PPE Catalogue 2017

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Manufactured in the
EU & exported
around the World

PoultryProcessingEquipment.com is a trading style of: Hawley Associates (UK) Ltd.

4 Hopefield Court, Hade Edge, Holmfirth, England. HD9 2LD
Phone: +44 (0) 7516 827 688 e-mail: [email protected]
www.PoultryProcessingEquipment.com Reg No. 05750671. Vat No. 880 6579 82.
Page 1


HORIZONTAL CHAIN CONVEYOR FOR TRANSPORTING CRATES ...................................... 4
LIVE BIRD CRATE INVERTING SYSTEM ................................................................................. 5
DEAD BIRD REMOVAL TROLLEY ............................................................................................ 6
ROLLER CONVEYOR ............................................................................................................... 7
LIVE BIRD CRATE WASHER .................................................................................................... 8
EURO PALLET AND OTHER CRATE WASHER ....................................................................... 9
OVERHEAD CHAIN CONVEYOR............................................................................................ 10
OVERHEAD CHAIN CONVEYOR............................................................................................ 11
OVERHEAD CHAIN CONVEYOR............................................................................................ 12
COMPACT SLAUGHTERING LINE ......................................................................................... 13
ELECTRIC WATER BATH STUNNER ..................................................................................... 14
POULTRY KILLER ................................................................................................................... 15
BLEEDING TROUGH .............................................................................................................. 16
BLOOD PUMP ......................................................................................................................... 17
BLOOD PUMP ......................................................................................................................... 18
POULTRY SCALD TANKS ...................................................................................................... 19
DRUM PLUCKER .................................................................................................................... 20
IN-LINE PLUCKER .................................................................................................................. 21
IN-LINE PLUCKER .................................................................................................................. 22
BEAM PLUCKER ..................................................................................................................... 23
BEAM PLUCKER ..................................................................................................................... 24
BIG BEAM PLUCKER .............................................................................................................. 25
BEAM PLUCKER ..................................................................................................................... 26
BEAM PLUCKER ..................................................................................................................... 27
ROTARY PLUCKER ................................................................................................................ 28
COMBINED WASHER AND PLUCKER ................................................................................... 29
FINISHING PLUCKER ............................................................................................................. 29
TAIL FEATHER PLUCKER ...................................................................................................... 31
FEATHER TRANSPORT PUMP .............................................................................................. 32
HEAD PULLER ........................................................................................................................ 33
HEAD PULLER WITH A DRIVE UNIT ...................................................................................... 34
CYLINDRICAL HEAD CLEANER ............................................................................................. 35
AUTOMATIC FOOT CUTTER .................................................................................................. 36
SUSPENDED FOOT CUTTER................................................................................................. 37
MANUAL FOOT AND NECK CUTTER..................................................................................... 38
MANUAL CUTTER................................................................................................................... 39
CARCASS AND FOOT UNLOADER ........................................................................................ 40
ROTARY FOOT UNLOADER .................................................................................................. 41
“SIMPLE” FOOT UNLOADER WITH DRIVE UNIT ................................................................... 42
SPIRAL FOOT SCALDER........................................................................................................ 43
BONE AND FOOT GRINDER .................................................................................................. 44
SHACKLE WASHER................................................................................................................ 45
SPRAY CARCASS WASHER .................................................................................................. 46
SPRAY CARCASS WASHER .................................................................................................. 47

PoultryProcessingEquipment.com is a trading style of: Hawley Associates (UK) Ltd.

4 Hopefield Court, Hade Edge, Holmfirth, England. HD9 2LD
Phone: +44 (0) 7516 827 688 e-mail: [email protected]
www.PoultryProcessingEquipment.com Reg No. 05750671. Vat No. 880 6579 82.
Page 2

CARCASS REHANGER........................................................................................................... 48
AUTOMATIC VENT CUTTER .................................................................................................. 49
ABDOMINAL WALL CUTTER .................................................................................................. 50
AUTOMATIC EVISCERATOR ................................................................................................. 51
AUTOMATIC CROPPING MACHINE ....................................................................................... 52
AUTOMATIC NECK REMOVER .............................................................................................. 53
AUTOMATIC LUNG REMOVER .............................................................................................. 54
INSIDE AND OUTSIDE WASHER ........................................................................................... 55
TURKEY HEAD POSITIONING DEVICE ................................................................................. 56
EVISCERATION TROUGH ...................................................................................................... 57
INSPECTION STAND .............................................................................................................. 58
INSIDE CARCASS WASHER .................................................................................................. 59
MANUAL PNEUMATIC VENT CUTTER .................................................................................. 60
LUNG EXTRACTOR ................................................................................................................ 61
CARCASS UNLOADER ........................................................................................................... 62
CARCASS UNLOADER ........................................................................................................... 63
FOOT CLEANER ..................................................................................................................... 64
CYLINDRICAL FOOT CLEANER ............................................................................................. 65
TURKEY GIZZARD WASHER AND CLEANER ....................................................................... 66
GIZZARD OPENER ................................................................................................................. 67
GIZZARD CLEANER ............................................................................................................... 68
GIZZARD CLEANER ............................................................................................................... 69
GIZZARD WASHER AND CLEANER....................................................................................... 69
AUTOMATIC GIZZARD PROCESSOR .................................................................................... 71
HEART SEPARATOR .............................................................................................................. 72
INTESTINE PROCESSOR....................................................................................................... 73
SPIRAL CONVEYOR ............................................................................................................... 74
GIBLET PUMP ......................................................................................................................... 75
INTESTINE PUMP ................................................................................................................... 76
AIR CHILLING LINE................................................................................................................. 77
CHILLING LINE ....................................................................................................................... 78
CHILLING LINE ....................................................................................................................... 79
DRIPPING LINE....................................................................................................................... 80
CARCASS RELEASER ............................................................................................................ 80
POULTRY SPIN CHILLER ....................................................................................................... 81
GIBLET SPIN CHILLER ........................................................................................................... 82
POULTRY CUTTER - CONVEYOR ......................................................................................... 83
CHICKEN CONE LINE............................................................................................................. 84
MANUAL POULTRY CUTTER ................................................................................................. 85
BELT CONVEYOR................................................................................................................... 86
POWERED ROLLER CONVEYOR .......................................................................................... 87
VACCUUM OFFAL TRANSPORT SYSTEM ............................................................................ 88
WEDGE WIRE SCREEN ......................................................................................................... 89
FEATHER SEPARATOR ......................................................................................................... 90
OFFAL SEPARATOR .............................................................................................................. 90
INTESTINE SEPARATOR ....................................................................................................... 91

PoultryProcessingEquipment.com is a trading style of: Hawley Associates (UK) Ltd.

4 Hopefield Court, Hade Edge, Holmfirth, England. HD9 2LD
Phone: +44 (0) 7516 827 688 e-mail: [email protected]
www.PoultryProcessingEquipment.com Reg No. 05750671. Vat No. 880 6579 82.
Page 3

FEATHER PRESS ................................................................................................................... 92

STAINLESS TANKS ................................................................................................................ 93
BOOT AND APRON WASHER ................................................................................................ 94
BOOT WASHER ...................................................................................................................... 95
SMOKING TROLLEY ............................................................................................................... 96
STAINLESS TABLES............................................................................................................... 97
KNEE-OPERATED WASHBASINS .......................................................................................... 98
KNIFE/TOOL STERILISER ...................................................................................................... 99
BIRD COUNTER .................................................................................................................... 100
BIRD COUNTER .................................................................................................................... 101
PNEUMATIC GUN ................................................................................................................. 102
MECHANICAL HOIST ............................................................................................................ 103
PACKING FUNNEL................................................................................................................ 104
THIGH & DRUMSTICK DEBONER ........................................................................................ 105
THIGH & DRUMSTICK DEBONER ........................................................................................ 106
THIGH & DRUMSTICK DEBONER ........................................................................................ 107
WEIGHT GRADING & SORTING........................................................................................... 108
WATER TREATMENT - FLOTATION TANK .......................................................................... 109
WASTEWATER TREATMENT PLANT .................................................................................. 110

PoultryProcessingEquipment.com is a trading style of: Hawley Associates (UK) Ltd.

4 Hopefield Court, Hade Edge, Holmfirth, England. HD9 2LD
Phone: +44 (0) 7516 827 688 e-mail: [email protected]
www.PoultryProcessingEquipment.com Reg No. 05750671. Vat No. 880 6579 82.
Page 4


Type: TP-1

The horizontal chain conveyor is designed for transporting live bird crates (containers in which
birds are delivered to the slaughtering plant).

Design and operation:

The conveyor is constructed of stainless, acid-resistant materials. It consists of a drive unit, a
tension unit and a straight section. The transporting element is an Acetal chains running in
stainless steel support channels. The Acetal chain can slip under the crates causing no damage
when there is a build-up of crates at the hang on area. Each conveyor is custom designed/made
for each client’s requirements and factory layout.


Technical specifications:
L - 2 - 10m (depends on customer requirements)

B - 700mm (can be modified per customer request)

H - 400mm - 700mm (depending on customer’s needs)

Motor power - depending on conveyor length:

0.12 – 1.5 kW

PoultryProcessingEquipment.com is a trading style of: Hawley Associates (UK) Ltd.

4 Hopefield Court, Hade Edge, Holmfirth, England. HD9 2LD
Phone: +44 (0) 7516 827 688 e-mail: [email protected]
www.PoultryProcessingEquipment.com Reg No. 05750671. Vat No. 880 6579 82.
Page 5


The system for inverting live bird crates (containers in which birds are delivered to the
slaughtering plant) is designed for proper positioning of empty crates before they are
transported into automatic crate washer by a chain conveyor. The use of an inverting system
can make the hang on area of the factory more efficient by removing an operation from the last
live bird hanger.

Design and operation:

The conveyors are constructed of stainless, acid-resistant materials. The transporting elements
are Acetal chains running in stainless steel support channels. The Acetal chain can slip under
the crates causing no damage when there is a build-up of crates at the hang on area.
A set of chain conveyors consists of:

an ascending conveyor, with a single drive unit

a horizontal, double-track conveyor with two drive units

The system is usually mounted after a horizontal double-row chain conveyor (very similar
design) along which crates are moved. Emptied, the crates are automatically transported to the
elevating conveyor and then to the horizontal double-track conveyor. Chain levels in the above
conveyor result in crates being turned by 90° into a position allowing them to enter the washer

Technical specifications:
Drive power rating:
Elevating conveyor – 0.37kW
Horizontal conveyor – 2 x 0.37kW
Power supply – 400V / 50Hz

PoultryProcessingEquipment.com is a trading style of: Hawley Associates (UK) Ltd.

4 Hopefield Court, Hade Edge, Holmfirth, England. HD9 2LD
Phone: +44 (0) 7516 827 688 e-mail: [email protected]
www.PoultryProcessingEquipment.com Reg No. 05750671. Vat No. 880 6579 82.
Page 6


Type: WDK-K

The dead bird removal trolley (D.O.A. Trolley) is designed for temporary storage and removal of
“dead on arrival” birds removed from transportation crates in the lairage.

Design and operation:

The trolley is made of stainless, acid-resistant materials.

Wheels: 125mm in diameter, made of polyethylene.
At the customer’s request wheels with larger diameters can be used.
Trolley cover can be padlocked and equipped with a rotary mechanism to prevent its contents
from being taken out.



At customer’s request, trolleys with larger
covers and entry openings, for different bird
types can be made.

PoultryProcessingEquipment.com is a trading style of: Hawley Associates (UK) Ltd.

4 Hopefield Court, Hade Edge, Holmfirth, England. HD9 2LD
Phone: +44 (0) 7516 827 688 e-mail: [email protected]
www.PoultryProcessingEquipment.com Reg No. 05750671. Vat No. 880 6579 82.
Page 7

Type: TW-B / N or P

The roller conveyor is designed for transporting live bird crates, cartons and other kinds of

Design and operation:

The roller conveyor has no drive unit. Appropriate incline obtained by adjusting the conveyor leg
heights ensures proper operation of the conveyor.
The conveyor structure is made of stainless, acid-resistant materials. State-of-the-art rollers with
bearings are made of stainless steel or PVC.
Any length of conveyor can be assembled of 1 or 2 metre long sections and 90° curves.
Sections of different lengths as well as custom guard-rails can be made at customer’s request.

Technical specifications:
B – conveyor width – standard: 500 and 600mm
- conveyors with non-standard widths can be made at customer’s request.

Conveyor length – according to customer needs.

Dimensions: H, W, L, S, and G – fully customisable

PoultryProcessingEquipment.com is a trading style of: Hawley Associates (UK) Ltd.

4 Hopefield Court, Hade Edge, Holmfirth, England. HD9 2LD
Phone: +44 (0) 7516 827 688 e-mail: [email protected]
www.PoultryProcessingEquipment.com Reg No. 05750671. Vat No. 880 6579 82.
Page 8


Type: MP-1

The live bird crate washer is designed for washing containers used for delivery of live birds to
the slaughtering plant.

Design and operation:

The crate washer is made entirely of stainless, acid-resistant materials.
It forms an enclosed unit with infeed and outfeed openings. Crates are placed through the
infeed opening onto the chain conveyor, which transports them past a series of spray nozzles.
Water spraying and circulation inside the washer is controlled by pressure water pumps, whose
size and capacity accommodate the size and capacity of the washer.
The washer also includes rotary sieve screens used for separating solid waste from water.
The washer also includes a cleaning agent dispenser – the use of appropriate cleaning agents
improves washing efficiency.

A crate washer with the capacity of 500 crates per hour.

Technical specifications:
Washer width - 1,290mm
Washer length - Depending on the capacity
Capacity - 100 - 850 Crates per hour
Power supply - 3 x 400 (380)V
Water consumption - 200 - 800 l/h (depending on washer size and capacity)
Water connection - 3/4″ - Cold water
Transporting chain gear-motor power 0.55kW
Rotary screen gear-motor power - 0.55kW
Pump power - 2 x 6kW

PoultryProcessingEquipment.com is a trading style of: Hawley Associates (UK) Ltd.

4 Hopefield Court, Hade Edge, Holmfirth, England. HD9 2LD
Phone: +44 (0) 7516 827 688 e-mail: [email protected]
www.PoultryProcessingEquipment.com Reg No. 05750671. Vat No. 880 6579 82.
Page 9


Type: MPE

Euro pallet and crate washer to be used for cleaning crates as follows:

Crate type: Dimensions:

E2 600 x 400 x 200
KFC 600 x 400 x 500
Euro pallet 1,200 x 800 x 180

Design and operation:

Euro pallet and other crate washer type MPE is manufactured from LASER profiled and acid
resistant stainless steel plates. The structure to be welded and is free standing which ensures
stability and durability during operation. The purpose of this washer is for cleaning waste i.e.:

- solid waste (residuals of meat, cheese, fat, starch, etc.)

- liquid waste (residuals of blood, milk, whey, oil, fat, etc.)

Designed for both crates and Euro pallets. Crates are transferred through the infeed hole on a
chain conveyor, which conveys them past a series of washing nozzles. Spraying and water
circulation inside the washer is by pressure water pumps, which are adjusted to the size and
capacity of washer. Basic operations of the washer can include any of the follow depending
upon customer requirements;

Preliminary washing
Main washing

Technical specifications:
Width - 1,550mm
Length - Depends on capacity
Capacity - 250 - 850 Crates/hour
Water supply - 3 x 400 (380)V
Water consumption - 200 - 800 litres/hour (depends on size and capacity)
Type of filter (main washing) - Mechanical (hole dia. Ø2 mm)
Power of transport chain geared motor 0.55kW
Pump power - 6kW

PoultryProcessingEquipment.com is a trading style of: Hawley Associates (UK) Ltd.

4 Hopefield Court, Hade Edge, Holmfirth, England. HD9 2LD
Phone: +44 (0) 7516 827 688 e-mail: [email protected]
www.PoultryProcessingEquipment.com Reg No. 05750671. Vat No. 880 6579 82.
P a g e 10


Type: PL-U / P / S / PJ

The overhead chain conveyor is

designed for transporting birds at all
stages of processing. The design allows
any horizontal and vertical configuration
and layout, and the use of appropriate
shackle allows for transporting any type
of poultry. The overhead conveyor can
also be used for transporting all types of
components, parts including boxes and
crates etc.

Design and operation:

A standard overhead conveyor is based on 1” carrying chain, although different pitch of chain
can be made on request. The overhead conveyor consists of: a drive unit, a tension unit, 90°
and 180° bends, straight tracks, vertical bends, chain trolleys, shackles and joints. The
overhead chain conveyor is mounted to a supporting structure, manufactured separately in
accordance with customer guidelines. Depending on the length and working load, the conveyor
can be equipped with one or more drive and tension units.

Advantages of the overhead conveyor:

Design of individual components and the joining system allow for deploying any layout to
satisfy customer’s requirements

Simple design allows for fast and easy replacement of components or extension of the
conveyor system

The use of 1” carrying chain allows for using different shackle sizes, at spacing which
matches the size of birds to be transported

Simple and clear structure allows for easy access to individual components for proper
cleaning and maintenance,

The use of high-quality materials ensures durability and failure-free operation.

PoultryProcessingEquipment.com is a trading style of: Hawley Associates (UK) Ltd.

4 Hopefield Court, Hade Edge, Holmfirth, England. HD9 2LD
Phone: +44 (0) 7516 827 688 e-mail: [email protected]
www.PoultryProcessingEquipment.com Reg No. 05750671. Vat No. 880 6579 82.
P a g e 11



Conveyor components can be based on 50mm stainless

steel or hot-dip zinc coated T-section (straight tracks,
curves, drive and tension sections etc.). With this
solution, aluminium or high-durability synthetic trolleys
are used.

Stainless steel conveyor is the most durable

and aesthetic-looking solution, which is easy to
keep clean. Its components: straight tracks,
curves, drive and tension sections etc. are
made of Ø42 acid-resistant, stainless steel
pipe/tube. Trolleys are made of synthetic
material with high mechanical strength.

Chain conveyor drive units can be made in 90° or 180° bend

versions. Standard drive unit diameters are: 291 and 388mm.
Drive units with other diameters can be made at individual
orders. A single drive unit is used in conveyors of up to 50m.
For longer conveyors, it is recommended to use two or more
drive units. Frequency converters are used for speed control.

Chain tension units are designed for controlling chain tension,

which ensures proper functioning of the entire conveyor.
Tension units are made in 180° version and their number
corresponds to the number of drive units used for the
overhead conveyor. Standard tension unit diameters are: 388
and 291mm.

