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Bet Fair API Quick Start

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Betfair API Quick Start and Best Practice Guide 

Table of Contents 
TABLE OF CONTENTS ................................................................................................................................................... 2 
DOCUMENT PURPOSE .................................................................................................................................................. 3 
WEB SERVICE TESTING TOOLS ................................................................................................................................. 4 
HOW DO I? ....................................................................................................................................................................... 5 
LOGGING ON TO THE BETFAIR API .......................................................................................................................... 6 
REQUESTING A LIST OF AVAILABLE EVENTS ....................................................................................................... 8 
REQUESTING A LIST OF MARKETS FOR A SPECIFIC EVENTTYPE ................................................................... 9 
REQUESTING DETAILS OF A SPECIFIC MARKET (EXCLUDING PRICES) ...................................................... 10 
REQUESTING PRICES FOR A MARKET ................................................................................................................... 11 
PLACING A BET ............................................................................................................................................................. 12 
CANCELLING A BET ..................................................................................................................................................... 13 
RETRIEVE A LIST OF MATCHED/UNMATCHED BETS ....................................................................................... 14 
EDITING AN ‘UNMATCHED BET’ ............................................................................................................................. 15 
PLACING A BETFAIR SP BET VIA THE BETFAIR API ......................................................................................... 16 
RETRIEVING YOUR PROFIT/LOSS FOR A MARKET ........................................................................................... 17 
RETRIEVING A LIST OF SETTLED BETS ................................................................................................................ 18 
BEST PRACTICE FAQS ................................................................................................................................................. 20 
WHAT IS THE BETFAIR MARKET LIFE CYCLE? ................................................................................................... 21 
I HAVE VB.NET/C# HOW DO I ADD THE BETFAIRAPI? .................................................................................... 22 
HOW DOES THE BETFAIR API CACHE DATA? ..................................................................................................... 23 
HOW DO I DETERMINE IF A MARKET HAS TURNED IN­PLAY? ...................................................................... 28 
 ........................................................................................................................................................................................... 29 
WHAT IS HTTP COMPRESSION? .............................................................................................................................. 31 
EXAMPLE GZIP SOAP REQUEST ............................................................................................................................... 32 
ENABLING GZIP COMPRESSION .............................................................................................................................. 33 
C SHARP (C#) ....................................................................................................................................................................................... 33 
JAVA AND AXIS 1.2 ............................................................................................................................................................................... 33 
PERL ....................................................................................................................................................................................................... 34 
USEFUL RESOURCES AND ARTICLES ..................................................................................................................... 35 
Document Purpose 
This document is aimed at developers who are interested in writing applications that use the Betfair
Sports API.

This guide provides details of answers to frequently asked questions and incorporates XML examples
of a selection of API calls required to obtain data from Betfair.

A detailed technical description and full details of all Betfair Sports API services can be found in the
Betfair Sports Exchange API Reference Guide. It can be downloaded from the Support Center of the
BDP Developer Support Site
Web Service Testing Tools 
For testing API functions we would recommend using a Web Service testing tool such as SOAP UI

This will allow you to test API functionality using SOAP XML requests.

To set up SOAP UI to use the Betfair API please follow the steps below:

1. Download SOAP UI via http://sourceforge.net/projects/soapui/files/soapui/3.0.1

2. Open up SOAP UI
3. Click on File > New WDSL Project
4. Enter ‘Global API’ as the ‘Project Name’ and
https://api.betfair.com/global/v3/BFGlobalService.wsdl as ‘Initial WDSL’.
5. Click OK
6. Repeat step 3, but enter Exchange API as ‘Project Name’ and
https://api.betfair.com/exchange/v5/BFExchangeService.wsdl as the ‘Initial WSDL and click

For the Australian Exchange please enter https://api-

au.betfair.com/exchange/v5/BFExchangeService.wsdl as the ‘Initial WSDL and Aus Exchange
as the ‘Project Name’.
How do I? 
The table below shows the most appropriate API service for each task. 

