Well I Do Believe That If You Have A Wisdom You Have The Power To Understand The Fact Specially If That Wisdoms Come From Our Almighty God

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A.Student Assessment Question (SAQ): (65%)

SAQ # 1. What is the main function of the apostle?_

-Apostle is a "special witness of the name of Jesus Christ, sent forth to teach the principles of salvation
to others." In many Latter -day churches, an apostle is a priesthood office of high authority within the church

SAQ # 2. Enumerate the lesser function of the prophet?

-In religion, a prophet is an individual who is regarded as being in contact with a divine being and is
said to speak on behalf of that being, serving as an intermediary with humanity by delivering messages or
teachings from the supernatural source to other people.

SAQ # 3. Describe the work of the evangelist.?

-Evangelism is the commitment to or act of publicly preaching (ministry) the Gospel with the intention
to share the message and teachings of Jesus Christ.

SAQ # 4. Compare the duties of pastor and teacher.??

- In simple word teacher is just simple teach inform while the pastor is to guide shepherd and nurture
in involves bit both of them are gifts for the church.

SAQ # 5. What is the meaning of the word “exhort”?_

-Exhort is someone to do or something, you try hard to persuade or encourage them to do it.

SAQ # 6. Why is it wisdom is needed in the Mercy ministry ?

-Well I do believe that if you have a wisdom you have the power to understand the fact
specially if that wisdoms come from our almighty God.

SAQ # 7. Explain the ministry of Administration?

-Administrative Ministry means the Ministry to which a company is attached by the nature of its
operations and the programme to which it pertains.

SAQ # 8. Is ministry of healings needed today despite the advancement of technology

We all need to be healed despite everything that even pure technology is all around us we need to
believe in healing because not everyone will provide modern technology but this is another cause of people
getting sick.

SAQ # 9. Explain the word “Intercession”.

- Intercession or intercessory prayer is the act of praying to a deity or to a saint in heaven on behalf of
oneself or others.

SAQ # 10. Who are persons that needed visitation?

-For me everyone needs a visit why do you choose if you can all, because we all need friends that you go
to to know if that is the status in the life of those we go, not only because they need, but because that's
appropriate to say hello at least.
SAQ # 11. Explain how music can help people’s relationship with God?
-It has a big impact for me especially the young people who listen to music. especially if it is worship
song we gain hope, help strengthen our faith and it help us to calm our mind.our faith and it help us to calm our
SAQ # 12. Enumerate the qualifications for five-fold ministers
-Understanding the Apostle, Prophet, Evangelist, Pastor, and Teacher. When Jesus ascended into heaven
after His resurrection, He gave five specific ministry gifts to the body of believers to be strengthened, equipped
and matured.
SAQ # 13. List the qualifications for deacons
-Elders and deacons must be men who are both sober-minded and self-controlled. To be sober-minded
is to be able to make decisions with a clear mind. Therefore, elders and deacons must be able to, with biblical
wisdom, judge truth from error.

B.Evaluation: (35%)

1.Explain the purpose of the five-fold ministers?

- The fivefold ministry is just a starting point for understanding our divine DNA and destiny. And rather
than something we volunteer for, such as the ministries in church (e.g. ushering, worship, fellowship etc), these
roles are appointed by God that can be confirmed by other believers in time

2. Give 5 names of the apostles?

-Simon (whom he named Peter), his brother Andrew, James, John, Philip,

3.Which among the five-fold ministers that is needed in establishing a new church? Explain
-Understanding Apostle, Prophet, Evangelist, Pastor, and Teacher. When Jesus ascended to heaven after
His resurrection, He gave five specific ministry gifts to the body of believers to strengthen, equip and mature. so
for me it's okay for me even if the church has no food because we should have only one faith and that is only
Jesus and no one else.

4.How modern media helps carry the task given by Jesus to His followers?
-Today's new technology is very helpful in sending the words of God because there are many things that
can be done such as going to church live, making memes that are bible verses that can be posted on whatever
modern uses today.
5.Is the prophet existed today? ____ Explain your answer
-Prophets teach us the will of God and reveal His divine nature. They were preachers of righteousness
and condemned sin, and when inspired to do so, the prophets foretold future events. Most important, prophets
testify of Jesus Christ.

6. Why is it that a church leader should not be a newly believer? _

1 Timothy 3:5-7 (21st Century King James Version)
 5(For if a man know not how to rule his own house, how shall he take care of the church of God?)

He must not be a novice in the faith, lest being lifted up with pride, he fall into the condemnation of the devil.
 Moreover he must have a good reputation with those who are outsiders, lest he fall into reproach and the
snare of the devil.

Because for me you have to first test how deep your faith and love are in entering as a church leader
because you yourself will be an example to the person you will explain the words of God based on your

7.Give the reason why a church leader must manage his family well?
Being a church leader should love his family and have a lot of understanding of the family because a
leader should know how his subjects feel and the considered part of the family.

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