1 Entendiendo La Dinámica y El Destino de La Memoria

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Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Reviews 125 (2021) 592–607

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Review article

Understanding the dynamic and destiny of memories

Lucas de Oliveira Alvares a, *, Fabricio H. Do-Monte b, *
Neurobiology of Memory Laboratory, Biophysics Department, Biosciences Institute, Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul, Porto Alegre, RS, 91509-900, Brazil
Department of Neurobiology and Anatomy, McGovern Medical School, The University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston, Houston, TX, 77030, United States


Keywords: Memory formation enables the retention of life experiences overtime. Based on previously acquired information,
Memory updating organisms can anticipate future events and adjust their behaviors to maximize survival. However, in an ever-
Reconsolidation changing environment, a memory needs to be malleable to maintain its relevance. In fact, substantial evi­
dence suggests that a consolidated memory can become labile and susceptible to modifications after being
reactivated, a process termed reconsolidation. When an extinction process takes place, a memory can also be
temporarily inhibited by a second memory that carries information with opposite meaning. In addition, a
memory can fade and lose its significance in a process known as forgetting. Thus, following retrieval, new life
experiences can be integrated with the original memory trace to maintain its predictive value. In this review, we
explore the determining factors that regulate the fate of a memory after its reactivation. We focus on three post-
retrieval memory destinies (reconsolidation, extinction, and forgetting) and discuss recent rodent studies investi­
gating the biological functions and neural mechanisms underlying each of these processes.

1. Introduction encoded information to be stored as a memory trace (Asok et al., 2019;

Josselyn et al., 2015; McGaugh, 2000). This phase is followed by an
Acquiring memories of our life experiences is vital to optimize our enduring phase named systems consolidation, which persists for days to
future decisions. Based on our memories we can adjust our behavior in weeks and is believed to be important for the maintenance and reor­
response to stimuli that resemble prior experienced situations. For ganization of different types of memories in distinct brain regions (Barry
example, returning to your favorite restaurant or avoiding a bumpy road and Maguire, 2019; Dandolo and Schwabe, 2019; DeNardo et al., 2019;
on the way home are situations in which our memories from past events Do-Monte et al., 2015b; Do Monte et al., 2016; Frankland and Bontempi,
directly guide our decisions. But how does our brain select and store 2005; Moscovitch et al., 2016; Sacco and Sacchetti, 2010; Squire et al.,
information that is necessary to appropriately shape our behaviors? 2015; Todd et al., 2018; Tonegawa et al., 2018; Vahdat et al., 2017; Van
Although we are constantly exposed to new environmental stimuli, most den Oever et al., 2013). While the ordinary process of memory stabili­
of the acquired information is lost in a few hours or days. In fact, the zation has the biological function of selecting the memories that are
majority of our daily mundane experiences are not relevant and potentially beneficial to be maintained in our brain, how it occurs and
remembering them does not bring significant benefits for us as in­ what sort of information is more prone to be retained as a long-lasting
dividuals or species. Indeed, our brain has specialized mechanisms that memory trace has been a major object of research in the last years.
act as filters to select which information should be retained as long-term Studies in both humans and laboratory animals have shown that
memory (Richards and Frankland, 2017). Because it is difficult to choose memories containing emotional information are better retained than
in real time (i.e., during learning) which piece of information is impor­ memories with neutral or trivial content (Okuda et al., 2004; Roo­
tant to be kept, this filtering process occurs a posteriori, shortly after the zendaal and McGaugh, 2011). The underlying mechanisms of emotion
experience has been acquired. There is a consensus that memories are seem to be a good candidate to modulate our memory filtering system by
unstable immediately after learning and can be easily modulated until favoring the consolidation of emotionally-charged information. But, do
they are consolidated into a more stable form. The time-dependent memories remain in a steady form once this consolidation process is
process of memory stabilization starts with an initial phase known as completed? Because we live in an ever-changing environment, an
synaptic consolidation, which lasts for a few hours and allows for the inflexible memory system would not be adaptive to changes and,

* Corresponding authors.
E-mail addresses: [email protected] (L. de Oliveira Alvares), [email protected] (F.H. Do-Monte).

Received 20 October 2020; Received in revised form 18 January 2021; Accepted 8 March 2021
Available online 12 March 2021
0149-7634/© 2021 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
L. de Oliveira Alvares and F.H. Do-Monte Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Reviews 125 (2021) 592–607

consequently, would not serve to properly guide our future behaviors. between neurons (i.e., synaptic plasticity). The second phase, called
Instead, a system that permits our memories to be constantly updated in consolidation, is the dynamic process by which the newly encoded in­
accordance with our needs seems to be evolutionarily more advanta­ formation is gradually stabilized and retained as a memory trace. And
geous (Lee et al., 2017). Returning to our initial examples, a flexible the third phase, called retrieval, is the phase in which the previously
memory system enables us to stop going to that favorite restaurant if the acquired information is accessed and re-experienced by the subject.
food doesn’t taste good anymore or resume taking that bumpy road on Most of our knowledge about the different phases of memory for­
the way home after it gets repaved. Accumulating evidence from the last mation comes from animal models of associative learning (Dickinson,
few decades suggests that, even after being consolidated, our memories 2012; Hawkins and Byrne, 2015; Pearce and Bouton, 2001). Such
can enter a plastic state that allows the incorporation of newly acquired models have enabled us to systematically distinguish these three mem­
information (Nader et al., 2000b; Wang et al., 2009). This updating ory phases. This differentiation has been made possible by manipulating
process can be initiated when memories are retrieved, making them the activity of specific brain regions or neurotransmission system before
labile and susceptible to modifications. This post-retrieval mechanism each specific phase and using the animal’s response to associated cues as
seems to be critical to determine the destiny of our memories, as well as a measure of memory. In contrast, a systematic differentiation between
to maintain the efficiency of our memories in predicting future events the distinct mechanisms that follows memory retrieval has been more
(De Oliveira Alvares et al., 2013; Lee, 2009). difficult because we have just begun to understand the molecular and
In this review, we explore the biological mechanisms that regulate temporal processes that separate reconsolidation, extinction, and
the distinct fates of memories after retrieval. We focus mainly on studies forgetting, and how each one of these processes contributes to the des­
using fear and reward conditioning paradigms in rodents, as they tiny of a memory (Fig. 1).
represent most of the memory literature that is currently available. First,
we describe situations in which the environmental conditions during the 3. Memory reconsolidation: mechanisms and biological
retrieval phase resemble the original experience, in this way leading to a functions
memory updating process called reconsolidation. Next, we discuss situ­
ations in which the current conditions during retrieval have a different The mainstream assumption regarding memory formation was based
meaning compared to the original experience, thereby causing an inhi­ on the dogma that, once consolidated, memories would become stable
bition of the original memory trace in a process known as extinction. and protected from further modifications. However, pioneer studies by
Last, we discuss situations in which memories fade away following the the middle of the last century started to challenge this view by showing
acquisition phase. This physiological process, often described as forget­ that consolidated memories can undergo modifications after being
ting, occurs when a well-established memory is erased or becomes un­ retrieved (Lewis, 1979; Lewis et al., 1968). Subsequent studies a few
able to be retrieved. decades later demonstrated that reactivation of a well-consolidated
memory can trigger cellular events that are critical for memory persis­
2. Basic phases of memory formation tence (Nader et al., 2000b; Przybyslawski and Sara, 1997). The obser­
vation that consolidated memories can enter a labile state and become
Before discussing the post-retrieval destiny of a memory, it is editable upon retrieval has given origin to the term memory reconsoli­
important to revisit the distinct phases of memory. For didactic pur­ dation. In the following years, hundreds of studies demonstrated that
poses, we separate memory into three different phases that progress over memory reconsolidation is a ubiquitous process that happens in
time. The first phase is called acquisition or encoding and refers to the different species – from worms and fishes to birds and mammals
stage in which the information is initially received and processed in the including humans – and can be studied by using distinct memory par­
brain, by changing neuronal excitability and the strength of connections adigms (for a review see: Besnard et al., 2012; Dudai, 2012; Haubrich

