Computer Vision Ii: Ai Courses by Opencv

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AI Courses by OpenCV


Module 1 : Facial Landmark Detection

1. Different Face Processing Applications

2. Facial Landmarks Detection using dlib

• Introduction to Dlib
• Facial Landmark Detection using Dlib

3. Application - Face Alignment

4. Improving Facial Landmark Detector

• Improve in Speed
• Improve in Stability
• Landmark Stabilization in OpenCV
• Optical flow
• Lucas-Kanade Optical flow

5. Facial Landmark Detection Theory

• Machine Learning Basics

• Paper Review

6. Train a custom Facial Landmark Detector

• How to Train a Custom landmark Detector

Module 2 : Applications of Facial Landmarks

1. Alpha Blending

• Alpha Blending in OpenCV

2. Image Warping

• Affine Transform
• Geometric Transform
• Triangle Warping

3. Delaunay Triangulation

• Theory of Delaunay Triangulation

4. Face Averaging

• Face Averaging using OpenCV

5. Face Morphing

• Face Morphing using OpenCV

6. Application: Bug Eyes

• Create a Bug eye app

7. Head Pose Estimation

• Head Pose Estimation in OpenCV

Aissgnment1: Smile Detection

Module 3 : SnapChat Filters

1. Face Swap

• How Face Swapping can be achieved

• Seamless Cloning
• Seamless Cloning in OpenCV
• Face Swapping in a video

2. Application: Beard Filter
3. Application: Aging filter
4. Non-linear Deformations

• Moving Least Square

• Application: MLS based Happify and Fatify Filters

Project1: Virtual Makeup

Module 4 : Face Recognition

1. Introduction to Face Recognition

• Introduction to Face Recognition

2. Eigen Faces
3. Fisher Faces
4. Local Binary Patterns Histograms
5. Face Recognition API in OpenCV
6. Deep Learning based Face Recognition

Project2: DoppelGanger- Find Celebrity Look-Alike

Module 5 : Introduction to Deep Learning

1. Basics of Neural Networks

• What is Neural Network

• How does Neural Network Learn

2. Introduction to TensorFlow Keras(python) and LibTorch(C++)

• Deep Learning Frameworks

• The Keras Framework(Python)
• Linear Regression using Keras(Python)
• Introduction to LibTorch(C++)

3. LibTorch Installation and Usage(C++)

• How to run LibTorch code on your Local System

• How to run LibTorch code on Google Colab
• Linear Regression using LibTorch

4. Feed Forward Neural Network

• Importance of Hidden Layer in a Neural Network

• Training a Neural Network using Backpropagation
• Example: Image Classification using MLP

5. Convolutional Neural Network(CNN)

• What is CNN
• Example: Image Classification using CNN
• Data Augmentation(Python)

Assignment2: Improve CNN Training

Module 6 : Leveraging Pre-Trained Model

1. Introduction to Pre-trained model(Python)

• Pre-Trained models in Keras

2. How to get Free GPU

• Introduction to Google Colab

• Introduction to Kaggle Kernels

3. Transfer Learning and Fine Tuning in Keras(Python)

• How to use Custom Dataset in Keras

• Introduction to Kaggle Datasets
• Fine-Tuning an Image Classifier using Google Colab
• Fine-Tuning an Image Classifier using Kaggle Kernel

4. Troubleshooting using Tensorboard(Python)

• Using Tensorboard with Keras

5. From PyTorch to LibTorch(C++)

6. Fine Tuning using LibTorch(C++)
7. Fine Tuning using Caffe

• Introduction to Caffe
• Fine-Tuning in Caffe using Colab(C++)
• Inference of Trained Caffe model using OpenCV(C++)
• Train an Image Classifier using Fine-Tuning in Caffe(Python)

Module 7 : Object Detection

1. Object Detection Overview

• What is Object Detection

• Traditional Object Detection Pipeline

2. Two Stage Object Detectors

• Different two-stage Detectors

• Faster R-CNN in OpenCV(C++)
3. Single Stage Object Detectors

• SSD Object Detector in OpenCV


• What is YOLO
• YOLO object Detection in OpenCV

5. Measure Performance of Object Detectors

• Evaluation Metrics for Object Detection

Module 8 : Train a Custom Object Detector using YOLO

1. Problem Description

• Which Object to Detect

• Where to get the data for Training

2. YOLO and DarkNet

• What is DarkNet
• Build DarkNet
• Run YOLO on DarkNet

3. Stepwise explanation of how train your detector on Colab

• How to link your Google Drive

• Compile DarkNet
• Download and Prepare Dataset
• How to start Training
• Run Inference on New Images

Project3: Train a Face Mask detector

Module 9 : Text Detection and Recognition

1. Overview of OCR

• What is OCR
• The OCR Pipeline
• Challenges
• Datasets and Competitions

2. Graphic Text Recognition using Tesseract

• What is Tesseract
• Introduction to OCR using Tesseract
• Tesseract OCR Failure Cases
• Improving Tesseract OCR failures

3. Text Detection

• Text Detection using EAST

• Text Detection using CRAFT(Python)

4. Modified Pipeline for scene Text Recognition using Tesseract(Python)

5. Scene Text recognition using Keras OCR(Python)

• Text Recognition using CRNN

6. Comparing Keras-OCR and Tesseract(Python)

Assignment3: OCR on invoice

Case Study: Automatic Number Plate Recognition(Python)

1. ALPR system using YOLO-Net

• YOLO-Net: License Plate Detector using YOLOv3

• ALPR using YOLO-Net and Tesseract
• ALPR using YOL-Net and YOLO-OCR
2. ALPR system using WPOD-Net

• ALPR using WPOD-Net and Tesseract

• ALPR using WPOD-Net and YOLO-OCR

Module 10 : Deploy Applications on Cloud

1. Create a Web Application using Flask

• What is Flask
• A minimal Flask Application
• Using HTML Templates
• A complete Flask Application

2. Deploy Web App on Heroku [Paas]

• What is Heroku
• How to create an account on Heroku
• Prepare Application for Deployment
• How to Deploy using Heroku CLI
• How to Deploy using Heroku website

3. Deploy Web App on Google GCP [Iaas]

• What is Google Cloud Platform(GCP)

• Create account on Google Cloud Platform
• Create and Configure a VM instance
• Setup VM and Deploy App
• Change Firewall settings and Check Deployment

Assignment4: Deploy your Web App on Heroku

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