Amine Filtration: By: John Hampton & Guy Weismantel

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By: John Hampton & Guy Weismantel

Original text of the condensed 6 page article that appeared in the Spring 2003 issue of

he looming need for natural gas in and contamination by particulates and

T the United States means that
non-producing fields of sulfur (S) laden
scale that develop during H2S processing
and amine regeneration.
gas (sour gas) are receiving renewed
attention throughout North America. However, amines offer the benefit of being
Owners or operators are anxious to turn a proven technology plus some amines
these marginal fields into ones that remove the gaseous contaminant, carbon
produce pipeline quality gas. This effort dioxide (CO2), a major in-field, in-the-gas
includes looking at new technology and for impurity that must be removed to attain a
ways to reduce both recovery and pipeline quality product. Generally
processing costs. There is, especially, a producers turn to amine absorption
focus on the filtration and separations technology because the amine first
steps of natural gas processing. absorbs the H2S, and then, the H2S is
easily stripped out and the amine is
Natural gas that contains inorganic or regenerated. Once the sulfur is
organic sulfur compounds is called sour removed, the “sweetened” gas is ready for
gas. Sour gas can contain mercaptans pipeline transportation. Natural gas has
and other sulfur constituents as no odor, so, at some point after
contaminants, however, the most common processing, an odorant is added to assist
sulfur compound is Hydrogen Sulfide in nasal detecting leakage.
(H2S) which is highly toxic, flammable and
is extremely corrosive to carbon steel Process Description
when processing conditions are below the In the conventional amines processing
dew point of sulfuric acid – which is often unit, the H2S passes through a contact
the case for natural gas processing tower counter-current to the liquid amine.
operations. There is an exothermic absorption of the
acid gas by the amine solvent. That bond
Consequently, natural gas processing is easily broken, releasing the acid gas
plants constantly face rusting problems while the amine is sent to regeneration.
caused both by the acid and from other
sources—particularly the common If one looks at the total process, there are
absorbent-recovery fluids. Most often (but several significant unit operations. To
not always) these absorbent liquids are begin with, production gas from the field
amines. Amines are good scavengers for (sour gas) enters near the bottom of the
H2S. Once the sour gas, and any other contact chamber (tower). This sour gas
contaminant gases or particulates are first passes through a knockout drum.
removed, the end product is a high-Btu, The sour gas passes upward
pipeline-quality gas. (countercurrent) through the descending
amine solution and the H2S is absorbed by
But, amines are expensive to purchase the amine solution. The then purified gas
and difficult to handle. They are both toxic leaves through the top of the tower while
and hazardous. As well, they are subject the spent amine solution leaves the
to vaporization loss, fire hazards, foaming,
bottom of the tower passing first through a In the field during actual operations, at
flash tank and then through a heat least some of the suspended and/or
exchanger. [This exchanger uses hot, dissolved organic contaminants are
regenerated lean amine to heat the H2S- removed by using an activated carbon bed
rich amine.] The amine solution carrying that is separate from the actual cartridge
the absorbed acid gas is subjected to filtration system. Placement and
additional heat by using a reboiler. Steam relationship of the cartridge filter and the
rising through the stripper liberates the carbon bed will be addressed later in the
H2S, which is sent to the field’s S-recovery article. The carbon bed itself acts as a filter,
operations, for example a Claus unit. but this is not desirable because
particulates and polymers will seal off the
During the various processing steps the bed and reduce carbon activity. Particulate
amine becomes contaminated with both removal is the job of the cartridge filter
hard and with flexible particulates that can system (mechanical filtration).
be a combination of dirt, scale, rust,
long-chain polymers, reactant products Indeed, one of the most critical steps in the
