.E. is the recommended treatm ent for minor in Exercise 4 may contain
sports injuries. more than one adjective
phrase apiece.
1. for minor sports injuries—treatment

1. T he first letters o f the w ords Rest, Ice, Compression, an d

Elevation form the abbreviation R.I.C.E.
2 . Total b ed rest is n o t necessary, ju st rest for th e in ju red p a rt
o f the body.
3. Ice helps because it deadens p ain a n d slows the
loss o f blood.
4. Ice also reduces swelling o f the in ju red area.
5. C om pression w ith a tig h t bandage o f elastic
cloth prevents fu rth e r stra in o n the injury.
6 . T his p h o to g ra p h shows an ice pack treatin g the
in ju red knee o f th e athlete R o b ert H orry.
7. T he last step in th e tre a tm e n t is elevation o f the
injured area.
8. T he effect o f gravity helps fluid d rain away.

Prepositional Phrases 139

9. If p ain continues, som eone w ith m edical tra in in g sh o u ld be
called to exam ine th e in ju re d person.
10. Even injuries o f a m in o r n a tu re need p ro p er a tte n tio n .

^ 2 3 5 1 9 ^ Using Adjective Phrases


W rite an adjective phrase for each b lan k in th e follow ing

sentences. T hen, w rite the w ord th a t th e p hrase m odifies.
rfV *
EXAMPLE 1. A flo c k flew overhead.
r '
Remember, an
v 1. o f small gray birds—flock
adjective phrase must
1. T he s o u n d su ddenly filled the air.
modify a noun or a
pronoun. 2. T he th e a t e r often shows k u n g -fu m ovies.
3. M ay I have som e m o r e ?
4. O u r v a c a tio n was relaxing.
5. H er p h o to g r a p h looks like a prizew inner.
6. A ndrea fo u n d the a n s w e r_____
7. H e p u t th e flowers in a v a s e _____
8. A boy h u n g a p in ata in th e tree.
9. T he nest is in the top b r a n c h _____
10. Som eone sh o u te d for quiet.

A d v e rb P h ra se s
A p rep o sitio n al p hrase used as an adverb is called an a dverb
ADVERB The cavalry will reach the fort soon.
ADVERB PHRASE The cavalry will reach the fort by noon.

5d. An adverb phrase modifies a verb, an adjective, or

an adverb.
A dverb phrases answ er the sam e questions th a t single-w ord
adverbs answer: When? Where? How? Why? H ow often? H ow
long? To w hat extent?
EXAMPLES W e got our new puppy at the animal shelter. [The
adverb phrase at the animal shelter modifies the verb got,
telling where.]
A puppy is always ready for a game. [The adverb phrase
Identify and use fora game modifies the adjective ready, telling how.]
adverb phrases
correctly. He barks loudly for a puppy. [The adverb phrase fo ra
puppy modifies the adverb loudly, telling to what extent.]

140 The Phrase

Unlike adjective phrases, w hich generally follow the w ord or
w ords they m odify, adverb phrases m ay ap p ear at various places
in sentences. I TI P S & T RICKS 1

EXAMPLES A t dusk, we w ent inside to eat dinner. If you are not sure whether
W e w ent inside a t dusk to eat dinner. a prepositional phrase is an

adjective phrase or an
We w ent inside to eat dinner a t dusk.
adverb phrase, remember
that an adjective phrase
almost always follows the
word it modifies. If you can
Identifying Adverb Phrases
move the phrase without
Identify the adverb phrase in each o f th e follow ing sentences. changing the meaning of
Then, w rite the w ord th a t each phrase m odifies. D o n o t list the sentence, the phrase is
probably an adverb phrase.
adjective phrases.
EXAMPLE 1. Pecos Bill will live forever in the many legends
about him.
1. in the many legends—will live

1. W hen he was only a baby, Pecos Bill fell in to the Pecos River. I Link Literature |
2. His p arents searched for h im b u t co u ld n ’t fin d him .
3. He was saved by coyotes, w ho raised him .
4. H e th o u g h t for m an y years th a t he was a coyote.
5. After a long arg u m en t, a cow boy convinced Bill th a t he
was n o t a coyote.
6. D u rin g a d ro u g h t, Bill dug th e bed o f the Rio G rande.
7. O n one occasion he rode a cyclone.
8. A m o u n ta in lion once leaped from a ledge above Bill’s head.
9. Bill was always ready for tro u b le a n d soon h a d the m o u n ta in
lion tam ed.
10. Stories like these a b o u t Pecos Bill are c o m m o n in the West.

Like adjective phrases, m o re th a n one adverb phrase m ay

m odify th e sam e w ord.
EXAMPLES She drove fo r hours through th e storm . [Both adverb
phrases, for hours and through the storm, modify the
verb drove.]

The library is open during th e day on weekends. [Both

adverb phrases, during the day and on weekends, modify
the adjective open.]

On Saturday we will rehearse our drill routine before

th e gam e. [Both adverb phrases, On Saturday and
before the game, modify the verb phrase will rehearse.]

Prepositional Phrases 141

N 0T E An adverb phrase may be followed by an adjective phrase
that modifies the object in the adverb phrase.

EXAMPLE The boat landed o n an island n e a r th e coast. [The

adverb phrase on an island modifies the verb landed.
The adjective phrase near the coast modifies the

noun island.]

Identifying Adverb Phrases

Identify the adverb phrases in th e follow ing sentences. T hen,
w rite the w ord or w ords th a t each p h rase m odifies. D o n o t list
adjective phrases.
V ✓n
•H E LP EXAMPLE 1. Never before had a blizzard struck the coastal area
r < v with such force.
The sentences
in Exercise 7 may contain 7. with such force—had struck
more than one adverb
phrase apiece. 1. A ndrea saw the d a rk clouds a n d tu rn e d tow ard hom e.
2. T he raging w in d blew th e eleven-year-old over a sea wall near
th e shore.
3. She fo u n d herself tra p p e d in a deep snow drift.
4. N o one could hear h e r shouts over the how ling w ind.
5. A ndrea’s dog charged th ro u g h th e snow to w ard th e beach.
6. H e plunged into th e snow a ro u n d A ndrea a n d licked h er face,
w arm in g the skin.
7. T hen the huge dog w alked a ro u n d A ndrea u n til the snow was
packed dow n.
8. T he dog pulled h er to an o p e n area on th e beach.
9. W ith great effort, A ndrea a n d h er dog m ad e th eir way hom e.
10. G rateful to th eir dog, A ndrea’s fam ily served h im a special
steak dinner.

Id e n tify in g and Classifying

Prepositional Phrases
Identify th e p rep o sitio n a l p h rase in each o f th e follow ing se n ­
tences, an d classify it as an adjective phrase o r an adverb phrase.
T hen, w rite th e w ord o r w ords the phrase m odifies.
EXAMPLE 1. Here is some information about sharks.
7. about sharks—adjective phrase; information

142 The Phrase

1. D id you know th a t there are h u n d red s o f shark species?
2. Scientists g roup these species in to tw enty-eight fam ilies.
3. Sharks w ith in th e sam e fam ily share m an y traits.
4. T he b o d y shape, tail shape, a n d teeth d eterm in e the
differences am o n g fam ilies.
5. Sharks are fo u n d th ro u g h o u t th e w o rld ’s oceans.
6. As the m ap shows, som e sharks prefer cold w aters, a n d others
live m ostly in w a rm tropical oceans.
7. O nly th irty kinds o f sharks are dangerous.
8. T he huge w hale shark, however, falls u n d e r th e “n o t
dangerous” category.
9. Divers can even h itch a rid e on its fins.
10. Beautiful yet frightening to m o st people, sharks are p erhaps
the w o rld ’s m o st aw esom e creatures.

W riting Sentences w ith

Prepositional Phrases
For each o f th e follow ing item s, w rite a sentence using the given
p re p o s itio n a l p h ra se . T h e n , tell w h e th e r y o u have u se d each
phrase as an adjective phrase o r an adverb phrase.
EXAMPLE 1. through the tollbooth
7. A car passed through the tollbooth.—adverb phrase

1. in the m ovie theater 6. u n d e rn e a th th e bed

2. for the p arty 7. w ith chopsticks
3. along the w ater’s edge 8. o f the eq u ip m e n t
4. ab o u t M adeleine 9. in fro n t o f city hall
5. into th e d e p a rtm e n t store 10. at th e cam psite

Prepositional Phrases 143

Verbals and Verbal Phrases
A verb a l is a w ord th a t is fo rm ed from a verb b u t is u sed as a
n o u n , an adjective, o r an adverb.

T h e P a r t ic ip le
5e. A participle is a verb form that can be used as an
Two kinds o f participles are present participles an d past

(1) Present participles end in -ing.

EXAMPLES Mr. Sanchez rescued three people from the burning
building. [Burning is the present participle of the verb
burn. The participle modifies the noun building.]

Chasing the cat, the dog ran down the street. [Chasing
is the present participle of the verb chase. The participle
modifies the noun dog.]

Reference Note (2) Past participles usually end in -d or -ed. Some past
I For a list of irregular participles are formed irregularly.
past participles, see
EXAMPLES Well trained, the soldier successfully carried out her
( page 223.
mission. [The past participle trained modifies the noun

We skated on the frozen pond. [The irregular past

participle frozen modifies the noun pond.]

'J0TE Be careful not to confuse participles used as adjectives w ith

participles used in verb phrases. Remember that the participle in a
verb phrase is part of the verb.
ADJECTIVE Discouraged, the fans w ent home.
VERB PHRASE The fans w e re discouraged by the string of losses.

ADJECTIVE Singing cheerfully, the birds perched among the

Identify and use verbals branches of the trees.
and verbal phrases cor­
rectly. Identify and use VERB PHRASE The birds w ere singing cheerfully among the
participles and participial branches of the trees.
phrases correctly.

144 The Phrase

Id e n tify in g Participles and th e Nouns
They M o d ify
Identify the participles used as adjectives in th e follow ing
sentences. T hen, w rite the n o u n th at each p articiple m odifies.
EXAMPLE 1. The deserted cities of the Anasazi are found in the <
Four Corners area of the United States. 2
1. deserted—cities
1. U tah, C olorado, N ew M exico, a n d A rizona are the b o rd erin g a
states th a t m ake up the F our C orners.
2. Because o f its n a tu ra l beauty, C haco C anyon is one o f the
m o st visited sights in this region o f the Southw est.
3. A m ong the rem aining ru in s in C haco C anyon are the
houses, public buildings, a n d plazas o f the Anasazi.
4. W hat alarm ing event m ay have caused these people to
leave th eir valley?
5. H istorians are studying th e scattered rem ains o f the
Anasazi culture to learn m ore a b o u t these m ysterious
6. W oven baskets were im p o rta n t to the earliest A nasazi
people, w ho were excellent basket weavers.
7. O n the floors o f som e caves are pits for sto red food an d
o th er vital supplies.
8. Surviving descendants o f th e A nasazi include to d ay ’s
Zuni, H opi, a n d som e o f the Pueblo peoples.
9. P rogram s p ro tectin g archaeological sites help ensure the
preservation o f o u r n a tio n ’s heritage.
10. T here are several n a tio n a l parks a n d m o n u m e n ts
co m m e m o ra tin g the P ueblo’s past.

Id e n tify in g Participles and th e Words

They M o d ify
Identify the participles used as adjectives in the following sen­
tences. Then, w rite the n o u n or p ro n o u n each participle m odifies.
EXAMPLE 1. Buzzing mosquitoes swarmed around me.
1. Buzzing—mosquitoes

1. A nnoyed, I w ent inside to w atch TV.

2 . 1 woke m y sleeping father to ask a b o u t m osquitoes.
3. Irritated, he directed m e to an encyclopedia.

Verbals and Verbal Phrases 145

4 . 1 learned th a t som e flying insects c arry diseases.
5. Biting m osquitoes can spread m alaria.
6. Bites m ake the skin swell, a n d the sw ollen skin itches.
7. Sucking b lo o d for food, m osq u ito es survive in m any
different clim ates.

8. Som etim es you can h ear m osq u ito es buzzing.

9. T heir beatin g w ings m ake th e sound.
10. M osquitoes, living only a few weeks, m ay go th ro u g h as
m an y as twelve g enerations in a year.

T h e P a r t ic ip ia l P h r a s e
5f. A p a r t ic ip ia l p h r a s e consists of a participle together
Reference Note with its modifiers and complements. The entire phrase is
I For information on used as an adjective.
modifiers, see Chapter
EXAMPLES Stretching slowly, the cat jumped down from the
11. For information on
windowsill. [The participle Stretching is modified by
complements, see
Chapter 4. the adverb slowly. The phrase modifies cat]

The tornado predicted by th e m eteorologist did not

hit our area. [The participle predicted is modified by the
prepositional phrase by the meteorologist. The whole
participial phrase modifies tornado.]

Reading th e assignment, she took notes carefully. [The

participle Reading has the direct object assignment. The
phrase modifies she.]

Reference Note A participial phrase sh o u ld be placed close to th e w ord it m o d i­

I For information on how fies. O therw ise, the p hrase m ay ap p ear to m odify a n o th e r w ord,
to place participial a n d the sentence m ay n o t m ake sense.
phrases correctly, see
page 278. MISPLACED Hopping along the fence, I saw a rabbit. [Was I
hopping along the fence?]
CORRECTED I saw a rabbit hopping along th e fence.

Id e n tify in g P articipial Phrases and th e

Words They M o d ify
Identify and use Identify th e p articipial phrases in th e follow ing sentences. T hen,
participles and participial w rite the w ord or w ords each p hrase m odifies.
phrases correctly.

146 The Phrase

EXAMPLE 1. Living over four hundred years ago, Leonardo da Vinci
kept journals of his ideas and inventions.
7. Living over four hundred years ago—Leonardo da

1. T he jo urnals, w ritte n backw ards in “m irro r w riting,” are

m ore th a n five th o u sa n d pages long.
2. L eonardo drew m any pictures show ing b irds in flight.
3. He h o p ed th a t m achines based o n his sketches o f b ird s w ould
enable h u m an s to fly.
4. Show n here, his design for a
helicopter was the first one
in history.
5. Studying the eye, L eonardo
u n d e rsto o d the sense o f sight.
6. H e w orked h ard , filling his
jo u rn als w ith sketches like
the ones o n this page for a
m ovable bridge.
7. T he solutions reached in
his jo u rn als often helped
L eonardo w hen he created his artw orks.
8. H e used th e h an d s sketched in the jo u rn a ls as m odels
w hen he p a in te d the h a n d s in the M ona Lisa.
9. P ainting o n a large wall, L eonardo created
The Last Supper.
10. L eonardo, exp erim en tin g continually, h a d little tim e -IS'-:-.
to p a in t in his later years.

^ 2 8 2 3 1 ^ W r't 'n9 Sentences w ith Participial Phrases

For each o f the follow ing item s, w rite a sentence using th e given
participial phrase. M ake sure th e particip ial p h rase m odifies a
n o u n o r p ro n o u n .
In Exercise 11,
place a comma a fte r a par­
EXAMPLE 1. cheering for the team
ticipial phrase th a t begins
7. Cheering for the team, we celebrated the victory. a sentence.

1. confused by the directions

2. gathering in fo rm a tio n o n the H opi Reference Note
3. practicing m y p a rt in the play For more info rm a tio n
abo u t punctuating
4. followed closely by m y younger b ro th e r
participial phrases, see
pages 341 and 347.

Verbals and Verbal Phrases 147

5. searching th ro u g h th e crow d
6. shaped by w in d a n d w ater
7. freshly p a in te d at th e shop
8. b o rn in Tahiti
9. reading a b o o k by th e w indow

10. ho ld in g the M ing vase

T h e In f in it iv e
5g. An in fin it iv e is a verb form that can be used as a noun,
an adjective, or an adverb. Most infinitives begin with to.


Used as Examples

Nouns To succeed is my goal. [To succeed is the

subject o f th e sentence.]
My am bition is to teach Spanish. [To teach
is a predicate nom inative.]
She tried to win. [To win is th e direct
object o f th e verb tried.]

Adjectives The place to meet to m o rro w is the library.

[To m eet m odifies th e noun place.]
She is th e one to call. [To call modifies
th e pronoun one.]

Adverbs Tam ara claims she was born to surf. [To

su rf m odifies th e verb was born.]
This m ath problem w ill be hard to solve
w ith o u t a calculator. [To solve modifies
th e adjective hard.]

NOTE>- To plus a noun or a pronoun (to Washington, to her) is a

Reference Note prepositional phrase, not an infinitive.

I For more information PREPOSITIONAL PHRASE I am going to the mall today.
about prepositional
INFINITIVE I am going to shop for new shoes.
phrases, see page 105.

148 The Phrase

h M U i k d Id e n tify in g In fin itiv es
Identify the infinitives in the follow ing sentences. If a sentence
does n o t co n tain an infinitive, w rite none.
EXAMPLE 1. I would like to go to New York City someday.
1. to go

1. M y first stop w ould be to visit the Statue o f Liberty.

2. T h o u san d s o f people go to see the statue every day.
3. T hey take a b o a t to L iberty Island.
4. The statue holds a to rch to sym bolize freedom .
5. The idea o f a statue to represent freedom cam e fro m a
French historian.
6. France gave th e statue to the U n ited States in 1884.
7. T he statue was sh ipped to this c o u n try in 214 cases.
8. It was a gift to express the friendship betw een the tw o nations.
9. In the 1980s, m any people helped to raise m o n ey for repairs
to the statue.
10. T he repairs were com pleted in tim e to celebrate th e statu e’s
h u n d re d th anniversary o n O cto b er 28,1986.

T h e In f in it iv e P h ra s e
5h. An i n f in it iv e p h r a s e consists of an infinitive together Reference Note
with its modifiers and complements. The entire phrase may I For information on
modifiers, see Chapter
be used as a noun, an adjective, or an adverb.
11. For information on
EXAMPLES To be a good gym nast takes hard work. [The infinitive complements, see
phrase is used as a noun. The infinitive To be has a com­ Chapter 4.
plement, a good gymnast.]

The first person to fly over both th e North Pole and

th e South Pole was Richard Byrd. [The infinitive phrase
is used as an adjective modifying the noun person. The
infinitive to fly is modified by the prepositional phrase
over both the North Pole and the South Pole.]

Are you ready to go to th e gym now? [The infinitive

phrase is used as an adverb modifying the adjective ready.
The infinitive to go is modified by the prepositional
phrase to the gym and by the adverb now.] Identify and use infini­
tives and infinitive
phrases correctly.

Verbals and Verbal Phrases

^ 2 3 2 3 ^ Identifying In finitive Phrases
Identify the infinitive p hrase in each o f th e follow ing sentences.
EXAMPLE 1. W e w ent to the park to watch birds.
7. to watch birds

1. A b ird is able to co n tro l m an y o f its feathers individually.

2. Birds use th eir feathers to p u sh th eir bodies th ro u g h the air.
3. H u m a n beings learn ed to b u ild aircraft by carefully studying
the way birds fly.
4. A b ird sings to claim its territo ry .
5. To recognize th e songs o f different b ird s takes m an y h o u rs o f
6. By m o ltin g (o r grad u al shedding), b ird s are able to replace
th eir feathers.
7. Eagles use th eir feet to catch sm all anim als.
8. Since they have no teeth, m an y birds have to swallow their
food w hole.
9. In m an y cases b o th p aren ts help to b u ild a nest.
10. M ost birds feed th eir y o u n g u n til th e y o u n g are ready to fly
from th e nest.

W riting Sentences w ith In finitive Phrases

For each o f the follow ing item s, w rite a sentence using the given
infinitive phrase. Try to v ary y o u r sentences as m u ch as possible.
EXAMPLE 1. to see the carved masks of the Haida people
7. Terry wants to see the carved masks o f the Haida

1. to sing w ith the Boys C h o ir o f H arlem

2. to ask a q u estio n a b o u t the test
3. to w rite a p o em to his girlfriend
4. to u n d e rsta n d th e assignm ent
5. to give a re p o rt on th e Spanish ex p lo ratio n o f C alifornia
6. to learn a little Japanese over th e su m m e r
7. to pred ict accurately the w eather p a tte rn s
8. to im itate th a t style
9. to be the best at everything
10. to d ry in th e sun
H Id e n tify in g and Classifying Participial
Phrases and In fin itiv e Phrases
Identify the participial phrase o r th e infinitive phrase in each
sentence o f the follow ing parag rap h . Classify each p h rase as a

participial phrase o r an infinitive phrase.
EXAMPLES [1] My family is proud to celebrate our Jewish
1. to celebrate our Jewish holidays—infinitive phrase

[2] Observing Jewish traditions, we celebrate each

holiday in a special way.
2. Observing Jewish traditions—participial phrase

[1] D u rin g Rosh H ashana we hear w ritings fro m th e Torah

read in o u r synagogue. [2] C elebrated in Septem ber o r O ctober,
Rosh H ashana is the Jewish N ew Year. [3] O n this holiday, o u r
rabbi chooses to w ear w hite robes instead o f th e usual black
robes. [4] R epresenting new ness a n d pu rity , th e w hite robes
sym bolize the new year. [5] M y favorite food o f R osh H ashana
is the ho n ey cake baked by m y g ran d m o th er. [6] D u rin g this
holiday everyone eats a lot, know ing th a t Yom K ippur, a day o f
fasting, is only ten days away. [7] Yom K ippur, considered the
holiest day o f the Jewish year, is a serious holiday. [8] To a tte n d
services like the one you see here is p a rt o f m y fam ily’s Yom
K ippur tra d itio n . [9] I am always pleased to see m an y o f m y
friends a n d neighbors there. [10 ] Sunset, m ark in g th e en d o f the
day, brings Yom K ippur to a peaceful close.

Verbals and Verbal Phrases 151

W ritin g Phrases fo r Sentences
For each o f th e follow ing sentences, w rite the k in d o f
phrase th a t is called for in parentheses.
EXAMPLE 1. ____ , the audience cheered Yo-Yo Ma's

performance, (participial phrase)

7. Clapping loudly, the audience cheered
Yo-Yo Ma's performance.

1. We w alked s lo w ly (adverb phrase)

2. T he p e o p le ap p la u d e d M ayor G arza’s speech.
(adjective phrase)
3. M y little b ro th e r is a f r a id (adverb phrase)
4. T he w a t e r d rip p e d steadily, (adjective phrase)
5. we saw m an y b eautiful N avajo rugs, (adverb phrase)
6 . ____ , th e prin cip al en tered th e classroom , (participial
7. S u d d e n ly , , the lion p o u n ced , (participial phrase)
8. M y friends a n d I l ik e (infinitive phrase)
9. is m y greatest am b itio n , (infinitive phrase)
10. She w rote a p o e m .. (participial phrase)

C h ap ter Review
A. Identifying Prepositional Phrases

Id en tify each p re p o sitio n a l p h rase in th e follow ing sentences.
T h en , w rite th e w o rd each p h rase m odifies. T h ere m ay be m o re
th a n one p re p o sitio n a l p h rase in a sentence.

1. T he view fro m M o u n t Fuji is spectacular.

2. B oulder D am was the original n a m e o f H oover D am .
3. Eat so m eth in g before th e gam e.
4. We h e a rd stories a b o u t o u r C herokee ancestors.
5. T he coach paced nervously o n the sidelines.
6 . T he second-longest river in Africa is th e C ongo.
7. For th e costum e party, Jody dressed as a lion tam er.
8. H as the hiking p a rty re tu rn e d to the cam psite?
9. T he H u d so n River was once th e chief tra d in g ro u te for
the w estern frontier.
10. H earing a lo u d noise, R ita sto p p ed the car a n d looked u n d e r­
n e a th it.

B. Identifying Adjective and Adverb Phrases

Classify each italicized p re p o sitio n a l p h rase in th e follow ing
sentences as an adjective phrase o r an adverb phrase. T h e n , w rite
th e w o rd th e p h rase m odifies.

11. T he jacket with the gray stripes is m ine.

12. T he m a n across the aisle is sleeping.
13. M ai spoke w ith confidence at th e leadership conference.
14. A yo u n g w o m an in a blue uniform answ ered the p hone.
15. N o b o d y except Alicia was am azed at th e su d d en dow npour.
16. W ere you u pset about the delay?
17. D oes y o u r d o c to r w o rk a t Emerson H ospital?
18. Along the Appalachian N ational Scenic Trail, you will find
p a in te d rocks th a t indicate the route.
19. M asu d ’s friends from N ew Jersey are com ing to visit.
20. H e is tall for his age.

Chapter Review 153

C. Classifying Verbal Phrases
Id en tify each italicized verbal p h rase in th e follow ing sentences
as an infinitive phrase o r a participial phrase.

21. Returning her library books, Janelle chose tw o m ore.


22. C o m m an d e r Scott, chilled by the brisk wind, pulled on

h er gloves.
23. To become a park ranger is Keisha’s dream .
24. T he aw ards d in n e r planned for this evening has been
canceled because o f a snow storm .
25. A souffle can be difficult to prepare properly.
26. Organized in 1884, th e first A frican A m erican professional
baseball team was th e C uban G iants.
27. G uillerm o hopes to visit us soon.
28. M y b ro th e r was the first p erso n to see a meteor last evening.
29. Stella did n o t d istu rb the cat sleeping in the window.
30. H ow do you plan to tell the story?

D. Identifying Verbal Phrases

Identify the verbal phrase in each o f the following sentences. Then,
classify each phrase as an infinitive phrase o r a participial phrase.

31 . To skate aro u n d the n eig h b o rh o o d was Lee’s favorite pastim e.

32. Racing aro u n d on his in-line skates, he felt as if he were flying.
33. T hen one aftern o o n , prev en ted fro m skating by the rain,
Lee w on d ered a b o u t th e h isto ry o f skates.
34. H e decided to search th e In te rn e t for in fo rm atio n .
35. Lee learn ed th a t Joseph M erlin, an eig h te en th -ce n tu ry
D u tc h m a n , was th e first p e rso n to a d a p t ice skates for use
on d ry land.
36. M erlin’s idea was to attach w oo d en spools to a plate th a t su p ­
p o rte d them .
37. First fashioned in 1763, skates w ith m etal wheels were in
use for a century.
38. A ppearing in 1863, th e first m o d e rn skates were invented
by an A m erican.

154 The Phrase

39. Skates w ith m o re durable b all-b earin g wheels, in tro d u c ed
later in the n in ete en th century, p o p u larize d roller skating.
40. At the en d o f the aftern o o n , Lee exclaim ed, “It’s fu n to know
the h isto ry o f skates!”

W riting Application
y Using Prepositional Phrases in a Note
A d je c tiv e and A d v e rb Phrases You are w ritin g a no te to
a friend explaining how to care for y o u r p e t w hile you are away
on vacation. In y our note, use a co m b in ed total o f at least ten
adjective phrases a n d adverb phrases to give detailed in stru c ­
tions to your friend.
P re w ritin g Begin by th in k in g a b o u t a p et you have o r w ould
like to have. T hen, m ake a ch art or list o f the p e t’s needs. If you
need m ore in fo rm a tio n a b o u t a p a rticu la r pet, ask a frien d or
som eone else w ho ow ns such a pet.
W ritin g As you w rite y o u r first draft, focus o n giving
in fo rm a tio n a b o u t each o f y o u r p e t’s needs. Tell y o u r friend
everything he or she needs to know to care for y our pet properly.
Revising Ask a fam ily m em b e r o r frien d to read y o u r note.
A dd any m issing in fo rm a tio n a n d take o u t any unnecessary
instructions. Be sure th a t you have used b o th adjective phrases
and adverb phrases an d th a t you have used a to tal o f at least ten
Publishing Read over y our no te again to check th e gram m ar,
p u n c tu a tio n , a n d spelling. You a n d y o u r classm ates m ay w ish to
create a p et care guide. G ather y o u r notes in a th re e -rin g b in d e r
a n d g roup your in stru ctio n s by type o f pet.

Create various kinds of

texts in the different
writing modes. Identify
and use adjective phrases
correctly. Identify and
use adverb phrases

Chapter Review 155

The Clause
Independent and
Subordinate Clauses
Alabama Course of Study
9; 10
SAT 10

Diagnostic Preview
A. Id e n tify in g and C lassifying In d e p e n d e n t
and S u b o rd in ate Clauses
Identify each o f th e follow ing clauses as either independent or
EXAMPLE 1. w hen I was eleven years old
7. subordinate

1. because I have lived in C hile a n d E cuador

2. his w ritin g has im p ro v ed L
3. although G ullah is still spoken o n S outh C arolina’s Sea Islands
4. w hen th e P hiladelphia Phillies baseball team w on the
N ational League p e n n a n t
5. she served as secretary o f labor
6. w hich we b ro u g h t to th e Ju n eteen th picnic
7. everyone laughed
8. w hose m o th e r you m et yesterday
9. d u rin g th e sto rm th e pow er failed
10. to w h o m his m o th e r explained th e reason for the delay

156 The Clause

B. Identifying and Classifying Subordinate Clauses
Identify the subordinate clause in each o f the following sentences.
Then, classify each as either an adjective clause o r an adverb clause.
EXAMPLES 1. Today is the day th a t you are eating at my house.

1. that you are eating at my house—adjective clause

2. I will give you a map so th a t you can find my house.

2. so that you can fin d my house—adverb clause

11. If you have never h a d C aribbean food, you are in for a treat.
12. M y m other, w ho was b o rn an d raised in Jam aica, really
know s how to cook.
13. W henever I have a chance, I try to learn h er secrets.
14. M y g ran d m o th er, w hose cooking is spectacular, is m aking
h er special sweet p o tato p o n e for dessert.
15. Som e o f the fruits a n d vegetables th a t grow in Jam aica are
h ard to find in the m arkets a ro u n d here.
16. Today we are sh o p p in g for coconuts, avocados, a n d callaloo
greens, w hich w ere in tro d u c ed to th e C aribbean by Africans.
17. We m u st also rem em b er to b u y the fresh h o t peppers,
o nions, a n d spices th a t are needed for seasoning the m eat.
18. A lthough m y m o th e r never uses m easu rin g spoons, she
seem s to know ju st how m u ch o f each spice to add.
19. As soon as we pay for these item s, let’s take th e m hom e.
20. Part o f your tre a t will be to sm ell th e delicious aro m a from
the kitchen before you even begin eating.

What Is a Clause?
6a. A c la u se is a word group that contains a verb and its
subject and that is used as a sentence or as part of a sentence.

Every clause contains a subject a n d a verb. However, n o t all

clauses express com plete th o u g h ts. A clause th a t does express a
com plete th o u g h t is called an independent clause. A clause th a t
does n o t m ake sense by itself is called a subordinate clause.

N0TE A subordinate clause th a t is capitalized and punctuated as

if it w ere a sentence is a sentence fragm ent.
I Use clauses correctly.

W hat Is a Clause? 157

The Independent Clause
6b. An in d e p e n d e n t (or m a in ) c la u s e expresses a
complete thought and can stand by itself as a sentence.
EXAMPLES I w o ke up late this m orning.

Do you know Joseph?

W h en an in d e p e n d e n t clause stands alone, it is called a

sentence. Usually, the term independent clause is used only
w hen such a clause is jo in e d w ith a n o th e r clause.

Reference Note EXAMPLES My mother drove me to school. [This entire

I For information on using sentence is an independent clause.]
commas and coordinat­ My mother drove me to school, but my brother
ing conjunctions to rode his bicycle. [This sentence contains tw o
join tw o independent
independent clauses.]
clauses, see page 339.
For information about Since I missed the bus, my mother drove me to
using commas to join school. [This sentence contains one subordinate
independent and sub­ clause and one independent clause.]
ordinate clauses, see
page 341.

The Subordinate Clause

6c. A s u b o r d in a t e (or d e p e n d e n t ) c la u s e does not express
a complete thought and cannot stand by itself as
a complete sentence.

W ords such as because, if, since, that, until, which, a n d whom

signal th a t the clauses follow ing th e m m ay be subordinate.
Subordinate m eans “lesser in ra n k o r im p o rtan ce.” A su b o rd in a te
clause m u st be jo in e d w ith at least one in d ep e n d e n t clause to
m ake a sentence a n d express a com plete th o u g h t.
SUBORDINATE if the dress is too long
CLAUSES the veterinarian recommended

SENTENCES If the dress is too long, we will hem it.

t m m m * that the veterinarian

The new food
recommended is good for our hamster.
Identify and use inde­
pendent clauses. Identify
and use subordinate S ubordinate clauses m ay ap p ear at th e b eginning, in th e m iddle,
o r at the e n d o f a sentence.

158 The Clause

^ S S B i D I Identifying Independent and Subordinate
Identify the italicized clause in each o f the follow ing sentences
as independent o r subordinate.

EXAMPLE 1. If you know any m odem music history, then you
are probably fam iliar w ith the M o to w n sound.
7. subordinate

1. D o you recognize th e en tertain ers

who are shown in the photographs
on this page and the next?
2. These p e rfo rm ers h ad hit
records in th e 1950s an d
1960s when the music
business in D etroit
(the M otor City, or
“M o to w n ’) was
3. B erry Gordy, who
founded the M otown
record label, began
his business in a
sm all office in
D etroit.
4. H e was a songw riter
an d producer, and
he was able to spot
5. G ordy w ent to clubs
to h ear local groups
whose sound he liked.
6. T he M iracles, which was
the first group discovered
by Gordy, h a d a lead
singer n a m e d Sm okey
R obinson.
7. Robinson was also a
songwriter, an d G ordy included
him in the M otow n team o f
w riters a n d m usicians.

The Subordinate Clause 159

8. G ordy carefully m anaged all aspects o f the
M otow n so u n d , which is a special com bina­
tion o f rhythm and blues and soul.
9. D iana Ross a n d th e Suprem es, Stevie
W onder, M arv in Gaye, th e F our Tops, the

T em ptations, Gladys K night a n d the Pips,

a n d th e Jackson 5 are ju st som e o f the
p e rfo rm ers that Gordy discovered.
10. As you look carefully at the ph o to g rap h s
again, can you and your classmates recognize
these music legends?

Identifying Subordinate Clauses

Think as a
Keader/Writer Identify the su b ordinate clause in each o f th e following sentences.
EXAMPLE 1. W hen you g et up in the morning, do you look at
A lthough short sentences
your sleepy face in a mirror?
can be effective, a variety
o f sentence structures is 1. When you g e t up in the morning
usually more effective. To
1. A m irro r is a piece o f p o lished m etal o r glass th a t is coated
revise choppy sentences
into smoother w ritin g , w ith a substance such as silver.
combine shorter sentences 2. T he m o st c o m m o n type o f m irro r is th e plane m irror, w hich
by changing some into is flat.
subordinate clauses.
3. T he im age th a t is reflected in a plane m irro r is reversed.
CHOPPY 4. As you look into a m irro r, y o u r left h a n d seem s to be the
This is our dog, Skippy. He im age’s rig h t h and.
is five years old. He is a
5. W h en an im age is reversed, it is called a m irro r im age.
Yorkshire terrier.
6. A sailor w ho looks th ro u g h th e periscope o f a su b m a rin e is
This is our dog, Skippy,
using a system o f lenses a n d m irro rs in a tu b e to see above
w ho is a five-year-old the w ater’s surface.
Yorkshire terrier. 7. R ig h t-h an d rearview m irro rs on cars, w hich show a w ide area
In the example above, tw o o f the ro ad b e h in d , are usually convex, o r curved outw ard.
o f the short sentences are 8. D rivers m u st be careful because convex m irro rs m ake
combined into a single reflected objects ap p ear far away.
subordinate clause.
9. Because th e m irro r in a flashlight is concave, o r curved
inw ard, it strengthens the light fro m a sm all lightbulb.
10. W h en you look in a concave m irro r, you som etim es see a
m agnified reflection o f yourself.

160 The Clause

W riting Sentences w ith
Subordinate Clauses
W rite ten sentences by ad d in g an in d ep e n d e n t clause to each o f
the follow ing su b o rd in ate clauses. U nderline th e in d ep e n d e n t

clause in each o f y o u r sentences. M ake y o u r sentences interesting
by using a v ariety o f in d ep e n d e n t clauses.
EXAMPLES 1. w h o lives next door to us
7. Have you or Peggy m et the woman who lives next
door to us?

2. th a t Alexander bought
2. The sleeping bag that Alexander bought was
on sale.

1. w hen I b o u g h t the CD
2. w ho w on th e contest
3. if m y paren ts agree
4. as Jessye N o rm an began to sing
5. because we are going to a concert
6. th a t you m ade
7. w ho b u ilt th e pyram ids
8. for w hich this m usician is fam ous
9. since th e in tro d u c tio n o f th e telephone
10. w hose paintings are now fam ous

T h e A d je c t iv e C la u s e
6d. An a d je c t iv e c la u s e is a subordinate clause that
modifies a noun or a pronoun.

Like an adjective o r an adjective phrase, an adjective clause m ay

m odify a n o u n o r a p ro n o u n . U nlike an adjective phrase, an
adjective clause contains b o th a verb a n d its subject.
ADJECTIVE a blue flower
ADJECTIVE a flower w ith blue petals [The phrase does not
PHRASE have a verb and its subject.]
ADJECTIVE a flower th a t has blue petals [The clause does
CLAUSE have a verb and its subject.]

Identify and use adjec­

An adjective clause usually follows the w ord o r w ords it tive clauses.
m odifies a n d tells which one or w h at kind.

The Subordinate Clause 161

EXAMPLES Emma W illard was the one who founded the first
women's college in the United States. [The adjective
clause modifies the pronoun one, telling which one.]

I w a n t a bicycle that I can ride over rough ground.

[The adjective clause modifies th e noun bicycle, telling

what kind.]

Think as a
Reader/Writer \ The Relative Pronoun
A n adjective clause is usually in tro d u c e d by a relative pronoun.
The relative pronoun that
r is used to refer both to
people and to things. The Commonly Used Relative Pronouns
relative pronoun which is
........... ... m m sm
used to refer to things. th a t which who whom whose

She is the person th a t I These w ords are called re la tiv e p ro n o u n s because th ey relate an
met yesterday. adjective clause to th e n o u n o r p ro n o u n th a t th e clause m odifies.
This is the CD th a t you EXAMPLES that lets a diver breathe
A snorkel is a hollow tu b e
should buy.
underwater. [The relative pronoun that begins the
The bus, which is behind adjective clause and relates it to th e noun tube.]
schedule, stops at the next
corner. The team's mascot, which is a horse, is called
Reference Note Renegade. [The relative pronoun which begins the
adjective clause and relates it to the noun mascot.]
F o r information about
when to use commas Gwendolyn Brooks is the w riter who is the poet
to set o ff adjective
laureate of Illinois. [The relative pronoun who begins
clauses, see page 341.
the adjective clause and relates it to the noun writer.]

Those whose library books are overdue must pay

fines. [The relative pronoun whose begins the adjec­
tive clause and relates it to the pronoun Those.]

VI0TE In some cases, th e relative pronoun can be o m itted .

EXAMPLE The person [that or whom] we met at the market

was Mrs. Herrera.

^ £ 2 1 2 3 5 3 3 ) Identifying Adjective Clauses

Identify the adjective clause in each o f the sentences o n th e next
Identify and use relative page. U nderline the relative p ro n o u n th a t begins the clause.

162 The Clause

EXAMPLE 1. The person w ho w rote th e Declaration of
Independence was Thomas Jefferson.
7. who w rote the Declaration o f Independence

1. In his later years, Jefferson lived at his h om e, M onticello,

w hich he designed.

2. Jefferson p lan n e d a daily schedule th a t kept h im busy all day.
3. He began each day by w ritin g h im self a no te th a t recorded
the m o rn in g tem p eratu re.
4. T hen he did his w riting, w hich included letters to friends and
5. A fterw ard, he ate breakfast, w hich was served a ro u n d
9:00 A .M .
6. Jefferson, w hose p ro p e rty included stables as well as farm
fields, w ent h orseback rid in g at n o o n .
7. D inner, w hich began a b o u t 4:00 P.M ., was a big m eal.
8. F rom d in n er u n til dark, he talked to friends a n d neighbors
w ho cam e to visit.
9. His large family, w h o m he often sp en t tim e w ith, included
twelve grandchildren.
10. Jefferson, w hose interests ranged fro m a rt a n d architecture to
biology a n d m athem atics, read each night.

W riting Appropriate Adjective Clauses

C om plete each o f the follow ing sentences w ith an adjective
< v
clause. T hen, u n d e rlin e the relative p ro n o u n . to be a clause,a word
group must contain both
EXAMPLE 1.We read th e Greek le g e n d ____ a verb and its subject.
7. We read the Greek legend that tells the story
o f the Trojan horse.

1. You should p ro o fread every c o m p o s itio n ____

2. M y best f r ie n d , _ , is a good student.
3. M rs. R iv e ra , , was m y fifth-grade teacher.
4. We h eard a s o u n d _____
5. O u r neighbors _ _ are from Fez, M orocco.
6. The s h ip ,____ , carried bananas.
7. A n y o n e ____ is excused from the final exam .
8. C arm en, can you tell us a b o u t the s c ie n tis t ?
9. Is V ictor H ugo the a u t h o r ?
10. Wow! I d id n ’t know you h ad a d o g _____

The Subordinate Clause 163

T h e A d v e r b C la u s e
6e. An a d v e r b c la u s e is a subordinate clause that modifies
a verb, an adjective, or an adverb.
Think as a
Like an adverb or an adverb phrase, an adverb clause can m odify

Keader/Writer |
a verb, an adjective, o r an adverb. U nlike an adverb phrase, an
In most cases, deciding adverb clause contains b o th a verb a n d its subject.
where to place an adverb
clause is a matter of style, ADVERB Bravely, Jason battled a fierce dragon.
not correctness. ADVERB PHRASE With great bravery, Jason battled a fierce
dragon. [The phrase does not have both a verb and
As he leapt across the
gorge, Rex glanced back its subject.]
at his alien pursuers. ADVERB CLAUSE Because Jason was brave, he battled a fierce
Rex glanced back at dragon. [The clause does have a verb and its subject.]
his alien pursuers as he
leapt across the gorge. A dverb clauses answ er the follow ing questions: H ow ? W hen?
Where? Why? To w hat extent? H ow much? H ow long? an d Under
Which sentence might you
use in a science fiction w h at condition?
story? The sentence to EXAMPLES I feel as though I w ill never catch up. [The adverb
choose would be the one
clause tells h o w I feel.]
that looks and sounds bet­
ter in context—the rest of A fter I finish painting my bookcases, I will call
the paragraph to which the you. [The adverb clause tells when I will call you.]
sentence belongs.
I paint where there is plenty of fresh air. [The
adverb clause tells w here I paint.]

I have m ore w o rk to do today because I didn't paint

yesterday. [The adverb clause tells w hy I have more
w o rk to do.]

Jennifer can run faster than Victor can. [The adverb

clause tells to w hat exten t Jennifer can run faster.]

I will paint until Mom comes home; then I will clean

Reference Note my brushes and set the tab le fo r supper. [The adverb
I For more information on clause tells h o w long I will paint.]
punctuating introduc­
tory adverb clauses, If I paint for tw o more hours, I should be able to
see page 347. finish. [The adverb clause tells under w hat condition I
should be able to finish.]

N otice in the preceding exam ples th a t adverb clauses m ay be

placed in various p ositions in sentences. W h en an adverb clause
Identify and use adverb
clauses. com es at the beginning, it is usually follow ed by a com m a.

164 The Clause

Subordinating Conjunctions
Adverb clauses begin w ith subordinating conjunctions.

Common Subordinating Conjunctions

afte r because thou g h
although before unless
as how until
as if if w hen
as long as in ord er th a t w henever
as much as since w h ere
as soon as so th a t w h erever
as though than w h ile

Som e w ords th a t are used as su b o rd in a tin g c o n ju n ctio n s, such as

after, as, before, since, an d until, can also be used as prepositions.
PREPOSITION Before sunrise, we left for the cabin. m
SUBORDINATING Before the sun had risen, we left for Use th e com puter's search
CONJUNCTION the cabin. fu n ctio n to h ig h lig h t any
uses o f th e words after, as,
PREPOSITION In the nineteenth century, buffalo skins were used before, since, and until.
as blankets and clothing. Look at th e use o f such
w ords at th e beginnings o f
SUBORDINATING Around 1900, as the buffalo became nearly
sentences. Decide w h ether
CONJUNCTION extinct, conservationists fought for its protection.
th e w o rd begins a preposi­
tio n a l phrase or a subordi­
nate clause. In most cases
Identifying Adverb Clauses
an in tro d u cto ry preposi­
Identify the adverb clause in each o f th e follow ing sentences. tio n a l phrase is n o t set o ff
by a comma. An introduc­
EXAMPLE 1. As long as they have been a people, the Chinese
to ry adverb clause, though,
have been making kites.
should be fo llo w e d by
1. As long as they have been a people a comma.

1. A lthough th e follow ing story is only a legend, m an y people

believe th a t a kite like the one p ictu red o n th e next page m ay
have saved the people o f C h in a’s H an dynasty.
2. The C hinese were a b o u t to be attacked by an enem y arm y
w hen an advisor to the e m p e ro r cam e u p w ith a plan.
3. As the advisor sto o d beside an o p en w indow , his h a t was
lifted o ff by a stro n g w ind.
4. H e im m ediately called for a n u m b e r o f kites to be m ad e so Identify and use subordi­
nating conjunctions.
th a t they m ig h t be used to frig h ten th e enem y.

The Subordinate Clause 165

5. T he kite m akers h a d no tro u b le finding lightw eight b a m b o o
for th eir kite fram es because b a m b o o grows w idely in C hina.
6. As each fram e was com pleted, silk w as stretched over it.
7. T he e m p e ro r’s advisor attach ed noisem akers to th e kites so
th a t they w ould p ro d u ce an eerie sound.

8. H e o rd ered his m en to fly th e kites in the darkest h o u r o f

n ig h t because th e n th e enem y w o u ld h ear the kites b u t w ould
n o t be able to see them .
9. Unless the advisor was w rong, th e enem y w ould th in k th a t
the kites were gods w a rn in g th e m to retreat.
10. According to the legend, the enem y retreated as if they were
being chased by a fire-breathing dragon.

-HELP W riting Adverb Clauses
r < y
Remember, a C om plete each o f the follow ing sentences w ith a n adverb clause.
clause contains both T hen, u n d erlin e the su b o rd in a tin g co n ju n ctio n .
a verb and its subject.
EXAMPLE 1. _____ , digital cameras will become quite popular.
7. If I'm right, digital cameras will becom e quite

1. ____ , everything seem ed fresh a n d new.

2. T he gears j a m m e d _____
3 . ____ , th e A frican dancers began th eir ro u tin e.
4. From the trees, a Bengal tiger w atched th e h e r d _____
5. ____ , m aybe h e’ll help you clean y o u r room .
6. Call u s ____ V /
____ , the cem ent m ixer backed u p to the w o o d en fram e.
T he buses have been ru n n in g o n t i m e _____
r H EL P

You have < v

9. ____ , street sw eepers rolled slowly next to the curb. learned abo u t tw o kinds o f
10. H is m ap lo o k e d _____ subordinate clauses: adjec­
tive clauses and adverb
clauses. A n o th e r kind o f
subordinate clause is the
C 2 2 9 3 D ) Identifying and Classifying
noun clause. Noun clauses
Subordinate Clauses can be used as nouns in
Identify the su b o rd in ate clause in each o f th e follow ing sen­ sentences.

tences. T hen, classify each clause as an adjective clause o r an EXAMPLES

adverb clause. That they played our
song on the radio
EXAMPLES 1. American history is filled w ith stories o f people delighted us. [The noun
w ho perform ed heroic deeds. clause That they played
1. who perform ed heroic deeds—adjective clause o u r song on the radio acts
as th e subject o f this sen­
2. As the Am erican colonists struggled for tence.]
independence, w om en played im p o rtan t roles.
Sarah liked w h a t you
2 . A s the American colonists struggled fo r indepen­ said. [The noun clause
dence—adverb clause w h a t you said acts as the
direct object o f liked.]
1. W hen you stu d y the A m erican R evolution, y ou m ay learn
a b o u t the adventures o f a w o m an k n o w n as M olly Pitcher.
2. M olly Pitcher, w hose real nam e was M ary, was th e d au g h ter
o f farm ers.
3. A lthough she was b o rn in N ew Jersey, she m oved to the
Pennsylvania colony.
4. T here she m a rrie d W illiam Hays, w ho was a b arber.
5. Hays jo in e d the colonial arm y w h en the R evolution began.
6. M ary Hays w en t to be w ith h er h u sb a n d in M o n m o u th ,
N ew Jersey, w hich was th e site o f a battle o n a h o t June day
in 1778.
7. At first, she carried w ater to th e soldiers so th a t th ey w ould
n o t be overcom e by the intense heat.
8. T he soldiers nick n am ed h er “M olly P itch er” b ecause she
carried the w ater in pitchers.
9. Later, w hen h er h u sb a n d collapsed from the heat, she to o k
over his cannon.
10. George W ashington, w ho was th e co m m a n d er o f the
C o n tin en tal A rm y, m ade M olly an h o n o ra ry sergeant.

The Subordinate Clause 167

W riting Sentences w ith
Subordinate Clauses
W rite tw enty different sentences o f y o u r ow n. In each sentence,
include a su b o rd in ate clause th a t begins w ith one o f the follow ­

ing w ords o r w ord groups. U nderline th e su b o rd in a te clause.

A fter the sentence, classify th e su b o rd in a te clause as an adjective
clause o r an adverb clause.
EXAMPLES 1. so th a t
7. We hurried so that we w ouldn't miss the bus going
d o w n to w n —adverb clause

2. w hom
2. Jim Nakamura, whom I m et at summer camp, is
n ow my pen pal.—adjective clause

1. w hich 11. because

2. before 12. unless
3. since 13. as so o n as
4. w ho 14. w hom
5. th an 15. while
6. w hose 16. w henever
7. as th o u g h 17. after
8. alth o u g h 18. w here
9. th a t 19. as m u ch as
10. if 20. w herever

168 The Clause


C h ap ter Review
A. Identifying Independent and

Subordinate Clauses
Id en tify th e italicized clause in each o f th e follow ing sentences
as an independent o r a subordinate clause.

1. As Jawan w alked to school, he saw a strange sight.

2. If you go to the library, you sh o u ld take a look at th e young
a d u lt section.
3. T he b o o k that I read last night was very scary!
4. Long after th e rain h a d stopped, the ground was still wet.
5. If th e trip is cancelled, we can play tennis.
6. When the spin cycle stops, please take the la u n d ry o u t o f
the w ashing m achine.
7. T he shells that they found are still in the closet.
8. M ost people are asleep w hen th e m o rn in g new spaper
is delivered.
9. Was the m ovie that the reviewers liked sold out?
10. Since we m oved here fro m Chile, we have m et m any people.

B. Identifying Adjective and Adverb Clauses

Iden tify each italicized clause in th e follow ing sentences as an
adjective clause o r an adverb clause. T h en , w rite th e w o rd each
clause m odifies.

11. We cam p ed n ear Lake A rrow head when we w ent fishing

last year.
12. Because the weather was cold, I w ore a sw eater u n d e r
m y jacket.
13. T he coat that m y mother bought for me was blue.
14. As she left her office, C letha h e a rd the p hone.
15. Vince h it th e h o m e ru n that won the gamel
16. Everyone who signed up for the marathon sh o u ld m eet at 8:00
a . m . to m o rro w in th e school p ark in g lot.

17. O n Tuesday the Chavez fam ily w en t to th e Rex parade, which

is held every year in N ew Orleans during M ardi Gras.

Chapter Review 169

18. L arry is a little taller than Dana is.
19. T he D V D that Rita wanted to buy was o u t o f stock.
20. Louise stayed h o m e to d ay because she has a bad case
o f the flu.

21. Play soccer if you need more exercise.

22. T he tu rtle m oves faster than I expected.
23. M y o lder sister, who is on the varsity basketball team,
practices after school every day.
24. Since it was such a beautiful evening, we decided to take
a long walk.
25. W ill the stu d en ts whose fam ilies observe the Jewish Sabbath be
excused early o n Friday?

C. Identifying Subordinate Clauses

Iden tify th e su b o rd in a te clause in each sentence. T h en , classify
th e clause as an adjective clause o r an adverb clause. W rite none
t if th e sen ten ce does n o t c o n ta in a s u b o rd in a te clause.

26. T he den im blue jeans th a t are k n o w n as Levi’s have an

interesting history.
27. T hey w ere created in 1873 by Levi Strauss.
28. Strauss, w ho h a d im m ig ra te d to th e U n ited States from
Bavaria, fo u n d ed a clothing co m p an y called Levi Strauss &
29. Six years after his arrival in th e U nited States, he sailed to
San Francisco because his sister a n d b ro th e r-in -la w h a d a dry
goods business there.
30. In 1872, Strauss h a d received a letter from Jacob Davis, a
tailor in N evada w ho was one o f his regular custom ers.
31. Davis told Strauss a b o u t riveting the pocket corners o f
w ork p an ts so th a t the p a n ts w ould be m o re durable.
32. Since Davis lacked the m o n ey to p a te n t this invention,
he asked Strauss to be his p artn er.
33. B oth m en were n a m e d as p a te n t h olders in 1873.
34. T he copper-riveted overalls w ere p o p u la r w ith w orking
people w ho n eeded to u g h b u t com fortable pants.
35. In 1880, the com pany, w hose sales h a d reached $2.4 m illion,
was selling den im p an ts to retailers for a b o u t $1.50 a pair.

170 The Clause

36. Strauss died in 1902, fo u r years before an earth q u ak e a n d fire
in San Francisco destroyed his co m p an y ’s factories.
37. After the earthquake, th e co m pany b u ilt a new factory th at
is still operatin g today.
38. T he com pany suffered financially, as d id m an y o th er b u si­

nesses, d u rin g the G reat D epression o f the 1930s.
39. Since the 1940s, the p an ts have becom e increasingly fash io n ­
able am o n g young people.
40. In the 1950s, w hen actors such as James D ean w ore th e m in
film roles, th e jeans skyrocketed in popularity.

MM W riting Application
■B Using Clauses in a Manual
Subordinate Clauses Your class project for N ational
Safety W eek is to w rite a safety m anual. Each class m em b e r will
w rite one page o f in stru ctio n s telling w hat to do in a p a rticu la r
em ergency. Use su b o rd in a tin g co n ju n ctio n s to show th e rela tio n ­
ships betw een y o u r ideas.
\ /
P re w ritin g T h in k o f a specific em ergency th a t you know - HELP
how to handle. List th e steps th a t som eone sh o u ld follow in this
A health < V
em ergency. N u m b e r th e steps in order. If you aren ’t sure o f the teacher, the school nurse,
o rd er o r d o n ’t know a p a rticu la r step, stop w ritin g a n d get the or an organization such
in fo rm a tio n you need. as the Red Cross should
be able to provide
W r itin g Use y o u r p rew ritin g list to begin y o u r first draft. As information.
you w rite, m ake y o u r in stru ctio n s as clear as possible. D efine or
explain term s th a t m ig h t be u n fam iliar to y o u r readers. Be sure Reference Note
th at y our in stru ctio n s are in the rig h t order. I For information about
punctuating introduc­
R evising Read over y o u r in stru ctio n s to be sure th a t you’ve tory adverb clauses,
included all necessary in fo rm a tio n . A dd, cut, o r rearran g e steps see page 347.
to m ake the in stru ctio n s easy to follow. Be sure to use a p p ro p ri­
ate su b o rd in atin g co n ju n ctio n s to m ake th e o rd er o f th e steps
P u b lis h in g C heck y o u r w ork carefully for any erro rs in
gram m ar, p u n c tu a tio n , a n d spelling. To pub lish y o u r class safety Create various kinds of
texts in the different
m anual, gather all the pages a n d m ake booklets o u t o f p rin to u ts writing modes. Write
o r photocopies. O rganize y o u r topics alphabetically, o r g roup instructions. Identify and
use subordinate clauses.
th em by kinds o f em ergencies.

Q Chapter Review 171


Kinds of Sentence
Simple, Compound, Complex, and
Alabama Course of Study
10b; 9; 10; 11; 11c; 11d
Compound-Complex Sentences
SAT 10
CL.8; LF.2; LF.5

Diagnostic Preview
A. Id e n tify in g and C lassifying Clauses
Identify each clause in th e follow ing sentences. T hen, classify
each clause as an independent clause o r a subordinate clause.
EXAMPLE 1. Students who are interested in attending the science
fair at the community college should sign up now.
1. Students should sign up now—independent clause;
who are interested in attending the science fair at the
community college—subordinate clause

1. We did w a rm -u p exercises before we p racticed the ro u tin e.

2. T he m usical West Side Story is a m o d e rn version o f th e story
o f R om eo a n d Juliet.
3. T he first po em in th e b o o k is a b o u t spring, a n d th e second
one is a b o u t a u tu m n .
4. M olasses, w hich is m ade fro m sugar cane, is a th ick bro w n
liquid used for h u m a n food a n d anim al feed.
5. Before the test we stu d ied th e ch ap ter a n d d id th e ch ap ter
review exercises.
6. W hile o u r teacher discussed th e fo rm a tio n o f the A frican
n a tio n o f Liberia, we to o k notes.

172 Kinds of Sentence Structure

7. It rain ed S aturday m o rn in g , b u t the su n cam e o u t in tim e for
the opening o f th e Special O lym pics.
8. T he player w hose perfo rm an ce is ju d g ed the best receives the
M ost Valuable Player Award.
9. N o t all stringed in stru m e n ts so u n d alike, for th eir shapes and

the n u m b e r o f th eir strings vary.
10. T he to u rists th a t we saw w an d erin g up E splanade Avenue
w ent to the Japanese ceram ics exhibit after they h a d reached
the m useum .

B. Id e n tify in g S im ple, C om pound, C om plex, and

C om pound-C om plex Sentences
Identify each o f the follow ing sentences as simple, compound,
complex, o r compound-complex.
EXAMPLE 1. The Museum of Science and Industry, which is in
Chicago, features a German submarine captured
during World W ar II.
7. complex

11. E ither A na o r Lee will sing th e o p en in g song for th e fair.

12. We visit the L iberty Bell w henever we go to Philadelphia.
13. Have you chosen a topic for y o u r re p o rt yet, o r are you still
m aking yo u r decision?
14. W hen G eorge W ashington C arver was w orking o n soil
im p ro v em en t a n d p lan t diseases, the S outh was recovering
from the Civil War, a n d his discoveries gave plan ters a
com petitive edge.
15. A Tree Grows in Brooklyn, w hich was w ritte n by Betty Sm ith,
is one o f m y favorite books.
16. T he call o f a peacock sounds very m u ch like th a t o f a perso n
in distress.
17. A lthough it was w arm en o u g h to go sw im m ing o n M onday,
snow fell the next day.
18. T he stu d e n t w hose p h o to g ra p h s o f A m erican In d ia n cliff
dwellings w on th e contest was interview ed on th e local news.
19. The house looked com pletely em p ty w h en I first saw it, yet a
p a rty was going on in the backyard.
20. The gam e was tied at the to p o f the n in th in n in g , b u t th en
Earlene h it a h o m e ru n .

Diagnostic Preview 173

The Simple Sentence
Reference Note 7a. A s im p le s e n t e n c e contains one independent clause
I For information on and no subordinate clauses.
independent and
subordinate clauses,
EXAMPLES A good rain will help the farmers.
see Chapter 6.
Up for the rebound leaped Reggie.

Where are my keys?

Reference Note Please put that down near the table in the corner.
I For information on the [The understood subject is you.]
understood subject,
see page 65. A sim ple sentence m ay have a c o m p o u n d subject, a c o m ­
p o u n d verb, o r b o th .
EXAMPLES Chalupas and fajitas are tw o popular Mexican dishes.
[compound subject]

Kelly read The Planet o f Junior Brown and reported on
it last week, [compound verb]

The dog and the kitten lay there and napped.
[compound subject and compound verb]

Identifying Subjects and Verbs in

-HELP A\ *
Simple Sentences
Some sentences
Identify the subjects a n d the verbs in each o f th e follow ing
in Exercise 1 have a
compound subject, a
compound verb, or both. EXAMPLE 1. I enjoy urban life but need to escape from the
city once in a while.
7. I—subject; enjoy, need—verbs

1. M y favorite escape fro m city life is th e green w orld o f C entral

Park in N ew York City.
2. Its beautiful w oods a n d relaxing o u td o o r activities are ju st
Identify and use simple a few m in u tes from o u r a p a rtm e n t.

174 Kinds of Sentence Structure

Douglass Circle
3. The e n o rm o u s size o f the park, however, can som etim es a err \

be a problem .
4. O ften, I take this m ap w ith m e for guidance.
5. U sing the m ap, I can easily find th e zoo, th e b a n d shell,
an d the Lost W aterfall.
6. In the su m m ertim e m y b ro th ers an d I row boats on the
lake, clim b huge rock slabs, an d have picnics in the
Sheep M eadow.
7 . 1 also w atch birds an d often w an d er a ro u n d the p a rk in
search o f m y favorite species.
8. Last m o n th a pair o f purple finches followed m e along
the pond.
9. N ear H eckscher Playground, th e birds tired o f the gam e
an d flew off.
10. In C en tral Park m y fam ily a n d I can enjoy a little b it o f
n a tu re in the m iddle o f a b u stlin g city.

The Compound Sentence

7b. A c o m p o u n d s e n t e n c e contains two or more
independent clauses and no subordinate clauses.
INDEPENDENT M elvina w ro te about her mother's
CLAUSE aunt Bridge Food
Monument r Restroom
INDEPENDENT Leroy wrote about his cousin from Building p Playground
CLAUSE Jamaica
COMPOUND Melvina wrote about her mother's aunt, and
SENTENCE Leroy wrote about his cousin from Jamaica.

T he in d ep e n d e n t clauses o f a c o m p o u n d sentence are usually Reference Note

jo in ed by a co m m a an d a co o rd in atin g co n ju n c tio n (and, but, I For more about using
for, nor, or, so, o r yet). commas in compound
sentences, see page 339.
EXAMPLES A variety of fruits and vegetables should be a part of
everyone's d iet, fo r they supply many important

Kathryn's scene is in the last act of the play, so she must

w ait in the wings for her cue.

No one was injured in the fire , b u t several homes were

Identify and use com­
destroyed, and many trees burned down. pound sentences.

The Compound Sentence 175

Reference Note T he in d ep e n d e n t clauses o f a c o m p o u n d sentence m ay be
I For more about using jo in ed by a sem icolon.
semicolons in com­
EXAMPLES Pedro Menendez de Aviles founded St. Augustine,
pound sentences, see
page 352. the first permanent European settlement in the
United States; he also established six other colonies

in the Southeast.

My favorite places are Miami, Florida, and Aspen,

Colorado; Bernie's favorites are San Diego, California,
and Seattle, Washington.

Identifying Subjects and Verbs in

Compound Sentences
Identify th e subject a n d verb in each in d ep e n d e n t clause. T hen,
give th e p u n c tu a tio n m a rk a n d c o o rd in a tin g c o n ju n c tio n (if
there is one) th a t jo in the clauses.
EXAMPLE 1. A newspaper reporter will speak to our class next
week, and we will learn about careers in journalism.
7. reporter—subject; will speak — verb; we—subject; will
learn— verb; comma + and

1. R uth B enedict was a respected a n th ro p o lo g ist, an d M argaret

M ead was on e o f h er students.
2. An area’s w eather m ay change rapidly, b u t its clim ate changes
very slowly.
3. Linh P h an lived in V ietnam for m an y years, so he could tell
us ab o u t V ietnam ese foods such as nuoc mam.
4. S tudents m ay prep are th eir rep o rts o n th e com puter, o r they
m ay w rite th e m neatly.
5. O u r a p a rtm e n t m anager is kin d , yet she will n o t allow pets in
the building.
6. D aniel B oone h a d n o form al ed u catio n , b u t he could read
a n d w rite.
7. Sofia’s favorite dance is the sam ba; Elena enjoys the m erengue.
8. B enjam in F ranklin is k n o w n for his inventions, a n d he
sh o u ld also be rem em b ered for his w o rk d u rin g the
C o n stitu tio n al C onvention.
9. Sheena did n o t play soccer; she h a d sp rain ed h er ankle.
10. They d id n o t w atch th e sh u ttle take off, n o r did they w atch
it land.

176 Kinds o f Sentence Structure

S im p le S e n t e n c e o r C o m p o u n d S e n t e n c e ?
A sim ple sentence has only one in d e p e n d e n t clause. It m ay have
a c o m p o u n d subject or a c o m p o u n d verb o r bo th .
A c o m p o u n d sentence has tw o o r m o re in d e p e n d e n t clauses.

Each in d ep e n d e n t clause has its ow n subject a n d verb. Any o f the
in d ep e n d e n t clauses in a c o m p o u n d sentence m ay have a c o m ­
p o u n d subject, a c o m p o u n d verb, o r b o th .
SIMPLE Kim and Maureen read each other's short stories
and made many suggestions for improvements.
[compound subject and compound verb]

COMPOUND Kim and Maureen read each other's stories,

and they gave each other suggestions for improve­

ments. [The first independent clause has a compound
subject and a single verb. The second independent
clause has a single subject and a single verb.]

N0TE When a subject is repeated after a coordinating conjunction,

the sentence is not simple.

SIMPLE We studied the artist Romare Bearden and

w e n t to an exhibit of his paintings.

COMPOUND W e studied the artist Romare Bearden, and

w e w e n t to an exhibit of his paintings.

Distinguishing Compound Sentences

from Sentences w ith Compound Subjects
or Compound Verbs Classify sentences by
structure. Identify and
Identify the subjects an d verbs in each o f the sentences o n the use simple sentences.
follow ing page. T hen, identify each sentence as either simple Identify and use com­
pound sentences.
or compound.

The Compound Sentence 177

EXAMPLES 1. A rain forest is a tropical evergreen forest and
has heavy rains throughout the year.
7. rain forest—subject; is, has—verbs; simple

2. The trees and other plants in a rain forest grow close

together, and they rise to different heights.

2. trees, plants — subjects; grow—verb; they—subject;

rise— verb; compound

1. T he A m azon River is located in S outh A m erica an d is one o f

the longest rivers in th e w orld.
2. T he A m azon begins in Peru, a n d it flows across Brazil to the
A tlantic O cean.
3. This river carries m o re w ater th a n any o th er river a n d d rains
a b o u t one fifth o f the e a rth ’s entire freshw ater supply.
4. T he A m azon is actually a
n etw o rk o f several rivers, b u t
m o st people th in k o f these
co m b in ed rivers as only
one river.
5. These rivers drain the largest
rainy area in the w orld, and
d u rin g the flood season, the
m ain river often overflows
its banks.
6. In the photo at the left, the
A m azon does twist and curve.
7. G enerally, it follows a fairly
straig h t course a n d flows at
an average rate o f ab o u t one
an d o n e -h a lf m iles an h o u r
d u rin g th e d ry season.
8. T he A m azon rain forest is only tw o h u n d re d m iles w ide
along the A tlantic, b u t it stretches to twelve h u n d re d m iles
w ide at the foot o f th e A ndes M o u n ta in s in Peru.
9. T he variety o f p la n t life in th e A m azon rain forest is re m a rk ­
able; in fact, o f all rain forests in th e w orld, this area m ay
co n tain th e greatest n u m b e r o f p la n t species.
10. Raw m aterials are sh ip p ed directly from p o rts deep in the
rain forest, for oceangoing ships can sail m o re th a n two
(page 179): Identify and th o u sa n d m iles u p the A m azon.
use complex sentences.

