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The benefit of continental flood early

warning systems to reduce the impact

of flood disasters
An assessment for Europe
and an outlook for Africa
J. Thielen-del Pozo, V. Thiemig, F. Pappenberger,
B. Revilla-Romero, P. Salamon, T. De Groeve and
F. Hirpa


EUR 27533 EN
This publication is a Science for Policy report by the Joint Research Centre, the European Commission’s in-house science
service. It aims to provide evidence-based scientific support to the European policy-making process.
The scientific output expressed does not imply a policy position of the European Commission. Neither the European Commission
nor any person acting on behalf of the Commission is responsible for the use which might be made of this publication.

JRC Science Hub


EUR 27533 EN

PDF ISBN 978-92-79-52768-5 ISSN 1831-9424 doi:10.2788/46941 LB-NA-27533-EN-N

Print ISBN 978-92-79-52767-8 ISSN 1018-5593 doi:10.2788/624063 LB-NA-27533-EN-C

© European Union, 2015

Reproduction is authorised provided the source is acknowledged.

How to cite: J. Thielen-del Pozo, V. Thiemig, F. Pappenberger, B. Revilla-Romero, P. Salamon, T. De Groeve and F. Hirpa; The
benefit of continental flood early warning systems to reduce the impact of flood disasters; EUR 27533 EN; doi:10.2788/46941

All images © European Union 2015

Benefit of continental flood early warning systems to reduce the impact of flood disasters ]
 When flood events are extreme or affect regions of high vulnerability, they can become life threatening and devastating.
They can also interrupt supply chains and cause significant socio-economic impacts worldwide.
 The EU has implemented a comprehensive policy framework to reduce flood impacts in the EU and worldwide.
 The JRC supports the EU policies on civil protection, disaster risk reduction and adaptation to climate change with state of
the art European and global flood early warning systems. It manages the Copernicus Emergency Management Service.
 A study on the monetary benefit of flood early warning systems in Europe suggest major savings can be achieved.
 The recently launched Global Flood Partnership, co-chaired by JRC, fosters transfer of knowledge from the EU to
developing countries and aid organisations.

This report summarises current European policies in place to deal with flooding in the different phases of the disaster
management cycle. A description of the development of pan-European flood early warning capability (EFAS) is provided as well
as how the system fits into the responsibility chain between national services and EU civil protection. An estimate of the
potential monetary benefit of EFAS in Europe is clearly indicates the added value. It further addresses gaps of such systems in
other regions such as Africa and demonstrates how methodology of EU systems could be transferred for better preparedness
for flooding in vulnerable regions. The recently launched Global Flood Partnership shows great potential to facilitate such
Table of Contents

1. Executive Summary .................................................................................................................................... 5

2. Flooding – a shared problem and a problem for sharing ............................................................. 7
2.1. Direct and indirect impacts 9
2.2. Trans-national river basins – more vulnerable than non-shared basins? 10
2.3. What is the objective of this report? 10
3. Dealing with floods in a holistic way from a policy point of view ......................................... 12
3.1. Flood Prevention: 12
3.2. Flood Preparedness 13
3.3. Flood Response 14
3.4. Flood Recovery 14
4. The European Flood Awareness Systems (EFAS) ........................................................................ 16
4.1. State of the art, data and technology 16
4.2. Effective transnational flood forecasting for EU and National services 17
4.3. EFAS information flow and interaction with Member State organisations 18
4.4. The 2014 Balkan flood event - An example of EU services working hand in hand
with national services 21
4.5. An estimation of the monetary benefit of flood early warning in Europe 23
5. Partnerships – key for sharing knowledge on flood risk management ............................... 27
5.1. The EU-Africa Strategic Partnership 27
5.2. Bridging science, policy and stakeholders - the Global Flood Partnership 32
5.2.1. Joining forces 32
5.2.2. Sharing information – the Malawi case study 33
6. Conclusions ................................................................................................................................................. 37
7. References ................................................................................................................................................... 40
8. Links .............................................................................................................................................................. 41

AFFS African Flood Forecasting System

CECIS Common Emergency Communication and Information System
Copernicus EU Space programme
DFO Dartmouth Flood Observatory
ECMWF European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts
EFAS European Flood Awareness System
EM-DAT Emergency Events Database created and maintained by CRED
EMS Emergency Management Service (of Copernicus)
ERCC Emergency Response Coordination Centre
EERC European Emergency Response Capacity
GFDS Global Flood Detection System
GFP Global Flood Partnership
GloFAS Global Flood Awareness System
GRDC Global Runoff Data Centre
HEPEX The Hydrologic Ensemble Prediction Experiment
NHS National Hydrological Services
UNISDR United Nations International Strategy for Disaster Reduction
WFP World Food Programme
WMO World Meteorological Organisation
1. Executive Summary

Flooding is a natural phenomenon humans have to cope with since the first settlements. In regions
with strong seasonal rainfall patterns, floods have often become an integral part of agricultural
activity. But when the events become extreme or hit locations of high vulnerability, then floods can
be life threatening and devastating. Important - and potentially long-lasting - socio-economic
consequences can be felt at local, national but also international level as with increasing
globalisation, interruptions in the supply chains anywhere in the world can propagate through entire
production chains. The negative consequences of flooding can be tackled at different phases of the
disaster risk management cycle – in the preparedness, preparation, crisis response, and recovery
phase. Better coordination of actions along these phases on local, national and international level
will contribute to a reduction of negative impacts of flood events.

Bakker (2009) has found that flooding in trans-national river basins globally account for about 30%
of the casualties and almost 60% of all people affected. This report focuses on the impacts of
flooding in Europe and Africa as representative examples of a developed and a developing
continent being exposed to floods.

Europe is recurrently affected by severe flood events with trans-national events often being the
most damaging ones. Over the past years, a comprehensive policy framework has been put in place
to improve flood risk management holistically and to complement national and bi-lateral efforts to
overall reduce the impact of flooding. The framework addresses prevention measures at basin scale,
improved preparedness at national as well as EU level, coordinated crisis response across the EU, as
well as solidarity across the EU in the recovery phase. Policies include the Floods Directive (DIR
2007/60/EC), the EU Strategy on adaptation to climate change (COM (2013) 216), the Union Civil
Protection Mechanism (DEC 1313/2013), the COPERNICUS programme (REG 377/2014), and the
EU Solidarity Fund (REG 661/2014).

One of the measures at European scale is the successful development and implementation of the
European Flood Awareness System (EFAS) which was launched in 2003 (COM2002/481) as one of
the instruments to improve preparedness for floods within the national services, as well as the
European Civil Protection through pan-European monitoring and forecasting. EFAS is fully
operational since 2012 as the first early warning system of the Copernicus Emergency Management

The benefit of EFAS in conjunction with other EU mechanisms such as the Emergency Response
Coordination Centre and the Copernicus Emergency Management Service – Mapping, as well as
national flood forecasting services is illustrated at the example of the Balkan 2014 floods. The
developments in Europe have shown that the combination of flood reduction policy, advanced early
warning technology, and increased international collaboration have high potential to reduce flood
risk and to improve disaster response. The monetary benefit of flood early warning in Europe has
been assessed using EFAS as a reference system, taking into account different factors including
different flood protection scenarios. Results show that flood early warning systems in Europe have
the potential of reducing the costs of flood damages by about 25%, saving an estimated 30,000
million EUR over the next 20 years.

With EFAS, it has been demonstrated that operating continental flood forecasting systems is
feasible and, more importantly, beneficial for national hydrological services, civil protection, and
aid management at the same time. Based on methodologies and concepts developed for EFAS, the
JRC has set-up and tested also an African Flood Forecasting System. Due to the limited availability
of observational in situ data for setting up, running and validating the results both for historic or
real-time data, satellite rainfall data have been used to test the performance of the African system.
Applying the system in hindcast mode using the same weather prediction inputs as EFAS, the
system has produced promising results.

Finally, since flooding is a global issue with many different facets to be dealt with on local,
regional, national, and trans-national level and across various sectors, single authorities cannot
tackle the complexity of flooding alone in sufficient detail. Therefore, the JRC initiated a Global
Flood Partnership (GFP) as a multi-disciplinary group of scientists, operational agencies, and flood
risk managers focused on developing efficient and effective tools applicable on global scale that can
address these challenges. The GFP which has been launched in March 2014 (De Groeve et al, 2015)
is briefly described and its potential demonstrated with a concrete example for the Malawi 2015
flood event.
2. Flooding – a shared problem and a problem for sharing

An analysis on flood records retrieved from various disaster archives, e.g. of the Dartmouth Flood
Observatory (DFO) 1 or the EM-DAT International Disaster Database 2 shows that flooding is a
global phenomenon which can take place almost anywhere in the world. The DFO archive recorded
a total of 3713 large flood events worldwide from 1985 to 2010 (Figure 1), and it keeps actively
reporting floods.

