Program - Night of The Living Dead

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Night of the living dead

By George Romero
Adapted by Ron Milts
Technical Directors
Sound & Lights Design TONY INGRAM
Combat Consultant ORION COULING

Stage Managers
Assistant Stage Managers
Assistant Technical Directors
Lighting Design Head PHILLIP KIM*
Sound Design Head ERYK RELAYSON*
Costume Design Head
Costume Design Assistants
Hair & Makeup Designer
Props Head
Props Assitant
House Managers
The Cast
Ben - Maddux Masopust*
Barbara - Lindsay McCormack*
Harry - Kate Panagiotopoulos*
Joan - Becca Katz*
Helen - Julia Waelder
Judy - Maddy Williams*
Johnny - Jackson Cole^
Jackson - Aldo Guerra
Sheriff - William Wodek*
George - Aiden Maggiore*
Karen - Patricia Sutor
TV Broadcasters - Landry Manske & Giovanni Tate
Radio Announcers - Emma Beard & Christian Wisowaty

Combat Zombies
Charles Plumhoff^*, Gracie Cortez, Zoe Adedeji, Lucas Pitt*,
Keatz Zepeda, Kelsey Elman*, Lauren Mangler, Marco Ruiz

Anika Agashe, Arianna Linares, Alice Christensen, Claire
Venisnik*, Ellyana Maggiore, Noah Adrian*, Patricia Sutor,
Reai Stockton, Xitlaly Ibarra, Makenzie Lazar, Sam Farmer,
Jenna Peddicord*, Paige Dolan*

