Europe Watches As Bmtain-Italy Talks Start
Europe Watches As Bmtain-Italy Talks Start
Europe Watches As Bmtain-Italy Talks Start
Prairie Influx
Èarl of Perth, Carrying British Government’s
Proposals, Launches Conversations With Count
SBÉnteHwmr drought region? Chamberlain Does Not- torn they hnptin naim-ri n political
Palace late this afternoon to open
with Foreign Minister Galeazzo
Ciano the talks which even be-
conduct had discovered, on March the mishap. and other prairie provinces. Answer in Commons On crisis In Great Britain and resig
I. 1938, evidence of conduct ap The B.C. Boy rescued her rrew, Reeve R. M CrHuer of Rich nation of Anthony Eden as For
parently contrary to Just and which had to jump Into the water mond submitted the report of a Messages to Dominions eign Secretary.
equitable principles of trade. before their ship quickly sank, j survey listing 1,169 heads of LONDON (CP)—Prime Min Lord Perth returned only Sun
Hearing bn the (Marges was set The men were taken to hospital families with 3,859 dependents as ister Chamberlain made no reply day from London, where he re
for March 17. at Campbell River, where they : having entered valley municipal in the Hodsé of Commons today ceived’ instructions from the :
“This morning the firm of were treated fox exposure and - ities within the period. Of this when Rt. Hon. A. V. Alexander, Chamberlain government
Richard Whitnevgjy Ca. .advised shock------' number 394 families with ,1,351 Labor, asked whether he ,would FRENCH OPINION -
tfié excfiangêthai it was unable - The accident occurred off, dependents were said to be on supply members with copies of
to meet its obligations and sus Esteed Island. Garland Harbor, relief. PARIS (CP-Havas) — Prime
telegrams to, and the replies re
pension for Insolvency was an in the Campbell River area. Just "We're getting them by the ceived from, the Dominions in Minister Chamberlain’s House of
nounced from the rostrum of the at daylight. hundreds,” said Reeve George connection with the changes in Commons speech Monday in de
exchange shortly after 10 a.m.,” All members of the crew were Cruickshanks of Matsqul, speak British foreign policy. fence of Britain's vast rearma
said the official statement. Canadians, but their names were . lng at a preliminary meeting of ment program and his govern
Officials declined to elaborate not given in meagre dispatches the union delegates.. Geoffreys Mander, Liberal, pre ment’s foreign policy received
on the charges. received at headquarters of the"lihisJiridge
. a short time ago was strong enough to support trains, but now It lies in fragments Reeve William Crouch of Saan viously had raised the question, complete approval in Paris today.
asking Rt. Hon. Malcolm Mac French leaders of all shades
G. WHITNEY'S BROTHER Provincial ,-uuce
Police nere.
here j v’a*hl'd from i,s base. “ collapsed into the bed of the flooded Los Angeles River. The loss is Dart ich said the usual plan had been
Whitney, the most prominent The Canuck sank in 30 fathoms ]of *h® total of $65.000,000 damage to public and private property which resulted from last week’s floods to offer those who needed relief Donald, Dominions Secretary, of political opinf&n viewed the
the funds for transportation oack whether “in view of the fact that British leader’s remarks as a
member of the exchange to be of water and her salvage will be! in southern California. Other flood pictures from California are on page 3
suspended In many years, is a difficult. She Is 75 feet in length,---------------------------------- ------- ------------------- ----- • to theirjiomcs. But this did not fundamental differences have elear-Cut picture of Britain’s aims
brother of George Whitney, part equipped with a 135 horsepower always” ork. He had one case ' been disclosed and that the Prime which will strengthen London’s
in Saanich where the head of the Minister has abandoned collective position at the opening of ths
ner in the banking house of J. p. Diesel engine and is owned by Joe ,
Morgan and Company.
Wall Street veterans could not Street East, Vancouver.
Moscow Court Is
Carr and partners, 666 Pender j
Ground Frost _
Did No Damaae Toved- Thcre wpre «ven cmi
family was sick and could not be security, the Dominions are satis Anglo-Italian talks at Rome.
fied with this radical departure The Prime Minister’s vigorous
remember a similar action in- 3 dren and relief had to be given In foreign policy." stand In defence of democracy
volWng a former president of Dog That Bit Told of Murders of There was a slight frost last *1 think it will be seen from was a welcome surprise. It lent
newspaper reports that some of additional strength to the Impres
the exchange. The announcement
from the rostrum over the big
trading floor came as-a shock
Man Is Doomed
night. The minimum tempera
ture on the ground was reported
to- have been 31.5 degrees by the
the Dominion Prime Ministers sion France not only will be kept
have said that they would not informed on the Rome talks, but
to the membership generally.
Gorky and Others
Destruction | of a police dog, Dominion Meteorological .Obser- agree that there has been any also that its point of view will be
Trading, however, showed no owned by Sam Chong, Chinese,
notable effect.
There was no damage to farm Alfred C. Williams, Native ferred questioners to his state
Prime Minister Chamberlain re
resenting attorneys for the Whit- passed because it bit W. Rogers Confesses Slayings; Doc Pleads Guilty or garden. Most plants are not Son, Died Here Today ments of yesterday to the effect
Canadian Press Staff Writer
ney firm, issued a brief state while he was walking along Fis- tors Killed Author sufficiently far advanced to feel that the Dominions had been fully LONDON—Britain is moving
ment asking “those interested to guard, Street, having attacked on a double front for peace.
MOSCOW (AP) — Genrikh
a frost and those that are in Born in Victoria 85 years ago, informed. Late today in Rome, following
reserve opinion until this firm has him for no apparent reason. bloom were not hurt. Alfred Charles Williams, member A Labor member demanded Prime Minister Chamberlain's
made its answer . . Chong appeared in court this Yagoda, once the most dreaded of a well known pioneer family, whether the “action of the gov firm declaration that Great Bri
morning and pleaded guilty to a man in Russia, tonight abjectedly passed away this morning at his ernment is In accordance with tain’s “terrifying power" in
harvard graduate
W'hitney was born in Beverly, home, 1820 Lillian Road. the consultations that took place armaments is not to be used for
Mass., in 1888, attended Groton Mr. Williams was believed to at the Imperial Conference last aggression, -the Earl of Perth,
School and graduated from Har he was unaware of what the dog eminent Russians. be one of the oldest, if not the summer?” * British ambassador to Italy, met
vard in 1912. He went directly had done.
Into the financial field. The court ordered delivery of
The New York State Attorney- the dog within three days to the sudden ofreversal
General's office announced an city poundkeeper for destruction. avowal
Yagoda's plea of guilty was
of his earlier
Innocence in the killing
of Vyacheslaff Menzhinsky in
CHINA GAIN oldest, native son in Victoria. He
was born
Snow Also Checks Japanese bush, and during his long life
at a time when Victoria
Higher Freight
was a fort, surrounded by heavy
“Yes,” replied Mr. Chamberlain Couht Galeazzo Ciano, Italian
Foreign Minister, in the first of
the Anglo-Italian talks.
At the Foreign Office here
investigation into the firm's af
fairs would be commenced imme
1934. He already had admitted Advance in Areas of Battles watched its gradual progress to Rates in U.S. Tuesday Viscount Halifax, For
diately, with a hearing some Suggests Massey guilt In the deaths of Maxim its present size. For many years eign Secretary, will „ receive
time late today. Gorky, the writer. In 1936, and By LLOYD LEURRAS Mr. Williams was connected with WASHINGTON (AP) - The Joachim von Ribbentrop, Ger
It was understood, likewise, the For Tory Post Valerian Kuibisheff, head of the Associated Press Foreign Staff the old Baker brickyards. United States interstate commerce man Foreign Minister, in what Is
first Five year Plan, in 1935. SHANGHAI (AP) — Heavy He Is survived by two daugh commission granted American hoped to be the first of a series
Securities and Exchange Gommis- LONDON (CP) — Slips that One of 21 facing probable death railroads today a 10 per cent in
sioo would hold an independent pass in the night: The Daily in.Moscow’s greatest blood purge snow throughout central China tors, Mrs. W. Reid and Mrs. W. J cf Anglo-German conversations.
inquiry. and Increasingly strong guerilla Henry, of Victoria, and one son, crease in freight rates, but ex The Dominions, It is intimated,
Telegraph in its column devoted trial, Yagoda was a pitiful, attacks on all fronts have A. R. Williams, Vancouver; three empted several major commod will be kept Informed in accord
Members of the firm in addition to Dominioif news announces the
to Whitney are Edwin D. Morgan choice of a successor to R. B. shrunken, grew figure In the checked the Japanese advance in sisters and one brother, Mrs. J. ities. ance with the usual procedure.
The commission, which re
Jr., Henry D. Mygatt, S. Kings Bennett as Canadian Conservative prisoners^-box.'to which he had its self designated task of bring Moore and Mrs. J. Moriey of this
cently held' hearings, found ex
The contacts so far arranged
ley Roldewaid. Daniel C. Condon leader is unlikely until summer, death. But another defendant sent so many on their way to ing about a pro-Japanese regime city, and Mrs. Joe Richards and are preliminary to jiegotlatlone
In China. Thomas Williams, Merritt isting - rates ’ to be “inadequate." (Turn to Page »; Col. 6)
and John J. McManus. The estate but “among the most favored are testified that not long ago he
of John A. Hayes has a special Vincent Massey, Senator Meighen aspired to become Russia’s Hitler. The growing intensity of the The remains are reposing at
guerilla attacks threatens to dis-, Hayward’s B.C. Funeral Chapel,
interest and R, J. Manton ” One point of %ls pre-trial con - GENRIKH YAGODA
fession, however, Yagoda did not Whose confession of murdorsf nipt conrmtinramsh facilities be conduct funeral services at 3.30
confirm—his part In the death, was heard by the Moscow court Japanese tween the far-flung lines of the
where Rev. A. Tie B. Owen will Seek Government
Ransom Attempt — called murder, of Maxim Fech-
koff, son of Gorky. When first
_________today. __ ________ army. Thursday afternoon, after which
Daily reports from the Hang the remains will be laid at rest In
chow area tell bf Japanese. out Ross Bay Cemetery. Aid For Indigents
on the stand he recanted hi* con
AU four deaths previously had
M. Levine of New York been ascribed to natural causes.
council has accepted a tender
T. H. Bell Company of Vancouver
While guerilla tactics con for repairs to the Millstone
stantly harried the Japanese, Chi Bridge. Creosoted piling will
Hearing Argument
Municipal leaders of British
Mayor Firm Do
VICTORIA. I a.m. today—The barometer
is relatively high off Vancouver Island
.••bowers have occurred on the north coast
but in other parts of British Columbia the
weather has been fair, warm by day and
cool at night. It has been fine on the
prairies, but cold in Manitoba and Bas-
Holding Son Peter ( P. P. Buianoff, one of the 21 New Storm in South Also nese troops recaptured several be placed under the bridge foot Columbia today asked the govern
accused, once Yogada’s
-Convinced he has been In con come a Russian Hitler. He testi
NEW ROCHELLE, N.£ (AP) testified Yagoda wanted to be Accompanied By Lightning; Tuesday were threatening Japan $2,774.92.
House Set Afire
towns in Anwhet
esc garrisons at Wuhing and
province and Ings at an estimated co^t of ment to contribute toward the
cost Of caring for unemployable Relief Issue
persons, claiming they could not Says City Will Turn Ad
tact with klddnappcrs of his 12- fied Yagoda admired Adolf Hit Wukang. Near Tlnguan; 30 miles stand the burden.
Victoria—Barometer. 30 14; temperature,
max. 54. bid 30; «aim. clear.
year-old son. Murray Levine ler’s rise from the ranks and and lighining ushered in. a new a Japanese cavalry detachment
south of Llnhwaikwan Further Relief
in Anwhel, The government promised to
ministration Over to Gov-'
though Hitler’s "Mein Kampf” give full consideration to their ernment If Rules Enforced
Vancouver—Barometer. 30 14, tempera
ture. max. 56. min 35, wind, t miles N K.
trace, clear.
waited hopefully today for in was "a fine book.” norm loday as rain-plagued was ambushed. Thirty soldiers Cut Is Hinted request whan The relief ) Wh
structions for the payment of Asked why he had .confessed southern California struggled to were killed. tofen completoly -regreg..^ joined representatives of the
' had ordered the dtjJtiAS_U April and the extent of the cost
Si.*.; prealp JO; cloudy^
à mr'ermt . a wife to support may Is know-n. Union of British Columbia Muni
San Francisco—Barometer. 29 96; tem-
per,turc, nu». H. «un. M: wind, i mil» whose son. Peter, disappeared (Torn to Page $, Col. 7) "flood chaos. be cut off relief as the govern
l allway. Among them were de mentis next step In reducing the Hon. George S. Pearson, Min cipalities in a protest to the Cabi
N ; preclp. .15; cèoudy. February 24, declined to com Lightning bolts set fire to a tachments attacking with red ister of Labor, expressed the net today over application of new
Victoria .... ....................... “,V
»-«»lmo —..................................... S3 ,1 ment on conflicting reports that
Bridge Worker Is Pasadena home during the night spears and stripped to the waist relief rolls has been given, ac opinion that the burden might Teller regulations In the province.
Vancouver............................... m3* he had made a secret automobile and extinguished the lights in an under the delusion they are cording to Victoria delegates not be as heavy as the muni Mayor Andrew MeGavin gave his
personal view of the problem
New Wrstmlmter ............ $7 37 trip Monday. Some persons said attending the special Union of cipalities now feared.
Beattie ............................................ u Injured in Fall
12 they had seen him leave the
residence. Damage was immune to gunfire—a survival B.C Municipalities meeting at the A Union of B.C. Municipalities created by the revised plans for
VI kl* 1 lu ...................................... «a £ the historic Boxer rebellion.
delegation spent an hour with administering relief. -
. ......
1------- jtoh^PrancUco 54 46 house with two other men; others
Legislative Buildings today.
insisted he had not ventured out VANCOUVER (CP)—Reginald I*avy• j hail
•«=«* struck
aiiui.iv Redondo
rvt-aonao ----;---------------------- - “As soon as the government
Prince Oeorge . Davis, 30, was in a hospital here Beach after an electrical display -FUGITIVES CAB WRECKED Alderman W. Lloyd Morgan the cabinet on the Issue,
Penticton IZI
«Her -
today with serious injuries suf illuminated Illuminated the sfcv sky. Rein «...
Rain was ........ -_____' said it had been intimated to which arose when the provincial puts us on the spot, we’ll put
fired In a 40-foot fall from a reported from Santa Barbara to VANCOUVER (CP) — An au Victoria that on April 1 the gov government, under pressure from them on the spot,," the mayor
Grand Porks
rope just as he finished his day’s Newport Beach. tomoblle thief being purscud by ernment might pass on "another Ottawa, recently ordered that un said. "In other words, as soon
Kasio ...... city police In a prowler car early load” to the cities. employable persons be cut off re changes as they put into force the relief
CStgnnr ......... „ PARIS i CP-Havas) — Disap work yesterday on the First Nar Estimates of damage done to today wrecked the machine he they have announced,
lief. This threw such people
pearance of the 55-year-old Cath rows Bridge construction job. private and public property by was driving, but managed to es Alderman S. H. Okell said the back onto municipal councils for the city of Victoria will have to
Edmonton ....................................... jg
Prince Albert -................ 34
Moose Jew .......................... 34 olic-rightist dally newspaper Witnesses said Davis ap the disastrous floods of last week relief department had Indicated put the whole relief Issue back
Qu’Appelle ......... ;.................. .
Winnipeg .......................... :............ i«
14 Echo de Paris was reported tro parently lost his hold on a line fluctuated around the $65,000,000 cape. The driver of the stolen that single men would again be their care. on the government. The dty will
4 Toronto is tniijent todayf with financial wnile sliding
^kUe^sllding to the grout
ground from car failed to round a turn, and the off relief this summer and It was BURDEN TOO HEAVY
Ottawa . ____ ... mark. The casualty list read: 69 not carry an extra burden' of
,« troubles forcing it into Uqulda-1 the 300 foot tower now being Identified dead, 17 unidentified car crashed through a fence. The possible a married man without The delegation told the govern
driver ran between two houses dependents other than his wife ment that while the cities were $50,000_ojJ60.000 a year.
SI John 5
Htidis ......... m », tion. *-------
dead, 88 persons missing. and disappeared. I’m speaking far myself,
might also be refused aid. (Turn to Page 1, Col. If - «ourse,” the mayor added.
wart of. relief had •
—'SPY HUNT IN . .. .. .
changed the picture entirely.
British Columbia, particularly,
Radio Service Is Al had attracted thousands of START AND OTHERS
ways Best Because
transients by its climate, and
many of them had drawn relief
Rites Today (Continued from Page I) (Continued from Page 1)
We Have the Trained all the time they were establish which It Is hoped will lead to a were untrue, Yagoda, whose once
ing residence. general European settlement. sleek, round’ cheeks were
Men and Equipment G-men Reported to Have Many people had reached old Military Honors at Funeral ARMS BUDGET VOTED shrunken hollow and whose face
TRY US .Unearthed Number of SEEK GOVERNMENT AID age during the depression with of Late R.C.M.P. Chief was ashen grey, would only reply:
FOR INDIGENTS out any chance of, making Yesterday Prime Minister “Allow me please not to answer
New Clues in Ottawa ’ Chamberlain told a tense Hourê
(Continued from Page 1) * normal provision for It. Modern that question."
I eeois m y»t„ WASHINGTON (API—United
States Justice Department agents quite ready to accept the prin aivaiiy
Industry demands young, phy
sically in winners, ana
fit workers" and tnose
those ; paused today to pay tribute to
assigned to espionage cases ciple that unemployable? should with small handicaps could not the la,e Major-General Sir James deter me from doing what I can fantastic
— Ottawa of Commons: • Testimony in today's session—
"Neither past memories nor the sixth—of the trial traced a
present misrepresentation will story of murder in
which some of Russia's leading
worked today In strictest secrecy, not draw unemployment relief, get Jobs even though they could M^Brlen, for many years one to restore confidence and tran physicians became the villains
Charge Based by order of Attorney-General the government must participate do certain .............................
kinds of work. df the moat outstanding citizens
quillity of mind in Europe."
Cummings. in the cost of caring for the indi ECONOMIC WAR of the capital. and science provided the instru his son catch colds, which de
On Operation His instructions, which included gents because the cities simply CASUALTIES Commissioner of the Royal The House approved the gov ments. ' veloped - into double pneumonia
a ban on any publicity without could not handle it alone. Canadian IMUUIIHU
Mounted 1Police, U1JUC, a sol ernment's tremendous réarma- DOCTOR BRIBED
a f>Ul and then deliberately giving
VANCOUVER <CP) — Mrs. his personal approval, were given “Many of these persons who dlcr for nearly 40 years, veteran m«it plans by a vote of 347 to wrong treatment Of Gorky he
The municipal brief was ap Dr. L. G. Levin, distinguished said:
Alice Randolph. 51, was held by as reports spread that the Fed
proved at a preliminary meeting are now termed unemployable," ot tw0 wars In both of which he 133, after It had rejected 351 to
city police today on a chaîna of eral Bureau of Investigation had said the brief, "are casualties ot had1 served with distinction, and 134 a Labor amendment which In appearance, with white hair, “He was a completely ill man,
perlorming an Illegal operation. uncovered new clues on the op hi the Cedar committee room an anuuimi, economic war- ..'. 1.1-1. i—
which has one who had risen from the rank declared the armaments were to goatee and pince nez, who until a buj his lungs -tere the wort*
The arrest Monday afternoon fol erations of a “spy ring." with Reeve R. C. McDonald. Co of trooper to be Canada's first “further the dangerous and un few months ago was head of the Kruchoff aski/ idle what was baa
quitlam, presiding. Reeve J. B. taken a toll as definite as any sound policy undertaken by the Kremlin Hospital, led up to for Gorky. I told him long waik»-
lowed Investigation by city detec An informed official indicated Leyland was appointed to present military campaign, arid their care chief of the general staff, Sir government." Yagoda’s retraction. One of the physical exercise, failure to rest
tives Into the case of a woman several persons were being ques is equally a national problem as James died in a Toronto hospital
admitted to a Kltsllano nursing tloned in various parts of the the argument to. the cabinet. the maintenance of ‘bqrnt-out’ last Saturday. In telling the House that if 21 accused. Dr. Levin testified alter dinner.
home In serious condition some country. Victoria and the surrounding veterans of the Great Wir," the Today, following a service In negotiations should fail, “we Yagoda had bribed him with for "So he ’ was allowed to walk
days ago. The patient is re The Justice Department con- districts were fully represented brief said. Christ Church Cathedral, the shall not hesitate to revise our eign Gorky.
wines and luxuries to kit] miles—a thing he loved so —to
ported "recovering on the delegation, with Aldermen The delegation told the cabinet body was borne to Beechwood (rearmament) program or rate work in his garden. He also loved
good to its safes aUconfidential James Adam, Burges Gadsden, of acceleration," Mr. Chamber He and his colleague, Dr I. N. fire and flames, so fires were
reports prepared by the State W. Lloyd Morgan and S. H. Okell, it was preparedMo back up any Cemetery, through mourning lain declared the £1,500,000,000 Kazakoff, head of a clinic, also made in the open-at-nlght and he
THIEF IS JARRED Department. Ordinarily, these with Relief Officer E. G. Snow representations the province lanes of Ottawa's citizens. Most originally planned for the five- a defendant, swore they helped was allowed to stand facing the
Would make to Ottawa on the prominent among those who
VANCOUVER (CP)—A Jar of reports are kept in clerk files. den from the city; Reeve R. R. subject. They pointed .out that grieved the death of General Mar year rearmament plan would not kill .Pechkoff and Menzhinsky warmth, having a Cold wind Dlow
marmalade was too much for a Taylor, Oak Bay: Reeve Alex in old age; pei under Yagoda’s threats agains; ing across his hack.
PRINCE RUPERT DEATH pensions, pensions for Brlen were the old soldiers, with be sufficient, but did not estimate their own llvc£>
youthful thief who tried to Lockicy, Esquimalt, and Reeve the destitute. blind and allow allow- whom ,he bonds of comradeship what the new total figure would "Kruchkoff brought him up
snatch Mrs. B. Holden's purse. PRINCE RUPER8, B.C. (CP) - Crouch and Municipal Clerk R. ances for “burnt-out" veterans, had strengthened with the pass- be. "Yagoda expressed dissatisfac I from the Crimea when his grand
As the youth crept up behind her John Crawford, 20, stepson of A. R, F. Sewell, Saanich. tion with Peehkoff’s ways," Dr. children were down with grip.
the Dominion had accepted re Ing ,years. AIR COMPARISON Levin related, "said he was doing Gorky 'caught it Jn two days. It
and seized tne bag, Mrs. Holden J. Cook of Vancouver, died in a For
Fhr several reasons, the brief sponslbllity sponsibility In social matters. matters Arrangements for the funeral
swung the marmalade bottle she hospftal here today, the victim of said, the burden of caring for the 1 "Tf thov n 111 p.y-—rm- màto I had been made by the National Mr. Chamberlain’s declaration nothing, had no job, was given developed into double pneumonia.
was carrying In one hand Th« IE destitute”, that Is unem- things, why should ^they of Britain’s determination to be to alcoholic excesses." '______ _ We used targe doses of medicines
Jar hit the side of the thief's corpuscles to disappear from the poor and destitute, they riot t>cfFnce Department and Its secure regardless of cost, and the
ptoyables, was heavier than it character was wholly military, MURDER ORDER which normally should be used
head. Hhe ran—dropping the blood stream. The body will be used to be before the depression. recognize heart disease or .with the R.C.M.P. performing a assertion by Rt. Hon. Winston in small doses and less fre
purse' In his hurry. arthritis eases," said Relief Of Churchill, Conservative, that the Finally, said Levin, Yagoda told quently.”
taken to Calgary for burial. Where it was once a "nominal ficer Rupert Bone of Vancouver prominent function. The pall German air force is double Bri him "Pechkoff must be done
bearers were representatives of These medicines, he explained,
all branches of the servie#. They tain’s strength, provided a sombre away with.”
tone to the debate mi what Rt. "Murdered?"- asked Prosecutor were heart stimulants—which
were MaJ .-Gen. C. F. Constantine. would not have been harmful to
Hon. Clement Attlee, Labor Andrei Vishlnsky.
"Yes," the physician answered. other patients.
SAFEWAY^PIGCLY WIGGLY Adjutant-General: MaJ.-Gen. H. leader,
A. Panet; MaJ.-Gen. A. G. L. Me termed "the gloomiest
Nau'ghton, former chief of the document” he had ever seen—the lagoda as telling him: "You must
government’s white paper on de-
Generarstaff: Commodore Perry -fence:---------------:---------------------
The doctor further quoted BRITISH M.P. DIES
hplP us.------- If you try anything .LONDON (CP)------- Sir. Cyril
W. Nolles, chief of the naval my word is better than yours. Cobb, Conservative member of
staff, Air . Commodore G. M. Not to do it means the end of Parliament Tor West Fulham,
opportunity to buy high-quality
merchandise at prices that
Gen.,.Edouard de B. Panet.
At the graveside three volleys
w ere flrçd over the casket and at.
Held For Trial
it was lowered Into the ground Pair and Three Others In- I DEATH OF GORKY
I inner struggle, but said nothing
Handel’s Oratorio, “Judas Mao-
to anyone and finally decided to cabaeus.V Metropolitan Church,
Friday, March II.
