Ee NLR 1
Ee NLR 1
Ee NLR 1
RTC HOUSE, Pand it Nehru Bus Station, Vijayawad a - 520006, And hra Prad esh,
Ind ia
red Bus CustomerCare No. : 18001035395
Email : amaz onbus_support@red
Bo arding po int pho ne no . : 0 8 6 6 2 57 0 0 0 5
ID Pro o f No te:
During bus jo urney, o ne o f the pas s enger o n an e- ticket appears s ho uld carry the o riginal identity card s uch
as : Driving Licens e, Electio n Card, Ratio n Card, Pho to ID card is s ued by Central/State Go vt./Private Organis atio ns ,
AadhaarCard, Pan Card, Pas s po rt, Credit Card with Pho to identificatio n, Student ID is s ued by any Ins titute, Pas s
Bo o k with Pho to is s ued by any Natio nalis ed Bank, CAT CARD is s ued by APSRT C.
2. This e-ticket is valid only for the seat number, journey d ate and bus service specified herein.
3. This e-ticket has to be carried by the passeng er d uring the journey along with an orig inal photo ID Card of the
passeng er whose name appears above.
4. Please keep the ticket safely till the end of the journey.
7. BOOKING/CANCELLAT ION o f tickets is allo wed up to 1 ho ur befo re the s cheduled s tart time at o rigin po int o f
the s ervice o nly.
8. Partial cancellation is allowed in round -trip tickets provid ed the same number and type (Ad ult/child ) are
cancelled in both UP & DOWN Journeys.
11. Please check your ticket after it is issued , for its correctness and we req uest you to read the Terms and cond itions.
12. In case of d etection of alteration of fare/Ticket No./Journey d etails/etc,at the time of journey, in the paper ticket
mailed to the passeng er email-ID, the reg istered passeng er of e-ticketing with www.amaz is liable for
prosecution und er Court of law.
13. If service is cancelled by APSRTC for any reason, tickets are cancelled automatically and refund amount will be
cred ited to the customer account.
14. Prohibited items are not allowed in the bus.To refer the prohibited items list please visit our website und er terms and cond itions tab.