Pricing Your SaaS Product VF
Pricing Your SaaS Product VF
Pricing Your SaaS Product VF
Pricing on anything other than value to customer can leave significant
amount of money on the table
Pricing should be based on value to customer
How to price your SaaS product
1 Define your upper bound: The maximum value your product has for customers
2 Define your lower bound: The minimum you must charge to cover your products’ costs
Competition Discounts
4 Structure your pricing model as a compromise between upper bound and lower bound
1. Define your upper bound
• Product functionality
Your product • Customer service
• Patent exclusivity Price is the only
may be unique • Brand perception meaningful differentiation
in terms of… • Geographic focus / language
• Go-to-market strategy
Your customers
Whichever product best Whichever product
decide how to meets their needs has the lowest price
buy based on…
1. Define your upper bound
Customers pay more for Fiji At the grocery store, people buy
Water Water because it is marketed as whatever water is cheapest. The
elite and because it is sold at grocery store brand thus tries to
high-end locations. Customers be cheapest by selling in bulk
pay for how it makes them feel and owning supply chain
about water. (vertical integration)
1. Define your upper bound
1. Define your upper bound
Adoption: Retention:
Minimizing Switching Costs Increasing Switching Costs
Offer an excellent product and experience
that gives customers no reason to look elsewhere
Freemium models acknowledge the Build a personal, trusting relationship with decision makers
upfront cost of switching and lower the
risk of trying new software Incorporate network benefits whereby customers benefit
from having other customers using your product
Support the migration of data from
existing platforms, or the entry of new Offer data-driven insights that platforms with fewer customers
data into your platform can’t match (benchmarks, industry trends, etc.)
1. Define your upper bound
Customer segments are groups of customers that have similar purchasing behavior.
• Charge higher prices to customer segments that are less price-sensitive and / or that
derive greater value from your product
How does • Increase your competitive advantage by providing a feature or service especially
valuable to a certain segment
segmentation • Prioritize high-profit customer segments and deprioritize low-profit customer segments
help you price? • Improve your advertising and marketing by targeting the most effective communication
channels and messages
• Boost conversion at different funnel points by refining product and its solutions
How do you One or a combination of the following may be used to derive a segmentation:
• Existing customer data: Do you see clumps or patterns in usage?
create a
• Customer research (surveys, interviews, focus groups, etc.): What do your customers
customer tell you about themselves?
segmentation? • External market research: What patterns exist in the broader market?
1. Define your upper bound
Useful For Creating value propositions Targeting different segments
customer segments
Answers the
What do customers need? How do customers behave? Who are our customers?
• Sales process
Data that • Relative prioritization of • Frequency and type of • Revenues
price, quality, convenience, product use • Number of employees
customer service, etc. • Loyalty • Industry
their • How predictable their • Tech literacy • Geography
Preferences demand is • Price sensitivity • Business model
• Marketing channel usage
1. Define your upper bound
1. Define your upper bound
1. Define your upper bound
1. Define your upper bound
How unique This product is very unique because it offers High price can
is this product? features specific to rural customers be defended
What type of switching Customers face very high switching costs: data Pricing should
costs do these migration, re-training officers, high risk if be lower, $10,000
customers face? implementation is flawed especially upfront
Do customers Customers are very skeptical of the value. Existing Pricing should
understand this pen-and-paper systems have worked well for a long be lower, $5,000
product’s value? time, and many decision-makers are not tech literate especially upfront
How price sensitive • For-profit orgs are somewhat price sensitive Discount for $5,000
are customers? • Non-profit orgs are very price sensitive non-profit orgs $2,000
If covering your costs requires a price point that your customers are not willing to pay,
you should very seriously reconsider your business model
2. Define your lower bound
To break even,
prices per score
can’t be set below
this lower bound
3. Identify reasons to charge less than your maximum value
3. Identify reasons to charge less than your maximum value
= Price Tier
3. Identify reasons to charge less than your maximum value
Your volume allows for unit economics As the dominant player for remote servers, Amazon Web
that are cost prohibitive for new entrants Services keeps its prices low to starve out new entrants
Your competitor may also lower prices and engage in a price war
Customers may perceive your product as lower quality, simply because the price is lower
3. Identify reasons to charge less than your maximum value
Volume The more a customer purchases, Hubspot charges $200 for 100 contacts ($2 each), $800 for
Discounts the lower price they pay 1,000 ($0.80 each) or $2,400 for 10,000 ($0.24 each)
Prepayment / Customers who agree to a longer Evernote charges $5 per month or $45 per year (effectively
Commitment commitment pay a lower price $3.75 per month)
Selling a product at a loss so Printers are often sold to consumers at a loss, and profit