^Fight Captain
*Member of Thespians, the Theatre Honor Society

NOTE: Due to copyright law, recording of this production

(audio or video) is strictly prohibited.
The Crew
Sound Props Costumes
Alex Rounds Anela Sarzaba Angie Sedano (Rin)
Daniel Michalec Bex Chase Brianna Gutiérrez
Gabby Sewell Hayden Onal Brittany Gutierrez
Isaac Retter Nate Abrego Chanel Pegram
Jasmine Morkeh Nate Johnson Crystal Rivera
Javier Sanchez Ren Kim Favour Ubaka
Rosie Usher Tasanee DeVries Gina Castro
Wesley Cowell Hailey Harkaway
Set Haylie Crawford
Lights Angelina Salazar Jianna Stoll
Chase Dolphin Bella Meinert Jolenna Ho
Ethan Jarosz Chloe Aldrin Kai Dennis
Ian Sanchez Jamie Cristin Santos Kalista Lee
J. Alex Thomason Joyce Qiu Madison Lehner
Jaiden Lewis Julianna Pinder Sara Belc
Jaden Cohn Keaton Nevil Savannah Corbbins
Leo Acosta Lucas Roman- Rose Spheeris
Ryanna Gonzales Ahlgrim Ren Kim
Seth Hutchinson Makenzie Lazar Tyasia Buckley
Naysa Rangai
Nicole Jasiak
Front of House
Sophia Runyan*
Analisa Cress
Trenton Walsh
Ella Seal
Emily Raykiewicz
Jack Pawlak
Liam Waelder
Company Bios
Adriana Colin Alice Christensen Angie Sedano (Rin)
Assistant Stage Manager! Tina (Sophomore) Warren Costume Crew (Freshman)
(Junio) 6th Warren Theatre Theatre Debut! Alice is so Warren Theatre Debut! An-
show! Adriana enjoys the glad to be a part of such a gie/Rin had stayed in their
work put into a production talented group of people. has as always. One day they
and hopes to take on new She’s excited for you to decided they wanted friends
roles in the future. Stay safe, watch us perform. She hopes and to talk to others so they
you’ll need to. you enjoy yourself and have looked for a club well suited
a good night! for that. Yes you guessed it
Aiden Maggiore or I hope you did it was Dra-
George (Junior) 8th Warren Analisa Cress ma.
Theatre Show! Aiden Maggi- Front of House (Junior)
ore is very excited to be able Warren Theatre debut! She’s Annie Serdar
to perform this year after the super excited to be doing Front of House Lead!
tomfoolery that was last year. drama again, and to be (Senior) 9th Warren Theatre
This is also his first show as showing everyone the show! Annie has had so
an upperclassman, which is a spooky decorations they much fun working on this
thought that hasn't sunk in worked on! show! She hopes you enjoy
yet. He hopes you enjoy the the show!
show! Anela Sarzaba
Props (Freshman) Warren Arianna Linares
Aldo Guerra Theatre Debut! It's Angela's Zombie (Freshman) Warren
Jackson, Costumes first year in high school. Theatre Debut! Arianna is
(Freshman) Warren Theatre Back in August, a senior beyond excited! She would
debut!! Aldo is excited for advised her to join clubs like to thank her family and
his first production at War- (specifically theater) and she dedicate this to her grandfa-
ren theater! Time to go do thought "why not". Angela ther who has now passed.
something with his life in- has taken part in two school This is the first of many
stead of contemplating life musicals, so she kinda knows plays for Arianna. ;)
and death. Woo Hoo! what's going on? I don't
know, ask her. Really Ava Meinert
Alex Rounds though, she's doing just fine. Assistant Technical Director
Sound Crew (Freshman) (Senior) 10+ Warren Theatre
Warren Theatre Debut! Alex Angelina Salazar Show! Ava had a great time
is excited to join the sound Set Crew (Freshman) Warren leading the set crew for Night
crew. He previously per- Theatre Debut! Angelina of the Living Dead and hopes
formed in several plays and began drama in 5th grade, that you can get as much
musicals while at Woodland. starting out with a lead role appreciation out of the show
Thanks to the experienced in the play Mary Poppins. She as she did!
sound techs for making this then became an introvert
so much fun! and decided that crew was a Bella Meinert
better fit for her. Angelina is Set Crew (Freshman) Warren
excited to be a part of her Theatre Debut! Bella is excit-
first high school production, ed for her first Warren thea-
and is looking forward to tre production.
many more!
Bex Chase Chase Dolphin Crystal Rivera
Props Crew (Sophomore) Lights Lead, Assisting sound! Costume/Makeup
Warren Theatre Debut! It's (Junior) 6th Warren Theatre (Sophomore) Crystal joined
fine, It's fine. EVERY- Show! Chase is excited to drama club in hopes they did
THING IS FINE! once again be working with Legally Blonde, but Night of the
the lights crew. Give a wave Living Dead is a pretty good
Brianna Gutiérrez to the booth and you might play too and she hopes you
