Course Outline and Plan Form: Educational Developmental Centre (EDC) Office

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Amoud University

College of health sciences

Educational Developmental Centre (EDC) office

Course Outline and plan form

Course code:

Course title: Cytology (cell anatomy)

Course Aim: Students will develop knowledge of cell anatomy that will underpin other studies and assist in
their professional health care practice.

Course description:
Cytology is a course that includes both cell anatomy and cell function; in this course we
will focus on the anatomy the structure of the cell. And the functional part of the cell will
be addressed in a different course (cell physiology)

Learning outcomes:
On successful completion of this course students will be able to:
 Define a cell, identify the main common components of human cells, and
differentiate between intracellular fluid and extracellular fluid
 Describe the structure and functions of the plasma (cell) membrane
 Describe the nucleus and its function
 Identify the structure and function of cytoplasmic organelles

Learning activities:
Lectures and discussions, demonstration using diagrams and images. Assignments
Course schedule:
Lecture 1: Introduction and General characteristic of a cell
Lecture 2: Cell membrane, Phospholipids bilayer membrane
Lecture 3: Nucleus endoplasmic reticulum, Golgi apparatus
Lecture 4: Lysosomes, mitochondria. centrioles,
Lecture 5: Cytoskeleton, cilia, Flagella.
Lecture 6: Cell division and cell cycle
Assessment type percentage

Written exam (MCQ, short note questions, and long questions)

Midterm exam 30%

Final exam 60%
Assignment, oral quiz 10%

Recommended sources:
Essential cell biology

Feedback for evaluation:

For every student and receive feedback from students as a lecturer.
Professor/Lecturer/Instructor: Lecturer
Name: Ayan Abdurrahman Egeh
Office Location: Campus of ACHS
Telephone: 0634522367
Email: [email protected]
Teaching Venue: campus
Signature of lecturer:

Head of EDC office

Signature: ______________

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