Modelism International - Contents Listing - Aeroflight

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Modelism International – Contents Listing

Last updated: 3 March 2013 by admin

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1 Martie 1984

Introduction to the magazine; Rovine cargo ship (colour drawings); Randunica steam torpedo boat (scale plans); Radio controlled car
(drawings); Cannon carriage (drawing); Filip Mihail aircraft designer with scale plans of La Paix 1922, Stabiloplan tip II 1927 and Stabiloplan
tip IV 1933; Modelling Knife; Radio Control; Stolnici Model Glider 1895; Electronics; Soyuz rocket (scale drawings); F-15 Eagle (scale plans);
News & Letters

(2) 2/1984

No information

(3) 3/1984

No information

(4) 4/1984

Aurel Vlaicu aircraft 1912; Readers Models; Locomotive (drawings); Glass Fibre models; Wappen von Hamburg 1667 ship (drawings); IAR 81
fighter (scale drawings); Antonov An-2T (scale drawings); Oltcit car (drawings); RC Electronics; Dauphin rocket (plans); Sea Harrier FRS.1
scale plans + Harrier GR.3 colour 2-view drawing; Readers Letters [MT 32 pages]

(5) 5/1985

No information

6 1/1985

Model Federation Annual Report; Ion Paulat – seaplane pioneer; Sherca 1845 Sailing barge (drawings); Radio Control; ICAR Universal
Acrobatic (scale drawings); Kotia sailing ship (scale plans); USS Hancock aircraft carrier (scale plans); 1860 Naval Cannon; Radio Controlled
Formula 1 car (construction drawings); Romanian Locomotive 1872 (scale plans); Mikoyan MiG-25 (scale plans); Radio Receivers; Readers
Letters {TM 32 pages]

7 2/1985

Editorial; Romanian modelling news; Romanian warship (scale plans); MiG-21 (cutaway & MiG-21F scale drawings); Austin Armoured Car Confidențialitate - Termeni
1915 (colour drawings); Aerofoil sections; Ships anchors; aeromodelling glider; Ariane rocket (scale plans); colour wheel; model railways;
Locomotive (colour drawings); Westland Lynx (colour 3-view drwg) [MT]

(8) 3/1985


(9) 4/1985

Romanian Modelling News; Golden Hind (2 pages drwgs); Radio Control; Pullout Calendar: Romanian WW1 Aircraft (12 col profiles); YR-PAX
Bucker Bu 133C Jungmeister of Alex Papana (1/24 scale 5-view drwg); Fishing cutter ‘Marea’ (4 pages drwgs); Radio Control; Multi-section
rowing boat; Racheta: Roland (SAM missile, drwgs); First Romanian Railroad Locomotive for the Orient Express (drwgs); The First Electric
Tramway of Romania – Bucharest 1894 (col drwgs); Modern Aircraft: Sukhoi Su-26 (1/24 scale drwg); Reader Letters [TM 32 pages]

10 1/1986

Swivel wing aircraft; Surcouf submarine (colour drawings); Elisabeth 1868 sailing ship (detailed drawings); Skoda LT-35, R-2 tank of 1935
(scale drawings); Radio Control; Moulding for parts; Model Railways; Marea ship (drawings); Junkers F-13 BMW IIIc 1925 (1/50 scale drwg);
Emblemele Avioanelor Romanesti intre Anii 1916-1921 (21 emblems in colour); Mirage 2000 (col 3-view drwg) [MT 32 pages]

(11) 2/1986

No information

(12) 3/1986

Romanian Modelling News; Schooner Mircea (scale drawings); Rocket modelling; Locomotive Orleans (colour & scale drawings); Tugboat
Sirena (drawings); Nieuport 17C1 (colour 3-view + scale plans); Readers Letters [TM 32 pages]