Costume Crew (Freshman) just catch him! Enjoy the enjoy it! Side note: Crystal
Warren Theatre Debut! show! did get to try on Elle Woods
Someone asked if Japanese is pink sparkly boots so close
a hard language and Brianna Chloe Aldrin enough, right?
said sucky-tan ducky-doo. Set (Freshman) Warren The-
atre Debut! A banjo playing Daniel Michalec
Brittany Gutierrez amphibian. Sound Crew (Junior) 3rd
Costume Crew! Warren Theatre Show! Dan-
(Sophomore) Brittany sucks Christian Wisowaty iel has gotten to meet a lot of
at socializing and randomly Radio Broadcaster, Zombie, people and make new friends
decided to join Warren The- Props (Junior) 2nd Warren while being in Drama Club.
atre and became a crew for Theatre Show! Apart from If you want to know a little
Night of the Living Dead which the 24 hour production, this bit about him, he likes to
requires some socializing and will be his first show at War- spend time with his friends,
is somehow enjoying it. ren and he is very excited to family, and his sassy cat.
get back into theatre!
Brittany Shepherd Desirae Villalobos
Stage Manager! (Junior) Brit- Claire Venisnik Assistant Props (Freshman)
tany is a woman of little Zombie, Costume/Makeup Warren Theatre Debut! This
words but would like you to (Sophomore) 5th Warren is Desirae's first time doing
enjoy the show. WELCOME Theatre Show! Claire is be- drama and crew is just
TO THE APOCALYPSE! yond thrilled to be playing a mwah. She likes to be back-
zombie this year. She has stage because why not. :)
Chanel Pegram had a blast in her previous
Costume/Makeup shows and is excited to have Drew Evitts
(Freshman) Warren Theatre been able to experience more Documentary Director
Debut! Hey, zombies eat of Warren Theatre this year. (Senior) 3rd Warren Theatre
brains, so you're safe! She is beyond grateful to Show! Drew had a lot of fun
have been able to participate doing the short film last year
Charlie Plumhoff both on stage and off, being and was excited when asked
Combat Zombie/Fight Cap- in the cast and in costume to direct the documentary of
tain (Junior) 5th Warren and makeup crew for this the fall show. Drew had the
Theatre Show Charlie re- show. She hopes you enjoy role of weird dude in the
turns to yet again take up the the show! corner with the camera, but
mantle of being the best he had a lot of fun doing it.
minor character in Warren's Clover Beatty
shows. He’s method acted Assistant Costume Lead Ella Seal
for months to perfectly play (Junior) 5th Warren Theatre Front of House (Freshman)
the role of "Combat Zom- Show! Clover has had a blast Warren Theatre Debut! Night
bie", and for this show, he’s on this show. She would like of the Living Dead is the first
been tasked with the prestig- you all to know… they're Warren production that Ella
ious responsibility of fight coming to get you, Barbara. has been a part of, and she is
captain to make the fights Enjoy the show! very excited with how it will
extra cool. turn out. Horror movies are
not her favorite thing, but Eryk Relayson Gina Castro
zombies are pretty cool. Sound Lead (Senior) 10+ Costumes/Makeup
Warren Theatre show! Eryk (Sophomore) Warren Thea-
Ellyana Maggiore is a senior at Warren Theatre tre Debut! Being her first
Zombie (Freshman) Warren and is the sound lead for show at Warren, Gina has
Theatre Debut! Ellyana is Night of the Living Dead. “He spent these first few weeks
thrilled to be a part of the hopes you enjoy the show!” - trying to figure out what the
Night of The Living Dead cast. Kennedy Nevil. heck is going on.
Ellyana has enjoyed meeting
new people and is excited to Evie Ballowe Giovanni Tate
be back on performing on a Makeup Lead (Junior) 7th Zombie/TV Broadcaster
stage again! Warren Theatre Show! Evie (Sophomore) 3rd Warren
is very excited for you to see Theatre Show! Night of the
Emily Raykiewicz Night of the Living Dead! She Living Dead is Gio's third
Front of House (Freshman) can't wait for you to see the show at Warren and he
Warren Theatre Debut! Emi- show through her eyes and could not be any more excit-
ly is a freshman and this is how she imagined the char- ed to share it with you all.
her first year in drama too! acters to look :). <3
Emily hopes you enjoy the
play! Favour Ubaka Hailey Harkaway
Costume/Makeup Costume Crew (Sophomore)
Emma Beard (Freshman) Warren Theatre Warren Theatre Debut! This
Radio Announcer; Lights Debut! Favour doesn't really is Hailey's first show. She
(Sophomore) Warren Thea- like zombies, but doing has enjoyed this so far and is
