Basic Details
Sex Male
Date of birth 10 : 10 : 1971
Time of Birth 18 : 44 : 0
Day of birth Sunday
Ishtkaal 030-32-09
Place of Birth Mumbai
Country India
Time Zone 5.5
Latitude 18 : 58 : N
Longitude 72 : 50 : E
Local Time 00.38.40
War Time Correction 00.00.00
LMT at Birth 18.05.19
GMT at Birth 1.00.00
Tithi Saptami
Hindu Week Day Sunday
Avkahada Chakra
Paksha Krishna
Paya (RasiBased) Tamra Yoga Parigha
Varna Kshatriya Karan Bav
Yoni Shwan Sunrise 06.31.08
Gana Rakshasa Sunset 18.20.38
Vasya Manab Day Duration 11.49.30
Nadi Start
Ghatak (Malefics)
Balance Of Dasha RAHU 4 Y 10 M 28 D Bad Day Monday
Lagna Aries Bad Karan Kaulava
Lagna Lord Mar Bad Lagna Kark
Rasi Gemini Bad Month Ashad
Rasi Lord Mer Bad Nakshatra Swati
Nakshatra-Pada Ardra-3 Bad Prahar 3
Nakshatra Lord Rah Bad Rasi Kumbh
Julian Day 2441235 Bad Tithi 2, 7, 12
SunSign(Indian) Virgo Bad Yoga Parigha
SunSign(Western) Libra Evil Planets Jupiter, Mars
Ayanamsa 022-01-02
Ayanamsa Name Raman Favourable Points
Obliquity 023-26-34
Lucky Numbers 2
Sideral Time 19.19.15
Good Numbers 1, 3, 7, 9
Evil Numbers 5, 8
Good Years 11,20,29,38,47
Lucky Days Sat, Wed, Sun
Good Planets Sat, Merc, Sun
Friendly Signs Vir Cap Aqua
Good Lagna Leo, Sco, Cap, Pis
Lucky Metal Silver
Lucky Stone Diamond, E-mail: [email protected], Phone: +91 95607 27992, Printing Date: 07-03-2011, Page No. 1
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|| Key Charts and Information ||
Name: Kumar Latitude: 18 : 58 : N Sun Rise: 06.31.08 Sun Set: 18.20.38
Gender: Male Longitude: 72 : 50 : E Tithi: Saptami
Date: 10 : 10 : 1971 Place: Mumbai Yoga: Parigha Karan: Bav
Day: Sunday Ayanamsa Type: Raman Lagna: Aries Lagna Lord: MAR
Time: 18 : 44 : 0 Ayanamsa Val: 022-01-02 Rashi: Gemini Rasi Lord: MER
SID: 19.19.15 Bal. Dasa: RAHU 4 Y 10 M 28 D Nakshatra: Ardra-3 Nakshatra Lord: RAH
3 1 11
3 1 11
Ke Ma
4 10
4 Ra 10 Su Ke
Ve Ma
5 7 9
Ne Ve
5 7 9
6 8
Su Ju
Me Ne
6 8 Planetary Positions
Ur Pl Planets Sign Longitude Nakshatra Pada
Asc Aries 002-59-51 Ashvini 1
Sun Virgo 024-34-03 Chitra 1
Vimshottari Dasha Moon Gemini 016-21-44 Ardra 3
RAH -18 Years JUP -16 Years SAT -19 Years Mars Capricorn 025-49-47 Dhanishta 1
From 10/10/71 From 8/ 9/76 From 8/ 9/92 Merc Virgo 025-59-50 Chitra 1
To 8/ 9/76 To 8/ 9/92 To 8/ 9/11 Jupt Scorpion 012-36-32 Anuradha 3
RAH 00/00/00 JUP 26/10/78 SAT 11/ 9/95 Venu Libra 006-15-32 Chitra 4
JUP 00/00/00 SAT 8/ 5/81 MER 20/ 5/98 Satn [R] Taurus 014-08-27 Rohini 2
SAT 00/00/00 MER 14/ 8/83 KET 29/ 6/99 Rahu [R] Capricorn 018-58-28 Sravana 3
MER 00/00/00 KET 20/ 7/84 VEN 29/ 8/02 Ketu [R] Cancer 018-58-28 Ashlesha 1
KET 00/00/00 VEN 20/ 3/87 SUN 11/ 8/03 Uran Virgo 022-03-46 Hasta 4
VEN 26/ 3/73 SUN 8/ 1/88 MON 11/ 3/05 Nept Scorpion 009-10-08 Anuradha 2
SUN 20/ 2/74 MON 8/ 5/89 MAR 20/ 4/06 Plut Virgo 008-10-12 Uttaraphal 4
MON 20/ 8/75 MAR 14/ 4/90 RAH 26/ 2/09
MAR 8/ 9/76 RAH 8/ 9/92 JUP 8/ 9/11 Ashtakvarga Table
Sign No 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
MER -17 Years KET -7 Years VEN -20 Years SUN 5 3 4 5 4 5 2 4 2 4 4 6
From 8/ 9/11 From 8/ 9/28 From 8/ 9/35 MOON 4 2 7 4 3 5 3 5 3 3 5 5
To 8/ 9/28 To 8/ 9/35 To 8/ 9/55 MARS 4 2 2 3 5 3 2 5 1 5 5 2
MER 5/ 2/14 KET 5/ 2/29 VEN 8/ 1/39 MERC 4 5 4 5 5 5 3 6 2 7 6 2
KET 2/ 2/15 VEN 5/ 4/30 SUN 8/ 1/40