(from foam-reduction compounds or other process -- a step that is often ignored or
materials). Some of these chemicals have taken for granted by some process
been added to the system deliberately. engineers -- is the amine filtration operation
Other particulates may have entered as that is integral to successful regeneration.
part of the sour gas itself – for example, Otherwise the particulate buildup will
one might even see compounds of heavy hinder efficient absorbent operation within
metals that can pass through the system as the contact tower. Understanding the
a powder. filtration technology (Appendix A) and the
costs associated with amine filtration can
A key processing concern is that of amine be a key to achieving the desired Return-
salts that form during the recovery On-Investment (ROI) from any particular
operations. These are corrosive and are gas field.
heat stable and must be minimized both by
system configuration, control of processing Selecting the Amine
conditions, and by filtration (if they begin to Monoethanolamine (MEA) is a common
show up as a solid). One can see that the absorbent/solvent used in sour gas
typical amine filter is facing a severe treatment because it is highly reactive
challenge because it is being asked to take thereby providing high quality (low-S)
out a variety of materials having different natural gas. Other amines (all which
characteristics and sizes and forms, and require filtration during regeneration) are:
that conditions, and even the type and size methyl diethanolamine (MDEA),
of the particulate, may change quickly and diglycolamine (DGA), diisopropanol amine
dramatically because production (DIPA) and diethanolamine (DEA) and
operations are not always in equilibrium. solvent blends. Amine selection varies
At least some operators try to minimize the depending upon the type of contaminants
filtration problems within the unit by placing and the quantitative analysis of the virgin
a separate filter or scrubbing system on the sour gas. Regardless of the solvent, (some
incoming sour gas prior to the initial S-removal processes do not use amines),
knockout drum—this in order to remove the mechanical filtration step is critical to
particulates and gums before they get into economics.
the amine stream rather than face the more
difficult problem of removing them In general, the filter system is not grossly
afterwards. affected by the type of amine solution
selected by the operator of the gas therefore expect tertiary amines to produce
processing plant. One might conclude that more “foots” or globs that could decrease
MEA (which is one of the simplest amine MTBT in a gas processing plant using
molecules) might be less prone to plug a amine absorption.
filter, which might be the case if the filter
was seeing only the amine. However MEA Similarly, additives that resist corrosion or
is recommended where there are stringent lower freeze point can affect overall filter
outlet gas specifications suggesting that operations, however, while an amine unit
MEA might place a greater particulate operating near Red Deer, Alberta, Canada
removal load on the filter than another would require an additive to maintain flow
amine. This could create the need for a rates during winter months, a similar unit in
filter with higher dirt holding capacity (See South Texas USA would not have to
Filter Selection section of this article) to consider freezing as a problem nor an
assure Optimum Time Between anti-freeze additive. The point is:
Turnaround (OTBT). Ideally OTBT would Additives, DO –in fact – affect both the
be identical to Mean Time Between success and failure of process efficiencies
Turnaround (MTBT). and filtration operations. And – additives
can exacerbate foaming problems as does
DGA systems are often chosen when there the presence of fine particulates.
is a need to remove carbonyl sulfide and
mercaptans in addition to the H2S. This In that light, DOW’s literature suggests that
suggests the potential for the filter to the additives that are used for amine salt
handle more and more-difficult particulates management creates dramatic
than if the unit were handling H2S alone. improvements in gas processing
operations and MTBT when a facility
In that light, amines are normally classified adopts/utilizes salt neutralization
as primary, secondary and tertiary. technology. (Table #1).
Because the latter also are used as a
crosslinking agent in coatings, one would