13 4/1986

Romanian modelling news; Yamato battleship (scale plans); Russian Monitor ship ‘Smerci’ of 1864 (scale plans); SET: Societatea de
Exploatari Tehnice Part 1 (SET aircraft types – especially SET.3/31 & SET.4/41, table of specification data, 1/25 scale inboard sectional
profile of SET.31G, 1/44 scale 8-view drwg of SET.31G); Boeing Bomarc IM-99 missile (scale plans); Model Electronics; Nautilus Submarine –
first under the North Pole (scale plans); Modelling Terrain; Marder AFV; Minesweeper ship (drawings); SAAB 35E Draken (1/50 scale col 3-
view drwg); Radio Receivers; Readers Letters [MT 32 pages]

(14) 1/1987

Voyager (1/50 scale 3-view drwg); Romanian Traditions: SET Part 2 (5 pages of 1/44 scale 6-view drwgs of SET.3 & SET.41, 4 col profiles);
SAAB J-37 (Viggen 3-view col drwg) [32 pages]

Vol.2 No.2 (15) 2/1987

Titanic (scale drwgs); SET 7 (4 pages 1/32 scale drwgs); Austin Putilov (armoured car, scale drwgs); Intercosmos (scale drwgs); Me 109
Emil (1/50 scale drwg); Ryan NY-P Spirit of St. Louis (1/45 scale drwgs); MiG-23 (2 pages scale drwgs) [MT 32 pages]

Vol.2 No.3 (16) 3/1987

Romanian Pocket Submarines (scale drwgs); Gustav in Romanian Service (Bf 109G, 2 col profiles, colour action painting, 3 pages 1/42 scale
drwgs); Renault 35 in Romanian Service (scale drwgs); Emblemele Avioanelor Romanesti Intre Anni 1916-1921 (col drwgs of 13 emblems);
Jak-52 (1/31 scale drwgs); F-16 (large scale drwgs) [32 pages]

Vol.2 No.4 (17) 4/1987

IAR-316B (Alouette III & IAR-317 Airfox, 1/43 scale drwgs); Spitfire Ia (1/50 scale drwg, cockpit drwgs); Agricol IAR-822 (1/50 scale drwgs);
EAP (1/48 scale drwgs); Great Eastern 1859; Titan rocket; Osa 1-2 [MT 32 pages]

Vol.3 No.1 (18) 1/1988

Romanian Modelling News; Amiral Murgescu warship – Romanian mine layer (drawings); Romanian Hurricanes (col profiles, 1/53 scale
drwgs); Aerodynamic Car of Aurel Persu (drawings); USS Keokuk ironclad 1863 (drawings); Motor Cruiser (drawings); Vostok rocket (1/111
scale drwgs); Locomotive; Computers; Boeing 767 (1/200 scale drwgs); Letters [MT 32 pages]

Vol.3 No.2 (19) 2/1988

Among the tens of thousands of P-51 Mustangs built during WW2, one has a yet not completely known story: ‘Sleepy Ann’, brought to
Bucharest by a Romanian pilot (P-51B col drwgs, 3 pages detailed scale drwgs); ANT 6 is the plane of the first Soviet polar scientific
expeditions (scale drwgs); At the end of WWI, Romanian AF received some Nieuport 24 planes (2 col profiles, 3 pages scale drwgs); The
famous Mi-24 helicopter (3 pages col drwgs); Daimler 1901; Pacific 231 [MT 32 pages]

Vol.3 No.3 (20) 3/1988

Romanian Pioneers (Coanda 1910, Aurel Vlaicu 1913-1988, Ion Paulat 1911 – many sketches, 3 full-page scale drwgs); Romanian Army WWI
Observation Aerostats (Balloons, scale drwgs); Dassault Rafale (2 pages scale drwgs) [32 pages]

Vol.3 No.4 (21) 4/1988

Savoia JRS-79B (col profiles, col painting, 2 side view construction drwgs); Conrad Haas; Airbus A300; Primul Crucisator al Marinei Noastre
1888 [32 pages]