Fig. 1. Schematic of memory destinies following retrieval. During

the initial phase of memory formation, new information is acquired
and consolidated as a long-term memory. Subsequent retrieval of
the consolidated memory may activate three distinct processes: i)
reconsolidation is triggered after a short period of memory
reactivation and a mild degree of mismatching between the orig­
inal memory and the retrieval session. Reconsolidation involves an
initial destabilization of the memory trace followed by memory
updating through the strengthening of the original memory and the
incorporation of new information; ii) extinction is triggered after a
long period of memory reactivation and a high degree of mis­
matching between the original memory and the retrieval session.
Extinction involves the formation of a new memory that inhibits
the original memory trace; and iii) forgetting results from a deficit
in the retrieval of the original memory. Forgetting may serve as a
filter to remove unnecessary information.

L. de Oliveira Alvares and F.H. Do-Monte Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Reviews 125 (2021) 592–607

and Nader, 2018; Taujanskaite et al., 2020). original experience has occurred. Therefore, new pieces of information
The discovery that memories can be manipulated by interfering with should be integrated with the original memory in order to keep its
the mechanisms of reconsolidation has generated great excitement and current significance. This incorporation of new information is believed
interest in the field because pathological memories are in the heart of to be mediated by reconsolidation mechanisms (De Oliveira Alvares
many psychiatric disorders including post-traumatic stress disorder et al., 2013; Hupbach et al., 2008; Lee, 2010; Zinn et al., 2020). Memory
(PTSD), phobias and drug addiction (Beckers and Kindt, 2017a; Elsey retrieval triggers a plastic state in which the original memory trace can
et al., 2018). Because of the potential clinical relevance of disrupting be modified and subsequently reconsolidated into an updated form (Lee
reconsolidation processes to modulate emotional memories in humans, et al., 2017).
reconsolidation rapidly became one of the most studied topics in the To be updated in terms of content or strength, a previously consol­
memory field (Monfils and Holmes, 2018; Phelps and Hofmann, 2019). idated memory that is in a stable state (i.e., inactive state) needs to
While many studies have focused on investigating reconsolidation pro­ destabilize and enter a labile state (i.e., active state) (Fig. 2A). This
cesses in laboratory animals as an attempt to better understanding memory destabilization process occurs when there is a certain degree of
pathological memories in humans, much less attention has been paid on mismatching (i.e., prediction error) between what is expected and what
elucidating the biological functions of memory reconsolidation. Here, actually happens during the retrieval period (Popik et al., 2020; Sev­
we discuss the adaptive role that reconsolidation has on memory enster et al., 2013). Studies in both humans and laboratory animals have
updating and the main neuronal mechanisms underlying this process. shown that in the absence of prediction error, retrieval does not induce
destabilization and the original memory remains unmodified, reinforc­
ing the idea that retrieval and memory destabilization are two different
3.1. Why is memory updating important and how does it happen?
processes (Barreiro et al., 2013; Bustos et al., 2009; Exton-McGuinness
et al., 2015; Merlo et al., 2015; Milton et al., 2013; Pedreira et al., 2004;
The long-term maintenance of our significant life experiences is an
Sevenster et al., 2012; Sinclair and Barense, 2018). These experimental
important adaptive process. Based on past experiences, animals can
observations make sense if we consider the biological role of memory
predict future events and optimize their decisions. Previously formed
updating because, when the current situation is closely identical to the
memories can guide animals to repeat behaviors that have resulted in
original experience, there is no need of updating the memory. Using our
successful outcomes while avoiding those that have previously failed
previous example again, if during a subsequent visit to that same savory
(Dickinson, 1981, 2012; Rescorla, 1988; Zentall, 2013). However, ani­
restaurant the food continues as tasteful as before, our memory would
mals live in a dynamic environment and for this reason memories are
not be destabilized and our positive judgment about the restaurant
normally reactivated in situations that differ from those in which the

Fig. 2. Representative model and synaptic

mechanisms of retrieval-induced memory
destabilization. A) During memory retrieval, a
consolidated memory that is initially in a stable
state (inactive state) enters a labile state (active
state) if a certain degree of mismatching occurs
(i.e., prediction error). Depending on what
happens during retrieval, the original memory
trace can be updated into distinct forms thereby
resulting in a strengthened, weakened, or
modified memory. House drawings are used as
an analogy for retrieval-induced memory
updating. B) The transition of the original
memory from an inactive to an active state after
retrieval involves a series of postsynaptic
mechanisms including: 1) Entrance of calcium
following activation of GluN2B-containing
NMDA receptor and L-type voltage-gated cal­
cium channels (L-VGCC); 2) Activation of pro­
tein kinase CaMKII; 3) Activation of protein
complexes (e.g., proteasome); 4) Degradation of
scaffolding proteins (e.g., SHANK); 5) Endocy­
tosis of calcium impermeable GluA2-containing
AMPA receptors from the postsynaptic density
(PSD) followed by autophagy; 6) Insertion of
calcium permeable GluA1-contaning AMPA re­
ceptors in the PSD in part due to the phos­
phorylation of serine 845 (S845) by protein
kinase A (PKA).