Six Months Before Six Months After

Type of Maintenance Neutralization Neutralization

Number of Heat Exchanger Water

Washes 4 0

Number of Absorber Tray Water

Washes 10 0

Number of Particulate Filter 16 5


Source: Dow Chemical Company

The good news about the DOW data is that These HCF, UHCF and UCF cartridges
it is based on older cartridge technology. generally utilize a staged pleated filter that
Selecting state-of-the-art highly efficient is highly efficient and high capacity
and high capacity (HE/HC) filter cartridges (HE/HC) that maximize dirt holding
will dramatically improve MTBT. capacity in order to assure maximum time
between change out (MTBC). Handling
Filter Selection amine filters is hazardous, so producers try
Many factors must be taken into to keep the units on line as long as
consideration when choosing the filtration possible to improve MTBC.
system for your amine stream. These
include chemical and temperature The HE/HC cartridges feature segregated
compatibility, flow rate, acceptable flow channels and flow chambers to
pressure drop, degree of filtration, and optimize the Alpha Factor (Å) – a factor
overall filtration cost. In state-of-the-art that is the key to determining total cost of
amine filtration systems, the amine filter filtration operations. Combining this design
cartridges are almost always pleated. with the technique of pleating several
Depending upon the size of the amine unit, different filter media together in a single
the filter system will use one of the pleat pack maximizes dirt-holding capacity.
following cartridges that are approximately This design permits the use of many
40 inches in length: different types of filter media. This is
essential for a wide range of fluid and
 6.25” O.D. – High Capacity Filter (HCF) temperature applications. The cross
 12.75” O.D. – Ultra High Capacity Filter (UHCF) sectional view shown below details the
 Full Housing O.D. (15”, 18” & 20”) – Ultimate basic design and flow paths of an HE/HC
Capacity Filter (UCF) filter. This unique design works with either
an “outside in” or an “inside out” flow path
UCF systems are being Beta tested at this
and is not limited to three rows of media.
time and soon will become commercially
available. In the UCF there is only one
filter cartridge in the housing.
Materials selection is very important in to permit the desired flow rate through the
amine filtration. Since amine systems vary filter element as it plugs so as to fully use
in chemical composition, it is difficult to the effective dirt holding capacity of the
designate a filter medium that is ideal. Oth- filter. It is imperative that daily testing of
er complications can arise from the glues the process stream (using sample ports) be
and seals used in filter construction. Gen- conducted (Appendix B). Testing is critical
erally, polypropylene and cellulose in identifying when upset conditions exist
medias are acceptable. However, within the process.
operating temperature and presence of
hydrocarbons in the system will affect filter Minimizing Filtration Costs
choices. Filtration Cost Efficiency (E) is defined as
the total costs, direct and indirect, that are
The size of filter housings and pumps is associated with removing one pound of
usually dictated by the desired flow rate, solids from a process stream. Direct cost
pressure drop limitations, and required lev- is filter price and indirect costs include
el of filtration. The recommended flow ca- labor and disposal. A lower total cost
pacity of a filter element is used to results in a better efficiency rating. If we
determine the total number required for the disregard equipment depreciation, we can
desired flow rate. Housing size relates express this relationship by the following
directly to the number of filter elements. formula:
Sufficient pump pressure must be provided

D = Disposal Cost/Filter

P L D H = Dirt Holding Capacity in Pounds

E= + +
H H H L = Labor Cost/Filter

P = Filter Price
Filter price and dirt holding capacity are the dominant components in operating cost. The
relationship between these two items is defined by the following formula as the Alpha
Factor (Å).



Combining the Alpha Factor formula with the Filtration Cost Efficiency formula provides an
interesting result.

E= Å + + E= Å +

The indirect costs shown in the equation are reduced as the dirt holding capacity of the
filter increases. Therefore, the Alpha Factor becomes the dominant number in the
equation. The lowest Alpha Factor results in the lowest filtration cost.

Typical Data For 20 Micron Absolute Pleated Polypropylene Cartridge

Cartridge Type Dirt Holding Capacity Typical Cost Alpha Factor

Standard (2.5"OD) 1.7 Pounds $33.25 19.6

HCF (6.25" OD) 17 Pounds $267.75 15.8

UHCF (12.75" OD) 85 Pounds $1,015.00 11.9

UCF (20.0" OD) 255 Pounds $2,250.00 8.8

Maximizing Filter Life
Filter life is directly related to a filter’s dirt life is a direct result of the relationship
holding capacity. It can be defined as the between flow density (gallons per minute
total volume of fluid that passes through a per square foot) and the resulting
filter before reaching the maximum differential pressure across the filter area.
operating differential pressure.
Under ideal conditions the maximum
Under a constant flow rate, the life of most increase in filter life is equal to the square
absolute rated filters is significantly of the increase in effective surface area.
increased when their effective surface Doubling the effective filter surface area
areas are increased. This property of filter can increase filter life up to four times!

N Le = Extended Filter Life

( )
Le Ae Lo = Original Filter Life
FILTER LIFE INCREASE = = Ae = Expanded Filter Area
Lo Ao Ao = Original Filter Area

An example of the doubling the surface area:





FILTER CAKE t=cake thickness
P = 30 PSI



An easy way to increase filter life using an existing housing is to replace depth filters with
pleated filters. In the following diagrams, the surface area of the cylindrical depth element is
much less than that of the pleated element.

length length



Depth Element Pleated Element

Another alternative is to increase the actual number of filters by increasing the size or
number of housings.

The same results can be achieved by reducing the flow rate through the filter. By cutting the
flow rate in half, it is possible to quadruple the filter life.

In respect to cartridges, with an HCF filter, the product is designed to replace up to forty
string wound or ten pleated 2.5"OD cartridges. The UHCF replaces two hundred string
wounds or fifty pleated elements. The UCF for a 24” OD housing is 20.0 inches in diameter
and replaces six hundred string wounds or 150 pleated elements.