If you want to: Use:

Login Login
Request a list of available events getActiveEventTypes
Request a list of Market for a specific eventType getAllMarkets
Request details of a Market (excluding prices) getMarket
Request prices for a Market getMarketPricesCompressed
Place a bet placeBets
Cancel a bet before it is matched cancelBets
Retrieve a list of my Matched/Unmatched bets getMUBets
Edit an Unmatched bet updateBets
Retrieve the P&L for a market getMarketProfitAndLoss
Place a Betfair SP bet placeBets
Check if a market is in-play now getMarketPricesCompressed
Check if a market is due to be turned in-play getAllMarkets
Retrieve a list of Settled bets getBetHistory
Retrieve your P&L for a market getMarketProfitandLoss

Logging on to the Betfair API 
All Betfair API functions require you to login to Betfair to obtain a session token.

The resulting session token Login response must then be used in any requests made to subsequent
API services.


Parameter Example Value

username Username
password Password
productId 82
vendorsoftwareId 0
locationId 0
Ipaddress 0

XML Sample


<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/"
xmlns:bfg="http://www.betfair.com/publicapi/v3/BFGlobalService/" >
<ipAddress >0</ipAddress>
<productId >82</productId>

<n:loginResponse xmlns:n="http://www.betfair.com/publicapi/v3
<n:Result xsi:type="n2:LoginResp">
<header xsi:type="n2:APIResponseHeader" >
<errorCode xsi:type="n2:APIErrorEnum">OK</errorCode>
<minorErrorCode xsi:nil="1"/>
<timestamp xsi:type="xsd:dateTime">2011-02-07T11:43:47.455Z</timestamp>
<currency xsi:type="xsd:string">GBP</currency>
<errorCode xsi:type="n2:LoginErrorEnum">OK</errorCode>
<minorErrorCode xsi:nil="1"/>
<validUntil xsi:type="xsd:dateTime">2011-02-
Requesting a list of available Events 
Taking the sessionToken from the Login response, you can make a request using the
getActiveEventTypes service which will return a response containing the eventTypes (e.g.
Soccer, Horse Racing etc) that are currently available on Betfair.


Parameter Example Value

clientStamp 0
sessionToken nv9RZY8f08fPdy7Zmu4fEkmWjTzWVUgBbGRz0AtFE=
Locale en
XML Sample


<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/"
xmlns:bfg="http://www.betfair.com/publicapi/v3/BFGlobalService/" >
<header >
<sessionToken>sessionToken</sessionToken > //From Login
<locale>en</locale> //English Language//
</s oapenv:Envelope>
Requesting a list of Markets for a specific eventType 
After determining the eventTypeId/s that you are interested in from the response of the
getActiveEventTypes call, you can use the getAllMarkets API call to obtain a list of markets that
belong to that eventTypeId.

For example, for a list of Soccer markets which are based in Great Britain, you would use the
parameters shown below. Please note: the getAllMarkets response is cached and updated every
5 minutes.


Parameter Example Value

clientStamp 0
sessionToken nv9RZY8f08fPdy7Zmu4fEkmWjTzWVUgBbGRz0AtFE=
locale en
eventTypeId 1
countries GBR
fromDate 2010-12-10T00:00:00.000Z
toDate 2010-12-30T00:00:00.000Z
XML Sample


<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/"
xmlns:v5="http://www.betfair.com/publicapi/types/exchange/v5/" >
<bfex:request >
<sessionToken>sessionToken</sessionToken > //From Login
<locale >en</locale> //English language//
<v5:int>1</v5:int> //Soccer//
</eventTypeIds >
<countries >
<v5:Country >GBR</v5:Country>
<fromDate>2010-12-10T00:00:00.000Z</fromDate> //Change to valid
<toDate>2010-12-30T00:00:00.000Z</toDate> //Change to valid

Requesting details of a specific Market (excluding prices) 
Using the marketId returned in the getAllMarkets API response, you can obtain further
information about the specific market, including the selectionId for each outcome using the
getMarket service.


Parameter Example Value

clientStamp 0
sessionToken nv9RZY8f08fPdy7Zmu4fEkmWjTzWVUgBbGRz0AtFE=
locale en
marketId 12345678
includeCouponLinks FALSE
XML Sample


<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/"
xmlns:bfex="http://www.betfair.com/publicapi/v5/BFExchangeService/" >
<bfex:request >
<sessionToken>sessionToken</sessionToken >
<locale >en</locale>
<includeCouponLinks >FALSE</includeCouponLinks>
</bfex:getMarket >
Requesting prices for a Market 
Once you have identified the market (marketId) that you are interested using the getAllMarkets &
getMarket service, you can request prices for that market using the
getMarketPricesCompressed API call.