Vol.4 No.1 (22) 1/1989

[Modelism Tehnium] Savoia JRS-79B (4-page scale drwg); MiG-29 (scale drwg) [32 pages]

Vol.4 No.2 (23*) 2/1989

I.A.R.-80; Energya + Buran; Vedeta rapida (Saar 33/35/33S); Renault Megane (concept car); Barci mediteraneene (Mediterranean barge);
Pitpicalacul (coastal fishing trawler)

Vol.4 No.3 (24) 3/1989

No information

Vol.4 No.4 (25) 4/1989

No information

Vol.5 No.1 (26) 1/1990

No information

Vol.5 No.2 (27) 2/1990

No information

Vol.5 No.3 (30) 3/1990

No information

Vol.5 No.4 (31) 4/1990

No information

Vol.5 No.5-6 (30-31) 5-6/1990

No information

Vol.6 No.1 (32) 1/1991

Aeroglisor de Dunare 1941 – Russian fast attack vessel of 1941 (with plans); Hansa-Brandenburg (cutaway); Me262 (with plans); Model
Boat electronics; AH-64 Apache in Desert Storm (scale plans); Romanian modelling news; Romanian Navy submarines 1941-1944;

Vol.6 No.2 (33) 2/1991

F-18 Hornet; monitorul Basarabia; USS Halyburton; Readers Models [MI]

Vol.6 No.3 (34) 3/1991

No information

Vol.6 No.4 (35) 4/1991

I-15; Myoko; Arado Ar 240/440; Stefan cel Mare; B-2 stealth bomber

Vol.7 No.1 (36) 1/1992

No information

Vol.7 No.2 (37) 2/1992

AG 6 ag-plane; CGN USS Virginia; T III AFV

Vol.7 No.3 (38) 3/1992

No information

Vol.7 No.4 (39) 4/1992

No information

Vol.8 No.1 (40) 1/1993

MiG-31; FAMO F3; Clasa R warship; Grand Locomotive Works

Vol.8 No.2 (41) 2/1993

I-16 Rata;

Vol.8 No.3 (42*) 3/1993

Naval pioneering warships the Confederate States Navy ironclad “Virginia” and modern USS “Sea Shadow” stealth craft (with plans);
Mitsubishi A6M Zero (with 1:72 plans); Chinese “Shanghai” class warship (with plans and detailed sketches); Romanian anti-aircraft lorry of
1921; Su 25N

Vol.8 No.4 (43*) 4/1993

Henschel Hs 129; Il-10

Vol.9 No.1 (44) 1/1994

Maus; P38; Azov; M-1 Abrams tank

Vol.9 No.2 (45) 2/1994

PZL-37 Los; OV-10 Bronco; NFR Dragos [MI]

Vol.9 No.3-4 (46-47) 3-4/1994

Dornier Do 335; Tu-95 Bear; AH-1 Cobra

Vol.10 No.1 (48) 1/1995

Ka-50 helicopter; Yak-23; Udaloy warship

Vol.10 No.2 (49*) 2/1995

Feth ut islam 1864 class (imperial ottoman navy gunboat); Bistrita Oltul Siretul (1888 Rumanian gunboats); S.T.Z. Komsomolet (T-20); Saab
J-29; IAR 330 Puma (licence built Aerospatiale SA 330)

