Tables and Formulas For Engineering Standby Generator Sets Table 1. Length Equivalents

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Table 1. Length Equivalents

Unit Microns Meters Kilometres Inches Feet Yards Miles

1 Micron 1 0.000001 -- 0.0000393 -- -- --
1 Meter 1,000,000 1 -- 39.37 3.281 1.0936 --
1 Kilometre -- 1000 1 39,370 3281 1093.6 0.621
1 Inch 25,400 0.0254 -- 1 0.0833 0.0278 --
1 Foot -- 0.3048 -- 12 1 0.3333 --
1 Yard -- 0.9144 -- 36 3 1 --
1 Mile -- 1609 1.609 63,360 5280 1760 1

One unit in the left-hand column equals the value of units under the top heading.

Table 2. Area Equivalents

Unit In 2 Ft 2 Acre Mile 2 M2 Hectare Km2
1 In 2 1 0.006944 -- -- 0.00064516 -- --
1 Ft 2 144 1 -- -- 0.0929 -- --
1 Acre -- 43,560 1 0.0015625 4,047 0.4047 0.00404
1 Mile 2 -- 27,878,400 640 1 2,589,998 258.99 2.5899
1 M2 1550 10.764 -- -- 1 -- --
1 Hectare -- 107,639 2.471 0.003861 10,000 1 0.01
1 Km2 -- 10,763,867 247.1 0.3861 1,000,000 100 1

One unit in the left-hand column equals the value of units under the top heading.

Table 3. Mass Equivalents

Unit Ounces Pounds Kilograms Short Long Metric
1 Ounce 1 0.0625 0.02835 -- -- --
1 Pound 16 1 0.4536 -- -- --
1 Kilogram 35.27 2.205 1 -- -- --
1 Short Ton 32000 2000 907.2 1 0.8929 0.9072
1 Long Ton 35840 2240 1016 1.12 1 1.016
1 Metric Ton 35274 2205 1000 1.102 0.9842 1

One unit in the left-hand column equals the value of units under the top heading.

Table 4. Volume and Capacity Equivalents
Unit Inches3 Feet 3 Yards3 Meters3 US Liquid Imperial Litres
Gallons Gallons
1 Inch 3 1 0.000579 0.0000214 0.0000164 0.004329 0.00359 0.0164
1 Ft. 3 1728 1 0.03704 0.0283 7.481 6.23 28.32
1 Yd.3 46656 27 1 0.765 202 168.35 764.6
1 M3 61023 35.31 1.308 1 264.2 220.2 1000
1 U.S.Liq.Gal 231 0.1337 0.00495 0.003785 1 0.833 3.785
1 Imp. Gal. 277.42 0.16 0.00594 0.004546 1.2 1 4.546
1 Litre 61.02 0.03531 0.001308 0.001 0.2642 0.22 1

One unit in the left-hand column equals the value of units under the top heading.

Table 5. Conversions for Units of Speed

Unit Feet/Second Feet/Min Miles/Hr Meters/Sec Meters/Min Km/Hr
1 Foot/Sec 1 60.0 0.6818 0.3048 18.288 --
1 Foot/Min 0.0167 1 0.1136 0.00508 -- --
1 Mile/Hr 1.467 88 1 26.822 1.6093
1 Meter/Sec 3.281 196.848 -- 1 -- --
1 Meter/Min 0.05468 -- 0.03728 -- 1 --
1 Km/Hr -- -- 0.6214 0.2778 -- 1

One unit in the left-hand column equals the value of units under the top heading.

Table 6. Conversions For Units Of Power

Unit Horsepower Foot-lb/Minute Kilowatts Metric Btu/Minute

1 Horsepower 1 33,000 0.746 1.014 42.4
1 Foot-lb/Minute -- 1 -- -- 0.001285
1 Kilowatt 1.341 44,260 1 1.360 56.88
1 Metric 0.986 32,544 0.736 1 41.8
1 Btu. /Minute 0.0236 777.6 0.0176 0.0239 1

One unit in the left-hand column equals the value of units under the top heading.
Mechanical power and ratings of motors and engines are expressed in horsepower.
Electrical power is expressed in watts or kilowatts.

Table 7. Conversions for Measurements of Water
Unit Feet 3 Pounds Gal Gal Litres Head lb/in_ Ton/Ft_ Head Ft_/Min Gal.(U.S)/
(U.S) (IMP) (Ft) (Meters) Hr
Feet 3 1 62.42 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
Pounds 0.01602 1 0.12 0.10 0.4536 -- -- -- -- -- --
Gal -- 8.34 1 -- -- -- -- -- --
Gal -- 10.0 -- 1 -- -- -- -- --
Litres -- 2.204 -- -- 1 -- -- --
Head -- -- -- -- -- 1 4.335 --
lb/in_ -- -- -- -- -- 2.3070 1 0.02784 0.7039
Ton/Ft_ -- -- -- -- -- 35.92 -- 1 --
Head -- -- -- -- -- -- 1.4221 -- 1
Ft_/Min -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 1 448.92
Gal. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 0.002227 1

One unit in the left-hand column equals the value of units under the top heading.