L. de Oliveira Alvares and F.H. Do-Monte Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Reviews 125 (2021) 592–607

would continue the same. labile through actin depolymerization. Thus, dendritic spines can be
rebuilt in an updated form depending on what happens after retrieval:
3.2. What are the molecular/cellular processes involved in memory becoming larger in the case of memory enhancement or smaller in the
destabilization/updating? case of memory impairment. Future experiments using two-photon mi­
croscopy will test this prediction by longitudinally tracking individual
Several important players have been described to participate in the dendritic spines during the time window of memory reconsolidation.
memory destabilization process (Fig. 2B). For instance, the entrance of Previous studies have demonstrated that memories with intense
calcium ions into the cell through the activation of GluN2B-containing emotional content are more resistant to destabilization, and conse­
NMDA glutamatergic receptors and L-type voltage-gated calcium quently, less susceptible to interference (Bustos et al., 2010; Suzuki
channels (L-VGCCs) have been shown to be crucial steps for this process. et al., 2004; Wang et al., 2009). In short, memory strength is a boundary
GluN2B-containing NMDA receptors are glutamate gated ion channels condition that limits memory from undergoing reconsolidation. For
that are centrally involved in neuronal signal transduction and synaptic example, during a strong fear conditioning training, activation of locus
plasticity (Zhang and Luo, 2013), whereas L-VGCCs are transmembrane coeruleus neurons increase the release of noradrenaline in the amyg­
calcium channels that play a critical role in neurotransmitter release and dala, thereby reinforcing the memory trace (Haubrich et al., 2020).
gene expression regulation (Berger and Bartsch, 2014; Gomez-Ospina Subsequent to retrieval, activation of beta-adrenergic receptors in the
et al., 2006). Systemic or intracerebral injection of the GluN2BR amygdala halts AMPA trafficking and down regulates GluN2B-NMDAR,
antagonist ifenprodil or the L-VGCC blocker nimodipine before memory which prevents memory restabilization (Haubrich et al., 2020; Wang
reactivation prevents memory updating (Ben Mamou et al., 2006; et al., 2009). Thus, strong emotional experiences seem to be more
Haubrich et al., 2015; Suzuki et al., 2008). Studies have shown that resistant to undergoing reconsolidation and as a result less vulnerable to
calcium influx through GluA1-containing AMPA receptor - a subtype of modifications. Nevertheless, studies in rodents and humans have
AMPA-type glutamate receptors that is permeable to calcium - is also demonstrated that even emotionally-charged memories can be modified
required for memory updating (Clem and Huganir, 2010; Torquatto through reconsolidation mechanisms under certain conditions that
et al., 2019). Indeed, during memory labilization, GluA1-containing involve the correct length of reactivation, the ideal memory mis­
AMPA receptors are inserted into the postsynaptic density, whereas matching, and/or the use of drugs to enhance memory labilization
GluA2-containing AMPA receptors, which are known for rendering the (Elsey and Kindt, 2017; Soeter and Kindt, 2012; Zhang et al., 2018a).
channel impermeable to calcium, are in turn endocytosed (Clem and
Huganir, 2010; Hong et al., 2013; Rao-Ruiz et al., 2011b) and degraded 3.3. How can memory be updated through reconsolidation mechanisms?
through autophagy (Shehata et al., 2018). The postsynaptic density is a
specialized region in the membrane of excitatory synapses that is rich in As we have discussed above, memory updating is a critical process
receptors, proteins and signaling molecules, and is known for playing a that helps to maintain the predictive value of previously acquired in­
critical role in synaptic plasticity (Gold, 2012). Increased influx of cal­ formation and consequently to avoid inappropriate behavioral re­
cium activates the protein kinase CaMKII, which triggers proteasomes (i. sponses. Such updating is mediated by reconsolidation mechanisms and
e., large protein complexes) that are responsible for the degradation of may serve as an opportunity for modifying the strength and the content
synaptic scaffolding proteins (e.g., SHANK), an essential step for mem­ of memories. Memory updating is observed in many species and may
ory destabilization. (Jarome et al., 2016, 2011; Lee et al., 2008). have evolved in some organisms to assure that information about re­
Accordingly, inhibiting either CaMKII or proteasomes prevent memory sources (e.g. food, water, and mate) and potential threats (e.g., risk of
destabilization (Jarome et al., 2016; Lee et al., 2008); and the coordi­ predation) are always up to date. In this section, we explore how
nated regulation of protein synthesis and degradation seems to be a reconsolidation can lead to distinct forms of memory updating
critical process for long-term memory maintenance (Park and Kaang, including: i) the modulation of memory strength, ii) the modification of
2019). Other important players that participate in the process of mem­ the original memory content, iii) the formation of false representations,
ory destabilization include dopamine (Merlo et al., 2015), cannabinoid iv) the incorporation of state-dependency into the memory trace, and
receptors (Lunardi et al., 2020), cholinergic muscarinic receptors (Stiver finally v) the shift of memory valence through counterconditioning.
et al., 2015), and NMDA-induced autophagy (Shehata et al., 2018).
Once memory achieves a labile state, it becomes vulnerable to 3.3.1. Memory strength
modification (e.g., enhancement, attenuation, or integration of new in­ The first direct evidence that memories can be strengthened through
formation) for a few hours, after which memory is reconsolidated and reconsolidation mechanisms was the demonstration that a weak
restabilized. This restabilization process, which is necessary to place learning event can be reinforced by additional training until it achieves
memory back into a more steady form, involves RNA synthesis (Sangha an asymptotic level (Fukushima et al., 2014; Lee, 2008, 2009). In one of
et al., 2003), protein synthesis (Nader et al., 2000a), AMPA receptor these studies, laboratory rats were fear conditioned with foot shocks to
trafficking (Rao-Ruiz et al., 2011b), and cytoskeleton reorganization achieve a freezing level of around 40 % (freezing was used as a measure
(Lunardi et al., 2018). Evidence suggests that the exchange of of memory retrieval). When the same animals were conditioned again,
calcium-impermeable to calcium-permeable AMPA receptors is a hall­ freezing levels went up to ~70 %. However, different molecular cas­
mark of memory malleability. When high concentrations of cades were necessary during these two phases: knocking down the
calcium-permeable AMPA receptors are located in the postsynaptic expression of brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF, a critical protein
density, memory becomes destabilized. Replacement of for memory acquisition) before the initial conditioning phase disrupted
calcium-permeable by calcium-impermeable AMPA receptors shifts memory formation, whereas knocking down the expression of zif268 (a
memory back to a stable form (Clem and Huganir, 2010; Torquatto et al., critical protein for memory reconsolidation (but see Zalcman et al.,
2019). This switch in memory malleability is accompanied by structural 2015)) before the second conditioning session impaired memory
changes mediated by actin remodeling, which results in alterations in strengthening; suggesting that reconsolidation rather than new learning
the number and morphology of dendritic spines (Roy et al., 2017). is the main mechanism underlying memory strengthening (Lee, 2008).
Accordingly, actin remodeling in dendritic spines has been described Other studies using similar experimental designs have drawn the same
following distinct forms of synaptic plasticity including long-term conclusion by demonstrating that reactivation-induced reconsolidation
potentiation (LTP) and long-term depression (Fonseca, 2012; Ram­ strengthens the original memory trace (De Oliveira Alvares et al., 2013;
achandran and Frey, 2009; Szabo et al., 2016). We propose that together Forcato et al., 2014; Inda et al., 2011). Together, these studies indicate
with the AMPA receptor trafficking, there is an orchestrated reorgani­ that retrieval-induced memory destabilization is an essential step in the
zation of actin in which mature dendritic spines become structurally strengthening of previously acquired memories, most likely through

