Reviews 1 - Answer
Reviews 1 - Answer
Reviews 1 - Answer
- There are 4 writing questions, NO MULTIPLE CHOICES
- Duration: 120’
- Open book
- Submit on Blackboard
- 13h00, 02/11/2021
ACDEMIC YEAR 20 . . - 20 . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . EXAMINATION
SUBJECT: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Date of Exam: . . . . . . . . . . .
STUDENT’S FULL NAME: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
STUDENT’S ID: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . NUMBER OF SHEET: . . . . . . . . . .
1. Design the unit load of the beverage cans/bottles to place it on the pallet (Length x
Width x Height) and What material handling equipment to use to transport pallets to the
- Diameter: 66 mm/60 mm
- Height: 115 mm/220 mm
Transportation/movement to the warehouse (storage)
* Spans within unit load handling equipment:
Transportation/movement to the container truck (shipping)
2. A closed loop overhead conveyor must be designed to deliver parts from one load
station to one unload station. The specified flow rate of parts that must be delivered
between the two stations is 600 parts/hr. The conveyor has carriers spaced at a center-to-
center distance that is to be determined. Each carrier holds two parts. Forward and return
loops will each be 135 m long. Conveyor speed = 0.75 m/sec. Times to load and unload
parts at the respective stations are each = 9 sec. Is the system feasible and if so, what is
the appropriate number of carriers and spacing between carriers that will achieve the
specified flow rate?
Rf = 600 parts/hr
np = 2 parts
Ld = Le = 135 m
Vc = 0.75 m/sec
Tl = Tu =9 sec
nc? Sc?
Rf = np*Vc/Sc → Sc → nc
nc = L/Sc
nc: number of carriers, L: Total length of conveyor
3. A recirculating conveyor has a total length of 700 ft and a speed of 90 ft/min. Spacing
of part carriers = 14 ft. Each carrier holds one part. Automated machines load and unload
the conveyor at the load and unload stations. Time to load a part is 0.10 min and unload
time is the same. To satisfy production requirements, the loading and unloading rates are
each 2.0 parts per min. Evaluate the conveyor system design with respect to the three
principles developed by Kwo.
L = 700 ft
Vc = 90 ft/min.
Sc = 14 ft
np = 1part
Tl = Tu = 0.1 min.
Rl = Ru = 2 parts/min.
Speed Rule: ;
Capacity constraint:
Uniformity principle
4. An AGVS will be used to satisfy the material flows in the from-to chart below, which
shows delivery rates between stations (pc/hr, above the slash) and distances between
stations (m, below the slash). Moves indicated by “L” are trips in which the vehicle is
loaded, while “E” indicates moves in which the vehicle is empty. It is assumed that
availability = 0.90, traffic factor = 0.85, and efficiency = 1.0. Speed of an AGV = 0.9
m/sec. If load handling time per delivery cycle = 1.0 min (load = 0.5 min and unload =
0.5 min), how many vehicles are needed to satisfy the indicated deliveries per hour?
To 1 2 3 4
From 1 0/0 9L/90 7L/120 5L/75
2 5E/90 0/0 - 4L/80
3 7E/120 - 0/0 -
4 9E/75 - - 0/0
A = 0.9 ; Ft = 0.85; Ew = 1
Vc = 0.9 m/sec.
Tl = Tu = 0.5 min.
number of vehicles?
Ld = (9*90 + 7*120 + 5*75 + 4* 80) / (9 + 7 + 5 + 4)
Le = (5*90 + 7*120 + 9*75) / (5 + 7 + 9)
AT = 60 A Ft Ew
WL = Rf Tc
5. A driverless train AGVS is being planned for a warehouse complex. Each train will
consist of a towing vehicle plus three carts. Speed of the trains = 100 ft/min. Only the
pulled carts carry loads. Average loaded travel distance per delivery cycle is 1,500 ft
and empty travel distance is the same. Assume the travel factor = 0.90 and availability =
0.90. The load handling time per train per delivery is expected to be 15 min. If the
requirements on the AGVS are 20 cart loads/hr, determine the number of trains
np = 3
Vc = 100 ft/min.
Ld = Le = 1,500 ft
Ft = 0.9; A = 0.9
Tl = Tu = 15/2 min.
Rf = 20 carts/hr
number of trains?
AT = 60 A Ft Ew
WL = Rf Tc
6. Consider the AGVs layout in figure. Vehicles travel counterclockwise around the loop
to deliver loads from the load station to the unload station. Loading time = 0.70 min and
unloading time = 0.65 min. The following performance parameters are given: Vehicle
velocity: 50m/min. Availability: 0.95. Traffic factor: 0.90. Worker efficiency: 0.97. The
total of 50 deliveries/hour must be completed by the AGVs.
a) Ideal delivery cycle time
b) Number of vehicles required to satisfy the delivery demand.
c) Number of vehicles required if Vehicles travel clockwise around the loop.
AT = 60 A Ft Ew
WL = Rf Tc
7. AGVs travel counterclockwise around the loop to deliver loads from load station to
unload station. Loading time is 0.75 min, and unloading time is 0.5 min. It is desired to
determine how many vehicles are required to satisfy demand for this layout of 40 del./hr.