JUPT 5 4 4 7 4 5 6 4 5 4 6 2
VEN 2/12/17 SUN 11/ 8/30 MON 8/ 9/41
VENU 3 5 5 7 6 4 2 4 4 4 5 3
SUN 8/10/18 MON 11/ 3/31 MAR 8/11/42
SATN 5 2 4 4 3 5 4 2 2 1 2 5
MON 8/ 3/20 MAR 8/ 8/31 RAH 8/11/45
Total 30 23 30 35 30 32 22 30 19 28 33 25
MAR 5/ 3/21 RAH 26/ 8/32 JUP 8/ 7/48
RAH 23/ 9/23 JUP 2/ 8/33 SAT 8/ 9/51
JUP 29/12/25 SAT 11/ 9/34 MER 8/ 7/54 Chalit Table
SAT 8/ 9/28 MER 8/ 9/35 KET 8/ 9/55 Bhav Sign Bhav Begin Sign Mid Bhav
1 Pisces 16.52.37 Aries 02.59.51
SUN -6 Years MON -10 Years MAR -7 Years 2 Aries 16.52.37 Taurus 00.45.23
From 8/ 9/55 From 8/ 9/61 From 8/ 9/71 3 Taurus 14.38.09 Taurus 28.30.55
To 8/ 9/61 To 8/ 9/71 To 8/ 9/78 4 Gemini 12.23.41 Gemini 26.16.26
SUN 26/12/55 MON 8/ 7/62 MAR 5/ 2/72
5 Cancer 12.23.41 Cancer 28.30.55
MON 26/ 6/56 MAR 8/ 2/63 RAH 23/ 2/73
6 Leo 14.38.09 Virgo 00.45.23
MAR 2/11/56 RAH 8/ 8/64 JUP 29/ 1/74
7 Virgo 16.52.37 Libra 02.59.51
RAH 26/ 9/57 JUP 8/12/65 SAT 8/ 3/75
JUP 14/ 7/58 SAT 8/ 7/67 MER 5/ 3/76 8 Libra 16.52.37 Scorpion 00.45.23
SAT 26/ 6/59 MER 8/12/68 KET 2/ 8/76 9 Scorpion 14.38.09 Scorpion 28.30.55
MER 2/ 5/60 KET 8/ 7/69 VEN 2/10/77 10 Sagittarius 12.23.41 Sagittarius 26.16.26
KET 8/ 9/60 VEN 8/ 3/71 SUN 8/ 2/78 11 Capricorn 12.23.41 Capricorn 28.30.55
VEN 8/ 9/61 SUN 8/ 9/71 MON 8/ 9/78 12 Aquarius 14.38.09 Pisces 00.45.23, E-mail: [email protected], Phone: +91 95607 27992, Printing Date: 07-03-2011, Page No. 2
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|| General Prediction ||
You have several desirable qualities. First and foremost, you revel in work and there is hardly a limit to the amount of
work you can do. Next, you have your eyes wide open and your brain is alert. Taken together, these qualities single you
out as being a very powerful influence in your own sphere of activities.You are wonderfully practical in all you do, and
you have a very keen brain for remembering details. In fact, details mean so much to you that you are apt to irritate
some of your co-workers with them. You never forget a face, though you are less accurate in remembering names.You
are a person who wants to know the why and where of everything. Until you are satisfied on these points, you refrain
from acting. Consequently, sometimes you miss a good deal, and some people look upon you as a procrastinator.In a
measure you are too sensitive and often you hold back when you should go ahead. This unfits you for certain forms of
leadership. You do not want your own way in many things. In fact, you are very amenable, taken all round.
Life Style
You are concerned about how others will regard you intellectually and are motivated to direct your efforts toward
education before any other areas.
You take all of your responsibilities quite seriously. As a result you have much ambition and will be sought after by your
superiors to take on additional responsibilities. Therefore, you should direct your goals toward career positions in an
executive capacity.
Almost any work that requires steady, intelligent plodding will give you satisfaction, especially in middle life or later. Your
judgement is sound and you are thorough in all you do. You want to be left in peace and quiet to get on with your duties.
