Family Rights Amendment To State Constitution

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A. Family association is a fundamental human right, therefore: The family shall be secure from
unwarranted and unreasonable government intervention, and shall be secure from inappropriate
intrusions into family life due to unforeseen crises or emergencies, or due to non-injurious family
customs, decisions, and prerogatives; and shall be secure from having the privacy, autonomy, sanctity
or functioning of the family disrupted unnecessarily; and shall be secure from the tampering with,
Prepared by American Family Advocacy Center

interfering with or the undermining of the inherent, enduring and vital bonds which bind the family
members together; and the state or its agencies shall not prescribe particular methods of parenting nor
prohibit the use of reasonable and customary methods of parental discipline nor unreasonably
undermine parental authority. The state shall do no harm to families or children when acting to protect
B. The fundamental human right to family association shall be secure from forced or punitive government
intervention or separation that is based on poverty, disability, culture, race, religion, medical or
educational choices, sex, marital status or any family member’s assertion of rights.
C. No non-offending parent who was reasonably unaware of any offenses being perpetrated against his or
her child shall be held accountable for the harm caused to the child by the action or inaction of any
D. No family shall be subject to government intervention based solely on speculation, hearsay or
unsupported allegations or for any unproven risk of future abuse; and all petitions to intervene into the
family shall be supported by oath or affirmation reduced to writing.
E. Each family member shall have the right to access, collect, preserve and document all evidence and

records relevant to any state intervention into their family without obstruction, interference, retaliation
or hindrance by any executive, legislative, administrative or judicial power. Confidentiality waivers
shall remain the prerogative of the family.
F. The state shall exercise stringent diligence to insure the accuracy of all records associated with state
interventions into the family and, the state shall provide a speedy and meaningful remedy to correct any
errors or false entries into said records, and shall expunge any false or unsupported information in
those records.
G. The right to a trial by jury of 12 shall be preserved for adjudication and for termination of parental
H. A child shall be adjudicated dependent and neglected only by clear and convincing evidence.
I. A child shall have the right to court-appointed counsel to represent the wishes of the child, distinct and
separate from the appointment of a guardian ad litem representing the best interests of the child.
J. All parties have a right to effective assistance of counsel in child welfare cases.
K. Termination of Parental Rights is a death sentence for the family; therefore, finding a parent unfit
beyond a reasonable doubt shall be required to terminate parental rights. The assembly shall pass no
law authorizing the involuntary termination of any familial relationship without credible proof of
identifiable, measurable, substantial and malicious or wilfully negligent injury to the subject child
caused by the parent. Parents shall retain the right to make educational, religious, and non-emergency
medical decisions on behalf of their children until parental rights are terminated and all appeals are
L. It shall be the first, best interests of the child to be child to be under the care, custody and control of his
parents and to be possessed of the unencumbered affection, companionship and protection of his
M. Government accountability provision: Statutory and customary immunity protections shall not apply
for any violations of this amendment, and the state waives eleventh amendment immunity for the
purposes of this amendment if it accepts federal funding for child welfare agencies or services.

Prepared by American Family Advocacy Center - © 2003-2011 Suzanne


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