Section II - Terms of Reference
Section II - Terms of Reference
Section II - Terms of Reference
Project: 130144
Improving the Sustainability and Inclusiveness of the Ethiopian Coffee Value Chain
through Private and Public Partnership
1. Project Context
Project Summary/Project Purpose>
The Ethiopian coffee sector, is very important for the country and for its economic
development due to: (i) as a major source of cash income and provider of employment, it
supports millions of farming families (those estimated as dependent on coffee
production and marketing for livelihood are about 4 million) and, (ii) coffee is the first
item in terms of income generated from export with a share of about 25 per cent. The
coffee sector can contribute to the growth of the industrial sector share in the national
GDP, owing to its high potential of creating industrial roasting capacity that, at present,
is rather marginal.
Although the Ethiopian Government has implemented important reforms, such as the
introduction of the Ethiopian Commodity Exchange for grading and auctioning, the
problems of the sector need to be tackled through a “value chain” approach. In this
regard, to increase the social, environmental and economic sustainability of the coffee
value chain and its export revenue requires an integrated yet modular value chain
approach focusing on: (i) increase in productivity and sustainability, (ii) improvement of
quality, (iii) increase export and, (iv) recognition in international markets of the intrinsic
qualities of the Ethiopian Arabica coffee. Increasing production is important, but the real
asset of the Ethiopian coffee resides in its quality that, by obtaining premium prices,
could allow avoiding the competition with the “coffee giants”, like Brazil and Vietnam.
Some activities with regard to the sustainability and quality of the coffee value chain will
be performed in cooperation with IllyCaffè as an example of PPP. The specific objective
is to increase the coffee export revenues. This will help to reach the General Objective of
raising the income of smallholder farmers. Poor smallholder farmers and their families,
including women, will be the main beneficiaries of the Project.
the coffee produced by their members, and to this end the Aletawondo Woreda has been
This sub-contract is aimed at implementing focused activities at farmers’ level in
Aletawondo Woreda, Sidama Zone, SNNP Region by supporting 3 coffee cooperatives,
which include 8332 smallholder coffee farmers. Considering their household members
the number of beneficiaries of this proposed intervention is almost 41600.
Aletawondo is a key coffee area where the Sidamo coffee is produced. Sidamo (named
after the Sidama Zone in Southern Ethiopia) is one of Ethiopia’s most distinctive coffees,
accounting for more than two-thirds of Ethiopia’s washed coffee output and it
consistently receives some of the highest price premiums (see chart below).
Coffee production in Sidama Zone is entirely from smallholder farmers. The majority of
Sidama’s coffee exports is washed coffee. 20% is processed by cooperatives and
marketed by the Sidama Coffee Farmers Cooperative Union (SCFCU). The remainder
(about 80%) of washed Sidamo coffee is processed by privately-owned wet mills and
traded through the Ethiopia Commodity Exchange (ECX).
2. Objectives of the present sub-contract
The general objective of the present sub-contract is to increase income, deriving from
coffee production of smallholder farmers associated to 3 selected cooperatives
(Homacho Waheno, Gerbicho Lela and Titira) in the Woreda of Aletawondo, Sidama
Zone, SNNP Region.
The specific objective is to increase value of coffee produced by the cooperatives for
export through an increase of yield and quality of the coffee and through the improved
international recognition of Sidamo coffee quality.
The sub-contractor will work in close cooperation with the UNIDO National Technical
Advisor and the UNIDO National Project Coordinator, under the supervision of the
Project Manager. All the activities carried out by the sub-contractor will be directly
supervised by UNIDO team and verified according to the indicators and the means of
verification provided in the attached logical framework. The subcontractor is expected
to provide his services in order to reach the following outputs:
Wet mill operation training and coaching will support wet mill cooperative leaders and
staff to develop skills in business planning, machine operations, quality control,
inventory management, financial management, audit standards, labour management and
coffee marketing. Higher prices, achieved by improved quality and efficiency, will enable
wet mills to pay higher prices to farmer suppliers, pay off other debts early and invest in
new equipment to boost production capacity. Better-managed wet mills will improve
services to existing members and attracting new ones to join. Cutting costs and boosting
quality at the wet mills will result in increased prices to farmers. When farmers get more
money for their coffee, they gain the opportunity to enter into a virtuous cycle of
increased investment and increased returns. The wet mill is the catalyst in this regard:
coffee quality can be improved (even while farm agronomy is still poor) and this brings
higher prices to farmers.
A focus on the assistance on improving governance will be given in support of
Cooperatives and to the Union to roll-out Transparency Sheets that summarize key
financial results for wet mills and benchmark against industry best practice and average
results. Transparency Sheet accuracy is maintained through reviews by the farmers and
cooperatives and comparison with external financial audits.
