Analysis of Discussion Forums

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Journal. Volume 10, Issue 3, Pages 1442‐1446, ISSN 2217‐8309, DOI: 10.18421/TEM103-56, August 2021. 

Analysis of Discussion Forums

of a Programming MOOC
Abdelghani Babori 1,2
Hassan First University, Settat, Morocco
University of Lille, Lille, France

Abstract – The work presented in this article focuses This MOOC, which dealt with the basics of
on the description of the learning process in the general accounting, was developed for the benefit of
MOOC of algorithms and programming. It focuses 900 students enrolled in the first year of the Faculty
more specifically on the study of the learning strategies of Juridical, Economic and Social Sciences – Souissi
adopted by students by examining discussion forums in
a MOOC of algorithms and programming designed for
undergraduate students. The results stated that A call for projects was launched in 2017 to select
students used two learning strategies to construct MOOC projects that will feed the MUN platform.
algorithmic content: cognitive strategies and social Out of a total of 119 projects submitted, 49 MOOC
strategies. These results improve the didactic research projects including 5 MOOC4 projects developed
on the MOOC by providing researchers with elements within the Hassan Premier University of Settat have
for the study of learning process in MOOCs. been selected to be the first MOOCs to be present on
Keywords –distance education, MOOC, didactic, MUN at its official launch in June 2019. The
programming “Algorithms: basic concepts and applications”,
proposed by the university Hassan First, is one of
1. Introduction these selected projects which aims to assist students
in the development of algorithms. More specifically,
In order to improve the quality of education, this MOOC aims at building step-by-step problem-
several Moroccan universities are already involved in solving skills by analysing user needs and
the creation of MOOCs delivered on free platforms formulating them through algorithms to translate
Hassan II Casablanca, Hassan First Settat, Cadi them into programs.
Ayyad Marrakech Universities, to name just a few. In The MOOC is organized into weeks. There are six
this sense, the e-Learning centre of Mohammed V obligatory weeks of algorithmic programming and
University in Rabat was the first to develop and two optional weeks of C programming. Each week
launch a MOOC in 2014 in Morocco. consists of several units composed of videos, web
pages, quizzes and a discussion forum that

2. Related Works
DOI: 10.18421/TEM103-56  Algorithmic is considered to be a major subject  that demands a high level of ability on the part of the
Corresponding author: Abdelghani Babori,  students to analyse a problem. It is a difficult subject
Hassan First University, Settat, Morocco / University of  that has often been a source of problems for novice
Lille, Lille, France.  learners. This problem finds its reasons in both the
Email: [email protected]  cognitive aspect (abstract concepts) of the subject
that pedagogic strategies adopted in teaching this
Received:   25 April 2021. 
discipline, where learners are usually passive,
Revised:     10 August 2021. 
demotivated during the learning process, unable to
Accepted:   16 August 2021. 
Published:  27 August 2021. 
mobilize all the acquired knowledge to resolve new
problems [1]. Thus, this MOOC aims to improve the
©  2021  Abdelghani  Babori;  published  by  quality of teaching through discussion forums and
UIKTEN.  This  work  is  licensed  under  the  Creative  provide personalized help for students to acquire
Commons  Attribution‐NonCommercial‐NoDerivs  4.0  skills such as autonomy, motivation, time
License. management and son on.
The  article  is  published  with  Open  Access  at  Massive Open Online Courses are interactive  training courses given online and open to all by
registration. Owing to the MOOCs, it is now possible

1442    TEM Journal – Volume 10 / Number 3 / 2021. 
TEM Journal. Volume 10, Issue 3, Pages 1442‐1446, ISSN 2217‐8309, DOI: 10.18421/TEM103‐56, August 2021. 