Figure 1: Geographic Centers of flooded areas in the Dartmouth Flood Archive GIS file covering
the period from 1985-2010 [from G.R.Brakenridge, "Global Active Archive of Large Flood
Events", Dartmouth Flood Observatory, University of Colorado,]

Between 1980 and 2013, the EM-DAT database recorded 2369 riverine floods3 worldwide with
2430 million people being affected, 117,000 dead and estimated economic damages to property,
crops, and livestock of US$ 487 billion (Table 1). Of those riverine flood events, 328 and 542
occurred in Europe and Africa, respectively, and affected 8.4 and 50 million people causing an
estimated economic damage of US$87 billion and US$6 billion.

Table 1 and Error! Reference source not found. illustrate how the number of reported flood
vents has been developing over the last three decades (1980 to 2013). Although the increasing
tendency may be partially explained by the higher number of reporting due to increasing
availability of media, there is also some evidence that the actual number of events has augmented.
According to an analysis of MunichRe in 20134, the “frequency of flood events in Germany and
central Europe has increased by a factor of two since 1980”. The same tendency has also been
confirmed for the global scale, while Africa stands out with an increase by a factor of four. During

Dartmouth Flood Observatory, University of Colorado,
Inland flooding in rivers excluding excluding flash floods, coastal floods and flooding due to dam failure. For a
disaster to be recorded at least one of the following criteria must be fulfilled: Ten or more people reported killed;
hundred or more people reported affected; declaration of a state of emergency and/or call for international assistance.
the time span, there has been a peak in occurrences from 2000 to 2010 globally, although with
regional differences (Error! Reference source not found.).

Table 1: Occurrence of riverine floods and corresponding estimated damages

Global Europe Africa

Occurrences Estimated Occurrences Estimated Occurrences Estimated
damage damage damage
in million in million In million
1980-1989 129 10,955 135 3086 20 7856
1990-1999 464 168,380 83 24,663 73 6247
2000-2010 1218 121,899 173 31,741 296 2499

1980-2010 1811 301,234 269 59,490 389 3908

1980-2013 2369 486,940 328 87,403 542 5915

Reported Riverine Flood Occurrences








global Europe Africa Linear (global) Linear (Europe) Linear (Africa)

Figure 2 Number of reported riverine flood occurrences from 1980 to 2013 globally as well as for
Europe and Africa

The increasing trend in number of occurrences has been additionally confirmed by the Fifth
Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC, 2013) which
suggests that due to climate change, heavy precipitation events have already increased in frequency
and intensity, and in higher rainfall accumulations over land in the recent decades, and that this
trend is likely to continue in mid-latitudes and over tropical regions.

According to the United Nations International Strategy for Disaster Reduction (UNISDR) and
statistics from insurance companies, the socio-economic impact of floods has been increasing
globally at a disturbing rate in the recent years.

No data for 1981 and 1986
Data records not complete with the years 1980-1984 and 1986 missing
No data for 1991
Figure illustrates the annual costs of the flood events. Certain events appear particularly costly,
with the highest costs having been reported within the last decade. However, JRC researchers have
shown that damage reporting can differ considerably from country to country and agency to agency
and therefore contains a lot of uncertainty (De Groeve et al., 2013). Therefore, it would have to be
investigated further if there are hidden trends in the way damages are being reported before drawing
conclusions from these numbers. Research findings from Jongman et al. (2014) for Europe suggests
that effects of climate change could translate into extreme flood losses doubling in frequency by
2050 when taking into account the combined effects of climate change and socio-economic

The two main driving factors for this trend appear to be the increasing population and urbanization
with subsequent changes in land use on the one hand, and changes in the frequency and intensity of
events due to a changing climate on the other hand.

Reported Damages for Riverine Floods

Damage in '000 USD (Africa and

20000000 80000000

Damage in '000 USD (global)

15000000 60000000

5000000 0
0 -20000000

Europe Africa global Linear (Europe) Linear (Africa) Linear (global)

Figure 3: Total reported damage resulting from riverine floods from 1980 to 2014 as recorded in
the EM-DAT data base. For each disaster, the number corresponds to the damage value at the
moment of the event, i.e. the numbers correspond to the individual years.

2.1. Direct and indirect impacts

The direct and indirect impacts of natural disasters such as floods can be manifold and extend over
various time scales. During the event human lives and properties are at risk, and civil protection
measures primarily aim at protecting people, their homes, and critical infrastructure on the short
term. Damage to transport networks, including harbours and airports as well as energy grid
infrastructure, can produce medium- to long-term interruptions with negative consequences for the
competitiveness of the local, regional, and national industries. Further, floods often overwhelm
sewers as well as waste water treatment plants, causing the spillage of (partially) raw waters into the
environment. This henceforth leads to the contamination of drinking water facilities, cutting many
people during and after flood events off from clean drinking-water supplies, and creating preferable
conditions for water- and vector-borne diseases, which cause most of the death toll of flooding.
Furthermore, the release of toxic agents such as gasoline, pesticides, detergents and paints into the
environment peaks during flood events, causing contaminations with long-lasting adverse effects
for the whole environment. Insurances can recover some of the costs caused by floods – if available
and if coverage is sufficient.
As a further downstream effect with medium- to long-term consequences, the direct damages can
result in lack of confidence of the markets with subsequent retreat of investors8, and thus leading to
considerable indirect damages. For example, following the Thailand flood in 2011 more than
13,000,000 people were affected, and several factories damaged by the flooding had to close down.
This resulted in a rise in unemployment, subsequent reduction of investors, and retreat of insurance
companies, all of which slowed down the recovery of the region considerably after the disaster.
Furthermore, the negative effects on tourism, contributed to slowing down the recovery of the
country as a whole9.

In a globalised world where industries and businesses are interconnected across the globe, it is very
likely that the impact of such major disasters does not remain restricted to local and national
industries, infrastructures, and local communities, but that the effects can spread quickly to other
parts of the world and interrupt business processes, supply chains, and resources with long-term
effects9. Obtaining an overview on locations potentially threatened by major flooding within a time
span that allows taking precautionary measures at corporate level is therefore not only important for
those countries directly exposed to the risk of being flooded, and international aid organisations but
all businesses and industries which may suffer from indirect consequences.

2.2. Trans-national river basins – more vulnerable than non-shared basins?

In a comprehensive analysis of floods statistics based on the EM-DAT and Dartmouth Flood
Observatory databases for the years 1985 to 2005, Bakker (2009) has shown that 75% of countries
affected by riverine flooding share this event with other countries, and that flooding in trans-
national river basins globally account for about 30% of the casualties and almost 60% of all people
affected. In particular, Bakker showed that “Asia and Africa have seen the most trans-boundary
floods, which resulted in the largest number of affected people. North America experienced the
fewest number of trans-boundary floods and had the lowest scores for all three variables. Europe
had the second highest quantity of trans-boundary floods, but the second lowest number of
casualties” (Bakker, 2009, p279).

One of the reasons may be that flood preparedness and prevention actions are rarely dealt with in
terms of natural boundaries, i.e. river basin scale, but on administrative boundaries such as country,
regional authorities, etc. However, floods are produced through processes taking place upstream,
and measures introduced take effect downstream. It is therefore important that the entire river basin
is considered when planning “hard flood prevention measures” such as reservoirs, retention areas,
polders, dykes, or “soft flood adaptation measures” such as forecasting systems. Only if all
information from upstream is included, crisis management and planning of aid can be done
effectively and deployed where it is needed most.

2.3. What is the objective of this report?

The objective of this report is first to illustrate at the example of Europe which policy steps can be
put in place to deal with flooding in a holistic way on basin-level. Second, it will be illustrated how
the introduction of EU-wide policies as well as the development of an operational pan-European
flood awareness system in addition to existing national systems has provided a framework for
dealing with trans-national river basins and flooding in a more comprehensive way than would be
possible on national level only. Improved coordination of aid on EU-level, establishment of
dialogue amongst the national hydrological services, and increased preparedness on EU, national,
and regional level has been the result with a potential of significantly reducing the monetary cost of
damages on the long term. Third, with the illustration of the pan-European policies and systems, it
is illustrated how a cascade of continental, national, and local flood monitoring and forecasting
could be established to fill existing data and information gaps, and to contribute to faster and more
efficient aid response for major flood disasters worldwide. An example for other continental
systems is illustrated for Africa which is repeatedly affected by severe trans-national flood events
(Bakker, 2009), but where gaps in national forecasting systems exist (Thiemig et al., 2011).