tre Debut! Besides drama, makeup is fun! excited for more fun stuff to
Emma also likes to draw, come. Hailey hopes every-
read, exercise, and bake Gabby Sewell one has an amazing day.
(mostly mediocre chocolate Sound Crew (Freshman)
chip cookies). She spends Warren Theatre Debut! Gab- Hayden Onal
any other free time with her by has been locked in her Props (Freshman) Warren
friends, hanging out with her house for a year and has Theatre Debut! Hayden has
dog, and convincing other forgotten the ways of sociali- spent their time in quaran-
people she doesn't have a zation. Now she suddenly tine doing nothing but sleep
Starbucks addiction. has made friends and is sur- in and lounge around. They
prised because she never had decided they wanted to be
Erika Relayson friends before. productive this school year
Front of House Assistant and actually put in effort on
Lead! (Sophomore) 3rd War- Gacie Cortez something. So here they are,
ren Theatre show! This is Combat Zombie (Freshman) in drama, having a great
Erika’s first time working in Warren Theatre Debut! time. You can feel the enthu-
a crew at Warren, and she is Gracie turned into a monster siasm radiating off the
beyond excited to work with during quarantine. Which is screen. Hayden hopes you
everyone. She hopes you ironic, because she played enjoy Night of the Living Dead,
enjoy an hour in the apoca- one in the last show before otherwise, they might cry.
lypse :) quarantine. It's even more
ironic now that she's playing
another monster. Gracie
hopes you enjoy Night of the
Living Dead because mon-
sters are her specialty.
Ian Sanchez Jaden Cohn Javier Sanchez
Lights (Freshmen) Warren Lights (Junior) Warren Thea- Sound Crew (Freshman)
Theatre Debut! I am trying tre Debut! “Hello? Hello? Warren Theatre Debut! This
to get into the theatre life Can you guys hear me? Can is Javi, he's excited to partici-
and I hope I do well on my you see me?” Oh wait, pate in crew and hopefully
first show this is the first Jaden's that guy who does remain sane. Javi is trying
show I have a role in and I the lights. Jaden's so excited really hard not to go on a
hope everyone enjoys the to be able to work his first 150 word tangent about how
show. show this year and remem- cool Lobsters are and why
ber, “They're coming for you should appreciate them
Isaac Retter you…” more. Javi has informed me
Sounds (Sophomore) 4th he wants to eat grapes now
Warren Theatre Show! Isaac Jamie Cristin Santos so, bye.
Retter is a sophomore, and Set Crew (Junior) 5th War-
this is the Night of the Living ren Theatre Show! Jamie Jenna Ped
Dead. Unfortunately, you always used to see the people Zombie! (Senior) This is
won't be able to see him on stage moving things Jenna’s first acting role since
because he's on the sound around and thought that was Velveteen Rabbit. She hopes you
crew. a fun thing to do, she didn't all enjoy the show, but beware, the
realize there was preparation zombies are coming, and they’re
Jack Pawlak beforehand and her younger hungry for your brain.
Front of House (Junior) 6th self is kinda upset but it's
Warren Theatre Show! Jack okay. Anyways hope you Jianna Stoll
is very excited to help bring enjoy the show. Costume/Makeup
this show to life! With life (Freshman) Warren Theatre
somewhat returning to nor- Jamille Binuya Debut! After completely
mal, Jack has learned new Props Lead (Senior) 6th messing up her audition, she
ways of helping around Dra- Warren Theatre Show! This still gets to be a part of the
ma Club, and he hopes to is Jamille’s first time being play Night Of The Living Dead.
have a good year with War- lead and last time being in At least she's still learning
ren Theatre. Fall Main-stage. She’s very from the sidelines.
grateful for her patient crew
Jackson Cole as sometimes she had no Jolenna Ho
Johnny (Senior) 5th Warren idea what to do during re- Costume and Makeup Crew
Theatre show! Jackson is hearsals. She hopes you en- (Freshman) Warren Theatre
excited to be in his first per- joy the show! Debut! Jolenna has watched
formance of his senior year. many scary movies during
After doing theater for so Jasmine Morkeh her "very busy" time over
many years he can't believe Sound! (Junior) Warren The- the year. Now she is in the
that he's already almost done atre debut! Jasmine has been costume crew sketching
with high school. He can't looking forward to joining clothing designs for the cast
wait for everyone to see it! for years, and this year she in the scary production of
finally had the opportunity. Night of The Living Dead. She