Parameter Example Value

clientStamp 0
sessionToken nv9RZY8f08fPdy7Zmu4fEkmWjTzWVUgBbGRz0AtFE=
currencyCode GBP
marketId 12345678
XML Sample


<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/"
xmlns:bfex="http://www.betfair.com/publicapi/v5/BFExchangeService/" >
<sessionToken>sessionToken</sessionToken >
</bfex:getMarketPricesCompressed >
Placing a Bet 
To place a bet you require the marketId and selectionId from the getMarket API call. The below
parameters will place a normal Exchange bet at odds of 1000 for a stake of £2.0.

If the bet is placed successfully, a betId is returned in the PlaceBetsResult respone. If the response
contains sizeMatched equal to zero, the bet has not been immediately matched. You can use the
getMUBets service to check the status of your bet.


Parameter Example Value

clientStamp 0
sessionToken nv9RZY8f08fPdy7Zmu4fEkmWjTzWVUgBbGRz0AtFE=
asianlineId 0
betType B
betCategoryType E
betPersistenceType NONE
marketId 12345678
price 1000
selectionId 87654321
size 2.0
bspLiability 0
XML Sample


<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/"
xmlns:v5="http://www.betfair.com/publicapi/types/exchange/v5/" >
<bfex:request >
<header >
<clientStamp >0 </clientStamp>
<sessionToken>sessionToken </sessionToken >
</header >
<betType >B</betType>
<betCategoryType >E</betCategoryType >
<betPersistenceType>NONE</betPersistenceType >
Cancelling a Bet 
To cancel an unmatched bet, or a number of bets in one market, use the cancelBets API service. You
can submit one or more betIds from a single market in the request.

Note: You cannot cancel a bet once it has been matched.


Parameter Example Value

clientStamp 0
sessionToken nv9RZY8f08fPdy7Zmu4fEkmWjTzWVUgBbGRz0AtFE=
betId 12345678
XML Sample


<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/"
<!--Zero or more repetitions:-->
Retrieve a List of Matched/Unmatched bets 
To check the status of the bet/s you have placed you should use the getMUBets API call and use
the betStatus ‘MU’. You should specify the marketId in the getMUBets request when possible.
getMUBet requests without a marketId specified in the requests are counted as 5 data requests for
the purpose of calculating the Data Request Charge


Parameter Example Value

clientStamp 0
sessionToken nv9RZY8f08fPdy7Zmu4fEkmWjTzWVUgBbGRz0AtFE=
betStatus MU
marketId 12345678
betid 0
sortOrder ASC
startRecord 0
matchedSince 2010-12-10T08:22:00.120Z
excludeLastSecond true
XML Sample


<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/"
xmlns:v5="http://www.betfair.com/publicapi/types/exchange/v5/" >
<bfex:request >
<header >
<clientStamp >0 </clientStamp>
<sessionToken>sessionToken</sessionToken >
<betStatus >MU</betStatus> //'MU' returns both 'Matched' and
'Unmatched' bets//
<sortOrder >ASC </sortOrder>
<recordCount>100</recordCount> //Maximum record count is 100//
<startRecord >0</startRecord>
<matchedSince>2010-12-10T08:22:00.120Z </matchedSince> //Change to
valid timeframe//
</bfex:getMUBets >
Editing an ‘Unmatched Bet’ 
To edit a bet, you require the betId of the original bet from the placeBets or getMUBets response.

Please note: You can only update the bet size or the bet Price in a single request.

The below example will result in a bet being updated from a price of 4.0 to 5.0 for a stake of £2.0


Parameter Example Value

clientStamp 0
sessionToken nv9RZY8f08fPdy7Zmu4fEkmWjTzWVUgBbGRz0AtFE=
betId 12345678
newPrice 5.0
newSize 2.0
oldPrice 4.0
oldSize 2.0
oldBetPersistenceType NONE
newBetPersistanceType NONE
XML Sample


<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/"
xmlns:v5="http://www.betfair.com/publicapi/types/exchange/v5/" >
<bfe x:updateBets>
<sessionToken>se ssionToken</sessionToken>
<be ts>
<!--Zero or more repetitions:-->
<newPrice>5.0</newPrice> // Only price or size of bet can
be changed. You cannot change both price and size in one request//
<oldBetPersistenceType>NO NE</oldBetPersistenceType>
<newBetPersistenceType>NO NE</newBetPersistenceType>
Placing a Betfair SP bet via the Betfair API 
To place a bet on a selection at Betfair SP, you need to specify the parameters below in the
placeBets request. The below example would place a Betfair SP back bet on the required selection
for a stake of £2.00.