L. de Oliveira Alvares and F.H. Do-Monte Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Reviews 125 (2021) 592–607

reconsolidation mechanisms. 3.3.4. State-dependent memory

Besides the inclusion of external cues, reconsolidation also enables
3.3.2. Memory content the inclusion of internal cues into the mental representation of the
In addition to modifying memory strength, another possible function environment, which may result in memory updating. Examples of in­
of reconsolidation is to modify memory content. That is, to permit the ternal cues include the distinct mental states that are experienced by the
integration of new information into an existing memory trace during the subject during the retrieval session (e.g., specific mood states, particular
malleable period that succeeds retrieval (Fernandez et al., 2016; Morris arousal situations, or the influence of drugs). In other words, the mental
et al., 2006; Winters et al., 2009). For instance, prior studies have shown state prevailing during memory reactivation can be incorporated into
that rats that were fear conditioned in one context (e.g., context A) the neural substrate of the memory (henceforth called engram), thereby
showed low levels of freezing when tested in a distinct context (e.g., making the original memory state-dependent. Afterwards, subsequent
context B). However, when the conditioned memory was reactivated in a memory retrieval will be better achieved if the same internal state is
hybrid context that resembled both context A and context B, animals presented again (Gisquet-Verrier et al., 2015; Sierra et al., 2013). A
started to exhibit high levels of freezing when tested in context B, sug­ similar state-dependent induction has been also reported during
gesting that during the reactivation session the information from context extinction training (Rosa et al., 2014), suggesting that state-dependency
B was inserted into the memory trace previously associated with context is a general memory process that may be established when the memory
A (De Oliveira Alvares et al., 2013; Zinn et al., 2020). is in a labile/plastic state (e.g., after acquisition or reactivation), hence
incorporating the internal state into the memory engram (for a review
3.3.3. False memory see: Gisquet-Verrier and Riccio, 2018).
The brain’s capacity to modify memories opens up the possibility of
creating a false memory, a process that consists in either changing the 3.3.5. Counterconditioning
representation of previous events by implanting false information upon Another way to update a memory during the labile state induced by
an existing memory trace or making up a completely inaccurate memory retrieval is through counterconditioning, a process in which the original
trace by incorporating exogenous misinformation (Loftus and Davis, memory is modified by the integration of new information containing
2006). The phenomenon of false memory takes place when the infor­ opposite emotional valence. During counterconditioning, a fearful
mation inserted into an existing memory trace is altered until the point memory can be updated by presenting hedonic information during the
that the updated form no longer fit into the original memory (Schacter period of reactivation, so that the original negative valence is "replaced"
et al., 2011). This distorted or even fabricated recollection of events is by a positive/less aversive one. This emotional remodeling has been
believed to be a side effect of memory malleability that occurs during the demonstrated in a series of studies in which a conditioned stimulus (CS)
time window of reconsolidation. previously associated with a foot shock became less aversive after being
Memories are known to be formed following the association between re-associated with an appetitive stimulus such as chocolate (Haubrich
biologically salient events and sensory stimuli. Nevertheless, a recent et al., 2015), caffeine (Pedraza et al., 2018), methylphenidate (Arellano
study has demonstrated that mice can create a fully artificial memory Perez et al., 2020) or amphetamine (Toledano and Gisquet-Verrier,
without being exposed to a sensory experience (Vetere et al., 2019). In 2014). The observation that counterconditioning updating is pre­
this study, optogenetic activation of olfactory sensory neurons express­ vented by the infusion of memory destabilization inhibitors (e.g.,
ing the odorant receptor for acetophenone was paired with optogenetic GluN2B-NMDA antagonists or L-VGCC blockers) suggests that memory
activation of lateral habenula projections to the ventral tegmental area updating during counterconditioning is mediated by reconsolidation
(VTA), a circuit known to mediate aversive responses. In a separate mechanisms rather than new learning (Haubrich et al., 2015).
group of mice, optogenetic activation of the same olfactory sensory While significant progress has been made in elucidating the neural
neurons was paired with optogenetic activation of laterodorsal mechanisms involved in memory updating, there are still several open
tegmental nucleus projections to the VTA, a circuit known to mediate questions that need to be addressed to clarify how additional informa­
rewarding responses. After pairings, mice receiving optogenetic acti­ tion is inserted into an existing memory trace. Are new neurons incor­
vation of the aversive or rewarding circuits spent less or more time in the porated into the engram? Are neurons that do not carry relevant
side of a chamber containing the acetophenone odorant, respectively, information anymore removed from the engram? Which patterns of
despite the animals never having smelled the acetophenone odorant neuronal activity regulate these processes? Future experiments using
before (Vetere et al., 2019). These findings suggest that memories can be activity-dependent neuronal tagging or calcium imaging recordings of
artificially formed by entirely bypassing a sensory experience. Although neuronal dynamics during memory acquisition vs. reconsolidation are
this study demonstrates the genesis of an artificial memory through the likely to yield more information about how a memory engram activity is
modulation of acquisition/consolidation mechanisms, a similar process modified following reconsolidation; and by what means the insertion or
involving the insertion of false information into a previously existing removal of cells from the engram correlates with behavioral changes.
memory trace has been described in other studies (Ramirez et al., 2013; Another important question regarding memory reconsolidation is the
Redondo et al., 2014). possibility of translating basic research findings to clinical practice.
Previous studies using activity-dependent neural tagging have shown While some studies have successfully manipulated reconsolidation
that manipulation of neural populations that were active during learning mechanisms in human patients with the purpose of attenuating
can enable previously acquired experiences to become associated with emotional memories, others have failed (for a review see: Beckers and
new stimuli (Ramirez et al., 2013; Redondo et al., 2014). In one of these Kindt, 2017b; Elsey et al., 2018). This inconsistence of results may be
studies, mice hippocampal neurons that were activated by exposure to a explained by differences in the boundary conditions (e.g., the strength
neutral context (context A) were subsequently labeled with the and age of the memories) or in the degrees of prediction error observed
light-sensitive cation channel channelrhodopsin (ChR2) (Ramirez et al., in each of these studies, which are important limiting factors for memory
2013). Animals were then exposed to a different context (context B) and to undergo destabilization/reconsolidation (Elsey and Kindt, 2017;
the neurons labeled in context A were optogenetically reactivated dur­ Sevenster et al., 2012; Sinclair and Barense, 2018, 2019). Further studies
ing a fear conditioning training with foot shocks. In the following day, focused on investigating the mechanisms that govern these limiting
animals displayed increased freezing responses in context A, even factors in laboratory animals may provide better insights to elucidate
though they had never experienced a foot shock in that context, sug­ memory destabilization/reconsolidation in humans.
gesting that the encoded information about context A was updated and
combined with the foot shock information (Ramirez et al., 2013).

L. de Oliveira Alvares and F.H. Do-Monte Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Reviews 125 (2021) 592–607

4. Memory extinction: mechanisms and biological functions extinguished memory may also reappear when the subject is presented
to a simple reminder of the original memory after the extinction training
In the previous section, we described how memories can undergo a is completed (reinstatement) (Bouton and Bolles, 1979). While many
reconsolidation phase after being retrieved, a process by which the features about the extinction process have been unveiled recently, many
encoded information can be updated and re-established. Here, we basic questions still remain unsolved. For example, why does extinction
discuss a different process called extinction, which takes place to memory weaken with time? Why is extinction memory
attenuate/inhibit the original memory (Bouton, 1993; Pavlov, 1927). context-dependent? How does the single presentation of an uncondi­
Extinction mechanisms are triggered when the retrieval phase surpasses tioned stimulus retrigger a conditioned response?
a critical period, and the presence of a previously learned CS does not Despite the temporary nature of extinction (Vervliet et al., 2013),
predict the same outcome anymore (i.e., high prediction error) (Merlo cognitive behavioral therapies based on extinction learning (e.g., expo­
et al., 2014; Salinas-Hernandez et al., 2018) (Box 1). In such cases, sure therapy) continue to be considered the gold standard intervention
multiple exposures to the same CS in the absence of consequences (i.e., to suppress the expression of emotional memories in humans (e.g.,
unconditioned stimulus) lead to an attenuation of the conditioned anxiety disorders, substance abuse) (Foa and McLean, 2016; Hollandt
response (Quirk and Mueller, 2008). Although the extinction phenom­ et al., 2020; Kiefer and Dinter, 2013). The identification of potential
enon has resisted a brief and simple explanation, there is a consensus cognitive enhancers (also called nootropic drugs) to improve extinction
that extinction is not the same as forgetting or habituation, where learning, and consequently attenuate fear or substance use disorders,
habituation is defined as a response decrement to a repeated stimulus has been the focus of many studies in the last decades (for a review see:
(Furlong et al., 2016; Thompson and Spencer, 1966). Extinction can also Carpenter et al., 2019; Singewald et al., 2015). Additional insights on
not be explained by synaptic depotentiation (Hong et al., 2009; Kim understanding the mechanisms of extinction have emerged from recent
et al., 2007), as synaptic inputs that were facilitated during memory studies centered on investigating both the molecular/cellular processes
acquisition remain potentiated following extinction training (Clem and and the neural circuits underlying extinction learning. Below we
Huganir, 2010; Kim and Cho, 2017; but see: Park and Choi, 2010). describe the main molecular/cellular mechanisms underlying extinction
Instead, increasing evidence supports the idea that extinction is a new and explore the central determining factors that control the switch be­
learning that competes with the initial association (for a review see: tween reconsolidation and extinction processes following memory
Bouton, 2004; Dunsmoor et al., 2015; Luchkina and Bolshakov, 2019; retrieval. Next, we discuss some rodent studies focused on elucidating
Maren and Quirk, 2004). For example, an extinguished memory can the neural circuits that regulate the extinction of fear- or
resurge with the passage of time after the extinction training (sponta­ reward-associated memories. We draw some parallels between classical
neous recovery) (Rescorla, 2004), as well as when the subject is tested in studies using lesions/pharmacological approaches and recent studies
a context other than that in which the extinction training occurred using optogenetic/chemogenetic tools to investigate extinction
(renewal) (Bouton et al., 2006; Goode and Maren, 2014). In addition, an circuitry.