Table 8. Barometric Pressures and Boiling Points of Water at Various Altitudes

Barometric Pressure Water Boiling
(Ft) Inches of Mercury lb/in 2 Feet Water ºF ºC
Sea Level 29.92 14.69 33.95 212.0 100
1000 28.86 14.16 32.60 210.1 99
2000 27.82 13.66 31.42 208.3 98
3000 26.81 13.16 30.28 206.5 97
4000 25.84 12.68 29.20 204.6 95.9
5000 24.89 12.22 28.10 202.8 94.9
6000 23.98 11.77 27.08 201.0 94.1
7000 23.09 11.33 26.08 199.3 93
8000 22.22 10.91 25.10 197.4 91.9
9000 21.38 10.50 24.15 195.7 91
10,000 20.58 10.10 23.25 194.0 90
11,000 19.75 9.71 22.30 192.0 88.9
12,000 19.03 9.34 21.48 190.5 88
13,000 18.29 8.97 20.65 188.8 87.1
14,000 17.57 8.62 19.84 187.1 86.2
15,000 16.88 8.28 18.07 185.4 85.2

One unit in the left-hand column equals the value of units under the top heading.

Table 9. Conversions of Units of Flow

Unit U.S Million U.S Feet 3 /Second Meters3 /Hour Litres/Second

Gallons/Minute Gallons/Day
1 U.S 1 0.001440 0.00223 0.2271 0.0630
1 Million U.S 694.4 1 1.547 157.73 43.8
1 Foot 3 /Second 448.86 0.646 1 101.9 28.32
1 Meter3 /Hour 4.403 0.00634 0.00981 1 0.2778
1 Litre/Second 15.85 0.0228 0.0353 3.60 1

One unit in the left-hand column equals the value of units under the top heading.

Table 10. Conversions of Units of Pressure and Head

Unit mm Hg in. Hg in H2 O ft H2O lb/in_ kg/cm_ Atmos. kPa

1mm 1 0.0394 0.5352 0.0447 0.01934 0.00136 0.0013 --

1 in. Hg 25.4 1 13.5951 1.1330 0.49115 0.03453 0.0334 3.386
1 in 1.86827 0.0736 1 0.0833 0.03613 0.00254 0.0025 0.249
H2 O
1 ft 22.4192 0.8827 12 1 0.43352 0.030479 0.0295 2.989
H2 O
1 lb/ in_ 51.7149 2.0360 27.6807 2.3067 1 0.07031 0.0681 6.895
1 735.559 28.959 393.7117 32.8093 14.2233 1 0.9678 98.07
Atmos. 760.456 29.92 406.5 33.898 14.70 1.033 1 101.3
kPa 7.50064 0.2953 4.0146 0.3346 0.14504 0.0102 0.0099 1

One unit in the left-hand column equals the value of units under the top heading.

Table 11. Approximate Weights of Various Liquids

Pounds per U.S Gallon Specific Gravity

Diesel Fuel 6.88 - 7.46 0.825 - 0.895
Ethylene Glycol 9.3 - 9.6 1.12 - 1.15
Furnace Oil 6.7 - 7.9 0.80 - 0.95
Gasoline 5.6 - 6.3 0.67 - 0.75
Kerosene 6.25 - 7.1 0.75 - 85
Lube. Oil (Medium) 7.5 - 7.7 0.90 - 0.92
Water 8.34 1.00

Table 12. Electrical formulae

Desired Data Single Phase Three-Phase Direct Current

Kilowatts (kW) I x V x PF 3 x I x V x PF IxV
1000 1000 1000

Kilovolt- IxV 3xVxE

Amperes kVA 1000 1000

Electric Motor I x V x Eff. x PF 3 x I x V x Eff . x PF I x V x Eff.