» * •
J. H. Le Page, Optd. Optome
will appeal to every bud the notes of "The Last Post dieted in New York For Dr. Levin confessed murdering trist—New offices Bank of To
rang out A brief silence en
get-wise shopper. sued, then the trumpeters soufided Kidnapping Wendel Gorky, his family friend, by de ronto Bldg., 1405 Douglas Street.
liberate mistreatment. Business phone E1711; residence
"Reveille"—the "dawn of a new NEW YORK (AP)—A federal
day." He calmly told the court of K3190. •••
grand jury here today indicted first meeting Yagoda In 1920
Ellis H. Parker Sr., Burlington when he treated Felix Dzerhin- Medical Aid for China—Please
Airplane Falls Into County, N-J-. chief of detectives, sky, first chief of the Cheka, as send your old cotton and linen
his son, Ellis Jr., and three others the secret police organization and old clothes to 1426 Govern
Sea Off California as kidnappers under the Lind was then known. ment Street daily, between 2 and
SAN DIEGO, Calif. (AP) — A bergh law. He then related how Gorky 5. E 4725. * * * •••
flaming plane today dived into The indictment concerned the had suffered from tuberculosis Paisley Cleaners and Dyers—
the sea off Oceanside, 45 miles lleged kidnapping of Paul H. H from his youth, causing him to We call and deliver. Phone
____.L .< i___V
north of here, police said .... Wendel, fnrmpr
they Wondpl former Trontrvn
Trenton rooidani
resident live in Italy, both before and after G 3724. •••
were told. from New York to the Parkers 1928 Bolshevlst revolution, until • • •
_ Possibility that It might be a home in Mt; Holly, N.J., February The Ctialet, Deep Cove, Chicken
United States navy plane inspired 24, 1936. The physician testified he had Dinners, Devonshire Teas. *Phone -
authorities at the North Island At that time, the Parkers Issued selected the Soviet doctors who Sidney, 82F, «*» -_
PRICES EFFECTIVE WEDNESDAY. MARCH 9. TO SATURDAY, MARCH lÿ- naval air station to send several a "confession" signed by Wendel took turns staying with the au I’lsaa
* »
ItfiUna' wniffllRR
*—m —» anS ...
tiw nmny Ox
PINEAPPLE—Libby'», Hawaiian, planes northward to search for that he had kidnapped Charles A. thor at his retreat on the Bay of Protestant Orphans’ Home ac
No. 211, long slice, tin, each....,
fruit cocktail—
Libby's, serve chilled......... £ tins
d%< M
-CATSUP—Libby’s. Tomato.
12-ox. bottle, each___________ wreckage. Lindherjfh
Oceanside police reported sev which. Bruno Richard Haupt
Jr., the , crime for Naples In Italy.
"Yagoda became very friendly knowledge the following dona
Libby’s, g-o*. tin, each______ ___ 13c GRAPEFRUIT JUICE—
An appetizing starter for A
stuffed. 4-o*. bottle, each______ ____ _
eral persons had seen the
fall In flames into the sea about death.
plane mann was then under sentence of with me," he related. "I was flat tions for the month of February:
tered. He would send me French Mrs. Butler, clothing; Mrs. Dilla-
Libby’s, 12-o*. tin, each____________ _
any meal______________ £■ tins Z 3 C OLIVES—Libby’s, three miles offshore. The faked confession allegedly wine, fine flowers, presented me bough, picture cards and cloth
DILLS— 4 PORK AND BEANS— .ripe, 5- oe. tin, each....______ ________
obtained by torture delayed the with a datcha (country home). ing: A Friend, fruit; A Friend,
Libby’s, No. 2«* tin. each......................... j Libby’s, No. 1 tin, each......... ..... 7 C OttVEK— execution of Hauptmann three While Dr. Levin gave his nar finit and carrots; Miss Agnew,
Libby’s. No. 2% tin..,*________fc (or {
. Libby's, No. 1 tin_______ —L—"4
SOAP >m'd
riiLfi NAPTHA (limit g) .sek
foundation for delicious _
UH-w. tin..
i nc
tebasco. as an appetiser—or es the ing to the British Columbia court Parkers,
of Appeal from a judgment of
Mr. Justice H. B. Robertson re
fusing his application for dis Northern China
to make findings on the methods
of treatment’ allegedly designed
to murder.
One Grad. — ibe Bni
tins 25C
Red Arrew, make dellrlene desserts, pkg., each.
Fhont E 7153
Wllh the
“ pl.t.
,|, the., tehee
the «.||, ....
HONEY 2‘3e
Manitoba, g-lb. S-ee. tin. each . Æêë 1
offer exceptions! value snd are sold on
a money-back guarantee of excellente.
A fine Orange Pekoe blend. lb49C
oi the Dominion since that time. today It had been advised from cian who attended him, said his
He was examined by Immigra Ottawa that the provisional Chi- suspicions were aroused by the
tion officers In Victoria last year nese government at Pekin had medicines prescribed by Dr
on a complaint that he had en "sharply reduced" customs Levin. 2 Used
'* *•. Ph'feel meal .yhetllale- AIRW AY COFFEE — A real “famltr* tered the country illegally and tariffs on goods entering north Ten days before the death, he
rte* la tkm 1st. aad pr.telae . nates-
•“» far a eeatpletelr haUared dial
SHAFT OR VELVEETA B. * K. rultr, 1-1». lack, no mm 1
brand—flavorful and
economical, lb...................
alleges that although
inquiry supported-Ms contention
a board of China.
Rates on more than 100 com
said, Pletynyeff urged:
‘‘L*t's give the sick man some
Leonard and Frigidaire
re AIN OR PIMENTO he was lawfully landed in modifies—Including most com thing to ease him out."
èieh’: ”'' c ':*k ,t‘:
29 e
Lenten Suggestions In CANNED FOODS Special JELL-O Desl
Canada he was arrested last modifies shipped from British
October and held in custody In Columbia to the Chinese market yesterday
Prosecutor Andrei
H-lk Phi. aaak.___ _________ 1 8C Victoria since then. *" —were affected by the reduc alleged murder would he attribu Term. Amegetf
re»h—Orchard Cil,. « far 15C 1 P,
Slerr a, ll-es. tin.. £ lor I 06
«hair. _ 2far 2SC
No. 1 tie____ » Bn of regntsr Jello and
Mr. Justice Robertson’s deci tions, the bureau said. ted to long walks after dinner,
te-lh. ph,„ each________________ |
1 OC. SALMON—«aaflawrr.
1 Ml. et Chocolate Je lie
Padding ....------------- -4 1er 19e sion refusing his application for Tariff on softwood logs was combined with medicines admin c. j. mcdowell
re- ».---------------------19C
,— Elit, 17-ee. tin--------tf lirLuC
CORN-Aplmar, »hak p tf Q,
fsary flak. No. 1 tin, rich
SALMON—Hanrihaa, faar, OQ.
9 « discharge was handed down No reduced by half, and on sawn istered to him for his heart. FLVMB1NO and BEATING
MAPLE SYRUP—Pride of vember 26, 1937. lumber by a little more than a
MALT—Bine Ribbon,
e e e
ga . —
hrratL Iblh-ea. Ila__ C far 196 aarkapt. No. 1 Ua. eaob 296 Canada, 16.0*. bottle, each...
JAM—Avlmer—Loganberry or A prient 25c Viahlnsky declared Yagoda and
half. Common paper and news P. P. Bullanoff, another defend
VON CRAM IN print tariffs were cut by about ant, tried to kill Yezhoff, but that
hop furor, tin_______ ... ) | , JQ (with added petiln), 3’-ni. jer, enrh.. QUICK DINNER—Kraft. Macaroni d ft-
»nd Cheese, reedy In » mlnutoa, pbg. I 9C
PANCAKE FLOCK—,______ . _ a third. Reductions varjijBg from the plot was discovered before
SODAS— a third to" a half were made on sufficient poison had been admin
Annt Jemima, pk,. "enrh.... | (C
WED. end THUK8. Only I.B.C., select , - 2 pkgs. 25c wheat flour, fresh apples, salt lstercd.
Window Blinds
Aunt Jemima, pb,„ eneb.... cUC
For gleaming porcelain, tin., eeM 5c JAIL HOSPITAL herring, salmon, fresh fish arid
“I loved Gorky and his family."
Dr. Levin said to the court. "I
NETTED OEM thought him one of the greatest WORN BLINDS '
Tennis Player in State of Franc Goes To* people. That Is why Yagoda lies
VEAL POTATOES,, Collapse in Germany;
Others Arrested New Low Point
when he says that I did what l’
did without orders.
"I am not afraid of death I
Liberal Allowance for tenr
Old Rollers
Estimates Cheerfully Given
Veal PARIS (AP) — The franc
BERLIN (AP)—Baron Gott___________________ ________ mi8LJBllfahs-41&
STEW, Shoulders, lb..
. filed von
He told of making Gorky and CHAMPION’S LTD.
CHOPS, lb 15c Veal Legs
orRumps, lb.. A VV
d m Rhubarb
Ne. 1 HOTHOUSE___ OKANAGAN.. 3.15* griwx-twmis playar. today war aCcade, despite having rallied In
reported /vin f I noil 4*»
confined in a•% jail Inllmw
infirm afternoon trading
ary as the result of a nervous of 31.13. "
collapse following his arrest on
The fall of the franc was
a bottom
Ill Fort Stmt
BUNK1ST. Medium 19' TKXAi. Carl*...
a morals charge. blamed in financial quarters on a
Authorities withheld details of number of developments In
the case, but the ministry of pro French economy. They ranged
paganda .promised to ------ Issue nom
SAUSAGE Grapefruit OCc Turnips . Oc . - ,
71 T my—T - jj-tffyw-tJJ .....
from iveem recent puousueu ligures -—----- Jaisrrhal Deafness, or if you
img ^ Showing a trade deficit oILMO. have roaring, rumbling, biasing noises in “AeroSlame”
BIB .... 3lbs. for .... TRXAE, tarn ah... Star é» V BOOKS______ _______ 4 IW. V TCW wnule aliaIr.
trie whole 000,000 francs (about £61,900,0001 your ears, go 4o yew druggist and get
Von Crsmm, world’s No. 2 ten during February to the govern 1andounce of Paruint (double strength)
nis amateur, was arrested shortly ment's battle with Parliament a little granulated sugar. Take 1 table- add to It *4 pint of hot water and
BOASTS, lb., 18c I
KIDNEY, 9 lbs., 19c APPLES 5 ibs. 25®
OKANAGAN DELICIOUS, Crta, aad Jolar... ■■
after his return last week from over labor legislation.
â'tennis tour of Australia.
Meanwhile rumors, not con
firmed, circulated in Berlin that
The British Museum has the
oldest known scrap of paper, a
spoonful four times a day.
ATbls will often bring quick relief from
the distressing head noises
nostrils should open, breathing become
easy and the mucus stop dropping Into
the throat. It le easy to prepare, costs
Clogged BURNER
Model, (or lUnfF or Forme.
W, Rrwrtt the Right to Limit Quantifie,
a number of other aristocrats fragment from China with writ little and is pleasant to taka. Afiy&he Coast Hardware
had been arrested on Similar ing on it, made about the second who Is threatened with Catarrhal Deaf
ness or Who has head noises should five 1416 DOUGLAS ST.
charges. century A.D. this prescription a trial.
At 3,587,000,000
roe bpbing * Smartly Dressed Women
'- — of Victoria
®***r#B (m s»H»g! Briefer Mid Some Regions Cannot Main
,?.BaeW thBn *'"•
»U year frock*.
an "tege" fer
tain Present Cutting, New forms the basis- on which new
government policies of conserva
Survey Shows tlon and permanent yield are
With 254,000,000,000 board feet
<47 Vein street e Mtt
of merchantable timber standing, In a foreword Mr. Gray dealt Be»4y-U-Wear u4 ITBfl
British Columbia's forests have with the question oMogging con ISIS DOK.LAS ST. B l«SS
available for the logger a sus trol and government forest policy.
SILVER JUBILEE “When," he said, “vast virgin
tained yield of 3,587.000,000 board
PQBT COQUITLAM. B.C. feet annually, according to a new forests are being put to the use
fCP)^This Fraser Valley city survey.jit the province’s forest
Monday cclebrateo Its silver ju- resources Wy>.cu oy F. „.
compiled by mm
D. Mi*
buee. Twenty-five years ago Port 4 hoi land, chief of the forest sur
of man improvements In silvicul
ture must come as a gradual pro
cess, and there is no occasion for
Rowell Board
Costs Reported
fW'illit Inm became
Kne’imo a
— city
—r*_ and■ veys.
. alarm In the fact that the utiliza
James Mars Its lirst mayor. Hon. A. Wells Gray, Minister tion ritethods suitable for such
of I^ands, made the survey data forests differ from those em
Aifierican Industry maintains public here today. It is the pro ployed in second-growth forests OTTAWA (CP)—Cost of the
more than 2,000 research labora duct of 10 years' intermittent of countries whose virgin stands Royal Commission on Dominion-
tories. work by the survey branch, and have gone. >■»* «Mb UtrHMJM
Provincial Relations up to Feb
“It will be seen that there are ruary 4 was $74,141.82, Hon. Fer.
still standing over 254.000.000,000 nand Rlnfret, Secretary of State,
board feet of merchantable tim said In a return tabled in the
TWO SUPER-SPECIALS... ber, of which nearly 110,000,000,-
O00 board feet are said to be acces
House of Commons Monday In
reply to a question from Alex
sible at present prices. It is esti Edwards, Conservative, South
WEDNESDAY (A.M.) mated that for the whole pro
vince a total annual volume of
3,587,000,000 board feet is avail
able for the logger on a sustained-
Waterloo, Ont. <——
Hon. N. W. Rowell, chairman,
received $25 a day living allow
Complete 4-piece Store yield basis, after allowing for the
ance plus transportation. Com
Hours missioners Robert A. MacKay,
average loss by fire and epi Henry F. Angus and Joseph Sir-
to 1 OtlOTK
te average annual cut dur-
ois received, $25 a day and living
ing the last 10 years has been gaged on the commissioiYs work.
2,541,000,000 board leet. Imme Commissioner John W. Dafoe
diate expansion of utilization to receives only actual expenses,
the larget figure is not recom "Mr. Dafoe does not wish to
mended, because the mainten accept any compensation,” said
ance of such a volume of produc the return.
tion would depend upon the
development of logging methods Beautiful Madeleine Carroll, who takes adventurous roles in The commission counsel, James
to reach many stands w hich can • - — -----f,-— - ----
— “““ subsided.lauiuBob
screenradio and screen Stewart and Louis St. Laurent,
L— m I'nntnii i o n■.<! ,u.« 1— ï l a. ...
hot be logged profitably at pres- encountered a real-life adventure when the flood trapped her for comedian, found that his home in Bel Air and water were nrettv receive $150 a day and traveling
ont, and Upon complete' and three days in hut Malibu Beat'll home. Al lengih she donned a pair ■vi'll mixed. He is seen in the photo above, sloshing around one of
prompt reforestation of all lands of hip boots and struggled four miles across the muddied and the rooms mooring floating furniture against the wall, and un The commission has had 80 em
logged off in the future. These doubtedly keeping a wary eye out for his raucous: trademark, the ployees, seven of whom have re
water-torn dunes until she ran into a studio rescue party. beloved bazooka.
objects involve problems of [ signed. Total cost of secretaries,
SVfb economic advisers, clerical, sten
which the government is fully the last minute because the cost
Save Here Tomorrow (a.ra.) of sustained yield capacity he has i lommons Stages Debate On i “It costs . ,.more -not.— to have state
On thli nomplrtr Sell,. A room of furnltnr. for h«, Ilian I hr price
taken no account of the increased Rev. ^Du D. n Mclvors
Urlunr!. Resolution
Ds.nlia;.. Mcivor — an to have it, Mr.
°*î P,r7'„ ,Thr rou, <on.1st. of large mirrored e.nll,, yield which might be obtained
and «tool, fnll-alze bed and jenlv cheat of dranrra.
Life Insurance
Mr. Mulholland points out that Appearing In. police court yes
B.C. ELECTRIC is now being actively planned. It due to the long-term nature of in- terday, the men were remanded
is time to institute active meas vestnvent in forestry and also to for eight days. Pappas was al
ures providing for more success the effect of "wild'’ timber in lowed bail of $500, while bail for
ful reforestation. .- It --
is —W
also time
MU4V keeping moi market «Xt-I values
Vdiur» IUH low, pri- the others was set at $100. A
Douglas and Pandora to prepare for some regulation vate owners ,---------------- have seldom suc
of the cut so that the great store ceeded in managing forests un ciation was organized here re
The Hellenic Colonization Asso OF CANADIAN H O.M E S
of virgin timber on the accessible der a consistent policy for long cently by Mr. Pappas under a
------------------------------------------------------------------- .__________________________________
areas may not all be used up be periods of timq. provincial charter.
8. 1938
•Uirtoria Satlg ®imps I ^ ver fox pelt,. But T photomicrogr.phed
I bit of ash revealed thafthesklns were not
h^,7h, X' bU‘ rabblt*‘ana ""« revelation
brought a confession. The spectroscope Loose Ends burn
n",‘ rBU,T”IC *ND ri BUSBlWG CO. LTH. tu7ned°rf 8 n>llyKby a,,ronomer«- has been
Victoria, B.C.
W U» CuKlu r,«. Hi
turned to use by the arson fighters. Rub.
blsh from a burned building can be st>e£
L*., i..,.r
el 4.411 Bur... el Clrt.lalto. cWdcIaie<,| ‘° de,,rmine every Possible BVs conversation 01*41 1*5» BROAD ST
icBscurnox uift, c«, n chemical element in the blaze. An in».
»7 Ban (aaal.,1,. Bm.l. dlaçiat using flashlight powder was caught JN THE BUS TODAY I was listening to a
r»«ej Btalaa. w Bar ............... «tare. II ear «..ta thatjway, when ordinary chemical analysis roupie of gentlemen from Sidney dis-
aspect of the 1932 trade pact. But CanIT suddenly cut off from Canadian
rannot tell Britain what «h._____ Canada ,s that n„a __ ghts'„ This President Immigration Study
$hP °an °r cannot do H h? 7 r , n°',bp aUowed «, power that Is now or might be
out °f Quelx-c, then it5;, gZ etugVZu? imported tn the future is not good Commission, Sacramento, Cal.
Zre ZaZT”a" °f Quebec- °» «ht,
(Ws nnVt ^DPHneull result means Quebec
policy. The danger is further
emphasized by the possibility that BEAUTY iN ETHIOPIA
?Lh.^ W"d,ng « ln,pn' of the reserv!,1 , ChamberZZS’h.^rZ an , ™
either mtgnt Canadae or the United From Ottawa Citizen —LIMITED
Bon the Conservative party’, policy plan; ^^“r'ofTsZ'at Ottawa bé,Un» onZ°nS; bU< ,he ln«rdp crowd^s ®^faged‘n Mates might eventually become Picture, show how Ethiopian
* wa''. not, of cour»,
tribesmen burned two Italian
ending hi. Eden for ,h* future. Instead o’ ,7 ,ach othpr- but Individually, g™8 >nd 'he'e occupants. This Better English 'o It.” 2. Pronounce fleg mat-lk.
staZ,bl,J,arePr’ «he incident 1, Cy ïtS?. STP olher nation or
Fighting Fire Losses by ?nk,é;^r ^^ ^y. bc dra a bagger .one, f - -Qur - neuleaHty - itrws or
* the contemporary style of ■y D. C. WILLIAMS e as ln leg, a as In mat. i as in
^ y°ung «• What ts wrong Wirff ;niS
“ ^RSOM &06SB8 HAVB NOW BEEN RR tWfftroh" election thefTZre, n sÿttâbîêr 3.
"ext ^ the diet»,.— "—- - PoHcy iof conciliation with i
dictator? can hardiv he n—u . wlm sudden stnnn»».
°f Canada miRht require a «"'epeer "I asked him. but he Catarrh.
duced to a fraction of their totals of stoppage », ot the ---- power :____we would not hear to it." 4- To regard with pro
out satisfactorily for RrtT.f»1^. «° w°rk
£,a”af.°',T? ee»*0" " that .the war on never have In tté7L?“*ÎÎL Sdch nave been Importing from. Can Parallel Thoughts found respect. "We should rover»
2- What is the correct pro
Î to 7 destruction of property by fire- Mussolini get one «thin?»», Aft*r HltIer «"d nunciapon of "phlegmatic"? these men of genius." 5. Vindl-
if Washington poffeyTrustrates ITte merciful man doeth good
■etting has resulted In the production of In- may 1 ,. _------ s win other uproar fo7Z,Ll CLmU8t 8tar» 3. Which one of these words is
■truments which point out the Ineendlarist for the federal" C^n—DfP^ssls as every Iain’s speech contends vEven Dumber- the projected power deal between to his own soul; but he that Is misspelled? Guitar, catar, nectar
ti„._ . Conservative leader," whli# prewZ ^ZiZn *? out the American private companies cruel troubleth hls own flesh— lettek of thanks
™*e * ■creaming siren. Heon Issued
Zing “h^de?e7toteTe"t ar,er hls election Proverbs 11:17.
For Instance, a warehouse fire In one rw—i fends hi, new' effort He de- «md the Ontario hydro and the 4 What does the word
Quebec companies, the view on 7—r, of .'banks for the na-
SUjt supposedly burned |5<*VX1Q worth of i
ZZZ-po'icics'particularly pro^
election is a vindication of Mr
hope that things may be'di’re the ground ot Parliament Hill Is that the St
b* ‘be man,
Wilt thou draw near the nature revere ' mean ?
Lawrence schente will be re then , e°^r Dra«' "ear them with vi that means "»«
T*”ed a, an Issue for the two .then In being merciful; sweet
l=,Zr,y'* ,rup badge-
with W|h,tl 18 * Word beginning) Published recentiy by the VictorT*
Daiiv ti____ ^.1 V p v'c'orlu
has been received
countries at an early date. Answers Men-------- -
•j.’HÆjsaassstiiise._ «Wild dm.
SIDE GLANCES By George Clark Qg
Leaders Named
Council Elects 16 Directors
Veldt Related
at Second Annual Meeting I
The Victoria Council of Soçial
T. Norman, Ex-South Afri
can Policeman, Addresses Continuing Our
Agencies held its second annual
Gyro Members
meeting In Spencer’s dining-room i
yesterday and elected 16 mem
bers to its executive and nine to
represent it on the board of the
Interesting Incidents during his
30 years in the service of the
South African police were related
Community Chest. by Ti Norman, recent retired,
Officers will be chosen at the
first meeting of the new execu
to the members of the Gyro Club
at their weekly luncheon at the
Empress Hotel yesterday.
The following were elected by
acclamation to the board of direc
tors of the council: F. E Wins ;
low, E. W. McMullen, Alderman 1
"The primitive and the civil
ized are probably closer together
in Africa than anywhere else in
the world," Mr. Normatudeclared.
, ' / - A -
S. H. Okell, H. B. Witter, George | The speaker told how only three
MacDonald, Dr. H. M. Cassidy
A. H. Hundleby, H. T. Ravenhill,
I years ago the police quelled a
small rebellion among the natives
t ather M. M. Sweeney, Miss I only 15 miles from the n very 1
Lyna Mess, Miss Helen Kirkwood modern city of Durban.
Mrs. R. R. Taylor, Mrs. J. w During the course of his re
Gibson, Mrs. F. V. Longstaff, G.
D. Howell and Mrs. Kenneth
miniscent talk Mr. Norman told
of the last diamond rush of which
J he himself had been a witness.
Every important Hat Fashion (for Spring 1938
is represented in our advance, colleetiou . . .
Those elected to the commu The government had staked off iaslydns vou will wear all Spring and Summer!
nity chest board were Mr. Wins an area of about two square miles
low. Mr. McMullen, J. O. Cam divided into claims 40 feet square.
eron, Mr. MacDonald, Brig.-Gen. After- paying a- smalt fee- 5:000 -
_J?' ^u3tln- Miss Frances Fitz- miners and would-be miners lined The new Hats are a riot of flowersT.. little brims, half-way
flbbôn, Mrs. Taylor, Mrs. H. M.
Cassidy and W. Hobart Molson.
Mr. Winslow, in a brief presi
up behind a- mtie-long rope bar
rier. At the zero hour when the
police had dropped the barrirr. „
I-/ Frinis, up-turned brims and sophisticated ones . , , all the
brims are waiting here to frame young faces! Throughout
dential report, said that in the I hope none of you boys think I can teach you anything that will there was a mad scramble for Ü —mtr host of smart Hats to complement your Spring ward
two years of—its existence the ________ - help you make money." the claims.
council had accomplished at The speaker, who previously to 8 robe, you will find special selections of Sailors and Bonnets.
least the first steps towards pro clamped down on other votes for his leaving South Africa had *
moting a unified social service
system in Victoria.
He spoke of the part played in
City Council the parks department, delaying 75,000 Zulus under his jurlsdic SB
several purchases until after the 'ion, said the 600 whites in thé
estimates had been completed. KB. -OUR PRICES ARE JUST*AS APPEALING .AS
same area were far more trouble
the welfare picture by both the
public and private agencies, the
latter filling„ ----■ «.-I—
" "V : ----------------------------------
"Before we finish with the bud than the natives. The lipn Mrr
get, we will have to go through ^O.Cditn ^ classified—as *r gentle
She -psiks ............
Agam and rmVTrit lui rather than a , ferocious beast,
—--------------- - THE STYLES!----- -----------------------
— Millinery Salon.
---------------------- Flr»t ..Floor.
tween the services of the former I T 1 111 $10,000 from the estimate^ the only becoming mean when
and also being in a position to do ( A mpmorandum regarding sew- mayor stated, annoyed. The buffalo was the
more in the nature of eoeperi- ' age conditions on Victoria's boun- “It’s cutting the cloth too-fine, fiercest ot all South African mmmm
mental work. 1 dary, affected by effluent flowing Som<1 ot ,hat work should be animals.