Box 1
The “Retrieval Judge” of memory destinies

To better understand how the destiny of a consolidated memory is determined, here we use a metaphor to compare the process of memory
retrieval with a judicial trial court. In this analogy, the judge (memory system) evaluates many aspects of the defendant’s sentence (original
memory) and compares it with the new evidence presented during the appeal (retrieval session) in order to offer a new verdict (memory destiny). If
a minor degree of mismatching between the new proofs and the original evidence is observed during the appeal (lack of memory destabilization),
the judge will resentence the defendant to the same penal conviction (memory persists unaltered). However, when the new pieces of evidence
(cues) presented during the appeal differ significantly from the original evidence (mild prediction error), bigger are the chances that the judge will
adjust the sentence (memory destabilization) by extending, reducing or modifying the verdict (reconsolidation with enhancement, attenuation, or
modification of the memory content). In other cases, when the defense attorney presents new evidence that strongly differ from the original
evidence (high prediction error), the judge will temporarily acquit the defendant and a completely different verdict will be pronounced (extinction
memory). Finally, if the defendant’s request for an appeal is not sufficient to persuade the court (lack of retrieval), the appeal will be denied and
the case closed (forgetting).

L. de Oliveira Alvares and F.H. Do-Monte Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Reviews 125 (2021) 592–607

4.1. What are the molecular/cellular processes involved in memory drive memory in two opposite directions: reconsolidation or extinction.
extinction? In the former case, memory strength or its content may be updated. In
the latter, a new inhibitory memory is created to compete with the
A large number of molecular and cellular processes are required for original one. Experimentally, the only procedural difference that will
extinction memory formation, many of which resemble those required determine whether a memory will undergo reconsolidation or extinction
for memory reconsolidation. For instance, the acquisition of both processes is the duration of the memory reactivation session. Several
extinction and reconsolidation requires protein synthesis (Milekic and studies have shown that increasing the duration of the retrieval session
Alberini, 2002; Suzuki et al., 2004) and the activation of several systems interrupts reconsolidation and activates extinction formation. Whereas a
of neurotransmission and intracellular messengers in distinct brain areas brief exposure to the CS leads to memory reconsolidation, longer ex­
including the amygdala, the hippocampus, and the medial prefrontal posures trigger mechanisms of extinction (Bustos et al., 2009; Pedreira
cortex (mPFC) (Baldi and Bucherelli, 2015; Kida, 2019; Lee et al., 2006; and Maldonado, 2003; Suzuki et al., 2004), suggesting that the fate of
Merlo et al., 2014; Wideman et al., 2018). It has been shown that the retrieved memory depends on the length of the retrieval session.
glutamate plays a critical role in extinction learning through the acti­ However, the specific temporal boundaries and the molecular mecha­
vation of AMPA (Yamada et al., 2009), NMDA (Kwapis et al., 2014), and nisms that determine the transition between these two processes remain
mGluR1 receptors (Simonyi et al., 2007). The inhibitory neurotrans­ largely unsolved. The first insight into this topic came from a mice study
mitter GABA is also important for extinction formation. Systemic or showing that the post-retrieval course of memory depends on a switch of
intracerebral infusions of GABA-A receptor agonists impairs extinction transcription factors in the hippocampus (de la Fuente et al., 2011). In
memory (Hart et al., 2009; Laurent and Westbrook, 2009), whereas this study, the authors demonstrated that nuclear factor Kappa B (NFƘB)
infusions of GABA-A receptor antagonists facilitates it (Berlau and is required for reconsolidation but, during the transition to extinction,
McGaugh, 2006). In addition, catecholamines such as noradrenaline are calcineurin phosphatase inhibits NFƘB expression thereby facilitating
important modulators of extinction processes. Augmented noradren­ extinction memory formation.
ergic transmission has been shown to potentiate the extinction of fear Subsequent studies using a fear conditioning paradigm in rats have
memories (Berlau and McGaugh, 2006; Mueller et al., 2008; Uematsu proposed that reconsolidation and extinction are mutually exclusive
et al., 2017), whereas the blockade of either alpha-1- or beta-adrenergic processes separated by a transition state in which neither process is
receptors has been associated with extinction learning impairment recruited (Merlo et al., 2018, 2014). In the first study, the authors
(Bernardi and Lattal, 2010; Cain et al., 2004; Do-Monte et al., 2010a, b; demonstrate that manipulating the activity of NMDA glutamate re­
Fitzgerald et al., 2015; Mueller et al., 2008). ceptors following a reconsolidation (1 CS) or an extinction (10 CSs)
Moreover, the endocannabinoid system plays a critical role in fear protocol affected the original fear memory, but the same manipulation
extinction with increased levels of endocannabinoids being detected following a transitional state (4 CSs) had not effect (Merlo et al., 2014).
following extinction training (Marsicano et al., 2002). Activation of Similarly, the second study showed that exposure to either 1 CS or 10
endocannabinoid receptors type 1 (CB1) is indispensable for fear CSs during the retrieval session resulted in increased expression of
extinction formation as CB1 knockout mice or animals treated with ERK1/2 in the amygdala, but exposure to an intermediate retrieval
either systemic or intracerebral infusion of CB1 antagonists show a session of 4 CSs failed to activate ERK1/2 in this same region (Merlo
robust impairment in extinction memory (Lisboa et al., 2019; Lutz, et al., 2018). Together these findings suggest that, at some point be­
2007; Marsicano et al., 2002; Sachser et al., 2015; Varvel et al., 2005), tween the first and the fourth CS presentation, the activity of NMDA
whereas animals treated with CB1 receptor agonists or inhibitors of receptors and the expression of ERK1/2 are arrested to terminate the
endocannabinoid uptake/metabolism show extinction facilitation labilization/reconsolidation period. As the retrieval session progressed
(Bisby et al., 2020; Bitencourt et al., 2008; de Oliveira Alvares et al., and more CSs were presented to the animals (7–10 CSs), both NMDA
2008; Do Monte et al., 2013; Gunduz-Cinar et al., 2013; Morena et al., receptor activation and a second wave of ERK1/2 expression were
2018; Segev et al., 2018). In contrast to fear extinction, the extinction of reestablished and extinction mechanisms were recruited (Merlo et al.,
drug-associated memories is rather facilitated by the infusion of antag­ 2018, 2014). Increasing the number of CS presentations during the
onists/inverse agonists of CB1 receptors (Colombo et al., 2004; Gessa retrieval session also augmented the expression of calcineurin in the
et al., 2005; Hu et al., 2015; Khaleghzadeh-Ahangar and Haghparast, amygdala; and blocking calcineurin expression following the extinction
2015), suggesting that CB1 receptors may have different effects on protocol, but not following the reconsolidation protocol, impaired
extinction processes depending on the emotional valence of the original extinction formation, suggesting that reconsolidation and extinction
memory. recruit mutually exclusive processes (de la Fuente et al., 2011; Merlo
The activation of the abovementioned receptors and others not et al., 2014). It is worth mentioning that this transition state between
described here triggers intracellular signaling processes that play an reconsolidation and extinction processes has been also demonstrated in
important role in extinction memory formation. For example, calcium other paradigms such as contextual fear conditioning in rodents (Cassini
influx through NMDA receptors activates the phosphatase calcineurin et al., 2017) and differential fear conditioning in humans (Sevenster
(Lieberman and Mody, 1994), and its pharmacological or genetic inhi­ et al., 2014).
bition impairs extinction memory (de la Fuente et al., 2011; Havekes Inspired by the observation that pharmacological manipulations
et al., 2008). Equally implicated in extinction memory formation are a during the reconsolidation window affect the updating of a destabilized
number of protein kinases including ERK1/2 (Herry et al., 2006; Merlo memory trace (Alberini and Ledoux, 2013; Meir Drexler and Wolf, 2017;
et al., 2018), MAPK (Lu et al., 2001), PI3-K (Kritman and Maroun, Nader, 2015; Otis et al., 2015), some laboratories have investigated the
2013), and CaMKII (Szapiro et al., 2003), as well as a series of intra­ effects of post-retrieval extinction training on the persistence of the
cellular pathways that control remodeling of dendritic spines and reactivated memory. In these studies, fear conditioned rodents that were
structural plasticity (Lai et al., 2012; Sananbenesi et al., 2007). For exposed to an extinction training session after a single unreinforced CS
further understanding about the molecular and cellular mechanisms presentation (i.e., memory reactivation) did not show any return of fear
underlying extinction formation, we refer the readers to some compre­ at later retrieval tests, suggesting that the extinction information
hensive reviews that have been recently published in this topic (Baldi incorporated during the reconsolidation window was sufficient to
and Bucherelli, 2015; Pagani and Merlo, 2019). permanently attenuate the original memory trace (Graff et al., 2014;
Monfils et al., 2009; Pineyro et al., 2013; Rao-Ruiz et al., 2011a). This
4.2. How does retrieval trigger extinction? reactivation-extinction effect seems to be independent of prediction
error or memory destabilization, as behavioral or pharmacological in­
As described above, retrieval-induced memory destabilization can terventions that either reduce prediction error or block memory