With flooding being a global issue, effective flood risk management may require not only
continental but also global solutions which can be developed most effectively in partnerships
allowing to work on different issues related to flood hazard, risk, and management across borders.
The Global Flood Partnership has been specifically launched to close this gap and to bring science
effectively into policy making (De Groeve et al., 2015).
3. Dealing with floods in a holistic way from a policy point of view
In order to protect our citizens, the environment, and ecosystems from any kind of adverse effects
resulting from natural disasters, appropriate disaster risk reduction policies must be in place.
Following the devastating floods affecting Europe in the 90’s in the river basins of the Rhine (1993,
1995), the Oder (1997), and in particularly the Elbe and Danube (2002), Europe recognised the
need for addressing floods - and natural disasters in general - in a comprehensive way (Figure )
along the recognised phases of the disaster management cycle: prevention, preparedness, response,
and recovery. Different policies were put in place to address the different phases. In 2009, the
European Commission adopted a Communication on a Community approach on the prevention of
natural and man-made disasters (COM(2009)82) proposing to reduce the impacts of disasters in
general through appropriate disaster prevention measures.

In the following, the most relevant EU policies with regard to flood risk management are listed. The
list may not be exhaustive and other sectorial policies may also be relevant.

3.1. Flood Prevention:

 Directive 2007/60/EC 10 , the so called Floods Directive deals with the assessment and
management of flood risk in the EU Member States. It foresees that the Member States
assess both inland waters and coastal flood risk, map flood extent, assets, and humans at
risk in these areas, and prepare full flood risk management plans including adequate and
coordinated measures to reduce this flood risk. The flood risk management plans are to take
into account long term drivers such as climate change and land use changes. In particular,
EU Member States are requested to coordinate their flood risk management practices in
shared river basins and not undertake measures that would increase the flood risk in
neighboring countries. Actions under the Floods Directive are to be coordinated with the
Water framework directive (DIR 2000/60)11.
 The EU Strategy on adaptation to climate change (COM (2013) 216) 12 aims at making
Europe more climate-resilient and enhance the preparedness and capacity of all governance
levels to respond to the impacts of climate change. The keywords for adaptation actions
include mainstreaming of climate change (mitigation and adaptation) into EU sector policies
and funds. In particular, it promotes that climate change adaptation actions must be strongly
coordinated with disaster risk management policies.
 EU risk assessment guidelines (SEC(2010) 1626 final13), published in 2010, are a follow up
of the communication on the Internal security strategy COM(2009)82 which addresses the
need for an integrated approach between security and other policies.

3.2. Flood Preparedness

 The Communication on a solidarity based initiative (COM2002/481) 14 was the EC’s

response to the Elbe and Danube flooding in 2002 launching the development of a pan-
European early warning system for floods. Following the communication, the Joint
Research Centre, in close collaboration with the Member States, started developing the
European Flood Awareness System15.
 The Floods Directive (DIR 2007/60/EC) specifically promotes flood forecasting and early
warning systems as preparedness action to be integrated in the flood risk management plans.
 Decision (DEC 1313/2013) 16 on a Union Civil Protection Mechanism states that the
Commission “contributes to the development and better integration of transnational
detection and early warning and alert systems of European interest in order to enable a
rapid response, and to promote the inter-linkage between national early warning and alert
systems, and their linkage to the ERCC and the CECIS. Those systems shall take into
account and build upon existing and future information, monitoring and detection sources
and systems”. Eligible prevention and preparedness actions “contribute to the development
of transnational detection, early warning and alert systems of European interest, in order to
enable a rapid response as well as to promote the inter-linkage between national early
warning and alert systems and their linkage to the ERCC and the CECIS”. And finally, the
decision states that “by contributing to the further development and better integration of
transnational detection and early warning and alert systems of European interest, the Union
should assist Member States in minimising the lead time to respond to disasters and to alert
Union citizens.”
 Regulation 377/201417 has brought the Copernicus Programme from an initial operations
phase (REG 911//2010, GIO 18 ) to a full operational phase. The regulation enforces
emergency management and security as one of the pillars of Copernicus. The role of the
service is “to provide information for emergency response in relation to different types of
disasters, […] as well as the prevention, preparedness, response and recovery activities”. In
fact, the Emergency Management Service was the first Copernicus service becoming
operational under GIO in 2012 with the European Flood Awareness System (EFAS). EFAS
has been developed by the European Commission’s Joint Research Centre with co-funding
from DG ECHO, DG GROW19, and the European Parliament.

Previous “European Flood Alert System”. The name was changed after francophone members of the GMES user
committee voiced concerns that the word “alert” was too close to the French terminology D“alerte” which is issued as
official warning of the national civil protection.
DG ECHO was previously DG ENV and DG GROW previously DG ENTERPRISE
3.3. Flood Response

 Decision (DEC 1313/2013)20 on a Union Civil Protection Mechanism states that coordinated
response is ensured by “a Union structure consisting of an Emergency Response
Coordination Centre (ERCC), a European Emergency Response Capacity (EERC) in the
form of a voluntary pool of pre-committed capacities from the Member States, trained
experts, a Common Emergency Communication and Information System (CECIS) managed
by the Commission and contact points in the Member States.” The development of
transnational detection, early warning and alert systems of European interest are to be
developed in order to “enable a rapid response, and to promote the inter-linkage between
national early warning and alert systems, and their linkage to the ERCC and the CECIS.”
 The COPERNICUS Emergency Management Service (see regulation 377/2014)21 provides
decision makers involved in the management of natural and human induced disasters with
geospatial information derived from satellite remote sensing and completed by available in
situ or open data sources.

3.4. Flood Recovery

 As a direct response to the 2002 flooding in Elbe and Danube, the concept of an EU
Solidarity Fund (EUSF) was adopted in 2002 22 (REG 2012/2002) and revised again in
2014 23 to financially support countries which have suffered from major disasters. The
Solidarity fund provides the European Union with an instrument to “show solidarity, send a
clear political signal and provide genuine assistance to citizens affected by major natural
disasters that have serious repercussions on economic and social development.” From 2002
to 2014, the EUSF has been activated for more than 60 disasters including floods, forest
fires, earthquakes, storms and droughts. 24 different European countries have been
supported so far for an amount of over 3.7 billion EUR24.

The different policies and mechanisms should not be seen as stand-alone applications as they often
interact. For example, the European Flood Awareness System (EFAS) whose prime use is to
strengthen the preparedness component of the EU Civil Protection mechanism also provides the
modelling framework for simulating the effects and impacts of climate change on floods in Europe.
It further enables the JRC to provide the ERCC with real-time information as well as scientific and
analytical capacity during major flood crisis. It finally also allows the JRC to assess EU solidarity
fund applications for consistency. Thus, a system such as EFAS, which has been developed
primarily to strengthen the preparedness phase, has become an important instrument also for the
other phases of the disaster management cycle as is illustrated in Figure .

Figure 4: EU policies in support to effective flood risk management. Text and arrows in red
indicate how the European Flood Awareness System, a preparedness tool, also contributes to the
other different phases of the disaster management cycle.

In summary, in addition to national policies, over the past decade the EU has put in place important
policies which contribute to improved disaster risk management throughout all steps of the
management cycle including prevention, preparedness, crisis management, and recovery phase.
4. The European Flood Awareness Systems (EFAS)

4.1. State of the art, data and technology

Flood forecasting systems are a key element of effective flood preparedness strategies and can
provide hydrological services, civil protection authorities and the public with useful information on
upcoming events – provided that the information is sufficiently informative and accurate to take
decisions/ action. A cascading information flow providing decision-makers with long-, medium-
and short-term flood forecast information with increasing accuracy can contribute to improved
planning and decision making for putting cost-effective preparedness measures into action at
different levels and points in time. Both communication and preparedness measures need to be
adapted to the lead time and the uncertainty. Monthly forecasts may result in increased attention in
the forecasting centres only, 10-15 day forecasts in discussing scenarios, 5-8 days forecasts of
verifying that local systems work, work schedules are adjusted, contingencies checked. Shorter term
forecasts may finally result in discussion with civil protection and/or information of the public.