Horizontal bends allow for constructing any conveyor shape, to

suit customer’s needs. Horizontal bends are available in 90°
and 180° versions. Standard diameters are: 291, 388, 436 and
485mm. Bends with larger diameters are made at customer

Vertical bends allow for altering the height of conveyor tracks

(e.g. for immersing carcasses in the Scalder or for work on two
or more chilling levels). Standard angles of vertical bends are:
27°, 43°, 15° and 30°. Length and height are adapted to
customer requirements.

PoultryProcessingEquipment.com is a trading style of: Hawley Associates (UK) Ltd.

4 Hopefield Court, Hade Edge, Holmfirth, England. HD9 2LD
Phone: +44 (0) 7516 827 688 e-mail: [email protected]
www.PoultryProcessingEquipment.com Reg No. 05750671. Vat No. 880 6579 82.
P a g e 12



Thanks to the use of 1” carrying chain in the conveyor, trolleys and shackles can be hung at
different spacing (most frequently used spacing: 6” – 152 mm for chickens, 8” – 203 mm).
Depending on customer’s requirements and needs, we can produce shackles with different
parameters, both from stainless, acid-resistant materials and food approved plastic.
Below – examples of standard shackles, recommended by us.

slaughtering shackle for

chickens, made of stainless
rigid slaughtering
materials; for connecting
shackle, with a flat bar;
shackles with trolleys use the
mounted directly to the
slaughtering joint shown below.
trolley, without an
additional joint; made of
stainless, acid-resistant

evisceration shackle, used

in manual chicken
evisceration lines, made of
stainless, acid-resistant

evisceration shackle used

in automatic chicken
evisceration lines, made
of stainless, acid-resistant

evisceration joint, for connecting slaughtering joint, for

shackles with trolleys, made of connecting shackles with
stainless materials trolleys, made of stainless

Chiller and intestine shackle for

male and female turkey to be
manufactured from acid resistant
stainless steel

For turkey slaughtering plants, larger shackles must be used. Shackles are made to match
the weight and size of processed birds, upon consultation with the customer.

PoultryProcessingEquipment.com is a trading style of: Hawley Associates (UK) Ltd.

4 Hopefield Court, Hade Edge, Holmfirth, England. HD9 2LD
Phone: +44 (0) 7516 827 688 e-mail: [email protected]
www.PoultryProcessingEquipment.com Reg No. 05750671. Vat No. 880 6579 82.
P a g e 13


The compact slaughtering line is designed in a way that allows it to fit a standard shipping
container. After assembly, it only requires utilities to be connected (power supply, water, air) and
it is ready for operation. The capacity of such a line is 300bph for chickens or 100bph for

Chicken slaughtering line 300 bph – 1. Stunner. 2. Bleeding trough L-3000 mm

3. Scalder L- 1500 mm. 4. Plucker SL-2/48. 5. Manual neck cutter
6. Evisceration trough L- 4000 mm B-700 mm

Turkey slaughtering line 100 bph – 1. Stunner. 2. Bleeding trough L-3500 mm

3. Scalder L- 4000 mm. 4. Plucker SLB-96. 5. Manual foot cutter
6. Evisceration trough L- 4000 mm B-700 mm

PoultryProcessingEquipment.com is a trading style of: Hawley Associates (UK) Ltd.

4 Hopefield Court, Hade Edge, Holmfirth, England. HD9 2LD
Phone: +44 (0) 7516 827 688 e-mail: [email protected]
www.PoultryProcessingEquipment.com Reg No. 05750671. Vat No. 880 6579 82.
P a g e 14


Type: GWE-K / I

The electric water bath stunner is designed for stunning birds with electric current before
slaughtering. The use of a stunner with appropriate parameters ensures proper and humane
slaughtering of poultry.

Design and operation:

The electric water bath stunner is made of stainless frame and support steel which is acid-
resistant and welded polypropylene panels for the stunner body. The control box with electronic
display is fully adjustable for both voltage and frequency. Birds are transported to the stunner in
shackles of the slaughtering conveyor. Length of the stunner bath is adapted to the throughput
and bird size. Appropriate design of the base and possibility of adjusting stunner height (by
means of a hydraulic or bolt lift) allows for its adaptation to any slaughtering line.

Technical specifications:
Bath width: B = 400 – for small carcasses (chicken)
B = 650 – for large carcasses (turkey)
Bath length: adjusted to the slaughtering capacity and speed
of the conveyor (the drawing shows one for up to 1,500 bph)
Height: - adjusted to shackle height and bird size
Control cabinet - in accordance with current
- Voltage control range: 0 - 230V
- Frequency control range: 0 - 800Hz
The above parameters allow for setting current value of 0.125A
per chicken inside the stunner (turkey – 0.15A, duck, and goose –

Advantages of the stunner:

Possibility of detection and recording of stunner parameters for veterinary needs
Provision of humane slaughtering, in accordance with veterinary requirements
The use of appropriate materials ensures durability and makes it safe and easy to
keep the machine clean
Simple design allows for easy access to individual components, which facilitates
their maintenance or replacement

PoultryProcessingEquipment.com is a trading style of: Hawley Associates (UK) Ltd.

4 Hopefield Court, Hade Edge, Holmfirth, England. HD9 2LD
Phone: +44 (0) 7516 827 688 e-mail: [email protected]
www.PoultryProcessingEquipment.com Reg No. 05750671. Vat No. 880 6579 82.
P a g e 15

Type: PG-2

The poultry killer is designed for automatic killing of chickens hung in the shackles of the
slaughtering conveyor, directly after stunning in the electrical stunner.

Design and operation:

The killing machine is made of stainless, acid-resistant steel. The cutting blades are made of
special hardened steel. Cuts are performed by rotary blades with manually controlled cut-depth.
Blade height and its position towards the chicken hung in the shackles are controlled by means
of a hydraulic cylinder. Special stainless-steel guides ensure proper positioning of head towards
the blades. Due to varying bird sizes, constant supervision of the machine is necessary.


Min. 1355 mm max. 1655 mm


Technical specifications:
Mode of operation - Continuous
Blade rotation - 1,400rpm
Capacity - up to 9,000 bph
Motor power - 2 x 0.75kW
Height adjust - 1.6t - manual

PoultryProcessingEquipment.com is a trading style of: Hawley Associates (UK) Ltd.

4 Hopefield Court, Hade Edge, Holmfirth, England. HD9 2LD
Phone: +44 (0) 7516 827 688 e-mail: [email protected]
www.PoultryProcessingEquipment.com Reg No. 05750671. Vat No. 880 6579 82.
P a g e 16

Type: RW

The bleeding trough is designed for collecting and transporting blood in poultry slaughtering

Design and operation:

The bleeding trough is made of stainless, acid-resistant materials. Carcasses are transported
from the killer by the slaughter conveyor over the bleeding trough where blood is captured.
Shields are mounted at both sides of the trough to prevent blood from splashing around the
room. Length, width (B), height (H) and layout of the trough are adapted to: bird size,
throughput, and the route of the slaughtering line, respectively.

1. Straight segment
2. Angled segment
3. Straight segment with outlet

3 2

The figure shows a bleeding trough. The

well-visible structure is made of hollow
stainless-steel sections, with shields
mounted to them.

PoultryProcessingEquipment.com is a trading style of: Hawley Associates (UK) Ltd.

4 Hopefield Court, Hade Edge, Holmfirth, England. HD9 2LD
Phone: +44 (0) 7516 827 688 e-mail: [email protected]
www.PoultryProcessingEquipment.com Reg No. 05750671. Vat No. 880 6579 82.
P a g e 17

Type: T-120 / T-220

The blood pump is designed for transporting blood from the bleeding trough to the collection

Design and operation:

The blood pump is a membrane pump powered by compressed air. It is fed from the blood
trough. From there, through a system of acid-resistant stainless piping or A.B.S plastic piping
blood can be transported to any place, in accordance with the design of the plant. The pump is
made of aluminium.

Technical specifications:

Type of pump: T-120 T-220

- Suction pipe diameter - 1" 1½“

- Delivery pipe diameter - 1" 1½“
- Max air pressure - 8 bar 8 bar
- Max capacity - 120 l/min. 220 l/min

PoultryProcessingEquipment.com is a trading style of: Hawley Associates (UK) Ltd.

4 Hopefield Court, Hade Edge, Holmfirth, England. HD9 2LD
Phone: +44 (0) 7516 827 688 e-mail: [email protected]
www.PoultryProcessingEquipment.com Reg No. 05750671. Vat No. 880 6579 82.
P a g e 18

Type: PE-10

The blood pump is designed for transporting blood from the bleeding trough to the collection

Design and operation:

The blood pump is a membrane pump powered by compressed air. It is fed from the blood
trough. From there, through a system of 25mm acid-resistant stainless piping or A.B.S plastic
piping, blood can be transported to any place, in accordance with the design of the plant. Pump
to be equipped in special valves Max-Pass, which is capable of pumping solid particles
contented in medium up to 19mm in size. Pump is manufactured from durable plastic material.

Technical specifications:
Max. capacity (l/min) 155
Max. air pressure (bar) 8,2
Max. size of solid particles in medium (Ø) 19mm
In/out put 1″
Weight 9kg

PoultryProcessingEquipment.com is a trading style of: Hawley Associates (UK) Ltd.

4 Hopefield Court, Hade Edge, Holmfirth, England. HD9 2LD
Phone: +44 (0) 7516 827 688 e-mail: [email protected]
www.PoultryProcessingEquipment.com Reg No. 05750671. Vat No. 880 6579 82.
P a g e 19


Type: OD-1 / 2 / 3

The Scald tank is designed for scalding all types of poultry.

Design and operation:

The poultry Scalder is made of stainless, acid-resistant materials. Its length and width are
adjusted to the throughput and size of poultry processing factory. Water temperature is
automatically controlled. The heating medium in the Scalder may be live steam, a steam
exchanger or hot water. Steam for the Scalder may be produced in a steam generator/boiler.
After killing and bleeding, birds are transported to the Scalder in shackles on the overhead
conveyor. Inside the Scalder each bird is immersed in hot water for a predefined amount of
time. Hot water reaches bird’s skin and feathers, which allows for later defeathering in a plucker.
Penetration of water between feathers is facilitated by pumps, placed in the Scalder. The most
effective solution is to use special air turbines instead of pumps. These turbines not only allow
hot steam to escape from the Scalder but also pump it into water again to provide thorough
stirring. Depending on the layout of the processing line, the Scalder may consist of one, two,
three or even four parallel tracks.

Technical specifications:
Capacity: - chicken - 200 to 12,000bph
- turkey - 80 to 3,000bph
Heating system:
- steam or water heat exchanger
Temperature control:
- automatic
Water agitation.
- land flow – turbine fan
- waterflow – pumps

Figure: A “Aero” Scalder - capacity: 2,500 bph

PoultryProcessingEquipment.com is a trading style of: Hawley Associates (UK) Ltd.

4 Hopefield Court, Hade Edge, Holmfirth, England. HD9 2LD
Phone: +44 (0) 7516 827 688 e-mail: [email protected]
www.PoultryProcessingEquipment.com Reg No. 05750671. Vat No. 880 6579 82.
P a g e 20

Type: USB-800 / 950

The drum plucker is a machine for plucking all types of poultry. The drum diameter is adjusted
to the size of carcasses. Drum pluckers are only suitable for low throughput and manual
operated factories – small operations.

Design and operation:

The drum plucker is made of stainless, acid-resistant materials. Appropriate drum size, number
of rubber fingers mounted inside the drum and properly adjusted rotational speed ensure perfect
quality of plucked carcasses. High-quality materials and easy access to all parts of the plucker
which are in contact with birds ensure it is easy to keep the machine clean. Drum pluckers can
be used for plucking all types of poultry. For smaller carcasses (such as chickens), a plucker
with drum diameter of 800 mm will be sufficient, whereas for large birds (turkeys), a plucker with
950 mm drum diameter should be used.
800 or 950 mm

Technical specifications:
- Drum diameter: 800 or 950mm
- Plucker length: 1,450mm
- Plucker width: 850mm with an 800mm drum
1,000mm with a 950mm drum
- Capacity: 700 chickens per hour
with a 800mm drum
~1,500 chickens or
150 turkeys per hour
with a 950mm drum
Motor power: 800mm drum – 2.2kW
950mm drum – 3.0kW
or 4kW for turkeys

Proper scalding process guarantees the best results of plucking.

PoultryProcessingEquipment.com is a trading style of: Hawley Associates (UK) Ltd.

4 Hopefield Court, Hade Edge, Holmfirth, England. HD9 2LD
Phone: +44 (0) 7516 827 688 e-mail: [email protected]
www.PoultryProcessingEquipment.com Reg No. 05750671. Vat No. 880 6579 82.
P a g e 21

Type: SL-2

The box-type in-line plucker is designed for plucking hens, chickens and ducks.

Design and operation:

The supporting structure and casing are made of stainless, acid-resistant steel.
The SL-2 plucker can be equipped with 64 or 80 plucking heads, with each head containing 12
rubber fingers (the 64-head version of the SL-2 plucker is referred to as SL-2/64, and the 80-
head version: SL-2/80).

The plucking heads are driven with special endless belts, with each row of heads powered by a
separate electric motor, placed in an enclosure. The plucker is equipped with hydraulic lifts for
adjusting the position of the plucking head casings. The position of plucking head casings
towards the transported carcasses can be adjusted to match the bird size. The SL-2 plucker is
designed to co-operate with conveyors and shackles manufactured by
PoultryProcessingEquipment.com. If you have conveyors from other manufacturers, please
consult our company for adapting the plucker to the existing conveyor.


The Sl-2/80 in-line plucker

Technical specifications:
SL-2/40 SL-2/64 SL-2/80
Motor power 4 x 3.0kW 8 x 2.2kW 8 x 3kW
Capacity up to 1,500 bph up to 2,000 bph up to 3,000 bph
Power supply 400 V50 Hz
Dimension - L 3,450 mm 4,710 mm 5 550 mm

A great benefit of the SL-2 plucker is its compact design and the materials used for its
construction, which allows for proper cleaning of the machine. Simple design provides easy
access to its parts for maintenance or replacement.

PoultryProcessingEquipment.com is a trading style of: Hawley Associates (UK) Ltd.

4 Hopefield Court, Hade Edge, Holmfirth, England. HD9 2LD
Phone: +44 (0) 7516 827 688 e-mail: [email protected]
www.PoultryProcessingEquipment.com Reg No. 05750671. Vat No. 880 6579 82.
P a g e 22

Type: SL-3

The SL-3 in-line “box” plucker is designed for defeathering all types of poultry.

Design and operation:

The supporting structure and casing are made of stainless, acid-resistant steel.
The SL-3 plucker can be equipped with 60, 72 or 96 plucking heads, with each head containing
12 rubber fingers (the 60-head version of the SL-3 plucker is referred to as SL-3/60, the 72-
head version: SL-3/72, and the 96-head version: SL-3/96).

The plucking heads are driven with special endless belts, with each row of heads powered by a
separate electric motor, placed in a stainless-steel enclosure. The plucker is equipped with
hydraulic lifts for adjusting the position of the plucking head casings. The position of plucking
head casings towards the transported carcasses can be adjusted to match the bird size.

The SL-3 plucker is designed to co-operate with conveyors and shackles manufactured by
PoultryProcessingEquipment.com. If you have conveyors from other manufacturers, please
consult our company for adapting the plucker to the existing conveyor.

Technical specifications:
SL-3/60 SL-3/72 SL-3/96
Motor power 6 x 3.0kW 12 x 1.5kW 12 x 2.2kW
Capacity up to 2,000 bph up to 2,500 bph up to 3,000 bph
Power supply 400V 50Hz
Dimension - L 3,160mm 3,920mm 4,760mm

A great benefit of the SL-3 plucker is its compact and simple design, which allows for proper
cleaning of the machine and provides easy access to its parts for replacement.

PoultryProcessingEquipment.com is a trading style of: Hawley Associates (UK) Ltd.

4 Hopefield Court, Hade Edge, Holmfirth, England. HD9 2LD
Phone: +44 (0) 7516 827 688 e-mail: [email protected]
www.PoultryProcessingEquipment.com Reg No. 05750671. Vat No. 880 6579 82.
P a g e 23

Type: SLB

The SLB in-line beam plucker is designed for defeathering all types of poultry.

Design and operation:

The supporting structure and casing are made of stainless, acid-resistant steel. The plucking
heads are driven by special gear wheels, and each beam with heads is powered by a separate
electric motor, placed in a stainless-steel enclosure.

The plucker is equipped

with mechanical lifts,
which allow for adjusting
the height of the plucking
beams. The position of
beams with plucking
heads can be adjusted to
the size of poultry.

Technical specifications:
SLB-48 SLB-72 SLB-96 SLB-144
Motor power 4 x 2.2kW 6 x 2.2kW 12 x 1.5kW 12 x 2.2kW
Plucking length 1,050mm 1,600 mm 2,100mm 3,200mm
Power supply 400V; 50Hz
Length 1,300mm 1,800mm 2,310mm 3,900mm

PoultryProcessingEquipment.com is a trading style of: Hawley Associates (UK) Ltd.

4 Hopefield Court, Hade Edge, Holmfirth, England. HD9 2LD
Phone: +44 (0) 7516 827 688 e-mail: [email protected]
www.PoultryProcessingEquipment.com Reg No. 05750671. Vat No. 880 6579 82.
P a g e 24

Type: SLB-W

The in-line beam plucker type SLB-P is designed for removing wax from carcasses of Ducks
and Geese in the slaughtering process.

Design and operation:

The beam plucker is a free-standing device, which does not require any foundation work on the
floor. It is made mostly from stainless, acid-resistant materials. Some elements of the plucking
head are made of aluminium.

The basic components of the machine are: frame with 4 poles, 3 beams per each side – hung
symmetrically from 2 poles.

Horizontal adjustment of spacing between beams is done with the use of a system of levers and
a manually or electrically-driven worm gear.

Vertical adjustment of beams mounted to the poles is done with the use of worm gears and a
vertical toothed bar, which are mounted to the poles (there are 3 gears per bar). Birds,
suspended in shackles of the chain conveyor, are introduced between the rotating plucking
Both the angle of the beams and distance between rubber fingers and the birds are adjustable.

Technical specifications:
Motor power: 12 x 1.5kW
Power supply: 380V
Number of beams: 6
Number of heads: 78

PoultryProcessingEquipment.com is a trading style of: Hawley Associates (UK) Ltd.

4 Hopefield Court, Hade Edge, Holmfirth, England. HD9 2LD
Phone: +44 (0) 7516 827 688 e-mail: [email protected]
www.PoultryProcessingEquipment.com Reg No. 05750671. Vat No. 880 6579 82.
P a g e 25


Type: SLB-P

The in-line beam plucker type SLB-P is designed for removing feathers from carcasses of
Ducks and Geese as well as for plucking turkeys in the slaughtering process.

