Ivend Integrated Omnichannel Solutions (English) - Brochure

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iVend Retail - An integrated

omnichannel solution
For the way retailers work today

3. Introduction

4. How to keep omnichannel customers happy

5. Supporting sales-driving initiatives

6. iVend Enterprise

7. iVend POS

8. iVend Mobile POS

9. iVend eCommerce

10. iVend Loyalty

11. iVend Passes

12. iVend Reporting and Analytics

13. How iVend Retail can help your business thrive

14. About iVend Retail

15. Worldwide Offices

2 Integrated omnichannel solutions - for the way retailers work today

In today’s fast-moving retail market
consumers hold the power. Keeping them
engaged and satisfied means being present in
as many places as possible.
This is no small challenge for retailers, as the connected shopper wants to
interact with them everywhere – at work, at home, in-store, on the move –
and expects a consistent experience at every touch point.

Delivering to these complex expectations means putting customers at

the heart of the business, and sourcing solutions that provide one view of
shoppers and what they want.

iVend Retail’s integrated solution enables retailers to maximize

their sales and margin potential by delivering a seamless shopping
experience across all channels. With iVend Retail, it is possible to
develop a truly omnichannel strategy that recognizes and rewards
shoppers wherever they interact.

Integrated omnichannel solutions - for the way retailers work today 3

How to keep omnichannel
customers happy

Shoppers want an omnichannel

experience; our research shows that
more than half believe it would be
helpful if retailers had one view of
them across all channels.

iVend Retail is the most advanced omnichannel solution

available to retailers. It enables 360 degree visibility of your
inventory and customer activity, in order to:

• Integrate online and offline shopping, allowing

customers to research, buy and - if necessary -
return goods anywhere

• Sell more inventory at full price, increasing margin

and reducing clearance markdowns

• Create multichannel loyalty programs that incentivize

customers equally, wherever they shop

• Increase the product knowledge, recommendations

and guidance available to store associates

1,000+ retailers in 46 countries are

already using iVend Retail
to give customers a consistent
brand experience, and achieve
higher full price sales with
existing inventory levels

4 Integrated omnichannel solutions - for the way retailers work today

iVend Retail supports more
sales-driving initiatives
than any other system

Designed to meet the needs of omnichannel shoppers,

iVend Retail consists of 7 modules, which can be configured
alongside any ERP or merchandise management system.

iVend Retail - An Enterprise Class Retail Application Suite

iVend iVend iVend iVend iVend iVend iVend Reporting

Enterprise POS Mobile POS eCommerce Loyalty Passes & Analytics

iVend Retail’s cloud-based solution is designed for flexible deployment. Add modules on an ‘as
needed’ basis to grow insights and capabilities alongside your company.

Using iVend Retail could provide tangible business benefits:

Benefit iVend Retail only iVend Retail integrated into ERP

Sales increase +5% to 10% +15%

Net margin increase +1% to 2% +3% to 4%

Reduced inventory investment -10% -20%

Reduced expenses - -5%

Customer satisfaction increase +20% +20%

Integrated omnichannel
Source: Martec International solutions - for the way retailers work today 5
iVend Enterprise – putting
data at the heart of your
business decisions
Data drives success in omnichannel retailing and iVend
Retail’s Enterprise module is the central application
controlling retailers’ master data.
This module defines key statistics – including sales forecasting, replenishment planning, promotions,
gift cards, loyalty schemes and more – and replicates information across the entire retail estate.

iVend Enterprise also collates transactions, such as sales, refunds, returns and store credits, to
provide essential insights – particularly in two key areas:

Single stock pool Connected customer experiences

• One view of stock availability and location • Enterprise-wide loyalty programs that
for reduced inventory costs and increased allow customer segmentation
customer satisfaction
• Supports digital loyalty scheme passes
• Replenishment recommendations based across all channels
on core metrics
• Assisted selling services in all channels –
• Statistical forecasting based on industry which can easily add 5% to sales values
best practice
• Cross-channel visibility of all customer
• Sophisticated price management incentives to both staff and consumers
and promotions engine

6 Integrated omnichannel solutions - for the way retailers work today

iVend POS – turning the
Point of Sale into a Point
of Service
Time is a shopper’s most valuable
currency. iVend POS is a fast,
dependable Point of Service
application, which enables quick and
convenient customer transactions.

