Dungeons & Dragons Fizban's Treasury of Dragons

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At a glance
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The book provides an overview of new dragon lore and mythology, as well as character options, spells, magic items and monsters focused around dragons. It also includes guidance for DMs on incorporating dragons into campaigns.

New character options include gem dragonborn variants and monk and ranger subclasses centered around dragons.

The bestiary introduces new gem dragons and other monsters associated with dragons, including animated breath weapons and dragon followers.


Treasury of Dragons
71 Tweets • 2021-10-23 16:31:50 UTC •  See on Twitter
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I slayed a dragon and found this sitting atop its

treasure hoard. Tonight at some point we shall
explore it together with a flip through review of
Fizban’s Treasury of Dragons! #dnd
As always, it’ll be a first-look where I look at its
contents for the first tine along with you. This one
interests me for two reasons:

1. The obvious Dragonalance tie

2. @aquelajames is the lead designer and I am a


This flip through will have to wait until Sunday

because I’m hanging out with my girl. it’s a
good Saturday night!

download full book pdf for

free --> click here
That led to more fantasy, including really
discovering and playing #dnd. I had the Red and
Blue BECMI boxes as a kid in PR, but I didn’t really
understand what they were or how to use them. It
was very foreign to me.

So it’s very fair to say that Dragonlance was my first

foray into fantasy and #dnd… it’s why a book like
this in 5e that finally brings a Dragonlance NPC
front and center, makes me smile.
Let’s see what old Fizban, Hero of the Lance, avatar
of Paladine and embodiment of Lawful Goodness
has to say about dragons in Disban’s Treasury of
Dragons, @Wizards_DnD’s latest hardcover, due
out this Tuesday.
If you follow me, by now you know the drill. This is
a first glance at the book, pointing out stuff that
catches my eye. I have yet to open and read it. I also
need to mention (and thank) my friends at WOTC
for supplying me with a press/review copy of the

The lead designer of this book is @aquelajames, a

long time #dnd designer I am a big fan of. Here are
the rest of the credits.

Shout out to cartographer @DysonLogos, as I’m a

fan of the style.
Table of contents.
The book opens with a sort of creation story for

Fizban and one of the seven canaries.

The book introduces gem dragons (in a 1st party
product at least) to 5e. @jamesjhaeck wrote a gem
dragon supplement for Kobold Press. It’ll be
interesting to see how close he came to these!
full book pdf click
All the world of the multiverse, the primes,
apparently came from a single world forged by
Bahamut and Tiamat.
Faerun, Greyhawk, Krynn, and Eberron each get a
quick primer on how they fit into the dragon
creation story.
Character options are all obviously centered on
dragonborn characters.
Nice piece!

Gem Dragonborns.
Monks and Rangers each get a subclass.
Dude. 5e art gets better with every book.
Seven new spells, including one where Fizban is
name checked.
I love how Bahamut takes on several forms
throughout the art. Very nice.
13 new magic items, including these two…
Oh nice. This is a new thing. Hoard magic items.
I need to read this more in depth. Not quite getting
how they work at a quick glance, but it seems
Draconic Gifts
If I see Fizban, then I call it Dragonlance art!
Okay, a whole chapter for DMs on roleplaying
dragons and using them in campaigns and
I kind of love this section on naming dragons.
Art for every stage of a dragon’s life
Another form for Bahamut!
Okay this is cool. Plot hooks for dragon
organizations across the multiverse.
A dragon as a business owner? A crime boss?
Teacher? Expand your expectations of what a
dragon adventure can be!
Look at this. 3 as of yet unpublished (in 5e)
examples for dragon campaigns. Hints?
Lairs and hoards. Good stuff for DMs who struggle
with building these. This is (5e) guidance years in
the making.
Okay. Dad duty calls. Will pick this up later this
evening. So far, lots of dragons but no dungeons.
Okay, lets finish this flip through. What’s in a
hoard? This is good practical advice with treasure
tables that go a little deeper than the tables in the
So much awesome dragon art! I wish they’d make
these 5e art pieces available in galleries like back in
the 3e days.
Chapter 5 is all about detailing dragons and what
makes them tick.
Personalities, hooks, and examples of existing
dragons. Good stuff.
This chapter has mapped out lairs. Some include
“side views”, but bot all. I wish they did. Also, I get
why it happens, but large scaled squares are not my
jam. Love the designs though. I am a fan of
@DysonLogos maps.
Not* not bot.

I am always a fan of new lair actions and

environmental effects to steal and use elsewhere.
It’s also not just dragons, by the way…
Chapter 6 is a bestiary filled with the new gem
dragons, and other creatures associated with
dragons. We can see some updated stat block action
here. Note the alignment and bonus actions for
Is this a new thing in dnd? An animated breath
weapon that takes on a bipedal form? I don’t recall
this in other editions… am I wrong?
Oh shit. Bahamut. CR 30 with mythic actions. Get
out of the way.
I want to run these two against each other.
Bruh. This is a f’ing walking campaign goal plot
Dragonlance confirmed. I mean, what more do you
need to run games set in Krynn? You have a
dragonlance magic item, you have draconians…
There is stuff here for all levels, as expected. This
dude’s kind of creepy.
Dragon followers. I love how the speaker is
described as having “loud and authoritative” voices,
and yet the image is a gnome. Size matters not.
Judge me by my size, do you?
Oh hey, a beholderish dragon. Eye didn’t see that
Dude. I love these greatwyrms.
This is just mean.

I love it.
I picture these dudes sounding like c3po.
Oh cool unexpected monster. Yeah, i do run a game
set on a ship after all.
Here’s the last page of the book.
Interestingly enough, you get the same number of
monstrosities as you do dragons.

Art design shoutouts!

The special edition cover is as gorgeous as
Dragonlance fans, you get a dragonlance magic item
and a few draconian stat blocks. I suspect this
pretty much confirms Krynn’s headed our way,
when you take into account the DL anniversary and
the new novel coming out by Weis and Hickman.

So at first glance, I think this book does what it sets

out to do really well, get into the mindset of dragons
and give DMs a bunch of tools, tips, and new toys to
play with and add dragons to your campaigns. I like
the variety of monsters, especially the greatwyrms.
The player options are ok. Subclasses for monks
and rangers would get no use at my current table,
we don’t have those classes, but the spells probably

I wonder what goes into picking subclasses for


Anyway! That’s my flip through for Fizban’s

Treasury of Dragons.

I’ll keep an eye on this thread and try ro answer any

questions that come up that aren’t too spoilery.

The book releases on Tuesday, go support your

local store and pick it up there!

Thanks for following along. If you’re a new follower,


These review copies were provided by

@Wizards_DnD, and I do these first glance
previews of upcoming products whenever I can.
If you like what I do here on twitter or elsewhere
and want to buy me a cup of coffee as a thank you, I
have a little tip jar on my profile. If not, sharing and
RT my stuff is cool!

Thanks everyone!

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