Music Reactive RGB LED Strip

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// Program for Music Reactive RGB LED strip.

#define Rpin 11

#define Gpin 10

#define Bpin 9

#define delayLEDS 3

#define sensorPin A0

float sensorValue = 0, filteredSignal = 0, filteredSignalValues[] = {3.4,

3.1, 2.7, 2.4, 2.1, 1.7, 1.3, 0.9, 0.4};

void setup () {

Serial.begin (9600);

void loop () {


void MainFunction() {

sensorValue = (float) analogRead(sensorPin) * (5.0 / 1024.0);



Serial.print(" ");



void FilterSignal(float sensorSignal) {

filteredSignal = (0.945 * filteredSignal) + (0.0549 * sensorSignal);

void CompareSignalFiltered(float filteredSignal) {

if (filteredSignal > filteredSignalValues[0]) {

RGBColor(0, 0, 255);


} else if (filteredSignal <= filteredSignalValues[0] && filteredSignal >

filteredSignalValues[1]) {


RGBColor(0, 255, 255);

} else if (filteredSignal <= filteredSignalValues[1] && filteredSignal >

filteredSignalValues[2]) {

RGBColor(0, 127, 255);


} else if (filteredSignal <= filteredSignalValues[2] && filteredSignal >

filteredSignalValues[3]) {

RGBColor(0, 255, 127);

Serial.println("Aqua marine");

} else if (filteredSignal <= filteredSignalValues[3] && filteredSignal >

filteredSignalValues[4]) {

RGBColor(0, 255, 0);


} else if (filteredSignal <= filteredSignalValues[4] && filteredSignal >

filteredSignalValues[5]) {

RGBColor(255, 255, 0);


} else if (filteredSignal <= filteredSignalValues[5] && filteredSignal >

filteredSignalValues[6]) {

RGBColor(255, 0, 255);


} else if (filteredSignal <= filteredSignalValues[6] && filteredSignal >

filteredSignalValues[7]) {

RGBColor(255, 0, 127);


} else if (filteredSignal <= filteredSignalValues[7] && filteredSignal >

filteredSignalValues[8]) {

RGBColor(255, 127, 0);


} else if (filteredSignal <= filteredSignalValues[8]) {

RGBColor(255, 0, 0);

} else {

RGBColor(0, 0, 255);

Serial.println("Default: Blue");

void RGBColor(int Rcolor, int Gcolor, int Bcolor) {

analogWrite(Rpin, Rcolor);

analogWrite(Gpin, Gcolor);

analogWrite(Bpin, Bcolor);


Program Explanation.

Acoustic Control for RGB LED Strips. How to build your own Music

Visualizer with Arduino for RGB LED Strips.

This is a program that teaches you how to change the color of a LED strip

based on the value that is obtained from a Sound sensor, the signal is

filtered using a First Order Low pass IIR Digital filter with a cutoff

frequency of 900Hz the filtered signal is compared with several threshold

values that are used to determine which color will be displayed based on

the frequency of the sound that is sensed by the sensor, low frequency

sounds (barely audible) are displayed as Blue in the LED Strip, all the

way to high frequency sounds (highly audible) which are displayed as

Red in the strip.


This method read the value of the output of the Sound sensor with

"sensorValue" as a float & substracts 1023 to it since the sound sensor

gives an output of 1023 or 5V when is not sensing any sound, this way we
have a value of 0 when not sensing sound & values up to 1023 when it

senses sound (vibrations in air), we convert the signal to volts.


Filter the signal using a First Order IIR Low Pass Digital Filter created

in Matlab and assigned the value to the variable "filteredSignal"


Compare the "filteredSignal" variable with "filteredSignalValues" array

to determine where our compared variable value is less, more or in

between, our treshold values to assign a color to the LED Strip and print

the color that represents what we set.


Send to the defined pins for each RGB color a value from 0 to 255 that

represent the color that we want; Search on Google RGB Color Wheel to

help you learn how colors are created.

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