Since rainfall is the main driver for flooding, this also means that flood forecasting depends to a
large degree on the accuracy of the meteorological forecasts. These have improved continuously in
the past few years due to satellite and remote sensing technologies collecting observational data at
very high spatial and temporal resolutions, both over land surfaces and oceans, which then can be
assimilated into modern weather forecasting models. Nevertheless, the prediction of precipitation
remains one of the biggest challenges. It has been a major achievement of science in the recent
years that across different communities – scientists, decision makers, and policy makers – it
has now been acknowledged that uncertainty in weather and flood forecasting exists and
must not be ignored but quantified for better decision making25,26. By doing this, decision
makers can be represented with a best guess forecast and the associated uncertainties. This is
very useful since it avoids false “securities” and provides better scenarios of what might
happen. Fortunately, as the events draw nearer the uncertainties greatly reduce allowing
decision makers to refine decisions.

Uncertainties in weather and subsequent flood predictions can be quantified with so-called
ensembles27. The use of ensembles has been internationally fostered by initiatives such as “The
Hydrologic Ensemble Prediction Experiment” (HEPEX28), created with the aim to investigate how
best to produce, communicate, and use hydrologic ensemble forecasts in hydrological short-,
medium- und long-term prediction of hydrological processes29. Although the scientific community
has clearly demonstrated the advantages of ensemble predictions over single, deterministic
forecasts, the use of ensembles in operational flood forecasting is only slowly developing. For
shorter lead-times when the uncertainties are smaller, many services still prefer relying on single
deterministic forecasts. Other reasons for the slow transition from deterministic to ensemble
forecasts could be computational and data availability constraints, lack of understanding and
insufficient training of staff.

Cloke, H.L., Pappenberger, F., 2009. Ensemble flood forecasting: A review. Journal of Hydrology, 375(3-4): 613-626
A number of model realisations which all provide equally possible predictions
Thielen, et al. 2008
4.2. Effective transnational flood forecasting for EU and National services

EFAS has been designed to close the gap of only partially existing probabilistic forecasting by
providing Europe-wide forecasting information with lead times up to 10 days. Such extended lead
times are particularly important for transnational river basins where coordination between
different national authorities is needed, and therefore communication pathways may be longer than
for national events (Bakker, 2006). The aim of the European system is therefore, first, to provide
the EU’s Emergency Response Coordination Centre (ERCC) with a unique and coherent overview
on ongoing and forecasted floods across Europe, and second, to provide added value, basin-wide
information to national hydrological services with the capacity to complement the national and local
flood early warning systems.

EFAS development started in 2003 in close collaboration first with the national hydrological
services and later with the European civil protection. In 2010, EFAS provided the ERCC30,31 for the
first time with an early warning for the Central European floods affecting in particular large parts of
Poland. Having been alerted by EFAS, the ERCC was able to prepare for the event and deploy aid
faster than would have been the case otherwise. Since 2010, EFAS has become a key tool for the
ERCC with regard to floods in Europe and contributes since to improved preparedness for EU aid
interventions under the Civil Protection Mechanism. It has been transferred to operations under the
umbrella of the COPERNICUS Emergency Management Service in 2012.

EFAS is described in detail in Thielen et al., (2009) and Bartholmes et al., (2009), and its skill and
performance documented in publications and bulletins32. Here the focus is to illustrate how EFAS
has been inserted as added value system into the landscape of European operational hydrological
and civil protection services.

The added value of EFAS can be summarised under four categories:

1. Increasing warning time: While national systems typically run short-term forecasts with 3-5
days lead times based on single weather forecast inputs, EFAS runs medium-range forecasts
with 10-15 days lead times. Such long lead times can only be achieved by using multiple
weather forecast inputs, obtaining probabilistic outputs. In other words, EFAS provides an
estimate of the probability that flood events occur. The performance of the system will be
dependent on the size and types of catchments. For very small, fast-responding catchments,
it is unlikely that long lead times can be achieved, while for larger scale river basins, this
might be easily achieved.

2. Providing complementary comparison data: Due to limited computing resources or other

reasons, national services often use single weather forecast inputs which are often based on
the national weather forecasts, e.g. in France the input data from Meteo France is used, in
the UK from the UK Meteorological Office, and in Germany from the German Weather
Service, etc. The dependence on a single weather forecast input can be limiting when, for
example, a particular event is not captured correctly. In this case also the flood forecasting
systems will not capture the event. EFAS uses multiple weather forecasts instead. In total,
more than 130 weather forecasts are processed on a daily basis using inputs from three
weather services, and at different spatial and temporal resolutions. Thus, through EFAS, the

At the time still called MIC, the Monitoring and Information Centre
See list on
national hydrological services can assess if their forecasts are consistent with forecasts using
different weather forecasts.

3. Providing information on river basin level: Except for the river Rhine, where an integrated
flood forecasting system exists for all countries, in Europe flood forecasting is performed in
administrative rather than river basin boundaries. Although bi-lateral exchanges exist
between upstream and downstream countries, often authorities do not have the full overview
of the flood situation upstream. This is particularly true for the river Danube which is shared
between 19 countries. Through EFAS, the national authorities can monitor what is simulated
and forecast for upstream areas.

4. Filling the gaps: In some countries national flood early warning systems do not exist, and
then EFAS is the only source of early warning information in the medium-range covering
also the short range. Furthermore, communication gaps between national authorities have
been filled through an active partner network with annual meetings. To date more than 40
partner organisations have subscribed to EFAS. All partners are invited to annual meeting to
discuss the development steps of the system, to define methodologies, colour codes, warning
messages, etc. and to review new products. In return, the partner network provides EFAS
with data and feedback.

4.3. EFAS information flow and interaction with Member State


The schematic set-up of EFAS and its interactions with the Member State organisations is
illustrated in Figure 5. EFAS consists of four centres which are outsourced to Member States, where
they are operated by consortia of national authorities and private enterprises. Two centres are
responsible for the collection of data, and therefore interact with the meteorological and
hydrological data providers. The data are then passed on to the computational centre which
calculates the forecasts. Finally, the outcome is then analysed by the EFAS dissemination centre
which is run by operational hydrological services with experiences in communicating flood
forecasting information to end users and which collect the feedback from the hydrological services.
Figure 5: Schematic overview of the EFAS set-up and information flow between EFAS and the
different networks of hydrological services and data providers of hydrological and
meteorological data.
As operational service under the COPERNICUS Emergency Management Service (EMS), it must
be ensured that EFAS does not interfere with national crisis management procedures at any time
and that the national services remain the single authoritative voice33 on weather and related disaster
warnings within their respective countries. Thus, the information flow from EFAS to the Member
States organisation and the European Commission services must be clear (Figure : EFAS sends
information about upcoming flood events to those National Hydrological Services (NHS) which are
members of the EFAS partner network, the EU Civil Protection Emergency Response Coordination
Centre (ERCC), and the COPERNICUS rush mode mapping service. This is done both through the
web platform which is accessible to all EFAS partners on a 24/7 basis (passive information flow)
and through dedicated EFAS notifications which follow agreed procedures (active information

Figure 6: Schematic view of role of COPERNICUS Emergency Management Services (EMS) in
relation to National services and the public

In the following a brief description of the role of the different actors in Figure is provided:

National Hydrological Services (NHS): EFAS provides real-time information only to a restricted
partner network 34 which consists of i) NHS mandated to provide their country with flood
forecasting information, ii) associated partners proposed by the NHS, and iii) the European
Commission services, mostly the ERCC and COPERNICUS Emergency Management Service.
Information is only distributed to those NHS which are member of the EFAS partner network and
which have received training on the system. By restricting access to EFAS results in such a way, the
single official voice principle for issuing warnings as requested by the Members of the World
Meteorological Organisations35 is respected. It further ensures that NHS not being informed and
trained on EFAS products do not receive information that they may find confusing and difficult to
interpret. NHS receive the EFAS information and use it in addition to their own national or local
services. The NHS decide to inform their local, regional, or national civil protection based on the
products they chose and according to their national protocols. In return, NHS provide EFAS with

See for list of EFAS partners. Currently the network has about 40 partners
MEETING; CBS/OPAG-PWS/ET-SPI/Doc. 3, REV. 1 ; (27.VII.2012),
data and feedback on the system to improve its performance. Since most river basins are part of the
EFAS network, all partners can discuss results based on EFAS without restriction and having
reference information compared to their own local information.

