Optimizing Mixing During The Sponge Cake Manufactu

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Optimizing Mixing during the Sponge Cake Manufacturing Process

Article  in  Cereal Foods World · November 2014

DOI: 10.1094/CFW-59-6-0287

14 4,258

3 authors:

Julia Rodríguez-García Sarabjit Sahi

Universitat Politècnica de València Campden BRI


Isabel Hernando
Universitat Politècnica de València


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Optimizing Mixing during
the Sponge Cake Manufacturing Process
Julia Rodríguez-García,1 Sarabjit S. Sahi,2 and Isabel Hernando1,3

are whipped to form a foam, and then, sugar is added to stabi-

ABSTRACT lize the egg-white foam and form a meringue. Next, an acid is
Sponge cakes have traditionally been manufactured using multistage added to the egg-white foam to lower the pH and further stabi-
mixing methods to enhance potential foam formation by the eggs. lize the egg whites (5). Finally, the egg yolks are incorporated;
Today, use of all-in (single-stage) mixing methods is superseding multi- the presence of proteins and lecithin in egg yolks provides un-
stage methods for large-scale batter preparation to reduce costs and usual extensibility, which is conducive to foam formation (6).
production time. In this study, multistage and all-in mixing procedures Whipped cake batters prepared using wire whips require pro-
and three final high-speed mixing times (3, 5, and 15 min) for sponge
duction in smaller batches (6).
cake production were tested to optimize a mixing method for pilot-
In large-scale cake manufacturing, ingredient incorporation
scale research. Mixing for 3 min produced batters with higher relative
density values than did longer mixing times. These batters generated and mixing procedures must be optimized to reduce costs and
well-aerated cakes with high volume and low hardness. In contrast, production time. The all-in (single-stage) mixing method has
after 5 and 15 min of high-speed mixing, batters with lower relative become increasingly common, and in a significant number of
density and higher viscosity values were produced. Although higher cases, this method now supersedes multistage methods of batter
bubble incorporation and retention were observed, longer mixing times preparation (4). In many modern bakeries, all-in methods are
produced better developed gluten networks, which stiffened the bat- used in production scenarios where batter preparation is com-
ters and inhibited bubble expansion during mixing. As a result, these pleted in one stage, particularly when using high-speed mixers
batters did not expand properly and produced cakes with low volume, (3). Emulsifiers containing mono- and diglycerides are impor-
dense crumb, and high hardness values. Results for all-in mixing were tant in all-in mixing methods because they help to trap air in
similar to those for the multistage mixing procedure in terms of the
the mixture and promote a finer texture in the final product (7).
physical properties of batters and cakes (i.e., relative density, elastic
moduli, volume, total cell area, hardness, etc.). These results suggest the
During cake batter mixing, the movement of the mixing tool
all-in mixing procedure with a final high-speed mixing time of 3 min is pushes the material aside, creating a void behind the trailing
an appropriate mixing method for pilot-scale sponge cake production. edge. As the batter flows into the void, small pockets of gas
The advantages of this method are reduced energy costs and produc- (air) are entrained. The ongoing movement of the mixing tool
tion time. through the batter continues to trap air, decreasing the density
of the batter. As a result, the length of the mixing time pro-
foundly affects the density of the cake batter: the longer the
Cake quality depends on several factors, including selection mixing time, the lower the batter density will be until the mini-
of ingredients, knowledge of their function, and use of a bal- mum density is reached (4). Low batter density is associated
anced formula that incorporates precise measurement of in- with good air incorporation, as well as good bubble retention
gredients and optimal mixing and baking procedures (6). Opti- during mixing. However, air and leavening gas retention dur-
mal mixing procedures differ based on the production scenario, ing baking are also affected by batter viscosity (2).Therefore, the
i.e., laboratory study, pilot-scale experiment, or full-scale pro- ability to occlude air and the bulk properties of the batter are
duction. The major process parameters include batch volume, important for air bubble retention and creation of a stable sponge
equipment, and mixing method. structure in the oven that will not collapse after baking (9).
There are three main goals of cake batter mixing: 1) combine This paper addresses aspects of cake production related to the
all ingredients into a smooth, uniform batter; 2) form and in- mixing procedure used; two different mixing methods (multi-
corporate air cells in the batter; and 3) develop proper texture stage and all-in) with three final high-speed mixing times (3, 5,
in the finished product (7). Complete dispersion of ingredients and 15 min) were studied. The objective of the experiment was
is a fundamental requirement for producing a good quality cake, to confirm whether the characteristics of the cakes produced
and the presence and dispersion of air bubbles also are essential significantly differed depending on mixing procedure and time.
because these bubbles act as the nuclei for cake expansion (6). Moreover, the study helped determine whether replacing the
Multistage mixing methods are based on the separation of multistage mixing method with an all-in procedure is possible
specific ingredients to prevent the formation of gluten and to for cakes formulated without an emulsifier.
enhance potential foam formation by the eggs (4). Mixing
methods used for foam-style cakes, such as sponge cakes, de- MATERIALS AND METHODS
pend on the occlusion of air and stable foam formation pro-
vided by the eggs in conjunction with other ingredients, such Ingredients
as sugar and acid. To achieve maximum batter volume, the egg The ingredients used in the cake batter preparations were
whites and yolks are beaten separately (6). First, the egg whites based on a traditional Spanish formulation (10) that contains
a leavening system of citric acid and sodium bicarbonate. Ingre-
1 Research Group of Food Microstructure and Chemistry, Department of Food Technology,
Universitat Politècnica de València, Camino de Vera s/n 46022, Valencia, Spain.
dients used included the following (percentages based on flour):
2 Campden BRI, Chipping Campden, Glos GL55 6LD, U.K. 100% plain white flour (13.9% moisture, 9.7% protein) (Golden
3 Corresponding author. E-mail: [email protected]; Tel: +34 963877000 ext. 78230.
Dawn, ADM Milling Ltd.), 27% pasteurized liquid egg yolks
http://dx.doi.org/10.1094/CFW-59-6-0287 and 54% egg whites (Framptons Ltd.), 100% white granulated
©2014 AACC International, Inc. sugar (British Sugar plc), 50% skim long-life milk (Tesco PLC),