Horsepower 746 746
Output (HP) 746

Amperes (I) HP x 746 HP x 746 HP x 746

When V x Eff . x PF 3 x V x Eff . x PF V x Eff
Horsepower is
Amperes (I) kW x 1000 kW x 1000 kW x 1000
When Kilowatts V x PF 3 x V x PF V
are known

Amperes (I) kVA x 1000 kVA x 1000

When kVA is V 3xV

V = Volts
I = Amperes
Eff = Percentage Efficiency
PF = Power Factor=

(0.8 Power Factor)

kVA kW 208V 220V 240V 380V 400V 440V 460V 480V 600V 2400V 33000V 4160V
6.3 5 17.5 16.5 15.2 9.6 9.1 8.3 8.1 7.6 6.1
9.4 7.5 26.1 24.7 22.6 14.3 13.6 12.3 12 11.3 9.1
12.5 10 34.7 33 30.1 19.2 18.2 16.6 16.2 15.1 12
18.7 15 52 49.5 45 28.8 27.3 24.9 24.4 22.5 18
25 20 69.5 66 60.2 38.4 36.4 33.2 32.4 30.1 24 6 4.4 3.5
31.3 25 87 82.5 75.5 48 45.5 41.5 40.5 37.8 30 7.5 5.5 4.4
37.5 30 104 99 90.3 57.6 54.6 49.8 48.7 45.2 36 9.1 6.6 5.2
50 40 139 132 120 77 73 66.5 65 60 48 12.1 8.8 7
62.5 50 173 165 152 96 91 83 81 76 61 15.1 10.9 8.7
75 60 208 198 181 115 109 99.6 97.5 91 72 18.1 13.1 10.5
93.8 75 261 247 226 143 136 123 120 113 90 22.6 16.4 13
100 80 278 264 240 154 146 133 130 120 96 24.1 17.6 13.9
125 100 347 330 301 192 182 166 162 150 120 30 21.8 17.5
156 125 433 413 375 240 228 208 204 188 150 38 27.3 22
187 150 520 495 450 288 273 249 244 225 180 45 33 26
219 175 608 577 527 335 318 289 283 264 211 53 38 31
250 200 694 660 601 384 364 332 324 301 241 60 44 35
312 250 866 825 751 480 455 415 405 376 300 75 55 43
375 300 1040 990 903 576 546 498 487 451 361 90 66 52
438 350 1220 1155 1053 672 637 581 568 527 422 105 77 61
500 400 1390 1320 1203 770 730 665 650 602 481 120 88 69
625 500 1735 1650 1504 960 910 830 810 752 602 150 109 87
750 600 2080 1980 1803 1150 1090 996 975 902 721 180 131 104
875 700 2430 2310 2104 1344 1274 1162 1136 1052 842 210 153 121
1000 800 2780 2640 2405 1540 1460 1330 1300 1203 962 241 176 139
1125 900 3120 2970 2709 1730 1640 1495 1460 1354 1082 271 197 156
1250 1000 3470 3300 3009 1920 1820 1660 1620 1504 1202 301 218 174
1563 1250 4350 4130 3765 2400 2280 2080 2040 1885 1503 376 273 218
1875 1500 5205 4950 4520 2880 2730 2490 2440 2260 1805 452 327 261
2188 1750 5280 3350 3180 2890 2830 2640 2106 528 380 304
2500 2000 6020 3840 3640 3320 3240 3015 2405 602 436 348
2812 2250 6780 4320 4095 3735 3645 3400 2710 678 491 392
3125 2500 7520 4800 4560 4160 4080 3765 3005 752 546 435
3750 3000 9040 5760 5460 4980 4880 4525 3610 904 654 522
4375 3500 10550 6700 6360 5780 5660 5285 4220 1055 760 610
5000 4000 12040 7680 7280 6640 6480 6035 4810 1204 872 695

Conversions of Centigrade and Fahrenheit
Water freezes at 0 ºC (32ºF) Water boils at 100 ºC (212ºF)

ºF= ( 1.8 x ºC ) + 32 ºC = 0.5555 ( ºF - 32 )

Fuel Consumption Formulas

FuelConsumption (lb / hr) = Specific Fuel Cons.(lb / BHP / hr ) x BHP

Spec. Fuel Cons. (lb / BHP / hr) x BHP

FuelConsumption ( US gal / hr) =
FuelSpecific Weight (lb / US gal)
FuelSpec.Weight (lb / US gal) = Fuel SpecificGravity x 8.34 lb

Fuel Cons.( US gal / hr) x FuelSpec.Wt (lb / US gal)

Specific Fuel Consumption (lb / BHP / hr) =

Spec. Fuel Cons.(lb / BHP / hr)

Specific Fuel Consumption (kg / BHP / hr) =

Electrical Motor Horsepower

kW Input x Motor Efficiency
Electrical Motor Horsepower =
0. 746 x Generator Efficiency

kW Output Required
Engine Horsepower Required =
0.746 x Generator Efficiency

Piston Travel
Feet Per Minute (FPM ) = 2 x L x N
Where L = Length of Stroke in Feet
N = Rotational Speed of Crankshaft in RPM


792, 000 x BHP
Total Displacement x RPM


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