178 Kinds of Sentence Structure

The Complex Sentence
7c. A c o m p le x s e n t e n c e contains one independent clause
and at least one subordinate clause. £

Two kinds o f su b o rd in ate clauses are adjective clauses and Reference Note
adverb clauses. Adjective clauses usually begin w ith relative i For more information on
p ro n o u n s such as who, whom, whose, which, a n d that. A dverb adjective clauses, see
clauses begin w ith su b o rd in a tin g co n ju n ctio n s such as after, as, page 161. For more about
adverb clauses, see page
because, if, since, a n d when.
164. For more about rela­
EXAMPLES Patricia Roberts Harris, who served as President tive pronouns, see page
Carter's secretary of housing and urban develop­ 78. For more about sub­
ment, was the first African American woman to be a ordinating conjunc­
Cabinet member, [complex sentence with adjective tions, see page 165.

When I hear classical music, I think of Aunt Sofia. Reference Note

[complex sentence with adverb clause]
I For information on
using commas w ith
One interesting annual event that is held in the
subordinate clauses,
Southwest is the Inter-Tribal Indian Ceremonial, which
see page 341.
involves many different American Indian peoples.
[complex sentence with tw o adjective clauses]

Identifying Subordinate Clauses

Identify the subord inate clause in each o f the follow ing sentences.
T hen, u n d erlin e th e relative p ro n o u n o r th e su b o rd in a tin g c o n ­
ju n c tio n th a t begins the su b o rd in ate clause.
EXAMPLES 1. Helen Keller, who overcame severe physical
impairments, showed great determination.
7. who overcame severe physical impairments

2. Keller was fortunate because she had such a

skillful and loving teacher.
2. because she had such a skillful and loving

1. H elen Keller, w ho is show n in the p h o to g ra p h at

right, becam e very ill as a sm all child.
2. After she recovered from th e illness, she could no
longer see or hear.
3. Because she could n o t hear, she also lost h er ability
to speak.

The Complex Sentence 179

4. H elen’s p arents asked A lexander G rah am Bell, w ho tra in e d
teachers o f people w ith hearin g im p airm en ts, for his advice
a b o u t the child’s education.
5. U p o n Bell’s suggestion, a special teacher, w hose n am e was
A nne Sullivan, stayed at th e Kellers’ h o m e to teach H elen.

6. Sullivan spelled w ords in to H elen’s h a n d as th e child to u ch ed

the object represented by th e w ord.
7. F rom this basic u n d e rsta n d in g o f language, H elen w ent o n to
learn Braille, w hich is th e alphabet used by people w ith visual
im p airm en ts.
W 8. Sullivan, w hose ow n vision h a d been p a rtly restored by
surgery, rem ain ed w ith H elen for m any years.
9. Because she h a d triu m p h e d over h er im p airm en ts, H elen
Keller was aw arded th e M edal o f Freedom .
10. Keller’s autobiography, w hich is titled The Story o f M y Life,
tells a b o u t h er rem arkable achievem ents.

Classifying Simple, Compound, and

Complex Sentences
Classify each o f the follow ing sentences as simple, compound, or
EXAMPLE 1. The Mississippi River, which begins in the tow n
of Lake Itasca, Minnesota, is the setting for many
of Mark Twain's stories.
1. complex

180 Kinds of Sentence Structure

1 . 1 drew an illu stratio n for a p o e m th a t was w ritte n by R obert
H ayden.
2. T he O lym pic skaters felt anxious, b u t they still p e rfo rm e d
th eir ro u tin e perfectly. I Think as a
3. K am eham eha D ay is an A m erican holiday th a t h o n o rs the Reader/Writer |

king w ho u n ite d th e islands o f Hawaii.
Simple sentences are best
4. For the first tim e in his life, Luke saw th e ocean.
used to express single
5. If you h a d a choice, w o u ld you ra th e r visit C h in a o r Japan? ideas. To describe more
6. T he bull was d o n a te d to th e children’s zoo by the people w ho complicated ideas and to
b o u g h t it at th e auction. show how the ideas fit
7. L ookout M o u n ta in , w hich is in Tennessee, was th e site o f a together, use compound
and complex sentences.
battle d u rin g th e Civil War.
8. T he guide led us th ro u g h M a m m o th Cave; she explained the SIMPLE SENTENCES
We went camping in the
difference betw een stalactites a n d stalagm ites.
national park. Darla saw a
9. W ilhelm Steinitz o f A ustria becam e fam ous after he was offi­ snake. At first she was
cially recognized as th e first w orld c h a m p io n o f chess. afraid. Then she looked
10. Am y Tan is the a u th o r o f th e b o o k The Joy Luck Club. more closely at it. [The
sentences are choppy, and
the ideas seem unrelated.]

The Compound-Complex When we went camping

Sentence in the national park, Darla

saw a snake. At first she
was afraid, but then she
7d. A c o m p o u n d - c o m p le x s e n t e n c e contains two or more
looked more closely at it.
independent clauses and at least one subordinate clause.

In the exam ples below, in d ep e n d e n t clauses are u n d e rlin ed

once. S ubordinate clauses are u n d e rlin ed twice.
EXAMPLES The band began to play, and Clarissa was pulled onto

the floor for a dance that was starting, [compound- Reference Note
complex sentence w ith adjective clause] rFor more about adjective
and adverb clauses, see
S V S V pages 161 and 164.
Whenever we go on vacation, our neighbors mow our

yard, and they collect our mail, [compound-complex
sentence with adverb clause] Identify and use com­
pound-complex sen­

The Compound-Complex Sentence 181

Identifying Compound, Complex, and
Compound-Complex Sentences
Identify each o f th e follow ing sentences as either compound,
complex, o r compound-complex.

EXAMPLE 1. I'll sweep the porch, and Ben will start supper before
Mom gets home.
7. compound-complex

1. If you’ve never trie d In d ia n curry, try som e o f U sha’s.

2. T he disk drive light w ent on, a n d th e drive m o to r w hirred,
b u t the c o m p u te r w ould n o t read th e disk.
3. A lthough th e river ap p eared calm , crocodiles lay m otionless
b en eath th e surface.
4. Several sm all herds o f m ustangs ro am these hills; w e’re going
to find them .
5. A n a n tiq u e w agon, w hose w heels once rolled along the
C hisholm Trail, sto o d next to the barn.
6. You can talk to m e w henever you have a pro b lem , o r you can
talk to y o u r m om .
7. Since daylight saving tim e started, the sky doesn’t get d ark
u n til late, a n d th a t ju st d oesn’t seem rig h t to m e.
8. T he plaster, w hich h a d been given a ro u g h texture, cast
shadow s o n itself.
9. They d o n ’t have the b o o k th a t we need, so let’s go to the library.
10. D id you really live in N airobi, o r are you ju st kidding?

Classifying Simple, Compound, Complex,

and Compound-Complex Sentences
Classify each o f th e follow ing sentences as simple, compound,
complex, o r compound-complex.
EXAMPLE 1. The Iroquois people traditionally held a Green Corn
Festival in August when their crops were ready for
7. complex

1. For th e early Iroquois, the G reen C o rn Festival was a celebra­

tio n th a t in clu d ed m an y events, so it often lasted several days.
2. D u rin g th e celebration, all children w ho h a d been b o rn since
m id w in ter received th eir nam es.

182 Kinds of Sentence Structure

3. Iroquois leaders m ade speeches, a n d adults a n d children
listened to th em carefully.
4. In one tra d itio n al speech, th e leader w ould give th an k s for
the harvest.
5. After they had heard the speeches, the people sang an d danced.

6. O n the second day o f th e festival, th e people p e rfo rm e d a
special dance; d u rin g th e dance they gave th an k s for th e sun,
the m o o n , an d the stars.
7. O n the th ird day, th e Iroquois gave th an k s for the helpfulness
o f th eir neighbors a n d for good luck.
8. T he festival en d ed o n th e fo u rth day w hen team s o f young
people w ould play a bow ling gam e.
9. D u rin g th e festival th e people renew ed th eir friendships, a n d
they rejoiced in th eir h a rm o n y w ith n ature.
10. This Iroquois festival resem bles the U.S. Thanksgiving holiday,
which has its roots in sim ilar A m erican Indian celebrations.

The Corn Dance

W riting Simple, Compound, Complex, and

Compound-Complex Sentences
W rite ten sentences o f y o u r ow n, follow ing th e guidelines given
EXAMPLE 1. W rite a simple sentence with a compound subject.
7. Jorge and Pilar gave me their recipe for guacamole.

1. W rite a sim ple sentence w ith a c o m p o u n d verb.

The Compound-Complex Sentence 183

2. W rite a sim ple sentence w ith a c o m p o u n d subject a n d a
c o m p o u n d verb.
3. W rite a c o m p o u n d sentence w ith tw o in d e p e n d e n t clauses
^ jo in ed by a c o m m a a n d the c o o rd in a tin g co n ju n c tio n and.
4. W rite a c o m p o u n d sentence w ith tw o in d e p e n d e n t clauses

jo in ed by a c o m m a a n d the c o o rd in a tin g co n ju n c tio n but.

5. W rite a c o m p o u n d sentence w ith tw o in d ep e n d e n t clauses
jo in ed by a sem icolon.
6. W rite a c o m p o u n d sentence w ith th ree in d ep e n d e n t clauses.
7. W rite a com plex sentence w ith an adjective clause.
8. W rite a com plex sentence w ith an adverb clause.
9. W rite a co m p o u n d -c o m p le x sentence w ith an adjective
10. W rite a c o m p o u n d -c o m p le x sentence w ith an adverb clause.

184 Kinds of Sentence Structure


C h ap ter Review
A. Identifying Independent and
Subordinate Clauses

Identify each clause in th e follow ing sentences. T h en , classify
each clause as an independent clause or a subordinate clause.

1. Yvette raked the leaves, a n d T ito m ow ed th e law n.

2. Lupe a n d Ben w ent to th e p a rk so th a t th ey could w atch the
firew orks display.
3. C arl a n d I chose enchiladas instead o f sandw iches fro m the
cafeteria’s m enu.
4. T he new cam p th a t offers in stru c tio n in co m p u te r p ro g ra m ­
m in g will be in session from A ugust 17 th ro u g h A ugust 28.
5. T he rain changed to snow th a t was m ixed w ith sleet.
6 . Practice y o u r tai chi exercises w h en you go to th e beach.
7. M y g ran d p aren ts, w ho enjoy exciting vacations, visited N epal
last year.
8. Since last year Sim one has grow n three inches, b u t she still
can’t reach the to p shelf in the kitchen.
9. W ill M a rtin loan m e this b o o k by Jam aica K incaid w h en he is
th ro u g h w ith it?
10. A retha hopes to be a v eterin arian because she likes to be
a ro u n d anim als.

B. Identifying Simple and Compound

Classify each o f th e follow ing sentences as simple or compound.
11. D o N a th a n a n d Shenille read o nly science fiction o r fantasy
sh o rt stories?
12. M y sister an d b ro th e r-in -la w live in C olorado, a n d they raise
sheep a n d grow fru it trees.
13. C hai w ants to w alk to th e theater, b u t I w a n t to take th e bus.
14. A u n t Evelyn a n d U ncle M ichael are b o th surgeons a n d w ork
at Riverside H ospital.
15. T he good queen p a rd o n e d th e jester, for he h a d m ea n t no
real h arm .

Chapter Review 185

16. Taking th e tra in , M ei-Ling a n d h er p aren ts can be in Chicago
in tw o h ours.
17. Blair is interested in b ecom ing an a stro n a u t, so she w ro te to
NASA for in fo rm atio n .
18. Tate laid o u t th e p atio a n d b u ilt it him self.

19. A fter eating, M arcia’s cat B artinka likes to take a long nap.
20. M ike designed a n d c o n tru c te d th e sets for th e play, a n d M ary
A nne designed the costum es a n d m akeup.

C. Identifying Compound and Complex

Identify each o f th e follow ing sentences as compound o r complex.
If th e sentence is c o m p o u n d , w rite th e c o m m a a n d co o rd in atin g
co n ju n c tio n o r the sem icolon th a t jo in s th e clauses. If the sen­
tence is com plex, w rite th e relative p ro n o u n o r su b o rd in atin g
co n ju n c tio n th a t joins th e clauses.

21. N in e te e n th -c e n tu ry shopkeepers often a ttrac ted custom ers

by placing a carved w o o d en figure, w hich was called a shop
figure, o u tside th eir shops.
22. T he shop figures were usually carved by ship carvers, w ho
h ad learn ed to carve figures by creating ship figureheads.
23. T he figures cost a great deal to m ake, a n d th ey were ex p en ­
sive to m ain tain .
24. M any shopkeepers w ere u p set because the figures w ere so
very costly.
25. M any o f th e w oo d en figures w ere o f politicians a n d baseball
players; o thers represented A m erican Indians.
26. O ne surviving figure represents F ather T im e, a n d a n o th e r
one represents a N ew York C ity firefighter.
27. The firefighter, w hich com m em orates C olum bian Engine
C om pany 14, now stands in the N ew York City Fire M useum .
28. T he figures w ere p o p u la r betw een the 1840s a n d th e 1890s,
a n d d u rin g th a t tim e th ey actually becam e a fad.
29. By th e e n d o f th e century, th e carved shop figure was no
longer w idely used since new types o f advertising h ad
becom e available.
30. People saw shop figures as o ld-fashioned, so shopkeepers
sto p p ed using them .

186 I Kinds of Sentence Structure

D. Classifying Compound, Complex, and
Compound-Complex Sentences
Classify each o f the follow ing sentences as compound, complex, or

31. Islam , w hich o rig in ated in A rabia, is the religion o f the
M uslim s, a n d it is based on a belief in o n e G od.
32. M ost M uslim s live in Africa, th e M iddle East, a n d M alaysia;
in recent years m any have com e to the U nited States a n d have
b ro u g h t th eir religion w ith them .
33. Som e A m erican M uslim s are m em bers o f th e N a tio n o f
Islam , w hich was fo u n d ed in th e U n ited States after W orld
W ar II.
34. W h en a m osque was o p en ed in N ew York in M ay 1991, reli­
gious leaders a n d o th er M uslim s w en t th ere to pray.
35. Som e w orshipers w ore the tra d itio n a l clothing o f th eir
hom elands; others w ere dressed in typical A m erican clothes.
36. M uslim s w ere particu larly pleased th a t th e new m osque
o p ened in the spring.
37. T he M uslim m o n th o f fasting, w hich is called R am adan, h ad
ju st ended, so the holiday after R am ad an could be celebrated
in the new house o f w orship.
38. A lthough M uslim s share a c o m m o n religion, th eir languages
39. M any M uslim s speak A rabic, b u t those in Iran , Turkey, a n d
n eig h b o rin g countries, for exam ple, speak o th e r languages
as well.
40. O f course, M uslim s w ho were b o rn in th e U n ited States
generally speak English, a n d m an y M uslim s w ho are recent
im m ig ran ts are learning it as a new language.

E. Classifying Sentences by Structure

Classify each o f the follow ing sentences as simple, compound,
complex, o r compound-complex.

41. Easter Island, w hich is also k n o w n as R apa N ui, is a sm all

Polynesian island in th e S outh Pacific.
42. T he island is the m o st rem o te in h ab ite d place o n th e planet.

Chapter Review 187

43. T he Polynesians were am o n g th e m o st accom plished sailors
in the w orld; th ey are especially k n o w n for th eir skill at
44. T he earliest evidence o f people o n Easter Island dates from
a ro u n d a .d . 700, b u t th e island m ay have been in h ab ited ear­

lier th a n that.
45. T he island is best k n o w n for its giant stone statues w ith long
noses an d p u rse d lips.
46. T he statues, w hich are called moai, w ere carved o u t o f
volcanic rock, a n d som e o f th e m w ere placed u p rig h t on
platform s called ahu.
47. T he moai th a t w ere set u p o n p latfo rm s w ere tra n sp o rte d
as far as six m iles fro m the quarry, b u t no one know s for
certain how the islanders m oved them .
48. Several theories have b een p ro p o sed , yet n o single th eo ry
explains all th e evidence.
49. W hen th e B ritish explorer C ap tain C o o k visited the island
in 1774, he n o ticed th a t m an y o f th e statues h a d been
overtu rn ed .
50. T he oral tra d itio n o f th e islanders speaks o f a civil w ar th a t
broke o u t betw een tw o peoples on th e island, th e H a n a u
Eepe an d the H a n a u M om ko.

W riting Application
Writing a Letter
Using a Variety of Sentence Structures A nyone can
en ter th e “W in Your D ream H o u se” C ontest. All you have to do is
describe y o u r ideal house. W rite a letter to th e contest judges,
describing w here y o u r d ream h o u se w ould be a n d w h at it w ould
look like. Use a variety o f sentence stru c tu re s to m ake y o u r letter
interesting for th e judges to read.

Create various kinds of

texts in the different
writing modes. Write a
letter, (page 189): Vary
types of sentences for
effective writing.

188 Kinds of Sentence Structure

P re w ritin g M ake a list o f the special features o f the house
you w an t to describe. To help you th in k o f ideas, you m ay w an t
to look th ro u g h m agazines o r books to find p ictures o f in te rest­
ing hom es. You m ay also find it helpful to draw a ro u g h diagram
o f the room s, yard, a n d o th er features you w ould w a n t to add.

Take notes on the details you w an t to include.

W r itin g As you w rite y our first draft, use y o u r notes to

include vivid details th a t will give th e contest judges a clear p ic­
ture o f y o u r d ream house.

R evisin g Read y o u r letter to m ake sure it is interesting an d

clear. Also, check to see w h eth er you can com bine sim ilar ideas
by using either c o m p o u n d or com plex sentences. Ask an ad u lt to
read your letter. D oes he o r she th in k y o u r descrip tio n w ould
im press the contest judges?
Reference Note
P u b lish in g C heck the g ram m ar a n d spelling in y o u r letter.
l~For information on
Also, m ake sure th a t you have used com m as correctly in c o m ­
using commas, see
p o u n d sentences a n d com plex sentences. You a n d y o u r class­ page 336.
m ates m ay w an t to create a bulletin b o a rd display o f th e pictures
or diagram s you used in designing y o u r d ream h ouse a n d to po st
y our descriptions next to th e display.

Chapter Review 189

■■f s ....r .. ............. .... ^ .... 7 .... „»■ - ..... y it._

SS*. 'irrsp- . rssT-. -sc a r "z z s p - rs s » ; ”2SS*. szsp. 'z ss& fc- -z z z * . ■ • •'ssqr . ~

Subject and Verb, Pronoun
H and Antecedent
A labam a Course o f Study
9; 11
SAT 10
CL.12; LF.6

Diagnostic Preview
A. Id e n tify in g C orrect S ubject-V erb A g re e m e n t and
P ro n o u n -A n teced en t A g re e m e n t
C hoose the correct w ord o r w ord g ro u p in parentheses in each
o f the follow ing sentences.
EXAMPLE 1. Some of the paintings (is, are) dry now.
7. are

1. T hree h o u rs o f w ork (is, are) needed to finish the charcoal

draw ing for a rt class.
2. Everybody has offered (his or her, their) advice.
3. Harlem Shadows (is, are) a collection o f p oem s by th e w riter
C laude McKay.
4. Either Stu o r Ryan can volunteer (his, their) skill in the kitchen.
5. Black beans, rice, a n d o n io n s (tastes, taste) good together.
6. N o t one o f th e m has offered (his or her, their) help.
7. Som etim es m y fam ily (disagrees, disagree) w ith one another,
b u t usually we all get along fairly well.
8. Five dollars (is, are) all you will need for the m atinee.
9. (Doesn’t, D on’t) to o m an y cooks spoil th e broth?
10. O ne o f m y au n ts gave m e (her, their) silk kim ono.

190 Agreement
B. Proofreading for Subject-Verb Agreement and
Pronoun-Antecedent Agreement
M ost o f the follow ing sentences c o n ta in an ag reem ent error.
W rite the incorrect verb o r p ro n o u n . T hen, w rite th e correct
form . If the sentence is already correct, w rite C.
EXAMPLE 1. Most stargazers has seen points of light shooting
across the night sky.
7. has—have

11. These p o in ts o f light is co m m o n ly called sh o o tin g stars.

12. Scientists w ho study o u r solar system calls these p o in ts o f
light meteors.
13. Som e m eteors are pieces o f asteroids th a t exploded long ago.
14. Each o f these pieces are still flying th ro u g h space on the p a th
o f th e original asteroid.
15. M ost nights, a p erso n is lucky if th ey can see a single m eteo r
now a n d then.
16. T h ro u g h o u t th e year, however, th ere is m ete o r “show ers.”
17. N one o f these show ers are as big as th e ones th a t com e each
year in A ugust a n d N ovem ber.
18. E ither Katie o r C arla once saw a spectacular m eteo r show er
on th eir birthday.
19. In N ovem ber 1833, one o f the largest m ete o r show ers in
histo ry were recorded.
20. Two h u n d re d fo rty th o u sa n d m eteo rs observed in ju st a
few h o u rs are a record th a t has never been m atched!

N u m ber is the fo rm a w ord takes to indicate w h eth er th e w ord is
singular o r plural.

8a. When a word refers to one person, place, thing, or idea, Reference Note
it is singular in number. When a word refers to more than IT o r more about forming
one, it is plural in number. plurals, see page 397.

Singular igloo she one child class

Plural igloos th e y m any children classes

Number 191
Classifying Nouns and Pronouns
by Num ber
Classify each o f the follow ing w ords as singular o r plural.
EXAMPLES 1. girl 2. rivers
1. singular 2. plural

1. evening 6. teeth 11. hoof 16. m agazine

2. wolves 7. tacos 12. m ice 17. oxen
3. w om en 8. we 13. I 18. he
4. leaf 9. th ie f 14. shelf 19. cities
5. they 10. arm ies 15. geese 20. cargo

I T 1p S TRI CKS | Agreement of Subject and Verb

Most nouns ending in -s are
8b. A verb should agree in number with its subject.
plural (cheetahs, families).
Most verbs that end in -s
Two w ords agree w hen th ey have th e sam e nu m b er. T he n u m b e r
are singular {fills, begins).
However, verbs used with
o f a verb sh o u ld agree w ith th e n u m b e r o f its subject.
the singular pronouns I and
(1) Singular subjects take singular verbs.
you do not end in -s.
EXAMPLES The lightning fills the sky. [The singular verb fills agrees
with the singular subject lightning.]
Ed takes the bus.
I take the train. Jan begins her vacation today. [The singular verb begins
You ride your bike. agrees with the singular subject Jan.]

(2) Plural subjects take plural verbs.

EXAMPLES Cheetahs run fast. [The plural verb run agrees w ith the
plural subject Cheetahs.]

New fam ilies move into our neighborhood often. [The

plural verb move agrees with the plural subject families.]

W h en a sentence contains a verb phrase, th e first helping

verb in th e verb p hrase agrees w ith th e subject.
EXAMPLES The m otor is running.
Demonstrate under­ The m otors are running.
standing of correct
subject-verb agreement. The girl has been delayed.
Use verbs that agree
with singular subjects. The girls have been delayed.
Use verbs that agree
with plural subjects. Is anyone filling the aquarium?
Are any students filling the aquarium?

192 Agreement
Identifying Verbs That Agree in Num ber
w ith Their Subjects
Identify the fo rm o f th e verb in p arentheses th a t agrees w ith
its subject.
EXAMPLE 1. wind {howls, howl)
7. howls

1. people (talks, talk) 6. geese ( hisses, hiss)

2. rain (splashes, splash) 7. n ig h t (falls, fall)
3. birds (flies, fly) 8. roofs (leaks, leak)
4. we (helps, help) 9. baby (smiles, smile)
5. it (appears, appear) 10. to o th (aches, ache)

Identifying Verbs That Agree in Num ber
w ith Their Subjects
Identify th e fo rm o f the verb in parentheses th a t agrees w ith its
EXAMPLE 1. Special tours (is, are) offered at the National Air and
Space Museum in Washington, D.C.
1. are

1. This m useum (has, have) been called

the best o f all the S m ithsonian m useum s.
2 . This en o rm o u s b u ild in g (covers, cover)
three blocks.
3. T w enty-three galleries (offers, offer) visitors in fo rm a tio n
a n d en te rta in m e n t.
4. T he different show room s (deals, deal) w ith various
aspects o f air a n d space travel.
5. As you can see, th e exhibits (features, feature)
an tiq u e aircraft as well as m o d e rn spacecraft.
6 . In an o th e r area, a th eater (shows, show) film s on
a five-story-high screen.
7. p lan e tariu m (is, are) located o n th e second floor.
8. Projectors (casts, cast) realistic im ages o f stars on
th e ceiling.
9. Som e to u rs (is, are) co n d u c te d by pilots.
10. In ad d itio n , the m u se u m (houses, house) a large
research library.

A greem ent of Subject and Verb 193

C 2 3 2 5 E } Proofreading fo r Errors in Subject-Verb
Agreem ent
M ost o f th e follow ing sentences c o n tain errors in subject-verb
agreem ent. If a verb does n o t agree w ith its subject, w rite the
correct fo rm o f th e verb. If a sentence is already correct, w rite C.
EXAMPLE 1. More than fifteen million people lives in and around
Mexico's capital.
1. live

1. Located in an an cien t lake bed, M exico C ity have

been b u ilt on Aztec ruins.
2. V isitors ad m ire th e colorful p ain tin g s o f Diego
Rivera at th e N ational Palace.

3. In one o f the city’s m an y subw ay stations, an Aztec

p y ram id still stand.
4. Sculptures grace the Alameda, which is Mexico City’s
m ain park.
5. A top the Latin A m erican Tower, an observ ato ry offer
a great view o n a clear day.
6. At th e N atio n al A u to n o m o u s U niversity o f M exico,
the lib ra ry ’s o u te r walls is fam ous as w orks o f art.
7. Juan O ’G o rm a n ’s huge m osaics shows th e cultural
histo ry o f M exico.
8. Usually, to u rists is quite fascinated by th e G reat
Tem ple o f th e Aztecs.
9. M any fiestas fills M exico C ity’s social calendar.
10. In ad d itio n , th e city has o n e o f th e largest soccer
stad iu m s in th e w orld.

Problems in Agreement
P h r a s e s B e t w e e n S u b je c t a n d V e rb

8c. The number of a subject is not changed by a phrase

following the subject.
EXAMPLES The hero of those folk tales is Coyote. [The verb is agrees
with the subject hero, not with tales.]
Demonstrate under­
standing of correct The successful candidate, along with tw o of her aides,
subject-verb agreement. has entered the auditorium. [The helping verb has
agrees w ith the subject candidate, not with aides.]

194 Agreement
Scientists from all over the world have gathered in
Geneva. [The helping verb have agrees w ith the subject
Scientists, not with world.]

The crystal pitcher, oozing w ater droplets, was cracked

along the base. [The helping verb was agrees w ith the
subject pitcher, not with droplets.]

N0TE If the subject is the indefinite pronoun all, any, more, most, Reference Note
none, or some, its number may be determined by the object of a I For more about indefi­
prepositional phrase that follows it. nite pronouns, see Rules
8d-8f on page 196.
EXAMPLES Most of the essays were graded. [Most refers to
the plural word essays.] A
Most of this essay is illegible. [Most refers to the
singular word essay.]

Identifying Verbs That Agree in Num ber
w ith Their Subjects
Identify the fo rm o f th e verb in parentheses th a t agrees w ith
its subject.
EXAMPLE 1. The water in the earth's oceans (cover, covers) much
of the planet's surface.
7. covers

1. A tidal wave, despite its nam e, (is, are) n o t caused by th e tides.

2. E arthquakes b en eath th e sea (causes, cause) m o st tid al waves.
3. A netw o rk o f w arn in g signals (alert, alerts) people in coastal
areas o f an a p p ro ach in g tidal wave.
4. T he tre m en d o u s force o f tidal waves som etim es (causes,
cause) great destru ctio n .
5. Walls o f earth a n d stone along th e shore (is, are) often too
w eak to p ro tect coastal villages.
6. Som e tidal waves, according to this encyclopedia article,
(travel, travels) m o re th a n five h u n d re d m iles an hour.
7. Tidal waves in the op en ocean generally (do, does) n o t cause
m u ch interest.
8. T he height o f tidal waves th ere often (remain, remains) low.
9. However, waves up to one h u n d re d feet high (occur, occurs)
w hen tidal waves h it land.
10. T he scientific n am e for tidal waves (are, is) tsunamis.

Problems in Agreem ent 195

In d e f in it e P r o n o u n s
I T I P S T R I C K S | You m ay recall th a t p erso n al p ro n o u n s refer to specific people,
The words one, thing, and places, things, o r ideas. A p ro n o u n th a t does n o t refer to a defi­
body are singular. The nite person, place, thing, o r idea is called an in defin ite pron ou n .
indefinite pronouns that
contain these words are
singular, too. Personal Indefinite
Pronouns Pronouns
Was [everyjone there? she anybody
[Some]body has them both
we e ith er
[No]thing works better.
you everyone

8d. The following indefinite pronouns are singular: a n y ­

body, a n yo n e, a n yth in g , each, either, e v e ry b o d y , e v e ry o n e ,
ev e ry th in g , neither, n o b o d y, n o o n e, n o th in g , one, so m e ­
body, so m eo n e , and so m eth in g .
EXAMPLES Each of the newcomers was welcomed to the city.
Neither of these papayas is ripe.
Does anybody on the bus speak Arabic?

Id en tify Verbs That Agree in Num ber

,/ V / w ith Their Subjects
rHELP“ < y C hoose th e fo rm o f th e verb in p arentheses th a t agrees w ith
Remember that
the subject is never part of its subject.
a prepositional phrase.
EXAMPLE 1. One of these books (is, are) yours.
7. is

1. N either o f the m ovies (were, was) especially funny.

2. Everybody in those classes (gets, get) to leave early
3. Som eone am o n g the store ow ners (donates, donate) the
big tro p h y each year.
4. Each o f th e Jackson b ro th e rs (study, studies) dance.
5. N o one on either team (was, were) ever in a playoff before.
6. Everyone w ith an in terest in sp o rts (are, is) at th e tryouts.
Use v erb s t h a t a g r e e 7. A nybody w ith b in o cu lars (are, is) p o p u la r at a large stadium .
w ith sin g u lar subjects.
Use v erb s t h a t a g r e e 8. Each o f o u r neig h b o rs (have, has) helped us p la n t th e new
w ith p lu ral subjects.
c o m m u n ity garden.

196 Agreement
9. O ne o f th e new Spanish teachers (supervises, supervise) the
language lab.
10. N obody in o u r fam ily (speak, speaks) G reek well, b u t we all
can speak a little bit.

8e. The following indefinite pronouns are plural: b o th , fe w ,

many, several.
EXAMPLES Few of our neighbors have parakeets.

Many of them keep dogs as pets.

,/\ ✓
8f. The indefinite pronouns all, any, m ore, m ost, n o n e, and
som e may be either singular or plural, depending on their
rHELP— < y
Some indefinite
meaning in a sentence. pronouns, such as both,

each, and some, can also be
T he n u m b e r o f the p ro n o u n s all, any, more, most, none, a n d some used as adjectives. When an
is often d e te rm in e d by the n u m b e r o f the object in a p rep o si­ indefinite adjective comes
tional phrase follow ing th e subject. These p ro n o u n s are singular before the subject of a sen­
tence, the verb agrees with
w hen they refer to a singular w ord an d are p lu ral w hen they refer
the subject as it normally
to a p lural w ord. would.
EXAMPLES All of the fruit is ripe. [All is singular because it refers to Just as you would write
the singular word fruit. The verb is is singular to agree Children love playing
with the subject All.] in the park.
All of the pears are ripe. [All is plural because it refers to or
the plural word pears. The verb are is plural to agree with The child loves playing
the subject All.] in the park.

you would write

Some of the harvest has been sold. [Some is singular
Both children love
because it refers to the singular word harvest. The helping
playing in the park.
verb has is singular to agree with the subject Some.]
Some of the apples have been sold. [Some is plural Each child loves
because it refers to the plural word apples. The helping playing in the park.
verb have is plural to agree w ith the subject Some.]

note pronouns listed in Rule 8f aren't always followed by

prepositional phrases.

EXAMPLES All are here.

Some has spilled.

In such cases you should look at the context—the sentences before

and after the pronoun—to see if the pronoun refers to a singular or
a plural word.

Problems in Agreement 197

Identifying Verbs That Agree in Number
w ith Their Subjects
Identify the verb fo rm in parentheses th a t agrees w ith its subject.
EXAMPLE 1. Somebody in the club (want, wants) the meetings
held on a different day.
1. wants

1. “B oth o f th e tapes (sound, sounds) good to m e,” G regory said.

2. If anyone (know, knows) a b e tte r way to get to W ashington
Square, please tell m e.
3. Each o f the p roblem s (are, is) easy to solve if you k n o w the
correct form ulas.
4. P robably everyone in th e class (remember, remembers) how

to boil an egg.
5. All o f the new research o n dream s (is, are) fascinating.
6. M ost o f o u r d ream s (occur, occurs) to w ard m o rn in g .
7. Few o f us really ( understand, understands) the fo u r cycles
o f sleep.
8. M ost o f th e research (focus, focuses) o n th e cycle kn o w n as
rap id eye m ovem ent, o r REM.
9. N one o f last n ig h t’s d ream (is, are) clear to m e.
10. M any o f o u r d ream s at n ig h t (is, are) a b o u t th a t day’s events.

Identifying Verbs That Agree in Num ber

w ith Their Subjects
Identify th e verb fo rm in parentheses th a t agrees w ith its subject.
EXAMPLE 1. The flying object shown on the next page
probably (look, looks) familiar to you.
7. looks

1. M any people th ro u g h o u t th e w orld (claims, claim) to have

seen objects like this.
2. However, n o one (know, knows) for sure w h at th ey are.
3. T hey (resembles, resemble) huge plates or saucers.
4. N o t surprisingly, people (call, calls) th e m flying saucers.
5. Since 1947, they (has, have) b een officially called u n id en tified
flying objects, o r UFOs.
6. The U.S. go v ern m en t (has, have) investigated m an y un u su al
U FO sightings.

198 Agreement

7. T he U.S. A ir Force (was, were) responsible for co n d u ctin g
these investigations.
8. G ov ern m en t records (shows, show) th a t m o re th a n twelve
th o u sa n d sightings w ere rep o rted betw een 1948 a n d 1969.
9. M ost rep o rted sightings (has, have) tu rn e d o u t to be fakes,
b u t o thers rem a in unexplained.
10. N one o f the official rep o rts positively (proves, prove) th a t
U FO s com e from o u ter space.

C o m p o u n d S u b je c t s
8g. Subjects joined by a n d usually take a plural verb.
EXAMPLES Our dog and cat get baths in the summer.

Mr. Duffy and his daughter have gone fishing.

A c o m p o u n d subject th a t nam es only one p erso n o r th in g

takes a singular verb.
EXAMPLES A famous singer and dancer is going to speak at our
drama club meeting. [One person is meant.]

Macaroni and cheese is my favorite supper. [One

dish is meant.]

Problems in Agreement 199

Identifying Verbs That Agree in Number
w ith Their Subjects
Identify the correct fo rm o f th e verb in parentheses. If you
choose a singular verb w ith any o f these c o m p o u n d subjects,
be p rep ared to explain why.
EXAMPLE 1. Chris and her sister (is, are ) in the school band.
7. are

1. (Is, Are) th e b ro w n b ear a n d th e p o lar bear related?

2. W in d a n d w ater (erodes, erode) valuable farm lan d th ro u g h ­
o u t th e U nited States.
3. M y guide a n d co m p a n io n in Bolivia (was, were) Pilar.
4. N ew w ords a n d new m eanings for old w ords (is, are)

in cluded in a good dictionary.

5. M rs. C hang a n d h er d a u g h te r (rents, rent) an ap a rtm e n t.
6. Iro n a n d calcium (needs, need) to be included in a good diet.
7. M r. M arley a n d his class (has, have) p a in te d a wall-size m ap.
8. A horse a n d buggy (was, were) once a c o m m o n way to travel.
9. T ornadoes an d h u rric an e s (is, are) d angerous storm s.
10. F ru it a n d cheese ( tastes, taste) good together.

8h. Singular subjects joined by o r or n o r take a

singular verb.
EXAMPLES The chief geologist or her assistant is due to
arrive tonight. [Either one is due, not both.]
i Think as a
Keader/Writer [ Neither a rabbit nor a mole does that kind of damage.
[Neither one does the damage.]
Compound subjects th a t
have both singular and P lural subjects jo in e d by or o r nor take a p lu ral verb.
plural parts can sound aw k­
w ard even th ough they are EXAMPLES Either mice or squirrels are living in our attic.
correct. W henever possible,
Neither the senators nor the representatives
revise sentences to avoid
want the bill to be vetoed by the president.
such constructions.

AWKWARD 8i. When a singular subject and a plural subject are joined by
Two small boards or one o r or nor, the verb agrees with the subject nearer the verb.
large one is w h a t we
need to patch th a t hole. EXAMPLES A book or flowers usually make an appropriate gift.
[The verb agrees w ith the nearer subject, flowers.]
We need tw o small Flowers or a book usually makes an appropriate gift.
boards or one large one
[The verb agrees with the nearer subject, book.]
to patch th a t hole.

200 Agreem ent

^ ^ ^ 3 2 3 ® Identifying Verbs That Agree in Number
w ith Their Subjects
\ ✓
Identify the correct fo rm o f th e verb in parentheses in each o f r HELp— ^ y
the follow ing sentences. Be p rep ared to explain the reason for In the example,
y o u r choice. th e verb m eet agrees w ith
th e nearer subject, officers.
EXAMPLE 1. The club president or the officers (meets, meet)
regularly w ith the sponsors.
7. meet

1. N either pens n o r pencils (is, are) n eeded to m a rk the ballots.

2. E ither m y a u n t o r m y uncle (is, are) going to drive us.
3. T hat table o r this chair (was, were) m ade by h a n d in Portugal.
4. (Has, Have) the sandw iches o r o th e r refreshm ents been

served yet?
5. Index cards or a sm all tablet (is, are) h a n d y for taking notes.
6. N either th a t clock n o r m y w ristw atch (shows, show) the
correct tim e.
7. O ne boy or girl (takes, take) th e p a rt o f th e n arrato r.
8. D u rin g o u r last visit to Jam aica, a m ap o r a guid eb o o k
(was, were) m y co n stan t co m p an io n .
9. T he d entist o r h er assistant (checks, check) m y braces.
10. E ither Japanese p o e try or In u it m yths (is, are) going to be
the focus o f m y rep o rt.

Proofreading fo r Subject-Verb Agreem ent

Identify each verb th a t does n o t agree w ith its subject in the
follow ing sentences. T hen, w rite the correct fo rm o f each verb.
EXAMPLE 1. The players in the photograph on the next page is
competing in the most popular sport in the world—
7. is—are

1. O ne expert in the field o f sp o rts have described soccer as the

w o rld ’s favorite type o f football.
2. Som e sp o rts w riters has estim ated th a t th ere are over th irty
m illion registered soccer players a ro u n d th e globe.
3. Youth leagues a n d coaching clinics has helped m ake a m a teu r
soccer th e fastest-grow ing team sp o rt in th e U nited States.
4. In Dallas, Texas, n e ith e r baseball n o r A m erican football
a ttrac t as m any young players as soccer does.

Problems in Agreem ent 201

5. Also, m o re colleges now has varsity soccer team s th a n have
football team s.
6. This increase in soccer fans are a tre n d th a t started in 1967,
w h en professional team s began playing in th e U n ited States.
7. A dditional interest w ere generated w hen th e U.S. Y outh
Soccer A ssociation was form ed.
8. B oth m ales a n d fem ales enjoys playing this sp ort.
9. In fact, by th e 1980s, m an y o f th e soccer team s in th e c o u n try
was w o m en ’s team s.
10. In the past, professional soccer w ere m o re p o p u la r abroad,
b u t th e U nited States h o sted the W orld C up in 1994.

O t h e r P r o b le m s in S u b je c t - V e r b
A g re e m e n t
Reference Note
8 j. A collective noun may be either singular or plural,
I For more information depending on its meaning in a sentence.
about collective nouns,
see page 75. A collective noun is singular in fo rm b u t nam es a g ro u p o f
persons, anim als, o r things.

202 Agreem ent

Common Collective Nouns

People Anim als Things

audience brood batch

chorus flock bundle
com m ittee gaggle cluster
crew herd collection

faculty litter fle e t

fam ily pack set
jury pod squadron

A collective n o u n takes a singular verb w hen the n o u n refers

to the g roup as a u n it. A collective n o u n takes a p lu ral verb w hen
the n o u n refers to th e individual p a rts o r m em bers o f th e group.
EXAMPLES The class has decided to have a science fair in
November. [The class as a unit has decided.]
The class were divided in their opinions of the play.
[The members of the class were divided in their

My family plans to attend Beth's graduation. [The

family as a unit plans to attend.]
My family are coming from all over the state for the
reunion. [The members of the family are coming.] I

8k. When the subject follows the verb, find the subject and
make sure that the verb agrees with it.

The subject usually follows th e verb in questions a n d in

sentences beg in n in g w ith here o r there.
EXAMPLES W here was the cat?
W here were the cats?

Does Jim know the Chens?

Do the Chens know Jim?
Here is my umbrella.
Here are our umbrellas.

There is a scary movie on TV. D e m o n s tra te u n d e r ­

s ta n d in g o f co rre c t
There are scary movies on TV. su b je c t-v e rb a g r e e m e n t.

Problems in Agreem ent 2 03

''lOTE W hen the subject of a sentence follows part or all o f the verb,
the word order is said to be in v e rte d . To find the subject of a sen­
tence w ith inverted order, restate the sentence in normal subject-
verb word order.

INVERTED Here are your gloves.

NORMAL Your gloves are here.

INVERTED Were you arriving late, too?

NORMAL You were arriving late, too.

INVERTED In the pond swim large goldfish.

NORMAL Large goldfish swim in the pond.

Reference Note T he c o n tra ctio n s here’s, there’s, a n d where’s c o n tain th e verb

I For more information is an d sh o u ld be used only w ith singular subjects.
about contractions, see
page 375. NONSTANDARD There's our new neighbors.
STANDARD There's our new neighbor.
STANDARD There are our new neighbors.

Identifying Verbs That Agree in Num ber

w ith Their Subjects
Identify the subject in each o f the follow ing sentences. T hen,
w rite th e correct fo rm o f th e verb in parentheses.
EXAMPLE 1. That flock of geese (migrates, migrate) each year.
7. flock—migrates

1. T here (is, are) at least tw o solutions to this com plicated

C hinese puzzle.
2. T he soccer team (was, were) all getting o n different buses.
3. (Is, Are) b o th o f y o u r p aren ts fro m Korea?
4. H ere (comes, come) th e six m em b ers o f th e d eco ratio n s co m ­
m ittee for th e dance.
5. H ere (is, are) som e apples a n d b an an as for th e picnic basket.
6. T here (is, are) n e ith e r tim e n o r m o n ey for th a t project.
7. (Here’s, Here are) the social studies notes I took.
8. At the press conference, th ere (was, were) several candidates
for m ayor a n d tw o for governor.

204 Agreement
9. T he fam ily (has, have) invited us over for a d in n e r to
celebrate G ra n d m a ’s p ro m o tio n .
10. H ere (is, are) som e m asks carved by th e H aid a people.

81. Some nouns that are plural in form take

singular verbs.
EXAMPLES Electronics is a branch of physics.

Civics is being taught by Ms. Gutierrez.

Measles is the most unpleasant disease I've ever had.

The news was not encouraging.

8m. An expression of an amount (a measurement, a

percentage, or a fraction, for example) may be singular
or plural, depending on how it is used.

A w ord o r phrase stating an a m o u n t is singular w hen the

a m o u n t is th o u g h t o f as a un it.
EXAMPLES Fifteen dollars is enough for that CD.

Sixteen ounces equals one pound.

Is tw o weeks long enough for a hiking trip?

Som etim es, however, th e a m o u n t is th o u g h t o f as individual

pieces o r parts. If so, a p lu ral verb is used.
EXAMPLES Ten of the dollars were borrowed.

Two of the hours were spent at the theater.

A fraction or a percentage is singular w hen it refers to a singular

w ord and plural w hen it refers to a plural word.
EXAMPLES One fourth of the salad is gone.

Forty percent of the students are new.

N0TE Expressions of measurement (such as length, w eight, and

area) are usually singular.

EXAMPLES Ten feet is the height of a regulation basketball hoop.

Seventy-five pounds is the maximum baggage weight

for this airline.

Problems in A greem ent 205

8n. Even when plural in form, the title of a creative work
(such as a book, song, film, or painting), the name of an
organization, or the name of a country or city generally
takes a singular verb.

EXAMPLES W o rld Tales is a collection of folk tales retold by Idries

Shah, [one book]

Tonya's painting S u n flo w e rs was inspired by the

natural beauty o f rural Iowa, [one painting]

Friends of the Earth was founded in 1969. [one


The Philippines is an island country in the southwest

Pacific Ocean, [one country]

Is Marble Falls a city in central Texas? [one city]

C B 3 2 3 X 9 Identifying Verbs That Agree in Num ber

w ith Their Subjects
Identify the correct fo rm o f the verb in parentheses in each o f
th e follow ing sentences.
EXAMPLE 1. Three inches in height (is, are) a great deal to
grow in one year.
1. is

1. The Friends (is, are) a b o o k a b o u t a girl from the W est Indies

a n d a girl from H arlem .
2. Two cups o f b ro th (seems, seem) rig h t for th a t recipe.
3. Fifteen feet (was, were) th e length o f the w in n in g long ju m p .
4. N avarro a n d C o m p an y (is, are) selling those jackets.
5. T he N ational C o uncil o f Teachers o f English (is, are) ho ld in g
its convention in o u r city this year.
6. M u m p s (is, are) a highly infectious disease.
7. T hree h o u rs o f practice (is, are) n o t u n u su a l for the b and.
8. Arctic Dreams (was, were) w ritte n by B arry Lopez.
9. Two weeks o f p rep a ra tio n (has, have) b een enough.
10. A dollar a n d a h a lf (is, are) th e cost o f a subw ay ride.

8o. D o n 't and d o e sn 't should agree in number with their


T he w ord don’t is a c o n tra ctio n o f do not. Use don’t w ith p lural

subjects a n d w ith th e p ro n o u n s I a n d you.

206 Agreem ent

EXAMPLES The children don't seem nervous.
I don't understand.

Don't you remember?

T he w ord doesn’t is a co n tra ctio n o f does not. Use doesn’t w ith

singular subjects except the p ro n o u n s I an d you.
EXAMPLES Kim doesn't ride the bus.

He doesn't play tennis.

It doesn't snow here.

Using Don't and D o e s n 't

Read the follow ing sentences aloud, stressing th e italicized
w ords.

1. M y friend doesn't u n d e rsta n d th e problem .

2. Doesn’t she w an t to play soccer?
3. The tom atoes don’t lo o k ripe.
4. O u r school doesn’t have a gym nasium .
5. Italy doesn’t b o rd er G erm any.
6. T he geese don’t hiss at M r. Waverly.
7. O u r M uslim neighbors, the N assers, don’t e at pork.
8. H e doesn’t play chess.

Identifying Verbs That Agree in Num ber

w ith Their Subjects
W rite th e verb form in parentheses th a t agrees w ith its subject.
EXAMPLE 1. Wheelchairs with lifts (help, helps) many people.
7. help
1. Seventy-five cents (is, are) n o t e n o u g h to buy the Sunday
new spaper.
2. Everyone in h er fam ily (prefers, prefer) to d rin k water.
3. Allen a n d his p aren ts (enjoy, enjoys) basketball.
4. Jan (don’t, doesn’t) know the rules o f volleyball.
5. N either the m ic ro p h o n e n o r the speakers (work, works) as
well as we h ad hoped.
6. T here (is, are) 132 islands in th e state o f Hawaii.
7. M any C alifornia place nam es (comes, come) fro m Spanish.

Problems in Agreem ent 207

8. T he p rin cip al o r her assistant (is, are) th e one w ho can
help you.
9. H o m e econom ics (is, are) a req u ired course in m an y schools.
10. A flock o f sheep (was, were) grazing o n the hill.

Proofreading fo r Subject-Verb Agreem ent

M ost o f th e follow ing sentences c o n ta in errors in subject-verb
agreem ent. If a verb does n o t agree w ith its subject, w rite the
correct form o f the verb. If a sentence is already correct, w rite C.
EXAMPLE 1. Here is two pictures of Wang Yani and her artwork.
7. are

1. T here surely is few young artists as successful as Yani.


2. In fact, th e People’s R epublic o f C h in a regard h er as a

n atio n al treasure.
3. She has show n h e r p ain tin g s th ro u g h o u t th e w orld.
4. Yani d o n ’t p a in t in ju st o n e style.
5. H er ideas a n d h er a rt n atu rally changes over th e years.
6. T he p a in tin g below show s one o f Yani’s favorite child h o o d
7. M any o f h er early p ain tin g s features m onkeys.
8. In fact, one o f h er large w orks p o rtra y 112 m onkeys.
9. However, m o st o f h e r later p ain tin g s is o f landscapes, o th er
anim als, a n d people.
10. As h er sm ile suggests, Yani fill h e r p ain tin g s w ith energy.

208 Agreem ent

Agreement of Pronoun
and Antecedent
Reference Note
A p ro n o u n usually refers to a n o u n or a n o th e r p ro n o u n called For more in fo rm a tio n
its antecedent. W henever you use a p ro n o u n , m ake sure th a t it on antecedents, see
agrees w ith its antecedent. page 76.

8p. A pronoun should agree in number and gender with

Think as a
its antecedent.
Som e singular p ro n o u n s have form s th a t indicate gender. In conversation and in fo r­
Fem inine p ro n o u n s refer to fem ales. M asculine p ro n o u n s refer mal w ritin g , people often
to males. N euter p ro n o u n s refer to things (n eith er m ale n o r use a plural personal pro­
fem ale) a n d som etim es to anim als. noun to refer to a

singular antecedent th a t
may be e ith e r masculine
Feminine she her hers herself or fem inine.

Masculine he him his himself NONSTANDARD

Everybody b ro u g h t th e ir
Neuter it it its itself swimsuit.

Every mem ber o f the club

sold th e ir tickets.
EXAMPLES Carlotta said that she found her book.
However, it is best to fo l­
Aaron brought his skates with him. lo w standard usage in
form al situations.
The plant with mold on it is losing its leaves.

The antecedent o f a p ro n o u n can be a n o th e r k in d o f p ro ­ Think as a

no u n . In such cases, you m ay need to look in a phrase th a t follows Keader/Writer
the antecedent to d eterm in e w hich personal p ro n o u n to use.
To avoid th e aw kward
EXAMPLES Each of the girls has offered her ideas. [Each is the use o f his o r her, try to
antecedent of her. The word girls tells you to use the rephrase th e sentence.
feminine pronoun to refer to Each.] EXAMPLES
One of the men lost his key. [One is the antecedent of Everybody bro u g h t a
his. The word men tells you to use the masculine pronoun
to refer to One.] All th e members o f the
club sold their tickets.
Som e antecedents m ay be either m asculine o r fem inine. In
such cases, use b o th the m asculine a n d the fem inine form s. fria n ra ra in
EXAMPLES Every one of the parents praised his or her child's efforts D e m o n s tra te
that day. u n d e r s ta n d in g o f co rre c t
p ro n o u n a n d a n te c e d e n t
No one in the senior play forgot his or her lines on a g r e e m e n t.
opening night.

Agreem ent of Pronoun and A ntecedent 209

8q. Use a singular pronoun to refer to an ybody, a n yo n e,
a n yth in g , each, either, e v e ry b o d y , e v e ry o n e , e v e ry th in g ,
neither, n o b o d y, no on e, n o th in g , one, so m eb o d y, so m eo n e ,
or so m eth in g .
EXAMPLES Each of the snakes escaped from its cage.

Someone in the class left behind his or her pencil.

8r. Use a plural pronoun to refer to b o th , fe w , m any, or s e v ­

EXAMPLES Both of the sailors asked their captain for shore leave.

Many among the others waiting below deck hoped that

they could go, too.

8s. The indefinite pronouns all, any, m ore, m ost, n on e, and

so m e may be singular or plural, depending on how they are
I Think as a used in a sentence.
" Keader/Writer [ EXAMPLES All of the book is interesting, isn't it?
Sentences w ith singular
All of the books are interesting, aren't they?
antecedents joined by o r or None of the casserole is left; it was terrific!
nor can sound aw kward if
the antecedents are o f
None of the casseroles are left; they were terrific!
d iffe re n t genders. If a
sentence sounds awkward, 8t. Use a singular pronoun to refer to two or more
revise it to avoid the
singular antecedents joined by o r or nor.
EXAMPLES Either Ralph or Carlos will display his baseball cards.
Odessa or Raymond w ill Neither Nina nor Mary will bring her CD player.
bring her or his road map.

8u. Use a plural pronoun to refer to two or more
Odessa w ill bring her
road map, or Raymond
antecedents joined by and.
w ill bring his. EXAMPLES Isaac and Jerome told me that they were coming.

Elena and Roberto sent letters to their cousin.

Use p ro n o u n s t h a t a g r e e Using Pronouns in Sentences

in n u m b e r a n d g e n d e r
w ith sin g u la r For each o f th e follow ing sentences, w rite a p ro n o u n o r a p air
a n te c e d e n ts . Use p ro ­
n o u n s t h a t a g r e e w ith
o f p ro n o u n s th a t will correctly com plete th e sentence.
p lu ral a n te c e d e n ts .

210 Agreem ent

EXAMPLE 1. Dominic or Martin will show slides.
1. his

1. A w riter sh o u ld p roofread w o rk carefully.

2 . O ne o f the boys h ad finished hom ew ork.
3. N o, Joyce has n o t given m e _ answer.
4. T he store sent Paula a n d Eric the posters t h a t h ad
o rdered last week.
5. M ark o r H ecto r will arrive early so t h a t can help us.
6 . Everyone read one o f poem s aloud.
7. O ne o f the stu d en ts r a is e d hand. Using in d e fin ite pronouns
correctly can be tricky. To
8. o f the tennis rackets were dam aged by the w ater leak.
help yourself, you may
9. The dogs h ad eaten n o n e o f food. w a n t to create an in d e fi­
10. Each o f the dogs ate th e scraps th a t we g a v e _____ nite pronoun guide. First,

11. T he prin cip al a n d the Spanish teacher a n n o u n c e d plans summarize th e in fo rm a tio n
in Rules 8 d -8 f and 8q-8s.
for th e C inco de M ayo fiesta.
12. All o f the bow ling pins were o n sides. Then, choose several
examples to illustrate the
13. The m ovie m ade sense t o ____ o f the audience m em bers.
rules. You can use a com­
14. Everyone in m y class h a s ____ow n w rite r’s jo u rn al. pu te r to create a Help file
15. N either recalled the nam e o f first-grade teacher. in w hich to store this in fo r­
16. o f the players, Sharon an d P. J., agreed th at the gam e m ation.
was a draw. Call up your Help file
17. Ms. Levine s a id was p ro u d o f the students. whenever you run into
d iffic u lty w ith in definite
18. F rank h ad trie d o n all o f the hats b e fo r e chose one.
pronouns in your w ritin g .
19. A nyone m ay jo in i f collects stam ps.
20 . E ither Vanessa o r M arilyn was h o n o re d f o r design.

8v. A pronoun that refers to a collective noun has the same

number as the noun.
A collective n o u n is singular w hen it refers to th e g ro u p as a u n it
an d p lu ral w hen it refers to th e in dividual m em b ers o f the group.
EXAMPLES The cast is giving its final performance tonight. [The cast
as a unit is giving its final performance.]
The cast are trying on their costumes. [The members of
the cast are trying on their individual costumes.]

The faculty has prepared its report. [The faculty as a

unit has prepared its report.]
The faculty are returning to their classrooms.
[The members of the faculty are returning to their
separate classrooms.]

A greem ent of Pronoun and Antecedent 211

8w. An expression of an amount may take a singular or
plural pronoun, depending on how the expression is used.
EXAMPLES Five dollars is all I need. I hope my sister will lend it
to me. [The amount is thought of as a unit.]

Two dollars are torn. The vending machine won't take

them. [The amount is thought of as individual pieces or

8x. Even when plural in form, the title of a creative work

(such as a book, song, film, or painting), the name of an
organization, or the name of a country or city usually takes
a singular pronoun.
EXAMPLES Have you read G re a t E xp e cta tio n s'! It is on our

summer reading list.

The United Nations, which has its headquarters in New

York, also has offices in Geneva and Vienna.

My grandmother, who is from the Maldives, told us of

its coral reefs and lagoons.

Choosing Pronouns That Agree

w ith Their Antecedents
C hoose th e correct w ord o r w ords in parentheses in the
follow ing sentences.
EXAMPLE 1. Even a trio can have a big sound if (it, they) can
arrange the score properly.
7. it

1. T hey are asking tw o h u n d re d dollars, b u t (it, they) sh o u ld

be a low er price because th ere is no chair w ith th e desk.
2. D arla, The H ew and the Crown has been checked out;
however, (it, they) sh o u ld be back next W ednesday.
3. If th e high school b a n d d oesn’t show u p soon, (it, they) w o n ’t
lead the parade.
4. These plans call for ten feet o f A frican ebony, a n d a lth o u g h
(it, they) w o u ld look great, I have no idea w here we could
even find ebony.
5. Seven p o in ts m ay n o t seem like m uch, b u t in jai alai, (it, they)
can be e n o u g h to decide the gam e.
6. T he u n it to o k u p (its, their) p o sitio n o n the hill.

212 Agreem ent

7. “Sixteen Tons” has always been one o f m y favorite songs,
a n d (it, they) always will be.
8. Six o f the sales team s exceeded (its, their) goals.
9. W ill the b o a rd o f directors alter (its, their) decision?
10. Try H arp er B rothers A ppliances first; if (it, they) h ap p en s
to be closed, go up the street to S m ith’s H ardw are.

Proofreading Sentences fo r Correct

Pronoun-Antecedent Agreem ent
M ost o f the follow ing sentences c o n tain erro rs in p ro n o u n -
antecedent agreem ent. Identify each error, a n d w rite th e correct
p ro n o u n or p ro n o u n s. If a sentence is already correct, w rite C.
EXAMPLE 1. At the meeting, each member of the Small Business
Council spoke about their concerns.
1. their—his or her

1. Everybody h ad a chance to express th eir o p in io n a b o u t the

new sho p p in g m all.
2. M rs. G om ez a n d M r. F ranklin are h ap p y a b o u t his or her
new business locations at the m all.
3. Both said th a t his o r h er profits have increased significantly.
4. N either M r. C hen n o r M r. C ooper, however, feels th a t his or
her custom ers can find convenient parking.
5. Anyone sh o p p in g at the m all has to p a rk th e ir car to o far
from the m ain sh o p p in g area.
6. Several m em bers o f th e council said th a t the m all has taken
away m any o f th eir custom ers.
7. O ne o f the w om en o n the council th e n p resented th eir ow n
idea a b o u t creating a farm ers’ m ark et on w eekends.

Agreem ent o f Pronoun and Antecedent 213

8. M any m em bers said he o r she favored th e plan, a n d a
p ro p o sal was discussed.
9. Each farm er could have th eir ow n spot n e a r th e tow n hall.
10. T he Small Business C o uncil th e n agreed to take th eir
pro p o sal to th e m ayor.

C S S a D Q I W riting Sentences That Dem onstrate

Correct Subject-Verb and Pronoun-
Antecedent Agreem ent
U sing the follow ing w ords o r w ord gro u p s as subjects, w rite
I * *
rHELp- < v tw en ty sentences. In each sentence, u n d e rlin e the verb th a t agrees
w ith th e subject. T hen, u n d e rlin e tw ice any p ro n o u n th a t agrees
Not every

sentence in Review F needs w ith the subject.

to have a pronoun that
EXAMPLE 1. all of the players
agrees with the subject.
1. All o f the players were tired; they had had a long

1. b o th Jed an d Bob 11.

2. n o n e o f th e p uppies Sawyer
3. Los Angeles 12.
4. fifty cents 13.
5. Anne o f Green Gables 14.
6. news 15.
7. either the teacher or 16.
th e stu d en ts 17.
8. the litter o f kittens 18.
9. n e ith e r N ancy n o r Tim 19.
10. everyone 20.

214 Agreem ent


C h a p te r R eview
A. Determ ining Subject and Verb Agreem ent
Identify the correct fo rm o f the verb given in p arentheses in each
o f the follow ing sentences. Base y o u r answ ers o n th e rules o f
stan d ard , form al usage.

1. E lephants (has, have) w orked w ith people for centuries.

2. A blue vase (is, are) th e only th in g in th e ro o m .
3. (Doesn’t, D on’t) M id o ri com e here every afternoon?
4. T he exhibit o f draw ings by John Jam es A u d u b o n (was, were)

fascinating, d o n ’t you think?
5. Civics (was, were) only one o f th e classes th a t challenged m e.
6 . Since M o m repaired th em , b o th o f th e rad io s (work, works).
7. Everyone (calls, call) Latisha by h e r nicknam e, Tish.
8 . Fifty cents (was, were) a lo t o f m o n ey in 1910! 1
9. M s. Sakata’s fo rm er n eig h b o r a n d best friend, M s. C hang,
(writes, write) poetry.
10. (Is, Are) th ere any o th e r blacksm iths in town?
11. I ’m sorry, b u t so m eb o d y (has, have) checked o u t th a t book.
12. (Was, Were) th e geese in th e cornfield again?
13. All o f th e shells in m y collection (was, were) displayed.
14. N eith er C indy n o r h e r cousins (knows, know) how to sew.
15. O u tside th e back d o o r (is, are) a few o f y o u r friends.
16. M y b ro th e r a n d m y uncles (plays, play) rugby.
17. T he N eth erlan d s (has, have) a coastline o n th e N o rth Sea.
18. H ere ( is, are) several subjects for you to consider.
19. T he team (has, have) all received th eir jerseys a n d hats.
20. Som e o f E rnest H em ingw ay’s w ritings (was, were)
21. This new s (was, were) ju st w h at B arb w an ted to hear.
22. Giants o f Jazz (is, are) an in terestin g book.
23. Everyone (is, are) expected to attend.
24. M ost o f o u r reading (was, were) d o n e on w eekends.
25. E ither G o rd o n o r R uben (knows, know) th e rig h t answer.

Chapter Review 2 15
B. Determining Pronoun and Antecedent
Agreem ent
If th e italicized p ro n o u n in each o f the follow ing sentences does
n o t agree w ith its antecedent, w rite the correct fo rm o f th e p r o ­
n o u n . If th e p ro n o u n does agree w ith its antecedent, w rite C.
Base y o u r answ ers on the rules o f stan d ard , form al usage.

26. Everyone p u t their suitcases o n the bus.

27. E ither M arcia o r C h ristin a will b rin g her serving platter
to th e d in n e r party.
28. B oth Sarah a n d Sue agreed w ith her counselor.
29. Several o f m y friends do his or her h o m ew o rk after school.
30. O ne o f th e boys used their b a t in th e gam e.

31. M y g ra n d fa th e r’s favorite television show is The

H o n e y m o o n e rs. H e w atches them every n ig h t on cable.
32. All o f the horses received its vaccinations.
33. E ither M aria o r Louise will receive their aw ard today.
34. Everybody sh o u ld k n o w their ZIP Code.
35. Each stu d e n t in th e class has given their re p o rt o n an A frican
A m erican folktale.
36. Every one o f the dogs obeyed its ow ner.
3 7 . 1 fo u n d tw en ty dollars in m y sock draw er. D o you th in k I
sh o u ld spend them o n C h ristm as presents?
38. W ill either H ecto r o r Tony read his p ap er aloud?
39. N o t one o f the stu d en ts h a d finished their science p roject
o n tim e this sem ester.
40. A fter Celia finished h er solo, th e audience ro ared their
approval for five m inutes.

W riting Application
M Using Agreem ent in a Composition

C re a te v ario u s k inds o f
Subject-Verb Agreement If you could be any p erso n in
te x ts in t h e d iffe re n t history, w ho w ould you be? W hy? Your social studies teacher has
w ritin g m o d es. D escribe
a p e rso n . D e m o n s tra te
asked you to answ er these questions in a sh o rt co m p o sitio n . Be
u n d e rs ta n d in g o f c o rre c t sure to use correct subject-verb ag reem ent in explaining y our
su b je ct-v erb a g r e e m e n t.

216 Agreement
Prewriting First, decide w h at historical p erso n you w ould
like to be, a n d freew rite a b o u t th a t p erso n . As you w rite, th in k
ab o u t why th e p erso n is n o tew o rth y a n d w hy you w o u ld w a n t to
be h im o r her.

Writing Use y o u r freew riting ideas to w rite y o u r first draft.

Begin w ith a sentence th a t states th e p u rp o se o f y o u r co m p o si­
tio n an d identifies y o u r historical figure. T hen, give y o u r m ain
reasons for w an tin g to be th a t p erson. Sum m arize y o u r m ain
p o in ts in a conclusion.

Revising Read th ro u g h y o u r co m p o sitio n , a n d th e n answ er

these questions: (1) Is it clear w h at p erso n fro m h isto ry I w a n t to
be? If n o t, revise y o u r m ain idea statem ent. (2) Is it clear w hy I
w an t to be th a t person? If n o t, explain y o u r reasons in m ore


Publishing M ake sure th a t all subjects a n d verbs agree in

num ber. C heck yo u r co m p o sitio n for errors in spelling, capital­
ization, a n d p u n c tu a tio n . Your class m ay w a n t to create a display
using th e com p o sitio n s a n d pictu res o f the historical figures

Chapter Review 217

■'•ssz*' ,-rzrz? —rsy .-ssa* ■-srs* -scy -stay- -css* /

•V ^ "• v ' r f ~;:X9 ? : ✓ - ^ ..r ~-ra*


Using Verbs
Principal Parts, Regular and
A labam a Course o f Study
Irregular Verbs, Tense, Voice
SAT 10
C L .1 3; C L .1 4 |

Diagnostic Preview
Proofreading Sentences for Correct Verb Forms
If a sentence contains an in co rrec t p ast o r p ast p articiple fo rm o f
a verb, w rite th e correct form . If a sentence is already correct,
w rite C.
EXAMPLE 1. Melissa drunk the medicine in one gulp.
1. drank

1. We sw um in th e lake last w eekend.

2. C arlos com e from the D o m in ic a n R epublic.
3. T he crow ju st set th ere o n the w ire fence.
4. T he balloon b u rst w ith a lo u d pop.
5 . 1 seen th a t m agician on television.
6. T he leader raised his ta m b o u rin e to begin th e dance.
7. You sh o u ld have w ent w ith T h o m as to the gam e.
8. T he ice cube has sh rin k ed to h a lf its original size.
9. M eanw hile, the w ater level has rose.
1 0 .1 w ould have w rote to you m uch sooner, b u t I lost your address
after you m oved.
11. S andra th ro w ed the ball to th e sh o rtsto p .
12. M s. Lopez has spoke before m an y civic groups.

218 Using Verbs Correctly

13. All o f these p h o to g ra p h s w ere taken in Florida’s Everglades
N ational Park.
14. T he bell has ran g for fo u rth period.
15. W hile visiting Los Angeles last A ugust, I ru n into an old
friend in the city’s Little Tokyo district.
1 6 .1 laid dow n u n d e r a tree to rest.
1 7 .1 done everything asked o f m e.
18. It begun to rain sh o rtly after dusk.
19. Som e o f the saucers w ere broken.
20. Sue lay h er p en dow n an d stu d ied the qu estio n again.

Principal Parts of Verbs

The four basic form s o f a verb are called the p r in c ip a l p a r ts o f
the verb.
9 a . The principal parts of a verb are the base form, the -H E LP-
r V
present participle, the past, and the past participle. Some teachers
refer to the base form as
W hen they are used to form tenses, the present participle an d the the infinitive. Follow your
past participle form s require helping verbs (form s o f be an d have). teacher's directions when
you are labeling this form.
Base Present Past
Form Participle Past Participle

talk [is] talking talked [have] talked

d raw [is] d raw ing d re w [have] draw n

Because talk form s its past a n d past p articiple by ad d in g -ed , it Reference Note
is called a regular verb. D raw form s its p ast a n d p ast participle I For information on
differently, so it is called an irregular verb. participles used as
adjectives, see page 144.
The prin cip al p a rts o f a verb are used to express tim e.
For information on help­
PRESENT TIME He draws excellent pictures. ing verbs, see page 95.
Susan is drawing one now.

