The document provides the program schedule for a two-day workshop and conference on coal combustion products (CCPs). The workshop on November 2nd will include presentations on research into uses of CCPs in concrete and cement. The conference on November 3rd will discuss general topics like opportunities for CCPs and challenges in Europe, as well as current availability, processing, and logistics of CCPs. Presentations will also address legal frameworks and environmental issues related to CCPs. On November 4th, several sessions will cover advances in processing CCPs for engineering applications and concrete, uses of CCPs in alkali-activated concrete, and scientific evaluations of durability.
The document provides the program schedule for a two-day workshop and conference on coal combustion products (CCPs). The workshop on November 2nd will include presentations on research into uses of CCPs in concrete and cement. The conference on November 3rd will discuss general topics like opportunities for CCPs and challenges in Europe, as well as current availability, processing, and logistics of CCPs. Presentations will also address legal frameworks and environmental issues related to CCPs. On November 4th, several sessions will cover advances in processing CCPs for engineering applications and concrete, uses of CCPs in alkali-activated concrete, and scientific evaluations of durability.
The document provides the program schedule for a two-day workshop and conference on coal combustion products (CCPs). The workshop on November 2nd will include presentations on research into uses of CCPs in concrete and cement. The conference on November 3rd will discuss general topics like opportunities for CCPs and challenges in Europe, as well as current availability, processing, and logistics of CCPs. Presentations will also address legal frameworks and environmental issues related to CCPs. On November 4th, several sessions will cover advances in processing CCPs for engineering applications and concrete, uses of CCPs in alkali-activated concrete, and scientific evaluations of durability.
The document provides the program schedule for a two-day workshop and conference on coal combustion products (CCPs). The workshop on November 2nd will include presentations on research into uses of CCPs in concrete and cement. The conference on November 3rd will discuss general topics like opportunities for CCPs and challenges in Europe, as well as current availability, processing, and logistics of CCPs. Presentations will also address legal frameworks and environmental issues related to CCPs. On November 4th, several sessions will cover advances in processing CCPs for engineering applications and concrete, uses of CCPs in alkali-activated concrete, and scientific evaluations of durability.
November 2nd Workshop: recent advances in research and technology on CCPs
14:00 – 14:30 Welcome Coffee
14:30 – 14:40 Welcome speech (J. Feuerborn, I. Papayianni) Session chair: K. Sideris, E. Anastasiou 14:40 – 15:00 Alkali-activated concrete products based on industrial by-products (F. Kesikidou, I. Papayianni) 15:00 – 15:20 Resistance of mortars containing Czech fly ash to freezing and thawing (K. Pulcová, M. Šídlová, R. Šulc, P. Formáček, R. Snop) 15:20 – 15:40 Ground bottom ash as a supplementary cementing material (J. Bosnjak, E. Dilek, H. Schellhorn, C. Öttl) 15:40 – 16:00 Incorporation of SCMs and recycled aggregates in cement mortars using the Water Film Thickness (WFT) theory (M. Papachristoforou, E. Anastasiou, V. Siouta, N. Themeli) 16:00 – 17:00 General Discussion 17:00 – 19:00 Welcome Drink
November 3rd
09:00 – 09:20 Welcome speeches
K. Yakinthos (Dean of the Faculty of Engineering, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki) Ν. Silliris (President of Regional Department of Technical Chamber of Greece for Western Macedonia) R. Snop (President of ECOBA) J. Feuerborn (ECOBA, VGB) I. Papayianni (Aristotle University of Thessaloniki) Session 1: General aspects and politics related to CCPs in decarbonization era, chair: I. Papayianni, J. Feuerborn 09:20 – 09:40 Global opportunities and challenges for coal combustion products within a Circular Economy (C. Heidrich, J. Feuerborn) 09:40 – 10:00 Reconstruction of the national economy and regional cohesion with value-added energy investments (P. Tsiknakou) 10:00 – 10:20 Challenges with CCPs in Europe (R. Snop, J. Feuerborn) 10:20 – 10:40 The rise and fall of Hellenic High Calcium Fly Ashes (S. Tsimas, I. Papayianni, A. Moutsatsou) 10:40 – 11:10 Coffee break 11:10 – 11:30 Potential Utilization of Fly Ash and Bottom Ash (FABA)from Coal-fired Power Plants in Indonesia based on its Composition and Characteristics (F. Anggara, H.T.B.M Petrus, D.A.A. Bestari, K.V. Manalu) 11:30 – 11:50 Energy transition and the