You resent being hurried. Your methodical nature fits you or being placed in authority over others and, as you are placid
and not fiery-tempered, you will secure the loyalty of those you have to direct. You possess a head for finance, which
suggest that you would do well in the banking word, in the office of a finance company or a stock-broker. But most office
work should suit to your temperament.
The length of your life depends more on yourself than on the fates. You have the power to attain a rip old age. But, if you
wish to do so, you must take particular care of your lungs. Seek all the fresh air you can obtain and, without making
yourself a faddist, dwell as much as possible under the sky of heaven. Make a practice of regular walking and see that
your head is up and your chest open. Colds and coughs should never be neglected, and damp air is highly injurious. As
a secondary caution, look to your digestion. Never overload it with foods that are rich and hard to digest. Plain food will
serve you best.
Vigorous pastimes attract you most and they do you the most good. A really fast game like football, tennis, etc, is a
capital outlet for your energies and you will be all the better for it. You will like walking when middle-age is reached, but
you will think more of a fourteen than a four mile walk. On holidays, you will not want to sit the beach and wait for the
next meal, with only a newspaper to amuse you. The most distant hills will beckon to you, and you will want to know
what they look like close to., E-mail: [email protected], Phone: +91 95607 27992, Printing Date: 07-03-2011, Page No. 3
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Love Matters
There is no doubt that you should marry, if you are to enjoy the life that fits your natures best. Solitude and loneliness
are death to you, and given suitable companionship, you are a very charming person. You want to marry young one. For
this, you should choose someone who is cheerful and entertaining as a partner. You require a home that is tastefully
arranged and which reveals nothing of a sordid nature.
The question of finance will be a very peculiar one for you. There will always be a likelihood of considerable uncertainty
and fluctuation in money matters, but you will, at times make large sums of money by your inventive ideas. You will be
inclined to live in a land of dreams and illusions and meet many disappointments. You should avoid all speculations and
gambling of every kind. In money matters for you, the unexpected is more likely to happen than the expected. Original
ideas and plans will be born in your mind not inclined to fit in with other people's views. You will make money by unusual
methods, you could become an inventor or an unconventional professional. In many ways, in inventions or businesses
connected with risk or chance, you will be lucky. You will have clever original ideas as to how things should be done but
as you are not likely to get on easily with partners, you are liable to see many of your excellent plans come to nothing., E-mail: [email protected], Phone: +91 95607 27992, Printing Date: 07-03-2011, Page No. 4
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Generally Manglik Dosha is considered from the position of Lagna and Moon in the birth chart.