Jacob Agashe hopes you love the costumes
Zombie, Costume Crew & makeup we have planned!
(Junior) 2nd Warren Theatre
Show! Jacob Agashe is a Joyce Qiu
junior. Set Crew (Senior) Warren
Theatre Debut! Hi Folks,
Julia Waelder Kate Panagiotopoulos Landry Manske
Helen (Junior) 6th Warren Harry (Junior) Kate is so TV Reporter and Front of
Theatre Show Julia is very excited to put on this show House (Freshman) Warren
excited to be a part of Night for you. She enjoys horror Theatre Debut! Landry is
of The Living Dead! She hates and all things spooky, so this extremely thrilled to be join-
zombies a lot, like really show was right up her alley. ing the cast of Night of the
hates them, but she loves She is so excited to upset the Living Dead. Landry enjoys
everything about this show. audience and get punched in horseback riding, playing
She'd like to thank her family the face for your entertain- video games, and coding in
as well as her fellow cast and ment! her spare time!
crewmates for supporting
her :D She hopes you have a Keaton Nevil Lauren Mangler
good day <3 Set Crew (Freshman) 2nd Combat Zombie (Freshman)
Warren Theatre Show! Warren Theatre Debut! Lau-
Julianna Pinder Building sets for this play ren is so excited to be a zom-
Set, Painting Crew was really fun. Keaton had to bie in her first Warren thea-
(Freshman) Warren Theatre talk to people to get out of tre show! She is glad that she
Debut! Julianna loves ani- her comfort zone. Being got the chance to work with
mals and she loves taking inside all the time made her other theatre geeks and
pictures of nature. During feel like a zombie. Enjoy the hopes to continue being in
quarantine/online school, show and don't get eaten by high school shows!
she spent a lot of time with zombies!.
her dog. Also, she doesn't Leo Acosta
like zombies and she has no Keatz Lights (Junior) 4th Warren
idea how she got on set crew Combat Zombie (Junior) Theatre show. With 3 years
for the Night of the Living Warren Theatre Debut! of theatre experience. Leo is
Dead. One more thing, she Keatz really loves theater, looking forward to Night of
hopes you enjoy the show. writing, and playing music. the Living Dead by the grand-
Despite his doubts about father of zombie, George A.
Kai Dennis making friends or if he'll give Romero. Leo Hope you en-
Costume Crew (Freshman) a good performance as a joy the show.
Warren Theatre Debut! Kai zombie, Keatz is gonna give
had a lot of fun with the it a try nevertheless. He real- Liam Waelder
character designs. Maybe he ly has no choice since his Front of House (Freshman)
will use the edible blood in parents paid the $50 fee. So Warren Theatre Debut! Liam
recipes for the future. Drama yeah. Waelder is doing crew for
has inspired them to be more the first time. He started his
creative with their projects Kelsey Elman journey at 3 Brothers Thea-
and original characters. He's Combat Zombie and Set ter and has also done multi-
met wonderful people and Crew (Junior) 7th Warren ple shows at Viking Middle
would like to see them all in Theatre Show! Kelsey is su- School. He would like to
the future. per jazzed to be part of a thank his family and friends
Halloween show! She is kick- for supporting him in his
Kalista Lee in’ it with the Combat Zom- endeavors... He also thinks
Costume Crew (Freshman) bies! She also helped out takis are better than people.
Warren Theatre Debut! with set crew and had a blast.
She’s super stoked to con-
tribute to the cast and crew
and hopes you have a super
spooky evening.
Lindsay McCormack lutely loves all aspects of it. Nate Abrego
Barbara and Set Crew She is Assistant Stage Man- Props (Sophomore) Warren
(Sophomore) 4th Warren ager for this show, and she Theatre Debut! Nate thought
Theatre Show Lindsay is can't wait to see the final his freshman year was going
absolutely STOKED to get result. Enjoy the show! to be great, until he spent
back to the stage and play most of it in his room. He
Barbara. As a sophomore, Maddux Masopust escaped his room by writing
this is her 4th production at Ben (Senior) 8th Warren stories. When Nate joined
Warren. She had a BLAST Theatre Show! Maddux drama club, he never imag-
putting Night of the Living thinks that the takeover of ined how much he would
Dead together and hopes you zombies is ultimately inevita- love it. He enjoyed seeing
enjoy the show as much as ble, so you should pay atten- stories come to life and even
she loves zombies. Stay girl- tion, and take notes, or you'll wondered if someday, his
bossin´. regret it. Enjoy the show! will too.

