Republic Vs Batuigas (For Recit)
Republic Vs Batuigas (For Recit)
Republic Vs Batuigas (For Recit)
Republic v Batuigas (Digest)
Republic of the Philippines vs. Azucena Saavedra Batu(i)gas (DIGEST)
GR No. 183110
Under existing laws, an alien may acquire Philippine citizenship through
either judicial naturalization under CA 473 or administrative naturalization
7 October 2013
under Republic Act No. 9139 (the “Administrative Naturalization Law of
2000”). A third option, called derivative naturalization, which is available to
alien women married to Filipino husbands is found under Section 15 of CA
473, which provides that:
Effect of Naturalization on the Wife, Naturalization, Citizenship