Practice Through Play

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Practice Through Play

David Baird

Conducive Learning, Compulsory Fun


Practice through Play has a simple objective. To support coaches and

parents/guardians to create fun and conducive learning environments at
football training. It is the hope of myself and the other contributors that
this resource will encourage and support coaches to reach this objective.

The recommended player age group for this resource is 8-14 years old, however
we appreciate that this may vary depending on experience and ability level.
Thank you to the coaches who have contributed their favourite practices and
games. Amongst some tried and tested content we also hope you will find some
new ideas and concepts. Kindest Regards

David Baird
Practice Play

Fun and engaging practices. Play games with inventive

Maximizing involvement to adaptations to support or
promote player development stretch individuals. Learn
through trial and error. by doing.
Practice 1 Play 1
Fun practice ‘Volcanoes v spaceships’ Small sided games with the fun game of
with lots of technical repetition. volcanoes v spaceships working as the
scoreboard alongside the games.
Practice 2 Play 2
Work on close control, changes of 3v3 Games with the challenge of dribbling
direction and pace in this gates into the oppositions end zone.
Practice 3 Play 3
3v3 Environment that creates plenty of 3v3 Games with a fun ‘Connect 4’
attacking overloads and situations to incentive in the middle which works as a
defend outnumbered. scoreboard.
Practice 4 Play 4
Players have autonomy here, choosing what 2v2 Game to encourage quick decisions and
to practice. 1v1, 1v2, 2v1 or 2v2? technical competencies.
Content shown is just a Kids love scoring goals.
guide. Adapt numbers Many of the games shown

Coach Considerations
accordingly. can be adapted to become
multi directional -
The important thing is to score in either goal? Or
maximize involvement. Use add more goals, 4/6 goal
the playmaker idea games? These slight
where needed, which is adaptations create new
someone who plays for the scenarios for players both
team in possession or use in an attacking and
uneven teams - this is fun defending sense. Jumpers
and challenging for for goalposts are
players. absolutely fine.

Football is unpredictable. Therefore we

should try to play within unpredictable
environments as much as possible.

The bonus ball idea is a great way to

keep tempo high and keep players thinking.
I would recommend the coach always has
footballs at their feet to play into the
practice or game when a ball goes out of
play or where they see fit to engage and
test players.
Scan with your phone’s camera for a free coaching app:
Practice 5 Play 5
Coach shouts the number of players to enter Best v Rest. Uneven team games are a
the field and plays a ball in. Utilise the great way to support players within your
bonus ball idea where possible. session and stretch certain individuals.
Practice 6 Play 6
Scanning a crucial behaviour that is 3 v 3 Games with a fun incentive in the
worked on in this environment. middle which works as a scoreboard.
Progression shown in animation.
Practice 7 Play 7
Defenders run the line between 2 cones. Game with a wide zone to allow players to
Attackers try to get past. Fun and get on the ball in areas where they might
competitive exercise. dribble.
Practice 8 Play 8
An environment for some players to Play this game to improve spreading out,
practice pressing and tackling while the finishing and decision making with the
other must spread out, pass and move. ball.
Using This Resource Practice

You might plan to structure a session in one of

the following ways:
Play Play
practice - play - practice - play Plan

play - play - play - play

play - practice - practice - play Practice

You may choose content from this resource that have a common theme to create a session? Or content that
doesn’t link in at all? Chaos is a great teacher. Your plan may go out the window when delivering if a component
of your session is going really well and achieving its objectives. Therefore you simply prolong that activity.
Practice 9 Play 9
Players who don’t have a ball must stand 3v3 With various targets to aid deception
still, those with the ball must create and disguise when passing/dribbling.
angles to pass while avoiding defenders.
Practice 10 Play 10
A shooting practice with different 4v4+1 With the condition teams must make
variations for players. a minimum of 3 consecutive passes before
scoring in any goal.
Practice 11 Play 11
There are black cones with white underneath The idea of the previous practice is
and vice versa. Aim is to get as many of brought into the games now and acts as
your teams cones on top as possible. the scoreboard in the middle.
Practice 12 Play 12
Players attack, defend, then join their A game to encourage running with the
own line ready to go again in this quick ball. You must dribble into oppositions
paced 1v1 practice. end zone before being able to score.
Use the area size for both the

Suggested Area Sizes

‘Practice’ and ‘Play’ aspect of
your session to minimise
transition time from one component
to another.