European Commission services (ERCC and Copernicus EMS mapping): EFAS provides daily
summaries of the ongoing and forecasted flood situation to the ERCC. Furthermore, the ERCC is in
copy when flood alerts and watches are distributed to the NHS. Furthermore, EFAS information is
distributed to the COPERNICUS EMS mapping activity which can be triggered by both the
national authorities and the ERCC to obtain flood extent maps. The JRC is currently investigating
how EFAS (or national flood forecasting information) can be used more systematically to trigger
the COPERNICUS EMS mapping service to direct satellites towards the area of flooding before the
event takes place, so that the maps can be available from the onset of the floods.

Civil Protection (CP): Local or national civil protection authorities are warned and kept informed
about upcoming flood events through their local or National Hydrological Services within their own
country. This ensures that they have the best information possible to act within their country. In
case a disaster becomes too much for a country to cope with, the national civil protection services
can trigger the EU Civil Protection mechanism, and request aid from other Member States through
the ERCC. In order for Member States to be prepared for such requests, the ERCC shares high-level
summary information of EFAS also with the National focal points for Civil Protection in the EU to
raise their awareness of potentially critical flood events coming up in other countries.

Public: Official warnings or information on upcoming or ongoing flood events to the public is
always informed provided by official national (or local) authorities. In some countries the NHS
issue warnings to the public but in many countries it is the civil protection authorities which then
decide to issue warnings to the public. Neither ERCC nor EFAS inform the public. The flood
inundation maps provided by COPERNICUS EMS rush mode mapping service is public
information - but then the event is already ongoing and the mapping information is not in conflict
with disaster management procedures.

For the transfer of the experimental pan-European flood forecasting prototype to an operational
system a strategy for secured financing and integration of the system into existing national
structures as well as a wider Disaster Risk Management framework is crucial. For EFAS this has
been achieved through the COPERNICUS programme.

In summary, the COPERNICUS emergency management service (EMS) includes pan-European

early warning and mapping services providing unique overview information on floods within
Europe to the European Civil Protection for improved aid management as well as providing added
value information to the national services for improved flood risk management. The EU services
respect the single voice warning principle and have clear entry points to national services for their
information flow and therefore do not interfere with legal and national obligations. Formalised
partner networks with the hydrological, civil protection, and COPERNICUS communities with
clear rules are key to ensure the uptake of end-user needs.

4.4. The 2014 Balkan flood event - An example of EU services working

hand in hand with national services

After weeks of persistent wet conditions, exceptionally intense rainfalls from 13 May 2014 onwards
led to disastrous and widespread flooding in the Balkan Peninsula in south-eastern Europe, in
particular Bosnia-Herzegovina and Serbia, as well as in other countries including southern Poland,
Slovakia, and the Czech Republic. The events in Bosnia-Herzegovina and Serbia were estimated to
be the worst in more than 100 years. 79 casualties were reported in Bosnia-Herzegovina, Serbia and
Croatia, about 140,000 people displaced and an estimated 2.6 million people directly or indirectly
affected 36 . Both Serbia and Bosnia-Herzegovina activated the EU Community Civil Protection
Mechanism on 15 and 17 May respectively for assistance in their battle against the flooding.

EFAS started predicting increasing probabilities for flooding in the Balkan region on the 7th May,
in particular in the Sava River, and the first flood peak was predicted on the 15-16th May.
However, the forecasts also exhibited a high degree of uncertainty. The Serbian hydrological
service and ERCC were informed accordingly with a flood watch and asked to follow the situation
on the EFAS web-portal. Since Bosnia-Herzegovina is not an EFAS partner, the authorities could
not be directly informed. The ERCC was updated thereafter on a daily basis with EFAS information
as well as a summary of what was reported on national websites. For Bosnia-Herzegovina national
information could not be found and therefore the EFAS represented the only source of information
for the ERCC and possibly also for neighbouring countries.

After the first notifications of 7th May an official EFAS flood alert was issued on the 11th May.
From 11-18 May, a total of 15 flood alerts and 8 flood watches were distributed to the National
hydrological services that are member of the EFAS network. In addition, the JRC´s expert teams
provided the ERCC with in-depth information and daily situation reports and maps, integrating
EFAS information, scientific data with impact information into products tailored for civil
protection, thus contributing to coordinated actions to mitigate further potential damage in the
countries and across borders.

Furthermore, the COPERNICUS Emergency Mapping Service (EMS) was able to prepare
activations based on EFAS. EMS mapping was triggered by the ERCC on 16 May, first for Bosnia-
Herzegovina and then for Serbia, followed by a request from Croatia the next day. The first post-
disaster map with flood delineation was delivered on 18 May. Reference maps and flood delineation
maps were delivered during subsequent days and they are available at

Figure illustrates the different EU mechanism which worked hand in hand during the preparedness
and crisis response phase. The red (orange) triangles illustrate EFAS alerts (watches) which were
sent to the national hydrological services which are members of EFAS. Bosnia-Herzegovina is not
yet member of the EFAS partner network and therefore did not receive the early warning
information. The ERCC was activated for Bosnia-Herzegovina and Serbia (civil protection symbol
with blue circle and triangle). Also the Copernicus rapid mapping was activated for those countries.
EFAS informed the national services, the ERCC and the Copernicus emergency management
mapping service. Furthermore, information was also shared with the World Food Programme on
request through the Global Flood Partnership, described in Section 5 of this report.

Figure 7 Illustration of EU preparedness and crisis response actions triggered during the 2014
Balkan floods in May with EFAS flood watches (orange triangles) and EFAS flood alerts (red
triangles) active on 16 May 2015. The civil protection symbol (circle with blue triangle) denotes the
EU civil protection activations for Serbia (15 May) and Bosnia-Herzegovina (17 May). The
Copernicus logo denotes the activations of COPERNICUS Emergency Management Service
Mapping services for Bosnia-Herzegovina (16 May), Serbia (16 May), and Croatia (17 May).

4.5. An estimation of the monetary benefit of flood early warning in

In Europe, most countries have national or local flood forecasting systems in place. Often different
hydrological models with different strengths and capabilities are used for different river basins37.
Flood forecasting systems can be based on observations, e.g. river levels, observed rainfalls, and
weather forecasts. Many systems are still based on observations or single (deterministic) weather
forecasts but there is also an increasing number of services using multiple (ensemble) weather
forecasts to drive the flood forecasting systems 38 . Although strongly promoted by the Floods
Directive, a basin-wide flood forecasting system exists only in a few river basins in Europe, e.g. for
the river Rhine39, 40.

Exactly how much loss and damage costs can be avoided through early warning is important
information for decision makers and donors, but unfortunately it is difficult to quantify. How to
assess a reduction in damage if the damage without early warning is not known? How to assess the
benefit of a pan-European early flood warning system in addition to a national system based on
short-term weather forecast? Some studies exist, e.g. the International Commission for the
Protection of the Rhine has estimated that flood warnings can help businesses avoid 50-75% of
flood losses (International Commission For The Protection Of the Rhine, 2002).

However, in order to estimate the monetary benefit of avoided damages of early warning systems
across Europe correctly, detailed case studies of damage would be required for the different flood
events, the different forecasting systems and models involved, the response in each country and
many other sources of information. Such a study would require considerable resources and time, if
feasible at all. Instead, as a first guess, the potential benefit has been assessed using the European
Flood Awareness System (EFAS) as a reference to calculate the potential monetary benefit of
avoided damages through early flood warnings in Europe (Pappenberger et al., 2015). One of the
advantages of using EFAS is that the results are comparable across Europe. However, the drawback
is that results remain indicative, and the study is a theoretical exercise41. In order to execute the
study, the estimates of i) the cost of early warning systems including development, set-up and
operational running, ii) flood damage data and iii) damage reduction through early warning are

i) Cost of early warning systems:

For this study, the costs of developing and running EFAS have been used as a basis. The
development of EFAS over a period of 10 years including costs for data collection on EU scale, IT,
development of the systems, establishing and maintaining a partner network, as well as associated
operational and fundamental research to achieve a state of the art system has been estimated to 20
million Euro over a time period of 10 years. The operational running cost of the system including
operational development as in 2012 are estimated as 1.8 million Euro. These values have been
extrapolated over the next 20 years taking into account a discount factor, amongst others including
For more information on national hydrological services and their flood forecasting systems see
Cloke, H. L.; Pappenberger, F. Ensemble flood forecasting: A review. In: JOURNAL OF HYDROLOGY, Vol. 375,
No. 3-4, p. 613-626
40 Renner M, M.G.F. Werner, S. Rademacher, E. Sprokkereef .: 2009, Verification of ensemble flow forecasts for the
River Rhine, Journal of Hydrology, 376
Pappenberger F., H.L. Cloke, F. Wetterhall, D. J. Parker, D. Richardson, J. Thielen., 2014, The Financial Benefit of
Early Flood Warnings in Europe, submitted to ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE & POLICY
inflation rate, which has been assumed to be 5%. On this basis, over a time of 20 years, the
corrected cost of EFAS has been extrapolated to amount to approximately 63,500,000 Euro.

ii) Flood damage data

One of the difficulties for executing such a study is to obtain detailed data on flood damage which
are often confidential and not released by the authorities. For this study, data from the EM-DAT42
emergency events database has been used, and where applicable, complemented with public
information from the European Solidarity fund applications43. In addition, the flood damage map of
Barredo. (2009), assuming that flood defence measures are not in place, has been used. The map
has been modified by aggregating to river catchment scale and by rescaling the potential damage to
annual average damages based on 5 year return periods (Figure ).

