Procedure For Radiography Testing
Procedure For Radiography Testing
Procedure For Radiography Testing
NOCPL DOC NO.: W488-C-E-MS-006 REV: 00
WORLEY DOC NO.: 15963-2171-NOCPL-GE010-0009 REV: 00
Project Details
00 27/10/2021 Prakash Jha Khirod Kumar Giri
Table of Contents
1.0 PROJECT.......................................................................................03
2.0 PURPOSE………………………………………………………………03
3.0 REFERENCES……..……………………………………...................03
4.0 METHODOLOGY……………………………………………………...03
7.0 EXPOSURE……………………………………….…………….……..09
9.0 INTERPETETION………………………………….………..….…..….15
11.0 QA/QC………………………………….………………..………..…....18
12.0 APPENDICES/FORMATS…………………………………………....18
Mechanical and Piping composite works at Mangalore, HPCL Project.
The purpose of this document is to lay down specific guidelines and requirements
for Radiography Test of Piping to be used at Mechanical and Piping composite
works at Mangalore, HPCL Project.
4.1 General
The piping welds for process, fuel, drain, vent line within the station premises shall be
subjected to 100% radiography inspection whereas the fire water lines including MVWS
piping and air lines shall be subjected to 10% radiographic inspection. The Contractor
shall arrange radiographic inspection of welds through an experienced and reputed
independent agency that will be treated as a sub-Contractor.
Before radiography work, visual inspection shall be carried out. Rough weld ripples and
surface which can mask the relevant defects shall be removed or dressed by suitable
means. Surface of the weld shall be free from undercut, overlap and abrupt ridges or
valleys. The reinforcement of the welds should not exceed the specified limits.
4.3.1 The extent of Radiography shall be as per specification. For welds between dissimilar
materials, the extent of Radiographic examination shall be more stringent of the two
recommended for the materials being welded. Wherever random radiography is called
for in a particular piping class, the dissimilar materials weld joints shall essentially be
4.3.2 Type of radiation source and film to be used shall be as per of HPCL Specification for
carrying out radiographic examination.
4.3.3 All regulatory, statutory & safety requirement shall be fulfilled by NOCPL before start of
4.3.4 The joints for Radiography shall be selected by the HPCL inspector and the
Radiography shall be performed in his presence, if he instructs the contractor to do so.
NOCPL shall furnish all the radiographs, to the HPCL inspector immediately after
4.3.5 NOCPL shall provide the HPCL inspector all the necessary facilities at site such as
dark room, illuminator (viewer) suitable for varying densities, a duly calibrated
electronic densitometer with batteries, magnifying glass, ruler, marking pencils etc. to
enable him to review the radiographs.
4.3.6 NOCPL shall carry out these additional radiographic testing at his own expense. To
avoid the possibility of too many defective welds by a single welder remaining
undetected for a long period of time, NOCPL shall promptly arrange for Radiographic
examination so that there is no accumulation of defective joints. Pipe 2” and below
shall not be repair and cut out the weld. No weld shall be repair less than twice. If any
weld is not accepted after two attempts shall be cut out and reweld.
If random examination reveals a defect that is to be repaired then, after repair in additional to the
repaired weld following shall be followed:
a) Two additional welds in same kind of weld by the same welder or some process or both shall
be examined.
b) If any of the additional welds reveals a defect, requiring repair two further comparable welds
shall be examined for each defection then found by the examination.
Ir-192 radiation sources and films to be used for radiography shall be as per HPCL
Lead screen of thickness 0.125mm both front & back shall be used for intensification
purpose when dark packaged bare films are used or standard lead backed day light films
shall be used. All screens should be handled carefully to avoid dent, scratches and dirt on
the surfaces. Screen that given non-relevant indications shall be usually examined and
discarded if physically damaged observed.
d) Survey Meter
e) Dosimeter
f) Warning placards
g) Cordoning rope
h) Lead markers
j) Penetrameter (IQI)
Film shall be loaded in the dark room under proper safe light, Filters. Films shall be cut
carefully without any damages, scratches or finger marks. Sandwich the film between pair
of screen & loaded in the light tight PVC cassettes or holders.