300 100
Water & Silica Test Dust @ 150 GPM
Water & Silica Test Dust @ 450 GPM

240 80








.5..55 MICRON

120 40


60 20

0 0


Water & Silica Test Dust @ 40 GPM




.5..55 MICRON


Constructed to fit most standard cartridge housings with minor, if any, hardware
modifications, HE/HC filters provide a very cost effective method of maximizing effective
surface area in existing housings.

When one considers capital spending costs for new installations, the savings associated
with filter housing costs is equally important. Many plant engineers design their filtration
systems based on a maximum flow rate. If a 2.5” OD cartridge is used in the base flow
rate calculations, a larger vessel will be required to meet the maximum flow requirements.
Using an HE/HC design will minimize the filter vessel size (and costs) required for specific
flow rates and can result in significant cost reductions when high-pressure filter vessels are

Maximum Number of Cartridges Per Vessel ID

Vessel I.D. 2.5” OD Standard 6.25” OD HCF 12.75” OD UHCF
Cartridge Cartridge Cartridge
15” 19 3 1

28” 70 12 3

36” 120 19 5

With an increasing demand for more cost effective filtration, this new HCF and UHCF filter
technology provides an excellent opportunity for reducing filtration costs in existing and
future operations.
The Economics of Amine Filtration

The following exercise shows how cost savings can be realized by applying the basics of
amine filtration to current operations.


(36” ID Vessel, Contaminate Load 72 Pounds per Month)

2-1/2” OD 2-1/2”OD HCF UHCF
String Wound Pleated Filter (6.25” OD) (12.75” OD)
$400.00 $400.00 $400.00 $400.00
Filter Quantity 120 120 19 5
Filter Price $9.00 $33.25 $267.75 $1015.00
Pounds of Dirt
0.4 1.7 17.0 85
per Filter
Change Outs
1.5 0.35 0.22 0.17
per Month
Change Out
4 Hours 4 Hours 2 Hours 1 Hour
Time (Hrs)
Labor Cost per
$25.00/hr $25.00/hr $25.00/hr $25.00/hr
Disposal Cost
$4.00/ea $4.00/ea $25.00/ea $105.00/ea
per Filter


(36” ID Vessel, Contaminate Load 72 Pounds per Month)

2-1/2” OD 2-1/2”OD HCF UHCF
String Wound Pleated Filter (6.25” OD) (12.75” OD)
Depreciation $400.00 $400.00 $400.00 $400.00
Filter Cost $1,620.00 $1,396.50 $1,119.20 $862.75
Labor Cost $150.00 $35.00 $11.50 $4.25
Disposal Cost $720.00 $168.00 $104.50 $89.25

Total Cost $2,890.00 $1,999.50 $1,635.20 $1,356.25

Alpha Factor (Å) 22.5 19.6 15.8 11.9
Conclusion operations will utilize continuous slip-
stream (side-stream) filtration to constantly
In summary there are several important upgrade the plant’s regenerated amine —
factors when selecting a filter for amine regardless of the type of amine used. The
absorption systems: slip-stream will typically handle 20 to 30%
of the circulating solution. [Small plants
 Filter elements used in amine systems may actually be designed to handle 100%
should be constructed with a filter of the circulating/recirculating amine
media that contains fixed controlled solution.] HE/HC filters are equally
pore sizes. applicable to absorptive liquids that are not
based on amines.
 Beta ratios provide a profile of a filter’s
efficiency at different micron levels. It is important that gas plant operators also
recognize the importance of mechanical
 A portable test stand unit should be filtration in non-amine systems like those
used to provide on-site solutions for using glycol ethers or other solvents.
specific filtration problems. These are usually organic solvents with
equipment arranged in a variety of flow
 Total filtration operating cost must schemes and using solvents that act similar
include: equipment depreciation, filter to amines in their absorptive
element cost, labor cost for element characteristics. Such solvents may offer
change out, and element disposal cost. focused removal of carbonyl sulfide,
mercaptans, hydrogen cyanide, carbon
 A filter element’s Alpha Factor (Å) is dioxide, metal carbonyls or other
easy to calculate. The lowest Alpha compounds. Some of these absorbents
Factor results in the lowest filtration are chemically inert and not subject to
cost. degradation, but they still must be properly
mechanically filtered to maintain
 An increase in effective surface area or absorbency. They can still experience
a reduction in flow rate will result in a foaming problems exacerbated by the pres-
significant increase in filter life. ence if fine particulates.