PAST TIME Last week they drew tw o maps.

She has often drawn cartoons.
Id en tify a n d use
FUTURE TIME Perhaps she will draw one for you. t h e principal p a rts o f
By Thursday, we will have drawn tw o more.

Principal Parts of Verbs 219

R e g u la r V e r b s
- HELP 9b. A r e g u la r v e r b forms its past and past participle by
Most regular
adding - d or - e d to the base form.
verbs that end in e drop
the e before adding -ing. Base Present Past
Some regular verbs double Form Participle Past Participle
the final consonant before
adding -ing or -ed. clean [is] cleaning cleaned [have] cleaned

EXAMPLES hope [is] hoping hoped [have] hoped

shake— shaking inspect [is] inspecting inspected [have] inspected
hug— hugged
slip [is] slipping slipped [have] slipped

Reference Note O n e c o m m o n e rro r in fo rm in g th e p ast o r th e past p articiple


J For more about spelling o f a regular verb is to leave o ff th e - d or - e d ending.

rules, see Chapter 16.
NONSTANDARD Our street use to be quieter.
For information on stan­
dard and nonstandard STANDARD Our street used to be quieter.
English, see page 287.
A n o th er c o m m o n e rro r is to a d d unnecessary letters.
NONSTANDARD The swimmer almost drownded in the riptide.
STANDARD The swimmer almost drowned in the riptide.

NONSTANDARD The kitten attackted that paper bag.

STANDARD The kitten attacked that paper bag.

Using Regular Verbs

Read each o f the follow ing sentences aloud, stressing the
italicized verbs.
1. We are supposed to m eet at the
tra c k after school.
2. T he tw ins happened to b u y the
sam e shirt.
3. T hey have already called m e a b o u t
the party.
4. D o you know w ho used to live in
this house?
tiaiurem rc* 5. I h ad hoped th ey could go to the
Use re g u la r v erbs
concert w ith us.
6. T he chairs have been moved in to th e hall for the dance.
7. T hat salesclerk has helped m y m o th e r before.
8. Eli m ay n o t have looked u n d e r the table for th e cat.

W riting th e Forms o f Regular Verbs

W rite the correct p resent participle, past, o r past participle form
o f the italicized verb given before each o f the follow ing sentences.
EXAMPLES 1 .le a rn Many people today a r e folk dances
from a variety of countries.
7. learning

2. hope Dad and I h a d to take lessons in

folk dancing this summer.
2. hoped

1. practice These Spanish folk dancers m u st have

for a long tim e.
2. perform N otice th a t th ey a r e in th eir
colorful native costum es.
3. wish Have you e v e r th a t you knew
h ow to do any folk dances?
4. use V irginia r e e ls to be p o p u lar
dances in the U nited States.
5. promise M rs. Stam os, w ho is from
G re e c e , to teach h er
d a u g h te r the G reek chain
6. lean T he young Jam aican dancer
backw ard before he w ent
u n d e r the pole d u rin g th e lim bo
dance co m p etitio n .
7. start T he g ro u p from E stonia i s a
dance a b o u t a sp in n in g wheel.
8. request Som eone in the audience h a s ____
an Irish square dance called “Sweets
o f May.”
9. dance D u rin g th e M exican h a t dance, the
w om an a ro u n d the b rim o f th e so m ­
10. fill T he Jewish w edding d a n c e the ro o m w ith
b o th m usic a n d m ovem ent.

Principal Parts of Verbs 221

Ir r e g u la r V e rb s
A /\
rHELP— < y 9c. An irregular verb forms its past and past participle in
some way other than by adding -d or -ed to the base form.
If you are not
sure about the principal Irregular verbs form their past an d past participle in various ways:
parts of a verb, look in a
dictionary. Entries for irreg­ • by changing vowels
ular verbs list the principal
parts of the verb. If the Base Past
principal parts are not Form Past Participle
given, the verb is a regu­
lar verb. sing sang [have] sung
become became [have] become
drink drank [have] drunk
PWlHW’Wf' ^ :p~'' ’

iging co n so n an ts

Base Past
Form Past Participle

make made [have] m ade

build built [have] built
lend lent [have] lent

• by changing vowels and co n so n an ts

Base Past
Form Past Participle

do did [have] done

go w ent [have] gone

buy bo u gh t [have] b o ught

• by m aking no changes

Base Past
Form Past Participle

hurt hurt [have] hurt

put put [have] put
Use irre g u la r v erbs
correctly. let let [have] let
Common Irregular Verbs

Base Present Past

Form Participle Past Participle

begin [is] beginning began [have] begun

bite [is] biting bit [have] b itten
o r bit
blow [is] blow ing blew [have] blow n
break [is] breaking broke [have] broken
bring [is] bringing b ro ug ht [have] bro u g ht
build [is] building built [have] built
burst [is] bursting burst [have] burst

buy [is] buying bought [have] bo u gh t
catch [is] catching caught [have] caught
choose [is] choosing chose [have] chosen
come [is] coming came [have] come
cost [is] costing cost [have] cost '■>
cut [is] cutting cut [have] cut
do [is] doing did [have] done
d raw [is] draw ing d rew [have] draw n
drink [is] drinking drank [have] drunk
drive [is] driving drove [have] driven
eat [is] eating ate [have] eaten
fall [is] fallin g fell [have] fallen
feel [is] feelin g fe lt [have] fe lt
fig h t [is] fig h tin g fo u g h t [have] fo u g h t
find [is] finding foun d [have] fou n d
fly [is] flying fle w [have] flo w n
forgive [is] forgiving forgave [have] forgiven
freeze [is] freezin g fro ze [have] frozen
get [is] g etting g ot [have] g ot
o r g o tten
give [is] giving gave [have] given

go [is] going w ent [have] gone

g ro w [is] g row ing g rew [have] grow n


Principal Parts of Verbs 223


Common Irregular Verbs

Base Present Past

Form Participle Past Participle

have [is] having had [have] had

hear [is] hearing heard [have] heard
hide [is] hiding hid [have] hid
or hidden
hit [is] h itting hit [have] hit
hold [is] holding held [have] held
know [is] know ing knew [have] know n

lead [is] leading led [have] led

^ ^ 0 ^ 2 2 2 3 3 9 Using Irregular Verbs

Read the follow ing sentences aloud, stressing the italicized verbs.
1. E dw ard’s sister drove h im to the m all this afternoon.
2. M y p aren ts came to th e spelling bee last year.
3. I sh o u ld have known th e test w o u ld be difficult.
4. H e’s going to Cape C anaveral this sum m er.
5. M aya has been chosen to play on o u r team .
6. T he w ater pipe burst d u rin g th e ice storm .
7. D id you see the n o rth e rn lights last night?
8. W yatt brought his new c o m p u te r gam e to th e slu m b er p a rty at
A lexander’s house.

W riting the Past and Past Participle Forms

o f Irregular Verbs
W rite th e correct p ast o r p ast particip le fo rm o f th e italicized
verb given before each o f th e follow ing sentences.
EXAMPLE 1. choose Sara h as her song for the piano recital
next week.
7. chosen

1. drive Last su m m e r we _ _ to Denver, w here we visited the

U.S. M int.
2. begin T he c o n c e r t an h o u r ago.

224 Using Verbs Correctly

3. break M ike P o w e ll____ th e w orld lo n g -ju m p record by
ju m p in g 29 feet 4 Minches.
4. blow T he w in d h a s th e te n t dow n.
5. get We tickets to rid e The Silverton.
6. fall Several people h a v e over th a t log.
7. do M o th e r h er best, a n d she got a p ro m o tio n .
8. drink A ccording to legend, th e Aztec e m p e ro r M o n tezu m a
9. build People in A fric a large cities h u n d red s, even
th o u sa n d s, o f years ago.
10. g° You’ve n e v e r ____to P u e rto Rico, have you?
11. bite I th in k th a t R o s e a n n e in to a green chile!
12. grow Well, nephew , you surely h a v e !

13. catch You look like you j u s t th e brass ring!
14. give M o m h a d a lre a d y _____us a color copy o f her
g ra n d m o th e r’s jou rn al.
15. eat T he Japanese have box lunches, too, b u t th ey call
th em obentos; we h a v e th e m several tim es.
16. feel T hey b e tte r after taking a sh o rt nap.
17. cost T hose tickets sh o u ld n ’t h a v e so m uch.
18. buy Have you e v e r a G reek sandw ich called a gyro?
19. find M y cousin said th a t she h a s a new canyon trail.
20. freeze T he p o n d last w inter, a n d we w ent skating.
Think as a
More Common Irregular Verbs
Some verbs have tw o cor­
Base Present Past rect past or past participle
Form Participle Past Participle forms. However, these
forms are not always
leave [is] leaving left [have] left interchangeable.

lend [is] lending lent [have] lent EXAMPLES

I shone the flashlight
let [is] letting let [have] let
into the woods. [Shined
light [is] lighting lighted [have] lighted also would be correct in
or lit or lit this usage.]
lose [is] losing lost [have] lost I shined my shoes. [Shone
making m ade m ade would be incorrect in this
make [is] [have]
m eet [is] m eeting m et [have] m et
If you are unsure about
pay [is] paying paid [have] paid which past participle form
to use, check an up-to-date
(continued) dictionary.

Principal Parts o f Verbs 225


More Common Irregular Verbs

Base Present Past
Form Participle Past Participle

put [is] p u ttin g put [have] put

read [is] reading read [have] read
ride [is] riding rode [have] ridden
ring [is] ringing rang [have] rung
run [is] running ran [have] run
say [is] saying said [have] said
see [is] seeing saw [have] seen

seek [is] seeking sought [have] sought

sell [is] selling sold [have] sold
send [is] sending sent [have] sent
shrink [is] shrinking shrank [have] shrunk
o r shrunk
sing [is] singing sang [have] sung
sink [is] sinking sank [have] sunk
o r sunk
speak [is] speaking spoke [have] spoken
spend [is] spending spent [have] spent
stand [is] standing stood [have] stood
steal [is] stealing stole [have] stolen
swim [is] swim m ing swam [have] swum
swing [is] swinging swung [have] swung
take [is] takin g to o k [have] taken
teach [is] teaching ta u g h t [have] ta u g h t
te a r [is] tearin g to re [have] torn
tell [is] tellin g told [have] told
th in k [is] thin kin g th o u g h t [have] th o u g h t
th ro w [is] th ro w in g th re w [have] th ro w n
w e ar [is] w earin g w o re [have] w orn
w in [is] w in n in g w on [have] w on
w rite [is] w ritin g w ro te [have] w ritte n

226 Using Verbs Correctly

^ j2 2 E 2 H I 3 ^ Using Irregular Verbs
Read the follow ing sentences aloud, stressing th e italicized verbs.

1. W hen the bell rang, we h u rrie d o u t o f th e building.

2. The audience was quiet as the acrobats swung from the trapeze.
3. T h at dress h a d already shrunk before I w ashed it.
4. O therw ise, Lily w ould have worn it to the dance.
5. Have you m et the new foreign exchange student?
6. We were late to th e picnic because I lost th e m ap.
7. M y father lent m e the m o n ey to buy a new w atch.
8. W ould you believe th a t R aym ond took singing lessons?

^ 2 0 B S E P W riting the Past and Past Participle Forms
o f Irregular Verbs
W rite th e correct p ast or past p articiple fo rm o f th e italicized
verb given before each o f the follow ing sentences.
EXAMPLE 1. see I have _ . that movie twice already.
1. seen

1. run M ic h a e l th e 100-m eter dash in excellent tim e.

2. sell My aunt h a s m o re houses th a n any o th er real
estate agent in the city.
3. speak T he d irector o f th e state health d e p a r tm e n t to
o u r class today.
4. win T he M exican p o et O ctavio P a z th e N obel Prize
in literature.
5. w rite I have som e poem s, b u t I am shy a b o u t show ­
ing th e m to anyone.
6. ride Tam isha’s w hole fa m ily . m ules to th e b o tto m o f
th e G ra n d Canyon.
7. sing At the concert, the g r o u p m y favorite song.
8. throw Som eone m u st h a v e this tra sh from a car.
9. swim W ith in m inutes, th e tw o b eautiful sw ans h a d ____
across the lake.
10. sink K ing A rth u r’s sw ord Excalibur h a d slowly to
the b o tto m o f th e lake.
11. send M y a u n t in S outh A m e ric a m e a fabulous
sw eater m ad e fro m th e w ool o f an alpaca, w hich is
an anim al sim ilar to a llam a.

Principal Parts of Verbs 2 27

12. tell M r. N o g u c h i us th a t R.S.V.P. at th e b o tto m o f
an in v itatio n m eans th a t you sh o u ld let th e h o st
k now w h e th e r you are co m in g o r not.
13. lend Before th e softball gam e, m y frien d G a b rie la ____
m e h er glove.
14. wear S h o u ld n ’t you h a v e a w a rm e r jacket for th e hike
this m orning?
15. swim Soon-hee, w ho is tra in in g for a tr ia th lo n , tw o
m iles o n Saturday.
16. ring I have th e d oorbell several tim es, b u t n o one
has com e to th e door.
17. lose T he sw an living in th e p o n d m any large feath ­
ers; Tony says it m u st be m olting.

18. take It h a s m o re th a n fo u r h o u rs to find th e last item

for the scavenger h u n t.
19. sing G erald, A nnie, a n d Trish h a v e the n a tio n a l
an th e m at assembly.
20. say T he w eather forecast this m o r n in g to expect
snow flurries.

£ 2 2 3 3 0 1 W riting the Past and Past Participle Forms

o f Irregular Verbs
W rite the correct past o r p ast particip le fo rm o f th e italicized
verb given before each o f th e follow ing sentences.
EXAMPLE 1. tell Has Alameda you about the book The
Indian Tipi: Its History, Construction, and Use?
7. told

1. write Reginald a n d Gladys L a u b in th a t b o o k and

others ab o u t A m erican Indian culture.
2. build The L a u b in s th eir ow n tepee.
3. stand Tepees o f various sizes o n c e all across the
G reat Plains.
4. see I have pictures o f cam ps full o f beautifully
decorated tepees.
5. make For m any years, A m erican Indians h a v e tepees
o u t o f cloth rath e r th an buffalo hides.
6. come T he w ord tepee, or tipi, h a s into English from
the Sioux language.

228 Using Verbs Correctly

7. draw O n the outside o f their tepees, the Sioux and
Cheyenne p e o p le s designs like the ones show n
on the previous page.
8. take Because the Plains Indians followed anim al herds,
they needed shelter th at could be e a sily from
place to place.
9. know Even before reading the book, I th a t the inside
o f a tepee cover was rarely painted.
10. do Traditionally, w o m e n all the w ork o f m aking
tepees a n d p u ttin g th em up.

W riting the Past and Past Participle Forms

o f Irregular Verbs

W rite th e correct p ast o r past p articiple fo rm o f th e italicized
verb given before each o f the follow ing sentences.
EXAMPLE 1. write I a report on Jim Thorpe.
1. wrote

1. blow Yesterday th e w in d _ _ th e leaves in to o u r yard.

2. break M y p en pal from A ustralia has never his
prom ise to w rite once a week.
3. bring I th e w rong b o o k to class.
4. burst T he children a lm o s t w ith excitem ent.
5. choose T he d ir e c to r Jam es Earl Jones for th e role.
6. come M y a u n t a n d h er f r ie n d to d in n e r last night.
7. do I have alw ays____ m y ho m ew o rk rig h t after supper.
8. drink T he g u e s ts fo u r q u arts o f fru it p u n ch .
9. fall O ne o f Julians Russian nesting dolls h a s ____ off
the shelf.
10. freeze H as the p o n d _____yet?
11. go We have n e v e r to see th e P a rth e n o n in
12. know H ad I , I w ould have called you sooner.
13. ring Suddenly th e fire a la r m ___
14. run Joan Sam uelson c e rta in ly a good race.
15. see I you in line at th e m ovies.
16. shrink T he apples we d ried in the su n h a v e _____
17. speak A fter we h a d to G eorge Takei, w ho played M r.
Sulu, we w en t to th e Star Trek co n vention b an q u et.
18. swim We o u t to th e float a n d back.

Principal Parts of Verbs 229

19. w rite She h a s m e several long letters.
20. throw You sh o u ld n ’t h a v e th e ball to second base.

9d. The t e n s e of a verb indicates the time of the action or
of the state of being that is expressed by the verb.
EXAMPLES Yesterday, Denise served lox and bagels for breakfast.

Randy has played bass guitar for the band, but now he
\ plays drums.

Once they have painted the signs, Jill and Cody w ill
finish the decorations for the dance.

Verbs in English have six tenses.

Present Past Future

Present Perfect Past Perfect Future Perfect

T he follow ing tim e line show s th e relatio n sh ip betw een the

six tenses.

Past Present Future

existing or existing or existing or
happening happening happening
in the past now in the future

Past Perfect Present Perfect Future Perfect

existing or existing or existing or
happening happening happening
before a som etim e before a
specific time before now; specific time
in the past may be in the future
continuing now

Understand verb tenses. 1 Listing the different form s o f a verb is called conjugating
the verb.
Conjugation of the Verb See

Present Tense
Singular Plural
I see w e see
you see you see
he, she, or it sees th e y see

Past Tense

Singular Plural
I saw w e saw
you saw you saw

he, she, o r it saw they saw

Future Tense
i Think as a
Singular Plural Reader/Writer i
I w ill (shall) see w e w ill (shall) see
Traditionally, the helping
you w ill (shall) see you w ill (shall) see verbs shall and will were
he, she, o r it w ill (shall) see they w ill (shall) see used to mean different
things. Now, however, shall
Present Perfect Tense can be used almost inter­
changeably with will.
Singular Plural
I have seen w e have seen
you have seen you have seen
he, she, o r it has seen th e y have seen

Past Perfect Tense

Singular Plural
I had seen w e had seen
you had seen you had seen
he, she, o r it had seen they had seen

Future Perfect Tense

Singular Plural
I w ill (shall) have seen w e w ill (shall) have seen
you will (shall) have seen you w ill (shall) have seen
he, she, o r it will (shall) have seen they w ill (shall) have seen

Tense 231
\ / Nr J L Each tense has an additional form called the p ro g re s s iv e
r HELp_ ^ fo rm , which expresses continuing action or state of being. In each
The progressive tense, the progressive form of a verb consists of the appropriate
form is not a separate tense of be plus the verb's present participle.
tense but an additional
Presen t Progressi ve a m, is, a re see in g
form o f each o f the six
tenses. Past Progressive was, were seeing
Future Progressive will (shall) be seeing
Present Perfect Progressive has been seeing, have been seeing
Past Perfect Progressive had been seeing
Future Perfect Progressive will (shall) have been seeing

Consistency of Tense

9e. Do not change needlessly from one tense to another.

W h en w ritin g a b o u t events th a t take place at the sam e tim e, use

verbs th a t are in the sam e tense. W h en w ritin g a b o u t events th at
occur at different tim es, use verbs th a t are in the different tenses.
INCONSISTENT W hen w e go to the movies, we bought some
popcorn. [The events occur at the same time, but go
is in the present tense and bought is in the past
CONSISTENT When we g o to the movies, we b u y some popcorn.
[Both go and buy are in the present tense.]
CONSISTENT W hen we w e n t to the movies, we b o u g h t some
popcorn. [Both went and bought are in the past

C 5 2 2 3 ^ M aking Tenses o f Verbs Consistent

V /
Read the follow ing sentences, a n d choose w h eth er to rew rite
r HELp— / y
th em in the p resent o r past tense. T hen, rew rite th e sentences,
When you
rew rite Exercise 4, either changing the verb form s to correct any needless changes.
tense is correct, as long as EXAMPLE [1] I picked up the telephone receiver quickly, but the
you are consistent.
line is still dead.
7. I picked up the telephone receiver quickly, but the
line was still dead.
Use c o n s iste n t v erb I pick up the telephone receiver quickly, but the line
te n se s.
is still dead.
[1] L ightning stru ck o u r house, a n d I ru n straig h t for cover.
[2] “O h, no!” I exclaim . [3] T he electricity was out! [4] M y p a r ­
ents get o u t the flashlights, a n d we played a gam e. [5] Later, since
the stove, oven, an d m icrow ave d id n ’t w o rk w ith o u t electricity,
we have a cold su p p e r in th e living ro o m — picnic style! [6] M y
younger b ro th e r asks m e w h at lig h tn in g is. [7] “L ightning is a big
spark o f electricity from a th u n d erc lo u d ,” I tell him . [8] H e nods.
[9] I started to tell h im a b o u t positive a n d negative charges creat­
ing lightning, b u t he doesn’t u n d e rsta n d w h at I’m talking a b o u t
and walks away. [10] In th e m o rn in g , we were all glad w hen the
sun shone an d o u r electricity is on again.

Active and Passive Voice

A verb in the active voice expresses an action do n e by its subject.
A verb in the p a ssive voice expresses an action do n e to its subject.
In passive voice, the verb p hrase always includes a fo rm o f be an d Reference Note

the past participle o f th e m ain verb. O th e r helping verbs m ay For more about helping
verbs, see page 95.
also be included. C o m p are the follow ing sentences:
ACTIVE VOICE The pilot instructed us. [The subject, pilot, performs Ilh in k as a
the action,] Reader/Writer |
PASSIVE VOICE W e w ere instructed by the pilot. [The subject, we,
receives the action.] In general, you should avoid
using the passive voice.
Using the active voice helps
ACTIVE VOICE Alice caught a fly ball. [The subject, Alice, performs
make your w ritin g direct
the action.] and forceful.
PASSIVE VOICE A fly ball was caught by Alice. [The subject,
ball, receives the action.]
A n o -h itte r was pitched
by Valerie, and th e game
ACTIVE VOICE The firefighters have p u t out the blaze. [The subject, was won by her team.
firefighters, performs the action.]
PASSIVE VOICE The blaze has been p u t out by the firefighters. [The Valerie pitched a no­
subject, blaze, receives the action.] hitter, and her team
won th e game.

Identifying Active and Passive Voice

Tell w h ether th e verb is in the active voice o r passive voice in each
o f the follow ing sentences.
Use t h e activ e voice.
EXAMPLE 1. The 10K race was won by Mikki. R e co g n ize a n d u n d e r ­
sta n d t h e u se o f passive-
1. passive voice voice c o n stru c tio n s.

Active and Passive Voice 233

1. O n Sunday a fte rn o o n we p a in te d th e den.
2. B rianne was elected to th e stu d e n t council.
3. T he b o o k has been m isplaced by m y cousin.
4. T he new a n im a tio n softw are creates vivid images.
5. M any o f the y earb o o k p h o to s were taken by A drienne.
6. Shoddy w ork was d o n e on th e building.
7. M ike a n d I d o n ’t u n d e rsta n d this algebra problem .
8 . 1 am u n lo ad in g the food a n d supplies at the cam psite.
9. T he tickets h a d b een sold m o n th s before the concert.
10. A ndre was aw arded th e certificate for his service to the
com m unity.

Six Troublesome Verbs

Think as a Sit and Set
Keader/Writer | T he verb sit m eans “to be seated” o r “to rest.” Sit seldom takes an
You may know that the object. T he verb set usually m eans “to place (so m eth in g so m e­
word set has more mean­ w h ere)” o r “to p u t (so m eth in g som ew here).” Set usually takes an
ings than the two given object. N otice th a t set has the sam e fo rm for th e base form , past,
here. Check in a dictionary
a n d p ast participle.
to see if the meaning you
intend requires an object.

EXAMPLE Base Present Past

The sun sets in the West. Form Participle Past Participle
[Here, sets does not take
an object.] sit [is] sitting sat [have] sat
set [is] setting set [have] set

EXAMPLES W ho is sitting on the blanket by the pool? [no object]

Theresa is setting the lawn chairs by the pool. [Theresa is
setting what? Chairs is the object.]

Three boys sat on the platform, [no object]

The boys set the instruments on the platform. [The boys
set what? Instruments is the object.]

We had sat on the pier for an hour before Suzanne

arrived w ith the bait, [no object]
I had set the bucket of bait on the pier. [I had set what?
Use v erb s correctly. I Bucket is the object.]

234 Using Verbs Correctly

^ U IS S S S S ilD ’ Using th e Forms o f S i t and Set
Read each o f the follow ing sentences aloud, stressing the
italicized verbs.

1. D arnell an d I sat dow n to play a gam e o f chess.

2. After we h ad been sitting for a while, he decided to m ake bread.
3 . 1 sef the p a n o n th e table.
4. After D arnell h ad set o u t the ingredients, he m ixed th em .
5. We re tu rn e d to o u r gam e b u t could n o t sit still for long.
6. We h ad n o t set th e p an in th e oven.
7. T hen, we alm ost sat to o long.
8. If it h a d sat in the oven m u ch longer, it w ould have b u rn ed .

W riting the Forms o f S i t and Set Correctly
W rite the correct fo rm o f sit o r set for each b lan k in th e follow ing
EXAMPLE 1. I my suitcase on the rack.
1. set

1. O n the tra in to B oston, I next to a w o m an w earing a

2. S h e a large covered basket o n th e floor by h er feet.
3. W hen the c o n d u c to r asked h er if she w o u ld like t o it in
the baggage rack, she refused.
4. She insisted th a t the basket m u s t by h er feet.
5. As I beside her, I w o n d ered w h at was in the basket.
6 .1 m y b o o k dow n a n d trie d to see inside th e tightly
w oven basket.
7. Perhaps I w a s next to a w o m an w ith a picnic lunch.
8. M aybe she h a d next to m e because I looked hungry.
9. As the w o m a n h e r packages dow n, I w atched th e basket.
10. A su d d en m o v em en t o f th e tra in caused th e basket to open,
a n d inside i t a sm all, w hite rabbit.

Rise and Raise

T he verb rise m eans “to m ove u p w a rd ” o r “to go up.” Rise does
n o t take an object. T he verb raise m eans “to lift (som ething) up.”
Raise usually takes an object.

Six Troublesom e Verbs 235

i Think as a Base Present Past
Reader/Writer j Form Participle Past Participle
You may know th a t the rise [is] rising rose [have] risen
verb raise has more mean­
raise [is] raising raised [have] raised
ings than th e one given

EXAMPLE EXAMPLES The fans w ere rising to sing the national anthem.
The Nelsons raise geese. [no object]
[Raise does not mean "lift Fans w ere raising signs and banners. [Fans were raising
up" here, but it still takes what? Signs and banners are the objects.]
an object.]
The student rose to ask a question, [no object]
The student raised a good question. [The student raised
what? Question is the object.]

Prices had risen, [no object]

The store had raised prices. [The store had raised what?
Prices is the object.]

^ 2 3 E S 3 S 9 E ^ Using Forms o f R is e and R a is e

Read the follow ing sentences aloud, stressing the italicized verbs.

1. M o u n t Everest rises over 29,000 feet.

2. H e raises th e flag at sunrise.
3. T he TV rep o rte r raised h e r voice to be heard.
4. She rose from h er seat a n d looked o u t th e w indow .
5. T he constellation O rio n h ad n o t yet risen in th e so u th e rn sky.
6. T hey h a d raised the p in ata high in th e tree.
7. I ho p e the b rea d is rising.
8. H e will be raising th e bu ck et fro m th e well.

Id en tifyin g th e Correct Forms of

R is e and R a is e
Identify the correct verb o f th e tw o given in parentheses in each
o f the follow ing sentences.
EXAMPLE 1. After the storm, Diana (rose, raised) the window.
1. raised

1. T he entire audience quickly (rose, raised) to th eir feet to sing

the “H allelujah C horus.”

236 Using Verbs Correctly

2. T hey used a jack to (rise, raise) the car so th a t th ey could
change the tire.
3. T he fire juggler is (rising, raising) tw o flam ing b a to n s over his
head to signal th e sta rt o f the show.
4. Som e people have tro u b le rem e m b e rin g th a t th e su n always
( rises, raises) in the east.
5. He gently (rose, raised) th e in ju red duckling fro m the lake.
6. O nly h a lf o f M au n a Kea, a volcano o n the island o f Hawaii,
(rises, raises) above the ocean.
7. The p ro u d w in n e r has (risen, raised) h er tro p h y so th a t
everyone can see it.
8. T he guests have (risen, raised) from th eir seats to see the
bride enter.

9. Yeast m akes th e d o u g h for pizza a n d o th er baked goods, such
as b read a n d rolls, (rise, raise).
10. T hey will (rise, raise) th e couch w hile I lo o k u n d e r it.

Lie and Lay

I Think as a
T he verb lie generally m eans “to recline,” “to be in a place,” or Reader/Writer |
“to rem ain lying dow n.” Lie does n o t take an object. T he verb lay
The verb lie can also mean
generally m eans “to p u t (som ething) d o w n ” o r “to place (so m e­
"to tell an untruth." Used
th in g som ew here).” Lay usually takes an object. in this way, lie still does not
take an object.
Base Present Past
Form Participle Past Participle
Don't lie to her, Beth.

lie [is] lying lay [have] lain The past and past participle j
forms of this meaning of lie
lay [is] laying laid [have] laid
are lied and [have] lied.

EXAMPLES The silverware is lying on the table, [no object]

The waiter is laying silverware beside each plate.
[The waiter is laying what? Silverware is the object.]

The apple dolls lay drying in the sun. [no object]

Aunt M artha laid her apple dolls in the sun to dry. [Aunt
Martha laid what? Dolls is the object.]

That bicycle had lain in the driveway for a week.

[no object]
Bill had laid that bicycle in the driveway. [Bill had laid
what? Bicycle is the object.] I Use v e rb s correctly.

Six Troublesom e Verbs 237

Using Forms o f L ie and L a y Correctly
Read th e follow ing sentences aloud, stressing the italicized verbs.

1. If you are tired, lie d o w n for a while.

2. Lay y o u r pencils dow n, please.
3. Two huge dogs lay by the fire last night.
4. T he cat has been lying on th e new bedspread.
5. M r. C ortez laid the m ap o f P u erto Rico o n th e table.
6. In o u r state, snow usually lies o n the g ro u n d u ntil late M arch or
the first weeks o f April.
7. H e h a d laid your coats o n th e b ed in m y ro o m .
8. A fter the baby h a d lain d o w n for a nap, she still w anted to play
w ith h er new toy.

Identifying th e Correct Forms of L ie

and L a y
COMPUTER TIP 22, Identify th e correct verb o f th e tw o in parentheses for each o f the
Most word processors can follow ing sentences.
help you check your w rit­ EXAMPLE 1. Marc (lay, laid) his new tennis shoes on the floor.
ing to be sure that you've
7. laid
used verbs correctly. For
example, a spellchecker will 1. T he islands o f A m erican Sam oa (lie, lay) a b o u t 4,800 m iles
highlight misspelled verb
southw est o f San Francisco.
forms such as attackted or
drownded. 2. D ad quickly (lay, laid) th e h e rm it crab d o w n w hen it began
Grammar-checking soft­ to p in ch him .
ware can point out incon­ 3 . 1 d o n ’t know w here I have (lain, laid) m y copy o f Chinese
sistent verb tense, and it
Proverbs by R u th a n n e L um M cC unn.
may also highlight ques­
4 . 1 have often ( lain, laid) u n d e r th e oak tree a n d napped.
tionable uses of problem
verb pairs such as lie and 5. M any visitors (He, lay) flowers a n d w reaths at the V ietnam
lay or rise and raise. Some Veterans M em orial in W ashington, D.C.
programs can also identify 6. M y brother, w ho is sick, has been (lying, laying) in bed
verbs in the passive voice.
all day.
Remember, though, that
the computer is just a tool. 7. The clerk (lay, laid) the small package on the scale.
As a writer, you are respon­ 8. (Lie, Lay) y o u r backpack dow n, a n d com e see the new com ic
sible for making all the b ooks I b o u g h t yesterday.
style and content choices 9. Those clothes will (lie, lay) o n the floor until you pick th em up.
that affect your writing.
10. After he h ad circled several tim es, the p u p p y (lay, laid) dow n
a n d slept.

238 Using Verbs Correctly

Identifying the Correct Forms o f S i t and
S e t , R is e and R a is e , and L ie and L a y
Identify th e correct verb o f th e tw o given in parentheses in each
o f the follow ing sentences.
EXAMPLE 1. The bricklayer (rose, ra/'sed) from the patio floor and
dusted himself off.
1. rose

1. These rocks have (lain, laid) here for centuries.

2. Please (sit, set) there u n til y o u r n am e is called.
3. T he n u rse (lay, laid) h er cool h a n d on the sick ch ild ’s brow
a n d decided to take his tem p eratu re.
4. T he horses are (lying, laying) in th e pasture.

5. T he senator an d h er advisors h ad (sat, set) a ro u n d the huge
conference table.
6. After th e picnic, everyone (lay, laid) o n blankets to rest in the
shade o f the oak tree.
7. Sm oke (rose, raised) fro m th e c h im n e y
8. T he farm h an d s (sat, set) th eir lu n ch boxes u n d e r a tree to
keep th e m cool.
9. Have you been (sitting, setting) th ere all afternoon?
10. The sun has already (risen, raised).
11. W hy has th e stage m anager (rose, raised) th e c u rta in s before
the second act has begun?
12. A gust o f h o t air caused the en o rm o u s balloon to (rise, raise)
o u t o f sight o f the spectators.
13. Be sure to (He, lay) these w indow panes d o w n carefully
14. W hen th e qu een enters, each guest sh o u ld (rise, raise) from
his o r h er chair.
15. W ho (sat, set) the glasses o n m y chair?
16. “(Lie, Lay) dow n!” the tra in e r sharply o rd ered th e puppy, b u t
th e p u p p y d id n ’t obey him .
17. If we h ad a pulley, we could (rise, raise) th a t stone.
18. Just (sit, set) those green beans by th e sink; I’ll get to th e m in
a m inute.
19. M om and A unt Opal m ust have been (lying, laying) tile in the
kitchen all night.
20. You (rise, raise) th e garage door, a n d I’ll b rin g th e bikes in
o u t o f the rain.

Six Troublesom e Verbs 239

Proofreading Sentences fo r Correct
Verb Forms
M ost o f the follow ing sentences co n tain in co rrect verb form s. If
a sentence contains the w rong fo rm o f a verb, w rite the correct
form . If a sentence is already correct, w rite C.
EXAMPLE 1. During the 1800s, many German settlers choosed to
live in the Hill Country of central Texas.
7. chose

1. These hardy, d e te rm in e d p ioneers b u ild e d tow ns a n d cleared

lan d for farm ing.
2 . 1 have w ent to the tow n o f Fredericksburg several tim es w ith
m y family.

3. This interesting to w n lays a b o u t 80 m iles w est o f A ustin.

4. F redericksburg use to be in C o m an ch e territory.
5. Early on, G erm an settlers m ad e peace w ith n eig h b o rin g
C o m an ch e chiefs.
6. T he to w n th e n grow ed ra p id ly
7. G erm an-style churches, public buildings, a n d houses like the
one show n here raised along th e to w n ’s central street.
8. O n one o f o u r visits, m y fam ily set a n d talked a b o u t the
tow n w ith a w o m an w ho h a d b een b o rn there.
9. She said th a t she h a d spoke G e rm a n all h er life.
10. W h en we left, she raised a h a n d a n d said, “AufW iedersehen”
(u n til we m eet again).

240 Using Verbs Correctly


C h ap ter Review
A. Using Irregular Verbs
W rite the correct past o r past p articiple fo rm o f th e italicized
irregular verb pro v id ed before each sentence.

1. break T he t h u n d e r the silence.

2. ring W ho the fire alarm so quickly?
3. shrink E ither m y jeans h a v e o r I’ve p u t o n w eight.
4. throw You’ve _ th e ball o u t o f bounds!
5. lead Julio _ the p arad e last year, so n o w it’s m y tu rn .

6. rise T he s u n __ over the p yram ids o f Giza in Egypt.
7. swim We h a v e __ only three laps.
8. choose Vera w a s __ as cap tain o f th e volleyball team .
9. g° I have to visit the G ra n d C anyon twice.
10. sit T he tiny tree f r o g m otionless.
11. write Joan has a sto ry a b o u t aliens fro m the
A n d ro m ed a galaxy.
12. do D u rin g lu nch, J o rg e ___ his im p e rso n a tio n o f
R uben Blades.
13. steal T hree r u n n e r s bases d u rin g th e first inning.
14. break This s u m m e r’s h e a t wave h a s all records.
15. drink Have y o u _____all o f th e to m a to juice?
16. sink T he log h ad slo w ly ____ in to th e quicksand.
17. lie T he old postcards h a v e in th e box for years.
18. drive Have you e v e r ____ across the state o f Texas?
19. begin O u r local PBS s ta t io n its fu n d -ra isin g drive.
20. set Have y o u th e p ap er plates a n d n ap k in s o n the
picnic table?
21. throw W h o _____th e ball to first base?
22. know I have som e o f m y classm ates for six years.
23. take K a d e e m _____th e role o f Frederick D ouglass.
24. tear M y m o th e r th e tag o ff th e m attress.
25. come We close to w in n in g th e to u rn a m e n t.

Chapter Review 241

B. Changing Tenses of Verbs
R ew rite each o f the follow ing sentences to change th e verb o r
verbs to the tense in d icated in italics.

26. present perfect Every tim e R oger com es to visit m e, he

brings his dog Zip w ith him .
27. pa st perfect T he dog will sleep on th e kitchen floor for
th e entire visit.
28. present Z ip m oved only if he h eard the so u n d s o f
food being p repared.
29. future perfect Z ip has b ro k en all records for a dog n o t
m oving a m uscle.
30. past We h a d kn o w n Zip before he h ad grow n old.

C. Making Verb Tenses Consistent

Read th e follow ing sentences, a n d choose w h eth er to rew rite
th e m in th e p resen t o r past tense. T hen, rew rite th e sentences,
changing the verb form s to m ake th e verb tense consistent.

31. M y uncle com es back to M ichigan for C hristm as, a n d he

drove his vintage sp o rts car.
32. Ava finished h er assignm ent, b u t she forgets to p u t a title
page on it.
33. T he stages o f the b o o ster rocket d ro p p e d away as th e space
shuttle clim bs in to the sky.
34. A unt M aureen ju m p e d to h er feet a n d cheers w hen M ia
m ad e th e w in n in g basket.
35. W h en B arbara presents h er science fair project, all th e judges
w ere very im pressed.

D. Identifying Active and Passive Voice

Tell w h eth er th e italicized verb is in th e active voice o r th e passive
voice in each o f the follow ing sentences.
36. T he grass clippings a n d th e kitchen scraps were placed on the
co m p o st pile.
37. M ost o f the class had already gone to see th a t m ovie.

242 Using Verbs Correctly

38. All o f the pencils were sharpened by Erica a n d A ustin before
th e test began.
39. M y father was asked for his advice o n repairing th e old
playground e q u ip m en t.
40. Every F riday n ig h t the Lopez fam ily invites us to th eir house
for dinner.

W riting Application
Using Verbs in a Story
V erb Forms and Tenses A local w riters’ club is sp o n so rin g a
contest for the best “cliffhanger” op en in g o f an adventure story.
W rite an exciting p arag rap h to en ter in th e contest. Your p a ra ­
C re a te v a rio u s kinds o f
graph sh o u ld leave readers w o ndering, “W h at h a p p en s next?” In te x ts in t h e d if fe r e n t
your parag rap h , use at least five verbs fro m th e lists o f C o m m o n w ritin g m o d es.
In c o rp o ra te su sp en se.
Irregular Verbs in this chapter. Use v e rb te n s e s
a p p r o p ria te ly a n d
P re w ritin g First, you will need to im agine a suspenseful situ ­ consistently.

ation to describe. Jot dow n several ideas for y o u r sto ry opening.

T hen, choose the one you like best. W ith th a t situ a tio n in m in d ,
scan the lists o f irregular verbs. N ote at least ten verbs you can
use. Include som e lively action verbs like burst, swing, a n d throw.

W ritin g As you w rite y o u r ro u g h draft, th in k o f y o u r readers.

C hoose w ords th a t create a suspenseful, believable scene.
R em em ber th a t you have only one p ara g ra p h to catch y our
readers’ interest.
Revising Ask a frien d to read y o u r p a rag rap h . D oes y o u r
friend find it interesting? C an he o r she p ictu re th e scene clearly?
If n o t, you m ay w a n t to add, delete, o r revise som e details.
Publishing C heck y o u r spelling, usage, p u n c tu a tio n , an d
gram m ar. C heck to m ake sure th e form s o f verbs are correct a n d
the tenses are consistent. You m ay w an t to exchange y o u r
cliffhanger w ith a p a rtn e r, a n d com plete each o th e r’s stories.
W ith your teacher’s p erm ission, you can th en read th e com pleted
stories aloud to th e class.

f l O
Using Pronouns
Nominative and Objective
A labam a Course o f Study
9; 11; 11c
Case Forms
SAT 10
CL.12; CL.13 V

Diagnostic Preview
C orrecting Errors in Pronoun Forms
M ost o f the follow ing sentences c o n tain erro rs in the use o f
p ro n o u n form s. Identify th e error, a n d give the correct p ro n o u n
fo rm for each o f the follow ing sentences. If a sentence is already
correct, w rite C.
EXAMPLE 1. The Garcia children and them grew up together in
East Texas.
1. them—they

1. O m a r an d h im offered us som e pita, a M iddle E astern bread.

2. Us basketball players know th e value o f w arm in g up.
3. T he c o m p u te r experts in o u r class are R osalinda a n d her.
4. T here’s m o re th a n a three-year age difference betw een
E dw ard an d I.
5. Pablo a n d m e are p lan n in g to visit the A ndes M o u n tain s
so m ed ay
6. At Passover, m y g ran d p a re n ts m ake gefilte fish a n d o th er
tra d itio n al foods for m y cousins a n d m e.
7. Give Sue an d h im this in v itatio n to th e Japanese tea
cerem ony.

244 Using Pronouns Correctly

8. Josh m ade hisself a bookcase in in d u stria l arts class.
9. Two angry h o rn ets chased E arline a n d she all th e w ay hom e.
10. The first actors on stage w ere Jesse a n d him .
11. M r. M endez a n d us organized a debate a b o u t th e rights o f
12. W ill you a tte n d th e rally w ith D o m in ick a n d me?
1 3 .1 helped K im berly a n d th ey w ith th eir play a b o u t H iaw atha.
14. Jeannette a n d h er k n o w a great deal a b o u t G reek m yths.
15. T he hickory sm oke sm elled good to we cam pers.
16. T he only seventh-graders in th e m arch in g b a n d this year are
Bianca a n d m e.
17. Liang was telling th em a n d m e a b o u t his h o m e in H o n g Kong.
18. Julia a n d th e m learn ed how to use h o t w ax to m ake b atik
p attern s o n cloth.
19. D u rin g the m a ra th o n , Lionel ra n ju st b e h in d Jim a n d she.
20. T hom as asked M arvella a n d he if th ey w anted to jo in a
gospel chorus.

10a. Case is the form that a noun or pronoun takes to show
its relationship to other words in a sentence.

English has three cases for n o u n s a n d p ro n o u n s: -HELP

The nomina­
• nom inative
tive case is sometimes
• objective referred to as the subject
form. The objective case is
• possessive
sometimes referred to as
the object form. Follow
T he fo rm o f a n o u n is th e sam e for b o th th e no m in ativ e your teacher's instructions
a n d the objective cases. For exam ple, a n o u n used as a subject when using these terms.
(nom inative case) will have th e sam e fo rm w h en used as a direct
object (objective case). Reference Note

NOMINATIVE CASE That Ming vase is very old. [subject] For more about forming
the possessive case of
OBJECTIVE CASE W ho bought the vase? [direct object]
nouns, see page 372.

A n o u n changes its fo rm only in th e possessive case, usually

by adding an ap o stro p h e an d an 5. n a m ira rc i

POSSESSIVE CASE The Ming vase’s new owner is pleased. Use case fo rm s o f p e r ­
so n a l p r o n o u n s correctly.
U nlike n o u n s, m o st p ersonal p ro n o u n s have different form s
for all three cases.

a \q r jj&jjf 'V g A r 1.* ; '•

Personal Pronouns

N o m in ative O bjective Possessive

Case Case Case


1 me my, mine
you you your, yours
he, she, it him, her, it his, her, hers, its


we us our, ours
you you your, yours
they th em their, theirs

I 0 1 ! / The personal pronouns in the possessive case— my, mine,

your, yours, his, her, hers, its, our, ours, their, theirs — are used to
show ownership or relationship.

T he possessive p ro n o u n s mine, yours, his, hers, its, ours, an d

theirs are used as p a rts o f sentences in th e sam e ways in w hich
the p ro n o u n s in th e n o m in ativ e a n d th e objective cases are used.
EXAMPLES His book and m ine are overdue.

This desk is his.

W e completed ours this morning.

T he possessive p ro n o u n s my, your, his, her, its, our, a n d their

are used as adjectives before n o u n s.
EXAMPLES M y shoes need to be cleaned.

Have you proofread her report for her yet?

There goes th e ir dog Rex.

Some authorities prefer to call these words adjectives. Follow

your teacher's instructions regarding these possessive forms.

246 Using Pronouns Correctly

T h e N o m in a t iv e C a s e
10b. The subject of a verb should be in the nominative case. Reference Note
IFor more about subjects,
EXAMPLES He and I mowed lawns. [He and I are used together as
see page 51.
the compound subject of mowed.]

Did they craft candles from antique molds? [They is

the subject of Did craft.]

She took orders while we made change. [She is the sub­ I T IP S TRICKS
ject of took. We is the subject of made.] To help you choose the
correct pronoun in a com­
pound subject, try each
Using Pronouns as Subjects form of the pronoun
Read each o f th e follow ing sentences aloud, stressing the italicized

p ronouns. EXAMPLE
(She, Her) and (I, me)
1. Dr. C hen and they discussed the usefulness o f herbal m edicines. found them. [She found
2. He an d I live next d o o r to each other. or Her fo u n d? I found or
3. They sh o u ld try to get along better. M e found?]

4. Yesterday she and they gave their reports on m o d ern A frican ANSWER
She and I found them.
A m erican poets.
5. You a n d she left the p a rty early.
6. Since th e th ird grade, we have b een friends.
7. He an d his fam ily are m oving to P u e rto Rico.
8 . 1 will m iss them .

Identifying Correct Pronoun Forms

C hoose th e correct fo rm o f th e p ro n o u n in parentheses in each
o f the follow ing sentences.
EXAMPLE 1. My friends and (/, me) like to spend tim e outdoors.
1. I

1. Lou an d {me, I) asked m y m o th e r to drive us to a nearb y

state park.
2. T here (he and I, him and me) set o u t o n a m ark ed trail
th ro u g h th e w oods.
3. Before long, (he and I, him and me) w ere exploring a snow y
area off the b eaten track.
4. At m idday Lou a n d (me, I) relu ctan tly follow ed o u r tracks
I d e n tify a n d u se
back to the path. n o m in a tiv e -c a s e p r o ­
5. ( Us, We) h a d h ad the best tim e o f o u r lives. n o u n s c o rre c tly .

Case 247
6 . 1 told M o th e r th a t I th o u g h t (she, her) w ould enjoy th e trail.
7. To m y surprise, (she, her) w anted to walk pa rt o f the trail then.
8. Lou a n d (she, her) im m ediately started hiking dow n th e trail.
9. ( They, Them) knew th a t I w o u ld follow.
10. ( Us, We) had fun b u t were ready to ride instead o f walk hom e!

10c. A predicate nominative should be in the nominative


A pred ica te n o m in a tive is a w ord o r w ord g roup th a t is in the

predicate an d th a t identifies or refers to the subject o f the verb. A
Think as a p ro n o u n used as a predicate nom inative com pletes the m eaning
Keader/Writer o f a linking verb, usually a form o f the verb be (such as am, are, is,
was, were, be, been, o r being).

Expressions such as
It's me and That's her are EXAMPLES The candidates should have been he and she. [He
acceptable in everyday and she follow the linking verb should have been
speaking. However, these and identify the subject candidates.]
expressions contain the
objective case pronouns me The members of the team are th ey. [They follows the
and her used incorrectly as linking verb are and identifies the subject members.]
predicate nominatives.
Such expressions should be
avoided in formal writing Using Pronouns as Predicate
and speaking. Nom inatives
Read each o f the follow ing sentences aloud, stressing the italicized
Reference Note
pro n o u n s.
I For more about p red i­
cate nom inatives, see 1. W ere the only S panish-speaking people you a n d they7.
page 125. 2. T he caller could have been she.
3. T he leaders will be m y m o th e r a n d he.
I T I P’ S T R ICKS | 4. T he three candidates for class p resid en t are she a n d we.
5. T h at m u st be th e p ilo t a n d he o n th e runway.
To choose the correct form
of a pronoun used as a 6. T he three w in n ers were E duardo, M aya, a n d I.
predicate nominative, try 7. T he first ones o n th e scene w ere o u r neighbors a n d they.
reversing the order of the 8. T he speakers at th e rally were she an d Jesse Jackson.

Identifying Correct Pronoun Forms
The fastest runner is
(he, him). C hoose the correct fo rm o f th e p ro n o u n in parentheses in each
REVERSED o f th e follow ing sentences.
(He, Him) is the fastest
EXAMPLE 1. W ere the ones w ho left early (they, them)?
7. they
The fastest runner is he. 1. Two w itnesses claim ed th a t th e b u rg la r was (him, he).

248 Using Pronouns Correctly

2. T he volunteers m u st be (them , they).
3. Is th e last p e rfo rm e r (she, her)?
4. T he next speaker will be (him , he).
5. T he guests o f h o n o r are L uther a n d (us, we).
6 . 1 knew th e one in red w as (she, her), o f course.
7. T he h ardest w orkers are Susan, T ranh, a n d (me, I).
8. C an th a t be (she, her) in th e In d ia n sari?
9. T he next b a tte r sh o u ld be (she, her).
10. O u r new est neighbors are the B lum enthals a n d (them , they).

W riting Sentences That Contain Pronouns

in the N om inative Case
The busy scene you see on the next page was p a in te d by the

M exican A m erican artist C arm en Lom as G arza. It shows one o f
her childhood b irth d a y parties. T he fish-shaped object is a pinata,
full o f treats for the children. C arm en is getting ready to take a
swing at the pinata. A nsw er each o f th e follow ing questions by
w riting a sentence. Follow the directions after each question.
EXAMPLE 1. W hat are the kneeling boys in the lower right-hand
corner doing? (Use a plural personal pronoun as the
1. They are getting ready to play marbles.

1. W hat is C arm en using to h it the pinata? ( Use a singular personal

pronoun as the subject.)
2. For w h o m are the presents on th e table? ( Use a plural
personal pronoun as the subject.)
3. W ho will get th e gifts a n d treats inside th e pinata? ( Use a
person’s name and a plural personal pronoun as the compound
4. Have you a n d y our classm ates ever played a gam e th a t
requires a blindfold? (Use a plural and a singular personal
pronoun as the compound subject.)
5. W hy does the boy at th e far left have presents in his hand?
(Use a singular personal pronoun as the subject.)
6. W h at w ould C arm en say if you asked her, “W h o ’s the
b irth d a y girl?” ( Use a singular personal pronoun as a
predicate nominative.)
7. D id C arm en ’s p arents a n d h er g ra n d m o th e r p lan the party?
( Use a plural and a singular personal pronoun as a compound
predicate nominative.)

Case 249
8. Are th e baby a n d his m o th e r n ear th e table having a good
tim e? ( Use the baby and a singular personal pronoun as the
compound subject.)
9. Is C a rm e n ’s father th e m an ho ld in g th e p in ata rope? ( Use a
singular personal pronoun as a predicate nominative.)
10. W ho is the one n o w looking at th e pictu re o f C arm en Lom as
G arza’s b irth d a y party? ( Use a singular personal pronoun as a
predicate nominative.)

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T h e O b je c t iv e C a s e
10d. D ir e c t o b je c t s and in d ir e c t o b je c t s of verbs should
be in the objective case.
Reference Note
A d irect object is a n o u n , p ro n o u n , o r w ord g ro u p th a t tells who
I For more about direct
and indirect objects, o r w hat receives th e action o f th e verb.
see pages 120 and 122.
EXAMPLES Mom called me to the phone. [Me tells whom
Mom called.]
u m i- C T f - C T a
Julia bought sweet potatoes and used them to make
Id en tify a n d use filling for the empanadas. [Them tells what she used.]
o b jectiv e-case p ro n o u n s

250 « Using Pronouns Correctly

A n in direct object is a n o u n , p ro n o u n , o r w o rd g ro u p th a t
often appears in sentences c o n ta in in g direct objects. A n in d irect
object tells to whom or to w hat o r for whom o r for w h at the
action o f the verb is done.
A n in d irect object generally com es betw een an actio n verb
To help you choose the
a n d its direct object.
correct pronoun in a
EXAMPLES The hostess handed her a name tag. [Her tells to whom com pound object, try each
the hostess handed the name tag.] fo rm o f the pronoun sepa­
rately in the sentence.
Mr. Tanaka raises large goldfish; he often feeds them
rice. [Them tells to what Mr. Tanaka feeds rice.]
The teacher chose Luisa
and (/, me). [The teacher
N0TE Indirect objects do not follow prepositions. If to or for
chose I or The teacher
precedes a pronoun, the pronoun is an object of a preposition, chose me?]

not an indirect object.
OBJECT OF A PREPOSITION Send a letter to me. The teacher chose Luisa
and me.
INDIRECT OBJECT Send me a letter.

Using Pronouns as Direct Objects and

Indirect Objects
Read each o f the follow ing sentences aloud, stressing the italicized
p ronouns.
1. I to o k Joe a n d her to a p erfo rm an ce by French m im es.
2. T he b u s driver let M elba, Joe, a n d me o ff at th e next corner.
3. An ush er gave us program s.
4. A n o th er u sh er show ed them a n d me o u r seats.
5. T he p e rfo rm ers fascinated M elba a n d me.
6. T heir costum es delighted the crow d a n d her.
7. N o one else im pressed Joe a n d me as m u ch as th e youngest
m im e did.
8. We w atched her exploring th e walls o f an invisible room .

W riting Pronouns Used as Direct Objects

and Indirect Objects
W rite an ap p ro p riate p ro n o u n for each b lan k in th e sentences
o n the follow ing page. Use a variety o f p ro n o u n s, b u t do n o t use
you or it.
EXAMPLE 1. Have you seen Kim a n d ?
1. her

Case 251
1. T he m anager h ire d Susana a n d _____
2. Lana s e n t and invitations.
3. We gave G ra n d p a Lopez a n d ro u n d -trip tickets to
M exico City.
4. T he firefighters r e s c u e d a n d _____
5. A unt C o retta show ed m y cousins a n d a carved m ask
from N igeria.
6. T he show e n te rta in ed th e children a n d _____
7. T he w aiter s e rv e d and a variety o f dum plings.
8. O u r team c h o s e and as representatives.
9. T he election com m ittee n o m in a te d G erry a n d _____
10. T he clerk gave M isako a n d th e receipt for the p a p e r

Identifying Correct Pronoun Forms

C hoose the correct fo rm o f each p ro n o u n in parentheses in the
follow ing sentences.
EXAMPLE 1. Paul told Ms. Esteban that (he, him) and (/, me)
need a topic for our report.
7. he, I

1. In o u r A m erican h isto ry class, som e o f the o th er

stu d en ts a n d {he, him) th o u g h t th a t there should
be m o re rep o rts o n w om en.
2. We w ere in terested in A m elia E a rh art an d w anted
to give (she, her) th e reco g n itio n she deserves.
3. T he p ictu re o n th e left, show ing Am elia E arh art
looking relaxed a n d confident, interested Paul an d
(I, me).
4 . B oth (he, him) a n d (I, me) w ere eager to find o u t
m o re a b o u t h e r c o n trib u tio n to aviation.
5. We learn ed th a t it was (she, her) w ho m ad e the
first solo flight by a w o m an across th e A tlantic.
6. T he fact th a t A m elia E a rh art was th e first p ilot to
fly fro m H aw aii to C alifornia su rp rised th e rest o f
the class a n d (we, us), too.
7. In 1937, h e r navigator a n d (she, her) to o k o ff in a
tw in -en g in e plane for a trip a ro u n d th e w orld.
8. A fter (they, them) h a d co m pleted tw o th ird s o f
th e trip , E a rh art a n d h er navigator lost co ntact
a H H H w ith rad io operators.

252 Using Pronouns Correctly

9. No one ever saw (they, them ) or th e airplane again.
10. Ms. Esteban a n d (we, us) are am o n g th e m an y people still
puzzling over this m ystery.

10e. The object o f a preposition should be in the

objective case.

A n o u n o r p ro n o u n th a t follows a p rep o sitio n is called th e object Reference Note

o f a preposition . Together, th e p rep o sitio n , its object, a n d any I For a list o f commonly
m odifiers o f the object m ake a p re p o sitio n a l phrase. used prepositions, see
page 104. For more about
EXAMPLES Before us lay rows of green cornstalks. [Us is the object of prepositional phrases,
the preposition Before.] see page 136.

The secret is between him and me. [Him and me are the
compound object of the preposition between.]

Please stand next to her. [Her is the object of the
compound preposition next to.]

Using Pronouns as Objects of I T I P S ( § ( T Jt I C K S [

Prepositions To determ ine the correct
Read each o f the following sentences aloud, stressing the italicized pronoun fo rm w hen the
object o f a preposition is
prepositions a n d p ronouns.
com pound, use each pro­
1. M r. Torres divided th e b u rrito s among them a n d us. noun separately in the
prepositional phrase.
2. At the gam e M aria sat near him a n d her.
3. Rose w alked toward Nell a n d me. EXAMPLE
4. Sam stood between him a n d me. Maria sent a postcard to
(she, her) and (/, me). [To
5. M o m o rd ered sandw iches for H a n n a h an d her.
she or to her? To I or to
6. “W ithout S quanto a n d me, th e P ilgrim s w o n ’t last a n o th e r me?]
w inter,” th o u g h t Sam oset.
7. I have read biographies about him a n d M a rtin Luther.
M aria sent a postcard to
8. D avid’s p aren ts gave a b ar m itzvah p a rty for him. her and me.

Choosing Pronouns Used as Objects

o f Prepositions
C hoose the correct fo rm o f th e p ro n o u n in parentheses in each
o f the sentences on the follow ing page.
EXAMPLE 1. Of all the people who traveled w ith Lewis and Clark,
Sacagawea was particularly helpful to (them, they).
Id en tify a n d u se
7. them o b jectiv e-case p ro n o u n s

Case 253
1. Sacagawea’s husb an d , a guide n a m e d T oussaint C h arb o n n eau ,
jo in e d the expedition w ith (her, she) a n d th eir n e w b o rn baby.
2. T he S hoshone w ere Sacagawea’s people, a n d she longed to
re tu rn to (them , they).
3. C aptain C lark soon realized how im p o rta n t she w o u ld be to
Lewis a n d (he, him).
4. T he lan d th ey w ere exploring was fam iliar to (she, her).
5. Luckily for (she, her) a n d the ex pedition, th ey m et a g ro u p o f
Think as a friendly Shoshone.
Keader/W riter | 6. F rom (them , they), Sacagawea o b tain e d the ponies th a t Lewis
a n d C lark needed.
^ Just as there are good
7. Sacagawea’s baby boy delighted th e ex p edition’s leaders, a n d
manners in behavior, there
are also good manners in
they to o k good care o f (he, him).

language. In English it is 8. In fact, C aptain C lark m ad e a p ro m ise to (she, her) an d

considered polite to put C h a rb o n n e a u th a t he w ould give the boy a good education.
first-person pronouns 9. At the age o f eighteen, th e boy b efrien d ed a prin ce an d
(/, me, my, mine, we, us,
traveled w ith (him , he) in E urope.
our, ours) last in compound
constructions. 10. A lthough sources disagree a b o u t w h en Sacagawea died,
a gravestone for (she, her) in W yom ing bears th e date
A pril 9,1884.
Please return the photos
to Bill, Ellen, or m e [not
me, Bill, o r Ellen],
Identifying Correct Pronoun Forms
C hoose th e correct fo rm o f th e p ro n o u n in parentheses in each
o f th e follow ing sentences. T hen, tell w h at p a rt o f th e sentence
each p ro n o u n is: subject, predicate nom inative, direct object,
indirect object, o r object o f a preposition.
EXAMPLE 1. My brother Pete and (/, me) wanted to know more
about Elizabeth Blackwell.
7. I—subject

1. M om told Pete a n d (I, me) the story o f Elizabeth Blackwell, the

first w om an to graduate from m edical school in the U nited
2. G eneva College g ran te d (she, her) a degree in 1849.
3. At first, because she was a w om an, n o m ale d o c to r w ould let
h er w o rk for (he, him).
4. Pete and (I, me) adm ire Elizabeth Blackwell for n o t
giving up.
5. She w an ted to help the p o o r a n d o p e n e d h er ow n clinic for
(they, them).

254 Using Pronouns Correctly

6. W ealthy citizens were soon su p p o rtin g (she, her)
an d the clinic w ith do n atio n s.
7. Before long, one o f the m o st talk ed -ab o u t topics
in m edical circles was (she, her) a n d the excel­
lent w ork she was doing for the poor.
8. M o m a n d (we, us) read m o re a b o u t
Dr. Blackwell, a n d we learn ed th a t she o p en ed
a m edical school ju st for w om en.
9. Dr. Blackwell set h ig h stan d ard s for stu d en ts
a n d gave ( they, them) h a rd courses o f study
to com plete.
10. H er teaching p rep a re d ( they, them) well, a n d m any
w ent o n to b eco m e successful physicians.

Special Pronoun Problems
Who and Whom
T he p ro n o u n who has different form s in th e nom in ativ e an d
objective cases. Who is the no m in ativ e form ; whom is the
objective form .
W h en you need to decide w h e th e r to use who o r whom in a
question, follow these steps: Think as a
STEP 1 Rephrase the question as a statement.
STEP 2 Decide how the pronoun is used in the statement— as a In informal English, the use
subject, a predicate nominative, a direct or an indirect of whom is becoming less
object, or an object of a preposition. common. In fact, in infor­
mal situations, you may cor­
STEP 3 Determine the case of the pronoun according to the rules
rectly begin any question
of formal, standard English.
with who regardless of the
STEP 4 Select the correct form of the pronoun. grammar of the sentence.
In formal English, however,
EXAMPLE (IM io , Whom) is she?
you should distinguish
STEP 1 The statement is She is {who, whom). between who and whom.
STEP 2 The pronoun is a predicate nominative that refers to the
subject She.
STEP 3 A pronoun used as a predicate nominative should be in
the nominative case.
STEP 4 The nominative form is who.
Use case fo rm s o f p e r ­
ANSWER: Who is she? so n a l p r o n o u n s correctly.

Special Pronoun Problems 2 55

EXAMPLE (Who, Whom) will you invite to the dance?
STEP 1 The statement is You will invite (who, whom)
to the dance.
STEP 2 The pronoun is the direct object of the verb will invite.
STEP 3 A pronoun used as a direct object should be in the
objective case.
STEP 4 The objective form is whom.
ANSWER: W hom will you invite to the dance?

Using Who and Whom

Read each o f the follow ing sentences aloud, stressing the italicized
p ro n o u n s.

1. Who is captain o f th e football team this year?


2. To whom d id y ou give y o u r old skateboard?

3. Whom will you call to com e and pick us up after b a n d practice?
4. Who w ere the first A m ericans?
5. In th e last play o f th e gam e, who passed th e ball to whom ?
6. Who’s th a t w o m an in the green sari?
7. For whom did you b u y th o se flowers?
8. Who p a in te d th a t b eautiful picture?

Choosing Who or Whom

C hoose the correct fo rm o f the p ro n o u n in parentheses in each
o f the follow ing sentences.
EXAMPLE 1. (Who, Whom) helped load the hay on the wagon this
1. Who
2. To (who, whom) are you going to give the award?
2. whom

1. ( Who, Whom) will y o u r b ro th e r invite to his b irth d a y party?

2. ( Who, Whom) will be o u r su b stitu te teacher w hile M r. C hen
is away?
3. ( Who, Whom) has M s. Spears appointed?
4. O f th e three candidates, in (who, whom) do you have the
m o st confidence?
5. To (who, whom) do you w ish these balloons sent?
6. For (who, whom) is the package th a t was delivered?

256 Using Pronouns Correctly

7. ( Who, W hom ) is the architect o f th e new lib rary building?
8. W ith (who, whom ) w ould you m o st like to talk?
9. A m ong y o u r friends, (who, w hom ) has the quickest smile?
10. (Who, Whom) have th e stu d en ts elected class president?

P ro n o u n s w it h A p p o s it iv e s
Som etim es a p ro n o u n is follow ed directly by a n o u n th a t id en ti­ Reference Note
fies the p ro n o u n . Such a n o u n is called an appositive. To help I For more about
you choose w hich p ro n o u n to use before an appositive, o m it the appositives, see
page 343.
appositive an d try each fo rm o f th e p ro n o u n separately.
EXAMPLE On Saturdays, (we, us) cyclists ride to M ount McCabe and
back. [Cyclists is th e appositive identifying th e pronoun.]

We ride or Us ridel
ANSWER On Saturdays, we cyclists ride to M ount McCabe and

EXAMPLE The speaker praised (we, us) volunteers. [V o lu n teers is th e ■

appositive identifying th e pronoun.]
The speaker praised we or The speaker praised us?
ANSWER The speaker praised us volunteers.

Choosing Correct Pronouns

C hoose the correct fo rm o f th e p ro n o u n in parentheses in each
o f the follow ing sentences.
EXAMPLE 1. Hanukkah is always an exciting holiday for (we, us)
7. us

1. Tiger W oods is a role m odel for (we, us) golfers.

2. M iss Jefferson, (we, us) stu d en ts w an t to th a n k you for
all y o u r help.
3. ( We, Us) co n testants sh o o k h an d s warmly.
4. T he w o m an gave (we, us) girls five dollars for shoveling
the snow.
5. T he attorneys politely answ ered th e questions from (we, us)
6. For (we, us) volunteers, service is its ow n rew ard.
7. F rank loaned (we, us) fans tw o classical tapes. Use case forms of per­
sonal pronouns correctly.

Special Pronoun Problems 257

8. T he huge dog knocked (we, us) joggers o ff the sidewalk.
9. ( We, Us) actors need to rehearse again before Friday night.
10. T he new team m em b ers w ere (we, us) boys.

p H E LP R e f le x iv e P r o n o u n s
The pronouns D o n o t use th e n o n sta n d a rd form s hisself a n d theirselfs o r
himself and themselves can theirselves in place o f him self a n d themselves.
also be used as intensive
pronouns. NONSTANDARD The secretary voted for hisself in the last election.
STANDARD The secretary voted for himself in the last election.
Daniel himself will lead
the parade. NONSTANDARD The cooks served theirselves some of the hot

won-ton soup.
They themselves trav­
eled only twenty miles STANDARD The cooks served themselves some of the hot
to get here. won-ton soup.

/ Reference Note
Identifying Correct Pronoun Forms
I For more about reflexive
and intensive pronouns, C hoose the correct fo rm o f th e p ro n o u n in parentheses in each
see page 77. o f the follow ing sentences.
EXAMPLE 1. The contestants promised (theirselves, themselves) it
would be a friendly competition.
1. themselves

1. Before he started to read, Zack asked (hisself, him self) three

questions to set his pu rp o se.
2. M y little b ro th e r often falls dow n, b u t he never seem s to h u rt
(him self, hisself).
3. T he guests helped ( theirselves, themselves) to th e n u ts a n d
4. John Yellowtail enjoys (himself, hisself) w h en he is m aking
fine silver jewelry.
5. W h en th e early settlers w anted cloth, th ey h a d to spin it
(theirselves, themselves).
6. M y b ro th e r was u pset w ith (hisself, him self) for being rude.
7. A ndrew gave (himself, hisself) an early b irth d a y p resen t—
a new CD.
8. T he Sartens talked (theirselves, themselves) o u t o f buying a
second vehicle.

