Dungeons & Dragons Fizban's Treasury of Dragons
Dungeons & Dragons Fizban's Treasury of Dragons
Dungeons & Dragons Fizban's Treasury of Dragons
Treasury of Dragons
71 Tweets • 2021-10-23 16:31:50 UTC • See on Twitter
Gem Dragonborns.
Monks and Rangers each get a subclass.
Dude. 5e art gets better with every book.
Seven new spells, including one where Fizban is
name checked.
I love how Bahamut takes on several forms
throughout the art. Very nice.
13 new magic items, including these two…
Oh nice. This is a new thing. Hoard magic items.
I need to read this more in depth. Not quite getting
how they work at a quick glance, but it seems
Draconic Gifts
If I see Fizban, then I call it Dragonlance art!
Okay, a whole chapter for DMs on roleplaying
dragons and using them in campaigns and
I kind of love this section on naming dragons.
Art for every stage of a dragon’s life
Another form for Bahamut!
Okay this is cool. Plot hooks for dragon
organizations across the multiverse.
A dragon as a business owner? A crime boss?
Teacher? Expand your expectations of what a
dragon adventure can be!
Look at this. 3 as of yet unpublished (in 5e)
examples for dragon campaigns. Hints?
Lairs and hoards. Good stuff for DMs who struggle
with building these. This is (5e) guidance years in
the making.
Okay. Dad duty calls. Will pick this up later this
evening. So far, lots of dragons but no dungeons.
Okay, lets finish this flip through. What’s in a
hoard? This is good practical advice with treasure
tables that go a little deeper than the tables in the
So much awesome dragon art! I wish they’d make
these 5e art pieces available in galleries like back in
the 3e days.
Chapter 5 is all about detailing dragons and what
makes them tick.
Personalities, hooks, and examples of existing
dragons. Good stuff.
This chapter has mapped out lairs. Some include
“side views”, but bot all. I wish they did. Also, I get
why it happens, but large scaled squares are not my
jam. Love the designs though. I am a fan of
@DysonLogos maps.
Not* not bot.
I love it.
I picture these dudes sounding like c3po.
Oh cool unexpected monster. Yeah, i do run a game
set on a ship after all.
Here’s the last page of the book.
Interestingly enough, you get the same number of
monstrosities as you do dragons.
Thanks everyone!