46% sunflower oil (Olympic Oils Ltd.), 4% sodium bicarbonate 255 rpm (speed 3); at this speed three different mixing times
(Brunner Mond), 3% citric acid (VWR International Ltd.), and were tested (3, 5, and 15 min).
1.5% salt. Two replicates of the same formulation were prepared on dif-
ferent days, resulting in two sets of cakes for each formulation.
Batter and Cake Preparation Batter samples were collected for measurement of relative den-
The ingredients were weighed and allowed to reach ≈20°C. sity and rheology. Batters were scaled at 300 g in paper cases,
Two different mixing procedures were tested: multistage and placed in 400 g bread tins (145 mm × 75 mm at the base), and
all-in. In addition, the final portion of the mixing process was baked in a reel oven (Frederick Bone & Co. Ltd.) for 45 min at
performed at the highest mixer speed for three different lengths 180°C. The baked products were cooled at room temperature
of time: 3, 5, and 15 min. and analyzed within 24 hr for weight, volume, crumb cellular
The multistage mixing process was performed according to a structure, and texture. The results represent an average of six
method previously reported by Baixauli et al. (1), with slight cakes baked using two different batter preparation methods and
modifications. The egg whites were whipped in a mixer (N50, three final high-speed mixing times.
Hobart Manufacturing Company Ltd.) for 2 min at 255 rpm
(speed 3), and the sugar was added and mixed for 30 sec at Batter Properties
255 rpm. The egg yolks, citric acid, and half of the milk were Relative Density. The relative density of the cake batters was
added and mixed at 60 rpm (speed 1) for 1 min, after which the measured with a calibrated density cup of known volume. After
wheat flour was added and mixed at 60 rpm for 1 min. Next, the mixing, the cup was filled to the brim with batter and weighed.
sodium bicarbonate and salt were added and mixed at 60 rpm The same procedure was performed using water. Relative den-
for 2 min. Finally, the oil and remaining milk were added and sity was determined gravimetrically by dividing the weight of
mixed at 255 rpm; at this speed three different mixing times the known volume of batter by the weight of an equal volume of
were tested (3, 5 and 15 min). water. Relative density was measured first during the mixing
The all-in mixing procedure was performed according to the procedure (once per minute) to study its evolution and then,
Campden BRI method (9), with some modifications. The liquid after the mixing procedure (after 3, 5, and 15 min at the high-
eggs and milk were placed in a mixer (N50, Hobart Manufactur- est speed [255 rpm]). Measurements were performed in dupli-
ing Company Ltd.). The dry ingredients were sieved and added cate.
to the liquids, and the oil was placed on top. The mixing pro- Rheology. A rheological study of the cake batters was per-
ceeded using a wire whisk at 60 rpm (speed 1) for 30 sec, fol- formed using a rheometer (Rheometrics ARES model, TA Instru-
lowed by 1 min at 124 rpm (speed 2), and varying intervals at ments Ltd.). Measurements were taken using a 50 mm diameter
parallel plate immediately after mixing. The strain was selected
by performing a strain sweep at 1 Hz, and a strain of 0.1, which
corresponded to the region in which the batter displayed linear
behavior, was chosen. Dynamic oscillatory frequency tests were
An ad appeared here in the print version of the journal. performed in duplicate with a frequency sweep from 0.1 to 20 Hz.
Viscoelastic functions were monitored (Rheometric Scientific
software, version 6.4.3.), including elastic (G) and viscous (G)
moduli and complex viscosity (*). Measurements were per-
formed in triplicate.