In the birth chart, Mangal is placed in Tenth house from Lagna, while in the Moon chart Mangal is placed in Eighth
Hence Mangal Dosha is not present in Lagna Chart while present in Moon Chart.
Mangal Dosha is considered to create hurdles in the married life of a person. According to some, Mangal Dosha results
in frequent illness or ultimately death of partner(s).
It is considered that if a manglik person marries to another manglik person then the manglik dosha gets cancelled and
has no effect.
Some Remedies (in case Mangal Dosha is present)
We strongly recommend you to consult an astrologer before performing these remedies by your own., E-mail: [email protected], Phone: +91 95607 27992, Printing Date: 07-03-2011, Page No. 5
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|| Vimshottari Mahadasha Phal (Dasha Predictions) ||
Rahu Mahadasha Phal (birth - 8/ 9/76)
Rahu is in Capricorn in your 10th house.
This period would be an excellent stepping stone for growth vertically and a rise on your career. There are chances of
getting benefits from the associates/partners. You may be inclined towards earning through unjust means. Your
self-discipline, self-monitoring and control over your daily routine will be beneficial to you. Your relationship with seniors/
authorities will be very cordial and at the sometime your business circle will increase. Health related problems may
disturb your peace of mind., E-mail: [email protected], Phone: +91 95607 27992, Printing Date: 07-03-2011, Page No. 8
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|| Sadesati Report ||
Name: Kumar Birth Date: 10 : 10 : 1971 Birth Time: 18 : 44 : 0 Birth Place: Mumbai
Gender: Male Tithi: Saptami Rasi: Gemini Nakshatra: Ardra
S.N. Sade Sati / Panoti Sani Rashi Start Date End Date Phase
1 Sade Sati Taurus 4/28/1971 6/10/1973 Rising
2 Sade Sati Gemini 6/11/1973 7/23/1975 Peak
3 Sade Sati Cancer 7/24/1975 9/6/1977 Setting
4 Small Panoti Virgo 11/4/1979 3/14/1980
5 Small Panoti Virgo 7/27/1980 10/5/1982
6 Small Panoti Capricorn 3/21/1990 6/20/1990
7 Small Panoti Capricorn 12/15/1990 3/5/1993
8 Small Panoti Capricorn 10/16/1993 11/9/1993
9 Sade Sati Taurus 6/7/2000 7/22/2002 Rising
10 Sade Sati Gemini 7/23/2002 1/8/2003 Peak
11 Sade Sati Taurus 1/9/2003 4/7/2003 Rising
12 Sade Sati Gemini 4/8/2003 9/5/2004 Peak
13 Sade Sati Cancer 9/6/2004 1/13/2005 Setting
14 Sade Sati Gemini 1/14/2005 5/25/2005 Peak
15 Sade Sati Cancer 5/26/2005 10/31/2006 Setting
16 Sade Sati Cancer 1/11/2007 7/15/2007 Setting
17 Small Panoti Virgo 9/10/2009 11/14/2011
18 Small Panoti Virgo 5/16/2012 8/3/2012
19 Small Panoti Capricorn 1/24/2020 4/28/2022
20 Small Panoti Capricorn 7/13/2022 1/17/2023
21 Sade Sati Taurus 8/8/2029 10/5/2029 Rising
22 Sade Sati Taurus 4/17/2030 5/30/2032 Rising
23 Sade Sati Gemini 5/31/2032 7/12/2034 Peak
24 Sade Sati Cancer 7/13/2034 8/27/2036 Setting
25 Small Panoti Virgo 10/23/2038 4/5/2039
26 Small Panoti Virgo 7/13/2039 1/27/2041
27 Small Panoti Virgo 2/6/2041 9/25/2041
28 Small Panoti Capricorn 3/7/2049 7/9/2049
29 Small Panoti Capricorn 12/4/2049 2/24/2052
30 Sade Sati Taurus 5/28/2059 7/10/2061 Rising
31 Sade Sati Gemini 7/11/2061 2/13/2062 Peak
32 Sade Sati Taurus 2/14/2062 3/6/2062 Rising
33 Sade Sati Gemini 3/7/2062 8/23/2063 Peak
34 Sade Sati Cancer 8/24/2063 2/5/2064 Setting
35 Sade Sati Gemini 2/6/2064 5/9/2064 Peak
36 Sade Sati Cancer 5/10/2064 10/12/2065 Setting
37 Sade Sati Cancer 2/4/2066 7/2/2066 Setting
38 Small Panoti Virgo 8/30/2068 11/4/2070