With a choice of touch-screen interface or easy-to-use

keyboard, minimal training is required for retail users
to enhance consumer interactions beyond the taking of
payments. This means:

• Flexible configuration that’s easy to implement globally

• Complete inventory visibility at the Point of Sale

• Secure payment through country specific integrated

payment systems

• Customizable promotions execution and gift card


• Online or standalone options; not dependent on an

internet connection

Integrated omnichannel solutions - for the way retailers work today 7

iVend Mobile POS – taking
service to the customer

Increasing conversions in a customer-

centric environment now means
stepping out from behind a fixed
checkout, serving shoppers wherever
they are in the store.
iVend Mobile POS facilitates flexible customer interactions
anywhere on the shop floor. It enriches transactions by giving
store associates access to operational data, and can be used
to ‘troubleshoot’ bottlenecks during peak trading periods.

iVend Mobile POS can connect to a store server or to the

enterprise server via the internet. This means it can be
configured for use outside the confines of the physical store
and is ideal for pop-up stores or events such as markets,
fairs and exhibitions.

Connect to iVend
· Used as a tool for faster business expansion, iVend Enterprise or
Mobile POS helps retailers to reduce the IT iVend Store over
infrastructure cost a 3G, 4G or an LTE
connection for use
· Connect to iVend Enterprise or iVend Store over a 3G,
outside the store 
4G or an LTE connection for use outside the store

· Work both in online and offline mode

· Shorten lines at the till during peak times, to reduce

abandoned purchases

· Access product and inventory information, product

information and customer data

· Take service to your customer, not vice versa

8 Integrated omnichannel solutions - for the way retailers work today

iVend eCommerce –
integrate digital into
the omnichannel model
The growth of online shopping seems unstoppable –
especially now that mobile commerce is generating fresh
revenue opportunities. However, an eCommerce platform
must do more than drive direct sales.
Today, websites should work seamlessly with bricks-and-mortar to support the omnichannel
customer journey. iVend eCommerce is a web application for iVend Enterprise, which permits:

• A feature-rich eCommerce system that integrates completely with other

iVend Retail modules

• Visibility of a single stock pool anywhere in the business

• Click and collect, reserve and collect, and ship direct to customer
from store functionalities

• Cross-selling and upselling to online shoppers

• Management of transactions, loyalty points, images, gift cards and coupons

• Straight forward analysis tools to ensure profitable product

placement and promotions

Integrated omnichannel solutions - for the way retailers work today 9

iVend Loyalty – keep
customers coming back

True loyalty is based on

shoppers’ lifetime value to your
business – not the cost of a single
transaction. iVend Loyalty allows
retailers to reward customers
for the way they shop in all
channels, in a way that builds
long-term advocacy.
iVend Loyalty allows retailers to structure programs
to fit the business model, creating multiple incentives
across all sales channels in order to:

• Develop flexible loyalty programs, configured

around customer and product groups
Customers can access
• Increase targeting and timeliness of their individual
customer communications
accounts via the iVend
• Incorporate service elements into loyalty Loyalty portal, to
schemes, not just points collection review and redeem
rewards, and add
• Create tiered levels of membership and personal information
automatically promote members according to a for even more
defined set of rules targeted rewards
• Capture customer data in all channels and
use these insights to drive long-term loyalty
and customer value

10 Integrated omnichannel solutions - for the way retailers work today

iVend Passes – building
loyalty through the
device consumers can’t
live without
Three quarters of consumers won’t leave home without their
phone, and it’s becoming an increasingly important touch
point in the retail journey.
In addition to browsing, buying and paying by smartphone, iVend Passes allow retailers to bring
loyalty into the mobile environment.

iVend Passes is a cloud-based subscription service designed to support a variety of marketing

initiatives to shoppers’ mobile phones:

• Electronically distribute loyalty cards, gift cards, coupons and

passes to consumers

• Create your own digital cards and coupons to customize rewards schemes

• Enable customers to collect and redeem points across all channels,

in a single location

• I dentify single stores or ‘geo fence’ activity to

send push notifications to shoppers

• C
 onnect more effectively with consumers in
an environment-friendly manner

Integrated omnichannel solutions - for the way retailers work today 11

iVend Reporting and
Analytics – deep insight
into your business
To drive maximum return on investment, iVend Retail
provides a comprehensive Reporting and Analytics module.
Essential business intelligence is delivered on a single online dashboard, making it
easy for businesses to:

• Review the performance of products, product groups, customers, customer groups,

promotions, channels and much more

• Quickly create reports that can be shared across the business to enable positive change

• Choose between standard and custom reporting tools for tailored feedback

12 Integrated omnichannel solutions - for the way retailers work today

How iVend Retail adapts
to your business

The beauty of iVend Retail is its flexibility; the modules

integrate across the store (pop up or permanent), online,
mobile and can be configured for any size of retailer.