Design and operation:

The beam plucker is a free-standing device, which does not require any foundation work on the
floor. It is made mostly from stainless, acid-resistant materials. Some elements of the plucking
head are made of aluminium.

The basic components of the machine are: frame with 4 poles, 3 beams per each side – hung
symmetrically from 2 poles.

Horizontal adjustment of spacing between beams is done with the use of a system of levers and
a manually or electrically-driven worm gear.

Vertical adjustment of beams mounted to the poles is done with the use of worm gears and a
vertical toothed bar, which are mounted to the poles (there are 3 gears per bar). Birds
suspended in shackles of the chain conveyor, are introduced between the rotating plucking
Both the angle of the beams and distance between rubber fingers and the birds are adjustable.

Technical specifications:
Motor power: 12 x 2.2kW
Power supply: 380V
Number of beams: 6
Number of heads: 74

PoultryProcessingEquipment.com is a trading style of: Hawley Associates (UK) Ltd.

4 Hopefield Court, Hade Edge, Holmfirth, England. HD9 2LD
Phone: +44 (0) 7516 827 688 e-mail: [email protected]
www.PoultryProcessingEquipment.com Reg No. 05750671. Vat No. 880 6579 82.
P a g e 26

Type: SLB-I

The SLB-I inline beam plucker is designed for removing feathers from turkey stags and hen
carcasses during the slaughtering process.

Design and operation:

The beam plucker is a free-standing device, which does not need to be anchored to the floor. It
is constructed mostly of stainless, acid-resistant materials.

The basic elements of the plucker are: frame with 4 pillars, 3 plucking beams on each side –
hung from the pillars symmetrically. Two upper beams on opposite sides are equipped with flat
heads with rubber fingers. The remaining beams are equipped with three-dimensional heads.

Horizontal adjustment of beam spacing is performed with the use of a system of levers and an
electrically or manually operated worm gear.
Vertical adjustment of beams, mounted to the pillars, is performed with the use of worm gears
and a vertical toothed bar, which are also mounted to the pillars – there are 3 worm gears per
each bar.

Birds hanging in shackles are transported by the overhead conveyor between the rotating
plucking disks. Both the beam angle and distance between the rubber fingers and the birds
being picked are adjustable.

Technical specifications:
Motor power:
4 x 2.2kW – upper beams
4 x 3.0kW – middle and lower beam
Power supply: 380V
Number of beams: 6
Number of heads: 66
Plucking length: 2,430mm
Frame width: 2,300mm
Frame length: 2,730mm

PoultryProcessingEquipment.com is a trading style of: Hawley Associates (UK) Ltd.

4 Hopefield Court, Hade Edge, Holmfirth, England. HD9 2LD
Phone: +44 (0) 7516 827 688 e-mail: [email protected]
www.PoultryProcessingEquipment.com Reg No. 05750671. Vat No. 880 6579 82.
P a g e 27

Type SLB-I 4 / 98

The SLB-I inline beam plucker is designed for removing feathers from turkey stags and hen
carcasses during the slaughtering process.

Design and operation:

The beam plucker is a free-standing device, which does not need to be anchored to the floor. It
is constructed mostly of stainless, acid-resistant materials.
The basic elements of the plucker are: frame with 4 pillars, 4 plucking beams on each side –
hung from the pillars symmetrically. Two upper beams on opposite sides are equipped with flat
heads with rubber fingers. The remaining beams are equipped with three-dimensional heads.

Horizontal adjustment of beam spacing is performed with the use of a system of levers and an
electrically or manually operated worm gear.
Vertical adjustment of beams, mounted to the pillars, is performed with the use of worm gears
and a vertical toothed bar, which are also mounted to the pillars – there are 3 worm gears per
each bar.

Birds hanging in shackles are transported by the overhead conveyor between the rotating
plucking disks. Both the beam angle and distance between the rubber fingers and the birds
being picked are adjustable.

Technical specifications:
Motor power:
16 x 2.2kW
4 x 3.0kW – middle and lower
Power supply: 380V
Plucking beams quantity: 8
Plucking heads quantity: 98
Plucking length: 2,800mm
Frame width: 2,300mm
Frame length: 3,100mm

PoultryProcessingEquipment.com is a trading style of: Hawley Associates (UK) Ltd.

4 Hopefield Court, Hade Edge, Holmfirth, England. HD9 2LD
Phone: +44 (0) 7516 827 688 e-mail: [email protected]
www.PoultryProcessingEquipment.com Reg No. 05750671. Vat No. 880 6579 82.
P a g e 28

Type: SLR-32 / 40

The SLR in-line rotary plucker is designed for defeathering of all types of poultry.

Design and operation:

The supporting structure and casing are made of stainless, acid-resistant steel.
The plucker is equipped with a horizontal adjustment system and mechanical lifts, which allow
for adjusting the position of the plucking head casing. Depending on the size of processed birds,
the position of plucking head casings towards the transported carcasses can be properly

A great advantage of the SLR plucker is its compact and simple design, which allows for
keeping the machine clean and provides easy access to its components for replacement.

Technical specifications:

Type: SLR 32 SLR 40

Motor power: 8 x 2.2kW 10x2.2kW
Power supply: 380V 380V
Number of plucking heads: 32 40
Plucking length: 2,180mm 2,720mm
Frame width: 2,200mm 2,200mm
Frame length: 2,600mm 3,140mm

PoultryProcessingEquipment.com is a trading style of: Hawley Associates (UK) Ltd.

4 Hopefield Court, Hade Edge, Holmfirth, England. HD9 2LD
Phone: +44 (0) 7516 827 688 e-mail: [email protected]
www.PoultryProcessingEquipment.com Reg No. 05750671. Vat No. 880 6579 82.
P a g e 29


Type: MSK-1

The MSK-1 combined washer and plucker is designed for thorough cleaning of carcasses as
well as removal of loose feathers and other residue from the de-feathering processing.

Design and operation:

The combined washer and plucker is constructed entirely of stainless, acid-resistant materials.
Two casings are mounted symmetrically to a robust framework, with shafts fitted with special
rubber fingers (the so-called whips), 265 mm long each. Poultry carcasses are transported in
shackles of the overhead conveyor between axial guides, which double as spraying collectors.
The counter-rotating shafts with rubber fingers and the water spray shower from the collectors
ensure thorough washing and clean the feathers left over from basic plucking operations as well
as other impurities.

Design of the combined washer and plucker allows for adjusting the spacing and height of
plucking shafts and water shower to match the bird size.

Technical specifications:
Motor power - 2 x 3.0kW (950 rpm)
Power supply - 380V / 50Hz
Water consumption - 0.3 m3/h

Benefits of the machine:

Compact design and the use of high-quality materials ensures durability and facilitates cleaning the
machine to maintain sanitary requirements.

PoultryProcessingEquipment.com is a trading style of: Hawley Associates (UK) Ltd.

4 Hopefield Court, Hade Edge, Holmfirth, England. HD9 2LD
Phone: +44 (0) 7516 827 688 e-mail: [email protected]
www.PoultryProcessingEquipment.com Reg No. 05750671. Vat No. 880 6579 82.
P a g e 30

(Tails, Hocks)
Type: SLK

Finishing in-line plucker, type SLK, is designed for final plucking of tails or hocks.

Design and operation:

The supporting structure and casing are made of stainless, acid-resistant steel.
Drive is transmitted from the motor to the plucking beam with the help of a V-belt. Each beam is
driven by a separate electric motor placed in a stainless casing.

The plucker is fitted with a mechanical hoist that allows for the height of the plucking beam to be
adjusted. Depending on the size of processed poultry and elements to be defeathered, the
plucking beams can be adjusted with respect to the transported carcasses.

Technical specifications:
Motor power: 1 x 1.5kW; 1 x 2.2kW
Power supply: 380V
No. of beams: 2
No. of fingers per beam: 144

PoultryProcessingEquipment.com is a trading style of: Hawley Associates (UK) Ltd.

4 Hopefield Court, Hade Edge, Holmfirth, England. HD9 2LD
Phone: +44 (0) 7516 827 688 e-mail: [email protected]
www.PoultryProcessingEquipment.com Reg No. 05750671. Vat No. 880 6579 82.
P a g e 31


Type: SO-1

Type SO-1 tail feather plucker is designed for removing feathers from the tails of goose
carcasses in the slaughtering process.

Design and operation:

Tail plucker is a free-standing device which does not need to be anchored to the floor. It is
constructed mostly of stainless, acid-resistant materials.
The basic element of the plucker is the frame, to which two rollers are mounted for plucking the
feathers. The rollers are driven by gear belts from motors that are mounted to the frame.

The rollers have bearings on both ends. High-quality ball bearings are secured with special
double-lipped sealing rings. Each casing is fitted with a lubricating nipple for periodic refilling of
the lubricant. Height adjustment is performed by means of a screw elevator mounted in the
lower part of the plucker. The plucking process – removal of tail feathers – should take place
after carcasses have been scalded.

Additionally, the plucker is equipped with the following:

a separate transport mechanism

(driven by the overhead
slaughtering conveyor),
designed for positioning the
shackles with carcasses during
tail feather removal,
a compressed air supply system
from a side-channel blower, with
a blade nozzle, designed for
supporting, with the force of air-
stream, the introduction of tail
feathers between the plucking

Technical specifications:
Motor power: 2 x 1.1kW
Power supply: 380V
Blower: 3.0kW

PoultryProcessingEquipment.com is a trading style of: Hawley Associates (UK) Ltd.

4 Hopefield Court, Hade Edge, Holmfirth, England. HD9 2LD
Phone: +44 (0) 7516 827 688 e-mail: [email protected]
www.PoultryProcessingEquipment.com Reg No. 05750671. Vat No. 880 6579 82.
P a g e 32


Type: RZ

The feather pump is designed for transporting feathers from the plucking process in poultry
slaughtering plants. Feathers must be transported with water.

Design and operation:

The basic element is a single-stage rotodynamic pump type RZ with a motor. A half-open rotor
with free flow has blades mounted on a disk. The disk is mounted away from the flow space into
a recess in the pump casing, which provides additional free space for flow between the edges of
blades on the front surface of the rotor and the casing insert. The feather pump can be attached
to existing concrete or steel tanks or it can work with a free-standing tank, which can be
supplied with the pump.
Feathers with water are usually transported to the tank in a sewer and then the pump moves
them to the feather separator in a Ø125 – Ø250 pipeline (depending on the pump type) where
water is pre-separated from feathers.

Motor power rating 7.5kW
Rise height 22 - 30m
Capacity 140 - 270m3/h

Motor power rating 11kW
Rise height 20 - 28m
Capacity 160 - 290m3/h

Motor power rating 22kW
Rise height 44 - 51m
Capacity 228 - 612m3/h

PoultryProcessingEquipment.com is a trading style of: Hawley Associates (UK) Ltd.

4 Hopefield Court, Hade Edge, Holmfirth, England. HD9 2LD
Phone: +44 (0) 7516 827 688 e-mail: [email protected]
www.PoultryProcessingEquipment.com Reg No. 05750671. Vat No. 880 6579 82.
P a g e 33

Type: UG-1

The head puller is designed for removing bird heads after their necks are cut in poultry
slaughtering plants.

Design and operation:

The head puller is made of stainless, acid-resistant materials.
Carcasses are delivered to the puller in shackles of the overhead conveyor. Capacity of the
puller is limited by conveyor speed. The height and position of the puller is also adjusted to
conveyor specifications. The head puller is a free-standing machine. For stability, it is
recommended that the puller should be fixed to the floor. At customer’s request, a suspended
version of the head puller, mounted to the supporting structure of the conveyor, can be made.


Technical specifications:
mode of operation - continuous
capacity - up to 2,500 bph

Head puller connected to a vacuum system for

transporting heads to the offal area

The main benefits of the puller include its mechanical operation as well as simple design and
easy access to all subassemblies, which allows for keeping the machine clean and ensures its

PoultryProcessingEquipment.com is a trading style of: Hawley Associates (UK) Ltd.

4 Hopefield Court, Hade Edge, Holmfirth, England. HD9 2LD
Phone: +44 (0) 7516 827 688 e-mail: [email protected]
www.PoultryProcessingEquipment.com Reg No. 05750671. Vat No. 880 6579 82.
P a g e 34


Type: UG-2

The head puller is used for removing chicken heads after their necks are cut. It is designed for
continuous operation in typical poultry slaughtering lines (it is usually placed after the plucking

Design and operation:

The head puller is constructed of stainless, acid-resistant materials. The machine is equipped
with its own drive unit, consisting of a gear-motor, whose specifications are adjusted to the line
capacity and customer requirements.

The machine design allows for angular adjustment of the pulling guides, as well as height
adjustment by means of a lift mechanism, which makes it possible to match the size of
processed birds. The apron conveyor with special sweepers, mounted inside the puller, ensures
fast delivery of pulled heads to the reception point (containers, charging hoppers of the
pneumatic transport system etc.) Speed adjustment with fitting to capacity by use of control
cabin with inverter.


Technical specifications:
Mode of operation - Continuous
Capacity - Up to 9,000bph
Motor power - 0.37kW to 0.75kW

Advantages of the puller:

Simple design and the materials used for its manufacture ensure durability, efficiency of
operation and facilitate proper cleaning of the machine.

PoultryProcessingEquipment.com is a trading style of: Hawley Associates (UK) Ltd.

4 Hopefield Court, Hade Edge, Holmfirth, England. HD9 2LD
Phone: +44 (0) 7516 827 688 e-mail: [email protected]
www.PoultryProcessingEquipment.com Reg No. 05750671. Vat No. 880 6579 82.
P a g e 35


Type: CZG-W

The cylindrical cleaner is designed for cleaning bird heads after the scalding process. This is
popular in areas of the world where heads are sold for human consumption.

Design and operation:

All components of the cleaner are made entirely of high-quality stainless, acid-resistant

The cleaner consists of:

1. a special trough, whose bottom is constructed of longitudinal bars, with head inlet and
outlet in its front and back walls
2. a cover fitted with rubber fingers
3. a cleaning shaft with special cranks, on which rubber fingers are mounted in positions
alternating the cover fingers
4. a gutter for draining water with removed skin and feathers
5. a gear-motor

For optimum use and proper processing flow, the cleaner should operate along with a head
puller. Then, the removed heads may be transferred directly to the cleaner inlet. The rotating
cleaning shaft moves heads among rubber fingers which clean them. Water with offal flows into
the gutter through the openwork bottom and further to the sewer.

A cylindrical head cleaner

Technical specifications:
Motor power and voltage - 2.2kW / 3 x 220-380V, 50Hz
Capacity - up to 5,000 heads per hour
N2 shaft speed - 255rpm
Actual weight - 180kg
Water consumption - approx. 2.5 l/min
Water connection - ½”

PoultryProcessingEquipment.com is a trading style of: Hawley Associates (UK) Ltd.

4 Hopefield Court, Hade Edge, Holmfirth, England. HD9 2LD
Phone: +44 (0) 7516 827 688 e-mail: [email protected]
www.PoultryProcessingEquipment.com Reg No. 05750671. Vat No. 880 6579 82.
P a g e 36


Type: OBL-A

The automatic foot cutter is designed for cutting chicken feet in a poultry slaughtering line.

Design and operation:

The foot cutter is made of stainless, acid-resistant
materials. The blade is made of special hardened
steel. The cutter is suspended from the supporting
structure of the overhead chain conveyor.

Carcasses transported in shackles of the conveyor

are placed on the leg locating wheel, which transfers
them to the blade during rotation.

The blade and transferring wheel adjustment system

is designed so that it allows for adjusting the cut
height to match bird size without the need to stop the
slaughtering process. Another benefit of the system
is the possibility of adjusting the blade so that the cut
is always performed precisely at the knee joint.

Technical specification:
mode of operation – continuous
capacity – up to 9,000bph
installed power – 2.2kW

PoultryProcessingEquipment.com is a trading style of: Hawley Associates (UK) Ltd.

4 Hopefield Court, Hade Edge, Holmfirth, England. HD9 2LD
Phone: +44 (0) 7516 827 688 e-mail: [email protected]
www.PoultryProcessingEquipment.com Reg No. 05750671. Vat No. 880 6579 82.
P a g e 37


Type: OBL-P

The suspended foot cutter is designed for cutting chicken and hen feet in a poultry slaughtering

Design and operation:

The suspended foot cutter is made of stainless, acid-resistant materials. The cutting blade is
made of special hardened steel.
The basic elements of the cutter are: a fixed frame, a sliding beam, a motor with spindle (drive
unit), a blade.

The fixed frame of the cutter is mounted to the supporting structure of the overhead conveyor –
over a 180° or 90° curve. The carrier disk of the cutter is mounted coaxially with the turning
wheel of the curve. In special cases, the cutter can also be mounted at a straight section of the
Carcasses transported in shackles of the conveyor are positioned and stabilised by the carrier
disk before cutting. The sliding beam, with the drive unit, fixed to the frame, can be used for
adjusting the blade angle and foot cut height – depending on the size of processed birds. A
simple and reliable adjustment method allows for precise cut across the line of joint.

Technical specification:
Mode of operation - continuous
Capacity - up to 3,000bph
Motor power - 2.2kW

PoultryProcessingEquipment.com is a trading style of: Hawley Associates (UK) Ltd.

4 Hopefield Court, Hade Edge, Holmfirth, England. HD9 2LD
Phone: +44 (0) 7516 827 688 e-mail: [email protected]
www.PoultryProcessingEquipment.com Reg No. 05750671. Vat No. 880 6579 82.
P a g e 38


Type: SEK-1 / 2

The manual cutter is designed for cutting feet, necks or wings.

Design and operation:

The basic element of the cutter is its pneumatic mechanism, fitted with scissors made of
specially hardened stainless steel. The shape and size of the scissors is adjusted to the size of
processed birds, and thus to the size of cut elements (turkey, chicken, duck or goose parts).
Compressed air is supplied to the cutter through a hose, from a filtering and reduction unit, to
ensure proper and reliable operation of the cutter.
The major advantages of the cutter include: wide usage possibilities, easy operation and

Filtering and Pneumatic

reduction unit hose

Technical specifications:
Required utilities: compressed air at 1.5m3/h
Compressed air pressure: 8 - 10 bar
Capacity: up to 2,000 elements per hour

PoultryProcessingEquipment.com is a trading style of: Hawley Associates (UK) Ltd.

4 Hopefield Court, Hade Edge, Holmfirth, England. HD9 2LD
Phone: +44 (0) 7516 827 688 e-mail: [email protected]
www.PoultryProcessingEquipment.com Reg No. 05750671. Vat No. 880 6579 82.
P a g e 39

Type: SEK-3

The manual cutter is designed for cutting feet, necks or wings.

