Win10 Settings Blocker v1.1
Win10 Settings Blocker v1.1
Win10 Settings Blocker v1.1
Sordum Team | November 10, 2018 | 12 Comments
In Windows 10 Version 1703 , Microsoft has added a new Group Policy for the Windows 10 that gives you
control over the various settings pages that appear in the Windows Settings app this Group Policy will come
in very handy for many organizations and Home users. It would behoove systems administrators to lockdown
unnecessary panes in addition to securing those panes which IT specifically wishes to keep out of the hands of
end-users. This feature is particularly useful in a network environment, such as when configuring a kiosk or
guest machine but there are many other scenarios where disabling the Settings app and the Control Panel will
come in handy too. For example, if you’re the tech support person for your family and friends, and they keep
calling you to reconfigure a feature over and over again. You can fix their computer once, and then block
them access to change settings or if you share a device in the house with children, and you don’t want them
messing around with the settings on Windows 10.
If you don’t have Group Policy Editor (gpedit.msc) , you can lock down individual Settings panes through the
Registry but it would be time consuming and , prone to human error. To stop users from changing settings in
Windows 10 you can try our new portable freeware “Win10 Settings Blocker” Application.
Win10 Settings Blocker v1.1 – What’s New – (Saturday, 10. November 2018)
Win10 Settings Blocker can block – Unblock (Hide – Unhide) Specified Control Panel Applets in Windows
10/8/7/vista/Xp . To hide a Control Panel item, click Options icon (wrench icon) and choose “Control Panel
click Plus (Add to list) Button and choose any Control Panel Applet to hide (block) it.
After creating the Settings or control panel block List you can use the export feature and save your settings.
Under Options menu you will find the Export – import feature , exporting setting will create a file like this
“WsBlocker_20181110_123122.wsb” . You can restore all your settings newly installed windows system or
you can import this file other computers on the network.
Supported languages: English , Turkish , German , Bulgarian , French , Hungarian , Japanese , Slovenian ,
Russian , Greek , Spanish , Polish , Chinese , Swedish , japanese , Korean, Hebrew , Italian , Dutch
(Nederlands) , Persian , Romanian