Black Scholes-Solution
Black Scholes-Solution
Black Scholes-Solution
Input data
Type of option (1 for call, 2 for put) 1
Stock price $35.00
Exercise price $40.00
Duration (years) 0.50
Riskfree interest rate 5%
Volatility 40%
Input data
Type of option (1 for call, 2 for put) 1
Stock price $35.00
Exercise price $40.00
Duration (years) 0.50
Riskfree interest rate 5%
Volatility 40%
Input data
Type of option (1 for call, 2 for put) 1
Stock price $35.00
Exercise price $40.00
Duration (years) 0.50
Riskfree interest rate 5%
Volatility 40%
Input data
Type of option (1 for call, 2 for put) 1
Stock price $35.00
Exercise price $40.00
Duration (years) 0.50
Riskfree interest rate 5%
Volatility 40%