258 Using Pronouns Correctly

9. Uncle Allen to o k the last potatoes for (hisself him self) and
passed th e o n io n s to m e.
10. B art an d U na consider ( theirself themselves) a u th o rities on
stam p collecting.

Identifying Correct Pronoun Forms

C hoose the correct fo rm o f th e p ro n o u n in parentheses in each
o f the follow ing sentences.
EXAMPLE 1. To me, the tw o most interesting explorers are
(he, him) and Vasco da Gama.
1. he

1. T he team captains will be Jack a n d (he, him).

2. T he finalists in th e local talen t contest are Alfredo, Sylvia,
an d (I, me).
3. We were w arn ed by o u r p aren ts a n d (they, them).
4. T he W ashington tw ins a n d (I, me) belong to th e sam e club.
5. Both (he and she, her and him) have p ro m ised to w rite us this
sum m er.
6. Pele and (he, him) b o th played soccer for the New York Cosm os.
7. “W h at do you th in k o f (he and I, him and me)?” I asked.
8. “You an d (he, him) are im proving,” they replied.
9. W hen M iriam M akeba a n d th e tro u p e o f A frican m usicians
arrived, we gave (she and they, her and them) a party.
10. Do you rem em b er m y sister a n d (I, me)?
11. T he coach spoke to (we, us) players before the gam e.
12. Was the joke played on you a n d (he, him )7.
13. Are you a n d (she, her) going to celebrate Kwanzaa this year?
14. Pere Toussaint tau g h t m y b ro th e r a n d (I, me) several French

Special Pronoun Problems 259

15. M om , A ndy gave ( him self hisself) th e biggest piece o f
b an an a bread.
16. W ho are {they, them), Travis?
17. T hey c o n g ratu lated ( themselves, theirselves) o n a difficult
job well done.
18. D o n ’t leave w ith o u t (he and I, him and me).
19. (We, Us) skiers h a d a beau tifu l view from the lift.
20. ( Who, Whom) w ere you expecting?
21. W hen we m et at the au d itio n s for th e school play last year,
(he and I, him and me) got along very well rig h t aw ay
22. ( Who, Whom) rec o m m e n d e d th a t b o o k a b o u t the h isto ry o f
Ireland to you?
23. W hen Dawna, Sharon, a n d (I, me) w ork on hom ew ork

together, we always get th ro u g h it faster and rem em ber it better.

24. ( Who, Whom) will you be tu to rin g from the elem entary school,
M argaret Tanaka o r Billy W orthington?
25. Everyone agreed that the science project designed by Shannon
and (him, he) was the best one in the show.

© The New Yorker Collection 1988 Jack Ziegler from

cartoonban . All rights reserved .

260 Using Pronouns Correctly


C h a p te r R eview
A. Identifying Correct Pronoun Forms
Id en tify th e c o rre c t fo rm o f th e p ro n o u n in p are n th ese s in each
o f th e follow ing sentences.

1. O n e h o t afte rn o o n M abel a n d (I, me) w alked to th e old mill.

2. G ra n d m a sent a crate o f apples to m y fam ily a n d (I, me).
3. T he counselor chose {we, us) eig h th -g rad ers to give the
school tour.
4. D o n ’t w orry; m y ste p m o th e r will take you a n d (I, me) hom e.

5. M s. Chavez sat betw een K areem a n d (I, me) at th e assembly.
6. It’s a sham e th at the boys h u rt {themselves, theirselves) last night.
7. W ill you a n d (I, me) be able to reach th e m in tim e?
8 . M ayor Petrakis asked m y m o m a n d (she, her) to help.
9. A fter I m ailed th e letter, W illie a n d (they, them) arrived.
10. Is this (she, her) to w h o m we spoke yesterday?
11. T he sen ato r ( himself, hisself) sent m e a reply.
12. O u r coach sent e-m ails to (we, us) m a ra th o n ru n n e rs a b o u t
th e race to m orrow .
13. T he fastest typists in class are G ene a n d (they, them).
14. W ill you a n d (she, her) please com e to m y house this
W ednesday?
15. W hile we w ere at th e store, we saw m y cousin a n d (she, her).
16. O u r dog Piper will bring the ball to (he, him) or (she, her).
17. Last n ig h t D ad to ld C a n d ith a a n d (I, me) a story.
18. (W hom , Who) w rote The W ind in the Willows?
19. (We, Us) stu d en ts w ere n o t expecting th e p o p quiz.
20. T he referee to ld (we, us) players th a t th e gam e w ould go
in to overtim e.
21. T he best calligrapher in th e school is (she, her).
22. (W hom , Who) is th e b e tte r candidate?
23. To (who, whom) is th e letter addressed?
24. Roger a n d (I, me) are studying for o u r lifeguard certificates.
25. D erek looked at ( hisself, him self) in th e m irror.

Chapter Review 261

B. Correcting Errors in Pronoun Forms
M ost o f th e follow ing sentences c o n tain an e rro r in th e use o f
p ro n o u n form s. Identify the error, a n d give th e correct fo rm for
each o f the follow ing sentences. If a sentence is already correct,
w rite C.

26. T he closing procession o f th e pow w ow will be led by he an d

th e o th er D akota dancers.
27. M ay us choir m em b ers leave science class early today?
28. To w ho are you sending th e flowers?
29. Please give these copies o f C onsuela’s re p o rt to h e r a n d the
co m m ittee m em bers.
30. H im a n d his best friend w atched A n tz for the th ird tim e.

31. D arnell enjoyed hisself at th e A frican H eritage Festival.

32. T he last tennis player to beat m y sister in straight sets was her.
33. W ho have you asked for help w ith y o u r m a th hom ew ork?
34. Tell Jennifer a n d I w h a t y o u r science pro ject will be this year.
35. W h o m did you invite to th e aw ards cerem ony?
36. Us science fiction fans are going to see Forbidden Planet.
37. W ho will we see at the m osque?
38. M ario ’s m o th e r will be driving Elena a n d we to th e stadium .
39. Em ilio a n d h im v o lu n teered to decorate th e cafeteria.
40. T he perfect p erso n to play Lady M acbeth in th e school
play is she.
41 . N eith er Kevin n o r I can decide w hich o f Ray B ra d b u ry ’s
stories we like best.
42. W h o m are the m o st fam ous inventors in history?
43. Last year, the best p in ata was designed by th e tw ins a n d she.
44. T hey really o u td id theirselves!
45. You should hear the fight song w ritten by us four fans this year!
46. M y father a n d m e w atched The M an Who Would Be King on
video last night.
47. Between you a n d I, I d o n ’t th in k Bill will finish his W eb page
in tim e for the contest.
48. T he state tro o p e r gave h er a ticket for an illegal left tu rn .
49. T he last people to arrive at th e p a rty w ere C ordelia a n d him .
50. M om , will you take us tire d yard w orkers o u t for dinner?

262 Using Pronouns Correctly

MM| W riting Application
■Hi Using Pronouns in a Letter
Nominative and Objective Case Your favorite radio
statio n is having a “C reate a R adio Show ” contest. W rite a letter
to th e m anager o f th e statio n explaining w h at you w ould like to
include in a h a lf-h o u r weekly rad io show. In y o u r letter, use a
variety o f p ro n o u n s in th e no m in ativ e case a n d th e objective
case. Be sure to include e n o u g h n o u n s so th a t th e m ean in g o f all
y our p ro n o u n s is clear.

Prewriting D iscuss y o u r ideas for a radio p ro g ra m w ith a

g roup o f y o u r classm ates. List th e kinds o f e n te rta in m e n t a n d
Reference Note
in fo rm a tio n you could present. Above all, th in k a b o u t w h a t you

I For information about
w ould like to h ear on the radio. business letters, see
Writing As you w rite y o u r first draft, follow th e fo rm a t for a "W riting" in the Quick
Reference Handbook.
business letter. Give specific exam ples o f w h at you w an t to do on
the show, a n d give reasons for y o u r choices. R em em ber th a t even
th o u g h y o u r ideas m ay be very creative, y o u r w ritin g m u st be
form al.
Revising Ask the o th er g ro u p m em b ers to read y o u r letter
to see if y o u r ideas so u n d interesting a n d are clearly stated. Create various kinds of
texts in the different
Ask th em if the relationship betw een each p ro n o u n a n d its w riting modes. W rite a
letter. Identify and use
antecedent is clear. If y o u r m ean in g is n o t clear, revise y o u r letter.
nominative-case pro­
nouns correctly. Identify
Publishing R e-read y o u r letter, a n d correct any rem ain in g and use objective-case
errors in usage, spelling, p u n c tu a tio n , o r capitalization. Be sure pronouns correctly.

th a t you have follow ed th e correct fo rm a t for a business letter.

Also, m ake sure th a t you have used all
p ro n o u n s according to the rules for
standard w ritten English. Your class
m ig h t w an t to create a bulletin b o a rd
display o f the letters. W ith your
teach er’s p erm ission, th e class m ight
vote o n th e best idea for a show a n d
th en pro d u ce a n d tape th e p ilot

Using Modifiers
Id Comparison and Placement
Alabam a Course o f Study
9; 11; 11b; 11c

Diagnostic P review
Revising Sentences by Correcting Errors in the
Use of Modifiers
M ost o f th e follow ing sentences co n tain erro rs in th e use, form ,
\ /
rHELp— > y or placem ent o f m odifiers. Revise each in co rrect sentence to
elim inate th e error. If a sentence is already correct, w rite C.
Although two
possible answers are shown, EXAMPLE 1. There wasn't nothing missing.
you need to give only one
7. There wasn't anything missing.
answer for each item in the
Diagnostic Preview. or
There was nothing missing.

1. Please w eigh b o th packages to see w hich o f th e m is heaviest.

2. A larm ed, th e w ildfire sta rte d to spread quickly to o u r cam p.
3. D id you read th a t E d u ard o M ata received an aw ard in the
new spaper?
4. T he bean soup tasted good.
5. We pass m y a u n t a n d u n cle’s re sta u ra n t w alking to school.
6 . 1 th in k th e play Fiddler on the R oof is b e tte r th a n th e m ovie.
7. Reading a m agazine, m y cat ju m p e d up in m y lap.
8. Jason tried to pu sh the huge desk b u t couldn’t scarcely m ove it.
9. T he balloons startled th e young children w hen th ey bu rst.
10. A jet taking o ff can s o u n d m o re noisier th a n a jackham m er.

264 Using Modifiers Correctly

11. Surprised, m y coin collection interested a local coin dealer.
12. He exam ined tw o old G reek coins b u t co u ld n ’t see no date.
13. The shinier o f those tw o coins looked newer.
14. T hat coin tu rn e d o u t to be the oldest o f the two, however.
1 5 .1 show ed one coin to the dealer valued at nearly tw enty dollars.
16. He said he co u ld n ’t h ardly pay m o re th a n fifteen dollars
for it.
17. If I h ad barg ain ed good, I m ig h t have go tten m o re for it.
18. T hose tw o coins com e from Ireland th a t have im ages o f
h arp s on them .
19. C ollecting coins, m y know ledge a b o u t o th e r co u n tries an d
peoples increases.
2 0 . 1 polished m y Saudi A rabian fifty-halala piece careful so th at

I could see the A rabic w ritin g o n it.

Reference Note
I For more about adjec­
What Is a Modifier? tives, see page 80. For
more about adverbs, see
A m odifier is a w ord, a phrase, o r a clause th a t m akes th e m e a n ­ page 100.

ing o f a w ord o r w ord g ro u p m o re specific. T he tw o kinds o f

m odifiers are adjectives a n d adverbs.

Many adverbs end in -ly,

O n e -W o rd M o d if ie r s but many others do not.
Furthermore, not all words
A d je c tiv e s with the -ly ending are
11a. A d je c t iv e s make the meanings of nouns and pronouns
more specific.
quickly soon
ADJECTIVES Andy gave a loud cheer. [The adjective loud tells what
kind of cheer.] elderly holy

The one I made is blue. [The adjective blue tells To decide whether a word
which one.] is an adjective or an adverb,
look at how the word is
used in the sentence.
A d v e rb s
11b. A d v e r b s make the meanings of verbs, adjectives, and
other adverbs more specific.
ADVERBS Andy cheered loudly. [The adverb loudly makes the
meaning of the verb cheered more specific.] I Use modifiers correctly.

W hat Is a Modifier? 265

The design is very modern. [The adverb very makes the
meaning of the adjective modern more specific.]

The crocodile moved surprisingly quickly. [The adverb

surprisingly makes the meaning of the adverb quickly
more specific.]

P h r a s e s U s e d a s M o d if ie r s
Reference Note Like o n e-w o rd m odifiers, phrases can also be used as adjectives
I For more about different an d adverbs.
kinds of phrases, see
EXAMPLES Leaping from the step, the toddler flapped his arms
Chapter 5.
in the air. [The participial phrase Leaping from the step
acts as an adjective that modifies the noun toddler.]

The Greek salad is the one to try. [The infinitive

phrase to try acts as an adjective that modifies the
pronoun one.]

Ms. Elizondo planted rosebushes along the fence.

[The prepositional phrase along the fence acts as an
adverb that modifies the verb planted.]

C la u s e s U s e d a s M o d if ie r s
Reference Note Like w ords an d phrases, clauses can also be used as m odifiers.
I For more about clauses,
EXAMPLES Italian is the language that I like best. [The adjective
see Chapter 6.
clause that I like best modifies the noun language.]

Before Albert went to school, he took the trash to

the curb. [The adverb clause Before Albert went to
school modifies the verb took.]

Comparison of Adjectives
and Adverbs
W h en adjectives a n d adverbs are used in com parisons, th ey take
Use modifiers correctly.
different form s. T he specific fo rm th ey take depends u p o n how
Use the comparative m any things are being com pared. T he different form s o f co m ­
forms of modifiers
correctly. Use the p a riso n are called degrees o f com parison.
superlative forms of
modifiers correctly.

266 Using Modifiers Correctly

11c. The three degrees of comparison of modifiers are the
p o sitiv e , the com pa rative, and the su p erla tive.

(1) The p o s i t i v e d e g r e e is used when at least one thing is

being described.
EXAMPLES This suitcase is heavy.

Luis cheerfully began the job.

Those murals are colorful.

Think as a
(2) The c o m p a r a t iv e d e g r e e is used when two things or Keader/Writer
groups of things are being compared.
In conversation, you may
EXAMPLES My suitcase is heavier than yours. hear and use expressions
such as Put your best foot

Luis talked more cheerfully than Albert.
forward and May the best
Those murals are more colorful than these. team win. Such uses of the
superlative are acceptable
(3) The s u p e r la t iv e d e g r e e is used when three or more in spoken English. How­
ever, in your writing for
things or groups of things are being compared.
school and other formal
EXAMPLES Sylvia's suitcase is the heaviest of all. occasions, you should gen­
erally use superlatives only
Of the four boys, Luis worked at the task most when three or more things
cheerfully. are compared.

Those murals are the most colorful that I've seen.

R e g u la r C o m p a r i s o n
M ost one-syllable m odifiers fo rm th e com parative degree by Reference Note
adding - e r an d th e superlative degree by ad d in g -est. r For guidelines on how to
spell words when adding
Positive Comparative Superlative -er or -est, see page 395.

close closer closest

slow slow er slow est
Here is a way to remember
soon sooner soonest
which form of a modifier
straight s tra ig h te r s tra ig h te st to use. When comparing
two things, use -er (the
two-letter ending). When
N otice th a t b o th adjectives a n d adverbs fo rm th eir degrees o f comparing three or more
com parison in th e sam e way. things, use -est (the three-
letter ending).

Comparison o f Adjectives and Adverbs 267

Two-syllable m odifiers fo rm th e com parative degree by
I Think as a
Reader/Writer | ad d in g - e r o r by using more. T hey fo rm th e superlative degree by
ad d in g -e s t o r by using most.
Many two-syllable modifiers
can correctly form the com­ Positive Comparative Superlative
parative and superlative
degrees using either the
simple sim pler sim plest
suffixes -e r and -est or the
words more and most. If easy easier easiest
adding -er or -est sounds jealous more jealous most jealous
awkward, use more or most.
swiftly more sw iftly most sw iftly
comicest M odifiers th at have three o r m ore syllables form the co m p ara­
BETTER tive degree by using more an d th e superlative degree by using

more bitter most.

most comic
Positive Comparative Superlative

pow erful more pow erful most pow erful

illegible more illegible most illegible
joyfully more joyfully most joyfully
attractively more attractively most attractively

Forming the Degrees o f Comparison

of M odifiers
Give the form s for the com parative a n d superlative degrees o f
the follow ing m odifiers.
EXAMPLE 1. light
7. lig h te r; lig h te st

1. n ear 6. tiny 11. healthy 16. confident

2. p ro u d 7. tim id ly 12. tall 17. enthusiastically
3. carefully 8. loyal 13. grateful 18. d ry
4. honestly 9. safe 14. quick 19. tasty
5. sm all 10. shady 15. easy 20. generous
« a ira rs H g
Decreasing Comparison
Use the comparative
forms o f modifiers To show decreasing com parisons, m odifiers form the com parative
correctly. Use the
superlative forms of
degree by using less and the superlative degree by using least.
modifiers correctly.

268 Using Modifiers Correctly

Positive Comparative Superlative

sharp less sharp least sharp

costly less costly least costly
o ften less o fte n least o fte n
freq u e n tly less freq u e ntly least fre q u e n tly

I r r e g u la r C o m p a r i s o n
The com parative an d superlative degrees o f som e m odifiers are
irregular in form .

Positive Comparative Superlative

bad worse worst
far fa rth e r o r fu rth e r farth est or furth est
good b etter best
w ell b etter best
many more most
much more most

W riting Com parative and Superlative

Forms of M odifiers
C orrectly com plete each o f th e follow ing sentences w ith the
com parative o r superlative fo rm o f th e italicized adjective o r
adverb given.
EXAMPLE 1. unusual The Corn Palace in Mitchell, South Dakota,
is one of t h e buildings in the
United States.
7. most unusual

1. big T he C o rn Palace i s th a n I th o u g h t it w o u ld be.

2. pretty People in M itchell try to m ake each year’s C o rn
Palace d e c o ra tio n s th a n th e ones before.
3. fresh T he bu ild in g looks t h e in Septem ber after new
corn a n d grasses are p u t on it.
4. easy Som e w orkers find i t to saw a n d nail th e corn
to panels, w hile oth ers prefer to h an g the finished
panels on the building.

Comparison o f Adjectives and Adverbs 269

5. well I could n o t decide w hich o f th e m an y corn
m urals o n th e C o rn Palace I lik e d ____
6. mysterious T he m u ra l o f th e dan cin g figure was t h e ____
one to m e.
7. fam ous U ntil his d e a th in 1983, M itchell’s ____
artist, O scar H ow e, h elp ed to design a n d p a in t
these m urals.
8. interesting T he life o f this Sioux artist is t h e ____ sto ry I ’ve
ever heard.
9. slowly M y p a re n ts w a lk e d a ro u n d th e C o rn Palace
th an I did a n d stu d ied every design.
10. far I m et a fam ily fro m M exico w ho h a d traveled
th a n we h a d to see th e C o rn Palace.

Special Problems in
Using Modifiers
11d. Use good to modify a noun or a pronoun in most
cases. Use well to modify a verb.
Reference Note EXAMPLES The weather was good on the day of the match. [Good
I For more about using modifies th e noun weather.]
good and well, see
page 291. If you w ant a pear, here is a good one. [Good modifies
th e pronoun one.]

The trees are producing well this fall. [Well m odifies th e

verb phrase are producing.]

270 Using Modifiers Correctly

Good should n o t be used to m odify a verb.
NONSTANDARD Both teams played good. Reference Note
STANDARD Both teams played w e ll. I For a discussion of
standard and nonstan­
A lthough well is usually used as an adverb, well m ay also be dard English, see page
used as an adjective m eaning “in good health” or “in good 287.

EXAMPLE Mom feels quite w e ll today. [Meaning "in good
health," well modifies Mom.]

11e. Use adjectives, not adverbs, after linking verbs. Reference Note
I For a list of linking
Linking verbs are often follow ed by predicate adjectives verbs, see page 93.
m odifying the subject.

EXAMPLES Ingrid looked sleepy [not sleepily] this morning.
[The predicate adjective sleepy modifies the subject

Christina felt u n ce rtain [not uncertainly] about

running in the relay race. [The predicate adjective
uncertain modifies the subject Christina.]

N0TE Some verbs can be used as either linking or action verbs. As

action verbs, they may be modified by adverbs.

EXAMPLES Ingrid looked s le e p ily at the clock. [Sleepily modifies

the action verb looked.]

Christina u n c e rta in ly felt her way along the hall.

[Uncertainly modifies the action verb felt.]

Us>n9 Adjectives and Adverbs Correctly

Choose the adjective o r adverb that will m ake each sentence correct.
EXAMPLE 1. John seems (nervous, nervously) about his speech.
1. nervous

1. W h en we cam e in to th e h ouse after ice-skating, th e fire

felt (good, well).
2. T he w ind sounds (fierce, fiercely) at night.
3. T ino looked (good, well) after recovering fro m his op eratio n .
4. After all, it doesn’t taste (bad, badly).
5. Venus looks (beautiful, beautifully) ton ig h t.
f Use modifiers correctly.
6. Liang cooked a (good, well) m eal o f vegetables a n d shrim p.

Special Problems in Using Modifiers 271

7. Is th e sick child feeling (good, w ell) e n o u g h to eat som ething?
8. We looked (close, closely) at th e fragile cocoon.
9. A cup o f soup tastes (good, w ell) on a cold day.
10. K udzu grows (rapid, rapidly) in th e South.

I l f . Avoid using double comparisons.

A double com parison is the use o f b o th - e r a n d more (o r less) or
- e s t an d m ost (o r least) to fo rm a co m p ariso n . W h en you m ake a
co m p ariso n , use only o n e form , n o t bo th .
NONSTANDARD This is Kathleen Battle's most finest performance.
STANDARD This is Kathleen Battle's fin e s t performance.

NONSTANDARD His hair is more curlier than his sister's.

STANDARD His hair is c u rlie r than his sister's.

NONSTANDARD The baby is less fussier in the morning than in

the evening.
STANDARD The baby is less fussy in the morning than in
the evening.

4 E H E B 2 2 I9 Correcting Double Comparisons

Identify the in co rrect m odifier in each o f the follow ing
sentences. T hen, give th e correct fo rm o f th e m odifier.
EXAMPLES 1. I have been studying more harder lately.
7. more harder—harder

2. Frederick Douglass was one of the most

brilliantest speakers against slavery.
2. most brilliantest—most brilliant

1. Sunday was less rain ier th a n Saturday.

2. T h at is th e m o st saddest sto ry I have ever heard.
3. Are you exercising m o re oftener th a n you used to?
4. T hat evening was the least cloudiest one in weeks.
5. Native arctic peoples have learn ed to survive in th e m o st
coldest w eather.
6. Please show m e the m o st finest ten n is racket in th e shop.
7. It is m ore farth er fro m N ew York to M ontreal th a n from
N ew York to B oston.
Use modifiers correctly. I
8. G ru m p k in s was less jollier th a n the o th e r elves.

272 Using Modifiers Correctly

9. Your suitcase is m o re lighter since you to o k o u t the boots.
10. Is Venus the m o st b rig h test object in the sky tonight?

Double Negatives
11g. Avoid using double negatives.

A double n egative is th e use o f tw o or m o re negative w ords to

express one negative idea. M ost o f the negative w ords in the
ch art below are adjectives o r adverbs.

Common Negative Words

\ ■;.
barely never none nothing

hardly no no one n o w h ere
n either nobody n o t (-n 't) scarcely

NONSTANDARD W e couldn't hardly move in the subway car.

STANDARD W e could hardly move in the subway car.

NONSTANDARD Yolanda didn't eat no breakfast this morning.

STANDARD Yolanda d id n 't eat any breakfast this morning.
STANDARD Yolanda ate no breakfast this morning.

NONSTANDARD Didn't she get you nothing for your birthday?

STANDARD D id n 't she get you anything for your birthday?
STANDARD Did she get you nothing for your birthday?

Correcting Double Negatives

/ V /\
Revise each o f the follow ing sentences to elim inate the double [-HELP— ^ y
negative. Although two
EXAMPLE 1. I couldn't find no one to go camping w ith me. possible answers are given
for the example in Exercise
7. I couldn't find anyone to go camping with me.
4, you need to give only
or one revision for each item.
I could find no one to go camping with me.

1 . 1 d id n ’t see no one I knew at th e gam e.

2. Early Spanish explorers searched th a t area o f Florida for
gold, b u t they d id n ’t find none.

Double Negatives 273

3. We co u ld n ’t h ardly h ear th e guest speaker.
4. T he cafeteria d id n ’t serve n o th in g I like today.
5. D ouble negatives d o n ’t have n o place in sta n d a rd English.
6. T he bird-w atchers saw scarcely no bald eagles this year.
7. T he club officers never do n o n e o f th e w ork them selves.
8. We w o u ld n ’t never need th ree tra c to rs o n o u r sm all farm .
9. Jesse co u ld n ’t barely see the to p o f th e waterfalls.
10. T he Paynes d id n ’t go now here special d u rin g the three-d ay
holiday weekend.

Using M odifiers Correctly

M ost o f the follow ing sentences c o n tain errors in th e use o f
m odifiers. Revise each in co rrect sentence to elim inate th e error.

If a sentence is already correct, w rite C.

EXAMPLES 1. My cold is worst today than it was yesterday.
1. My cold is worse today than it was yesterday.

2. There wasn't nobody willing to go into that house

2. There wasn't anybody willing to go into that house

1. She is th e fu n n ie r o f th e tw o com edians.

2. Kendo, a Japanese m artial art, is m o re gracefuller th a n m any
o th e r sports.
3. N o one in o u r class can play volleyball as good as Sylvia Yee.
4. T im e passes real slowly d u rin g th e sum m er.
5. A fter a long sw im , she felt good.
6 . 1 w asn’t scarcely able to hear you.
7. W hich o f the Rogers tw ins is strongest?
8. Som e people d o n ’t seem to have no control over their tem pers.
9. H e h ardly ever visit us.
10. O f all the folk dances m y g ran d fa th e r ta u g h t m e, the polka is
the m o st sim plest.

Placement of Modifiers
11h. Place modifying words, phrases, and clauses as close as
Place modifiers properly. I possible to the words they modify.

274 Using Modifiers Correctly

N otice how the m ean in g o f th e follow ing sentence changes w hen
the positio n o f the phrase from Cincinnati changes.
EXAMPLES The basketball player from Cincinnati gave a TV Think as a
interview for his fans. [The phrase modifies player.] Reader/Writer |
The basketball player gave a TV interview for his fans
Be sure to place modifiers
from Cincinnati. [The phrase modifies fans.]
correctly to show clearly
From Cincinnati the basketball player gave a TV the meaning you intend.
interview for his fans. [The phrase modifies gave.]
A m odifier th a t seem s to m odify th e w ro n g w ord in a sen­ Only Mrs. Garza teaches
Spanish. [Mrs. Garza, not
tence is called a m isplaced m odifier. A m o d ifier th a t does n o t
anybody else, teaches
clearly m odify a n o th e r w ord in a sentence is called a dan glin g Spanish.]
m odifier. Mrs. Garza only teaches

MISPLACED Ringing, everyone glared at the man with the cell Spanish. [Mrs. Garza
phone. teaches Spanish; she does
not research Spanish
CORRECT Everyone glared at the man w ith the ringing cell
Mrs. Garza teaches only
Spanish. [Mrs. Garza does
DANGLING Before moving to Philadelphia, Mexico City was not teach any other
their home. subjects.]
CORRECT Before moving to Philadelphia, they lived in
Mexico City.

P r e p o s it io n a l P h r a s e s Reference Note
I For more about
A p rep o sitio n a l ph rase consists o f a p rep o sitio n , a n o u n o r a
prepositions, see page
p ro n o u n called th e object o f the preposition, a n d any m odifiers o f 104. For more about
th a t object. prepositional phrases,
A p repositional phrase used as an adjective generally sh o u ld see page 105.

be placed directly after the w ord it m odifies.

MISPLACED The hat belongs to that girl with the feathers.
CLEAR The hat with the feathers belongs to that girl.

A p repositional phrase used as an adverb sh o u ld be placed

near th e w ord it m odifies.
MISPLACED She read that a new restaurant had opened in today's
CLEAR She read in today's newspaper that a new
restaurant had opened.

Placement of Modifiers 275

Avoid placing a prepositional phrase so th a t it seem s to m odify
L COMPUTER TIP either o f two w ords. Place the phrase so th a t it clearly m odifies the
A computer can help you w ord you intend it to modify.
find and correct problems MISPLACED Manuel said in the afternoon he would call Janet.
with modifiers. For exam­
[Does in the afternoon modify said or would calll]
ple, a spell-checker can
easily find nonstandard CLEAR Manuel said he would call Janet in th e afternoon.
forms such as baddest, [The phrase modifies would call.]
expensiver, and mostest. CLEAR In th e afternoon Manuel said he would call Janet.
However, you will need to [The phrase modifies said.]
examine the placement of
phrase and clause modifiers
^ yourself. Revising Sentences w ith Misplaced
Prepositional Phrases
S /
rHELp— ^ Each o f the follow ing sentences contains a m isplaced p rep o si­

Although some tio n al phrase. D ecide w here th e p rep o sitio n al phrase belongs;
items in Exercise 5 can be th en , revise the sentence.
revised in more than one
EXAMPLES 1. In the United States, Zora Neale Hurston grew up
way, you need to give only
in the first self-governed black township.
one revision for each. You
may need to add, delete, or 1. Zora Neale Hurston grew up in the first self-
rearrange words. governed black township in the United States.

2. The cat toy rolled down the hall w ith a clatter.

2. With a clatter, the cat toy rolled down the hall.

1. Joshua a n d Reginald h e a rd th a t there was a destructive h a il­

sto rm on the news.
2. T he p o ster caught m y eye on th e wall.
3. In the tiny b ird ’s nest, we th o u g h t there m ig h t be eggs.
4. O u r teacher said on M onday the class w ould p u t o n a play.
5. D o n ’t forget to take the box to the store w ith th e em p ty
6. We saw Jose C lem ente O rozco’s b eautiful m u rals on vacation
in G uadalajara.
7. T ranh read th a t a w asp larva spins a cocoon in the
8. A b eautiful Bolivian w eaving hangs on o u r living ro o m wall
from th e tow n o f T rinidad.
9. D id you find the k im o n o s w o rn by yo u r g ra n d m o th e r in th at
old trunk?
10. In confusion, th ey w atched w ith a m u se m en t as th e p u ppies
scram bled all over each other.

276 Using Modifiers Correctly

^ 2 2 2 3 ® Placing Prepositional Phrases Correctly
Rew rite each o f th e follow ing sentences, ad d in g th e prep o sitio n al -H E LP- (
p hrase given in parentheses.
P - < y
Be careful to
EXAMPLE 1. Many paintings show strange, fantastical scenes. place each prepositional
(by Marc Chagall) phrase in Exercise 6 near
the word or words it
1. Many paintings by Marc Chagall show strange,
fantastical scenes.

1. Chagall’s The Green Violinist contains m any delightful mysteries

and surprises. (for the eye and mind)
2. As you can see in the p ain tin g , a gigantic violinist sits am o n g
the buildings o f a sm all village. ( with a green face and hand)
3. D ark w indow s look ju st like the w indow s o f th e houses.
(on the musician’s pants)
4. A m an waves to the violinist, a n d a
dog taller th a n a house seem s to sm ile
at the m usic it hears.
(above the clouds)
5. As you look at th e p a in tin g ’s b rig h t
colors, p erh ap s you can alm ost h ear
th e en ch an tin g m usic.
(o f the green violinist)
6. You m ay be su rp rised to learn th at
the fiddler is fo u n d in m an y o f
C hagall’s o th er w orks.
(in this painting)
7. Chagall enjoyed listening to his
uncle play th e violin.
(during his childhood)
8. The Green Violinist an d o th er
paintings o f the fiddler are tributes.
(to Chagall’s uncle)
9. In a p a in tin g titled Violinist, Chagall
p ain ted h im self standing.
(beside the violinist)
10. In th a t u n u su al p ain tin g , Chagall
has three heads tu rn e d to show
enjoym ent o f the m usic.
(tow ard the uncle)

Placement o f Modifiers 277

P a r t ic ip ia l P h r a s e s
Reference Note A p a r tic ip ia l p h ra se consists o f a p resen t p articiple o r a past
I For more information participle a n d its m odifiers a n d com plem ents. A p articipial
about participles, see phrase is used as an adjective to m odify a n o u n o r a p ro n o u n .
page 144. For more about
Like a p rep o sitio n al phrase, a particip ial p h rase sh o u ld be placed
participial phrases, see
page 146.
as close as possible to th e w ord it m odifies.
EXAMPLES W alking to school, Celia and James found a wallet.
[The participial phrase modifies Celia and James.]
I Think as a
Reader/Writer^ I. M. Pei, born in China, is a gifted architect. [The
participial phrase modifies I. M. Pei.]
^ A dangling modifier often
occurs when a sentence is A p articipial p hrase th a t is n o t placed n ear the n o u n or
in the passive voice.
p ro n o u n th a t it m odifies is a m isplaced m odifier.

Rewriting sentences in the

active voice not only elimi­ MISPLACED Stolen from the media center, the deputies found the
nates many dangling modi­ videocassette recorder. [Were the deputies stolen from
fiers but also makes your the media center?]
writing more interesting
CLEAR The deputies found the videocassette recorder stolen
f and lively.
fro m th e m edia center.
Having just waxed the
MISPLACED Sleeping on the roof, I saw the neighbor's cat. [Was I
car, a trip to the fair was
sleeping on the roof?]
planned. [Having ju st
waxed the car is a dan­ CLEAR I saw the neighbor's cat sleeping on th e roof.
gling modifier.]

ACTIVE VOICE MISPLACED We're used to the noise living by the airport. [Is the
Having just waxed the noise living by the airport?]
car, I planned a trip to CLEAR Living by th e airport, we're used to the noise.
the fair. [Having just
washed the car modi­ A p articipial p hrase th a t does n o t clearly a n d logically
fies /.]
m odify a w ord in th e sentence is a d an glin g m odifier.
Reference Note DANGLING Cleaning the attic, an old trunk was found. [Who
For more about active was cleaning the attic?]
voice and passive CLEAR Cleaning th e attic, we found an old trunk.
voice, see page 233.

Placing Participial Phrases Correctly

Rew rite each o f th e follow ing sentences, ad d in g th e p articipial
phrases given in parentheses. Be sure to use com m as to set o ff
n:<iwreiro» p articipial phrases th a t begin o r in te rru p t y o u r sentences.
Place modifiers properly. I

278 Using Modifiers Correctly

EXAMPLES 1. Finn and Darcy searched for their younger sister.
(scanning the crowd)
/W x
1. Scanning the crowd, Finn and Darcy searched for
their younger sister.
rHELP“ < y
Although some
items in Exercise 7 can be
2. The sea turtle ducked back into its shell, (startled by
revised in more than one
the sound o f the boat's engine)
way, you need to give only
2. Startled by the sound o f the boat's engine, the sea one revision for each.
turtle ducked back into its shell.

1. M y older sister will be w orking at th e garden center near

m y house, (beginning next week)
2. O u r new k itten craw led u n d e r the sofa, (exploring the house)
3. By m istake, we sat o n th e swings, (freshly painted)
4. Lucy helped h er b ro th e r find th e books, (lost somewhere in

his messy room)
5. Josie a n d Fred passed th e playground. ( walking through
the park)
6. Ms. Surat to ld us a b o u t Sri Lanka an d its people, (pointing
to the map)
7. T he tw o girls yelled loudly, (surprised by their little brother)
8. The horse likes to w atch people, (m unching on grass)
9. A ndrea picked up the pencil a n d w aited for th e test to begin.
(sharpened m oments earlier)
10. O n th e beach this m o rn in g , the children fo u n d a m ysterious
note, (folded in a blue bottle)

^ £ 3 2 3 ^ ^ Revising Sentences to Correct Misplaced

and Dangling Participial Phrases
( / \
Revise all sentences th a t c o n tain m isplaced o r dangling p a rtic ip ­ -HELP
ial phrases. If a sentence is already correct, w rite C.
r —
You will need
< V
to add, delete, or rearrange
EXAMPLE 1. Made from matzo meal, Rachel cooks tasty
some words in your revi­
sions for Exercise 8.
1. Rachel cooks tasty dumplings made from
matzo meal.

1. Pacing in its cage, I w atched the lion.

2. Talking o n the telephone, A m an d a d id n o t hear th e doorbell
3. E xploring the cave, a new tu n n e l was discovered.

Placement o f Modifiers 279

4. W earing a b rig h t orange suit a n d floppy yellow shoes, the
circus featured a clow n.
5. Filled w ith countless daisies, the tw o young girls w alked
slowly th ro u g h th e field.
6. R eading his p a rt, th e nervousness was h ard to overcom e.
7. T he tu rk ey was large e n o u g h for three fam ilies stuffed w ith
sage a n d b read crum bs.
8. Tired from the long w alk th ro u g h th e snow, food a n d rest
were w elcom ed.
9. C hecking th e shelves, Judy fo u n d all th e reference books
she needed.
10. Selling the o ld farm , sadness w elled u p inside.

A d je c t iv e C la u s e s
Reference Note A n a d jective clause m odifies a n o u n o r a p ro n o u n . M ost adjec­
I For m o re a b o u t adjective tive clauses begin w ith a relative p ro n o u n — that, which, who,
clauses, see p ag e 161. whom, o r whose. Like an adjective phrase, an adjective clause
sh o u ld generally be placed directly after th e w ord it m odifies.
MISPLACED The Labor Day picnic in the park that we had was fun.
[Did we have the park?]
CLEAR The Labor Day picnic th a t w e had in the park
was fun.

MISPLACED The girls thanked their coach who had won the relay
race. [Did the coach win the relay race?]
CLEAR The girls w h o had w o n th e relay race thanked their

-HELP- Revising Sentences w ith Misplaced
Be sure to use
y Clause M odifiers
com mas to set o ff Revise each o f the follow ing sentences by placing th e adjective
nonessential adjective
clause n ear th e w ord it sh o u ld m odify.
EXAMPLE 1. My friend Beverly visited me who lives in Sarasota,
Reference Note 1. M y friend Beverly, who lives in Sarasota, Florida,
I For in fo rm a tio n on using visited me.
com mas to set o ff
nonessential adjective
1. T he stu d en ts received an A w ho m ade th e first presen tatio n .
clauses, see p ag e 341. 2. T he k itten belongs to m y n e ig h b o r th a t is o n th e b ranch.

280 Using Modifiers Correctly

3 . 1 show ed the colorful co tto n fabric to m y sister th a t was
m ade in Kenya.
4. T he d o cto r said th a t th e trip lets w ere quite healthy w ho
exam ined them .
5. T he cleanup p ro g ra m was su p p o rte d by all o f th e students
th at the p resid en t o f th e seventh-grade class suggested.
6. T he flight a tte n d a n t w elcom ed us ab o ard the plane w hose
b ro th e r I know.
7. T he friend has a b ro k en leg w h o m I called.
8. D o n a ld ’s package is fro m his m o th e r w hich cam e in th e m ail.
9. Q uasars fascinate m e w hich m an y a stro n o m ers th ro u g h o u t
the w orld study.
10. T he dog b ark ed at the letter c arrier th a t has been ru n n in g

loose in the n eig h b o rh o o d .

Correcting Errors in the Use o f M odifiers

Each o f th e follow ing sentences co n tain s a n e rro r in th e use,
form , o r p lacem en t o f a m odifier. Revise each sentence by
changing th e fo rm o f a m odifier o r by ad ding, deleting, o r
rearran g in g w ords. r HELp— < y
EXAMPLE 1. I have never been more happier in my life. Although some
sentences in Review C can
7. I have never been happier in my life.
be correctly revised in more
1. M y stepsister plays b o th soccer a n d softball, b u t she likes than one way, you need to
give only one revision for
soccer best.
each sentence.
2. T he w aiter b ro u g h t plates to Terrell a n d m e piled high w ith
spaghetti a n d m eat sauce.
3. Very fru strated , h er locker ju st w o u ld n o t open!
4. Barking a n d grow ling loudly, the stranger was frightened
by th e dogs.
5. T he a n tiq u e G erm an cuckoo clock still ru n s g o o d after all
these years.
6 . 1 d id n ’t do too b ad o n th e geography quiz this m o rn in g .
7. O u r p u p p y is m u ch m o re playfuller th a n o u r older dog is.
8. We drove slow past the duck p o n d to see if any new ducklings
had hatched.
9. T hey never did find n o sp o n so r for th eir team .
10. T he CD is the so u n d tra c k o f m y favorite m ovie th a t we

Placement of Modifiers 281

Proofreading Sentences fo r Correct Use
o f M odifiers
Each o f the follow ing sentences co n tain s an e rro r in the use,
form , or p lacem ent o f a m odifier. Revise each sentence by
changing th e fo rm o f a m odifier o r by adding, deleting, or
rearran g in g w ords.
EXAMPLE 1. Of all the important women featured in this book,
Dolores S. Atencio is the one I admire more.
7. O f all the important women featured in this book,
Dolores S. Atencio is the one I admire most.

1. H er m o th er th o u g h t th a t a law career w ould offer her daughter

the m ost brightest future.

2. M s. A tencio always knew she w o u ld b ecom e a lawyer, b u t she

d id n ’t never expect to be so successful.
3. Looking ahead to college a n d law school, h er grades in high
school were excellent.
4. A long w ith tw o o th e r H ispanic w om en, h er efforts helped to
lau n ch D enver’s first bilingual rad io sta tio n in 1985.
5. M s. A tencio felt quite p ro u d ly a b o u t helping to organize
C o lo rad o ’s first m in o rity w o m en law yers’ conference.
6. She decided to ru n for p resid en t o f th e H ispanic N ational
Bar A ssociation (H N B A ) receiving e n co u rag em en t fro m a
7. Serving as p resid en t o f HN BA , the legal rights o f H ispanics
were h er m ain focus.
8. In 1991, she was n a m e d one o f th e m o st o u tsta n d in g
H ispanic w o m en in Hispanic Business Magazine.
9. She also was given th e O u tsta n d in g Young W om an Award
from the city o f Denver, w hich she received for all th e tim e
she h a d devoted to c o m m u n ity service.
10. In a d d itio n to enjoying c o m m u n ity service, M s. A tencio feels
really well w hen she is sp en d in g tim e w ith h er family.

282 Using Modifiers Correctly


C h a p te r R eview
A. Using the Correct Modifier
Identify th e w ord in parentheses th a t will m ake each sentence
1 . 1 have to a d m it th a t this recording so u n d s (bad, badly).
2. O u r Irish setter cam e (shy, shyly) to w ard th e new puppy.
3. Yoki was anxious, b u t she appeared (calm, calmly).
4. M ust th e tw ins play so (noisy, noisily)?
5. W e’re pleased th a t you did so (good, well).

6. T he sto rm en d ed as (sudden, suddenly) as it began.
7. W ith a little oil, the engine sta rte d (easy, easily).
8 . T h eir p erfo rm an ce is n o w (good, well) e n o u g h for any stage.
9. T he kitchen c o u n te r looks (clean, cleanly).
10. It is (good, well) to be alive o n a beau tifu l day like today.
11. O f th e five designs, w hich one do you like (better, best)?
12. Jose played (good, well).
13. T his rin g is th e (more, most) expensive o f th e two.
14. T h a t strip ed tie w o u ld go (good, well) w ith y o u r green shirt.
15. C hoose th e ( larger, largest) o f th e tw o poodles.

B. Writing Com parative and Superlative

Forms of M odifiers
W rite th e com parative o r superlative fo rm o f th e italicized
adjective o r adverb in each o f th e follow ing sentences.

16. dry T he towels f e lt. . after an a fte rn o o n o n the

clothesline th a n th ey h a d felt com ing o u t o f the
17. grateful We w e r e for M r. C hang’s advice th a n we
could say.
18. small T he screw driver m y fath er used to repair m y
glasses was t h e o n e he had.
19. proud A fter th e aw ards cerem ony, K erry s e e m e d of
h er son th a n she ever h a d before.
20. slow The horse o f th e m all finished last in the race.

Chapter Review 283

21. enthusiastically Pleased by all th e perform ances, th e a u d i­
ence ap p la u d e d for the dancers.
22. tasty Since D ad sta rte d taking cooking classes,
each d in n e r i s th a n the previous one.
23. loyal Tadger is t h e o f o u r three dogs.
24. easily W ith m o re practice, we solved th e second
p u z z le th a n the first one.
25. tall W hich o f th e five R om ine girls do you
th in k i s ?

C. Correcting Double Com parisons and

Double Negatives

R ew rite the follow ing sentences to correct errors in the use o f

m odifiers.

26. These H aw aiian shirts d o n ’t have n o pockets.

27. P ineapple juice tastes m o re sw eeter th a n orange juice to m e.
28. W h at is th e m o st fu n n iest th in g th a t ever h a p p e n ed to you?
29.1 can’t h ard ly take a n o th e r step.
30. Sakim a co u ld n ’t barely catch h e r b rea th after ru n n in g so far.

D. Correcting Misplaced and Dangling

Each sentence below contains a m isplaced o r dangling m odifier.
R ew rite th e sentences so th a t they are clear. You m ay need to add,
delete, o r rearrange w ords.

31 . T he fru it was m ark ed for q u ick sale b ru ise d by th e storm .

32. T hose tapes cam e fro m th e lib ra ry th a t you heard.
33. A fter leaving India, Singapore was th e next destin atio n .
34. O p ening a savings account, a fo rm o f identification was
35. Skateboarding dow n the street, a large dog chased m y brother.
36. Black H aw k was a chief o f the Sauk p eople b o rn in V irginia.
37. Trying to study, the noise fro m the chainsaw was distracting.
38. These salm on are using fish ladders, w hich are re tu rn in g to
spaw n.

284 Using Modifiers Correctly

39. Sifting carefully th ro u g h th e sand, an old Spanish coin called
a d o u b lo o n was found.
40.1 saw the gazelles ju m p in g th ro u g h th e binoculars.

W riting Application
■ Using Com parisons in a Letter
Comparative and Superlative Forms A n an o n y m o u s
d o n o r has given a large sum o f m o n ey for im provem ents to y our
school. W rite a letter to th e ad m in istra to rs describing the
im provem ents you w ould like to see. Use at least th ree c o m p a ra ­

tive a n d tw o superlative form s o f adjectives a n d adverbs in y our
Reference Note
w riting.
I S e e " W ritin g " in
P re w ritin g W h at facilities, eq u ip m en t, or supplies w ould th e Q uick Reference
m ake y our school a b e tte r place? List y o u r im p ro v em en t ideas. H a n d b o o k fo r g uidelin es
on w ritin g business
You m ay w ant to discuss your ideas w ith a classm ate o r a teacher
before you select th e ones to include in y o u r letter. Also, no te
w hy the im provem ents are needed.

W ritin g As you w rite y our first draft, use y o u r list to help you
m ake clear an d accurate com parisons. Keep y o u r audience in
m ind. The a d m in istra to rs need practical suggestions for how to
spend the m oney, so let th e m k n o w exactly w h at im provem ents
your school needs an d why.

R e v is in g Read y o u r letter to a p a re n t o r o th e r a d u lt to see if

your argum ents are convincing. A dd, delete, o r rearran g e details
to m ake your letter m o re interesting a n d effective.

P u b lish in g Be sure you have used the correct com parative

and superlative form s o f adjectives a n d adverbs. C heck the fo rm
o f your letter to m ake sure it follows th e guidelines for business
letters. Read th ro u g h y o u r letter a final tim e to catch any errors
in spelling, gram m ar, usage, o r p u n c tu a tio n . Share y o u r ideas for
im proving the school w ith th e rest o f th e class, a n d m ake a chart Create various kinds of
texts in the different
displaying the m o st p o p u la r suggestions. w riting modes.Write a
letter. Use the compara­
tive forms of modifiers
correctly. Use the
superlative forms of
modifiers correctly.

Chapter Review 285

O' y -ssy f r r -■ - 7 ■.* f -■ .........

"S* -xzcr ' "Sts* • szar '3=3* -z?

■ -sssy -rr?

A Glossary
of Usage
Alabam a Course o f Study
Common Usage Problems
g 4i
SAT 10
C L.3; C L .1 4

Diagnostic P review
Correcting Errors in Usage
Each o f the following sentences contains an erro r in the use o f fo r­
m al, standard English. Revise each sentence to correct the error.
EXAMPLE 1. They did they're best to help.
7. They did their best to help.

1. We are already for o u r trip to W ashington, D.C.

2. T hey divided the crackers equally betw een th e fo u r toddlers.
3. Please take those packages here to m e.
4. Elena h ad a cold, b u t she is feeling good now.
5. M r. C hang he is m y tai chi instructor.
6. W ill you learn m e h o w to play chess?
7. M ay I b o rro w th a t there collection o f C heyenne folk tales?
8. Tara m ig h t o f com e w ith us, b u t she h ad to baby-sit.
9. We use to live in K arachi, Pakistan.
10. She is th e w o m an w hich ow ns th e G reat D ane.
1 1 .1 d ro p p ed the pictures, b u t I th in k th ey ’re alright.
1 2 .1 read w here M ayor Alvarez will visit o u r school.
13. T h eir th e best players o n the team this season.
14. T he pipes b u sted last w in ter d u rin g a h a rd freeze.
15. We c a n n o t go sailing w ith o u t we w ear life jackets.
16. H er new a p a rtm e n t is bigger th e n h er last one.

286 A Glossary of Usage

17. T he g roup w ent everyw heres together.
18. Lydia acted like she was bored.
19. Antonym s are w hen w ords are o p posite in m eaning.
2 0 . 1 ho p e th a t you will except m y apology.

About the Glossary

This chapter contains an alphabetical list, o r glossary, o f m any
co m m o n problem s in English usage. You will notice th ro u g h o u t Reference Note
the chapter th a t som e exam ples are labeled nonstandard, standard, I For a list of words often
formal, o r informal. N on stan dard English is language th a t does confused, see page 400.
n o t follow the rules a n d guidelines o f stan d ard English. Stan dard

English is language th a t is gram m atically correct a n d app ro p riate
in form al an d inform al situations. Form al identifies usage th a t is I COMPUTER TIP
appropriate in serious speaking a n d w riting situations (such as in
The spellchecker will help
speeches an d com positions for school). T he label inform al in d i­ you catch misspelled words
cates stan d ard usage c o m m o n in conversation a n d in everyday such as anywheres. The
w riting such as personal letters. grammar checker may help
you catch errors such as
The following are exam ples o f form al a n d inform al English.
double negatives. How­
ever, in the case of words
Formal Informal that are often misused,
such as than and then,
angry steamed you will have to check
unpleasant yucky your work yourself for
correct usage.
agreeable cool
very impressive to ta lly awesom e

a, an Use a before w ords beg in n in g w ith a co n so n an t sound. V /\

Use an before w ords beg in n in g w ith a vowel so u n d . Keep in
m in d th a t th e so u n d , n o t th e actual letter, th a t a w o rd begins
rIn doing the
< >■
w ith determ ines w h eth er a or an sh o u ld be used. exercises in this chapter, be
sure to use only standard
EXAMPLES They are building a hospital near our house. English.
I bought a one-way ticket. [Even though o is a vowel, the
word one begins with a consonant sound.]

I would like an orange.

W e worked for an hour. [Although h is a consonant, the
Avoid common usage
word hour begins w ith a vowel sound. The h is not pro­ problems.

A Glossary of Usage 287

a c cep t, e x c e p t Accept is a verb; it m eans “to receive.” Except
m ay be used as either a verb o r a prep o sitio n . As a verb, it m eans
“to leave out.” As a p rep o sitio n , except m eans “excluding.”
EXAMPLES Ann accepted the gift, [verb]

No one will be excepted from writing a research

paper, [verb]

All my friends will be there except Jorge, [preposition]

a in 't D o n o t use this n o n sta n d a rd w ord in form al situations.

a ll r ig h t U sed as an adjective, all right m eans “satisfactory” or

“u n h u rt.” U sed as an adverb, all right m eans “well enough.” All
right sh o u ld be w ritten as tw o w ords.

EXAMPLES Your science project looks all rig h t to me. [adjective]

Judy cut her toe, but she is all right now. [adjective]

I did all right in the drama club tryouts, [adverb]

Think as a
Reader/Writer [ a lo t A lot sh o u ld be w ritte n as tw o w ords.
EXAMPLE I have read a lo t of American Indian folk tales.
Many writers overuse a lot.
Whenever you run across a
a lre a d y , a ll re a d y Already m eans “previously.” All ready
lot as you revise your own
writing, try to replace it m eans “com pletely prepared.”
with a more exact word or EXAMPLES By 5:00 p . m ., I had already cooked dinner.
The students were all ready for the trip.
Emily Dickinson wrote a
lot of poems.
am ong See between, among.

BETTER a n y w a y s , a n y w h e re s , e v e ry w h e re s , n o w h e re s ,
Emily Dickinson wrote s o m e w h e re s These w ords sh o u ld have no final s.
hundreds of poems.
EXAMPLE I looked everyw here [not everywheres] for it!

as See lik e , as.

as if, as th o u g h See like, as if, as though.

at D o n o t use at after where.

NONSTANDARD W here are the Persian miniatures at?
STANDARD W here are the Persian miniatures?

b a d , b a d ly Bad is an adjective. It m odifies nouns and p ro ­

nouns. Badly is an adverb. It m odifies verbs, adjectives, and adverbs.

288 A Glossary of Usage

EXAMPLES The fruit tastes bad. [The predicate adjective bad
modifies fruit.]
Think as a
Don't treat him badly. [The adverb badly modifies
the verb Do treat.]
The expression feel badly
has become acceptable
Identifying Correct Usage in informal situations
although it is not strictly
For each o f the follow ing sentences, choose the w ord or w ord
grammatical English.
group in parentheses th a t is correct according to th e rules o f
form al, stan d ard usage. INFORMAL
Carl felt badly about
EXAMPLE 1. Navajo people came to the American Southwest from losing the race.
{somewhere, somewheres ) in the North.
1. somewhere Carl felt bad about losing

the race.
1. O ne g roup o f Navajos settled in th e region w here th e Pueblo
people (lived, lived at).
2. The Pueblo people w ere ( already, all ready) farm ing a n d liv­
ing in p e rm a n e n t dwellings by th e tim e th e N avajos arrived.
3. T he Navajos m ay have (excepted, accepted) th e practice o f
sand p ain tin g from th e Pueblos an d ad ap ted it to fit th eir
ow n custom s.
4. W hen the Navajo artists are
(all ready, already) to begin a sand
painting, they gather in a circle, as
show n in the picture here.
5. W hen creating a sand pain tin g ,
(a, an) artist receives directions
from the singer, w ho leads the
6. T he p ain ter m ig h t m ake a certain
design w hen things are n o t (all
right, allright) in the com m unity.
7. T he Navajo sand p a in te r m ay also
use this a rt to help som eone w ho
is in ju red or feeling (badly, bad).
8. Because sand pain tin g s used in healing cerem onies are swept
away at the en d o f each cerem ony, th e designs are recorded
now here (accept, except) in the artist’s im agination.
9. However, the p a tte rn s used in sand p a in tin g (ain’t, aren’t)
lim ited to this a rt form .
10. V ariations o f th e sacred designs can be fo u n d alm ost
( anywheres, anywhere) o n item s th a t the Navajos m ake.

A Glossary o f Usage 289

b e s id e , b esides Beside is a p rep o sitio n th a t m eans “by
th e side o f ” som eone o r som ething. Besides, w h en used as a
prep o sitio n , m eans “in a d d itio n to.” As an adverb, besides m eans
“m oreover.”
EXAMPLES That lamp should be placed beside the sofa.

Besides Marcia and Tom, who was cast in the play?

It's too cold to run outside. Besides, the track is still


b e tw e e n , a m o n g Use between w h en referring to tw o item s

at a tim e, even w h en they are p a rt o f a g ro u p consisting o f m ore
th a n two.

EXAMPLES W ho was standing between you and Sue?

Between the season's track meets, I trained very hard.

[Although there may have been more than tw o meets,
the training occurred between any tw o of them.]

There isn't much difference between these three brands

of juice. [Although there are more than two brands, each
one is being compared with the others separately.]

Use am ong w hen referring to a g ro u p ra th e r th a n individuals.

EXAMPLES W e divided the burritos among the five o f us.

There was much discussion among the governors.

[The governors are thought of as a group.]

b rin g , ta k e Bring m eans “to com e carrying som ething.”

Take m eans “to go carrying som ething.” T h in k o f bring as related
to come (to), take as related to go (from ).
EXAMPLES Please bring that chair here.

Now take this one over there.

b u st, b u s te d Avoid using these w ords as verbs in form al

English. Use a fo rm o f eith er burst o r break o r catch o r arrest.
EXAMPLES The pipe burst [not busted] after the storm.

The Japanese raku vase broke [not busted] when it fell.

Mom caught [not busted] our dog Pepper digging in
Avoid common usage
problems. the garden.

Did the police arrest [not bust] the burglar?

290 A Glossary of Usage

c a n 't h a rd ly , c a n 't scarcely T he w ords hardly and Reference Note

scarcely are negative words. They should n o t be used w ith an o th er iTor more about double
negatives, see page 273.
negative word.
EXAMPLES I can [not can't] hardly w ait to hear your new CD.

W e had [not hadn't] scarcely enough paper.

c o u ld o f D o n o t w rite o f w ith th e helping verb could. W rite

could have. Also avoid ought to of, should of, would of, m ight of,
an d m ust of.
EXAMPLES Abdullah could have [not could o f] helped us.

You should have [not should o f] left sooner. 4

d o n 't, d o e s n 't See page 206.

except See accept, except.
fe w e r , less Fewer is used w ith p lu ral w ords. Less is used w ith
singular w ords. Fewer tells “how m an y ”; less tells “how m uch.”
EXAMPLES W e had expected fe w e r guests.

Please use less salt.

g o o d , w e ll Good is an adjective. D o n o t use good to m odify Reference Note

a verb; use well, w hich can be used as an adverb. I For more information
about using good and
NONSTANDARD The steel-drum band played good. well, see page 270.
STANDARD The steel-drum band played w ell.

A lthough it is usually an adverb, well is also u sed as an adjec­

tive to m ean “healthy.”
s /
EXAMPLE I did not feel w e ll yesterday. rHELP“ < y
Feel good and
h a d o u g h t, h a d n 't o u g h t T he verb ought sh o u ld n o t be
feel well mean different
used w ith had. things. Feel good means
NONSTANDARD You had ought to learn to dance the polka. "to feel happy or pleased."
Feel well simply means "to
You hadn't ought to be late for class.
feel healthy."
STANDARD You ought to learn to dance the polka.
or Helping others makes me
You should learn to dance the polka. feel good.
You o u g h tn 't to be late for class. I went home because I
or didn't feel w ell.
You shouldn't be late for class.

A Glossary of Usage 291

^ ^ 2 3 2 3 9 9 Identifying Correct Usage
For each o f th e follow ing sentences, choose the w ord o r w ord
g roup in parentheses th a t is correct according to th e rules o f
form al, stan d ard usage.
EXAMPLE 1. Bike riders (had ought, ought) to know some
simple rules of safety.
1. ought

1. Just ab o u t (everywheres, everywhere) you go these days, you

see people rid in g bikes.
2. Riders w ho w ear helm ets have (fewer, less) m ajo r injuries
th a n riders w ho d o n ’t.
3. W hen A unt Shirley cam e for a visit, she (brought, took) her

bicycle w ith her.

4. In choosing clothes, cyclists (can hardly, c a n t hardly) go
w rong by w earing b rig h t, easy-to-see colors.
5. O n busy streets, groups o f cyclists should ride in single file and
leave space (among, between) their bikes in case of sudden stops.
6. M em bers o f cycling clubs decide (between, among)
them selves on special co m m u n icatio n signals.
7. A cyclist w ho is involved in an accident should n o t try
to ride hom e, even if he o r she seems to feel (well, good).
8. The cyclist should call a fam ily m em b er o r friend w ho
can (bring, take) b o th the rid er a n d the bike hom e.
9. A tire th a t is p u n c tu re d can usually be patched, b u t
you m ay n o t be able to fix one th a t has (burst, busted).
10. M any o f the cycling accidents th a t have h ap p en ed
over th e years (could of, could have) been avoided if
cyclists a n d m o to rists h ad been m o re careful.

Proofreading fo r Correct Usage

Each o f the follow ing sentences contains an e rro r in form al,
stan d ard English usage. Identify each error. T hen, w rite the
correct w ord o r w ords.
EXAMPLE 1. Don't almonds grow somewheres in Africa?
7. somewheres—somewhere

1. C heck the hoses to see w h e th e r a seal has busted.

2. W hen rainfall is low here, there are less rabbits because there
are n o t as m an y p lan ts for th e m to eat.

292 A Glossary of Usage

3 . 1 d id n ’t know you could p ro g ra m co m puters th a t good.
4. Except for the spelling errors, you could o f gotten an A.
5. Tracy’s new h a m ste r has all ready escaped.
6. Even a te n -to n tru c k can’t h ard ly h au l a load this size.
7. T hat bull ain’t likely to appreciate anybody trespassing on
his property.
8. Bring a glass o f ice w ater outside to y o u r father.
9. Chutzpah is a term applied to people w ho have alot o f nerve.
10. You really h a d o u g h t to h e a r T helo n io u s M o n k ’s m usic.

he, she, they D o n o t use a p ro n o u n along w ith its

antecedent as th e subject o f a verb. T his e rro r is called the
double subject.

NONSTANDARD Michael Jordan he was named Most Valuable
STANDARD Michael Jordan was named Most Valuable Player.

hisself, theirself, theirselves These w ords are n o n s ta n ­

d ard English. Use him self a n d themselves.
EXAMPLES Bob hurt himself [not hisself] during the game.

They served themselves [not theirselves] last.

h o w c o m e In info rm al English, how come is often used

instead o f why. In form al English, why is preferred.
INFORMAL How come caribou migrate?
FORMAL Why do caribou migrate?

its, it's Its is a p ersonal p ro n o u n in th e possessive case. Ifs is

a co n tractio n o f it is o r it has.
EXAMPLES The kitten likes its new home, [possessive pronoun]

W e have Monday o ff because it's Rosh Hashana.

[contraction of it is]

It's been a long day. [contraction of It has]

kind, sort, type T he w ords this, that, these, a n d those

should agree in n u m b e r w ith th e w ords kind, sort, a n d type. This
a n d that are singular. These a n d those are plural.
EXAMPLES That kind of watch is expensive, [singular]
Avoid common usage
Those kinds of jokes are silly, [plural] problems.

A Glossary o f Usage 293

k in d o f, s o rt o f In in fo rm a l English, kind o f a n d sort o f are
often used to m ean “so m ew h at” o r “rather.” In form al English,
som ewhat o r rather is preferred.
INFORMAL I feel kind of tired.
FORMAL I feel somewhat tired.

le a rn , te a c h Learn m eans “to acquire know ledge.”

Teach m eans “to in stru c t” o r “to show how.”
EXAMPLES My brother is learning how to drive.

The driving instructor is teaching him.

le a v e , le t Leave m eans “to go away” or “to depart from .”

Let m eans “to allow” or “to perm it.”

NONSTANDARD Leave her go to the movie.

STANDARD Let her go to the movie.
STANDARD Let's leave on tim e for the movie.

less See fewer, less.

lie , la y See page 237.

Reference Note lik e , as Like is a prep o sitio n ; it in tro d u ces a prep o sitio n al
I For more about preposi­ phrase. In info rm al English, like is often used before a clause as
tional phrases, see page a c o n ju n c tio n m ean in g “as.” In form al English, as is preferred.
136. For more about
clauses, see Chapter 6. EXAMPLES Your uncle's hat looked like a sombrero. [Like
introduces the phrase like a sombrero.]

Marcia trained every day as the coach had suggested.

[As the coach had suggested is a clause and needs the
conjunction as, not the preposition like, to introduce it.]

lik e , as if, as th o u g h In form al, sta n d a rd English, like

sh o u ld n o t be used for th e su b o rd in a tin g co n ju n c tio n as if
o r as though.
EXAMPLES The Swedish limpa bread looks as if [not like] it is ready.

The car looks as though [not like] it needs to be


m ig h t o f, m u s t o f See could of.

n o w h e re s See anyways, etc.

294 A Glossary Usa9e

^ 2 5 2 ^ ^ Identifying Correct Usage
For each o f the follow ing sentences, choose the w ord or w ord
g roup in parentheses th a t is correct according to th e rules o f
form al, stan d ard usage.
EXAMPLE 1. Young rattlesnakes (learn, teach) themselves to make
a rattling noise by imitating their parents.
7. teach

1. (Its, I t’s) a so u n d th a t m o st people have learn ed to dread.

2. T he snake’s rattle consists o f “b u tto n s ” o f flesh at th e en d
o f (its, it’s) tail, w hich are shaken against rings o f loose skin.
3. T he rings o f skin (themselves, theirselves) are fragile.
4. (Like, As) zookeepers have discovered, snakes th a t rattle at

visitors all day m ay dam age th eir rattles.
5. ( This kind, These kind) o f snake delivers a p o iso n o u s bite,
b u t rattlesnakes do n o t attack unless threatened.
6. N o t all scientists agree a b o u t (how come, why) certain
snakes have rattles.
7. A ccording to m an y scientists, rattlesnakes (they use, use)
the rattlin g so u n d to frighten enem ies.
8. Som e scientists believe th a t snakes use the rattles (as, like)
o th er anim als use different so u n d s— to co m m u n icate w ith
each other.
9. Snakes d o n ’t have ears; however, they are (sort of, rather)
sensitive to so u n d vibrations.
10. W hen people h ear a rattlesnake, they m ay react (like, as if)
th e situ atio n is an em ergency— a n d it often is.

Proofreading fo r Correct Usage

Each o f the follow ing sentences contains an e rro r in form al,
stan d ard English usage. Identify each error. T hen, w rite the
correct w ord o r w ords.
EXAMPLE 1. I should of known that the painting on the next page
was done by Grandma Moses.
7. should of—should have

1. M y a rt teacher gave m e a assignm ent to w rite a re p o rt a b o u t

any artist I chose.
2. Between all the artists th a t I considered, G ra n d m a M oses
appealed to m e the m ost.

A Glossary o f Usage 295

3 . 1 w en t to th e lib rary a n d looked
for a q u iet place w here I could do
m y research at.
4 . 1 learn ed th a t A nna M ary
R o b ertso n M oses d id n ’t sta rt
p a in tin g u n til she was all ready
in h er seventies.
5. By th en , h er children were
grow n, a n d she h a d less resp o n si­
6. G ra n d m a M oses h a d n o art
teacher accept herself.
7. As you can see in the self-

p o rtra it Rockabye, G ra n d m a
Grandma Moses, Rockabye. Copyright© 1987, Grandma Moses Properties Co., New York. JVIOSCS felt Well ciboilt llCr role clS

a g ran d m o th er.
8. You can’t h ardly help feeling th a t G ra n d m a M oses really
loves these children.
9. M y sister Kim likes this p a in tin g alot.
10. M y re p o rt is already for class now, a n d I can’t w ait to tell m y
classm ates a b o u t G ra n d m a M oses.

of D o n o t use of w ith prepositions such as inside, off, and outside.