Vol.10 No.3 (50) 3/1995

50th issue special

Vol.10 No.4 4/1995

Tu-160 Blackjack; IAR CU-11; Benson; Dewoitine D.520

Vol.11 No.1 (52) 1/1996

Me 263; Beriev Be-12; Vampir; Podurile Umblatoare; USS Choctaw

Vol.11 No.2 2/1996

Mi-28 Havoc; L-29 Delfin

Vol.11 No.3 3/1996

BK 1124; Taifun; Maruna; Fletine; CSN David; SMR Romania

Vol.11 No.4 4/1996

Nieuport 15; Tomus C26; warship

Vol.12 No.1 (56) 1/1997

MiG-15; PZL 23 Karas; Bachem Ba 349 Natter; USS Osage 1864

Vol.12 No.2 2/1997

Il-28; Lady Lex – USS Lexington; F-16

Vol.12 No.3 3/1997

Yak-141; Messerchmitt Bf 110

Vol.12 No.4 (59) 4/1997

Lockheed SR-71 “Blackbird”; IAR-37, 38; Celtic Voyager

Vol.13 No.1 1/1998

F-22A Raptor; IAR-39;

Vol.13 No.2 2/1998

Lockheed S-3A Viking; MiG-21 Lancer; Ghimie 1860

Vol.13 No.3 (62) 3/1998

JSF Joint Strike Fighter; Po-2; RWD-18

Vol.13 No.4 4/1998

Grunau Baby; Merkava II; Breguet 14 B2 in Romania

Vol.14 No.1 (64) 1/1999

Bf 108; Gepard;

Vol.14 No.2 (65) 2/1999

Danube Steam Tug “Putna” of 1910; Romanian Submarine Chasers of 1920s; Romanian Air Force Uniforms; Japanese Type 2 Ka-Mi
Amphibious Tank; Caravelle; Junkers Ju 88A-4 in Romanian Air Force

Vol.14 No.3 3/1999

LTV A-7 Corsair II; IAR-93 Orao vacuform 1/48; Bleriot in Romania

Vol.14 No.4 4/1999

Lancer MiG-21 poster; Naval Base Constanta

Vol.15 No.1 (68) 1/2000

MiG-3; JAS-39 Gripen; T-55 Tank; Poltava

Vol.15 No.2 2/2000

Stuka; MiG-19 in FARPR;

Vol.15 No.3 3/2000

MiG-23; Getta;

Vol.15 No.4 4/2000

Tante Ju; EA-6B Prowler;

Vol.16 No.1 (72) 1/2001

Potez 63; CSN David; Red Baron’s Fokker Dreidecker; Domnita Draga; Sturmpanzerwagen

Vol.16 No.2 (73) 2/2001

Lisunov Li-2; S90; Potez 540; Gheorghe Popescu-Ciocanel (Romanian WW2 fighter ace)

Vol.16 No.3 3/2001

Red Arrows; Phonix C1 UFAG;

Vol.16 No.4 (75) 4/2001

Rodrig Goliescu; Vasakpo; Bf 109

Vol.17 No.1 1/2002

Aichi Val; Bristol Coanda; CKO TNSP; Bf 109E; Pai tocmai asta e! – Tache Brumarescu (Romanian pioneer pilot)

Vol.17 No.2 2/2002

IAR 39; LeO 20; de Havilland D.H.9; Fokker D VII; Bluenose; U9

Vol.17 No.3 3/2002

Caudron; U-47 U-boat Aces; Christie tank; Ultimate Bucker – Bu 133

Vol.17 No.4 4/2002

Caudron G4; NMS Aurora; Sam Dealey; Alexandrij Velican

Vol.18 No.1 1/2003

No information

Vol.18 No.2 2/2003

No information

Vol.18 No.3 3/2003

No information

Vol.18 No.4 4/2003

No information

Vol.19 No.1 1/2004

No information

Vol.19 No.2 2/2004

No information

Vol.19 No.3 (86) 3/2004

No information

Vol.19 No.4 4/2004

No information

Vol.19 No.5 5/2004

No information

Vol.19 No.6 6/2004

No information

Vol.20 No.1 (90) 1/2005

Editorial; Farman Goliath (plans); Domestic calendar 2005; Readers models; Zeven Provincien class destroyers; Tips for modellers; Aerosana
NKL-26; Flying Cloud famous 19th C. clipper; Tolid I tank; Focke Wulf Fw 58 Weihe; Romanian Ju 88A-4 photo