Players Area (yards)

6v6 55 x 40

5v5 45 x 35

4v4 40 x 25

3v3 30 x 20

2v2 25 x 15

1v1 15 x 12
The Scoreboard Soccer book
is now available. Full Get your copy here:
curriculum of Scoreboard
Soccer games and session Scoreboard Soccer
plans alongside other
practices and games.
Practice 13 Play 13
1v2 Practice towards 2 mini goals. Group 4v4+1 With each team tasked with
split into 2 and would be working at the attacking and defending 2 goals.
same time to maximise involvement.
Practice 14 Play 14
Fast paced practice, plenty of opportunities Find the coin. 5 Seconds to look under a cone
for players to practice passing, dribbling, when you score/coach picks you for positive
shooting and defending. play. Progress to throw used cones away.
Practice 15 Play 15
2 Defenders attempt to guard 3 gates, An environment to engage players in
players get a point for each gate they get dribbling and the decision making of when
through. / where to dribble, pass or shoot.
Practice 16 Play 16
Simple shooting set up that can be easily 5v5 The GK for team in possession must
adapted into fun races or 1v1s to goal. Can join the play, staying higher than the
also vary the feed to work on volleys. line of cones.
Environment UP
Instruction down
Plan sessions to create positive learning environments and reduce
instruction from the coach, especially generic instruction to the group
that may only be relevant to some players. Set the environment so
everyone is practicing or playing football then support or stretch
individuals relative to their specific needs and ability level.
4 Step Development Model
Use the wheel shown to design conducive learning



Be mindful of over instruction. Show patience and

constraint as players try and solve the problems created

by your environment.

3. FEEDBACK (throughout)
Observe as players confront the challenges within your
environment and provide constructive feedback. Opposition
Either through coaching points or using Q & A depending on the
needs of the player.

4. REFLECTION (always)
Reflect on the planning and delivery of every session and ask players for their feedback. Be brave,
try new things, make mistakes. Players develop by playing, coaches develop by coaching
Practice 17 Play 17
Plenty of passing and receiving A possession based game to encourage
repetition in this easily adapted passing, moving and teamwork.
Practice 18 Play 18
Work on scanning, quick passing and 2v2+4 Game with a lot of hidden learning
moving in this environment. Rotational and disguised fitness. Encourage players
progression shown in animation. to find quick solutions to goal.
Practice 19 Play 19
Simple 1v1 exercise involving a wall player Attack and defend 2 goals with 1 keeper.
that players may want to use or use as a Scanning and switching play likely to be
decoy before taking the defender on? crucial for success.
Practice 20 Play 20
Look to play the ball from 1 target Use your own zone for unopposed possession if
player to the other in this possession needed but to score must pass/receive in
practice. opposition zone. Shooting progression shown.
The practices and games shown are designed to grant players freedom
to practice and problem solve. As a coach we should resist the
temptation to give answers and solve problems for players as this would
take away their ownership of learning. This is something that’s crucial to
their development and to the development of football!

Don’t tell them how the game should be played. Let them discover how
the game could be played.
Be the best part of their week.
Some players will come to training because they love the
game, some will come because they love the coach.
Practice 21 Play 21
Promote a ruthless approach in players as If a player loses possession of the ball
they try get from 1 side of the area to the they must run around a cone before
other by the quickest/safest means possible. re-entering the game.
Practice 22 Play 22
Grids to practice 1v1s. Can be used as a A team can only score when it has freed any
competition with players moving up and down of it’s players within the coned areas.
the grid if they win or lose their 1v1. Closest opposition player must fill the box.
Practice 23 Play 23
Foot skills practice to get players Goalscorers replace the ball taken by the
moving and changing direction with the other team who re-start play immediately. May
ball at their feet. apply this to the ball going out of play too.
Practice 24 Play 24
This challenging environment can be A game where coaches reward goals and
adjusted to encourage close control, positive play using central scoreboard. You
changing direction and changing speed. may want to reward turning,L and V turns etc.
Allow the players to Let players know they
pick the teams. can set up a practice
or game on arrival.
Allow the players to
pick/design the Allow the players to

practices or games. make their own
decisions when
Allow players to be playing.
captains or referees