Design an operation:
The basic element of the cutter is a pneumatic cylinder equipped with scissors made of specially
hardened stainless steel. The shape and size of the scissors are designed so that the cutter can
be used for cutting elements of different sizes for processing during slaughtering (elements of
turkey, chicken, duck or goose).

Compressed air, supplied to the cutter through a pneumatic conduit, is pre-conditioned in the
filtering and reduction unit, which ensures proper and reliable operation of the cutter.
The main advantages of the cutter include: a wide range of applications, easy and intuitional
operation and maintenance.

Technical specifications:
Required media: compressed air ~ 2m3/h
Compressed air pressure: 8 - 10bar
Capacity: up to 2,000 pieces per hour (elements).

PoultryProcessingEquipment.com is a trading style of: Hawley Associates (UK) Ltd.

4 Hopefield Court, Hade Edge, Holmfirth, England. HD9 2LD
Phone: +44 (0) 7516 827 688 e-mail: [email protected]
www.PoultryProcessingEquipment.com Reg No. 05750671. Vat No. 880 6579 82.
P a g e 40


Type: WTL-1

The unloader is a mechanical, operator less device, designed for unloading processed poultry
carcasses or feet.

Design and operation:

The unloader is made of stainless, acid-resistant materials and food approved plastic. The
unloader is mounted to a straight section of the overhead conveyor, where the processing cycle
has finished and shackles must be emptied. Unloading can be performed at any section of the
slaughtering process. The unloader is designed to work with shackles a toe.

800 700

Figure: A shackle unloader.

Technical specifications:
Unloading effectiveness:
Carcasses: 100%
Feet unloaded: 95%

Advantages of this solution include:

• Operator has less work

• very high durability and effectiveness

• easy cleaning

PoultryProcessingEquipment.com is a trading style of: Hawley Associates (UK) Ltd.

4 Hopefield Court, Hade Edge, Holmfirth, England. HD9 2LD
Phone: +44 (0) 7516 827 688 e-mail: [email protected]
www.PoultryProcessingEquipment.com Reg No. 05750671. Vat No. 880 6579 82.
P a g e 41


Type: WL-O

The rotary foot unloader is designed for unloading feet from shackles of the overhead conveyor.

Design and operation:

The rotary unloader is made of stainless, acid-resistant materials and other food-approved
materials (plastic, rubber).
The unloader is mounted to the supporting structure of the overhead chain conveyor, along a
straight section.

Shackles of the conveyor, with cut feet, are placed between a properly adjusted system of
guides, suspended from brackets, which stabilise their position. Mounted on a frame seated on
adjustable brackets, the drum with rubber fingers along its perimeter unloads cut feet hanging
from shackles by rotational movement. Shields, also mounted on brackets, guide the falling feet
to a container placed under the unloader.

The unloader is designed to work with rack shackles. It is also recommended that shackles
should be connected with a stainless steel joining chain.

Technical specifications:
Unloading effectiveness - 95%
Motor power - 0.55kW, 380V, 50Hz
Drum speed - 90rpm

PoultryProcessingEquipment.com is a trading style of: Hawley Associates (UK) Ltd.

4 Hopefield Court, Hade Edge, Holmfirth, England. HD9 2LD
Phone: +44 (0) 7516 827 688 e-mail: [email protected]
www.PoultryProcessingEquipment.com Reg No. 05750671. Vat No. 880 6579 82.
P a g e 42


Type: WL-N

The simple unloader with a drive unit is designed for unloading feet from shackles of the
overhead conveyor.

Design and operation:

The unloader is made entirely of high-quality, stainless, acid-resistant materials. The basic
components of the unloader are:

1. A frame
2. Slid able carrying beams
3. Belt guides
4. Rubber gear belts with pulleys
5. A Ø 485 drive wheel with trolley clamps
6. A chain wheel transmission with a chain
7. Modular gear wheels for drive transmission
8. An unloading strip.

The frame is mounted to the supporting

structure of the overhead conveyor.
After starting the conveyor, trolleys
moving along the track cause rotation
of the drive wheel. Then, drive is
transferred by the chain transmission
and gear wheels to the rubber gear
belts. Immobilised by the clamped
belts, shackles move along the
unloading strip, and feet are pushed
upwards and fall into the container

Technical specifications:
Capacity - corresponding to the amount of processed birds
Unloading effectiveness - ~96 %
Compatibility - shackles without racks
Unloading strip - shape and size adjusted to foot type

PoultryProcessingEquipment.com is a trading style of: Hawley Associates (UK) Ltd.

4 Hopefield Court, Hade Edge, Holmfirth, England. HD9 2LD
Phone: +44 (0) 7516 827 688 e-mail: [email protected]
www.PoultryProcessingEquipment.com Reg No. 05750671. Vat No. 880 6579 82.
P a g e 43


Type: OL-1

The foot Scalder is designed for automatic scalding of poultry feet to facilitate their proper

Design and operation:

The foot Scalder is made of stainless, acid-resistant materials. It consists of:
1. a trough with reinforced steel bands, with end plates,
2. a worm shaft with a pipe core and coils made of specially profiled metal sheet segments
– at the discharge side, the shaft is finished with three symmetrical ejectors,
3. a drive unit (transmission + electrical motor) – the worm shaft is mounted in the sleeve of
the transmission,
4. a hot water supply pipe. Fitted with a discharge valve and temperature sensor. The
Scalder should be located under the shackle unloader, so that feet can be unloaded
directly into the Scalder, and with the help of the worm shaft coils they are moved
towards the ejectors while being scalded. Feet discharged to the ramp are transported
directly to the cleaner.

Technical specifications:
Motor power - 0.18kW
Scalding temperature - 65 – 70°C

L1 – 2,500 mm - 14,000 feet per hour
L2 – 3,500 mm - 24,000 feet per hour

PoultryProcessingEquipment.com is a trading style of: Hawley Associates (UK) Ltd.

4 Hopefield Court, Hade Edge, Holmfirth, England. HD9 2LD
Phone: +44 (0) 7516 827 688 e-mail: [email protected]
www.PoultryProcessingEquipment.com Reg No. 05750671. Vat No. 880 6579 82.
P a g e 44


Type: RK-1 / RL-1

The shredder is designed for reducing the size of bones and feet in order to make the waste fit
the pneumatic transport system.

Design and operation:

The grinders are made entirely of high-quality stainless, acid-resistant materials. The main
components of the grinders are: 1) the crushing mechanism, whose basic elements are gear
wheels set on two counter-rotating, bearing shafts, the longer of which is driven by a
transmission, 2) the charging hopper in the shape of a truncated cone, fixed to the crushing
mechanism, 3) the receiving hopper in the shape of a truncated cone, placed on robust legs, to
which the frame carrying the crushing mechanism and the charging hopper are fixed.

Parts for grinding fall (feet – unloaded directly from overhead conveyor) or are manually thrown
(bones) into the charging hopper and are moved between the rotating gear wheels of the
crushing mechanism, and after grinding they are transported from the receiving hopper to their
destination point.


Charging hopper Crushing



Vacuum Height
system outlet adjustment

Technical specifications:
Grinder weight (w/o the discharge hopper) - 185kg
Motor power - feet - 4kW bones and turkey feet - 7kW
Voltage - 3 x 380-420V
Crushing mechanism speed - 118rpm
Capacity - up to 7,000 chickens per hour
or up to 1,000 turkeys per hour
or up to 2,000 turkey hens per hour

PoultryProcessingEquipment.com is a trading style of: Hawley Associates (UK) Ltd.

4 Hopefield Court, Hade Edge, Holmfirth, England. HD9 2LD
Phone: +44 (0) 7516 827 688 e-mail: [email protected]
www.PoultryProcessingEquipment.com Reg No. 05750671. Vat No. 880 6579 82.
P a g e 45

Type: MS-700 / 900

The shackle washer is designed for washing shackles of overhead conveyors in poultry
slaughtering plants.

Design and operation:

The shackle washer is made of stainless, acid-resistant materials, and the brushes are made of
plastic. Shackles transported by the overhead conveyor are placed between concurrently
rotating brushes and washed by water sprayed from nozzles. Brushes are powered by 0.37 kW
electric motors. Distance between brushes is adjustable and can be set to match the size of
transported shackles. The shackle washer is fixed to the supporting structure of the overhead

Technical specifications:
Motor power - 2 x 0.37kW, 380V, 50Hz
Water supply - ½"
Water consumption - approx. 1 m3/h

PoultryProcessingEquipment.com is a trading style of: Hawley Associates (UK) Ltd.

4 Hopefield Court, Hade Edge, Holmfirth, England. HD9 2LD
Phone: +44 (0) 7516 827 688 e-mail: [email protected]
www.PoultryProcessingEquipment.com Reg No. 05750671. Vat No. 880 6579 82.
P a g e 46


Suspended. Type: MTP-400 / 600 / 800

The suspended spray carcass washer is designed for washing hens and chickens in poultry
processing lines.

Design and operation:

The spray carcass washer is made of stainless, acid-resistant materials. Carcasses are washed
by water spraying from nozzles placed on both sides of the washer. Water nozzles produce
water mist which reaches deep into the carcasses. This results in perfectly washed carcasses,
and water is used in an economical and effective way. Capacity of the spray carcass washer is
adjusted to the line capacity by using appropriate number of water nozzles and length of

Figure: A spray washer for chickens

Technical specifications:
Water connection - cold water, ½”
L – standard length - 500mm, depending on line capacity; at customer’s request,
different washers can be constructed with different lengths, e.g.: 1,000 mm.

This is a chicken size washer. For larger poultry, such as turkey, the washer must be
adequately bigger.

PoultryProcessingEquipment.com is a trading style of: Hawley Associates (UK) Ltd.

4 Hopefield Court, Hade Edge, Holmfirth, England. HD9 2LD
Phone: +44 (0) 7516 827 688 e-mail: [email protected]
www.PoultryProcessingEquipment.com Reg No. 05750671. Vat No. 880 6579 82.
P a g e 47


Free-standing Type: MTW – 400 / 600 / 800

The free-standing spray carcass washer is designed for washing all types of poultry in
processing lines.

Design and operation:

The carcass washer is constructed of stainless, acid-resistant materials and standard pipe
fittings. Poultry carcasses are washed by water spraying from nozzles located on both sides of
the washer. For washing large carcasses (e.g. turkeys), water is sprayed from all nozzles
installed in the washer.

For washing smaller carcasses (e.g. chickens) it is possible to shut off water supply to lower
nozzles, which ensures proper and efficient water usage. Capacity of the spray washer is
adjusted to the line capacity by choosing appropriate washer length and number of nozzles. At
customer’s request, the washer can be constructed in a version that can be suspended from the
supporting structure of the conveyor.



Ø 50

Technical specifications:
Water connection - cold water, ½”

PoultryProcessingEquipment.com is a trading style of: Hawley Associates (UK) Ltd.

4 Hopefield Court, Hade Edge, Holmfirth, England. HD9 2LD
Phone: +44 (0) 7516 827 688 e-mail: [email protected]
www.PoultryProcessingEquipment.com Reg No. 05750671. Vat No. 880 6579 82.
P a g e 48

Type: APT-16

The carcass re-hanger is designed for automatic cutting of feet and rehanging carcasses from
the slaughtering line to the evisceration line. The chicken weight range is 800g to 2,500g, but it
must be kept in mind that for proper functioning of the re-hanger the batch weight range must be

Design and operation:

The re-hanger is made of stainless, acid-resistant steel and plastics approved for direct contact
with food products.

The re-hanger consists of:

1. A stainless steel frame
2. A shaft with a chain wheel of the slaughtering line with the plate of the automatic foot
cutter mounted on it.
3. A central shaft with a wheel on which segments for grabbing carcasses are mounted; the
central shaft is powered by the shaft of the slaughtering line conveyor by means of
intermediate toothed wheels
4. A shaft with a chain wheel of the evisceration line
5. Automatic foot cutter is installed between the slaughtering line shaft and the central
shaft. The slaughtering line and the evisceration line shafts are fitted with transmission
and rotation generator, which are connected with the electronic control system of the
machine for synchronising speeds of both lines.

The re-hanger is directly connected with and powered by both the slaughtering line and the
evisceration line, whose speeds are synchronised by the electronic control system.

Chickens enter the re-hanger from the slaughtering line. Then the cutter automatically cuts their
feet, which releases them from the slaughtering line. The central shaft transfers them to the
evisceration line.

Technical Specifications:
Motor power: 2.2kW (foot cutter)

Standard overall dimensions:

Length: 2,850mm
Width: 1,490mm
Height: 2,200mm

PoultryProcessingEquipment.com is a trading style of: Hawley Associates (UK) Ltd.

4 Hopefield Court, Hade Edge, Holmfirth, England. HD9 2LD
Phone: +44 (0) 7516 827 688 e-mail: [email protected]
www.PoultryProcessingEquipment.com Reg No. 05750671. Vat No. 880 6579 82.
P a g e 49


Automation Type: AS

The device is designed for automatic vent cutting. The machine is placed as the first one in the
evisceration line, before the abdominal wall cutter. The device is manufactured with shackle
pitch of either 6 inch or 8 inch.

The device consists of:

Frame, which is the base of the
machine. The frame also includes a drip
tray, guides and height adjustment
system. A drum is seated upon the
frame, which can be freely moved up
and down, as needed.
Drum with central shaft, upper and
lower plates, cam and the cutter
assembly. The cam is mounted to the
central shaft, which, in turn, is mounted
to the frame. The cutter assembly,
mounted to the upper and lower plates,
rotates around the cam of the central
shaft and must be aligned with the
overhead conveyor.
Drive unit, consisting of the track curve
and drive wheel. The drive wheel is
driven by overhead conveyor.

Principle of operation:
Birds enter the device with their backs towards
the inside of the machine.

The device is of carousel type, driven by

overhead conveyor. The cutter assembly, with
a blade and a vacuum probe, provides a pre-
set cut depth depending on bird size.

Motor power (cutting blade drive)

- 0.75kW; 10 head
- 1.1kW; 16 head

PoultryProcessingEquipment.com is a trading style of: Hawley Associates (UK) Ltd.

4 Hopefield Court, Hade Edge, Holmfirth, England. HD9 2LD
Phone: +44 (0) 7516 827 688 e-mail: [email protected]
www.PoultryProcessingEquipment.com Reg No. 05750671. Vat No. 880 6579 82.
P a g e 50


Automation Type: AR

The device is designed for automatic cutting of skin from the vent to the breast bone, starting at
the opening cut by the vent cutter. The device is placed as the second one in the evisceration
line, after the vent cutter.

The device is manufactured with shackle pitch of either 6

inch or 8 inch.

Design and operation:

The device consists of:

Frame – the base of the machine.

The frame also includes the drip tray, guides and

height adjustment system. A drum is seated
upon the frame, which can be freely moved up
and down, as needed.

Drum with central shaft, upper and lower plates,

cam and the cutter assembly. The cam is
mounted to the central shaft, which, in turn, is
mounted to the frame. The cutter assembly,
mounted to the upper and lower plates, rotates
around the cam of the central shaft and must be
aligned with the overhead conveyor.

Drive unit, consisting of the track curve and drive

wheel. The drive wheel is driven by the overhead

Principle of operation:
Birds enter the device with their backs towards the inside of the machine.
The device is of carousel type, driven by the overhead conveyor. The cutter assembly, fitted
with an exceptionally sharp blade, provides a uniform and clean cut.

The blade holder is designed so that the viscera are pushed away from the cutline, which
prevents infection.
After every turn, the cutting heads are washed and cleaned.

Water supply: 0.45m3/h

PoultryProcessingEquipment.com is a trading style of: Hawley Associates (UK) Ltd.

4 Hopefield Court, Hade Edge, Holmfirth, England. HD9 2LD
Phone: +44 (0) 7516 827 688 e-mail: [email protected]
www.PoultryProcessingEquipment.com Reg No. 05750671. Vat No. 880 6579 82.
P a g e 51

Automation Type: AP

The device is used for automatic removal of internal organs from chickens in the eviscerated-
weight range of 1,000 to 2,500g. The device is manufactured with shackle pitch of either 6 inch
or 8 inch.

Design and operation:

The device consists of:

Frame made of hollow square section.

Main shaft, with a stationary cam drum. Upper

and lower support plates are mounted in the
upper and lower part of the drum, respectively.
Between the upper and lower plates, vertical
guide sets are mounted. Each set consists of 2
sliding rods and one slider. The movement of
sliders is controlled by a plastic Ø50 wheel,
mounted in the back part of the slider. The wheel
is guided along the track of the cam drum.

Evisceration spoon is mounted to the upper part

of the upper sliding block

In the lower part of the sliding block, a spoon is

mounted for holding the carcass, which is lifted by
the guiding rail upon entry into the device

The position of the carcass is determined by the

guiding rail and the leg guide mounted in the
lower part of the main shaft. The guiding rails are
mounted on the guide in order to ensure proper
entry of chickens into the machine.

Drive to the rotating elements of the device is

transmitted by a drive wheel mounted underneath
the upper transverse beam.

Screw elevator for adjusting the height of the main shaft is mounted under the main

Principle of operation:
Birds enter the device with their backs towards the inside of the machine. Their position is fixed
by the foot loop, wing grip and the activated breast plate. The eviscerating spoon is guided
along the chicken, along the sternum up to the throat. Then it is turned towards the back part of
the chicken and taken out with the viscera. On exiting the device, the viscera are released from
the spoon. They will hang loosely, attached to the back part of the chicken.

Water consumption – approx. 0.9m3/h

PoultryProcessingEquipment.com is a trading style of: Hawley Associates (UK) Ltd.

4 Hopefield Court, Hade Edge, Holmfirth, England. HD9 2LD
Phone: +44 (0) 7516 827 688 e-mail: [email protected]
www.PoultryProcessingEquipment.com Reg No. 05750671. Vat No. 880 6579 82.
P a g e 52


Automation Type: AW

The device is used for automatic cleaning of dewlap skin

inside the chicken in the eviscerated-weight range from
800g to 2,500g. The device is manufactured with shackle
distance of either 6 inch or 8 inch.
Design and operation:
The device consists of:

Frame made of hollow square section

Main shaft with a stationary cam drum. Upper and

lower support plates are mounted in the upper and
lower part of the drum, respectively. Vertical guide
sets are mounted between the upper and lower
plate. Each guide set consists of 2 sliding rods and
one slider. The movement of sliders is controlled by
a ø50 plastic wheel mounted in the back part of the
slider. The wheel is guided along the track of the
cam drum.

