Geoswath 4: Next Generation Wide Swath Bathymetry and Side Scan
Geoswath 4: Next Generation Wide Swath Bathymetry and Side Scan
Geoswath 4: Next Generation Wide Swath Bathymetry and Side Scan
GeoSwath 4 offers the industry’s most efficient simultaneous swath bathymetry and side scan seabed map-ping
system for shallow waters. Bathymetry data accuracies have been shown to exceed the IHO Standards for
Hydrographic Surveys, while providing seafloor coverage of up to 12 times the water depth and data from nadir to
the waterline. The side scan data can be calibrated for repeatable results to provide seabed classification and
monitoring. The new hardware provides twice the data density and increased nadir performance compared to its
predecessors in a new portable design. The specifically developed GS4 acquisition and processing software included
with the system delivers automatically cleaned data in real time.