L. de Oliveira Alvares and F.H. Do-Monte Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Reviews 125 (2021) 592–607

destabilization are not sufficient to prevent the effect (Cahill et al., acquisition and the extinction of conditioned fear memories (Ganella
2019). In contrast, other studies using a similar reactivation-extinction et al., 2018; Holahan and White, 2004; Knapska and Maren, 2009).
paradigm have failed to demonstrate a permanent attenuation of the Additional findings using electrophysiological recordings and opto­
original memory trace (Chalkia et al., 2020a, b; Chan et al., 2010; genetic manipulation of projection-defined neurons in BLA have
Costanzi et al., 2011; Goode et al., 2017; Ishii et al., 2012). While these demonstrated that different subpopulations of BLA cells are recruited
mixed findings may have resulted from specific boundary conditions during the acquisition and extinction of conditioned fear memories.
that in some experiments impeded memory destabilization during the Whereas a specific subpopulation of BLA neurons show increased CS
reactivation session, they indicate that there are limits to the efficacy of responses after fear conditioning (fear neurons), a distinct subpopula­
the reactivation-extinction paradigm in disrupting the original memory tion of BLA neurons exhibit increased CS responses after fear extinction
trace. Future studies will help to answer unsolved questions: how can (extinction neurons) (Herry et al., 2008). These fear and extinction
small changes in the length of the retrieval session result in enormous neurons in BLA send dense projections to the prelimbic (PL) and infra­
differences in behavioral outcome? Do the strength and age of the limbic (IL) subregions of the mPFC, respectively; and pathway-specific
original memory interfere with the temporal boundaries between optogenetic activation of BLA-IL projections or inhibition of BLA-PL
reconsolidation and extinction? Which molecular mechanisms dictate projections facilitate the acquisition of extinction memory (Senn et al.,
the transition from reconsolidation to extinction processes? 2014), suggesting that the balance of activity between these two
BLA-mPFC pathways is an important factor during the formation of
4.3. Which neural circuits mediate the extinction of emotional memories? long-term extinction memories.
In line with the abovementioned findings, lesions and electrophysi­
The recent advent of new techniques to investigate neural circuit ological studies have demonstrated that PL activity is correlated with/
function in laboratory animals have led to a significant increase in the required for fear memory retrieval (Burgos-Robles et al., 2009; Courtin
number of studies aimed at elucidating the neural circuits of extinction. et al., 2014; Dejean et al., 2016; Sierra-Mercado et al., 2011; Sotres-­
A better understanding of the neural mechanisms that regulate extinc­ Bayon et al., 2012). In contrast, IL activity is necessary for the formation
tion memory may help to identify: i) genetic markers that are particu­ of fear extinction memory (Bravo-Rivera et al., 2014; Do-Monte et al.,
larly expressed in extinction circuits, ii) distinct patterns of brain 2015a; Laurent and Westbrook, 2009; Santini et al., 2012; Sierra-­
activity that are correlated with successful extinction and reduced risk of Mercado et al., 2011). Optogenetic silencing of either BLA projections to
relapse, and iii) pharmacological targets that may guide the develop­ PL or the reciprocal connection from PL to BLA attenuates fear memory
ment of new therapies in patients undergoing extinction-based retrieval (Burgos-Robles et al., 2017; Do-Monte et al., 2015b). In addi­
therapies. tion, activity in either PL neurons that project to the paraventricular
It is well accepted that the neural circuit that underlies extinction nucleus of the thalamus (PVT) or PVT neurons that project to the central
memory is regulated by a distributed network of brain regions that nucleus of the amygdala is critical for the retrieval of well-consolidated
partially overlap with those recruited during memory acquisition fear memories (Do-Monte et al., 2015b; Penzo et al., 2015). On the other
(Fig. 3). Support for this idea comes from several rodent studies hand, fear extinction training increases the excitability of IL-BLA pro­
demonstrating that manipulation of brain areas that are essential for fear jections (Bloodgood et al., 2018; Cho et al., 2013), and optogenetic or
and reward conditioning also interferes with extinction processes. For chemogenetic inactivation of IL projections to the amygdala disrupts the
example, lesions or pharmacological manipulation of the basolateral formation of fear extinction memory (Adhikari et al., 2015; Bloodgood
amygdala (BLA, including both the lateral and the basal subregions) et al., 2018; Bukalo et al., 2015). While current models have attributed
impair not only the acquisition but also the extinction of fear-associated distinct roles for PL and IL in the retrieval and extinction of conditioned
memories (Maren et al., 1996; Miserendino et al., 1990; Sierra-Mercado fear, a recent study has challenged this anatomical dichotomy view by
et al., 2011; Sotres-Bayon et al., 2007; Zimmerman and Maren, 2010). demonstrating that deep-layer PL glutamatergic neurons that project to
Accordingly, animals exposed to either fear learning or fear extinction IL show increased cFos expression during extinction training, and
sessions show increased expression of the neuronal activity marker cFos optogenetically activating or inactivating this specific projection facili­
in BLA, suggesting that BLA neurons are recruited during both the tated or impaired fear extinction learning, respectively (Marek et al.,
2018). Accounting for the discrepancy between these findings and the
previous studies, PL projects to diverse downstream regions and broad
manipulation of PL activity could have a range of effects that would
cover up the potential role of this region in extinction learning. Future
studies using projection-defined and cell-type specific analyses of both
PL and IL neurons would help to clarify the precise role of these regions
in fear regulation.
Besides its role in fear extinction, BLA neurons have been also
implicated in the extinction of reward-associated memories. Increased
neuronal activity in a subpopulation of BLA neurons has been correlated
with extinction of sucrose-seeking behavior (Tye et al., 2010), and le­
Fig. 3. Schematic of the neural circuits mediating retrieval and extinction of sions or pharmacological modulation of BLA activity impairs the
fear memories. Retrieval of fear-associated memories recruits reciprocal activ­ extinction of appetitive conditioned responses (Balleine et al., 2003;
ity between PL and BLA neurons, as well as activation of CeA neurons projec­ McLaughlin and Floresco, 2007; Portero-Tresserra et al., 2013). BLA
ting to downstream pathways that mediate fear responses. Retrieval of neurons send dense projections to the nucleus accumbens (McDonald,
consolidated fear memories also activate PL neurons that project to PVT, as well 1991; Wright et al., 1996), a critical region in the regulation of
as PVT neurons that project to CeA. Extinction of fear-associated memories reward-seeking responses (for a review see: Baldo and Kelley, 2007;
recruits reciprocal activity between IL and BLA, as well as BLA and vHipp Castro and Bruchas, 2019). In coordination with dopamine inputs to
neurons. Both BLA projections to NAc and PL projections to IL are also recruited
nucleus accumbens, BLA projections to nucleus accumbens drive
during extinction. In addition, hippocampal projections to PL, IL, and BLA
reward-seeking behaviors in response to conditioned cues that predict
provide contextual information during both retrieval and extinction of fear
memories. Legend: PL, prelimbic cortex; IL, infralimbic cortex; NAc, nucleus reward (Ambroggi et al., 2008; Stuber et al., 2011; Wang et al., 2020b).
accumbens, PVT, paraventricular nucleus of the thalamus, Re, nucleus reuniens, Studies using optogenetics and electrophysiological recordings in vivo
BLA, basolateral nucleus of the amygdala, CeA, central nucleus of the amygdala, have demonstrated that BLA pyramidal neurons respond to both positive
dHipp, dorsal hippocampus, vHipp, ventral hippocampus. and negative valence stimuli; and activity in BLA downstream neurons

