Mscfe 622 Continuous-Time Stochastic Processes - Course Syllabus

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MScFE 622 Continuous-time Stochastic Processes – Course Syllabus

Percentage Points Points

Assessment Excellent Proficient Satisfactory Unsatisfactory
of Overall Possible Possible
85-100% 70-84% 65-69% 0-64% Grade (Drafts 1 - 2) (Draft 3)

The group presents a clear,

The group produces a strong The group has produced an
coherent and noteworthy paper The group has produced a weak
paper that demonstrates that they adequate paper, reflecting some
that demonstrates full paper that needs considerable
Knowledge understand the subject matter. knowledge of the subject matter.
understanding of their subject revision. The paper lacks in
of the They have answered most of the The paper has some content, and
matter. They have answered most content, and not all the 30% 14 27
Content questions applying critical some critical thinking has been
of the questions applying critical questions have been answered.
thinking. The group demonstrates applied to answer the questions.
thinking. Their chosen evidence is Overall, the paper reflects a poor
awareness of the literature they The group may struggle in relating
thorough, relevant and clearly understanding of the topic.
refer to. references to their argument.

The group has demonstrated The group has used some peer- The group has only used Internet
strong skills in their selection and The group has referenced reliable reviewed resources however the resources (i.e., Wikipedia) or
use of peer-reviewed resources to peer-reviewed resources to selected resources have only been similar non-academic resources 20% 9 18
present original ideas in the support their argument. partially incorporated in their to support their argument.
context of the selected references. argument. Referencing is scant.

The group has demonstrated to be

The group has demonstrated poor The group has not been able to
The group has demonstrated to be able to analyze their argument and
ability to analyze their argument analyze their argument. Their
able to analyze their argument and draw logical conclusions for the
and draw logical conclusions. analysis is vaguely connected to
draw logical and valid conclusions most part. Their analysis may be
Their analysis is weakly supported their research.
based on their research. somewhat derivative and/or may
Methods and by their research. If applicable: the code
If applicable: the code lack deeper insight.
Analysis If applicable; the code accompanying the paper is not 20% 9 18
accompanying the paper is very If applicable: the code
accompanying the paper is poorly sufficiently commented and it is
well commented and easy to accompanying the paper is
commented and is not easy to difficult to follow. The program
follow. The executed program commented and is fairly easy to
follow. The program provides does not provide the expected
provides the expected results and follow. The executed program
results however it does not meet results and does not meet the
meets all the given specifications. provides acceptable results and
most of the specifications. specifications.
meets most of the specifications.

The group has included the main The group has nominal
Argument The group has structured an
The group has structured a clear elements of an argument: introduction and conclusion, but
and argument and included an
and coherent argument, including introduction, body and this does not build to a coherent, 20% 9 18
Conclusions introduction, a body, and a
introduction, body, and conclusion. conclusion; however, they make a logical argument. The paper may
weak/unclear argument. be contradictory.

The group has presented their The group has presented their
Writing The group has presented their The group has presented their
assignment in a clear and coherent assignment in a clear and coherent
Components assignment adequately, with some assignment with poor formatting
manner, with consistent manner, with sufficient formatting
and consideration of formatting and and inadequate referencing. 10% 4 9
formatting and clear referencing. and clear referencing. The work
Formatting referencing. There are some There are several grammar
The work is free of grammar errors may have a few grammar errors
grammar errors and typos. errors and typos.
and typos. and typos.
Total 100% 45 90

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