Cake Properties
Weight Loss during Baking. Weight loss (WL) during baking
was calculated as WL (%) = (Wbatter – Wcake/Wbatter) × 100, where
W denotes weight (g) (11). Measurements were performed in
Volume and Crumb Cell Structure. Cake volume was mea-
sured using a volume analyzer (BVM-L 370, Tex-Vol Instru-
ments AB, Perten Instruments), and the measurements were
analyzed and stored in a database (Bread Calcu, version 7.2.4d_
contin). Measurements were performed in triplicate.
The cakes were cut into four vertical slices (15 mm thick) us-
ing a slicing machine (Gebr. Graef GmbH & Co. KG). Two slices
were scanned in a C-cell (CCFRA Technology Ltd.) following
the standard method for collecting images. The scanned images
were analyzed using image processing software (ImageJ, National
Institutes of Health). Each image was split into color channels,
contrast was enhanced, and pixels were converted to either
black or white units. Total cell area within the crumb (%), cell
area (mm2), and cell circularity were calculated. Three cakes
produced from each formulation were used for the measure-
ments. Because each batter formulation was baked in duplicate,
producing two sets of cakes, data were obtained by measuring
the cells in 12 different images for each formulation.

288 / NOVEMBER–DECEMBER 2014, VOL. 59, NO. 6

Texture. Texture profile analysis was performed using a tex- No significant interactions (P > 0.05) were observed between
ture analyzer (TA-TXT. plus, Stable Micro Systems Ltd.) and mixing procedure and time when relative density of cake batters
software (Texture Exponent 32, version, Stable Micro was measured. Significant differences (P < 0.05) in relative den-
Systems Ltd.). Measurements were taken for three cakes from sity were observed for different mixing times (Fig. 2). As mixing
each batch, and each formulation was replicated for a second time increased, relative density significantly (P < 0.05) decreased.
batch of batter. Three cakes from each formulation were select- Minimum relative density of cake batters was reached after
ed, and four slices (15 mm thick) were cut from the central re- 12 min of mixing (Fig. 1). During the mixing process, the
gion using a slicing machine (Gebr. Graef GmbH & Co. KG). amount of entrained air eventually equals the amount of air
The texture profile was analyzed at 5 mm sec–1 using a strain released; this equilibrium coincides with minimum batter den-
that was 25% of the original height and a 1 sec interval between sity and is unique for each formulation and type of mixer (4).
the two compression cycles. A trigger force of 5 g was selected. When mixing continued beyond 15 min, the multistage mixed
The double compression test was performed with a disc-shaped batters showed an increase in relative density, while the all-in
steel probe (45 mm diameter). The parameters measured by the mixed batters showed a plateau. Air was disentrained with con-
curves were hardness, springiness, and cohesiveness. tinued mixing, which allowed some gas bubbles and any carbon
dioxide present to escape with the air. Cauvain and Young (4)
Statistical Analysis showed that after ≈10 min of mixing, the combined loss of car-
A categorical multifactorial experimental design with two fac- bon dioxide and air disentrainment results in an increase in
tors (mixing procedure and final mixing time at highest speed) relative density. Moreover, if the bubble-stabilizing mechanism
was used for statistical analysis. An analysis of variance (ANOVA) in a batter begins to deteriorate during continued mixing, air
was performed on the data using statistical software (Statgraph- disentrainment and relative density will increase.
ics Centurion XVI, version 16.1.11, StatPoint Technologies, Inc.). In this study, the all-in mixing procedure was more efficient
A least significant difference (LSD) Fisher’s test was used to eval- at reducing the relative density of batters from the inception of
uate the differences between the mean values (P < 0.05). mixing (Fig. 1), and it was possible to achieve lower relative