WORK REVIEWED in from Saanich, has been pro- done " Alderman James Adam
. Mrs. Kenneth Barr, Jn. her. re P«wd. and. preeentedj te 4t»--Pro
port as secretary, said the council vincial Secretary, a letter from
K commented. - I— Oddment Table of
j---- - ------ ----- -- Alderman S. H. Okell was
had established a common ground Dr. H. E. t’oung
for the discussion of problems City Council yesterday.* oung infoi informed the named city delegate on the case Children’s Wear
.....—..... committee of the Friendly Help SPECIAL VALUES FOR WEDNESDAY
ahd a clearing house for ideas re
garding community relationships. Invitations to the council to at
She mentioned the formation tend the Portland .Rose Festival, - Final passage was given (he
Welfare Association.
of the Community Chest during from June 8 to 11, were referred new building by-law and pretlmin Dr. C. W. Topoinû Tells
the last year as a valuable move to the finance committee.
ftrDefcuracy; IN STAPLES g----------j
Included in these offerings are Flannel
ette Sleepers, Nightgowns and Pyjamas,
ary readings were accorded the Snrinl Anonc r...V , Broadcloth Slips, *Cbtton Dresses and
forward in the city's welfare A letter from the Communist "Water By-law, 1932 Amendment ^ V», . 9enCV Council of ON SALE WEDNESDAY
work, and said the Council of Party of Canada, suggesting pro By-law *-----------
(No. -------*
5) 1938."“ : ejects of Environment Coveralls.
Social --B-Agencies
..wo was largely iv- re- posals to to ouL-viau'
alleviate me
sponsible for the success of the lem, was referred to the relief
the reiiei
relief piOD-
Tenders for painting the police A 10-point program with which
A garment___________ _ 50c
—Children's We»r, First Floof
Chest pamnalnn
campaign giving' n__
the committee. rni__
The communication station were referred to the police to approach the increase of crime ,
public a clear picture of the aims, suggested establishment of unem commission. FILLED COMFORTERS in print BLANKETS, ideal for general
and delinquency.Jn Canada was coverings: well filled and firmly
methods and needs of the agen ployment insurance, new legisla
cies. - Sale of two properties, one st .ret before the Victoria Council of
tion to eliminate tax exemption the comer of Balfour and Obed Social Agencies at Its second an
Mrs. Barr’s report mentioned on government and company pro nual meeting In,Spencer’s dining-
stitched. Cot sizes, approximately utility purposes. Size 64x84 inches.
34x48 inches. Each_________ 89<- Blue borders only. Slightly shop Art Needlework
the establishment of a Christ perty and a revised taxation for $100 and another on the north roonv yesterday by Dr. C. W. Top soiled. To clear, each____ $2.89 Oddments for Clearance nn
mas bureau last year, and the scheme which would afford relief side of Sunnyside. east of Selkirk, Wednesday, Each________
fbr $450, was authorized by, the ping, associate professor of econ
formation of a committee to to the home-owner. 25 pel «—FLANNELETTE SHEETS
study vocational training of the City Council yesterday on the re omics and sociology at the Uni- Broken lines. Including Scarfs, Centres,
commendation of the* lands com- verslty of British Columbia. I in the extra long double-bed size. 12 only, ALL FEATHER BED PII,
young people in conectlon with The request of the Victoria Mato, Cushions, Towels, etc. All stamped
Points In the program were: 70x90 inches. Whipped singly and LOWS—Oddments, Regular $1.00
unemployment. The committee, Automobile Club for street corner i mittee. One previous sale was 1. Advice to parents by men of a soft nappy finish. Grey only. each. To clear Wednesday, each,
for embroidery.
under the chairmanship of Magis rounding to reduce driving haz I canceled, the purchaser having and women trained In psychiatric —First Floor
trate Henry Hall, had made valu ards w*as referred to the public failed to meet the conditions Per pair------ -------------- $2.2» at-----------------------------------69*
works executive. stipulated by the city. problems so as to give children a
able recommendations. fair start in life.
4 rss“ ssrs.’ss ; 2. A return to the personal con Crochet and Tatting Cottons
Dr. C. wT Topping, associate
“ "» rurllild
demolished. Tenders for the
School Budget tact between pupil and teacher
which used to exist in thé little
red schoolhoure.
in white and fancy designs. Useful lengths for runners,
ODDMENTS in an assortment of shades
and sizes. -a «
professor of economics and soci work will be called shortly. shelves, etc. To clear, each,—___________ _________ 10c On sale, a ball____ _________ |(JC
ology at the University of British
Columbia, was guest speaker'tm*,, Action taken by the relief com
the luncheon, taking "The Con mittee to house indigent infirm
Action Delayed 3. Support of preventive
constructive programs by char
acter building organizations such
as the Y.M.C.A. and the Boy
trol of Crime” as his subject. who are affected by the new-hos- Council Seeks Meeting With Scouts. In nice absorbent quality. Colored — extra large size with colored 100 YARDS OF
Pital ruling, was outlined In a Board Thursday to Discuss 4. The development of friend borders. Each_____________ 19^ borders. Each_________ ____ 29*
Alderman J. A. Worthington
de n t s seeking reorganization-)-" B“‘
which would divorce the pound -delay its final consideration of the
/Inmrfronnf fwawi * L. „
department from the city. parks
superintendent’s Jurisdiction,
was l. -
fsieruay ancrnoon to
I- ..
school board's extraordinary ex of
6. Reform of the detention
homes so as to separate children
seven, eight, nine and 10 years
pendlture and made arrange of age from hardened criminals in
DAVID SPENCER] Sunfast Cretonne and Sundour Linen, 36
inches wide. A choice of several designs.
Lengths up to 25 yards. Oddments, priced
referred by the council to the
Urges Action to Secure parks committee. No suggestion ments to seek a joint session with their teens.
LIMITE D for quick clearance.
Grain For Storage given. Alderman James Adam the trustees on their budget 7. A similar reform of the Boys' —Draperies. Second Floor
Williams noted, as to which de Thursday afternoon at 3.30. — Industrial School, )
Forecasting a bumper wheat partment the pound should be The council received and noted 8. Further study of the Borstal
crop on the prairies this year, given. Auderman James Adam two letters from the board, one system. they were so black they were I
Alderman John A. Worthington reported that while 236 dog* had inviting it to send delegates
yesterday called on the Industrial been destroyed last year, not all school session on Friday last, and education and vocational training
and trades development com had been taken from the parks. the other expressing regret it in reformatories.
mittee to start activity toward Some had been killed at the re would not have representatives
to a 9. A constructive program of
Orphanage To
Chapter Names
Hold Shower
Thé ladies’ committee of the Conveners
Protestant Orphans’ Home met
yesterday afternoon with the
president, Mrs. F. V. Longstaff,
For Year
I nthe chair, and the following At the meeting of the Mary !
members present: Mesdames W. Croft Esquimau Chapter, 1,0 j
Luney, E. M. Brown, Shepherd D.E., held yesterday afternoon at
Heddle, DiUabough. Dinsmore, the residence of Mrs. E. V. Fin F, niiu IlUinOeiT'U
land, Old Esquimau Road, the • ~ - —Fhoto By Associated Screen News.
norman, Coutts, Cox. Fraser, about 200, were received by Mr.
Elliott, Hughes, Templerrian, regent, Mrs. G. P. Clarke, was Mrs, , . ■Chas. E. Wilson (right),
"■>••••• ”nvener of ,hp social committee of the Winter Golf Tournament being and Mrs. Hodges, and by Mrs.
Simpson, Calvert and Miss New named delegate to the'provincial LU2ü1_t?! A, ,u.^k*t.,he , C?l*°°tl
V . ------- course,’ and Miss "Tommy"iwnmy Wilson (leftI, were
wnson uem, were caught
caught bv by the the candid
candid Chas. E. Wilson, convener of the
bury. annual meeting. camera is they exchanged what was evidently a good story with Mr. C. Bruce Woodell of Seattle at social committee, who repre
Conveners .of committeees were the Informal reception held a. the Empress Hotel las, nigh, for participants mihe tournament sented the local golfer»;- -—-----
It was decided to hold the an Presenting the New Modes for a
nual linen shower Thursday. May appointed as follows;, Child wel- OF SPUN SUGAR
5, when pillowcases and* sheets fare, Mrs. G. Stsman; Girl Guides, New Season
will be appreciated. _ , Mrs. R. P. Matheson; Boy ScOUts A striktng-focat point in the de-
Mrs. E. M. Brown will viist the Mrs. G. Pocock; Navy League, corations was the display of two
home for the month of March. Mis. J. Mason; graves. Mrs. J marvellously-made confections of
Lupe Velez In
Quinn; films, Mrs. F. Ryley; vis
iting, Mrs. G. Sedger; press. Mrs.
Matheson and Mrs. H. Cresine,
spun sugar the artistic work of
M. C.Amleveggr-head chef of the
hotel, and-M. E. Goldi, the pastry
Spring Fashion
Donations included $10 to the On a large brass tea tray
Stage Success Naval Cadets in appreciation of
merit in winning the rifle com
Mr. and Mrs. George Hattie of
Mr. and Mrs. F. C. Brown of I Mr. and Mrs. Fred J. Pollard, go11 bag and clubs, leaning
BOSTON < AP)—Lupe Velez petition for the fourth consecu Portland, Oregon, are coming up Vancouver, after a short visit In who have been spending several againsl a ‘fee stump, while “golf
had been placed a replica of a
stopped the show last night as tive year, and S3 towards the ex to Victoria on Friday on a visit Victoria, during which time they months visiting their son-in-law 1 balls’ la>' °n the “green grass" be-
to Mr. and Airs. C. E. Wilson, the w»-re guests at the Empress and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. S. 1 *°w" Neafby was a large basket
she made her first musical penses of a guide attending the Uplands.
comedy appearance since 1932 in jgatroj
-£al£-fartrr'fi new-rrmstgatr^YoiT NtT;.C~rif.7,>g'Tnâ~VCTr57ïï-; Who is ■tq~their.
Hotel, will return this evening I*eacey, in Trinidad, B.W.I., will riIIed wi,h Petits fours, the
hnm.» nn Ibo ntainrind, , «aili
10 lh“*r h,,m" aaij - -f(injn thcit fui EiigtHnd
rom-there Limmitl 6rt uiii’ham”n
' ^ndI° °* n< 4h<>
th“ t“’*1—' I*‘H
In’ili); lint
ik TK mî
and Luncheon
Never Know.” which began a two- Tentative plans were made for
a Student at the University of Mr. and Mrs D BarrUv Rm. !i March Marcn 22, and-expect
expect to ......
and I,.................... return to | . . ribbon and a bouquet OX re-
week run at the Shubert Theatre a rummage sale to be held earl> British.Columbia, has returned to University Hill Vancouver ™ : Alheir I I — i____
home in Victoria in August.
H I ict mreieui
here priot to its New York open- vener.
in May, Mrs. C. Bishop to be con
Displaying new talents as a Mrs. G. Sedger reported on the week end with her parents. Rev. dinner uartv ari\'inp<»H in" hnno.- ! 'rils’ J- vv• spencer ana ner * ..
Dr. W. G. Wilson and Mrs. WU- of the 23rd birthday of Mr. James daughter’ Miss Myfanwy Spencer, I
» *y„ —~ ........ .
con‘cst. which WEDNESDAY, MARCH 16, AT 1 P.M.
comedienne, the Mexican actress 25th anniversary bridge tea re son, Pemberton »rtnn Road.
RnaH . i / »i---- ». — -... rnturnoH tn
-returned to thoir-
their homo nn .ina—n *s 10 ^ staged in ____
bpme the lower
won ovations for her singing and cently held, -which had been very I < Jimmiet MueFarlanr of Victoria. «■»*T «he Amplrew of the Junior W.A. of the Jubilee—
dancing Opposite Clifton Webb. successful socially ahd finanei Mr and Mrs Harold pnn3nr ' Blue hyacinths, golden yellow yellew Pti Sunday, alter motor-1 nanrino . Hoeptfal and the Patronage ot Mrs. E. W. Ha in her
be delivered unassembled to the was given by Mrs. Warren a short time before coming over I encircled by lighted blue arid gold couver by Miss Barbara Spencer, f” and, lllmrunated by taU green Gowns by
farm. Smith, treasurer. t to Victoria* to spend several candles. Covers were laid for daughter tsf Col. and Mrs. Victor ,apors n s ver holders MADAME BUNGE (VICTORIA) LTD.
The play held recently at months. eight. Mr. MacFarlane, who is
Lampson Street School was re- exchange editor of the Ubyssey Spencer, Vancouver. - POST MORTEMS
QUICK RELIEF ported on by the educational sec Mr-and Mrs. George D. Frank and a member of the class of Arts
"39, k-ft by the midnight boat for Miss MarguPtTte Daxies cele
I ALthe conclusion of the medal FOSTER'S FUR STORE
retary, and a letter of congratu lln qrtil their son, John, have ar Victoria. play at the Royal Col wood Golf
FROM A COLD lation will be sent to Mr. Creel- rived from Seattle to spend sev ---- brated** her birthday yesterday ••■nd Country Club earlier in the
with a party at the home of her day, the visiting golfers enjoyed
Bports Clothes by
man, Congratulations were ac eral months and have taken up Mr. and Mrs. C. Nobbs, 910 parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. Davfes, the hospitality of the hostess W. * J. WILSON
corded to Mrs. Harris as a mem-1 residence in Mr. and Mrs. G. H. i
Pandora Avenue, celebrated their „680 Burnside Road. Supper was
her of the cast of the Beaux Arts Stevens’ house on Newport Ave golden wedding anniversary, yes served at a table decorated with club. Coiffeur* by
play, which Won the B.C. reg land. nue. during their absence In Eng The spacious lounge and sun
terday with an “at home," which a bouquet of daffodils, tulips,
room at- the Colwood clubhouse, HILDA HAIRDRESSING PARLORS
i tonal contest of the Dominion was attended by many of their carnations and iris, and the beautifully
Drama Festival. Mrs. Douglas Emery of Regina, old friends. The venerable host ornamented birthday càke. After decorated with great Tickets 61.25 Each
bowls of iris, tulips, daffodils and Phone E 2754 or E «676
A new member, Mrs. E. Ismay. who will arrive in Victoria shortly I and hostess received many beau beau- supper, games were much en en,
was welcomed. The members to make her home, was the guest 1 tlful flowers and other gifts, and 1 Joyed by the guests who Included T.arclssi, hummed to the ex
stood in silent sympathy with the of honor at a surprise partv a purse of gold was presented by the Misses Sybil Crawford, Laura change of congratulations or con- i
A. START family of Dean and Mrs. C. S given recently in the Saskatch- :,hc family. Tea was served from Harrison. May Adams, Dorothy dolehces, as women players of
Quainton. ewan city. On behalf of the a ’able beautifully arranged in Jeeves, Georgina MeAnnerin and high and low handicaps told of Chapter to Hold ^
’ The members were* entertained gupsts, Mrs. Emery whs pre- a® gold pold and
nnH white
whit*» color
***»!*»•• scheme, H Helen
pIph Mr! McLennan.
___ th The
__*» B mtA.» of f-missed
guest v, putts ÛT
Th«~uTJi],,r and “bad breaks."
'“***" t
- Do-’t F-* To- after the business meeting by sented with a silver cream and centred by a decorated wedding hondr was the recipient of * many w I[ in Ihe „of water hole saw the drown-1« Tea Tomorrow TRUSSES
their hostess. Tea was poured sugar set and tray, an0 a hand cake, which was cut by Mrs. lovely gifts. . many hopts, as well as
When a cold strikes by Mrs. A. A. Warder and Mrs golf balls. One unfortunate BODY BELTS
*>n 1 «7 to work it off. At.the first sniffle C. Cross, the table centred with some purse. I Nobbs. Daffodils and other
player, according to local legend Florence The monthly meeting of the
hit a cold qunk and hit it hard with « , , , spring flowers were also used in Mr. John Charles Thomas was Nightingale Chapter
Pominum C.B Q. Tablet,-,h, remedy a bowl of mauve iris, daffodils Û D?atenn,|n decorating the reception rooms the raison d’etre of the reception deposited 14 balls in the water I.O.D.E. was held at headquarters ALL SIZES
that i, direct and imurvtl; made for une and red tulips, flanked with green ' I"' H,f/ SWan of r>un and the refreshment table As- arranged by Mr. and Mrs. J. O. hazard before she decided to call yesterday when the final arrange EXPERT FITTING
purpose only- ro curb colds, quick. candles. i u u "’"1 hon?e" s’oppjne ststing«Mrs. Nobbs during the tea Cameron at their home, • Rose- it a day, but was still good sport
S ° VLS1' Mr*„A hour were her six daughter,* boro,” Moss Street, last night, enough to carry on for the rest ments were made for the silver
tea to be held at the home of Mrs.
Dominion C.B.Q. Tablets go right to work
«Zeros//, in J dininct way,; (i) They
S«ht the cold germ,; (2) clear out the
Bishop of Arctic JV Iaw days" Mrs Mrs. C. Smith, Mrs. R. A. Dum following the eminent baritone's of the round, despite the score , K. S. Standrrwick, 1531 Effort!
Swan and her son Conrad left last can, Mrs. E. Lerik. Mrs. E. recital at the Royal Victoria The hanging over her head. Street tomorrow afternoon. A
MacFARLANF dbco Company
poison,; (3) check the fever. Usually they To Address WA, Aprii for England to attend the thorpe, Mrs. F. Shaw and Mrs. D. atre. About 50 guests, represen musical program Mas been ar Or. Dssflaa and Jahnaaa Sts.
break up a cold in a few hours. Cur-onaUoR an<i'Trwit *«pnn(*yt atfd also her daughter- tative of the city's musical ranged, and friends interested In Phone G I5IJ-G NH
relativpR and whiU .. . UKIIlw
rVtminton C.B.Q. Tablets are chocolate, In connection with the annual relatives, and while there was in-law, Mrs. R. Nobbs. In the coterie- were present. Mr. and the chapter will be welcomed.
coated . . . even children like their ta,to meeting of the Columbia Diocesan hvH.. iJ h S s“mmer vacation , evening, a family reunion was Mrs- H- H- Palmer and Mrs. W. C. Conveners of the tea will be Mrs.
When you ask for them (25# at all drug Board of the W.A. there will ho ! y hor e,der son Peter, who is at- held, dinner being served and N,ch°l. Nlchol, patrons of the concert, J. H. Brooker, Mrs. L. McKea and
•tores) insist on the genuine. ! Ljpublic missionary meeting on tending the UrjiygrgUy. Qf Toronto., games played later. and Mrs. W. S. Cameron and Mrs. Mrs. B. Briers. Bridge will be Stratosphere In
i»oe roe i mmc toe Thursday,? March 10, at 7.45 p.m. , J- S. Cameron, daughters-ln law played In the evening and refresh-1
of the hosts, assisted in receiving. TURNER—HIGGINS Hair Styles Now
OB TW UTTU in Christ Church Memorial Hall
The speaker of the evening will In Soroptimist Revue Masses of Japanese plum blossom
ments served; those wishing to '
"honeGlX8 are reqUeeS'ed 101, cBICAGO ,AP,-And now it
c.B-Q. be the Right Rev. A. L. Fleming.
D-D., Bishop of the Arctic. Mrs. Ryrle Symons was con- smndîng’^afr^stîiist11"5' .k°-ÎÎ~
gratuiated by the viro regent, her" last
; Bishop Fleming, known as the
“Flying" Bishop," administers a Mrs. Frank Baylis, on her ap- midu»,, L h annUal
Jameson’s vast diocese of over 2,000,000 room, presiding at the charm-1 Rev. A. de B. Owen united In pointment as municipal regent by : Tg^ment that ' J"
•coffee square miles in extent. The ingly - appointed candlelit table marriage their only daughter, acclamation. Mrs. Symons was ' ro'h t "omen ,hls
Coffee population of this large territory with Its floral centrepiece of Dora, and Mr. Charles Turner,: also made honorary regent of the ,he "up and ûd"" 'helr '“** °n
Roasted, Ground numbers 10.00C, and the work is white carnations, narcissi and younger son of Mr. and Mrs. VV. I chapter. Mrs. H. Lenfesty was «ii ♦$. ^
and Packed In
widely scattered. Missions and maidenhair fern being Mrs. R G. Turner of 33 Regina Avenue elected Echoes secretary, and hv a n ^m>^W ,S ky PS' “ describ<-d
Victoria Dally out-stations hospitals, residential Baird and Mjj. J. H. Gillespie Mrs. J. E Eve. ehield welfare con, ««.«,« big name coiffure
Only members of the contract-1
am orettn snrm schools and day schools, under The Misses Nora Jones and Doro ing families were present, and vener Mrna. TT.
TT*Irï. 1**1 « T. t wiDwm
ITtlSOn or uh.Xar“?^?
ifir TTanc^ demoiastrated
• 1 by
! ’be care of clergy, lay-workers, thy Parsons assisted in serving. the ceremony was performed in
women missionaries and native Mr. Thomas and Mr. Carroll Hoi the drawing-room, where the
Like Lightning
Hotel Wednesday, March 16.
Foster’s Fur
lovely gifts, cards and flowers decorated ■ wedding cake sur
During the evening games were mounted with a silver vase filled !
played by all present and were with rosebuds, while throughout ’
Immensely enjoyed. The suppe- the home a profusion of tulips,
Children's Colds
That a just about .Jiow hyacinth, narcissi and plum blos Relieve Their Misery trated). Then—to make Its long-
table was centred with a mlnia- som were effectively arranged continued double action last even
Hold Killer acts on- a «aid m bridal group, ^bridehMhrideSS,'
TVio .....i •_ This Proved Way
in the head. Kold Killer is bride and groom, two bridesmaids ..._—r. —- —~ hridrgroo
_ _____ — left ----- ,—r child comes down
the modern treatment tor on the midnight
—onr dressed in rose pink or couver, and on their boat for Van . • . with a cold, you can t afford
congestion of the nasal BLACKHEADS gandie and the other in blue or return from
their honeymoon win make their
to take needless risks. Use the
treatment that has been doubly *»U»g Wetting 1er SeiefteSesh...
Don t squeeze blackheads — dissolve gandie; a.little flower girl dressed home proved lor you—Vicks VapoRub. Almost before you finish rubbing.
passages. Its effect is im them. Get two ounces of peroxine at 149 Superior Street.
mediate and guaranteed 49c powder from any drug store and rub In rose pink organdie, and the Among' the numerous wedding It has been proved by everyday
gently with wet. hot cloth over the minister. The joining of hands gifts received was a mahogany use in more homes than any other
at any Vancouver Drug Co medication of Its kind—further
blackheads. They stmpIf-^Molve and ' and singing of "Auld Lang Syne" side tgble, the gift of the bride ^' ^ by the largest chnical tests
Store. disappear by this safe and sure method. most enjoyable eve groom's associates In the delivery ever made on colds. (Full details
Ring 3 --------*~wv*«ico uw uenvery
Included Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Me4c- Limited.
nf ' PiVtil Bunrn.
Phail Sr., Mr. and Mrs. Thds. Vicks VapoRub Is direct external
treatment. There’s 'es Irritation and
including washable satin., tango irrpc., rial MISS DOREEN McGREGOR no dosing—no risk of break up local congestion.
crepe* and tailored ««tripe*. Fine ■ wort nient or brin^held^ridlv Jnan’’e9u*ns 1" the Fashion Revue and Tea, Coutts, Mr. and Mrs. J. O. Jones, —t appetite, or “ the Httle one rew-
gay eolor* and all the latest style* Hit*, «• Mr. and Mrs. L. Partington, ; PORTLAND. Eng. (CP) -Rev ; a delicate
^ nd. Sa,urday. under the aiSplces of the «oÆ
Soroptl W. E. Guest, vicar of St. John’s _VapoRub ------ restful sleep, VapoRub
ts 44. $1.25: 14 to 20....................................... Who* wlïl',X ^rMnThis'rov^ ™ BavCompan^y. Misses Dorothy Bennett, Vancou- - **“ uc used freely, hJ&o» working-hour after
VPr' Affnes and Minnie Marquart, Church here, caused a Httle storm m often as needed, even on the
THE “WAREHOUSE” Braithwaite, Miss K. Brinkman Miss F H.-.I u Miss L’ when he sait, certain people in youngest child. rile "I WICKS
III. BOVEEXMEXT 8T»»tT Iris Gasklll, Mary, Tena ami
»*. M Hawk.», sss* Peggy McPhall, Mr. Duncan Mr the parish described the Ladies’ You simply massage VapoRub the cold U lflVHd
Phail and Master Tommy “io,^ ÏXnZ. '*'™" “ * on throat, chest, and back fas Illus <”» f VapoRub
Social Events VICTORIA TMTT.Y TIMES, TUESDAY. MARCH R, I'm Women’s Clubs
I5%ir TT-lk.
tin. number of women, as well as of th'6 devotional and took as her !
men. who do not desire marriage. subject "The World's Day of
And these women are making Prayer." Mrs. A. Dowell arranged ;
their own contribution, which is
You Can
SEE the
--.-- J
as necessary as ban
the aiix.11
men'sa Lull
con- Difference
FISH DEPT. trlbutlon- to 1KÔ nf ffij.
No. 1 Soclteye tscpT
Salmon, ',»
“There are some women, how
j A bevy of women players participating in the Winter Golf Tournament ever, who have a longing for a PHONE
rampraman at tho Pnual «______ .... .___a......... ».
home and children, buy Hiey will 0 8166
never admit it, believing such à
desire to be somewha/'indelicate’.
FRUIT DEPT, Black Label ^
Others pride themselves on their group. The next meeting will he
kippered' attended to during the month; Independence and mv'Çelng able held at the home of Mrs. A. I.
§N U K'
SHRIMPS Bunny Ball Clothing was supplied to three
patient*, transpnnaTtoir provided
to fend for themselves.
■““Some women, when faced
Curtis, 1326 Vimy Avenue.
Lemons, dot____t____
Grapefruit, g for ___
7o Make Rians Are
for sKr-tW—nsycttr had been
given and minor relief supplied
to five cases. .
With the spectre of loneliness, try
to drown It with hard work ;
April will be filled with activity
for the members of the Women's
Guild of the St. Andrew's Presby-
others turn to amusement or
CARROTS, 3 bunches
POTATOES, 3 Ike.....