Loss Leader customer to buy other products then come from selling ink over the lifetime of the printer
Customers receive a discount when Dropbox provides users 500MB storage for each person
Referrals they refer a new customer they refer who subsequently opens an account
Proof-of- A customer who can provide a Postmates delivers Starbucks coffee at a loss in exchange
Concept newer product with credibility for the marketing opportunity
3. Identify reasons to charge less than your maximum value
The increment of your product for which you charge for increased access:
Definition • “Our product costs $X per Y”
• “For each Y, we charge $X”
Rooted in your customer segmentation and linked to your unique competitive advantage
for each segment
Best Practices Grow with your customer: They pay you more when they are making more money
Intuitive and in your customer’s language. For example, a “mom and pop” business
looking for video hosting may not understand bandwidth or its drivers
Overwhelming customer with choice. May distract from unique advantage or lead to
negative emotions such as confusion or uncertainty
Being perceived as tricky or trying to take advantage of your customer’s ignorance,
Avoid or Tread accidental overuse
Carefully Be cautious about using number of users as your metric. Often, the more people who
use your product, the greater the switching cost for the customer, which is to your long-
term benefit. Also, there are likely a maximum number of potential users within a
company, providing a ceiling to your reoccurring revenues
4. Structure your pricing model as a compromise between the upper bound and lower bound
A pricing strategy
2 Consumption “Pay as you go” on a usage basis often combines
elements of these
Volume discounts
3 Tiered at certain levels of usage
1 Freemium
Definition Free access to core services, and a premium for advanced or niche services
Your customer cannot adequately understand the true value of your product (and
Assumption thus assess their willingness to pay) without experiencing it
SaaS businesses in general are well-suited for freemium models because they make the
bulk of their profits on reoccurring fees over a long time horizon, and can thus recoup upfront
investment in a customer relationship
When customers realize more value with more use, and thus feel they can “afford” upgrade
Best Case
Large number of free users can allow you to study their behavior and improve your product
When value can be understood quickly and doesn’t require complex onboarding / integration
When free customers provide referrals that can turn into paying customers
When you have received a large amount of funding from investors seeking rapid growth
When the cost to serve free users is unsustainable (hardware, human labor, etc.)
When the free offering is too good and customers fail to convert
“Free” may give perception of lack of quality
Watch Out!
If you are pursuing a small or very specialized market, freemium may anchor your product to
a low price while failing to provide a large volume of customers to convert
Be careful not to overly rely on “free” to bring users. Marketing is still important
4. Structure your pricing model as a compromise between the upper bound and lower bound
1 Freemium
“Freemium” products typical limit service along one or more of these dimensions
Assumes certain customers will be supported indefinitely and never pay Customers pay or leave
LinkedIn displays
Dropbox provides advanced search Amazon Prime allows Salesforce offers full
free storage up to fields to all users, but students to use its access to all features
2GB only subscribers can service for free for 30 days
use them
2 Consumption
“Pay as you go” with a set price per unit of consumption Often combined with
Definition volume discounts that may be negotiated as part of a contract
Assumption Customers understand the value of your product, but can’t predict their demand
Amazon Web Services charges customers for only the bandwidth they use each
Example month. Bandwidth usage is often unpredictable for customers and Amazon’s
ability to cover spikes in traffic is part of its value proposition
4. Structure your pricing model as a compromise between the upper bound and lower bound
3 Tiered
Assumption Both you and your customer intend to have a long-term, indefinite relationship
Salesforce has five pricing tiers that range from $5 / user to $260 / user,
Example depending on included features for their membership
4. Structure your pricing model as a compromise between the upper bound and lower bound
Customer Segments vs. Value Metric Usage Levels vs. Value Metric
Price $X $X $X Price $X $X $X
Example Example
4. Structure your pricing model as a compromise between the upper bound and lower bound
Your needs may require charging additional fees on top of reoccurring revenue:
• Set-up, onboarding or installation fees
• Maintenance or service fees
• Consulting, problem solving or other ongoing optimization
However, your preference should be to bake these costs into reoccurring pricing, as
charging additional fees can have deleterious consequences
• Increases risk of trying your new product or service
• May prompt reevaluation of continuing with your service
• May cause resentment or feelings of distrust
Software to manage marketing leads
Onboarding fee
Value metric:
Number of contacts
Software to manage social media accounts
Defines pricing by
customer segment
eSignatures for legal documents
Special bulk
available for
higher volume
Two value metrics:
number of documents,
number of users Above unlimited number of
documents, access to other
features defines offering
Helpdesk management for technology companies
pricing with
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