 Fluid quality is an important aspect of Finally, operators should recognize that an

operating an amine system. Operators activated carbon filter is critical to some
should be able to test for fluid quality operations to remove minute quantities of
online or by using a representative chemicals that cause foaming or for other
sample. reasons. But -- the activated carbon filter
bed introduces finely divided carbon fines
 HE/HC filtration technology reduces into the train. So, under normal conditions,
filtration costs – both capital costs and the cartridge filter is placed downstream of
maintenance costs – and is applicable the carbon unit in order to facilitate the
to both retrofit and in new construction. removal of those carbon fines.

Cartridge filtration, integrated with Foam control is a constant battle in amine

activated carbon filter/polishing, will processing facilities. Adding a foam control
continue to be the basic separation agent is expensive, and in some cases
operation in amine absorption systems. possibly would be unnecessary if the plant
Most large-scale gas processing
filter was doing its job properly. It has been problems. One might suggest that the age
proven that fine particulates, when not and experience of plant personnel plays a
removed from the amine solution, actually role in a plant’s ability to function properly.
exacerbate foam production. The However, when it comes to filtration,
presence of solids stabilize foam. It is neither the old timer nor the novice have
important that these solids be removed. been properly schooled in how filtration
Symptoms of problems include: technology dramatically affects overall
overloading of gas knockout vessels, plant performance and overall plant
decreased flow rates and cause pump cavi- economics.
tations. While some foam can be
expected in normal operations, in a really
bad foaming incident, the tower will actually
be filled with foam and foam will carry over
into downstream equipment. While
foaming can be tied to improper gas
velocity in the unit, foam is almost always
initiated by some type of a contaminant that
can often be removed by proper
filtration. Foam affects absorbency, and
some suggest that it can add to amine
degradation. Amine degradation means
that the amine molecule breaks down into
components that no longer absorb H2S (or
other gases such as carbon dioxide).
Degradation should be determined by
using chromatography in lieu of wet
titration. The chemistry of degradation and
its causes deserves close attention by a
plant’s industrial chemist, to include a
maintenance look at how oxygen sources
and acid sources are entering into the
amine system. Oxygen and acid lead to
degradation. For example, an amine
coupled to an acid form an amine salt.

Heat stable amine salts add to a plant’s

operational problems including corrosion
and high solvent (amine) loses. While
these stability problems might be more
common in amine units tied to refineries, it
is important to understand that these salts
(as many as ten types) have a significant
negative impact on overall alkanolamine
gas processing economics.