to access the knowledge delivered by the most illustrative examples in order to better understand the
prestigious institutions around the world. These progress of each loop. Weeks four and five deal
MOOCs are open to the maximum number of users, respectively with one-dimensional and two-
generally for free and with no prerequisites [2]. dimensional arrays.
Research on the MOOCs is changing and growing
quickly. Several studies focusing on the MOOCs 3.2. Data Collection
were published since 2008. We have conducted a
literature review on the MOOCs by analyzing Data was collected between January 2019 and
research articles published between 2012 and 2018 November 2019. The discussion posts were
[3]. This literature review shows that four categories examined to describe the learning strategies adopted
of research objects are identified: learning processes, by students to apprehend the algorithmic content
predictors of retention, learning experiences and the within and in relation to the MOOC. We selected
design of the MOOCs. Research questions that deal messages from the MOOC discussion forums. The
with the learning process focus on the way in which forum included the following elements: description
people self-control their learning, the motivations of of the discussion thread, number of discussion posts,
participants to learn in a MOOC, the behaviour of the date of observation, starting post for each thread and
learner in the course. The articles focusing on description of each discussion post in the thread.
interactions in the MOOCs address the discussion
modalities that describe the learning process in 3.3. Data Analysis
discussion forums, the interactions between learners
An analysis grid to review discussion posts was
and the relationship between the different levels of
used. This grid was constructed based on previous
research [4], [5]. This research distinguishes between
Whereas research on the MOOCs focuses more on discussion posts related to content and discussion
the learning process, they concentrated much less on posts unrelated to content (posts that refer to
content material as an object of research. More logistical and technical topics). The grid includes
specifically, the didactic issues stay minor in this multiple-choice as well as open-ended questions and
research. Indeed, there isn't yet any research consists of three parts: identification of the
specializing in the appropriation of content material discussion thread defined as one topic under
in discussion forums of the MOOCs. Thus, this study discussion by a group (description of the discussion
will attempt to answer this research question: how do thread, date of observation, number of discussion
students construct algorithmic content in the posts), identification of the posts in each discussion
discussion forums of the conceived MOOC thread (description of the post, type of the post, type
“Algorithms: Basic Concepts and Applications”? of the learning strategy and the identified content
(designation, description of the content).
3. Methodology
4. Results
3.1. Context
4.1. Cognitive Strategies
The ‘Algorithmic: Basic concepts and applications  
MOOC’ attracted 1052 registrants. The MOOC goal Cognitive learning strategies are explicitly
is to teach participants how to design algorithms and manifested by students in the moments when they
programs. The MOOC is organized into 8 weeks: six have interacted in the discussion forums with the
obligatory weeks dedicated to algorithmic and two pedagogical team or with other students so as to ask
optional weeks of programming in C language. Each or answer questions and make remarks or comments
week consists of several units composed of videos, focusing on algorithmic content. Thus, these
web pages, quizzes and a discussion forum that interactions focused on: the description of the steps
allows discussing the MOOC content. Week zero of an algorithm using previous knowledge or lived
presents the overall site including an introduction to experience (approach to prepare a cake for example);
the MUN (Morocco Digital University) platform and the meaning of a concept (loop, condition); the
a general introduction to Algorithmic MOOC: Basic resolution of a problem (the algorithm of perfect
Concepts and Applications. The other weeks are number).
organised into themes according to a specified order:
from simple to complex tasks. For instance, in the Description of the steps of an algorithm
videos or in the quizzes, we start with easy examples
and then gradually we tackle complex concepts. The facilitator asks a question in the discussion
Thus, in week one, variables and basic instructions forum about the steps involved in developing an
are processed. Week two presents conditions. Week algorithm. Students describe the steps involved. The
three covers the loops: we proposed a multitude of facilitator then asks to clarify each step described.

TEM Journal – Volume 10 / Number 3 / 2021.                                                                                                                    1443 
TEM Journal. Volume 10, Issue 3, Pages 1442‐1446, ISSN 2217‐8309, DOI: 10.18421/TEM103‐56, August 2021. 