Fancy Pink
Debut Forwarded It was announced that tickets
for the annual fashion show
sport, where there are some who
agreed to relationships outside
terian Church as «["result of the
monthly meeting held yesterday
t tall
young Saskatoon artist», Evelyn Plana for the Easter Monday
luncheon to be held at the Em
press Hotel on Wednesday, March
marriage, with all the tragic un
happiness which result from j
afternoon in the lecture room,
with Mrs. C. W. Hawkins,, presi
dent, In the
- chair.
~ ~Saturday,
Wed. Morning Only
SPECIALS 9 tin .
Eby and Reginald Bedford, as a
two-piano team, will make their
debut in Chicago, March 20.
Bunny Ball at the Empress Hotel
were made at a meeting of the
Junior W.A of the Royal Jubile-
16. had been In great demand,
over 500 reservations having been
made. In addition to the adult
-■—1.\ On
April 2, home-cooking sale will
be held under the convenership
Santa Clara^
They are under contract with the :
Bertha Ott Concert Management.
Miss Eby and Mr. Bedford are
Hospital, yesterday afternoon,1. at
the Nurses' Home, the president,
Mrs Charles A. Watson, in the.
chair. 1
A ttlni»»» i_
mannequins, children’s fashions
will be shown by Betty and Janet
Denniston and Shirley ‘Cameron
The auxiliary will assist the
BERLIN I CP) — Frau Anna
Feldglebel. who. as an artist's
model, posed for the statue of
of Mrs. A. E. Featherstone, and
on Wednesday, April 6, a rum
mage sale will take place in the
lecture room of the church, with
Spaghetti Saskatchewan products, acquir- Berollna which has adorned the 1322 Douglas -- "0* Pandora
00«“ 6-lb. Mrs. A. C Fulcher will act as Senior W.A. on their tag day, Alexanderplatz for many years, Mrs. W. Head as convener. An
music in Saskatoon. Brilliant as general convener of the halt and April 2, Mr». Harold Husband to nas just celebrated her 75th Easter silver tea has been ar
Hallb.l Liver Oil Ceiwmka students and as piano soloists, tickets will be In charge of Mrs. act as convener of the tagging birthday. ranged for April. 23 In the lec RED RHUBARB
they have won fame as Inter Alvin Gonnason; advertising. arrangements for the Juniors. ture room. Arrangements for a PLUMS 3 lbs. for
preters of the classics as a .Miss Jean Campbell; ballroom, ZIPPERS HER SOCKS tea plate shower to take place at
Silver King
Aylmer Tomato
or Vegetable
piano duo.
The late Harold Samual, Plun
Mrs. & L. Aylard, and priaes,
Mrs. R. A. Wnotion,
Misa McBride, social service
NEW YORK (CP) Beauty is
invading New York's East Side
HOLLYWOOD (CP) - Believe
It or not — one Hollywood star
the next meeting of the guild, on
Monday, April 4, were made. Fol 9c 8c
Pastry Flour Butter 'râle 3lle. $1.15 SOUP kett Greene, Olga S»marofff-Ed- A free beauty clinic, sponsored zips her silk stockings, the zip lowing the meeting, tea was
wln Hughes and Percy Grainger worker at the hospital, reported by Neighborhood House, has been per following the seamllne and served, the hostesses being Mrs.
4 QC Mb. Cheese Bte:JSS have predicted a great luture for nine home visits had been paid established for the woman who matching her zlppered sweaters, P. J. Campbell, Mrs. Marling and MILD CAULI
— Grade A Large,, dee.--28c*
Jje young players. and 152 ward interviews had been cant afford to pay. ‘ skirts and dresses. | Mrs. M- Hodge. Mrs. J. L. White CHEESE FLOWER
Grade A Medium, dee. 271
Grale A rail,l,, du, 2*{» / Most important step in their expressed thanks to the hostesses lb. Fresh
(careers has been their long tui
tion under a brilliant teacher,
Fighting for Sh;are in Stork Derby” Legacy Modern Etiquette 18c 9c
eration Party, speak on "the
Finances Studied plight of Vancouver."
Lyell Gustln, himself a piano
master, and a pupil of Jeannette
The group was Instructed to 1. Should a man hand his coat GRAPE
By Vancouverites discuss the matter with Dr. Tel
Du mo, famous Chicago teacher.
The inactive teaching periods to a woman to hold for him? NEILSONM FRUIT
VANCOUVER (CP)—Investi ford and present recommenda of the summer months have been 2. May a hostess invite per COCOA 10 for
gation of methods used by cities tions at a later meeting.
and communities to "stabilize"
their finances was being made YOUNGISH PERMANENT
used by them for a general
broadening of technique and ex
perience by visiting New York.
sons. in whose home she has
never been] to a bridge party?
3. Is the husband’s or wile’s
15c 19c
here today by a committee of DENVER, Col. (CP) — Five Chicago and European centres. named signed first on a note of
four Vancouver citizens. monthsafter she was born. Betty Miss Eby comes from pioneer thanks written by the wife? 1 JAM APPLES
They were appointed at a mass Lou Allegranzl had so much hair western stock. She was born at 4. Should a ring other than ! Assorted McIntosh
meeting here Sunday night which her mother "couldn’t do anything Outlook, Sask. She obtained her an engagement ring be worn on ’ 4 Vi*, tin do*.
heard Dr. Lyle Telford] a leading with it,” so she wheeled her to the engagement linger"
figure in the British Columbia a beauty parlor and bought her
Co-operative Commonwealth Fed a real permanent wave. 5. Should one ever "lose his
temper” in a letter?
35c 20c
TAKES A WOMAN! What would you do if_ COOKING
When a Cough i NEW YORK (CP) — Another You would like to become a CORN APPLES ,
i sphere lor women — Helen van member of a certain bridge club- STARCH box
Dongan, 30, knowing among la) Tell a member that you
other things six languages, is
ace exponent of a new art, cut
would like to belong, and hope
that she will suggest your name?
9c 65c
ting film for documentary or edu rival she won easily. WtMake a broad hint to
cational movies. slicing and Born In London, Ont., and
piecing foreign film particularly coming to .Saskatoon as a child.
member? 19-pound Baby
to give It interest and continuity. Mr. Bedford obtained the (c) Give a small bridge party
A.T.C.M. at 14 and won a Percy and invlteog^Ar two of the club
Born Yesterday
Grainger scholarship when 17. A DETROIT (API — A Impound
Parisian critic, after hearing Mr Answers
Curb it STEP INTO SPRING Bedford, wrote that his playing
baby boy, measuring 24 inches at
~ -1- Not unless he has rheuma birth yesterday, was the marvel
WITH “suggested marble sculpture." tism. ol Detroit today. >
Effectively The Eby-Bedford duo will be 2. Yes. Someone has to make Hospital attendants said babies
2 Ways at Once SOFTER, EASIER heard in Winnipeg while en route
to Chicago. Following their de
the first move toward friendship. have been born weighing 25
3. Only the writer’s name Is pounds, but none so large la on
but they will visit Toronto and signed, but somewhere In the note record In this vicinity. One phy
Allowed to
"•www HI linger, coughs and
linger, crnigni colds
an<_________ may be heard in New York. the wife can include her husband sician refused to believe It. The
may wreck your health. Don’t wait!
Go after them two direct ways at once "Bob and I both appreciate . , mother, Mrs. Mary Lawler, is 36,
with this ' 4. No, on the right hand. and the father, John C. Lawler,
;• Two-Mîm*.. Ail CATHCARTS Man Who Financed 5. No. is an unemployed auto factory
Best' "What WoulA You Do” worker. There are five other
■brand. Yon frJl Pa. “Pinafore” Dies solution—(c). *
The Field Museum has a
children, two to 17 years old.
PEACEHAVEN, Sussex, Eng. unique exhibit ol birds no human VANCOUVER (CP) — A prow-
(CP)—Edward H. Bayley, who being has ever seen alive, the 1er who awakened E. Mitsui, pro
îrëaxs! Royal “Special made a fortune from the 112)00 birds being reconstructed from prietor of a suburban conféction-
tS5,060) he put up for the first fossil remains.
CLEANER production of "H.M.S. Pinafore,"
died Monday at the age of 96. A lichen that
Pacific coast yields litmus, the early today.
Pasmore's 2- Purpose $35.95 A members of Parliament for
Sussex from 1892 to 1893, he was
a friend of Sir William Gilbert
and Sir Arthur Sullivan, creators
material that by a color change
indicates acid conditions.
Ducks are less liable to catch
diseases than chickens are.
FREE of the immortal Gilbert and Sulli
ATTACHMENTS van operas. BE YOUR OHAtfîSï%5^tj
1a IN si »
ON COUGHS AND COLDS B.C. Electric " HULL, Eng. (CP)—Saying the
Thill . ANY MOM
wives of black-coated workers WHY SUCH CIA BO SATE
were the worst-off section ol the 'IMATMIHTS, HELEN ?
PULLOVER SWEATERS—Boat and Crew community In regard to mater
Neck Styles nity services Sir Comyna Ber TNI SKIN AND 1 VJ
yaWSIF A. ■ r | A -,
keley, chairman of the Central
A, K. LOVE Midwives’ Board, opened a new
maternity home to meet the
needs of the “middle • dais" arr-M-mnuu.n‘wingni
To continue under the new set. condemned.
means the company would
Liverpool Street, which has been clared.
He sang in French, German and
Italian, as well as English, with !
a number of dialects. Every1
Only 73 , , . an shop early! fheee All-wool Wlndbreaken and Stag
Bennett Thanks
eaded satin and crepe , - , . taffeta ... V neck with lace, er
Ve Dreisky s Orchestra--National Red.
Jan Garber s Orchestra—Mutual
The In-lai -laws -Columbia at 3 45. industry. essential feature of the scene. A Ton," by Joseph Marx, and »t waist. Each50C
tailored style». Splendid 4 PS
value »t. pair______ I ,39
Larry Ken t Orchestra—Columbia, ^T6e cable read: "Under new new type of credit control re “Gebet," by the same composer, j —Lingerie, Fashion Floor at THE BAY
11.30 - bill Canadian films count for ex-, sulted In a greater proximity be. Jacopo Peri's “Invocazione di
La 8a!lf Cavalier»—Canadian.
hibltor’s quota, bul not renter's tween the government anti the Orgeo," from “Eurydice" was also Taffeta Gowns
House Members
"Henry Kin#*» Orchestra—Columbia
Roger Pryor s Orchestra National Red.
Jack Meakio s Orchestre—National Blue. quota." banks. "Every country Interfered in this gropp. Yen'll want at least two er mere el
Hedge Shears
Ozzie Nelson's Orchestra - Mutual. Dorothy Mackenzie- National Red. *s - 4» only offered al this special price!
Midnight Matinee—KOL at 11 45. Pulton Lewis Jr —Mutual. Tbc exhibitor's quota is the consciously with the price-level.” these lovely Gown». Lace trimmed English H-i^rh Lawn er Hedge Shears
Major Bill—Canadian at 4.11. _ His French and Italian group or tailored styles In 1 OÛ . . . made of Sheffield Ofl,
Tomorrow proportion of Brills!}, pictures the speaker declared. included the beautiful "Non »* brocaded taffeta... | mû >3
•*eel.............. 096
4.30 which the movie house must circumstances made Regret ithat ! A system of "guild capitalism” Ver," by Tito Mattel; “L'Angelus" —Lingerie, Fsshten Fleer at THE BAY -Housewares Third Fleer at THE BAY
7 -Mario Corn —National Blue. show during the season. The for Rt. Hon. R. B. It necessary resulted In Germany, where state and an old French song, “Me Suis Willem Van Loon -National Red Bennett to |
Top o' the Morning- KOMO.
Church of the Air—KJR
" ’ Serenade K1RQ
[ Ddtotiona"
Kathleen Stoke», organ—Canadian renter’s quota Is
._______ Science on the March—National Blue at of British pictures which the for as leader of the Conservative
Dr L E Hewlett—Canadian at 4.4$:"
the proportion announce his Inability to continue
eign producing company must Party was expressed bv Prime "‘"l
‘ .L
Mise en Danse," as well as “En
‘nt®rtCTen“ Barque,” by Pierne. In his Eng
lish group were "The Minstrel
A selection that will thrill yon . . . and so moderately
7.30 CFCT, VICTORIA (1.43# Kllaryrles)
to Tealght
show along with Its own pro Minister King in the House of T. Z ,h<,Jovcr"mrn Boy,11 the dramatic old Scottish j priced that yqn’ll want several! New sheers with satin
Na “«mi t«t- ducts. Canadian films are now Commons Monday afternoon „ 1 ! plrt" of ballad, arranged by Cyril Scott, ! j
Josh Htfglns -National Blue
New» -KVI and KOL
l^ ?,aore Mus,c
7 00 Supper Dane#
8 00^ Mosaics defined as British for the former Mr. Bennett was applauded rommodi,if‘* »y sul>s.dy and to stripe . . . plain sheers, also flat crepe . . . tailored and
2'2® Birthdays « 1$ Waitg Timr" "Lord Randall," in which Thomas : frilly fronts . . . short sleeves. ^ aa
Morning Reverie*—KOMO at 7 45.
Valley Polks—KOL at 7 45 8 00-ArtParey 8 45 Moods classification, but not for the from all sides of the House when redistribute income by a process readied the heights of true dra
Gym of the Alr-CBR at 7 45 6 15 Music Lortrs t 00 -EvenirTg News letter. bf taxation. Sizes 14 to 20. Each____ _______ 1.00
he rose to make a brief, ac matic greatness; Pearl Curran's
knowledgement. He would leave was During the depression there lovely Nocturne; “Clouds," by —Blouses, Fashion Fleer al THE BAY
28 & "nd 8ine l>l)o
1° Art Parey a tendency to produce more
Margo of CaMiewood--National Red.
Viennese Ensemble-Nat-onul Blue
® ii'5£we
star Parade
/ 12 06-Concert Hoar Question Power his "valedictory,” Mr. Bennett gold, the result of a drastic arid Charles; “When I Think Upon the
Maidens," by Michael Head, and
Check Your Window Fibre Window Shades
Merrymakers Mutual 2 aa Chronomety/ 12 30 Noon News saitf. for “another occasion."
Breakfast Hour—CBR
Aunt Jemima- National Red at 111.
» 0d-Notes indiens 12 45 Var eties
0 30--Financjj To Tax Machines Mr. King said he was confident
deliberate rise in price. The stim “Old Mother Hubbard," in which Shades! Hire 8#*«2 Inches . . . In green, sand
and cream. Mounted on good spring
Waltzes—Natidnal Blue at • 16. 9 45-Huncjrflkn
1 00 World Bookman ulation in gold production took he howled like a hungry dog. Bring year eld rollers In. and lei
1-06- Marrk Webei
1 10 Healing Word»
he could speak for all members ] place all over the world. ns renew the cloth for you. We allow
roller» . . . complete with
all fittings. Only, eneh 49#
8.30 10.15 Or*-«n 1 45-Friendly flour Doubt whether the City of Vic- t*le House In expressing sor- With her great gold reserves, The encores, it sometimes 23e off regular prices. If we ran esc
year own relier end slat. —Draperies, Tbfrd Fleer at THE BAY
Sweetheart» of the Air National Blue
Leo and Ken National Red
torla and at least two other Brit- row ,*'at -’P Bennett would have seems,
Russia benefited greatly, com- part of a formal program. There are the most enjoyable
Musical Certoons- Mutual ish Columbia municipalities have to relinquish the leadership. mahding enormous international SPECIAL! SHAMPOO AND FINGER WAVE
Woman's Page KVI
Originalities—National Blue at I 45
Gospel Binger—Natidnal Red at 8 Whales Follow the right td license and.Lax pin The Prime Minister compli purchasing power and finding no Is an element of suspense about
ball and slot machines was, ex- mented Mr. Bennett on the work necessity to export home pro- them that never fails to thrill
pressed at a meeting pf the, he hadd performed, and on hla ^ XaforiahL This typieet- an audience. Certainly there
In our Brnuty Salon at a special price for Wednesday morning only.
—Beauty Selon. Meeianine Fleer et THE BAY
Mutual . and
Indian Angler
Has Trying Experience With
Esquimait council last night by complete
Reeve Alexander Lockley.
ete devotion
a-.A.i™ to and con- „„„ meienais.
growth of economic self-suffldT in last night's encores.
| scientious performance of his ency saw the volume of interna
were thrills a nef Hëlfgïïfs ~apTënt ÿ ‘
Time for Thought—Nation#! Blue.
Mary M. McBride Columbia.
The council decided to refer to duties as party leader. He hoped tional trade fall away behind the FIGARO, FIGARO
Friendly Garden*—KOMO. Monsters While Fishing Off its solicitor for advice a motion relief from these responsibilities volume of International produc
News KJR
Mÿy Nation#1 Blue and Canadian
The O'Neil* -National Red at 9 IS
Oak Bay by Councillor R. G. Humphreys would prolong Mr. Bennett’s en tion.
for the. legalizing and taxing of joyment of life and speedily re ^ control of trade for political
)Vhen the introduction to,
“Largo al Factotum" from the
Barber of Seville iXas played
flEVin C. Hill—Columbia at 9 15 pin-ball, slot, vending and similar store him to health. CASH 5.00—BALANCE MONTHLY ■ — zx
An Indian, fishing off Oak Bay machines at the rate of $10 per purposes emanated. Agriculture
9.30 After speaking of the necessity sprouted in industrial countries the audience broke into sponta * 3 ONLY! Offered at this price for #1 ilüll
National Barm and Home-National Blue
recently, came in for a trying ex machine per year. of guarding his health, Mr. Ben and industry sprang up in agri neous applause and then heard j
Campu» Kid»—Nationjl Brd and Canadian perience with killer whales for ’"The question is whether we nett said: this famous, exceedingly diffi Wednesday morning. Upholstered
BUI LewTa. organ-Mutual.
»playmates. He was '• out ----oangling— -A can legalize and tax something
cultural areas. - — cult aria sung by one of tbf in tapestry, with reversible spring-
Romance vi of mini irrni
Helen Trent . “I would be less than human
Emerson GUI s Orchestra NW;fr,na| Rtd ,t l0r winter nrhnq
that is àgàlnstTlïëTïw,"”ïaïd~the Tf T did not express my apprecia SOCIAL LEGISLATION world's great, if not greatest filled cushions____________ _____ ___—
_ 8 "bel. Sunday—columbia at 945 1 a noie I, ; il__ ___
our P3*1" killers appeared and reeve, who added he believed tion for the sentiments expressed
---------- took up positions on either side such machines were not “Probably the mostViimportant . . actor-baritones. His__
_V . —Fur.limy, F.urll Fl..r .1 THE BAT
legal by the right honorable gentle of the three fruits of the great becoming known as one of the ___ * l full of song. No wonder he Is
Edw. G. Robinson "wSS ïS'ïcz'zl precarious fot the Indian, the
under provincial salutes. man." He had also received a depression was the attempt on the
letter from the Prime Minister part of the state-to Interfere with finest barbers seen on the Metro Included Debussy’s showy "Sub
politan stage in a decade.
pair of monster* every once Broker Sent To
In a
yesterday. social and Industrial life," Prof. Next mosT popular with the merged Cathedral," the sparkling U.S. Signs Trade
CL.UKE TKKVOK toHlghl. In "I thank all members for this Drummond declared. "Social
while cuddled up to the boat in __ . . , audience was "Three Sa il ormen.’1 "Maiaguena," by Lecuona and
• “BIG TOWN” the most affectionate manner Jail 18 Months manifestation of good will," Mr. wn^fol
Bennett concluded. "Perhaps If It working hazards. In this way
P,r 0V!SvTS which foil* the story of the three "Bourree," by Baeh-Saint-Saens. Pact With Czechs
and, friendiy-like, bumped the .
small boys—Donald and John He is a young man still and no
HOLLYWOOD, Mar. 8—Smashing hla
craft around a little with their NEW YORK (API—Philip H. had been expressed In mûre and I—who went sailing on a box doubt will go far with his chosen United States and Czechoslovakia
way through the ranks ot crooked
powerful tails. Philbin Jr., stock broker and big strenuous limes It might not be hr.displays natural
politician* and gangsters, dynamic nffcessary now."
-■NW1H-/-0. Kobanson Hfe* Efforts to game hunter, was sentencedMon- tlrrii and atoegy, ..Ne one. Jt is
mu». and as *r*u'Wto’181liSifiis onj3s 10 wy, can sing this song As an accompanist he is su:T'!*ey nl^t-
serial “Big Town."' Lovely Claire rigs Too Tw lwroimi maTcTment
speaker said, quite like John Charles Thomas. perb. He used no music a leat has concluded.
Trevor supporta him. Tune in. warm for comfort the angler charging conspiracy in conncc- It Is hi» very own and always seldom seem in an accompanist The pact calls for tariff reduc
headed for shore with all the tion with sales of Atlas Tack LOSSES DOWN worldwide but saw Its most will be associated with him. He knows Mr. Thomas and jusf tions by both countries on scores
CBR - 9.30 P.M. power he could muster In the Corporation stock. drastic form In the countries of His fine voice, with Its great what he will do with his songs. of products. The United States
oars. The pair followed him all He was placed on probation for January fire losses in Victoria South America. There was a depth and amazing range was He never falters, Is always sure obtains certain agricultural con
the way. an additional five years, during this year were $42,898.80 tower scientific approach to human wel wonderfully displayed In "1 Love of himself and Is never failing In cessions. It gives Czechoslovakia
Andy Devine-“grml voice!’’ The whales trailed him right which time he will not be allowed than the losses for January of fare and the loss of lives In In Lite." His understanding of .ihfcl 8Ug^_rt' p J concessions on cheap, cement-
<P the air tonight with WUs to the shore and one of them to deal In securities. last year, according to statistics dustry was figured In budj fe—and at heart hnphy- ur, but stipulates
fuM ia M, HeeifnMfrit — nnnptlwl nr 11»- mr s were he must be a simple man, and toria brought Mr. Thomas ta Vic they would apply only To i
HIGHER TAXI FARES calculated on accounts. very human, too—was shown in toria and deserves much praise quantity equivalent to lli cent
AL JOLSON on the beach, but managed to
wriggle back Into the surf again. VANCOUVER (CP)—A tdh-
Professor Drummond described
The total loss in January this the present situation in regard to "Passing By," which he sang to for his hard work and enicvprise
of the total American production.
HOLLYWOOD. Mar. 8.—.Laugh riots Many anglers have noticed that cent Increase In taxi fares In Van year was $4,917.50 and In Janu the people on the stage. And the In allowing Victorians to hear a BUDGET IS VOTED
will reach s new high tonight when the killer whale Is becoming much
couver, recommended by" the ary, 1931, it was $47,915.80: The the many forms of social legisla program came to a glorious and great singer, who otherwise
civic traffic commission on appli 1937 figure Included the $41,000 tion In evidence, as "permanent all-too-soon finish With his radio would have passed by. It Is to
Andy Devine, famous “gravel voice'* bolder, especially this-year and
REGINA (CPI—After 11 days*
comedian appears as guest star on
many an angler's heart has cation of taxi men, was approved loss in the Post Office fire. results of the depression, not tem theme song _ "Wflgmund,” oy be hoped that last night’s succès» debate, the budget was adopted
the Lifebuoy program with A1 Jolson porary ones."
Martha Raye, funny man Parkyarkat-
leaped into his throat as these Monday by the civic police and
There were seven fires with Franz—"Oh, Thank Me Not tor will encourage him to bring other In the Saskatchewan Legislature
kua and Vlétor Young’s Orchestra "playful" monsters dive under traffic committee. The new rate What I Sing Thee." artists to Victoria next season: late Monday night 38 to 5, with
their boats, it was estimated loss among 30 calls received. Forest service men have been
will be there too. Tune In will bring taxi fares in Vancou the vote adhering strictly to
Ann w _ - 1 *hat there were 15 whales in the ver to 35 cents for the first halt Two calls were to Oak Bay. The tossing packages of eggs, tools MR. HOLLISTER Two salt-water fish, members party lines. Immediately after
LBK-O.30 n m j***001 lhat toured the Oak bay mile and 10 cents for each add! insured loss was placed at and other articles from airplanes Carroll Hollister _ Is fine of the shark family, recently the vote the House resolved Itself
I waters Sunday. $4.817.50 and the uninsured at to lest methods of dropping sup-, pianist in his own right. as hr found their way Into the Susque-
tional two-filths of a mile. $100. into committee of Supply for the
plies to fire fighters. I proved by his solo group, which l hanna River In Pennsylvania, -----of y* estimates.
IMWill# I in i i.
Japan Advances Second Section Tuesday, March S, 1938 SPORT
A large entry has been received
sortie keen play Is expected
CAMERA SHOWS annual Empress winter golf tour
nament at the Colwood Club yes
terday went to Wallace McMillan
Blame for the accidents can be
stroke of bad luck.
But an authoritative source
jald on nothing more than a said the Olympic organizing com- appeal. The trout weighed from
three • quarters to one - and • a-
i mittee "paid no attention” to his quarter pounds: '"*'.......... -■
before the
various divisions are crowned.
Tonight’s draw follows :
**» n.«.
of the
, . _
- •
Junior Chamber Members headed the mens contingent
and Mrs. M. H. Pearse, two Vic
torians, and both members of
the Uplands Club. McMillan
Capt. W. E. Tapley did exceed ' Cefktuon vs. R Harris.
~>he Bay,"had the match wdi'm ! t^ZTlT^TokZk^T «>' 'he commit. ingly well over Saturday and Sun E Orsnt vs. P Salmon.
J White va D Nixon
See Fine Sport, Offered at se. king the handicap champion
hand before the, mishaps, the ! closed ih^huge buiT^n/Z ' day, reeling in his limit each day. ship and the Sir Edward Beatty
W DHliboueh va O Briscoe Forbidden Plateau Trophy with a net score of 68,
Roger Monteith, Arthur Pittsi Miss M Rlce-Jone* vs Miss Helen Peden
Miss B Bovce vs Miss F Smith
Dennis Hagar, F. Morse and Jim Misa C Donaldson vs Miss W McAdams Members of the Victoria Junior while Mrs Pearse led the
Chamber of Commerce were women's brigade with a net 81.