Joint welded is field on ground level shall be considered as shop welded joint. Fine grain
– High contrast – S curve than the above film shall be used, if radiographic sensitivity is
not achieved constantly.
6.5 Penetrameter
Viewing facilities shall provide subdued background lighting of an intensity that will not
cause trouble some reflections, shadows, or glare on the radiograph equipment used to
view radiographs for interpretation and, shall provide a light source sufficient for the
essential Penetrameter wire to be visual for the specified density range.
6.7 Densitometer:
The Densitometer calibration and step wedge comparison film shall be as per T-262 of
Article 2 of Sec v.
7.1 Geometric unsharpness
Ug = Fd / D
Ug : Geometric unsharpness
F: Source size in mm, maximum projected dimension / effective foul spot.
D: Distance in mm from source to weld or object to be radiographed
(source side surface)
d: Distance in mm from source side of the weld to film / material thickness
in normal case
A single wall exposure technique shall be used for radiography, whenever it is practical
to use a single wall technique. Details of applicable technique are as follows:
In the single wall technique, the radiation passes through only one wall of the weld
(material), which is viewed for acceptance on the radiograph. An adequate number of
exposures shall be made to ensure that the required coverage has been obtained.
When it is not practical to use a single wall technique, one of the following double wall
techniques shall be used.
For materials and for weld components, a technique will be used in which the radiation
passes through the two walls and only weld (material) on the film side wall is viewed
for acceptance. An adequate number of exposures shall be made to ensure that the
required coverage has been made. At least 3 exposures at 120° to each other for
complete coverage shall be taken.
For materials and for welds in components 3/1/2 (88mm) of less in nominal outside
diameter, a technique will be used in which the radiation passes through two wall and
the weld (material) in both walls is viewed for acceptance on the same radiograph. For
double wall viewing only a source side Penetrameter shall be used. Care will be
exercised to ensure that where the required geometric unsharpness requirement
cannot be met, then the single wall viewing shall be used.
For welds, the radiation will be offset from the plane of the weld at an angle sufficient to
separate the image of the source side and film side portions of the welds so that there
is no overlap of the areas to be interpret. When complete coverage is required, a
minimum of two exposures taken 90 to each other shall be made for each joint.
As an alternative, the weld may be radiographed with the radiation beam positioned so
that the images of both wall are superimposed. When complete coverage is required a
minimum of three exposures taken at either 60 or 120 to each other shall be made for
each joint
7.2.6 Panoramic
This is one kind of single wall single image technique. The radiation source locates on
center of the pipe and exposures all of circumference at once.
Wire type ASTM or DIN Penetrameter shall be located either on the source side or on the
film side of the weld. During establishing radiographic procedure, Source side
Penetrameter shall be used.
Two penetrometers shall be placed on both the end of film for DWSI technique. For DWDI
technique one Penetrameter shall be placed on source side. Minimum four penetrameters
90o apart shall be placed for panoramic technique.
The sensitivity of the film shall be as per ASME Sec. V Article-II. The IQI sensitivity
obtained shall be equal or better than the requirement of Sec v Article-II.
Identification marks shall contain all the necessary information as required for easy
identification of the weld joint; LINE/DWG NO, JOINT NO, MATERIAL CLASS, WELDER
NO, etc.
Exposure time shall be calculated with actual activity / Kv and mA, penetrated wall
thickness, SFD and film speed using exposure chart or exposure calculated.
A lead symbol “B” with minimum dimensions of 1/2” in height and 1/16” in thickness shall
be attached to the back of each film cassette during each exposure to determine if
backscatter radiation is exposing the film.
8.2 Details of Film loading: - Film shall be loaded in a darkroom under safe light. The
temperature of the chemical shall be 20°C ± 1°C or as specified. The film shall be unloaded
in hangers/spools carefully to avoid any marks. The manual processing involves the
followings steps. All the steps shall be performed on a test film initially to determine any
effect of processing.
8.3 Developer:- Developing time shall be recommended by film manufacturer varies from 3 to 5
minutes for class II films & 4 to 6 for class I film.
8.4 Stop Bath: - After development is complete, the activity of developer is remaining in the
emulsion should be neutralized by an acid stop bath or, if this is not possible by rinsing with
vigorous agitation in clean water. The stop bath is water with 2% of acetic acid per gallon of
water, to arrest developing of films are immersed in a stop bath for 30 second in the stop.