Drive of the cleaning rod is mounted to the upper

plate. The cleaning mandrel is driven by a toothed
element, which is fixed to the main shaft. The shaft,
between the drive and the cleaning conduit,
provides rotation of the cleaning mandrel, when it
reaches the toothed element.

The position of carcasses is fixed by the guiding rail

and leg guide mounted to the lower part of the main
shaft. The guiding rails are mounted to the guide to ensure proper entry of chickens into
the machine.

Drive to the rotating parts of the device is transmitted from the overhead conveyor by
means of a drive wheel, mounted underneath the upper transverse beam.

Screw elevator for adjusting the height of the main shaft is mounted under the main

Principle of operation:
Carcasses enter the device with their backs towards the inside of the device. The guiding rail,
placed on the lower guide inserts chickens into the leg guide, where they are fixed. The cleaning
mandrel is inserted into the chicken with the help of a slider block. Rotation of the mandrel
begins when it enters the chicken and continues until it reaches the throat. Under the chicken,
the cropping mandrel is cleaned with a brush, while still rotating. After cleaning, the rotation
stops and the cleaning mandrel is removed from the chicken.

Motor power – 2 x 0.75kW

PoultryProcessingEquipment.com is a trading style of: Hawley Associates (UK) Ltd.

4 Hopefield Court, Hade Edge, Holmfirth, England. HD9 2LD
Phone: +44 (0) 7516 827 688 e-mail: [email protected]
www.PoultryProcessingEquipment.com Reg No. 05750671. Vat No. 880 6579 82.
P a g e 53


Automation Type: AWS

The device is designed for automatic separation and removal of necks from carcasses. The
machine is placed in the evisceration line, after the automatic cropping machine. The device is
manufactured to operate with shackle distance of either 6 inch or 8 inch.

The neck remover is constructed of stainless, acid-

resistant steel. Several components are made of food-
approved plastic or aluminium. Simple design and
materials used for manufacturing the machine make it
easy to operate, easy to clean, effective and reliable.

The basic structural element of the machine is the

frame. It is made of hollow sections. A drum which can
move freely up and down, depending on the need, is
set upon the frame.

The machine is equipped with manual, mechanical lift

made of stainless steel, used for adjusting the required
height and for disconnecting the machine from the
drive during washing or servicing operations. The
driving wheel takes the drive from the overhead chain

Principle of operation:
Carcasses enter the machine with their breasts
outside and their backs turned towards the centre of
the machine. The machine is of carousel type, driven
by the overhead conveyor. The neck separation and
removal system operates on sliding blocks which
move vertically along the bars mounted to the upper
and lower plates of the automaton. Rollers which guide
the neck separation and removal system move along a
specially shaped track.

Water consumption: approx. 0.4m3

PoultryProcessingEquipment.com is a trading style of: Hawley Associates (UK) Ltd.

4 Hopefield Court, Hade Edge, Holmfirth, England. HD9 2LD
Phone: +44 (0) 7516 827 688 e-mail: [email protected]
www.PoultryProcessingEquipment.com Reg No. 05750671. Vat No. 880 6579 82.
P a g e 54


Automation Type: WP

The device is designed for automatic removal of lungs from eviscerated chicken carcasses in
the weight range from 0.8kg to 2.5kg. The device should be placed as the penultimate one
(before the automatic inside and outside washer) in the evisceration line. The device is
manufactured with shackle pitch of either 6 inch or 8 inch.

Design and operation:

The device consists of:

Frame made of hollow square section

Main shaft, with cam drum made of plastic. Upper

and lower support plates are mounted in the upper
and lower part of the drum, respectively. Vertical
guide sets are mounted between the upper and lower
plate. Each guide set consists of 2 sliding rods and
one slider. The movement of sliders is controlled by a
ø50 plastic wheel mounted in the back part of the
slider. The wheel is guided along the track of the cam

In the front part of the slider, a vacuum suction

system is mounted with a built-in vacuum lock. The
vacuum distributor is mounted at the bottom of the
lower plate. Negative pressure is applied to the
distributor through two Ø75 hoses ended with a 110
mm ball valve mounted on the side frame.

The position of carcasses is fixed by the guiding rail

and foot guide mounted in the lower part of the main
shaft. The guiding rails are mounted to the guide to
make sure that negative pressure is applied when
chickens enter the device for processing.

Drive to the rotating parts of the device is transmitted

from the overhead chain conveyor by means of a drive wheel mounted underneath the
upper transverse beam.

Screw elevator for adjusting the height of the main shaft is mounted under the main

Principle of operation:
Carcasses enter the device with their backs towards the inside of the device. The guiding rail,
mounted to the lower guide, moves chicken legs towards the vacuum lock, and then the vacuum
sliding device is shifted downwards along with the sliding block, which activates the vacuum
system. It means that if there are no chickens inside the hoop, negative pressure is not applied.

The sliding block introduces vacuum hose into the carcass. The vacuum system ensures that
the vacuum device is not activated until the end of the suction hose is inside the carcass. Lungs
are sucked out of the chicken and sent to the collecting tank through the vacuum system.

PoultryProcessingEquipment.com is a trading style of: Hawley Associates (UK) Ltd.

4 Hopefield Court, Hade Edge, Holmfirth, England. HD9 2LD
Phone: +44 (0) 7516 827 688 e-mail: [email protected]
www.PoultryProcessingEquipment.com Reg No. 05750671. Vat No. 880 6579 82.
P a g e 55


Automation Type: MWZ

The device is designed for automatic external and internal washing of eviscerated chickens
ranging from 0.8kg to 2.5kg.

Design and operation:

The device consists of:

Frame made of square section steel

Main shaft, with a stationary cam drum made of plastic. Upper and lower support plates
are mounted in the upper and lower part of the drum, respectively. Vertical guide sets
are mounted between the upper and lower plate. Each guide set consists of 2 sliding
rods and one slider. The movement of sliders is controlled by a ø50 plastic wheel
mounted in the back part of the slider.

The wheel is guided along the track of the cam drum.

Pressure pipe with a washing head, mounted in the front
part of the slider, designed for washing carcasses inside.
The lower plate hosts the water distribution system with
flexible hoses supplying water to the slides.
Position of the carcass is stabilised with the help of
specially shaped rods mounted on the lower plate. The
lower guide is mounted in the lower part of the main
shaft. Guides which ensure proper insertion of carcasses
into the device and a washing collector for external
washing of carcasses are mounted to the lower clamping

Drive to the rotating parts of the device is transmitted

from the overhead chain conveyor by means of a drive
wheel mounted underneath the upper transverse beam.
Screw elevator for adjusting the height of the main shaft
is mounted under the main shaft.

Principle of operation:
Carcasses enter the device with their breasts or backs
towards the inside of the device. The guiding rail,
mounted to the lower guide directs them to the rods
where they are immobilised. The pressure pipe is
inserted into the carcass with the help of a slider.
Washing begins after the washing head is inserted into
the carcass and continues throughout the lowering and
elevating cycle of the head until it is removed from the
inside of the carcass. The external washing unit operates

Water consumption: approx. 2m3/h

Air pressure: 6/8 bar

PoultryProcessingEquipment.com is a trading style of: Hawley Associates (UK) Ltd.

4 Hopefield Court, Hade Edge, Holmfirth, England. HD9 2LD
Phone: +44 (0) 7516 827 688 e-mail: [email protected]
www.PoultryProcessingEquipment.com Reg No. 05750671. Vat No. 880 6579 82.
P a g e 56


Type: UPL-1

The positioning device is designed for supporting turkeys hung in shackles of the overhead
conveyor by their heads and keeping them in horizontal position for evisceration and lung
removal processes.

Design and operation:

The head positioning device is made of stainless, acid-resistant materials. Its main parts
1. a track with a guide, at the ends of which a turning roller and a chain gear (for driving the
chain) are mounted
2. a plastic link chain
3. a drive unit with step less speed control
4. a frame with fastening brackets
5. an adjustable shackle guide.

Turkeys with cut heads are transported in shackles of the overhead

conveyor between the guides of the positioning device. The carrier
pulls the neck between the clamp bar and the surface of the link chain
moving concurrently to the overhead conveyor. This fixes the head
and neck in horizontal position (with the back down). Such placement
allows for fast, efficient and hygienic evisceration or lung extraction.

Technical specification:
Motor power - 0.55kW
Voltage - 3 x 380 – 420V
Capacity - up to 1,250bph
Shackle spacing - 304.8mm
Weight - 340kg

PoultryProcessingEquipment.com is a trading style of: Hawley Associates (UK) Ltd.

4 Hopefield Court, Hade Edge, Holmfirth, England. HD9 2LD
Phone: +44 (0) 7516 827 688 e-mail: [email protected]
www.PoultryProcessingEquipment.com Reg No. 05750671. Vat No. 880 6579 82.
P a g e 57

Type: RP-1 / 2

Evisceration troughs are used in manual poultry evisceration lines and are designed for
transporting the evisceration offal.

Design and operation:

The evisceration trough is made of stainless, acid-resistant materials. The length and width of
the trough is adapted to the size and quantity of processed poultry. Depending on the width,
working stands can be placed on one or both sides of the trough. On the rim of the trough, there
are tables for tools and water valves with 10-second time-lag switches which ensure economical
water usage.

A section of the evisceration line overhead conveyor

H - trough height should be

adjusted to the height of the
overhead conveyor and platforms
on the working stands.
Height adjustment is possible in the
range between 500 and 1,100mm.

Technical specifications:
Standard segment length - 2,000mm (other lengths are available at customer’s request)
Standard trough width - 600 or 900mm (for 600mm troughs the working stands are
located on one side; for 900mm troughs – on both sides)
Number of stands per 1 segment - for 600mm troughs - 2 stands, for 900mm troughs – 4

Figure: a platform with evisceration stands in the automatic

evisceration line – a fragment of overhead conveyor is also

PoultryProcessingEquipment.com is a trading style of: Hawley Associates (UK) Ltd.

4 Hopefield Court, Hade Edge, Holmfirth, England. HD9 2LD
Phone: +44 (0) 7516 827 688 e-mail: [email protected]
www.PoultryProcessingEquipment.com Reg No. 05750671. Vat No. 880 6579 82.
P a g e 58

Type: SBW-1

The inspection stand is located in the evisceration room and is designed for veterinary
examination of poultry.

Design and operation:

Shackles with birds are transported by the overhead
conveyor over a stainless steel tub, mounted on a
supporting structure made of stainless, acid-resistant
materials. The inspection stand should be located at
the correct stage of the evisceration process (after
the pack has been extracted from the carcass).

A mirror mounted to the supporting structure provides

the veterinarian with the possibility to thoroughly
inspect the bird (from both sides). The stand is also
fitted with a tool sterilizer, a warm water tap with a
knee-operated valve and a time-lag switch, which
allows the veterinarian to perform the inspection in a
hygienic way.


PoultryProcessingEquipment.com is a trading style of: Hawley Associates (UK) Ltd.

4 Hopefield Court, Hade Edge, Holmfirth, England. HD9 2LD
Phone: +44 (0) 7516 827 688 e-mail: [email protected]
www.PoultryProcessingEquipment.com Reg No. 05750671. Vat No. 880 6579 82.
P a g e 59


Type: MW-1 / 2

The inside washer is designed for cleaning the inside of carcasses after the evisceration

Design and operation:

The inside washer is made of acid-resistant, stainless pipe.
Holes drilled in the pipe provide proper spraying after supplying water into the carcass. The
washing part is finished with a handle. After inserting the pipe into the carcass, water is supplied
by pressing the button on the handle.

Releasing the button disconnects water. Water is delivered to the washer through a 10mm
hose. The hose is available separately.
Ø 16


The figure shows an inside washer for chickens.

Ø 10

At customer’s request, washers with different diameters and lengths (for larger poultry) can be

PoultryProcessingEquipment.com is a trading style of: Hawley Associates (UK) Ltd.

4 Hopefield Court, Hade Edge, Holmfirth, England. HD9 2LD
Phone: +44 (0) 7516 827 688 e-mail: [email protected]
www.PoultryProcessingEquipment.com Reg No. 05750671. Vat No. 880 6579 82.
P a g e 60


Type: SRP-1

The manual vent cutter is designed for cutting and extracting vents from poultry carcasses.

Design and operation:

The manual vent cutter is made of stainless, acid-resistant materials.
The main part of the cutter is a two-part body, consisting of a drive unit, actuated by
compressed air and a water-air collector (vacuum). A spindle with centring mandrel and blade is
screwed to the spindle of the drive unit, through the water-air collector. A special valve with a
lever for water supply is mounted to the side of the collector,
and in its lower part, a vacuum piston is mounted, whose reciprocating movement is
synchronised with the actuating button of the drive unit. The vent cutter can be equipped with
one blade with diameter D = 22, 25, 31 or 36 mm (according to customer’s request). Pressing
the release button in the handle activates the vent cutter, by causing rotation of the blade and
supplying vacuum to the collector. By inserting the mandrel and blade centrally into the vent, it
is cut and sucked into the cutter (by means of the negative pressure), which allows for
extracting it from the carcass along with a fragment of the intestine.
Releasing the button stops the blade and cuts off vacuum.
Subsequent pressing of the water valve lever supplies water into the collector, which pushes the
extracted vent and removes impurities from the blade and the centring mandrel.

Technical specification:
Capacity: max 2,100bph
Required utilities:
water – 0.1m3/h
vacuum – 20m3/h
compressed air – 15-17m3/h

(working pressure: 6 bar)


relea wat


PoultryProcessingEquipment.com is a trading style of: Hawley Associates (UK) Ltd.

4 Hopefield Court, Hade Edge, Holmfirth, England. HD9 2LD
Phone: +44 (0) 7516 827 688 e-mail: [email protected]
www.PoultryProcessingEquipment.com Reg No. 05750671. Vat No. 880 6579 82.
P a g e 61

Type: WP-1/2

The lung extractor is designed for removing lungs and blood clots from the inside of a poultry

Design and operation:

The lung extractor is constructed of stainless, acid-resistant materials and standard pipe fittings.
It is activated by switching on a vacuum pump.

After appropriate vacuum level is obtained, work with guns can begin. The stainless gun end is
inserted inside the carcass, the trigger is pressed and lungs, blood clots, water and other
evisceration leftovers are extracted. Offal sucked by the guns is collected in the working
container, from which it must be removed from time to time. Offal is removed from the working
container manually, through a release valve mounted in the bottom of the container.

Depending on customer’s needs, the extractor may be equipped with adequate number of guns
and pump with appropriate capacity, which results in the required capacity of the machine. For
high capacities, containers larger than standard ones shown in the figure below should be used.

1. Gun
2. Flexible, armoured hose, Ø 25
3. Equalizing tank
4. Working container
5. Check valve
6. Vacuum pump with oil circulation
7. Release valve, 2 ½"
8. Release valve, 1 ½"
9. Section of evisceration trough
10. Evisceration shackle suspended from
the overhead conveyor

Technical specifications:
Capacity of the working container 300l
Lung extraction time ~ 2 sec
Motor power per a single gun 2.2kW

PoultryProcessingEquipment.com is a trading style of: Hawley Associates (UK) Ltd.

4 Hopefield Court, Hade Edge, Holmfirth, England. HD9 2LD
Phone: +44 (0) 7516 827 688 e-mail: [email protected]
www.PoultryProcessingEquipment.com Reg No. 05750671. Vat No. 880 6579 82.
P a g e 62

Type: WT-1

The carcass unloader is designed for releasing carcasses from shackles in a poultry
evisceration line.

Design and operation:

The carcass unloader is made of stainless, acid-resistant materials. It is suspended from the
supporting structure of the overhead conveyor. Carcasses transported in shackles of the
overhead conveyor (after their feet are cut) are transferred to guiding rods of the unloader,
where they are automatically pushed off the shackles. The unloader is driven by the chain
conveyor over a curve.
810 845


Figure: a carcass unloader with a 180° curve, a

fragment of the overhead conveyor of the
evisceration line is also visible (shackles for
automatic machines).

Benefits of using the shackle unloader include:
• operator has less work
• simple design and materials used for its
construction allow for proper cleaning of
the machine

PoultryProcessingEquipment.com is a trading style of: Hawley Associates (UK) Ltd.

4 Hopefield Court, Hade Edge, Holmfirth, England. HD9 2LD
Phone: +44 (0) 7516 827 688 e-mail: [email protected]
www.PoultryProcessingEquipment.com Reg No. 05750671. Vat No. 880 6579 82.
P a g e 63

Type: WT-2

The carcass unloader is designed for releasing carcasses from shackles of the overhead
conveyor in manual or automatic evisceration lines.

Design and operation:

The carcass unloader is made of stainless, acid-resistant materials. It is suspended from the
supporting structure of the overhead conveyor. The main parts of the unloader include: a frame,
a wheel with carriers, guides and releasing rods.

Carcasses transported in shackles of the overhead conveyor (after their feet are cut) are guided
between the carriers and pressure belts, where they are automatically pushed off the shackles
by rotation of the carrier wheel. The unloader is driven by the chain conveyor over a 180° curve.


M Ø631 1,100 580 1,300
A Ø631 1,100 580 1,370
Turkey Ø776 1,600 940 1,550

M – manual evisceration
A – automatic evisceration

Advantages of the carcass unloader include:
• operator has less work
• simple design and the choice of materials,
which allows for proper cleaning of the

PoultryProcessingEquipment.com is a trading style of: Hawley Associates (UK) Ltd.

4 Hopefield Court, Hade Edge, Holmfirth, England. HD9 2LD
Phone: +44 (0) 7516 827 688 e-mail: [email protected]
www.PoultryProcessingEquipment.com Reg No. 05750671. Vat No. 880 6579 82.
P a g e 64

Type: CZL-S

The foot cleaner is designed for peeling skin off chicken feet.

Design and operation:

The foot cleaner is made of stainless, acid-resistant materials. The basic unit of the cleaner is a
drum, mounted to a robust frame. Inside the drum, a rotor is mounted. There are rubber fingers
mounted to the inside wall of the drum and to the rotor. The cleaner is equipped with a drive unit
which propels the rotor inside the fixed drum. Feet loaded into the drum move between the fixed
and moving rubber fingers, which results in peeling the skin. The foot cleaning process should
take place directly after scalding. For best cleaning results the feet should be re-scalded after
they are released from the line and loaded into the cleaner drum. During the cleaning process,
water is supplied to the drum for washing the removed skin down. Best results are achieved if
the cleaner is supplied with hot water.

Technical specifications:
Single batch volume - max 20kg
Working cycle (with proper scalding) - max 5 min
Capacity - 220 - 240kg/h
Motor power - 4kW

PoultryProcessingEquipment.com is a trading style of: Hawley Associates (UK) Ltd.