EXAMPLES W e waited o u ts id e [not outside o f] the theater for the
ticket window to open.

The glass fell o f f [not o ff o f] the table.

Only Muslims are allowed inside [not inside of] the city
of Mecca in Saudi Arabia.

O f is also unnecessary w ith th e verb had.

EXAMPLE If we h ad [not had o f] tried harder, we would
have won.

o u g h t to o f See could of.

re al In in fo rm al English, th e adjective real is often used as an

adverb m ean in g “very” o r “extrem ely.” In form al English, very,
extremely, o r a n o th e r adverb is preferred.
INFORMAL The new car is real quiet.
Avoid common usage
problems. FORMAL The new car is v e ry quiet.

296 A Glossary of Usage

rise, raise See page 235.

she, he, th e y See he, etc.

s h o u ld o f See could of.

s it, s e t See page 234.

som e, s o m e w h a t D o n o t use some for the adverb somewhat.
NONSTANDARD I like classical music some.
STANDARD I like classical music somewhat.

s o m e w h e re s See anyways, etc.

s o rt See kind, etc.

s o rt o f See kind of, etc.

ta k e See bring, take,

te a c h See learn, teach.

th a n , th e n Than is a subordinating conjunction used in m ak ­ Reference Note
ing com parisons. Then is an adverb m eaning “next” o r “after that.” For information about
subordinating conjunc­
EXAMPLES I sing better than I act.
tions, see page 165. For
W e'll eat first, and then we'll ride our bikes. more about adverbs, see
page 100.
th a t See who, etc.

t h a t th e r e See this here, that there.

th e ir, th e re , th e y 'r e Their is the possessive fo rm o f they.

There is used to m ea n “at th a t place” o r to begin a sentence.
They’re is a co n tra ctio n o f they are.
EXAMPLES Do you have their DVDs?

The lake is over there.

There are five movie theaters in tow n. [There begins the

sentence but does not add to its meaning.]

They're writing a report on the poet Americo Paredes.

th e ir s e lf, th e irs e lv e s See hisself, etc.

th e m Them should n o t be used as an adjective. Use these or those.
EXAMPLE Where did you put those [not them] papers?

th e y See he, etc.

A Glossary o f Usage 297

th is h e re , t h a t th e r e T he w ords here a n d there are n o t
n eeded after this a n d that.
EXAMPLE I like th is [not this here] Chinese dragon kite, but I like
t h a t [not that there] one better.

th is k in d , s o rt, ty p e See kind, etc.

t r y a n d In in fo rm al English, try and is often used for try to.

In form al English, try to is preferred.
INFORMAL I will try and be there early.
FORMAL I will tr y to be there early.

ty p e See kind, etc.


Identifying Correct Usage

For each o f th e follow ing sentences, choose the w o rd o r w ord
g ro u p in parentheses th a t is correct according to th e rules o f
form al, sta n d a rd usage.
EXAMPLE 1. The Amish people {try and, try to) maintain a
simple, traditional way of life.
1. try to

1. In the early 1700s, th e A m ish w ere n o t allow ed to practice

[their, they’re, there) religion in G erm an y a n d Sw itzerland.
2. H earing th at there was m ore freedom in the Am ericas
(than, then) in Europe, the A m ish left their hom es and
settled in N o rth America.
3. Since th a t tim e, they have rem ain ed ( outside of, outside) the
m ain stream o f A m erican life.
4. T he A m ish w ork (real, very) h a rd at p ro d u cin g organically
grow n crops.
5. In A m ish co m m u n ities such as (this, this here) one, m o d e rn
conveniences such as telephones, cars, a n d televisions are
n o t used.
6. T he closeness o f A m ish fam ily life is evident in th e way
( these, them) people b u ild th eir hom es.
7. ( They’re, There, Their) are often three generations— g ra n d ­
parents, parents, a n d children— living in a large residence
m ade up o f several houses.

298 A Glossary o f Usage

8. Pictures an d p h o to g ra p h s are n o t allow ed ( inside of, inside)
A m ish hom es, b u t th e A m ish b rig h te n th eir plain houses
w ith colorful pillows, quilts, a n d rugs.
9. If an A m ish p erso n gets sick, he o r she is alm ost always cared
for by fam ily m em bers ra th e r (than, then) by a doctor.
10. T he A m ish way o f life m ig h t surp rise you (somewhat, some),
yet A m ish co m m u n ities have th riv ed in N o rth A m erica for
nearly three h u n d re d years.

Proofreading fo r Correct Usage

Each o f th e follow ing sentences contains an e rro r in th e use o f
form al, stan d ard English. Identify each error. T hen, rew rite the
sentence to correct th e error.
EXAMPLE 1. It was real cold that spring!
1. real—It was extremely cold that spring!

1. Few people c o m m a n d ed m o re respect a n d a d m ira tio n th en

M o th er Teresa did.
2. N obody can dance like you do, Ariel.
3. These sort o f questions can be found on every standardized test.
4. O h, no! T he baby’s gotten o atm eal all over hisself.
5. T he stru c tu re o f m olecules like these, it can m o st easily be
u n d e rsto o d by bu ild in g a m odel.
6. W h at I w an t to know is how com e we can’t go to th e concert.
7. W ho learned y o u r dog all those tricks?

A Glossary of Usage 299

8. A howdah is one o f th e m seats th a t have a canopy a n d th a t sit
on a cam el or an elephant.
9. T he RV cam psite is ju st o u tside o f tow n.
10. M rs. W hitfield will try a n d explain how th e E uropean
E conom ic C o m m u n ity is organized.

use to , used t o D on’t leave off the d w hen you w rite used to.
The same advice applies to supposed to.
EXAMPLE Gail used to [not use to] be on the softball team.

w ay, w ays Use way, n o t ways, in referring to a distance.

EXAMPLE Do we have a long w a y [not ways] to drive?

w e 11 See good, well.


w h e n , w h e r e D o n o t use when o r where incorrectly to

begin a definition.
NONSTANDARD A homophone is when a word sounds like another
word but has a different meaning and spelling.
STANDARD A homophone is a word that sounds like another
word but has a different meaning and spelling.

w h e re D o n o t use where for that.

EXAMPLE Did you read in the newsletter th a t [not w here] the teen
center is closing?

w h o , w h ic h , t h a t T he relative p ro n o u n who refers to p e o ­

ple only. Which refers to things only. That refers to either people
o r things.
EXAMPLES Jolene is the one w h o called, [person]

Here is the salad, w hich is my favorite part of the

meal, [thing]

The book th a t you w ant is here, [thing]

This is the salesperson th a t helped me choose the

gift, [person]

who, w hom See page 255.

w h o s e , w h o 's Whose is used as the possessive form o f who

Avoid common usage and as an interrogative p ro n o u n . W ho’s is a contraction o f who is or
problems. who has.

300 A Glossary of Usage

EXAMPLES Whose book is this? [possessive pronoun]

Whose is this? [interrogative pronoun]

Who's the new student? [contraction of who is]

Who's read "A W alk to the Jetty"? [contraction of

who has]

w it h o u t , unless D o n o t use th e p rep o sitio n w ithout in

place o f the c o n ju n c tio n unless.
EXAMPLE I can't go unless [not without] I ask Dad.

w o u ld o f See could of.

your, y o u 'r e Your is the possessive fo rm o f you. You’re is the

co n tractio n o f you are.
EXAMPLES Your Saint Patrick's Day party was great!

You're a good friend.

Identifying Correct Usage

For each o f the follow ing sentences, choose th e w ord o r w ord
group in parentheses th a t is correct according to th e rules o f
form al, stan d ard usage.
EXAMPLE 1. Last week I received a letter from Sandra Joyce,
{who's, whose) a good friend of mine.
1. who's

1. W hen I o p ened the envelope, I saw (where, that) she h a d sent

m e chopsticks an d these in stru ctio n s.
2 . “I th o u g h t you’d like (you’re, your) ow n p air o f chopsticks,
w ith in stru ctio n s show ing how to
use them ,” S andra w rote.
3. In stru ctio n s like the ones S andra
sent m e are helpful because c h o p ­
sticks can be h a rd to use (unless,
without) you are show n how.
4. In the letter, S andra to ld m e (that,
where) she a n d h er fam ily h a d been
to N ew York.
5. Because S andra lives in a sm all
tow n, she w asn’t (use, used) to
th e crowds.

A Glossary of Usage 301

6. She enjoyed visiting h er g ran d p aren ts, (w ho’s, whose) h o m e
is near C h inatow n, o n M a n h a tta n Island.
7. W hile h er fam ily was eating in a C hinese resta u ra n t, one o f
the servers, (which, who) was very helpful, show ed h e r how
to use chopsticks.
8. “(Your, You’re) n o t going to believe this,” she w ro te ,“b u t by
the e n d o f the m eal, I was using chopsticks quite well.”
9. E tiquette is (when you use good manners, the use o f good
manners)-, S andra w o n d ered w h e th e r using chopsticks to
eat C hinese food was a m atte r o f etiquette o r o f skill.
10. I’ll w rite S andra th a t I have a long (ways, way) to go
before I’m an expert in using chopsticks.

Proofreading fo r Correct Usage

Each o f the follow ing sentences contains an e rro r in the use
o f form al, stan d ard English. R ew rite each sentence to correct
the error.
EXAMPLE 1. If the quarterback can't play, whose the backup?
1. If the quarterback can't play, who's the backup ?

1. Are you selling you’re old bike or one o f theirs?

2. If th ey ’re n o t their, you can have th e ir seats.
3. D o n ’t go o u tside w ith o u t you w ear those galoshes!
4. Is A lfonso G arcia Robles th e m an w hich was aw arded the
1982 N obel Peace Prize?
5. “Buzzing the runw ay” is w hen a plane flies low a n d fast over
th e runway.
6 . 1 read w here the w ord N ippon m eans “w here th e su n rises.”
7. If this hat isn’t lucky, then how com e every tim e I wear it, I win?
8. Yes, I use to live in M adrid.
9. Please try a n d be ready o n tim e to n ig h t.
10. Listen to Lydia’s new poem ; its dedicated to Q ueen Liliuokalani.

302 A Glossary o f Usage


C hapter Review
A. Identifying Correct Usage
For each o f th e follow ing sentences, choose th e w ord o r w ord
g roup in parentheses th a t is correct according to th e rules o f
form al, sta n d a rd English usage.

1. H elene m ade (fewer, less) m istakes this tim e.

2. T h at resta u ra n t looks (as if, like) it m ig h t be expensive.
3. T hose (kind, kinds) o f gam es are easy to learn.
4. T errance felt (badly, bad) a b o u t losing th e h ouse key.

5. Leticia practiced an h o u r every day (like, as) h er teacher
h a d recom m ended.
6. Divide the sheet m usic (among, between) the three m usicians.
7. We b ro u g h t th e juice, b u t ( it’s, its) still in th e car.
8 . B oth cars h a d p in strip es p a in te d o n (their, there) hoods.
9. T he rice will feed m o re people (then, than) th e b rea d will.
10. “(Your, You’re) a polite y oung m an,” A unt H en rietta to ld Jason.
11. T here’s the police officer (which, who) h elp ed m e yesterday.
12. D id you see in th e new spaper (that, where) farm ers are
losing th eir crops because o f the drought?
13. C hika is the w om an (whose, who’s) going to be m y m ath tutor.
14. T he child cried o u t w hen h er ballo o n (busted, burst).
15. V incent van G ogh d id n o t receive (a lot, alot) o f recognition
d u rin g his lifetim e.
16. Just do your best, a n d everything will be (allright, all right).
17. W ill you (take, bring) th a t N ational Geographic to me?
18. Elyssa m u st (of, have) left h er w allet here.
19. Petra likes salsa m usic (som ewhat, some).
20. C an y o u r b ro th e r (learn, teach) m e how to play th e drum s?
21. Let the bread rise for (a, an) hour, a n d th en p u t it in the oven.
22. Is E m ily co m in g to th e party , o r (a in ’t, isn’t) she?
23. (Leave, Let) m e w alk to th e c o n c ert by m yself.
24. We (should not, hadn’t ought to) let th e cat eat w hatever
it w ants.
25. W h ere d id you (sit, set) th e bag o f groceries?

Chapter Review 303

B. Proofreading for Correct Usage
Read each sentence below, a n d decide w h e th e r it contains an
e rro r in the use o f form al, sta n d a rd English. If the sentence
contains an erro r in usage, rew rite th e sentence correctly. If the
sentence is already correct, w rite C.

26. Try to be real q u iet w hile you are inside th e library.

27. We c a n n o t rid e o u r bikes w ith o u t it stops rain in g .
28. Be careful n o t to k n o c k th e lam p o ff o f th e table.
29. T he c a rto o n page looks as if it got wet.
3 0 . 1 to ld G retch en to try a n d keep still.
31 . W h e re ’s th e salt shaker at?
32. R obbie said th a t th e lock o n th e b ack d o o r is busted.

33. A n d rea th o u g h t we sh o u ld have tu rn e d rig h t at the

stop sign.
34. M r. Funicello seem s k in d o f u n c o m fo rta b le .
35. This here p o e m w ould be easier to m em o rize th a n th a t one.
36. Before 1920, farm ers use to grow stra w b e rrie s here.
37. M y g ra n d m o th e r she w o rk ed in a facto ry w h en she was
m y age.
38. S akura know s h o w com e th e play was canceled.
39. T hose gam e tickets are som ew heres in th is draw er.
40. Before o u r trip , we o u g h t to b u y a m ap.
41. W here d id R ory p u t th e m CDs?
42. T h e ir are tw o brid g es dow nriver.
43. T h e to llb o o th will except q u a rte rs a n d d im es b u t n o t
44. A p ro n o u n is w h e n a w o rd is u sed in place o f a n o u n .
45. By n o o n we h a d all ready seen M r. K err’s film .
46. T he class can ’t h a rd ly w ait to go o n th e field trip to th e
pow er p lan t.
47. T he Im m e rg u ts have a lo n g ways to drive to visit th e ir
g ran d p a re n ts.
48. M y o ld er sister is d o in g v ery well in law school.
49. In th e final seconds o f th e gam e, Lee trip p e d hisself a n d
m issed th e w in n in g basket.
50. I t ’s tru e: M im i d o e sn ’t w a n t to com e to th e N ew Year’s
Eve party.

304 A Glossary of Usage

W riting Application
H Writing a Speech
Using Formal English A local television statio n has
started a new p ro g ra m called Sound-Off. Each speaker o n the
p ro g ram gets five m in u tes on th e air to express an o p in io n ab o u t
a c o m m u n ity issue. C hoose a to p ic th a t you th in k is im p o rta n t,
a n d w rite a speech to su b m it to th e TV station. Use only form al,
stan d ard English in y o u r speech.

P r e w r itin g First, choose a specific topic th a t interests you.

List im p o rta n t facts an d in fo rm a tio n a b o u t th e issue. D o you
have all the in fo rm a tio n you need? If n o t, do som e research at
y our school o r local library. Also, be sure to include y o u r ow n

feelings an d o p in io n s a b o u t y o u r topic. Finally, m ake a rough
outline o f w h at you w an t to say.

W ritin g Use your notes an d outline to help you w rite a draft o f Reference Note
your speech. Try to w rite a lively in tro d u c tio n th a t will grab your For more about state­
ments o f opinion, see
listeners’ attention. In your intro d u ctio n , give a clear statem ent o f
page 698.
opinion. Then, discuss each su p p o rtin g p o in t in a paragraph or
two. C onclude y our speech by restating your m ain point.

R evisin g Ask a frien d to tim e you as you read y o u r speech

aloud. Then, ask y o u r frien d the follow ing questions:
• Is the m ain idea clear? Create various kinds of
texts in the different
• D oes the speech give useful inform ation? writing modes.
Demonstrate awareness
P u b lis h in g P roofread y o u r speech for errors in g ra m m a r or o f formal and informal
form al, stan d ard usage. You a n d y o u r classm ates m ay w a n t to
p resent y o u r speeches to the class. You m ig h t also w an t to
investigate w h eth er a local TV o r radio p ro g ra m w ould
allow you to give y o u r speeches on th e air.

Chapter Review 305

-Z S X 9 ‘ *£55»' -sssa*. ":rs 9 * "tvssy i •’s s a y - :r ry


Capital Letters
Rules for Capitalization

A labam a Course o f Study
SAT 10
C L .1 2 ; C L .1 3; C L .1 4; LF.1

Diagnostic P review
P ro o fre a d in g S e n te n c e s f o r C o rre c t
C a p ita liz a tio n
W rite each w ord th a t requires capitalization in th e follow ing
sentences. If a sentence is already correct, w rite C.
EXAMPLE 1. Next Saturday rachel and i w ill get to watch the
taping o f our favorite TV show.
7. Saturday, Rachel, I

1. T he curtiss soap c o rp o ra tio n sponsors th e television show

called three is two too many.
2. T he show ’s th em e song is “you a n d i m ig h t get by.”
3. M y favorite actor on th e show is joe fo n tan a, jr., w ho plays
the lovable dr. m ullins.
4. T he fem ale lead, janelle bledsoe, used to go to o u r ju n io r
high school rig h t here in h o u sto n , texas.
5. T he action is set in th e w est ju st after th e civil w ar.
6. T he p ro g ram is o n m o n d ay nights, except d u rin g the sum m er.
7. O ne episode took place at a fo u rth o f july picnic, at which
dr. m ullins challenged the sheriff to a grapefruit-eating contest.
8. M s. Bledsoe plays a teacher w ho is m a rrie d to M r. reginald
w ilson foster II, p resid en t o f th e flintsville N ational bank.
9. M rs. foster teaches latin, h o m e econom ics, a n d a rith m e tic I
at flintsville’s o n e -ro o m school.

306 Capital Letters

10. O ne local character, uncle ram o n , once played a practical
joke on judge grim sby rig h t o u tside the m ay o r’s office.
11. Som e people, in cluding m y m o th er, th in k th a t the p ro g ra m is
silly, b u t m y father enjoys w atching it occasionally.
12. Even i d o n ’t th in k it will receive an em m y from th e academ y
o f television arts an d sciences.
13. W hen g ran d m a m u rra y an d a u n t ed n a from m obile,
alabam a, visited us, they w atched th e pro g ram .
14. In th a t m o n d ay n ig h t’s show, an alien n a m e d ro m ax fro m the
plan et zarko stayed at th e sidew inder hotel.
15. T he alien, w ho looked like p resid en t zachary taylor, spoke
english perfectly a n d could read p eo p le’s m inds.
16. H e settled a dispute betw een th e u n io n pacific railro ad a n d
the flintsville ran ch ers’ association.
17. In a n o th e r show a u n ite d states senator a n d ro m ax discussed
th eir views o f justice.
18. In the silliest show, th e people in the next tow n, longview ,
th o u g h t th a t a sea m o n ste r was living in lake c ra n b e rry an d
rep o rted it to the d e p a rtm e n t o f the interior.
19. A week later, m ayor m u rd sto n e lost th e only copy o f his
secret recipe for irish stew a n d saw the recipe in the next
issue o f th e flintsville weekly gazette.
20. O ne tim e a m ysterious stran g er appeared, claim ing he had
sailed a ro u n d cape h o rn on th e ship the gem o f the ocean.
21. A n o th er tim e, the w ealthy lan d o w n e r m abel p latt h ire d the
law firm o f crum bley, lockw ood, a n d starr to sue m ayor
m u rd sto n e a n d th reaten ed to take th e case all the way to the
u n ite d states suprem e court.
22. In th e next episode, a b u d d h ist p riest w ho ju st h a p p e n e d to
be traveling th ro u g h the west o n his way back to china
stopped o ff in flintsville.
23. O nce, w hen som eone m istakenly th o u g h t he h ad fo u n d gold
dow n at c u tte r’s creek, th o u sa n d s o f p rospectors flocked to
flintsville, including three b a n k -ro b b in g m em b ers o f the
feared gum ley Gang.
24. T he program s are tap e d before a live audience in th e m etro
th eater in los angeles, California.
25. You can get tickets to be in th e audience by w ritin g to curtiss
soap co rp o ra tio n , 151 holly avenue, deerfield, m i 49238.
| Using Capital Letters Correctly
Reference Note i 13a. Capitalize the first word in every sentence.
I For more about using EXAMPLES M y dog knows several tricks. Does yours?
capital letters in quota­
tions, see page 365. T he first w ord o f a directly q u o ted sentence sh o u ld begin
j w ith a capital letter.
EXAMPLE Mrs. Hernandez said, "D on't forget to bring your
contributions for the bake sale."

Traditionally, the first w ord o f every line o f p o e try begins

w ith a capital letter.
| EXAMPLE In the night
The rain comes down.
Yonder at the edge of the earth
There is a sound like cracking,
There is a sound like falling.
Down yonder it goes on slowly rumbling.
It goes on shaking.
A Papago poem, “In the Night”

N0TE Some modern poets do not follow this style. If you are using
a quotation from a poem, be sure to use the capitalization that the
poet uses.

Reference Note
I For information on using
13b. Capitalize the first word in both the salutation and the
colons in letters, see i closing of a letter.
page 354. SALUTATIONS Dear Service Manager:
For information on using
Dear Emily,
commas in letters, see
page 349. CLOSINGS Sincerely,
Yours truly,
Reference Note
! For more about common 13c. Capitalize the pronoun I.
nouns and proper
nouns, see page 72. EXAMPLE This week I have to write tw o essays.

; 13d. Capitalize proper nouns.

A p ro p e r noun nam es a p a rtic u la r p erso n , place, th in g , o r idea.

Use capitalization cor­
rectly. Capitalize proper
P roper n o u n s are capitalized. A com m on noun nam es a k in d o r
nouns and adjectives type o f person, place, th in g , o r idea. A c o m m o n n o u n generally is
n o t capitalized unless it begins a sentence o r is p a rt o f a title.

308 Capital Letters

Proper Nouns Common Nouns

Central High School high school

Saturday day
Rigoberta Menchu woman
Cambodia country
Smokey bear
Reference Note
USS N au tilus submarine
I Abbreviations of
the names o f states
Som e p ro p e r n o u n s consist o f m o re th a n one w ord. In these are capitalized. See
nam es, sh o rt w ords such as p rep o sitio n s (those o f fewer th a n five page 333 for more about
using and punctuating
letters) a n d articles (a, an, the) are generally n o t capitalized.
such abbreviations.
EXAMPLES House o f Representatives

Ivan the Terrible Think as a

(1) Capitalize the names of persons and animals.
Some names consist of
more than one part. The
Persons Monica Sone Aaron Neville
different parts may begin
Charlayne Mohandas K. with capital letters only or
Hunter-Gault Gandhi with a combination of capi­
tal and lowercase letters. If
Animals Shamu Trigger you are not sure about the
spelling of a name, ask the
Socks Rikki-tikki-tavi
person with that name or
check a reference source.
(2) Capitalize geographical names. EXAMPLES
Van den Akker,
Type of Name Examples van Gogh, McEnroe,
La Fontaine, de la Garza,
C ontinents Europe South America Ibn Saud
Antarctica Asia
Countries Australia Egypt
El Salvador Saudi Arabia You can use a spellchecker
to help you capitalize
Cities, Towns Miami Indianapolis names correctly. Make a list
of the names you write
Los Angeles Manila most often. Be sure that
you have spelled and capi­
States Tennessee Delaware
talized each name correctly.
Rhode Island Wyoming Then, add this list to your
V ,, , ................
computer's dictionary or
(continued) spellchecker.

Using Capital Letters Correctly 309

Think as a
Reader/Writer | Type of Name Examples

A two-letter state abbrevia­ Islands A le u tia n Islands Long Island

tion without periods is
Crete Isle o f Pines
used only when it is fol­
lowed by a ZIP Code. Both
Bodies o f W a te r A m azo n River Lake O n tario
letters of the abbreviation
are capitalized. No mark Chesapeake Bay Jackson's Pond
of punctuation is used Suez Canal Indian Ocean
between the abbreviation
and the ZIP Code. O th er Geographical M ay o n Volcano Sinai Peninsula
Names P ainted Desert M e te o r C rater
New Orleans, LA 70131-
5140 Streets, H ighw ays M a in S tre et Canary Lane

New York, NY 10003-6981 Eighth A venue H ighw ay 71

Reference Note
N0TE In a hyphenated street number, the second part of the
Hlinaddresses, ab brevia­
number is not capitalized.
tions such as St., Blvd.,
Ave., Dr., and Ln. are EXAMPLE West Thirty-fourth Street
capitalized. For more
about punctuating abbre­
viations, see page 333.
Type of Name Examples

Parks and S herw ood Forest Everglades

Forests Brechtel Park N atio n al Park

M ountains Catskills M o u n t Everest

M o u n t Fuji th e Alps

Regions th e M id d le East Southern

H em isphere
N e w England
Corn Belt
th e W est
th e Southeast
......................... . .J

10TL Words such as east, west, northern, or southerly are not

capitalized when the words merely indicate direction. However,
they are capitalized when they name a particular region.

EXAMPLES A car was going south on Oak Street, [direction]

Capitalize proper nouns The South has produced some of America's great
and adjectives correctly. writers, [region of the country]

310 Capital Letters

£ £ £ 2 2 3 ^ W riting Proper Nouns
For each co m m o n n o u n given below, w rite tw o p ro p er nouns. You
m ay need to use a d ictionary a n d an atlas. Be sure to use capital
letters correctly.
EXAMPLE 1. country
7. Canada, Japan

1. lake 5. teacher 8. ocean

2. co n tin en t 6. athlete 9. city
3. president 7. p ark 10. region
4. highway

Correcting Errors in Capitalization

Each o f the following sentences contains at least one capitalization
error. C orrect these errors by w riting the w ords th a t are in co r­
rectly capitalized an d either changing capital letters to lowercase
letters or changing lowercase letters to capital letters.
EXAMPLE 1. The original Settlers of hawaii came from the

marquesas islands and tahiti.
7. settlers, Hawaii, Marquesas Islands, Tahiti

1. o u r Class is studying hawaii.

2. T h e H a w a iia n islands are located in the pacific ocean,
n early tw e n ty -fo u r h u n d re d m iles W est o f san francisco,
3. H aw aii officially becam e th e fiftieth State in th e u n ite d
states in 1959.
4. O u r teacher, m s. Jackson, explained th a t th e C apital
C ity is hon o lu lu ; she said th a t it is located o n th e s o u th ­
east C oast o f o a h u island.
5. T he largest o f th e Islands is hawaii.
6. O n the southeast shore o f haw aii island is haw aii
volcanoes n a tio n a l park.
7. Ms. Jackson asked, “can anyone n a m e one o f the
Volcanoes there?”
8. Since i h ad been reading a b o u t N atio n al Parks, i raised
m y hand.
9. “T he Park has tw o active volcanoes, m a u n a Loa an d
kilauea,” I answ ered.

Using Capital Letters Correctly 311

10. “These p ictures show how lava fro m kilauea’s e ru p tio n
th re a te n e d everything in its p a th in 1989,” I added.
11. Its crater, h a le m au m a u crater, is th e largest active crater in
th e W orld.
12. “w e’ll go in to m u ch m o re detail a b o u t volcanoes to m orrow ,”
m s. jackson said.
13. th en m s. jackson to ld us th a t h o n o lu lu is pro b ab ly th e m o st
im p o rta n t business center in the pacific ocean.
14. Ever since cap tain W illiam B row n sailed in to the h a rb o r
in 1794, H aw aii has played an increasingly im p o rta n t role
in business.
15. It’s easy to see w hy— H aw aii is m idw ay betw een C o n tin en ts.
16. haw aii’s largest city has a fine seaport; it links jap an , china,
a n d even australia w ith N o rth a n d so u th A m erica.
17. C ultu ral a n d academ ic studies thrive th ere in places such as
the university o f haw aii a n d th e east-w est center.
18. You can even get a look at the iolani palace w here th e Rulers
o f haw aii once lived.
19. P erhaps best o f all, haw aii offers Tourists a day in th e su n at
w aikiki beach.

20. Suddenly, i b lu rte d o u t, “w o u ld n ’t it be great if we could all

go there now !”

312 Capital Letters

(3) Capitalize names of organizations, teams, institutions,
\ /
and government bodies. HELP (
The names of
Type of Name Examples
organizations, businesses,
and government bodies are
O rganizations Clark D ram a Club M o d e rn Language
often abbreviated to a
Junior League Association series of capital letters.

Boston Celtics Los Angeles Dodgers EXAMPLES

National NOW
Dallas Cowboys H u tto Hippos Organization
for Women
Institutions Westside Regional Roosevelt Junior
American AT&T
Hospital High School
Telephone &
G overnm ent U nited Nations Congress Telegraph
Bodies Peace Corps Y o rk City Council National NSF
(4 ) C a p ita liz e t h e n a m e s o f h is to ric a l e v e n ts a n d p e rio d s , Usually the letters in
special e v e n ts , c a le n d a r ite m s , a n d h o lid a y s . such abbreviations are not
followed by periods, but
Type of Name Examples always check an up-to-date
dictionary or other reliable
Historical Events R evolutionary W a r U nited States source to be sure.
and Periods Bronze A g e Bicentennial

Holocaust A g e o f Reason

Special Events Texas S tate Fair Super Bowl

Special Olympics Festival o f States
Think as a
C alendar Items M onday February Reader/Writer
and Holidays M em o rial D ay Thanksgiving Day
The words black and white
may or may not be capital­
ized when they refer to
N0TE Do not capitalize the name of a season unless it is part of a races. Either way is correct.
proper name.
EXAMPLES the w in ter holidays the Quebec W inter Carnival In the 1960s, both Blacks
and Whites [or blacks and
whites] worked to end
(5) Capitalize the names of nationalities, races, and peoples. segregation.

EXAMPLES Mexican Nigerian Within each piece of writ­

ing, be sure to be consistent
African American Iroquois in your use of capitals or
lowercase letters for these

Using Capital Letters Correctly 313

(6) Capitalize the names of businesses and the brand names
of business products.

T yp e o f N a m e E x a m p le s

Businesses Sears, Roebuck Fields Department

and Co. Store
Thirfty Dry Cleaners First National Bank

Business Schwinn Mesa Apple Macintosh

Products GMC Jimmy Callaway Big

Names of types o f products are not capitalized.

EXAMPLES Schwinn bicycle, Apple computer, Callaway golf club

(7) Capitalize the names of ships, trains, aircraft, and


Reference Note T yp e o f N a m e E x a m p le s
■H i
I For information on using
italics in names, see Ships Queen Elizabeth 2 Kon Tiki
page 362.
Trains City o f N ew Orleans Silver M eteo r

A ircraft M em phis Belle Spruce Goose

Spacecraft Voyager 2 Sputnik

(8) Capitalize the names of buildings and other structures.

EXAMPLES Sydney Opera House, St. Louis Cathedral, Aswan Dam,
Eiffel Tower, Brooklyn Bridge

Do not capitalize such words as hotel, theater, or high school

unless they are part of the name o f a particular building or institu­

EXAMPLES Capital Theater a theater

Lane Hotel the hotel

Capitalize proper nouns Taft High School this high school

and adjectives correctly.

314 Capital Letters

(9) Capitalize the names of monuments, memorials, and

Type of Name Examples

Monuments Great Sphinx Washington

Navajo National Monument

Memorials Lincoln Memorial Tomb of the

the Coronado Unknown Soldier

Awards Emmy Award Nobel Prize

Congressional Pulitzer Prize
Medal of Honor

(10) Capitalize the names of religions and their follow ers,

holy days and celebrations, sacred w ritings, and specific

Type of Name Examples ■ 1
Religions and Judaism Christian
Followers Hinduism Muslim

Holy Days and Easter Yom Kippur

Celebrations All Saints' Day Christmas Eve

Sacred Writings Koran Dead Sea Scrolls

Bible Upanishads

Specific Deities God Jehovah

Allah Krishna

»N0TE The words god and goddess are not capitalized when they
refer to a deity of ancient mythology. However, the names of specific
gods and goddesses are capitalized.

EXAMPLES The king of the Norse gods was Odin.

Athena was the Greek goddess of wisdom

and warfare.

Using Capital Letters Correctly 315

(11) Capitalize the names of planets, stars, constellations,
Think as a
Reader/Writer^ and other heavenly bodies.

The word earth is not

capitalized unless it is
Type of Name Examples H H H H i
used along with the names Planets Mercury Venus
of other heavenly bodies
that are capitalized. The Stars Rigel Proxima Centauri
words sun and moon are
generally not capitalized. Constellations Ursa Major Andromeda
EXAMPLES O th er H eavenly Milky Way Comet Kohoutek
Oceans cover three
fourths of the earth's ........................ ................................ J
Which is larger—
Saturn or Earth? ^ 2 5 2 ! 9 E ^ Proofreading Sentences fo r Correct
How many moons Capitalization
does Jupiter have?
Supply capital letters w herever th ey are n eeded in each o f the
follow ing sentences.
EXAMPLE 1. Each arbor day the students at franklin junior high
school plant a tree.

1. Arbor Day, Franklin Junior High School

1. T he golden gate bridge spans the entrance o f san francisco bay.

2. O u r m uslim neighbors, th e R ashads, fast d u rin g the m o n th
o f ram ad an .
3. T he peace corps becam e a go v ern m en t agency by an act
o f congress.
4. D o you th in k th e h en d e rso n h o rn e ts will w in th e play-offs?
5. T h o u san d s o f cherokee people live in th e Sm oky M o u n ta in s
in a n d a ro u n d N o rth C arolina.
6. To stop flooding in th e S outh, th e tennessee valley au th o rity ,
a go v ern m en t agency, b u ilt th irty -n in e dam s on the
Tennessee River a n d th e stream s th a t flow in to it.
7. W hich b io g ra p h e r w on th e pu litzer prize this year?
8. O n new year’s day, m an y fans crow d in to football stadium s
for a n n u a l bow l gam es such as th e rose bowl.
9. C an you see n e p tu n e o r any o f its m o o n s th ro u g h your
10. Have you read any m yths a b o u t apollo, a god once w orshiped
by th e greeks?

316 Capital Letters

^ 2 5 0 3 ^ ^ Proofreading Sentences fo r Correct Think as a
Capitalization Keader/Writer \
Rewrite th e follow ing sentences, using capital letters w herever Misusing a capital letter or
they are needed. a lowercase letter at the
beginning of a word can
EXAMPLE 1. according to my sister, i'm a mall rat.
confuse the meaning of a
7. According to my sister, I'm a mall rat. sentence.

1. the b ran fo rd m all is th e largest in m elville county. EXAMPLE

2. It is on jefferson parkw ay, tw o m iles n o rth o f d u ck lake state I'd like to see inside the
white house. [The sen­
p a rk a n d the big bridge th a t crosses duck lake.
tence means I'd like to see
3. Across the parkw ay from th e m all is o u r new local high inside a particular house
school w ith its park in g lots, playing fields, a n d stadium , that is white.]
h o m e o f the b ra n fo rd panthers. I'd like to see inside the
4. N ear the m all are the am erican legion hall, bow laram a, and White House. [The sen­
tence means I'd like to see
king skating rink.
inside the home of the
5. The m all includes tw o jew elry stores, n icholson’s d e p a rtm e n t president of the United
store, the palace cinem a, a n d thirty-five o th e r businesses. States.]
6. They range fro m sm all sta tio n e ry stores to one o f the finest You may be able to use
restau ran ts in th e m idw est. double meanings effec­
7. The resta u ra n t larue is ru n by m arie a n d jean larue, w ho are tively in poetry or in other

from france. creative writing. In formal
writing, though, you
8. Also in the m all is th e am erican p a p e r box com pany, w hich
should follow the rules of
sells boxes for every packaging need. standard capitalization.
9. M y friends sh aro n a n d earl always shop at gene’s jeans, w hich
specializes in den im clothing.
10. An ou tlet store for n o rth w estern leather goods o f chicago
sells uffizi purses a n d wallets.

Correcting Errors in Capitalization

Each o f the following sentences contains errors in capitalization.
Correct these errors by changing incorrect capital letters to lower­
case letters and incorrect lowercase letters to capital letters.
EXAMPLE 1. African americans in massachusetts have played an
important part in American history.
7. Americans, Massachusetts

1. In B oston, the C rispus attucks m o n u m e n t is a m em o ria l to

attucks a n d the o th e r m en w ho died in th e b o sto n M assacre.
2. A ccording to m any H isto rian s, attucks was a fo rm e r slave
w ho fo u g h t against the b ritish in the am erican R evolution.

Using Capital Letters Correctly 317

V erm ont
H am p sh ire
Cape Ann
Cambridge " Massachusetts
M a s s a c h u s e tts on Bay

Jan Ernst M atzeliger

R hode
C o n n e c tic u t
Islan d Nantucket
S ound

vineyard Nantucket

3. T he d e p a rtm e n t o f the In te rio r has m ad e th e H o m e o f m aria


bald w in a h isto ric b u ild in g in Cambridge.

4. B aldw in was a Leader in th e league for C o m m u n ity Service,
an O rg an izatio n to help th e Needy.
5. O ne o f th e fo u n d ers o f th e N atio n al association for the
A dvancem ent o f colored people, w.e.b. D uB ois, was b o rn
in great B arrin g to n , M assachusetts.
6. A m ark er stands o n th e Spot w here D uB ois lived.
7. Jan e rn st m atzeliger, w ho lived in lynn, invented a m achine
th a t m ad e Shoes easier a n d cheaper to m an u factu re.
8. T he nan tu ck et w haling M useum has in fo rm a tio n a b o u t Peter
green, a Sailor o n the ship john Adams.
9. D u rin g a sto rm at sea, G reen saved th e Ship a n d crew.
10. Use th e M ap o f M assachusetts show n above to locate the
Towns a n d Cities in w hich these no tab le african A m ericans
Crispus Attucks

13e. Capitalize proper adjectives.

Reference Note A p ro p e r adjective is fo rm ed from a p ro p e r n o u n a n d is

I For more about proper capitalized.
adjectives, see page 83.

31 8 Capital Letters
Proper Noun Proper Adjective

Greece Greek theater

Mars Martian moons
Darwin Darwinian theory
Japan Japanese tea ceremony

13f. Do not capitalize the names of school subjects, except

course names followed by numerals and names of
language classes.
EXAMPLES history, typing, algebra, English, Spanish, Latin,
History 101, Music III, A rt Appreciation I

€ E 8 S E P Proofreading Sentences fo r Correct

Supply capital letters w here th ey are n eeded in each o f the
follow ing sentences.
EXAMPLE 1. Rosa said we were eating mexican bread.
7. Mexican

1. T he p ro g ram featured russian ballet dancers.

2. The eu ro p ean C o m m o n M arket im proves in te rn atio n a l trade.
3. T he Scandinavian co untries include b o th N orw ay an d
4. In geography, we learn ed a b o u t th e p laty p u s a n d th e koala,
tw o au stralian anim als.
5. We read several english plays in m y literatu re class.
6 . 1 am p lan n in g to take co m p u ters I next year.
7. O n th e floor was a large persian rug.
8. E ngland, France, Scotland, Russia, a n d the U n ited States
played im p o rta n t roles in Canadian history.
9. T he backyard was decorated w ith Chinese lanterns.
10. Are you taking french o r a rt II?

Correcting Errors in Capitalization

Each o f th e sentences on th e follow ing page contains e rro rs in
capitalization. C orrect these errors by w ritin g th e w ords th a t are
incorrectly capitalized a n d changing capital letters to lowercase Capitalize proper nouns
letters o r changing lowercase letters to capital letters. and adjectives correctly.

Using Capital Letters Correctly

EXAMPLE 1. "what do you know about Modern architecture at the
beginning of the Century, sean?"
7. What, modern, century, Sean

1. In Social Studies, i learn ed a b o u t the fam ous A rchitect F rank

Lloyd W right.
2. O ne o f w rig h t’s b est-k n o w n w orks is his house, fallingw ater,
in bear ru n , Pennsylvania.
3. “Yes, w rig h t still m ay be the b e st-k n o w n am erican architect,”
M rs. Lee said.
4. Louis sullivan (1856-1924) was am o n g the first B uilders in
the u n ite d States to use a steel fram e.
5. A germ an architect h elp ed design th e Seagram B uilding, an
early Skyscraper in th e east.
6. B oth architects a n d th e Public w a n te d new ideas after w orld
w ar II, according to m y arch itectu re 101 teacher.
7. th e use o f reinforced C oncrete m ad e possible large, th in
roofs such as th e one at th e M assachusetts in stitu te o f
8. N ext tuesday we will see a Film a b o u t inventive designs in
th e brazilian capital.

9 . 1 im agine th a t brazilian C itizens are p ro u d o f the architect

O scar niem eyer.
i Think as a 10. H ear m y re p o rt o n th e israeli architect M oshe Safdie d u rin g
Reader/Writer \ H isto ry today.
For special emphasis or
13g. Capitalize titles.
W clarity, writers sometimes
capitalize a title used alone (1) Capitalize the title of a person when the title comes
or following a person's
before a name.
EXAMPLES President Lincoln Mrs. Oliver Wendell
At the ceremony, the M ayor Bradley Commissioner Rodriguez
Queen honored the
Royal Navy. G enerally, a title th a t is used alone o r follow ing a p e rso n ’s
Mr. Biden, the Senator nam e is n o t capitalized, especially if th e title is preceded by
from Delaware, called
a o r the.
for a committee vote.
EXAMPLES The secretary of defense held a news conference.

Lien Fong, our class secretary, read the minutes.

However, a title used by itself in direct address is usually

Capitalize titles correctly. I

320 Capital Letters

EXAMPLES Is it very serious, Doctor?

How do you do. Sir [or sir]?

(2) Capitalize a word showing a family relationship when

the word is used before or in place of a person's name.
EXAMPLES We expect Uncle Fred and A unt Helen soon.

Both M om and Dad work at the hospital.

However, do n o t capitalize a w ord show ing a fam ily

relationship w hen a possessive com es before th e w ord.
EXAMPLE We asked Pedro's m other and his aunt Celia
to be chaperons.

(3) Capitalize the first and last words and all important
words in titles and subtitles.

U n im p o rta n t w ords in titles include

• articles (a, an, the)
• co o rd in atin g co n ju n ctio n s (and, but, for, nor, or, so, y e t) Reference Note
i For more about articles,

• prepositions o f fewer th an five letters (such as by, for, on, w ith)
see page 81. For more
about coordinating con­
Type o f Name Examples junctions, see page 108.
For more about preposi­
Books The Mask o f Apollo Long Claws: An tions, see page 104.

Mules and M en Arctic Adventure

Chapters and "The Circulatory 'T h e Civil W a r

O th er Parts System" Begins" Reference Note
o f Books "Language "Epilogue" I For guidelines on what
titles are italicized, see
H andbook"
page 362. For guidelines
M agazines Popular Mechanics Seventeen on what titles are
enclosed in quotation
Ebony Sports Illustrated
marks, see page 369.
Newspapers The Tennessean The Wall Street
the Boston Globe Journal

Poems "Season at the Evangeline

Shore" "Birches"


Using Capital Letters Correctly 321


Type o f Name Examples

Short Stories "The Purloined "Zlateh the Goat"

Letter" "Broken Chain"

Plays The Three Sisters A D oll's House

A M idsum m er 1 Never Sang fo r
N ight's Dream M y F ather

Movies and Fairy Tale: A True It's a W o n d e rfu l

Videos S tory Life
Babe The W izard o f Oz

Television Hom e Im p ro v e m e n t S tar Trek: The N ext

Series K ratt's Creatures G eneration

Cartoons and Jum p S ta rt Scooby D oo

Comic Strips Cathy D ilb e rt

A udiotapes B u tte rfly Dos M undos

and CDs Falling in to You S p irit

Com puter Sonic the H edgehog Logical Journey

Games and M a th Blaster Sim C ity
Video Games
Rockett's N e w Space Kids

W orks o f A rt M ona Lisa The N ig h t Watch

D avid M ankind's Struggle

Musical The M arriage "America the

Compositions o f Figaro Beautiful"

\ ✓ Historical Magna Carta The Declaration

rHELP— ✓ y Documents Treaty of Paris of Independence
The official title
of a book is found on
the title page. The official N0T!^ The article the at the beginning of a title is not capitalized
title of a newspaper or
unless it is the first word of the official title.
periodical is found on the
masthead, which usually EXAMPLES My father reads The Wall Street Journal.
appears on the editorial
page or the table of Does she work for th e Texas Review ?

322 Capital Letters

Correcting Sentences by
Capitalizing Words
M ost o f the follow ing sentences c o n ta in at least o n e w ord th at
should be capitalized b u t is n o t. C orrectly w rite each incorrect
w ord. If a sentence is already correct, w rite C.
EXAMPLE 1. Ms. Chang is meeting with principal Hodges.
1. Principal

1. Tom H anks’ career really to o k o ff after he starred in the

m ovie big.
2. In 1998, John G lenn, a fo rm er senator, becam e th e oldest
perso n to travel in space.
3. T he assignm ent is to com pare a n d co n tra st A m y Tan’s
story “Two k in d s” w ith B ern ard M a la m u d ’s “T he first
seven years.”
4. R um m aging th ro u g h the pile o f used books, M arcia fo u n d a
copy o f the Complete Poems O f Stephen Crane.
5. O u r English teacher, m rs. F ernandez, has a sm all sculpture o f
the globe th eatre sitting on h er desk.
6. Isn’t it a coincidence th a t y o u r a u n t Jenny a n d m y uncle
H e rb e rt w ork for the sam e com pany?
7. W hich do you prefer, Bob D ylan’s CD Nashville skyline o r his
son’s The wallflowers?
8. Som e o f m y friends claim th a t The Empire strikes back is the
best m ovie o f th e series.
9. D id you rem em b er to clip th a t article we read yesterday in
The Washington post?
10. M om a n d d ad always chuckle w hen th ey read Hagar the

Proofreading Sentences fo r Correct

W rite th e sentences o n th e follow ing page, using capital letters
w herever th ey are needed.
EXAMPLE 1. The series all creatures great and small is being rerun
on public television.
7. The series All Creatures Great and Small is being rerun
on public television.
1. W hile w aiting to interview m ayor w ard, I read an article
in newsweek.
2. Have you read leslie m a rm o n silko’s p o e m “sto ry fro m
b ear c o u n try ”?
3. You have probably seen a pictu re o f the thinker, one o f ro d in ’s
b est-know n sculptures.
4. O n television last night, we saw the m ovie the return o f the
5. Every fo u r years voters elect a p resid e n t a n d several u n ited
states senators.
6. U ncle nick read alo u d fro m francisco jim en e z ’s sh o rt story
“the circuit.”
7. T he rep o rte r asked, “C an you tell us, sen ato r inouye, w hen
you plan to an n o u n c e th e c o m m ittee ’s final decision?”
8. T he m ain speaker was dr. an d rew ho lt, a fo rm er p resident
o f the university o f tennessee.
9. Besides uncle do n , o u r visitors in clu d ed a u n t pat, a u n t jean,
b o th o f m y g ran d m o th ers, a n d m y great-grandfather.
10. T he soccer players listened to coach D aly as he o u tlin ed
defensive strategy.

j ^ 5 2 E E E £ Proofreading Sentences fo r Correct

T he follow ing sentences each contain at least one capitalization
error. C orrectly w rite the w ords th a t require capital letters.
EXAMPLE 1. The waters of the Caribbean are pleasantly warm.
1. Caribbean

1. T he greeks believed th a t zeus, th e king o f th e gods, lived on

m o u n t olym pus.
2. T he titanic sank after h ittin g an iceberg o ff th e coast o f
new fo u n d lan d .
3. M y cousin collects Scandinavian pottery.
4. Stephanie is taking english, m a th II, a n d biology.
5. O n friday we w ere cheered by th e th o u g h t th a t m onday,
m em o rial day, w ould be a holiday.
6. M y pictu re is in to d ay ’s austin American-Statesman.
7. T he quaker oats co m pany has in tro d u c e d a new co rn cereal.
8. In roots, alex haley, a fam ous a u th o r, traces the h isto ry o f
his family.
9. She usually travels to b o sto n o n am erican airlines.

324 Capital Letters

1 0 .1 w anted to n am e m y persian cat after one o f th e justices on
th e suprem e court.

4 Q 2 Q 2 2 J Q ) Proofreading a Paragraph fo r Correct

Each sentence in th e follow ing p a ra g ra p h contains at least one
erro r in capitalization. C orrectly w rite th e w ords th a t require
capital letters.
EXAMPLE [1] Before thanksgiving, i learned some interesting facts
about africa in my history II class.
1. Thanksgiving, I, Africa, History II

[ 1 ] M y teacher, mr. davidson, told us about the m ighty king­

dom s and em pires th at existed for hundreds o f years in africa.
[2] som e o f these kingdom s dated back to the tim e o f the rom an
em pire. [3] O thers rose to pow er during the period know n as the
m iddle ages in europe. [4] For m any years, the people in the king­
d om o f cush did ironw ork and traded along the nile river. [5] Later,
the cush were defeated by the people o f axum , led by king ezana. J
[6] As you can see in the m ap below, several kingdom s in africa

developed betw een lake chad and the atlantic ocean. [7] Three o f
these kingdom s were ghana, m ali, an d songhai. [8] These king­
dom s established im p o rta n t trade routes across the Sahara.
[9] T om bouctou’s fam ous university attracted egyptian and other
arab students. [10] I read m ore ab o u t these african kingdom s and
em pires in o u r textbook, world history: people and nations. %

African Kingdoms and Empires Strait o f ^ X '
T u n is i
C. 200 B.C.-A.D. 1500 Gibraltar 0 c
Mediterranean Sea
— Cush, c. 200 B.C.
— Axum, c. A.D. 500 ■ rakech M e m p h is ^ o 0
Ghana, C.A.D. 900 C egypt I ^ x A ra b ia n
— Mali, C.A.D. 1300 P eninsu la
\ T h e b e s ^ ?>
— Songhai, C.A.D. 1500
••••► Trade route M e m p h is
^ erm a <5
0 250 500
ib o u c to u
0 125 250
Kilometers < um bi
S a le h - Lake A xum
E thiopian
O C E A N H ighlands

Using Capital Letters Correctly 325

Correcting Errors in Capitalization
Each o f the follow ing sentences contains at least one e rro r in
capitalization. C orrectly w rite each in co rrect w ord, changing
capital letters to low ercase letters o r changing lowercase letters to
capital letters.
EXAMPLE 1. On june 25, 1876, sioux and cheyenne warriors
defeated general george a. Custer and his Troops.
1. June, Sioux, Cheyenne, General George A., troops

1. T he D efeat o f general custer o ccu rred at th e battle o f the

little big h o rn .
2. In decem ber o f 1890, m an y Sioux w ere killed by Soldiers in
a battle at w o u n d e d Knee creek in so u th D akota.
3. D epicted by artists, w riters, a n d film m akers, b o th Battles
have becom e p a rt o f am erican H istory.
4. In th e late n in e te e n th century, th e sioux A rtist Kicking bear
p a in te d th e Battle O f the little Bighorn.
5. T he pain tin g , do n e o n m u slin C loth, is show n below.
6. Kicking bear, w ho h im self fo u g h t in th e Battle, p a in te d at the
p in e Ridge agency in so u th D akota, w here he lived.

7. soldiers w ho fo u g h t against kicking Bear described h im as

8. T he w ell-know n A m erican Poet S tephen v in cen t b en et
w rote a b o u t the battle o f w o u n d e d knee in a Poem called
“am erican nam es.”
9. M ore recently, the
a u th o r Dee b ro w n
w rote a b o u t the a m e ri­
can in dians o f th e west
in his b o o k bury m y
H eart a t Wounded knee.
10. In 1970, th e m ovie
Little big M an to ld the
sto ry o f a fictional
121-year-old character
w ho h a d survived the
Battle against general
Battle of Little Bighorn by Kicking Bear (Sioux), 1898. Courtesy of the Southwest Museum, Los Angeles

326 Capital Letters


C h ap ter Review
A. C o r r e c t in g E r r o r s in C a p i t a l i z a t i o n
Each o f th e follow ing sentences c o n ta in s a t least o n e e rro r in
c ap italizatio n . C o rrec t th e e rro rs e ith e r by ch an g in g capital
letters to low ercase letters o r by ch an g in g low ercase letters to
capital letters.
1. Please pick u p a box o f Tide D etergent at th e store.
2. T he “Battle H y m n O f T he R epublic” was w ritte n by Julia
w ard How e.
3. Are we going to uncle Ted’s h o u se for T hanksgiving again?
4. C h arin g cross b o o k shop is o n T h irty -S eco n d Street.
5. M s. w ong always stays at th e F o u r Seasons h o tel w h en she’s
in N ew York city o n business.
6. D o you know if p rofessor Ezekiel will be teaching Creative
W riting d u rin g th e sp rin g semester?
7. In w h a t year was the battle o f gettysburg fought?

8 . M y a u n t rem em bers w hen M o th e r Teresa w on th e N obel
Peace prize.
9. Every w in ter m y G ra n d p a re n ts travel to th e southw est.
10. M y U ncle sid once m et sir W in sto n C hurchill.
11. M r. Salter often rem em bers his old house o n vine street in
M cAllen, Texas.
12. F ather a n d m o th e r traveled all over the W orld w h en they
w ere bu y in g fu rn itu re for th eir a n tiq u e store.
13. T he p rin cip al asked m e, “h o w w ould you like to study
G eography next sem ester?”
14. W h en Jim w ent back to N ew York for C h ristm as, he left his
dog, p ip er, at th e kennel.
15. S om etim es m y M o th e r w orks at h o m e o n friday.
16. G ra n d C anyon N ational p a rk was closed this w eekend
because o f heavy snow.
17. Shall we renew o u r su b scrip tio n to national geographic7.
18. T his ju n e we p lan to w elcom e a sw edish exchange stu d e n t to
o u r hom e.

Chapter Review 3 27
19. W e’re going to W ashington, D.C., to see the w hite house.
20. At th e H e n ry F ord M u seu m in D e a rb o rn , M ichigan, you can
see a replica o f th e spirit ofst. louis, the plane th a t C harles
L indbergh used to fly solo across th e atlantic.
21. At th e C rossbay M arket, i b o u g h t a can o f progresso soup.
22. M y A unt Janice visited P etrified Forest N ational Park.
23. T he R osenbach m u se u m a n d lib ra ry in P hiladelphia is open
Tuesday th ro u g h Sunday.
24. dear M r. Boylan:
I enjoyed y o u r b o o k enorm ously,
sincerely yours,
Jim m y C onnolly
25. In H isto ry class, we learn ed a b o u t queen Elizabeth I.

B. P r o o f r e a d in g S e n t e n c e s f o r C o r r e c t
C a p ita liz a tio n
W rite the follow ing sentences, a n d correct errors in capitalization
either by changing capital letters to low ercase letters o r by ch an g ­
ing lowercase letters to capital letters.

26. M ars, Venus, a n d Jupiter w ere ro m a n gods.

27. The w ind in the willows is m y M o th e r’s favorite book.
28. Davis H ousew ares e m p o riu m has m oved to Fifth street.
29. T he lozi people in A frica live n e a r th e Z am bezi river.
30. “S topping By W oods O n a Snow y Evening” is by R obert
Frost, a Poet from N ew E ngland.
31. D o you k n o w w hen D avid S outer was a p p o in te d to the
suprem e court?
32. N ext M o n d ay is m em o rial day.
33. W h en we traveled th ro u g h th e south, we visited the A ntietam
N atio n al Battlefield.
34. M s. Ling is teaching us a b o u t Chinese culture.
35. Cayuga lake stretches N o rth fro m Ithaca, N ew York.
36. T he m ain religion in In d o n esia is islam , b u t th ere are also
m any In d o n esian b u d dhists.
37. M y older sister is taking Spanish, Science, M athem atics II,
a n d Art.
38. Carlos a n d I h a d tu rk ey sandw iches m ade w ith g erm an m u s­
tard on french bread.
39. We tu rn e d west o n to ro u te 95 a n d stayed on it for five m iles.
40. G eorge Copway, w ho was b o rn in C anada, w rote a b o u t his
people, the ojibwa.

W riting Application
H U s in g C a p it a l L e t t e r s in a L e t t e r Reference Note
I For more about writing
Proper Nouns Students in y o u r class have becom e pen pals personal letters, see
w ith stu d en ts in a n o th e r country. You have been given th e n am e "Writing" in the Quick
o f som eone to w rite. W rite y o u r p en pal a letter in tro d u c in g Reference Handbook.

yourself an d telling a b o u t y o u r school a n d y o u r com m unity. In

y our letter, be sure to use capitalization correctly.

P r e w r itin g N ote the in fo rm a tio n you w an t to give in y o u r

letter. You m ay w ish to include in fo rm a tio n such as y o u r age;
a d escription o f yourself; y o u r favorite books, m ovies, actors,
o r m usicians; som e clubs, organizations, or special activities you
participate in; som e special places, events, o r a ttrac tio n s in your
c o m m u n ity o r state.

W r itin g As you w rite y our draft, keep in m in d th a t y o u r pen

pal m ay n o t recognize nam es o f som e people, places, a n d things
in the U nited States. For exam ple, he or she m ay n o t recognize the
nam es o f y our favorite m ovies or m usical groups. Be sure to use
correct capitalization to show w hich nam es are p ro p e r nouns.

R evisin g Read th ro u g h y o u r letter carefully. Have you left

o u t any im p o rta n t inform ation? Are any p a rts o f y o u r letter
confusing? If so, you m ay w an t to add, cut, o r revise som e details.
Is the to n e o f y o u r letter friendly? Have you follow ed the correct
fo rm for a personal letter?
P u b lis h in g Read y our letter carefully to check for any errors
in gram m ar, spelling, an d p u n c tu a tio n . Use th e rules in this
chapter to help you d o uble-check y o u r capitalization. W ith y our
teacher’s perm ission, p o st a m ap o f th e w orld o n the classroom
wall an d display the letters a ro u n d th e m ap. C re a te v ario u s kinds o f
te x ts in t h e d if fe r e n t
w ritin g m o d e s. W rite a
letter. Use c a p ita liz a tio n

Chapter Review 329

End Marks, Commas, Semicolons,
and Colons
Alabama Course of Study
10b; 9; 10; 10d; 11; 11 c; 11 d
SAT 10
CL.2; CL.13; LF.3

Diagnostic Preview
Using End M arks, Com m as, Sem icolons, and Colons
T he follow ing sentences lack necessary p eriods, q u estion m arks,
exclam ation p o in ts, com m as, sem icolons, a n d colons. Rew rite
each sentence, in sertin g th e correct p u n c tu a tio n .
EXAMPLE 1. Snakes lizards crocodiles and turtles are reptiles
7. Snakes, lizards, crocodiles, and turtles are reptiles.
W x
- HELP 1. Toads a n d frogs on th e o th e r h a n d are am p h ib ian s
All of the
<y 2. Som e tu rtle s live on lan d oth ers live in lakes stream s
punctuation marks o r oceans
that are already in the sen­ 3. Turtles have no teeth b u t you sh o u ld w atch o u t for th eir
tences in the Diagnostic
stro n g h a rd beaks
Preview are correct.
4. T he w ords turtle a n d tortoise are sim ilar in m ean in g b u t
tortoise usually refers to a lan d dw eller
5. T he A frican pancake to rto ise w hich has a flat flexible shell
uses an u n u su al m eans o f defense
6. Faced w ith a th re a t it crawls in to a n a rro w crack in a rock
takes a deep b rea th an d wedges itself in tightly
7. Because som e species o f tortoises are en d an g ered th ey c a n n o t
be sold as pets

330 Punctuation
8. T hree species o f tortoises th a t can be fo u n d in the U nited
States are as follows the desert to rto ise th e go p h er to rto ise
a n d the Texas tortoise
9. The gopher to rto ise lives in th e Southeast a n d th e desert
tortoise com es from th e Southw est
10. Is the In d ia n star to rto ise w hich is now an endangered
species very rare
11. As this k in d o f to rto ise grows older its shell grow s larger the
n u m b e r o f stars o n th e shell increases a n d th eir p a tte rn
becom es m ore com plex
12. The In d ia n star to rto ise requires w a rm th su n light a n d a diet
o f green vegetables
13. Living in fresh w ater soft-shelled tu rtle s have long flexible
beaks a n d fleshy lips
14. T heir shells are n o t really soft how ever b u t are covered by
sm o o th skin
15. Sea tu rtles are th e fastest tu rtle s the green tu rtle can sw im at
speeds o f alm ost tw enty m iles p er hour.
16. M ost tu rtle s can pull th eir head, legs, an d tail in to th eir shell
how ever sea tu rtle s c a n n o t do so.

17. M r Kim m y n eig h b o r up th e street has several tu rtle s in his
backyard p o n d .
18. C om e to m y h ouse a t 4 3 0 in the a ftern o o n , a n d I’ll show you
o u r turtle.
19. At 7 :0 0 P M , we can w atch th a t new PBS d o c u m e n ta ry a b o u t
sea turtles.
20. W anda m ay I in tro d u ce you to Pokey m y p e t tu rtle
21. Pokey w ho has been p a rt o f o u r fam ily for years is a re d ­
eared turtle.
22. T he b o o k Turtles A Complete Pet O w n ers M anual has helped
m e learn how to take care o f Pokey.
23. Pokey has been in m y fam ily for fifteen years and m y parents
say that he could easily live to be fifty if he is cared for properly
24. W h at a great p et Pokey is.
25. D o n ’t you agree w ith m e W anda th a t a tu rtle m akes a
good pet

Diagnostic Preview 331

End Marks
A n en d m ark is a m a rk o f p u n c tu a tio n placed at th e e n d o f a
sentence. Periods, question marks, a n d exclamation points are
e n d m arks.
rW x
p HELP —
14a. Use a period at the end of a statement.
Periods (decimal EXAMPLE Tea is grown in Sri Lanka.
points) are also used to
separate dollars from cents 14b. Use a question mark at the end of a question.
and whole numbers from
tenths, hundredths, and so EXAMPLE Did you see the exhibit about lightning?
14c. Use an exclamation point at the end of an exclamation.
$10.23 [ten dollars and EXAMPLE W hat a high bridge that was!
twenty-three cents]
5.7 [five and seven tenths]
14d. Use either a period or an exclamation point at the end
of a request or a command.

W hen an im perative sentence m akes a request, it is generally

follow ed by a period. W h en an im perative sentence expresses
a strong co m m a n d , an exclam ation p o in t is generally used.

EXAMPLES Please call the dog. [a request]

Call the dog! [a command]

Adding End Marks to Sentences

Use end marks correctly. Rew rite each o f th e follow ing sentences, ad d in g th e necessary
Use periods correctly. Use
en d m arks.
question marks correctly.
Use exclamation points
EXAMPLE 1. Did you know that a choreographer is a person who
creates dance steps
7. Did you know that a choreographer is a person who
creates dance steps?

1. W hy was K atherine D u n h a m called the m o th e r o f A frican

A m erican dance
2. She stu d ied a n th ro p o lo g y in college a n d w on a scholarship
to visit the C aribbean
3. H ow inspiring th e dances she saw in H aiti were
4. W hen D u n h a m re tu rn e d to th e U n ited States, she to u re d the
c o u n try w ith h er ow n professional dance com pany
5. H ow I adm ire such a talen ted p erso n
6. Ask m e any th in g a b o u t K atherine D u n h a m

3 32 Punctuation
7. H ow m any h o n o rs did D u n h a m ’s creativity w in her
8. She was n am ed to the Hall o f Fam e o f the N atio n al M useum
o f Dance in Saratoga, N ew York
9. She was also given the N ational M edal o f A rts for exploring
C aribbean an d A frican dance
10. T he editors o f Essence m agazine praised D u n h a m for helping
to break dow n racial b arriers

14e. Many abbreviations are followed by a period.

.. . .
Types of Abbreviations Examples

Personal Names A . B. G uthrie

W .E .B . DuBois
I Think as a
Livie I. Duran Reader/Writer I
Titles Used w ith Names M r. Mrs. M s. Jr. Sr. D r. W hen w ritin g the initials o f
someone's name, place a
O rganizations and Co. Inc. C orp. Assn. space betw een tw o initials
Companies (S. E. Hinton). Do n o t place
spaces between three
initials (M.F.K. Fisher).

N0TE Abbreviations for government agencies and other widely
used abbreviations are w ritten w ith o u t periods. Each letter of
I Think as a
the abbreviation is capitalized. Reader/Writer |
An a c ro n y m is a w ord
PTA TV UN YWCA form ed fro m th e firs t (or
firs t fe w ) letters o f a series
o f words. Acronyms are
w ritte n w ith o u t periods.
Types of Abbreviations Examples EXAMPLES
UNICEF (United Nations
Addresses A ve. St. Rd. Blvd. P.O .B o x
In te rn a tio n a l Children's
Emergency Fund)
States Tex. Penn. A riz. W ash. N.C.
VISTA (Volunteers in
Times a.m. (ante meridiem, used w ith Service to America)
times from m idnight to noon)
p. m . (post meridiem, used w ith
times from noon to m idnight)
b. c . (before Christ)
a . d. (anno Domini, in th e year
Use abbreviations cor­
o f th e Lord)

End Marks 333

Think as a N0 TE A tw o -letter state abbreviation w ith o u t periods is used only
Keader/Writer when it is followed by a ZIP Code. Both letters of such abbreviations
are capitalized.
The abbreviations a . d. and
B.C. need special atten tio n . EXAMPLE Orlando, FL 32819
Place A.D. before the nu­
meral and B.C. a fter the
numeral. A bbreviations for u n its o f m easure are usually w ritte n w ith ­
EXAMPLES o u t perio d s a n d are n o t capitalized.
A .D . 760 54 B.C.
EXAMPLES mm kg dl oz lb ft yd mi
However, fo r centuries
expressed in words, place However, to avoid confusion w ith th e w ord in, you sh o u ld
both a .d . and B.C. a fte r the use a p e rio d w ith th e abb rev iatio n for inch (in.).

EXAMPLES VJ0TE W hen an abbreviation w ith a period ends a sentence, another

seventh century B.C.
period is not needed. However, a question mark or an exclamation
fo u rth century a . d . point is used as needed.

EXAMPLES W e will arrive by 3:00 P.M.

-H E LP - Can you meet us at 3:30 P .M .?
If you are not Oh no! It's already 3:30 P .M .!

sure w hether you should

use a period w ith an
abbreviation, look up Punctuating Abbreviations
the abbreviation in a
Som e o f the follow ing sentences c o n tain abbreviations th a t have
n o t been correctly p u n c tu a te d . C o rrect each error. If a sentence
is already correct, w rite C.
EXAMPLE 1. Of course, we watch P.B.S.; we love the science shows
it broadcasts.
7. PBS

1. N ot everyone know s th a t W EB D uB ois eventually becam e a

G h an aian citizen.
2. T he w riting isn’t clear, b u t I th in k it says 10 f t 6 in o r 10 f t 5 in.
3. W rite m e in care o f M rs. A udrey C oppola, 10 W atson Ave..
4. Yes, th a t’s in C alifornia— N ovato, C.A. 94949.
5. W ere those clay statues m ad e as far back as 500 B.C?
6. Send y o u r check o r m o n ey o rd er to Lester’s Low -C ost
C o m p u ter C hips, Inc, D u lu th , M inn, a n d receive y o u r new
chips in tw o days!
7. C o u ld you be there at 7:00 P.M.?

334 M Punctuation
8 . 1 w ould never do business w ith a co m pany w hose only
address was a PO box.
9. M iss Finch, D r Bledsoe will see you now.
10. His full n am e is M arv in French Little H aw k, Jr., b u t everyone
calls h im Junior.