in games. Ask questions to
understand them and
Ask players what they their thought
would like to do at processes better.
Take a genuine
Build in some free interest in them as
play during sessions, people not just
let them be kids players.
interacting with
other kids. Welcome new ideas.
Scan with your phone’s camera for a free coaching app:
Practice 25 Play 25
6v3 Rondo to work on angles and technique Skill and strategy a key part of this fun
for passing and receiving. ‘knock over the cones’ game. Ensure you
have plenty of bonus balls ready.
Practice 26 Play 26
A challenge to perform as many Cones all over the pitch to test scanning,
turns/skills as possible being aware of passing and ball manipulation. Goal for other
obstacles, other players and defenders. team if you hit a cone while playing.
Practice 27 Play 27
Central coned area represents a goal. Teams Touch the ball in 2 zones before scoring.
aim to make a minimum of 2 passes before Progression: The amount of zones you visit
shooting through the area which has a GK. before scoring is how many goals awarded.
Practice 28 Play 28
How many passes can be made before the The environment here promotes switches of
dribbling team get across the grid 6 times? play and goalkeeper footwork/diving. Score
Everyone avoid footballs colliding. through any of the 3 gates provided.
‘Where are the coaching points?!’
This resource aims to limit instruction and promote conducive learning environments through practice and play.
To develop critical thinking players I believe it’s important to encourage critical thinking in coaches.

Conventional Approach:

Players receive second hand coaching

Coach educator provides coach with preconceived Coach provides all players with points that may not be relevant to their
coaching points. preconceived coaching points. individual needs. May actually be

Suggested Alternative:

Individual players are engaged in a two

Coach educator provides coaches with ideas and Coach implements these environments way communication with the coach to
environments to promote learning. / adaptations relevant to the players. be supported / challenged where

Avoid ‘Blanket Coaching’. Meet players where they are on their journey. You aren’t delivering a session for 15 players.
You’re delivering a session for Meghan, Rosa, James, Christopher, etc.
Practice 29 Play 29
2v1 With oncoming second defender. Short Eight second games to promote quick solutions
eight second games with appropriate rest to goal. Simple rotation as shown, apply a
between rounds for players. relevant work to rest ratio for players.
Practice 30 Play 30
1 Defender guards 2 gates which the Multi directional game with lots of
attackers are trying to get through for a passing, turning, moving, scanning and
point. Swap defenders frequently. defending.
Practice 31 Play 31
Short movements to receive a pass are Be patient and allow players to discover the
practiced throughout and communication benefit of reacting quickly and moving away
will help players get success. from the ball at times.
Practice 32 Play 32
GK Distribution, 1v1 attacking/defending Score to earn a bonus shot, but take the
and finishing are all part of this opportunity quick so you can get back on to
competitive practice. help your outnumbered team asap.
Presenting children with the opportunity to play in challenging
and fun situations allows them to test their understanding and
capabilities, while constantly pushing those boundaries.

Showing patience and support during this process is the Lionel

Messi of coaching tools.
The Scoreboard Soccer book
is now available. Full Get your copy here:
curriculum of Scoreboard
Soccer games and session Scoreboard Soccer
plans alongside other
practices and games.
Practice 33 Play 33
Scanning to receive before driving away Coach sets the time limit but doesn't’ tell
with the ball. the players. When the whistle goes, whatever
team had scored the last goal has won.
Practice 34 Play 34
Find players in the middle with a pass for a 3 Passes minimum before scoring in either
point. Defenders work on screening to goal? Or score in one and must score in
prevent this. the other next? Adaptable environment.
Practice 35 Play 35
Two teams join to play 4v2, team with the Winning team stays on. Team in possession can
last touch defends the next ball. Fun and use the wall players. Transition to attack
competitive overloads practice. opposite goal when your team scores.
Practice 36 Play 36
Finishing practice that can be easily Each team has 2 goals they can attack and
made competitive. First to a set amount players waiting to drive in the pitch and
of goals? Miss and become the GK? keep the tempo high.
Enhancing the Environment