Lucas Pitt Maddy Williams Nate Johnson

Zombie (Senior) 10th War- Judy (Senior) 6th Warren Props (Sophomore) Warren
ren Theatre Show! Lucas is Theatre Show. Maddy is very Theatre Debut! Okay this is
excited to be on stage for the excited to be a part of this my very professional bio. I
first time since freshman show! She loves anything have acted in three different
year. He’d usually be in horror and is especially excit- plays and done props for
charge of sound, but he ed to deal with some zom- two. I also like to read, and I
wanted to take a risk and do bies. She wants to thank her had two fish that died the
something different. fellow cast members, friends day we got them. This con-
and family for supporting cludes my very professional
Lucas Roman-Ahlgrim her throughout this journey. bio.
Crew (Freshman) Warren She loves you all to the
Theatre Debut! moon and back! Naysa Rangai
Set Crew (Sophomore) War-
Mackenzie Voelcker Madison Lehner ren Theatre Debut! Naysa is
Assistant Stage Manager! Costume Crew (Sophomore) very excited for this show
(Senior) Mackenzie is savor- Warren Theatre Debut! that introduces her to War-
ing the bittersweet flavor of Maddie is a fun girl who may ren Theatre! She is very ex-
her last ever Mainstage show, be a bit strange at first but cited to be able to explore
yet is overjoyed by the be- always tries her best to make the world that is set crew and
hind-the-scenes role she is people smile to learn new things. She ap-
fulfilling! She hopes you preciates everyone who was
have a wonderful evening Marco J. Ruiz a part of this production and
and would like to welcome Combat Zombie (Senior) had fun everyday with them.
you to the Apocalypse… Marco has never done any-
thing in theater ever. Until Noah Adrian
Maddie Berkey he was prompted to join by Zombie and Set Crew
Assistant Stage Manager someone very significant in (Junior) 10+ Warren Theatre
(Sophomore) 5th Warren his life! It's his first play he's Shows! Noah has undertaken
Theatre Show! Maddie has ever been in and he's ex- a strict method acting regi-
been really looking forward tremely excited and happy men of never going to sleep
to starting Theatre back up about it. He would like to before 11 o'clock in prepara-
for this year! She has done thank you for all the support tion for this show. While
theatre all throughout middle in life! performing, he remained in-
and high school and abso- character the entire time.
Even zombies have to have Ren Kim Sara Belc
a balanced diet, even if it Props and Costumes Costume Crew (Sophomore)
usually contains at least 10 (Freshman) Warren Theatre 3rd Warren Theatre Show!
servings of whole brains. Debut! Sara has been wanting to feel
more connected to the
Paige Dolin Rosie Usher shows at Warren and due to
Zombie (Senior) 5th Warren Sound Crew! (Junior) Rosie the Virus hasn't felt really
Theatre Show Paige really has not been up in the booth connected to drama until
likes trees. Paige also really since her Freshman year, so this year. With being in a
likes theater. Enjoy. she is happy to be in that more 'fun' crew like cos-
cramped, half-painted space tumes along with being in
Patricia Sutor again. She’s also excited band made everything more
Karen and a Zombie about the new sound board! close and personal. They
(Sophomore) 4th Warren It’s colorful! But of course, play the saxophone and want
Show Patricia is excited for right now she is most excited to get into D&D.
this production of Night of the for this spooky show, and
Living Dead. Playing a zombie she hopes you enjoy it :) Sarah Gutknecht
has been a dream of hers Makeup Lead (Sophomore)
ever since she watched The Ryanna Gonzales 2nd Warren Theatre Show!
Walking Dead. Also, she fi- Lights (Freshman) Warren Sarah is a sophomore who is
nally gets to abuse how she Theatre Debut! Ryanna has so excited to be doing
looks like an 8-year-old. been a zombie all through- makeup for Night of the
out quarantine. Eating brains Living Dead, and loves being
Phillip Kim and more. Until one day, a involved with Warren Thea-
Head Lighting Designer certain show production ter! She hopes you enjoy the
(Senior) 8th Warren Theatre brings her back to her nor- show that everyone has
Show! Phillip was a Sopho- mal self. Now she actually worked so hard to put on!
more excited for two weeks has to try to act human again
off in March 2020 only to for the production of Night Savannah Corbbins
suddenly become a senior of the Living Dead and hopes you Makeup and Costume Crew
and produce his last fall enjoy the show. (Junior) Warren Theatre
mainstage show. Now he's Debut! To be honest, Savan-
totally ready to present his Sam Farmer nah is just lookin' for a good
epic lighting production for Zombie (Junior) 2nd Warren time. This feature play has
Night of the Living Dead and Theatre Show! Sam has been made her see new fresh faces
he hopes you enjoy it. loving the show. He’s and old decaying ones. She is
worked hard to be the best proud to be here after isola-
Rebecca Katz zombie possible and hopes tion.
Joan (Senior) 10+ Warren everyone is entertained.
Theatre Shows! Becca's ex-
cited to be back performing,
but sadly this performance
will be very bittersweet...
because this will be her last
fall production. She would
love to thank her parents for
supporting her interests and
dealing with her insane
schedules. Now sit back,
relax, and enjoy the show!
Hopefully you will survive…
Sophia Runyan in school. She can't wait to Xitlaly Ibarra
Set (Junior) 4th Warren The- form new memories and get Zombie, Light Crew (Senior)
atre Show! Sophia likes to to know all the thespians 4th Warren Theatre Show!
take her cats for long walks joining this year. The cos- This is Xitlaly’s first and
in the backyard. Her cats do tumes and makeup crews for sadly last fall main stage. She
not like to be taken for long this show are fabulous, and is excited to be back in per-
walks in the backyard. she's so grateful for and son helping create an amaz-
proud of all their hard work. ing show for everyone to
Staci Avgerin see. Xitlaly would like to
Assistant Technical Director Violet Harrison thank her parents, and she
(Senior) 4th Warren Theatre Stage Manager! (Junior) Vio- would like to give a special
Show! Staci spent the last let Harrison is, above all else, shout-out to Rebecca Katz
year and a half making art extremely grateful. for going 100 mph everyday
with pencils, paper, and from the Almond campus to
boredom. Now she is getting Wesley Cowell O’Plaine so they can make it
back into the groove of mak- Sound (Freshman) Warren on time to rehearsal.
ing art with power tools, Theatre Debut! Wesley likes BRAINS: That means I love
collaboration, and FUN in long walks on the beach and you in zombie!
this production of Night of the puppies. No, not really he is
Living Dead. more of a cat guy. Long Zoe Adedeji
walks on the beach are cool Combat Zombie and Front
Tasanee DeVries but he likes hikes better. It's of House (Freshman) War-
Props Crew! (Sophomore) his first show and he is very ren Theatre Debut! Zoe may
Tasanee has risen up from excited to be on crew. He only be accustomed to acting
the dead and is a part of the hopes you enjoy the show. out scenes of musicals in the
Night of The Living Dead's middle of the night in her
prop crew! Past productions Will Wodek bedroom, but she's very ex-
at Warren include The Ad- Sheriff (Junior) 8th Warren cited to put her "practice"
dams Family, with more to Theatre Show! Will is so into an actual production.
come in the future! happy to be a part of Night of She hopes you enjoy the
the Living Dead ! They hope play! She also likes crois-
Trinity Smith you enjoy the show and be sants :p.
Costumes Lead! (Senior) on the lookout for some
Trinity is incredibly excited zombies!
for the first production back