development of new economic activities in the lignite mines of Western Macedonia Region (F. Pavloudakis, A. Tsachouridis, N. Kiratzis) 11:50 – 12:10 Declining Coal-fired Generation: Challenges and Opportunities in Beneficial Use of Coal Combustion Products (B. Gallagher) 12:10 – 13:00 Roundtable discussion with moderator: C. Heidrich, J. Feuerborn, F. Anggara, B. Gallagher, P. Tsiknakou 13:00 – 14:30 Lunch break Session 2: Current availability, processing and logistics of CCPs, chair: M.J. McCarthy, N. Bech 14:30 – 14:50 Bulk Ash Logistics from India to Europe (R. Dalal) 14:50 – 15:10 Concrete ash from deposit with little preparation (N. Bech) 15:10 – 15:30 Water Requirement and Reactivity of Wet Stored/Processed Fly Ash for Use in Concrete (T.A. Hope, M.J. McCarthy, L.J. Csetenyi) 15:30 – 15:50 Upgrading the properties of Fly-Ash from long-term storage, with simultaneous drying, deagglomeration & classification using Atritor technology (A. Rigg, S. Coley) 15:50 – 16:10 Exploitation of fly ash from the deposit of Megalopolis area (S. Antiohos) 16:10 – 16:30 Coffee break Session 3: Legal frames and environmental issues associated with CCPs, chair: J. Feuerborn 16:30 – 16:50 Contribution of Supplementary Cementing Materials (SCM) on CO2 sequestration in concrete structures (V.G. Papadakis) 16:50 – 17:10 Development in revision of European Standards covering CCPs (J. Feuerborn) 17:10 – 17:30 Fly ash after SNCR denitrification and its utilisation in earthworks (F. Kresta) 17:30 – 18:30 Roundtable discussion with moderator: N. Bech, V.G. Papadakis, J. Feuerborn, M.J. McCarthy, C. Heidrich 20:00 – 22:30 Dinner
November 4th
Session 4: Advances in Session 5: Scientific advances and
processing CCPs for engineering evaluation of durability, chair: V. applications I, chair: L. Danest Feldrappe, E. Badogiannis 09:00 – 09:20 The Radical Option for Drying Role of SCMs on the development PFA-Minimal Energy, Minimal of durable and structural Emissions (C. Every) lightweight concrete (M. Stratoura, E. Badogiannis, V.G. Papadakis) 09:20 – 09:40 Initial Studies on Biomass/Coal Avoiding Damaging Alkali Silica Ash Blends for Use as Cement Reaction by the Addition of Fly Ash Components in Concrete (G.Z. – Experiences from 15 Years of Field Chen, J.W. Norrie, M.J. McCarthy Exposure (A. Heisig, L. Urbonas, D. T.D. Dyer, L.J. Csetenyi) Heinz, A. Machner) 09:40 – 10:00 Binary blends CCP/BMA Internal sulfate resistance of perspectives in construction concrete (J. von Werder, S. Simon, products (L. Danest) B. Meng) 10:00 – 10:20 Ternary CCP binder for shotcrete: Assessing the Sulphate Resistance from lab tests to tunnel primary of Concrete by a newly developed lining (V. Šmilauer, R. Sovják, Š. Performance Test Method (V. Pešková, R. Šulc, F. Škvára, M. Feldrappe, A. Ehrenberg) Šídlová, R. Snop, P. Růžička) 10:20 – 10:40 The technology of processing of bed combustion fly ash for cement composite production (M. Tazky, R. Hela) 10:40 – 11:00 Fly Ash Reclamation and Beneficiation Using a Triboelectric Belt Separator (L. Baker, H. Guicherd, F. Hrach) 11:00 – 11:30 Coffee break Session 6: Advances and uses of Session 7: Advances in processing CCPs and other byproducts in CCPs for engineering applications II, alkali-activated concrete, chair: I. chair: K. Sideris, M.J. McCarthy Papayiani 11:30 – 11:50 Design approach regarding the Durability of concretes produced development of alkali-activated with blended cements against fly ash-based geopolymer paving carbonation and chloride induced blocks (A.V. Lăzărescu, B.A. corrosion (K. Sideris, A. Savva) Ionescu, H. Szilagyi, C. Baeră, A. Hegyi) 11:50 – 12:10 The influence of NaOH solution High-volume fly ash cementitious molarity on the compressive materials (HVFA-CM) with strength of alkali-activated supplementary mineral additions- geopolymer binders (B.A. preliminary experimental evaluation Ionescu, M. Chira, A.V. Lăzărescu, (C. Baeră, H. Szilagyi, A.V. Lăzărescu, H. Szilagyi, A. Hegyi) B. Bolborea, C. Florean) 12:10 – 12:30 Mechanical Properties of Hybrid Investigation on the use of mineral Cotton and Steel Fiber Reinforced admixtures and alternative Fly-Ash Based Geopolymer aggregates in High Performance Composites (A. Bąk, B. Figiela, M. Concrete (E. Anastasiou, M. Kakava, Łach, R. Gailitis, W.-T. Lin, K. N. Tavianatou) Korniejenko) 12:30 – 12:50 Waste materials from Sustainable pavements. Use of combustion processes and mining industrial by-products and industry - assessment of the assessment of their environmental possibility of using fly ashes in footprint (A. Liapis, I. Papayianni, E. geopolymerization (K. Pławecka, Anastasiou) B. Figiela, K. Korniejenko) 12:50 – 14:00 Lunch break 14:00 – 15:00 Roundtable plenary discussion with moderator: J. Feuerborn, I. Papayianni, K. Sideris, N. Bech, S. Tsimas