Understanding Sexual Harassment
Understanding Sexual Harassment
Understanding Sexual Harassment
Sexual Harassment
Domugho, Danica S.
Mones, Lenneth B.
5 Summary of Findings/Conclusion
Summary of Findings
Sexual harassment is systemic.
1 Sexual harassment is everywhere. 2
3 Impacts of sexual harassment are felt beyond just the harassing interaction.
4 Women are the most common, but not the only, targets for sexual harassment.
The researcher have identified these results through the interview and the assessment
done by google forms. It was realized that the negative consequences of harassment can
be long-lasting and severe. Those who experience sexual harassment in any work
environment can suffer chronic health problems, post-traumatic stress, depression,
substance abuse, employment difficulties, and relationship problems.
Despite decades of attention, legal
action, and advocacy, this analysis of How to respond to this
data, research, and experience shows
1 matter:
that sexual harassment remains a
serious and pervasive problem across
virtually all sectors and workplaces. We
found that no sector remains Set the Engage Document
untouched by sexual harassment, nor Boundary. bystanders. the
unaffected by its impacts: Sexual situation.
harassment damages the lives, health,
financial independence, and
opportunities of countless victims, and
in lost productivity, morale,
effectiveness, and talent.
Sexual Harassment is a sensitive matter.
Talk about it anyways.
Thank you for
listening! Have a great
day ahead.