Facilitator: Question of synthesis: who can summarize notion of the variable as well). However, it does not
for me the steps to follow to solve an algorithmic react to the explanation provided by the MOOC
problem? facilitator.
Student 1: 1 Problem analysis (input and output
variables) Mobilizing concepts in an algorithm
2. Calculation formula  
3. Choice of instructions Students ask questions about mobilizing the
4. Test the algorithm
concepts of loops (For loop) and nested conditions.
Facilitator: Good! If anyone else has any other
The facilitator reminds the students of the usefulness
Student 2: The first step is the pre-analysis (goal of the of repetitive instructions by explaining in detail how
problem and data) the second step is the analysis the the algorithms mobilizing these two concepts work.
last one is the algorithm. Student 1: Hello, I didn't understand why we didn't use
Facilitator: If you can further develop the steps loop for greatest common divisor calculation?
especially what you mean by the analysis. Thank you! Student 2: Hello, because the number of iterations is
Student 2: To analyse a problem we ask 3 questions: not known.
what is the result we are looking for, i.e., the output of Facilitator: Hello, for the problem of the GCD we did
our algorithm? How do we obtain this result, i.e., the not use the For loop because the number of iterations
processing of our algorithm? What is the necessary is not known in advance. Let us recall Euclide's
information? I.e., the input data of the problem. algorithm to calculate the gcd: While the condition:
Student 3: Hi, e.g., the algorithm for preparing a cake, the rest r of the division of a by b r<>0 do ab; b<- r;
the input variables are eggs, flour, chocolate, etc., the r<-a%b. We saw in the video on repetitive instructions
result is the cake, the treatment is to take the eggs, that the instructions a<-b; b<-r; r<-a%b; repeat a
flour, butter and sugar and mix it all together and put number of times that we do not know in advance. For
it in the oven for half an hour. example, if a=10 and b=6, these instructions are
We notice that some students (Student 1, Student 2, repeated exactly twice. r=10%6=4 Step 1: a=6 b=4
Student 3) try to synthesize the steps of an algorithm. r=2 Step 2: a=4 b=2 r=0
After having relaunched, by the facilitator, the ideas We can see that the cognitive strategies adopted by
expressed by students 1 and 2 by asking them to students in these discussions consisted in asking
develop further the answers to the question asked, we questions in relation to the tasks to be carried out in
can clearly see that student 2 is directly trying to order to find solutions to difficulties related to the
answer the question. Student 3 uses his previous content (the notions of algorithmics).
experience (cake preparation) to illustrate the steps
involved in analysing a problem. He therefore refers 4.2. Social Strategies
to content constructed in everyday life.
The results of the analysis of the discussion posts
The meaning of concepts show that the students used social learning strategies
in terms of interactions between themselves or with
The student asked about the usefulness of the the MOOC pedagogical team. More specifically,
arrays. The facilitator gives a simple example of an these interactions focus on the students' point of view
algorithm in which he clearly demonstrates the on the presentation of the content and its difficulty or
limit of the use of the variable concept. It continues the teacher's thanks for the answer to questions. For
to specify other uses of arrays. example, a student expresses his difficulty with the
Student 5: Why can't we use variables instead of concept of the loop at the beginning and thanks the
complicated arrays? facilitator at the end:
Facilitator: Hello, the simple example I gave in the
Student 9: I have to confess that I've been lost since the
Week 4 introduction to one-dimensional arrays is to
beginning of the loop instructions. I don't really
enter the grades of students in a class. Let's say we
understand loops especially the perfect number
want to calculate the overall grades obtained from 100
students Grade 1, Grade 2, Grade 3 .... Grade 100 So
Facilitator: Hello, first a little reminder about the
how do we do it? With variables we can of course
usefulness of repetitive instructions: they are used in
solve this problem by doing the following: Var Note 1,
any situation where you find a repetition of a block of
Note 2 and continue like this until Note 100. And
instructions a certain number of times, instead of using
continue like this until Write ('give Note 100'); Read
basic instructions (reading for example) you use a loop
(Note 100); Which is very long and not practical. So,
that saves time in writing an algorithm and executing
the solution is to use a table.
the associated program….
We can see that the cognitive learning strategy of
This social learning strategy is also manifested by
this student consists in asking a question in an
some students in the discussion forums by asking for
attempt to stabilize the notion of arrays (implying the
links to download program development tools in C

1444                                                                                                                      TEM Journal – Volume 10 / Number 3 / 2021. 
TEM Journal. Volume 10, Issue 3, Pages 1442‐1446, ISSN 2217‐8309, DOI: 10.18421/TEM103‐56, August 2021. 