Misa J. Gordon v«. Miss B. Baker
Cameron were among the others
attrp,-m“~ » s&sznffi
securing limits or close to it.
Shawnigan take started show
spectators, football field, bicycle ing some promise late, last week,
Orchids should certainly go to «'and"!''ncwma^stndir with Jack King securing his
Ç Clarke va H Francia,
fl .9kiUings vs. J Gray.
D Bell vs fl. Ctrraon
F Holtum vs.' T. Dalzell
“I p.m
Ltaken on a tour of the Foi bidden
through the
Miss Baxandall and Passmore vs Miss picture cattiera last night and- iiymg start under ideal weather
its winter
With a total entry of 184, 118
! men and the remainder women,
eye^toetre*^^” BVry V
Joyce Smith and 4 Bell .------
the younger members of the . limit on Thursday. Joe Jewkes Mrs MeQ-ade and F. Tyrrell vs. MHn J -were treated to glimps.-s of the toe hiehS Î °n
J.B.A.A. serum. Doug Bray.clever The committee recalled the gov did well in that locality on Satur- ! Tanner and J White fine jakiirg slopes offered * blgb ,s!df' due mainl> '»
Misa K Harris and Gray tb. Tits»- ft-
young hook; Frank Doheney, the ernment's piundse 16 appr opriate I day. : , Boyce and Ben Davies The picture- were ‘shown by Lad tm^hle' ™ Y"*™', P^yf'™
other half of the “Fighting Do-1 struction purposes. yen ($1.400,0001 for Con- : George Fox landed Sortie nice Mus J Gordon and Dalzell vs Miss B George Gurr to give members aii " Ï trouble on ,he carpets all day
Baker and I eight on
I fish at Dougan's Lake over the ; idea of what the platoau his to 8"d aS 8 re*u't '"er^vere plenty
heneys,* and carrot topped -------- •’ l*»ST yia ivau ll<$3 IU j
However, the committee dlree-
Tommy Dalzcll, had a grand time '°is said that, if-the-government I Johnson week-end. Joe Hancock and Dale j ’* offer 0,f,r the the skiersskiprs who wh° «•'»w ill gather:
rather of,*‘xps 00 the majority of cards.
In the men's division scores of
all afternoon seeing, .who could 1 also had some luck ' Mus Doug an ttrr H HHf coa-vr Mnt there_irom__PaHfjr»
keep the closest on the ball. To- ' subsidies Were refused, the com-; there, McIntyre and Holtum ■points on March 19 and 2 miaUf to'C "e"lssa^.,°
Mis» D Grieves and R Barnes v*. Miss
gether with Jack Ruttan, Gordy mittee might find means of its Somf fine winter springs are Hynoman and Dillabough pete in Vancouver Island s f.rst " "hampionsh p
-Rcmcrcw.-and t few nwr of th. finance the games. The being ottered off Qak Hay . in, _------; nq--K»mr-rs—STTsTTT -îôürnâmFHï---------------------—— Ptlf-JZ-^ettjng into the title
Fer*u*on and Waltare
UTO-rnmcnt lias nopower to pfe- ’wK'të" -plugs. - No. — six —
and —...
tive^ -rid ! M!*« F Smith arid McFarlane vs. Miss The scenes showed skiers q,^ ^ W°T"\’S ,bose wlth
iront fhn ____ , • , „ l. .It
- games, it Was 'said.' a half silver and brass wonder H Parkinson and Carson whizzing down the long slopes at 91 better gained the select
± tirant vs Miss Boyer
---- in action-here m many years. El TiOPEAN REACTION ’ xpouo* .^ulng -sood lures. Blbeck I and D Bril I varied speeds and others itodging ^">8 included.
Wilson hooked a 13 pounder last 1 Miss J. Tailor and MUon va, Mr* : and wra^ne t^pir wav down the n Victorians and a like
Saturday’s game was certainly LONDON—The meeting of the week. ",
Dav-es and Clarke
Miss R Fields and "8k I Hines v*. Mrs tree-^ddJSne,” " ‘ Up ,he
the toughest o_Mhe season. When ! International Olympic Committee Pritchard ahd Hurdle
there is a trophÿ at stake it is at Cairo Thursday took on fresh » am i Bob Hopkins told the members *f^to ^ 5 8 '.he men t
surprising how the tackling im- |------ importance today as European re
proves. The local oarsmen missed action to developments in Tokio
few such opportunities and when indicatcrLthe subject could not be
they hit those Rowing Club men sidetracked.
LOCAL CUEMEN Mrs Poyotx and partner vs Miss N
Rice Jones and Btrnay:
Miss U Grieves j»nd Briscoe vs. Miss I
irxnuupi ana
Alexander and partner
that 25 expert skiers from Van- ! 1,1M"""" qufl,flers in"
! couver and other Pacific Coast Ud K
points will be on hand, and ex- W HALEY HAS 73
i.i:, v-g" Ml" pressed the hope that XVaneouver
ly seven visltors-
According to a barber shop chat the fight for a change of site on Nanaimo Team Four Mis* F Smith and H Parkinson vs
Miss A Doucan and M Bsxandail trophies will be at stake in the just two strokes over par, for the’
with a former Old Country rugby the basis of yesterday’s Indica Mlaa J Gordon and Mr*. Pritchard vs meet. - best round of the dav. He was
player, former referee and still an lions Japan might not be pre Matches to Two Miss C. Boyer and R Boyce.
Hopkins reported that there out in 37 and back in 35. A. D.
9 3» a m
ardent fan, Jackie Fergusoij, pared to act as host nation. Defeating ttfe up Islanders four Dilla bough and Tyrrell vs Balftion and would lie plenty of accommoda- Desbiisay, Vancouver and J Ft
J.B.A.A. fullback, Is in a class by War Minister Sugiyama gave matches to two at the Metropolis Holtum lion for island residents wishing Kingham tied for third in 'he
^Stoney and Nixon va D Bell and T
himself. The curly-headed Fcr the first sign there may be a Billiard Parlors last night, to watch the big meet at Courte- medal with 70s.
guson ^ Bkillinga and Po>nt* va Pas*more and
.. boots ’em with either foot hitch in Japan’s proceedings when Tommy Woods and Walter
y „..............— nayj , Lev steil, Seattle, defending
and his accuracy anddistance run he announced soldiers on the Spaven, local snooker artists ^ H irrla ^and Barnes vs. Hurdle and The Junior Chamber will ar champion in both the handicap
hand in hand. j active list would be forbidden to made it two straight over Bill Gray and McFarlane v« X» O rf j 1 range
“ « an expedition
CA|RT.|tlUli for
i vi members
uiviuvv: ? , and open events, qualified for the
' take part in'the Games and added Jarvis and Bill Clarke, Nanaimo Fish ua Bn | and fYl’iri their
fhl*ir wivesti'ivnc on nn that
that week-end
ii'nnlr nnii
former __l.L with _ net 76. __ He was
Denver Safeways have come he believed,4he-Games should be players. Mias N Fereuson and M Ferris — 1
' . Ml*s Joyce Smith and partner around in 78.
and gone. The United States canceled unless the conflict In Detailed scores follow- -- Mis* ,C. Donaldaor. and partner va. Mis»
War Admiral And Mrs. Pearse, women’s medal-
basketball champions made their McIntyre and Mr* McQuade
China ended. Victoria 51-34, Victoria 5515 Mrs Playfair and Miss Baker va. wtn-
~ot-~9 ùcloen matffa------- —-— n• • 1 , 1 j , '■*'■ needed 108 strokes to com-
visit here short as possible and .«lord Aberda re, British delegate t?>"anaimo 52:39, Nanaimo 4730," DlSCUit TO Meet round, but was playing
are en "route "home with the Jacob to the I.O.Ç. commented; Victoria 62 28, Victoria 5143.
------- -------------------------------------- ——-
to a 27 handicap. Mrs. Alex.
France Trophy Stitt in their pos Mis* Tanner and Miss Harris va winners
"The fact that Japan herself is Prizes were presented by the of » o'clock “nd ah*, second round matches BALTIMORE War Admiral j Wat.son._Oak Bay. and Mrs. J. H.
session. Victoria’s Dominoes went wondering whether she will be Metropolis Billiard Parlor and mixed doubles
and Seabiscuit, last year’s top Richardson, Colwood, tied for
down In two straight, but they able to hold the Games makes the Nanaimo Billiard Parlor money w innets and champions, runner-up honors with net 82s.
have nothing to worry about. the I.O-C.’s position difficult. Just sponsors of the intercity series
Their showing was a creditable the same it is Japan's privilege Plans are^now under way for the Juvenile Soccer respectively, of the three yeat-old Best gross round of the women
one. When one stops and thinks to keep the Games If she wants Vancouver Island championship
that a team selected from a town
of 39.000 goes up against an out fhemr"----------------------------:
fit recruited from the whole
I «cries, with Port Alberni. Alberto
Courtenay, Comox, Cumberland
I Victoria juvenile soccer elevens. other, topped a star studded list
and handicap divisions, who raced was a 92 turned in by Mrs. H. G
Provincial Cup, first round through 1937 and beat nearly Mackenzie, Colwood.
matches are carded this week for every headline horse except each . r ,HnK
of 59 thoroughbreds named yes- ; McMillan's card follows!
United States; with Its 130,000,000,
it must be admitted the Dominoes
did very well.
Vancouver And and Nanaimo taking part in an
, up-island elimination round. Dun
can and Victoria players will com
pete In the lower island pre
The draw follows:
Under Sixteen
terday for
handicap May 11 at Pimlico.
Twice scheduled to meet last
$20.000 Dixie Out
—6 4 6 5 5 5 4 3 S—«3
5 4 6 4 6 2 4 5 5—41-83
Whaley’s card followsf
That second game Saturday
night was one of the toughest the
writer has ever witnessed. The
Victoria boys went on to the floor Senior B Provincial Rugby
Navy in Final liminary play.
t°Ronto- Directors ot the
, . ... , ,
eid? RtoehirH. R^i MWeUc
field Bluebirds, Royal
Park; referee. E. Borde!
Esquimau Meat Market, a bye
. „ year, first Seabiscuit and then Out __4 4 5 4 5 4 3 4 4- 37
Admlrah' dodfd
being scratched Bhfore going to
the post. ------ i
3 4 5 3 3 4 5 3 - 35-72
Qualifying net scores follow
Wallace McMillan u
determined the score would be Chamninnthin to Rp PlavpH lI1tario Jockey Club announced Vnder Fourteen
-Ralph Whaley. Seattle go
closer than In the first engage unampionbmp 10 tie riayea yesterday that the King’s Plate HOCKEY STANDINGS A p. JDcshrlzay.Vancouver ...
J R Klpgham ...... .. * 4Â
ment and they accomplished their Here Saturday which wm have its 79 th running Oak Bay Ramblers vs. Esqui M. >. L. W p. Bo»den «I
j h wuson
ambition. If Denver had had The Navy senior B ruggers will would * rârrv °”dbino ,rack *lere- ntait Meat Market, Heywood Ave Canadian Division
^ £®Uon New Westminster ......... 71
nue; referee, H. Holness. Goals J P Proctor
. • nsix players to__—--------
* - ----- call on we feel- continue their bid for British Co-1 5- vxi -,,1,1,à pursp va UF 01 Toronto .................
W, L D C I Mackenzie I?
22 13 8 Dr R Scott-Mor.cneff . ............... **' 73
the Dominoes would have scored lumhia divisional honors on , addpd' m increase of $500 MARCH 19 Canadiens ............... 16 16 11 J D Parei '
fontenTto «y tto-n"tocy b^Z the ^ ,aS' yfar Americans 16 IS 10 Capt O Wilder .........'<* " K
Under Fifteen 11 28 5 Mat Mather " 73
„ toë «e^S MtTvoiw8 West Vancouver Barbarians in Out at the Colwood Golf Club yesterday the tenth annual Empress ------- American Division C O. Thompson. Vancouver _____ _ * " 73
, Je h,^. to„v v vi5 S 1 'he provincial final at Macdonald Mt rORIA HIGH WINS ; Hotel winter tournament got under way
Hotel w inter tournament got under way and the Times cameraman and the Times cameraman Victoria Athletic Club vs. Oak L Papineau. Montreal ............. ■. 71
J W R unies ...........................4;
di Bay Rovers, Royal Athletic Park; Bo? ion
q n " ''ark for the Province Cup. In an exhibition soccer —n--- game -|j onajjj#cu
snapped mix the- aw*c
above (fiajcis
players wiiuwho air. are wiiipviiiuia
competitors hi in me
the men
men's a ui- . . ., 27 11 5 R H B Yer ............. 3.1™"” 74
from referee, E. Borde.
O. Y Simpson .............. .. 74
ton! g e e was Tho play-off match witt head a on the te Fernwdod
FemWOOd Road grounds pronnds vision. vl.inn In the tho top
tnn picture
nir-ln r-o is
ic seen a fathnr
father —and — a son combination
-nKI-.l-M- f>—— 25 13 5
13 22 9 99 125 W Brockie. Edmonton.............................* 74
yesterday the Victoria High New Westminster, A. L. Lewis, the son, on the left, and L. A. Lewis. Detroit H. Ü John> tone. Camrose ______ 74
Exhibition Game •4 116
ship He>dand Cup on the____ the Central Junior High School [ Seattle, who is defending both the men's handicap and ppen titles, feree, J. Cosier. Vancouver 19 IS 5 87 St « ‘ Frank Bums. Seattle
Fowler Asti AMorla ....... 75
" 75
Northwest tournament in Seattle. field at the enclosure. The latter boys. Popham and Minis scored. I at the right is R. P. Baker, Vancouver. Portland IS 17 S 8S 81 J- Van Snellenberg Vancouver 74 _
The locals have been drawn will see Oak Bay Wanderers and - : -------------------------------- — — — ,nii^u,,3. Kick-offs are set for 10.30. gpokane
Spokane :... jiü15 20 i 5 n83to 101 J S.mpsdn . ........... -«
E Keichaw, Seattle 74
against, Moscow, Idaho, in their j Lee Steil. Seattle . Ta
-opening engagement. The Vic Victoria College fifteens clash.
toria team has been given a great headline K. Symons will handle the
match and
build up by, the sponsors of the Miltan will officiate on the tower j Benny Me -1
Rangers, Canadiens SCORE WIN IN Apps Threatens to I C W N ic hoi. Penticton
j-Dr E L McNiven
I _ Above qualified for the handicap event
Ted Colgate
Ted Shngsby
r. 74
hockey fixture the NorthSaanich Jack Ruttan and C. E. Ley were heels. Plans built up through an along in recent years, and as, P. Waterhouse, E. H. Forrest by trltta H
Gordon Drillon, Is starttng-kr Tied lor the third spot in goals F. A. Urquhart
iti l/t'imnviln >l" iviol Min fne Ï Ah. » . .A Cathc.m
__ _____________ gf •
.................................... _ fi
toeven downed a figfittnj-Victoi la named by Major Stuart. Robert- entire season can explode when rushing defencemen and organiz- and Mrs. Todd. 23; C. Shurbrook, give his teammate a'real run for Apps are Paul■ nn. Thompson l j Hibberson ............................................ gi
High School teafh by 2 to 0. ' ™ n-:- *----» - w a main link breaks .they-have beeymrWaT"pSfts wr-Ybtmr^a c: —- TisftmsrmnmT----------mttW^rT tiejgn Black Hawks aiuT* *W —---------------- Bell
— y Ttip serfeis ls now betweerrmit ' , (l J5J&&** -A. *6bodman awf ’ ‘ tT .. cTiamplunslifp'. ceen nmhir or T-y'T-irrrr «awwnim —
As the A L. Lewis. New Wrstnmsier ............... 81
vWSay atidTrarorsaamch, who wwf —■ that put Thomas, 17; W, Stockley, G. . teams
-------- -------.struck off — ---- Into Rangers. W B Barrett 82
battle It out on the Fernwood ?on r......— v-uuiivi i Hutu un me snen 11 the drive Knight and, E. Logan, 12; J. •he last two weeks of the sche- ; The Chicagoan made one of the J. D Campbell 82
Road grounds on Friday. gave out from his hospital bed. (Turn to Page 13, Col. 4) Keating, L. Wheeldon and D. dule the league's official stalls biggest gains of the week, pick- Ou» Dr T- Bam
Lyons. Vancouver . ........................«
•Swan, 22; Mrs. Barnes, Mrs. Mel- tics show Syl Just two points ing up five points to hoist him W Barrett W K. Perkin*. Penticton ..................... J.-83
Paul Brothers i ville and Mrs. Randall; 11* J; behind the high-scoring DriUen. I (Torn to Page 13, Col. 4) K Brachat
. wremro a*«e • =• tw
^SBRISTOL, England — They tyRUNTU - ....The ties# cfiamÿtén weighed TONIGHT’S DRAW
W. Carpenter, 1 •
Howard I McDermott
The best protection that any mother can give her daughter is to
mage her wise to all the temptations from within and without that
confront a girt and teach her how to avoid them. The pits we fall
haveÇb^neêtr41eedthe h‘dd°n 0n°S' not ,hose about which red lanterns
but do
Movie Scrapbook
—B> nil‘ Poner Cancel tires by Gcoree-Scarbo
l°ui^e fazenra EwtRep MOVIt/*lrt
Wednesday, March 8, 1938 1O15 AS.
pan squaw.
Adverse aspects are active to
Wash Tubbs day, according to astrology. Ex
tO-T 06 treme caution should be exercised
A 0<l,P THUNoeIt you can **t on one tk.«,. *
ever i kaoT By Crane In stock market deals and specu
•* IRONS captain east v mists' lative ventures.
OLD I VOut) A un/ HAW.aUHdtEI The stars seem to menace banks
■ MAIAV.y OUT and bankers, ac financial matters
■'rrr'VpH m>.)/euN ocnipy public attention. Astrolo
gers warn that bankruptcy
threatens many nations, and that
money must not be spent reck-
Code B1 Aim
Adam oen
HUdiii Bell «
a a r e s s e s named
the Victoria Saanich beaches and nament at the Colwood Club
parks committee this afternoon. today saw the medalist, Wallace
The committee discussed iqi- McMillan, advance safely. The
u,adersatforthe the park and Uplands player defeated R. H. B.
Barry, M. of E.P.C.; W. J. Carter, |
With Possession of Stolen M. of F.P.C., and J. L. Smith,
P.C., all members of the Knights
of Pythias: Charles I. Harris, : lisa INiu (la, St (Vh-torU) Ltd. ,
Kiwamans; Show Per- Ker, another Victorian, 1 up. Concluding an extensive in- Arthur Brown and A. Ward. The
For the second day the players o lies
The Vancouver Island Bee-
DICK’S formers Are Guests Keepers' Association will start
By new* laws and by amend the season with educational mov
ditions, with bright sunshine
vestlgation pursued for several remalns wpr<’ laid at rest In the
perfect weather con
months by Constable Maurice
Wilkinson, city police juvenile
C?7ne i
V;,BolslPr ,akin8
Dress Shoppe ments to old ones the British Co ing pictures on bee-keeping, the io go around the links in their
making it possible for the men
officer, with the assistance of the * service.
Quality Tea
*324 Douglas Street. E 75.12 first meeting to be held tonight Saanich police, Frederick George
-lumbia Department of Labor was at 8. room six, Memorial Hall. shirt-sleevds. JOHN MOFFAT GARDNER
Smith, 3502 Calumet Avenue,
attempting to form à 'coh< sivo All those interested in bee-keep Ralph Whaley, Seattle, run- There nassed away last night 1
nerup In yesterday's medal Saanich, was arrested yesterday- in the Royal Jubilee Hospital,
and workable labor code, not In ing are welcome. on a charge o£ having possession John Moffat Gardner, aged 74
! the interest of any single group round and one of the low handi-
The Elks Club will take a con cappers to- qualify, won his open of a stolen bicycle. He appeared years. He was born in Airdrie, ! It pays in the long run to buy good tea
or class, but for the good of the cert party "out to entertain the ing match from W. Brockte, Ed in Saanich Police Court this after Scotland, and had been a resident because it is more economical to use, and
noon and was remanded until of this city for many years. He j
Logan Mayhew Finds New loday
wholè province, Adam Bell, men in the Otter Point Relief monton, 2 and 1.
deputy Minister of Labor* toltl ,Camp tomorrow night. Percy
the Kiwanis Club at its luncheon Payne, president of the club, will tured the opening round, with
Three extra-hole matches fea
1 preside over the concert, which Dr. R. Scott-Moncrieff putting
Tuesday without plea. a is survived by his widow »t the t
At police headquarters this family residence, 1413 Vinlng ’ to matter.
morning enough parts to as Street; two brothers in Montreal '
the difference between the cost of one cup of poor tea
and one cup of good tea is so infinitesimally small as not
. , ,
Mr. Bell reviewed the various will start a! 8 Busses will leave out Ernie Ketchum, Seattle, at semble in the neighborhood of and two sisters In Scotland; three i JAMESON’S TEA IS GOOD TEA
Zealand More British Than acts which made up this labor the Elks Club at 6.15. -the 20th hole; George Wilder 50 bicycles were pijed high by : stepdaughters, Mrs. Frank Parker
poiice after being carted by truck | of Edmonton, Mrs. George Wilt
Buy Your Tea. According to Quality, Not Price
Australia code, told of the amendment» to-j- Nine motorists were fined for eliminating J. Van Snellenberg.
them, and gave figures to show various „.affic oIfenccs „ Mag Vancouver, at the 19th, and J.. from the Smith home, where offi- : shire, Victoria, and Mrs. Ernest
His recent business trip to he extent to v^ich they covered.,5traf. m Ha„ ,be C|f R. Kingham winning from G. Y eers said the parts were found Britain of Winnipeg. He was a
Australia and New'Zealand wâs the working population of ,ht"poli(x. Cour/thls morning S|y Simpson at the 19th.
the subject Qf an address by provmee. He answered charges
that the proymee had gone too {
„ned $2 50 each for park- Lee Steil, Seattle, defending
vlolationS| tw0 id $10^ch champion, came through with a
Ca~,„ . , , member of -the Army and Navy
I JVC bycjles were also found Veteran*, having served with the
and, in an effort to locate the 42nd Black Watch in the, Egyp
Merger Proposal
Logan Mayhew—to—a- luncheon , i, far aneaa In labor k^islation - ™ i . 2 and 1 victory over Mat Mather. °w"ors °f.the*' P°‘icf •'«'quested I,ian campaign and in the Great
meeting of the Victoria Credit with the remark: "Any labor law Ldline^w:,, t n°Ur
Cramers’ Association In Spencer's on the statute books of British lo stopr
diningroom this afternoon. Columbia is only put there alter P'
This afternoon the women were
^ nr a lne playing their first round of match
play, while the men's open cham
,h„.„ ... .
. .
the r.. b|p>cles lost
wnkmson tS
War The funeral will take place
ivcenLT tomorrow afh
1>*;~ New Company Would
New Zealand sdemed to be ^ue consideration." K**v. .4. G E. Hemly presented pionship advanced through its ^,E^h-^u"s^îHhSer^™'j.ç"^âldtt bSUnyJrod SSI Operate Dunwell, Glacier
much more British than Aus? „â Lenten message lo the mem. first round.--------~ Eric Efwetl Df saantch police j no flowers be sent.
Guarenltfd Supply of Hr
^ra’ia, Mr. Mayhew remarked, waiter M. Walker. ; bers of St. John’s A.Y.P.A. at Results follow: i Creek and Lakeview Sawdust
The "Kiwanis Kapers" show ; their regular meeting. S. Laver took part in the investigations.
and noted New. Zealand pre championship flight
ferred to buy from England and staged at the Royal Victoria The-[presided. Prayers were led by Wallace McMillan beat R R A proposal for a merger ALERT SERVICE CO.
the -Empire; while 'Australia was atrr last week made a net profit of fKev. G. H. V Bolster. Visitors "B. Ker, l up.---------------- -———~
independent and did not care just over $300, J. G. MacFarlane, welcomed we‘re the Misses B.
where it bought. This was shown president of the club, announced. Drew, E. Osborne, D. Ware and Alta., beat W. P. Bowden, 4 and 3.
Performers from the show D. Cronk. An initiation will be
H. U. Johnstone, Camrose,
G. T McManana, Seattle, beat
REV. F. COMLEY . Porcy James Burkmnr passed • reorganizafldh of” the adjacenT 749 Broughton Strwl
away this morning at the family j
residence, 949 Wollaston Street, j Dunwell, Glacier Creek and Lake-
aged 61 years. Bom in London, | view mining pjtfperties in the
K H0|
At Santa Anita
ri, t
_The mayor suggested the gov- gressire Arts Club of Victoria ■ 2
ernment could help by tvareung win fqronsor an evening 01 ara ' " ^'—
ing its school grants to Van- malic entertainment at St. Mar
Thr« lur.on,- c»i»nu ns. I couver, which have been steadily tin's Hall, Obed Avenue "The Glaser, Seattle, 3 and 2.
^ Woo<! beat 1. A. Urquhart,
W. B. Leach beat Paul
t -
jybere he
e "enI to the Klondike, Davidson, W. Stephen and G,
helped build, wbat-lufer
became the "Trail or/98." After mat.—------------------ ---------
J. L. Mara beat J_ M. Imrie,, son, he returned to Victoria.
three winters .in Daw
PASSES AWAY former Naval Photogràpher of a compromise.
to remove the charge for Tran
quille patients entirely. Today’s
settlement was thus In the nature
SiÏ*ua lit i dropping owing to the compU-1 Giant Killer." one of the latest Edmonton, 3 and 2. Mr. Behnsen
_ , was a member ol
------Of Victoria since 1885, passed iDl6S; Here SiflCe 1888
This will save the" municipali
ftnÿal A l Uft. gaituin War 119
XLU ,*“ r-,h--,Uit". ‘i/USKSi catcd =ys,em of basing them on progressive one act plays of 1937, ties about $60,000 in the fiscal
• no»a»oor ns. Biiiaborig ns. an assessment ratio, frits would will be staged, together with a W. Morfltt, Astoria, beat f the Provincial Legislature for away this morning at his home, , . „ year. Premier Pattullo said, out
m ewsy-rmi lurionaK
Tt*t The Bpuier give the city $350,000 and enable number of other Interesting and Horne, 1 up. •three terms under the late Sir j 933 Mears Street. He was born ! John Wallace Jones, for many of a total cost of $120,000.