Figure 8: Potential Flood Damage aggregated on EFAS sub catchments in Europe and
standardised on 2012 in Euro [based on Barredo, 2009].

From the EM-DAT database the number of flood events, and the financial costs have been extracted
for Europe. The costs have been adjusted using average inflation in Europe to 2012 costs and the
US dollars converted into Euro with an exchange rate of 0.72.

iii) Damage reduction through early warning

First, to estimate the financial benefit of early warning, the skill in the forecasting system needs to
be assessed – if there is no skill, there is no reduction as the response would be random whereas a
perfect system would result in maximum reduction. The estimate of EFAS skill has been based on

EFAS hits, false alarms and misses, which were then combined with Barredo’s (2009) modified
flood damage map for Europe (Figure ). Then the EM-DAT database for the period 2000-2013 has
been used and combined with the average warning performance from a 2-year reforecast study
with EFAS for entire Europe.

Second, an assumption needs to be made about actions following the early warning. Here it has
been assumed that each flood early warning has resulted in preparedness actions (of some kind)
both in the national services and at the EU level. The benefit of such actions have been estimated
based on literature and case studies and then compared with the system installation and running
costs. The difference between cost and benefit is calculated to be the relative benefit of the EFAS as
the return on 1 Euro investment in the EFAS system. These estimates have been modified using
different standards of protection, and tested for other sensitivity factors to account for the
uncertainties in the methodology to provide an envelope of likely benefit values.

Parker et al (2008, 2007a, b) have estimated damage reduction factors for different actions in
response to flood warnings. By far the largest reduction can be obtained by operating (flexible)
flood defences according to the flood warnings (~30%). Damages are reduced to a much lower
extent by moving and evacuating property content (~6%). Actions such as water course
maintenance of community level defences amount to less than 1%.

A sensitivity analysis has shown that in the calculation of cost-benefit analysis the damage
reduction factor introduces the largest uncertainty and the estimation of the actual damage
introduces the second largest variation in the results followed by the potential impact of future
improvements in the early warning systems.

Results of the study are summarised in Table 2 as a function of the level of flood protection where
two extreme assumptions for Europe are presented – no flood protection at all and all rivers are
protected against a 100 year flood. For European rivers the flood protection level will be
somewhere in between these two envelops. Further 19 scenarios with different early warning
performances, discount rates and damage data have been calculated. Of these 19 scenarios, the
result of the most conservative estimation as well as the medium best guess estimation are included
in Table 2 which provides the ratio of damage reduction for each Euro invested in early warning as
well as the overall financial benefit based on the development and running cost of EFAS over a
time span of 20 years (see section on Cost of early warning system above).

Table 2 Cost-benefit of flood early warning as a function of different protection scenarios.

Assumption scenario No flood 100 year flood Conservative Medium best

protection protection estimation guess
Ratio benefit for 20 years 1:988 1:13 1:159 1:480
Benefit after 20 years in 62,850 830 10,115 30,540
million Euro

For comparison, the EU Solidarity Fund received applications for flood related disasters from 2002
to 2013 with an estimated amount of damages of 43,500 million Euro (values not corrected for
2012), thus an average of 3,600 million Euro per year. Extrapolating this value over the next 20
years taking into account the same discount factor as for the cost estimation of EFAS, and not
taking into account the effects of climate change, then this amounts to a total of about 120,000
million Euro. Thus, assuming the medium best guess scenario, about 25% of the expected damage
costs could be saved through early warning.
The study has also performed a sensitivity analysis as to which factors are the most crucial ones.
There is a considerable range in the estimated relative financial benefit with the damage reduction
factor introducing the largest uncertainty. The estimation of the actual damage introduces the
second largest variation in the results followed by the potential system improvement in the future.

Thus, flood early warning systems in Europe have the potential to reduce the costs of flood
damages by about 25%, saving an estimated 30,000 million EUR over the next 20 years. It would
be very interesting to identify to what extent trans-national forecasting enhances the monetary
benefit in contrast to national forecasting capacities only. However, this would require detailed in
depth case studies, which was beyond the scope of the study.
5. Partnerships – key for sharing knowledge on flood risk management

5.1. The EU-Africa Strategic Partnership

According to the analysis of Bakker (2009), African countries are a particularly vulnerable for
severe flooding in trans-national river basins with a high number of casualties and high socio-
economic impact. In fact, a comprehensive review of the status on flood forecasting and early
warning systems in Africa by Thiemig et al. (2011) showed that a large number of flood risk
management initiatives are ongoing and flood forecasting systems exist. For the study, more than
500 questionnaires were sent to national and international authorities and organisations dealing with
flood management for Africa. Overall, 65 questionnaires were returned from 56 different
institutions of which 47 were African and 9 non-African organisations representing 24 different
river basins including major basins such as Nile, Congo, Niger, Orange, Zambesi, and Limpopo
(Figure 44). Governmental and non-governmental, river basin authorities and research organisations
filled out the questionnaire.

Twenty-four institutions reported that they were involved in flood forecasting activities at the time
of filling out the questionnaire. The study showed that most institutions work with forecasting
systems based on rainfall – runoff modelling, closely followed by the statistical models and analysis
(Thiemig et al., 2011). The majority of these systems addressed the short-range up to three days,
four covered the forecasting range 5-14 days, and three 15 days and more. The forecasting range 8-
13 days was not covered at all, although skill has been demonstrated in both weather and flood
forecasts at these lead times for larger catchments and in particular when using ensemble prediction
systems. Furthermore, forecasting information at this range can be crucial for reducing flood-related
losses as they provide more time for preparation and decision-making (Thielen et al., 2009).
Seasonal forecasting was not specifically reported.

Figure 9: River basins in Africa for which questionnaires on flood risk management were
returned shown in blue. For catchments only outlined but not filled information was not
Original image from
71eElhXd76YvopKZ0h77wjCPUJ4h adapted
The survey results show that not all countries have comprehensive flood forecasting systems in
place, and that a gap exists in medium-range flood forecasting as well as trans-border forecasting
systems in Africa. Thus the question arises if – similar to the development in Europe – a skillful
pan-African flood awareness system could be developed and operated.

Thiemig et al. (2010, 2015) have developed a prototype of an African Flood Forecasting System
(AFFS) in analogy to EFAS, producing probabilistic, medium-ranged flood forecast information at
the pan-African scale with lead times up to 10–15 days in advance. While the African system has
been set-up with similar components and methodologies as in EFAS there are a few differences to
the European version:

a) Hydrological model: models designed for Europe cannot readily be transferred to African
river basins. The modelling framework needed to be adapted to account for the different
climate zones, soil characteristics and water management operations that alter the
hydrological response in African river basins.

b) Data availability: While for Europe dense station networks for both meteorological and
hydrological data exist and data is made available for EFAS in near real-time, this is
currently not the case for Africa. Up to date, a number of national hydrological services such
as the Ethiopian Ministry of Water and Energy, the GLOWA Volta Project, FAO Somalia
Water and Land Information Management, the Global Runoff Data Centre (GRDC) and the
South African Department of Water Affairs and Forestry (DWAF) provided the JRC with
historical hydrological observations to support the development of AFFS by enabling model
calibration and verification studies. The JRC has also made use of numerous satellite-based
rainfall data as well as re-analysis products from various sources such as the European
Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts or NASA.

c) Alert thresholds: Alert thresholds are calculated from long-term simulations based on
observed data and by applying extreme value statistics to the simulated time series. These
thresholds are then applied to the hydrological forecasting ensemble. A hydrological
situation is considered as potential flood situation, if a certain number of individual
hydrological forecasts exceed the predefined critical thresholds. For rivers in Africa
thresholds of 2, 5 and 20-years return period are used.