Adding Periods, Question Marks, and

Exclamation Points to Sentences
Rew rite each o f th e follow ing sentences, ad d in g th e necessary
periods, q u estion m arks, a n d exclam ation points.
EXAMPLE 1. Do you ever think about how electricity is produced controls

7. Do you ever think about how electricity is


1. Electricity can com e from large hydroelectric

w a te r
pow er stations
2. Wow, these stations certainly do create a lot
o f pow er
3. H ow do hydroelectric pow er stations w ork

4. Look at the diagram to gain a better
un d e rsta n d in g
5. Falling w ater from n a tu ra l falls or
artificial dam s provides the initial
pow er in th e process
6. Have you ever been to N iagara Falls,
New York, to see th e fam ous falls
7. From 12:00 AM. to 12:00 AM.—
constantly, in o th er w ords— the turbine
falls are a tre m en d o u s pow er
8. As you can see, ru sh in g w ater
tu rn s tu rb in es, w hich th en
drive generators
9. W hat exactly are generators, a n d
w hat do they do
— electricity
10. J D explained th a t generators are
the m achines th a t tu rn the m o tio n
o f the tu rb in e s into

End M arks 335

E nd m arks are used to separate com plete th o u g h ts. C om m as,
however, are generally used to separate w ords or groups o f w ords
w ith in a com plete th o u g h t.

14f. Use commas to separate items in a series.

A series is a g ro u p o f three o r m o re item s in a row. W ords,

phrases, an d clauses m ay ap p ear in a series.

Words in a Series

January, February, and M arch are all sum m er months in the

Southern Hemisphere, [nouns]
The engine ra ttle d , cou g h ed , and stalled, [verbs]
The baby was happy, a le rt, p la yfu l, and active, [adjectives]

Phrases in a Series

There w ere fin gerprints at th e to p , on th e sides, and on the

b o tto m , [prepositional phrases]

Cut into pieces, aged fo r a y e a r, and w ell d rie d , th e w ood

was ready to burn, [participial phrases]
To pitch in a W orld Series g a m e , to practice m edicine, and to
run fo r m ayor are all things I hope to do someday.
[infinitive phrases]

Clauses in a Series

W e sang, w e danced, and w e played trivia games, [short

ind ep en dent clauses]
I knew th a t w e w ere la te , th a t the ice cream was m eltin g , and
th a t the car was nearly o u t o f gas. [short subordinate clauses]

Reference Note N0TE Only short independent clauses in a series may be separated
I For information about by commas. A series of independent clauses th a t are long or that
using semicolons, see contain commas should be separated by semicolons.
page 352.
EXAMPLE Yawning, M other closed the curtains; Father, w ho had
just come in, turned on the porch light; and my little
sister, Christina, put on her pajamas.

336 Punctuation
Always be sure th a t there are at least three item s in th e series;
two item s generally do n o t need a c o m m a betw een them .
INCORRECT You will need a pencil, and plenty of paper.
CORRECT You will need a pencil and plenty of paper. ! Think as a
Keader/Writer |
W hen all the item s in the series are jo in e d b y and o r or, do
In your reading, you w ill
n o t use com m as to separate them . fin d th a t some w riters o m it
EXAMPLES Take w ater and food and matches w ith you. th e comma before th e con­
ju n ctio n jo in in g the last
Stephen will take a class in karate or judo o r aikido tw o items o f a series.
next year. Nevertheless, you should
fo rm th e ha b it o f including
this comma. Sometimes a
Proofreading Sentences fo r the Correct comma is necessary to
Use o f Commas make your meaning clear.
Notice how th e comma
Som e o f the follow ing sentences need com m as; o th ers do n o t. If affects th e meaning in the
a sentence needs any com m as, w rite the w ord before each m iss­ fo llo w in g examples.
ing com m a a n d ad d th e com m a. If a sentence is already correct,
w rite C. M o m , Jody and I w a n t to
EXAMPLES 1. Seal the envelope stamp it and mail the letter. go to th e movies. [M om is
being asked fo r her per­
1. envelope, it,
2. You should swing the club with your knees bent and M o m , Jody, and I w a n t to
your back straight and your elbows tucked. go to th e movies. [Three
people w a n t to go to the
2. C
1. T he m o u n ta in s an d valleys o f so u th e rn A ppalachia w ere once
ho m e to the C herokee people.
2. C leveland C in cin n ati Toledo a n d D ayton are fo u r large cities
in O hio.
3. T he captain entered the cockpit checked th e in stru m e n ts an d
prep ared for takeoff.
4. Luisa b o u g h t m angos a n d papayas a n d oranges.
5. T he speaker to o k a deep b rea th a n d read the rep o rt.
6. Rover can roll over w alk o n his h in d feet a n d catch a
tennis ball.
7. T he neighbors searched b e h in d th e garages in the bushes
a n d along the highway.
8. R uben Blades is an a tto rn ey an acto r a n d a singer.
9. E leanor R oosevelt’s courage h er h u m a n ity a n d h er service
Use commas correctly.
to th e n a tio n will always be rem em bered.
Use commas correctly to
10. Tate d u sted I v a cu u m ed a n d Blair w ashed th e dishes. separate items in a series.

Commas 337
14g. Use a comma to separate two or more adjectives that
come before a noun.
EXAMPLES A white dwarf is a tiny, dense star.

Venus Williams played a pow erful, brilliant game.

D o n o t place a c o m m a betw een an adjective a n d th e n o u n

im m ediately follow ing it.
INCORRECT My spaniel is a fat, sassy, puppy.
CORRECT My spaniel is a fa t, sassy puppy.

! T! p s T R I CKS j Som etim es th e final adjective in a series is th o u g h t o f as p a rt

To see whether a comma o f the n o u n . W h en th e adjective a n d th e n o u n are linked in such
is needed between two a way, do n o t use a co m m a before th e final adjective.
adjectives, insert and
EXAMPLES A huge h o rn e d o w l lives in those woods.
between the adjectives
(unshaded and electric, for [not huge, horned owl]
example). If and sounds
An unshaded e lec tric lig h t hung from the ceiling.
awkward there, do not use
a comma.
[not unshaded, electric light]
Another test you can
use is to switch the order of W hen an adjective and a noun are closely linked, they may be
the adjectives. If the sen­ thought of as a unit. Such a unit is called a co m p o u n d nou n.
tence still makes sense
EXAMPLES Persian cat Black Sea French bread
when you switch them, use
a comma.

Proofreading Sentences fo r the Correct

Reference Note
Use o f Commas
I For more information
about compound nouns, M ost o f the follow ing sentences n eed com m as. If a sentence
see page 71. needs any com m as, w rite th e w ord before each m issing co m m a
a n d add th e com m a. If a sentence is already correct, w rite C.
EXAMPLE 1. Chen participated in debate volleyball and drama.
7. debate, volleyball,

1. C arla sneaked in a n d left a huge gorgeous fra g ran t b o u q u e t

o f flowers o n th e desk.
2 . 1 chose th e gift M ichael w ra p p e d it a n d C harley gave it to
G ina a n d Kelly.
3. Sm oking is a costly d angerous habit.
4. In the h u m a n ear, th e h a m m e r anvil a n d stirru p c arry so u n d
waves to th e brain.
5. Buffalo Bill was a Pony Express rid e r a scout a n d a to u rin g
stu n t perform er.

3 38 Punctuation
6. “T he M asque o f the Red D eath ” is a fam ous h o rro r sto ry by
Edgar Allan Poe.
7. A ccording to G reek m ythology, th e th ree Fates spin the
th read o f life m easure it a n d cu t it.
8. LeVar B u rto n played th e intelligent likable character
G eordi on Star Trek: The N ext Generation.
9. The fluffy k itten w ith th e b ro w n w hite a n d black spots is
m y favorite.
10. Falstaff begged for m ercy in a fight ran away a n d later
bragged a b o u t his bravery in battle.

C o m p o u n d S e n te n ce s
I Think as a
14h.Use a comma before and, but, for, nor, or, so, or yet Reader/Writer \
when it joins independent clauses in a compound sentence.
The word so is often
EXAMPLES Tamisha offered me a ticket, and I accepted. overused. If possible, try to
reword a sentence to avoid
They had been working very hard, but they didn't seem
using so.
especially tired.
The Mullaney twins were excited, for they were

It was late, so we went
going to day care for the first time. home.

W hen the in d ep e n d e n t clauses are very sh o rt a n d there
Because it was late, we
is no chance o f m isu n d e rsta n d in g , the co m m a before and, went home.
hut, or or is som etim es om itted.
EXAMPLES It rained and it rained.

Come with us or meet us there.

Reference Note
N0TE Always use a comma before for, nor, so, or yet when joining i For more information
independent clauses. about compound
sentences, see page
EXAMPLE I was tire d , yet I stayed.
175. For more about
simple sentences with
compound verbs, see
D o n o t be m isled by a sim ple sentence th a t contains a c o m ­ page 61.
p o u n d verb. A sim ple sentence has only one in d e p e n d e n t clause.
SIMPLE SENTENCE WITH Usually we s tu d y in the morning and
COMPOUND VERB p la y basketball in the afternoon.
COMPOUND SENTENCE Usually we study in the morning, and we
play basketball in the afternoon, [two
Use commas correctly in
independent clauses] compound sentences.

Commas 339
Correcting Compound Sentences by
Adding Commas
If a sentence needs a com m a, w rite th e w ord before th e m issing
co m m a an d add the com m a. If a c o m m a is unnecessary, w rite
th e w ords before a n d after th e c o m m a a n d o m it th e com m a. If
the sentence is already correct, w rite C.
EXAMPLE 1. Am erican Indian artists have a heritage d a tin g
back thousands o f years and m any o f th em d ra w
on this heritage, to create m odern works.
1. years, heritage to

1. Today’s artists som etim es w o rk w ith n o n tra d itio n a l m aterials

b u t they often use tra d itio n a l techniques.
2. In the p h o to g ra p h below, you can see th e w ork o f the
T ohono O ’o d h a m artist M ary T hom as, a n d begin to ap p reci­
ate this basket w eaver’s skill.
3. T he baskets in the p h o to g ra p h are w oven in th e “friendship
design” an d show a circle o f h u m a n figures in a tra d itio n al
prayer cerem ony.
4. Yucca a n d devil’s claw are used to m ake these baskets

a n d each p la n t’s leaves are a different color.

5. T he Navajo artist D an n y R andeau Tsosie listened to his
g ra n d m o th e r’s stories, a n d learn ed a b o u t his fam ily’s
6. Tsosie’s w orks show h er influence b u t also express his ow n
p o in t o f view.
7. C h ristin e N ofchissey M cH orse learn ed th e skill o f p o tte ry
m aking from h er g ra n d m o th e r a n d now M cH orse can m ake
b eau tifu l bowls.
8. M cH orse has an u n u su a l style for her designs com bine
tra d itio n al Navajo a n d P ueblo images.

340 Punctuation
9. A m erican In d ian jew elry m akers often use pieces o f
tu rq u o ise a n d coral fo u n d in N o rth A m erica a n d th ey also
use o th er stones from a ro u n d the w orld.
10. A m erican In d ia n a rt often looks very m o d e rn yet som e o f
its sym bols a n d p a tte rn s are quite old.

In te rru p te rs
14i. Use commas to set off an expression that interrupts
a sentence.

Two com m as are n eeded if th e expression to be set o ff com es

in the m iddle o f th e sentence. O ne c o m m a is n eeded if the
expression com es first or last.
EXAMPLES Ann Myers, our n eighbor, is a fine golfer.

N atu rally, we expect to win.

My answer is correct, I think.

(1) Use commas to set off nonessential participial phrases

and nonessential subordinate clauses.

A nonessential (o r n on restrictive) p hrase o r clause adds

in fo rm a tio n th a t is n o t needed to u n d e rsta n d th e basic
m eaning o f the sentence. Such a p hrase o r clause can be
o m itted w ith o u t changing th e m ain idea o f the sentence.
NONESSENTIAL My sister, listening to her radio, did not
PHRASES hear me.
Paul, th rille d by th e applause, took a bow.

NONESSENTIAL The Wizard o f Oz„ w hich I saw again last

CLAUSES w e e k , is my favorite movie.
I reported on Secret o f the Andes , w hich was
w ritte n by Ann Nolan Clark.

Each boldface clause o r phrase above can be o m itte d

because it is n o t essential to identify th e w ord o r p hrase it
m odifies. O m ittin g such a clause o r p hrase will n o t change
the m eaning o f the sentence.
EXAMPLES Paul took a bow.

I reported on Secret o f the Andes.

Commas 341
Reference Note D o n o t set o ff an essen tial (o r restrictive) p hrase o r clause.
I For more about phrases, Since such a phrase o r clause tells which one(s), it c a n n o t be
see Chapter 5. For more o m itte d w ith o u t changing th e basic m ea n in g o f th e sentence.
about subordinate
clauses, see page 158. ESSENTIAL PHRASES The people w a itin g to see Michael Jordan
whistled and cheered. [Which people?]

A bowl m ade by M aria M artinez is a

collector's item. [Which bowl?]

ESSENTIAL CLAUSES The dress th a t I liked has been sold.

[Which dress?]

The man w h o tells Navajo fo lk tales is

Mr. Platero. [Which man?]

N otice how the m ea n in g changes w h en an essential p hrase or

clause is om itted.
EXAMPLES The people whistled and cheered.

A bowl is a collector's item.

The dress has been sold.

The man is Mr. Platero.

^0TE> A clause beginning w ith that is usually essential.

EXAMPLE This is the birdhouse th a t I m ade.

Adding Commas to Sentences w ith

Nonessential Phrases and Clauses
Som e o f the follow ing sentences need com m as to set off
nonessential phrases a n d clauses. O th e r sentences are correct
w ith o u t com m as. If a sentence needs com m as, w rite th e w ord
th at com es before each m issing c o m m a a n d a d d th e com m a. If
the sentence is already correct, w rite C.
EXAMPLE 1. My grandfather's favorite photograph which was
taken near Ellis Island shows his family after their
arrival from Eastern Europe.
Use co m m as co rrectly to
se t o ff se n te n c e in te r­ 7. photograph, Island,
ru p ters. Use co m m as c o r­
rectly t o s e t o ff 1. M illions o f im m ig ran ts w ho cam e to th e U nited States
n o n e sse n tia l clauses a n d
n o n e sse n tia l ph rases. betw een a b o u t 1892 a n d 1954 sto p p e d at Ellis Island w hich
is in U p p er N ew York Bay.

342 Punctuation
2. Fam ilies arriving from E urope were
interview ed there.
3. The island a n d its buildings w hich
were closed to the public for m an y
years are now p a rt o f th e Statue o f
Liberty N ational M o n u m e n t.
4. In 1990, Ellis Island rebuilt as a m u se ­
u m was officially o p e n e d to
the public.
5. V isitors w ho w ish to see the
m u seu m can take a ferry ride from
M a n h attan Island.
6 . T he m u se u m ’s lobby crow ded w ith

The Granger Collection, New York.

steam er tru n k s a n d o th e r old baggage
is the visitors’ first sight.
7. O ne special a ttra c tio n in th e m u se u m
consists o f audiotapes a n d videotapes
th a t describe th e im m ig ra n ts’
8. T he R egistry R oom w hich is o n the
second floor som etim es held as m an y as five
th o u sa n d people.
9. T he im m ig ran ts w ho cam e from m an y co u n tries h o p e d to
find freedom a n d a h a p p ie r life in A m erica.
10. Im m ig ran ts w ho cam e to the U n ited States b ro u g h t w ith
th em a strong w ork ethic a n d a variety o f skills th a t helped
to m ake o u r c o u n try great.

(2) Use commas to set off nonessential appositives and

nonessential appositive phrases.

An a p p o sitive is a n o u n o r a p ro n o u n used to identify or

describe a n o th e r n o u n o r p ro n o u n .
NONESSENTIAL My oldest sister, A licia, w ill be at basketball
APPOSITIVE practice until 6:00 p.m.

NONESSENTIAL Jamaica, a popular island fo r tourists, is in

APPOSITIVE the Caribbean Sea.
May I introduce you to Vernon, m y cousin
fro m Jamaica?

Commas 343
D o n o t use com m as to set o ff an appositive th a t is essential
to the m eaning o f a sentence.
ESSENTIAL My sister A lic ia is at basketball practice. [The
APPOSITIVES speaker has more than one sister and must give
a name to identify which sister.]

The planet M e rc u ry is closer to the Sun than any other

planet in our solar system. [The solar system contains
more than one planet. The name is needed to identify
which planet.]

Proofreading fo r the Correct Use of

Commas w ith Appositives and
Appositive Phrases
\ /
f HELP— Rew rite each o f the follow ing sentences, a n d u n d erlin e the
Not all of the
appositive or appositive phrase. T hen, supply com m as w here
appositives in Exercise 6 needed.
require commas.
EXAMPLE 1. Mars one of the planets closest to Earth can be seen
w ithout a telescope.
7. Mars, one o f the planets closest to Earth, can be seen

without a telescope.

1. T he w hole class has read the novel O ld Yeller.

2. Shana A lexander a fo rm e r ed ito r o f a p o p u la r m agazine was
th e m ain speaker at th e conference.
3. T he character S abrina is Josie’s favorite.
4. T he G alapagos Islands a g ro u p o f volcanic islands in the
Pacific O cean w ere n a m e d for th e Spanish w ord th a t m eans
5. R ubber an elastic substance quickly restores itself to its
original size a n d shape.
6. T his bow l is m ad e o f clay fo u n d o n K ilim anjaro th e highest
m o u n ta in in Africa.
7. T he N o rth Sea an a rm o f th e A tlantic O cean is rich in fish,
n a tu ra l gas, a n d oil.
8. Jam ake H ighw ater a B lackfoot/E astern B and C herokee
a u th o r w rote a b o u t th e h isto ry o f his people.
9. At G ettysburg a to w n in Pennsylvania an im p o rta n t battle o f
th e Civil W ar was fought.
10. M y frien d Im elda is teaching m e h o w to m ake em panadas.

344 K M Punctuation
(3) Use commas to set off words that are used in direct
EXAMPLES Ben, please answer the doorbell.

Mom needs you, Francine.

Would you show me, ma'am, where the craft store is?

Correcting Sentences by Using Commas

w ith Words o f Direct Address
Identify the w ords used in direct address in th e follow ing sen ­
tences. T hen, rew rite each sentence, in sertin g com m as before,
after, or b o th before a n d after th e w ords, as needed.
EXAMPLE 1. Listen folks to this amazing announcement!
1. folks—Listen, folks, to this amazing announcement!

1. A ndrea w hen are you leaving for D etroit?

2. Pay a tte n tio n now class.
3. Let us m y sisters a n d b ro th e rs give thanks.
4. Please D ad m ay I use y o u r com puter?
5. Senator please sum m arize y o u r tax proposal.

6. H elp m e m ove this table M arlene.
7. “Tell m e b o th o f you w h at m ovie you w a n t to see,” Jo said.
8. H u rry W illiam a n d give m e th e p h o n e num ber!
9. M rs. Larson w here is Z io n N ational Park?
10. I ’m ju st n o t sure friends th a t I agree w ith you.

(4) Use commas to set off parenthetical expressions.

A p a re n th etica l expression is a side rem a rk th a t adds in fo rm a ­

tio n o r shows a relatio n sh ip betw een ideas.
EXAMPLES Carl, on the contrary, prefers soccer to baseball.

To tell the truth, Jan is one of my best friends.

Common Parenthetical Expressions

by th e way in fact o f course

fo r exam ple in my opinion on th e contrary
how ever 1 suppose on th e o th e r hand
Use commas correctly to
1 believe nevertheless to tell th e tru th set off sentence inter­

Commas 345
Som e o f these expressions are n o t always used p a re n ­
EXAMPLES Of course it is true, [not parenthetical]
That is, of course, an Indian teakwood screen.

I suppose w e ought to go home now.

[not parenthetical]
He'll w ant a ride, I suppose, [parenthetical]

€ 2 S 5 I ! 9 E ^ Correcting Sentences by Using Commas

to Set O ff Parenthetical Expressions
T he follow ing sentences c o n ta in p aren th etical expressions th at
require com m as. W rite th e p a ren th etical expressions, in sertin g
com m as before, after, o r b o th before a n d after th e expressions,
as needed.
EXAMPLES 1. Everyone I suppose has heard of the Hubble Space
1. , I suppose,

2. As a m atter of fact even a small refracting telescope

gives a good view of Saturn's rings.
2. As a matter o f fact,

1. You d o n ’t need a telescope how ever to see all th e b eautiful

sights in the n ig h t sky.
2. For instance on a su m m e r n ig h t you m ig h t be able to view
Scorpio, Serpens, a n d the S erpent Bearer.
3. By th e way you sh o u ld n o t overlook th e M ilky Way.
4. T he M ilky W ay in fact is m o re im pressive in th e su m m e r
th a n at any o th e r tim e o f year.
5. H ercules o f course is an interesting constellation.
6. S tudying th e constellations is in m y o p in io n a m o st in te rest­
ing hobby.
7. It takes an active im a g in a tio n how ever to sp o t som e
8. Sagittarius for exam ple is h a rd to see unless you’re fam iliar
w ith a constellation m ap.
9. Scorpio o n th e o th e r h a n d is quite clearly outlined.
10. A stro n o m y is a fascinating science I think.

346 fl M Punctuation
In tro d u c to ry W o rd s, P h ra s e s , a n d C la u s e s
14j. Use a comma after certain introductory elements.
(1) Use a comma after yes, no, or any mild, exclamation such
as well or why at the beginning of a sentence.
EXAMPLES Yes, you may borrow my bicycle.

Why, it's Lena!

Well, I think you are wrong,

(2) Use a comma after an introductory participial phrase. Reference Note

I For information about
EXAMPLES Beginning a new school year, Zelda felt somewhat
participial phrases,
see page 146.
Greeted with applause from the fans, Rashid ran out
onto the field.

(3) Use a comma after two or more introductory Reference Note

prepositional phrases. I For information about

prepositional phrases,
EXAMPLES At the bottom of the hill, you will see the see page 136.
baseball field.

Until the end of the song, just keep strumming
that chord.

Use a co m m a after a single in tro d u c to ry p rep o sitio n al

phrase w hen th e co m m a is necessary to m ake the m ean in g o f
th e sentence clear.
EXAMPLES In the morning they left, [clear w ithout a comma]

In the morning, sunlight streamed through the window.

[The comma is needed so that the reader does not read
"morning sunlight."]

(4) Use a comma after an introductory adverb clause. Reference Note

EXAMPLES After I finish my homework, I will go to the park. For information about
adverb clauses, see
When you go to the store, could you please pick up a page 164.
gallon of milk?

t1 0TE An adverb clause th a t comes at the end o f a sentence does

not usually need a comma. Use commas correctly to
set off introductory ele­
EXAMPLE I will go to the park after I finish my homework. ments.

Commas 347
£ 2 2 2 3 3 1 Using Commas w ith Introductory
If a co m m a is n eeded in a sentence, w rite the w ord before the
m issing c o m m a a n d a d d the com m a. If a sentence is already
p u n c tu a te d correctly, w rite C.
EXAMPLE 1. Walking among the tigers and lions the trainer
seemed unafraid.
7. lions,

1. Because p em m ican rem ain ed good to eat for several years it

was a practical food for m an y A m erican Indians.
2. A lthough Jesse did n o t w in th e stu d e n t council election he
raised m an y im p o rta n t issues.
3. O n the desk in the d en you will fin d y o u r book.
4. Yes I enjoyed th e fajitas th a t R uben m ade.
5. W alking h o m e from school Rosa saw h er brother.
6. W hen I go to bed late I som etim es have trouble w aking up
in the m orning.
7. Well we can w atch television o r play checkers.
8. A ttracted by the c o m p u te r gam es in th e store w indow

G eorge decided to go in a n d b u y one.

9. At the stoplight o n th e c o rn er o f th e next block th ey m ade
a rig h t tu rn .
10. A fter eating the chickens settled dow n.

C o n v e n t io n a l S it u a t io n s
14k. Use commas in certain conventional situations.
r HELp— ^ y (1) Use commas to separate items in dates and addresses.
Commas are EXAMPLES She was born on January 26, 1988, in Cheshire,
also used in numbers over Connecticut.
999. Use a comma before
every third digit to the left A letter dated November 26, 1888, was found in the old
of the decimal point. house at 980 West Street, Davenport, Iowa, yesterday.
3,147,425.00 N otice th a t a c o m m a separates the last item in a date o r in
an address from th e w ords th a t follow it. However, a com m a
does n o t separate a m o n th from a day (January 26) o r a house
n u m b e r from a street n a m e (980 West Street).

348 fl !» Punctuation
NOTE y se zip c 0Cje correctly on every piece of mail you address.
The ZIP Code follows the tw o -lette r state abbreviation; no punctua­
tion separates the state abbreviation from the ZIP Code.

EXAMPLE Fargo, ND 58102-2728

(2) Use a comma after the salutation of a personal letter and

after the closing of any letter. Reference Note
I For information about
EXAMPLES Dear Dad, Dear Sharon,
using colons for sal­
W ith love, Yours truly, utations in business
letters, see page 354.

^ 1 1 2 3 3 ^ ^ ^ 3 Using Commas Correctly

Rew rite the follow ing sentences, in sertin g com m as w herever they
are needed.
EXAMPLE 1. I received a package from my friend who lives in
Irving Texas.
7. I received a package from my friend who lives in
Irving, Texas.

1. O n M ay 25 1935 th e ru n n e r Jesse O w ens tied o r broke six

w orld tra c k records.
2. T he A m erican Saddle H orse M u seu m is located at 4093 Iro n
W orks Pike L exington KY 40511-8462.
3. M arian A nderson was b o rn on F ebruary 27 1902 in
Philadelphia Pennsylvania.
4. O u r new address will be 1808 Jackson D rive Am es IA
5. O cean C ity N ew Jersey is a p o p u la r seaside resort.
6. O ctober 15 1988 is an im p o rta n t date because I was
b o rn then.
7. Have you ever been to Paisley Scotland?
8. We adopted o u r dog, King B arnabus IV, in Lee’s S um m it
M issouri o n M ay 9 1995.
9. The n atio n al h e a d q u arte rs o f the E n v iro n m en tal Defense
F und is located at 257 Park Avenue S outh N ew York NY
10. D ear Lynn
I am fine. H ow are you a n d y o u r family?
Use c o m m a s correctly in
c o n v e n tio n a l situ a tio n s.

Commas 349
Proofreading Sentences fo r th e Correct
Use o f Commas
V /
,-HELP — ^ For th e follow ing sentences, w rite each w ord th a t sh o u ld be
Too much follow ed by a c o m m a a n d a d d th e c o m m a after th e w ord.
punctuation is just as EXAMPLE 1. The substitute's name is Mr. Fowler I think.
confusing as not enough
punctuation, especially
1. Fowler,
where the use of commas 1. W h at tim e is y o u r a p p o in tm e n t Kevin?
is concerned.
2. M y a u n t said to forw ard h er m ail to 302 Lancelot Drive
CONFUSING Sim psonville SC 29681-5749.
My uncle, Doug, said he
3. G eorge W ashington C arver a fam ous scientist h a d to w ork
would take me fishing,
this weekend, but now,
h a rd to afford to go to school.
he tells me, he will be out 4. Q uick violent flashes o f lig h tn in g cause an average o f 14,300
of town. forest fires a year in th e U n ited States.
CLEAR 5. M y oldest sister K im sent a p o stcard fro m Ewa Hawaii.
My uncle Doug said he 6. A single b ra n c h stuck o u t o f th e w ater a n d the beaver
would take me fishing
grasped it in its paws.
this weekend, but now
7. T he beaver by th e way is a ro d en t.
he tells me he will be out
of town. 8. This h a rd -w o rk in g m am m a l builds dam s lodges a n d canals.

Have a reason for every

9. B uilt w ith th eir entrances u n d e rw a te r the lodges o f A m erican
comma or other mark of beavers are m arvels o f engineering.
punctuation that you use. 10. T he beaver uses its large tail w hich is flat to steer.
When there is no rule
requiring punctuation and
the meanii.^ of the sen­
tence is clear without it, do Proofreading Sentences fo r the Correct
not use any punctuation Use o f Commas
Each o f the follow ing sentences contains at least one e rro r in the
use o f com m as. W rite each w o rd th a t sh o u ld be follow ed by a
com m a, a n d add th e com m a.
EXAMPLES 1. Kyoto's palaces shrines and temples remind visitors of
this city's importance in Japanese history.
7. palaces, shrines,

2. In Japanese Kyoto means "capital city" which is what

Emperor Kammu made Kyoto in a . d . 794.
2. Japanese, city,

1. Kyoto a beau tifu l city was Japan’s capital for m o re th a n

one th o u sa n d years.

350 E 9 Punctuation
2. It still m ay be called the cu ltu ral capital o f Japan for it
contains m any Shinto shrines B uddhist tem ples th e Kyoto
N ational M useum , a n d w o n d erfu l gardens.
3. Yes Kyoto w hich was called H eian-kyo d u rin g th e n in th
cen tu ry was so im p o rta n t th a t an entire p e rio d o f Japanese
history, th e H eian perio d , is n a m e d for it.
4. O riginating from th e m onasteries outside an cient Kyoto the
m agnificent m an d ala paintings feature universal them es.
5. O h haven’t you seen th e w onderful ukiyo-e pain tin g s o f vast
m o u n ta in s a n d tiny people?
6. Believe it o r n o t readers there are now m o re th a n tw enty
colleges an d universities in this treasu red city.
7. Its people h isto ric lan d m a rk s a n d a rt are respected across
the globe.
8. W ith attractio n s like these it’s n o surprise th a t Kyoto is a
p o p u lar to u rist stop.
9. U sed in industries a ro u n d the w orld the tools o f fine crafts
are m ade in Kyoto.
10. Kyoto m an u factu res silk for the fashion in d u stry copper for
artists a n d electricians a n d m achines for businesses.

11. Fine delicate porcelain fro m Kyoto graces m an y tables
a ro u n d the w orld.
12. T he Procession o f th e Eras celebrated every a u tu m n takes
place in Kyoto.
13. T he Procession o f the Eras festival w hich celebrates Kyoto’s
h isto ry begins o n O cto b er 22.
14. T he b eautiful so lem n procession is a rem arkable sight.
15. At the b eg in n in g o f th e festival priests offer special prayers.
16. Portable shrines are carried th ro u g h th e streets a n d
th o u san d s o f co stu m ed m archers follow.
17. E laborate headgear an d a rm o r for exam ple are w o rn by
m archers dressed as an cien t w arriors.
18. Because the m archers n ear th e fro n t represent recent histo ry
they w ear costum es from th e n in e te e n th -c e n tu ry Royal
A rm y Era.
19. M arching at the e n d o f the procession archers w ear costum es
from the e ig h th -ce n tu ry W arrio r Era.
20. The procession is in fact a rich m em o ria l to Kyoto’s long a n d
varied history.

Commas 351
Think as a
Reader/Writer A sem icolon looks like a c o m b in a tio n o f a p e rio d a n d a com m a,
a n d th a t is ju st w hat it is. A sem icolon can separate com plete
Semicolons are most effec­
th o u g h ts m u ch as a p e rio d does. A sem icolon can also separate
tive w hen they are not
overused. Sometimes it is
item s w ith in a sentence m u ch as a co m m a does.
better to separate a com­
pound sentence or a heav­ 141. Use a semicolon between independent clauses if they
ily punctuated sentence are not joined by and, but, for, nor, or, so, or yet.
into tw o sentences rather
EXAMPLES Jimmy took my suitcase upstairs; he left his own travel
than to use a semicolon.
bag in the car.
Garden visitors include A fter school, I w ent to band practice; then I studied in
butterflies, bats, and lady- the library for an hour.
bugs. such creatures ben­
e fit gardens in various Use a sem icolon to lin k clauses only if th e clauses are closely
ways, some by adding related in m eaning.
color, some by controlling
INCORRECT Uncle Ray likes sweet potatoes; Aunt Janie prefers
pests, and all by p o llin a t­
ing plants. the beach.
CORRECT Uncle Ray likes sweet potatoes? A unt Janie prefers
Garden visitors include peas and carrots.

butterflies, bats, and lady- or

bugs. Such creatures ben­
Uncle Ray likes the mountains; Aunt Janie prefers
e fit gardens in various
the beach.
ways, some by adding
color, some by controlling
14m. Use a semicolon rather than a comma before a
pests, and all by p o llin a t­
ing plants. coordinating conjunction to join independent clauses that
contain commas.
CONFUSING I wrote to Ann, Ramona, and Mai, and Jean notified
Charles, Latoya, and Sue.
CLEAR I wrote to Ann, Ramona, and M ai; and Jean notified
Charles, Latoya, and Sue.

sl0TE Semicolons are also used between items in a series when the
items contain commas.

EXAMPLES They visited Phoenix, Arizona; Santa Fe, New Mexico;

and San Antonio, Texas.

Mr. Schultz, my science teacher; Ms. O'Hara, my

Use semicolons correctly.
Use semicolons correctly English teacher; Mrs. Gomez, my math teacher; and
in compound sentences. Mr. Kim, my social studies teacher, attended the
Use semicolons correctly
with items in a series. seventh-grade picnic.

352 Punctuation
^ 2 3 3 9 2 ^ Using Semicolons Correctly
M ost o f the following sentences have a com m a w here there should
be a sem icolon. If the sentence needs a sem icolon, w rite the w ords
before and after the m issing sem icolon a n d insert the p u n c tu a tio n
m ark. If the sentence does n o t need a sem icolon, w rite C.
EXAMPLE 1. Human beings have walked on the moon, they have
not yet walked on any planet but earth.
7. moon; they

1. M iyoko finished her hom ew ork, then she decided to go to

Sally’s house.
2. Each January som e people try to pred ict th e m ajo r events o f
the u p co m in g year, b u t th eir pred ictio n s are seldom accurate.
3. Tie these new spapers to g eth er w ith string, p u t th e a lu m in u m
cans in a bag.
4 . 1 called Tom, Paul, a n d Francine, an d Fred called Amy, Luis,
Carlos, a n d Brad.
5. R eading is m y favorite pastim e, I love to begin a new book.
6. In 1991, W ellington W ebb was elected m ayor o f D enver, he
was the first A frican A m erican to h o ld th a t office.
7. T he tw o com panies m erged, a n d th ey becam e th e largest
consum er goods firm in th e n atio n .
8. Your grades have definitely im proved, you will easily pass
the course.
9. Paris, France, C airo, Egypt, a n d C openhagen, D en m ark , are
all places th a t I w ould like to visit som eday.
10. We haven’t seen the m ovie, for it hasn’t com e to o u r tow n yet.

14n. Use a colon before a list of items, especially after
expressions such as the follow ing or as follows.
EXAMPLES You will need these items for map w ork; a ruler, colored
pencils, and tracing paper.

Jack's pocket contained the following items: a key, a

note from a friend, a button, and tw o quarters.
Use colons correctly. Use
The primary colors are as follows: red, blue, and yellow. colons correctly to intro­
duce a list of items.

D o n o t use a colon betw een a verb an d its object o r betw een
a p rep o sitio n a n d its object. O m it th e colon, o r rew ord the
INCORRECT Your heading should contain: your name, the date,
and the title o f your essay.
CORRECT Your heading should contain your name, the date,
and the title o f your essay.
CORRECT Your heading should contain the following
informations your name, the date, and the title
o f your essay.

INCORRECT This marinara sauce is made of: tomatoes, onions,

oregano, and garlic.
CORRECT This marinara sauce is made of tomatoes, onions,
oregano, and garlic.
CORRECT This marinara sauce is made of the following
ingredients: tomatoes, onions, oregano, and garlic.

VJ0TE Colons are also often used before long formal statements
or quotations.

EXAMPLE My opinion of beauty is clearly expressed by Margaret

W olfe Hungerford in Molly Bawnz "Beauty is in the eye
of the beholder."

C o n v e n t io n a l S it u a t io n s

I Think as a 14o. Use a colon between the hour and the minute.
Keader/Writer EXAMPLE 8:30 A .M . 10:00 p. m .

Use a comma a fte r the

salutation o f a personal 14p. Use a colon after the salutation of a business letter.
letter. EXAMPLES Dear Sir or M adam : Dear Mrs. Foster:
To W hom It May Concern: Dear Dr. Christiano:
Dear Kim ,
Dear Uncle Remy, 14q. Use a colon between chapter and verse in Biblical
references and between all titles and subtitles.
EXAMPLES I Chronicles 2 2 :6 -1 9

"Oral Storytelling: Making the W inter Shorter"

Use colons correctly in
conventional situations.

354 Punctuation
Using Colons and Commas Correctly
M ake each o f the follow ing w o rd gro u p s in to a com plete sen­
tence by supplying th e item called for in th e brackets. Insert
colons an d com m as w here th ey are needed.
EXAMPLE 1. The test will begin at [time].
7. The test will begin at 9:30 a .m .

1. So far, th e class has stu d ie d th e follow ing topics [list].

2. You will n eed these supplies for y o u r science-fair
ex p erim en t [list].
3. If I w ere w ritin g a b o o k a b o u t m y friends a n d m e, I w ould
call it [title and subtitle],
4. M eet m e at th e m all at [tim e].
5. M y classes th is year are th e follow ing [list].
6. You sh o u ld begin y o u r business letter w ith [salutation].
7. T he co n cert begins at [tim e].
8 . 1 n eed th e follow ing from th e h ard w are store [list],
9. T hree co u n tries I w o u ld like to visit are [list].
10. T he alarm is set to go o ff at [tim e].

Using End Marks, Commas, Semicolons,

and Colons Correctly
T he sentences in the follow ing p a ra g ra p h lack necessary end
m arks, com m as, sem icolons, a n d colons. W rite each sentence,
inserting the correct p u n c tu a tio n .
EXAMPLE [1] W hat an unusual clever caring way to help animals
that is
7. What an unusual, clever, caring way to help animals
that is!

[1] A nim al lovers have you h e a rd a b o u t th e S an ctu ary for

A nim als [2] F o u n d e d by L eonard a n d B unny B rook th e sa n c tu ­
ary is a safe h o m e for all kin d s o f anim als [3] T h ro u g h th e years
h u n d re d s o f stray u n w a n te d a n d ab u sed anim als have fo u n d a
h o m e at the sa n ctu a ry [4] It is lo cated o n th e B rooks’ la n d in
W esttow n N ew York [5] O n th e ir tw o h u n d re d acres th e B rooks
take care o f th e follow ing anim als dogs cats cam els elep h an ts
lions a n d even an A ustralian k an g aro o [6] O f course M r. a n d
M rs. B rook also raise chickens keep h o rses a n d lo o k after th eir
o th e r farm anim als [7] T he B rooks th e ir fam ily a n d th e ir friends
care for anim als like this y o u n g cougar th ey also let th e anim als
w o rk for them selves [8] H ow do th e anim als w o rk [9] T he
B rooks fo rm e d th e D aw n A n im al A gency a n d th eir anim als
becam e actors a n d m odels [10] You m ay have seen a cam el o r
som e o f th e o th e r anim als in m agazines m ovies television shows
a n d com m ercials

C h ap ter Review
A. Using End Marks, Commas, Sem icolons,
and Colons Correctly
T he follow ing sentences lack necessary p eriods, q u estio n m arks,
exclam ation p oints, com m as, sem icolons, a n d colons. W rite each
sentence, in sertin g th e correct p u n c tu a tio n .

1. T he follow ing stu d en ts gave rep o rts C arlos Sue a n d Alan

2. Tanay carved this beau tifu l soapstone cooking p o t
3. W alter this is Ellen w ho has tra n sfe rre d to o u r school
4. Calling Sim on’s n a m e I ra n to th e d o o r
5. T he W ilsons’ new address is 3100 D eSoto St N ew O rleans
LA 70119-3251
6 . Have you listened to th a t po d cast Felix
7. Let m e know o f course if you can’t a tte n d
8. Joy o u r club p resid en t will co n d u c t th e m eetin g a n d G ary

o u r recently elected secretary will take notes
9. Looking at the h a rsh b rig h t glare M ai closed th e blinds
10. C arlos M ontoya picked u p the g uitar p o sitio n ed his fingers
a n d s tru m m e d a few chords o f a flam enco song
11. If you h u rry you can get h o m e before 9 00
12. H elp T his is an em ergency
13. By the way Rosa have you seen any o f Alfred Hitchcock’s movies
14. Dave h it a long fly ball b u t Phil was th ere to catch it
15. F looding rapidly th e gully quickly becam e a tre m en d o u s
to rre n t
16. The Grapes o f Wrath w hich is one o f m y favorite m ovies is
a b o u t a fam ily’s struggles d u rin g th e G reat D epression
17. N icaragua P an am a a n d H o n d u ra s are in C en tral A m erica
an d C olom bia Peru an d C hile are in S outh A m erica
18. O n e o f o u r cats Gypsy scooted th ro u g h the d o o r across the
ro o m a n d o u t th e w indow
19. T he Lock M useum o f A m erica a fascinating place in
Terryville C o n n has m o re th a n tw en ty th o u sa n d locks
20. C o u ld th e surp rise gift be in -lin e skates a new football or
tickets to a concert

Chapter Review 357

B. Proofreading a Business Letter
T he follow ing business letter lacks periods, com m as, sem icolons,
an d colons. C orrect each error. If a sentence is already correct,
w rite C.

Gable Books
3 8 7 Monocle Lane
Bozeman, MT 59715
June 2 8 , 2 0 0 9
[21]Dear Mr Gable

[22] Please find enclosed a copy of Edith

Wharton A Biography by R W B Lewis.
[23]I purchased this book recently at
your book shop but I have since discov­
ered that several pages are missing
[24]I am not happy with the book
please send me a new copy.
^ usrrrdU
E . Frome

C. Proofreading for Correct Punctuation

M ost o f the follow ing sentences lack at least one perio d , question
m ark, exclam ation p o in t, com m a, sem icolon, or colon. C orrect
each error. If a sentence is already correctly p u n c tu a te d , w rite C.

26. H e w ent shopping, cooked dinner, a n d w ashed th e dishes.

27. For th e good o f us all please th in k before you act next tim e
28. M r T E H aw k a frien d o f m y m o th e r’s helps m e w ith m ath.
29. C aroline have y o u r relatives arrived
30. Yes M ario th ey cam e ju st last week.
31. At the center o f a m ap o f Texas you will find Brady.
32. O u r new address is 72 M aple Ave R ochester NY 14612.
33. Inger designs th e clothes h e r m o th e r sews th em
34. We follow ed th e trail it led a ro u n d th e garage.
35. T he w orld record in th e long ju m p was held by Jesse O w ens
for several years b u t th e record is now held by a n o th e r
o u tsta n d in g athlete.

36. O n June 15 1983 m y father o p e n e d his first florist shop.
37. Your use o f m aterials, for exam ple, is very artistic.
38. M y hobbies are as follows baseball ballet a n d m agic tricks.
39. After I carry th e groceries in to th e house m y sister pu ts
th em away.
40. Stop th a t n o w Veronica

W riting Application
H I Using Punctuation in an Announcem ent
C o rre c t P u n c tu a tio n Your class is sp o n so rin g a carw ash
to raise m o n ey for a special pro ject or trip. You have been chosen
to w rite an a n n o u n c e m e n t a b o u t the carw ash for p u b licatio n in
a c o m m u n ity new sletter. W rite a b rie f a n n o u n c e m e n t telling
w hen a n d w here th e carw ash will be, h o w m u ch it will cost, w hat
the m o n ey will be used for, a n d any o th e r im p o rta n t details. Be
sure to use e n d m arks, com m as, sem icolons, a n d colons correctly
in your an n o u n c em e n t.

Prewriting List th e in fo rm a tio n th a t you will include in
y our a n n o u n c em e n t. M ake sure you have in clu d ed all th e facts Create various kinds of
people will need to k n o w a b o u t the p u rp o se, tim e, lo cation, a n d texts in the different
writing modes. Use punc­
cost o f the carw ash. tuation correctly.

Writing As you w rite, rem em b er th a t the p u rp o se o f your

an n o u n cem en t is to attract custom ers. S tart w ith an a tten tio n -
grabbing first sentence th a t explains th e p u rp o se o f the carw ash.
Be sure to present all y our in fo rm a tio n in clear, com plete sen­
tences. A dd any im p o rta n t details th a t you did n o t list earlier.

Revising Ask a frien d to read y o u r a n n o u n c em e n t. Is it clear

a n d straightforw ard? D oes it convince y o u r frien d th a t th e car-
w ash is for a good cause? If n o t, revise, rearrange, o r ad d details.

Publishing As you p ro o fread y o u r a n n o u n c e m e n t, pay spe­

cial a tte n tio n to y o u r use o f p u n c tu a tio n . R em em ber to check
the placem ent o f colons in expressions o f tim e. You m ay w ish to
offer your a n n o u n c em e n t-w ritin g services to a club o r service
organization at y o u r school.

C hapter Review 359


m^ 0 Underlining (Italics), Quotation
Marks, Apostrophes, Hyphens,
Alabama Course of Study
Parentheses, Brackets, and Dashes
9; 10; 10a £

SAT 10
LF.3; LF.8

Diagnostic Preview
A. Proofreading Sentences fo r th e Correct Use
o f U nderlining (Italics), Q u otation Marks,
Apostrophes, Hyphens, Parentheses, Brackets,
and Dashes
Revise each o f th e follow ing sentences so th at un d erlin in g ,
q u o ta tio n m arks, apostrophes, hyphens, parentheses, brackets,
an d dashes are used correctly.
r-H E LP-
Sentences in
< EXAMPLE 1. "May I borrow your copy of 'Life' magazine?" Phil
the Diagnostic Preview, asked Alan.
Part A, may contain more
7. "May I borrow your copy o f Life magazine?" Phil
than one error.
asked Alan.

1. Boris K arloff (his real n a m e was W illiam H e n ry P ra tt played

th e m o n ste r in th e o riginal m ovie version o f Frankenstein.
2. “Ive never k n o w n — do you? w h at the w o rd kith m eans,”
Paul said.
3. “It (the new version o f the softw are) corrects th a t problem ,”
said Steve.
4. I ’ve h e a rd th a t th e p ro g ra m s a n n o u n c e r a n d interview er will
be C onnie C hung, a favorite o f m ine.

36 0 fl 9 Punctuation
5. A nne said th a t “N o rm a co u ld n ’t u n d e rsta n d w hy tw en ty tw o
people h ad voted against having th e dance o n a Friday night.
6. “A tw o th ird s m ajo rity said th ey d id n ’t w an t to have it th en ,
Shaw n said.
7. Fred said, This m agazine article titled L uxury Liners o f the
Past is interesting.”
8. “D oes th e public lib rary have copies o f T he Sem inole
T ribune o r any o th er A m erican In d ia n new spapers”?
Tanya asked.
9. M y sisters’ enjoy reading folk tales like th e stories in Two
Ways to C o u n t to Ten by R uby Dee.
10. T he G arcia’s cat is I d o n ’t th in k they know living in o u r
garage,” M ary said.

B. Punctuating Q uotations Correctly

A dd q u o ta tio n m arks w here th ey are n eeded in each o f the
follow ing sentences.
EXAMPLE 1. I wonder why so many people enjoy collecting things,
said J. D.
1. "I wonder why so many people enjoy collecting
things," said J. D.

1 1 .1 know I do! Julia exclaim ed.

12. Tom as said, M y g ra n d m o th e r said, It’s th e th rill o f th e h u n t.
13. D o you collect anything as a hobby? Josh asked M arsha.
14. N o, M arsha answ ered, b u t I know a p e rso n w ho collects old
cam eras a n d an tiq u e costum e jewelry.
15. M y a u n t collects John M cC orm ack’s records, Kevin said. D o
you know w ho he is?
16. I’m n o t sure, Julia said, b u t I th in k th a t he was an Irish singer.
17. Yes, he sang in th e opera; he also sang p o p u la r Irish songs
such as T he Rose o f Tralee, Kevin said.
18. M y step b ro th er has a collection o f arrow heads. H e h asn ’t
been collecting th e m very long, Sydney said.
19. You sh o u ld see M rs. K om inek’s collection o f C hinese jade
carvings, J. D. said. It’s great!
20. Som e people— I ’m sure you know — have o d d collections,
Josh said. For instance, m y a u n t collects old shoelaces.
Underlining (Italics)
Italics are p rin te d letters th a t lean to th e rig h t— like this. W hen
you w rite o r type, you show th a t a w ord sh o u ld be italicized by
u n d e rlin in g it. If y o u r co m p o sitio n w ere p rin te d , th e typesetter
w ould set th e u n d e rlin e d w ords in italics. For exam ple, if you
ty p ed
Gary Soto wrote Pacific Crossing,

the sentence w ould be p rin te d like this:

Gary Soto wrote Pacific Crossing.

Reference Note 15a. Use underlining (italics) for titles and subtitles of
For examples of titles books, plays, periodicals, films, television series, works of
that are not italicized art, and long musical works.
but are enclosed in
quotation marks,
T yp e o f N a m e E x a m p le s

see page 369.

Books M y Life and Hard Life on the

Times Mississippi

To Kill a M aud Martha

M ockingbird

Plays Our Town I Never Sang fo r

Ham let M y Father

Periodicals the Daily News National

Essence Geographic

Films The M altese Stand and

Falcon Deliver

Television Nova Bill Nye the

Series Sesame Street Science Guy

W orks o f A rt Starry Night The Dream

Am erican Gothic View o f Toledo

Long Musical Carmen Don Giovanni

W orks A n Am erican M usic fo r the
in Paris Royal Firew orks
. .. _ .„.... m
Use italics correctly. I

36 2 X Punctuation
15b. Use underlining (italics) for the names of ships, trains,
aircraft, and spacecraft.

E x a m p le s

HMS Titanic th e USS

th e Pequod Eisenhow er

th e City o f th e O rient Express

I Think as a
New Orleans Golden A rro w
Reader/Writer |
th e Silver Dart th e Hindenburg Now and then, writers will
use underlining (italics) for
Soyuz X I Atlantis emphasis, especially in writ­
ten dialogue. Read the fol­
lowing sentences aloud.
N0TE Underline (italicize) an article at the beginning of a title only Notice that by italicizing
if it is the first word of the official title. Check the table o f contents different words, the writer
or the masthead to find the preferred style for the title. can change the meaning of
the sentence.
EXAMPLES Would you like to subscribe to th e San Francisco X
"Are you going to buy

The Seattle Times is a daily newspaper. the green shirt?" asked
Ellen. [Will you buy the
green shirt, not the blue
15c. Use underlining (italics) for words, letters, and one?]
numerals referred to as such. "Are you going to buy
the green s h irtl" asked
EXAMPLES Double the final n before you add -in g in words like
Ellen. [Will you buy the
run n in g.
green shirt, not the green
If your Z's look like 2 ’s, your reader may see 2 0 0 w hen pants?]
you m eant z o o . "Are you going to buy
the green shirt?" asked
Ellen. [Will you, not your
brother, buy it?]
^ G S S IS i® Using Underlining (Italics) Correctly
"Are you going to buy
For each o f the follow ing sentences, w rite a n d u n d e rlin e each the green shirt?" asked
w ord o r item th a t sh o u ld be italicized. Ellen. [Will you buy it, or
are you just trying it on?]
EXAMPLE 1. Does Dave Barry write a humor column for
The Miami Herald?
1. The Miami Herald

1. T he B ritish spell the w o rd h u m o r w ith a u after th e o.

2. In D enm ark, you m ig h t see th e spelling triatlon for th e w ord
triath lo n .

Underlining (Italics) 363

3. T he c u rre n t New sw eek has an inform ative article on
the fam ine in Africa.
4. O u r school paper, th e N orw alk Valley News, is
p u blished weekly.
5. Luis Valdez w rote an d directed La B am ba, a m ovie a b o u t
th e life o f th e singer Ritchie Valens.
6. M r. W eyer said th a t the O ceanic is one o f th e ocean liners
th a t sail to the C aribbean.
7 . 1 th in k the m ovie T he S o u n d o f M usic has som e o f the m ost
beautiful p h o to g ra p h y th a t I have ever seen a n d som e o f the
m o st m em o rab le songs.
8. O u r local th eater g ro u p is p resen tin g T he T im e o f Your Life,
a com edy by W illiam Saroyan.
9. C harles L indbergh’s S pirit o f St. Louis is o n display at the
m u seu m , along w ith th e W right b ro th e rs’ Flyer a n d NASA’s
G em ini IV.
10. T he best novel th a t I read d u rin g vacation was T he S um m er
o f the Swans.

Quotation Marks
15d. Use quotation marks to enclose a d ire c t q u o ta tio n —a
person's exact words.

Be sure to place q u o ta tio n m arks b o th before a n d after a p erso n ’s

exact w ords.
EXAMPLES The sonnet containing the words “ Give me your tired,
your poor, /Your huddled masses/. . . ” is inscribed on the
Statue of Liberty.

“ W hen the bell rings,” said the teacher, “ leave the room

D o n o t use q u o ta tio n m arks for an in direct q u o ta tio n —

a rew ording o f a direct q u o tatio n .
DIRECT QUOTATION Tom predicted, “ It will be a close game.”
H «a [Tom's exact words]

Use quotation marks cor­ INDIRECT QUOTATION Tom predicted that it would be a close game.
rectly. Punctuate quota­ [not Tom's exact words]
tions correctly.

364 ^ Punctuation
15e. A direct quotation generally begins with a capital
EXAMPLES Lisa said, “ The came asada isn't ready yet, but please
help yourself to the guacamole.”

W hile he was in prison, Richard Lovelace wrote a poem

containing the well-known line “ Stone walls do not a
prison make.”

15f. When an expression identifying the speaker interrupts

a quoted sentence, the second part of the quotation begins
with a lowercase letter.
EXAMPLE "Lightning has always awed people," explained
Mrs. W orthington, "and many of us are still quite
frightened by it."

A q u o ted sentence th a t is divided in this way is called a

broken qu otation . N otice th a t each p a rt o f a broken q u o ta tio n
is enclosed in a set o f q u o ta tio n m arks.
W hen the second p a rt o f a divided q u o ta tio n is a com plete
sentence, it begins w ith a capital letter.

EXAMPLE "I can't go today," I said. "Ask me tomorrow."

15g. A direct quotation can be set off from the rest of the
sentence by one or more commas or by a question mark or
an exclamation point, but not by a period.

To set off m eans “to separate.” If a q u o ta tio n begins a sentence, if

a co m m a follows it. If a q u o ta tio n ends a sentence, a co m m a

com es before it. If a q u o ted sentence is in te rru p te d , a co m m a
follows the first p a rt an d com es before th e second part.
EXAMPLES "I think science is more interesting than history,"
said Bernie.

Velma commented, "I especially like to do the


"Yes," Juan added, "Bernie loves experiments, too."

W hen a q u o ta tio n at the b eg in n in g o f a sentence ends w ith a

question m a rk or an exclam ation p o in t, no c o m m a is needed.
EXAMPLES "Is that a good video gam e?" Jane wanted to know.

"I'll say it is!" Debbie exclaimed.

Q uotation Marks 365

15h. A comma or a period should be placed inside the
closing quotation marks. x
EXAMPLES "The Ramses exhibit begins over there," said the museum

Darnell replied, "I'm ready to see some ancient Egyptian

jewelry and artw ork."

15i. A question mark or an exclamation point should be

placed inside the closing quotation marks when the quota­
tion itself is a question or an exclamation. Otherwise, it
should be placed outside.
EXAMPLES "How far have we come?" asked the exhausted man.
[The quotation is a question.]

Who said, "Give me liberty or give me death"? [The

sentence, not the quotation, is a question.]

"Jump!" ordered the firefighter. [The quotation is an


I couldn't believe it when he said, "No, thank you"! [The

sentence, not the quotation, is an exclamation.]

W hen b o th th e sentence a n d th e q u o ta tio n at th e e n d o f the

sentence are questions (o r exclam ations), only one q u estion
m a rk (or exclam ation p o in t) is used. It is placed inside the
closing q u o ta tio n m arks.
EXAMPLE Did Josh really say, "What's Cinco de Mayo?"

Punctuating and Capitalizing Quotations

Use com m as, q u o ta tio n m arks, a n d capital letters w here they are
needed in each o f th e follow ing sentences. If a sentence is already
correct, w rite C.
EXAMPLE 1. Let's go to a movie this afternoon, said Bob.
7. "Let's go to a movie this afternoon," said Bob.

1. W h en I shrieked in fear, th e ush er w arn ed m e to be quiet.

2. At the sam e tim e, Bob w hispered it’s only a m ovie—
calm dow n.
3. H e p o in te d o u t th a t th e people a ro u n d us w ere getting

36 6 Punctuation
4 . 1 quietly replied I’m sorry.
5. You sh o u ld n ’t have scream ed, he com plained.
6. From now on I said to h im I pro m ise I ’ll try to be quiet.
7. W hen the lights cam e on, Bob said “it’s tim e to go.”
8. O utside the th eater he m u tte re d so m eth in g a b o u t people
w ho sh o u ld n ’t go to scary m ovies.
9 . 1 ju st co u ld n ’t help it I explained.
10. You were even afraid Bob p ro tested d u rin g the credits!

^ 2 3 2 3 ® Punctuating and Capitalizing Quotations

Use capital letters, q u o ta tio n m arks, a n d o th e r p u n c tu a tio n
m arks w here they are needed in each o f th e follow ing sentences.
EXAMPLE 1. Ashley Bryan wore traditional African clothes when he
came to our school Elton said.
7. "Ashley Bryan wore traditional African clothes when
he came to our school," Elton said.

1. O h, like the clothes M r. Jo h n so n show ed us in class Janell

exclaim ed
2. E lton asked have you read any o f A shley B ryan’s books
a b o u t A frican culture
3. I’ve read Janell quickly replied th e one titled Beat the Story-
Drum , Pum -Pum
4. I’d like to read th a t again E lton said those A frican folk tales
are w onderful
5. M rs. Ray th in k s Walk Together Children is excellent Janell said
6. Isn’t th a t Elton asked ab o u t
A frican A m erican spirituals

Reprinted with the permission of Atheneum Books for Young Readers, an imprint
of Simon & Schuster Children's Publishing Division from Walk Together Children,
7. You’re rig h t Janell answ ered an d
Bryan w rote th a t spirituals are
A m erica’s greatest c o n trib u tio n
to w orld m usic
8. She added he grew up in N ew York
City and began w riting stories a n d
selected and illustrated by Ashley Bryan.

draw ing w hen he was still in

9. D id you know Elton asked th at
he illustrated his ow n books
10. Bryan m ade w oodcuts to
illustrate Walk Together Children
he added.

Q uotation Marks- 367

Creating Direct Quotations
Revise each o f th e follow ing sentences by changing th e in d irect
q u o ta tio n to a direct q u o tatio n . Be sure to use capital letters an d
p u n c tu a tio n w herever necessary.
EXAMPLE 1. I asked my grandmother whether she would like to
help us paint our float.
1. "Grandma," I asked, "would you like to help us paint
our float?"

1. M ayor A laniz a n n o u n c e d th a t he w o u ld lead the p arad e

this year.
2. Ms. Feldm an asked m e w hat m y plans for the big parade were.
3 . 1 answ ered th a t m y b ro th e r a n d I were bu ild in g a float.
4. She exclaim ed th a t she th o u g h t th a t was terrific.
5. R on rem arked th a t o u r float pro b ab ly h ad so m eth in g to do
w ith sports.
6 . 1 to ld R on th at he was exactly right.
7. A linda asked m e w h at sp o rts will be represented o n th e float.
8 . 1 replied th a t the float will salute sw im m ing, soccer,
an d tennis.

9. R on said excitedly th a t he w o u ld love to help.

10. M s. Feldm an said th a t m y b ro th e r a n d I w o u ld probably
be glad to have help.

15j. When you write dialogue (a conversation), begin a new

paragraph every time the speaker changes.
EXAMPLE The young man smiled, and said, "M y old master, now
let me tell you the truth. My home is not so far away. It is
quite near your temple. We have been old neighbors for
many years."
The old monk was very surprised. "I don't believe it.
You, young man, will have your joke. W here is there
another house round here?"
"My master, would I lie to you? I live right beside your
temple. The Green Pond is my home."
"You live in the pond?" The old monk was even more
"That's right. In fact," said Li Aiqi, in a perfectly serious
tone, "I'm not a man at all. I am a dragon."

Punctuate dialogue “Green Dragon Pond,” a Bai folk tale


368 nB Punctuation
15k. When a quotation consists of several sentences, put
quotation marks only at the beginning and the end of the
whole quotation.
EXAMPLE “ Mary Elizabeth and I will w ait for you at Robertson's
Drugstore. Please try to get there as soon as you can. We
don't w ant to be late for the concert,” Jerome said.

151. Use single quotation marks to enclose a quotation

within a quotation.
EXAMPLES Brandon added, "My mom always says, ‘ Look before you
leap.’ "

"Did Ms. Neuman really say, ‘ It's all right to use your
books and your notes during the test’ ?" asked Sakura.

15m. Use quotation marks to enclose the titles of short Reference Note
works such as short stories, poems, songs, episodes of I For examples of titles
television series, essays, articles, and chapters and other th a t are italicized, see
page 362.
parts of books.
gBgrnam mm m aggHuaBgamamm am m uBm mamm am m
Type of Name Examples

“ A Day's W a it”
“ The M edicine Bag”

“ In Time o f Silver Rain”

“ Birdfoot's G ram pa”

“ The Star-Spangled Banner”

“ Swing Low, Sw eet C hariot”

Episodes o f “ This Side o f Paradise”

Television Series “ G row ing Up Hispanic”
“ Self-Reliance”
“ The Creative Process”

“ Rooting fo r th e Hom e Team ”

“ A nnie Leibovitz: Behind th e Images”

Chapters and “ The N atural W o rld ”

n :< ire re H i»
O th er Parts o f “ The Myths o f Greece and Rome”
Use q u o ta tio n m arks
^0 0 ^s “ The D ouble Task o f Language” correctly.

Q uotation M arks 369

N 0 I EV Titles that are usually set in quotation marks are set in single
I TI PS & T RI CKS [ quotation marks when they appear w ithin a quotation.

In general, the title of a EXAMPLE James said, "We learned 6The Star-Spangled Banner’
work that can stand alone in music class today."
(for instance, a novel, a
movie, or a newspaper)
is in italics. The title of a
work that is usually part Using Q uotation Marks
of a collection or series
In sert q u o ta tio n m arks w here th ey are needed in each o f the
(for instance, a short story,
an episode of a television
follow ing item s. If a sentence is already correct, w rite C.
series, or a poem) is in EXAMPLE 1. Let's sing T h e Ballad of Gregorio Cortez,'
quotation marks. suggested Jim.
1. "Let's sing 'The Ballad o f Gregorio Cortez,'"
suggested Jim.

1. Lani, have you seen m y clarinet? asked Rob. It was o n this

table. I need it for m y lesson this aftern o o n .
2. T he m o st interesting ch ap ter in The Sea Around Us is The
B irth o f an Island.
3. D id n ’t B enjam in F ranklin once say, T im e is m oney? asked
M yra im patiently.

4 . 1 believe m y favorite L angston H ughes p o e m is As I Grew

O lder, said M om .
5. Lea Evans said, O n e o f the greatest changes in architecture
has been in th e design o f churches. T hey n o longer necessar­
ily follow tra d itio n al form s. C hurches have been b u ilt th a t
are shaped like stars, fish, a n d ships.
6. T he latest issue o f Discover m agazine has a fascinating
pictu re o f a shark th a t sw allow ed an anchor.
7. D o you k n o w w hich character asked W h a t’s in a nam e? in
Romeo and Juliet? I asked.
8. Yes, th a t was Juliet, answ ered Li. M y m o th e r used to say th at
to m e w hen I was a little girl. T h a t’s how I first heard o f
9. A h u m a n h a n d has m o re th a n tw enty-seven bones a n d
thirty-five muscles! exclaim ed M arcus. N o w o n d e r it can do
so m uch.
10. T here is an article titled T he C ustom ers Always W rite in
to d ay ’s new spaper.

370 Punctuation
& Z 3 ^ Punctuating Paragraphs
v /
Revise the follow ing parag rap h s, ad d in g q u o ta tio n m ark s an d
o th er m arks o f p u n c tu a tio n w herever necessary. R em em ber
rHELp— ✓ y
The marks of
to begin a new p ara g ra p h each tim e th e speaker changes. If a punctuation that are
sentence is already correct, w rite C. already included in Review
A are correct.
EXAMPLES [1] Mr. Brown asked Can you baby-sit tonight?
7. Mr. Brown asked, "Can you baby-sit tonight?"

[2] Sure I said I'd be happy to.

2. "Sure, " I said. "I'd be happy to ."

[I] Last n ig h t I baby-sat for th e Brow ns, a new fam ily o n o u r

block. [2] C om e in M rs. B row n greeted m e. [3] You m u st be Lisa.
[4] Hello, M rs. Brow n I replied. [5] I’m looking forw ard to m ee t­
ing the children. [6] First M rs. B row n explained I w an t you to
m eet Ludwig. [7] Is he a m em b e r o f th e fam ily I asked. [8] In a
way replied M rs. Brow n as she led m e to th e kitchen a n d p o in te d
to an aging dach sh u n d . [9] T h at is Ludwig. [10] H e rules this
house a n d everyone in it.
[ I I ] M r. B row n en tered th e kitchen an d in tro d u c e d him self.

[12] I see th a t you’ve m et Ludwig he said. [13] Yes M rs. Brow n
answ ered for m e. [14] W hy d o n ’t you give Lisa h er in stru ctio n s
while I go find th e children?
[15] If Ludw ig w hines said M r. B row n give h im a dog
biscuit. [16] Should I take h im for a w alk I asked. [17] No
replied M r. Brow n. [18] Just let h im o u t into the
[19] M rs. B row n cam e back in to the
kitchen w ith the children. [20] D id m y i
h u sb a n d rem in d you to cover Ludw ig
w hen he falls asleep she asked.
[21] I’ll rem em b er I prom ised.
[22] Also, w hat sh o u ld I do for the
children? [23] D o n ’t w o rry said M r.
Brown. [24] T hey’ll behave them selves
an d go to bed w hen th ey ’re supposed
to. [25] As I told you laughed M rs. Brow n
Ludwig rules this h ouse a n d everyone in it,
even the sitter!

Q uotation Marks 371

Possessive Case
T he possessive case o f a n o u n o r a p ro n o u n shows o w nership or
EXAMPLES K ath leen 's desk any b o d y 's guess

his bat an hour's time

th e ir car those horses' manes

15n. To form the possessive case of a singular noun, add an

apostrophe and an s.
EXAMPLES a boy’ s cap Cleon’ s pen

the baby’ s toy Charles’ s opinion

N0TE A proper noun ending in s may take only an apostrophe to

form the possessive case if the addition of an apostrophe and an s
would make the name awkw ard to say.

EXAMPLES the Philippines’ government

Ms. Rodgers’ cat

Using Apostrophes fo r Singular

Identify the w ord th a t needs an a p o stro p h e in each o f th e follow ­
ing sentences. T hen, w rite th e w ord correctly p u n c tu a ted .
EXAMPLE 1. The Prado in Madrid, Spain, is one of the worlds
greatest museums.
1. worlds—world's

1. Show n on the next page is one o f the Prados p ain tin g s by

Diego Velazquez, Las Meninas.
2. Velazquezs p a in tin g is k n o w n in English as The M aids
o f Honor.
3. In the center o f the canvas is Princess M argarita, the royal
couples daughter.
Use a p o s tro p h e s co r­ 4. To the princesss right, a kneeling m aid o f h o n o r offers
rectly. Use a p o s tro p h e s
co rrectly in possessives.
h er so m eth in g to drink:

3 72 Punctuation
5. To the royal childs left,
a n o th e r m aid o f h o n o r
6. O n the far left o f the canvas,
you can see the artists ow n
im age, for he has p a in te d
him self!
7. T he palaces o th e r im p o rta n t
people, such as th e cham ber-
lain a n d a c o u rt jester, also
8. T he faces o f M argaritas
parents are reflected in the
m irro r o n th e back wall.
9. In the foreg ro u n d , th e royal
dog ignores a young guests
inv itatio n to play.
10. This p aintings fam e has
grow n since it was p a in te d in
1656, an d each year m illions
o f people see it w hen th ey visit the Prado.

