The Economist - Biggest Story Ever

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Dec 16th 2020 edition

Given how much the world has changed in 2020, it is hard to

fathom that the year was just one leap-day longer than 2019. On
January 16th The Economist published its first article about a
novel coronavirus in Wuhan, China, which at that point had
been confirmed only as the cause of 42 infections and one
death. Two weeks later, covid-19 made its debut on our cover. It
returned there on February 27th, and held the slot for ten
consecutive issues. The topic has claimed seven more covers
since then.

Is the pandemic the biggest news story ever? The two world
wars and the Spanish flu of 1918 caused far more deaths, as
have various famines and genocides. However, covid-19 has
altered people’s daily routines in almost every country, in a way
that deadlier events did not. Moreover, fatality counts cannot
quantify developments that have changed people’s lives for the

As an alternative measure, we combed through every article we

have published since our founding in 1843, and counted how
often we mentioned certain keywords in each year. To diversify
this analysis, the New York Times has also granted us access to
its archives, which stretch back to 1851. In both publications,
just under half of articles this year (including January and
February, when the disease was mostly limited to China) have
included “covid-19” or “coronavirus”. In late March, four-fifths
of our own stories used one of those words.

Only two events in modern history have come close to these

fractions: the world wars. The share of Economiststories
referring to “war” reached 53% in 1915 and 54% in 1941. For
the New York Times, it peaked at 39% in 1918 and 37% in
1942. This gap may be explained by America’s distance from the
battlefronts, which reduced the effect of the fighting on daily
life. If newspapers around the world hewed closer to 35% than
55% in their reporting of the wars, then covid-19 has probably
set a new record.
Media coverage is a flawed gauge of importance. Many critics
worry that journalists focus too much on bad news, which often
arrives via unexpected catastrophes, and too little on
improvements, which tend to accumulate more gradually.
Nonetheless, The Economist’s archive bears traces of life getting
better—or at least, we have taken stock of slow-moving changes
in welfare more frequently as time has gone on. Even before
2020, mentions of “health” were rising. “Democracy”, though
under threat in many countries, grew in popularity in the late
1980s. Articles about “poverty” became more common after
2000, when the un listed its eradication as its first goal for the
new millennium.

The 21st century also brought a surge in stories referring to the

“internet” or being “online”. Before 2020, the biggest change in
most people’s daily lives in recent decades was probably the
advent of the world wide web and smartphones. If the pandemic
makes working from home realistic for many employees, it
might have a similarly long-lasting effect. That would be a
welcome silver lining to a long, gloomy year.

Sources: Gale; New York Times; The Economist

This article appeared in the Graphic detail section of the

print edition under the headline "The biggest story ever?"

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