Optimizing Mixing During The Sponge Cake Manufactu
Optimizing Mixing During The Sponge Cake Manufactu
Optimizing Mixing During The Sponge Cake Manufactu
14 4,258
3 authors:
Isabel Hernando
Universitat Politècnica de València
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All content following this page was uploaded by Sarabjit Sahi on 08 February 2016.
Cake Properties
Weight Loss during Baking. Weight loss (WL) during baking
was calculated as WL (%) = (Wbatter – Wcake/Wbatter) × 100, where
W denotes weight (g) (11). Measurements were performed in
Volume and Crumb Cell Structure. Cake volume was mea-
sured using a volume analyzer (BVM-L 370, Tex-Vol Instru-
ments AB, Perten Instruments), and the measurements were
analyzed and stored in a database (Bread Calcu, version 7.2.4d_
contin). Measurements were performed in triplicate.
The cakes were cut into four vertical slices (15 mm thick) us-
ing a slicing machine (Gebr. Graef GmbH & Co. KG). Two slices
were scanned in a C-cell (CCFRA Technology Ltd.) following
the standard method for collecting images. The scanned images
were analyzed using image processing software (ImageJ, National
Institutes of Health). Each image was split into color channels,
contrast was enhanced, and pixels were converted to either
black or white units. Total cell area within the crumb (%), cell
area (mm2), and cell circularity were calculated. Three cakes
produced from each formulation were used for the measure-
ments. Because each batter formulation was baked in duplicate,
producing two sets of cakes, data were obtained by measuring
the cells in 12 different images for each formulation.
Batter Properties
Relative Density. Changes in the relative density of cake bat-
ters during mixing are shown in Figure 1. Relative density in-
creased during the first 2 min of multistage mixing and first 4 min
of all-in mixing because at those times the ingredients were not
yet fully mixed.
Fig. 3. Mean and interactions plots, with 95.0% LSD intervals. A, Mean
values for elastic moduli (G) for each mixing time; B, interactions be-
Fig. 2. Mean plot, with 95.0% LSD intervals, of relative density of cake tween mixing time and procedure for viscous moduli (G); and C, inter-
batters at three mixing times. actions between mixing time and procedure for complex viscosity (*).
Fig. 4. Mean plot, with 95.0% LSD intervals, of weight loss during bak-
ing for mixing procedures.
Fig. 6. Mean and interaction plots, with 95.0% LSD intervals. A and B,
mean values for cell area for each mixing time and procedure, respec-
Fig. 5. Mean plots, with 95.0% LSD intervals, of mean values for volume tively; and C, interactions between mixing time and procedure for cell
(A) and total cell area (B) for each mixing time. circularity.
Fig. 7. Mean plots, with 95.0% LSD intervals, of mean values for hard- Fig. 8. Mean plots, with 95.0% LSD intervals, of mean values for cohe-
ness (A) and springiness (B) for each mixing time. siveness for each mixing time (A) and procedure (B).