At The Airport:: Episode 5
At The Airport:: Episode 5
At The Airport:: Episode 5
Episode 5:
At the
Part 2
Match up as many words and meanings
as you can. Check this exercise again after
seeing the words in context on pages 2–3.
9. contact i) a form that asks what items are being brought into a country
10. keep one’s fingers crossed j) an airport device that carries luggage around in a circular motion
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At the Airport: Part 2
Episode 5 of 13 | Travel English
A. Customs & Border Protection
Welcome to the United States. May I see the customs declaration form
Where are you from? the flight attendant gave you on the plane?
And where will you be Okay, folks. Here you go. I’ve stamped
staying while you’re here? your passports. Have a nice holiday.
No, we don’t.
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At the Airport: Part 2
Episode 5 of 13 | Travel English
Reading cont.
B. Baggage Claim
I’ve got our garment bag, but I don’t think our Okay, let me check the computer. I’ll put a
suitcase arrived. The carousel has stopped trace on it. Hmm... Okay. I see it arrived in
and no more bags are coming out. Chicago, but it wasn’t put on your connecting
flight. We have another flight in at 2:30. We can
Let’s go to the lost luggage
have it delivered as soon as it arrives. Can you
counter and report it missing.
please complete this lost luggage form with
your name, address of where you’ll be staying
Can I help you?
here in New York, and a phone number where
we can get in touch with you?
Yes. We just arrived on flight 241 and
one of our bags didn’t come. It looks like
all the luggage from our flight has already
been unloaded.
Here’s a copy of your lost luggage report.
If there’s any problem, you can contact us
May I see your baggage claim, please?
at the number at the top of this form. I think
your bag should probably be at your hotel
Here it is. by dinnertime.
Thank you.
Did your other bag arrive?
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At the Airport: Part 2
Episode 5 of 13 | Travel English
A. True or False?
6. The Baxters give their customs declaration form to the airline representative.
7. The Baxters get the customs declaration form from the customs officer.
B. Multiple-Choice
1. What is the purpose of the Baxters’ trip? 2. The Baxters’ suitcase didn’t arrive because...
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At the Airport: Part 2
Episode 5 of 13 | Travel English
Vocabulary Review
A. Complete the Sentences
3. We will put a on your missing baggage. It’s most likely at the airport in Chicago.
4. I’ll give you my email address in case you have to me.
6. I’ve been standing at the for an hour, but I still haven’t seen my luggage.
8. I lost the that I was supposed to fill out. Can I please get another one?
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At the Airport: Part 2
Episode 5 of 13 | Travel English
Answer Key
In this lesson, the Baxters go through customs and report lost TIME: 1 hour
baggage at the airport. Includes dialogues, vocabulary review,
TAGS: travel, traveling, travelling, airport, customs,
and comprehension tasks.
baggage claim, baggage, luggage
1. T
2. F – The customs officer stamps the Baxters’ passports.
3. F – One of the Baxters’ bags arrives in New York.
4. F – The Baxters are missing their suitcase.
5. T
6. F – T he Baxters give their customs declaration
form to the customs officer.
7. F – T he Baxters get the customs declaration
form from the flight attendant.
8. T
1. a
2. b
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At the Airport: Part 2
Episode 5 of 13 | Travel English
Word Bank
These optional sheets are included at the end of the lesson. Here
are some ideas for use: Give to students for extra review, cut
up the entries and definitions to use for a matchup task, give to
students and have them write their own example sentences in their
notebooks, have students keep them in a vocabulary journal, etc.
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At the Airport: Part 2
Episode 5 of 13 | Travel English
Dialogue Building
The dialogue below is not in the right order. Cut up the strips,
and then work alone or with a partner to rearrange them into
the correct order. Then practice the dialogue.
c Did your other bag arrive? Yes, it did. It’s right here. The suitcase
is the same color as this garment bag.
Let’s go to the lost luggage
counter and report it missing. k Have a good afternoon.
p Here it is.
h Can I help you?
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At the Airport: Part 2
Episode 5 of 13 | Travel English
Word Bank
a form that asks what items are I wrote that I had bought $300 worth of
being brought into a country and clothes and souvenirs on my customs
declaration form
the amount spent on the items declaration form.
a person who attends to the needs The flight attendants served the
flight attendant
of passengers on an airplane meal shortly after the plane took off.
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At the Airport: Part 2
Episode 5 of 13 | Travel English
deliver to give, to carry, to hand over The postman delivered the letter.
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