PlaceBet – Betfair SP 

Parameter Example Value
clientStamp 0
sessionToken nv9RZY8f08fPdy7Zmu4fEkmWjTzWVUgBbGRz0AtFE=
asianLineId 0
betType B
betCategoryType E
betPersistenceType SP
marketid 12345678
price 2.0
selectionId 12345
size 2.0
bspLiability 0
XML Sample


<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/"
xmlns:v5="http://www.betfair.com/publicapi/types/exchange/v5/" >
<bfex:request >
<header >
<sessionToken>sessionToken</sessionToken >
<betType >B</betType> //Back bet//
<betCategoryType >E</betCategoryType >
<betPersistenceType>SP</betPersistenceType> //SP bet//
<price>2 </price>
<selectionId>1528775 </selectionId>
<size>2.0 </size>
<bspLiability >0 </bspLiability>
</bfex:placeBets >
Retrieving your Profit/Loss for a Market 

The getMarketProfitandLoss API service allows you to retrieve your profit and loss for each
selection within a Betfair market.

You have the option whether to include bets that have already been settled or to include the figures
with commission already applied.

The below request will exclude ‘Settled’ bets and commission from the calculation.

Parameter Example Value
clientStamp 0
sessionToken nv9RZY8f08fPdy7Zmu4fEkmWjTzWVUgBbGRz0AtFE=
Locale en
includeSettledBets FALSE
includeBSPBets FALSE
marketId En
netOfCommission FALSE
XML Sample


<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/"
<bfex:getMarketProfitAndLoss >
<bfex:request >
<header >
<sessionToken>sessionToken</sessionToken >
<locale >en</locale>
<includeSettledBets >TRUE</includeSettledBets>
<marketID>102226096 </marketID>
<netOfCommission>FALSE </netOfCommission> //Profit will be shown
before commission//
Retrieving a list of Settled Bets 

The example demonstrates an API call to the getBetHistory service for ‘Settled’ bets for Horse
Racing specifying the maximum record count of 100.

You can specify more than one eventTypeId in a request if you are looking to obtain your settled
bets across a number of sports. The below request is for ‘Settled’ horse racing bets only.


Parameter Example Value

clientStamp 0
sessionToken nv9RZY8f08fPdy7Zmu4fEkmWjTzWVUgBbGRz0AtFE=
betTypesIncluded S
detailed TRUE
eventTypeIds 7
locale en
timezone GMT
marketTypesIncluded O
placeDateFrom 2011-02-01T00:00:00.000Z
placeDateTo 2011-02-10T00:00:00.000Z
recordCount 100
sortBetsBy NONE
startRecord 0
XML Sample


<so apenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/"

<bfe x:getBetHistory>
<sessionToken>se ssionToken</sessionToken>
<be tTypesIncluded>S</b etTypesIncluded>
//Settled Bets//
<ev entTypeIds>
//Horse Racing//
<v5:MarketTypeEnum>O</v5:MarketTypeEnum> //Odds market//
<pl acedDateFrom>2011-02-01T00:00:00.000Z</placedDateFrom>
<recordCount>100</recordCount> //Max is 100//
Best Practice FAQs 
What is the Betfair Market Life Cycle? 

A Betfair Market life cycle contains the following states


Once ‘Active’ a Betfair market can be suspended at any time, typically due to a pending action such
as a goal scored during an in-play match or due to the removal of a non runner from a horse race.

You should refer to the marketDescription field within the output of the getMarket call for the rules
affecting any Betfair Market.
I have VB.NET/C# how do I add the BetfairAPI? 

