Problems-Chapter-5 - Contents

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Problems Chapter 5 – OP-AMP

1. For the op amp circuit of Fig, the op amp has an open-loop gain of 100,000, an input
resistance of 10kΩ and an output resistance of 100Ω. Find the voltage gain v0/vi using the
non ideal model of the op amp

2. The op amp in Fig. has Ri = 100 kΩ, Ro =100Ω , A= 100,000. Find the differential
voltage vd and the output voltage v0

3. Obtain vo for each of the op amp circuits in Fig

4. Find the gain vo/vs of the circuit in Fig.

5. Using Fig, design a problem to help other students better understand how ideal op amps

Chapter -5 – Pages-1
6. Calculate the voltage ratio vo/vs for the op amp circuit of Fig. Assume that the op amp is

7. Find vo and io in the circuit of Fig

8. Determine the output voltage vo in the circuit of Fig.

Chapter -5 – Pages-2
9. (a) Determine the ratio vois in the op amp circuit of Fig.
(b) Evaluate the ratio for R1 = 20kΩ, R2 = 25kΩ, R3 = 40 kΩ.

10. Using Fig, design a problem to help students better understand inverting op amps

11. Calculate the gain vo/vi when the switch in Fig is in: (a) position 1 (b) position 2 (c)
position 3

Chapter -5 – Pages-3
12. For the circuit shown in Figure, solve for the Thevenin equivalent circuit looking into
terminals A and B.

13. Determine io in the circuit of Fig

14. In the circuit of Fig, calculate vo of vs = 2 V

15. Calculate vo in the op amp circuit of Fig

Chapter -5 – Pages-4
16. For the op amp circuit in Fig, find the voltage gain vo/vs

17. In the circuit shown in Fig, find k in the voltage transfer function vo = kvs.

18. Calculate vo in the op amp circuit of Fig

Chapter -5 – Pages-5
19. Using Fig. design a problem to help other students better understand noninverting op amps

20. Find vo in the op amp circuit of Fig

21. Find io in the op amp circuit of Fig

22. Determine the voltage gain vo/vi of the op amp circuit in Fig

Chapter -5 – Pages-6
23. In the circuit shown in Fig, find ix and the power absorbed by the 20-kΩ resistor

24. For the circuit in Fig find ix.

25. Calculate ix and vo in the circuit of Fig. Find the power dissipated by the 60-kΩ resistor.

Chapter -5 – Pages-7
26. Refer to the op amp circuit in Fig. Calculate ix and the power absorbed by the 3-kΩ

27. Given the op amp circuit shown in Fig, express vo in terms of v1 and v2.

28. For the circuit shown in Fig. find the Thevenin equivalent at terminals a-b. (Hint: To find
RTh, apply a current source io and calculate vo.)

29. Show that the output voltage vo of the circuit in Fig is

Chapter -5 – Pages-8
30. The circuit in Fig. is for a difference amplifier. Find vo given that v1 = 1V and v2 = 2V

31. Using Fig. design a problem to help other students better understand cascaded op amps

Chapter -5 – Pages-9

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