39 Small Panoti Capricorn 1/15/2079 4/11/2081, E-mail: [email protected], Phone: +91 95607 27992, Printing Date: 07-03-2011, Page No. 10
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Above predictions are of general nature and are based on general belief that Sade Sati is harmful. Any conclusion
based on Sade Sati alone is not correct and has good chances of failing. Certain factors like current running dasa and
nature of Saturn also needs to be analyzed before we can conclude whether Sade Sati period will be malefic or benefic.
You are advised not to take above forecasts seriously and in case of any doubt, consult a good astrologer., E-mail: [email protected], Phone: +91 95607 27992, Printing Date: 07-03-2011, Page No. 11
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If malefic:
(1) The native's son and maternal family will face bad times. Will also affect native health adversely.
(2) If Mars is placed in the 10th house the native's sons will die one after the other.
(3) Mercury in the 12th house causes high blood pressure.
Remedial Measures:
(1) Ancestral customs and ritu also should be strictly followed; otherwise the family progress and happiness will be
(2) Underground furnaces should not be constructed with in the premises of the house.
(3) After taking dinner blow off the fire of the kitchen stove by sprinkling milk over it.
(4) Always keep Gangajal in the premises of your house.
(5) Offer wheat or Gur to monkeys.
If there are no planets in the 9th and 11th houses, then Mars and Venus will give good results to the native because of
the Moon being in the 3rd house.
With the advancement of the native's education and learning, the economic condition of his father will deteriorate, but
without affecting his education adversely. If Ketu's placing in the horoscope is auspicious and not harming the Moon in
the 3rd, the education of the native will bear good fruits and prove advantageous in every manner.
If the Moon is malefic, it will cause great loss of wealth and money at the age of the malefic planet placed in the 9th
(1) Offer in donation the things associated with the Moon, e.g., silver or rice, after the birth of a daughter and the things
associated with the Sun e.g., wheat and jaggery when a son is born.
(2) Do not make use of your daughter's money and wealth.
(3) To avoid the evil effects of a malefic planet in the 8th house, serve the guests and others by offering them milk and
water freely.
(4) Worshipping Goddess Durga and obtaining the blessings of small girls by touching their feet after serving them food
and sweets.
However, if malefic planets Rahu, Ketu and Saturn or Venus and Moon are placed in the 2nd house, the aforesaid, E-mail: [email protected], Phone: +91 95607 27992, Printing Date: 07-03-2011, Page No. 12
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beneficial effects are reduced. Further if a friendly planet is placed in the 3rd house, it will also affect the results of Mars
in the 10th house adversely. If Saturn is placed in the 3rd house, the native will gain huge wealth and large properties in
the later part of his life along with a kingly position. Mars in the 10th house but no planet in the 5th house provides all
round prosperity and happiness.
(1) Do not sell ancestral property and gold of the house.
(2) Keep a pet deer in your house.
(3) While boiling milk, please ensure that it should not overflow and fall on the fire.
(4) Offer help to one-eyed and childless persons.
(1) Burying a bottle filled with Ganga water into the agricultural land.
(2) Putting on a silver ring in the left hand of ones wife.
