Live NOT by Lies
Live NOT by Lies
Live NOT by Lies
I work in AI artificial intelligence and have spent another few decades in the entertainment
media industry. I am ashamed of my industry who stay quiet, as a parasitic unelected Davos
elite crowd devour humanity’s bright energy into a brutal, fear-full, technocracy world only fitted
for themselves. They have weaponized invisible technologies, paranoid of losing their
obsessive control.
It’s a Rule by the algorithm. That is their game now. They encode “viruses” and give them a
weaponized, video-game identity. In this video game, you lose all your freedoms and must
display gratitude and servitude. Viral code trumps all other forms of politics.
No one with a sane mind should be ok with the fact that the U.S. government in its U.S. Code
has an active biological weapons program that makes it “legal” and “acceptable” to test those
biologics, radiation, epigenetic vaccines, and many other synthetic gene alterations, obfuscated
under Gain of Function GOF dual use “research purposes” on any and every population in the
world, including and especially it's own.
The elephant in the room is why are we ok that DARPA a black ops military agency involved
with the development of these so called medicines. mRNA is not the problem, its how these
little understood technologies have been weaponized.
These weaponized brain technologies have been developed through their triple AAA protocols.
From my perspective I see this war at the intersection of scienctism over consciousness by
militarization that will sever the timeline of humanity.
The scientists have no clue what they are playing with. They are children with knives thinking
they are the chefs, whom are neophytes just arriving at playing magician ( coz play at best) The
military is always the psychopaths in the room so nothing new here.
And no public of “people” in its right sane mind would sit back and allow what the United States
government has become in all aspects of politics and war.
Yet the deeds are done, and the crime against us is only getting worse.
This leads me to believe that my expectations of people to be in a normal sanity might very well
be misplaced.
It is time to consider the very strange and unbelievable reality that maybe, just maybe, the
majority of the population might just be possible that they no longer even have the ability to
control their minds…
Let me explain.
I have been concerned for quite some time, working in media for two decades and now as a
programmer in Artificial Intelligence. I also must clarify that I am also adept occult researcher
and practitioner for over 30 years. This has provided a greater field of view to understand the
etiology codes of life’s mysteries. There is a unique perspective in understanding the symbiosis
between our nature and technology, and its exogenous effects.
We are at the crossroads of the bifurcation of humanity while being deceived to merge with
When the few tyrants attempt to play God without permission; I understand it to be an
abomination. From archaeon to archon. From egg to ego. From cell to self. From gamete to
gamer. Or is it the other way around? Which came first? The ego or the egg? The gamer enters
the game. This all begs the question: can we go from parasites to paradise?
They cling to their brutal mechanistic world of systems that decays the soul.
It’s these same NWO parasites that keep their bugs in our brains, that glitches to repeating in
keeping humanity from its true natural quantum potential.
The parasites of the Davos NWO crowd are certainly not interested in man achieving his own
destiny. They hate nature. And they hate you. These parasites are about having complete
control over your energy and now your consciousness to feed off your light. Now they have
wormed their way into billions, having a direct channel into humanity’s divine internal light, right
down to its genomic code.
The Gnostics wrote about archons that parasite our energy. The Chief archon they called the
demiurge ( or the Native American Indians understand to be the Wetiko Virus). He steals our
light-power. But in the end, he will fail and we shall be triumphant.
The truth is that this is all a game we are playing with ourselves. Infinite Awareness has
fabricated a multi-player virtual reality game for its amusement, curiosity, or edification.
Unfortunately at this bifurcation of humanity, these parasites have their tentacles on the levers
of transhumanism nano~technology that enables them to mimic, and destroy the original. They
play God, to reform humanity into a hive mind . These are technocrats that are obsessed with
control and threatened by man's liberation and potential of being free, vibrant, and good.
Billions of people have unknowingly signed into their global eugenics plan through their overt
deception and fear programs, having wormed their way into our bodies to usher in their
epigenetic 4th industrial revolution. This internet of bodies IoB is where you become their raw
resource and commodity to be marked, tracked, algorithmically analyzed and energy extracted.
Gene therapies provide these parasites a direct channel into humanity’s divine internal cellular
light, right down
to its genomic code. If you are awake then you understand we are in our greatest battle over
our hearts and soul.
Don’t take me wrong, I am no Luddite! - quite contrarily I am a nerd for technology, a seeker of
adventure and evolution expansion, captain of his own ship, and I made a career in technology
to help enable more freedom- not for more control over our lives. Just as energy wants to be
free, so does information and technology to move us forward, to thrive, to liberate.
If you made it this far, keep your wits about you and hold on to your precious consciousness for
dear life. Resist, unite and celebrate what it is to be human, respect what is natural, and learn
to say no when the synthetic becomes dangerous.
Humanity is already quantum and interconnected through light, vibration and waves. Perhaps
the silver lining of these dark times, will enable many to break the chains away from these old
bloodline suckers’ systems and become truly alive and become whom we are, for the first time.
I encourage everyone to simply object anybody, institutions, authority or otherwise that tries to
frighten you. As this will reveal who comes from “opposition”.
Attention is the key to everything physical and real. In the coming age of Singularity it will be
understood that ‘Doing’ becomes reality.
Live NOT by lies. Respect the Nuremberg code. This was an important code for humanity not to
repeat itself.
We aim to give them a great deal more than they bargained for.