15o. To form the possessive case of a plural noun that does

not end in s, add an apostrophe and an s.
EXAMPLES mice’ s tracks men’ s hats

children’ s games teeth’ s enamel

wom en’ s shoes Sioux’ s land

15p. To form the possessive case of a plural noun ending

in s, add only the apostrophe.
EXAMPLES cats’ basket four days’ delay

brushes’ bristles the Carsons’ bungalow

5L 9 U In general, you should not use an apostrophe to form the Reference Note
plural of a noun. I For information on using
apostrophes to form
INCORRECT Three girl's lost their tickets.
the plurals of letters,
CORRECT Three girls lost their tickets, [plural] numerals, and symbols
CORRECT Three girls’ tickets were lost, [plural possessive] and of words used as
words, see page 379.

Apostrophes 373
C E Q iS i^ W riting Possessives
U sing th e possessive case, rew rite each o f th e follow ing w ord
groups. Be sure to in sert an ap o stro p h e in the correct place.
EXAMPLE 1. food for the dog
1. the dog's food

1. th e n o m in e e o f th e p a rty 6. th e yard o f M r. G ranger

2. th e clothes o f the babies 7. th e m uscles o f m y foot
3. th e grades o f m y sister 8.- the stren g th o f th e oxen
4. th e n a m e tags o f th e guests 9. th e c o m p u te r o f James
5. th e dish for th e cat 10. the m em bers o f the team s

Reference Note 15q. Do not use an apostrophe with possessive personal

I For more information pronouns.
about possessive
EXAMPLES Is that sticker yours or mine?
personal pronouns,
see page 76. Our cat is friendlier than theirs.

His report on Cherokee folk tales was as good as hers.

Reference Note N 0TEv Do not confuse the possessive pronoun its w ith the contrac­

I For a list of words that tion it's. The possessive pronoun its means belonging to it. The
are often confused, expression it's is a contraction of the words it is or it has.
see Chapter 16.
POSSESSIVE PRONOUN Please give the cat its rubber ball.
CONTRACTIONS It’s tim e for the soccer tournament.
It’s taken three hours.

Reference Note 15r. To form the possessive case of some indefinite

i For more information pronouns, add an apostrophe and an 5.
about indefinite pro­
EXAMPLES neither’ s homework
nouns, see page 78.
everyone’ s choice

somebody’ s jacket

C S 3 3 S Q ) W riting Possessives o f Personal and

Indefinite Pronouns
Rew rite each o f th e follow ing expressions, using th e possessive
case o f each p ro n o u n .
EXAMPLE 1. the park for everyone
7. everyone's park

374 A Punctuation
1. the o p in io n o f th em 6. the logo o f it
2. the fo o tp rin ts o f anyone 7. the idea o f n eith er
3. the fault o f n o b o d y 8. th e backpack o f som eone
4. the tu rn o f either 9. th e guess o f anybody
5. the stereo th a t belongs 10. th e lan d ow ned by
to you n o one

C o n t r a c t io n s
15s. Use an apostrophe to show where letters, words, or
numerals have been omitted (left out) in a contraction.

A con traction is a sh o rte n e d fo rm o f a w ord, a n u m era l, o r a

w ord group. T he a p o stro p h e in a co n tra ctio n shows w here letters
o r n um erals have been left out. C o n trac tio n s are acceptable in
inform al w riting, b u t in form al w riting, you sh o u ld generally
avoid using them . I Think as a
Keader/Writer j
Common Contractions In formal writing, avoid

using a contraction of a
I a m .................. ...........I’ m they had.... ...... they’ d
year. In informal writing, if
2 0 0 9 .................. ...........’ 09 w h ere is.... .... w h e re ’ s the reader cannot deter­
mine the time period from
let u s ............... ........ let’ s w e a r e ....... ....... w e ’ re
the context of the sen­
o f th e d o ck...,.... o’ clock he is............ ...........he’ s tence, it is best to write
she w o u ld ...... ...... she’ d you w ill...... ....... you’ ll out the year.

w e h ave........... .....w e ’ ve w h a t is.............. w h a t’ s EXAMPLE

The famous tenor toured
they a re ........... ... they’ re I w o u ld ....................I’ d
Europe in '01. [Did the
tenor tour in 1801, 1901,
The word not can be sh o rte n e d to n’t a n d ad d ed to a verb, or 2001?]

usually w ith o u t any change in th e spelling o f th e verb. The famous tenor toured
Europe in 2001 .
EXAMPLES is n o t ............ ............isn’t has not ...... hasn’ t

are n o t ......... .........aren’ t have not haven’ t

does not doesn’ t had not ..... hadn’ t

do n o t .......... ..........don’ t should not .. shouldn’ t

was not wasn’t would not.. .. w ouldn’ t

were n o t ..... w eren’t could not couldn’t Use a p o s tro p h e s c o r­

rectly in c o n tra c tio n s.
EXCEPTIONS will n o t......... .........w on’ t cannot ...... .........can’t

Apostrophes 375
Be careful n o t to confuse co n tractio n s w ith possessive
p ro n o u n s.

Contractions Possessive Pronouns

It’s Friday. [It is] Its nest is over th ere.

It’s been a pleasure. [It has]
Who’ s your server? [IMio is] Whose backpack is this?
Who’ s been practicing th e
piano? [Who has]
They’ re arriving soon. Their parakeet is friendly.
[They are]
There’s th e path. [There /s] T h at rosebush is theirs.

Using Apostrophes Correctly

-H E LP- C orrect each e rro r in th e use o f possessive form s and
Some sentences
< co n tractio n s in the follow ing sentences. If a sentence is
in Exercise 9 contain already correct, w rite C.
more than one error.

EXAMPLE 1. Arent you going with us at one odock?

7. Aren't; o'clock

1. W ed b e tte r chain o u r bicycles to the rack.

2. You’re old cars seen b e tte r days, h asn ’t it?
3. She w asnt to o h a p p y to see us.
4. W hose ringing the doorbell?
5. We w o n t forget how helpful youve been.
6. Im certain youll be invited.
7. W hose tu rn is it to take attendance?
8. A nns an excellent sw im m er, b u t she can t dive.
. 9. T hey’re tu rn in g in th e ir’s now.
10. Shes sure theyll show up before its over.

Punctuating Contractions
For each o f th e follow ing sentences, identify the w ord th a t needs
an ap o stro p h e to indicate a co n tractio n . T hen, w rite the w ord
EXAMPLE 1. Whats the best route from Lawrenceville, New Jersey,
to Newtown, Pennsylvania?
7. What's

376 Punctuation
1. Theres one especially p re tty ro u te
you can take to get there.
2 . 1 th in k youll enjoy the drive.
3. You sh o u ld n t go due west
4. Youve got to go n o rth or
so u th first.
5. Its easier to go so u th o n R oute
206 to R oute U.S. 1, cross the
Delaware River, a n d th en go
n o rth on R oute 32 to Yardley. new tow n

6. From Yardley, tu rn left on R oute

322, an d in a little w hile Im sure
you will find y o urself in
N ew tow n.
7. If y o u d prefer a different route, go so u th o n R oute 206
to R oute 546 a n d m ake a rig h t tu rn to go west.
8. A fter you cross the D elaw are River a n d th e ro ad becom es
532, d o n t tu rn u n til L inton H ill Road.
9. W hen you tu rn left o n to L in to n H ill Road, it w o n t be

long before you arrive in N ew tow n.
10. H eres a m ap you can use to help you find y o u r way.

C IS S S S O ^ W riting Contractions
W rite a suitable co n tra ctio n to correctly com plete each o f the
follow ing sentences.
EXAMPLE 1. Do you k n o w for supper?
1. what's

1. ____ m y sweater?
2. lying on th e beach.
3. W e help you rig h t now.
4. d in n er ready?
5. T h e y played th a t gam e before.
6. She was in the class o f _____
7. go to the m useum .
8 .1 know th a t gam e.
9. ra th e r o rd er the salad.
10. Is it n i n e yet?

Apostrophes 377
W riting Contractions
W rite the co n tra ctio n o f th e u n d e rlin e d w ord or w ords in each
o f the follow ing sentences.
EXAMPLE 1. If you think it should have been easy to visit the build-
ing shown below, guess again!
7. should've

1. It is th e Potala Palace in Lhasa, T ibet, w hich m y p a re n ts an d

I visited last year.
2. T he city o f Lhasa is tw o m iles high in the H im alaya
M o u n tain s, a n d we could n o t m ove a ro u n d m u ch because
the lack o f oxygen m ade us tired.
3. T he Potala Palace is th e fo rm e r residence o f th e T ibetan
sp iritu al leader, w ho has b een living in exile in India.
4. Because this palace is a holy shrine, pilgrim s do n o t m in d
traveling o n foot fro m all over th e c o u n try to w orship there.
5. A fter th ey have b o u g h t
yak b u tte r in the city
square, th ey take it to the
palace as an offering.

6. F rom the p h o to g ra p h ,
you c a n n o t im agine how
steep those stairs o n the
rig h t are!
7. Because it w o u ld have
r taken a long tim e to
clim b th em , o u r bus d riv ­
er to o k us directly to the
rear en tran ce o n the left.
8. O nce inside, we spent
h o u rs exploring the
palace, b u t we w ere n o t
able to visit m o st o f its
m o re th a n one th o u sa n d
room s!
9 . 1 am sure we w ould never have fo u n d o u r w ay o u t w ith o u t
o u r guide, w ho led us to an exit o n the right.
10. W alking dow n th e stairs was n o t too h a rd , a n d soon we were
in the b eautiful central square in the H im alayan sunshine!

378 E 9 Punctuation
P l u r a ls
15t. Use an apostrophe and an s to form the plurals of
letters, numerals, and symbols, and of words referred to
I Think as a
as words.
EXAMPLES Your o’ s look like a’ s, and your u’ s look like rPs.
In your reading, you may
There are three 5’ s and tw o S’ s in his telephone notice that an apostrophe
number. is not always used in form­
ing the kinds of plurals in
Place $’ s before monetary amounts and tf’s after. Rule 15t. Nowadays, many
writers leave out the apos­
One sign of immature writing is too many and’ s.
trophe if a plural meaning
is clear without it. How­
ever, to make sure that
Using Underlining (Italics) and
your writing is clear, you
Apostrophes Correctly should use an apostrophe.
For each o f th e follow ing sentences, add u n d e rlin in g o r a p o stro ­
phes as necessary. T he p u n c tu a tio n already su pplied is correct.
EXAMPLE 1. One of my oldest brothers college textbooks is History
of Art by H. W. Janson.
7. brother's; History o f A rt

1. W hos the p a in te r w ho inspired th e m usical play Sunday in
th e Park w ith George?
2. Hes G eorges Seurat, one o f Frances greatest painters.
3. “T he young childrens reactions to Jacob Lawrences paintings
were surprising,” Angie said.
4. D id n t you read th e review in E n te rta in m e n t W eekly o f the
m ovie V incent & Theo?
5. Its a b o u t V incent van G ogh a n d his b ro th er, w ho often
su p p o rte d him .
6. “I like Jasper Johns,” Rick said, “b u t I can t tell if th a t is one
o f Johnss paintings.”
7. Flave you ever trie d c o u n tin g all th e 2s o r 4s in his p a in tin g
N um bers in Color?
8. O n a class trip to Chicago, we saw a b ro n ze statue titled
H orse, by D ucham p-V illon.
9. In o u r group, everybodys favorite p a in tin g is C ow ’s Skull:
Red, W hite a n d Blue, by G eorgia O ’Keeffe.
10. “O n PBS, Ive seen an A m erican Playhouse p ro g ra m a b o u t
O ’Keeffes life,” Joyce said.
Use apostrophes

Apostrophes 379
[_COM PUTER TIP SSi 15u. Use a hyphen to divide a word at the end of a line.
Some word-processing pro­ EXAMPLE Will you and Marguerite help me put the silver­
grams will automatically ware on the table?
divide a word at the end of
a line and insert a hyphen. W h en dividing a w ord at th e e n d o f a line, rem e m b e r the
Sometimes, such hyphen­
follow ing rules:
ation will violate one of
the rules given here. (1) Divide a word only between syllables.
Always proofread your
writing to see how the INCORRECT The man in the pinstriped suit sat bes­
computer has hyphenated ide the tree, looking bewildered.
words at the ends of lines. CORRECT The man in the pinstriped suit sat be­
If a hyphen is used incor­ side the tree, looking bewildered.
rectly, revise the line by
moving the word or by
(2) Do not divide a one-syllable word.
dividing the word yourself.
INCORRECT Exercises like push-ups help to develop stren­
gth of the arm muscles.
CORRECT Exercises like push-ups help to develop
strength of the arm muscles.

Think as a (3) Do not divide a word so that one letter stands alone.
Reader/Writer INCORRECT The seating capacity of the new stadium is e-
Hyphens are often used in
compound names. CORRECT The seating capacity of the new stadium is enor­
Jackie Joyner-Kersee
[person] 15v. Use a hyphen with compound numbers from tw e n ty-
Rikki-tikki-tavi [animal] one to ninety-nine and with fractions used as modifiers.
Wilkes-Barre [city] EXAMPLES During a leap year, there are twenty-nine days in
If you are not sure whether February.
a compound name is
Thirty-two species of birds are known to live in the area.
hyphenated, ask the
person with that name, or Did you know that Congress may override a president's
look in a reference source.
veto by a two-thirds majority? [Two-thirds is an adjective
that modifies majority.]

The pumpkin pie was so good that only one sixth of it is

left. [One sixth is not used as a modifier. Instead, sixth is a
noun modified by the adjective one. Fractions used as
nouns do not have hyphens.]
Use hyphens correctly. 1

380 i X Punctuation
15w. Use a hyphen with the prefixes ex-, se lf- , a ll-, a n d
g re a t- and with the suffixes - e le c t and -fre e .
(S /
EXAMPLES ex-coach president-elect all-star HEL P
The prefix half
great-uncle self-propelled fat-free
often requires a hyphen,
as in half-life, half-moon,
Using Hyphens Correctly and half-truth. However,
sometimes it is used with­
W rite an expression— using w ords, n o t n u m erals— to fit the
out a hyphen, either as
blan k in each o f the follow ing sentences. Use h yphens w here they a part of a single word (as
are needed w ith c o m p o u n d n u m b e rs o r fractions. in halftone, halfway, and
halfback) or as a separate
EXAMPLE 1. The sum of ten and fifteen is _____
word (as in half shell, half
7. twenty-five pint, and half note). If you
are not sure how to spell a
1. January, M arch, May, July, A ugust, O ctober, a n d D ecem ber
word containing half, look
are the m o n th s th a t h a v e days. up the word in a dictionary.
2. o f th e m o o n is visible from th e earth, b u t th e o th e r h a lf
can be seen only from o u ter space.
3. In tw enty years I will b e years old.
/ \
4 .1used cup, w hich is 25 p ercen t o f the original one cup. H EL P
5. O u r seventh-grade class h a s students. Hyphenate a
< V
6. The tra in ride is short; the ro u te is o n l y m iles long. compound adjective
7. T he d o cto r said th a t the heel o f m y shoe needs to be raised when it comes before the
o f an inch. noun it modifies.

8. W ho decided th a t th ere sh o u ld b e _____ h o u rs in a day? EXAMPLE

9. teaspoon o f vanilla is n o t e n o u g h in th e cake batter. an event that is
well organized
10. O nly a b o u t o f th e expected people actually attended.
a well-organized event

Punctuating Sentences Correctly Some compound adjectives

are always hyphenated,
Rew rite the follow ing sentences, correcting any e rrors in the whether they come
use o f un d erlin in g , q u o ta tio n m arks, com m as, ap ostrophes, before or after the nouns
and hyphens. they modify.

EXAMPLE 1. For the talent show, Leila is planning to reci­ EXAMPLE

a full-scale model
te Poes poem The Raven.
a model that is full-scale
7. For the talent show, Leila is planning to recite
Poe's poem "The Raven." If you are not sure whether
a compound adjective is
1. Q ueen H atsh ep su t seized th e th ro n e o f Egypt in 1503 B.C. always hyphenated, look it
an d ruled for tw en ty one years. up in a dictionary.
2. W hos b o rro w ed m y scissors? d e m a n d e d Jean.
3. Its h a rd to decide w hich a u th o rs sto ry I sh o u ld read first.
4. A weeks vacation never seem s long enough.

Hyphens 381
5. After w ed eaten supper, we decided to w atch an old ep i­
sode o f Star Trek.
6. T he driver sh o u te d M ove to th e rear o f th e bus!
7. We d id n t eat any salm on at all d u rin g o u r visit to O -
8 . 1 w asnt very so rry a d m itte d th e clerk to see those picky
custom ers leave.
9. Very S h o rt on Law a n d O rd e r is m y favorite ch ap ter in T ou­
gh Trip T h ro u g h Paradise.
10. O u r new p h o n e n u m b e r starts w ith tw o 6s a n d ends w ith
tw o 4s.

15x. Use parentheses to enclose material that is added to a
sentence but is not considered of major importance.
EXAMPLES Emilio Aguinaldo (1 8 6 9 -1 9 6 4 ) was a Filipino patriot and

I Think as a

Mom and Dad bought a kilim (pronounced ki • le m ')

Reader/Writer j rug from our Turkish friend Ali.

Too many parenthetical M aterial enclosed in p arentheses m ay be as sh o rt as a single

expressions in a piece of
w o rd or as long as a sh o rt sentence. A sh o rt sentence in p a re n ­
writing can keep readers
from seeing the main idea theses m ay stan d alone o r be co n tain ed w ith in a n o th e r sentence.
Keep your meaning clear N otice th a t a paren th etical sentence w ith in a sentence is n o t
by limiting the number of capitalized an d has no en d m ark.
parenthetical expressions
you use. EXAMPLES Please be quiet during the performance. (Take crying
babies to the lobby.)

Jack Echohawk (he's Ben's cousin) told us about growing

up on a reservation.

C S B S O Correcting Sentences by Adding

In sert parentheses w here th ey are n eed ed in th e follow ing
Use parentheses cor­
rectly. Use brackets cor­
rectly. Use dashes
EXAMPLE 1. My bicycle I've had it for three years is a ten-speed.
correctly. 7. My bicycle (I've had it for three years) is a ten-speed.

3 82 Punctuation
1. At the age o f fo u rteen , M a rtin a H ingis began playing tennis
m y favorite sp o rt professionally.
2. Elijah M cCoy 1843-1929 invented a way to oil m oving
m achinery.
3. I b o u g h t a new calculator m y old one sto p p ed w orking an d
a notebook.
4. C harlem agne p ro n o u n c e d sh a r'ta • m a n ' was one o f E urope’s
m o st fam ous rulers.
5. Lian Young she’s a frien d o f m in e to ld o u r class a b o u t her
school in C hina.

15y. Use brackets to enclose an explanation added to
quoted or parenthetical material.
EXAMPLES Elena said in her acceptance speech, "I am honored by
this [th e aw ard ], and I would like to thank the students
who volunteered to help w ith the Special Olympics this
year." [The words are enclosed in brackets to show that
they have been inserted into the quotation and are
not the words of the speaker.]

By a vote of 6 to 1, the council approved the petition to

build a nature preserve. (See next page for a map
[Diagram a ] of the proposed reserve.)

A paren th etical expression is a w ord o r p hrase th a t breaks in to
the m ain th o u g h t o f a sentence. Parenthetical expressions are
usually set o ff by com m as o r parentheses.
EXAMPLES Grandma Moses, for example, started painting in her
seventies. Reference Note
I For more about using
In the first act of the play, the butler (Theo Karras) was
commas with paren­
the detective's prime suspect.
thetical expressions,
see page 345. For more
Som e paren th etical elem ents need stro n g er em phasis. In such about using parenthe
cases, a dash is used. ses, see page 382.

15z. Use a dash to indicate an abrupt break in
thought or speech.
EXAMPLES The right thing to do— I know it'll be hard— is to

"Do you think Ann will mind— I really hope she w o n 't—
if I borrow her sunglasses?" asked Melody.

Correcting Sentences by Adding Dashes

and Brackets
In sert dashes o r brackets w here th ey are needed in th e follow ing
EXAM PLE 1. The schoollunchroom it was a dull green has been
painted a cheery yellow.
1. The sch o o l lu nchro o m — it was a d u ll g re e n — has been
p a in te d a ch e ery yello w .

1. Fireflies I can’t rem e m b e r w here I read this m ake w hat is

called cold light.
2. R oberto has always w an ted to be can’t you guess? an
astro n au t.
3. W endy Z I really w a n t to see h e r co n cert has a great
new song out.
4 . D o you m in d I d o n ’t if Jill a n d M arcus go to th e m all w ith
us tom orrow ?
5. T he best way to learn how to sw im th a t is, after you’ve
learn ed the basic strokes is to practice.
6. (See page 8 Box A o f th e school y earb o o k for a list o f the
d ram a club’s best perform ers.)
7. W here is the c o m p u te r gam e I’ve looked everyw here for it
th a t I b o rro w ed from Alex?
8. Please h a n d m e if you d o n ’t m in d the stack o f m agazines on
th e table b e h in d you.
9. T he new spaper q u o ted o u r p rin cip al as saying, “T he girls’
volleyball team to o k b o th th e district D istrict 14-5A an d
regional ch am pionships.”
10. T he class trip to C hicago I’ve never b een th ere will include a
visit to th e A rt Institu te.


C h a p te r R eview
A. Using Underlining (Italics), Quotation
Marks, Dashes, Parentheses, and Brackets
T he follow ing sentences c o n tain errors in th e use o f u n d e rlin in g
(italics), q u o ta tio n m arks, dashes, parentheses, a n d brackets.
Rew rite the sentences correctly.

1. T he song A m azing G race has been sung for m an y years.

2. G arth Brooks I love his m usic is giving a benefit concert.
3. D id you see th e article called Yogam ania th a t ap p eared in last
m o n th ’s Seventeen m agazine?
4. T he p o e t W allace Stevens 1879-1955 w on a Pulitzer Prize.
5. (See th e m ap o f N o rm a n d y Figure D for th e d e p lo y m en t o f
the G erm an forces on June 6.)
6. T he reading list inclu d ed the novel G reat Expectations.
7. Sharon she’s m y youngest cousin asked m e to tell h e r a s to ry

8. T he b eard ed m an you p ro b ab ly guessed this is really th e th ie f
in disguise.
9. H e m isspelled th e w ord accom m odate by leaving o u t one c.
10. A unt Rosie th e a u n t I to ld you a b o u t w en t to M exico o n the
cruise ship Princess.

B. Proofreading for the Correct Use

of Punctuation and Capitalization
in Quotations
T he follow ing sentences c o n tain errors in th e use o f p u n c tu a tio n
an d capitalization in q u o tatio n s. Rew rite the sentences correctly.
If a sentence is already correct, w rite C.

11. “D id you read R obert H ayden’s p o em “T hose W inter

Sundays”? asked Jorge.
12. “W h o ’s y o u r favorite baseball player.” asked D on?
13. “M eet m e at 2:30 sharp,” m y sister’s no te read.
14. W hy d id M s. R edfeather say, “I need to see a d o c to r”?
15. M s. Liu said, T urn to C h ap ter 7, ‘Fractions,’ now.
16. “D id you know,” Kate said, “T h at W illiam
organizes fu n d -raisers fo r th e hom eless”?

Chapter Review 385

17. Akeem exclaim ed, “T hose giant redw oods are m o re th an
three h u n d re d feet tall!”
18. “Are the La V ernia Bears playing tom orrow ? L orraine
asked Ted.
19. C hang p red icted th a t “it w o u ld be a rainy sum m er.”
20. “he can w ork ten h o u rs a w eek”, said Liang.

C. Writing Dialogue Correctly

\ /
Revise the follow ing p arag rap h s, adding q u o ta tio n m arks a n d
Some sentences
y o th e r p u n c tu a tio n m arks w herever necessary. Begin a new
in Part C may not require p arag rap h each tim e th e speaker changes.
additional punctuation.
[21] A few o f us are startin g a reading g ro u p said M ichael.
[22] W ould you like to jo in us? [23] T h at so u n d s like fu n replied
A udra. [24] W ho is in th e group? [25] Well, I am , o f course
M ichael said a n d Stephanie, Jeff, a n d Kerry. [26] I’ve asked M egan
to jo in , too, b u t she m ay be to o busy. [27] She’s going to let m e
know tom orrow .
[28] W h at books are you going to read asked A udra o r haven’t
you decided th a t yet? [29] I ’m going to suggest th a t we sta rt w ith

T he Ow l Service, by A lan G arner, said M ichael b u t only if it is

everyones choice. [30] I’d love to join! said A udra.

D. Using Apostrophes and Hyphens

T he follow ing sentences c o n tain errors in the use o f apo stro p h es
an d hyphens. C orrectly w rite each incorrectly p u n c tu a te d w ord.

31. T he test includes tw entytw o questions.

32. Its easy to see th a t you like to use &s instead o f w riting
o u t the w ord and each tim e.
33. O ne fo u rth o f the childrens toys w ere broken.
34. M y tw o sisters bicycles are sporty, b u t neith ers is as sp o rt-
y as m ine.
35. Isnt this play often considered one o f Shakespeares best w o ­
rks, Stephanie?
36. W hats the low est c o m m o n d e n o m in a to r o f these tw o
num bers?
37. Are those law n chairs o u r ’s o r th e M illers?
38. T heyre draw ings o f A ugusta Savages sculptures.

386 A Punctuation
39. M y baby b ro th e rs a good sleeper; he sh o u ld have a m obile
m ade o f Zs instead o f airplanes over his crib.
40. W hos going to help rep ain t th e clubs float for the parade?

|g| W riting Application

H I Using Quotations in Reports
D ire c t Q u o ta tio n s Your social studies class is taking a
survey o f people’s attitu d es tow ard recycling. Interview at least
three people from different hou seh o ld s in y o u r com m unity. Ask
th em specific questions to find o u t w h e th e r th ey th in k recycling
is im p o rta n t; w h at item s, if any, th ey recycle; a n d how th ey th in k
recycling could be m ade easier for people in the com m unity.
Based o n the in fo rm a tio n you gather, w rite a b rie f re p o rt a b o u t
recycling in y our com m unity. In y o u r rep o rt, qu o te several
people’s exact w ords.

Prewriting First, th in k o f several questions to ask. Next,

decide w h o m you w a n t to interview . Begin each interview by
recording the p erso n ’s nam e, age, a n d occupation. W h en all your
interview s are com pleted, com pare y o u r interview ees’ responses.
W hat conclusions can you draw a b o u t attitu d es to w ard recycling
in y our com m unity? Jot dow n som e notes to help you organize
y o u r in fo rm atio n .

Writing In th e first p a ra g ra p h o f y o u r draft, give a statem en t

th a t sum s up th e m ain idea o f y o u r rep o rt. T hen, use y o u r in te r­
viewees’ answ ers to su p p o rt y o u r m ain idea.

Revising R e-read y o u r first draft. D oes the b o d y o f y o u r

rep o rt su p p o rt y our m ain idea? If n o t, you m ay need to reth in k
an d revise y our m ain idea.

Publishing As you p ro o fread y o u r rep o rt, check your q u o ta ­

tions against yo u r notes. M ake sure th a t you have p u t q u o ta tio n
m arks a ro u n d direct q u o tatio n s a n d th a t you have capitalized
an d p u n c tu a te d all q u o tatio n s correctly. Your class m ay w a n t to
com bine th e in fo rm a tio n fro m all th e rep o rts a n d create a wall
C re a te v ario u s k inds o f
ch art show ing the c o m m u n ity ’s a ttitu d es tow ard recycling. te x ts in t h e d iffe re n t
w ritin g m o d es. W rite t o
re p o rt. I n te g ra te q u o ta ­
tio n s in to w ritin g .

Chapter Review 387


Improving Your Spelling

Alabama Course of Study

SAT 10
LF.14; SP.1; SP.2; SP.3; SP.4

Diagnostic P review
Proofreading Sentences for Correct Spelling
W rite correctly all o f th e m isspelled w ords in the follow ing
EXAMPLE 1. Andrew carefuly lifted the massive lid and peekked
inside the trunk.
7. carefully, peeked

1. D o you have any fresh to m a to s o r straw berrys?

2. Alex rides her bicycle forty miles dayly w hen she is in trainning.
3. T he experienced to u r guide lead th e stu d en ts to th e base o f
the M ayan pyram id.
4. M y sister m ade the salad w hile I layed the spoons an d knifes
o n the table for dinner.
5. W ould you please h a n d m e th e scissor’s?
6. M r. E scobar’s to o neices w ent to th e a n n u al fam ily reu n io n .
7. Icicles fo rm ed o n th e p a rk benchs w hen the tem p e ra tu re
d ro p p ed below freezeing.
8. A ngela’s favorite classes are social studys a n d sw im ing.
9. O n W ednesday o u r science class w atched Weavving Ants, a
film a b o u t th e insect w orld.
10. Take o u t a peice o f paper, a n d th en prosede w ith th e test.

38 8 Spelling
Good Spelling Habits
Practicing the follow ing techniques can help you spell w ords
correctly. v > \
1. To learn the spelling of a word, pronounce it, study it, and r
If you are
write it. P ronounce w ords carefully. M ispronunciation can lead
n o t sure how to pronounce
to misspelling. For instance, if you say ath»a»lete instead of a w ord, look it up in an up-
ath»lete, you will be m ore likely to spell the w ord incorrectly. to -d a te dictionary. In the
dictionary, you w ill usually
• First, m ake sure th a t you know how to p ro n o u n c e th e w ord
fin d th e pronunciation
correctly, a n d th e n practice saying it. given in parentheses after
• Second, stu d y th e w ord. N otice especially any p a rts th a t th e w ord. The info rm a tio n
in parentheses w ill show
m ig h t be h a rd to rem em ber.
you th e sounds used, the
• T hird, w rite the w ord from m em ory. C heck y o u r spelling. syllable breaks, and any
accented syllables. A guide
• If you m isspelled the w ord, rep eat th e th ree steps o f this to th e pronunciation sym­
process. bols is usually fo u n d at the
fro n t o f th e dictionary.
2. Use a dictionary. W h en you find th a t you have m isspelled
a w ord, look it u p in a dictionary. D o n o t guess a b o u t the
correct spelling. Think as a

3. Spell by syllables. A syllable is a w ord p a rt th a t is p ro n o u n c e d
as one u n in te rru p te d sound. In some names, marks th a t
show how to pronounce a
EXAMPLES th o ro u g h [two syllables] w o rd are considered part
o f th e spelling.
sep«a»rate [three syllables]
Instead o f try in g to learn how to p ro n o u n c e a n d spell a Diaz Rolvaag Zizka
w hole w ord, b reak it up into its syllables w henever possible. PLACES
Aswan Cadiz

Spelling by Syllables Compiegne

If you are n o t sure about

Look u p th e follow ing w ords in a dictionary, an d divide each .one
th e spelling o f a name, ask
in to syllables. P ro n o u n c e each syllable correctly, a n d learn to the person w ith th a t name
spell the w ord by syllables. or look it up in a dictionary
or o th e r reference source.
1. legislature 8. d efinition 15. separate
2. perspire 9. recognize 16. o p p o rtu n ity
3. m o d ern 10. aw kw ard 17. elim inate €3332323
4. tem p eratu re 11. accept 18. gov ern m en t Use correct spelling. Use
resources to find correct
5. probably 12. interest 19. business spellings. Use syllable
6. sim ilar 13. tem p e ra m en t 20. ap p reciation boundary patterns to
spell words correctly.
7. library 14. conscious

Good Spelling Habits 389

4. Proofread for careless spelling errors. R e-read y o u r w ritin g
carefully, a n d correct any m istakes a n d unclear letters. For
exam ple, m ake sure th a t y o u r i ’s are d o tted , th a t y o u r t’s are
crossed, a n d th a t y o u r g ’s d o n ’t look like q’s.

5. Keep a spelling notebook. D ivide each page into four

colum ns:
COLUMN 1 Correctly spell any word you missed. (Never enter a

COLUMN 2 W rite the word again, dividing it into syllables and

indicating which syllables are accented or stressed.

COLUMN 3 W rite the word once more, circling the spot that
gives you trouble.

COLUMN 4 Jot down any comments that might help you remem­
ber the correct spelling.

a H ere is an exam ple o f h o w you m ig h t m ake entries for tw o

1 -SHBIBrai w ords th a t are often m isspelled.
Use the spellchecker
whenever you proofread
your writing. Remember,

though, that a computer's

spellchecker points out mis­ Trouble
Syllables Comments
spellings but not misused Correct S pot
and hccente
homonyms. For example, if Spelling
you use their when you Think o f attending
should use there, a attendance rtW -a n c a dance.
spellchecker won't catch the
mistake. Always double­ unnecessary un
check your writing to make
sure that your spelling is

Spelling Rules
ie a n d e#
1 6 a . Write ie when the sound is long e, except after c.
EXAMPLES chief, brief, believe, yield, receive, deceive

EXCEPTIONS seize, leisure, either, neither, protein

Use correct spelling. I
W rite ei w hen th e so u n d is n o t long e, especially w h en the
so u n d is long a.
EXAMPLES sleigh, veil, freight, weight, height, foreign
EXCEPTIONS friend, mischief, ancient, pie

W riting Words w ith ie a n d e i

Rew rite the follow ing w ords, adding th e letters ie o r ei.
EXAMPLE 1. conc . . . t
1. conceit

1. dec . . . ve t ~ 11. fr . ght

2. n . . . th e r ^ 12. n . ghbor
3. rec . . . ve 13. c . ling
4. h . . . ght 14. shr . k t ip s L R 1<LK s
5. fr . . . n d 15. rec • Pt You may find this time-
6.1 . . . sure 16. p . ce tested verse a help in
remembering the ie rule.
7. m isch . . . f 17. r . gn
/ before e
8. w . .. ght 18. th . . r
Except after c
9. . . .ght 19. s . ze Or when sounded like a,
10. si . .. gh 20. br , . f As in neighbor and
If you use this rhyme,
^ 2 2 3 3 9 ^ Proofreading Sentences to Correct remember t h a t "/ before e"
Spelling Errors refers only to words in
which these two letters are
M ost o f the follow ing sentences c o n tain a spelling e rro r involv­
in the same syllable and
ing the use o f ie or ei. W rite each m isspelled w ord correctly. If a stand for the sound of long
sentence has n o spelling error, w rite C. e, as in the examples under
Rule 16a.
EXAMPLE 1. Last summer I recieved an airline ticket as a
birthday gift.
1. received

1 . 1 used the ticket to fly to P u e rto Rico w ith m y freind Alicia

to see m y g ra n d m o th e r a n d o th e r relatives.
2. We flew to San Juan, w here m y g ra n d m o th e r’s nieghbor, M r.
Sanchez, m et us an d drove us to m y g ra n d m o th e r’s house.
3. W h en we got there, all o f m y relatives— aunts, uncles,
cousins, neices, nephew s— cam e to w elcom e us.
4. T hey co u ld n ’t believe th a t n ie th e r o f us h a d ever been to
P uerto Rico before, so they to o k us sightseeing th e next day.

Spelling Rules 391

5. First, we w alked th ro u g h a field in H um acao, w hich is located
o n th e C aribbean Sea.
6. T hen, we drove along th e coast to Ponce, th e islan d ’s cheif
city after San Juan.
7. C o n tin u in g n o rth from Ponce, we th o u g h t th a t w e’d take a
liesurely drive on th e m o u n ta in ro ad Ruta Panoramica, w hich
m eans “P anoram ic Road.”
8. However, th e ro ad tu rn e d a n d tw isted so m u ch th a t I was
releived to get back o n th e m ain road.
9. After we h ad a b re if rest th a t aftern o o n , we explored the
w estern p a rt o f the island.
10. W ith in a week, P u erto Rico n o longer seem ed foriegn to us.

,\ <)■ Bayamon

Mayagiiez Jf ( t ' A <:; Cai


Panoramic Route CARIBBEAN SEA


-cede, - ceed, and -se d e

16b. The only English word ending in -sede is supersede.
The only English words ending in -ceed are exceed, proceed,
and succeed. Most other words with this sound end in -cede.
EXAMPLES concede recede

precede secede

P r e fix e s a n d S u f f ix e s
A p refix is a letter or a g ro u p o f letters ad d ed to th e b eg in n in g o f
a w ord to change its m eaning. A suffix is a letter o r a g ro u p o f
letters ad d ed to the e n d o f a w ord to change its m eaning.
16c. When adding a prefix to a word, do not change the
spelling of the word itself.
EXAMPLES il + legal = illegal

un + natural = unnatural

dis + appear = disappear

mis + spent = misspent

Spelling Words w ith Prefixes

Spell each o f the follow ing w ords, ad d in g the given prefix.
EXAMPLE 1. semi + circle
1. semicircle

1. il + legible 6. m is + spell
2. u n + necessary 7. dis + satisfy
3. im + p artial 8. dis + approve
4. in + offensive 9. m is + u n d e rsta n d
5. im + m o rtal 10. over + rule

16d. When adding the suffix -ness or - ly to a word, do not

change the spelling of the word itself.
EXAMPLES sudden + ness = suddenness

truthful + ly = tru th fu lly

EXCEPTION For most words that end iny, change th e y to /'before

adding -ly or -ness.

kindly + ness = kindliness day + ly = daily

16e. Drop the final silent e before adding a suffix beginning pHELP
with a vowel.
Vowels are the
EXAMPLES nice + est = nicest letters a, e, i, o, u, and
sometimes y. The other
love + ing = loving letters of the alphabet
are consonants.
EXCEPTION Keep the silent e in words ending in ce and ge before a
suffix beginning w ith a or o.

notice + able = noticeable Spell words with suffixes

correctly. Spell words
courage + ous = courageous with prefixes correctly.

Spelling Rules 3 93
permission of Newspaper Enterprise
F (A/ W N T T T l-K

FRANK & ERNEST reprinted by

P.L.LY G & j W'/LU H V

Association, Inc.
TkM P , 10- It

16f. Keep the final silent e before adding a suffix that

begins with a consonant.
EXAMPLES care + less = careless

plate + ful = platefu l

false + hood = falsehood

EXCEPTIONS argue + ment = arg um en t

true + ly = tru ly

Spelling Words w ith Suffixes

Spell each o f the follow ing w ords, ad d in g the given suffix.
EXAMPLE 1. like + able
1. likable

1. awful + ly 8. ranee + m e n t 15. value + able

2. care + ful 9. ie + ly 16. ho p e + ful
3. sincere + ly 10. arage + ous 17. grateful + ly
4. w rite + ing 11. tice + able 18. pleasant + ness
5. desire + able 12. ive + est 19. sore + est
6. change + able 13. :idental + ly 20. final + ly
7. cross + ing 14. :e + ing

16g. For words ending in y preceded by a consonant, change

the y to /' before any suffix that does not begin with i.
EXAMPLES beauty + ful = beautiful mystery + ous = mysterious

carry + ing = carrying envy + able = enviable

EXCEPTIONS dry + ness = dryness fry + er = frye r

W ords ending in y preceded by a vowel do n o t change their

spelling before a suffix.
EXAMPLES key + ed = keyed buy + er = buyer

pay + ment = paym ent enjoy + ing = enjoying

EXCEPTIONS lay + ed = laid say + ed = said day + ly = daily

16h. Double the final consonant before adding -in g , -ed,

-er, or -e s t to a one-syllable word that ends in a single
consonant preceded by a single vowel.
EXAMPLES sit + ing = sitting can + er = canner

hop + ed = hopped flat + est = flattest

EXCEPTIONS Do not double the final consonant in words ending

in w o rx .

mow + ed = mowed tax + ing = taxing

For a one-syllable w ord en d in g in a single co n so n an t th a t is

n o t preceded by a single vowel, do n o t double the c o n so n an t
before adding -ing, -ed, -er, o r -est.
EXAMPLES reap + ed = reaped neat + est = neatest

cold + er = colder hold + ing = holding

In w ords o f m o re th a n one syllable, the final c o n so n an t is

usually n o t d o u b led before a suffix b eg in n in g w ith a vowel.
EXAMPLES final + ist = finalist center + ed = centered

N0TE In some cases, the final consonant may or may not be


EXAMPLES cancel + ed = canceled or cancelled

travel + er = traveler or traveller

Most dictionaries list both spellings for each word as correct.

W \
^ 2 2 3 9 ® Spelling Words w ith Suffixes When you are O '
Spell each o f the tw en ty w ords on the follow ing page, adding not sure about the spelling
of a word, it is best to look
the given suffix.
it up in an up-to-date
EXAMPLE 1. beauty + ful dictionary.

1. beautiful

Spelling Rules 395

1. bay + ing 8. em ploy + m e n t 15. clean + er
2. show + ed 9. h ap p y + est 16. fold + ed
3. d ro p + ed 10. h it + ing 17. day + ly
4. deny + ing 11. sw im + er 18. b o u n ty + ful
5. p ity + less 12. tidy + er 19. fix + ing
6. qualify + er 13. h u rry + ed 20. help + ful
7. trip + ed 14. tap + ing

Proofreading Sentences fo r Correct

M ost o f the follow ing sentences c o n tain a w ord th a t has been
m isspelled. W rite each m isspelled w ord correctly. If a sentence is
already correct, w rite C.
EXAMPLE 1. Have you seen the beautyful bonsai trees on display in
the new garden center?
1. beautiful

1. These trees can live to be h u n d re d s o f years old, yet you can

quickly create one o f y o u r ow n in an aftern o o n .

2. Sim ply use these p ictures to help you as you procede th ro u g h

th e follow ing steps.
3. First, you will n eed an inxpensive p la n t (such as a ju n ip e r),
som e soil, som e m oss, a n d a shallow bowl.
4. W hen you are chooseing a p lant, try to get one w ith a tru n k
th a t has som e o f its ro o ts show ing above the soil so th a t y our
tree will look old.
5. M ake a carful stu d y o f y o u r plan t, a n d decide how you w ant
th e bonsai to look in th e bowl.

396 Spelling
6. Then, cut o r p in ch away undesireable branches a n d leaves
u n til the p lan t looks like a tree.
7. After trim in g your plant, rem ove m o st o f th e large roots so
th a t the p lan t can stan d in the bowl.
8. Cover the rem aining ro o ts w ith soil, an d if th e w eather is
m ild, p u t your b onsai in a shaded place outside.
9. You d o n ’t have to w ater y o u r p la n t dayly, b u t you should
keep the soil m oist.
10. After y our p lan t has healed, you will have succeded in
creating y o u r very ow n bonsai.

F o r m in g t h e P l u r a ls o f N o u n s
1 6 i. Observe the following rules for spelling the plurals
of nouns.
(1) To form the plurals of most nouns, add -s.
SINGULAR girl cheese task oat banana
PLURAL girls cheeses tasks oats bananas

N0TE Make sure that you do not confuse the plural form of a noun Reference Note
with its possessive form. Generally, you should not use an apostro­ I For a discussion of the
phe to form the plural of a word. possessive forms of
nouns, see page 372. For
INCORRECT The girl's raced to the stadium for soccer practice. information about using
CORRECT The girls raced to the stadium for soccer practice. an apostrophe and an s
[plural] to form the plural of a
letter, a numeral, a
CORRECT The girls' soccer team has practice today, [possessive]
symbol, or a word used
as a word, see page 379.

(2) Form the plurals of nouns ending in s, x, z, ch, or sh by

adding -es.
SINGULAR moss wax Sanchez birch dish
PLURAL mosses waxes Sanchezes birches dishes

N0TE Some one-syllable words ending in z double the final

consonant when forming plurals.

EXAMPLES quiz fez

quizzes fezzes

Spell regular and irregular

plurals correctly.

Spelling Rules 397

^ 3 ^ 2 ® Spelling the Plurals o f Nouns
Spell the p lu ral fo rm o f each o f th e follow ing nouns.
EXAMPLE 1. match
1. matches

1. box 6. tax 11. m ix 16. plate

2. crash 7. G om ez 12. clip 17. key
3. sneeze 8. ditch 13. gym 18. pass
4. address 9. m iss 1 4 .coach 19. W alsh
5. church 10. m ask 15. dash 20. business

(3) Form the plurals of nouns ending in y preceded by a

consonant by changing th e y to /'and adding -es.
SINGULAR lady hobby county strawberry
PLURAL ladies hobbies counties strawberries

EXCEPTION W ith proper nouns, simply add s.

the Applebys the Trilbys

(4) Form the plurals of nouns ending in y preceded by a


vowel by adding -s.

SINGULAR toy journey highway Wednesday
PLURAL toys journeys highways Wednesdays

-H E LP-
( (5) Form the plurals of most nouns ending in f by adding -s.
When you are
< The plural form of some nouns ending in fo r fe is formed by
not sure about how to spell changing the fto vand adding -es.
the plural of a noun ending
SINGULAR gulf belief knife loaf w olf
in fo r fe, look up the word
in a dictionary. PLURAL gulfs beliefs knives loaves wolves

(6) Form the plurals of nouns ending in o preceded by a

vowel by adding -s.
SINGULAR video ratio patio Romeo
PLURAL videos ratios patios Romeos

(7) The plural form of many nouns ending in o preceded by

a consonant is formed by adding -es.
SINGULAR veto hero tom ato potato
PLURAL vetoes heroes tom atoes potatoes

EXCEPTION silo— silos

3 98 Spelling
N0TE W ith proper nouns, simply add -s.

EXAMPLES the Satos the Korolenkos

However, you should fo rm the p lural o f m o st m usical term s e n d ­

ing in o preceded by a c o n so n an t by adding -s.
SINGULAR piano alto solo trio
PLURAL pianos altos solos trios

N0TE To form the plural of some nouns ending in o preceded by a

consonant, you may add either -s or -es.

SINGULAR banjo mosquito flamingo

PLURAL banjos mosquitos flamingos
or or or
banjoes mosquitoes flamingoes

The best way to determine the plural forms of words ending

in o preceded by a consonant is to check their spelling in an up-to-
date dictionary.

I Think as a
(8) The plurals of some nouns are formed in irregular ways. Keader/Writer \
SINGULAR man mouse foot ox child
When it refers to the com­
PLURAL men mice fe e t oxen children puter device, the word
mouse can form a plural in
two ways: mouses or mice.
Someday one form may be
Spelling the Plurals o f Nouns
the preferred style. For
Spell th e p lural fo rm o f each o f the follow ing n o u n s. now, either is correct.

EXAMPLE 1. industry
7. industries

1. turkey 8. baby 15. b lu ff

2. studio 9. to m a to 16. radio
3. chief 10. echo 17. lobby
4. soprano 11. ferry 18. wife
5. puppy 1 2 .joy 19. foot
6. self 13. life 20. W hitby
7. chim ney 14. hero

Spelling Rules 399

Reference Note (9) For most compound nouns written as one word, form
I For more information on the plural by adding -s or -es.
compound nouns, see
SINGULAR textbook grandfather toothbrush
page 71.
PLURAL textbooks grandfathers toothbrushes

(10) For compound nouns in which one word is modified by the

other word or words, form the plural of the word modified.
SINGULAR sister-in-law coat of arms editor in chief
PLURAL sisters-in-law coats of arms editors in chief

(11) Some nouns are the same in the singular and the plural.
SINGULAR moose sheep salmon
AND PLURAL Sioux Chinese spacecraft
I Think as a
Reader/Writer i (12) Form the plurals of numerals, letters, symbols, and
words referred to as words by adding an apostrophe and s.
In your reading you may
notice that some writers SINGULAR 1800 B i & that
do not use apostrophes PLURAL 1800’ s BPs Ps 8Ps that's
to form the plurals of
numerals, letters, symbols,
and words referred to as Spelling the Plurals o f Nouns
words. However, an apos­
Spell the p lural form o f each o f th e follow ing nouns.
trophe is not wrong, and it
may be needed for clarity. EXAMPLE 1. push-up
Therefore, it is best to use 1. push-ups
the apostrophe.
1. side-wheeler 8. governor-elect 15. x
2. deer 9. 0 16. lean-to
3. m other-in-law 10. com m ander in chief 17. Swiss
4. A 11. m aid o f h o n o r 18. $
5. hello 12. ru n n er-u p 19. Japanese
6. thirteen-year-old 13. bookshelf 20. M
7. aircraft 14. vice-president

Words Often Confused

People often confuse the w ords in each o f th e follow ing groups.
Som e o f these w ords are hom on ym s— th a t is, th eir p ro n u n c ia ­
tio n s are the sam e. However, these w ords have different m e a n ­
Distinguish between
words often confused. ings an d spellings. O th e r w ords in th e follow ing gro u p s have the
Spell frequently mis­ sam e or sim ilar spellings yet have different m eanings.
spelled words correctly.

400 Spelling
accept [verb] to receive; to agree to
The Lanfords w o u ld not accept our g ift,
except [preposition] w ith the exclusion o f; but
Everyone except Lauren agreed w ith Selena.

a d v ic e [noun] a recom m endation fo r action

W h a t is your mother's advice?
a d v is e [verb] to recom m end a course o f action
She advises me to tak e th e job.

a ff e c t [verb] to act upon; to change

Does bad w e a th e r a ffe ct your health?
e ff e c t [noun] result; consequence
W h a t e ffe ct does th e w e a th e r have on your

a lr e a d y [adverb] previously
W e have already studied th e customs o f the
Navajo people.
a ll re a d y [adjective] all prepared; in readiness
The crew is all ready to set sail.
-H E LP-
a ll r ig h t [adjective] correct; satisfactory; safe; P “ ' < y
[adverb] adequately All right is the
Jesse w ill be all right w hen his injury heals. only acceptable spelling.
The spelling alright is not
W e did all right, d id n 't we?
considered standard usage.

^ ^ 2 2 3 2 ^ Choosing Between Words O ften Confused

From each p air in parentheses, choose the w ord o r w ords th a t
will m ake the sentence correct.
EXAMPLE 1. All of us (accept, except) Josh forgot our tickets.
7. except

1. By the tim e M elba arrived, Roscoe h ad ( already, all ready)

baked the sweet potatoes.
2. O ne d u ty o f the C abinet is to ( advice, advise) the president.
3. T he soft m usic h ad a so o thing (affect, effect) on the child.
4. T he girls were (already, all ready) for the sleigh ride.
5. T he ( affect, effect) o f B uddhism on Japanese culture was huge.
6. By this tim e o f year, th e snow has m elted everyw here
(accept, except) in the m o u n tain s.

Words Often Confused 401

7. T he d o c to r’s (advice, advise) was to d rin k plenty o f fluids a n d
get a lot o f rest.
8. Sarita was hap p y to (accept, except) the invitation to the party.
9. R eading the new spaper usually (affects, effects) m y ideas
a b o u t c u rre n t events.
10. D o you th in k it w ould be ( alright, all right) to leave before
the en d o f th e m ovie?

Reference Note altar [noun] a table o r stand at which religious

I In the Glossary of Usage rites are perfo rm ed
(Chapter 12), you can find There was a bowl o f flow ers on th e altar.
many other words that
alter [verb] to change
are often confused or mis­
A n o th e r hurricane may alter th e shoreline
used, or you can look
them up in an up-to-date
near our to w n .
altogether [adverb] entirely
It is a ltog eth er to o cold fo r swim m ing.
all together [adjective] in the same place; [adverb] at
the same time
A ll together, th e class looked bigger than

it was.
Sing all to g eth er now.

brake [noun] a device to stop a machine

1 used th e em ergency brake to prevent the
car from rolling d o w nhill.
break [verb] to fracture; to shatter
D o n't break th a t m irror!

rT T ps T R I CKS | capital [noun] a city; the location o f a governm ent

Here is a sentence to help

W h a t is th e capital o f this state?
you remember the differ­ capitol [noun] a building; statehouse
ence between capital and The capitol is on Congress Avenue.
capitol: There is a dome
on the capitol. choose [verb, rhymes w ith lose] to select
W e choose activities to d ay in gym class.
chose [verb, past tense o f choose]
W e chose activities yesterday.

cloths [noun] pieces o f cloth

1 need some m ore cleaning cloths.
clothes [noun] w earing apparel
1 decided to p u t on w arm clothes.

402 Spelling
^ 2 2 5 2 2 3 3 Choosing Between Words Often Confused
From each pair in parentheses, choose th e w ord o r w ords th at
will m ake the sentence correct.
EXAMPLE 1. If it rains, we will (altar, alter) our plans.
7. alter

1. M y su m m er (cloths, clothes) are loose a n d light.

2. In E ngland, you can still see rem ains o f ( altars, alters) b u ilt
by ancient peoples.
3. A bicyclist can w ear o u t a set o f ( brakes, breaks) quickly.
4. You sh o u ld use soft ( cloths, clothes) to clean silver.
5. T he cold w eather did n o t (altar, alter) Ling’s plans for the
C hinese N ew Year celebration.
6. Accra is the ( capital, capitol) o f G hana.
7. Keep the pieces o f the vase (altogether, all together), a n d I will
try to repair it.
8. D id he ( choose, chose) a p a rtn e r d u rin g class yesterday?
9. O n the dom e o f the (capital, capitol) stands a large statue.
10. The audience was (altogether, all together) c h arm ed by the

m im e ’s perform ance.

coarse [adjective] rough; crude; n o t fine

The coarse sand acts as a filter.
course [noun] path o f action; series o f studies;
[also used in th e expression o f course]
W h a t is th e best course fo r me to take?
You may change your mind, o f course.

complement [verb] to make com plete; [noun] som e­

thing that com pletes
The piano music complemented Ardene's
violin solo.
Red shoes are a good com plem ent to th a t
o u tfit.
compliment [verb] to praise som eone; [noun] praise
from som eone
Mrs. Katz com plim ented Jean on her
persuasive speech.
Thank you fo r th e compliment.


Words Often Confused 403

i:W ■i
council [noun] a group called to g eth er to accom­
plish a jo b
The mayor's council has seven members,
counsel [noun] advice; [verb] to give advice
He needs legal counsel on this m atter.
His a tto rn ey w ill counsel him before the

councilor [noun] a m em ber o f a council

The m ayor appointed seven councilors.
counselor [noun] one who advises
Mr. Jackson is th e guidance counselor fo r
th e seventh grade.

desert [noun, pronounced des'»ert] a dry, barren,

sandy region; a wilderness
This cactus grows only in th e desert.
desert [verb, pronounced de»sert'] to abandon; to
A good sport does not desert his or her

team m ates.
dessert [noun, pronounced des»sert'] a sweet, final
course o f a meal
Let's have fresh peaches fo r dessert.

Choosing Between Words Often Confused

From each pair in parentheses, choose th e w ord th a t will m ake
th e sentence correct.
EXAMPLE 1. At the end of dinner, we ate a (desert, dessert) made
of fresh fruits and berries mixed w ith frozen yogurt.
7. dessert

1. T he city ( council, counsel) will n o t m eet unless seven o f the

ten (councilors, counselors) are present.
2. T he p a tie n t received (council, counsel) from the d o c to r on
the best (coarse, course) to a speedy recovery.
3. C h u tn ey an d y ogurt (complement, compliment) an In d ian
m eal very well.
4. W hen we were staying in C airo last year, we saw th e Nile
River, o f (coarse, course).

404 Spelling

5. Edw ard is p rep a rin g the enchiladas, a n d I’m m aking

em panadas for ( desert, dessert) ton ig h t.
6. M arilyn m ade a h a n d p u p p e t o u t o f ( coarse, course) burlap,
b u tto n s, an d felt.
7. We all know the m ajo r w o u ld n o t ( desert, dessert) her
regim ent for any reason.
8. Please, I am asking for y o u r ( council, counsel), n o t y our
(complements, compliments).
9. M y m o th e r a n d father b o th to o k p a rt in th e (dessert, desert)
hiking trip last week.
10. W h at did you th in k w h en o u r cam p ( councilor, counselor)
(complemented, complimented) us o n o u r endurance?

f o r m a lly [adverb] with dignity; follow ing strict rules or

W e must behave form ally a t th e reception.
f o r m e r ly [adverb] previously; at an earlier date
Formerly, people th o u g h t travel to th e m oon
was impossible.

hear [verb] to receive sounds through the ears

You can hear a whisper through these walls.
h e re [adverb] in this place
H ow long have you lived h e re l

its [possessive form o f th e pronoun it] belonging

to it
Th at book has lost its cover.
it's [contraction o f it is or it has]
It's [It is] th e coldest w in te r 1 can rem em ber.
It's [It has] been a long tim e.

le a d [verb, rhymes w ith feed] to go first; to be a

Can she lead us o u t o f this tunnel?
le d [verb, past tense o f lead] w en t first
Elizabeth Blackwell led th e m ovem ent fo r
hospital reform .
le a d [noun, rhymes w ith red] a heavy metal;
D istinguish b e tw e e n
graphite used in a pencil w o rd s o f te n c o n fu se d .
There is no longer any lead in lead pencils. Spell fre q u e n tly m is­
sp e lle d w o rd s correctly.

Words Often Confused 405


loose [adjective, rhymes w ith moose] n o t tigh t

This belt is to o loose.
lose [verb, rhymes w ith th e verb use] to su ffe r loss
Fran w ill lose th e race if she panics.

passed [verb, past tense o f pass] w en t by

He passed us five minutes ago.
past [noun] time th at has gone by; [preposition]
beyond; [adjective] ended
Good historians m ake th e past come alive.
W e rode past your house.
T h at era is past.

Choosing Between Words Often Confused

From each pair in parentheses, choose th e w ord th a t will m ake
th e sentence correct.
EXAMPLE 1. Kaya (lead, led) us to the ceremonial lodge.
1. led

1. T he w o m an w ho (formally, formerly) (lead, led) the b a n d

n ow teaches m usic in Alaska.
2. We do n o t expect to ( loose, lose) any o f o u r backfield players
this year.
3. We (passed, past) th ree stalled cars this m o rn in g o n o u r way
to school.
4. “W hy did you (lead, led) us (hear, here)V’ th e bew ildered
to u rist dem anded.
5. C an you (hear, here) th e difference betw een th e live and
stu d io recordings o f this song?
6. T he w orkers rem oved th e (lead, led) pipes fro m th e old
house a n d replaced th em w ith co p p er ones.
7. H as th e (loose, lose) b o lt lost (its, it’s) w asher a n d nut?
8. T he guests are to dress (formally, formerly) for th e go v ern o r’s
in au g u ra tio n ball.
9. “I th in k ( it’s, its) tim e for a p o p spelling quiz,” a n n o u n c ed
M rs. Ferrari.
10. H as th e last school bus o f th e m o rn in g already gone (passed,
past) o u r street, Tiffany?

406 Spelling
peace [noun] quiet order and security I T 1 F>S ^ TRI CKS
W orld peace is th e goal o f th e U nited Nations.
Here is a way to remember
p ie c e [noun] a pa rt o f som ething the difference between
Lian b o ught th a t piece o f silk in Hong Kong. peace and piece. You eat a
piece of pie.
p la in [adjective] unadorned, simple, common;
[noun] flat area o f land
Jeans w e re p art o f his plain appearance.
A broad, treeless plain stretched before them .

p la n e [noun] a flat surface; a tool; an airplane

The movers pushed th e couch up an inclined
plane and into th e truck.
1 have just used a carpenter's plane.
Have you ever flo w n in a pla n et

p rin c ip a l [noun] the head o f a school; [adjective] chief, TIPS & TRICKS
main To remember the spelling
Our principal spoke o f his principal duties. of principal, use this sen­
1 outlined the principal ideas. tence: The principal is
your pal.
p rin c ip le [noun] a rule o f conduct; a fundam ental truth
Action should be guided by principles.

q u ie t [adjective] still and peaceful; w ith o u t noise

The forest was very q u ie t
q u ite [adverb] w holly o r entirely; to a great exten t
Some students are already quite sure o f th e ir
career plans.

shone [verb, past tense o f shine] gleam ed; g lo w ed

The moon shone softly over th e grass in the
silent m eadow .
show n [verb, past participle o f show] revealed;
dem onstrated
Tamisha has show n me ho w to crochet.

N0TE Shine can mean "to direct the light of" or "to polish," but the
preferred past tense form for these meanings is shined, not shone.

EXAMPLES The firefighters shined a light into the attic.

Elton shined his shoes before the dance.

Words Often Confused 407

Choosing Between Words Often Confused
F rom each p air in parentheses, choose the w ord th a t will m ake
the sentence correct.
EXAMPLE 1. Mr. Ramirez used a (plain, plane) to smooth the board.
7. plane

1. Each d ro p o f w ater (shone, shown) like crystal.

2. M o to r vehicles are one o f th e (principal, principle) sources o f
air p o llu tio n in o u r cities.
3. If you d o n ’t h urry, you will m iss y o u r (plain, plane).
4. T he (principals, principles) o f justice a n d tru s t can lead to
w orld (peace, piece).
5. Jan has (shone, shown) m e how to change a tire.
6. It is clear th a t Luisa is acting on (principal, principle), n o t
from a p ersonal m otive.
7. O n C hristm as Eve we each have a (peace, piece) o f fruitcake.
8. “T he bake sale was (quiet, quite) successful,” said G loria.
9. “For once,” the (principal, principle) a n n o u n c e d w ith a smile,
“you do n o t have to be (quiet, qu ite)”

10. (Plain, Plane) fruits a n d vegetables can be delicious.

- HEL P Proofreading fo r Words Often Confused

r < y
Some sentences Identify the m isspelled w ords in th e follow ing sentences. T hen,
in Review C contain more give the correct spelling o f each w ord.
than one spelling error.
EXAMPLE 1. Portraits of people do not have to be plane.
7. plane—plain

1. Som e p o rtra its have a striking affect.

2. A vivid p o rtra it can often m ake people from the passed
seem alive.
3. T he p ain tin g on th e left is by R em b ran d t, one o f the
p rinciple pain ters o f the seventeenth century.
4. T he p o rtra it, p ro b ab ly o f a rabbi in th e city o f
A m sterdam , is q u iet lovely.
5. It’s detail shows w hy R e m b ra n d t was such a p o p u la r
p o rtra it artist.
6. T he pain tin g illustrates one o f R e m b ra n d t’s m ain artistic
principals, th e strong co n trast betw een light an d dark.
7. Light has show n only o n the ra b b i’s face, hands, a n d a
peace o f his clothing.
8. The rest o f the painting is quiet dark, highlighting these
lighted features.
9. T he rabbi is shone in a state o f piece, an d the lack o f detail in
the p ainting gives an im pression o f quite elegance.
10. R em b ran d t is excepted as a great artist because o f his ability
to give life to the h u m a n form .

s ta tio n a r y [adjective] in a fixed position I T I Ps IJR I C K j y

Is th a t chalkboard stationary ?
Here is an easy way to
s ta tio n e r y [noun] writing paper rem ember th e difference
Do you have any w h ite stationery ? between stationary and
stationery: You w rite a
th a n [conjunction used in comparisons] le tte r on stationery.
Alaska is bigger than Texas.
th e n [adverb] at that time
If w e meet, w e can talk abo u t it then.

t h e ir [possessive form o f th e pronoun they]

belonging to them
Can you understand their message?
th e r e [adverb] at or to that place; [also used to
begin a sentence]
Let's m eet there.
There are toys hidden inside th e pinata.
t h e y 'r e [contraction o f they are]
They're all from Guam.

th re w [verb, past tense o f throw ] hurled; tossed

Ted th rew me th e m itt.
th r o u g h [preposition] in one side and out the
opposite side
1 can't see through th e lens.

Choosing Between Words Often Confused

From each pair o r g roup in parentheses, choose th e w ord th at
will m ake the sentence correct.
EXAMPLE 1. {Their, They're, There) first rehearsal is after school.
1. Their

1. T he stars ap p ear to be (stationary, stationery), b u t we know

th a t (their, there, they’re) m oving at very h igh speeds.
2. T hailand is m u ch larger (than, then) S outh Korea.

Words O ften Confused 409

3. T h at noise is from a jet plane going (threw, through) the
so u n d barrier.
4. T he pitch er (threw, through) a curveball.
5. A (stationary, stationery) store usually sells paper, pencils,
a n d o th er w ritin g supplies.
6. We started o u r trip in B arcelona a n d (than, then) traveled
w est to M adrid.
7. T he girls com pleted ( their, there, they’re) displays for the
science fair.
8. Is a m oving target m u ch h a rd e r to h it (than, then) a
(stationary, stationery) one?
9. Each tim e C hris got a free throw , he lobbed the ball neatly
(threw, through) th e n e t to score one point.
10. T he children in the b ack seat kept asking, “W h en will we get
(their, they’re, there)V’

to [preposition] in the direction o f; tow ard

[also used before the base form o f a verb]
W e are going to Mexico to visit Gabriel.
to o [adverb] also; more than enough

Audrey is going, too.

Kazuo used too much miso, so the soup was
tw o [adjective or noun] one plus one
W e bought tw o sets o f chopsticks before w e left
the restaurant.

w a is t [noun] the midsection o f the body

The anchor o f the tu g -o f-w a r team w rapped the
rope around her waist.
w a s te [verb] to use foolishly; [noun] a needless
Try not to waste all your film now.
Rodney did not agree th a t g o lf is a waste o f
tim e.

w eak [adjective] feeble; not strong

Melinda's illness has left her very weak.
Distinguish between w eek [noun] seven days
words often confused.
Spell frequently mis­ W e'll w a it fo r at least a week.
spelled words correctly.

410 Spelling
weather [noun] the condition o f the atmosphere
The w eather seems to be changing.
whether [conjunction] if
W e do not know w hether w e should expect

who's [contraction o f who is or who has]

Who's [W ho is] going to th e museum?
"W ho's [W ho has] been eating my porridge?"
asked Papa Bear.
whose [possessive form o f the pronoun who]
belonging to whom
Whose report was the most original?

your [possessive form o f the pronoun you]

belonging to you
W h a t is yo u r middle name?
you're [contraction o f you are]
You're my best friend.

^ 2 3 3 3 3 ^ Choosing Between Words O ften Confused
From each pair o r g roup in parentheses, choose th e w ord th at
will m ake the sentence correct.
EXAMPLE 1. W hat are (your, you're) plans for celebrating
1. your

1. (W h o’s, Whose) the p resent secretary o f state o f the U nited

States, Elaine?
2. M y stepsister an d I b u ilt (to, too, two) snow forts o n o u r fro n t
law n yesterday.
3. “(Your, You’re) late,” m y frien d com plained.
4. W ould you be able to stan d th e (weather, whether) in Alaska?
5. T h at sounds like a (weak, week) excuse to m e.
6. (Your, You’re) dog is (to, too, two) sleepy to learn any new
tricks today.
7. “(W h o’s, Whose) b o o ts are these?” M rs. Allen asked.
8. The p ilot m u st decide v ery quickly (weather, whether) she
sh ould parach u te to safety o r try to lan d th e crippled plane.

W ords Often Confused 411

9. A n obi is a sash th a t is w o rn a ro u n d th e (waist, waste).
10. M y fam ily is going (to, too, two) N ew O rleans.