With a choice
and on the
cloud, iVend’s
design and rich
keeps the cost of
ownership low

iVend Retail can be integrated with any standard business management

solution through interoperable APIs, and is already integrated with several
ERP solutions including SAP suite of Business Management Solutions,
Microsoft Dynamics NAV, and others.

A comprehensive Extensibility Tool Kit allows iVend Retail to

incorporate specific business requirements without affecting
the core product, and it also ensures seamless upgrades.

All iVend Retail customer-facing modules are PCI compliant, ensuring that the
solution is fully resilient, so trading continues even if network connections are
lost for a period of time.

Integrated omnichannel solutions - for the way retailers work today 13

iVend Retail – part of
CitiXsys, the omnichannel
systems company
iVend Retail is a business unit of CitiXsys, specialists in
omnichannel retail consulting, retail management software
and Point of Sale systems.

Leading provider of comprehensive

software solutions
Since 2002 with a complete focus
on omnichannel retailing

1,000+ customers Operational in Global network of partners

worldwide 46 countries and integrators for

knowledge.citixsys.com | www.ivend.com

14 Integrated omnichannel solutions - for the way retailers work today

Worldwide ces
www.ivend.com | knowledge.citixsys.com

America Ireland - Dublin

2nd Floor, P almersto n H ouse
USA - New York Fenian Street, Middle East - Dubai
One Rockefeller Plaza, 11th Floor, Dublin 2 308, 3rd Floor, EIB 05
New York NY 10020 USA Ireland Dubai Internet City,
T: 1 212 745 1365 T: 353 1 905 8020 P.O.Box: 502586
F: 1 212 618 6309 F: 353 1 905 8029 Dubai UAE
E: [email protected] E: [email protected] T: 971 4 431 2139
E: [email protected]
USA - New Hampshire Africa
1 Tara Boulevard Road, Suite 200, India - Noida
Nashua, NH 03062 USA South A frica - C enturion SDF A – 7, NSEZ
T: 1 347 768 8743 Noida Dadri Road
F: 1 646 349 3441 Cnr John Vorster Avenue & Phase – II, Noida – 201305
E: [email protected] Nelmapius Road Irene, Distt. Gautam Budh Nagar (UP) INDIA
Centurion South Africa T: 91 120 4743777
T: 27 (0)12 003 3300 F: 91 120 4743778
Ca nada - Toronto
E: [email protected]
2425 Matheson Blvd. 8th Floor F: 27 (0)86 512 3803
Mississauga ON L4W 5K4 E: jo [email protected]
T: 1 905 361 2886
Egypt - Cairo
F: 1 905 361 6401
Smart Village Australia - Sydney
E: [email protected]
Raya View Building G6 Tower 2, Level 20, 201 Sussex
24km Cairo - Alexandria D es ert Street, Sydney NSW 2000
Mexico - Santa Fe R oad Australia
Javier B arros s ierra # 540 Tower 1 T: 202 353 17828 T: 61 2 9006 1616
F: 202 353 17809 F: 61 2 9006 1515
Lomas de Santa Fe, E: [email protected] E: [email protected]
Del. Alvaro Obregón
Mexico City 01210
Kenya - N airobi Australia - Melbourne
T: 52 55 8000 8280
17th Floor, ICEA Buidling Rialto South Tower, Level 27
E: me [email protected]
Kenyatta Avenue 525 Collins Street
P.O. B ox 15168-00400 Melbourne 3000
Nairobi, Kenya Australia
Europe T: 254 205 157 015 T: 61 3 9935 2916
F: 254 205 157 001 F: 61 3 9935 2750
UK - L ondon E: [email protected] E: [email protected]
A2 Yeoman Gate
Yeoman Way Worthing
West Sussex, BN13 3QZ Thailand Distributor
T: 44 149 161 5309 E-Rong Consultants Co., Ltd.
F: 44 207 681 1016
90 CW Tower, 26th Floor,
E: [email protected]
Tower A, Unit A 2602,
Ratchadapisek Rd.,
Huai Khwang, Bangkok 10310

E : [email protected]
T : 02-664-6588
F : 02-664-6599
W : www.e-rong.co.th

Line: @e-rongconsultants

Integrated omnichannel solutions - for the way retailers work today 15

www.ivend.com | knowledge.citixsys.com

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