To create Windows application:

1. On the File menu, point to New, and then click Project to open the
New Project dialog box.
2. Expand the Visual Basic Projects folder.
3. Click the Windows Application icon.
4. Click OK to create the project.
5. From the Toolbox, drag a Label and a Button to the design surface
of Form1 and arrange them to your liking.
6. On the Project menu, click Add Web Reference.
7. In the URL box of the Add Web Reference dialog box, type the URL
8. Click the Go button to retrieve information about the XML Web
9. In the Web reference name box, rename the Web reference
10. Click Add Reference to add a Web reference for the target XML Web

You will need to follow the above process for the two exchange WSDL's:

How does the Betfair API cache data? 
The two relevant types of caching we use are: 

•caches that are updated by an external mechanism (external to that cache), a.k.a delta caching 

•caches that are updated by some internal mechanism (internal to that cache) 

Delta Caches 


The API servers cache pricing data using a delta cache. Whenever any event occurs on the exchange 
(matching a bet, cancelling a bet, etc.) that changes pricing data, the exchange pushes an update to the 
cache. This cache is, therefore, always as up to date as possible. Updates to all API servers happen at the 
same time, so no API server is ever out of date regarding pricing data. 

The exchange itself matches and processes bets on a ~200ms cycle and any changes are pushed to the 
delta caches. This means, of course, that if you request pricing data less than 200ms after a previous 
change, you cannot possibly get a different response as the exchange would not have completed a bet 
processing cycle.  

All API calls that return pricing data are using the delta cache and are always as live as possible.  

Other Caches 

Change on the exchange that are not as common are cached using a polling mechanism. For example, 
when a runner is removed there are quite a few things that need to happen in the system as all 
unmatched bets on the runner need to be identified and cancelled, all matched bets need to be identified 
and voided, the funds need to be made available to user's account etc. before the runner can be physically 
removed from the market.  Suspending a market follows a similar pattern of events.   

Ideally we would like to provide all information via a delta cache, but it may be some time before this can 
be achieved. 

What is the algorithm for displaying prices inline with the 

For the available to back prices on the LHS:

• For each runner calculate the best price at which you could effectively back that runner by
laying all the others:

1 / (N –∑ 1/(best to lay price of other runners))

Where N is the number of winners that market will have, e.g. for a “to win” market N = 1, for a place
market with 3 winners N = 3.

• For each runner calculate the available stake at that price as:

MIN(odds1*stake1, odds2*stake2…oddsn*staken) / [the price calculated in step a. above]

In plain English the stake you can match is limited by the payout (odds*stake) available on each of
the component bets that you’d need to match.

• Repeat from the first step above

One of the easiest ways to understand how we generate virtual bets for cross matching is to work
through a couple of examples.

Available to Back

Consider the following market and what would happen if we placed a very large back bet at 1.01 on
The Draw:

Without cross matching, this bet would be matched in three portions; 1) £150 at 5.0, 2) £250 at 3.0,
and £999 at 1.01 with anything remaining being left unmatched. With cross matching we can do
better. We have a back bet on Newcastle for £120 at 2.0 and a back bet on Chelsea for £150 at 3.0
(shown in pink on the available to lay side of the market). These two bets can be matched against a
back bet on The Draw at a price of 6.0, since 2.0, 3.0, and 6.0 form a 100% book. To ensure that the
book is balanced, we choose the stakes to be inversely proportional to the prices. This means that we
take the full £120 at 2.0 on Newcastle, only £80 at 3.0 on Chelsea, and £40 at 6.0 on The Draw,
which is the first virtual bet. Assuming these bets got matched, the market would look like this:
We now have a back bet on Newcastle for £75 at 2.5 and a back bet on Chelsea for £70 at 3.0 (again
shown in pink on the available to lay side of the market). These two bets can be matched against a
back bet on The Draw at a price of 3.75, since 2.5, 3.0, and 3.75 also form a 100% book. Balancing
the stakes means that we need to take the full £75 at 2.5 on Newcastle, only £62.50 at 3.0 on
Chelsea, and £50 at 3.75 on The Draw, which is the second virtual bet.