Special Thanks
Sara, Nova Rose, & Avon Lily The parents of the cast and crew.
Sara Gunther The unbelievable Warren Drama Boosters
Julie Ballard WTHS Board of Education & Administration
Mom & Dad Building & Grounds Staff

The hardest working students in show business

Shout Outs
Aldo, You've always been a star in our eyes. We are so proud of
you. Love, Dad, Momma and Roel

Will, we are so proud of you for continuing to follow your

passion for theater. Keep reaching for those stars. Love Mom,
Dad, Rose, Megan, Bryan, Ryan, Ajani & Cecilia
Chase, so excited to watch you do what you enjoy. Light em'
up! Love Mom & Dad
Jianna, I’m proud of the dedication you’ve shown to your new Theatre Family and so
glad that you were able to find a group of like minds to share your creativity. I can-
not wait to see what you’ve been working towards the past few weeks. Break a leg
Love you, Jenna. You're our favorite Zombie!!! Love Mom and Dad

Nathan Abrego, we are so proud of you!

Congratulations Becca on being cast as Joan! We know you'll do a great job
and we can't wait to see you in Night of the Living Dead!! We are so proud of
you and your dedication to Drama Club and Warren Theatre! Love Mom and
Dad P.S. Shout out to the entire cast & crew!

Congratulations to the cast & crew! Alex, you sounded terrific!

Mom & Dad

Christian, We are so proud of you! You have worked very hard and we are so glad that you
joined Drama Club! Break a leg! We know you'll do great! Have a blast! We love you - Mom,
Dad & Nicholas
Break a leg, Reai! But don’t eat it! Love you! Gigi, Papa
and Aunt Annie

Break a leg! So proud of all of you! - Landry's Mom

We are so proud of our scary zombie!! Have some spooky fun!!! Love
mom, dad, Jacob and Maggie
Jack, Great work on Front of House! We are
so proud of you and love seeing how your cre-
ativity shines through in everything you do! -
Love, Mom & Dad
Hey cast and crew!!! We are so proud of all of your hard
work!! Have fun being spooky! Happy Halloween! Drama

Julianna, we are so proud of your work with stage crew!

Kate - We’re so excited to see you in another Warren production!

Knock ‘em dead (haha)! We love you! ~ Dad, Mom, Luke, Mi-
cah, and Emma

For your first High school show together you both are really
killing it - bringing death to the start and finish of the
show! Way to go Aiden & Ellyana

We're so proud of you Keaton! Way to bring the set to life!

Love, Mom and Dad
Great Job Gabriella! We are so proud of you! Much love from your
Shlay, Combat Zombie Lauren ;) Love, Momma Mangler

Maddux - This is your last year of High School and we have enjoyed watching your talent
in all the plays you have been in . It is sad that it is your last year and will miss see-
ing you perform on stage. You put so much hard work into all that you do. We are so
proud of you. Have fun ! The future is your limit!
Brittany - Your hard work is paying off. Keep getting bet-
ter and learning all you can. Mostly, have fun! MARS

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