L. de Oliveira Alvares and F.H. Do-Monte Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Reviews 125 (2021) 592–607

in the nucleus accumbens and central nucleus of the amygdala modu­ (Troyner et al., 2018; Xu and Sudhof, 2013). Understanding the mech­
lates reward and fear responses, respectively (Beyeler et al., 2016; anisms regulating the context-dependence of fear extinction has special
Namburi et al., 2015; Zhang and Li, 2018). Activity in the BLA to nucleus clinical relevance because attenuating the conditioned response beyond
accumbens pathway has been also implicated in the regulation of fear the therapeutic setting is a major challenge during extinction-based
extinction memories, as optogenetic stimulation of this circuit during therapies.
fear extinction training attenuated the subsequent return of conditioned
fear (Correia et al., 2016). Accordingly, a recent study has demonstrated 5. Memory forgetting: mechanisms and biological functions
that fear extinction is stored in a genetically distinct subset of BLA
neurons (expressing the subunit-1B of the protein phosphatase-1 regu­ As described above, memory reconsolidation and extinction pro­
latory inhibitor) which is activated during reward-seeking behaviors, cesses keep our memories updated and useful for predicting the future.
suggesting that fear extinction memory uses the same neuronal ensem­ However, the vast majority of our daily experiences are forgotten over
bles recruited during appetitive memory formation (Zhang et al., 2020). time. It is believed that forgetting has several important functions, such
As previously mentioned, extinction training only reduces the as emotional regulation (by removing the negative aspects of some ex­
conditioned response to the CS (e.g., fear expression or reward seeking) periences), abstraction and generalization (by extracting the rules/gist
in the same place where extinction has previously occurred. In other from related episodes, and forgetting redundant/noisy information),
words, extinction is context-dependent and the conditioned response and cognitive economy (by restricting the information that really mat­
will return (i.e., renewal) when the CS is presented outside the extinction ters by removing outdated and useless memories) (Hardt et al., 2013;
context (e.g., in a novel context or in the original conditioning context) Norby, 2015; Richards and Frankland, 2017). While reconsolidation and
(Goode and Maren, 2014; Podlesnik et al., 2017). The hippocampus has extinction mechanisms serve to modify and update our memories, the
long been involved in the encoding of contextual representations (for a physiological process of forgetting acts as a filter to remove some
review see: Kubie et al., 2019). Activity in hippocampal neurons is memories and prevent unimportant information from being retained.
critical to regulate context-evoked fear or reward-seeking responses Hence, a system that balances memory maintenance and forgetting is
following extinction. For example, extinction of contextual fear condi­ highly adaptive as it retains pertinent information while forgetting un­
tioning results in remapping of place cells in the dorsal hippocampus wanted facts. In this section, we explore the neurobiology of forgetting,
(Wang et al., 2015); and a series of studies have demonstrated that in­ which is defined here as a failure to retrieve long-term memories that
hibition of the dorsal or ventral hippocampus interferes with the were easily remembered before.
acquisition and retrieval of extinction for both context-dependent Although the phenomenon of memory forgetting has been studied
fear-associated memories (Bernier et al., 2017; Corcoran et al., 2005; since the end of the 19th century (for a review see: Medina, 2018;
Corcoran and Maren, 2001; Hobin et al., 2006) and reward-associated Sachser et al., 2017; Wixted, 2004), until recently no convincing
memories (Bossert and Stern, 2014; Busse and Schwarting, 2016; empirical data have demonstrated the mechanisms involved in memory
Hitchcock and Lattal, 2018). A recent study using activity-dependent loss over time. Currently, there are three main hypotheses regarding the
neural tagging and optogenetic tools in mice has demonstrated that nature of memory forgetting: interference, retrieval deficit, and memory
extinction training suppresses the activity of dorsal hippocampal neu­ decay. Below, we discuss each one of these hypotheses.
rons that were responsive during fear acquisition, and recruits a
different ensemble of cells that are both necessary and sufficient for fear 5.1. The interference hypothesis
extinction retrieval (Lacagnina et al., 2019). This study suggests that a
balance between fear and extinction representations in the hippocampus Psychologists have posited that the main forgetting mechanism relies
governs the suppression or relapse of fear following extinction. on memory interference, a process in which similar memories content
Other studies focusing on the ventral hippocampus have shown that "compete" with each other, thereby promoting the incapacity to retrieve
ventral hippocampal neurons that project to the amygdala or mPFC are memory properly (Wixted, 2004). During interference, a specific mem­
activated during the renewal of both fear and reward-associated mem­ ory interferes with items that were learned before memory acquisition (i.
ories (Anderson and Petrovich, 2018; Jin and Maren, 2015), and e., proactive interference) or after it (i.e., retroactive interference). For
pathway specific inactivation of these projections attenuates fear neuroscientists, the process of interference relies on the fact that mem­
renewal (Vasquez et al., 2019; Xu et al., 2016). Exposure to extinction ories undergo a plastic and labile state after learning or retrieval (e.g.,
training increases the expression of BDNF in the ventral hippocampus, during memory consolidation or reconsolidation, respectively, although
and infusing BDNF directly into this region exacerbates the firing rate of these terms have rarely been used by psychologists). In retroactive
IL neurons (Rosas-Vidal et al., 2014, 2018). Consistent with a role of the interference, new learning affects previously acquired experiences.
hippocampus-prefrontal pathway in extinction memory regulation, ac­ Pioneer studies performed in the beginning of the last century (Müller
tivity in the ventral hippocampus induces feed-forward inhibition of and Pilzecker, 1900) have shown that subjects exposed to a list of syl­
amygdala-projecting neurons in IL by recruiting local parvalbumin in­ lables immediately after learning a different list of words showed a
terneurons, and chemogenetic inhibition of ventral hippocampus pro­ significant impairment in the retention of the words (Dewar et al.,
jections to IL attenuates fear renewal (Marek et al., 2019). Together, 2007). However, their memories were not affected when the same list of
these findings emphasize the role of the hippocampus and its reciprocal syllables was presented after the time window of consolidation. These
connections with the mPFC and amygdala in the regulation of extinction findings are consistent with real life situations in which new pieces of
memories. information may interfere with memories that are undergoing con­
Another important brain region in the acquisition and retrieval of solidation/reconsolidation. In contrast, proactive interference can be
context-dependent extinction memories is the nucleus reuniens, a explained by the fact that our memories are formed over a background
ventral midline thalamic region that is interconnected with the hippo­ knowledge framework called schemas. These schemas may either
campus and the mPFC (Hoover and Vertes, 2012; Varela et al., 2014). facilitate or impair the acquisition of new memories. For example,
Inactivation of the nucleus reuniens or its inputs from the mPFC in­ memories can be consolidated faster and more efficiently if subjects are
creases conditioned fear responses during both the encoding and pre-exposed to a situation that reminds one of the acquisition phase
retrieval of an extinction memory (Ramanathan et al., 2018; Ram­ (Pedraza et al., 2017; Tse et al., 2007). On the other hand, if the prior
anathan and Maren, 2019). These findings are in agreement with pre­ experience has distinct meaning, the subsequent learning will be
vious studies suggesting that activity in the nucleus reuniens regulates impaired. This happens during latent inhibition, a phenomenon in
the specificity of memory attributes for a particular context by pro­ which prior presentation of the CS alone impairs the subsequent asso­
cessing information from the mPFC en route to the hippocampus ciation of the CS with the unconditioned stimulus by establishing a