Vol.20 No.2 2/2005

No information

Vol.20 No.3 3/2005

No information

Vol.20 No.4 4/2005

No information

Vol.20 No.5 5/2005

No information

Vol.20 No.6 (95) 6/2005

SE 5; Coast Guard; Sherman; USS Knox; A Boston Bucharest; Kit Report; Flight Schools in Romania; Ing. av. Basiliu St. Davies; SF Modelling;
F-16 poster

Vol.21 No.1 (96) 1/2006

Editorial; C.R.D.A. Cant Z.501 in colori romanesti; Battleship Imperatrita Maria; Vought A-7D/E Corsair II (plans + poster); Flak 38 20 mm gun
on naval carriage (plans); Bauart Kaeble (plans); He 114 in 1/48 resin model; Dear Varciorova (sketches); Romanian aces Dan Scurtu; KV
tank; A3 poster: Ostmark tug plans/ Cant Z 501 drawing

Vol.21 No.2 2/2006

Centenarul aviatiei (The Aviation Centenary); Macchi 202-205; Hummel; Secretul submarinului Stiuca 2006 (The Secret of Stiuca 206
Submarine); Velier RC

Vol.21 No.3 (98) 3/2006

Editorial; Nakajima Kate; Readers models; CSS Manassas; Micheal we recommend?; KM Deutschland; A2 folder poster – Deutschland 1935 /
Graaf von Spee; de Havilland DH 60 Moth / Aeronautical Polytechnic Club; Bessoneau Hangar; Documents – Jean Louis Roba; Lt. Av.
Nicolae-Micsunesti Polizu; Airbrush classes; Build a cardboard model MiG-17 in 1/72 scale
Vol.21 No.4 (99) 4/2006

Editorial; Santos Dumont vs. Traian Vuia; Mi-1 helicopter in Fortele Aeriene ale R.P.R. (photos plans); USS Maine (photos and plans); Sea Dart
jet seaplane (Convair Sea Dart); T26B2 capture (photos plans); Un aviator forgotten: Tase Rotaru; Aro M46, 1/35

Vol.21 No.5 (100) 5/2006

NMS Dolfin; Breslau and Snake Island; Gotha G.1-G.5; PB-9; Me 323 Gigant; Me 163; Type 22 Frigate HMS Brave

Vol.21 No.6 6/2006

Armored Train; Danubius 1879; Marines 1812; Atlantic Crossing – Felixtowe F2; Heinkel He 176 and He 178; STZ-5 Stalinetz; The Flower
Class Frigates; Merkava 2 – The best sold kit of the year

Vol.22 No.1 (102) 1/2007

Cpt. Av. Eugen A. Oancea; Albatros D.III; Hong-5; Trumpeter; Camouflage for dioramas; German semisenilate; Tamiya; Forces of Valor; The
Oktiabraskaia Rivolutia Dreadnaught; Machete; He 176, the First Reactive Modern Flight; Nuremburg model show; Cmdr. Victor St. (Nita)
Voinescu; Nuremburg Show (again); Romanian pilot in KuK 56/J; Modelling Store; Post

Vol.22 No.2 2/2007

Aichi M6A Seiran; Readers Making Models; Armoured Division Grossdeutchland; SMR Turnu Severin; Horatiu Donia; Messerschmitt P.1101;
Modelism News; Remote Controled Boats

Vol.22 No.3 3/2007

Peashooter; Ojay Rhodesia; Paswan-Oglu; Nordenfeld Submarine – Abdulhamid; F-104C Starfighter; The Grossdeutchland Armored Division;
Hasegawa Kits

Vol.22 No.4 4/2007

No information

Vol.22 No.5 5/2007

No information

Vol.22 No.6 (107) 6/2007

Editorial; Astra Sesefschi; Fotoposta; T 38 Praga; Fokker E.III/E.IV; Cabotierul Sulina; Animal power in the Wehrmacht; Magazine awards for
2007; Readers Models