4 Hopefield Court, Hade Edge, Holmfirth, England. HD9 2LD
Phone: +44 (0) 7516 827 688 e-mail: [email protected]
www.PoultryProcessingEquipment.com Reg No. 05750671. Vat No. 880 6579 82.
P a g e 65


Type: CZL-W

The cylindrical foot cleaner is designed for removing skin off poultry feet, after the scalding

Design and operation:

All elements of the cleaner are made entirely of high-quality, stainless, acid-resistant materials.
The machine consists of:
1. a special trough with the bottom made of longitudinal bars, and end walls fitted with foot
inlet and outlet
2. a trough cover with rubber fingers
3. a cleaning shaft with special cranks, where rubber fingers are mounted in positions
alternating the cover fingers
4. a drain for water with skin
5. a motor
It is ergonomically and technologically justified for the cleaner to work with the Scalder. Then,
feet discharged from the Scalder can slide from a ramp directly to the cleaner inlet. The rotating
cleaning shaft moves feet between the rubber fingers, which results in peeling the skin. Water
containing the skin escapes through the openwork bottom to the drain and further to the sewer.

foot cleaner

Technical specifications:
Installed power - 2.2kW
Voltage - 380V; 50Hz
Capacity - up to 12,000 feet per hour
Actual weight - 180kg
Water consumption - ~ 2.5 l/min
Water supply connection - ½"

PoultryProcessingEquipment.com is a trading style of: Hawley Associates (UK) Ltd.

4 Hopefield Court, Hade Edge, Holmfirth, England. HD9 2LD
Phone: +44 (0) 7516 827 688 e-mail: [email protected]
www.PoultryProcessingEquipment.com Reg No. 05750671. Vat No. 880 6579 82.
P a g e 66


Type: MC-1

The washer and cleaner is designed for removing fat and washing the surface of turkey gizzards
before they are cut open.

Design and operation:

The turkey gizzard washer and cleaner is made entirely of high quality stainless, acid-resistant
It consists of:
1. a trough with a screen and a row of rubber fingers mounted inside
2. a cover with a water supply collector
3. a cleaning drum with bearings, mounted to the trough walls
4. a waste water outlet
5. a drive unit.

Gizzards, placed inside the cleaner through the inlet, are transported between the rubber fingers
towards the outlet. Water supplied by the collector improves the quality and optimises the
cleaning and washing process. Defatted gizzards fall into containers and are transported to
further processing.

A turkey gizzard washer and cleaner

Technical specifications:
Motor power - 2.2kW
Voltage - 3 x 380 – 420V, 50Hz
Capacity - up to 1,500 pieces per hour
Drum speed - 300rpm
Water supply connection - ½”
Actual weight - 80kg

PoultryProcessingEquipment.com is a trading style of: Hawley Associates (UK) Ltd.

4 Hopefield Court, Hade Edge, Holmfirth, England. HD9 2LD
Phone: +44 (0) 7516 827 688 e-mail: [email protected]
www.PoultryProcessingEquipment.com Reg No. 05750671. Vat No. 880 6579 82.
P a g e 67

Type: RZ-1

The gizzard opener is designed for opening and removing the gastric contents from chicken
gizzards, after separating them from intestines.

Design and operation:

All parts of the opener are made entirely of high quality stainless, acid-resistant materials. It
consists of:
1. a body with height-adjustable legs
2. a chain conveyor mechanism, with a spiked chain, a guide and a pressure wheel
3. an opening blade with drive
4. an upper cover with gizzard inlet
5. a side shield of the chain conveyor mechanism
6. a waste outlet

Dropped into the inlet, the gizzard falls through a special channel between the adjustable guides
onto the spikes of the moving chain. The rotating pressure wheel (counter-rotating to the spiked
chain) pushes the gizzard on to the spikes. Immobilised in this way, the gizzard is cut open by
the rotating blade. Special guides, mounted behind the blade on the sliding strip, pull apart the
gizzard halves and stabilize their position on the moving chain. Water spraying from the
collector’s nozzles washes down the gastric contents. Moving along the sliding strip, the chain
transports gizzards towards the outlet, where they are removed from the spikes by special
releasers and slide off the outlet ramp to a container or directly to the inlet of the fat remover.

Gizzard inlet

Waste outlet

Technical specifications:
Installed power: blade 0.75kW / 2,800rpm
Drive transmission 0.55kW / 1,400rpm
Voltage 400V / 50Hz
Capacity up to 5,000 pieces per hour
Water consumption 0.3m³/h

PoultryProcessingEquipment.com is a trading style of: Hawley Associates (UK) Ltd.

4 Hopefield Court, Hade Edge, Holmfirth, England. HD9 2LD
Phone: +44 (0) 7516 827 688 e-mail: [email protected]
www.PoultryProcessingEquipment.com Reg No. 05750671. Vat No. 880 6579 82.
P a g e 68

Type: CZ-1

The gizzard cleaner is designed for peeling the horny skin off internal gizzard walls.

Design and operation:

The gizzard cleaner is made of stainless, acid-resistant materials. Drive from the motor is
transmitted by gears directly to toothed working rollers. Opened gizzards are manually placed
on the rollers, where the inner skin is peeled thanks to appropriate toothing and rotational

The most effective solution is to use the cleaner in combination with the gizzard washer and
cleaner. Proper defatting and removal of gastric contents allow for achieving high capacity and
proper quality of processed gizzards. Such combination is also essential for the durability of the
machine – particularly of the working rollers.


• simple design ensures easy access to individual parts,

which facilitates their maintenance or replacement.

• the use of high-quality materials guarantees durability

and ensures proper cleaning of the machine.

Technical specification:
Capacity: - 1,200 pieces per hour
Power supply: - 380V / 50Hz
Installed power: - 1.1kW
Water connection - warm water, ½”
Operation: - 1 person

PoultryProcessingEquipment.com is a trading style of: Hawley Associates (UK) Ltd.

4 Hopefield Court, Hade Edge, Holmfirth, England. HD9 2LD
Phone: +44 (0) 7516 827 688 e-mail: [email protected]
www.PoultryProcessingEquipment.com Reg No. 05750671. Vat No. 880 6579 82.
P a g e 69

Type: CZ-2

The gizzard cleaner is designed for peeling the horny skin off the internal gizzard wall.

Design and operation:

The gizzard cleaner is made of stainless, acid-resistant materials. Drive from the motor is
transmitted by gears directly to toothed working rollers. Opened gizzards are manually placed
on the rollers, where the horny skin is peeled thanks to appropriate toothing and rotational

The most effective solution is to use the cleaner

in combination with the gizzard washer and
cleaner. Proper defatting and removal of gastric
contents allow for achieving high capacity and
proper quality of processed gizzards. Such
combination is also essential for the durability of
the machine – particularly of the working rollers.

Technical specifications:
Capacity: - 2400 pieces per hour
Power supply: - 380V / 50Hz
Installed power: - 2 x 1.1kW
Water connection - warm water, ½”
Operation: - 2 persons


• simple design ensures easy access to individual parts, which facilitates their maintenance or

• the use of high-quality materials guarantees durability and ensures proper cleaning of the

PoultryProcessingEquipment.com is a trading style of: Hawley Associates (UK) Ltd.

4 Hopefield Court, Hade Edge, Holmfirth, England. HD9 2LD
Phone: +44 (0) 7516 827 688 e-mail: [email protected]
www.PoultryProcessingEquipment.com Reg No. 05750671. Vat No. 880 6579 82.
P a g e 70


Type: MC-2

The gizzard washer and cleaner is designed for removing gastric contents and fat from the
surface of previously opened gizzards.

Design and operation:

The gizzard washer and cleaner is made of stainless, acid-resistant steel. Gizzards are
manually placed inside the machine, where they individually get between rubber fingers. There
they are cleaned of fat and gastric contents and washed with water. After these operations the
gizzards are moved to the outlet.

Quality of cleaning and capacity of the machine depends on the size of processed gizzards, the
amount of fat and quantity of supplied water. The washer and cleaner is designed for co-
operation with the gizzard cleaner. Gizzard outlet can be directed to the cleaner table, where the
next operation is performed – removal of skin from the inside of gizzards.

Technical specifications:
Power supply – 380V, 50Hz
Installed power – 1.1kW
Speed ~ 900rpm
Water connection – ½”

Notice At the customer’s request, the machine can be manufactured with

different height, e.g. to allow for its co-operation with the automatic
gizzard processor.

PoultryProcessingEquipment.com is a trading style of: Hawley Associates (UK) Ltd.

4 Hopefield Court, Hade Edge, Holmfirth, England. HD9 2LD
Phone: +44 (0) 7516 827 688 e-mail: [email protected]
www.PoultryProcessingEquipment.com Reg No. 05750671. Vat No. 880 6579 82.
P a g e 71


Type: ACZ-01

The automatic gizzard processor is designed for separating chicken gizzards from the
intestines, cutting them open, cleaning their contents and peeling the horny skin off them.

Design and operation:

All elements are made entirely of high-quality, stainless, acid-resistant materials. Gizzards
should be delivered to the processor with intestines (without hearts and liver) - e.g. from a
sliding ramp or apron conveyor.

A gizzard dropped through the inlet falls on rollers which position it and separate the intestines.
Then, it is cut open by a rotating blade. Special guides mounted to the sliding strip part the
gizzard halves and stabilise their position on the moving chain. Water spray from the collector
removes and washes down the gastric contents. The chain, moving along the sliding strip,
guides the gizzards to rollers which peel the horny skin, and after that, a special wheel knocks
the gizzard down to the outlet, from where it gets to a container, table or conveyor.

Technical specifications:
Installed power:
blade 1.1kW / 2,800rpm
Drive transmission 1.5kW / 1,400rpm
Voltage 400V / 50Hz
Capacity up to 4,000 pieces per hour
Water consumption 0.5m³/h

PoultryProcessingEquipment.com is a trading style of: Hawley Associates (UK) Ltd.

4 Hopefield Court, Hade Edge, Holmfirth, England. HD9 2LD
Phone: +44 (0) 7516 827 688 e-mail: [email protected]
www.PoultryProcessingEquipment.com Reg No. 05750671. Vat No. 880 6579 82.
P a g e 72

Type: SDS-1

Heart separator is using for treated of hearts and veins from fat during poultry evisceration in
slaughter houses.

Design and operation:

Heart separator is manufactured from acid resistant stainless steel. Drive from gear is
transferred by stainless steel roller chain and toothed wheels from a geared motor directly on
operating shafts.

Hearts with fat, heart sac and veins to be loaded in intake hopper to be fulfilled in water, next to
are directed to cleaning shafts. Rotation shafts remove unwanted items such as veins, fat, heart
sac. Cleaned hearts are dropped automatically into runner to conveyor or container to be later
transported to their destination.

PoultryProcessingEquipment.com is a trading style of: Hawley Associates (UK) Ltd.

4 Hopefield Court, Hade Edge, Holmfirth, England. HD9 2LD
Phone: +44 (0) 7516 827 688 e-mail: [email protected]
www.PoultryProcessingEquipment.com Reg No. 05750671. Vat No. 880 6579 82.
P a g e 73

Type: UJ-1

The intestine processor is used for separating the intestine package from the gizzard and for
partial fat removal from the gizzard.

Design and operation:

All parts are made exclusively from high-quality stainless, acid-resistant materials.
Intestine packages (without hearts and livers) should be supplied to the processor from e.g. a
slide or a belt conveyor.

From the inlet, the package falls onto rollers which position and then cut off intestines from the
gizzard. The separated intestines are dropped through the outlet trough into containers or onto
a conveyor, which transports them to the reception point, whereas gizzards are directed by the
outlet slide to containers, a table or onto a conveyor.

Technical specifications:
Installed power: 1.1kW / 1,400rpm
Voltage: 400V / 50Hz
Capacity: up to 4,000 pieces per hour
Water demand: ~0.3 m³/h
Width: 400mm (chicken, duck)
450mm (goose)
Length: 960mm
Height: 1,370mm (+300mm adjustment)

PoultryProcessingEquipment.com is a trading style of: Hawley Associates (UK) Ltd.

4 Hopefield Court, Hade Edge, Holmfirth, England. HD9 2LD
Phone: +44 (0) 7516 827 688 e-mail: [email protected]
www.PoultryProcessingEquipment.com Reg No. 05750671. Vat No. 880 6579 82.
P a g e 74

Type: TS-150

The TS-150 spiral conveyor is designed for upward transporting of such parts as gizzards,
hearts or necks

Design and operation:

All elements are made entirely of high quality stainless, acid-resistant materials. The principle of
operation is simple and effective. The giblets should be placed in the charging hopper, and the
spiral will transport them upwards.
The spiral conveyor is easy to keep clean, and its position can easily be adapted to the plant

Technical specifications:
Installed power: 0.25kW
Voltage: 400V. 50Hz
Capacity: up to 4,000 pieces per hour
Water consumption: 0.2m³/h
Worm diameter: Ø150mm

PoultryProcessingEquipment.com is a trading style of: Hawley Associates (UK) Ltd.

4 Hopefield Court, Hade Edge, Holmfirth, England. HD9 2LD
Phone: +44 (0) 7516 827 688 e-mail: [email protected]
www.PoultryProcessingEquipment.com Reg No. 05750671. Vat No. 880 6579 82.
P a g e 75

Type: PDP-1 (DN 100) PDP-2 (DN 125)

The giblet pump is designed mainly for transporting chicken gizzards, hearts, livers and necks.

Design and operation:

The giblet pump is made of stainless, acid-resistant materials and plastic. Parts to be
transported are dropped into the charging hopper and, by means of piston movement, they are
pushed through a system of flap valves to a piping system, and further to the distribution point.
For proper functioning of the pump, water must be added to giblets all the time. When
transporting gizzards, livers, hearts or necks, it can be ice water, which results in the additional
effect of chilling the parts if they are transported over long distances. From the distribution point,
giblets can be transported for as long as 80 m, in Ø89 stainless steel pipes or PCV pipes. When
transporting edible parts, they should be directed to special separation screens for draining
water. When transporting offal, it should be directed to waste separator or waste screen.

Technical specifications: PDP-1 (DN 100)

air consumption - 7.2m3/h
operating pressure - 6 at
water consumption - 0.5m3/h

PDP-2 (DN 125)

air consumption - 11m3/h
operating pressure - 6 at
water consumption - 0.8m3/h

Pump capacity: up to 9,000 single parts,

i.e. 9,000 gizzards, livers, hearts or necks.

PoultryProcessingEquipment.com is a trading style of: Hawley Associates (UK) Ltd.

4 Hopefield Court, Hade Edge, Holmfirth, England. HD9 2LD
Phone: +44 (0) 7516 827 688 e-mail: [email protected]
www.PoultryProcessingEquipment.com Reg No. 05750671. Vat No. 880 6579 82.
P a g e 76

Type: DL-45

The intestine pump is designed for transporting post-slaughter offal from the evisceration room
to the storage area.

Design and operation:

The basic element is a pump with a drive unit, an inlet hopper and the piping system for offal
transport. The driving mechanism of the pump rotates the rotor, fitted with two rollers, mounted
in alternating positions. The intestine is then pressed by the rollers, resulting in cutting off the
delivery side from the suction side. Expansion of the intestine to its original shape (on the
suction side), right behind the roller, results in creating negative pressure which sucks the offal
from the inlet hopper. The offal, found between the rollers in the intestine, is pushed towards the
delivery pipe. The pressure from the roller on the delivery side pushes offal into the piping
system and transports it to the destination. Effective operation of the pump depends on the
flexibility of the intestine, i.e. its ability to return to the original shape after being pressed by the

Cover Roller Body Intestine Flange


Inlet hopper




PoultryProcessingEquipment.com is a trading style of: Hawley Associates (UK) Ltd.

4 Hopefield Court, Hade Edge, Holmfirth, England. HD9 2LD
Phone: +44 (0) 7516 827 688 e-mail: [email protected]
www.PoultryProcessingEquipment.com Reg No. 05750671. Vat No. 880 6579 82.
P a g e 77


The chilling process is very

important in poultry slaughtering
technology. For long life of
carcasses, the most effective chilling
system is air-chilling in tunnels, on
the overhead conveyor. Design of
the overhead conveyor allows for
any horizontal and vertical layout of
its course. This is why, for effective
use of space, the conveyor is
usually mounted on two levels in the
chilling room.

Figure: Birds transported inside the chilling room

Design and operation:

A standard overhead conveyor is based on 1” carrying chain. The main components of the
conveyor include: a drive unit, a tension unit, straight tracks, vertical bends, chain trolleys,
shackles, horizontal turning bends, which – depending on bird size and carcass hanging system
(one, two or more on a single shackle) – can have different diameters: Ø 291, 340, 388, 436,
485mm, and in some cases even more. The chain conveyor is suspended from the supporting
structure, which is manufactured separately in accordance with customer’s guidelines.
Depending on its length and load, the conveyor can be equipped with one or more drive and
tension units.

Advantages of the overhead conveyor:

• design of individual components and methods of connecting them, allow for deploying
any layout of the conveyor, which will satisfy customer’s needs and requirements
• simple design allows for fast and easy replacement of parts
• 1” carrying chain allows for using various shackle sizes, at spacing which will match the
transported poultry type
• simple and clear design provides easy access to individual components for proper
cleaning and maintenance
• the use of high-quality materials ensures durability and failure-free operation.

PoultryProcessingEquipment.com is a trading style of: Hawley Associates (UK) Ltd.

4 Hopefield Court, Hade Edge, Holmfirth, England. HD9 2LD
Phone: +44 (0) 7516 827 688 e-mail: [email protected]
www.PoultryProcessingEquipment.com Reg No. 05750671. Vat No. 880 6579 82.
P a g e 78


Thanks to the use of 1” chain, the trolleys and shackles can be mounted at different spacing
(the most frequently used spacing is 6 " – 152 mm for chickens and 8 " – 203 mm for turkeys).
According to customer’s needs and requirements, shackles with different parameters can be
manufactured, both from stainless, acid-resistant materials and food approved plastic.
Below – standard shackles, recommended by PoultryProcessingEquipment.com for the poultry
draining and chilling line.

draining line shackle, hanging

10 chickens per shackle,
made of stainless, acid-
resistant materials

draining line shackle,

made of food approved
plastic and adapted for
working with a rehanger

draining line shackle,

double, made of stainless,
acid resistant materials

draining line shackle, made

of food approved plastic.

For turkey slaughtering plants, shackles should be adequately larger. After consultation with the
customer, we manufacture shackles that match the weight and size of processed poultry.

PoultryProcessingEquipment.com is a trading style of: Hawley Associates (UK) Ltd.