L. de Oliveira Alvares and F.H. Do-Monte Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Reviews 125 (2021) 592–607

different meaning for the CS (Lingawi et al., 2017). contrast, memories that are periodically reactivated keep their precision
Another example of memory interference is called retrieval-induced and strength over time (Alvares Lde et al., 2012; Forcato et al., 2013;
forgetting (Anderson et al., 1994). During retrieval-induced forgetting, a Inda et al., 2011). It is believed that, except for memories with strong
set of information is acquired but only a particular category of infor­ emotional content that are longer maintained, the natural course of our
mation is retrieved. This selective retrieval process reduces the brain’s daily life experiences is to be forgotten in a graded form. Accordingly,
capability to remember the related non-retrieved information. Thus, the memories that are not frequently reactivated tend to be more difficult to
non-retrieved memory is inhibited and less remembered in subsequent be rescued (Fukushima et al., 2014; Inda et al., 2011), suggesting that
retrieval trials (for a review see: Murayama et al., 2014; Pica et al., lack of retrieval may activate mechanisms of forgetting. During an initial
2018). Pharmacological inactivation of either the mPFC or the hippo­ stage, the forgetting process is a retrieval deficit caused by the partial
campus abolishes retrieval-induced forgetting, suggesting that these erosion of the engram. The following stage involves a disconnection of
regions play an essential role in this process (Bekinschtein et al., 2018; the engram to a point in which it can no longer support the memory
Wu et al., 2014). Although retrieval-induced forgetting may be attrib­ content, thereby leading to a storage deficit. A special case of retrieval
uted to the interference caused by the competition between reminders deficit concerns the state-dependency of memories. As briefly discussed
associated with distinct memories, it may be also discussed as an active in the reconsolidation section above, learning occurs under certain
inhibition processes (see additional discussion in the next section mental states that are required for subsequent memory retrieval. Prior
below). studies have shown that memories that cannot be appropriately
Memory interference has been also explained in the lens of non­ retrieved under certain conditions can be fully retrieved if the subject
monotonic plasticity hypothesis, which predicts that memories can achieves the same mental state that was present during the memory
change as a function of experience and their neural representation can acquisition phase. This state-dependency phenomenon has been exten­
move apart (differentiate) or together (integrate) according to the de­ sively described with psychostimulants, opioids, benzodiazepines and
gree of reactivation (Ritvo et al., 2019; Sinclair and Barense, 2019). other drugs and experimental conditions such as high arousal levels and
According to this view, when two overlapping memories are strongly hypothermia (for a review see: Radulovic et al., 2017). These studies
reactivated the connections between them will be strengthened, thereby suggest that the mental state acts as an important reminder that is
resulting in memory integration. In contrast, if only one of these over­ "incorporated" into the memory trace during memory acquisition and/or
lapped memories is strongly reactivated, their connections will be reconsolidation, hence becoming a critical component of the retrieval
weakened, thereby resulting in memory differentiation (Ritvo et al., process.
2019). Previous studies have demonstrated that the mechanisms un­
derlying the balance between memory integration and differentiation 5.3. The active decay hypothesis
are believed to be mediated by inhibitory interneurons (Barnes et al.,
1990; Rashid et al., 2016). Although forgetting has been viewed as a passive mechanism, a
number of studies have proposed that forgetting is an active process that
5.2. The retrieval deficit hypothesis involves the removal of previously consolidated memories (Davis and
Zhong, 2017; Hardt et al., 2013). A pioneer study in the early 2000’s
An open-ended question in the memory field is whether forgetting provided the first evidence, finding that chronic administration of CPP,
reflects a failure of memory retrieval or impairment in memory storage. an antagonist of the NMDA glutamate receptor, prevents the natural
Methodological challenges have prevented researchers from adequately decay of LTP in the hippocampus of rodents (Villarreal et al., 2002). This
addressing this question because the absence of retrieval does not finding was corroborated by further studies demonstrating that spatial
necessarily indicate that the memory trace is lost (e.g., storage deficit). memory is maintained as long as NMDA receptors are blocked (Sachser
Instead, it is possible that the reminders used to retrieve the memory are et al., 2016; Shinohara and Hata, 2014), particularly NMDA receptors
not sufficiently accurate to access the memory engram. containing the GluN2B subunit (Migues et al., 2019; Sachser et al.,
Consistent with the idea that memory forgetting results from a 2016). It has been proposed that calcium entrance through NMDA re­
retrieval deficit rather than a complete engram erosion, recent studies ceptors induces forgetting by activating calcineurin and
have demonstrated that the memory disruptive effects of protein syn­ synaptogamin-3, which ultimately removes GluA2-AMPA receptors
thesis inhibitors administered immediately after training (consolidation from the synapse (Awasthi et al., 2019; Sachser et al., 2016). Consistent
phase) or post reactivation (reconsolidation phase) can be optogeneti­ with the idea that glutamatergic transmission underlies memory
cally rescued by artificially activating the engram corresponding to the forgetting, inhibiting the endocytosis of GluA2-AMPA receptors from
original memory (Roy et al., 2017; Ryan et al., 2015). In these studies, synapses extends the duration of memories with neutral, appetitive, or
optogenetic activation of the engram cells, but not the presentation of aversive valence (Migues et al., 2016), and blocks LTP depotentiation
conditioned cues, was sufficient to induce memory retrieval. Further­ (Dong et al., 2015; Migues et al., 2016).
more, in a transgenic mice model of Alzheimer’s Diseases, optogenetic Another potential candidate to modulate the mechanisms of memory
activation of engram neurons was sufficient to rescue memory deficits forgetting is the enzyme Rac1, which has been implicated in the
(Roy et al., 2016), suggesting that although conditioned cues may be shrinkage of dendritic spines by regulating actin dynamics. Pharmaco­
unable to trigger memory retrieval, direct optogenetic activation of the logical inhibition of Rac1 extends memory life-time, whereas pharma­
"silent engram" may restore the dormant memory engram. An alterna­ cological activation or its overexpression speeds up memory forgetting
tive explanation for these findings is that both the protein synthesis in both rodent hippocampus and flies (Liu et al., 2016, 2018; Shuai et al.,
inhibitor and the Alzheimer’s Disease mouse model used in these two 2010; Zhang et al., 2018b). Forgetting has been also associated with the
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