language or expressing difficulties in using a tool asynchronous or synchronous [9], [10], the interaction
integrated in the MOOC platform: processes between users and organizers in a
Student 5: Please the dev c++ installation link. thank Javascript MOOC [11] or the modes of interaction
you and their roles in the co-creation of new content [12],
Student6: Hello, the Blockly Games site is no longer [13].
displayed. How to solve this problem? Thank you. This study shows that students use more cognitive
learning strategies than social learning strategies. One
5. Discussion explanation for this result may be the students'
perception of how they learn. Indeed, we may
The analysis of the discussion posts shows that the suppose that throughout their previous experiences,
cognitive learning strategies of the students consisted students have developed a representation of what
mainly in asking questions to overcome difficulties "learning" is by focusing on topics that relate directly
encountered in the MOOC and that are related to the to the content in question. Another possible
three concepts of algorithmics: loops, nested hypothesis lies in the fact that students consider that
conditions and arrays. However, the study reveals social learning strategies are less essential to success
shortcomings related to the cognitive strategies of in MOOCs than cognitive and technical learning
critical thinking such as scrutinizing concepts by strategies that are related to the learning objectives
discussing the content or considering something in the such as completing a learning activity [14].
course to be unsure. Thus, exchanges have taken The results also show that students adopt weakly
place, however they only concern a part of the active planning strategy. However, this strategy is important
students. Moreover, we observed that these exchanges for a successful learning process in MOOCs, which
are short and that most of the discussion posts focus require more autonomy. In fact, the absence of
on questions between students and the pedagogical effective planning of learning can result in a
team in order to obtain an answer to a specific disorganized course. Thus, in addition to the content
question. In addition, although discussion forums to be taught, learning planning strategies such as to
allow interaction despite location or time barriers, present in the form of a timetable, the learning
according to the interviews, they do not provide a activities would be useful for registrants in order to
satisfactory user experience. Indeed, the majority of organize their learning.
participants stated that the MOOC does not favour
group work. These discussion forums are based on 6. Conclusion
asynchronous conversations that do not allow direct
collaboration between participants. This is underlined The results obtained through the analysis of the
by Dussarps [6] who states that, in distance learning discussion posts allow us to characterize some
environments, learners wish to meet each other, learning strategies adopted by the students to
ideally physically, if not virtually, to discuss the appropriate the concepts and procedures of the
content conveyed by the MOOC. Thus, the algorithmic content. However, these strategies
integration of synchronous means of communication concern only a part of the active students in the
such as social networks, chat, or other communication discussion forums. In addition, the discussion posts
tools, would be very useful to promote a deep highlight only two types of learning strategies: social
discussion of the content conveyed. and cognitive learning strategy. Moreover, even
The data from the discussion forums allow us to though the platform has discussion forums that can be
identify some learning strategies (cognitive and social adopted to work in groups or share resources that
strategies) adopted by students but do not inform us prove useful, we found that these discussion forums
of the frequency of resource consultation (consulting are rather used by students to communicate with
videos, web pages, clicking on links, etc.). It would MOOC facilitators in order to find answers to their
therefore be interesting to combine the different types questions. As a result, we found that communication
of the learning analytics in order to determine the between students is infrequent.
factors that could influence the students' learning In this present study, we have identified the
strategies. learning strategies adopted by students to construct
This article which presents the learning strategies algorithmic content within the MOOC. Nevertheless,
adopted by students to learn in the Algorithmic and the results present some limitations, and could
Programming MOOC differs from other previous constitute the basis of future research. The results
studies using discussion posts as data. Indeed, these reveal that the strategies related to concentration or
studies that focused on interactions in MOOCs time management are not addressed in this research.
investigate the different modalities of discussion that Indeed, considered as a key to the success of a work,
characterize learning process in forums [7], [8], the a better management of study time is essential to
communication modalities that learners prefer: progress in MOOC [15]. An integration of tools such

TEM Journal – Volume 10 / Number 3 / 2021.                                                                                                                    1445 
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