4 Hopefield Court, Hade Edge, Holmfirth, England. HD9 2LD
Phone: +44 (0) 7516 827 688 e-mail: [email protected]
www.PoultryProcessingEquipment.com Reg No. 05750671. Vat No. 880 6579 82.
P a g e 79


Shackle for the chilling and drip line for turkeys

suspended by the carcass, made entirely of
stainless materials, designed for use with
‘load-unload’ type of lines.

Stainless metal shackle of the chilling and drip line

When equipping turkey slaughtering plants, the shackles must be adequately larger; after consulting
with the client, shackles are made to match the weight and size of the slaughtered poultry.

PoultryProcessingEquipment.com is a trading style of: Hawley Associates (UK) Ltd.

4 Hopefield Court, Hade Edge, Holmfirth, England. HD9 2LD
Phone: +44 (0) 7516 827 688 e-mail: [email protected]
www.PoultryProcessingEquipment.com Reg No. 05750671. Vat No. 880 6579 82.
P a g e 80

Type: WTO

The dripping line carcass releaser is designed for unloading hens and chickens from shackles in
the dripping line (or in the chilling line where dripping shackles are used).

Design and operation:

The releaser is made of acid-resistant, stainless steel bars and angle sections.
Poultry carcasses transported by the dripping line conveyor are guided to the releasing rod,
where legs slip out of shackles.



Notice Advantages of the carcass releaser:

• less work for the operator
• simple design and the materials used allow for keeping the machine clean.

PoultryProcessingEquipment.com is a trading style of: Hawley Associates (UK) Ltd.

4 Hopefield Court, Hade Edge, Holmfirth, England. HD9 2LD
Phone: +44 (0) 7516 827 688 e-mail: [email protected]
www.PoultryProcessingEquipment.com Reg No. 05750671. Vat No. 880 6579 82.
P a g e 81


Type: SD-1.3 / 1.6 / 1.8 / 2.1

The poultry chiller is designed for chilling eviscerated poultry carcasses in water. For best
chilling results ice water bath at the temperature of ~ 1.5 – 2°C is applied along with air blow,
which enables thorough penetration of water inside the carcass

Design and operation:

The casing and spiral of the chiller are made of stainless, acid-resistant materials, the drive – a
worm gear powered by a 380V electric motor, with power rating matching the chiller size, not
exceeding 1.5kW, in a stainless-steel enclosure. Birds fall into the chiller directly from the
releaser, or are manually placed at the front of the water tank and then transported by the spiral
to the back of it, where chilled birds are automatically ejected. It is recommended to use a set of
two chillers or a single chiller divided into two tanks with a partition. Birds are automatically
moved from one tank to the other. Each tank has separate water drain and overflow. Such
solution allows for effective water usage and maintaining proper quality of chilled poultry.

Technical specifications:
Utility connections: installed by the customer according to manufacturer’s guidelines.
L - standard – 1.5m repeatability (the shortest chiller: 3m)
Ø - standard : 1,200, 1,300, 1,600, 1,800, 2,100mm

The length and width of the poultry chiller depends on the capacity and processed bird size.

Chilling birds in this type of chillers is the most effective way of reducing their temperature.

PoultryProcessingEquipment.com is a trading style of: Hawley Associates (UK) Ltd.

4 Hopefield Court, Hade Edge, Holmfirth, England. HD9 2LD
Phone: +44 (0) 7516 827 688 e-mail: [email protected]
www.PoultryProcessingEquipment.com Reg No. 05750671. Vat No. 880 6579 82.
P a g e 82


Type: SP-0.3

The spiral giblet chiller is designed for chilling hearts, livers, gizzards, necks or feet. For best
chilling results a water-ice bath is used.

Design and operation:

The casing and spiral of the chiller are made of high-quality stainless, acid-resistant materials.
The drive – a worm gear powered by electric motor (380V) with power rating adjusted to the
chiller size, not exceeding 1.5kW, in a stainless-steel housing.
Depending on the location of the processing line and chiller, parts to be chilled either fall directly
from the line into the chiller (e.g. feet from the releaser or giblets from the belt conveyor near the
evisceration trough) or are manually placed in the chiller. After that, the spiral moves them
towards the end of the tank, where they are automatically ejected to a container, trough,
conveyor belt or in any other recipient in the technological design.

Length and width of the giblet chiller is adjusted to the capacity and size of chilled parts. Ice
water is used for chilling. If municipal water is used, crushed ice or flake ice must be added
during chiller operation.

Technical specifications:
Utility connections: installed by the customer according to manufacturer’s guidelines
Length – depending on capacity
Diameter – from 300 to 800mm (depending on type of chilled parts)

Chilling giblets in this type of chillers is the most effective way of reducing their temperature.

PoultryProcessingEquipment.com is a trading style of: Hawley Associates (UK) Ltd.

4 Hopefield Court, Hade Edge, Holmfirth, England. HD9 2LD
Phone: +44 (0) 7516 827 688 e-mail: [email protected]
www.PoultryProcessingEquipment.com Reg No. 05750671. Vat No. 880 6579 82.
P a g e 83


Type: DD-P

The poultry cutter is designed for effective and hygienic portioning and filleting of any type of

Design and operation:

The cutter-conveyor is made of stainless, acid-resistant steel and food approved plastic.
The size of plastic cones, on which eviscerated carcasses, prepared for cutting, are placed is
adapted to the size of portioned poultry.

Depending on customer’s needs (capacity and bird size) the cutter can be manufactured in
different lengths. Its design allows also for future extension of the machine. Stepless control of
the cutter-conveyor speed allows for its adjustment to current user needs, capacity and abilities
of operators. Work stands are located on both sides of the machine. Design of the conveyor
allows for different methods of bird supply and reception – in belt conveyors, boxes, tank-
trolleys etc.

Technical specifications:
Length (L): according to the requirements
and capacity of the cut-up line
Minimum length: 4,000mm.
Maximum installed power: 1.5kW

Depending on the portioned bird size,
appropriate size and spacing of cones is

PoultryProcessingEquipment.com is a trading style of: Hawley Associates (UK) Ltd.

4 Hopefield Court, Hade Edge, Holmfirth, England. HD9 2LD
Phone: +44 (0) 7516 827 688 e-mail: [email protected]
www.PoultryProcessingEquipment.com Reg No. 05750671. Vat No. 880 6579 82.
P a g e 84


Type: SDP

The poultry cone line is designed for effective and hygienic cut-up and filleting of any type of

Design and operation:

The cone line is made of stainless, acid-resistant materials and special food approved plastic.
It consists of the following subassemblies, which, when properly combined, form a track for
portioning spindles (cones):
1. Carrying frame made of hollow profile sections. The lower profile is equipped with feet
for height and level adjustment. The upper part of the frame is covered by a two-part
tabletop fastened to an angle section, which is welded to the frame profile.
2. Double chain conveyor consisting of:
a. a drive unit, a tension unit (located at opposite ends of the frame),
b. stainless steel chain, type 260SS, special plates mounted to the chain to which
PE cones – spindles and upper and lower guides are mounted
c. The chain conveyor, the drive and tension shafts, as well as the upper and lower
guides are fixed to frame elements.
3. Shield set:
a. mesh shield I for protecting the turn of cones at the side of the drive unit
b. mesh shield II for protecting the turn of cones at the side of the tension unit
c. side shields mounted to both sides of the frame
4. Control cabinet with a frequency converter, which allows for adjusting conveyor speed
and, as a result, the portioning capacity
5. Safety switch system

Technical specifications:
Length (L): according to the requirements and capacity of the cut-up line
Maximum installed power: 1.5kW

Depending on the portioned bird size, appropriate size and spacing of cones is implemented.

PoultryProcessingEquipment.com is a trading style of: Hawley Associates (UK) Ltd.

4 Hopefield Court, Hade Edge, Holmfirth, England. HD9 2LD
Phone: +44 (0) 7516 827 688 e-mail: [email protected]
www.PoultryProcessingEquipment.com Reg No. 05750671. Vat No. 880 6579 82.
P a g e 85



The single stand poultry cutter is designed for portioning any type and size of birds and parts
(wings, thighs, drumsticks, necks, etc.)

The design and functionality of the machine allows for its easy adjustment to the required
cutting and portioning operations and movement to any location. It provides easy blade
replacement, washing and work safety (the moving shield prevents blade activation when it is

Technical specifications:
Installed power: 1.1kW
Supply voltage: 380V
Blade diameter: Ø220

PoultryProcessingEquipment.com is a trading style of: Hawley Associates (UK) Ltd.

4 Hopefield Court, Hade Edge, Holmfirth, England. HD9 2LD
Phone: +44 (0) 7516 827 688 e-mail: [email protected]
www.PoultryProcessingEquipment.com Reg No. 05750671. Vat No. 880 6579 82.
P a g e 86

Type: PT-0.3 / 0.4 / 0.5 / 0.6

The belt conveyor is used for internal transport in plants, where it is necessary to move
elements, objects etc. at distances up to 10 m. In poultry processing plants,
it can be used for transporting birds, parts (e.g. from the cut-up machines), giblets, viscera,
feathers, etc.

Design and operation:

The belt conveyor is designed as a free-standing machine. It does not require foundations,
which allows for easy positioning and optimal use, depending on customer’s needs. The
conveyor is made of stainless, acid-resistant materials.

The conveyor consists of a drive unit, a tension unit and a straight segment.
The transporting element is a belt, the choice of which depends on the transported materials (for
transporting edible parts, a food approved belt must be used).


Technical specifications:
L - from 2,000mm to 10,000mm
B - from 200mm to 1,000mm
Installed power – depending on conveyor size - from 0.12 to 1.5 kW

Height – according to customer requirements

Standard height – 400mm - 750mm

PoultryProcessingEquipment.com is a trading style of: Hawley Associates (UK) Ltd.

4 Hopefield Court, Hade Edge, Holmfirth, England. HD9 2LD
Phone: +44 (0) 7516 827 688 e-mail: [email protected]
www.PoultryProcessingEquipment.com Reg No. 05750671. Vat No. 880 6579 82.
P a g e 87


The roller conveyor is designed for transporting relatively heavy objects
with regular shapes and relatively large area of contact with the rollers, such as containers or

Design and operation:

The conveyor is constructed of stainless, acid-resistant materials. State-of-the-art rollers are
made of stainless steel or PVC.

Each roller of the conveyor is powered. Transmission of drive from the gear-motor
is done by means of a roller chain. The roller conveyor can be assembled to any length, but the
longest section driven by a single chain can be 9m.

At the customer’s request the conveyor can be combined with non-powered sections
and special rails can be installed to prevent the transported objects from falling.

PoultryProcessingEquipment.com is a trading style of: Hawley Associates (UK) Ltd.

4 Hopefield Court, Hade Edge, Holmfirth, England. HD9 2LD
Phone: +44 (0) 7516 827 688 e-mail: [email protected]
www.PoultryProcessingEquipment.com Reg No. 05750671. Vat No. 880 6579 82.
P a g e 88


Type: TOP-1/2

The vacuum offal transport system is designed for convenient transporting

of post-slaughter offal from various locations of the processing plant (slaughtering, evisceration

Design and operation:

Offal originating in the technological process is characterised by various physical properties and
has different destinations at further processing stages. For example,
it can be used as fodder substrate. Offal is divided into three types: feet, heads and intestines.
This division determines the necessity of using three paths. As shown in
the figure below, at the beginning of each path there is a charging hopper (6). Offal
is transported in a closed conduit (acid-resistant, stainless piping) to the separating tank (3).
Mass collected in the tanks is removed at appropriate time by opening the bottom flap. Offal
falls from the tanks to a container (7). Transport in each path takes place in an alternating
manner in automatic cycle. The executive system consists of pneumatic cylinders of very high
durability and reliability. Automatic control is performed by a special clock unit (5), equipped with
time adjustment system. Offal transport is based on the principle of negative pressure, which is
one of its major advantages. Easy deployment and control of each path is another important




Legend: 1 – vacuum pump; 2 – equalising tank; 3 – separating tanks (cyclones);

4 – control valves; 5 – clock unit (for controlling the valve); 6 – offal charging hoppers;
7 – offal containers.

PoultryProcessingEquipment.com is a trading style of: Hawley Associates (UK) Ltd.

4 Hopefield Court, Hade Edge, Holmfirth, England. HD9 2LD
Phone: +44 (0) 7516 827 688 e-mail: [email protected]
www.PoultryProcessingEquipment.com Reg No. 05750671. Vat No. 880 6579 82.
P a g e 89


Type: SLS – 1 / 1.5 / 2 / 3

The wedge wire screen is designed for preliminary waste water treatment in various branches of
industry, and in particular in poultry slaughtering, meat processing and waste water treatment

Design and operation:

The device is equipped with a high capacity balance tank, for reducing waste water turbulence.
In the upper part of the chamber, there is an overflow, used for directing the stream to the filter
element. An adjustable aperture ensures even flow along the entire width of the strainer and
prevents rapid flow of the liquid. The suspension is separated from the liquid when passing
through a specially shaped filter element. Solid particles flow down by forces of gravity and the
separated liquid flows into the main chamber of the device. The size of captured solids depends
on the slot size and can be: 0.25mm, 0.5mm, 1mm, 1.6mm or other. The filter element used is
characterised by very high precision of slot size and very high smoothness of the working
surface. Simple design and high-quality materials ensure easy and reliable operation of the

Technical specifications:
connection diameter
Strainer size Capacity (l/s). Strainer width (mm) L dimension inlet outlet
3000 80 2 x 1454 3030 as required and agreed
2000 57 1954 2064 with the customer
1500 38 1454 1564 from 100mm to 250mm
1000 16 954 1064
* capacity for clean water and slot width of 0.5mm.

PoultryProcessingEquipment.com is a trading style of: Hawley Associates (UK) Ltd.

4 Hopefield Court, Hade Edge, Holmfirth, England. HD9 2LD
Phone: +44 (0) 7516 827 688 e-mail: [email protected]
www.PoultryProcessingEquipment.com Reg No. 05750671. Vat No. 880 6579 82.
P a g e 90

Type: SPO-1 / 2 / 3

The machine is designed for separating feathers and offal from waste water. Due to the
application and method of transporting elements inside the screen, two separate devices must
be used for separating offal and feathers.

Design and operation:

The separator is made of stainless, acid-resistant steel.
The basic unit of the separator is the trough-shaped body, containing a horizontal cylindrical
screen, mounted on rollers. In the lower part of the body, there is a waste water trough. The
drive is installed on the upper part – when activated, it rotates the cylindrical screen. Offal or
feathers are fed into the screen, where they are separated from water and conveyed towards
the outlet. Above the screen, a washer is fitted. The separator length depends on its capacity.

Technical specifications:
Capacity up to 3,000bph - A = 3,500mm / H = 2,035mm
- drum diameter Ø 640mm
- Motor power 0.75kW
Capacity up to 5,000bph - A = 4,500mm / H = 2,185mm
- drum diameter Ø 640mm
- Motor power 1.1kW
Capacity up to 9,000bph - A = 5,500mm / H=2,300mm
- drum diameter Ø 800mm
- inled power 2.2kW

PoultryProcessingEquipment.com is a trading style of: Hawley Associates (UK) Ltd.

4 Hopefield Court, Hade Edge, Holmfirth, England. HD9 2LD
Phone: +44 (0) 7516 827 688 e-mail: [email protected]
www.PoultryProcessingEquipment.com Reg No. 05750671. Vat No. 880 6579 82.
P a g e 91

Type: SJ-1

The machine is designed for separating water from intestines after the evisceration process.

Design and operation:

The separator is made entirely of high-quality stainless and acid-resistant materials.
The main parts are:
1. a trough with an outlet for separated water, fixed upon a robust supporting structure
2. a separating screen, which rotates thanks to a system of rollers mounted inside the
3. a drive unit with chain transmission.

The separator is installed at a location which allows for direct entry of intestines into the rotating
separating screen. Intestines are transported by the internal spiral of the screen towards the
At the same time, water added to the separator with the intestines flows to the trough and
the drain into the sewer. Separated intestines are pneumatically transported further to the offal
room. The screen is driven by means of a special chain transmission.

Intestine Separator
Technical specifications:
Installed power: 0.37kW
Voltage: 3 x 380 – 420V, 50Hz
Capacity: up to 7,000bph
Separating screen speed: 13 rpm
Actual weight: 96kg

The figure shows an intestine separator without the cover

PoultryProcessingEquipment.com is a trading style of: Hawley Associates (UK) Ltd.

4 Hopefield Court, Hade Edge, Holmfirth, England. HD9 2LD
Phone: +44 (0) 7516 827 688 e-mail: [email protected]
www.PoultryProcessingEquipment.com Reg No. 05750671. Vat No. 880 6579 82.
P a g e 92

Type: WDP-1 / 2

The feather press is designed for dewatering feathers coming from the chicken plucking
after preliminary separation.

Design and operation:

The press is constructed of stainless, acid-resistant materials, except for the chain coupling and
Its basic parts are:
1. a trough with a water drain, with a decagonal profile mounted inside the lower part,
made of perforated sheet
2. a worm with a chain coupling, for drive transmission from the gear
3. a feather outlet funnel
4. a gear motor.

The press is installed at a location where pre-separated feathers can be loaded directly into it.
Feathers falling between the coils of the spiral, are moved along the open-work bottom of the
trough towards the outlet funnel, and the water gets to the trough and is carried away to the
waste water channel. Dewatered press falls directly from the funnel into a container.

Feather Press

Technical specifications:
Motor power: 5.5 kW – 7.5kW
Voltage: 3 x 380 – 420V / 50Hz
Capacity: up to 6,000 chickens per hour
Spiral speed: n2 = 18 rpm
Actual weight: 380kg

PoultryProcessingEquipment.com is a trading style of: Hawley Associates (UK) Ltd.

4 Hopefield Court, Hade Edge, Holmfirth, England. HD9 2LD
Phone: +44 (0) 7516 827 688 e-mail: [email protected]
www.PoultryProcessingEquipment.com Reg No. 05750671. Vat No. 880 6579 82.
P a g e 93


Trolley tank

½” drain valve

Standing tank

½” drain valve

The trolley tank is designed for collecting and

transporting solid and liquid products.

The trolley-tank is made of stainless, acid-resistant
materials, which makes it suitable for storing both usable
products and all types of waste material. Fitted with a
pair of castors and a pair of fixed wheels, it is easily

A standard standing tank shares the design with the

trolley-tank, except it has stainless steel legs instead of
castors and wheels (total height: 750mm). The materials
used for its manufacture allow for storing all types of products.

At customer’s request, tanks can be manufactured in other than standard dimensions, shown in
the figure.