8.5 Fixer: - To remove the excess silver grains from unexposed or less exposed part of film &
to harden base of film, the hangers / spool shall be immersed in fixer. The films must not
touch one another in the fixer. Agitate the hangers vertically for about 10s and again at the
end of the first minute, to ensure uniform and rapid fixation. Keep them in the fixer until
fixation is complete (that is, at least twice the clearing tin than 15 min in relatively fresh fixer.
Frequent agitation will shorten the time of fixation).
Films shall be kept in running water tank where excess fixer will be wash troll of the film,
wash at least for 30 minutes. The washing efficiency is function of wash water, its
temperature and flow and the film being washed. Generally washing is very slow below 16°
C. When washing at temp above 30° C, care should be exercised not to leave films in the
water too long. The films should be washed in the batches without contamination from new
film brought over from the fixer. If pressed for capacity, as more films are put in the wash,
partially washed should be moved in the direction of the inlet.
The film shall be dipped in wetting solution before drying for approximately 30 s this would
facilitate quick and even drying and avoid watermarks.
8.8 Drying:-
Films shall be dried in open space or in dryer with circulating hot air less than 55°C.
9.1 The films to be interpreted shall be free from the film defects on the area to be evaluated as
listed below. If film defects appear on the image of weld, such films shall be re-
1 Scratch
2 Finger mark
3 Foggy
4 Nail mark
5 Water mark (Dry mark)
6 Lead mark
7 Other indications which may mask the relevant indication
The density of the films on any place shall be 2.0 ~ 4.0 for gamma-ray and 1.8 ~4.0 for X-
ray exposures. There should not be any deviation of the film density of +30%, -15% from
the area Penetrameter is placed. Calibrated digital densitometer shall be available to
measure the density of the films.
9.3 Evaluation
Acceptance or rejection criteria for the films evaluation shall be in accordance with ASME
B 31.3 & applicable HPCL Specification.
The films shall be viewed under a high intensity film viewer capable of reading
radiographs of density up to 4 and with adjustable light intensity viewing shall be done
under subdued background lighting of an intensity that will not cause trouble some
9.5 Re-Test
Retest of the repaired area shall be carried out in accordance with this procedure and
repair welds shall be indicated with R.
9.6 At the discretion of HPCL site engineer RT may be replaced or supplementary with UT.
Film contrast refers to the slope (steepness) of the film system characteristic curve. Film
contrast is dependent upon the type of film, the processing and the amount of film
density. Contrast of the film shall be adequate to manifest on the radiograph even the
smallest thickness different are there and better the contrast, better the visibility of
discontinuity during interpretation.
9.8 Sensitivity
Film shall be stored in dry place with humidity less than 80% in proper storage boxes with
identification. All film shall be stored as per the guide of E-1254.
10.1 Radiation can destroy human cell tissue. Therefore, handling of the radiation source
should be under the strict rules.
10.2 When RT work is not performed, radiation source should be kept in the designated
storage area with locking system. This storage shall be inspected and approved by
Bhaba Atomic Research Centre (B.A.R.C) prior to RT work commencement. Relevant
approval paper shall be submitted to HPCL before start the job.
10.3 When RT work is being done, safety barrier to notice the radiation zone, warning lamps
and other suitable devices should be provided to protect the non-radiation workers from
the radiation.
10.4 Radiation workers should carry the film badge, pocket dosimeter (0~200 mrem), alarm
and survey meter to protect themselves from radiation. Physical examination for workers
involving this job shall be performed as per the guideline of AERB India.
10.5 Radiographic testing shall be done at night time, where construction works are over in
the site. Permit of carrying out radiography to be obtained whenever Radiography is
carried out. Radiation dose shall be controlled not to exceed the limit as per IAEA
recommendation. Daily and monthly base radiation dose shall be in accordance with
rule of Indian regulation.
10.6 Radiation safety factors, distance, exposure time should be followed strictly to minimize
the radiation dose to the radiographers.
Note: In case of any conflict between the requirements of this procedure and HPCL
Specification the later shall govern.