,,rt ht
•lu» 111, Biepby ,8,,’Heat* Ijj.
113. Red h Çapt. I It To "get along, he Thought. entertaining" items, __, including
_____ _ G W. Clark, Camrusi-, Alta., Richard McBride and retired from ; In Owen ' Sound Ontario and£Pa"naval Photographer at
juTe^lliSiTiKi? b!mi1Wi*3P M*“ loe- !| jn In thp ah«mce ------- of statutory
-*-*--*—1— —’
monologues and• dialogues.
• There beat W. B. Barrett, 6 and 5. political life in 1916. after coming lo Victoria, was for 1 ^squimalt. passed away yester
Questions On
Thtrd. Mrte and ene-«roarter Don au^°Uty for changing the grants will be music and an auditioi SIXTH FIJGHT He was well known in lodge ; many years engaged In the sad .a>„at lh<" homp “f bis brother,
A. Schmidt, Olympia, beat H. ; *“•---------
being a -----------
life member of : dlery and harness making busi- A. M. Jones, 48 Boyd Street, after
tSSS'ViY SiîSYJil ithc cablw‘t mlRht make a special period.'during which members'of
ns 8*nsh Àioof m» mu w»> u«. Bine | grant to th? city as a temporary thc audience iCill he given an B Horton, 3 and 1. ] the Vancouver and Quadra Lodge ness on Yales Street. He is sur- a long illness. Film Censors
*!•“/ sunoiTm ^lola 1,8‘ Plller Pat 116 measure. Then it could tackle audition on the stage. B. R. Cieeri beat R. F. Coleman, A A.F. and A M., and grand vived by his wldow at home and Mr. Jones was born near
Fourth !»<•«• Mile Mid onr-N.xteenUi whole problem ÔI municipal , 3 and, _ 2._ _ chancellor| of the- K. , of P. Lodge. ----- 1!--------...
one son, ^R«.f San Franpi™ Lurgan Irt'land- * January, 1854. ' e VANCOUVER (CP)-A. M.
Edgar, in LH...
JJgF z y
lir^nces. " V r i ,Th,e The regular
^Ktilar monthly meeting | C. P. Constantine, Seattle, boat. ,s survived by three 9pm, Funeral arrangements mts wrn t»^n and in 1S66 esme to Canada He Stephen, Canadian poet and presi-
111. Mum** 101 Bon VHdmbu R,wi.,oPü*’:
a /j h<‘ maybr made a proposal for of !he Burr|s Club WU1 be held G. Pattinson, Coleman. Alta., 1 up ^’alter- Seattle; Christopher, nounced later. oc an engage(i *
in photography
* -
in Wlnni- dent of tho Canadian League
Dao.w, amA T~V— —____ _____ a. .
HI. Rrki ISA>---ilorâ8iirHi> a:. 106 the provincial government and I m __
Chamber of Commerce Au- _ _ ___
F. Wolfe beat P. E. McCarter, Shawnlgin Lake, and Shaw of _ ■— ----------------- - peg for some years, and followed Peace and Democracy, today an
JEWS» m. Z&SfrSZ AST i ihe the troops west to Fort Qu' nounced it ’was Hw-leagtife's inten-
the m municipal m
u n icipâî ' leaders
geiher and attack the joint prob-
»» “T ïi'»»1*'*" 5 fly:,. -
leade rs" to "gegett " tl> ! î1”™ this evening'at'8, when | 5 and 4. _______ .......... ?fba‘los; one
pt R W MeMurray will be, R. K. Bearislo, Winnipeg, beat Blackwood, Seattle, and a brother, |
dau?d,er/ _ Police Transfer
Appelle during the rebellion of tion to "call tor a public investi
113 M».w in 1 ivm Of provincini and municipal ,he gufst shaker. His subject R- Lyons, 1 up. I Christopher, In Vancouver. 1885. gation oNflle extent to which for
and one-8ixt«^nih finance .
provincial municipal j
! will be: "Some Scottish Ships and W. J. Johnston beat L. Me , The funeral was field today In U Announced In 1888 he came to Victoria and eign consulates to Vancouver in
<110 OOOi : Deer Fly 139 Sharp Girl 133
Orra 134 Howden 13». Calaveras 129 Bool We know that the province f Men." The St. Andrew’s Presby- Carthy, 1 up. | Seattle with Masonic rites, opened a photo studio here, and terfere with the democratic rights
Mommaae 109. Real Clear 1*' n™ * NELSON (CPi *D;ansfipr of also became the leading naval of British Columbia citizens In
100 Lad» Floriee 125 Lloyd H^!;|has its rilffi. ul.13.-ui Juukuurma ..■terian Church choir, under the
U'':!an_i;hu''pb My of New photographer
Lantv nv* «V» »»7W^I~m6neTTirsMd_"piii nl TIpiajt' Ldngneld. : £ -R G M.P. Man x n at Esquimau, the matter of film censorship."
riujiw Cfhet 109 Cam
BTÛIIII gr^lâém tor us After -" "'W impph- -the musdrai ...The sniTOunrenwriT, " iraniFTft a
all we represt nt the same taxpav.. ,he prof?ram Thi? report of the Frank Paulding, secretary of the
Y.M.C.A., Sunday evening after Is F und Shnf q
UUna JnOT pobce me piuvl,lllaiI
at Victoria was an »>carried HMméiù
on that business in com
prepared staremewr. saWfor
action was the result of the chief
, , ers We are both working in nom“?ah^ committee will be r<" the usual evening service, speak
c".»' Ttï^aMSS m‘ ‘Mditheir '"»<*««*• Why shouldn't 5*TLhW' B Grant, the presi- VANCOUVER nounced^yesterday by Staff-Sor- j pany with a late brother, tot censor ordering an asserted 2,500
M2 c.*lu ciay 113 Bubbiesome m°Rdbie we tackle it together " : dent, will occupy the chair. on V" CAalpLnnto,0fo,Pm°a j me“m^be^Mte ftoyiToSl' C. G. Barber, officer In ! some forty years cuts in a film, “China Strikes
command >nH ofexf West IZ ___ dis I ».
Kootenay J
Count 113. Bright Mark lie. -m, n
R'shth race—Mile and one-e,ghth Bru-i.t Thf* PrcmM. tollou mg the in-
* ,,
There x%1l| be a pruning de testant
Youth.' A brother, A. M. Jones, Vic Back.”
trlct. toria, and a number of nephews
%‘SS,eSw,S'' fiSiÏÏJlS; ™’ ‘old.,,l,e l,rt'ss <hp Van- monstration in the rose- garden at
II». Slckl. S'il ui couver situation would have to Beacon Hill Park tomorrow after waybUlle'
oÆæsi a
founded Speed and nieces, survive him.
in a manner ‘comoarable to the . ,hole. .in .. any iooa>,
his Torehead!'B^ shown by a letter delWered" •" Funeral arrangements are in
ite-revised. He ntentinrlrtl'lhat to ’ -nrkm. beginning tit "230; TMtt
Due te Setay in arrival f| Vancouver assessments had been demonstration has been arranged mVntTTl Rus^T
-TLmTs. Niagara- f*">0"^.,^ ha, ,lde 'b- body was a disehaiiedîMr. «t»Hfrii; F. AltooHL' 1
Son Funeral Home, where the
Smart Occasional
by the Victoria Horticultural So Italy toive taken hold of aU the '4a auloma,ic Pis<ol. Colville Road, Esquimau, from
a dinner to be tendered to Sir striding the city's tax revenues. ciety through the kindness of the youngest peonL of those ëoun .Sc°" re,ired from ^ R C.M.P. «heir daughter, Mrs. D. S. Robert- service will be held at 2.30 Wed-
^ ' swretary of Some sources, he pointed out, City Parks Board. H. O. Simpson tries was^xulained Mr Rav Lhl6e yrars ag0 af,Pr his spine son' 470 Young Streël,. Winnipeg, nqaday afternoon. Rev. Daniel
Solid Walnut
! rv I1'!!!, ^mpire , Parl‘amen ; thought water rates were too low will officiate Anyone interested î^y, on behal"»*' preset i ha?, beCn lnJurpd' H" rereivJd a Manitoba. It was postmarked Walker will officiate. It is re
tary Association, planned for in Vancouver
Friday night has been canceled The Premier said that legisla 'n
— thanirAd
roses is invited to be present. thanked Mr.. Paulding, and dis-
There will also be a second de
Mr n=„iai_1 P°llpp pension. | March 7, 1 a.m., and
10 this morning. The time from
delivered at $10.50 ,.$35.00
quested that no flowers be rent
Instead Sir Howard will be ac five sanction'-might be required monstration at the same place on cusslon continued .while refresh-
corded a luncheon on Saturday, tor some of the necessary Saturday afternoon next, March ments were served. The next before 1785. when Spanish to when It was delivered was "SS » «55= aYîZSi SS.123I Home ^
it was announced at the Legisla changes to put Vancouver on Its 12, at 3, when A. Mitchell will meeting of this group will be held authorities first Issued régula 33 of the W.A. this week, the meet
five Buildings today. rreet financially. —----------------(-oHiciate.
after evening service on March lions governing collection of otter distance b>ai|ail,hfromPPWinnîpeg ing of St. Matthias' W.A. has b.'en
1 lklm to Victoria is 1,652 miles.
Furniture Co.
postponed until Wednesday.
March 16. *» Fort Street riione EM-1
Financial clasaificalums .... à# u 87 McClary Oarry. enamel ... ....T.;. fff *g =--------------------------------- HM-1M4
( 'P*liWOOD «so cD slab ! 38 Encountered. 50 In the middle FOB SALE—MISCELLANEOUS
Range and sawdust burner complete 49 56
of. M !f“'n range and oil burner, com
plete with cot per coils 69 56
- _ dance at Sports Hail on rn J OREOO—HOUSE WINDOWS
BOX BBPLIE8 AVAILABLE relreebrueme. l.ckeu *iOe
sr cleaned' outside. 6c each 05023 Fa wee; i high oven range, extra good
condition .............................................. j$
^ tray lots 140 Palmer MoK^i, a°7
better, edmeeeea to toe leuoem* mu, l,r;,?4,per, cord , slab |3 25 per
G5S648011* Ci*T' r°Ck' manure- d/.LlT?red - COAST HARDWARE '______ _ _______ 1756-4-&T
,M evelleHie el lb. Tube. Ollice oe p,„. I )ANCE AT THE CRYSTAL GARDEN CO 04044
111 a'cord tols Colwood" Wood
a ff
6768-06-71 Phone E3213________ 1418 Douglas St
1^° cubs tor*—6!° carters in-
•btettob ti Doe teller, «tozlrbom rerun. UPRQTT-SHAW BUSINESS INSTITUTE A PLACE TO enjoy HOME-LIKE HOT
tor. both in 1 a *°f°rkln«
^ Courses: Stenography, secretarial PROMPT. ACCURATE PRESCRIP- bicycles and MOTOHCYU'LLS W-egg Queen lncub*-
ue obtotoed b, edreruw.Vbo lol'ov Uo \°oj FIR MILL WOOD |2 5® PER * y-meals prepared and cooked by white order. Apply T.
3 cord lots Inside fir. $4 00 commet clal radiotelegraphy. Telephone ït r ,Tbe Ma,<alr Caf#- l°U Broad St. ■• at Your Neighborhuw Jones. Carey 300 yard* north of Marl-
replies promptly; I YANCE. 734 FORT ST . WEDNESDAY Ask y cur doctor to phone him. gold Ave.
Fuels mE0624cord le«s:....-Manning * Shew T>ICYCLZS - BICYCLES - -BICYCLES-
«573-26-61 1 ' We carry a large stock of new C C M
wb wi «2S;’ «il
53. ^ Uîî' eeit.eete.
,7*b <*w, «». eesj.
. Bay Junction. Miss G Dickson iPTER FRYING -YOU CLEAN YOUR ( ''HAIN — REPLACE THAT MOORING and Bs A me chines ; also rebuilt cycles in W*”1” LEGHORN HATCHING EGOS,
mil slz»a Csl land inspect our range when over per ,rom breeding pen of
principal. 01824. 6977-26-81 * ' now! Used chain from S to IK inch
riw1 ,hVCALt>n rLdln* etc- Terms moder- on It Manning A Shaw Fuels E0624
a hot «ova with Jet." Stores. 20c
Phone 03434 Capltil Iron 2
Metal. Ltd needing
;; A *■ » 1cycle. Terras can bè arranged. Sifrfu$T°o**Ctind and third-y far b?rda
serins cal
RoWn.son a. 1226 Broad
’—■* St..
°* opp Colonist.
■U. B Deane-Freeman. 01674. SH^"r.u.AK.?^9LA* "It. DRYLAND. 11 N O L 18 H PERAMBULATOR — GOOD
f?™*' •» Ffravy slabs per cord.
cord um w"n îfiu'1 8t Margarets School
Miss W. O. Mtiligan. principal. E3234
J condition, lie. 06375. aoaa.i.R*
Announcements M* Ai‘CH ST fathick s »«0UC dry •tabwood
•3 56 Inside block* per cord 84
( **■ ------ _____________ : 6922-26-7»
Breakfast. lunches, dinners, served at
popular pneea. Open 6 20 a m- close mid-I?OB BALE—SUITCASES. 16 INS , |l^jk
A3 guaranteed;
guaranteed ; cash or terms.
Shanks. 923 Fort 8L
terme rvi^a
Palais dr Danse, Bunk •* -
rheum. $i 25 per couplé."
i millwt «S aS'îiîi 4534-tU
fjICYCLEfi 111 50 TO «18 73. ALL SIZES.
far re*tifva Liens! rfcgpe G332U I: wood. to's a-Jb leb,!^ it at 144 PINfilNO
“•rcb,.'sr,d „r„;ib A? TLJTAHY 800. TONIGHT.
btv 8,
a. : ^“!uC“b’
1009-3-58 J^s,4
-------a o CLOCK.
V V ^viei VlUO. 1._ ,-‘-‘-8‘,“-
Bhawmgan Douglas Fir Wood Co..
?Aî!.?w‘&î°:ïrj!'. “it 7006-1-56 TIENS SUITS DRY CLEANED AND |412°56h°uf«t?n ,S 71 ia'«*u«« D B ehotgun.
• 12 56- Watson microscope. $16; latest stvle rpWO .OUTSTANDING VALUES-ONS
boats and engines
Liverpool, Engiana. .nd . resident ol Pressed. City Dye Works 01621 JJOATS ENGINES BOUGHT. SOLD AND
Survived 0>, be- I M|R45NmoP?OGRES§IV,!
« 45, 1230 Government St500 prizes ]
. gop_d
*nnC«SWhnil° ?UIL*oT 33 75 Aaron!
sons W hole*a!e A Retail 1328 Government
X lady* 20- CCM Standard bicycle
one gents 24 22 C C M De Luxe roadster , r«Pa‘«d. Enterprise Wharf, foot 5
Î, her huebeod. one d.ughter -Mr. 55 ^ b^ï VEMININ* HYGIENE - "CERTANE.'* 81 corner Johnson Both of -these machines are In perfect 6456-36-56
Merg.rel tinny dumb ol u c condition and the original paint Is like
‘••‘•"F Wdl,.™>.U,c, Or-lion oi A the most modern scientific method
KpJiT, owjtîtiO ” zX LX3R SALE- CHANDELIER FOR LIVINO- new Being specially priced fior immediate PRESERVATIVE. USR
SvU!^, Dorothy Cox. 4131 Burden *7638.
pRIZES TOTAL lit' WHIST NIGHTLY ndalL Surgical Supply. 7U For"' Ellïï x room or dining-room. Phone E5673;j‘un^il.giii, '“«tï*?,*»
Club'”., BroUR?. JSC 6575-26-64 Fort St . next to
Sv! *$fI~u^"7BLANdTsLAB 12- . 6337-26-58 __________ 3-56
Wood Co Alpha St
P°*kf)> Studio. 1113 Oot*l St E2068 LX>R ECZEMA. IMPETAGO PSORIASIS. „ - MANURE 2835
S »o“*wgrj&L* 1rs- * —titi. * ringworm, skin irritation. Peacev ■ 8* 01555 Jersey cow fresh
*u Good running order. 89 50 E7568
JONES--After a lengthy illness there
Daoc* Academy 830 St. Charles. E2778.
8Pfclal Ointment. 1831 Fairfield and 145
Metulea-______ . 6496-26-59
next week. Dryland wood 1481-26-58 Automotive
&aI?.r.mW?y M0Dd-‘> vM*rch 7. John
Wdi.ace Jones, wtril-kuoan
n-aavkerœ0dee ,or renl 26W ■ Douglas *4 AUTO SERVICE DIRECTORY
to :,"„y4m,"b"‘ “ K-'W •>- rvouMlr4 I ^1“' OR A.. 35c SQUARE MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS
tor la « leadm* ballroom instructors Shoe Repairs 1224 Brtoad
bees living »,to JS îîotber11"* “it CIIIROPR4CTOB Personal supervision Private Guar E4854- 1> FLAT CLARINET $10. CLARINET IN *T GEORGE DO IT" EXPERT
attress renovating factory-
Jones Of 48 Boyd Street Born at
i 17
j I EARN DESIGNING AND DRKSSMAK- M Prlces 720 Plsgard 8t E0513 19 * *15 Hickllng 709 Johnson. J *uto top and body builder- wood,
work re Disced George
n—— ,y-— .vxu TP00*
Cog. looi
-srr- J0nne*.r m & w 3wa TOHN M STURDY. REGISTERED AND MISCELLANEOUS nr*or profe.-vional use Call
.nd £.r4 sss«,,*.,ji.'ee,v;,a„', s; TJ7HE SHAO TWO QR THREE PRI-
Phoni'TwS ch,r0Dractor- 10» Union Bldg
n Fhkrpened
Emery. 1567
ir,d. '■/, Academv of U.«V-
ful ArU. 853 Fort 02034. 6713-26-67
.* arranged as low as $3 monthly ' Rem
ington Rand Ltd.. 921 Gordon Si G6013.
* Btw 1938 General Electric radio Phone
evenings. E7374 6931-2-58
nle*a in this city
aflein^tto vices will1 be
Ur held
ncia Wednesday
Rosaly. Victoria's’
structors. E4854.
M 1304 Douglas 81. and 1052 Pandora Ave'
f:tDA.uW' it 7 In n'-l__ .__ at n*ht for every occasion At Walker s
MOCHA 8PONGC CAKE JUST "Sympathy.'’ ’Glsnnla Mia**
6'unei.l Horn, R„ Denlel wllbfr Howell. R N.. 506 Campbell Bldg l# ■> r*«ht for every occasion At>W.Uker s Chocolate Shop. 1241 Broad St E567». CAR PURCHASES
RRA4DJ°cl„^8TE«R8 _ Tfd.Zio Rito and Orchestra
7eitC’iIt*lh,nf lh,' «111 br 1.14 to Chocolate Shop. 1241 Broad St, E5879.
will hold
reel in the lemllg plot et Hou Be, ceme- * mef.lln« *‘ the Sons
ÏKh 9 T^e- Colonl*ti
. "ade to measure F Jeune * Bro
“Toy Trumpet.” “Poaer House’*
Ambrose's Orchestra
from your furniture. All stores. Ltd 576 Johnson. G4632 1-57 8%
llt U reguMted toet no flower, be unu
oldVR----------- - w_ as Velf ,P.mfAr AU ë»b*wrordthè X BAD habit costs more to main- 1---------
Reason Special Business. Pa‘enl* *nd Trade-marks lh'"1 * IO<H' one in ,1,14, no \\-»LKER 8 ST <ATHICK BOXES „ dTswer walnut, almost new Terms #11 Fort St. Phone 01181
•v 1??*1 Htera passed away tU the aa» Offices Throughout Canada and U 8 profits for you See the mtülJn^-ngaretie ' V hate, etc filled with fresh rhocclarca ln 0Ur ««Bool. 726
B6rh Ui>LDndnn^»!:,r • Jnme* Burkmar I TNION MEN. BUY . UNION MAD* , _1 w Pender Vancouver Phone Sey 37»6 LoonkUfJtCttUh»rs,Eel y,ar From «vhnf ! Packfd fafh day 1241 Broad St E5879 * aies E6513. ___________m.
* J^ bread. Ask your driver for his union is Look at the other side of the picture A ------- ----------;. JAMESON MOTORS USED CARS ARR
Br,b in London, England, the late Mr few years bgck heart failure stoqd seventh —— ———. rpREATMENTS MADE FOR STEAM BOIL-
Bufkmar had been a resident in B c «922-7-60 ■ educational down Today
Tnrtii if it
it holds first A . . “Î UNSURPASSED IN VALUES
l8rmonfLa,k2a ieare' *nd lor the lull iTI* heating systems domestic water TVADIOS FOR HIRE WEEK OR MONTH
XX’ usher to open the door of thl vupolies Prevent rust, pitting. Goddard • 8 also radios repaired. Aaronson's. 1328
cftv”°Thi!.bsd . n “ re*ident of this , , aukers
’* hats
•pd . asks man to step out Employment * Co Sidney. 6796-26-73 Government G4722
filled w,t~
| -ggA SÿiïFX. T'Y PE WRITER 8-CORONA. 11256; euced to
WÜÎÎ ^ bread our rye bread, our Hovis. sofa or
«,‘n2 Underwood. $25: Rem;ng-
VI6*8 p,owm*n Co Furniture
«uajant^d. P * George Music Store.
713 Pandora, vately owned .......................
«Vdeiihu,: JS? x cÆ*r?lJloi0v":: u.u.1 ",4^i "ob„*V't,n‘o°" »*m” ■■ ' YTRS WILFRID ORD, FT C.L. AT CM
*v« voice and speech specialist. iv„o
1005 voox
Dutch wholewheat bread or anv of our
Cook °Ah” JS*»» fo<>ds-hut well-oh, we - "OTKL ripRK WITH
S orf 705 Johnson St. Phone 04424 1931 PONTIAC
05538. 6505-26-39 | ‘JL. Oolden Loaf Bakery. 711 ’ ’ knowledge of bookkeeping shorthand T*-ICTOR 8-TUB* RADIO-PHONOORAPH
The remains are reposing at the rkseUi and typewriting. Bog 6993 Tlme« 19.TH “AUmKERY DISPLAY
mftnu 4rntdhgifnn,rî?>..L4 *nd •«»«*?- lost and found s« TV7..He[tm*n"T7' c. Ltdu 1 „ combingtioji. guaranteed *4» 50 85
cash SI a week BC. Electric Radio" De JAMESON MOTORS LTD.
BeÜnLfîalïî *n”rti **rvla>* wlU Wnn- 8993-3-58 746 Broughton St
partment, Douglas St. Store.
OARDNER—There passed away Mondav
OUR BOARDING HOUSE, with Ma]or HoopU these cars are covered with a
elty for many years
» survived by his widow at the
ît«',1L/£ldenc.e 1413 Vlntng street
------------ti . _ 6987-1.-56
1“;““''' H-OHT IN OH H*AR r AJ/X f 'I PSIWT^ OH This BAO op "v
sakjd? why that s
O'' means Renewed and Guaranteed
Means that the car you buv is covered hv
warranty as broad to Its scone ss VnvnnI
»” five. 11 I, m.d, ^S7bl“ i"Tu *
TO OJVE ME MODE ZV.V,Clr I}*8 h^en gone over to our ow,
renm?Ph.V ol' own " end m.r*
«il sîrno Jfïltl4n °* Wttmlpeg The ^TRAYID rRoM 15.1 GLADSTONE «MEIOHT- MORE r«n,**‘ has been made to put the cae
you buy in perfect condition “
Aruv^Lti *iîîî' * “«“■bet of the PRESSURE.»
P.«i fe.uS"'S a? JBT- XA'WV’
W.îrh ".-/8:-',*? îr“r «"il Bleck
«etch. en4 In the Kgyptian Cemoelgo
•luring nei end leei. lleo ele ,
ge»m to the Greet Wer.
"*!■ March 9, at 3.36 o clock in the
chapel of. the g«-JIid8
Sands .Mortuary
Mortuary Ltd
i td . and
lelns.will be laid at rest in the
Ross Bay Cemetery^
Business Cards
pord coupe
V-l .
VERY SELECT (Pringle), 19.24. Penalties: None. Edna May Oliver, Mary COLUMBIA — “Limelight,"
11» Or.h,m Sedan ... 615 w ith Anna Neagle.
tv bedrooms, kitchen, living-room, two Second period—4. Seattle, Ta-
Many More to Choose From
Furniture and Effects
bathrooms, laundry, large siaxaed-in porch,
hot-water heating. frui4~4*ees, garage, ce
ment sidewalks.» Three lots. Saannrh taxes
bor, 4.52; 5, Seattle, Daley; Aster n and Robert* Young - --..a in STARTSIODAY!
DOMINION—Florence Bice
and Robert Young In
Dominion Organ, two (Houbrcgs, jerwai, 14.47. Pen * Paradise For Three”
... -Mao JjgIQB,.Ca LTD.
137 TSTM St. 131144 865 Yates St Close to schools, buses Price JT40Ô cash Including: "Paradise for Three." SHOWING 3 DAYS ONLY
Further information, phone G1218.
console model Electric Radios, al- allies- Houbregs and Frew. . .. OAK BAY — Sonja Henle In
------------------------------- ------ new and two other Chesterfield
Third period 5, Vancouver, An enihusiasllc audience at the A GRAND COMEDY IN THE
£S7!) "Thin Ice."
