Mscfe 622 Continuous-Time Stochastic Processes - Course Syllabus
Mscfe 622 Continuous-Time Stochastic Processes - Course Syllabus
Mscfe 622 Continuous-Time Stochastic Processes - Course Syllabus
The group has demonstrated The group has used some peer- The group has only used Internet
strong skills in their selection and The group has referenced reliable reviewed resources however the resources (i.e., Wikipedia) or
use of peer-reviewed resources to peer-reviewed resources to selected resources have only been similar non-academic resources 20% 9 18
present original ideas in the support their argument. partially incorporated in their to support their argument.
context of the selected references. argument. Referencing is scant.
The group has included the main The group has nominal
Argument The group has structured an
The group has structured a clear elements of an argument: introduction and conclusion, but
and argument and included an
and coherent argument, including introduction, body and this does not build to a coherent, 20% 9 18
Conclusions introduction, a body, and a
introduction, body, and conclusion. conclusion; however, they make a logical argument. The paper may
weak/unclear argument. be contradictory.
The group has presented their The group has presented their
Writing The group has presented their The group has presented their
assignment in a clear and coherent assignment in a clear and coherent
Components assignment adequately, with some assignment with poor formatting
manner, with consistent manner, with sufficient formatting
and consideration of formatting and and inadequate referencing. 10% 4 9
formatting and clear referencing. and clear referencing. The work
Formatting referencing. There are some There are several grammar
The work is free of grammar errors may have a few grammar errors
grammar errors and typos. errors and typos.
and typos. and typos.
Total 100% 45 90