Batter Properties
Relative Density. Changes in the relative density of cake bat-
ters during mixing are shown in Figure 1. Relative density in-
creased during the first 2 min of multistage mixing and first 4 min
of all-in mixing because at those times the ingredients were not
yet fully mixed.

Fig. 1. Changes in relative density during cake batter mixing.

Fig. 3. Mean and interactions plots, with 95.0% LSD intervals. A, Mean
values for elastic moduli (G) for each mixing time; B, interactions be-
Fig. 2. Mean plot, with 95.0% LSD intervals, of relative density of cake tween mixing time and procedure for viscous moduli (G); and C, inter-
batters at three mixing times. actions between mixing time and procedure for complex viscosity (*).


density in the batters in less mixing time. When longer mixing ated temperatures, viscosity increased due to development of
times were used, however, the multistage method produced low- gluten.
er relative density values. Despite these variations, when relative Mixing procedure significantly affected (P < 0.05) G and *
density values for the three mixing times studied were evaluated, values, although the effects varied for different mixing times.
no significant (P > 0.05) differences between the procedures were When multistage mixing was used, no significant differences
observed (data not shown). (P > 0.05) between G and * at 3 or 5 min of high-speed mix-
Rheology. No significant interactions (P > 0.05) were found ing were observed. However, when the all-in mixing procedure
between mixing procedures and times when elastic modulus (G) was used, G and * were significantly higher (P < 0.05) after
was evaluated. Significant differences (P < 0.05) in G were 3 min of mixing than after 5 min. When the longest mixing time
observed for mixing time (Fig. 3A). Significant interactions (15 min) was used, the all-in method produced batters with low-
(P < 0.05) between mixing procedures and time were observed er G and * values than did multistage mixing.
for viscous moduli (G) and complex viscosity (*), as shown in
Figure 3B and C, respectively. Cake Properties
Final high-speed mixing for 3 and 5 min produced batters with Weight Loss during Baking. No significant interactions
similar (P > 0.05) G values. When batters underwent 15 min (P > 0.05) were observed between mixing procedure and time
of high-speed mixing, G, G, and * were significantly higher when weight loss during baking was evaluated. Therefore, all of
(P < 0.05) than for the shorter mixing times for both proce- the values for each mixing procedure were combined into one
dures due to greater development of gluten networks with the mean value. Significant differences (P < 0.05) between the two
longer mixing time, which generated a stiffer batter. Loewe (8) mixing procedures were observed for weight loss during baking
also observed that during batter mixing at ambient or refriger- (Fig. 4). Cakes produced from all-in mixed batters showed sig-

Fig. 4. Mean plot, with 95.0% LSD intervals, of weight loss during bak-
ing for mixing procedures.

Fig. 6. Mean and interaction plots, with 95.0% LSD intervals. A and B,
mean values for cell area for each mixing time and procedure, respec-
Fig. 5. Mean plots, with 95.0% LSD intervals, of mean values for volume tively; and C, interactions between mixing time and procedure for cell
(A) and total cell area (B) for each mixing time. circularity.