Figure illustrates schematically how the African Flood Forecasting System is designed. The driving
weather forecasts are the global ensemble prediction system weather forecasts from the European
Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ECWMF), but any other regional or local weather
forecast could be integrated. In absence of sufficient real-time weather observations, here the first
24 hour ECMWF data are used to calculate the initial conditions in case satellite data are not
available, while the 15-day ECMWF-ENS drive the flood forecasting model. Using the output of
the model together with the previously calculated critical thresholds, the system can provide both
spatial and temporal information on the development of flooding within the forecasting range (up to
15 days).
Figure 10: Schematic view of the African Flood Forecasting System

AFFS has been set-up on pan-African scale and its performance tested for the year 2003. In order to
do this, a reference of reported flood events for 2003 has been created by extracting information
from various disaster databases such as Dartmouth Flood Observatory, Emergency Events Database
EM-DAT, NASA Earth Observatory, and ReliefWeb. From these sources, a total of 39 medium- to
large scale flood events were identified. Together with information about location, time-period of
these events and outline of the affected area these were compiled into a database. This reference
data base was then used to compare AFFS flood signals against reported flood events to determine
hit and false alarm rate as well as to present an AFFS forecast of a flood event in an ungauged

For 2003, AFFS forecasted 40 flood events in Africa. Cross-comparing those against the reference
data base, yield that 27 of the forecasted flood events were also reported, while 11 events that were
forecasted by AFFS were not reported and 12 events that were reported were not forecasted. This
results in a Probability of Detection of 69 %, a False Alarm Ratio of 29 % and a Critical Success
Index of 54 %. Further investigations showed that the system showed particular strength in
predicting riverine flood event of long duration (> 1 week) and large affected areas (> 10,000 km²).

Figure 3 illustrates an example of a flood forecast calculated with AFFS. It shows the forecasted
temporal and spatial development of a flood event in the Sabi Basin in Zimbabwe. Based on AFFS
the onset of the flood event is forecasted with a lead time of 8 days for the 5th of March, which
coincides perfectly with information given by the Dartmouth Flood Observatory who reported
flooding in the Sabi River Basin between 5th and16th March 2003. Also the forecasted flood
magnitude agrees with the severity classification of the observed event.
Figure 31: AFFS forecast of the flood event in the Sabi River Basin in March 2003. The different
panels show the development of the exceedance of hydrological threshold over space considering
3, 5, and 8 days of lead time.

Figure 42: AFFS forecast of the flood event in the Sabi River Basin in March 2003. The quantile plot
shows the temporal development of the flood forecast at a particular location (marked with a grey
triangle in Figure 3).

Thus, from a technical point of view it would be feasible to operate a pan-African Flood Awareness
System and to further complement its information with a flood detection system. Clearly, further
improvements of the system based on more detailed observed data and local or regional weather
forecasts would be needed before such a system could provide added value to the authorities
already operating local flood forecasting systems.
The information from the forecasting system could be complemented with satellite based flood
detection systems such as the Global Flood Detection System (GFDS). GFDS was developed and is
maintained at the European Commission Joint Research Centre in collaboration with the Dartmouth
Flood Observatory45. It uses passive microwave sensors so that cloud cover is not an obstacle, a
clear advantage over optical sensors. On the basis of lack of up-to-date and near-near time
availability of in situ measurements of river flow in many regions of the world, satellite products
could be used to enhance the skill of hydrological, being complementary or an alternative of in situ
measurements. The impact of using GFDS data for hydrological modelling have been tested for
different applications such as the estimation of streamflow measurements46, river discharge now-
casting and forecasting 47 , calibration of the hydrological model within GloFAS 48 , and data
assimilation to update simulated discharge values based on the detected satellite signal49. Other
solutions for flood detection with higher resolution sensors exist but may not have a continuous data
stream and must be tasked to have images50.

More importantly, a framework or partnership is needed to embed the work for effective transfer of
knowledge and provide African authorities with ownership for system, development, and output.
The EU-Africa Strategic Partnership on “Science, Information Society and Space” for further
development” is currently being discussed as a possible framework to achieve this. It would
facilitate, as was seen crucial for EFAS, to build an active network of national hydrological services
prepared to i) collaborate with the developer team to build a joint system and ii) to have the system
transferred to one or several partner authorities after an initial development stage. Only with local
knowledge and competent feedback such a system can be shaped to respond to the needs of the end-
users. Furthermore, experience with EFAS has shown that services feeling part of the development
of the continental system are more likely to take ownership and therefore more easily inserted
continental system information into their flood warning procedures.

It is therefore to be explored if within the framework of the EU-Africa Strategic Partnership on

“Science, Information Society and Space”, the GMES-Africa initiative could provide the platform
for African scientists and authorities to collaborate with Europe to develop the required capacity
and infrastructure for a pan-African flood early warning and detection system in the near future. A
study on the monetary benefit of such a system, similar to the one described in Section 3.5, is
envisaged as future research study.

Revilla-Romero et al. 2014
Hirpa et al., 2013
Revilla-Romero, et al., 2015
Revilla-Romero, et al., in preparation
See PUBSY JRC80255 by de Groeve et al. (2013)
5.2. Bridging between science, policy and stakeholders - the Global Flood

5.2.1. Joining forces

As illustrated at the beginning of this report, flooding is a global issue with many different facets to
be dealt with on local, national, and trans-national level and across various sectors. Single
authorities cannot tackle the complexity of flooding alone in sufficient detail. While there is a
wealth of data, tools, and research in specific areas, effective production and sharing of knowledge
is key to avoid fragmentation of knowledge. Mechanisms are needed for the increased use of
knowledge in flood disaster risk management and climate change adaptation for achieving positive
exchange between scientists,, policy makers and practitioners (Spiekermann et al., 2015).

Therefore the JRC initiated a Global Flood Working Group as a multi-disciplinary group of
scientists, operational agencies and flood risk managers focused on developing efficient and
effective global flood management tools that can address these challenges. The group has been
established in 2011 and hosted annual meetings. The goals of the group are (1) to develop and
improve global flood forecasting and monitoring systems, (2) to deploy these systems in a global
flood observatory tracking floods in near real-time, (3) to build a global flood record suitable for
flood risk assessment, and (4) to make these tools available to organizations and countries that need
them. Following conclusions from the 2013 meeting in Maryland, Boulder 51 , the Global Flood
Working Group decided to create a larger framework for the initiative and launched the Global
Flood Partnership in 201452. A concept paper was established, distributed prior to the meeting and
discussed during the 2014 workshop53 (De Groeve et al., 2015).

Around 50 partners were presented during the launch event. Apart from the JRC and the Dartmouth
Flood Observatory, key partners are the European Commission Humanitarian Aid and Civil
Protection (DG ECHO), the World Bank, UN organisations such as the World Meteorological
Organisation (WMO), the World Food Programme (WFP), and the Office for Disaster Risk
Reduction (UNISDR) as well as the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecast,
National Weather services such as the UK Met office, and a large scientific community.

Formalising the current collaboration shall provide tangible results in the following areas:

 Global flood forecasting and monitoring systems complementary to national and regional
 global sharing of hydro-meteorological data and information,
 national and cross-border country capacity building, and
 improved flood risk management platforms and information products.

The JRC has developed two global systems which are included in the operational services of the
Global Flood Partnership, the Global Flood Awareness System (GloFAS)54 and the Global Flood
Detection System (GFDS)55. Both systems run daily in experimental mode and are made available
within the Global Flood Partnership. However, in order to respect the one voice warning principle,
GloFAS results are only made available upon registration and are shared within the Partnership
during events and on request.

5.2.2. Sharing information – the Malawi case study

The benefit of the Global Flood Partnership has been demonstrated already during several flood
events including the Balkan region in 2014, Malawi in January 2015 as well as in Myanmar in
August 2015.

In the case of Malawi, heavy rainfalls affected parts of Mozambique and Malawi from 12-17
January 2015 with highest impact on the river discharges in the Zambezi River Basin. With serious
flooding having taken place on recently and faced with further ongoing heavy rainfalls, the
President of Malawi declared a State of Emergency on 13 January 2015 for 15 districts.
Immediately a number of humanitarian aid organisations started acting to provide assistance to the
affected population.