body Prepare sessions so
language there is a seamless
Have transitions between
Give players open and fun components, keeping
honest feedback players engaged
Ask for open and honest
feedback from them
Reflect on sessions: Ask open
questions that
What went well? engage players to
What was challenging? think about the
Adaptations for future? session and the
learning involved
Practice 37 Play 37
Coach for each team signals what goals are Scanning. Team can only score in the
open to their players. Scanning and strategy goals their coach is indicating by
key consideration for the players. raising coloured cone (s).
Practice 38 Play 38
Defenders practice defending outnumbered and Wide players help the team in possession
recovery runs while attackers play quick in by getting wide early on turnovers. Then
an attempt to get success. being creative with the ball.
Practice 39 Play 39
2 Players battle to take / keep 1 ball. Game where players can score in either goal.
Short time limited activity facilitated by Must dribble across the red line of cones
coach. Swap partners often. before scoring in the back goal (unopposed).
Practice 40 Play 40
Playground. Unstructured and child led play. Games. Football with no conditions or
Recurrent Plan Anomalous Plan
(example): (example):

practice playground
Unstructured and child led Games of football with no
play play. Football or otherwise. conditions or instruction. play

practice practice

play games


Practice 41

Contributing Coach
Fast paced and fun 3v2
practice. Score to keep
possession for your team,
overturn possession and
score to give your team
the upper hand. A great
way to stretch or support
certain individuals by
making them Playmakers.

Rebecca Tweed
Play 41

Player autonomy is crucial

to player and person
development. 2v2 Shown as
an example but numbers can
be flexible. The more
players do this game the
more adventurous/brave
they are likely to become.
Practice 42

Contributing Coach:
Fanos Poullou

The red team working on

running with the ball with
an aim of making things
difficult for the blue team
who are trying to pass and
move avoiding the reds. Swap
roles after a set time.
Play 42

Contributing Coach:
Yaser Al-Harbi

The team with the least

footballs in their zone at
the end of the timed game is
the winner. However when you
put a ball in the other
teams zone you need to play
a player down, constantly
challenging players in this
fun environment.
Practice 43 Practice 44

Coach will shout a number Score to get

(players) and a a point for
colour (cone). your team,
Those players Contributing Coach conceding team
must touch the also get a
cone and their point taken
goal before away from
entering game. their score.

Play 43 Ellis Notley Play 44

When a team A great

concedes they environment
must quickly for players
swap with the to problem
team currently passing the solve and find ways to
ball. This group must be connect with the wall
scanning to be aware and player.
ready for the next game.
Practice 45

Contributing Coach
On the call from the coach
(or player?) the attacker
attempts to dribble
through a gate without
being dispossessed by the
live defender. Swap roles
as shown and frequently
swap partners.

Mohammad Saeed Bakr

Play 45

2v1 With pressuring 2nd

defender. It is
recommended you change the
starting point of the
football to the other side
after a set amount of time
to work different angles
and scenarios.
Practice 46

Contributing Coach
Practice taking a positive
first touch away from
oncoming pressure.

Swap defenders frequently

and ensure there is
transition for defenders
winning the ball.

Harry Cosson
Practice 47

Fun game of statues. A 1v1

in a challenging situation
with traffic around the
tight area.
Play 46

Contributing Coach:
Jonathan Nash

3v3+3 Game with the first

team to score winning and
the winning team staying on.
Score a goal and grab the
ball to continue the game,
now shooting the other way.
Conceding team swap with the
3 playmakers.
Play 47

Contributing Coach:
Jonny McClean

3v3v3 Game. When attacking

if you score you get to
attack the next team also.
On winning the ball aim to
drive over the line and
automatically start the next
attack against the other
team of 3. High tempo,
constant game giving players
an adequate work to rest
Example Session Plan

1: Practice 24 3: Practice 50

Set up a 10x10 box in the middle 6 Players on each pitch should

of one pitch, players must allow this practice to work well
dribble through the box and off with lots of repiton.
the pitch for a point before
turning to repeat.

2: Play 2 4: Play 42

Quickly split group to start two Progression from end zone game
3v3 end zone games on each pitch. that should further encourage
Can pick up 10x10 box from running with the ball, or may
previous practice once they are choose just to finish on 3v3
playing. games.