290 / NOVEMBER–DECEMBER 2014, VOL. 59, NO. 6

nificantly (P < 0.05) less weight loss than those produced from (P < 0.05) were observed in hardness and springiness for mixing
multistage mixed batters. The method used to incorporate in- time (Fig. 7A and B, respectively) and in cohesiveness for mix-
gredients for mixing significantly affected the dispersion, dilu- ing time and procedure (Fig. 8A and B, respectively).
tion, and hydration of ingredients. Because the weight lost from When the shortest batter mixing time (3 min) was used, the
cakes reflects moisture loss (11), the results suggest all-in mix- cakes produced exhibited the lowest (P < 0.05) hardness values.
ing may enhance the dilution and hydration of ingredients, there- When batter mixing time increased, cakes with significantly
by alleviating moisture loss during baking. (P < 0.05) higher hardness values were produced (Fig. 7A). The
Volume and Crumb Cell Structure. Mixing procedure did not structure of a cake depends on air bubble retention, which al-
interact significantly (P > 0.05) with mixing time for cake volume, lows controlled expansion and maintains volume after cooling.
total cell area, and cell area. Significant differences were observed Cakes produced from batters mixed at high speed for 3 min had
for volume and total cell area (Fig. 5A and B, respectively) and the best volume, crumb structure, and hardness qualities. No sig-
cell area (Fig. 6A and B). Significant interactions (P < 0.05) be- nificant differences (P > 0.05) were observed in hardness when
tween factors were observed for cell circularity (Fig. 6C). different mixing procedures were used.
Mixing batter for 3 min at high speed produced cakes with The cakes produced from batters mixed at high speed for
significantly (P < 0.05) higher volumes and total cell areas. 3 and 5 min had significantly (P < 0.05) higher springiness val-
When mixing time was increased to 5 and 15 min, cake vol- ues than cakes produced from batters mixed for 15 min (Fig. 7B).
ume and total cell area (Fig. 5A and B, respectively) and cell Decreased springiness was associated with a decrease in volume
area (Fig. 6A) decreased significantly (P < 0.05). and total percentage of cells, which generated a denser crumb
Although batters mixed for 15 min had lower relative densi- structure. No differences were found for springiness values re-
ties and higher complex viscosities, cakes with lower volumes lated to mixing procedure.
were produced. Moreover, these cakes had crumb structures Cakes produced from batters mixed for 3 min at high speed
characterized by significantly (P < 0.05) lower total cell areas had the highest cohesiveness values (P < 0.05). When mixing
(Fig. 5B) and smaller cell areas and higher circularities (Fig. 6A time increased (5 and 15 min), cakes with lower cohesiveness
and C, respectively) due to higher batter viscosity, which re- were produced (Fig. 8A). The all-in mixing procedure produced
stricts cake expansion during baking, prevents proper bubble cakes with significantly (P < 0.05) higher cohesiveness values
expansion during heating, and generates inadequately devel- than did the multistage mixing procedure (Fig. 8B). Cohesive-
oped cell crumb structure. ness is related to the energy required for the second compres-
No significant differences (P > 0.05) were observed for vol- sion and provides information related to the density and energy
ume and total cell area when different mixing procedures were required to chew a food (10). High cohesiveness values indicate
used. Multistage batter mixing resulted in cakes with more uni- more energy was required for the second compression.
form crumb structures, as characterized by small cell areas and
high cell circularities (Fig. 6B and C, respectively). CONCLUSIONS
Texture. No significant interactions (P > 0.05) were observed
between mixing procedure and time when cake hardness, spring- Based on the results of our study, a final high-speed mixing
iness, and cohesiveness were evaluated. Significant differences time of 3 min is suitable for producing high-quality cakes. These

Fig. 7. Mean plots, with 95.0% LSD intervals, of mean values for hard- Fig. 8. Mean plots, with 95.0% LSD intervals, of mean values for cohe-
ness (A) and springiness (B) for each mixing time. siveness for each mixing time (A) and procedure (B).


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results. 71:2, 2005.

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292 / NOVEMBER–DECEMBER 2014, VOL. 59, NO. 6

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