Initially, the heavy rains were well forecast by the numerical weather predictions (Figure 5) which
coincided well with later observations. Figure 14 illustrates the corresponding GloFAS flood
forecast of 10 January 2015, and the flood delineation map produced by the Copernicus emergency
management mapping service of 17 January for the area of Malawi bordering with Mozambique.

Figure 5 Probabilities of exceeding 300 mm over a 10 day forecast for the time period of 5-15
January (left) and 10-20 January 2015 (right) in Southeast Africa based on the Numerical
Weather Prediction from the European Centre of Medium-Range Weather Forecast (ECMWF).

GloFAS predicted an increased probability for flooding along many river stretches in Malawi and
Mozambique. However, in subsequent forecasts the predicted rainfalls shifted out of the area which
resulted in flood forecasts with too low probabilities for flooding compared to the observed large
spread flooding in subsequent days. Furthermore, it appears that the hydrological processes in the
swamp and lake area in the surroundings of Bangula have not been fully captured by the model
which is to date essentially uncalibrated. This highlights the importance of combining flood
forecasting with various flood detection information, e.g. satellite imagery or GFDS, for a
comprehensive coverage of flood situations as well as the need of feedback and local information to
achieve more robust results.

Figure 14 Malawi flood in January 2015. On the left: GloFAS forecast of 10 Jan 2015 highlighting
river pixels where the 20 year (5 year) return period threshold is predicted to be exceeded in purple
(red). The probability of exceedances is shown in monochromatic scales with light colours
illustrating low probabilities and intense colours high probabilities. On the right: the flood
delineation information of Copernicus mapping service for 17 Jan 2015

The Global Flood Partnership played an important role in distributing and sharing information
between the members of the group service providers and aid organisations:

On 14 January the World Food Programme posted a request to the Partnership for more
information. On the same day the World Food Programme received overview information from
GloFAS on the meteorological and hydrological situation and the publicly available information
from the ERCC was shared. In the following days different products including satellite detection
maps and extreme rainfall assessment were shared within the community. Also, importantly,
questions and answers for clarification requests were dealt with almost instantaneously by the
members of the group providing information from different angles and sources of information.
The following list details the different transfers of knowledge shared with WFP and the rest of the
global flood partnership within a time span of 2 days.

14 January Request for more information by UN World Food Programme

14 January Overview report with results from the Global Flood Awareness System.
Overall the system predicted high probabilities for flooding in the region,
but the severity of flooding for Malawi was underestimated.
14 January Information from the ERCC portal was shared with WFP
Search?Search=malawi with information on the flooding starting on 13
15 January ITHACA 56 provided an EXTREME RAINFALL ASSESSMENT for
Malawi 15/01/2015
15 January Vienna University of Technology communicates that satellite-based flood
maps available based on TerraSAR-X from the German Aerospace Centre
(DLR). WFP communicated that maps were shared with the country
15 January Communication that GFDRR57 is getting involved
16 January Dartmouth flood observatory58 communicates that the floods are mapped
16 January NASA communicates that the charter has been activated for Mozambique
but not yet Malawi. Communication that satellite imagery does not yet
show flooding at the mouth of the Zambezi
16 January Upon a request for clarification if the charter has been activated, UNOSAT
confirms that the Charter has been activated for Malawi
20 January Malawi Floods - ECHO Civil Protection Message no.1 which contains an
update on the situation is distributed

This impressive list illustrates clearly how information flow can be enhanced, relevant content
shared, and knowledge increased through the partnership.

In summary, the Global Floods Partnership aims at developing and aligning efforts, technologies,
and capabilities nationally, across borders, regionally and globally as well as across sectors and
disciplines, and therefore bridges the gaps between science, policy, and decision makers. Such a
new formal partnership also allows for a more efficient use of financial resources and capacities at
the global level. The coordinated flow of information during flood events such as the Malawi floods
beginning of 2015 clearly highlight the potential for improved aid management for developing
countries. The GFP also directly contributes to the JRC’s newly launched Disaster Risk
Management Knowledge Centre (DRMKC).

In particular for Africa where hydro-meteorological observational data can be scarce (Revilla et al.,
2014), medium-range probabilistic forecasting systems are not yet well established (Thiemig et al.,
2011), and many major trans-national river basins exist (figure 9), authorities can benefit from
global solutions and competences accessible through the partnership.
6. Conclusions

Flooding is a natural phenomenon with global dimensions which disproportionally affects

vulnerable societies. Important - and potentially long-lasting - socio-economic consequences can be
felt at local, national but also international level as with increasing globalisation, interruptions in the
supply chains anywhere in the world can propagate through entire production chains. While
developed countries may have sufficient coping capacity to recover fully from major flooding or
even become more resilient for future events, this is often not the case for developing countries.

The negative consequences of flooding can be addressed through different phases of the disaster
risk management cycle – in the preparedness, preparation, crisis response, and recovery phase. The
better the actions along the phases are coordinated and going hand in hand on local, national but
also international level, the more the negative impacts of flooding can be reduced. In particular for
trans-national river basins where the origin of the flooding may be in a different country than where
the impacts are largest, calling for river-basin-wide solutions in forecasting and detection systems
for effective sharing of information.

Over the past 10 years, the European Commission has put in place a comprehensive policy
framework for reducing the impact of flood disasters in Europe and increasing the resilience against
such events. Policies are effective throughout the different phases of the policy cycle. With the
development of the European Flood Awareness System and its uptake in the Copernicus Emergency
Management Service, an operational pan-European early warning system has been established to
improve preparedness and crisis management in particular for cross-border events where
coordination of aid requires transparent overviews of both ongoing and upcoming flood situation
for decision makers. A recent study on the monetary benefit of continental early warning systems
suggests that important savings of the order 25% can be achieved with effective forecasting system
in Europe. A transfer of the European system to other continents, i.e. Africa, or even global scale is
currently ongoing.

With the development of continental to global flood early warning and detection the JRC has laid
important foundations for actions to effectively reduce the socio-economic impact of floods in the
EU and worldwide. The recently launched Global Flood Partnership (GFP) co-chaired by JRC and
the Dartmouth Flood Observatory facilitates in an effective way the sharing of information and
potential coordination of actions by bringing knowledge from scientific communities to decision
makers, including national and regional water authorities, water resource managers, civil protection
and first line responders, and international humanitarian aid organisations while at the same time
respecting the single official voice principle for warnings and not interfering with national civil
protection actions. The Global Flood Partnership also directly contributes to the JRC’s Disaster
Risk Management Knowledge Centre (DRMKC).

This report illustrates that transfer of knowledge between Europe and authorities in other continents
such as Africa is possible and how networks such as the EU-Africa Strategic Partnership on
“Science, Information Society and Space” could be useful to achieve this goal. Finally, it is shown
that the JRC can provide the EU with the instruments for contributing to the goals of the Sendai
Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction 2015-203059 by providing global input to multi-risk early
warning systems as part of effective disaster risk reduction at all levels and promote strengthening

partnerships as a vehicle to achieve effective and global solutions for the reduction of impact of
flood disasters in vulnerable countries and worldwide.

The authors would like to acknowledge the support of JRC colleagues in the FLOODS team, the
Water Unit of IES and the Critech team of IPSC who have contributed to the work on European and
global flood forecasting and detection and the establishment of the Global Flood Partnership, in
particular L. Alfieri, B. Bisselink, H. Beck, P. Burek, A. de Roo, J. Disperati, F. Dottori, G. Gomes,
M. Kalas, V. Lorini, D. Muraro, V. Ntegeka, H. Sint, and Z. Zajac as well as D. Ad Khudairy and
Frank Raes. Furthermore, the authors acknowledge the staff of ECMWF who are continuously
contributing to the development of GloFAS, in particular B. Krzeminski, F. Wetterhall, and E.
Zsoter. The HEPEX community and in particular M.H. Ramos is thanked for scientific stimulus on
probabilistic flood forecasting, Prof. H. Cloke and L. Stephens from University of Reading for
research input on communication of flood early warning to humanitarian aid. The authors
acknowledge the support of the COPERNICUS programme not only for funding but also for
providing a long missing coherent framework for emergency management services within and
outside Europe. The staff of the Emergency Response Coordination Centre of DG ECHO, the
World Food Programme, the Dartmouth flood observatory, and the EFAS partners and data
providers are thanked for their trust in our systems and developments as well as their invaluable
feedback to improve the systems further. Finally, I would like to thank A. Annunziato and T.
Thielen for revision of the manuscript and feedback on disaster risk management.
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ISBN 978-92-79-52768-5

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