BUICK COUPS ......... .. A molt, 3.12; 7, Seattle, Jerwa Dominion Theatre today enjoyed BREATHTAKING BEAUTY
PLAZA — “Trapped In the
OLDSMOBILS SEDAN .... (»Ù5 , lull
gafdên. fruit trees
cemept haaement:
laree and
w'ft'Kip threeTad* Cane and Rr«T
Oak Centre
r,’ ■■■.-
" r.-vi-
i McAttem ), • 13.24. Penalties; j “Paradise for Three." Nearly Alps." starring Anthony OF TUB ALPS!
Chairs, very nice n,.'i
NASH SEDAN ........................ 485 agenu. circle. Saanich taxes. What offers? ... Daley, Hutton. every pohr man would like to en Bushell and Jane Baxter.
Box 694 Tunes. , M-tx nut Dropleaf Table. Fibre Settee
FONT1AO SEDAN ............................
” OTHll» TR5Sr ns W----------
Bulck snd Oldsmobile Car»—O.M.C. Truck*
-gUJ-f 3 Ay ILT._ g N. INSTALMENT.
Studio Coiych. Pull-up Chairs. BlecUlq
plan. Also alterations and repairs. Vacuum--^weepefSr^very--good Carpet HANGERS,
Bale, contractor. Fort and Stada- Squares and Rugs, splendid,, complete i
Walnut Dining - room Suite* also j
joy the life of a mllUonaire for
C AN A Di E N S Iw° weeks;_$rnd every rich man ’
NURSE DEFENCE ACES would 1|ke <° go i»ck to the A Star Is Born “Paradise
v Puncan______ Port 8t at Quadra. Vieterte
SKi,e,< Ml — FIVE-ROOM MODERN 8-piece Oak Suite, Odd China Cabi (Continued from Page 9)
- ~~VV stucco bungalow with two tote net, Bedroom Tables, Chaire and --------- ---------- -------------------- ------------------—
simple pleasures — at least for Here Wednesday
HIGHEST CASH PRICES PAID FOR LAT1 Apply Box 1645 Times. 1645-26-74
Rockers, very good Simmons Bed* dovYn the stretch were large head-
the same time. Janet Gaynor and Fredric
JONES BROS SERVICE STAlION LTD with Spring-filled Mattreesv», nice | aches to Rangers and Canadiens. And that's just what Frank March come to the Atlas Theatre
Cw Tats* and Quadra Phone E4021 of urawers. Coulter laugneu
laughed last nigni
flight over Morgan, Robert Young and Reg!- tomorrow in David O. Selznlck's
Dressers aridaria Chest
uirsi oi Drawers, two j vuunvr
OU-o-matic furnace and right up-to-date almost new Modern Wslnyt Bedroom the ruptured blood vessel in his nald Owen do in this escapade of technicolor production, "A Star i»-
Parts for all cars and trucks. 4 and 6- tti every way
cylinder Star engines; 20. 21. 22. 23-inrh t*'
Contains five rooms on
—-ound floor, with two extra bedrooms In Suites. Children's Cot*. Kitchen Cabi- leg which threatened to keep him the Alps, Morgan turns poor Born." o YOUNG • MARY ASTOK
tires; also high pressure 32.4 and 33 4 , rba '“at Stucco const ruction about 5 net,.„ «id, three H^ge,. out thp rest of the „,ason he while the other two actors become —
tires. . °ld Lovely ready-made garden. This glamorous story of a little EDNA MAY OLIVER
PACIFIC AUTO WRECKING CO. LTD. High location with line views of Olympics ^LTa,.T.U'ZZ be "ready for the play rich and powerful. country girl who came to Holly-1
real buy—1937 v-« four-door
pnc' “ “....... 84000 Machines large assortment of Kitch- °“s* Siebert has been giving Their plan works until Morgan's wood, faced the odds of lon.noc FLORENCE
Asedan1; 5.000 miles; owner leaving city HOLLYWOOD CRESCENT DISTRICT enware. Dishes and Glassware. Orna- | his twisted knee light Workouts daughter, Florence Rice, his to one and scaled the heights of !
Apply 777 Falkland Rd
BEECH WOOD near sea Pin# upstanding
menu. Electric Rangette. Beatty j a°d hopes to play with the Habi housekeeper, Edna May Oliver, stardom, marks the first up-to- e PERFECT . . .
iat distributors in canada - residence of eight rooms Den with fire- Copper-tub Electric Washing Ma- 'fan,e tants in 'T'ArA"tn
Toronto o-*--J—
Saturday, and his "girl friend," Mary Astor, the-minute story to be filmed in
F Mutual Auto Sales. 032 Johnson. tf lare lour bedrooms, oak floors; bull chine. Wheelbarrows,
fratures To close estate price162550 Tools. Lawn Mowers, very good Ali SIGN REPLACEMENTSTrùnk». Garden find out about it. j technicolor.
1/OR SALE TOURING CAR EXCIL- reduced to. on terms.
* lent condition, good rubber, 1125 ena oiel Ice Refrigerator. Block and But with playoffs just two Adolphe Mcnjou, May Robson, e CRIED WOLF”
THE B C. LAND AND INVESTMENT Tackle. Long House-ladder, 3 Iron weeks away neither club is taking TWO VICTORIA PLAYERS Andy Devine and Lionel Slander ■fER.WAN With
1 " vr unto ou.* JJ t 923 Government St.
\\ by 5 lor Studebaker car. 04410 xxtf 041 IS Oates. Toilet Bowls. Wash Basins, etc. a chance. Soon after Siebert was 1 r'r" “ **-—*■ — are featured in the supporting BING LEWIS STONE
A 1*4» Morning Sale at 10.30 *
forced out Canadiens signed Arm:
3>-a»dfcsCD TIRES - of Poultry, Vegetables, Sash. etc. (Continued from Page 9)
600 piricea right it Red's Service Station. "SUBURBAN ACREAGE and Raymond from Montreal's The film shows many famous I At U.U. IM is, |]
Tates St. Auctioneers amateur ranks, while Rangers 1 P Moore. Winnipeg
We are now subdividing a property on MAWARD A SONS -
Aoolph Schmidt. Olympia Hollywood landmarks in their1
I", Cedar Hill
1 (VXl CHEVROLET COUPE -E X C E L- into parcels of one acre or more and will
-I lent condition; new tires. Love-
Joy Shock*. 1834 keens*. Best cash offer be
Road, near Mount
in a postt.on to close sale» In a few
Douglas moved quickly last night to
against the possibility that Coul O.
guard B R Cicen
Prank Wolle. Edm nton
natural colors for the first time. I Ü XOe Deny 1Z.I
1931 c.Hrr?
■‘~r------------ days.
and monthly payment terms writ be given
This property la park-like, with tree*.'
open spaces and very dçlightlul views
Maynard & Sons
Prices will bp about 4300 per acre
âl'fTIONEER4 (,
ter might be lost lor the season. 11*0
When Rangers play Toronto at R W Watson
tonight young Larry ,
Pattinson. Coleman
MrCarthp. Winnipeg .
R. K Bearlston. Winnipeg .
L. O. PuttuilQ. Seattle
* ,
F- SlUs gr
Sr . v.m
Joan Bennett and Henry Fonda
wilt appear In the second feature,
"f Met My Love Again," a thril
ling romantic drama base* en
] HELD OVER Today and
•eat heater, excellent condition through
out food rubber; |450 cash, will accept THE ROYAL TRUST CO Molyneux, 200 pound defenceman ; ® ” Anderson Aliéné Corliss' novel. "Summer •SF'S-S* ’mU eaUO,1SO *«•» «KIND SHOW AND
cheaper ear as part payment Phone Real Estate Dept
1202 Government 8t Phones 14126 E3130 Instructed by the Owner. We Will from their Philadelphia farm, à. Lightning." COMFORTN OF THE FINEST IN THEATRR
Sell at the Residence, 3H3ST Saanich will be In the lineup. The big J cr S,; ; ;
-4 in excellent condition mechani
Road (opp. Swan Lake), on Newmarket, Ont., player has been c*r,t o rox ...... , “ : 1—' .... BRITISH MADE LUXURY CHAIKS
tally and otherwise; eqi_-,lulpued with heater: in professional rank six years, I a h. Honin' I PLAZA THEATRE
4350 cash
Auto Camp
Phone 074915. View Royal
ORE HOUSE FOR THE MONEY TO- THURSDAY, 1 P.M. shUnh.,ryi,nEh.,0, î.ll!,Co1ul,c'"1 ic b SlSSn, fc„„. Ü. "Trapped in the Alps," which is : SURPASSES HER PREVIOUS HIT OP
day " Will build remodel your home.
ilsns. building Government end private NICELY-KEPT shoes lie gets his lirst big league w. j johmien being shown today at the Plaza ! THIN ICE”
f osns arranged Estimates free R A Green
chance. . a ÎJ1" *"» Theatre, is adapted from the sue | Daily at
* Full set V-4 wheels and tire*
Pinlayson's Service Station, corner Fort
and Vancouver. Phone 00275 6699-26-64
Lumber Co 2930 Douglas 8L
Furniture and Effects
Rangers can cut Boston's lead «omis cessful London stage play, and
lt.«. Î.44. 4.44
void arrest - speedometers Phone 07171.
ing loans a specialty Quick decisions
P R Brown a Sons Ltd 1112 Broad St Jardiniere Stands, 3.^ly Spark Guard. practically decide the race for SS 5'T'comi,, ..
Fender and Irpna Mantel ‘Model Elec-
the first two positions. Toronto JJ™ c »'»»" ........................ Z
fr°!Xl.?.n. angle that has
now. been fully shown on the
screen. rr
not. until !
HAPPV. ^Al.e
cheeked Chtt Dowman J24 Johnson
Fhont El411
first mortgage 1500. 1710. 11.000 1 Britannica and other Books. Book
GOODRICH TIRES BATTERIES HEATERS 11.200 $ 2 000 Building, leans a specialty
of Encyclopedia
can clinch first place in the Can m “ 6 »nh.m aanmna f DONALD
Long eakf terms to suit you. case. very good Curtain!, Axmlnster adlan —
section by winning. Y.” ï. Y, “cC;"r’.
Mr», h \ Hooking
Lnw Interest rates Brown Bros. Ltd.
till BLAN8HARD ST. 17541 314-1 Pemberton Bldg. ; Carpets, Overmantel Mirror. Oak and But the most important even- Mrs r k Beènstôn. wmnipee
One of the Street Singer's most
•074-26-44 j Walnut Centre Tables, nice Mantel tuality would be a victory for ïî 4 ” DeeBr:- ^ “ ay Vancouver
Sick. Seattle Popular Nrlfnce
Clock, Cushions, Ornaments, etc., e»«Mvi Americans.
iv«ui». They Step into
i i«*y would step into ',IS8 R Jones amusing experiences In "Lime STARTS THURSDAY w. c. fields in
Brass til'd. Spring and Mattreee. very --------- second -» place
• -
over Canadiens and. Mrs. R c Field light," the new Herbert WHcox NEWS
Wiles Vancouver
Vancouver ... 41
......... - f61 PLAZA
prtives at the theatre for a per-j
... 61 formance very much the worse
for drink after a cocktail party.
iece bathroom.
' nlahfd aparunem with modern three-
Large *unuy tuvmi.
aaiitfa__a.uuu duuia. -fu.
RENT- etc.
On view Wednesday afternoon and
jamming. ,at,«4jg„.iUy. i*..,aU
(Continued from Page 8) '
Mrs H K B’nkex
Mrs W. P Bowden
Above qualified for the handicap evï*û_ oak bay theatre >
to “Thin leg/*- Twentieth TSS~j mjSkmm
England « Greatest Masirsl af
London Mink Mali
iome Only seven mmutce walk le city When you can purchase • well-built
fire-100 in home wuhln. nne-hslf mile of
most opposite Swan Lake. "self from 'ieeofwl To ftrat’ place Mrs. R ,L Pocock 93
962 Fairfield Rd 03327 |f
in the United States standing and tury-Fox picture in which he is
• I rushed suite In private home, fuinatr
gas range, near park and beach Private
room and entrance Phone 16013 tf
the centre of city, on rental terma,
comprising five rvoma end bathroom,
also entrance hall, pantry sunroom,
full cement basement, new furnace,
Uundry tubs, garage, fireplace, in
For Inspection. "Bea Ray," Care of NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that all Mrs D. Fletcher ANNA NEAGLE % ARTHUR TRACY
I M. BOAEVEAR A CO. LTD. 7 creditors and other persons having any Scoring statistics follow: Mrs J C Edwards
HOTELS claims or demands against the estate of ----------------PLUS
Miss P Hodvspn
114 1 nien Bids . «It View SI. G mil Cumrmi\K Robertson Mac kin non. deceased CANADIAN DIVISION Mrs. J P. Proctor CAPITOL THEATRE —- JOHN MAL hr -------
'AIRFIELD HOTEL—NEW MANAOE- otherwlsip known as Gumming Robertson Pts Pn Mrs. A J Taylor. Wetaskawin , 98 :*“***”» THE MAN WHO FOUND HIMSELF”
t ment opp. City Hall; large well-
heated rooms, housekeeping privileges
from 43 wt 4449-26-74
McKinnon, late of the Municipality of
Saanich, in the Province of British Co
Drillon. Toronto -............22
Apps, Toronto . >.. 20
Mantha. Canadiens ____31
Mrs. B M Holms
Mrs C W Paneman
Mrs. J C Baldwin. Seattle ...
Sonja Henle, world's figure-
skating champion, who has gained
lumbia. who died Intestate on or about 21 ALSO NEWSREEL
HOME OF Behnner, Americans ____19 :.S
the 26th day of January. 1934. at the 32 22 Mrs H H Al’en . immense popularity since her
19 HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS, - DISTINCTION - City of Victoria. Province aforesaid, ad
ministration, of whose estate was granted
Hayne*. Canadiens .... 12
Stewart. Americana .J.. 1 g
Mrs T McBride Edmonton
Mr-, H F'^row.f debut only a short time ago, ap IS# 1-5, 20# » Ob, 25* 10c nu « 15e t-7.«i
Cor. Ml. David ML and Oak Hay At*. ®n ,the «th day of March. 1934. *ln the 30 33 Mrs. W- A Sutton, Vancouver pears in her third starring ve
i COMFORTABLE FURNISHED HOUSE- Thoms, Toronto ... ,, 30 12 Mrs Hickson' 104
V_' krepiB* rooms, elngls — Suite
------ 733 1 7-ROOM MTVCCO RESIDENCE rhh/iI* of the Bupreme Court Of Wiseman, Americans 14 39 25 hicle, "Happy Landing," at the
View 05944 ________________ «774-34-73 nrn^îi CriUBlb!“ to RuP*rl Le»l»« Cox, Lorrain. Canadiens .... 10 29 - ADULTS
Contains large reception hall with fire Official Admlnfs;.-ator ,.ln and for the H. Jackson. Toronto . 14
!4 CapitoJ Theatre today. High
fists cabins. «6 mo ud 1036 HUl*Hr
place. eonvenient-me living and dtoing-
rcoms. glassed-in sunroontr tiro bed
Unt,j Vlctoria *re hereby required
to send by poet prepaid full particulars
Gagnon, Canadien»
Oracle. Montreal ......... 12
Four Hoop Tilts lighted by the skating ballet and
rooms «one suitable for dem and bath k lheir clalBul and demands, Cain. Montreal ________ g 36 10 novelty numbers by Miss Henle. i « * - BREATH-TAKING beauty
•4 1 suite, 1421 Quadra 8t.. two blocks
room downstairs^ two finished rooms
and large storage space upstairs; fine
verified by Statutory Declaration, to the
undersigned, on or- before the 7th day
Ward, Montreal .
Horner, Toronto
_ 9
.. 4
24 •29
23 •76
At High School and bright musical ensembles 1 SONJA RENIE 4, TYRONE POWER In
from City Hall Reasonable. ■gf—
_______________________________ 1443-26-76 "Happy, Landing" surpasses the
high cement basement, wash tubs, hot ** April. 1438; and all parties who have Anderson, Americans .. 3 22 20
*A8oi suhhy Front rôom nëwly str furnace etc : gftrsire Tn basement. -W belonging- to. or who are Ghanaian g ~» 8 Hoyle-Brown will resume their star's- "One In a Million" and,
indebted m the said deceased, are Yt- Northcott. Montreal ... 10
J decorated, three blocks «au H 8 c LOVELY GARDEN
qutred to forward particulars of sAme to Fowler. Toronto “*
50 quest for the Vancouver Island "Thin Ice."
fApproximately 3/6 of an acre) sur 8
14 Balmoral Rd. 1504-26-54 Drouin. Canadiens . senior B men’s basketball title to
ight he. newly decorated a
rounded by high privet hedge and Ml
laid out with lawns, flower beds, orna
me forthwith; and that the said Admin-
dïfft0nrJlîÜ lhe last-mentionei Marker. Moutreal ____ 7
Trottler. Montreal • §
20 28
morrow night w-hen they meet “DANCE CHARLIE, DANCE"
Clifton!0* *Bites: c#ptraL E4034. The mental and fruit trees.
fhB .e r** ** ^tribute the aaseu of
Kelly. Toronto
Match penalty not included
9 10
10 25 Pori Alberni tn the final of a two-
,n“T “W"-TE« *»» Wb. Mak., lb. Mali., L..,b-Wllli M.
F.« M«»ar^l « T*4aj a.,
SALE AT ONLY..........
game total-point. series at the
Ù I 4 ° L 1 HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS, ^ aim uemanos ot
niçely furnished ; central beatme shall then have had notice. High School gym. This match
close in. Phone E2347. 1247-12-54 SWINERTON & CO. LTD. ------
™°TAKt FURTHER NOTICE that, Thompson. Chicago
TAIL-_______ ... 20 19
Pts. Pn
39 12 will feature a four'game card.
Exeluslre Agents
Broughton St. ,pursuant
ur.vjaftt to Section 24 of the ‘TTuiSo Dillon. Rangera
thi “Trui 20 IT 37 6
ROOM AND BOARD hCki Î11* ^id Administrator wiU not be
Cowley Bo»* .i ..... ig jo. 35 6 The opener at 7 will bring to
liable for the assets of .the laid intestate C. Siftith. Ranger.- - 12 21 33 0 gether Lake Hill and Esquimau
berdeen mi meclure, r
A water la rooms, excellent board O0111.
and c ”v“y thereof so distributed, til FnTr1cT<r y\r,,pr7 '
or Persons, o*- whose -etoimr
.JÊA- 11
to a juntor mAteh, whtie Duncrm tonight at 8
« log men. 47 week. Corner Hillside and
WANTED TO RENT and demands he shall not have had notice -----mes. Chicago
aa|d 7th day of April. 1934 Barry. Detroit
wlu mak* ,,naI distribution Wateon,. Raneers
and Victoria A.lvëm wtt! hrok up
for the second match In an Inter
Allard de Rtdder
oevernment 02074. 6527-26-60 of th* assets at the expiration of I Lewis, Detroit ,v mediate B girls' fixture.
including garage; reasonable. SIMM
MODERN RUNOALO», WITHIN f6î2^“i;j?er‘*' *•=•ihi* ’«> 4*z Sands.
Gottsellg. Chicago ..........11
March. Chicago .
Boston __
vM- IS
Victoria Eight Aces and Lady-
nith are billed for an inter- conducttng
Bauejr, Boston -,............14 36 9
Close °in* board.
Phone 07491
«-MILE LIMIT. Min and wife. m.
rhlldrrn. Bwf of rarr will b» Taken
R. L. COX.
Howe. Detroit
M Colville. Rangers
| Official Administrator, County of Vic Welland, Boston
French scientists find that
B. C. Electric iftMlAtil
22 14
oom and board—clean and com-
of property. Rent mu»l he reason
able. BOX «954. TIMES
toria: Administrator of the Estate of Oetllffe. Boston
Du overt. 'Boston
Pettlneer I>t.-B05L
'4 toiing shellfish In ozonized
.eater for several days will de
Symphony Hour
R fort able «7 a week.
1547 Blansbard 8L
Phone El 717
4541-24-44 I toria, B.C.
- —- nuucruoil Hextali'
516 Central Building. Vic- RaneeVs
Aurle. Detroit .. { stroy any disease germs they C BR
Schmidt. Boston .1 may harbor. \u 1ST tun CtkfMXDA’S Pionttft €,fiOw^Vf.RT>
Yesterday’s Attempt Suc freight and 115 passengers, 61 of NEW YORK (API—Failure o.f
Brake Rellnlng a Specialty _
it became known another attempt whom disembarked in Vancouver, the stock exchange firm of Rich
All Work Guaranteed cessful: Ship Moved After was being made to raise her.
Coming Up Nine Feet
most of them proceeding overland ard Whitney & Co. today put
The ship's Polynesian crew to eastern destinations.
only a momentary dent in the BOUGHT — SOLD — QUOTED
JAMESON MOTORS watched their ship coming to the
It will probably be Friday night market and early losses running
General Today
LTD, First class salvage brains and surface and cheered when they BURNS & W AIN WRIGHT LTD.
01161 740 BROUGHTON expert workmanship triumphed saw her decks rise above the or early Saturday, morning before to three points were reduced or MONTREAL ( CP) — General «1H-1 Central Oula II5Î-1
yesterday over the tempermvntal water. Ss., Niagara arrives from Aus replaced with gains at the close. losses spread through listings of
little motorship Beulah, which tralia and New Zealand, via Suva The list, down from the open Montreal Stock Exchange today
Spoken By Wireless had defied all attempts at salvage
since she sank alongside the
and Honolulu. ing, suffered a further relapse though the declines were mostly
James Macfarlane, local C.P.R. \ when it was announced the Whit less than a point at the cïosè: OIK STATISTICAL DEPARTMENT
March 7. S p m.—Shipping: agent, was advised yesterday she Invite's yolk lnqliky
EMPRESS or ASIA. YoKOBâmâ to Vic Ogden Point piêrs a few days ney firm had been suspended by Smelters and Noranda finished
toria. 1.897 miles from Victoria. after Christmas, following her reached .Honolulu last Saturday the exchange governors for in off smâll fractions while Inter
SNOHOMISH, bound Port Alice. 77
miles from Fort Alice.
HUNCLIFFE. bound Vancouver, 1,450
arrival, badly damaged, from sea. morning and left at 3 that after solvency.
noon for Victoria. She is running
Volume picked up a bit on the fraction.
national Nickel gained a small
SECURITIES Boorman Investment
miles south of Kstevan. The cranky ship, which nearly
KINGSLMt bound San Pedro. 820 miles floated several times, only to a day behind schedule. morning sell-off, but offerings Howard Smith and St. Law OBDEBS EXEtfTED
from San Pedro. 1124 GOVT. ST.
—RG6EBANK. bound Victoria, from Cali sink agàin, commenced rising
Saturday morning will also see soon dried up and a stow recovery rence preferred lost almost a ON ALL EXCHANGES
fornia ports, 233 miles from Victoria. with th£ tide early yesterday af the arrival from the Orient of Ss. ; got under way which generally point each. There were smaller
EMPRESS OF JAPAN Victoria to Yoko
hama. via Honolulu. 1201 nftles from Vic ternoon. She came up slowly, Empress bf Asia, which, last night | carried through to the finish. recessions for Bathurst, Price
I&AGARA. , Honolulu ta Victoria. 1.777 but steadily, and by midnight her
miles froth Victor.a.
March I. 12 noon —‘Weather:
aft deck was above water. She
çame up about nine feet. Early
at 8, was 1,897 miles out on the
north Pacific.
Transfers were in the neigh Brothers and St. Lawrence Cor
borhood of 700,000 shares. j poration common and preferred.
Canadian Issues were unfter " Cànafdïâh Pacific, Canadian Car BONDS Premier Slips 7;
Bstevan—Clear; light, north; 30 IS: S3,
eea, light swell. this morning she was towed to moderate pressure. International and National Steel Car lost frac NEW YORK—Bond market
Pachen# Point—Clear; northwest, light; the natural basin near the land
SO M 35. sea. smooth.
Bwlftaure Lightship—Clear; northeast, end of the breakwater and there
light: 30.06 : 48 «a»,Tight westerly swell
Cape Laso—Clear. West, light: 30 14; 37; beached. »
Word was received late yester
day afternoon ordering the rable-
ship Restorer to leave 'port as
Nickel lost more than a point, tions. Cemenjç and Dominion
followed closely by McIntyre, Bridge lost ground.
Porcupine, Lake Shores Hiram
_____ _
prices "were mainly on the off
side today”
Pioneer Off 18
gea, light swell.
NEW WESTMINSTERJ CP) — erations for the Pacific Salvage the Restorer has been at the Yar : WINNIPEG (CP) — Winnipeg widespread tosses in the bond BBell C.
Telephone —------------....... 160
Power B ........... .............................- 4
Z‘*irs'*eF. 1960 showed the maxi Stock Exchange today as trading
Mayor F. J. Hume said today he Company, said this morning. wheat futures closed higher to market. Bruck Bilk l'a mum decline. continued mainly in the metal
row plant in Esquimau for exten day for the first time in about a Prominent corporate losers in Canada Cement ...................... 10 groups. Transactions totaled 84,.
had been offered â position on WILL VNLOAB
the New Westminster harbor
— sive-borier repairs: week with prices l to % cent mr Do. pfd.
eluded Atlantic Coast Lines first can Northern power ......................
It is expected she will be ready above yesterday's close. Export 4s, Baltimore and Ohio refunding Cân Steamships
A sharp run-up in two issues 173 shares.
Czechoslovakian bonds fea
Then,- tt she comes up again, ...................... It Nicola led (he base metal rally
board, but believed he would re to leave for sea tomorrow.. She tured the foreign division .The
fuse it rather than resign as the as expected, she will he pumped will go to Midway Island, south buying of more than 200,000 6s of 1995, first 5s of 1948 and Cam-da Do. pfd.