Ironically, simple operational changes in

filter operations can alleviate bigger

The process of removing hydrogen sulfide the absorber-contact tower, nor to (2) hot
(H2S) from natural gas effectively means acid gas. The principles of filtration,
that the equipment must deal with sulfuric therefore, become similar to standard liquid
acid (H2SO4) or other sulfur-acids within the filtration.
system. This is because there is always
some moisture present that allows H2S or Liquid Filtration is the process of
other sulfur compounds to form acid. This separating suspended particles from a
is also why H2S itself is referred to as “acid liquid by passing the stream through a
gas”. permeable medium. Dissolved solids
generally cannot be removed by filtration
As a consequence, amine absorption and without some form of pretreatment. Filter
regeneration equipment is exposed to bags and filter cartridges are typically used
corrosive and oxidizing conditions. to remove particles that range in size
Coupled with dirt or foreign particulates in between 0.5 and 70 microns. A micron
the natural gas, the conventional amines represents a dimension of 0.001
unit experiences the buildup of black millimeters or 0.000039 inches. As an
sulfides and oxides and other particulates example of size, the smallest particle that
that must be removed in order to assure can be seen by the unaided eye is 40
proper operation of the absorber and other microns in diameter.
equipment. The fine black particulates that
form in the system loop must be removed Basic Filtration Process
by filtration.
The basic mechanisms of filtration are
The fine-particulate filter is normally placed inertial impaction, diffusional interception
in a slipstream loop around the cooler and direct interception. Since the density
pump that carries regenerated/reclaimed of a particle is typically closer to that of a
amine back to the absorber-contact tower. liquid rather than that of a gas, direct
This placement means that the filter is not interception is the desired mechanism for
exposed to (1) the heat of absorption from separating articles from liquids.
By combining the direct interception mech- these two types of medium is important in
anism with particle bridging theory, we are predicting how each of these filters will
able to explain why filter medium with spe- perform during the filtration process.
cific size pores or openings are able to cap-
ture particles with smaller Non-fixed random pore size medium filters
diameters than those of the pores. such as felts, woven yarns, packed
According to classic bridging theory, a fiberglass are constructed of media that
stable bridge will form over a pore if two or contain pores of various dimensions that
more particles with diameters at least one can enlarge as flow rate and differential
half that of the pore diameter contact the pressure changes. These types of filters
opening at the same time. This newly are subject to particle unloading,
formed bridge contains even smaller pores channeling, and media migration.
that in turn capture smaller particles.
Fixed controlled pore size medium filters
are constructed in a manner that prevents
the pores from enlarging under pressure
and flow changes. Although these filters
contain pores of varying sizes, their overall
pore structure is controlled during the man-
ufacturing process to assure
quantitative removal of particles larger than
a given size. With this type of filter, any
particles released during impulse
conditions should be smaller than those
designated by its removal rating.
Under certain conditions, collected particles
can be released from the filter medium and Removal Ratings
pass downstream. Variations in flow rates
and pressure surges are common causes Various systems for rating filter removal
of particle release. Even under ideal flow efficiency exist today. Two of the most
conditions, filters can release particles if common are the Nominal Rating and the
their medium structure is subject to pore Absolute Rating systems. Unfortunately,
enlargement. This is a typical occurrence each manufacturer is free to utilize
in string wound filters and low density felt variations of the different testing
bags whose pore sizes change in response procedures to assign the Nominal or
to increased pressure. The best filters are Absolute Ratings of their specific filters.
designed with filter medium that have fixed
pore structures that are not affected by var- A Nominal Filter Rating is generally defined
iations in pressure and flow rate. as an arbitrary micron value based upon
the particle removal by weight of some
Filter Types percentage of all particles of a given size or
larger. Common percentages used by var-
The most commonly used filters in amine ious manufacturers include 98%, 95%, and
filtration can be classified as having either 90%. This rating system bases results on
a non-fixed random pore size medium or a gravimetric testing rather than actual parti-
fixed controlled pore size medium. cle counting. Problems associated with the
Understanding the differences between Nominal Rating system include a poorly
defined test procedure, removal Absolute Rating of a filter and their choice
percentages may vary with manufacturer, may vary with manufacturers. However, in
test data is not usually reproducible, and it all tests, the filters are subjected to a
is not uncommon to find downstream particle challenge by pumping a known
particles larger than the micron rating of the contaminant through the filter and
filter. measuring upstream and downstream
particle counts. Only fixed controlled pore
An Absolute Filter Rating is generally size medium filters can have an Absolute
defined as the diameter of the largest hard Rating.
spherical particle that will pass through the
filter under specific test conditions. Several
recognized tests exist for establishing the

Beta Ratios

Beta ratios were originally developed for evaluating the performance of hydraulic and
lubricating oil filters. Today, these ratios can be very useful in measuring and predicting
the performance of Absolute Rated filters under specific test conditions in a variety of liquids.

] x 100

The Beta ratio concept involves measuring total particle counts at several different micron
levels in both the influent and effluent streams. These counts provide a profile of the filter
efficiency at the different micron levels and can be plotted as a Beta curve for the given filter.

Without testing different filter elements under actual operating conditions, it is difficult to
make a proper filter choice. But, this type of testing can be expensive.

However, a less expensive alternative involves using a portable test stand that is designed
to provide on-site custom engineered solutions for specific fluid filtration problems. This unit
assures the proper selection of filter medium for the desired level of filtration. It can then be
used to determine the proper pre-filtration medium, if any, that will optimize filter life while
minimizing filtration costs.


Test Stand

Overall filtration cost must include the capital cost of the equipment as well as the daily cost
of operating and maintaining the system. Although most people usually understand the cap-
ital cost of the equation, many do not fully comprehend the costs associated with daily oper-
ation and maintenance. Operating and maintenance costs include: cost of the filter
element; cost of labor installing and changing out the element; and cost of disposing of the
element. This latter cost is very high if the material is toxic or hazardous. An example of
calculating monthly operating cost follows on the next page.

Housing contains 120 filters costing $9.00 each.

Housing depreciation is $400.00 per month.
Filters are changed twice a month. Change out takes 4 hours.
Labor cost is $25.00 per hour.
Disposal cost is $4.00 per filter

Calculating monthly operating cost:

Depreciation $ 400.00
Filter cost (120 x 9 x 2) 2,160.00
Labor cost (4 x 25 x 2) 200.00
Disposal cost (120 x 4 x 2) 960.00

Total Monthly Operating Cost = $3,720.00


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