The sub-contractor and each cooperative will sign a Client Assistance Agreement, which
outlines the roles and expected level of engagement as well as a customized support
plan. The Sidama Union, to which all Sidama cooperatives belong, will also sign this
The sub-contractor will deliver a series of trainings and provide on-the-job technical
assistance to improve operations, quality, and sustainability. More specifically the sub-
contractor will conduct the following activities:
Output 2) Leaders of farmers’ groups are capable to apply and
disseminate best agronomic practices at coffee farm level and the 3
selected cooperatives are capable to directly provide extensions
1) Identification of natural leaders amongst the farmers’ groups that can host
demonstration plots in their farms where best agronomic practices in coffee farm
management are put in place and followed up;
3) Provision of 6 trainings on best agronomic practice that will benefit the leaders of
the farmers’ groups (corresponding at least to the 10 % of the total cooperative
members); the full training course called “Coffee Farm Training Programme” will be
delivered in the demonstration plots, in a set of 6 modules about:
4) Implementation of the practical exercises related to the “Coffee Farm Training
Programme” that will benefit the leaders of the farmers’ groups (corresponding at
least to the 10 % of the total cooperative members) on a weekly base.
5) Implementation of a follow up methodology that aims at verifying that the leaders
disseminate the acquired knowledge “Coffee Farm Training Programme” to the
farmers’ members of their respective groups.
6) Establishment of cooperative provision centres for agronomic inputs delivery,
implementing a distribution mechanisms of availing agronomic inputs and other
farm implements (such as organic fertilizers, bow saw, pruning shear and coffee
cherry drying materials-mesh wire as well plastic and jute sheets);
Cooperative unions play a critical role in Ethiopia’s coffee market system. They provide
secondary processing of washed coffee—referred to as dry milling— and hold the legal
permits to execute the sales contracts with international buyers and export the coffee.
Primary coffee cooperatives hold membership of cooperative unions. In Aletawondo,
Sidama Coffee Farmers’ Cooperative Union (SCFCU) is the union that provides this
support, the Union currently exports the coffee processed by the cooperatives and
facilitate working capital financing and provides high level support in sustainable
practices. However, the Union can do more by providing a closer day-to-day support and
follow up of the cooperative. Therefore, at Union level, the Sub-contractor is expected to
carry out the following activities:
1) Assistance to the SCFCU for their provision of credit to the selected cooperatives
for the improvement of their wet mills;
2) Analysis of the possibility for the Union to apply for a credit guarantee scheme;
3) Provision of 2 trainings and technical assistance to the Sidama Union in order to
apply for a guarantee scheme;
4) Provision of 2 trainings and technical assistance to the Sidama Union aimed at
establishing a specialized and standardized agronomy support programme for all
the associated cooperatives aimed at quality control;
5) Support to the Sidama Union with IT tools to guarantee an efficient monitoring of
the primary cooperatives’ operations.
4. Methodology
Over the period of technical assistance, the sub-contractor will regularly convene local
stakeholders and local institutions to share experiences, ensure engagement and drive
replication of the program’s approach by others.
Simultaneously, the cooperatives can make big steps towards improving sustainability –
environmental, social and economic. Some of the biggest sustainability needs are shown
in the below chart (it should be noted that the “casual labor” is composed manly by
women employed on a temporary base due to the seasonal characteristics of the work in
the washing stations).
The cooperatives will be supported in upgrading their old machine into modern and eco-
friendly machine; the sub-contractor will work with UNIDO, Banks and the Union to
facilitate financing for the investment.
The activities in this TOR shall be finalized no later than 12 months after the contract is
awarded. The contract then could be renovated for additional 12 months and, possibly,
for a wider number of cooperatives.
According to the expected outputs, it is possible to envisage the following results:
Output Indicators
e) Gender baseline data are collected.
The activities in this sub-contract shall be completed no later than 12 months from the
date the contract’s award. The selected sub-contractor assigned to this project must
meet the following minimum requirements:
7. Reporting
1) One Inception Report indicating the timing for the preparation of the action plan
(after 3 weeks from the date of contract award );
2) Ten monthly reports with the progress of the activities;
3) One interim progress report after six months from the date of contract award;
4) One draft final report (after 3 weeks from the completion of the activities)
5) One final report after all comments received from UNIDO (1 week after the receipt of
the comments).
All documents will be provided to UNIDO with 1 electronic copy, consisting of the
following electronic files:
1) PDF file
2) Original work files (WORD, POWER POINT, EXCEL, etc.).
3) Photographs
The electronic copy can be provided via e-mail, if the nature and size of the files make it
possible. All deliverables and related documents will be provided in English.
8. Language Requirements
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