Expecting 12 players so set up two 30x20 pitches side by side. Run practice 24 on one pitch before splitting the group for Play 2 running on both
pitches. Keep groups split for Practice 50 and Play 42 frequently mixing up the players to keep opposition fresh. Contingency if needed at any
point is just play small sided games allowing them to practice through play.
If numbers are lower than expected run everything with one group on one pitch. If higher utilize the playmaker idea in games or simply play 4v3s.
Utilize bonus ball throughout to keep tempo high and players engaged / practicing / playing.
Blank Session Plan

1: 3:

2: 4:


Scan with your phone’s camera for a free coaching app:
Practice 48

A practice to focus on

technique and teamwork as
Marina all players work together

Schachowskoj to get this flowing

Coach Passing, dribbling and

communicating are all key

Practice 49 Play 48

A rondo where you work Each team has a designated

with a partner. On losing area they must try and get
the ball you and your the ball to / keep the
partner can attempt to win ball in. The coach times
it back before the throughout the game,
defenders exit the rondo whoever has the ball in
at either of the empty their area for the most
sides of the rondo. amount of time wins.
Encouraging transition.
Play 49

Contributing Coach:
Darren Wilson

1v1 Practice with recovering

defender, evolving into a
3v3 game. Utilise the bonus
ball where appropriate.

4 Goal game on 3v3

transition. Rotation as
Contributing Coach: Stuart Brand

Practice 50 Play 50

Players are given the opportunity 1v0, 2v1, 3v2, 4v3 Then 4v4 with
to practice shooting before lots of opportunity for hidden
transitioning to a 2v2 game. learning. Utilizing the bonus
ball during 4v4 will prolong

Practice 51 Play 51

Quick and decisive play is likely 3v3 In the box plus 2 wall
to mean success in this 2v2 game players just outside the area.
with potential transition. Creating chaos near the goal to
help players problem solve, how
do I get a shot on goal?

Practice 52 Play 52

From an uncomfortable position as Use target players as a disguise

a defender can you recover and go for the other goal? Or
quickly to prevent the attackers vice versa? Just one decision
scoring? Can the attackers be amongst many in this game that
clinical? will also challenge teamwork.
Practice 53

Contributing Coach
Some mobility work for
players leading to a 1v1
battle with focus on
disguise and change of

Antoine Camilleri
Play 53

An adaptable game with a

lot of learning outcomes.
For example striker
movement, 1v1 attacking
and defending, support
play for the striker,
combination play and third
player runs.
Contributing Coach: Kenneth Vandesteene

Practice 54 Practice 57

Attacker chooses which gate to 1v1 Set up that players can be

dribble through. The defender creative and work on transition
must quickly react and run when winning the ball.
through the same coloured gate
before entering the 1v1.

Practice 55

Simple, fun and fast paced 1v1

set up to allow players to
practice and explore different
scenarios for attacking and Practice 58
Players really enjoy a fun game
Practice 56 of rock, paper, scissors and the
excitement builds as they race
3 Defenders try and block 4 through the gates.
gates, really testing the player
on the ball to exaggerate
movements and try get through a
Play 54

Contributing Coach:
Raffaele De Vita

An exciting 2v2 game.

The progression shown allows

players to have even more
time with the ball at their
Play 55

Contributing Coach:
Ian Ross

GK + 2 v 3 In each half to
encourage playing out and
trying to find the numbers
advantage in the other half.
Progression shown where
front 3 can recover back
when the ball crosses the
half line putting pressure
on the opposition front 3 to
find quick solutions to
Play 56

3V3 With 1 player who

rotates into the game
every time their team
Thomas Staack scores. If a team goes 3

goals ahead the other team
bring their player on for
4v3 until gap reduced.
Attack and defend 2 goals.

Play 57 Play 58

3V3 With 1 player who 3V3 With 1 player who

rotates into the game rotates into the game
every time their team every time their team
scores. If a team goes 3 scores. If a team goes 3
goals ahead the other team goals ahead the other team
bring their player on for bring their player on for
4v3 until gap reduced. 4v3 until gap reduced.
Attack and defend 2 Attack and defend 2
diagonal goals. reversed goals.
2 3 4

5 7 8

9 10 11 12
Practice 59

Contributing Coach
A fun race with plenty of
variations to encourage
close control and changing
direction with the ball.

Angus Beith
Play 59

4v4 With a team of 4 on

the outside that can be
used for wall passes. The
team that scores grabs the
ball to attack the other
goal while the conceding
team must quickly
transition with the team
on the outside.
Practice 60

Contributing Coach
An overload practice with
a lot of transition work
and competition, building
towards 5v5.

