Residence Rentals, Meal Prices & Levies, 2021
Residence Rentals, Meal Prices & Levies, 2021
Residence Rentals, Meal Prices & Levies, 2021
Meal Option Annual Annual Initial
Meals due by
(See Section A.2 below for details) Rentals Rental & Instalment
31 March
10A = 10 meals per week
R17 087 R68 307 R10 000 R58 307
Mon to Fri: breakfast & supper*
10B = 10 meals per week
R51 220 R17 087 R68 307 R10 000 R58 307
Mon to Fri: lunch & supper*
per student in
15C = 15 meals per week
a single room. R25 550 R76 770 R10 000 R66 770
Mon to Fri: 3 meals per day*
14D = 14 meals per week (For double
Mon to Fri: breakfast & supper* R23 685 R74 905 R10 000 R64 905
Sat & Sun: lunch & supper* discount,
14E = 14 meals per week
see below.)
Mon to Fri: lunch & supper* R23 685 R74 905 R10 000 R64 905
Sat & Sun: lunch & supper*
19F = 19 meals per week
Mon to Fri: 3 meals per day* R32 148 R83 368 R10 000 R73 368
Sat & Sun: lunch & supper*
Accommodation rental in a double room is R48 100 per student and is exclusive of meals.
Total meal prices for the year differ according to the check-in dates and the check-out dates of each
individual. At least 10 meals must be taken each week. The price per meal is R45,50.
(* - This is the initial booking pattern, but meal bookings may be rearranged electronically at will.)
A once-off levy of R70,00 for a set of cutlery is included in the above pricing.
New first-year undergraduates receive free accommodation during the first five days of the
orientation period – i.e. 27 Feb to 03 March (For Orientation Levy for new students, see C.5 below.)
C. General Information
C.1 Deposit to secure a residence place – NEW APPLICANTS ONLY
A deposit of R990 is payable upon acceptance of a residence offer for 2021. This amount will be credited
to the student’s general fee account and is refunded in the event that the student is not accepted to the
University. All refunds are processed through the Fees Office.