Vol.23 No.1 1/2008

No information

Vol.23 No.2 2/2008

No information

Vol.23 No.3 3/2008

No information

Vol.23 No.4 4/2008

Hs 123 dive bomber; Russian battleship Askold; Sd.Kfz 222; Michel Colomban M.C. 10 “Cri-Cri”; Bristol-Coanda Tractor 1912; Stalingrad
Shadows + diorama; Modelling Books;

Vol.23 No.5 5/2008

No information

Vol.23 No.6 6/2008

No information

Vol.23 No.1 1/2009

No information

Vol.23 No.2 2/2009

No information

Vol.23 No.3 3/2009

No information

Vol.23 No.4 4/2009

T-34 tank; Battleship Potemkin; TSR 2; Wellington bomber

Vol.23 No.5 (118-


Editorial; Battle of Old Chilia June 26, 1941; Opel Blitz bus; Durostor commercial ship; Aircraft manufactured in Brasov – IAR 14 and beyond;
Don – elbow battle for survival; LSSC boat supporting SEAL commandos; White Horse paddle ship; Hidrobase symbols in WW1 – seaplane
plans for Friedrichshafen FF 33; 2 posters

Vol.23 No.1 1/2010

Editorial; Berbice ship (plans); Mitsubishi G4M2 Okha; ZEG tugs and DDSG in Romania; General Dumitru Balaur aviator; Grumman F9F
Cougar; Aircraft Manufactured in Brasov – IAR-15 and beyond (IAR-15 plans); Don Bend (V) – the white hell Kalmuks Steppe; Nuremburg
2010; Working in Resin; Plans enthusiasts; Books; CDs enthusiasts; Readers Requests

Vol.23 No.2 2/2010

No information

Vol.23 No.3 3/2010

No information

Vol.23 No.4 4/2010

No information

Vol.23 No.5-6 (124-


Romanian Navy calendar

Vol.23 No.1 1/2011

Bismark 1941-2011; IAR 22; HMS Victory; Aviatrix Irina Burnala; Aviator Petre Ivanovici

Vol.23 No.2 2/2011

IAR 22 – Nr.1; Mircea 1882;

Vol.23 No.3 (128) 3/2011

Ecranoplanul UHE 67-3; Mircea 1882 (2); 1043 Romania vs BH-7 Anglia

Vol.23 No.4 (129) 4/2011

Mircea (3); George de Bothezat – helicopter pioneer

Vol.23 No.5 5/2011

No information

Vol.23 No.6 6/2011

No information

Vol.23 No.1 1/2012

No information

Vol.23 No.2 2/2012

No information

Vol.23 No.3 3/2012

No information

Vol.23 No.4 4/2012

No information

Vol.23 No.5 5/2012

No information

Vol.23 No.6 6/2012

No information

Vol.23 No.1 1/2013

No information

Vol.23 No.2 2/2013

No information

Vol.23 No.3 3/2013

No information

Vol.23 No.4 4/2013

No information

Vol.23 No.5 5/2013

No information

Vol.23 No.6 6/2013

No information

Vol.23 No.1 1/2014

No information

Vol.23 No.2 2/2014

No information

Vol.23 No.3 3/2014

No information
Vol.23 No.4 4/2014

No information

Vol.23 No.5 5/2014

No information

Vol.23 No.6 6/2014

No information

Vol.23 No.1 1/2015

No information

Vol.23 No.2 2/2015

No information

Vol.23 No.3 3/2015

No information

Vol.23 No.4 4/2015

No information

Vol.23 No.5 5/2015

No information

Vol.23 No.6 6/2015

No information

Additional information welcome

 Magazines Contents
 Magazines, Romania
 AeroMagazin (2) – Contents Listing
 Aviation Magazines in France – A to Z Listing

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