Chris Smith
Play 60

A 5v5 game where the

goalscorer must run around
both goals before
rejoining the game which
gives the opposition a
chance to take advantage
of an overload in attack.
Practice 61

3v3+2. The challenge is to

be the team that makes the
most passes in possession.
Ana Bruni Turnover possession by

dribbling out of the area.
Who can put together the
biggest number of
consecutive passes?

Practice 62 Play 61

2v2 In the central area, 4v4 Turned into a 2v2 by

players must dribble out the middle line which
of the area for a point players cannot cross. Must
and for their teammate on dribble into the end zone
that side to dribble in. before scoring, initially
Can only go back out the unopposed but can progress
side you entered from once to allowing defenders in
passing the yellow cones. the end zone.
Play 62

The player who scores must

dribble the ball from the
goal into their teams den.
Jade Jacobs Conceding team grabs a

ball from their den to
continue the game. Win the
game by having all of the
footballs in your teams

Practice 63 Play 63

Shooting game with the aim 2 Games run side by side

of achieving 21 points to and if you score, you join
win. 2 points for 1 touch your team on the other
finish pitch. The only time you
1 point for 2 touch do not move is if you’re
finish. First team to 21 the last player from your
wins, however if you go team on a pitch. First
over 21 your team will go team to 10 goals wins.
back to 16 points.
Practice 64

Contributing Coach
1v1 Practice with the
incentive of taking on the
oncoming defender who will
want to win the ball to
transition for a point.

Grant Scott
Play 64

A game to encourage
dribbling and driving with
the ball away or past
defensive pressure.
Practice 65

Contributing Coach
1 Team practice moving the
opposition to score
centrally while the other
work on being compact,
winning the ball and then
breaking out to a gate
which will win them
possession to attack

Scott McLennan
Play 65

Timed game where 1 team

attempt to score centrally
and the other go through
gates on the outside. At
half time teams swap
Practice 66

Contributing Coach
1v1 Set up that can be
progressed to score in
either goal and further
progressed to 2v2.

Transition for defenders

when they win the ball.

Jo Murphy
Practice 67

1v2 Set up to encourage

creativity and confidence
when taking players on.
Play 66 Play 67
Some coaches may be familiar with some of my previous work around creating fun and conducive
learning environments, such as ‘Scoreboard Soccer’. Play football but reward players via fun
games or technical practice which act as the scoreboard. Throughout this resource there are
examples of this but you can find more on this free app:
The GAME Game
At the end of training, ask 2 players to agree on a number between 1 and 12. Show them
the field set up they have chosen and let them know this will be the set up for small
sided games at the next session. Their homework is to plan a game within that set up and
explain it to the team during the next training session.

1 2 3 4

5 6 7 8

9 10 11 12
Contributing Coach:
Lorna Esson

Goalkeepers GK rolls ball into player

who picks it up to
distribute an over arm
There is of course a place through to the GK
diagonally opposite to
for GKs in the majority of work on distribution.

practices and games

throughout this resource
where they will benefit from Contributing Coach:

trial and error / learn by Lorna Esson

doing. Here are some Shout colour for the GK to

touch before receiving
additional ideas for GKs volley. Can add some
shooting / 1v1 to goal
that you may find useful. also.
Contributing Coach: Kieren Contributing Coach:
Elder Jenna Fife

GK 1v1 Battle with 2 GKs throw, volley, catch

additional attackers to and follow the coaches
utilise and test the instructions. Call ‘ball’
opposition GK. GKs race to dive on
footballs outside the
area. A fun progression
can be to take some of
those footballs away.

Contributing Coach: Contributing Coach:

Jenna Fife Ross Ballantyne

Utilise other GKs, Handling, low diving and

strikers or coaches in reacting all included in
this shooting/reaction this practice for GKs.
practice. Cones are laid
in front of the goal so
the ball may deflect and
test the GKs reactions and
The Scoreboard Soccer book
is now available. Full Get your copy here:
curriculum of Scoreboard
Soccer games and session Scoreboard Soccer
plans alongside other
practices and games.
Buy Me A Coffee
Although Practice Through Play is a free resource, any donations received to fuel my
work and production of further resources, would be really appreciated.

Make a donation:

2 3 4

5 7 8

9 10 11 12

David Baird


[email protected]

Social Media:


Thank You

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