Since 3.75 is less than 5.0, the £150 at 5.0 would be matched first followed by £50 at 3.75. If we
continued this process we would get further matching at 1.50 and 1.05, but for the purposes of
displaying the market view we have the best 3 prices for the available to back bets on The Draw, and
so we can stop calculating the virtual bets. The virtual bets are just the bets that would have been
matched had we received a sufficiently large back bet at 1.01; in this example, £40 at 6.0 and £50 at
3.75. We take these virtual bets and merge them with the existing bets on the market to generate
the following market view (with the virtual bets shown in green):

The process is repeated to obtain the virtual lay bets (available to back bets) for Newcastle and

Available to Lay

Here we have a slightly different market (as before, chosen to make the numbers nice) and consider
what would happen if we placed a very large lay bet at 1000 on The Draw:
Without cross matching, this bet would be matched in three portions; 1) £100 at 10.0, 2) £50 at 50.0,
and £2 at 1000 with anything remaining being left unmatched. With cross matching we can do better.
We have a lay bet on Newcastle for £300 at 2.0 and a lay bet on Chelsea for £150 at 3.0 (shown in
blue on the available to back side of the market). These two bets can be matched against a lay bet
on The Draw at a price of 6.0, since 2.0, 3.0, and 6.0 form a 100% book. To ensure that the book is
balanced, we choose the stakes to be inversely proportional to the prices. This means that we take
only £225 at 2.0 on Newcastle, the full £150 at 3.0 on Chelsea, and £75 at 6.0 on The Draw,
which is the first virtual bet. Assuming these bets got matched, the market would look like this:

We now have a lay bet on Newcastle for £75 at 2.0 and a lay bet on Chelsea for £250 at 2.4 (again
shown in blue on the available to back side of the market). These two bets can be matched against a
lay bet on The Draw at a price of 12.0, since 2.0, 2.4, and 12.0 also form a 100% book. Balancing
the stakes means that we need to take the full £75 at 2.0 on Newcastle, only £62.50 at 2.4 on
Chelsea, and £12.50 at 12.0 on The Draw, which is the second virtual bet. This leaves the
following market:

This time we can’t continue the process since there is no valid price for a virtual bet on The Draw that
would result in a 100% book, and so we can stop calculating the virtual bets. Again, the virtual bets
are just the bets that would have been matched had we received a sufficiently large lay bet at 1000;
in this example, £75 at 6.0 and £12.50 at 12.0.

We take these virtual bets and merge them with the existing bets on the market to generate the
following market view (with the virtual bets shown in orange):
How do I determine if a market has turned in­play? 
The best way to identify when the market has been turned in play is to use the 'delay' field that is
returned by the getMarketPricesCompressed call. If the returned value does not equal 0, this
indicates that all bets placed are subject to a delay and therefore that the market is in-play. For the
match you have mentioned this value currently equals 5, indicating a 5 second delay when placing
How do I programmatically find new market IDs of a specific type (i.e. 
Match Odds)? 

The getAllMarkets call is the best way. For example, suppose you wanted to find
new American Football markets.

Start by passing in the eventTypeId for ( American Football (6423). The API returns
all markets of that type in a compressed string format. As follows:

21322866~Match Odds~O~ACTIVE~1226538000000~\American Football\NCAAF

2008/09\Fixtures 12 November\Kent St v

21322869~Match Odds~O~ACTIVE~1226538000000~\American Football\NCAAF

2008/09\Fixtures 12 November\N Illinois v Central

21324517~Winning Margin~O~ACTIVE~1226858400000~\American Football\NFL

Season 08/09\Fixtures 16 November\Chicago @ Green

21322873~Match Odds~O~ACTIVE~1226620800000~\American Football\NCAAF

2008/09\Fixtures 13 November\Akron v

Each market has been separated above (the response contains each market
separated by a colon ( : ). For each market, the fields are separated by a tilde’ (~).
The first field is the market ID, the third is the market type (for Match Odds
markets, this will be ‘O’). The 6th field is the textual menu path from the root of the
tree. So, you should be able to parse that and find all the match odds markets that
correspond to the NFL Season 08/09.

How do I count requests for the purpose of Data Request charging? 

The Data Request Charge (DRC) is a charge intended to curb excessive calls to the Betfair Sports API.
This article provides details about how exactly requests are counted. More information about the
exact charges and rules can be found here.

You can make 20 requests every second without being charged. Betfair counts requests by logging
the time and date that a request is received. Then, the number of requests received in any one
second are added together. It is important to note that seconds are counted as wall-clock seconds,
i.e. the time between one second and the next on a clock, not as a period of time lasting 1000ms. In
other words, if you make 30 requests between 12:02:00 and 12:02:01, you will have exceeded the
limit by 10 requests.