PoultryProcessingEquipment.com is a trading style of: Hawley Associates (UK) Ltd.

4 Hopefield Court, Hade Edge, Holmfirth, England. HD9 2LD
Phone: +44 (0) 7516 827 688 e-mail: [email protected]
www.PoultryProcessingEquipment.com Reg No. 05750671. Vat No. 880 6579 82.
P a g e 94


Type: MBF-1

Washing boots and aprons is done manually, using separate brushes mounted on soft hoses.
Water is supplied to both sides of the washer. It is operated by opening a ½” ball valve. Water
drain is connected to a Ø 50 outlet at the bottom of the tank.

The back wall of the washer is designed for

hanging the apron, and the cross-bar mounted
in the lower part is used for placing the foot.
The boot and apron washer can be placed
anywhere, because of its robust design and no
need for additional support.

It is made entirely of stainless, acid-resistant

materials and plastic.

The washer can also be manufactured with just

one brush and without the cross-bar – for apron
washing only. This type of washer is leaning
back and should be suspended on wall-
mounted hooks for stability.

PoultryProcessingEquipment.com is a trading style of: Hawley Associates (UK) Ltd.

4 Hopefield Court, Hade Edge, Holmfirth, England. HD9 2LD
Phone: +44 (0) 7516 827 688 e-mail: [email protected]
www.PoultryProcessingEquipment.com Reg No. 05750671. Vat No. 880 6579 82.
P a g e 95

Type: MB-1

The boot washer is designed for manual

washing of footwear with a brush, mounted on
a ½” soft hose. Water flow is controlled by
pressing a valve located in the brush handle.
Water connection: ½"; a standard Ø 50 drain
outlet placed in the lower part of the washer.

The trolley is made of acid-resistant, stainless

Plastic wheels are characterised by high

mechanical strength.

Positioning of the wheels facilitates tilting and

unloading the trolley.

Standard: single and double trolleys.


The apron hanger is made of stainless, acid-resistant materials. It is suspended on hinges,

which allows for its placement at a convenient location.
Functional and comfortable design of the hanger allows for hanging a large number of aprons
and headgear.
PoultryProcessingEquipment.com is a trading style of: Hawley Associates (UK) Ltd.
4 Hopefield Court, Hade Edge, Holmfirth, England. HD9 2LD
Phone: +44 (0) 7516 827 688 e-mail: [email protected]
www.PoultryProcessingEquipment.com Reg No. 05750671. Vat No. 880 6579 82.
P a g e 96

Type: WZW-1

The smoking trolley is designed for quick and efficient transporting of meat products for smoking
and allows for effective use of smoking chambers and rooms.

The smoking trolley is made of stainless, acid resistant materials.
It is equipped with 6 plastic wheels with high mechanical strength (wheel diameter: 160mm). At
customer’s request, special heat-resistant wheels can be used.
The robust, compact design of the trolley ensures stable transport of parts for smoking, as well
as optimal usage of smoking rooms.

Technical specifications:
Dimensions: 1,000 x 1,000 x 1,952mm
Number of racks with hooks 5

PoultryProcessingEquipment.com is a trading style of: Hawley Associates (UK) Ltd.

4 Hopefield Court, Hade Edge, Holmfirth, England. HD9 2LD
Phone: +44 (0) 7516 827 688 e-mail: [email protected]
www.PoultryProcessingEquipment.com Reg No. 05750671. Vat No. 880 6579 82.
P a g e 97

Tables made of stainless, acid-resistant materials can be used for performing all types of
technological operations related to slaughtering, processing, packing or portioning of poultry.
They can be used in food processing plants, laboratories, hospitals, stores, etc.

Tables are made of food approved materials. Standard models include simple stainless-steel
tops, with rims folded downwards, legs made of stainless profiles; dimensions as shown in the

Suggested standard lengths:

L= 940, 1,440, 1,940mm

At the customer’s request,

tables can be manufactured
with different lengths, widths
and heights.

Depending on the weight to be

carried by the tables, additional
reinforcement can be applied.

At customer’s request, any combination of table top, additional racks, rails, etc. can be
manufactured, such as:
- tables with full rims or rails, with solid or open-work upper section,
- tables with perforated sheet inserts, drain openings, water tanks,
- tables with plastic plate inserts, with solid or open-work lower rack,
- tables with water connections, valves, etc.

PoultryProcessingEquipment.com is a trading style of: Hawley Associates (UK) Ltd.

4 Hopefield Court, Hade Edge, Holmfirth, England. HD9 2LD
Phone: +44 (0) 7516 827 688 e-mail: [email protected]
www.PoultryProcessingEquipment.com Reg No. 05750671. Vat No. 880 6579 82.
P a g e 98

Type: UK-1 / 2

Knee-operated washbasins are designed for washing hands in poultry processing plants, food
processing plants, hospital and laboratories and other plants where water outflow should not be
controlled by hand.

Design and operation:

The knee-operated washbasin is manufactured of acid-resistant, stainless steel.
It is fitted with a standard siphon, a faucet, a valve and a mechanical mixer, which allows for the
connection of both hot and cold water.

Water outflow starts after pressing the button in the front wall of the basin.
Water flows for a time period that can be adjusted between 4 and 12 seconds by means of a
ring mounted in the valve. Water temperature is adjusted by the mixer, placed under the basin.

We offer knee-operated washbasins of various shapes and sizes, both freestanding and wall-
mounted. Apart from standard washbasins, such as those shown in the figures below, other
models can be manufactured based on customer’s sketches.

PoultryProcessingEquipment.com is a trading style of: Hawley Associates (UK) Ltd.

4 Hopefield Court, Hade Edge, Holmfirth, England. HD9 2LD
Phone: +44 (0) 7516 827 688 e-mail: [email protected]
www.PoultryProcessingEquipment.com Reg No. 05750671. Vat No. 880 6579 82.
P a g e 99

Type: SN-1

The steriliser is designed for hot-water sterilisation of blades, sharpeners and other types of
tools used in poultry and meat processing plants.

Design and operation:

The steriliser is made of acid-resistant, stainless steel. Its basic element is the tank with blade
and sharpener stand. Water is supplied through a standard ½” connection, and its excess
escapes by an overflow pipe connected to a ½” drain valve. Electric heater, controlled by the
temperature control system, is used for heating water. Temperature inside the steriliser can be
checked on a thermometer placed on the external wall of the steriliser. Depending on the layout
of the processing line, left- or right-side sterilisers can be used.

Technical specification:
Power supply - 220V
Heater power - 1,000W
Temperature range - 85-90°C
Capacity - 5.5l

PoultryProcessingEquipment.com is a trading style of: Hawley Associates (UK) Ltd.

4 Hopefield Court, Hade Edge, Holmfirth, England. HD9 2LD
Phone: +44 (0) 7516 827 688 e-mail: [email protected]
www.PoultryProcessingEquipment.com Reg No. 05750671. Vat No. 880 6579 82.
P a g e 100


The bird counter is designed for recording the number of slaughtered birds.

Design and operation:

All elements of the counter are made of stainless, acid-resistant materials.
Its main elements are:
1. a frame mounted to the upper edge of the beam of the overhead conveyor
2. a guide bar
3. a recording element with an inductive sensor
4. electrical cabinet with an adding device.

The bird counter can co-operate with various shackle and joint types, as the counting
mechanism is horizontally and vertically adjustable.

Technical specifications:
Power supply: 230V; 50Hz
Sensor type: inductive
Shackle spacing: any
Weight: 16kg

PoultryProcessingEquipment.com is a trading style of: Hawley Associates (UK) Ltd.

4 Hopefield Court, Hade Edge, Holmfirth, England. HD9 2LD
Phone: +44 (0) 7516 827 688 e-mail: [email protected]
www.PoultryProcessingEquipment.com Reg No. 05750671. Vat No. 880 6579 82.
P a g e 101


The bird counter is designed for recording the number of slaughtered birds.

Design and operation:

All parts of the counter are made of stainless, acid-resistant materials. They include:
1. a frame mounted to the upper edge of the chain conveyor beam
2. a guide
3. a recording element with a photo-optical sensor
4. an electrical cabinet with an adding device.

The bird counter is designed for co-operating with various shackle and joint types, since the
counting mechanism is horizontally and vertically adjustable.

Technical specifications:
Power supply: 230V; 50Hz
Sensor type: photo-optical
Shackle spacing: any
Weight: 16kg

PoultryProcessingEquipment.com is a trading style of: Hawley Associates (UK) Ltd.

4 Hopefield Court, Hade Edge, Holmfirth, England. HD9 2LD
Phone: +44 (0) 7516 827 688 e-mail: [email protected]
www.PoultryProcessingEquipment.com Reg No. 05750671. Vat No. 880 6579 82.
P a g e 102


The pneumatic finger replacement gun helps in fast and safe replacement of rubber fingers in
such machines as pluckers, gizzard processors or drum foot cleaners.
The gun is designed for standard finger length: L=80 mm.

Design and operation:

The finger replacement gun is made of stainless, acid-resistant materials, and corrosion-
resistant materials. The main part of the gun is a cylinder connected with a finger gripping
mechanism. In order to replace a finger by means of the gun, you must manually place the
finger in the desired opening and then place the protruding part of the finger in the gun sleeve,
and after that you must press the button on the gun handle.

Technical specifications:
Connection: Ø6 PU conduit
Supply: compressed air
Weight: 2.25 kg

Notice Compressed air used for supplying the gun must be cleaned in an air treatment unit

PoultryProcessingEquipment.com is a trading style of: Hawley Associates (UK) Ltd.

4 Hopefield Court, Hade Edge, Holmfirth, England. HD9 2LD
Phone: +44 (0) 7516 827 688 e-mail: [email protected]
www.PoultryProcessingEquipment.com Reg No. 05750671. Vat No. 880 6579 82.
P a g e 103


The mechanical hoist is designed for various kinds of height adjustment.

The hoist is made of stainless, acid-resistant materials, and corrosion-resistant materials.
Such design provides a wide range of applications in poultry slaughtering, meat processing and
other plants.

Technical specification:
- Maximum hoist load – 600kg
- Weight – 3.7kg
- Height range – 0.22m

Other ranges available at

customer’s request.

Major advantages of the hoist:

• No need for operator
• simple design and the materials
used allow for proper cleaning of
the machine.

PoultryProcessingEquipment.com is a trading style of: Hawley Associates (UK) Ltd.

4 Hopefield Court, Hade Edge, Holmfirth, England. HD9 2LD
Phone: +44 (0) 7516 827 688 e-mail: [email protected]
www.PoultryProcessingEquipment.com Reg No. 05750671. Vat No. 880 6579 82.
P a g e 104


The funnel is designed for packing birds into plastic bags.

The bag is placed on the narrow side of the funnel and then the bird is manually pushed into it
from the other side.

The funnel is made entirely of acid-resistant, stainless steel.

The packing funnel is mounted to the packing table.

PoultryProcessingEquipment.com is a trading style of: Hawley Associates (UK) Ltd.

4 Hopefield Court, Hade Edge, Holmfirth, England. HD9 2LD
Phone: +44 (0) 7516 827 688 e-mail: [email protected]
www.PoultryProcessingEquipment.com Reg No. 05750671. Vat No. 880 6579 82.
P a g e 105


Type: WK-1

De-boner is designed for chicken thighs/drumsticks.

Design and operation:

De-boner is made exclusively of high-quality stainless and acid-resistant materials and food-
approved plastic.

De-boner is a free-standing device, operated by one person. It is equipped with a mechanism

for forcing thighs or drumsticks through a rubber membrane, which separates meat from the

The device is adjustable for different sizes of chicken thighs or drumsticks.

Technical specifications:
Installed power: 0.18kW
Voltage: 380 – 420V, 50Hz
Capacity: up to ~ 2,400 pieces per hour - thigh
up to ~ 2,000 pieces per hour -
Operation: 1 person

PoultryProcessingEquipment.com is a trading style of: Hawley Associates (UK) Ltd.

4 Hopefield Court, Hade Edge, Holmfirth, England. HD9 2LD
Phone: +44 (0) 7516 827 688 e-mail: [email protected]
www.PoultryProcessingEquipment.com Reg No. 05750671. Vat No. 880 6579 82.
P a g e 106


Type: WK-2

The de-boner is used for trimming chicken thighs and shanks

Design and operation:

The single-stand de-boner is mounted to the table, worktop etc. It is made mostly from stainless,
acid-resistant materials, aluminium and food-approved plastic.
The main units of the de-boner are:
Frame made of closed profiles
Cylinders for controlling the operation of the de-boner
Guides of the pushing-out unit
Mechanism for pushing out the bone
Rubber insert

Design and principle of operation:

Upon a frame made mostly of closed profiles, there are two pneumatic cylinders which provide
drive for the machine. The machine is controlled with a button located at the marked spot.
Pressing the button causes the sleeve and a PE piston – fastened to the slider – are moved
downwards along two guides, which causes the thigh or shank bone, placed between the piston
and the rubber insert, to be pushed through the opening in the insert. Deboned meat is left on
the rubber insert. The bone might still be connected with the meat, in which case it should be
torn away or cut off with a knife.

Technical specification:
Installed power: 200W
Voltage: 230V, 50Hz
Capacity: ~ 900 pieces per hour - thigh
~ 700 pieces per hour - shank
Operating personnel: 1 person

PoultryProcessingEquipment.com is a trading style of: Hawley Associates (UK) Ltd.

4 Hopefield Court, Hade Edge, Holmfirth, England. HD9 2LD
Phone: +44 (0) 7516 827 688 e-mail: [email protected]
www.PoultryProcessingEquipment.com Reg No. 05750671. Vat No. 880 6579 82.
P a g e 107


Type: WK-3

De-boner is designed for separating meat from bones in turkey thighs and shanks.

Design and operation:

The single-stand de-boner is mounted to the table, worktop etc. It is made mostly from stainless,
acid-resistant materials, aluminium and food-approved plastic.
The main units of the de-boner are:
Frame made of closed profiles
Cylinders for controlling the operation of the de-boner
Guides of the pushing-out unit
Mechanism for pushing out the bone
Rubber insert
Working table
Pneumatic bone cutter

Design and principle of operation:

Upon a frame made mostly of closed profiles, there are two

pneumatic cylinders which provide drive for the machine.
The machine is controlled with a button located at the marked spot.
Pressing the button makes the sleeve and a PE piston – fastened
to the slider – move downwards along two guides, which pushes
the thigh or shank bone, placed between the piston and the rubber
insert, through the opening in the insert. Deboned meat is left on
the rubber insert. The bone is cut off with a pneumatic cutter
mounted just below the working table.

Technical specifications:
Installed power: 200W
Voltage: 230V, 50Hz
Capacity: ~ 280 pcs/h
Operators: 1 person

PoultryProcessingEquipment.com is a trading style of: Hawley Associates (UK) Ltd.

4 Hopefield Court, Hade Edge, Holmfirth, England. HD9 2LD
Phone: +44 (0) 7516 827 688 e-mail: [email protected]
www.PoultryProcessingEquipment.com Reg No. 05750671. Vat No. 880 6579 82.
P a g e 108


The purpose of weight sorting is segregation of slaughtered birds. During the sorting process,
each shackle with a suspended chicken is lifted, in order to provide as accurate weighing results
as possible (with proper settings and calibration, the deviation should not exceed +/- 0.3%).

Design and operation:

The weight sorting line includes an overhead chain conveyor with special shackles, a weighing
bridge, ejecting stations, computer operational system, drop chute with a roller conveyor.

The design of the conveyor allows for any desired layout.

The entire sorting process is controlled by the computer system.

Technical specifications:
Installed power: 1.1kW / 1,400rpm
Voltage: 400V / 50Hz
Capacity: up to 6,000bph

PoultryProcessingEquipment.com is a trading style of: Hawley Associates (UK) Ltd.

4 Hopefield Court, Hade Edge, Holmfirth, England. HD9 2LD
Phone: +44 (0) 7516 827 688 e-mail: [email protected]
www.PoultryProcessingEquipment.com Reg No. 05750671. Vat No. 880 6579 82.
P a g e 109


Flotation is a technological process applied in wastewater treatment for separating fractions
lighter than the liquid. Substances lighter than water (e.g. fat) tend to form surface scum, which
is easy to remove. However, we often want to separate substances whose specific gravity is
close to that of water, which simply float below surface, or for which it takes too much time to
emerge. Thanks to chemical support in the flotation process, removal of fats becomes
significantly more effective.

One of the main elements of flotation is the flotation unit constructed of stainless steel, equipped
in its upper part with a sweeper with a tubular flocculator, where equalised and pre-treated
sewage are directed. Flotation efficiency depends on the size of air bubbles produced in the
process – the smaller the bubbles the higher the flotation efficiency.
A flotation system usually consists of the following elements:

equalisation tank
flocculator (mixer in which reacting substances are batched)
flotation unit
polyelectrolyte preparation unit
sludge collection system
pre-treated wastewater collection system.

PoultryProcessingEquipment.com is a trading style of: Hawley Associates (UK) Ltd.

4 Hopefield Court, Hade Edge, Holmfirth, England. HD9 2LD
Phone: +44 (0) 7516 827 688 e-mail: [email protected]
www.PoultryProcessingEquipment.com Reg No. 05750671. Vat No. 880 6579 82.
P a g e 110


PoultryProcessingEquipment.com - manufactures industrial wastewater treatment plants for
sewage originating during poultry slaughtering and domestic sewage.

The processing line of the treatment plant is equipped with the following units (subassemblies):

Bow strainer (mechanical treatment of solid particles)

De-fatter with a system of pumps and mixers (fat separation, mixing and equalisation
of sewage)
Retention tank with a system of pumps and mixers (collecting sewage and daily
equalisation of quantity and quality)
Physicochemical pre-treatment plant (flocculator, flotation unit with saturator used for
physicochemical reactions)
Biological reactor used for biological treatment, consisting of:
o pre-treated effluent retention tank
o denitrification chamber with a system of pumps and mixers
o nitrification chamber with a system of blowers and diffusers for aerating the
effluent and gate chamber
o secondary sedimentation tanks (final separation of sludge from treated
o Sludge pumping, dewatering, collecting and disposal system
o Treated sewage pumping station
o Control and measuring system

The whole treatment process is controlled automatically.

The treatment plant is equipped with a system of gates and emergency bypasses which ensure
stable operation in cases of emergency.

PoultryProcessingEquipment.com is a trading style of: Hawley Associates (UK) Ltd.

4 Hopefield Court, Hade Edge, Holmfirth, England. HD9 2LD
Phone: +44 (0) 7516 827 688 e-mail: [email protected]
www.PoultryProcessingEquipment.com Reg No. 05750671. Vat No. 880 6579 82.

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