Loaded vehicle velocity is assumed to be 50 m/min., when it is unloaded velocity
increases to 60 m/min. Other measures are as follows: Availability = 0.95, Traffic factor
= 0.90 and operator efficiency does not apply, so E=1.0
1) A 350 m long recirculating conveyor operates at a velocity 65 m/min. The task time
required to load two parts into each carrier is 7.2 sec. and the unload time is 7.0 sec., the
spacing of carriers along its length is 10 m. Each carrier can hold two parts. The required
loading and unloading rates are both defined by the specified flow rate, which is 7
parts/min. Evaluate the conveyor system design with Speed Rule and Capacity
L = 350 m
Vc = 65m/min
Tl = 7.2 sec. = 7.2/60 =min
Tu = 7 sec. = 7/60 min
Np = 2
Sc = 10 m
Rf = 7parts/min
Speed rule
- lower:
np * Vc /Sc = 2 * 65/10 = 13 parts/min > 7 parts/min
- Upper
Vc/Sc = 65/10 = 6.5 < Min { 1/(7.2/60), 1/(7/60)} = { 8.3 , 8.57}
Capacity constraint
Ld = 400 ft
Le ?
Rf =60 del/hr
Tl = Tu = 0.6 min
Vc = 125 ft/min
Ft = 0.8; A = 0.9;
(Wednesday, 13/10/2021)
1) A 300 m long recirculating conveyor operates at a velocity 70 m/min. The task time
required to load three parts into each carrier is 7.5 sec. and the unload time is 7.0 sec., the
spacing of carriers along its length is 8 m. Each carrier can hold three parts. The required
loading and unloading rates are both defined by the specified flow rate, which is 8
parts/min. Evaluate the conveyor system design with Speed Rule and Capacity
L = 300 m
Vc = 70 m/min
Tl = 7.5 sec. = 7.5/60 =min
Tu = 7 sec. = 7/60 min
np = 3
Sc = 8 m
Rf = 8 parts/min
Speed rule
- lower:
np * Vc /Sc = 3 * 70/8 = 26.25 parts/min > 8 parts/min
- Upper
Vc/Sc = 70/8 = 8.75 > Min { 1/(7.5/60), 1/(7/60)} = Min { 8.0 , 8.57}
NOT SATISFIED , To satisfy the speed rule, how do you propose Sc or Vc?
Capacity constraint
2) Five forklift trucks are used to deliver pallet loads of parts between works cells in the
factory Average travel distance loaded is 400ft, and the travel distance empty is estimated
to be the same. The trucks are driven at an average speed of 3m/hr when loaded and
4.5m/hr when empty. Terminal time per delivery average 1 min (load =0.5min and unload
=0.5min) If the traffic factor is assumed to be 0.95, availability = 0.95 and work efficiency
= 0.90, what is the maximum hourly delivery rate of the five trucks?
(1 m = 3.28 feet)
Given data:
Number of forklift truck nc = 5
Average travel distance Ld = 400ft, Le =400ft
Vehicle speed Vd = 3 m/hr = 9.84 feet/hr = 9.84/60 feet/min(loaded)
Vehicle speed Ve = 4.5 m/hr = 14.76 feet/hr = 14.76/60fett/min (unload-empty)
Loading and unloading time = Tu = TL =0.5 min
Ft = 0.95 ; A= 0.95, Ew=0.90
WL = Rf * Tc
WL = nc * AT
Rf * Tc = nc * AT
Rf = (nc * AT)/Tc = nc * (60*A*Ft*Ew)/Tc
AT = 60*A*Ft*Ew = 60 * 0.95 * 0.95 * 0.90 = 48.735
Rf = nc * AT /Tc = 5 * (48.735/4066) = 0.0599 parts/min
= 3.595 parts/hrs
(Friday, 15/10/2021)
1) A recirculating conveyor has a total length of 200 m and a speed of 50 m/min. Spacing
of part carriers = 5 m. Each carrier holds two parts. Time needed to load a part carrier =
0.15 min. Unloading time is the same. The required loading and unloading rates are 6
parts per min. Evaluate the conveyor system design with respect to the three Kwo
L = 200 m
Vc = 50 m/min
Tl = 0.15 min
Tu = 0.15min
np = 2
Sc = 5 m
Rf = 6 parts/min
Speed rule
- lower:
np * Vc /Sc = 2 * 50/5 = 20 parts/min > 6 parts/min
- Upper
Vc/Sc = 50/5 = 10 > Min { 1/0.15, 1/1/0.15} = { 6.66 , 6.66}
not satisfied
To satisfy the speed rule, how do you propose Sc or Vc?
np* Vc/Sc = 100/Sc ≥ 6 → Sc ≤ 100/6
Vc/Sc ≤ 1/0.15 → Sc ≥ 7.5
→ 7.5 ≤ Sc ≤ 100/6
Capacity constraint
2) Give AGVs layout shown in figure. Vehicle travel counterclockwise around the loop
to deliver loads from the load station. Loading time at the load station = 0.75 min, and
unloading time at the unload station = 0.50 min. It is desired to determine how many
vehicles are required to satisfy demand for this layout if a total of 40del/hr must be
completed by the AGVs. The following performance parameter are given vehicle velocity
= 50m/min, Availability = 0.95, traffic factor =0.90 and operator efficiency does not
apply. Determine:
(a) travel distance loaded and empty
(b) ideal delivery cycle time and
(c) number of vehicles required to satisfy the delivery demand
Tl = 0.75 min
Tu = 0.50 min
Rf = 40 del/hr
Vc = 50m/min
A = 0.95 ; Ft = 0.90; Ew = 1
(a) Ignoring effect of shorter distances around the curve at corners of the loop.
Ld = 35 + 40 + 35 = 110 m
Le = 20 + 40 + 20 = 80 m
(b) Ideal cycle time per delivery per vehicle is given by