If you are attempting to calculate the acceptable rate, you should count requests from the start of a
real clock second, rather than from an arbitrary point lasting 1 second.

Please also keep in mind that the nature of the Internet means that we suggest you limit usage to 15
requests per second as the default. If you are betting very little or not at all this can help you to avoid
a charge.

Finally, if you want to synchronise your request counting with Betfair's time, please use a publicly
available Network Time Protocol server to synchronise your computer’s clock to a known reference
What is HTTP Compression?  
HTTP compression is a capability built into both web servers and web clients to reduce the number of
bytes transmitted in an HTTP response. This makes better use of available bandwidth and increases
performance while reducing download time. When enabled, HTTP protocol data is compressed before
it is sent from the server. Clients capable of receiving compressed HTTP data announce that they
support compression in the HTTP header. Almost all modern web browsers support HTTP
Compression by default.

The Betfair SOAP API uses HTTP to handle communication between API clients and servers.
Therefore, the SOAP messages can be compressed using the same HTTP compression used by web
browsers. Custom API applications may need some modification before they can take advantage of
this feature. Specifically, they need to send an additional HTTP header to indicate they support
receipt of compressed responses from the API. In addition, some environments require you to
explicitly decompress the response.

Example GZIP SOAP Request 
When an API client sends a SOAP request, it opens a connection to the API server and sends an
HTTP request containing the SOAP XML document. A typical HTTP request header looks like this:

POST /global/v3/BFGlobalService HTTP/1.1

User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0

Content-Type: text/xml; charset=utf-8

SOAPAction: "login"

Content-Length: 1011

Host: api.betfair.com

Accept-Encoding: gzip

With this request, the API client asks for the SOAP action “login” on host “api.betfair.com”. The client
identifies itself as “Mozilla/4.0” and claims that it can receive HTTP responses in gz ip format.

After parsing and processing the client’s request, the API server may send the HTTP response in
compressed format. A typical HTTP response header looks like this:

HTTP/1.1 200 OK

Server: Apache

Content-Type: text/xml; charset=UTF-8

Content-Encoding: gzip

Content-Length: 2223


The response header “Content-Encoding” informs the browser that the following data is
compressed with gzip.
Enabling Gzip Compression 
C Sharp (C#)

Gzip compression can be enabled by switching on the EnableDecompression property of your web
service proxy object. The example enables compressed responses from the Betfair Global server:

BFGlobalService service = new BFGlobalService();

service.EnableDecompression = true;
Java and Axis 1.2

Gzip compression can be enabled by setting Axis client Call object’s HTTPConstants
MC_ACCEPT_GZIP and MC_GZIP_RESPONSE to true. The following example is from the Betfair Java
sample application:

private static BFGlobalServiceStub stub;

// Lazy load the Global service stub generated by Apache Axis.

// This stub is used to make all requests to the Betfair Global API

// The global API is generally used for account management features

private static BFGlobalServiceStub getStub() throws Exception {

if (stub == null)

stub = new BFGlobalServiceStub("https://api.betfair.com/global/v3/BFGlobalService");

// You may set up the connection parameters of the stub here if necessary

// For example: Wait 20 seconds for a response from the API

stub._getServiceClient().getOptions().setTimeOutInMilliSeconds(20 * 1000);

_ACCEPT_GZIP, "true");

_GZIP_RESPONSE, "true");

return stub;



Using Perl and the LWP package, you enable gzip compression by setting the gzip request header
on the request object:

my $ua = LWP::UserAgent->new();

my $request = HTTP::Request->new(POST => $serviceurl);

$request->header(SOAPAction => "$serviceurl");

$request->header(Accept_Encoding => "gzip");

The response must be decoded as in the following example


my $resp = $ua->request($request);

my $content=$resp->decoded_content;

Useful Resources and Articles 

Betfair Developers Forum (http://forum.bdp.betfair.com/)

Betfair API Reference Guide


Betfair API Sample Code


Technical Articles

Turbocharging .Net Webservice Clients - Author Russell Gray

C# 3.0, Parallel LINQ, And The Betfair API - An Introduction - Author

Russell Gray

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