Choosing Between Words Often Confused

From each p air o r g ro u p in parentheses, choose th e w ord th a t
will m ake th e sentence correct.
EXAMPLE My parents asked my [1] (advice, advise) about where we
should spend our vacation.
7. advice

M y fam ily could n o t decide [1] (weather, whether) to visit

B oston o r Philadelphia. Finally, we all agreed o n B oston, the
[2] (capital, capitol) o f M assachusetts. We drove [3] (to, too, two)
the city one w eek later. Even m y p a re n ts could n o t conceal
[4] (their, there, they’re) excitem ent. We d id n o t [5] (loose, lose)
a m o m en t. B oston [6] (formally, formerly) was “th e h u b o f
the universe,” a n d we discovered th a t [7] ( it ’s, its) still a tru ly
fascinating city.
Everyone in m y fam ily [8] (accept, except) m e h a d eaten
lobster, a n d I ate it for the first tim e there in B oston. I was n o t
[9] (altogether, all together) certain how to eat th e lobster, b u t m y
d o u b t did n o t [10] (affect, effect) m y appetite. M y p aren ts insisted
th a t pear y o g u rt was a strange [11] (desert, dessert) to follow lo b ­
ster, b u t I w ould n o t [12] (altar, alter) m y order. A fter the pear
yogurt, I th o u g h t a b o u t o rd erin g a sm all [13] (peace, piece) o f
pie, b u t I decided to keep [14] (quiet, quite).
W hile in B oston, we w alked u p an d dow n th e streets ju st
to [15] (hear, here) th e B ostonians’ accents. [16] (Their, There,
They’re) especially n o ted for [17] (their, there, they’re) p ro n u n ­
ciation o f a s a n d r’s.
We h ad been in B oston for only a w eek o r so w hen the
[18] (weather, whether) b u re a u p red icted a big snow storm for the
area. Since we h ad n o t taken th e p ro p e r [19] (cloths, clothes) for
snow, we decided to re tu rn hom e. O n th e way back, we were
[20] (already, all ready) m aking plans for a n o th e r visit to Boston.

C h a p te r R eview
A . Id e n t if y in g M is s p e lle d W o rd s
Identify th e m isspelled w ord in each o f the follow ing groups o f
w ords. T hen, w rite th e correct spelling o f the w ord.

1. height, w eight, cheif

2. succeed, supercede, proceed
3. unecessary, unavailable, u n u su al
4. happyly, finally, tru ly
5. said, paid, keyd
6. cleaner, tap ping, d rip e d
7. taxes, buzzes, foxs
8. switches, m ixs, keys
9. knifes, tom atoes, solos
10 . m others-in-law , father-in-law s, drive-ins
11. achieve, feirce, friend

12. m ow w er, followed, staying
13. acquire, arguem ent, always
14. tired, trys, guess
15. noticable, yield, daily
16. staying, priceless, easyer
17. halfs, coughs, princesses
18. heating, hiting, try in g
19. changable, drinkable, sm iling
20. m isspell, ilegible, u n n o tic e d

B. W r itin g th e C o rre c t P lu ra l F o rm
W rite th e correct p lu ral fo rm o f each o f th e follow ing w ords.

21. boss 25. freeway 28. 3

22. th ie f 26. ten -y ear-o ld 29. city
23. sheep 27. V ietnam ese 30. sop ran o
24. w o m an

Chapter Review 413

C. C h o o s in g B e tw e e n W o rd s O fte n C o n fu s e d
In each o f the follow ing sentences, choose th e correct w o rd from
the p air in parentheses.

31. Have you (already, all ready) a d o p te d a k itten from the

anim al shelter?
32. A lthough it’s only July, the store already has a display o f
w in ter (cloths, clothes).
33. “I believe th a t b o th candidates for sen ato r have very high
(principals, principles),” m y a u n t said.
34. T he so p h o m o re {councilor, counselor) is w orking o n next
year’s class schedules.
35. T he m o o n is (quiet, quite) b rig h t this evening.
36. N ot getting e n o u g h exercise can (effect, affect) y o u r health.
37. You m u st (formally, formerly) declare y o u r interest in joining
the club by filling o u t th e m em b ersh ip card.
38. M y (advise, advice) is th a t you b u y a m o u n ta in bike.
39. (Its, It’s) h a rd to believe th a t th e leatherback tu rtle can grow
to be seven feet long!
40. T he fabric on th e couch in Dr. A lexander’s w aiting ro o m is
(course, coarse) a n d scratchy.

D. Id e n t if y in g M is u s e d W o rd s
In m an y o f the follow ing sentences, one w o rd has been m isused
because it has been confused for a n o th e r w ord. W rite each in co r­
rectly used w ord. T hen, w rite the w o rd th a t sh o u ld have been
used. If a sentence is already correct, w rite C.

41 . A n ed ito r will altar this m an u scrip t.

42. We h a d fru it an d sherbet for desert.
4 3 . 1 th an k e d M r. C h u for th e com plim ent.
44. W hile you are hear, use this towel.
45. Eventually, w in ter past a n d spring arrived.
46. M aria received a box o f statio n ery for h er birthday.
47. T he blue chair is m ore com fortable th e n the green one.
48. T he w h ether re p o rt com es o n rig h t after the news.
49. W hose the m an speaking to Officer G rant?
50. T he tow n voted to except th e gift o f a new lib rary w ing.
la W riting Application
Using Correct Spelling in a Review
S p e llin g W ords C o rre c tly W rite a one- o r tw o-p arag rap h
review o f y our favorite b o o k or m ovie. Be sure to use at least five
o f the w ords listed as W ords O ften C onfused in this chapter.

P re w ritin g Pick a favorite b o o k o r m ovie a n d m ake a list o f

the reasons th a t you prefer it over o th er books o r m ovies. If you
decide to w rite a b o u t a book, for exam ple, you m ay w a n t to
com pare it to a film th a t is based on th a t book.

W r itin g As you w rite y o u r first draft, be sure to include

in fo rm a tio n a b o u t the b o o k o r film , such as w ho w rote it, w ho
directed it, a n d w ho stars in it. R em em ber to use a d ictio n ary to
help w ith correct spelling.

R evisin g Evaluate y o u r d raft a n d revise it to im prove its c o n ­

ten t, organization, an d style. A dd sensory details th a t m ake the Create various kinds of
story com e alive for the reader. Replace cliches a n d w o rn -o u t texts in the different
writing modes. Use cor­
verbs an d n o u n s w ith fresher, m ore precise w ords. rect spelling. Write a

P u b lis h in g C heck y o u r p a ra g ra p h for spelling m istakes. Use
a c o m p u ter spellchecker if one is available, b u t rem e m b e r th a t
spellcheckers will n o t recognize a m isused w ord (for exam ple,
piece for peace), as op p o sed to a m isspelled w ord. Also, pay a tte n ­
tion to the spelling o f w ords in languages o ther th a n English, and
consult a dictionary if you have any d o u b t. Exchange y o u r re p o rt
w ith a p artn er, a n d check each o th e r’s spelling.
You a n d y our classm ates m ay w a n t to gather th e class’s
reviews an d create a b u lletin b o a rd display o f favorite books
an d m ovies.
S p e llin g W ords
• offshore cocoa Australia • m achinery
strawberry tortillas Japanese discovery
daylight Greece nursery
seaweed • classical Australian dictionary
wildlife conductor Vietnamese century
grandparents concert injury
moonlight instrum ent • arrange missionary
chairperson clarinet accommodate territory
killer whale banjo announced scenery
watermelon bugle approaching revolutionary
headache harm ony accepted treasury
typewrite pianist appoint luxury
perform ance accompanying
• shoot violin array • barrier
mist rehearsal arrangements corridor
birth accomplish umbrella
swayed • express accelerate buffalo
shown envelope annoy gorilla
tied extend pinnacle
pane excitement • selfish syllable
shone exceed m arine tobacco
reel explode greenish massacre
berth enthusiasm awkward opossum

chute enclose wholesome moccasins

suede expand grayish cinnam on
exclaim childish
• gathered exclude masculine • muscular
ham mered excel feminine triangle
controlling reddish muscle
bothering • defeat genuine circular
ruined destroyed awesome regulation
listening decline particles
studying defects • tem perature particular
swallowed disabled strength rectangle
perm itting disappeared length vehicles
carrying disappointm ent vegetable rectangular
compelled dependent arctic triangular
groaned deduction twelfth vehicular
disadvantages probably
• cafeteria disguised jewelry • doubtful
alligator dissolved literature specialist
corral boundary m isfortune
vanilla • Spanish reference fortunate
mosquito Greek beverage unfortunate
stampede England especially
guitar African specific
coyote French specifications
jaguar Spain judicial
chili Vietnam judgm ent

416 Spelling
prejudice distract astronom y apologizing
undoubtedly subtraction photography periscope
refer centimeters telescope
• organize autograph dehydrated
cooperate • portrait psychology
congratulate buffet • trio
exercise ballet m onopoly • agricultural
calculate bouquet quartet identification
illustrate dialogue tricycle encyclopedia
recognize antique decade possibility
compromise unique octopus exceptionally
memorize vague decimal responsibilities
paralyze fatigue quarters characteristic
criticize technique triangles recom m endation
inaugurate plaque binoculars rehabilitation
camouflage triple acceleration
• depositing m onotonous simultaneously
recess • fantasy accum ulation
televised fantastic • desperate
revised company lightning • inspired
position com panion adjective convention
constructing editor penetrate formula
composition editorial aspirin adventure
opposite colony athletes depends 4
structures colonial identity uniform

destruction strategy disastrous inventor
vision strategic ecstatic pending
necessary diplomacy platinum invention
diplomatic incidentally transform ed
• existence tentatively perform
incident • hasten suspended
frequent autum n • caravan
endurance autum nal luncheon • civilian
balance softly champion historian
intelligent heritage gymnasium guardian
influence designated laboratory scientist
reluctant designed mathematics biologist
magnificent reception parachute volunteer
experience signature subm arine musician
confidence haste teenagers engineer
elegant sign m em orandum physician
resign limousine technician
• transmission examination politician
contracted • diameter psychiatrist
com m itm ent graph • logic
attract meters biology
submit astronom er monologue
references barom eter hydrant
offered biography technology
omit astronaut analogy
admits kilometers mythology

Spelling Words 41 7

Common Errors
Alabama Course of Study
10; 11
SAT 10
LF.4; CL.14

Key Language Skills Review

T his ch ap ter reviews key skills a n d concepts th a t pose special
p roblem s for w riters.
• Sentence Fragments and Run-on Sentences
• Subject-Verb and Pronoun-Antecedent Agreement
• Verb Forms and Pronoun Forms
• Comparison of Modifiers
• Misplaced Modifiers
• Standard Usage
• Capitalization
• Punctuation— End Marks, Commas, Semicolons, Colons,
Quotation Marks, and Apostrophes
• Spelling
M ost o f the exercises in this ch ap ter follow the sam e fo rm at
as th e exercises fo u n d th ro u g h o u t th e g ram m ar, usage, an d
m echanics sections o f this book. You will notice, however, th a t
tw o sets o f review exercises are p resen ted in stan d ard ized test
form ats. These exercises are designed to provide you w ith p ra c ­
tice n o t only in solving usage a n d m echanics problem s b u t also
in dealing w ith these kinds o f problem s o n stan d ard ized tests.

418 Correcting Common Errors

4 2 2 S 2 B C P Finding and Revising Sentence Fragments
M ost o f the follow ing groups o f w ords are sentence fragm ents. Reference Note
Revise each frag m en t by (1) ad d in g a subject, (2) ad d in g a verb, For information about
or (3) attaching the frag m en t to a com plete sentence. You m ay correcting sentence
fragments, see page 455.
need to change the p u n c tu a tio n a n d capitalization, too. If the
w ord group is already a com plete sentence, w rite S.
EXAMPLE 1. Because she likes Chihuahuas.
7. My mother bought a book about dogs because she
likes Chihuahuas.

1. W anted to study th e h isto ry o f C hihuahuas.

2. Small dogs w ith big, p o in te d ears.
3. W hen m y m o th e r’s C h ih u ah u as begin th eir shrill, high-
pitched barking.
4. C h ihuahuas lived in an cient Mexico.
5. A ncient stone carvings show ing th a t the Toltecs raised
C h ihuahuas d u rin g the eighth or n in th ce n tu ry a .d .
6. Are related to dogs o f the M iddle East.
7. Travelers m ay have b ro u g h t C h ih u ah u as to the A m ericas
as com panions.
8. T h at C hih u ah u as score p o o rly o n canine intelligence tests.
9. However, can be tra in e d to assist people w ho have hearin g
im pairm ents.
10. If you w an t a C h ihuahua.

Revising Sentence Fragments

Identify each o f the follow ing groups o f w ords as a sentence frag Reference Note
m e n t or a com plete sentence. W rite F if it is a sentence fragm ent I For information about
and S if it is a sentence. T hen, revise each sentence frag m en t by correcting sentence
(1) adding a subject, (2) adding a verb, or (3) attach in g th e frag­ fragments, see page 455.

m en t to a com plete sentence. You m ay need to change the p u n c ­

tu a tio n a n d capitalization, too.
EXAMPLE 1. Juggling a fascinating hobby.
7. F—Juggling is a fascinating hobby.

1. If you w ould like to be able to juggle.

2. You m ight sta rt w ith a good, sim ple h o w -to book.
3. M ost people can learn th e basic m oves.
4. W ith in a fairly sh o rt p e rio d o f tim e.

G ram m ar and Usage 419

5. W hile beginners first develop a sense o f how to h o ld one
juggling bag.
6. T hey also practice stan d in g in th e proper, relaxed way.
7. Next, m u st m aster th e ability to toss one bag back an d forth.
8. T hen learning the rig h t way to th ro w tw o bags.
9. B eginners often n eed to practice juggling w ith tw o bags for
som e tim e.
10. Before they m ove up to th ree bags.

Finding and Revising Sentence Fragments

Reference Note Som e o f th e follow ing groups o f w ords are sentence fragm ents.
I For information about Revise each sentence frag m en t by (1) ad d in g a subject, (2) a d d ­
correcting sentence ing a verb, or (3) attach in g the sentence frag m en t to a com plete
fragments, see page 455. sentence. You m ay need to change the p u n c tu a tio n an d capital­
ization, too. If the w ord g ro u p is already a com plete sentence,
w rite S.
/V /
rHELp— > y EXAMPLE 1. Could have been th e source o f th e w orld's legends of
Although the
example for Exercise 3 7. C ould d in o sa u r fossils have b een the so u rce o f the
shows two possible w o rld 's le g e n d s o f d ra g o n s?
answers, you need to give or
only one for each item.
Large lizards, such as m onitors, co u ld have been the
so u rce o f th e w o rld 's le g e n d s o f dragons.

1. Eventually, taking ro o t in th e im aginations o f m an y people.

2. C onsidering this.
3. T he w ord dinosaur was first used a ro u n d one h u n d re d an d

fifty years ago.

4. T h at fact surprises m an y people.
5. W here th e first d in o sa u r eggs were found.
6. For exam ple, m agnificent, full skeletons in m useum s, lifelike

an im atio n s, television do cu m en taries, a n d even children’s

toys an d cartoons.
7. C an explain th e su d d en disappearance o f these m ig h ty
8. T he rem arkable w o rk o f physicists Dr. Luis Alvarez a n d his
son W alter on this m ystery.
9. T h eir th e o ry based on th e idea o f a m eteo r h ittin g the earth.
10. Sending a huge, d a rk cloud a ro u n d th e earth , killing m any
plants an d destroying the d in o sa u rs’ food sources.

420 Correcting Common Errors

Revising Run-on Sentences
Each o f the follow ing item s is a ru n -o n sentence. Revise each Reference Note
sentence by follow ing th e italicized in stru ctio n s in parentheses. For information about
R em em ber to use correct p u n c tu a tio n a n d capitalization. correcting run-on
sentences, see page 457.
EXAMPLE 1. The study of shells is called malacology, shell collec­
tions are particularly popular in Japan. (Make two
7. The study o f shells is called malacology. Shell collec­
tions are particularly popular in Japan.

1. At fo u r feet in diam eter, th e shell o f th e giant clam is the

largest shell to d ay d u rin g p reh isto ric tim es, th e shell o f the
N autiloidea som etim es grew to eight feet across. (Make two
2. F rom the M e d iterran ean to Japan, shells have played an
im p o rta n t p a rt in everyday life th ey have fu n ctio n ed as
m oney, as d ecoration, a n d even as m agic charm s. (Make
two sentences.)
3. A m erican In d ian s used w a m p u m , beads cut from shells, as
m o n ey W est Africans a n d A rabs used th e cow rie shell in the
sam e way. ( Use a comma and a coordinating conjunction.)
4. A fricans prized th e shell as jew elry shells are still sold as
jewelry. ( Use a comma and a coordinating conjunction.)
5. Jewelry, b u tto n s, figurines, a n d all kinds o f decorative objects
can be p u rch ased at to u rist shops along th e coasts, shells are
plentiful nearby. (Make two sentences.)
6. The ancient Greeks boiled m ollusks a n d created a valuable

pu rp le dye cloth treated w ith this dye m ay retain its color for
hu n d red s o f years. (Make two sentences.)
7. Perhaps because o f th eir great beauty, shells have also played
im p o rta n t p a rts in religious life th ey m ay be fo u n d in several

belief systems. (Make two sentences.)
8. Q uetzalcoatl, god o f the M ayans, Toltecs, a n d Aztecs, was
b o rn fro m a seashell th e ch an k shell is associated w ith the
H in d u god V ishnu. (Make two sentences.)
9. Shells can be free for the taking th eir ra rity can m ake th em
quite valuable. ( Use a comma and a coordinating conjunction.)
10. Shells are regularly ex p o rted fro m th e U nited States to
Europe, Japan an d the U nited States also ship shells back a n d
forth. (Make two sentences.)

Gram m ar and Usage 421

Correcting Run-on Sentences
Reference Note C o rrect each o f th e follow ing ru n -o n sentences by (1) m aking it
I For information about into tw o separate sentences o r (2) using a co m m a a n d a c o o rd i­
correcting run-on natin g c o n ju n c tio n to m ake a c o m p o u n d sentence. R em em ber to
sentences, see page 457.
use correct p u n c tu a tio n a n d capitalization.
EXAMPLE 1. Anthony uses chopsticks skillfully I have trouble with
1. Anthony uses chopsticks skillfully, but I have trouble
with them.

1. T he large crane lifted th e te n -to n boxes, it set th e m o n the

concrete deck.
2. M y d ad does n o t k n o w m u ch a b o u t co m p u ters he has
learn ed to s u rf th e In tern et.
3. Allen Say w rote The Ink-Keeper’s Apprentice the events in the
sto ry are based on his b o y h o o d in Japan.
4. Two robins lan d ed on th e ice in th e b ird b a th one o f th em
d ra n k w ater from a ro u n d the thaw ed edges.
5. E gyptian hieroglyphics m ay be w ritten from left to rig h t
o r from rig h t to left, th ey m ay be w ritte n from to p to b o tto m .
6. John is m y youngest b ro th e r Levy is m y oldest brother.
7. T he n a tu re preserve was beau tifu l som e people h a d littered.
8. G ra n d m a believes in keeping a positive a ttitu d e, she says th a t
th in k in g positively is th e key to a h ap p y life.
9. Let’s see th a t new m ovie from Korea I have never seen a
K orean m ovie.
10. All m y friends like to shop for bargains at the dow n to w n

m all, I do, too.

Revising Run-on Sentences


Revise each o f the follow ing ru n -o n sentences by (1) m ak in g it

Reference Note in to tw o separate sentences o r (2) using a co m m a a n d a c o o rd i­
I For information about n atin g c o n ju n c tio n to m ake a c o m p o u n d sentence. R em em ber to
correcting run-on use correct p u n c tu a tio n a n d capitalization.
sentences, see page 457.
EXAMPLE 1. James Earl Jones is a famous actor he has been in
movies and plays.
7. James Earl Jones is a famous actor. He has been in
movies and plays.

422 Correcting Common Errors

1. You m ay n o t rem em b er seeing Jam es Earl Jones, you w ould
p robably recognize his voice.
2. Jones p rovided the voice o f D a rth V ader in th e Star Wars
m ovies, Jones’s deep voice help ed m ake the character forceful
and frightening.
3. Jones has a distinctive voice he has even w on a m edal for his
vocal delivery.
4. T he prize was given by th e A m erican A cadem y o f A rts an d
Letters, is th a t th e org an izatio n th a t gives the A cadem y
5. Jones’s a u to b io g rap h y was pu b lish ed in 1993 it is, quite
appropriately, titled Voices and Silences.
6. Jones was b o rn in M ississippi in 1931, he was raised by his
g ran d p aren ts on a farm in M ichigan.
7. His father was a prizefighter a n d an actor Jones decided to be
an actor, too, a n d studied in N ew York City.
8. He p o rtray ed a boxing ch am p io n in The Great White Hope,
he starred in b o th the Broadw ay p ro d u c tio n a n d th e m ovie
version o f th e play.
9. Jones w on a Tony Aw ard for his Broadw ay perfo rm an ce he
was n o m in a te d for an A cadem y Aw ard for his role in the
m ovie.
10. A nother o f Jones’s m ovies is The Man, in th a t m ovie he plays
the first African A m erican to be elected p resid en t o f the
U nited States.

4 2 S 2 3 t i ! 9 Revising Sentence Fragments and

Run-on Sentences
Identify each o f the follow ing w ord groups by w ritin g F if it is Reference Note
a sentence fragm ent, R if it is a ru n -o n sentence, a n d S if it is a I For information on
com plete sentence. Revise each frag m en t to m ake it into a c o m ­ correcting sentence
fragments, see page 455.
plete sentence. Revise each ru n -o n to m ake it into one o r m ore
For information on cor­
com plete sentences. R em em ber to use correct capitalization a n d recting run-on sen­
p u n c tu a tio n . tences, see page 457.
EXAMPLE 1. Because my ancestors were Scandinavian.
7. F—l have heard many stories about Vikings because
my ancestors were Scandinavian.

1. T he Viking Age lasted three centuries, it started at th e en d o f

the eighth cen tu ry A.D.

G ram m ar and Usage 42 3

2. Vikings from S candinavian co untries k n o w n to d ay as
Sweden, D enm ark, a n d Norway.
3. Since the V ikings lived along the sea, th ey often becam e
b oatbuilders, sailors, a n d explorers.
4. T he range o f influence o f the Vikings was e n o rm o u s the
Vikings developed tra d e routes in w estern E urope a n d also in
the M iddle East.
5. Also were skilled at fishing a n d farm ing.
6. All Vikings spoke the language called O ld N orse they shared
sim ilar religious beliefs.
7. O d in was the chief god o f th e Vikings, O d in ’s son T h o r was
w o rshiped m ore widely.
8. A fter th ey w ere converted to C hristianity, the V ikings b u ilt
m an y w ooden churches.
9. Was divided in to three m ain social classes— royal fam ilies,
free citizens, a n d slaves.
10. V iking w om en held several im p o rta n t rights, they could ow n
p ro p e rty an d land, for exam ple.

Identifying Verbs That Agree in Num ber

w ith Their Subjects
Reference Note For each o f the follow ing sentences, choose the fo rm o f th e verb
I For information about in parentheses th a t agrees w ith the subject.
subject-verb agreement,
EXAMPLE 1. The band (p/ay, p/ays) mostly reggae.
see page 192.
7. plays

1. S am antha a n d M atth ew (take, takes) a rt classes at the

m u se u m o n w eekends.
2. T he card table o r the folding chairs (belong, belongs) in th a t
closet by the fro n t door.

3. Earlene (don’t, doesn’t) know the exact tim e because her

w atch sto p p ed w orking last week.
4. B oth the stalagm ites an d th e stalactites (was, were) casting
eerie shadow s o n the cave walls.
5. Several o f the exchange stu d en ts at o u r school (speak, speaks)
6. N either an em u n o r an o strich (lay, lays) eggs th a t look
like that.

424 Correcting Common Errors

7. The m em bers o f the audience always (clap, claps) as so o n as
the star appears onstage.
8. M ike said th a t either the m ain h e rd or the stragglers (is, are)
in the near canyon.
9. T he coaches o n the visiting team (agree, agrees) w ith the
referee’s decision.
10. Som e o f the fru it baskets (sell, sells) for less th a n th ree an d a
h alf dollars each.

^ £ 2 3 2 ^ ^ Identifying Verbs That Agree in Num ber

w ith Their Subjects
For each o f the follow ing sentences, choose th e fo rm o f the verb Reference Note
in parentheses th a t agrees w ith the subject. I For information about
subject-verb agreement,
EXAMPLE 1. (Do, Does) you know w hat a powwow is?
see page 192.
1. Do

1. Each o f us in m y class (has, have) given a

re p o rt a b o u t poww ows, w hich are cerem onies
or gatherings o f A m erican Indians.
2. D ancing an d feasting (is, are) very im p o rta n t
activities at powwows.
3. People in m y fam ily (come, comes) from
a ro u n d the c o u n try to a tte n d th e C row Fair,
w hich is held every A ugust in M ontana.
4. M any o f the people at th e pow w ow (has, have)
com e here from C anada.

5. Everyone here (know, knows) th a t it is the
largest pow w ow in N o rth A m erica.
6. Peoples represented at the fair ( include,
includes) the Crow, Lakota, Ojibw a, Blackfoot,

an d Cheyenne.
7. O nly one o f m y relatives (dance, dances) all fo u r o f th e m ain
kinds o f dances at powwows.
8. B oth skill a n d practice (go, goes) in to th e T raditional, Fancy,
Grass, an d Jingle-dress dances.
9. Last year, all o f th e costum es o f the Fancy dancers (was, were)
extrem ely colorful.
10. E ither a row o f p o rcu p in e quills o r a b a n d o f beads (go, goes)
all the way a ro u n d som e o f th e dancers’ headdresses.

Gram m ar and Usage 425

Correcting Errors in Subject-Verb
Agreem ent
Reference Note M ost o f th e follow ing sentences c o n tain errors in subject-verb
I For information about agreem ent. Identify each e rro r, a n d give th e correct fo rm o f the
subject-verb agreement, verb. If a sentence is already correct, w rite C.
see page 192.
EXAMPLE 1. All of us is very excited about our Drama Club's
next play.
7. is— are

1. Six Friends and One Dog are the title o f the play we are
p e rfo rm in g this fall.
2. T he d irector a n d p ro d u ce r o f the play are M ark Taylor.
3. N either o u r sp o n so r n o r th e actors have ever staged a
p ro d u c tio n like this.
4. M ost o f the actors was chosen last week.
5. O f course, th e cast d o n ’t know th eir lines yet.
6. M any o f th e costum es is still being m ade.
7. E ither L auren o r K aw anda’s older b ro th e r is p a in tin g the
8. Are five dollars to o m u ch for a ticket?
9. M y friends an d th e crew hopes n o t, because the tickets are
already printed!
10. C hannel 6 News have p ro m ised to cover o u r op en in g night,
so w e’ll all be fam ous, at least for a little while.

Choosing Correct Pronoun Forms


Reference Note C hoose the correct p ro n o u n o r p ro n o u n s in parentheses in each

I For information on using o f the follow ing sentences.
pronouns correctly, see
EXAMPLE 1. Tell anyone with an idea to take (their, his or her)
Chapter 10.
suggestion to the vice-principal.

7. his or her

1. Everyone o n the field trip m u st b rin g (their, his or her) ow n

sack lunch.
2. W hen m y sister or m o th e r com es back fro m th e bakery,
(they, she) will b rin g fresh-baked bread.
3. N o, n eith er o f th e cowboys ever takes o ff (their, his) hat.
4. T he U nited States was p ro u d w h en (its, their) astro n au ts
lan d ed on the m oon.

426 Correcting Common Errors

5. If D oug o r Sim on is in the clear dow nfield, pass (them, him)
the ball.
6. U sually Rosita o r Paula plays (her, their) g u itar at o u r picnics.
7. If anybody is still in the gym, tell (them, him or her) to tu rn out
the lights and shut the door.
8. The colonists a n d G overnor W illiam B radford d ep en d ed on
Squanto as (his or her, their) interpreter.
9. This is a very large com pany, b u t (they, it) treats the em ploy­
ees w ith respect.
10. Ask Jennie o r Sara w h at (her, their) m iddle n am e is.

Proofreading Sentences fo r Correct

Pronoun-Antecedent Agreem ent
M ost o f the follow ing sentences c o n tain errors in p ro n o u n - Reference Note
antecedent agreem ent. Identify each e rro r, a n d give th e correct I For information about
form o f the p ro n o u n . If a sentence is already correct, w rite C. pronoun-antecedent
agreement, see
EXAMPLE 1. Jesse and Michael enjoyed his Kwanzaa activities. page 209.
1. his—their \
1. D uring Kwanzaa, w hich lasts from D ecem ber 26 th ro u g h
January 1, several o f o u r friends an d neighbors celebrate
his or her African heritage.
2. A frican A m erican fam ilies affirm tra d itio n al values an d
principles d u rin g th eir Kwanzaa activities.
3. This year, b o th o f m y sisters m ad e storybooks as h er zawadi,
o r Kwanzaa gifts.
4. E ither U ncle W illis or U ncle R oland will b rin g th eir candles

for the observance.
5. O ne o f th e m will b rin g th eir w o o d en candleholder, called a
6. T he joyful celebration o f Kwanzaa has its origins in A frican

harvest festivals.
7. Each o f m y p arents will discuss his o r h e r ow n individual
ideas a b o u t Kwanzaa.
8. E ither Lily o r C h arlo tte m e n tio n e d in th eir speech th a t
Kwanzaa was created in 1966.
9. N obody in o u r fam ily likes to m iss th eir tu rn to m ake up
dances on th e sixth day o f Kwanzaa.
10. Jerry an d C harles will vo lu n teer his tim e o n th e th ird day o f
Kwanzaa, w h en collective w ork is celebrated.

G ram m ar and Usage 427

Reference Note ^ 2 2 3 3 2 ^ Proofreading Sentences fo r Correct
I For information about Subject-Verb and Pronoun-Antecedent
subject-verb agreement, Agreem ent
see page 192. For informa­
tion about pronoun- M ost o f the follow ing sentences c o n ta in agreem ent errors. For
antecedent agreement, each error, identify th e in co rrect verb o r p ro n o u n a n d supply the
see page 209. correct form . If a sentence is already correct, w rite C.
EXAMPLE 1. Every animal, including humans, need w ater to
1. need—needs

1. T he h u m a n b o d y consist m ostly o f water.

2. You a n d I, along w ith everyone else, is a b o u t 65 percent
3. Everybody in m y fam ily tries to d rin k at least eight glasses o f
w ater a day.
4. “D o n ’t C arlos usually d rin k m o re th a n th at?” Janet asked.
5. E ither Angie o r R am o n a said th a t th eir fam ily usually drinks
b o ttled water.
6. Evidence shows th a t d rin k in g w ater helps o u r bodies keep its
p ro p e r tem p eratu re.
7. Ian o r C alinda have stu d ied the m in eral c o n te n t o f o u r local
w ater supply.
8. In d u stry a n d ag riculture d e p e n d o n a good w ater supply for
its success.
9. M ost o f the w o rld ’s fresh w ater is frozen in p o lar icecaps a n d
10. W hile m o re th a n 70 p ercen t o f the e a rth ’s surface are covered

by water, only 3 percent o f th at w ater is n o t salty.

W riting the Forms o f Regular and Irregular


Reference Note Provide th e correct p resen t participle, past, o r past p articiple
I For information about fo rm o f the given verb to com plete each o f th e follow ing
using verbs correctly, sentences.
see Chapter 9.
EXAMPLE 1. eat Angela has alrea d y . her serving of
acorn squash.
7. eaten

1. install T he sh o p p in g m all has w heelchair ram p s at all

o f the entrances.

428 Correcting Common Errors

2. send We have already for a new crossw ord-puzzle
m agazine.
3. see Have y o u the koalas at the A ustralian wildlife
4. p u t M arian n a i s to g eth er a colorful m obile.
5. grow M y u n c le the largest p u m p k in in th e U nited
States this year.
6. draw A nth o n y h a s tw o different self-portraits.
7. run B oth o f m y step b ro th ers h a v e in th e C ow tow n
M arath o n .
8. jum p Have th e c a t s o u t o f th e tree?
9. write M urasaki Shikibu o f J a p a n w h at m ay be the
w o rld ’s first novel.
10. go M ore th an h a lf o f m y f r ie n d s _____ to th e M ay Day

Proofreading Sentences fo r Correct

Verb Forms
Identify any in co rrect p ast o r past p articiple verb form s in the Reference Note
follow ing sentences, a n d w rite the correct form s. If a sentence is I For information about
already correct, w rite C. using verbs correctly,
see Chapter 9.
EXAMPLE 1. Many African American women maked names for
themselves during the pioneer days.
7. made

1. A friend o f m in e lended m e a b o o k called Black Women o f the

Old West.
2. It contains m any biographies o f A frican A m erican w om en
w ho leaded difficult b u t exciting lives.
3. For exam ple, M ay B. M ason gone to the Yukon to m in e gold
d u rin g the K londike G old Rush.
4. Journalist Era Bell T h o m p so n w rite d articles ab o u t the W est
for a C hicago new spaper.
5. In American Daughter she telled a b o u t h er y o u th in N o rth
D akota.
6. O u r teacher has spoke highly o f Dr. Susan M cK inney
Stewart, a pio n eer physician.
7. D u rin g the 1800s, C athy W illiam s w ore m en ’s clothes a n d
served u n d e r the n am e W illiam C athay as a Buffalo Soldier.
8 . 1 seen a pictu re o f W illiam s at w o rk o n h er farm .

G ram m ar and Usage 429

9. M ary Fields choosed an exciting b u t som etim es h a rd life in
the West.
10. N icknam ed “Stagecoach M ary,” she drived freight w agons
a n d stagecoaches in M o n tana.

Proofreading Sentences fo r Correct

Verb Forms
Reference Note If any o f the follow ing sentences contains an in co rrect past
I For information about o r past participle fo rm o f a verb, w rite the correct form . If a
using verbs correctly, sentence is already correct, w rite C.
see Chapter 9.
EXAMPLE 1. When I was ten, I begun to collect stamps.
1. began

1. O ver the years, m y collection has grow ed large e n o u g h to

fill three binders.
2 . 1 have w ent to several stam p shows.
3. At nearly every show, I seen m an y rare a n d valuable stam ps.
4 . 1 telled m y friend W arren th a t I aim to ow n som e o f those
stam ps one day.
5 . 1 once saw a pictu re o f a rare tw o -cen t stam p th a t cost one
collector $1.1 m illion in 1987.
6. As you m ig h t im agine, th a t price setted a w orld record!
7. Stam ps have ap p ear in m an y shapes.
8. M y uncle, a m ail carrier, sended m e a b a n a n a-sh a p ed stam p.
9. H e also has give m e a b o o k a b o u t the h isto ry o f stam p
10. It sayed th a t stam p collecting was already a p o p u la r h o b b y by

the 1860s.

Choosing Correct Verb Forms


Reference Note C hoose the correct verb fo rm in parentheses in each o f the

I For information about follow ing sentences.
using rise and ra ise, s it
EXAMPLE 1. (Set, S/'t) those packages down, and come help me
and se t, and lie and lay,
see page 234. catch these kittens.
1. Set

1. D id Keefe (rise, raise) th e flag for the cerem ony?

2. T he crow d ro ared w hen Sheila (sit, set) a new track
record for the fifty-yard dash.
3. A giant lobster was (laying, lying) m otionless o n th e seabed.

430 Correcting Common Errors

4. T he incom ing tide (rose, raised) th e b o a t th a t h a d been
beached on the sandbar.
5. An heirlo o m q u ilt (lays, lies) neatly folded on the bed.
6. W hy is the price o f hou sin g ( rising, raising) in this area?
7. Som eone h ad (laid, lain) a row o f stones carefully o n either
side o f the path.
8. Freshly w ashed a n d b ru sh e d , the m are w alked o u t to the
corral, (lay, laid) dow n in the dust, a n d rolled over three or
fo u r tim es.
9. By noon, the fog had (risen, raised) an d the sun had com e out.
10. In th e old p h o to g ra p h , five Sioux w arrio rs (sat, set) an d
stared w ith d ignity in to the cam era.

Identifying Correct Pronoun Forms

C hoose the correct form o f th e p ro n o u n in parentheses in each Reference Note
o f the follow ing sentences. i For information on using
pronouns correctly, see
EXAMPLE 1. Doris and (me, I) are planning a trip to Vietnam.
Chapter 10.
7. I

1. W ill you take the first-aid class w ith (we, us)?

2. T he prin cip al gave (he, him) th e key to the tro p h y case.
3. T he m in ister gave (they, them) a w edding present.
4. U lani a n d (he, him) greeted th eir guests w ith “A loha!”
5. M r. Galvez saved th e com ics especially for (I, me).
6. ( They, Them) are learning how to draw w ith pastels.
7. R. J. asked (she, her) for a new sweater.
8. Stan’s jokes am used M a rth a a n d {I, me).
9. T he perso n w ho called you last n ig h t was (I, me).
10. T he captain o f the debate team is (she, her).

Identifying Correct Pronoun Forms

C hoose the correct fo rm o f th e p ro n o u n in parentheses in each Reference Note
o f the follow ing sentences. I For information about
using pronouns
EXAMPLE 1. The guest speaker told (us, we) students many facts
correctly, see Chapter 10.
about Hispanic Americans in the arts.
7. us

1. M rs. R am irez picked o u t som e p oem s by Jim m y Santiago

Baca a n d read (they, them) to us.

Gram m ar and Usage 431

2. Jan an d (he, him) agree th a t B arbara C arrasco’s m u rals are
outstan d in g .
3. Between you a n d (I, me), C aspar Perez de Villagra’s account
o f an early expedition to th e A m erican Southw est sounds
4. (He, Him) w rote the first b o o k to have been w ritten in w hat
is now the U nited States.
5. O u r teacher show ed (we, us) p ictures o f the w ork o f the
P u erto Rican artist A rnaldo Roche.
6. ( Who, Whom) is y o u r favorite artist?
7. T he w ritings o f C h ristin a G arcia appeal to (we, us).
8. In Luz’s o p in io n , the best w rite r is (she, her).
9. Tito Puente recorded at least one h u n d re d album s and
appeared in several m ovies; we saw (he, him) in Radio Days.
10. (Who, Whom) did you research for y o u r report?

Proofreading fo r Correct Pronoun Usage

Reference Note M ost o f the follow ing sentences co n tain errors in p ro n o u n usage.
I For information about Identify each error, a n d give th e correct p ro n o u n . If a sentence is
using pronouns already correct, w rite C.
correctly, see Chapter 10.
EXAMPLE 1. W ho did the student council appoint?
1. Who— Whom

1. Let m e know w h o m will b e in charge o f decorating.

2. M r. R odriguez gave N icole a n d we shop stu d en ts a h a n d o u t
o n using the jigsaw safely.

3. W aiting for us at the d o o r were G ra n d m a an d they.

4. For R on a n d myself, geo m etry is easy.
5. G ina, us girls are going to th e p a rk to fly o u r kites; com e
along w ith us!

6. M r. C hin, his wife, a n d m e are going to the M ayan exhibit at

the m u seu m next w eekend.
7. T he big dog always keeps th e bow l o f food for hisself, so we
feed the little dog o n th e porch.
8. F rom w ho could we b o rro w a m ap?
9. Yes, the team d id all the p lan n in g a n d p ro d u c tio n o f the
video by theirselves.
10. T he only ones w ho can speak French are us boys from Miss
LaR ouche’s class.

432 Correcting Common Errors

Choosing Correct Forms o f M odifiers
C hoose the correct fo rm o f the m odifier in parentheses in each Reference Note
o f the follow ing sentences. i For information on using
modifiers correctly, see
EXAMPLE 1. Many people think that of all pets, Siamese cats are
Chapter 11.
the (better, best).
1. best

1. T he boys th o u g h t th a t they were (stronger, strongest), b u t the

girls beat th em in the tug o f war.
2. T he (simplest, simpler) way to a ttrac t birds to a yard is by
having w ater available for them .
3. Jovita is the (most intelligent, intelligentest) stu d e n t in the
seventh grade.
4 . 1 w orry a b o u t m y grades (least often, less often) now th a t I do
m y ho m ew o rk every night.
5. Kim Lee has traveled (farthest, farther) on h er bicycle th an
anyone else in o u r class has.
6. H asn’t this year’s quiz-bow l team w on (more, most) local
co m p etitio n s th a n last year’s team?
7. G ran d fath er says th a t this w in ter is th e (colder, coldest) one
he rem em bers.
8. W ynton M arsalis was b o rn in the city (more, most) associated
w ith jazz— N ew O rleans.
9. Bicyclists w ho w ear helm ets are in ju re d (least, less) often th a n
those w ho do not.
10. Louisiana has (fewer, fewest) w etlands th an it once had.

^ ^ 0 3 2 ^ Proofreading fo r Correct M odifiers
M ost o f the follow ing sentences co n tain errors in the use o f Reference Note
m odifiers. Identify each incorrect m odifier, a n d supply the I For information about

correct form . If the sentence is already correct, w rite C. using modifiers
correctly, see Chapter 11.
EXAMPLE 1. Low, green hills roll gentle in the dawn mist.
1. gentle—gently

1. T he tou rists looked u n c o m fo rta b ly as th ey rode th e elephant

along the beach.
2. An In d ian elephant calm ly carried a su rfb o ard w ith its tru n k
a n d did the job good, too.
3. T he w hite waves o f the Bay o f Bengal sm ell quite well to us.

Gram m ar and Usage 433

4. T he island o f Sri Lanka was once k n o w n as C eylon, a n d tea
grows good there.
5. At first, I felt b a d for the w orkers up to th eir w aists in m ud.
6 . 1 th o u g h t they h a d th e w orstest jo b in the w orld.
7. T hey were searching for rubies a n d garnets th a t m ig h t appear
sudden in th eir m u d d y baskets.
8 . 1 co u ld n ’t recognize a raw gem very well; could you?
9 . 1 th o u g h t the highlands, especially Sri Pada a n d W o rld’s End,
looked beautifully.
10. You can live sim ple w hen you are in Sri Lanka.

Revising Sentences to Correct Double

Comparisons and Double Negatives
Reference Note Revise each o f the follow ing sentences to correct each double
I For information about c o m p ariso n o r double negative.
double comparisons,
EXAMPLES 1. Of the three games, the first was the least funnest.
see page 272. For infor­
mation about double 7. Of the three games, the first was the least fun.
negatives, see page 273
2. There are not hardly any stores near the ranch.
2. There are hardly any stores near the ranch.

1. T he recycling center is m u ch m o re b u sier th a n it used to be.

2. Som etim es even in d o o r w ater pipes freeze if they do n o t have
no in sulation a ro u n d them .
3 . 1 th in k th a t o u r dog Sam m y is m o st hap p iest w hen the
w eather is cold.
4 . 1 haven’t received a b irth d a y card fro m n eith er o f m y g ra n d ­

m o th e rs yet.
5. A lm ost any circle th a t you draw by h a n d will be less ro u n d e r
th a n one you draw w ith a com pass.
6. W earing sunscreen w ith a high su n -p ro te c tio n factor can

m ake being in th e su n m o re safer.

7. M y second-oldest cousin, G iovanni, is n o t like n o b o d y else
I know.
8. We never w ent now here d u rin g spring vacation this year.
9. T hat was probably the m ost cleverest chess m ove I’ve ever seen
you use, Elise.
10. W h en I’m old en o u g h to vote, I’m n o t never going to m iss a
chance to do so.

434 Correcting Common Errors

^ 2 3 3 2 ^ 2 ^ Revising Sentences by Correcting the
Placement of M odifiers
The following sentences contain errors in the placem ent o f m o d i­ Reference Note
fiers. Revise each sentence by ad d in g or rearran g in g w ords o r by I For information about
doing b o th to correct the p lacem ent o f each m odifier. the correct placement
of modifiers, see
EXAMPLE 1. My grandmother and I saw a horse on the way to page 274.
the movie.
1. On the way to the movie, my grandmother and I
saw a horse.

1. T he p a rty was held in th e p a rk celebrating M a ry ’s birthday.

2. W ith w ind-filled sails, I saw a ship a p p ro ach in g the harbor.
3. The tree was stru ck by lig h tn in g th a t we h ad p ru n ed .
4. The Y am am otos enjoyed p lan tin g th e iris th a t arrived from
th eir Japanese relatives in a box.
5. T he softball team is fro m m y h o m eto w n th a t w on th e d istrict
cham pionship.
6. Trying to steal hom e, the catcher tagged th e ru n n er.
7. Jaim e to ld Katya ab o u t the k itten playing in a h ap p y voice.
8. P ainted b rig h t colors, Kam al saw m an y houses.
9. H anging from a clothes rack, the d ram a stu d en ts finally
fo u n d the costum es.
10. Recently picked from th e orch ard , th e bow l was full o f fruit.

identifying Correct Usage

From the w ord o r w ords in parentheses in each o f th e follow ing Reference Note j

sentences, choose the answ er th a t is correct according to the iFor information on
rules o f form al, sta n d a rd English. common usage errors,
see Chapter 12. For
EXAMPLE 1. The boys carried the new recycling containers information on formal,
(themselves, theirselves). standard English, see

1. themselves page 287.

1. This orange m arm alad e smells (bad, badly).

2. In science class last week, we learn ed (how come, why) w ater
expands w hen it freezes. 1
3. T he dam (busted, burst) because o f th e rising floodw aters.
4. M ario should plant (fewer, less) bulbs in th a t small flower bed.
5. This b u tto n looks (as if, like) it will m atch th e m aterial.
6. Let’s ( try and, try to) arrive at th e concert early so th a t we can
get good seats.

G ram m ar and Usage 435

7. T he defending c h a m p io n played (good, well) d u rin g the
chess to u rn a m e n t.
8. Yes, o u r nearest n eig h b o r lives a long (way, ways) from us.
9. T hose (kind, kinds) o f fabrics are m ad e in M adras, India.
10. D id you share the leftover chop suey (among, between) the
three o f you?

Reference Note Identifying Correct Usage

I For information about F rom the w ord o r w ords in parentheses in each o f th e follow ing
com m on usage errors,
sentences, choose the answ er th a t is correct according to the rules
see Chapter 12. For
information about o f form al, sta n d a rd English.
fo rm a l, standard EXAMPLE 1. Mrs. Lawrence is (learning, teaching) us about the
English, see page 287.
Hohokam culture.
7. teaching

1. T he H o h o k am civilization (might of, might have) begun

a ro u n d 300 B.C.
2. W here d id the H o h o k am people (live, live at)?
3. T he H ohokam ( use to, used to) live in the A m erican Southwest.
4. H o h o k a m farm ers grew th eir crops in a clim ate th a t was
(real, extremely) dry.
5. T he H o h o k am irrigated th e lan d by using (alot, a lot) o f
canals— m o re th a n six h u n d re d m iles o f them !
6. ( Them, These) canals som etim es changed the courses o f rivers.
7. T he H o h o k am were also skilled artisans (who’s, whose) w ork
inclu d ed jewelry, bowls, a n d figurines.

8 . 1 (can, can’t) hardly im agine w hat caused the culture to change

so m u ch a ro u n d A.D. 1450.
9. ( Their, They’re) descendants are the Papago and the Pim a peoples.
10. We read (that, where) one H ohokam site is know n as Snaketown.

Reference Note Proofreading Sentences fo r Correct Usage

I For information about Each o f the following sentences contains an error in the use o f form al,
p com m on usage errors,
standard English. Identify each error. T hen, write the correct usage.
see Chapter 12. For
information about EXAMPLE 1. If that ain't the proper first aid for heat exhaustion,
fo rm a l, standard w hat is?
English, see page 287.
7. ain't—isn't

436 Correcting Common Errors

1. D u rin g the tra c k m eet last Saturday, we used a A m erican Red
Cross guidebook for first aid.
2. Fortunately, th eir was a h a n d y section th a t was a b o u t treatin g
heat exhaustion.
3. T he day o f the m eet, th e tem p e ra tu re was h o tte r th e n it h ad
been all sum m er.
4. T he athletes w ere all ready h o t by th e tim e th a t th e track
m eet began.
5. Som e o f the ru n n e rs sh o u ld o f been d rin k in g m o re w ater
th a n they were.
6. Several o f th e athletes w hich were n o t used to ru n n in g in
such high tem p eratu res needed m edical tre a tm e n t for heat
7. We volunteers helped the ru n n e rs like th e first-aid guidebook
8. T hey soon felt alright after we led th em o u t o f th e h eat a n d
helped th em cool dow n.
9. T he d o c to r on d u ty at th e m eet exam ined th e m a n d checked
th ey ’re vital signs.
10. A ccording to th e doctor, even athletes in good c o n d itio n
m u st p ro tect theirselves against heat exhaustion an d


G ram m ar and Usage 437

G r a m m a r a n d U s a g e T e st: S e c tio n 1
DIRECTIONS Read the paragraph that follows. For each num bered blank,
select the word or word group that best completes the sentence.
EXAMPLE 1. The platypus is one of (~0 mammals that lays eggs.
(A) to
(B) too
(C) two
(D) 2

ANSWER 1. Q D C jL ^ ) C ~ Q Q O

T he platypus is 0 ) very un u su al m am m al. It (2) external ears,

(3) feet are w ebbed, and it has thick fur. A b ro ad tail an d a fleshy bill
to th e p latypus’s o d d appearance. Platypuses use (5) bills to catch
w ater w orm s a n d insects. Besides having a bill like a duck’s, a platypus is
(6) like a bird th an a m am m al in a n o th e r im p o rta n t way. Like a duck,
the platypus (7) eggs. T he m o th e r deposits (8) in a nest, (9) she has
dug in a riverbank. If you get to Australia, you m ay see a platypus m aking
its nest (10) a burrow .

A) an 5. (A) its
B) a (B) it’s
C) the (C) th ey ’re
D) som e (D) their

A) d o n ’t have no 6. (A) m ore


B) d o esn ’t have n o (B) m ost

C) has any (C) m ostly
D) has n o (D) least

A) its 7. (A) lays

B) it’s (B) lies
C) its’ (C) is lying
D) their (D) has lain

A) adds 8. (A) it
B) add (B) th ey
C) added (C) th em
D) adding (D) their

438 Correcting Common Errors

9. (A) w h ic h 10. (A) inside o f
(B) it (B) o u tside o f
(C) w h o (C) a ways from
(D) w h o m (D) inside

G r a m m a r a n d U s a g e T e st: S e c tio n 2
DIRECTIONS Part or all o f each o f the following items is underlined. Using
the rules of form al, standard English, choose the revision th at m ost clearly
expresses the m eaning o f the item . If there is no error, choose A.
EXAMPLE 1. The chopsticks that my aunt sent us made of

(A) The chopsticks that my aunt sent us made of

(B) The chopsticks that my aunt sent us are made
of bamboo.
(C) The chopsticks are made of bamboo, that my
aunt sent us.
(D) That my aunt sent us chopsticks made of bamboo.


1. D on’t buy none o f th at ripe fruit if you don’t plan to eat it soon.
(A) D on’t buy none o f that ripe fruit if you don’t plan to eat
it soon. J

(B) Do buy none o f that ripe fruit if you don’t plan to eat
it soon.
(C) D on’t buy none of that ripe fruit if you do plan to eat
it soon.

(D) D on’t buy any o f that ripe fruit if you don’t plan to eat
it soon.

2. T he study g roup m eeting in the lib rary on W ednesday?

(A) The study group m eeting in the library on Wednesday?
(B) The study group that will be m eeting in the library on Wednesday?
(C) Is the study group m eeting in the library on Wednesday?
(D) Will the study group m eeting in the library on Wednesday?

G ram m ar and Usage 439

3. Some visitors to the park enjoy rock climbing others prefer kayaking.
(A) climbing others prefer kayaking
(B) climbing, others prefer kayaking
(C) climbing, others, who prefer kayaking
(D) climbing, and others prefer kayaking

4. Martin prepares the salad, Justine sets the table.

(A) prepares the salad, Justine sets the table
(B) prepares the salad, and Justine sets the table
(C) prepares the salad Justine sets the table
(D) preparing the salad, and Justine sets the table

5. Many Cherokee now live in Oklahoma, but this area were not their
original hom e.
(A) this area were not their original home
(B) this area was not their original home
(C) this area was not they’re original home
(D) this area were not they’re original home

6. Pulling weeds in the garden, a tiny toad was discovered by Ernie.

(A) Pulling weeds in the garden, a tiny toad was discovered
by Ernie.
(B) A tiny toad was discovered pulling weeds in the garden
by Ernie.

(C) While pulling weeds in the garden, a tiny toad was

discovered by Ernie.
(D) Pulling weeds in the garden, Ernie discovered a tiny toad.

7. Will rehearse together for the class play.

(A) Will rehearse together for the class play.
(B) Will be rehearsing together for the class play.
(C) We will rehearse together for the class play.
(D) Because we will rehearse together for the class play.

440 Correcting Common Errors

8. Some people are more afraider of snakes than of any other kind
of animal.
(A) more afraider
(B) afraider
(C) more afraid
(D) most afraid

9. Several im portant African kingdoms developed between Lake Chad

and the Atlantic Ocean.
(A) Several important African kingdoms developed between Lake Chad
and the Atlantic Ocean.
(B) Several important African kingdoms that developed between Lake
Chad and the Atlantic Ocean.
(C) Several important African kingdoms between Lake Chad and the
Atlantic Ocean.
(D) Several important African kingdoms developing between Lake Chad
and the Atlantic Ocean.

10. The singer waved to some people he knew in the audience from
the stage.
(A) The singer waved to some people he knew in the audience from
the stage.
(B) The singer waved to some people from the stage he knew in the
(C) The singer waved to some people from the stage in the audience
he knew.
(D) The singer waved from the stage to some people he knew in
the audience.

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G ram m ar and Usage 441

Correcting Errors in Capitalization
V /
■H E LP The following groups of words contain errors in capitalization.
rSome capital < > Correct the errors either by changing capital letters to lowercase
letters in Exercise 28 are letters or by changing lowercase letters to capital letters.
already used correctly.
EXAMPLE 1. a buddhist temple
1. a Buddhist temple
Reference Note
I For information on 1. appalachian state university
capital letters, see 2. world history and math 101
Chapter 13. 3. tuesday, May 1
4. senator williams
5. Summer In texas
6. Thirty-Fifth avenue
7. saturn and the m oon
8. a korean Restaurant
9. empire state building
10. will rogers turnpike

Proofreading Sentences fo r Correct

Reference Note For each of the following sentences, find the words that should
I For information on be capitalized but are not. Then, write the words correctly
capital letters, see
EXAMPLE 1. American indians gave the name Buffalo Soldiers
Chapter 13.
to African American troops who served in the West
during the civil war.

1. Indians, Civil War

1. Thirteen Buffalo Soldiers won the congressional medal of

honor, which is the highest military award in the United States.
2. Black frontiers: A history o f African american heroes in the O ld

west, by Lillian Schlissel, was published in 1995.

3. A chapter about mary fields tells the story of a woman
known as Stagecoach Mary who drove freight wagons and
stagecoaches in the west.
4. One of the museums listed in the back of the book is the
great plains black museum in Omaha, Nebraska.
5. The book also tells about benjamin singleton, who was born
into slavery.

442 Correcting Common Errors

6. After the Civil War, he and some others bought land and
founded the communities of Nicodemus and dunlap, kansas.
7. The exciting story of the cowboy Nat Love is told in his auto­
biography, the life and adventures o f N at Love.
8. bill pickett, who was of black, white, and American Indian
ancestry, was one of the most famous rodeo competitors of
all time.
9. Pickett’s biography was published by the university of
oklahoma press in 1977.
10. The businessman and gold miner Barney Ford became very
wealthy and built ford’s hotel on fifteenth street in denver,

Proofreading Sentences fo r the Correct

Use o f Commas
For each of the following sentences, write each word or numeral Reference Note
that should be followed by a comma and then add the comma. I For information
about using commas
EXAMPLE 1. The colors of the French flag are red w hite and blue.
correctly, see page 336.
1. red, white,

1. No the m ountain dulcimer is not the same as the hammered

dulcimer but both of them are stringed instruments.
2. Abraham Lincoln who was the sixteenth president of the
United States died on April 15 1865.
3. If you want to knit a sweater you will need to get knitting
needles yarn and a pattern.
4. After oiling the wheels on his sister’s wagon Tyrel oiled the
wheels on his skates and on his bicycle.
5. Competing in the 10K race Nathan found that he could run
faster than his friends.
6. In my opinion a person should be fined if loose trash in the
back of his or her pickup truck blows out and litters the road.
7. Lupe please show us how to use the new computer program.
8. Although Cody is afraid of heights he rescued a cat that was
stuck high in a tree.
9 . 1 hope that Amy Tan my favorite author will write another
book soon.
10. Many people want to conserve resources yet some of these
people overlook simple ways to conserve.

Mechanics 44 3
Using Periods, Question Marks,
Exclamation Points, and Commas Correctly
Reference Note The following sentences lack necessary periods, question marks,
For information about exclamation points, and commas. Write the word before each
end marks, see page 332. missing punctuation mark, and insert the correct punctuation.
For information about
commas, see page 336. EXAMPLE 1. When will Anita Luis Martina and Sam be back from
the mall
1. Anita, Luis, Martina, mall?

1. Wow look at the size of that alligator

2. Leaning against the mast I could feel the sails catch the wind
3. Won’t these new colorful curtains brighten this room
4. By the way that stack of newspapers should be recycled
5. Oil paints whether used for art projects or home improve­
ment should be used only in well-ventilated areas
6. Hidiko watch out for that cactus
7. Was Uncle Jesse born in Cincinnati Ohio or Louisville
8. As far as I am concerned the most interesting parts of the
lecture were about the life of W E B DuBois
9. Monday Tuesday or Wednesday will be fine for our next
10. Would you like to watch a movie tonight or should I bring
over the model-plane kit to work on together

C S S E S © Usin9 Semicolons and Colons Correctly


Reference Note The following sentences lack necessary semicolons and colons.
I For information about Write the words or numerals that come before and after the
semicolons and colons, needed punctuation, and insert the correct punctuation.
see page 352.
EXAMPLE 1. Elena learned Spanish and English at home she

learned French and German at school.

7. home; she

1. They should be here before 9 30 this morning.

2. Our recycling center accepts the following materials glass,
newspaper, cardboard, and aluminum cans.
3. The landscape designer planted bushes around the school
last fall she will plant flowers this spring.
4. Please be at the station by 2 15 P.M.

444 Correcting Common Errors

5. The children wanted to see bears, lions, and elephants but
parrots, snakes, tortoises, and goats were the only animals
6. The sermon was based on Isaiah 611.
7. To refinish this dresser, we will need some supplies varnish
remover, sandpaper, steel wool, wood stain, and a clear
polyurethane sealant.
8. Walking is terrific exercise it improves both your stamina and
your muscle tone.
9. Many children’s books have beautiful illustrations some are
worth having just for the art.
10. Many palaces in Europe are spectacular Linderhof in Bavaria
is my favorite.

Punctuating and Capitalizing

Quotations and Titles
For each of the following sentences, correct any capitalization Reference Note
errors and add or change quotation marks and other marks of I For information about
punctuation where needed. punctuating and capi­
talizing quotations, see
EXAMPLE 1. I learned how to play a new virtual-reality game today page 364.
Pat said.
7. "I learned how to play a new virtual-reality game
today," Pat said.

1. The most helpful chapter in my computer m anual is “Search

Tips” I explained to her.
2. Do Asian cobras look like African cobras Shawn asked.
3 . 1 want to go to the fair after school Ivan said but my trum pet
lesson is today.
4. The pilot said we are now beginning our descent into
Orlando. Please fasten your seat belts, and return your seats
to the upright position.
5. Goodness! what a surprise Taka exclaimed
6. Did some famous person say A smile is contagious
7. Cyclists should always wear helmets said the safety officer
8. Was it he who said a penny saved is a penny earned Troy asked
9. Carlos shouted, look at that dolphin near our boat!
10. During his speech at our school, the mayor said Our children
are our future

Mechanics 44 5
Punctuating and Capitalizing
Quotations and Titles
Reference Note For each of the following sentences, correct any capitalization
I For inform ation about errors and add or change quotation marks and other marks of
using q u o tatio n marks,
punctuation where needed.
see page 364.
EXAMPLE 1. Mrs. Mendoza asked have any of you heard of
Corazon Aquino?
7. Mrs. Mendoza asked, "Have any of you heard of
Corazon Aquino?"

1 .1 think she was the president of the Philippines Ronald said

but I’m not sure
2. That’s correct. She served as president from 1986 to 1992
explained Mrs. Mendoza.
3. Yes! Sara exclaimed some say she restored democracy to the
4 . 1 wrote about her in my paper “Hear Me Roar: Three Asian
Women Who Changed the World” Sara said.
5 . 1 bet you mentioned she was Time magazine’s Person of the
Year in 1986 Chito stated.
6 . 1 did Sara replied As Asia’s first female president, she was a
real trailblazer.
7. Leo exclaimed wow! I didn’t know she was the very first.
8. Didn’t she say One must be frank to be relevant inquired Chito.
9. That sounds familiar Sara said I’ll have to look back at my
1 0 . 1 happen to know said Mrs. Mendoza That Aquino made that

statement in a speech to the United Nations.

Reference Note
Usin9 Apostrophes Correctly
! For inform ation on

using apostrophes, Add, delete, or move apostrophes where needed in the following
see page 372. word groups. If a word group is already correct, write C.
EXAMPLE 1. both boys shoes
7. boys'
1. somebodys lunch 6. too many letter us
2. cant play 7. its engine
3. Neals motorcycle 8. Betsy Rosss flag
4. better than theirs 9. no more i/s
5. womens volleyball 10. the bushes branches

446 Correcting Common Errors

Correcting Spelling Errors
Most of the following words are misspelled. If a word is spelled Reference Note
incorrectly, write the correct spelling. If a word is already spelled I For in fo rm a tio n on
correctly, write C. spelling rules, see
page 390.
EXAMPLE 1. succede
7. succeed

1. taxs 8. stathood 15. im proper

2. vien 9. lovelyer 16. fancifuly
3. supercede 10. clearest 17. dryest
4. disallow 11. wolfs 18. cluless
5. countrys 12. sheild 19. overjoied
6. emptyness 13. preceed 20. skiping
7. tracable 14. father-in-laws

Choosing Between Words Often Confused

From each pair in parentheses, choose the word or words that Reference Note
make the sentence correct. I For in fo rm a tio n on
w o rd s o fte n confused,
EXAMPLE 1. The school plans to (except, accept) the new
see page 400.
computer company's offer.
7. accept

1. Did Coach Jefferson (advise, advice ) you to take the first-aid

course at the community center?
2. My cousins and I are (all ready, already) to enter the marathon.
3. Sacramento became the ( capital, capitol) of California in 1854. 4
4. When garden hoses (brake, break), they sometimes can be

mended with waterproof tape.
5. Avoid wearing (loose, lose) clothing when operating that
6. Many people know Mr. Perez, but I think he should be

(formerly, form ally) introduced.
7. My grandfather threw the football (passed , past) the trees and
over the creek.
8. (Its, I t ’s) a good idea to test home smoke detectors frequently
to make sure the batteries are still working.
9. One basic (principle, principal) of our Constitution is the
right to free speech.
10. Some cats are called bobtails because of (their, there) very
short tails.

Mechanics 447
M echanics Test: Section 1
DIRECTIONS Each numbered item below consists of an underlined word
or word group. Choose the answer that shows the correct capitalization,
punctuation, and spelling of the underlined part. If there is no error,
choose D (Correct as is).
EXAMPLE [1] 29 South Maple street

(A) 29 south Maple Street

(B) 29 South Maple Street
(C) Twenty Nine South Maple Street
(D) Correct as is

ANSWER 1. Q Q C jP ) C j D C O

29 South Maple Street

Philadelphia, PA 19107

[1] January 15 2009

Mail-Order Sales Manager
[2 ] Direct Electronics, Inc.
214-C Billings Boulevard
[3] New Castle, Ken. 40050

[4] Dear Sales Manager,

The modem that I ordered from your company arrived today in [5] peices.

The package was [6] open, and appeared not to have been sealed properly.
[7] In addition I have not yet received the computer game that I also ordered.
Please send me a new [8] modem the broken modem is enclosed.

I appreciate [9] you’re prompt attention to both of these matters.


[10] Sincerely yours,

Cameron Scott

448 Correcting Common Errors

1. (A) January 15, 2009 6. (A) open and appeared
(B) January, 15 2009 (B) open; and appeared
(C) January 15th 2009 (C) open, and, appeared
(D) Correct as is (D) Correct as is

2. (A) direct electronics, inc. 7. (A) In addition, I

(B) Direct electronics, inc. (B) In addition i
(C) Direct Electronics, inc. (C) In addition, i
(D) Correct as is (D) Correct as is

3. (A) New Castle Ken. 40050 8. (A) modem, the

(B) New Castle, KY 40050 (B) modem; the
(C) New Castle KY, 40050 (C) modem: the
(D) Correct as is (D) Correct as is

4. (A) Dear sales manager, 9. (A) youre

(B) dear sales manager: (B) your,
(C) Dear Sales Manager: (C) your
(D) Correct as is (D) Correct as is

5. (A) pieces 10. (A) Sincerely Yours’,

(B) piece’s (B) Sincerely your’s,
(C) peaces (C) Sincerely yours:
(D) Correct as is (D) Correct as is

Mechanics Test: Section 2

DIRECTIONS Each of the following sentences contains an underlined word
or word group. Choose the answer that shows the correct capitalization, punc­
tuation, and spelling of the underlined part. If there is no error, choose D
(Correct as is).

EXAMPLE 1. Rosie said that her cousin sent her that soft colorful fabric
from Kenya.

(A) soft, colorful, fabric

(B) soft, colorful fabric
(C) soft; colorful fabric
(D) Correct as is

ANSWER 1. C l T j C j T > C 3 D C O

Mechanics 449
1. The following people have volunteered to make enchiladas, Manuel,
Shawn, and Anita.
(A) enchiladas; Manuel (C) enchiladas: Manuel
(B) enchiladas. Manuel (D) Correct as is

2. Our school’s recycling program which is now three years old, has been
quite successful.
(A) recycling program, which (C) recycling program; which
(B) Recycling Program, which (D) Correct as is

3. Looking at the astronomical map in my science book I spotted the con­

stellations Orion, Taurus, and Pisces.
(A) Looking at the astronomical map, in my science book I
(B) Looking at the astronomical map, in my science book, I
(C) Looking at the astronom ical m ap in m y science book, I
(D) Correct as is

4. Donna asked, “who plans to work as a baby sitter over the summer?”
(A) asked, “Who (C) asked, Who
(B) asked “who (D) Correct as is

5. Angela and Wanda painted the mural, and Jamal attached it to the
wall in the gym.
(A) mural and Jamal (C) mural, and jamal
(B) mural: and Jamal (D) Correct as is

6. Many television programs have closed captioning for people who cant
(A) people, who cant (C) people who can’t
(B) people, who can’t (D) Correct as is

7. “W hat a great time we had at the park”! Sandy exclaimed as she got
into the car.
(A) Park”! Sandy (C) park”, Sandy
(B) park!” Sandy (D) Correct as is

8. “Your aunt Helen certainly is a fascinating person,” Carla said.

(A) “Your Aunt Helen (C) Your aunt Helen
(B) “Your aunt, Helen (D) Correct as is

Correcting Common Errors

9. “Many of us would have gone to the picnic if we had known about it”
Alan said.
(A) it”,
(B) it,”
(C) it,
(D) Correct as is

10. The Zunigas have a new puppy; its a cocker spaniel.

(A) puppy; Its (C) puppy, its
(B) puppy; it’s (D) Correct as is

11. The ants carried large leafs across John Henry’s backyard.
(A) carryed large leafs (C) carried large leaves
(B) carryed large leaves (D) Correct as is

12. Has the guide all ready led the hikers to the top of the mesa?
(A) all ready lead (C) already led
(B) already lead (D) Correct as is

13. If Carlos wants to play the role of Eddie in the musical, he’ll have too
practice the solos.
(A) musical, he’ll have to practice
(B) musical; he’ll have to practice
(C) musical he’ll have too practice
(D) Correct as is

14. Sara said that the big guppy in the class aquarium is going to have
(A) Sara said “That the big guppy in the class aquarium is going to
have babies.”

(B) Sara said “that the big guppy in the class aquarium is going to have
(C) Sara said “That the big guppy in the class aquarium is going to
have babies”.
(D) Correct as is

15. On October 1 1960 Nigeria became an independent nation.

(A) October, 1 1960 (C) October 1, 1960
(B) October 1,1960, (D) Correct as is

Mechanics 451

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