(3) Starting any important work in the presence of a girl or daughters, or with flowers in hand proves auspicious.
(1) Offer things connected with Rahu, like wheat, barley, coconut into running water.
(2) Plant a pipal tree in a cremation ground.
(3) Offer ghee and potatoes and camphor in temple.
(1) Domestication of white cows prohibited.
(2) Serving red cows.
(3) Donate Jawar equal to the weight of your spouse to a temple.
(4) Throwing blue flowers in a dirty canal for 43 days.
(1) Going barefoot to temple for forty three days.
(2) Putting a tilak of curd or milk on the forehead., E-mail: [email protected], Phone: +91 95607 27992, Printing Date: 07-03-2011, Page No. 13
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(1) Use blue or black cap.
(2) Cover ones head.
(3) Offer 4kg. or 400 gms of 'khand' in a temple, or in flowing water.
(4) Feed blind people.
(1) Keep a dog.
(2) Wear silver for peace of mind.
(3) Offer yellow things in flowing water., E-mail: [email protected], Phone: +91 95607 27992, Printing Date: 07-03-2011, Page No. 14
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AstroSage Varshphal or Annual Horoscope Report is based on ancient Tajik System of Vedic Astrology. It uses solar
return technique and is considered very accurate in predicting good and bad events going to happen in a year. You will
get summary of whole year as well as month-wise predictions in this report. This excellent report helps you planning a
year and take important decisions at right time. It also helps you preparing yourself for unforeseen upcoming events. In
nutshell, it is an excellent year planning tool that you should always keep with you for youself and your family.
Varshphal Year
Janam Varshphal
Male Sex Male
10/10/1971 Date of Birth 11/10/2011
18:44:0 Time of Birth 0:50:40
Sunday Day of Birth Monday
Mumbai Place of Birth Mumbai
India Country India
18 Latitude 18
72 Longitude 72
00.38.40 Local Time 00.38.40
00.00.00 War Time Correction 00.00.00
18.05.19 LMT at Birth 00.11.59
06.31.08 Sunrise 06.31.28
18.20.38 Sunset 18.19.36
Aries Lagna Cancer
Mar LagnaLord MON
Gemini Rasi Pisces
Mer Nakshatra JUP
Ardra Nakshatra Lord Uttarabhadra
Rah Yoga Sat
Parigha Karan Dhruva
Bav Sun Sign(Western) Vanij
Libra Ayanamsa Libra
022-01-02 AyanamsaName 024-01-15, E-mail: [email protected], Phone: +91 95607 27992, Printing Date: 07-03-2011, Page No. 15
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Planetary Position
Planets Rashi Longitude
Lagna Cancer 03-24-15
Sun Virgo 23-07-29
Moon Pisces 09-08-51
Mars Cancer 18-54-55
Mercury Libra 01-44-02
Jupiter Aries 13-37-27
Venus Libra 07-55-59
Saturn Virgo 25-45-38
Rahu Scorpion 23-18-03
Ketu Taurus 23-18-03
Uranus Pisces 08-03-50
Neptune Aquarius 04-17-03
Pluto Sagittarius 10-53-16
Varshphal Kundli
Su 5 3
4 2
Me Ju
Ve 7 1
Ra Mo
8 10 12
Pl Ne
9 11, E-mail: [email protected], Phone: +91 95607 27992, Printing Date: 07-03-2011, Page No. 16
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|| Varshphal Predictions ||, E-mail: [email protected], Phone: +91 95607 27992, Printing Date: 07-03-2011, Page No. 17
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Disclaimer wants to make it clear that we put our best efforts to write this software and generate this report but we
do not assume any responsibility for the accuracy or the effect of any decision that may be taken on the basis of this
report. The reports are provided as-is and provides no guarantees, implied warranties, or assurances of
any kind, and will not be responsible for any interpretation made or use by the recipient of the information and data
mentioned in the report. If you are not comfortable with this information, please do not use it., E-mail: [email protected], Phone: +91 95607 27992, Printing Date: 07-03-2011, Page No. 18