Micropara (Lec)
Micropara (Lec)
Micropara (Lec)
Edward Jenner
● Modeled the Scientific Method, first
to use scientific thought to
construct a rigorous experiment
model to inoculate people against
disease. (First viable method to
LAZARO SPALLANZANI control smallpox.)
● Father of Immunology
John Tyndall
● provided initial evidence that some
microbes have very high heat
resistance and that particularly
vigorous treatment is required to
destroy them.
Ferdinand Cohn
● discovery of heat-resistant
bacterial endospores which
explained why heat would
sometimes fail to completely
eliminate all microorganisms.
● Beginning of the word "Sterile"
Dr. Oliver Wendell Holmes Sr
● "mothers who gave birth at home Physical requirement for Microbial
experienced fewer infections than growth
mothers who gave birth in the
hospital" Physical requirement Temperature
Dr. Ignaz Semmelweis ● Temperature is the most important
● "women became infected after factor that determines the rate of
examinations by physicians growth, multiplication, survival, and
coming directly from the autopsy death of all living organisms.
room." ● High temperatures damage
● Mandated handwashing microbes by denaturing enzymes,
transport carriers, and other
Joseph Lister proteins.
● Aseptic Technique // Aseptic ● Microbial membranes are
Surgery disrupted by temperature
● aimed at reducing microbes in a extremes.
medical setting ● At very low temperatures
membranes also solidify and
Louis Pasteur enzymes also do not function
● Developed vaccines for Rabies properly.
and Anthrax Minimum Temperature
● Clarified the actions of microbes in The LOWEST temperature at which
wine and beer fermentation organisms grow
● Pasteurization - heat treatment Optimum Temperature
process that destroys pathogenic The temperature at which the most rapid
microbes in food and beverages rate of multiplication occurs
Robert Koch Maximum Temperature
● Worked on and isolated The HIGHEST temperature at which
Mycobacterium tuberculosis growth occurs
● Bacterial Isolation
● Established Koch's Postulates