Car Foundry ............................
23 issue of 1951 were 4 higher and
with a turnover of 1-3,500 sha res
city’s chief executive. dry, while ■ the tide is .«out and bushels featured the quiet ses 4s of 1M8. Chicago and Eastern Can Indl. Alcohol ,7772................... 3\ but dropped % cent at 6*4. B.C.
west of the Hawaiian Islands, and sion as May wheat future fin- j Illinois 5s, certificates, were more the 8s of 1952 up 3%.
The vacancy on the board was then taken alongside the-dock to will be away about five weeks. Canada Locomotives .......... ...............- 10 Nickel eased 1 at 19 while Grand
caused by the recent death. oX C. discharge the cargo that has ré- ished at $1.22, July $1.14‘4 and : than 2 lower, and N^tw York C.P R 6*i FOREIGN view, Lucky Jim and Whitewater
mafne^iriKerli'oldHrnnder water, Danish freighter Stjerneborg October 94% cents. Central S'is of 1952 lost riearly 3. Cockshutt Plow . ........ 8%
A. Welsh, chairman. Cons. Smelters ................................ 59 (By Burns a Wainwright Ltd » were fractionally lower. Pend
for more than two months. The arrived alongside Ogden Point Erratic fluctuations which Foreign bonds were 'mostly IhnwiBi--------- 14.. Uroülg elated 1.87 down 4, aU
OTTAWA (CP)—Charles H. salvage men, once they get her piers this morning to take Van spotted the first hour’s trading lower. \ Dominion Bridge
Dominion Coal and Steel pfd
18 . Australia 100 M 101 75 t though no shares were transacttKL
Read of Amherst, N.S., has been alongside will be through. The couver Island lumber for the J turned to a steady upward trend (By H A. Humber Ltd.»
Do. B common
Dominion- Tar
.. .. 13'
Chile V 1861 1958 6 00
18 2» - Premier Gold declined 7 at 2.21,
appointed director of the Cana- ship will then be turned over to a United Kingdom. __________ : as liquidation ceased and offer
..Dow Jones liiispd Dominion Textiles------------------------------- 311 uermtm 4 .
- -«•*-
liun National Railways, succeed ship repair firm" lor overhaul arid" Ss. Anglo Indian, from Halifax, (Trigs became scarce on export today as follows:
Dryden Pàper
Eastern Dairy ............. -trur^ im ..... r:“Tv::Tr8* Ü3 at 90 and Pioneer lost 10 at 3.05.
ing Donald H. McDougall of extensive renovations. is expected to reach port Satur demand.
Japan 6V, 1954 ,,_____ 74.71
Electrolux Canada Norway t>., 194^S ....... 106 12» 1073» I Cariboo Gold Quartz dropped 6
Tlie Beulah has proved the day morning with eastern Cana Chicago’s rise materially aided Thirty Industrial* — 125.33, English Electric h ....... 10 26 flJ.'i
Stellarton,; N.S., who resigned off 0.05. General Steelwares Rights
Peru 6 1961
Sydney 5 .■ 1955 103 50 105 00 at 2.06, Kootenay Belle 3 at 1.16
owing to continued ill-health. most difficult job ever tatkled by dian cargo for discharge here. ~ the swing. Twenty rail*—27.53, off
_ Do. common MM and Ha Ida was off a fraction at 8.
Hon. C. D. Howe, Minister of the Pacific , Salvage Company, Liverpool closed Hd to %d Gatineau w*F.. .
which has handled some pretty Ship* about the Inner Harbor lower owing to small demand for 0.50. — A Do. pfd ------ ?.. . CORPORATION One cent losses were posted in
Transport, announced today. Twenty utilities—19.00, off
Chas Ourda
Canada Gypsums .............
IB, Burn, , w.mwritll I ,d l Big Missouri at 42, Reno at 60
Mr. _Reads appointment is for touch jobs during the last quar a.e commencing to put on their cash grain. Buenos Aires sat noon 0.11. Holllnger Cons. ................ Pub it ut.iitiea— Bio Asked
and Sheep Creek at 1.02. Bra-
the unexpired portion of Mr. Me- ter century. But Mr. Jordan and spring appearances in prepara was unchanged. Forty bonds—89.53, off
Howard Smith ............. B C Telephone t
B C Electric 8 . pfd
pld. 107 75
110 N 112 N lorne at 900 and Hedley Mascot
Dougall’s three-year term end his assistants were determined tion for their summer activities. Moderate cash wheat demand
0.53. Imperial Oil ............. CPR 3 V, 1951
C N P 6 , 198J
92 00 03 75
183 7» 105 25 at 1.24 held unchanged v
ing September 30, 1940. tnev would raise her if it was hu Ss. Princess- Kathleen Is tied continued and spreads on Nos. imperial Tobaccp ...........
Inti. Coal ____ Calgary Power 8‘. I960 ii ’it) B
manly possible. They worked out up alongside the Belleville Street j 1 and 2 Northern advanced % Inti Bronze pfd. Gatintau. Power 5
Shaw imgan 4 ■ INI
N 375 100 87*
>By Mare. Bale
Lid )
Int Nickel T................. Bid Asked
their plans carefully and pa docks and will go to drydock at cent to 16, and 9 cents premium Air Reduction .......
Allied Chemicals ..... Inti Pete _______________ MontreiU Power 3%1 1073 M00 MM Astee .........-e-.-.
Western Powder »■. 1949 105 50 107.50 Missouri .............
j tiently and then depended on the Esquimalt before being placed over the May future. Big
MILL BAY FERRY j co-operation of the tide and Na again on the triangle service, re Coarse grains leaned to the American
ture. The Salvage job is a tri lieving S$. Princess Marguerite, upside in late stages filter an
Allis Chalmers ...........
Allied Stores
Lake of Woods
Massey Harris ,
McColl Frontenac
............... .
. ...............
___ ...
Canada Sieamahtps Oc* 1N7
Canada Cement 4%', 1851
78 M
102 75
B C Nickel ............. .
Biidtse River Coo...........
Cariboo Gold
Pcrvlcf* Stopped on
bute to their genius. which is now running opposite ; irregular session. American F!pr Poser
American L. and Z
Montreal Power
National Breweries.............
............... Fsmoui Players
McColl Frontenac 6
41, INI
1840 . 104 35
87 00
Denton i a
Wednesday, Mar. 9 Thousands of people have s£en the Prindess Charlotte. 'By H. A Humber Ltd *
American Locomotive
American P and L
Do. pfd
National Bteel Car
____ . Massey Harris % ■ 1847
Simpsons Ltd. 4%’- 18»l
86 00
98 50 Pan view Amalgamated
for Dorking the Beulah, and yesterday the Tn the upper. Inner Harbor two i Wheat—P Clo Open High Ameritan RadiatAa Noranda ...t. ' Grain I » sties - Ooicooda
May 121 121-1 122-3 .Alberta Pacific O'* 1846 . 75 56
' breakwater was again lined when of the wTrsWs are still on the July ... ‘113-7
American Rollins Mil
113-6 1146 112-6 114-3 American Smelter Ottawa Car f tderal Grain 6’, 1948
Gold Belt
Gold Mount
slipway at the V.M.D. plant. Two Oat»— Oct . 9J-4 93-5
.................... 94-4 82-# 84 Amer Tef. end Tel Ottawa Power ....................... Reliance
Grain Vi
INI 86 50 Orull Wihksne
Penmans ........................... 81 50 Hedley Mascot ___ !...
more will go on at the ehd of the May 46-0 46-1 46:1 46-6 ! American Tobacco
American Waterworks Power Corp. ..................... .. Western Gram 8;. 1848 38 00 Home Geld ------ ..
week and the final two towards July - 43-7 44 *,l-.7 i Anaconda Copper Price Bros ............................ Ifliud Mouut .cm-*..
Oct 39-1 38-3 Atchison Railway rDo.^ pfd ............................ PROVINCIAL—MUNICIPAL Kooienav Belle-----------
the end of the month. Rye-L
Atlantic Refining (By Burns A Wainwright Ltd.» Lucky Jim ................. ..
May 78-4 78-4 78-2 Mmto.....................
Workmen are preparing the^ July 77-6 77-6 78-3 B and O Railway Bid Asked
government hydrographic survey May . Barley- Baldwin Locomotive 8-1 83 91 Quebec Power __________ -Alberta **» 4008 .„,^t...48N « 50 Wicola Noble
_ ______-
Ft vo ...
»>7 03-4 •3-1 Ber.dix A nation . _11U 42 » SLDoLawrenee . A pfd
Cor*: -. Do. I860 .............................. 51 50 Pend Oreille
steamer Wm J. Stewart for sea. SS-T Bern et«*i' 56 53 4 55-5 Do 5 •, 1865 ................ 62 75 PUot Gold
. .28 26 7 37 6 St Lawrence Pape- pfd. -. Do 6*i* 1847 ..... 54 50 Pioneer Gold
She Is af the Government wharf, Cw* J;”1*, Clos Shawlnlgan W p _ Do 8 - 1847 ........................ 61 50
neartfie Johnson Street Bridge. " "» »eo. •> »» WO- irxu K, track 1 J? AfW 0ÔÏÏ me "WlfniF' -~ “ gherwtn • Wtlhwmi -hr. Bniikh Cidutmi 4*v 4807 81*0 PHlC UslM
-1 86 3_13, 3 8f 4 78. track 68 Arw Brutsa _____ :_______ - 23 3 «4 » mmetf Steel....................... Do. 4',-;t 1#»3 93 00 M oo '1 .Fl'MlMl
QuemeU# Quarts
Return limit M thry* from On to of Sale I 1M. 2 103. 3 mi turn» l Canada Or* - ii * it Wrbasseo
n-* wlnn'peg ...........................
K. q Il M 99 '.5 HeHtf Arlington
Ms. Hiye Maru, back In north Oat*--2 cw 62'.. 3 48. ex l itAl 48, | N 6» 6-4 6» Elec .....................
Do 6 % 1847 ...............
100 50 101 80 Reno Gold -..... .
Caterpillar Tractor • 101 50
RETURN FARES FROM VICTORIA west waters for the first time feed 44'., 2 40 *. 3 37%. track 50’. Abitibi ____ ,..t____ Manitoba 4'. 1857 ............. 79 00 81 50 Sally
since an attempt was made to 4 Barley 3 row 63 V 6 63*., 3 cw. »7%.
M1*. 5 687. 6 11*, track 88%. C<m> de Pasco Do . pfd
Asbestos a y—.................
Do. 4 *4, I860 ............... ..
Do » V. 1850 ----------- A
81 25
86 00
SJ 76 Salmon Gold ........
Coarl ♦Tewrlrt- -^Standard 2 76 s 3 73 >. it), 5- C. and O. Railway Sheep Creek
bomb her in Seattle, January 20, 69 Rye 4-1cwrw 6976- s track 7«V nsthursftip ____ ______ Do 5 V* 1968 8875 , SUbal
Silbak .. Premier
Banff___________ » 14.00 *17.90 *20.79 Beauharnola . ......... Do « «it 1N7 93 74
^Flax—1 cw. 168. 3 161. 3 140. 4 II». uaek Columbia Gas New Brunswick 3%'„ I860 rr |4 25 .. Sthnercreat
commercial Ci edit BA OH
Calgary-------------- 10..V0 20.25 Commercial Boivent Can. Malting ____ Do 4 % 1847 ................... 100 7» »«“u«
23.45 INDEMNITIES FOR W l DM xDAt commonwraGth ana So. Can Dredge ............. ............ Do. 4%',. 1961 ................... -103 25
Calgary-------------- (By H. A Humber Ltd » .in Can- Ind B .......................... Do 1860 ------
Do. »%•# 1950 ................... .111 25
108 50 Ruth Hope
(via Edmonton) 19.40 23.80 27.65 Con Ed ..%on............... CTm Vickers .......................
Nova Scotia 3Vi 1>M ---• . 85 25
Wa verley
txmt can .77.vt: .... Con* Paper ............. ............. .25 100 625 Weijia*t0n
Edmonton_______ 19.40 23.80 27.65 Wheat— ^ Bid Offer conk, on....................... ' Dob fl ft conn! . ...... - 1948
Do 4 j . 1952 ...................
May ............. 124-2 123-3 Fairchilds
MARCH Jasper__
travel October
Coot on
Crown Zellerbach ...
Crucible Sieel ....
Curtiss Wright ...........
Oen Steelwaree .............. ..
Da. pfd. . ...........
Du 5 «, 1800 ...................
Ontario 3'i 1*51 .........
Do. 3%% 1951 .................
Do 41 v ' » 1949 ........... ..
100 25
111 25
98 50
113 25*
Ymir Yankee Girl
19 to 27 east
Saskatoon_______ 26Jt5 M»y ............... 77 79-4 MeL.irens ........... .......... Do. 5 1948 Anaconda ___
32.90 38.40 Ms*seg pfd ................. Do 4 1970
116 50 116 50 A p Con
Deere and Co ______ 115 25 117.75
Winnipeg______ 35.20 43.10 50.45 CHICAGO (AP)--Despite tem Douglas Aircraft ......... McColl pfd -............. ......... Prince Edward Ill. 3It 164» 98 75 100 35 British Dominion
Port Arthur porary sharp tumbles, the Chi Eastman Kodak ......... Hiram Walkers ................. .. Quebec 3-, 1851 15 25 CaHnont
44.75 51.75 6-1.25 Do. 3%% IMS
cago wheat market rose a cent a 1 El. Auto Liie BANKS Do 195* ..... .107 75 ..........
109 25 Crow a, Nest ...........
to „--------- ot regular kerlh rate.
in bushel in late dealings today. El. Power and Lite ... "Nationale T*...........................
Sahkatchewan 4'. 1854 .... 64 75 67 25 DatheoAie OU
ic * •••«dard aleepaw on payment of regwlar Urlh rata; Fairbanks Morse .... Do. 4'H 1051................... .- 73... 75 75 Freehold *-...................
Commerce ................... ... Do 5 % 1956 ... 72 25' 74 75
Children 5 xeara and under 12, half Jure. The laWFEturns of wheat were General
Freeport Texas ...........
Foods Montreal........................... 200 Do SV, 1£53 76 25 78 75 Hargal . ... 18
air•con dition ed based a good deal on liberal buy General Electric ... 175% Do 6 % 1952 ................... .. 18 25 81.75 Highiood Sarcee ..
Stopover, allotted at Banff, Jet, ore, Calgary, Edmonton and Mae Irod ing of futures credited to mill GoodyearMotors -------
General ______ Municipal—
Mort irai 5% 1948 ............... .-104 00
Mar Jon
... ......................
... .......................
in both direction».
trail particular# Ire
rat ticket agaol
comfort ing Interests and to exporters. A Oranoy Copper .......
strengthening factor, both as to Great Northern .........
Great West Sugar ...
A;_bi4mes Rally In Ï ucbec »:« 1953 .................
uronto Vi 1953 ...............
Vancouver 5% 1969 . .
. 104 50
84 50
m ' L °oif "*U 8e*Ur.......................... 31
Min city.'.'Aiy.'.y.'.'.v. T
on the
wheat and corn, was a statement Int Harvester
Houston Oil
that 5,000,000 to 6,000,000 bushels Howe Sound - ... Late Trading 4 -
Winnipeg 4*1% 1960 83 00 Mercury Oil
............. ............... . 6-2
Model Oil .......... 30
CANADIAN Hudson Motors
of com has been sold out of Hupmoblle Motors .. TORONTO (CP) 4 Mining (By A 1. Amas é Co.)
Monarch ............................
Nord on ........ ......... ...’
Duluth for shipment at the open Inspiration Copper ... share prices rallied moderately in 4*4% September 1940 .................. 107% Okalta ................... -.................... 186
PACIFIC* ing of navigation, f *. • hit Nickel at
Ind.. ^Rayon ................... the last half hpur today after 56 % November 1941
‘ October 1943 ................. 113%
Parulta ......................................
Royalite ........................................
Spooner .........
At the close, Chicago wheat fu Ill.’ Central slowly sagging through the 4% %- October 1944 112% United OU ......................... .. 17-4
tures were % to 1 cent above Johns Manvilie ........ earlier period while other groups 44%-r October 1943-45 ............. 108%
February 194# 112% Vanalu
........... ........... e-4
yesterday's finish,-May 90% to CPi'Ptr faked to pick up to any worth- MHfflBttiA--------
90*4. July 85% to 85®*, corn % Lambert Co • ■ - mz nu Capital Estates
while extent. Volume was fair 3%- November 1948-61 .. loi % 102 ,
L. and M Tobaco . Coast Breweries
to up, May 59% to-59'*, July Ludlum Steel around the 900,(t>0-share mark. 43 -,% October 1947-52 ...
June 1950-55
108% 108 ,
98% 99*,
Inter Coal and Coke
61 and oats % to 3» advanced. A tong list of the secondary and 41 ii "e November 1948-58 112 112 .
LorltTard 777Z7777 4%> November 1848-58
Muck Truck ......... penny golds chalked up losses of 3%'. June 1956-66
(By H A Humber Ltd.)
Wheat- P Clo Open High Low Cl.», Matheson Alkali ... 25-0 3 • January 1943-67
a few cents each. Some qf the re i~~7i Perpetual _________
New York Curb
”8-0 90-7 Monsanto Chermeat- . — 24-3
Mexican Seaboard
July* •4-1 B4-T 85* ■4-3 •5,5 Montgomery Ward . 34-3
rossions, nol.wry those for Hard trrr ttF n«F:. r n.... :
Do 4«r, 1963 ' - l. . ......
~~ — mr lT X HumSS Liaj
8e^t. 65 65-3 •6 64-6 86 Motor Wheel --------- n-» Rock, Central Patricia, Macleod- ’NR. 3', JA44 American Cyanide B .:
Nash K« Ivina tor 8-3 Do. 3% 1945-60 .............
May . 59 58-7 59-3 56-7 59-2 National Biscuit 19-S Cockshutt, Uchl, Oro Plata, Pre Do 3 1946-53 ........... American Super Power
American Gaa and Electric
Builder Mar
“S,*- 61-4 61-4 62
60-1 60-4
29-7 39-3
National Dairy Products 14-1
National Distillerie»
National P and L
29-7 New York Central
.. c-a
mier and Perron, widened to 10 to : DoNô R 3 b1956 .............
Do 4\
4%% 1951 ............. . ,.-115
1985 ........... ... ns% 111
Associated Gas and Electric ..........
Brazilian Traction
20, but the losses were reduced! Do 4%% 1957 ............. ... 114% 115% Cities Service common ................. ...........
Juif . 28-6
39 North AmericanCo. .. 16-3 Among senior ^plds McIntyre Do 5 % 1854
Catalin Corp.
____ ... 118% 119% Electric Bond and Share
28-3 North American AvL .. t and Dome showed losses of a -Do 5 % July 1969 «ford A. Canada ................. - 17%
70-1 Northern Pacific . 11-4 DO » % October 1N9 •Empire On* Fuel 1% pfd.
July .4. 66
71 ->• 69-7
67 64-7
70-6 Ohio Oil
66 7 Owens Ill. Glass 12-6 point to l*i, but Dome recovered Ford. England
Enjoy the luxury of Great Sept. 65 66 65-6 65-6 Pacific Gu» and Heç.
51-2 partly. Wright-Hargreaves, Pain- Hudson Bay M and. 8.
26 VANCOUVER — Vancouver wheat cash Humble Oil
Northern’s air-conditioned Packard 4-4 our. Kerr Addison. Red Crest and rices Straight Tough Inter. Petroleum
Paramount Pictures
Pennsylvania Railway 31
Coniarum all closed down. ENo 1 northern -....................... 132 138 Imperial
o 1 hard ..................... 132 130 0:1
Empire Builder on your Foreign Exchange People s Gas .......... ^
Phillips Pete.
37-3 (By A. 1. Aroea A Co » No. 3
Nrwmont Mining
northern......... ............ 124 Pioneer Gold
Standard Oil Kentucky
way to or from Toronto, Pullman................................. 30 Bid
No. 3
No. 4
northern -
99*. American Aluminum
NEW YORK — The French Pure OU ........... • 11-6 Bell Telephone .......... 160 No. 5 wheat United Gas
Montreal, Eastern Canada, franc sank to a new low in terms Radio e-4 Brasilian T L. tn4 f. 10% No 8 wheat United P and L. A
Remington. Rand 13-1 BA Oil .............. 20% Feed -------- Caribbean Syndicate
New York, Europe, Your of the dollar today, but other Republic Iron and Steel 17 BC Power A -...................... 30
Reynolds Tobacco ..
leading European currencies were Safeway Stores - ...... 23-2
39-4 Canada Cement ........... -..........
.Do pfd ........... icr
9% ÎSÎS Niagara Hudson Power
Oulf OU ....
choice of Standard Sleeper, 6% Panic pec Oil
buoyed by a continued outflow Sears Roebick ............... 59
Shell Union 14-8
Canadian Pacific —
Fanny Farmer . : „-----
Kirklahd Lake ...
Lake Shore
Canadian Marcdnl ____
Creo. Petroleum ____
New Style Tourist Sleeper of foreign funds from New York. Bocony Vacuum 14-4 Ford A ................. 17% Leitch Gold Cord Corp ..
Southern Pitific. Gypsum. Lime and Alab. .... 0% Little Long Lac Lake Shore Mining -
- or Luxury Coach. Low one Noon rates follow: Southern Railway Mcintyre_.^_^...-. Teck Hughes ............
Great Britain ht dollars, others 1CH51S.Ï5- Imperial. Tobacco
way ot rouhd trip fares in TnteT.T PWtrtrtnnn- IfeL ocknir Wright Hargreaves
In centA Great Britain demand Standard Gas 3-8 Krlvifiator of Canada McWâUer* Gold
effect now. Excellent din 5.01'V cables 5,01V «May bills Standard Oil Cal.
Standard OU N J
McColl Frontenac
Do pfd
....... 11
Mining Coip......................
Fremter Gold
Louisiana Land Exp
Stewart Warner
5.00%; France.. demand 3.22, Studebaker .............. ........... 9
8 8-7 Montreal Powft com. Monet a ...............
ing car. meals for as little 5-4 5-2 Shawmigan W and P. Nlpissing ...........- ....
cables 322, Texas Corp............................40-3
40-2 38-5 Bank of Montreal Noranda ..._____
as 50<. Let us help you Texas Gulf ................. 31 Royal Bank
plan your trip East.
—Dollars — Montreal In New Timken
York 99.9674 ; New York in Mont Trans-Amertcan
. 15-2
10-1 <4By J W Jonea Lftn
O Gold
Pamour Porcupine - .
Pend Oreille ____
Calgary Oils
Twentieth Century Fox 21-4 21-2 Perron Gold ____
real 100.03%. Underwood Elliott 56-« 56-1 Aldermac Pickle Crow . .Y........ CALGARY (ÇP>—Decline»-in
Union Carbide ......... 74-3 71-7 Bldgood Kirkland Powell Rouyn -......... .
OH CaL------------ 26-4. Premier Gold -------- !.. , eastern markets were "reflected
Union Pac4fic ??1 1 Bufialo' AnkerHe" 4
iton East Dome on the Calgary Stock Exchange
H. E. DOUGLAS, Agent.
Liverpool United Aircraft.........
United Corp...............
United , Frylt
Canadian Malartlc
Cartier Malartlc
d AufWer
Red Crest__ _________ today. Leading Ail «hares posted
Central Patricia .......................... ! Red Lake Gold Shores losses.
916 Government Street, LIVERPOOL -Today's per-bushel wheat United Gas and Imp. 10 10-1 Chemical Research ................................. Reno Gold '
quotations. «.If. Liverpool, in Canadian US. Cert Iron Pipe Cons Chtbouggmaa - _______ ...a Sheep Creek : 7.777777. Okalta, heaviest loser of the '
Victoria, B. C., funds at current eterling exchange rate, U.S. Indux Alcohol Dome Mines 3- Shawkey .
Phone Empire 9823 8561. Aas supplied py Broomhall
ment April:
ship US- Realty ... ... 4-3 last Malartlc ........................................ 1 Sherrill Gordon . ___ day, dropped 12 to 136. Davies
U S Rubber ............... Eldorado 1
a. . ». Today Teat Do pfd _____ Falconbridge ..................................... I Sladen Malart id was off 4 at 60. Other issue»
No 1 Man pot., Vancouver 146\ 148‘4 US. Smelting Federal Kirkland ............... SUdacona ..................... showed losses ranging from frac
/yipROGAESSIVt TICKET OFFICE AND TRAVEL HI'READ No 3 Man. nor. Vancouver 133% 133% US. Steel . Francoeur Sudbury Basin ........... .
14*3 Fourth An., Seattle. Wash Empire Builder No 1 08, dark winters, gulf Vanadium :::::::: IV1 God> Lake ■ _ Sullivan ......... tion» to a point Sunset, Fire,
leaves Seattle 10:lffp. m. shipment (Marchi 122% 133% Warner Bros ,. StS Ounnar Gold ..... Sylvanite
U.8. white. Pacific (March) , 108% 10S% Westinghouse Airbrake. 23-4 Hard Rock ... Teck Mugheg ... stone and Prairie each lost 1.
UNION PACIFIC RAILROAD Argentine. Rosafe .................... 123% 133%
Australian «March»
Indian. Karachi, new crop
114% 114%
164’. 104%
Westinghouse Electric
Western Union
Whi'e Motor
Woolworth ...........
. 25-2
Holllnger _____ ....
Howey Gold ...........
HUdIBS Bay 777777
Wh«s Canadian ......
Thompson Cadillac ....
Tobtirn ................. ......
while Calmont, East Crest and
A.P. Con. showed fractional re
cessions. Foundation dronix-d 1*4
SNIP AND RIDE UNION PACIFIC H'isala». best. quality sample Y"tuner, qwn P and T 36 Jelltco Waite Amulet
tlCd-March) .............................126% 111% Zcnlih Radio . . . , 14-3